#oh chase stokes my beloved
dionnesthedoll · 5 months
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Thats my baby daddy right there😻
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cerebrobullet · 2 years
Sharpe's Fortress Daily Book Report:
alright, you know what i'll retract some of my judgement of cornwell pairing every woman he writes with sharpe because, honestly, every time sharpe makes a new male friend i immediatly go "oooooh i bet they fucked". so, really, it's just that sharpe has bicycle vibes.
also, sharpe yeeting himself over the fortress wall only to find like Everyone has followed him and he's now shouting orders at a captain, and immediatly being 😳 lmao.
hdgsfsf fuckin stokes out here seeing morris has been beaten up, figures out sharpe did it, and then is like "oh im gonna gaslight the HELL out of morris on this one".
also every time sharpe gets told no by an officer and he just goes "manslaughter it is then" and punches them. baby this is why you aren't getting promoted. wellesley is gonna start seeing a pattern between officers you've served under and officers who get stabbed and killed lmao.
also the image of sharpe, covered in blood, face cut open, tear streaks through the dust on his face, standing in the middle of the opening southern gate with a bloody claymore resting over his shoulder, glaring both defiantly and exhaustedly forward is something i super wanna draw 👀
Sharpe's Trafalger Daily Book Report:
well i'm so glad i just called myself out in that last bit because, guess what this book opens with? a navy captain. a handsome captain who hugs sharpe and is so very, very thankful to him and seems like a nice guy :). bernie why are you doing this to me :).
sharpe feeling comfy asking him questions and then getting lovingly fed a big meal hhfhsbss. chase is fucking trying to seduce him so hard rn im dying.
hgshsh ONE night with sharpe and chase is all "oh sharpe you're so cool i wanna use my reputation to help you someday uwu" BRUH
and writing a letter so that sharpe will go visit captain chase's wife and family like??? captain chase is 100% the epitome of the "i've had sharpe for 1 evening but if anything happened to him, i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself" meme.
HAH sharpe is so fucking anxious about talking to a pretty lady he's shaking. he's so BABY. god tho every time he pursues another woman i'm just like "she can't hold a candle to beloved teresa, teresa is so much cooler" and hey it's cornwell's fault for creating such a badass woman and handing the stories out to grubby little bisexuals like me.
anyway this one feels like it's gonna be a murder mystery for some reason. i dont think it will be, but it feels like it.
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Tag 9 people to learn about their interests!
Tagged by @daydreaming-optimist 💖Thanks twin!
Fave genre? depends on: the weather, the time of year, the most recent artist(s) I have listened to, and the vibe of the book I last picked up. (But movie scores are always great)
Fave artist? Tay Swift or Cristophe Beck
Fave song? Depends on the vibe I'm seeking in a particular moment. Thomas Newman's Nemo Egg is probably one of my all-time favs. Moonlight Sonata too tho. AHH THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD SONGS.
Most listened song recently? One by Sleeping At Last
Song currently stuck in your head? Say Goodbye by Katrina Rose Dideriksen and Rob Rokicki
5 fave lyrics?
“Grace requires nothing of me." -One by Sleeping at Last
“Write what you know so they say; all I know is I don't know how to write or the right way to write it." -Watch What Happens by Kara Lindsay
"I wanna break every rule and cross every line. I wanna show all the stars how stars oughta shine. I wanna do as I please and knock the world to its knees, and go wherever the breeze is going" -Next Stop Anywhere by Alan Menken and Glenn Slater (+ Mandy Moore, Eden Espinosa, and Zachary Levi)
"I may fail but it doesn't mean that I won't try" - Try by Rob Rokicki (+ Jorrel Javier, Chris McCarrell & Kristin Stokes)
"Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die; I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you. Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry. I'm setting off, but not without my muse" -the lakes by Taylor Swift
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Fav book genre? travelogue or sci-fi probably?
Fav writer? Rick Riordan, Andy Weir, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, or Rachel Carson
Fav book? This is going to change in seven seconds. Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Fav book series? The Lunar Chronicles, PJO, Gaia Girls (going wayyy back to childhood)
Comfort book? Jessica Day George books (specifically the Princesses of Westfalin Trilogy), PJO, The Kane Chronicles, A Wrinkle in Time
Perfect book to read on a rainy day? Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Fave characters? how much time you got? Annabeth Chase, Rachel Dare, Mark Watney, Hermione Granger, Cress Darnel (I swear I'm not copying your answers @daydreaming-optimist we just have so much in common it's ridiculous), Lazlo Strange, Dr. Ellie Sattler (it took me forever to type that bc my L key glitched)... I'm gonna leave it at seven. Seven seems a good number.
5 quotes from your fave book(s)** that you know by heart?
“The planet has survived everything in its time. It will certainly survive us.” (Jurassic Park, Micheal Crichton)
“Dream up something wild and improbable" (Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor)
“The sediments are a sort of epic poem of the earth.” (The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson)
"It's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then." (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll)
"Borders? I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people." and "Otherwise he was glad we had missed our landing, for he still had three books to read." (Kon Tiki, Thor Heyerdahl)
**I added the (s) there. That wasn't in the original question but I wrote all these quotes and THEN realized my mistake. But I liked the quotes too much to change it to book singular.
hardcover or paperback* | buy or rent* | standalone novels or book series* | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
*depends on the book
Fave tv/movie genre? fantasy, documentary, sitcom
Fave movie? Like favorite book, this also fluctuates every seven seconds. Rn tho? Jumanji: The Next Level
Comfort movie? Ratatouille, Finding Nemo (p much anything Disney) , The Princess Bride, old Barbie movies, The Sound of Music
Movie you watch every year? Tangled
Fave tv show? Uhhhhh rn? The Good Place
Comfort tv show? Friends, The Good Place, and The Office (I know I know. very standard answers)
Most rewatched tv show? Friends (I'm seeing some overlap in these answers hmm)
5 fave characters? This is simply impossible. I love too many. Mary Margaret-Blanchard, Belle (from Beauty and the Beast), Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Chidi Anagonye, Woody Boyd, Katniss Everdeen (that's SIX i know but god I want to say SO MANY MORE SSKJGKJH)
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
tagging (no pressure): @the---hermit @kakooii @oh-toasty @c-avenged @of-the-elves @jellyfishwaters @unashamedly-enthusiastic @sous-la-mousse @alienlamp
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mego42 · 4 years
Hii!! I was wondering if you plan on continuing Swear on a Silver Knife?? That first chapter got me hoooked!
Hi!!! I super am and I am so! extremely! pleased! you like it, that fic is my weird little unexpected but deeply beloved baby tbh. 
I’ve been making myself to stay focused on song bc it’s so close to being done, but once that’s up, I’m getting right back into swear. I already have ch 2 fully drafted (though in need of some rewrites and editing), 3 halfway drafted, and the rest worked out in a pretty detailed outline, so I’m feeling good about picking it back up once song's finished.
in the meantime, please enjoy this snippet from ch 2 for your troubles (it is nsfw in case you’re in a pharmacy or garden center or what have you)
Beth looks to the basket she’s using in place of a bedside drawer. Eyes the little pouch containing Annie’s congratulations-on-divorcing-your-trash-husband present. It’s an idea, anyway. It’s not like she has to think about—she won’t think about...anyone—thing. Specific.
Shucking off her jeans, Beth flops down on the air mattress and grabs the little pink vibrator. Her old one—and oh God does she hate thinking about it, wondering what happened to it, who’d seen it—had been a pretty standard issue: cylindrical, twist the base, press the button, and there you have it. This one’s smaller, intended only for external use, came with modes. It was quieter too—not that that mattered anymore. 
Lying back, she wiggles a little, trying to get comfortable, grimacing as the plastic mattress squeaks against the floor. She really should bump an actual bed up her list. If for no other reason, her back can’t take much more of this. Then, closing her eyes, she presses the vibrator on, jolting as it hums to life. 
For years Beth’s...alone time has been pretty, well, vague. She’s never been all that into porn. She knows there’s quality, feminist stuff out there but has never quite had the time or patience to find it on her own, and the thought of asking... 
It’s bad enough that her little sister has bought her not one but two vibrators now; Beth doesn’t think she could handle Annie’s commentary on Beth knowing or not knowing how to use them. 
And Ruby, well. Beth’s always been acutely aware her marriage hasn’t been remotely comparable to Ruby and Stan’s and she’s never been able to bring herself to talk to her friend about anything that might bring that to the surface. Beth knows Ruby wouldn’t judge her, but in some ways the thought of her sympathy is worse. 
Anyway, as a result, Beth’s developed a very...potent imagination.
She imagines sensations, feelings, being touched deliberate and intent and knowing. Being able to let herself go. It’s always been general or vague—hands, lips, skin—she’s never been big on specific scenarios. 
It’s only recently that her fantasies have turned...particular. 
Hands have developed calluses that fit the grip of a pistol, adorned by rings, a cold and biting counterpoint to her flushed skin. Lips have turned lush and expressive, quirking with sardonic amusement, falling slack in awed reverence. Skin has become burnished and velvety smooth, stretching taut over hard muscle, decorated with swirling black ink. 
Beth’s eyes pop open and she stares at the blank, white ceiling above her. The soft buzz of the vibrator carries on, even as the heat that’d started to gather dissipates. 
She huffs out a breath. 
You think any of them can do this to you? You think anyone else can?
Gritting her teeth, Beth shakes her head, forcibly clearing her mind, then closes her eyes and tries again. 
She concentrates on the hum of the vibrator, the thrumming sensation against her skin. She focuses on each spike of her pulse, following each thread of heat twining through her, imagining fingers drawing patterns across her skin. 
She thumbs the intensity up a notch, a soft moan escaping as she clamps down on nothing. 
Her legs tingle, muscles twitching as the heat crawls down them and Beth digs her heels into the air mattress, her hips canting, searching, chasing a memory. A phantom hand slides up her thigh and she throws her head back, imagining a cool night breeze against her fevered skin, the sound of laughter echoing across a city square underscored by the sounds of late night traffic only a few feet away and when she blinks her eyes open, for a split second she sees a face silhouetted against a streetlight and she bucks, coming up off the mattress and—
Flopping back with a frustrated groan, Beth fists her free hand in her blankets, gritting her teeth and shaking her head to clear the memory. 
Okay, fine, maybe she wants specific. It doesn’t have to be—
Casting about for a memory, any memory she can latch on to and use to block out...anything else, Beth remembers the class this morning and Bobby’s hand splayed wide across Mandy’s stomach.
That’ll work.
She clicks to the next setting, gasping a little as the steady buzz turns to a rolling wave, a pulsing sensation that ebbs and flows, drawing out her pleasure with each undulation.
Beth whimpers, spreading her legs a little more to get a better angle. Her eyes fall shut and she concentrates on the image, imagining the feel of a hand—Bobby’s hand—big and warm and heavy against her stomach, fingers spread wide and dipping low, then lower. The heat builds, smoothly, steadily, each cycle of the toy stoking it higher, and higher, and pretty soon she’s arching, rolling her hips in time to the vibrations. 
She flicks the vibrator up, the buzz intensifying and she bucks. Her necklace shifts, the charm a shock of cold as it flips and falls against the hollow of her throat. She remembers the feel of another pendant dangling, tapping against her collarbone in time to the movement inside her. Remembers tangling her fingers in the chain, the links biting into the crease of her palm as she used it to tug him down to her. Then the taste of him, rich and smooth on her tongue, as she’s kissing him and kissing him and kissing him and he’s kissing her back, a nearly frantic urgency in the press of his lips and the way his breath gusts shakily against hers as they move together, scaling a peak, the edge looming closer and closer and then she’s—
Not thinking about Bobby anymore. 
Beth rips the vibrator away, her whole body trembling, muscles spasming and heat pin-balling around her nervous system so close but not quite enough to push her over. 
She flops back down on the bed, toy still clamped in her hand, humming uselessly, the noise loud and obscene when it’s not muffled by her skin. She stares up at the ceiling, blinking away the memory of the blank expanse awash with the afternoon sun, streaming in through the gauzy curtains.
The ceiling stares back. 
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
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(GIF credits to owner)
Summary: A beach day after a long time of working hard on the set of Outer Banks, makes Y/N Y/L/N realize the love Drew Starkey has for her.
A/N: To all my Drew Starkey lovers, here’s your new cup of tea. Enjoy.
It was a tiring day after set; the blue, shiny water calling for them. Everything they took for the beach day, from beach towels to bags and sunscreens, were dropped on the heated sand. The Maddies were already in the water, followed by Chase and Rudy. JD was making sure he doesn't have his phone in the pocket of his swimming shorts, before getting in the water. Like Madlyn said: "Now or never". Their set day ended, wrapping the filming of "Outer Banks" and this was the last time they'd get to swim in the water for a while. Y/N came last, placing her belongings on a beach towel. She couldn't enjoy the water, because her sudden flu didn't let her. She sat on it; a sad and disappointed facial expression on her face, as she observed the fun they had, splashing each other with water and taking pictures. While everyone forgot about her flu and how she couldn't reach the sea, one person came to her with a hand full of seashells. -Here babe, I brought you the sea. -said Drew, sitting down on the beach towel. He poured them in her hands, Y/N looking at him in surprise. The joy built up in her body, brushing away the sadness of not having fun with her friends. She looked at the different shapes and colors, looking up at her beloved boyfriend and placing a kiss to his cheek; nuzzling their noses together. -I love them Drew. When'd you pick them up though, we just came? -I knew we were going to the beach, so came before we went on set and picked these up for you. -At four o'clock in the morning? -she looked up at him in shock. -It's when the water's crystal clear and brings many seashells to the sand, baby. -You didn't have to wake up that early. Wasted 2 hours of sleep before hard work for seashells. -Anything for you, miss princess. -he said, touching his nose to her and dropping her back on the towel. He placed a kiss to her lips, taking in the taste of her chapstick and scent of freshly applied sunscreen. Drew looked at her with adornment; his eyes following each of her facial features, as she smiled knowing what he's doing. -Not only are you sun-kissed right now, but also Drew-kissed. -I don't mind either of them. -she said, closing her eyes from the sunlight, even though her boyfriend blocked some of it by hovering over her. -Aren't you going to swim? -I'd rather be Y/N-kissed. -Drew, they've been calling you for a long time now and you didn't even notice. -Dude, -JD jogged over to them, -are you deaf or too much in love? We've been calling for you. -A little bit of both, but mostly the second one. -he said, getting up from his position and putting his sunglasses on. It all went perfectly, with his tanned and fit body and the black RayBan. He placed too many kisses on Y/N's face, before jogging over to the group. She brought up her knees, observing her boy as he laughed together with Rudy, goofing around the beach. Her look then glued to the towel, where a shell and a note inside it was sticking out the most. She unfolded it and revealed her well-known hand writing: "I wish I could give you my eyes, so you could see how stunning you are and how I'm so in love with you. Love you, stunner. -Drew" Her smile grew bigger and when she looked up, her heart skipped a few beats at the wet figure of her boyfriend, as his blonde strands of hair dried naturally, revealing the golden tints in them. -Oh my god, are those...Rudy Pankow and Drew Starkey? -said a girl to another, not to far away from Y/N's towel. She smiled; proud of how her boyfriend's career has been growing every day with the hard work he's been putting in it. -Okay, but like you have to pick one. -Hm...let's see. Rudy is cute and all, also very hot. But Drew, he's like the boyfriend that'll protect me, plus, I mean...look at his body----one hot guy, I swear. Who'd you pick? Y/N turned her look to them, the girls waiting for an answer. She was confused at first, not knowing if they're really asking her or just questioning her lonely presence at the beach. -I-uh... -She can have Chase Stokes. -He's dating Madlyn Cline, look how close they're are. -Oh, yeah. Whatever, she'll find someone, there's Austin and JD left, as well as Deion. Y/N was the set's photographer, so it wasn't strange that they didn't know her. And, the conversation continued, somehow the both of them involving her in it. -Why are you alone? -I'm not. -said Y/N, pointing to the group, -Those are my friends, we came to enjoy a beach day after set. -They're your friends? But, you're no famous, why are you hanging out with them? -I'm the set's photographer. Also, Drew's girlfriend. -Yeah yeah, of course, and I am married to the prince. -Okay then. -said Y/N letting out a short laugh, putting all the seashells in her beach bag. -Sorry to say this-----but-----why would Drew be with you? Like, I know it sounds rude of me, but you just------don't seem to fit each other well. You're pretty too, don't get me wrong, but he's something else. Sorry, please. -No, it's fine, thank you for your honesty. Just-----sometimes, people don't have to match physically. It's what we carry inside that matters. Excuse me, I'll go to the market for some water. Y/N took her bag and put on her sandals, making her way to the small market not too far away from the beach. She thought they were fans and hated when strangers start to talk about how couples don't fit each other. Just when she was about to walk out, the group was settled in their cars and ready to head back to the trailers and pack for home. Drew's face lit up at her view in front of the market, as she tried to tie her hair in a messy bun, struggling with her waves and curls. She stepped down and intertwined her hand with Drew's put out hand, him giving it a little kiss.
The car ride back was quiet and Drew was getting suspicious. She was supposed to put some music, dance and sing. Instead, her elbow's rested on the car window and her cheek deeply swallowed by her hand. The wind blew her stuck out hairs. He could tell something was wrong with her, so he tried asking her. -I hate being alone in the car. -he started. Her figure straightened up immediately. -You're not alone, I'm here. -Yeah babe, but you've been quiet for too long. Is there something wrong that you're not telling me? -Something happened at the beach and I've been trying to brush it away from my thoughts. I know I shouldn't care about it and even though I don't, it just keeps appearing in my head. -she sighed, -There were these two girls and at first I thought they were fans and was so happy that they recognized you, but then------ -What happened then, baby? -They drooled over you, literally. He laughed to himself, looking at the road. -Is there something funny? -You're too cute to be handled baby, and your tiny jealousy is as well. -They also said why would you ever date me and that we didn't fit together. -And what did you respond with? -That, what we carry inside matters the most. -And with a given on spot answer, you're still worrying about people you'll probably never see in your life again? Come on Y/N. -I'm sorry, but I still care. You're a known person and going out in public with someone like me, just----- When she was about to finish her sentence, Drew pulled over to the side of the road, -Going out in public with such a stunner? I don't see a problem here. -Stunner for you, bummer for others. -Isn't my opinion the only thing that matters to you right now? -It...is...but still... He gave her a deep kiss, tightening his grip on the side of her head. He then placed two kisses on each cheek, pinching her nose and starting the car, -No more worrying okay? I need my joyful baby back. -Okay, no more. -she said, peeling a chocolate bar and taking a bite of it. While they were at a red light, Drew leaned over and kissed the chocolate part at the corner of her top lip. -My messy baby. I love you. -I love you too. -she said, trying to hide her blushed cheeks and pecking Drew's lips.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
#ShipWars by mattzerella-sticks (ao3)
Zatanna Zatara expected date night with Kara would be uneventful. Chat about their days, enjoy some delicious treats at Sweet Justice, and soak up as much love as she could from her girlfriend like Kara does with the sun. However all these expectations explode into glitter when they run into Oliver Queen and his boyfriend, Carter. The boys chose Sweet Justice as their destination for date night, too.
Can Zatanna and Oliver work through a simple ceasefire, or will their competitive natures overtake their dates?
Zatanna hooked her arm comfortably in the crook of Kara’s elbow, leaning into her as the chill winds of early winter breezed past. She felt a shiver roll through her all while her girlfriend chuckled.
“Y’know,” Kara said, “you’d be less cold if you wore an actual jacket.”
Scoffing, Zatanna cuddled further into Kara’s warmth. “Please,” she said, “it might not be functional but it’s the height of fashion! I should know, I’m great friends with the designer.” Zatanna ran a hand down her jacket, the purple fabric shimmering under the street lamps. “Besides,” she continued, “you love it when I use you as my personal heater.”
“I like it when you’re close to me,” Kara rolled her eyes, “don’t confuse the two.”
“You’re the one who absorbs sunlight like a solar panel, not me.”
Zatanna carried on, then, filling Kara in on her day. They’ve been too busy to meet up until now for their date. Schedules packed despite the tempting laziness a Saturday offered. Kara stuck helping her cousin as his bodyguard. Not to aid him in crises, instead relegated to distracting Hal Jordan long enough for Clark to make his escape.
“Why doesn’t he just tell Hal he’s not interested?” Zatanna asked when Kara finished explaining how Hal tried convincing Kara to put in a good word for him with tickets to Homecoming.
Kara smirked. “Because he loves the attention, even though he won’t admit it. If Hal cooled it a bit with the hero worship I think Clark would take him seriously… if he can survive Star Sapphire, that is.” They laughed, imagining Carol and her violet ring chasing Clark around the city.
Zatanna’s day wasn’t as irritating as Kara’s, thankfully. Except with her dad not trapped in meetings or rehearsal meant double the stress. John Zatara used his free day to push Zatanna past her magical limits that nearly broke her wand in the process. “If I didn’t notice the clock I wouldn’t have had time to get ready for tonight,” she sighed, “I’d be with him practicing palindromes until morning!”
“Sentences that mean the same thing forwards and backwards,” Zatanna said, “he thinks that the better I am with them the quicker I can think on my feet in case something unexpected happens in an act. Or… in our case, fighting evil. Thankfully he understands how important my social life is…” She grinned, pecking Kara’s cheek. “He says hi, by the way, and expects me home by ten.”
Kara pulled Zatanna closer. “Well, there goes my plans to take you to the Lazarus Pit for a special midnight concert.”
“I know for a fact they’re closed tonight for renovations after someone moshed too hard in their pits.” Sheepishly rubbing her neck, Kara fought against the blush climbing across her face. Zatanna pressed another kiss to Kara’s cheek, smiling against the skin there.
“Not my fault the Black Canaries are awesome ,” she said, glancing down at Zatanna with an arched brow, “Why were you even checking in the first place?”
“Because I’m not taking any chances like last time.”
It was one of their first dates. They were fighting against robots from a recently ungrounded Lena Luthor, and Kara bet she could beat more of them. Winner chose where they went out on Friday. Zatanna wanted to win and finally show Kara how fantastic a spa could be. Except Kara won by snatching the controller from Lena’s hands and pressing the self-destruct button. She was played , and forced to attend a deafening performance from a Scottish screamer. While watching Kara in her element was delightful, Zatanna’s hearing suffered and she missed a handful of cues for her and her father’s act the following day. Now she checked the club’s social pages on date nights to ensure Kara wouldn’t try dragging her to another show.
“Fine,” Kara sighed, “I guess we’ll have to stick with Sweet Justice, then. Is that okay with you?”
“Sounds perfect .” The pink and yellow neon beckoned them closer, Zatanna vibrating with excitement. “Hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies is exactly what I was craving.” She reached out for the handle and wrapped her hand around the cold brass. Before she can pull, however, another hand covered hers.
“Why, Zatanna Zatara ... fancy running into you here, isn’t it?”
Another tremor wracked her body, the cause this time being the boy across from her in the brown leather jacket and ridiculous green ascot. A burning anger erupted in her stomach that spread to her head, flames caught on the grey matter when their eyes met.
She glared, “ Oliver . What are you doing here?”
“For the same reason as everyone else, I suppose,” he said, an imitation of a smile plastered on his face, “to enjoy some delightful treats safe from the frigid weather with my gorgeous boyfriend.” Oliver gestured to the other boy with him, Carter standing behind with a friendly gleam in his hard gaze. His hands were tucked deep in the pockets of his golden jacket and dark hair hidden under a similarly colored hat.
“What a coincidence,” Zatanna mirrored Oliver’s expression, “I had the same idea. Me and my stupendously beautiful girlfriend, Kara , thought that Sweet Justice would be a great place to be alone together .”
“I think the cold might be getting to you, dear,” Oliver huffed, “there were a lot of contradictions in that statement...”
Her smile fell in the same instant his did. They stood with their hands on the handle, neither willing to budge an inch in a sign of defeat.
Kara perked up beside Zatanna. “Hey Carter, how’s it hangin’?”
Carter shrugged, smirking. “Doin’ okay. Shoulder hurts though, think I landed on it wrong during flight training.”
“That sucks. Think you’ll be fine in case of an emergency?”
“Probably feel better in the morning, nothing serious-”
“And what’s not helping his shoulder injury,” Oliver cut in, dragging Carter closer to him, “is standing outside in the cold! He needs the warm comforts of baked goods!”
Zatanna grimaced, squinting at him. “Really? I heard of icing an injury but I don’t think they meant with frosting,” she said through clenched teeth, “Better Carter go home and rest, you two can come by any other night.”
“But it’s so perfect tonight,” Oliver insisted, squeezing her hand tighter, “as long as he doesn’t overexert himself he’ll be fine. Which is why I was going to feed him bites of his favorite cake to aid in his recovery!” He stepped closer, voice rising. Zatanna matched his bluff, making sure there was barely an inch of space between them. Then she racked her brain for a quick spell she could fire off to send Oliver crying home to his mansion.
“Woah, there,” Kara squeezed between them, prying them apart, “let’s cool it you two, I’d rather not get into a fight - which, coming from me, is saying a lot.”
Zatanna turned to face her girlfriend’s soft, pleading stare and found the burn churning within her slowly doused. She deflated for a moment only to straighten and addressed Oliver. “It’s a large space,” she said, “we can share.”
Oliver mulled it over. A tug at his wrist and a stern frown from Carter broke his resolve. “Agreed. We’ll sit at opposite ends if we have to.”
“Good.” She opened the door finally, gesturing to them. “Please, I insist you enter first. Age before beauty, as they say.”
“You’re lucky I’m going to let that slide,” he hissed, following Carter into Sweet Justice. Zatanna attempted to gloat, only for the smug expression to fall when Kara ushered her inside. They didn’t get far, though, Zatanna slamming into Oliver’s back.
“Hey,” she said, “why’d you stop?”
“There seems to be a… problem,” Oliver said, jerking a thumb behind him. Zatanna peeked behind him and understood what he meant.
Sweet Justice overflowed with customers, teens like them hanging out and enjoying the treats the store offered. She jumped from table to table, searching for an empty one. Even the bar had a person on every stool. There was a booth near the back, unfortunately Zatanna found it the only unoccupied part of the shop.
“Or actually,” Oliver continued, smirking, “a problem for you . Since Carter and I were here first - really, thank you for letting us in ahead of you - that booth rightfully belongs to… us .”
Zatanna growled, rounding on Oliver. “Oh no! Technically Kara and I were here first! My hand touched the door handle!”
Oliver tutted and crossed his arms over his chest, reminding Zatanna of every tutor she had growing up on tour with her father. It only served to stoke the fires of her anger more, resurging after the initial snuff. “That argument wouldn’t hold up in court much less here.”
“Oh yeah?” she said, “I’m willing to take this to court if you are!”
“I wouldn’t bother - my family’s lawyers could easily settle this with your family’s lawyers without ever needing a judge to get involved. Only to save your legal team the public embarrassment...”
“As if! Our lawyers were able to litigate against the Luthors when they stiffed us after a birthday party. Compared to the team we faced then, your retainer is like your facial hair - small and pathetic.”
Oliver gasped, petting his chin. “How dare you insult my goatee! It’s not pathetic, it’s stylish .”
Zatanna flipped her hair, smirking. “Please… you clearly don’t know anything about style. Otherwise you’d lose the ascot.”
He shrieked again, one hand moving from his goatee to his beloved ascot. “I will not allow you to ruin our date night,” Oliver said, stomping his foot, “Carter and I are going to order our desserts, and then we are going to sit in that booth. You and your girlfriend can do whatever you want as long as it’s not within this establishment.”
“Is that so?” she asked, tapping her foot rhythmically on the linoleum. Zatanna glanced over at the counter, an idea coming to mind. Grinning, she took a step away from Oliver. “Well… not if we get there first!”
She dashed towards the counter while ignoring the undignified huff behind her. Zatanna leapt into an open space and startled an already distracted Barry, cell phone perched between his ear and shoulder. “Two hot cocoas - extra whipped cream, extra cinnamon - and a half-dozen double chocolate chip cookies please!”
Oliver barged in after her, shoulder pressed hard against hers. “Two slices of cake - one red velvet, the other devil’s food - with generous helpings of whipped cream please, and tea with lemon! Please!”
“I ordered first Barry,” Zatanna growled, shoving at Oliver’s face, “serve me!”
“The bond of brotherhood, Barry,” he reminded the other boy, “deliver my order before hers !”
Barry’s eyes spun darting back and forth between them. As their voices grew and their behavior became more raucous, Zatanna felt a sense of shame building in the back of her mind. The whole building seemed to stare at them making fools of each other. She ignored all of this, though, and shoved her boot in Oliver’s stomach. However Zatanna couldn’t do the same for the force tugging her by her jacket cowl.
Kara held her tightly, a bored expression painted across her face. Carter did the same with Oliver, the smaller boy still kicking in his arms.
“Barry!” Oliver carried on, “if you bring us ours first I’ll tip you as handsomely as my boyfriend!”
“No!” Zatanna said, “I’m a better tipper!”
Barry’s face fell, darkening. He slammed his hands on the counter, “ Enough !” She and Oliver lost their voices - too stunned by the irritation laced within their normally cheerful friend. In the silence a tinny voice warbled. Sighing, Barry directed his attention to his phone. “No, Hal, not you. I’m a little busy can we - can we just pause for a sec? ...Okay.” Glancing between the couples he asked, “Why are you two acting like this… this time ?”
Zatanna answered. “Oliver was trying to steal our booth -”
“Your booth?” he gasped, “That booth rightfully belonged to Carter and I !”
“You’re fighting over a booth ?” Barry scoffed, pouting, “It’s a booth . Booths can fit four people… share .”
“Share?” Both Zatanna and Oliver cried, and then glared for the unexpected echo.
“It’s either that or no one gets the booth,” Barry told them, “I’m already busy enough as it is so answer quickly.” Then, to his phone, “Hal… this is the fourth time you’ve called me about Big Blue. You’re as obsessed with him as much as Carol is with you. ...No, I won’t take that back!”
Kara let go of Zatanna, frowning. “I’m not in the mood to find another spot for our date,” she told her, “so are you and Oliver gonna play nice or what?”
Zatanna huffed, crossing her arms. Unfortunately her girlfriend didn’t let up, and the guilt burned like her heat vision. Sighing, Zatanna faced an equally chewed out Oliver. “I guess we can share for tonight…”
“I agree,” he said, puffing his chest forward “a double date it shall be!”
She groaned, dragging her hand down her face. While spending an evening with an insufferable jerk like Oliver wasn’t exactly how she pictured tonight, it was better than if they were thrown from the establishment and Kara flew home in a bad mood. Zatanna could swallow her pride for an hour or two, no matter how large it may be.
“Barry,” Zatanna said, calmer now, “do you remember our orders?” He nodded, serving ice cream to a small child with their parent. “Good, we’ll be at the booth, then.”
They walked over and each couple slid into one of the vinyl booth cushions. Kara spread her legs comfortably, laying one arm against the back of the booth in invitation. Zatanna curled against her happily.
Oliver yawned, drawing her attention away from Kara. He relaxed into Carter, nuzzling against his chest. Peeking one eye open, Oliver raised a brow at Zatanna as a non-verbal raise. She squinted, tamping down the urge to meet his challenge.
While she wanted to give Kara an enjoyable night the habit of overshadowing Oliver bubbled within like a horribly shaken can of soda.
It was awful when they were competing to prove who was the most talented performer and only became worse when they entered into relationships. Now it wasn’t satisfying in confirming their talent but also showing off their significant others so everyone knew who had snagged the best catch.
Thinking back Zatanna would say this contest began in the library during a free period. She and Kara were studying for an exam they would have later on in the day, Zatanna quizzing her girlfriend on different chemicals and their attributes. After spouting off all she knew about Krypton - along with some extra tidbits - Zatanna threw her notebook in the air and kissed her cheek. “You’re going to do so well on this quiz Kara!” she whispered, “and when you get an A I can parade you around school so everyone knows how much of a genius you are!”
If they were anywhere else Zatanna might not have heard the scoff. But due to the reigning quiet in the library it stood out easily. Her smile fell and she whipped around to see who made the offensive sound.
Oliver tipped his chair as far as it could go, resting his feet on the table next to them. Carter sat to his right focused on his book.
“You have something to say, Oliver?” she asked.
“Why yes I do,” Oliver said, “I find it funny is all... that you would try and celebrate  your girlfriend for that when everyone already knows how smart my boyfriend is.” Carter glanced up from his book with a blush. “On the Honor Roll, exemplary tutor, President of the Archaeology club and the Oliver Queen fan club-”
“I’d say that last one would count as a mark against his intelligence,” Zatanna smirked, “and his taste .”
He nearly upended from his seat. Righting himself, Oliver glared at Zatanna and she matched his fury.
“My boyfriend is the best!”
“No,” Zatanna huffed, “my girlfriend is! She’s like the sun, so radiant, brings joy wherever she shines, and hot - she makes everything better!”
“Well Carter’s better than the sun! He is like - like - like the moon ! Mysterious, magnificent, and beautiful !”
“Ha! We all know the moon’s just a sad reflection of the sun! ”
Oliver gasped, slamming his hands on the table. “You take that back! Carter is the best person in the entire world!”
“No!” Zatanna argued, voice rising to Oliver’s level, “Kara’s the best person in this galaxy !”
“Carter’s had past lives better than the one Kara lives now!”
“Sorry to trash his past lives, but she only needs to do well in the one !”
A heavy book slammed, disrupting them. The librarian scowled their way, tapping her sharp nails on the cover of the dropped book. Without speaking she pointed towards the door. All four of them shuffled out of the library, Zatanna and Oliver still simmering and their feud far from over.
They went above and beyond in further installments of their competition. Once when Oliver bought Carter a book, Zatanna gifted Kara a guitar and it ended with both of them getting their credit cards revoked for a month after an incredible shopping spree. And another memorable moment was during lunch one afternoon when Zatanna posted a cute picture of her and Kara that accrued over one hundred likes. Only Oliver posted one of him and Carter that garnered more than theirs. Unacceptable . This led to her and Oliver taking different pictures with their partners in a variety of places and, ultimately, being sent to detention for sneaking into the principal’s office because at one in the afternoon the light from the window was perfect.
Every time they fell into one of their stubborn, competitive streaks both she and Oliver rode a short high and suffered in the long run.
But then Barry dropped off their orders. He placed the plates and mugs on their table all the while chatting with Hal. “If you’re only going to cry if I tell you Superman doesn’t think you’re handsome than how can you trust my answer is really genuine? No, no - don’t!” Barry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Frowning, he looked at the group. “If you need anything else just wave, I’ll spot you.” Walking away they heard him mutter, “I was talking to customers… Because it’s my job and I’m at work , Hal!”
Oliver reached for his fork. Instead of spearing a bite from the devil’s food cake in front of him, he took from the red velvet and guided it towards Carter’s mouth. “You sit tight Carter,” he told him, “I’ll take care of this for you.”
Between bites, while Carter’s eyes were closed, Oliver glanced over at her and winked. Zatanna crushed one of the cookies in her hand. Letting the crumbs fall, she grabbed another and held it out to Kara. “Darling, you have to try these cookies. They are fantastic! ”
Kara, cheeks stuffed already with a cookie of her own, tried pushing Zatanna’s offering away. “It’s okay,” she said, crumbs spraying, “I’ve got my own -”
“There!” Zatanna stuffed it into her mouth, grinning at Oliver, “All the hard work you’ve done today, you deserve as many cookies as you can get!” She used her hand to help her chew, then, relishing the sound of it until Kara swallowed.
Oliver nearly bent the fork with his shaking grip. Setting it down, he used his free hand to wave. Barry sped over.
“I think we’ll be needing more desserts,” he said, not breaking eye contact with Zatanna, “can you prepare a sundae?”
“Kara and I could use a couple of milkshakes as well,” Zatanna added, lips curling maliciously from cheek to cheek.
“Three dozen macarons.”
“Cake with fresh strawberries on it.”
“We’ll take the whole of the red velvet off your hands, Barry.”
“I think I saw some brownies, can we get two trays of them?”
“And some rice pudding!” Oliver slammed his fist on the table, “Because my boyfriend deserves it!”
“Kara deserves chocolate-covered cherries!”
Barry gaped at the order, head bobbing between them. “Uh,” he started, “are you sure -”
“Give it to us!” both Zatanna and Oliver yelled, startling the other boy into action. He zipped over to the counter and into the kitchen, gathering what they asked. In the meantime they helped Carter and Kara finish the treats already given to them.
“Don’t you - gnnk - think that - brrsh,” Kara choked out, “we should slow down and savor - nggh - this ?”
Zatanna paused, staring at Kara with a golden fire burning in her purple eyes. “We can savor the fact that you’re about to be treated to a buffet of delectable delicacies by your loving and appreciative girlfriend!”
Kara groaned, “But all I wanted was - gah!” She shoved another cookie in Kara’s mouth and poured the hot chocolate down there to melt it.
Barry dropped more plates off, clearing the table when Zatanna and Oliver finished stuffing the contents into their partners’ mouths. They didn’t wait for Barry’s grip to loosen on the dessert before taking it and force-feeding their respective dates. Oliver dumped a tray of macarons down Carter’s mouth and Zatanna held Kara’s face to the straw of her milkshake and wouldn’t let up until it was gone.
When Barry dropped a single donut on the table, Zatanna and Oliver went for it at the same time. Their hands brushed and instantly recoiled.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Zatanna asked, “That’s Kara’s donut!”
“I think you mean Carter’s ,” he growled, “and if you know what’s good for you you’ll let us have it.”
“Know what’s good?” she scoffed, smirking, “Talking big for a man without his bow . And his weapon .”
Oliver squinted, his teeth bared. “You’d be surprised how resourceful I can be when something as important as my boyfriend’s happiness is on the line.”
“I would say the entire dictionary backwards if it meant Kara would never have to frown again!”
“Uh… guys?”
“ What ?” They turned manically towards their intruder, Barry yelping and hiding behind a chocolate-smeared plate. Shaking, he holds out a small, black leather booklet.
Zatanna arched a brow at him, “What’s this supposed to be?”
“Your-your check …”
“Check?” Oliver asked, “But we haven’t finished ordering!”
“Finished?” Barry gasped, emerging from his ineffective shield. He shifted from fear to irritation with lightning speed, gesturing towards his barren workstation. “You two ordered everything we had left ! There’s no more food to order!”
“There… isn’t?”
Zatanna’s vision zoomed out from the tunnel it was trapped and finally noticed her girlfriend. Kara collapsed against the window, raspberry filling at the corner of her lips. One hand was curled protectively around her protruding stomach while the other hovered by her mouth in case she needed to vomit. Carter didn’t fare any better. He laid face down on the table and moaned every few seconds.
She looked to Oliver, heat steadily creeping up her neck. His face burned with shared embarrassment as they realized the consequences of their actions.
Barry’s cell phone rang, interrupting the awkward tension. He checked it and rolled his eyes. “Come find me when you decide who’s paying,” he said, hitting the answer button, “Hal… if this is about Superman again I swear on every science textbook I own…” Barry dropped the check on the table and walked away.
Neither Zatanna nor Oliver wanted to speak first. However, knowing how bad it would look if their silence stretched any farther, Zatanna decided to go first. “This might have gotten… a little out of hand.”
“For once,” Oliver said, “I agree. Maybe we don’t have to compete over who has the better relationship.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Because, if we think about it, I have the best girlfriend -”
“And I have the best boyfriend,” he finished for her, smiling naturally for the first time tonight. Her cheeks ached with the natural stretch of her own grin. “Excellent thinking Zatanna! And to celebrate and cement this declaration, allow me to foot the bill.”
“Oh no, no, no,” Zatanna said, laying her hand over Oliver’s, “ I’ll cover this one.”
Oliver’s expression shrunk and became something more familiar to Zatanna. “But I was the one who started this whole feeding frenzy to begin with.”
Zatanna didn’t budge. “I think this began when I dashed to the counter, if memory serves me right.”
A beat of silence drifted between them like a dusty tumbleweed. “I’m paying for this Zatanna, it’d be barely a blip on my parent’s bills.”
“My father’s bought artwork that cost ten times what this check says.”
Peace shattered as quickly as they forged it, Oliver and Zatanna played tug-o-war with the check. They argued well into the night while their dates groaned from the sidelines, too worn from eating to intervene. Zatanna would apologize to Kara later, learn her lesson tomorrow - tonight she fought Oliver with all her might to slip her credit card into the booklet.
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nightofnyx8 · 5 years
Robstar week Day 2: Stardust
I actually enjoyed writing about today’s prompt, even if it was a little different. Hope you enjoy! 
Kory floated carefully down the stairs; her gaze fixed upon the nursery door. She had finally gotten six-month-old Jake to sleep, and Mar’i was safely tucked in tight in the room next door. Everything seemed perfectly set up for a good night’s sleep, but Kory swore her children could sense when their parents relaxed.
She reached the bottom of the stairs and let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps tonight Jake would allow her sleep for a little more than two hours. She entered the living room and found her husband focused on his laptop, piles of paper crowding the little coffee table where he worked.
She came up behind him and draped her arms around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder.
Kory kissed his cheek. “What are you working on, my love?”
Dick absentmindedly stroked one of her hands, not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Stuff.” He replied tonelessly.
“Stuff.” She repeated. “Care to elaborate?”
“Uh-huh. Love you too, Star.”
She sighed. He was in one of those moods again, fully concentrated on his work. And when he got started, it usually took him a good couple of hours to snap him out of it again.
Kory leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “Well, I suppose I could not kiss you for a week. Perhaps then we could talk about “stuff.”
“Yeah I’ll be up a sec.”
She groaned, finally resulting to drastic measures. “Then I expect to see you at my wedding next weekend. I am leaving for Tamaran in the morning.”
She started to walk away, but Dick caught her hand and pulled her onto the couch, catching her so her face was inches from his.
“And who is this suitor who dares to steal you away from me?”
“I believed you were not listening.”
“I am now.”
She laughed and kissed him. “Perhaps I shall reconsider.”
She rose herself up to a sitting position and rested against Dick’s shoulder.
“What is this?” she questioned. “This does not look like a case.”
It’s my will.” He replied.
Kory’s eyebrows creased with confusion. “Richard, ‘will’ is a grammatical function used for the future-tense.”
He laughed. “Yeah, but a will, the physical thing, are like instructions on when you die.”
“When you die?” she questioned.
“Yeah, it tells the lawyer or your family what to do with your money and possessions. Like here in this section, this delegates who will take custody of Mar’i and Jake if something happens to us.”
“You are implying that something will?”
“No, it’s just a precaution. It’s good to be prepared.”
“Ah.” Satisfied with his answer, she squinted to see the screen. “So who did you put to care for our children?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.” Dick mused. “I don’t know who would be best suited. Bruce is the closest living relative, but it doesn’t create the most ideal living situation, especially if the kids are still young.”
“Why not Rachel and Garfield? They live close enough to Gotham so they can visit Bruce daily, and it would create a steady home environment. Besides, I am certain wherever they live, they will have many people caring for them.”
Dick looked at her with surprise. “You’ve got a point there. Maybe you should write the will.”
“Or just let me into that fortress you call your mind occasionally. What does this section address?” She pointed to a small paragraph near the top of the screen.
“Oh, that just instructs on how we’re going to be buried.”
“That is easy.” Kory stated. “We shall have a traditional Tamaranean funeral for warriors.”
Dick raised an eyebrow. “And what exactly does that entail?”
“Simple. Our bodies will be burned in the Furnaces of Glorthrog the All-Seeing, and after a glorious play will be depicted of our deaths by the royal theatre in front of the entire planet. Then we shall be carried to the top of the highest mountain and a Zobgar will be sacrificed in our honor. And finally, our dust shall be released into the universe. And then—” she stopped at Dick’s expression. “What is it?”
“It’s uh, definitely unique. You sure we can’t just have a quiet, normal Earth funeral?”
Kory scrunched her nose with distaste. “You mean placing the dead in wooden boxes and leaving them underground to rot and disintegrate?”
“Well when you put it that way—”
“You do not prefer the traditions of my beloved planet?” she accused, Dick quickly releasing he was about to lose a fight with his sleep-deprived wife.
“I didn’t mean it that way!” He defended himself. “I just meant, that uh, maybe it’s not the best thing for Mar’i and Jake to watch.”
Kory’s expression softened. “You are correct. It would not be wise to have them rewatch our deaths.”
“How about we compromise?” He proposed. “We can have a funeral here on Earth, with tombstones so they can visit us, and then our ashes can be sent to Tamaran so we can be nuked into space and whatnot.”
“Alright, I concur.” Kory smiled, but her eyes told Dick a different story.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his full attention now focused on her.
“It is…sad. To think about what will happen if we someday pass unexpectedly. To think what will happen to the children.”
“Yeah, it is.” He agreed. “But it’s just a precaution. It’s not like we’re planning on it. It’s very unlikely to happen.”
“It was unlikely for our parents as well.” She stated dejectedly while avoiding his gaze.  
“Hey,” He took her face his hands. “Look. I can’t promise that it won’t happen. But we’re going to do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t. And on the very off chance that it does, we’ve already set up a plan for Mar’i and Jake. We’re not leaving them to fend for themselves, okay?”
“I do not wish to lose them, Richard. I could not bear it.”
He pulled her into a tight embrace as she rested her head against his chest. He stoked her crimson curls, watching her shake ever so slightly. Dick was well aware that in their line of work, they could be killed at any moment. He didn’t like the thought of leaving their children anymore than she did, but worrying themselves to pieces on the worst possible outcome wouldn’t do them any good. No one ever won at that game.
“Enough of this will nonsense.” He said, closing the laptop. He scooped up Kory off the couch and threw her over his shoulders.  
“Richard, wha—?”
“No more tears for tonight. And you can’t go to bed until I get a smile out of you.” He spun her around in circles across their living room, her laughter driving out whatever gloom had been there before.
“Richard, s-stop!” she shrieked before they finally both collapsed on the couch, breathless with laughter. Dick slid an arm under Kory’s waist, appreciating the amusement that had crept back into her eyes.
“You okay in there, Princess?”
“I am now.”
“Good, because I’m looking forward to an evening alone with you.” He pulled her into a kiss, both lost in the moment until Jake’s faint cries reached their ears. Kory groaned.
“Well, you, me and Jake.” He decided. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him.”
He rose from the couch and was about to make his way to the stairs when their six-year-old daughter appeared around the corner.
“Mommy, Jake is crying.” Mar’i stated, clutching a stuffed elephant.
Dick gave a stern look. “Young lady, you’re supposed to be in bed.”
“But Jake is awake.” She pouted. “Can I stay up too? It no fair!” She stuck out her bottom lip and pleaded with the largest puppy dog eyes she could muster.
Dick sighed and looked helplessly at Kory, who was trying not to laugh.
“Come on my little bumgorf.” She said. “One last story for you and Jake before bed.”
Dick picked Mar’i up and swung her onto his shoulders. “Come on, Starshine. It’s daddy’s turn to tell the story.”
“Oh yes, tell her the one about Larry.” Kory chimed as they ascended the stairs to Jake’s room.
“I’m not telling her about Larry.”
The laptop lay forgotten on the table below.
It was unusually cold on Tamaran that night. Despite her supposed increased tolerance to cold weather, Mar’i shivered. She struggled to climb over the craggy rocks and jumbled vegetation to reach the top. She didn’t feel like flying tonight.
She slipped and would have fallen flat on her face if her brother hadn’t of caught her.
“Careful.” Jake said, breaking the silence between them. “Are you sure you don’t want me to carry that?”
Mar’i sighed. “Sure.” She relented the urn she carried to her brother. “We’re almost there anyway.”
Jake took her hand and smiled softly at her, guiding her along the way. Even if he was her annoying younger brother, she always found comfort in his strong and steady presence.
It was a breathtaking view as they reached the top. The cloudless sky opened up to reveal multicolored planets and comets, with billions upon billions of stars.
“You ready, Sis?”
Mar’i looked over to see Jake cradling the urn, his eyes staring straight into hers like he could see into her soul. There was no hiding anything from this guy.  
She felt tears prick her eyes, and Jack enveloped her in his arms.
“I know,” he sighed. “I miss them too.”
They stayed that way for a while until Mar’i released his hold, wiping her eyes.
“I’m ready.”
She helped Jake lift the urn above them before turning it on its side, releasing the contents into the air. The ashes poured out like mist, like shimmering dust.
“Goodbye.” Mar’i whispered, feeling Jake put his arm around her shoulders. “I miss you.”
The ashes seemed to dance, chasing itself higher and higher in the galaxies above. The stars seemed to shine brighter. Despite herself, Mar’i smiled, seeing them both released into the universe.
And into the stars.
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katharaya · 6 years
hey can i get some uhhhh hades rei railing persephone asra thanks
if y'all thought you’d seen the last of this then you’re wrong
it’s (technically) spring y'all so here’s some more asra x rei hades/persephone au
warning: lemon!!! lemon lemon lemon this is pure 🍋 unadulterated 🍋 LEMONS 🍋🍋🍋 there’s no plot this is just subby asra taking the strap u have been warned!!!!!
“Did you miss me, my love?” she asks him, the iridescent blue-black silk of her robe swishing behind her as she pads around her room. Her black hair has been let down from its elaborate coif, the ends of it swaying against her waist.
She glances back at the bed where he waits, obedient, his impatience only apparent in the way he digs his fingers into his thighs. She catches his gaze and smiles, keeping eye contact as she opens her dresser drawer and slowly takes out her leather harness.
He gasps, then bites his lip, a flush like roses creeping down his neck, spreading across his chest, made visible by the rumpled state of his chiton, already falling off his shoulder.
“Asra?” she presses.
He lowers his eyes, the gilt on his lids flashing golden in the dim underworld light.
“Always,” he breathes, thumbs digging into his inner thighs, slick from the oil she’d used to stretch him open for her earlier. And then he looks up at her through his lashes, a slanted, cheeky grin on his rose-petal mouth, and adds, “Spring was made for missing you, I think.”
She smiles, eyes going lidded, and slowly, exaggeratedly slowly, steps into the harness, fitting it snugly around her hips before securing the phallus in place. Asra watches her, squirming minutely all the while, eyes shifting from lavenders-in-the-morning to orchids-at-midnight.
She walks over to the bed, shedding her robe along the way, leaving her naked but for the harness, the false cock shining with oil even in the dark. She plants one knee on the mattress and reaches out to tip his face up by the chin, leaning close until their noses just barely brush together.
“As the autumn was made for loving you, then,” she whispers, and watches, satisfied, as his pupils grow to swallow the purple of his irises. She slides her hands beneath the hem of his chiton, bringing fabric up, up, fingernails dragging lightly along the dips and ridges of his torso. She pulls it over his head and tosses it to the floor, gripping him gently once more by the chin to give him a quick, honey-sweet kiss.
And when she pulls away, still close enough that her lips brush his, she murmurs, “Hands and knees, love.”
(Whoever says Spring is lazy and slow to arrive has clearly never seen him move when she’s about to fuck him.)
He scrambles to his knees atop her sheets, coming to rest with his head pillowed on his arms, looking over his shoulder at her with half-lidded eyes. His back bows in a sinful arc as he keeps his hips raised, ready, waiting. Eager.
She runs an appreciative hand over the slope of his ass, trailing it up his waist, his back, smiling when his body curves to follow the warmth of her touch. He shivers in anticipation when she reaches the base of his neck, his breath hitching when she slides her fingers into his hair and tugs, sharp then quickly gentling as she gathers a fistful of his curls.
“Rei,” he needles, squirming beneath her, grinding back against the false cock between her legs.
“Hm?” She takes the phallus in her free hand, rubbing just the tip against his entrance, still not pressing in, smirking when he whines in protest.
“Rei, please.” He leans his head back against the hand still curled into his hair, trying to encourage her. “Fuck me already.”
“Mm, I’ve changed my mind,” she says, releasing his hair to run a finger down his spine, and laughs when he whines again, louder and higher-pitched and twice as desperate as before. She splays her hand out on his back, between the jut of his shoulder blades. “Relax, Asra. I only meant I’d rather have you on your back. I want to see your face while I fuck you.”
He rolls over so quickly it makes her laugh again, her hand never leaving his skin as he turns to face her, settling back against the mattress with his legs spread, his hands finding her hips, tugging her impatiently closer. She obliges him, crawling forward to hover over him, pushing back his sweaty curls from his forehead before she leans down and kisses him, coaxing his lips to part with exploring tongue and nipping teeth. He pulls her down to settle her weight atop him, moaning hungrily against her mouth, running his sun-warm hands down her sides to cup her ass, bringing their hips flush together. Everywhere he touches, heat blooms like wildflowers beneath her skin, his fingers dragging a flush down her body, making a garden of reddening desire flourish with each pass of his hands.
She gasps, pulling away when he begins to trace lines down her inner thighs, and presses a finger to his lips when he leans up to chase her mouth. He kisses her finger with a petulant pout, and she laughs, pushing down on his shoulders to settle him back against the sheets.
“Ready?” she asks, aligning the false cock to his entrance, watching his eyes darken, his need so thoroughly stoked building up into violet wildfire behind his lashes. “Or do I need to stretch you open some more?”
His hands flex almost painfully tight around her waist, before relaxing, tracing restless circles on her hipbones with his thumbs.
“I’m ready,” he insists, rolling his hips, trying to take the phallus into himself. The head of it just about slides in, but she pulls back, and away, watching him bite his lip against a frustrated whimper. “I’ve been ready forever, Rei, please—ah—!”
He cries out so beautifully when she presses in, just a little, at first, and then slowly more and more, thrusting lightly into him until he groans, snapping his hips up so he can take the false cock to the hilt, shuddering around the slick, hard length of it.
It does not take much to wreck him, like this. She’d already denied him release twice tonight—once when she’d stroked him to hardness, sucking rose-marks onto the skin of his neck as she’d pressed him up against her bedroom door; another when she’d lain him down on her silk sheets and stretched him open for her, working one, two, three fingers into his ass until he was clenching around her digits, incoherently babbling her name and please and finally close, close!, making him keen when she’d pulled her hand away. And so it does not take much to build him back up to the same peak, but oh, does he look breathtaking as she does.
Color begins high on his cheekbones and bleeds all the way down his neck to his chest, the prettiest red she’s ever seen. He is the brightest thing here in the dreary underworld gloom, and he is here, in her bed, scattering crimson petals across her sheets as his control frays, spilling sighs and moans into the empty room for her ears and hers alone.
His cock is dripping, leaking precome down its length, and for a moment she imagines how good it would feel to have him inside her, making her feel so deliciously full; to have him thrusting into her, pleasuring her and taking his own in the act.
But—later. He is writhing so beautifully beneath her, head thrown back, mouth hanging open as his breaths come in short, sharp hahs.
“Are you close?” she croons, hitching one of his legs onto her shoulder, grinning it makes his fingers scrabble in the sheets, a high, broken moan leaving his mouth as the new angle pushes the phallus against the spot inside him that makes him go wild. “Do you want to come, Asra?”
His yes comes in a strangled groan, eyes squeezed shut as he chases and chases release, and begs, “Please, please please please, Rei, let me come, please, I’m so close, please—!”
(Beautiful. Beautiful. Who knew she could make something bloom so beautifully under her baleful hands?)
“Then come,” she says, wrapping her fingers around his cock, swirling his precome around the head and slicking it down the sensitive length. He moans, bucking into her fist even as he struggles to continue meeting every thrust of the phallus in his ass. “Be good and come for me, my love. I want to see.”
And Asra—beautiful, beloved Asra—obeys, spilling into her hand as he comes undone choking on her name. She fucks and strokes him through it, not stopping until he slumps back utterly spent onto the mattress, unable to even speak for how ragged his breathing comes.
He’s still trembling from the aftershocks when she pulls her hand away, still trembling when she pulls out of him and fetches a clean cloth to wipe his spend streaking stark white across the golden brown of his stomach. Then she steps out of the harness, gives the phallus a perfunctory cleanup before setting it aside to worry about later.
She returns to him on the bed, where he’s just about caught his breath, and he smiles up at her, all blissed out, reaching up to run his knuckles along her outer thigh. She grins, and moves to straddle his head, grinning wider when he swallows audibly, his hands moving to clutch her hips.
“You’ve been so very good for me, my love,” she croons, threading the fingers of both hands through his curls, pushing his hair away from his face. “But you can be even better, can’t you?”
And Asra—beautiful, beloved Asra, his rose-petal mouth shaping itself into the wicked curve of the harvest scythe—pulls her closer still and obeys, coaxing her to bloom for him beneath his sun-warm hands.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 683 Review
The past chapters have been nothing but emotional and somewhat dreary. While that is not a bad thing, it was concerning to believe the end for Joui 3 won’t be delightful, especially one with a potential death. Gintoki and Takasugi are back in Edo, so begin the buildup for a reunion. This chapter continues the trend of ominous tone, but once more goes back to the fun and humorous side that it was needed.
Takasugi has been really impressive in this arc so far. Rather than him showing you why, this time it lets others speak. It’s reassuring that Kiheitai is heading to Edo as well, so the reunion in one setting is definitely going to be very pleasant. That said Matako shows an act of maturity. Rather following him like a typical fan girl, she is conflicted on what to do.
Sorachi inserted the captain who took Gintoki and Takasugi to Edo on his ship to exploit the reason for Matako’s pondering. It’s writing technique to have one character’s line indirectly share with another from afar. Basically, Takasugi is more of a genuine good person this time. Despite the dark history that the captain knew about, he can’t help but felt the need to help him from his determination. It’s no wonder they were portrayed like good comrades.
The chapter wants to point out that with Takasugi being on good term, he and Gintoki never look so alive like best friends finally going on a journey that they have dreamt since school days. Plenty of series tends to showcase the friendship of two rivals. Some are good to believe and some are bad with its hammering. This one is fortunately good because of the past developments and interactions that you can buy in easily. It’s not out of nowhere, it’s organic as it can get.
It’s a warm feeling since we know Takasugi’s death clock is ticking rapidly. It’s sadder with Matako noting that he has never looked so happy in her time with him. After the captain’s speech, she backs up his claim about the two being best friends and not in for a duty. She doesn’t know if she doesn’t want to interfere or she wants to continue to watch him enjoying his remaining life. I don’t think she knows he’s dying, but regardless, it’s mature of her to think this way, yet sad to know all of this should have happened a long time ago.
I really like the sightseeing from Gintoki, clearly missed his home. The foundation between him and everyone is so incredible, any reunion will put a smile on my face. Well, besides one, we will get to that soon. The town isn’t done fixing, but it looks like certain areas are going to be more city-like than before. It’s a bit charming comparison to him and a brat of returning home. Everyone will eventually forgive.
Before going forward with the exploration, the chapter shifts to where Tendoshu are discussing with Hitsugi. I knew it was him under that casted mask and missing limbs. That said the information that the Tendoshu spout isn’t new, but the point is how manipulative and control they have against him; practically made him into their slave. They even go far as insulting him while he was still there, yet they know and proceed to do so. What a bunch of assholes.
I don’t know the plan is to have Naraku backstab them one day, but that would be some hell of an enemy of my enemy is my friend scenario. Hitsugi is doing it for his beloved master. He too seek for immortality, but that is more down the line of contribution than selfish reason. The stare is probably foreshadow, but we have to wait and see where the road lies ahead.
As for Tendoshu, they’re the worst since they have things in control as they love to have. There’s an elaborated reason for them seeking to take Altana from Edo. It’s basically Plan B in which they would take it and somehow create a replicated heart. They’re pretty much power hungry. The best part is they are getting their revenge against Utsuro after last time, so the table has turned. Remarkable to make me feel bad for him; well, the Shoyo part of him at least.
Another new info is the location of the Tengenism’s temple. It’s not even on Earth, rather floating in space since it’s a moving temple Kuyou. It’s practically a giant ship, but it’s worth noting because it’s where they keep Utsuro’s body. I don’t know if that would be the final battle setting, but it’s the only way to get the job done. That or somehow it will go down on Earth. Why is it in space? Because they have huge ego when they designed the ship with the mindset of looking down on Earth. Is it wrong to hope for crash and burn?
Takasugi has been a swell guy. He even offer Gintoki a time alone to catch up with his friends. Gintoki tries to avoid the opportunity with a reasonable argument that would cause a stir. Could you imagine if your hero decide to save a killer? Naruto could work, but in this series, no. Takasugi got him good with a response that exposed him. Gintoki is afraid of being conflicted on his decision because if he reunites with Yorozuya, he will start thinking as a guy who must cleanse evil. It’s challenging and I’m loving it. I seriously hope Sorachi can deliver the message profoundly.
After that, the chapter or series in general decides to go back to the humorous side and it’s worth it. As usual, it’s hilarious with the shenanigans with Hijikata and Yamazaki; oh sorry, Mobcop. It’s a great timing to reference Devilman since Gintoki is on the verge to lose his sanity. The image with him holding the glasses kills me. Even Sorachi is aware of the potential dark ending. Oddly enough, if Devilman Crybaby is the audience’s first introduction to the franchise, consider it a major spoiler.
I also got a good laugh at the explanation of how they followed Gintoki. Mobcop was supposed to be flying, which is why Hijikata looked hype when boarding on him. Too bad his gas apparently ran out, so they only latch on the boat underwater. I’m here thinking, “Wouldn’t Hijikata drown by that point?” Well, he was close to death at least five times. Mobcop’s fuel is anpan, which is a funny and clever reference to Robocop in which uses baby food. Although, he needs a specific type alas fine-grained bean paste, so apparently, he’s pretty picky.
After a good comedy, the chapter revert back to a serious tone, this time with Hijikata. He isn’t sure if Gintoki is doing something evil, which technically he is for now, but if he can confirm, then he will kill him. I thought it was touching for he reacted like he doesn’t want to say it but if it comes to it, then it must be done. You can tell how much he does care about him as a friend.
To make it more emotional, he reminds Mobcop the code of Shinseigumi, but also reflect that it’s the same group that Gintoki has saved. It would be a damn sad ending if it all goes to that route. Mobcop gives him a reality check of what’s no longer there, but Hijikata subtly tell him to shut up. I so can’t wait for a reunion. With those two back in Edo, it’s only matter of time.
We are back with more comedy and it’s so funny. After the heartfelt moment, the follow-up breaks away from the dreary mood and embark whacky plan in motion. Gintoki and Takasugi go their separate way, so normally, two against two would mean one take on one. Not for Mobcop; he literally split up to chase both respectively. Yes, it’s very normal for citizens to split from the waist down. Unless it’s Tokyo Ghoul.
I really like how Sorachi managed to freshen up the dynamic between him and Hijikata; this is why the comedy doesn’t get old. I like how Hijikata talks about what anpan he’s going to get for him but of course, each time he says it, it’s only a trolling remark. It’s only because Mobcop keeps screwing up. After being told to blend in, the most logic thing to do is disguise with the identity of another. Apparently, Hijikata has a twin brother now.
The dumb part about it is how Mobcop is pretty much saying that Hijikata’s job is only to get the anpan for him. Even when disguised as him, he was going to grab one, completely disregard the main target. I couldn’t stop laughing at the stupidity. It only breaks the trend once Mobcop acts natural and by his definition, it means no clothes, all free. That’s when Hijikata finally stop trolling and actually got the anpan for him, so he can stop humiliating him. Fan girls must be stoked.
The last couple of pages are hilarious. Gintoki almost caught them but they somehow blend in with the store ads, acting like mannequin. Mobcop exposes more than enough if you get what I mean. Somehow, it works unless Gintoki is lying, which I can definitely believe. Otherwise, he’s easily fooled. What got me laughing so much is after he left, it appears things are secured, but shortly after, he returns with a panic look. He buys an underwear, wears it over his head, and all the sudden, he’s tagging along with others in disguising. Why? Because Otae appears. Need I say more? Hijikata’s reaction cracks me up.
This was a pretty amusing chapter with a nice change of pace with its humor. The buildup to the next and most likely the last mission has been engaging with conflicting personal issue. The driving theme of making a choice appeals me and it has me very curious. The artwork is clean and the humorous tone delivered with laughable sequences. The cliffhanger was amusing. I don’t know if I want him to get caught, but if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed, it’s the fear of a gorilla. I mean Otae…
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt19
Rose gets a taste of the troubles of being a pet owner, #pyrepy
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Rose smiled down at Cole, the rock's big expressive eyes staring up into hers as she squeezed it lovingly her eyes passing over the differently colored names and marks on Cole's back, her friends.  Rose had always been friendly with everyone, and she had been and still was in love, but close friends, that was something she'd never really had.  
She smiled pressing Cole to her cheek before putting it down on the table next to her anvil.  Without her or Xavier working the smithy and with her friends having returned to the castle the shop had fallen unusually silent.  That just wouldn't do, she dedicated and moved over to the tool rack to grab a few thing and pull a thick glove onto her left hand, she needed to stoke the fire up before she started working.  
Turning Rose gave a surprised start and nearly dropped her tools at the sight of a black shadow that had fallen across her work bench.  It was only when she looked more closely that she realized it was a dog, or more accurately a puppy covered completely in short fur of the blackest hue that she had ever seen, his nub of a tail wagging happily.  He was standing perched up against her workbench his long narrow muzzle reaching out towards Cole.  
"Hey, pup!  Leave that alone!"  Rose barked at the dog setting down her tools.  The puppy gave a start, his tail freezing, and turned back to look at Rose, his wide eyes glowing wholly orange like pools of molten steel.  Rose stood stunned by the strange sight for a moment, and the pup took the chance to turn back and snatch Cole with his mouth and break for the front of the shop and the break in the counter he could easily flee through.  
"Oh no you don't," Rose proved to be swifter than the puppy jumping in from of the door cutting off his exit.  The pup didn't think to try and slip around Rose's legs and skitted to a halt turning and running the opposite way.  
With a kick of her foot, Rose shut the door to the front sealing the puppy in the forge with her.  Chasing after him the elusive pup ran this way and that, his young paws may have been clumsy, but they were still fast and agile compared to Rose's feet.  If the pup duck under a chair, Rose would trip straight over it.  If he made a sharp turn, she'd run into whatever wall or cabinet he'd ran along.   Once he even leaped clear over her work bench and anvil, Rose crashed into in knocking both over and nearly squishing the pup flat under the anvil.  
However, once the knocked over furniture and tools completely covered the floor of the room, the pup suddenly found that he couldn't so easily escape the long reach of Rose's arm.  Her gloved hand swooped down and scooped up the pup holding him against her body Rose felt the intense heat that radiated off his body.  His tiny legs pawed at the air helplessly as it whimpered softly, it sounded a little like whistling steam.  "Drop it pup!"  
As if the puppy only then realized that what Rose wanted was the stone in his mouth he suddenly became defensive of it letting out a low growl that had a faint popping sound to it.  
"Don't think I won't reach in there and take it,"  Rose growled back at the puppy, but still he refused to release Cole.  True to her word Rose reached into his mouth, but the moment her finger pushed under his flews it jerked back and an instant later intense burning pain shot up her arm.  Rose nearly lost the pup as the pain shot through her body, but held fast to him.  
"What the heck," Rose mutter and reaching for the pup's lips pulling them up to reveal not pearly white new teeth, but licking flames that danced all around his mouth.  "Are your teeth fire?"  
The pup pulled his lip away from Rose, and she could swear the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin and he nodded.  
Rose reeled in shock for a moment but narrowed her eyes at the puppy as she marched over to the tool rack and snatched a pair of tongs.  "I don't care what your teeth are made of pup; I'm getting my Cole back!"  
Despite her frustration with the puppy, the tongs were careful as they pushed under the pup's lips twisting this way and that to follow the pup's mouth as he tried to escape them.  Unfortunately for the pup, Rose was no stranger to extracting things from troublesome children, and soon she had the tongs firmly clamped around Cole.  It was Rose turn to grin now as she slowly began to over power the puppy and pull the stone from his mouth.  "Ha, what are you going to do now pup!"
Suddenly the pitch black coat erupted in a gout of orange flames.  With a cry, Rose dropped the pup and the tongs, but it was, but it was too late.  Flames clung to her apron and heavy insulated blacksmith's glove, the only thing that saved her hand from being badly burned.  Still, she felt the lick of flames as her shirt began to burn.  Hopping around she beat at the flames, but considering how consumed with flames her mitted hand was, that only served to spread them around.  Still shouting Rose ran for the forge's slack tub and threw herself into it.  It was only half full, so there was little water splashed across the floor as the water consumed the flames.  
Rose pushed herself from the tub, rolling over and falling to the floor with a thud giving a few sputter coughs to try and clear the water that had gone up her nose and attacked her sinuses.  The glove and apron were a blackened ruined mess, and the stomach of her over shirt had burned away, dark brown spots on her blue undershirt attested to its efforts to keep her skin from being burned.  Rose let out a tired groan her head falling back against the stone floor, water dripping from her face and soaked hair.  
Rose just lay there for a time not thinking about anything except how much she wished she could crawl into her bed and never leave it.  The clicking of claws against stone roused her from vacancy, and she looked over surprised to find that the pup hadn't taken the opportunity to escape.  Instead, he approached her and dropped Cole next to her.  The piece of coal was glowing red from the pup's fiery mouth, his eyes and her friend's signatures, every scrap of paint, had been burned away without a trace, what a sadly short life for such a beloved pet.  
Rose looked from the piece of coal to the puppy, his tiny pink tongue hung short, panting from between his fiery teeth and his stubby tail wagged happily behind him.  Rose glowered at him, "What do you want?"  
The puppy let out a couple of high pitched barks before leaning down and nosing the piece of coal closer to Rose.  Then plopping his butt down, tail still wagging furiously, and barked happily again.  
Rose managed to hold her frown for another second or two before a soft smile tugged at her lips.  With a sigh, she reached out with her ungloved hand and let her finger curl around and scratch behind one of the puppy's ears.  The pup rubbed back against the fingers grinning wide.  "You're going to be nothing, but trouble aren't you... Pyrepy."  
Pyrepy barked seemingly in agreement leaning so hard into Rose's finger that he fell over with a yelp of surprise but was appeased as Rose's finger moved to scratch his belly, one of his hind legs beginning to kick rapidly.  
That was the moment that Xavier pushed open the door to the forge.  His eyes instead instantly fell upon the pair, Pyrepy's upside-down head tilting curiously as he stared up at the large blacksmith with the orange pools that were eyes.  Despite the odd sigh Xavier gaze didn't linger on the puppy.  Instead, they traveled around the mess of the room before looking back at Rose who gave a piteous smile in place of any explanation.  Xavier just sighed, "I don’t even want to know, clean up back here and then go home girl.  Maybe take tomorrow off as well."  
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/holiday-weekend-in-sd-and-anaheim/
Holiday weekend in SD and Anaheim
Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. I can’t believe that we’re fully into holiday mode – I feel like it snuck up on us this year – and that there are so many things going on in the next couple of weeks. Liv’s class has their holiday party, we have Nutcracker and Zoo Lights with friends, and before we know it, we’ll be eating enchiladas at my dad’s house on Christmas Eve. We’re going to do all of our holiday baking this weekend, so if you have any standout recipes, please let me know! (I definitely have these, these, and these on the agenda so far.)
We’re back from an incredible trip to Anaheim and San Diego. Usually when we get back from a vacation, I’m a little bummed, but pretty ready to get back into *real life.* This particular trip felt really different. I literally felt a weight of sadness when the plane landed in Tucson yesterday. It’s probably because this was one of my very favorite trips with the girls. They seem like they’re at an ideal age for travel – I feel like we finally made it!!!- and nothing about the trip felt like work. It was pure joy. Traveling when they were babies was awesome, but there’s something really freeing about zero pack n’ plays, diapers, wipes, multiple outfit changes, or fear they’ll be shrieking and crying on the flight, ya know? (Parents with newborns: hang in there. There is a light at the end of the travel tunnel!) The whole weekend was filled with so much fun and magic; I wasn’t read for it to be over.
We flew into San Diego on Friday, and we headed straight to pick up on our rental car. Last time, they upgraded me to a van and the girls acted like they won the lottery. I got a van again to surprise them and P cried after our trip and “her vam” was gone. She was equally devastated and disgusted to see my real car when this whole thing was over.
After we got the famous van, we grabbed a quick snack at beloved Tiki Port
and hit the road to Anaheim. 
Usually we drive up to Anaheim on Saturday morning. I had a feeling traffic might be a little bad on a Friday afternoon, but we went for it anyway. It was horrible, and took 4 hours to get there instead of 1.5. The girls were extremely patient despite the long delays, and when we finally checked into the hotel, we ordered room service for dinner (which was delicious) and called it a night.
Saturday morning, we were ready to hit the parks! 
We spent two days moving between California Adventure and Disneyland. The first day we rode a ton of rides, and the second day, we focused more on parades and shows.
Some of the highlights:
wearing ugly Christmas sweaters together
the girls meeting Gaston
(P was unimpressed and the guy who portrayed him was HILARIOUS)
the holiday parade,
the girls’ face painting,
(Livi got a mermaid mask and P thought her face paint transformed her into a real tiger)
watching the girls interact with all of the characters
riding Indiana Jones by myself and screaming the entire time, 
all of the incredible holiday decor,
and this macaron the size of my face.
You guys. The holiday food at California Adventure is insane right now. As we walked by each food cart, the scene was usually something like this,
“Ohmygod, did you see that? Stuffing mac n’ cheese?”
“I’m looking at that channa masala.”
“No wait, I think I want to try the shrimp and grits.”
“We’re sharing a sangria, right?”
And it went on and on and on. While Disneyland food can be hit or miss
(we did find a new fave in Adventureland: Bengal Barbecue!),
I feel like California Adventure has really stepped up their snack and beverage game. I feel like it’s almost turned into a mini Epcot with all of the food and cocktail destinations. We were wondering what took the place of Coco land, and were stoked to see that it’s an Elena-devoted area with live music, an Elena parade, character meetings, and Mexican food. It’s like a mini Epcot-esque Mexican pavilion. I really hope it stays this way! We listened to a Cuban band and ate chili rellenos and burritos one night, and it was awesome.
We were so lucky that madre was able to join us for another trip! We all have the best time with her, so we were thrilled when she took the weekend off work to come play with us. It was also really helpful at the parks because P is a little daredevil and wants to ride ALL THE RIDES, while Liv is a bit more apprehensive. This way, I could take P on some of the more intense rides and madre and Liv could hang out in the gift shop or people-watch. We still did 90% of the activities together, but this way they were each able to have the experience they wanted. 
(Livi’s dress is here and P’s shirt is here)
After two full days at Disney, we drove back down to San Diego and made a stop at Kid Ventures in Liberty Station for the girls to play. They ran around playing for a couple of hours until we were all ready for lunch at the Public Market. All of the classics were there, and of course I got my favorite poke bowl.
We also shared deserts from Crafted,
(the remnants of a brookie: brownie on the bottom, cookie on top)
and drove over to Coronado to spend the night. 
We got there just in time to watch the Grinch and chill in the hotel for a bit, then bundled up to play on the beach for a couple of hours and watch the sunset.
I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget the girls chasing each other up to where the ocean meets the sand, then running back, giggling to themselves.
They really are the best little friends.
After we “got our feet wet” (which always equals completely drenched legs and pants), they played on the hotel playground, and we headed over to the Del to walk around and shop. (Check out my holiday review of the Hotel del Coronado here!) I remembered that they had ice skating, and the girls were both so excited to try it. At first, I took turns taking each girl around the loop while the other one stayed back with madre. They were both like little noodle legs and it was a serious core workout trying to keep everyone upright. 
By the end of our hour of skating, both girls could make it around the entire loop and didn’t want me to hold their hand or touch them in any way. P held onto the wall and took little steps while I skated next to her, and Liv was ahead of us, away from the wall, doing her thing. Madre took pictures and videos of us skating around, but somehow missed my triple salchow and toe loop. Oh well. Next time.
We were ready for hot drinks (cocoas for the girls, a hot toddy for meeeeeee) and went to their pizza restaurant, ENO for cheese board, salad, and margherita pizza. Of course, the girls had ice cream from the parlor next door because vacation mode. (This weekend was the most delicious avalanche of sugar.) The next morning came a little too quickly and we were packed up and heading to the airport!
(P’s sweater is here and Livi is wearing these cute Mickey leggings)
While we were at the Del, I was thinking this definitely needs to become a tradition. A couple of weeks before Christmas, I think we should head to Disney and Coronado for a bit. It added so much to the magic of the season and it was such a welcomed bit of downtime and bliss during an otherwise hectic (but wonderful!) time of year.
I hope you’re having a lovely week, too. Do you have any vacation traditions each year? Are you traveling in the next couple of months??
I’ll be back in the morning with the last gift guide for the year + one more giveaway! xo
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