the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt62
The dad shield gets lowered.
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"I want at least one guard watching her as well at all times."  The Captain looked up at the whip-thin guard who was receiving his orders.  Rather than paying attention, the guard was standing stiffly at attention staring past The Captain, who followed the guards gaze to find the King standing in the doorway listening.  The Captain turned back to the guard and barked, "You have your orders, so move out!"  
"Yes, sir!"  The guard gave a curt nod and hurried from the room saluting the king as he passed.  
"Your Majesty, what is it you need?"  The Captain asked turning to the King standing straight, and at attention, his hands balled fists tucked behind his back.  
"I noticed a change in the guards, so I thought I would check to see what was causing it during such a mundane time."  The King spoke diplomatically, as he moved to stand next to The Captain and peer down at the paper he had been referencing while giving the guard his orders.  
"Just a small diversion of forces to monitor persons of importance."  The Captain explained gathering up his papers and shuffling them together and turning to put them away.  
"Like your daughter?"  The King's tone made it clear he already knew and whether from the guards or the brief look at the Captain's papers he knew all about the guards the Captain had watching her waiting for any sign of rendezvous with a certain redheaded blacksmith, of course, they were watching Rose too.  A heavy silence passed between the old colleagues, and after a moment the king gave what he probably felt to be an understanding sigh, "The purpose of the guard is not to satisfy the worries of an overly protective father."  
The Captain went stiff for a moment as if fighting to hold back an explosion of emotion and after a moment continued.  "But the mother's connection with Burning down the Kingdom is something that should be investigated."
The king gave the Captain an appraising look, "Captain do you really think that sweet woman with four little girls is an anarchist?  You were there when the guard raided the main cell; you know most of them were just rebellious teenagers the same age as Camellia would have been."  The Captain didn't seem at all satisfied with that, and the King could see he was about to make some excuse about the need to continue to be vigilant, but the king cut him off.  "This isn't some exaggerated overreaction at some feelings you have for the woman is it?"  
The Captain choked a bit on a cough sputtering a little before managing.  "Feeling!  What are you talking about?"  
The King tried to look sympathetic, "Look I know romance has never been something that has peaked your interest, but love comes for us all eventually.  And well," The King cleared his throat as if embarrassed, but grinned a little as well, "She kept you on a rather short leash the other evening."  
"I assure you it's no such thing," The Captain interrupted quickly and gave a relieved sigh when the king didn't press the matter further.  "I just want to make sure my daughter is safe."  
The king gave a deep sigh and his face falling into seriousness and authority that burdened his position.  "You know more than anyone else that is something I can understand, but in this case, you are going to have to choose whether you want to spend your energy protecting your daughter or the kingdom."  
The Captain looked away, but only for a second before standing up straight again and nodding to the king, "The kingdom, of course, your majesty."  
The king smiled and gave the Captain a nod in return, "I never doubted your commitment for an instant Captain.  Cassandra is a capable young woman; I'm sure she can handle herself even in the realm of romance."  
The Captain didn't smile in return, and the nod he gave the king in return was stiff and void of any real pleasantness.  That didn't seem to bother the king perhaps taking it as being just the Captain's natural disposition.  The King just seemed satisfied that he had made his point and reminding the Captain that they needed to discuss some matter of security later the King departed.  
With a heavy sigh, the Captain took the papers with his security plans for his daughter and tossed them into the fire watching as they blackened and eventually burned away.  He had always been sure of everything he had ever done, the rules and laws of the kingdom fit around his instincts perfectly, now they were pulling in different directions.  His instincts as a father conflicting with the ultimate rule, the word of the king.  He wasn't sure what to do.  
"Just a moment!"  Rose called to the ringing of the shop bell.  The Captain noted that Xavier was nowhere to be found, that was good, he didn't want anyone else around to listen to the conversation he was about to have.  The Captain might have lost some of his manners with his authority, but kicking a respected friend like Xavier out of his shop was a little beyond the pale.  The Captain frown imagining that the Rose girl was supposed to be watching the front, but it had been such a slow day in the market he wasn't surprised she had slipped away to the back.  
With the aforementioned lack of manners and authority, the Captain lifted the counter and stepped into the shop moving to the back when he watched as the Rose girl hammered a piece of breastplate repairing a crack, her firey dog lay in the forge his body engulfed in flames.  For a moment he tried to connect the presence of the firey dog to the old anarchist group but abandoned the thoughts quickly it wasn't why he was there.  
The fire dog took notice of his first, growling like popping fire, that alerted the girl who lifted her blacken goggles and turned to see at what the dog was growling.  At the sight of the Captain, the armor dropped from her dragon scale gloved hands and clanked to the floor.  The Rose girl shot up straight gaining almost an inch in height just from the better posture.  
"At ease," the Captain muttered stooping to pick up the armor, it burned even in his gloved hands, but not badly enough that he couldn't ignore it.  He examined the armor the crack was barely visible in the cooling metal.  He looked back up at the girl, she was still standing at attention, and now looked a little confused as well.  "That means, relax."
Rose let out the breath she had been holding, and her posture eased a little though her arms were still held stiffly at her sides, that Captain ignored it.  He set the armor back down on the anvil stood to face the girl head on.  He tucked his fists behind his back and just stared at her trying to think of what he should say, more beads of sweat running down her face, the dog didn't like him growling low in displeasure.  
"This is fine work," the Captain said, at last, indicating to the armor.  
"Thank you," the Rose girl squeaked out, it was annoying, but he let it slide.  
"Seeing this and how you repair my daughter's sword I can see you are a very diligent worker I can imagine that I can lay much of the adoration for the items from this shop at your feet, then I would have previously thought."  The Captain uncharacteristically avoided the Rose girl's gaze as he spoke and he could see her relaxing her posture a little as he spoke looking up at him curiously.  "You seem to work very hard, by all accounts, certainly for the sake of taking care of your family.  That is very admirable as well, too many young people think only of themselves."  
He fixed his eyes back on her and gave her another appraising look.  "Those are traits that my daughter and I embrace, and if anyone were going to... form a partnership with one of us, then that person would have to embrace those traits as well, along with integrity, honesty, and respect.  You understand?"  
The Rose girl was very at ease now, but she looked even more confused, though despite that she nodded in the affirmative.  "Good, but don't mistake this a free endorsement.  I will be around in case there is any problem in the future, am I clear?"  
The Rose girl nodded eagerly and readily this time and even smiled, gratefully rather than pleased.  The whole exchange was occurring much different then the Captain had anticipated, but rather than being put off by that he found himself rather pleased by the smile on... Rose's face, and much more at ease then he had been in a long time.  Though he was careful to show none of that on his face, which remained stoic even as he nodded and took his leave satisfied that he had made his point to her.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt69
Jewelry, sisters and new friends.  Lifted Lines from Brianna’s write ups. 
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Rose fingers worked with caution and preciseness, tightening and smoothing the links of gold into a thin golden chain smooth and light as lace.  Her eyes were fixed intently on the chain seeking out any flaw or weakness in the chain.  It didn't matter if Rose had t go back and undo the flawed link, it had to be perfect.  
It was probably due to this incredibly focused concentration that Rose didn't notice the approach of her sister until they burst through the door of the workshop with a loud shout of hello.  They scattered across the workshop touching everything that didn't threaten to burn their little fingers and a few things that did.  
Pyrepy's ears shot up at the sudden intrusion, and he stood up in the flames of the forge.  Ella's eyes brightened, obviously having been searching for him and called to him throwing her arms wide.  Tail waging wildly Pyrepy leap from the flames and into her arms which wrapped tightly around his ebon fur only to fly apart letting the pup drop to the ground; apparently fresh out of the fire Pyrepy was one of the things that would burn little fingers.  
Rose, a little stunned not by the sudden intrusion, but the shattering of her concentration, opened her mouth to yell at her sisters when suddenly they crowded around her.  They unleashed a flurry of questions, 'what was she doing,' 'why was she making a necklace,' and 'who was it for?'.  Ella, who had lagged behind the others, eventually appeared as well, her hands stuffed into Rose's unused smithing mitts looked comically large on her small arms, but she deemed them necessary to carry the cooling Pyrepy, not quite hugging him to her chest.  She didn't hesitate to jump into the questions though, "Is it for Cassandra?"  
Had anyone else asked that question Rose might have blushed, but her sister had long since worn out her embarrassment on that front and without Cass there for them to accost and embarrass her Rose gave an amused smile and nodded.   "I wanted to make her something special, a rare non-weapon gift."  Rose eyes went back to the necklace as she spoke, her fingers returning to work as if the conversation were wholly casual and unimportant.  
The eyes of the four girls lit up and drew in a collective gasp, little fingers squeezed handfuls of pant leg their gaze both intense and dreamy.  "Can we help, please, please, please!"  They called bouncing up and down exciting a chuckle from Rose.  
"You can do anything you set your mind to," Rose teased with a grin and a wink.  That was all the permission Rose's sisters needed, probably more.  They scattered from her rushing about the shop gathering what they needed to make their jewelry, which was virtually anything that Rose didn't tell them to put down the moment they took it up.  
It was hours before they workshop fell quiet again, Rose having ushered her sisters out to get home before their mother worried.  The day had been slow, and the shop had gone virtually unpatrioted all day, but her little sister's prescence had slowed Rose's work considerably, and she told them she would be along later.  Now she sat next to the forge freshly decorated with a ton of messy but lovingly made if Pyrepy interest was anything to go on, little necklaces and rings.  Rose smiled at them, for the jewelry did give the forge a slightly warmer look.  
With a press of her thumbs, she set the gem into place.  It was a deep purple stone of virtually no value, but its color reminded her of Cass, and she thought the handmaiden would like it.  The thought of actually giving it sent a chill up her spine.  It was so bad that a sudden knock at the door cause Rose to jump and whirl on the offending wooden construct as if it were going to attack her.  
"Rose are you there; there's still smoke coming from the chimney." Dahlia's voice called from the other side of the door, and Rose released the breath she didn't know she was holding.  
"Coming!"  Rose called out and set the necklace down and moved to open the door smiling at her friend.  "I didn't think you'd turn up so late Dahlia."  
"Well I didn't intend to, but I we do work in the same neighborhood so I figured I'd check," Dahlia said, her eyes flittering over to the numerous pieces of jewelry that now littered the workshop and gave them a curious look which she transferred to Rose.  "Are you Sure you don't want to keep that jeweler's book I loaned you, you first dozen attempts look a little... interpretive."  
Rose looked back with confusion but seeing the assortment of her sister's pieces that littered the forge she gave a bark of laughter and shook her head.  "No, those are my sisters, they can be more zealous then careful.  I think I did a good job; it looks perfect to me.  Here, have a look for yourself; you know more about jewelry than me."  Rose waved Dahlia in and picking up the necklace held it up for Dahlia to scrutinize.  
The artist gasped quietly at the necklace and reached out almost reverently to touch it.  "Oh wow, this is far better than anything I've ever made.  You're a natural."  
Rose blushed at the praise and looked away fidgeting in place of actually saying anything.  Dahlia chuckled, then grinned wide and asked, "So when are you going to give it to her?"  
"Well we have a date tonight," Rose started optimistically, but her smile faded, and again she looked at the floor, "But I don't know if I will give it to her.  I mean it looks good, but it could probably use some work."
"You kidding right, it's perfect."  Dahlia stared almost agape at Rose for a moment then as if something had dawned on her gave an almost understand sigh and shook her head.  "It's perfect, and I can tell that's not what you're really worried about.  What's the problem, you're just giving your girlfriend a nice romantic gift?"  
However, while Rose blushed deeply, Dahlia giggled, something almost stinging to Rose, but gently put her arm around Rose's shoulders and gave her a quick hug.  "Don't worry so much she's going to love it."  
"You really think so?"  Rose asked chewing her lip anxiously.  
Dahlia nodded confidently, "If a girl gave me a necklace like that I would be hers forever, especially if I knew how much work she put into it."  
Rose smiled too and looked down at the necklace with renewed confidence, her mind flooded, for a change, with thoughts of everything that could go right.
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt66
A romantic spot and the perfect plan.
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"This looks amazing!" Rose leaned over the low wall overlooking the bay; it's crystal blue watch dotted with ships the cool wind blowing in the fresh scent of the water.  Around her, several couples looked up from their intimacy and eyes the animated redhaired girl with a mix of confusion and annoyance.  
Rose didn't seem notice as she turned back to Dahlia who had taken out a sketch pad and was kneeling down over Pyrepy staring deep into the pup molten and somewhat nervous looking eyes.  "Now just hold still so I can get them just right."  She muttered with such intensity that it held Pyrepy in place.  
Rose left her new friend to her art and began wandering around the area checking to see what the view was like from various locations.  She was amazed that a place like this existed in Corona, but that she had never seen it in all her life.  Then again, Corona was a big city, and Rose had spent much of life working.  She had never had the kind of freedom her sisters had to play all day having worked to support them from a young age she didn't begrudge anyone because of that.  Her youth had been hard, but very fulfilling and she could hardly say her life was void of adventure and romance now, quite the contrary he life seemed almost fantastic now.  A little bit of the mundane would be welcome.  
Of course, that was only true if she could figure out how to make the night perfect and thank Cass for what she had done to save Pyrepy.  Rose hugged her stomach and clutched her sides suddenly very aware that Pyrepy wasn't with her.  She bit her lip hard and ignored the fear; she could imagine how much he must have hated her constant cradling of him and she had to think about Cass right now.  
It was a nice place, but there were many nice places all over Corona and just bringing Cass someplace romantic wouldn't be enough.  She sighed and looked out over the water, what could she do to make it perfect?  As disappointed as she was not to have Rapunzel and Eugene's advice she had to admit their advice had never really gone over very well.  As much as she wanted the security of being told what to do, it was probably better if she figured it out for herself.  
She tried to think of what Cass would feel would make the night perfect.  Rose tried to imagine that for several minutes probing her mental image of Cass for the answers; she got few.  Sighing Rose started to imagine what she would like, the thought of Cass bringing her to a place like this sending a little thrill through her.  A nice table overlooking the water, she had that, a nice meal, she could make that, a thoughtful gift, she had made that, and time with the one she loved, oh how Rose wanted that.  
Rose let out a sigh as if breathing her thoughts out of her mind and into the air, the sound of scratching coming to her ears as she did.  Looking over, Rose jumped finding Dahlia next to her holding her sketch in one arm while scribbling something across it with the other.  "Oh you lost it, you had the most interesting look of happiness and sadness on your face I had to draw it."  Dahlia bemoaned Rose's sudden movement, her face fell, and her eyes dropped to the paper as she hurried to get the lost details.  
"Ummm thanks," An awkward smile cracked its way across Rose's face.  A tiny paw batted at her ankle, and Rose looked down and could almost swear Pyrepy was smiling up at her as if saying, 'now it's your turn.'
"So what do you think?"  Dahlia asked her eyes never leaving the page as her pencil continued to trace lines across it.  Rose gave a questioning look, but Dahlia was too busy to notice.  Suddenly her meaning dawned on Rose.  Apparently, Dahlia had been too distracted with Pyrepy to hear Rose's exaltations that had disturbed so many couples.  
"Oh it's beautiful, I wish I had brought my violin, the view makes me want to play."  Rose stared out at the crystal waters and her mind filled with music.  The pieces played through her mind as she searched for the perfect one to add to the romantic atmosphere of this place.  In the end, she was certain she would have to come up with something new.  
"Oh you play an instrument," Dahlia looked up from her sketch her eyes excited.  "That's so cool, I always wanted to, but I'm just a little tone deaf."  Dahlia laughed holding her thumb and pointer finger together to emphasize just how little she meant, then spread them further and furth apart showing more accurately just how tone deaf she was.  Rose chuckled too at the joke, "Maybe you can play something for me some time.  I bet you are the most expressive when you play."  
Rose gave a little uncertain laugh and shrugged helplessly to confirm or deny the statement.  She'd never had a mirror let alone ever thought to play in front of one.   "Sure, I owe you for showing me this place."  Rose nodded at last.  
"So you're going to bring Cassandra here?"  Dahlia added a few more lines to the drawing of Rose, then peering out across the harbor, flipped to a new page in her book.  
"Definitely," Rose nodded staring out into the bay as well, "I think this will be perfect.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt65
Rose needs dating advice, but meets a new friend instead.
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"You guys gotta help me; I need to do the most perfectly romantic thing to thank Cass for saving Pyrepy."  Rose squeezed the pup a little tighter to her chest causing him to struggle a little more to escape her tight hold.  Rose had too often taken to hugging him close since the incident with Phistophilus as if deep down she was still afraid he would return to hurt the pup.  "I have no idea what to do."  
"Nope, I'm out."  Eugene instantly replied throwing up his hands in surrender and retreated away from the girls.  "I remember what happened the last time you asked for my help, and I still have burses to remind me that it's a bad idea."  
Rapunzel smiled and tittered a little watching Eugene so rapidly withdraw from the conversation.  Rose watched him go sadly and looked to Rapunzel hopefully.  The Princess smiled gently at her to hide the brief frown that had crossed her face.  "Rose why ask us, Cass is our friend, but... well... there wasn't much in the way of romance in her life before you.  We're not going to know better than you what Cass thinks is romantic."  
"But you guys are like experts on romance.  You had a friggin boat ride under a sky of lanterns!  NOTHING can get more romantic than that!"  Rapunzel and Eugene exchanged a look and smiled at one another lovingly.  "Ya see, just like that!"  
Rapunzel smiled at Rose sympathetically.  "You're right it was perfect, but you can't plan for something like that to happen, it just does when the time is right."  
Rose face fell, and she squeezed Pyrepy again for comfort, something the pup seemed to understand as he didn't struggle quite so much this time.  "But I just want everything to be perfect."  
Rapunzel gave her another sympathetic look and moved up placing a hand on Rose's shoulder.  Rose looked up at her, "I know, but you can't make things perfect.  Perfect moments are moments you look back on, not plan for.  Just do whatever you think is romantic, I'm sure Cass will love it."  
Rose nodded slowly with the sad acceptance of someone hearing something they hadn't wanted to.  Rapunzel gave her a sympathetic look and was about to say something when there was a sudden knock on the door.  
Rapunzel's feet padded across the stone floor, and Rose watched, excited that it might be Cass.  Rapunzel opened the door to reveal a girl with curly red hair of about the same age.  Rapunzel gasped seeing the girl giving her a disappointed look, "Oh Dahlia I'm sorry.  I meant to send you a message; I have to meet Archduke... something."
"Fredrick," Eugene supplied helpfully.
The Princess nodded to him, "Right.  But I can't paint today."  
Dahlia gave a disappointed sigh, "I don't know how you deal with such a schedule that's both too ridgid and too chaotic.  It would have crushed my spirit by now.  Thank goodness I never became your lady in waiting."  
Rapunzel chuckled, "I manage, it's free compared to the tower, and I don't think Cass does much either.  But I really am very sorry Dahlia."  
"It is, what it is," Dahlia shrugged easily accepting the loss of time and effort that she must have expended coning all the way to the palace carrying her paints and easel.  Glancing past the Princess, her eyes fell on Rose and Dehlia smiled despite them being strangers, "Hello."
Rose smiled back just as easily return the greeting moving up to stand next to Rapunzel.  "Oh Dahlia, this is Rose, she's Xavier's apprentice and a good friend of Cass.  Rose this is Dahlia a paint seller and my art buddy."  Rapunzel added the last part with a chuckle.  
Rose reached out with a hand to shake Dahlia's, but the artist just stared unaware of the offered hand down at Rose's Chest.  Rose blushed and looked down to see if she had something unusual on her shirt, but found only Pyrepy held against her chest.  
"Your dog's eyes are amazing," Dahlia whispered, and Rose realized she was staring into the deep orange molten pools of Pyrepy's eyes.  Rose found most people found the pup's eyes unnerving, unable to track what he was looking at, but Dahlia just smiled wide and set down her easel right in the doorframe.  "I have to paint them."  
"Umm Dahlia," Rapunzel cleared her throat snapping Dahlia from her adamant unpacking and back to reality.  She gave a small start but didn't so much as blush as she packed the easel back up again.  
"Oh sorry, I just got excited,"  Rapunzel nodded understandingly, but Dahlia was already focused on Pyrepy and Rose again.  "If the princess is busy and you're not I'd still love the chance to paint your dog."  
"Unn sure," Rose nodded.  She didn't need to be back at work for a few more hours, and this Dahlia was so adamant about painting Pyrepy Rose would honestly feel bad to deny her.  She said her good-byes to Rapunzel and Eugene before moving to follow Dahlia out of the room.
"I'm really sorry we couldn't help Rose," Rapunzel said as Rose stepped out of the room.  The Princess' face was legitimately downcast.  It seemed as confidently as she told Rose there was nothing she could do to help plan a perfect night she was disappointed not to have more advice to give Rose.
"It's alright Rapunzel, and you're right.  I just have to figure something out."  It was Rose's turn to be reassuring this time smiling and waving off the princess' concern even if her stomach did still churn painfully with her uncertainty.  
With a last wave, Rose and Dahlia started down the castle halls back towards the entrance.  After they heard the Princess' door shut, Dahlia turned to Rose with a questioning look.  "So what was it you wanted the Princess' help with?"  
"Oh, well I wanted their advice on where to take Cass on a date."  Rose had some vague notion that most people would have found the open questioning of her personal business by a near stranger to be rude, but Rose had never been a very shy person, except when it came to talking to Cass before that fateful night.  Even when other's brought up her very open crush on the girl it never bothered her.  So Rose saw no reason not to be perfectly open with the strange artist.  
"Oh, so you and Cass huh?"  Dahlia questioned, but not sure what she meant Rose just returned the questioning look.  "You two are going out?"  
"Oh! Umm, sort of, not really.  It's complicated."  Rose stammered blushing, she didn't know what to call them in her mind, but she still felt that despite everything Cass might not quite be ready for the girlfriend title.  
"I imagine things with someone like Cassandra would be."  Dahlia chuckled softly, "She's certainly not the kind of girl I would go after."  
Rose frowned a little at that, but said nothing, as strongly as she felt about Cass she could see how she could come off as abrasive to some, especially after what happened with Ardra.  
"Hey!"  Dahlia suddenly perked up excitedly, "I know a romantic spot, I paint couples there all the time.  I'll show it to you for letting me paint your dog's eyes."  
Rose chuckled at the artist's sudden excitement, but nodded, "All right," and hurried to match Dahlia's quickened pace.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt64
What is it that this mysterious being is after and what will it cost Cass and Rose? 
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When Cass reached the scene of the battle, the guards were picking themselves up.  The Captain had finally been released from his paralysis though, by the way, he stiffly moved it hadn't completely left his body.  One of the guards sat against a wall his eyes searching the world around him paying no mind to the Captain's orders, another, a big man with a mustache sat huddled with his hands over his ears and a third, a scrawny man was held up by another guard.  "Dad, what happened here?"
"Cassandra?" The Captain looked up and seemed to notice his daughter for the first time.  Surprise and fear played across his face turning swiftly to anger as he turned stiffly toward her.  "What are you doing here?  You should be taking care of the Princess as I told you."  
"I came to help you, you clearly needed it," She snapped back gesturing to the sorry state of the guards.  
The Captain narrowed his eyes and slowly shook his head.  "It's not safe; we have no idea what that thing is after."
"He wants the dog," The voice sounded like little more than a whisper, but they both heard it clearly as if he was right next to them.  Cass turned back to see the man who had his hands cupped over his ears muttering to himself.  
The Captain had barely started towards the guard by the time Cass was already in front of him, kneeling down to look him in his wide, panicked eyes and put a hand on his shoulder only to quickly withdraw it when he jumped.  "What do you mean, what dog?"  
"The one like him, the one from the underworld!  He wanted to know where it was."  The guard voice grew more panicked as he spoke and he began to shake more feverishly has he tapped a finger to the side of his head.  "He wanted to know where the dog was and he looked inside, now he knows she has the dog."  
There was a moment of confusion before the realization of what he was saying dawned on Cass, and then her face turned panicked.  The Captain had just reached her when Cass shot up and took off down the street ignoring her father's calls.  She knew where the being was going, what the underworld dog was and she had to get there first.
"I'm going to find out what's going on," Xavier said stepping around the counter out of the shop.  Rose trailed slightly behind him Pyrepy clutched to her chest.  They had heard all kinds of things were happening in Corona, but the stories were so wild and varied that they couldn't figure out the truth of it.  Some said the city was under attack by a monster, or a dragon, or a magician and there was no sorting out fact from fiction.  
"Are you sure, maybe you should stay and Pyrepy, and I should go, we've had some experience with strange things at least."  Rose looked up at her master worriedly, and Pyrepy barked in agreement with her sentiment.  
Xavier smiled approvingly to his apprentice, "I've seen my fair share of strangeness in my time, I'll be fine.  Let us old folks take the risk once in a while."  
Rose didn't seem set much at ease by that, but she nodded unable to deter Xavier anyway.  She watched from behind the counter as she made his way down the street towards the city gates.  Rose was too preoccupied with worry for her master to notice the tall red-skinned figure striding down from the opposite end of the street until Pyrepy's ears perked up and he barked.  
Cass raced through the streets dodging around people and obstacles barking at anyone who didn't move instantly, even jumping right over a few low objects that would not move quickly enough for her.  Her heart thumped wildly in her chest imagining just what something that had effortless take out a squad of guards could to a single girl, even one as capable as Rose.  
"Rose!"  Cass called as she neared the blacksmith shop, but she received no answer, and there was no one in the front part of the shop.  Jumping up, she slid over the counter and shot straight for the shop door throwing it open and calling out again.  
Rose stared at her wide-eyed and surprised on the other side of the door her hand hovering in the air like she was just about to open it.  "Cass what?"  
Rose did have time to finish her sentence as Cass pulled her into a hug.  The confusion on her face melted away as she did the same into Cass' arms.  Oh, thank goodness you're ok."  
Rose chuckled, "Of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?"  
Before Cass could answer the sound of a clearing throat interrupted her and Cass looked deeper into the shop to see the being standing there holding Pyrepy.  "Rose get behind me!"  
Cass practically shoved Rose behind her and drew her sword, only to have Rose's hand seize her wrist.  "Cass what are you doing?  Stop it, Phistophilus is just here to see Pyrepy."
Cass looked from Rose to the being who was standing in the back of the shop holding the puppy up to his face.  Pyrepy stubby tail was wagging wildly, and he was panting happily at this Phistophilus trying to lick him.  Cass gave Rose a questioning look.  "Pyrepy was left behind after his mother gave birth to her littler on the surface.  Phistophilus' people are very strict about maintaining order and records of everything that goes in their world.  He has been searching for Pyrepy since he learned he was missing."  
"Order?  He attacked my father and the guards!"  Cass snapped advancing on the underworlder, though her sword was in her hand she didn't brandish it threateningly just glared up at the tall red-skinned man.  
"They attacked me; I was merely acting in self-defense,"  Phistophilus spoke in a low, calm voice as Rose looked worriedly from one to the other.  
"What about the guards at the gate?" Cas challenged.  
"They asked me to identify myself," Phistophilus grinned a little and turned to look down at Cass.  "So I did so in my native tongue, as is the right of foreign dignitaries."  
"Your no dignitary, the underworld isn't a kingdom."  Cass spits through clenched teeth.  
"Correct, it is a republic nation, and I am it's representative to Corona duly recognized by my leaders and King Eadred of Corona."  Phistophilus nodded his eyes returning to Pyrepy as she spoke, the pup seemed to be delighted to see him.  
"King Eadred?" Cass stared blankly for a moment then reaffirmed her glare, "He was king six hundred years ago!"  
"Correct, he forged a contract with my people to cease interference within Corona's borders.  Borders which were extended by the addition of Saporia lands to Corona's territory, a clever move I must say."  Phistophilus smiled and frowned in turn at the brilliance of the action.  "As such, I was the only one able to come and investigate the puppy's disappearance here.  While Corona is safe from our brokers, it is not a haven for those who wish to escape the payment this one's mother was deployed to retrieve."  
Cass moved to speak again, but Phistophilus continued cutting her off, "It was the responsibility of the Royal Family, who had become aware of the puppy's presence in Corona, to contact me or at very least alert its public servants to my identity to avoid such problems.  In any event attacking a diplomatic official is against the Coronian law and as such is punishable in such circumstances as these."  
Cass still wasn't sure if he was lying or not, but the weight of his knowledge gave him an air of authority she didn't want to challenge openly.  Phistophilus seemed to grin at her hesitation and added.  "I'll let the matter pass this time and allow the King to deal punishment as he sees fit.  My interest is only in the state of this puppy."  
Cass chewed her lip and gripped her sword tightly but said nothing.  Rose instead stepped forward looking sympathetically from Cass to Phistophilus asking tentatively.  "How is Pyrepy, I've done my best with him, he seems quite happy."  
"Humph," Phistophilus gave her a distasteful look and turned her eyes back to the dog.  "He's ruined as a retrieval hound; you've let him get soft on happy emotions.  It's such a pity; the human world can be so effective at teaching a hound to be fierce and angry."
"I'm sorry," Rose apologized though she was more than a little confused as to why he was talking about Pyrepy being happy and loved would be a bad thing.
"It's a small matter, I will deal with him back in the underworld," Phistophilus tucked Pyrepy under an arm and gave the girls a slight nod, "Good day to you both," and started towards the door.  
"Wait, you're taking him."  Rose rushed to stop the tall being standing between him and the door, Pyrepy whining softly now trying to get out of Phistophilus' grasp.  "But I thought you said he was no good to you now."  
"Correct, once back in the underworld, I'll destroy the beast, and the matter will be dealt with," Phistophilus replied coldly starting to step around the girl.  
"You can't," Rose gasped her eyes brimming with tears for a moment of despair then her eyes shot to her hammer laying on her anvil and turned fierce.  "I won't let you!"  
She only managed a step before Cass grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the weapon.  Rose screamed for Cass to let her go, but Cass shook her head, "You can't fight him, Rose, ten guards couldn't stop him."  
"I'm not letting him hurt Pyrepy," Rose screamed tearing her arm free from Cass' grip.  
Cass knew then that if she didn't do something Rose could very well end up sharing the same fate as Pyrepy and if that happened either Phistophilus or Cass would follow soon afterward.  
"Leave him with us!"  Cass shouted up at Phistophilus causing both the underworlder and Rose to halt in their tracks.  
Phistophilus tuned to look appraisingly at Cass, "Nothing is free in the underworld.  If you want this tainted pup, you can have him, but you must give up something of value in return."  
"How much?"  Cass asked she and Rose had next to nothing, but maybe Rapunzel could convince her parents to pay the exorbitant price of the underworlder.
Phistophilus laughed at that and holding out his free hand conjured a massive ruby, clear as glass and perfectly cut.  Then with a squeeze of his hand crushed the gem and let the shattered pieces drop like hail to the floor.  "Material wealth means nothing to my kind; you must offer something of great value to you in exchange."  
Cass growled and trusted her sword at Phistophilus, "Here take it."  
"Cass," Rose voice caught in her throat as she watched Phistophilus take the sword from Cass.  
"Mmmm," Phistophilus grinned examining the sword.  "I very great prize indeed.  Your father's sword given to you, lovingly repaired by one whose love is unconditional.  Very well."  
Rather roughly Phistophilus released Pyrepy letting him drop to the ground with a yelp.  The puppy immediately picked himself up and raced to Rose who scooped him up into her arms.  Taking hold of one of the scrolls draped from his back Phistophilus sliced through the paper with the sword offering it and the point of the sword to Cass.  Cass watched as the underworld script was burned away and replaced by English the document was a staggering length easily twice Cass' height.  
Cass got the idea of the procedure and stabbed her thumb on to the point of the sword as she lifted the bottom of the scroll up to see the X marked line at the bottom.  "Won't you get in trouble for brokering a deal in Corona," Cass muttered though she didn't mean to say it loud enough for him to hear.  
"As I did not facilitate the deal, nor come with that intent it is not against the deal made with Eadred.  However, in signing this, you are assuming responsibility for obtaining the permission of the royalty to make this deal it all there in print.  Along with the terms of signing custody of the pup in exchange for the sword and all responsibility therein."  Phistophilus explained, Cass was just grateful she hadn't accidentally soured the deal.  She quickly pressed her thumb to the line on the contract.  When Cass pulled her thumb away, leaving a spot of blood behind that instantly twisted and thinned.   When the blood stilled, her name was written, as if in her hand, on the line of the contact.  
"Excellent, a pleasure doing business with you," Phistophilus said releasing the sword which disappeared and rolled up the contract.  As he did the scroll, he had cut the contract from lengthed back to its former length.  He handed over the rolled up contract and handed it to Cass.  "This is your copy; don't lose it.  
Cass took the scroll and winched as a pier of flames engulfed Phistophilus in a flash and then he was gone.  Rose held Pyrepy close and let her tears flow.  Cass gripped the contract tightly in her hand and didn't realize she was shaking until the sound of the guards calling her name outside shocked her back to reality.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt54
Rules of Magic #4: Each entity’s magic is unique to them.  It forms and effects things in ways that while not obvious to an ordinary person are quite different.  It’s rarely a good idea to try and undo one magic with another.  Such an act would be like trying to solve a math problem by writing a poem. 
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Rapunzel pushed herself up with slow, uncertain movements.  She thought she should be frozen, the last thing she remembered was jumping in the way of Cass' magic to save Ardra.  Had they stopped her and made Cass see the insanity of what she was doing, was she all right?  Ignoring the ache in her body, Rapunzel pushed herself up; she had to make sure Cass was ok.  But she only reached her knees when she lifted her head, and there was a familiar tug on her scalp, she knew it instantly having felt it all her life, save for a few short breaks.  Reaching back, she grabbed a length of hair bringing it forward to see its golden sheen and sighed, "I guess we'll be together a little longer."  
Rapunzel's hair wasn't very responsive, but she looked up to see Ardra and Elsa run into each other's arms.  Their lips met in celebration that they were both ok and Rapunzel blushed and looked away feeling almost like an intruder.  Sky Arrow didn't have any such reservations practically running down the pair and throwing his arms and wings around them.  
"Sky!"  Ardra elbowed the dragon lightly to get him to back off looking a little grumpy at the interruption to her kiss.  Sky answered her annoyance by nuzzling against her inciting a giggle from Elsa.  Ardra sighed and rubbed the underside of his jaw a look of genuine relief coming over her face as she rested her forehead against the front of Sky's long sharp teeth.  "I'm glad you're all right too buddy."  
"Rapunzel are you ok," Elsa said her eyes turning from her girlfriend's dragon to the fallen Princess.  Moving out from under Sky's shadow she strode over to Rapunzel and, taking hold of both Rapunzel's hands, helped the Princess to her feet.  Ardra face pouted at the sudden abandonment and turned an accusatory look on Sky.  "Your hair's back."
Rapunzel nodded, "What about your magic?"  At the question, Elsa too nodded apparently able to sense the presence of her magic, but she released one of Rapunzel's hands and created a tiny swirling flurry in her hand to illustrate that it had indeed returned.  
Rapunzel took another look around the room, but it was just the four of them.  The ice and snow had disappeared leaving the atrium looking utterly ordinary save for the massive destroyed windows and piles of glass underneath them.  "What about Cass and Rose where are they what happened to them?"
"We got them right here Blondie!" Eugene's voice called out and as one everyone turned to see Eugene and Anna walk in carrying the still unconscious forms of Rose and Cass on their backs.  
"Eugene!"  Rapunzel called just as Elsa and Ardra had her voice full of relief that Rapunzel didn't know had been building in her.  She rushed to Eugene forgetting the long hair that stretched out behind her not even reaching its full length by the time she threw her arms around Eugene.  
"I'm okay Rapunzel," He whispered to her leaning into the hug.  "Sorry I can't hug you back, but Rose is just as heavy as she looks."  
"What happened where did you find them?"  Elsa asked moving to join them, but a familiar pitch-black pup came out from behind Anna and began growling threateningly at the Queen.  
"Pyrepy lead us to them.  They were just laying in one of the halls."  Anna explained turning her head to look back at Cass whose head slumped over her shoulder, eyes still shut, but the Princess eyed Cass with a little anxiety.  
Ardra strode between Elsa and Pyrepy reaching down and picking the pup up by the scruff of his neck and bringing him up to her face glaring at him.  Pyrepy didn't seem to care about being picked up in such a rough way and just tried to look past him to growl at Elsa.  Elsa seemed ready to tell Ardra it was all right though knowing how much the fire pup hated her didn't want to get any closer.  Eventually, Ardra broke her glare by tossing Pyrepy into the air, "Enjoy, Sky."  
The Dragon's head shot forward and snapped around fire dog who disappeared into his maw.  Elsa's eyes grew wide and closed the distance between her and Ardra giving her lover a firm slap to the arm, "You can't feed him to Sky!"  Then turning on the dragon, the Ice Queen narrowed her eyes and jabbed a finger to the ground, "Sky you spit him out right now!"  
Sky looked uncertainly from his mistress to her mistress not sure what to do.  Ardra rubbed her arm more in mock pain then real, "Don't worry Elsie, Sky's not going to eat him I just put him in timeout for a while."  As if to illustrate her point Pyrepy's flaming head popped out from between Sky's teeth.  
"Oh... I thought you said dragons weren't fireproof on the inside."  Elsa turned a questioning look on Ardra.  
"Their mouths are, especially stokers like Sky Arrow."  Ardra assured her face slowly turning serious and questioning, "What I'd like to know is how Cassandra ended up with your magic?"  
Elsa's eyes met Rapunzel's and her head drooped in shame and worry as she moved over to her friend and took Cass' hand.  Elsa looked back up at Ardra, "Well Rapunzel's hair is cursed that's why it's long and can't be damaged, so we thought that maybe I could use my magic to break the curse and cut her hair.  It sorta worked too."  
That last assurance didn't seem to assure Ardra in the least as the tall woman dragged her hands down her face in exasperation.  "I told you mixing magic is dangerous, and it never has the desired results."  
Elsa turned a critical glare on Ardra her hand resting on her hips.  "Oh sorry, I didn't grow up having magic lessons with the Bear Witch!  I was just born with my magic; I don't know exactly how it all works!"  
"Och, I know!  That's why I told you everything I knew about it, which, by the way, is far from everything!  I have no idea how you or your magic works!"  Ardra threw her arms out and heaved an exasperated sigh.  
"Well, I'm sorry I messed things up with them again!"  Elsa folded her arms across her chest and turned her back to Ardra.  
Ardra softened at that reached out gently placing her hands on Elsa's shoulders.  Elsa made as if to shirk them off but paused when Ardra' said, "You didn't mess things up, Elsa."  Elsa looked back searching Ardra's face for the same sincerity she heard in her voice.  Instead, Ardra was grinning mischievously, "Not as bad as when you tried to make tablet anyways, that was an utter disaster."  
Elsa's cheeks turned beet red and puffed out as she whipped around on Ardra and swung out to hit her, but the seasoned warrior evaded the blow easily.  Ardra hissed with laughter and asked teasingly, "Have the chefs let you back in the kitchen yet?"  
The lovers battled it out for another minute before ending the fight with a kiss.  Anna rolled her eyes at the pair assuring Eugene and Rapunzel this was normal.  Rapunzel both blushed and grinned watching the couple wondering when she and Eugene would be that comfortable around each other.  
"But," Rapunzel started to ask Ardra and Elsa once the pair had separated again, "What happened to Cass, she wasn't acting like herself."  
Ardra looked at the unconscious handmaiden and frowned, and Rapunzel could see the storm of thoughts raging behind her eyes.  The room was quiet for several seconds before she ran a hand through her hair and said, "Curses are dark things Rapunzel.  I can only guess that when Elsa's magic broke your hair, the curse must have dragged it out of her as it was forced from your hair.  Then the magic of the curse mixing with Elsa's magic might have made it strong enough to seek a new host, and well Cassandra was just a convenient vessel.  After that maybe it had a desire to spread its effect and twisted Cassandra's desire to protect people to its own end."  Ardra eventually just shook her head and released another long sigh, "I just don't know."  
"Are you going to... is she going to be in trouble."  Rapunzel's eyes moved from Ardra to Elsa the Queen frowning at that as well.  
She looked at Cass' unconscious form and then apologetically back to the princess.  "I'm sorry Rapunzel, but the citizens are going to want to know what happened today.  I can accept my share of the fault, but I cannot lie and lose the faith my people have chosen to put in me after what happened at my coronation."  
"I didn't know anything had even happened when I woke up,"  Eugene suddenly spoke up.  Elsa looked ready to deny his claim, but paused and seemed to realized that she too had no recollection of being frozen.  
"If it all just went away the second that Cass lost the magic then maybe no one realized that anything happened."  Anna vocalized their hopes, maybe if no one remembered, then they could all just sweep the incident under the rub.  
Elsa didn't look content with that, but reluctantly said, "We have to investigate what everyone knows, so I'll wait to pass judgment on the situation until we have all the facts."  
"Let me go ask around the city then," Eugene said carefully passing Rose off to Ardra.  "Even if she is an Ic..." Eugene's eyes shot to Elsa, "I mean its the least I can do for the dra..."  his eyes went to Ardra this time.  "Cass is a friend, and I want to help her."  
Rapunzel giggled as Eugene's nicknames for Cass backfired on him and gave him a grateful kiss on the cheek for helping.  
Eugene flashed Rapunzel a confident and reassuring smile before hurrying from the room.  Elsa directed them the opposite direction.  "Until we know what the situation is I'm sure these two could use some proper rest in their beds."  
The other's nodded and together filed out of the room leaving behind Sky and a very slimy Pyrepy.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt53
Rules of Magic #3: Like all living things magic will do whatever it takes to survive, and while it’s will is not as independent as a human’s, it can turn one’s will against them.
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Rose looked sorrowfully around at her frozen friends her eyes scanning each of their shocked faces before moving to the only other animated human in the room.  Cass turned away from her blue magic of Elsa's magic flowing around her fist and vanishing when she fanned her fingers out.  Pyrepy growled at Cass, but his growling was cut short, and his ears perked up at the faint sound of something slamming in the distance.  Cass began striding away, her steps a little hurried, "The way out of the palace is open for you."  
"What?"  Rose stood frozen in place for a moment unable to comprehend what Cass had said but seeing that the other young woman was disappearing down the halls raced after her.  "Cass wait what do you mean, why are you letting me go?"  
Cass didn't pause her hurried pace, in fact, she might have even sped up, but Rose could easily keep pace running to catch up.   When they were close enough, Pyrepy growled at Cass and sucked in a deep breath flames dancing on his lips.  Rose's eyes shot wide, and she threw a gloved hand over his mouth, the dragon scales holding the flames back.  Pyrepy growled and glared up at Rose, but she just returned his stare with a warning look, and the pup shrank back in her arms and gave a quiet whine.  
"I can't protect him, my magic would kill him, so take him and go," Cass answered curtly pausing at a junction in the hall.  "That way will lead you out."  Cass gestured down one of the hallways and then turned down the other.  
Rose looked down the hallway leading out and then back to Cass' disappearing down the other hall.  She didn't look a second time bending down to place the pup on the floor, "Go on Pyrepy, I know you can find your own way out.  I have to stay here."  
Pyrepy whined loudly and butted his head against Rose shin unwilling to leave her.  Rose wanted to pick him back up, hold him and reassure him everything would be fine, but she just didn't have time for that.  Instead, she stood back up and pointed down the hall, and in the firmest voice she could muster commanded, "Pyrepy go!"
Pyrepy jumped back seemingly shocked by the force of her voice.  He took a few steps away from her; his tail tucked low as he looked up at her his orange pool sorrowful and pleading.  Rose gritted her teeth against the sight and reinforced her order with a jab of her finger.  Pyrepy gave another whine before starting down the hallway.  "Sorry Pyrepy," Rose spoke wordlessly knowing that any words could summon the pup back to her side and turned running down the other hall after Cass.  
Rose found her just a few steps around the first corner.  "Cass stop!"  She cried reaching out and grabbed Cass' ice-cold wrist, "Cass you have to stop this and let everyone go."  
Cass tore her wrist from Rose's grasp and kept walking not looking at the other woman.  "No, I have to protect everyone.  That has always been my goal and now I can."  
"Then why don't you turn me to ice too?"  Rose challenged, she knew she should be running her mother and sisters might never see her again, but Rose couldn't leave, she had to try and stop what Cass was doing, no matter the cost.  "Why are you avoiding me?"  
For a second Cass shook, but it was banished so quickly that one would have missed it in a blink or disregarded it as their imagination.  "You, are required to watch Pyrepy.  If left alone he could put many people not yet under my protection at risk."  
"Why let him go at all then, why not just kill him, what difference does it make to you?"  Rose gut churned, and she wanted to puke at her own words, but she knew she couldn't challenge Cass physically.  She had little more faith in her ability to challenge someone as brilliant as Cass with her dumb logic.  
But again Cass hesitated her eyes still refusing to meet Rose her strides had grown short.  There was a long pause as several moments passed with no explanation from Cass, and Rose finally gave her another shove, letting her feeling guide her words more than her head.  "You said you want to protect everyone Cass, what about me?  Why don't you want me around?"  
With a sudden flash of rage abberant to her cold, indifferent demeanor, Cass growled and turned one Rose grabbing her and shover her against a wall a short bladed sword of ice forming in her hand held up over their heads ready to thrust down at Rose.  Cass snarled and made either a motion to stab Rose or jerked herself to stop from doing that Rose couldn't tell but either way the sword continued to hover ominously over them.  "I will protect everyone; no one will ever have to worry again!  Fear, jealousy, suspicion, anger, envy will all be gone forever!  No one will ever hurt ever again!"  
"Cass," Understanding and sorrow dawned across Rose's face, and her eyes once challenging grew soft and sympathetic.  She watched as Cass began to blink rapidly at the tears pooling in her eyes.  Rose reached up with her free hand and cupped Cass' face, it was icy to the touch, and wiped away the tears with her thumb.  "It's not Rapunzel or the people you're trying to protect, is it?  That's why you want me to leave."  
Cass growled again and roughly shoved Rose away, "SHUT UP!  I don't love you!  Your just some stupid girl who won't stop following me around begging for my attention!"
Without thought Rose's hand reached up and grasped her chest as her heart squeezed painfully.  She sniffed back a sob and slowly nodded her head.  "I know... but it doesn't matter.  I love you (sob) with all my heart.  I can't stop, even if you break it, all the pieces will still love you."  
Cass' face faltered, and for a moment it looked like she might break down as well, but instead, she gnashed her teeth and glared at Rose.  "What are you doing?  Following Elsa advice?  Trying to convince me your love is true so that when you kiss me, it'll reverse what happened and give Elsa back her magic."  
Rose sniffed again and shook her head, "I-I don't know if this is true love Cass, maybe it's just obsession.  Maybe I'm still just that lovesick little girl who saw you training on the guards' course and was too scared to say hello.  That's how I feel most of the time.  I'm terrified that my feelings for you aren't what I think they are, that you don't feel the same way, that we won't work out, or that even if everything works out, or that one of us might lose the other like my mom lost my dad."
Cass' sword arm had dropped to her side the blade slipping from her grasp dropping to the floor with a thunk.  She stared up at Rose her face full of numb surprise her confused eyes distant.  She didn't seem to notice Rose until she had stepped right in front of her and taken hold of both her hands.  Cass looked up into Rose's eyes as Rose leaned down pressing her forehead to Cass'.  "If you want me to leave you alone, I will, but I'll always be here if you want to be scared together."  
Before either could make a move or say anything else, there was a sudden pulse that threw them apart.  Rose hit the ground with enough force that her head began to swim.  Still, she fought to sit up her eyes going to Cass.  She lay eyes closed, but the pale color and blueness drained from her face followed by the icicle-like crystals on her dress.  As darkness began to encroach on her vision, she could swear she even saw the ice and snow on the palace halls begin to recede.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt52
Rules of Magic #2: The most powerful magic in the world is love, a love kept not despite all of one’s flaws, but because of them. 
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"It's like a half bury snow globe," Rose grasped for a what to describe what she was seeing.  They had arrived at the city to find it sealed within a dome of ice, the silhouette of the city just barely visible even with the sun shining brightly above them.  
"Whatever it's like it's between us and the others, melt it Sky!"  There was no sound of awe in Ardra's tone like there had been in Rose's, Ardra's tone was determined and all business.  Sky gave a low groan and swooped down to the side of the dome hovering just above it as fire gathered in his mouth.  Then there was a great roar of flames and wave of heat breaking the icy chill coming off the dome as Sky Arrow's flames washed over it.  Rose was used to such heat and didn't recoil from it, but as the gout of fire died Rose found herself staring in disbelief.  The dome looked untouched by the flames, the surface little better than damp for the effort.  
"Och!  I should have known; bloody magic ice won't melt from natural fire like Sky's."  Ardra cursed Sky Arrow letting out a grumbling hiss at his failure.  
"So we need unnatural fire?"  Ardra nodded as her eyes scanned across the surface of the dome.  Rose clutched tighter at the warm bundle under her shirt her hands eventually slipping under her shirts.  Pyrepy claws scratched Rose's stomach a little as she pulled him out.  The pup's eyes shut tight, and he clung fast to her arm shivering with fear.  "Pyrepy we need you to melt this ice."  
The pup shook its head furiously and buried his head into her chest.  Rose gave the pup a quick reassuring hug, "We need your help Pyrepy, Cass and Rapunzel and everyone needs your help.  I know you can do it."  
The pup whined but opened an eye his orange pools peeking at Rose nervously.  She gave him a reassuring smile, and with a last whine, he nodded opening both his eyes.  "Thanks, just don't look down okay."  
Pyrepy gave her a grumpy growl as she turned him around to face the surface of the ice dome.  Like with Sky, Pyrepy took a deep breath, flames gathering in his mouth, and then with a great expulsion of breath blew a stream of fire.  Pyrepy head rolled, and the flames cut through the ice in a circle.  As the stream ebbed to nothing but wisps of smoke curling up from Pyrepy's mouth, the ice in the middle of the circle fell with a thunk before falling away completely into the city.  
"Good job!"  Ardra spurred Sky through the hole; the dragon had to fold his wings tight, and his riders had to duck down until they were pressed down against his body to fit through the hole.  Even for the brief moment, it took them to pass through it the hole seemed to shrink around them.  Once in the air, they turned back to see that it hand not been paranoia, the hole was noticeably shrinking such at even after a moment they would not be able to pass through it.  
"We've got to get into the castle," Ardra said, and Rose looked to see that among the snow-covered buildings and frozen statues the palace was sheath in a protective layer of ice.  "I think I know where we can get in."  
"I wish I were more like you," Rapunzel said with a shiver cupping her hands over her face and blowing into them for warmth.  Her whole body quivered with the chills running along it, "What I wouldn't give to not feel cold."  
Elsa moved to walk behind Rapunzel and rubbed the Princess arms trying to help her warm up.  "I feel it; it's just not uncomfortable for me.  Though, without my magic I'm not so certain it won't... have the same effect on me as you."  
"At least most of the doors froze open; we can move around without trouble," Rapunzel noted as they moved into a large room.  The large windows of the room climbed all the way to the ceiling and were separated from each other by the thinnest beams of wood.  The atrium might have once been a bright and warm place, but with the windows covered by a layer of ice they did little but allow more of the weak blueish-gray light than normal to fill the large sitting room.  The two royals looked across to the other side of the room with fallen expressions to see the doors closed and sealed with ice; they would have to backtrack now.  
They let out a joint sigh that blew from their lips in a puff of white fog.  They turned to start back when suddenly there was a flash of red.  An instant later something came crashing through the glass landing with a thump on the rough, icy floor.  Glass and ice tinkled to the floor the appearance of the red beast so suddenly that neither Rapunzel nor Elsa realized what the familiar creature was until a voice called out, "ELSA!"  
Elsa's eyes grew wide, and her mouth fell open as Ardra jumped off Sky's back rushing towards the Queen.  "Ardra!"  Elsa called back releasing the freezing Rapunzel and running to meet Ardra throwing her arms around Ardra's torso as the taller woman threw her arms around Elsa's shoulders.  "I knew you'd get here eventually," Elsa grinned against Ardra's chest as the dragon rider buried her face into Elsa's hair.  
"What's going on here," Ardra asked as they pulled back with some effort.  
"Where's Cass," Rose added rushing up behind Ardra her eyes searching the room fearfully.  Pyrepy held still against her chest.
"She-"  Elsa began but was cut off by a short cry.  They turned back to see Rapunzel and fallen onto her butt, her bare, slightly blue feet bare to them for the first time, all of them had forgotten about the Princess' refusal to wear shoes.  They all rushed to her, Elsa covering her mouth to stifle a gasp.  "Oh my goodness Rapunzel, why didn't you say anything."  
Rapunzel shivered and smiled sheepishly, "There wasn't really anything we could do about it and, unn, I thought we'd be out of here before they got really bad."  
"Come on," Ardra hoisted Rapunzel onto her back, the much smaller princess truly looked like a big child clinging to Ardra's back.  "We'll get you out of here."  
"Sorry, but you've cause quite enough breaches in my security," A voice spoke out, and as one the group turned to see the icy form of Cass moving towards them with even measure forceful steps.  
"Cass!"  Rose cried and started for Cass, but Elsa halted her, grabbed her wrist.  Rose gave her friend as confused look, but Elsa was staring past her to Cass with suspicious eyes.  It was only when she looked back did Rose truly take in Cass' new appearance and realize something was wrong.  
Cass ignored Rose's cry her eyes fixed on Rapunzel, "I thought you would like some extra time free before I secured you as well Princess, I know better than anyone how much you value your freedom."  
"Cass, what's wrong, what's happening are you doing this?"  Rapunzel pushed herself up on Ardra's shoulders to look into her friend's milky eyes over Ardra's head.  She was a little shaken not just by Cass' appearance but by what Cass had said, Cass had never called her princess like that.  
"Of course, I've always been there to protect you, princess.  You can rule my new kingdom Rapunzel stand above everyone else while I keep everyone safe.  Your feet won't hurt, and I'll even let you be with Eugene again.  I know he's no danger to you now."  Cass' voice failed to be assured as she spoke out with all the dispassion of a snowstorm.  
"Excuse me; this is my kingdom!"  Elsa's voice rang out as he stepped forward Cass' eyes turning on her indifferently.  "I have no idea what happened Cassandra, but you have no authority to usurp my throne and freeze my people.  You will undo all this at one."  
"I'm afraid you have no power to threaten me anymore, Elsa.  You failed to protect your citizens, and so now it has my duty."  Cass' words were curt and critical, but there was no anger in her voice.  There was no emotion at all save for a slight tug at the corners of her lips when she added, "Don't worry, you'll be a subject of the kingdom soon as well."  
"I think you'll find we have a good deal of power still Puss," Ardra put Rapunzel back down, the princess standing on shaky feet, and drew her sword, Sky arrow growling behind her.  
Cass ignored the threat and continued to Elsa, "It's just a pity that Anna is unable to join us as well.  Your former curse saw to that, I've had locked her in the kitchen until her time comes to an end naturally."  
"Why you-"  Elsa unarmed and without magic began storming towards Cass'
"Wait please," Rose ran between them her pleading eyes breaking Elsa's anger for a moment.  Turning back to Cass Rose eyes pleaded with her words.  "Cass I don't know what's going on, but please stop this."  
Cass' eyes grew wide at the sight of Rose and unable to ignore her for an instant she recoiled a step.  But before anything could be said Pyrepy growled and barked before spitting a ball of fire at the handmaiden.  Cass dissipated the fireball with a wave of her hand, her eyes turning fiercely on the pair.  
"Sky, stop her!"  Ardra ordered, and the dragon rose up roaring fiercely, but that was all the dragon did as a ray of blue magic struck him in the chest, and his body froze over almost instantly in a layer of blue ice.
"Sky!"  Ardra screamed a look of rage twisting her face as she looked from the frozen dragon to Cass who stood, hand stretched out.  "You!"  
Cass' hand dropped to point at Ardra and unleashed another black of blue magic.  Ardra hesitated, but couldn't think fast enough in her state of mixed rage and fear.  Suddenly, no one quite sure where the strength had come from, Rapunzel leaped in front of the blast.  It struck her and almost instantly she was frozen solid as a blueish icy statue which dropped to the floor perfectly still and intact.  
Ardra looked from the frozen princess' face set forever now in courageous determination to Cass who stared just as cold and unfeeling as before her hand still raised and ready to unleash another blast of magic, even if Ardra could dodge one eventually she would be struck.  That didn't stop her from trying.  
Ardra's frozen from hit the ground with just like her fellow princess' had, and Cass' eyes turned to Elsa who stood tall and defiant for a moment, but her eyes could keep from looking at Ardra, and she broke down with a sob.  
"Don't worry, your true love will be with you soon,"  Cass said more magic gathering in her hand.  
Elsa's eye grew wide as she stared up at Cass' for a moment before stopping and searching out Rose.  "Rose its true love, true love's kiss can break the-" Elsa's voice cut off as she truly became an Ice Queen.
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt51
Rules of Magic #1: Magic is alive and has a will of it’s own.  No matter how much you feel that it’s something you control never forget it’s an animal, and a wild one at that. 
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"Pyrepy what are you doing?"  Pyrepy's head perked up out of the pile of Terrible Terrors and turned to see Rose marching up to him eyes furrowed and hands on her hips.  His pack of little dragons had swelled in number over the last two days, and they were now terrorizing a dragon not much bigger than her, swarming over it and pinning it to the ground.  Seeing Rose, however, Pyrepy yipped and leaped off the dragon racing towards her leaving his pack confused by the sudden departure.  The Dragon under them gave a heave tossing them off and scrambling to its feet and taking off.  
"You little brat," Rose couldn't help but give a little laugh as Pyrepy jumped into her arms and nuzzled against her neck giving her slightly stingingly hot licks.  "What have you been up to?"  
Pyrepy got only a single bark out before his ears perked up and his head shot straight up staring over her shoulder.  Rose was about to ask what was wrong, but she noticed that his new pack mates, which had moved to surround her, had the same looks on their faces and were staring distantly in the same direction as if they could see something past the wall of fog that surrounded the island.  
"Sky Arrow, what is it boy?"  Rose turned to see Ardra with an arm around her dragon trying to shake him from whatever stupor had seized all the dragons.  Instead, Sky's eyes narrowed, and he let out a low, angry cry.  Pyrepy started growling his eyes narrow and glaring at nothing as blow the terrible terrors hissed.  All around the low, angry cries of dragons rang out, and Rose looked to Ardra for an explanation.
"We've got to get up there and see," Ardra carefully tested Sky's willingness to let her mount him and was glad to find that this seemed to snap him out of his angry trance.  Rose nodded in agreement and rushed over to climb on as well so filled with a need to see she forgot to put Pyrepy back down.  The pup was too focused on growling at the unseen danger that it wasn't until they plunged into the cloud that he snapped out of the trance and yipped struggling to crawl under the safety of Rose's shirts.  
Rose let him hide without much thought, her eyes wide as they tried to see through the bank of fog.  It broke suddenly, as she knew it would, and the brightness of the daylight blinded her for a moment.  "Och!  What have you done?"  Ardra muttered behind her and Rose blinked away the tears her eyes shooting wide again as she saw it.  A pillar of blue light shot up into the sky in the distance right where they had come from, Arendelle.  
"W-what's going on?"  Rose shouted over the rushing wind as the pillar faded before disappearing completely.  
"I don't know for sure, but we gotta get back to Arendelle.  Come on Sky Arrow!" Ardra spurred her dragon on and with a cry of agreement he took off for the city as fast as he could, weighed down by two riders and the fire pup.  
Rapunzel groaned with the pain of having slept in a bad position; her head thumped painfully, and as the world came back into focus she shivered.  Blinking back the darkness in her eyes she understood why she was shivering; she was laying in a hallway made of ice.  No, she corrected herself pushing herself up, not made of ice but covered in ice.  The sheet was just thick enough that she could make out that there were objects beneath the ice but not exactly what they were.  
"Unn what's going on?" Rapunzel turned to see Elsa picking herself up from the icy floor looking just as pained as Rapunzel felt.  However, all thoughts of the icy hallway and the Queen flew from Rapunzel's mind as she felt the light swish of her short hair.  The Princess' hand shot to her scalp, nearly falling over at the sudden lack of support, and felt the short length of her hair,  she grabbed a lock and pulled painfully on her scalp straining to see her once more brown hair.  It had worked.  
"Rapunzel!"  Elsa's voice broke through the hazy relief that washed over Rapunzel, and she looked up to see the Queen offering her a hand.  "Are you all right."  
"Ya," Rapunzel nodded accepting Elsa's offered hand and getting to her feet, the floor unsurprisingly empty.  "But what's going on here?"  
"That was my question remember," Elsa sighed sounding as if she wanted to make a joke but her tone not quite getting there.  She looked around at the ice-covered walls and frowned shaking her head.  "I'm not sure maybe it was just an explosion of my magic when I broke the curse on your hair.  I can get rid of it; I just hope no one was hurt."  
Elsa reached out with her hand and her face lined with concentration, but nothing came of it.  The swirling blue light of her magic didn't stretch out from her fingertips, and the ice gave no sign of receding.  The concentration on her face gave way to shock as she looked down at her hand, "My magic..."  
Elsa cradled her hand to her chest and looked around at the ice-covered wall with a new fear and uncertainty.  Rapunzel squeezed the Queen's hand that she still held and Elsa looked over at her, just the mere sight of Rapunzel seemed to banish the fear from Elsa's face, and she gave Rapunzel a reassuring look that Rapunzel returned in kind.  "We need to find out what's happening."  
Rapunzel nodded and added, "And Cass.  We need to find Cass."  
"All right, there you go, oof!" Anna heaved the icy statue that was what had become of Eugene.  The princess' footing giving out at the last minute causing Eugene to thud to the floor with the tink of ice on ice and Anna to fall forward on top of him.  With a groan, she looked up and found herself face to face with Eugene sprawled out on top of him.  Anna let out a cry and jumped off him onto her feet glancing around nervously as if one of the other frozen people could see what was happening; she knew from experience they could not.  Dusting the frost from her dress, Anna cooly said, "Let's agree not to tell Rapunzel or Kristoff about that, okay?  Okay."  
Eugene frozen face hist stared up blankly from the floor; his body positioned not quite sitting and not quite prone due to the way he'd been reclining when everything was frozen.  He would have been fine too if Anna hadn't disturbed him, but that wasn't important now, "I have to find Elsa, something must be wrong."  Anna gave herself a moment to wish Kristoff hadn't left to cut ice that morning before steeling herself.  
Ann turned, an icy cold hand suddenly caught her face squeezing her chin in its powerful grip and lifting her up to the tips of her feet.  She struggled but the grip held firm and as she panted for breath she looked up into the face that was staring down into hers, "Cassandra!"
Cass' skin had turned a pale white; her red lips were now blue as were the dark shadows around her eyes.  Frost now clung to her black hair and ice clung to her dress like diamonds.  But her eyes were haunting; pale and cloudy white as if she were blind, but intense yet distant at the same time.  "Oh yes, you... I should have known you were the other one disrupting my security."  
Cass released her grip on Anna, like a statue suddenly coming to life, and the princess dropped to the ground at the sudden loss of support.  Anna ignored the pain in her butt from the hard fall and glared up at Cass struggling to get back up to her feet, "Cassandra what's going on are you the one doing this?"  
Cass' neutral face looked as if set in stone; she gave a single near imperceptible nod and her eyes never leaving Anna.  "The kingdom has become perfectly secure.  Nothing can get in to hurt us and nothing within," Cass moved across the floor as if she were gliding shifting past Anna to stand next to Eugene's fallen form.  "Can hurt us either."  
"You can't do this!  Arendelle is mine and Elsa's kingdom; you can't just freeze it solid because you think that'll keep it safe!"  Anna nearly shrieked, there must have been a dozen more questions she could ask about how this was all happening, but they were forgotten at least for the moment.  
"It is my kingdom now, and it is safe.  Eventually, Corona will be safe as well."  Cass seemed to be speaking as much to herself as Anna, but she didn't look at the princess as she glided towards the door.  "You and the others have no place here anymore, I can't keep you safe, but if there is one thing every guard understands it's sacrifice."  
Anna moved to chaise after Cass, but the door slammed shut of its own accord the ice growing thick around the frame.  Anna grabbed the hand and wrenched on it, but it was no good, it wouldn't move, and the door was sealed shut with ice.  Anna shivered retreating from the door, but the rest of the room was no warmer.  Anna rubbed her arms, but it did little to repel the cold as she whispered pleadingly, "Elsa..."
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt41
Rose and Ardra take Pyrepy to Dragon Rock.  Rose and Pyrepy make some new friends and the two blundering reluctant idiots grow closer.  New Champion 2700 words
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The wind rushed past Rose's ears like an odd sort of clapping, and from so high up the ocean below them looked calm even still.  Looking down still caused that ripple of fear to pulse through her and linger in her toes and fingers.  When it did Rose leaned back against Ardra, the older girl's presence reassuring Rose that she was safe.  Pyrepy had a similar form of coping except the moment they had taken off he had crawled under her shirts and curled up shaking against her stomach.  Rose cradled him reassuringly with one hand.  
Rose was sure she could get used to flying, but for now, she kept her eyes on the sky to fend off the uneasy feeling.  From the ground, they sky seemed impossibly large and vast, from the air the sky still seemed impossibly huge, it made her feel so small and humble.  Rose grinned at the feeling and let her head roll back until she was smiling up at Ardra, who gave her a curious look.  "It's so beautiful," Rose hand to shout a little over the rush of air, "Thank you so much for showing me this!"
A half-grin tugged at Ardra's lips as their eyes met for a moment,  then her head rocked forward and smacked into Rose's not hard enough to hurt, though that might have been because their faces were numb from the cold air.  "This is not a date."  Ardra tried to sound deadpan, but there was a faint chuckle in her tone.  Rose eyes filled with confusion and Ardra chuckle became a laugh.
Rose huffed and frowned shoving Ardra's face off her's with a flick of her forehead.  "Is that what you do, take girls flying so they'll go out with you?"  
Ardra laughed, "I learned it from my dad, he was the master at it."  
"Is that how your mom fell in love with him?"  The frustration on Rose's face gave way to curiosity with just a hint of romantic dreaminess.  
Ardra laughed again shaking her head, "No she puked on him.  Turns out she gets airsick."  Rose eyes grew wide with sympathy, but Ardra's laughter was too infectious, and soon she was laughing too.  
"We're here!"  Rose looked down expecting to see an island, but instead, all she saw was a massive wispy cloud sitting on the ocean.  Ardra didn't explain further, simply having Sky Arrow dire towards it.  They plunged into the cloud and for a moment all Rose could see was white, then it broke, and there was the island.  It was a near barren looking grey pile of rocks but across it scuttled creatures of various sizes, shapes, and colors, several more swooping and flapping through the air just below the dome of cloud cover that enwrapped the island.  
Sky Arrow slowed their decent and landed with a small cry of success.  Ardra climbed out of his saddle, and Rose slid off the passenger seat cradling Pyrepy's lump under her shirt.  "It may not look like much, but dragons tend to live on pretty barren islands up north naturally."  
Rose bent down and pulled up the hem of her shirt and extracting Pyrepy.  As soon as he saw solid ground beneath him, he lept from Rose arms with a happy whine and landed fervently licking the rocks as if he was grateful for them being there.  There was odd low growl as the head of a tiny dragon, not much bigger than Pyrepy.  Pyrepy tilted her head in confusion for a moment, then growled and lunged at the dragon tackling it to the ground.  The dragon growled back and shoved Pyrepy off and pounced on him this time.  Several more tiny dragon's appeared and joined the fray, biting each other as much as Pyrepy.  
"Hey, play nice!"  Rose commanded and advanced on the pile only to be held back by Ardra.
"There fine, it's just them playing, like I said dragon scales are immune to fire so he can't burn them."  True to Ardra's word no matter how many times Pyrepy teeth came down on a dragon's scaly hide they came away without leaving a mark and Pyrepy never turned up the heat of his bite to test the resistance.  
Her worry for the safety of the dragons, Rose knew that Pyrepy wasn't easily hurt, eased Rose too another look around.  Though the dragon's had shied away when they had come to land, they were now venturing close.  Without realizing it one and ventured up to her and Rose didn't notice until she felt it sniffing at one of her hand.  With a bit of surprise, Rose turned to look at the creature who shied away at her sudden movement.  It looked made of stone with green patches that looked like moss clinging to its body.  Unlike Sky Arrow, this dragon had no forelimbs save for its wings, and its eyes were pale agua orbs that didn't seem to look anywhere.  Staring at it, Rose lifted her hand and offered it to the dragon who sniffed at it before nuzzling it.  Rose began stroking its head the dragon leaning into her hand until she was scratching just behind the head.  
"Sentinels like him can't see, so they like you to talk to them," Ardra advised and rose turned to see her nearly mobed by several more dragons whom she struggled to give attention to all of them.  
"Oh?  What a handsome boy you are," Rose cooed causing the dragon to growl happily.  Rose reached up and began stroking the other side of his face, and suddenly the dragon snarled and, had Rose not immediately jumped back, snapped at where her hands had been.  Rose fell back, and the dragon looked ready to pounce, but suddenly Pyrepy was between them snarling and barking furiously.  The sentinel shook its head at the sound and retreated quickly as Pyrepy nipped at its tail.  
"Sorry about that," Ardra clasped Rose bicep and pulled her back up to her feet.  "I should have warned you not to grasp both sides of their head.  It brings back bad memories for most of them."  
"It's ok; I'm just sorry I scared him," Rose said dusting herself off and leaned down to give Pyrepy a pat of thanks before he rushed back to his new friends.  
Ardra started to say something, but the ground rumbled under them and rocks parted as an immense creature rose up from the ground, like an ugly purple swelling boil.  It let out a very low groan its breath hotter than Xavier's forge.  Rose stared up at what she assumed was another Dragon, it's mouth hanging half open as it stared at them with half-open eyes.  Rose was silent for a moment, but when it didn't move, she stared to reach for its neck only to realize that it didn't have one.  Ardra chuckled, "Eruptodon like to have their tongues rubbed."  
Rose looked at the massive mouth and could imagine Ardra had found very few people brave enough to reach inside.  Rose reached in and placed her hand on the dragon's tongue so readily that her hand burned on the heat of the tongue before Ardra could warn her.  Rose looked back at the dragon rider, cradling her hand to her chest more sore than damaged, and saw her face turn from surprised to amused.  Pulling off one of her scaly gloved Ardra offered it to Rose, "Wanna try again?"  
Maybe Ardra didn't expect her to, but Rose took the glove slipping it on, it fit perfectly despite the height difference between the two of them and reached without hesitation back into the Eruptodon's mouth.  Rose rubbed its tongue in a slow circle, the big dragon groaning with pleasure.  
"This glove is amazing; I can barely even feel the heat.  I  wish I had a set to work the forge with."  Rose said withdrawing her hand from the Eruptodon's mouth, who turned and lumbered away happily.  
Suddenly the second glove was thrust into her hands, and Ardra smiled, "Keep them."  
Rose pulled off the first glove and held them almost reverently, "Are they important to you?"  
"Sure they are, my mum made them so I would stop burning myself working the forge, and she hates needlework."  Ardra nodded and started towards another dragon.  
"But then I can't take them!"  Rose gave chase holding the gloves out of Ardra to take back.  
Ardra stopped and reached into the sharp spines of another dragon to pet it.  "Sure you can, you've got a forge to tend to and that fire pup to deal with.  Besides mum won't mind and she'll enjoy making me make another pair." Ardra turned back to Rose and gave her a charming smile, "I hate needlework too."  
"Ya so do I but-" Rose nodded.
"I'm not taking them back, so you're stuck with them now."  Ardra shook her head and chuckled.  Rose could tell Ardra knew she had won, much to Rose frustration.  With a defeated sigh, Rose pocketed the gloves, and Ardra's smile widened, "You're welcome.  Come on I'll show you around."  
They spent a few hours wandering from one side of the island to the other, Sky Arrow, Pyrepy and his new friends always seemed to be nearby.  Ardra explained that the island was a reserve for dragons that poachers kidnapped from their homes up north and for one reason or another couldn't return up north.  It was a mission that had been started by Ardra's dragon-riding grandmother.  At the arrival of Ship, Wreak Ardra explained the concept of the alpha dragon and her hope that one day Ship Wreck would take on that role.  
"Who's the alpha now?" Rose questioned and as if to answer something dropped from the air and landed with a heavy thump.  
"Speak of the devil." Ardra smiled, and Rose turned to see a massive strikingly colored monstrous nightmare looming over them its eyes narrow and appraising.  "The Devil of Dragon Rock, to be specific.  She's the current alpha."  
The dragon lowered its head which almost slithered forward towards Rose who noticed a slight depression it the dragon's skull behind its left eye.  Rose hand met the dragon's snout, and it sniffed her before allowing Rose to run her hand up her snout and search out her sweet spot where her neck and head connected.  
"You're amazing kiddo," Ardra laughed messing up Rose's hair then reached and guided Rose hand to the right spot.  
"What do you mean?"  Rose rubbed the Devil's sweet spot, and the large dragon groaned and rolled over to allow her easier access.  
"You just went straight for petting her; you weren't scared at all."  Ardra fell back into a seated position Sky Arrow sidling up next to her and Ardra reaching up to stroke his neck.  
"Why would I be?"  Rose asked retracting her hand causing the Devil to roll back onto her feet and give Rose a nuzzle before taking off.  
Ardra laughed, "That's what I thought!"  Ardra hugged Rose close when she came to sit down next to her.  "Och!  This is just how I'd thought it'd be."  
Rose laughed confused, "What?"
"Sorry," Ardra withdrew her arm and shook her head at herself.  "I'm an only child and, well, this is just how I imagined it would be to have a little sister.  Someone just like me, but who I could show how to be... not such a screw-up."  
Rose laughed now, "That's not what little sisters are like, trust me I have four of them."  Ardra gave Rose a wide stare and Rose just confirmed with a nod.  "Yep, and as you didn't have to run around foiling my increasingly inventive attempts to get myself killed, I don't think you should take me as what a little sister would be like.  Don't get me wrong I love them to bits, but I always wished I had a big sister for a change.  Someone to watch out for me and make sure I'm not such a screw-up.  You should have seen my blundering attempts to get Cass to pay attention to me."  
"Och!"  Ardra shook her head, "You should have seen me when I first met Elsa.  I blundered it up so bad that I was reluctant to even try and talk to her again after that."  
"Me too, I went running from Xavier's shop just to avoid her.  Oh and then she showed up at my house.  Ideot!"  Rose smacked herself.  
"That's us, a pair of blundering reluctant ideots." Ardra summarized and the pair of sighed in agreement as one.  
"But if you really want to be a big sister you can, I'll sell you one of mine real cheap."  Rose joked to break the silence that had fallen between them.  
Ardra chuckled, then her eyes shot wide, and she exclaimed, "That's it!"  
Rose gave the dragon rider a worried look, "Unn Ardra, I was just kidding."  
"Och!  No, not that.  Blood sisters, we should become blood sisters!"  Ardra was almost vibrating with excitement as she reached up and drew an arrow from the quiver on Sky Arrow's saddle.  
"What?"  It was clear Rose didn't have a clue as to what Ardra was talking about.  
"It's a way for two people to become sisters even if they're not related by mixing their blood,"  Ardra spoke in a rush, and before Rose could question it, any further Ardra cut a line across her palm with the sharp point of the arrowhead and handed the arrow off to Rose.  
"Are you sure about this?"  Rose didn't look entirely sure she wanted to follow Ardra's example as the dark crimson blood oozed forth from the wound.  
"Of course!  This way I'll gain five little sisters, and you'll gain an older sister, everybody wins."  Ardra nodded, and Rose considered it sure there was only a year difference between her and Ardra, but Ardra would still be an older sister.  Nodding Rose cut open her palm letting the blood ooze forth; it looked no different that Ardra's.  
"Alright now we clasp hands."  They both shivered a little as they felt the paired warm wetting in their palms.  "Okay, now we have to swear the oath.  I'll say the first part, and then you say it back to me, then we'll say the last part together."  
Rose nodded, and Ardra spoke with such gravity and conviction that her words felt heavy.  Rose worried she couldn't match Ardra's conviction, but when it was her turn, she repeated the words easily.  
"As my mother's blood is to me my blood is to you. As your father's blood is to you your blood is to me."
Ardra was supposed to lead the second part, but as they started to speak, Rose felt the words come to her easily.  "Now we are as sisters in our blood as in our hearts."  
As they finished the oath the air around them lighted and they unclasped their hands which came apart a bloody mess, but otherwise no different.  There was a pang of disappointment in Rose; she didn't feel any different.  Ardra seemed to mirror this, and Rose smiled trying to lighten the mood.  "Is this something you do with all your dates to?"
Ardra frowned at Rose then shot forward and pushed her over.  Ardra fell over Rose smiling, and the pair wrestled around on the rocks Knocking each other around.  "You little brat you think you're funny."  
"I just thought you wouldn't do something like this until the second date!"  Rose laughed fighting hopelessly to overpower the bigger girl.  
"Oh ya?" Ardra smiled wickedly pinning Rose and letting a line of drool slither down from her mouth and let it hang over Rose's face.  
"NO!!!" Rose scream ended in a laugh.  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt32
Rose realizes that Cass was standing there the whole time and when she finds her confesses a hard truth. 
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Rose's hammer came down on the stubborn piece of metal with more force than the last time.  Too much force it would seem as there was a snap that interrupted the ring of the hammer and when she looked Rose could see that the metal had snapped in half.  She sighed, but Rose wasn't surprised.  She could tell that this was going to be another failed attempt for the last twenty minutes, but there was much to be gained from failure.  
Dousing the two pieces of metal in the cooling tank then tossed them aside with the other scrap metal.  In the hearth, Pyrepy was snoozing his flames only a little weaker in his sleep.  Then Rose pulled off her goggles, mitts, and apron and hung them up.  Stretching and yawning she walked to the front of the shop where Xavier was near finished finishing the armor on which he had been working.  "The forge is all yours Xavier, Cass should be here soon," Rose grinned excitedly at that.  
Xavier just gave Rose a calmly withering look at that, and when she responded with a look of confusion, he shook his head.  "She just left don't tell me you didn't notice her standing in the same room as you lass; she was there for the last hour and a half."  
"What!?"  Rose eyes grew wide, and she rushed to the street looking up at down both ways for any sign of Cass.  Seeing nothing she ran back to the shop, Pyrepy having woken up and wandered out in search of his mistress, and snatched a bag up from behind the counter.  "Why didn't you tell me!"  She shouted, then ran back into the street and ran down the most likely path Cass had taken back to the castle, Pyrepy at her heels.  
Xavier watched her go, shook his head and grumbled to himself, "Next time I'll throw a brick at your head."
"CASS!"  Rose cried out still running full speed when she spotted the familiar blue of Cassandra's dress, still more than a block away.  Cass paused and turned around unable to miss Rose as she raced up to her covering the distance in just a few seconds.  Reaching Cass, Rose doubled over painting wildly to catch her breath while still trying to apologize; Pyrepy ran happily around her legs excited giving a few barks of disappointment that the run was over.  "Sorry... I didn't... realize... you... were... there..."
"Oh really," Cass might have been trying to give Rose a disappointed look, but her smile ruined it.  She gave Pyrepy a swift look and made the pup sit down at attention immediately and put her hands on her hips giving Rose a look as if she should try again with a better explanation.  
Rose, however, found herself captivated by the sway of Cass' hips as the other girl turned to face her properly, and the way Cass' hands settled and framed her hips.  Rose's panting and most of her breathing, in general, stopped, as her brain seemed to shut down as a warmth spread from her core.  After a few minutes of silence Cass' face lined with genuine worry then Rose tettered forward and she fell face first into the ground.  Cass's eyes went wide with worry, but before she could so much and reach for Rose, the other girl shot upright.  
"Rose are you ok?"  Cas looked her over worriedly searching her face for any sign of injury.  
"Yep!  I'm fine!  Perfectly fine!  Why is it so hot out here?"  Rose pulled at the collar of her shirt her eyes darting down to Cass's waist then up into the sky rapidly.  
Cass' face shifted from worried to curiously delighted and then very delighted when Rose looked again for Cass shifted her weight from one foot to the other swishing her hips from one side to the other, and Rose began to shake, her eyes not immediately retreating to the sky.  
Cass' chuckle finally snapped Rose out of her stupor, and before she could stammer out another apology, Cass slipped next to her and nudged her forward with a bump of her hips.  "Come on; you can walk me back to the castle."  
Rose managed a nod, and they started off walking in silence for several seconds before Rose couldn't help but speak.  "I'm really, really sorry I umm... didn't notice you were there."  
Cass' smile widened for a moment in a silent laugh at the predictable apology, "It's alright.  I was the one who stood there and said nothing the whole time.  I liked just watching you work. Oh, here."  Cass pulled out a small towel and handed it to Rose; it was slightly damp.  Rose knew Cass had gotten used to bringing a towel around whenever she went to see her.  Rose still felt a little disappointed when Cass handed it to her rather than reaching to wipe Rose's face clean herself.  
Rose thanked her and took the towel rubbing it across her soot-stained face and her sweaty brow, she must smell awful having worked and ran so hard.  She handed it back to Cass who eyed Rose's face carefully and gave a small frown before taking back the towel.  "What were you working on anyway?"  
"Oh, folding metal," the questioning look Cas gave Rose surprised the blacksmith a little.  She had thought someone as well versed in weapons as Cassandra would know about the forging technique.  But then proficiency of use was not knowledge of construction.  "Further east of China there's an island nation called Japan, have you heard of it?"  
To this Cass nodded, "They're said to have the best swordsmiths in the world.  Their swords are razor sharp, light and very strong at the same time."  
"That's right, but Japanise ore is actually of an inferior quality compared to ours.  Their smith developed a technique of folding the metal to improve the quality of the metal."  Rose sighed and looked off into the distance lost in her own imaginings.   "I've always wanted to learn how to do that,"  She smiled and looked back at Cass, "Can you imagine Corona folded steel I could make the best sword in the world."  
"I like things besides swords you know," Cass gave Rose a teasing knowing grin.  
Rose returned it with a 'Ya, right,' look, but answered, "It's not all about you little miss sword maiden."  They both laughed at that and Pyrepy included himself by barking beneath them.  The moment passed, and Rose face fell a little as she frowned, "But I can't get it right.  It's bad enough that I'm trying to replicate a technique I know next to nothing about, but it could be that the technique won't even work with higher quality steel.  I wish I could at least talk to a Japanise smith about it."  
"Maybe you could travel there one day."  Cass offered gently trying to catch Rose's eye with a reassuring look.  
Rose wouldn't be assured and frowned deeper, "Ya right.  Japan's is on the other side of the world, I've barely been out of Corona.  I'm not like you guys."  
Cas was a little taken aback by that, her assurance soured by an almost her look.  "What do you mean."  
Rose winced realizing she had just said something she shouldn't, or at least not how she should have.  "It's nothing; I'm just babbling,"  Rose shook her head putting on a very unreassuring, reassuring smile.  
Cass wouldn't have any of it, and in a moment she was standing in front of Rose.  Her hands on her hips in a way that wasn't so exciting for Rose this time and Cass' fixed her with a hard stare,  "Don't do that, don't avoid my question, Rose."  
Rose tried not to look but Cass's stare seemed to be everywhere, and Rose's resolve quickly fell with a sigh.  She still didn't look her in the face as she spoke, "I... you and Rapunzel and Eugene, you're heroes.  You go on big adventures to all kinds of interesting places and save people, whole kingdoms."  Rose voice rose almost prideful thinking about her friends and all the great things they had done, but then her tone fell again.  "But I'll never be as... important as you three.  I'm so happy to be your friend, but I'm just one of the people you guys save."  
Cass' eyes grew wide shining with sadness as a hand moved to cover her mouth stifling a gasp.  She slowly shook her head and stepped up to Rose taking the other girl's hand her thumb stroking Rose's palm assuringly.  "Rose that's not true, I sorry we made you feel that way."  
Rose squeezed Cass' hand back wishing she could believe, but shook her head, "I'll never go on an adventure."  
"Sure you will," Cass nodded.  Then it was like a thought struck her and gripped Rose's hand tighter.  "We'll go on one together, across the sea!"  
Rose nearly jumped back from Cass at that looking up to stare at her in wide surprise, "What, but I've never even been on a ship."  
"Neither have I." Cass smiled and turned back to the castle pulling Rose along behind her.  "We'll do it together, out first time out at sea!"  
Rose blushed at the words, but smiling, was she really going to do it, go on an adventure?
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt40
Rapunzel meets back up with her best princess friend and her royal hero.  Ardra reunites with Elsa and gets some disappointing news.  Pyrepy meets his sworn enemy.
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"Rapunzel!" The blond Princess gripped the banister with one hand as she waved back to Anna as the other Princess waved to her from the docks.  Ship Wreck had slipped away unseen once they had gotten close enough for the Arendelle fleet to tow them into port.  Ardra explained that, not only was the water too shallow for the dragon to carry them in but that she also didn't want everyone to know she had the massive dragon with her.  The ship, tethered to several towlines, was being slowly dragged into port.  
"Anna!"  Rapunzel waved back; the pair had been calling to one another for as far as their voices would carry and now that they were in sight Rapunzel couldn't wait for the landing board to be dropped.  Throwing the length of her hair around one of the yardarms Rapunzel swung out over the docks.  Eugene and Cass' eyes went wide with horror and Anna's with amazement as Rapunzel swung down on her impossibly long hair and jumped into her friend's arms.  "Oh, I missed you so much!"
Anna stood frozen in shock for a moment, but as Rapunzel squeezed her tightly in a fierce hug life came back to the Princess, and she squeezed Rapunzel back.  "I missed you too Rapunzel, but I can't believe it.  Your hair it's just like you described it and it grew back just like you said in your letter.  That's so amazing."  
They separated, and Rapunzel ran a hand through her hair bringing a lock of it forward.  "It doesn't feel so amazing on my scalp.  Forget about my hair we had the most amazing adventure getting here!"  
"And a considerable deal of trouble by the looks of it."  Another familiar voice spoke out behind them, and Rapunzel looked past Anna to see Elsa slowly walking up the dock.  Flanked on either side by a guard and striding towards the princesses calmly her hands folded in front of her, smiling welcomingly she was the very picture of regalness.  
Rapunzel felt a ping of envy seeing how easily Elsa seemed to be able to present herself as Queen, but she smiled wide excited to see her again.  Rapunzel went through the steps of a perfect curtsy and nodded to Elsa.  "It was your majesty, and thank you again for inviting us back to your kingdom."  
"It is my pleasure to have you Princess Rapunzel," Elsa nodded to the bowing Princess, and Rapunzel lifted her head back up.  The two exchanged a smile, and Rapunzel hurried forward to wrap Elsa up in a hug as well.  The Queen embraced her more gently as she returned the hug and whispered, "Don't worry you performed perfectly."  
"Thank you," Rapunzel whispered back as Anna wrapped them both up in a hug, the North Sea Ladies were back together.  Pulling apart Rapunzel was nearly boiling over to tell the story, and it tumbled out of her in a rush.  "We were attacked by pirates, real pirates, and this crab monster thing wrecked the ship, and Eugene and I got tied up by monkeys and just when I thought they were going to capture us this woman riding a dragon dropped out of the sky and saved us!"  
Rapunzel knew she wasn't doing the story just, but by the stunned expression on Elsa's face, something that seemed to amuse Anna, Rapunzel could tell the Queen was enthralled none-the-less.  The docking plank dropped with a loud thump, Ardra appeared at the top having rushed past Eugene, Cass, and Rose.  She looked down at the three of them smiling wide, Rapunzel imagining that it must have been the first time she had met the Arendelle nobility.  She hurried down the plank and onto the dock and knowing the fun, but brash way dragon rider greeted new friends Rapunzel decided to help spare her the embarrassment she faced the first time she arrived in Arendelle.  
Breaking away from the sisters, Rapunzel took a few strides toward Ardra.  For a moment Rapunzel thought the tall woman might just step over her as her eyes never wavered from Elsa and Anna and Rapunzel was almost a foot shorter than Ardra.  But the dragon rider came to a sudden stop once Rapunzel was in front of her and looked down almost mournfully at Rapunzel.  Rapunzel gave Ardra a reassuring smile and turned to present Ardra to the royal siblings.  "Queen Elsa, Princess Anna I'd like to introduce to you Ardra the Dragon Rider.  She's been helping out everyone in the North Sea by fighting pirates haven't you Ardra?"  Rapunzel turned back to Ardra who was looking down at her with a puzzled look and Rapunzel whispered to her, "Bow."  
The sound of snickering caused Rapunzel to turn back to the sisters.  Anna was laughing silently ducking behind her sister when Rapunzel's annoyed eyes fell upon her; it wasn't like Anna to laugh at someone who acted less than formal.  Elsa was covering her mouth with a hand, but her squinting eyes gave away the wide grin she was covering.  Noticing Rapunzel's displeased look, Elsa cleared her throat and fought to replace her laughing grin with a pleased smile before lowering her hand.  She strode up to Ardra, with one fewer steps then Rapunzel, and offered a hand to Ardra.  "It is a pleasure to meet you honored Dragon Roder."  
Rapunzel sighed in relief, at least Elsa was being kind and polite, and quickly stepped out from between the two watching as she inched back to Anna.  Ardra still looked unsure for a second, but Elsa's smile seemed to win her over, and Ardra smiled back and bowed.  "The honor is all mine, your majesty."  She took Elsa's offered hand and began to bend to kiss it, but she didn't get very far before her grip on the Queen's hand tightened, and she pulled Elsa into her arms, "Och!  I can't take it!"  Rapunzel was stunned, but her mouth fell open when Ardra pressed her lips against Elsa in a long deep kiss.
"Hey!"  Cass cried out from the docking plank already rushing forward at the pair, but Elsa guards moved to stop her just a step off the plank telling her to stay back.  "You're just going to let that woman do whatever she wants?"  
As Ardra finally pulled back from the kiss, her arms now wrapped around Elsa's waist while the Queen embraced her back Elsa lazily voiced a different protest.  "Awe, we could have spent all day teasing Rapunzel."
Ardra nuzzled into Elsa shivering as she ran her nose from Elsa's ear to her neck and back.  "Would you rather I tease Rapunzel, or do this with you."  Ardra pressed her lips against Elsa's, and the pair was lost to the world once more.  
Rapunzel was shocked from her daze when Anna tossed an arm over her shoulder and began wooting at the pair causing several nearby Arendelle citizens to join in and do the same.  "We met Ardra shortly after your last visit during the coronation, she and Elsa have really hit it off since then!"  Anna explained, and Rapunzel chuckled to herself at her introduction of the pair.  Rapunzel joined in the celebration of the pair, Elsa and Ardra grinning so wide at the attention that if forced them to stop kissing, as did Eugene.
Rapunzel joy ebbed however when she saw the angry look on Cass' face as she watched the couple.  Rose seemed to notice the same and went to say something to her, but Cass huffed angrily and stormed past the blacksmith and back onto the ship.  
"Alright, alright everyone that's enough," Elsa said pulling away from Ardra this time and waving at the crowd to calm down.  The cheers slowly ebbed to silence and once she didn't have so many onlookers, she turned and whispered to Ardra, "That was much better than teasing Rapunzel."  The pair shared a giggle.  
Elsa turned back to Rapunzel and smiled apologetically, "Sorry Rapunzel, I just couldn't help it."  
Rapunzel smiled and shook her head, "I'm just so happy for you both."  The smile faltered a little when she looked at Cass' empty spot, "I wanted you to meet Cass, but she must've had to get something on the ship, but this is another new friend of mine Rose."  
Elsa and looked back, and her guards parted to reveal the orange-haired girl.  Said hair seemed to fizzle a little more as she stood up straight her face beading with sweat at the sudden attention.  "I-I-I... It's nice, I mean, It's an honor to meet me majesty.  I mean, you, your honor, your majesty.  I mean, MY honor to meet YOU, your majesty!"  
Ardra was snickering uncontrollably, and Elsa slapped her on the shoulder to stop her, that only caused Ardra to burst out into full-fledged laughter.  "I'm sorry!"  She apologized between laughs.  
Rapunzel frowned up at Ardra as well, but Anna was next to Rose in an instant capturing her in a hug, "Oh Rose it's so nice to meet you!"  Rose squeaked as Anna crushed her lungs in the fierce hug only stopping when she notices something sniffing at her feet.  Looking down, she saw Pyrepy sniffing at the hem of her dress, "Oh a puppy!"  Anna released Rose, who Eugene caught knowing the strength of the Princess' hugs, and scooped him up into her arms.  
"It's an honor to meet any friend of-" Elsa started striding towards Rose an arm wrapped around Ardra's and Rapunzel hurrying at her other side.  However, her words were cut short as Pyrepy took notice of her and began barking.  
Everyone watched wide-eyed as the tiny black pup barked furiously through his fiery teeth and struggled to get out of Anna's grip and at Elsa.  "Pyrepy stop that, calm down," Rose, recovered from her hug, seized the pup just as he was about to slip from Anna's grasp.  Rose held him tightly to her chest, but he continues to bark and growl at the Queen.  "I'm sorry he's never acted this way around anyone before."  
"Guess the fire dog doesn't like the Ice Queen," Eugene commented earning him a few rueful glares for his word choice.  
"Pyrepy stop it," Rose chided again, but to no effect, "What am I going to do with you?  Goodness knows what you'll do if I lock you up somewhere."  
"I've got an idea where he can stay, it's just a short flight," Ardra assured Rose.  Turning she smiled down at Elsa, "I'll take them to Dragon Island, and then we can celebrate being back together again."  
Ardra leaned down to kiss Elsa again, but suddenly found her lips captured between the Queen's fingers.  Elsa was smiling her eyes revealing just a hint of disappointment, "Sorry Ardra, but I promised Anna and Rapunzel we'd have a girls night when we got back together."  
Ardra looked up to see Anna and Rapunzel huddled together smiling evilly at her; Rose had retreated onto the ship with Pyrepy to stop him from barking.  Ardra looked down and pouted at Elsa, "But I'm a girl too."  
"Oh ya that's just what we need," Anna teased with a laugh and began playing with Rapunzel's hair.  "Elsa lets braid Rapunzel's hair."  
Rapunzel, play Elsa, swooned into Anna's arms, playing Ardra, and spoke in an overly regal tone.  "I can't!  I'm too busy making out with my girlfriend!"  Anna leaned down and planted mock kisses in the air all around Rapunzel's face.  Then as one, they stuck out their tongue at the pair, "Bleh!"  
Ardra's face fell as Elsa giggled in her arms, "Sorry Ardra.  That's two princesses against one."
"You're so mean to me," Ardra pouted releasing Elsa and shoving her hands in her pockets, "Whatever, I'm going to hang out with Rose."  
"No way we call Rose," Anna smiled sidling up behind her sister.  
"And Cass too!"  Rapunzel added smiling out from behind the much taller Elsa.  
"The guys then, can I hang out with the guys then?"  Ardra asked the two mischievous princesses while Elsa giggled behind her hand again.  
Anna and Rapunzel rubbed their chins in thought for a moment, then, exchanging a look, nodded and with a wave said, "Sure you can have them."  
Ardra huffed that the trio and muttered, "You're such brats,"  and continued to walk away.  She only made it a few steps, before she could take it and ran back to Elsa kissing her one last time.  "I missed you so much!"  
"Not as much as I missed you," Elsa whisper back then wormed her mouth next to Ardra's ear, "I'll show you how much tomorrow night, Promise."  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt31
Cass thinks about Rose and their relationship, but she is still haunted by someone who looms over her past. 
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"Hello, Xavier." Cass smiled at the blacksmith as she approached the shop.  The large man looked up from his work, his file grinding still against the edge of a piece of a breastplate.  It looked well forged, but Xavier had just started the finishing process, and it would be a while before it was the gleaming gold armor of Corona's guards.  Cass' eyes flitted from him to the back of the shop for an instant, "Is Rose around?"  
"Would she be anywhere else on you date day?"  Cass gave Xavier a withering look which much to her disappointment produced a low chuckle from him.  "Same day for four weeks, you can't deny it, my dear."  
Cass didn't bother to try.  She rolled her eyes and swept past Xavier moving towards the back and the sound of hammer strikes.  "She's got some new project going; you'll have to yell loud to get her attention, or throw something at her."  Xavier chuckled as she passed and with a wide smile still on his face began grinding the burrs off the armor again.  
The shop was hotter than usual, the heat welling up from the forge like a nearly tangible wall.  Rose stood with her back to the door fully outfitted in her smithing apron and mitts; goggles fixed securely around her head.  With a regularity for a ticking clock Rose's hammer rose and fell against the metal she held in a pair of tongs that Cass couldn't see.  Pyrepy lay under the forge's hearth, his natural flames large and bright heating it and producing the intense heat.  As Cass entered, the pup's head lifted, and he began wagging his stubby tail happily, most people wouldn't be able to see such features through the pup's blaze, but Cass had seen so much of him she could even make out his happy grin through the flames.  
Cass put her finger to her smiling lips a motion he knew to be quiet and stay still as she strode up behind Rose, not particularly trying to be quiet.  The young blacksmith did not indicate that she had heard Cass and soon Cass was looking over her shoulder at what Rose's work.  It was a long strip of metal that Rose was pounding flat, occasionally turning it to its side to gently hammer it back into shape.  
Cass' hands hovered at Rose's sides, her fingers poised to knead into them and scare the smith who might fall all over herself or even to the ground.  Then Rose would give Cass that bright, excited smile when she realized it was her.  No one else had ever smiled at Cass like that, a smile that said, 'I'm so excited you're here, I wouldn't want you to be anyone else.'  However, hovering their watching Rose work and just from the lines of her face Cass could tell Rose had a look of utter determination and focus in her eyes, she just couldn't bring herself to disrupt it.  Instead, Cass took a few steps back and leaned against the wall.  
Gently folding her arms across her stomach Cass watched as Rose finished hammering the metal and paused to examine it, before thrusting it into the intense heat of the forge.  Turning it as the metal began to glow red she held it until the red glow spread across the whole piece then took it out and folded it in half and began hammering the metal together while flattening it back out its original dimensions.  
Cass remained no more than an arm's length from Rose, but the blacksmith was too engrossed with her work to notice.  The smile never left Cass' face as she stood admiring Rose's form and the way she constantly worked without the slightest sign of fatigue.  That's was something she loved about Rose, her constant effort, and tenacity, it didn't matter if she failed or was laughed at she kept trying.  
Cass' eyes grew a little wider, and the smile fell away from her face as she realized what she was thinking.  She wondered what it meant, Xavier had been right it had been over a month that she and Rose had been friends and they had seen a lot of each other in that time, sometimes plagued by the overprotectiveness of the Captain, but was it, love?  She knew that Rose hated uncooked vegetables, was allergic to peaches, she thought fur hats looked silly, her favorite flowers were dandelions, and that nothing could convince her they were weeds.  Was that love?  Did Cass love Rose now more than she did before she learned all that?  Was it love that in moments of boredom her thoughts inevitably turned to Rose?  That Cass wondered what Rose would think of this or that?  That sometimes when they were alone Cass ached for contact with Rose, to hold her hand or wipe away one last smug of soot that Rose always managed to miss?
As they always did, such questions brought thoughts of him back to Cass' mind.  What had happened between them on those few faithful days and what happened afterward.  
Cass looked at herself in her mirror checking the state of her dress; it was pristine in a way it rarely was being something intended for work.  However, she was being presented with an honor today for capturing Andrew during the Day of Hearts, and she had to look her best.  The tent Market had come right after the celebration this year; its schedule was never something truly set in stone.  Because of that, her award ceremony had been pushed back to today, no reason to celebrate if everyone was going to be gone shopping.  
A knock on the door snapped Cass out of her thoughts and with a few strides she was at the door.  Pulling it open she found a guard on the other side, tall, lanky, and young he smiled nervously at her, the Captain's daughter and Cass tried to assuage his nervousness with a smile of her own.  
She was just about to ask him what he needed when the guard presented a single rose to her, "I was asked to give you this and a message.  'Sorry things didn't work out.'"
Cass' eyes shot wide as she stared at the rose for a moment, the same kind that Andrew had given her, then her eyes narrowed as she turned a critical glare on the guardsman.  Cass tried to recall if she was sure she could put a name to his face and when he nervously glanced away, possibly looking for an escape, she grabbed him.  
A firm grip on the collar of his armor she yanked him forward then slammed him into the door frame.  "Who are you and who sent this!"  She hissed at the guard whose eyes shot back and forth in panic.  
"T-t-the Princess!"  He stammered when Cass caught and held his gaze.
"Rapunzel gave you this flower to give to me?"  Cass scoffed, she had expected all manner of conciliation from Rapunzel since the incident, but Cass knew such things would come from the Princess herself.  
"N-no ma'am!"  The guard shook his head, "A girl, she wanted to bring it herself, but we couldn't let her.  She said the Princess told her what happened and she bought this rose to make you feel better.  Then she asked me to bring it up instead."  
Cass narrowed her eyes at the guard; he sounded like he was telling the truth and there was no way Andrew could be behind this, locked away.  But he was part of a group, could any of them be after her for revenge?  Releasing the guard from her grip Cass pressed him again.  "What did she look like?"  She needed details if she was going to capture these people.  
The guard breathed a little easier but quickly raddled off what he could remember.  "She had red hair, tied back in a ponytail, a brown soot cover work shirt, a pouch with a golden sun clasp on it, fingerless gloves and her forearms wrapped in cloth... or her eyes were green and about your height ma'am."  
The memory of the past few days and a particular person who had occupied them flooded back to Cass.  Her face softened, and she looked down at the rose she had snatched from the guard when she had grabbed him.  "Thank you, you can go, but don't tell anyone else about this."  
"Yes ma'am," The guard could nod and run fast enough.  Cass swung the door shut staring down at the rose remembering all she could about the girl who had sent it to her.  A smile crept onto her lips as those thoughts banished all the others of Andrew and all she had to do to capture him from her mind for the first time that day.  Cass felt so much better as her skin settled, she wished she could always feel so calm.  Moving to her weapons cabinet, Cass opened it, and it took only a brief glance before deciding to place it in among the arrows of her quiver.  It was a place Cass would see it easily and could look at it anytime the memories of him taunted her.
Cass was hugging herself now, Rose still working away not noticing Cass.  It had been over an hour, and she wondered when the time had gone.  Cass had to get back to the castle.  She moved to rouse Rose from her work and say goodbye and hello, but froze, the words caught in her mouth.  Cass shook her head and turned to leave and wondered what things would have been like between her and Rose if Andrew had never come into her life.
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt25
Rose makes amends for Pyrepy only to find herself with a new problem.  I couldn’t write today so this one’s very short.
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"Thank you, and again I've very sorry for what Pyrepy did."  Rose gave a small apologetic bow as she handed over several crowns to the peg-legged sailor, her pouch had gotten very light over the course of the day.  The old sailor just grunted and passed Rose a huge fish, the kind that would be hard for a lowly sailor like himself to find a buyer to purchase.  Taking the fish hoisted it in her arms with surprising easy, even the large armed sailor had trouble with it and turned back to Cass, who was giving the sailor a sour look, and Pyrepy who sat at her side.  
"Next?"  Rose gave the tired smile of someone will but worn down by their long day's work.
"That's the last person we know of," Cass shook her head.  They had been all over the city back tracking the people they had interviewed about the fires the day before.  Rose had gone to every one to explain that Pyrepy had been the cause of the fire and apologized for what he had done.  Rose might have been talked out of the idea by Cass and Eugene's attempts to convince her that Pyrepy actions before she'd met her weren't her responsibility, but Rapunzel had been all for the idea and positively beamed at Rose for her desire to make things right.  With the Princess' support, there was no way they could talk Rose out of it.  
Rose let out a grateful sigh, "Good, those were the last of my crowns," She gave the puppy a withering look.  More than a few of the things Pyrepy had chewed up and set on fire hand been kids toys and dolls.  Kids love things with a ferocity that most adults couldn't match, which was why their stuff was so attractive to Pyrepy, but that love was fleeting and when presented with an apology and, more importantly, a puppy to fawn over they were easy to appease.  Adults, however, their love was long held and though they understood that nothing could be done to get back what they had lost most wanted to be reimbursed by something a tangible, and if they could get rid of something they didn't need all the better.  "Why'd you have to burn the stuff of so many farmers?"  
"Hey, things aren't so bad."  Eugene pulled up next to them with Max hooked up to an old rickety looking cart filled with all manner of vegetables and bags of flour.  "You got this nice cart too."  He patted it on the side as he spoke and the cart let out a creak as a wheel started to come loose, and the cart began to tip.  Eugene scrambled and pushed it straight giving them a smile and a thumbs up.  
Cass rolled her eyes at him following Rose as she made her way around to back of the cart and dump the fish into the back of it.  The cart creaked tiredly under strain.  "You shouldn't have let them push you into buying all this stuff then."  
"But didn't it feel so good to set everything right and give everyone closer?"  Rapunzel popped up from the other side of the cart bouncing and staring off into space fists clenched against her chest smiling wide.  
"Definitely," Rose nodded and held out a fist to Rapunzel who bumped hers against it both grinning proudly.  However, when Rose glanced at the cart again her face fell a little, "But what am I going to do with all this.  Some of it will go bad in a day or two."
"Why not just cook that stuff now," Rapunzel asked looking the contents of the cart over with a shrug.
"Come on Raps she can't cook all of it, that'd still be way too much for six people."  Cass gestured both hands at the cart of food stuff.  Rose remained silent cradling her chin in her fingers.  
"We could stay for dinner,"  Rapunzel suggested optimistically.  
Cass gave her a withering look, "This is enough food to feed like sixty people."  
"That's a great idea!"  Rose cheered suddenly causing everyone to jump, and before anyone could ask 'what' Rose planted a kiss on Cass' cheek.  "You're a genius, Cass!  C'mon Eugene we gotta get all this back home quick!"  Rose rushed around the cart Pyrepy chasing after, tail wagging and barking happily not caring why.
Cass whole face flushed red and a hand went to the cheek that Rose had kissed.  "W-w-what did I say?"  She looked helplessly to Rapunzel who smiled wide but silently and held up a hand with four fingers raised.  Then she lowered one, so there were three fingers, then two, one.
As the last finger fell, Rose stopped in her tracks and fell silent as the redness of her hair seemed to bleed down into her neck and spread to every visible inch of skin.  Suddenly she whipped around her face red as a tomato words spilling out of her mouth in an incoherent mess, "OhgoodnessCassImsorryIdidntmeantodothatIdontknowwhatIwasthinkingIwasntthinkingImsosorry!
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt24
Pyrepy gains an instructor and enjoys a frying pan food as Rose figures out just what he is and the mischief he’s been up to. 
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"Are you sure about this Blondie?"  Eugene rubbed the back of his head looking up from the pages of the book that Rapunzel was showing him.  
Rapunzel nodded quietly looking down for a moment, not seeming any more pleased then Eugene at what she had found.  "Pennell's Encyclopedia of the Otherworldy is a comprehensive work, if it says there's nothing else like this, then I think this is it.  It talks about certain unique variations, but this is the basis of what they all are."  
"I believe you Rapunzel, but what are we going to do?"  Eugene's eyes traveled down past the banister to the open central floor of the library.  Despite being the royal library it had not been maintained very well over the years, in fact, it had had no oversight for the past few years and had all manner of object haphazard filling most of the available space.  
"We have to tell her," Rapunzel's eyes followed Eugene's to where Rose stood in an open space on the main floor hurriedly whittling a small figurine.  In front of her Pyrepy lay on the floor, his paws lifted a little awkwardly to cover his eyes.  Cass was sneaking back to them through the curious items that filled the rest of the area.
"All right Pyrepy up!"  Cass ordered, and the puppy almost jumped to his feet looking up at Cass, his tail wagging eagerly.  Cass' smile widened.  "Good boy, now fetch!"  
Pyrepy's nose went up into the air, and his head twitched back and forth swinging his nose this way and that as if searching for something.  The suddenly his nose locked in one direction and he set off through the clutter, his path far more direct than Cass' thanks to his compact form.  He never paused for more than a minute, disappearing and reappearing among the clutter until he stopped in front of an old wooden cabinet.  It must have been lacquered nicely once, but now dust clung to it like a full body stain.  
Pyrepy pawed at the door, growling with frustration as his claws repeatedly failed to catch the door, but finally, after some effort, it swung open far enough for him to worm his nose in and push it open finding a mahogany sphere about the size of a baseball inside.  It had intricate shapes carved into it and had also once been nicely lacquered.  Pyrepy tail wagged happily at the sight of it, and he reached out for it opening his flame filled mouth.  
"Pyrepy!" Cass' called sharply in warning.  He looked back to see her standing next to Rose a stern warning look on her face, hands on her hips.  Pyrepy's ears folded back and he gave her an imploring whine, Rose's features softened and wained, but Cass' didn't waiver.
Huffing disappointedly Pyrepy turned back to the orb and reached for it again, but this time when he opened his mouth, there were no flames and in their absents were two rows of bone white teeth.  Pyrepy gingerly seized the wooden orb in his mouth and turned quickly racing back to his instructor.  The second he was in front of her Pyrepy dropped the orb, and his mouth lit up with flames again.  
Rose moved to praise the puppy, his tail already wagging furiously in anticipation for his treat, but Cass stopped her.  
"Sit," Cass ordered, and Pyrepy's butt plopped instantly to the floor.  "Beg,"  His paws came up and hovered near his chest as he fought to balance himself on his hind legs.  He held it for a few seconds before he teetered over falling with a yelp.  
Cass couldn't help but laugh, a hand covering her mouth to try and stifle it.  "Oh Pyrepy,"  Rose cooed leaning down to pick him up.  "Here you did a good job," Rose said cradling him to her chest and held out the figure she'd been whittling, it was a tiny Eugene.  Pyrepy eagerly snatched it out of her hand quickly consuming it in the fire in his mouth, crunching the charcoal and swallowing down the ashes.  
"Can you carve another one, I'd like to teach him to balance the treat on his nose,"  Cass asked scratching Pyrepy behind the ear.  
"I don't know Cass; I kinda feel bad feeding him a bunch of little Eugene's."  Rose frowned, but Cass just avoided her gaze smiling.  
The sound of Rapunzel and Eugene coming down the spiral staircase from the upper floor drew Cass and Rose's attention.  The royal pair didn't look particularly thrilled, quietly avoiding eye contact as they approached.  "You didn't find anything," Rose guessed not taking notice of the book held in Rapunzel's arms.  
"No we did, but..." Eugene glanced over to Rapunzel but found no help or assurance in the equally forlorn look she returned.  Eugene didn't try to finish his assurances, and as he rubbed the back of his head, Rapunzel flipped open the book and held it out for them.  The image next to the entry made Rose recoil and clutch Pyrepy tightly to her chest.  
"Nessian Hound?" Cass read her eyes continuing down the page reading the entry half aloud.  "These fiery dog-like creatures serve the denizens of the underworld... they are rarely seen on the surface except when retrieving from humans who have made pacts with underworld denizens."  
"That can't be right Princess," Rose interrupted Cass' reading with a critical shake of her head and pointed to the image of the creature.  "Pyrepy doesn't look anything like that."
"We know he's not a monster Rose," Rapunzel shook her head defensively, she of all people could see past a gruff exterior to the goodness that lay beneath.  "But this is the only fire dog we could find.  The picture just an artist rendition, it might be a little exaggerated, but all the of the traits of the Nessian Hound are the same as Pyrepy's."  
"There must be a way we can tell for sure," Cass cut in still reading the entry.  "It says here that these creatures can smell emotions and can, therefore, track down things a person has strong ties to heirlooms or other favored items.  Pyrepy is very naturally good at tracking why do we see if he can do it, then we'll know for sure."
All around Rose's three friends gave her sympathetic looks. She looked curiously from the image on the page to Pyrepy and sighed putting him down.  "Alright, I guess if it's the best way to be sure."
Pyrepy stared up that the four people as confused as his mistress for a moment before his instructor, Cass, pointed to Rapunzel, "Pyrepy, find something of Rapunzel's."  
He gave Cass a curious look for a moment, but padded over to the princess and sniffed around her feet for a moment.  Then his nose turned to the air and like before his head twitched back and forth until finally he caught a scent and took off, the quartet of friends chasing behind.  He led them through the castle to the Princess' room going to her bed where he reached under the pillow and drew her frying pan out from under it.  
"Why would he go for a frying pan?"  Rose questioned, but leaned down to pat the puppy on the head when he dropped it at her feet.  
"I keep it nearby for safety," Rapunzel grew quiet glancing to her window where in the distance unseen the tower still stood.  "It was one of the things that gave me the courage to escape."  
A faint clanking caused them to look down where Pyrepy, in loo of a treat was gnawing on the frying pan.  "Well at least his teeth can't hurt it, that's solid iron trust me."  Eugene rubbed the back of his head, and Rapunzel leaned in wrapping her arms around his and giving him an apologetic look.  Eugene smiled back assuringly, "But why is he chew on it?"  
"The entry says they don't need to eat, but they like to consume things that people have emotional connections with."  Cass read from the book, which had ended up with her in the chaise.  
Rapunzel's eyes grew wide at that, and she exchanged looks with Eugene and Cass.  Rose, however, just looked at them in confusion.  "The fires," Rapunzel moved to explain, "Remember all the people we talked to say the fires started from something lighting things they loved on fire."  
There was a loud clank, and they looked down to see Pyrepy tear a chunk out of the frying pan, the metal glowing orange around a bite mark.  Pyrepy crunched down the metal, his teeth tiny intense blue flames.  Rapunzel eye went wide and her breath caught in her throat.  Pyrepy noticed her and swallowed the mouthful of molten metal and panted up at her his tail wagging happily.  
Several emotions wrestled across Rapunzel's face, but in the end, she forced a smile and patted Pyrepy on the head, "Go ahead."  
Pyrepy barked happily and began gnawing on the frying pan again tearing off another chunk and chewing it.  Eugene recoiled as he watched the puppy eat, "Doesn't that hurt?"  
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the1rei · 7 years
Bloomin' Ross pt22
Rose has problems with puppies, hair and guards
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Rose groaned turning over onto her back in bed; the night had grown hot as it dawned to morning and now her sheets lay bunched up around her feet.  Dreamily she kicked out her tangled feet struggling to free themselves from the blankets.  With a final kick, Rose managed to blindly and thoughtlessly free her tangled feet and stretched out not noticing the hot fur of her bed companion.  He gave a confused groan as he slid across the bed then yelped with surprise as the bed suddenly ended and he crashed to the floor.  
Picking himself up, he growled and peeked over the bed to see his mistress smile in her sleep, turn back over, snuggle into her pillow, and moan, "Cass..."
His eyes narrowed at her and slid from her face, down her body until they stopped at the pale foot that hung off the end of the bed.  A smile crept onto his face as he turned to it, his pink tongue licking his flaming chops.  
Rose felt the duel pain of burning and biting shoot through her foot and fell out of her bed with a cry.  Confused by her sudden wake fullness Rose rolled over to see what had her foot and right off the lip of her loft.  She gave another shocked cry and hit the floor with a thud.  She gave a long gasping whine as she stared up at the roof until her mother appeared over her.  
"Are you all right Rose,"  Camellia asked, the clumsy girl had taken falls worse that than and gotten back up without a problem, but a daughter can't fall several feet without a mother becoming concerned.  
Rose started to nod when something jet black dropped down from the loft after her landing softly, for him, on her stomach.  Rose gave a loud 'oof,' and Pyrepy shook himself out before stepping off his mistress.  
The door to the girl's room creaked open, and the four little girls appeared, "Did Rose fall out of bed again?" Chloe asked with a yawn her fist buried in her left eye,  Claire and Ella came behind her fists rubbing into their right eyes and Leah behind the other three blinded by both her little fists and only stopped when she bumped into Claire.  
Pyrepy barked and trotted over to Ella who blinked and smiled wide at the puppy gathering him up into her arms giggling and wincing a little at the heat as he licked her face.  With a groan, Rose sat up and looked from her red bite shaped mark on her foot to the pup in her sister's arms giving him a cold glare.  
"Come on girls, brush your hair before you sit down,"  Camellia pulled Rose to her feet and, sure the wobbly young woman was steady on her feet before returning to the kitchen and to stirring the batter she had made in a large mixing bowl.  
The girl went to retrieve their brushes, but Chloe paused and tilted her head questioning at her mother.  "Mother, did Pyrepy eat your spoon?"  The other girls turned to look and Pyrepy, still in Ella's arms sniffed the air hungrily.  
Camellia gave a small grin her eyes glancing at Rose as the older girl slumped into a chair at the table.  "Yes well it seemed the spoon-fairy brought me new on in the night, and I'm very grateful for her hard work to do so."  Leah's eyes lit up with excitement, but her sister's eyes followed their mother's to Rose who, despite her best efforts to resist, was slowly slumping down towards the table.  
The other girls retrieved their hair brushes, and each began brushing her own hair this time, Claire standing close by Leah to help guide the younger girls fumbling attempts.  Reluctantly Ella put down Pyrepy, and he padded off in obvious search of something.  As they did, this Camellia moved over to where Rose sat nearly snoozing and caught her daughter's attention by sharply clearing her throat.  Rose jolted up and grabbed the edge of the table as if catching herself from falling only to find that she was still secure in her chair.  "I said, girls, brush your hair."
"But mom," Rose whined sinking back to the table the locks of her messy hair sticking this way and that as others fell over her face most having escaped the ponytail in the night.
"No buts!"  Camellia sharply countered.  Rose groaned, but offered no further complaint; she had come to accept that she would have to brush her hair after a wash unless she wanted her hair to become a thick mess of dreads.  It was so much easier just to gather it up and tie it back now that it was dry, except her mother would never accept that solution, and if she didn't brush it herself Camellia would set Rose's sisters upon her.  Grumbling Rose trudged over and snapped up her brush and began lazily dragging it through her hair with none of the care and dexterity she had used last night.  Chloe watched her get the brush tangled into a thick bunch of knots and simply pull harder trying to force it through.  Chloe shook her head and finished with her own hair.  
By the time the little ones were done, and Rose had barely started, Pyrepy returned carrying a large wooden bone in his mouth.  The bone, blackened by the licking of his fiery teeth, smoked as he carried it.  When he plopped down under the table and spat it out, everyone could see the bone had flames dancing across its surface, but Pyrepy merely licked at the flames until they went out.  Picking an end, he gnawed on it until the dense wood began burning then licked the flames away and started the cycle again happily.  
Her stomach full of pancakes Rose made her way towards the castle Pyrepy running around her feet and her violin case in the other hand.  Her mother had insisted she take it, Camellia did that sometimes, never when Rose was going to work.  However, on days like this, when there was nothing left to do at home and Rose ventured out into the city, her mother would put the case into her daughter's hands and say, "Here you'll need this today."  Rose could never figure out why her mother did that, but she was almost always right, so Rose rarely argued.  
The castle gate appeared at the end of the street, the crowds thinning to nothing before it leaving just two guards standing before it looking stoic and watchful.  Rose pushed from the crowd, looking down to make sure Pyrepy hadn't wandered off to make trouble, he was close to her side looking up at her panting happily.  "Let's find out exactly what you are, boy."  
Pyrepy barked in agreement, they started for the gate and had almost crossed the threshold when the poles of a pair of halberds crossed in front of her blocking her path.  "State your business!"  
Rose glanced back and forth between the two guards for a moment wondering why they were stopping her.  "I'm going to see Cass."  She answered at length.  
"Cass!  Who's Cass?"  The first guard asked his face was covered by a mustache so large that it twitched over his unseen mouth as he spoke.  
"Cass isn't that, that scullery maid that's the captain's daughter?"  The second answered, his helmet dropping down over his eyes the moment he moved.  
"Scullery maid!  Why would the captain's daughter be a scullery maid?"
"I don't know, safe job I suppose, she the princess' handmaiden now I hear."  
"Yes, Rapunz-"  Rose started, but the guards didn't seem interested in what she had to say.
"Princess' handmaiden!  How does one go from scullery maid to handmaiden?  That's not a lateral move."
"I don't know, but I wouldn't mind a promotion like that myself."  
"Well either way servant can't see guests on castle grounds, that's the regulations."  Rose realized that the mustached guard was finally speaking to her again and nearly jumped to attention under his stern gaze.  
The thoughts of how guards could not know the goings on of their captain's family banished from her mind.  "Unn, Rapunzel!  I'm Rapunz-"  
"Princess Rapunzel!  You must refer to the Princess as Princess or her majesty!"  The mustached guard barked cutting off rose again.  Between Rose feet, Pyrepy glared up unnoticed and growled at the old guard.  
Rose sighed helplessly, "But she asked me just call her Rapunz-"
"It's regulations." He cut her off again; Rose eye twitched as her grip tightened on her case.  "And you haven't stated your name and who you are either, that's regulations as well."  
Rose huffed a few times breathing out her fury with a hot breath.  "My name is Rose; I'm a blacksmith.  Princess Rapunzel is a friend of mine, and I would like to go and visit her."  
The second guard lifted up his helmet and met his partner eyes.  Suddenly the pair erupted into roaring laughter, the second struggled to hold his weapon, and the first leaned on his for support.  "A blacksmith!  A friend of the Princess, that's a riot."  
Rose blushed a deep crimson, all will to protest and fight with the guards rushed out of her.  She glanced back to see several people in the surrounding streets watching the hysterically laughing guards with interest and a few, presumably that had heard the exchange, chuckled as well.  
Hiding her face with her hand Rose quickly scurry away down the nearest alley way not noticing that Pyrepy was still growling up at the guards.  With a final growl, he huffed up at the mustached guard blowing a puff of flame into his face.  The guard laughter died as he coughed out a puff of smoke his face red and his mustache smoldering.  With a satisfied yip, Pyrepy raced after his mistress as the smoldering mustache burst into flames.  
The guard gave a cry that was suddenly silenced as his partner slapped a hand across his face to snuff out the flames.  His head lolled uncertainly for a moment before he collapsed with a thud.
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