#oh and if i hear anyone harassing this person or asking me further i WILL be deleting this ask and never mentioning it again
mishacakes · 1 month
I found this tumblr user who's rottmnt oc is quite similar to yours, like the oc's design is similar to tomiko's, the oc has a similar relationship with their mother like with tomiko and nekomama, the oc also has a battle nexus and working for big mama arc, the oc can also shapeshift, and the oc's mother's design is quite similar to nekomama's
i don't want to say who it is bc it might be rude but I was wondering how you'd feel about this, someone has confronted the user and the user claims that they are not copying and have never heard of you but idk
ok only answering this cause this ask doesn't have the user's @ cause THIS IS NOOOOTTT AN INVITATION TO SEEK OUT OR HARASS THIS USER!!! ANYONE WHO DOES THAT WILL NOT SEE THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN. DO NOT!!!!
yes i am very aware of all of this, and have been for some time. but, here's the thing, i'm like 99.9% sure this person is a kid, and i do not know this person, they are not making money off this character, and anyone with eyes and a brain can see that--despite what they claim--yea they're inspired by tomiko. duh. I would respect them more if they owned up to it, but, hey, what can you do.
I am in my lane, moisturized, unbothered, having fun with my oc that i know is mine, made from love, and drawn from resources I'll gladly say, and not a recolor. they don't affect my life, are not coming for my bag, and at the end of the day i think it's funny. block and move on. end of.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Aggressive Affection
A concept:
The tweels being roughly affectionate with their partner, but not in a r*pey kind of way. More like in the “I love you so fucking much that I can’t contain all this newfound overflowing affectionate I have for you so let me just nom on you in the hopes that you understand even a fraction of my love towards you” kind of way.
Like, Floyd loves loves loves biting and marking his partner, especially when they squirm beneath him. Loves it even more when when his partner huskily asks him to bite harder. Rough them up a little more. Squeeze their thighs rougher. They writhe and whine for him to not hold back and to just use them as a chew toy already! He toothily grins down at them and coos over how much smaller they are compared to him, how so much more tiny and fragile they are, how much he loves his little shrimpy and loves the sounds they make. Like a prey squealing as he devours them.
Jade is much more reserved compared to his twin... at first. Oh, he tries to keep up appearances, but even he can’t hold back his natural instincts forever. Eventually those soft touches and lingering caresses turn into the desire to latch down his maw onto supple skin, to mark them and hear them keen. His teeth itching and aching with desire. His much taller frame looming over his tiny partner, bending down to properly flash his dangerous smile at them, sending a shiver down their spine, before nuzzling into their neck and giving little nips. 
And that’s not even accounting for their eel forms. Adds a whole new flavor to their unconventional affection. Their tails wrapping around their partner, gently squeezing at first, before tightening more and more, pressing against sensitive spots along their skin. Either twin leaving bite marks on any exposed skin and pressing themselves as close to their partner as possible. It’s positively primal how unrestricted they are towards them, trilling and growling all the while.
This same behavior extends to their instinctual need to protect their mate, to ward off any fool who didn’t get the memo that they’re taken. RIP to anyone who makes the unfortunate mistake of harassing, or worse, assaulting their partner. That person is gonna become nothing but bloody chum. Also RIP to anyone who accuses either twin of being a “hypocritic” and accusing them of ever purposefully harming their partner against their will. Such slander is just asking to get squeezed.
Actually, hold on-
Gonna get some of the others in on this since I’m on a roll.
Leona, the lazy ass, nuzzling into his partner as he uses them as a pillow, rubbing his face against theirs. A deep rumble reverberates from deep in his chest, causing their body to shake in response. The lion just keeps pressing himself against them, putting all his weight on them, pushing them further into the mattress. His ear twitches at the sound of their muffled protests and giggles to get off. But he doesn’t, yawning in his partner’s face and instead licking his rough tongue lazily along their skin. Their quiet moans fill his bedroom as his licks turn into nips and gentle bites at their neck.
Malleus is the worst one once he’s reached a certain point in the relationship, becoming much more openly affectionate. Nuzzling his partner’s neck and chuckling at their little squeak when he lifts them up to hold them. His wings and tail present and wrapping around his partner, caging them against him. Their view blocked by only the sight of the dragon fae grinning down at them mischievously. His tail pulls them closer in his embrace, cooing at the size difference between him and their child of man. Clawed hands begin to wander...
Azul refusing to let his partner see his octo form, reserving himself more so than Jade, limiting his affection to simple hand holding and pecks on the cheek. And yet he still finds himself in his original form, tentacles coiling themselves around his partner, wrapping around them and clutching onto them in desperation. Almost afraid that if he let them go, they’ll leave forever. The suckers are glued to their skin, further trapping them to him. All eight tentacles pull his partner closer to him, pressing them against him. Much like Malleus and his wings, Azul’s tentacles serve as a blanket of inky black, only allowing his partner to see darkness and the bright blue of the octomer.
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what-if-nct · 8 months
hii idk if you have heard about it but apparently some nicki minaj anti made fun of nicki minaj which caused her to get doxxed and her family being harassed. it was so bad that her parents kicked her out so further harassment wouldn’t occur to her.
i guess the reason why i mentioned it was because i kept seeing it on my yt shorts and it’s pretty triggering since this is what i thought would happen to me simply for talking about j0nghyun, any other kpop group or idol or even just for no reason. it’s something i kept getting nightmares over and something that would appear in my mind every single time i get cyber bullied or go into a new social media app, which is why i avoid using it at all times.
i’m only in anonymous since it makes me feel more safe knowing that not everyone can just click on my account and figure out who i am, but i’m pretty sure you may know me not personally but has seen my handle before. i quit tumblr due to constant harassment when crying for help. i didn’t want to get instant professional help since it would lead me to be trapped in a room alone like i’m in jail and make me less likely to not ask for help if given the chance.
Oh yeah Barbs and Nicki have been out of their minds for damn near a week cause Nicki went off on a few TikTokers the day before Megan's song Hiss even dropped. All I will say about that is that pink lady needs to have her phone taken away and go to some kind of facility. But her fans need to go to jail because they've been doxxing anyone who talks negatively (truthfully) about Nicki or just supports Megan. Now they're talking about defacing Megan's mom's grave and the cemetery had to hire extra security. But a lot of the people they doxxed are seeking legal action and the fans are getting dealt with.
With that aside I'm so sorry to hear that it's been triggering to you because it's something you fear due to the cyber bullying you've faced. It's horrible that there are fans who think any of this is okay when it's literally illegal. But I don't know if this will help you at all but as long as you're being kind and respectful I don't think you should have anything to worry about. Plus I don't think any kpop fandom other than Army's have it in them to doxx anyone especially not shawols. Barbs are a cult ran by that pink lady they're not normal people. Not many fandoms are at that level of delusion. So I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just continue to practice online safety and anytime you feel unsafe in a fan space promptly leave as you've done before.
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
I mean this as absolutely no hate, but I think a lot of people are upset right now and jumping to conclusions, and simply stating you aren't for the things the callout post said would help calm shit down.
I say this as someone who doesn't want to see you get hate. You don't have to, idk you personally or what you are ok with, but I've liked some of your writing and I dont like seeing people get hate esp for writing something you didn't write
Hi anon—I’m not entirely clear what you’re asking me to do here. These guys don’t want to have a discussion, they don’t want to hear my perspective, they want to slander and drive me away. Which, good luck, they are absolutely no match for my sheer stubbornness.
No, I didn’t write Erica and Eddie. I doubt I ever will because while I see the potential for them as adults, I want Eddie with Chrissy. I want Erica with Dustin. Those are the relationships that interest me, that I like writing. So sure a simple denial is an option and an encouragement for anyone who wants to research further to actually look and read my fics.
But for those who DO write Erica/Eddie or write dead doves—I will be damned if they are attacked for it because of this stupid puriteen mania.  so I’m not gonna go ‘oh it’s not me who wrote this disturbing content, it’s this other person’, just providing a highway for antis to attack and harass them.
Nah. I don’t care what you write whether it is a weird “Me and Eddie have a baby and I must protect my pretend baby from that Evil Phoenix” (I am known to eat the pretend babies of you and your fave) or a dead dove or a ship I hate or a ship I love. Just tag your shit and block if something disturbs you.
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phagechildon · 1 year
Song of Our Soul - Part 4
Life’s been pretty insane again so I haven’t been able to write much I’m so sorry ;/////; I’ve been updating very slowly to Twitter whenever I get a chance, so here’s what I’ve been able to write so far! It’s a longer part to make up for the time! It’s not really edited, but I will once I upload it to AO3 eventually. I’m experimenting with different POV’s too. Hope you enjoy ❤
— Modern Wangxian reincarnation soulmate au where both hear a song in their dreams, a song so familiar yet so foreign. They catch glimpses of each other in their dreams, and hear their voices, but when they wake up, all they remember is the melody and the other’s faint emotions. Angst with a happy ending. TW: mentions of violence, child abuse, abandonment, suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape, etc. Will add more
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
To Lan Zhan’s relief, Mo Xuanyu didn’t disappear like he originally thought he would. After stopping that night, Mo Xuanyu was the first to text him the next day.
“Morning Lan Zhan! Say, you don’t actually go to school, do you?”
“I do.”
“What?! Lan Zhan, you’re crazy! You’ve already struck gold, why waste your time going to school??”
If this question had come from anyone else, he would’ve been annoyed. After all, it was a well known family tradition. Instead of annoyance, a warmth settled over him, one the musician didn’t understand. “Every Lan has a degree in their field, I will be no different.”
“But music is so different from law and law enforcement. Don’t people harass you at school?”
“They do not bother me.”
“ Wow 😲 I don’t know if that’s impressive or sad. How could anyone resist Hanguangjun?!🤯”
Once more, he could feel the tip of his ears turn a little pink, not sure how to process the other’s words. His music knew they were soulmates, right? So was he purposefully flirting with him, or was he looking too much into it?
“Shameless.” He wrote back, unable to come up with anything else.
Surprisingly, Mo Xuanyu never left him on read. In fact, he was adamant on being the last to respond, even if it was just: “Goodnight Lan Zhan! Please don’t text back because then I’ll have to respond and neither one of us will sleep 🤣😂”
Lan Zhan did notice something odd though. Every time he asked a more personal question, the other would either take a long time to respond (while not answering the question directly), dismiss the question completely, or find a way to smoothly turn it on him. It was as if he didn’t want him to know about his personal life.
Which made his further findings a little more disturbing.
Mo Xuanyu: Deceased at 5 Years Old. Cause of Death: Homicide. Culprit: Unknown. Suspects: None.
“Did you know older foxes like to cuddle with humans Lan Zhan?”
This wasn’t the first time something random like this has come up, and the Lan couldn’t help but wonder how and why Mo was looking up fox facts.
“I did not. I would have thought they would be too scared of humans by that age.”
“Right?? Guess when you get to that age you stop giving a shit 😁🤣”
Later on that day, he sent another strange text.
“Why do people litter in rivers?? Don’t they know it waters the wildlife? Outrageous!”
Foxes, and now rivers. He certainly seemed to love wild life.
“I have seen them myself. Littering has indeed gotten worse.”
“Oh? Do you camp or hike often Lan Zhan??”
“Sometimes. When I was younger, I attended an astronomy camp for two months. During free time, I would often go to the river and clean up the trash.”
“An astronomy camp?! 😲😲😲😲 I always wanted to go to one! Or did I? Maybe I have? I have a horrible memory, guess that’s what a head injury does 🤣”
A head injury. The first bit of personal information he’s given out freely. While Lan Zhan was a little afraid to press, he had to if he wanted answers.
“A head injury?” He asked, hoping the briefer the question was, the more comfortable Mo felt.
“It was a long time ago Hanguangjun! I was almost six at the time. I don’t remember much from before or after. But I feel like I might’ve gone to one. Wouldn’t it be funny if we went to the same one? 🤣🤪”
While Lan Zhan knew this was Mo trying to joke around again, part of him felt his body seize up. He attended the club when he was around six years old - around the same time he heard the music start to play. Would it really be possible that they bumped into each other at the astronomy camp? With Mo’s memory gone, he had no way to prove it.
Things only got weirder when he finally found the police report for Mo Xuanyu’s murder:
The report was shorter than Lan Zhan expected, especially after finding out Mo Xuanyu wasn’t the only one who died that day.
Needing groceries for the following work week, Mo Xuanyu’s mother and aunt brought him along to the local supermarket. On their way out, Mo Xuanyu bumped into the leg of a biker who was later identified as Wen Chao, one of the leaders of the Wen gang. In a fury, he kicked and threw a can of soup at the child, where his mother then shielded him with her body. He then harassed her verbally until an employee intervened. Before leaving, Wen Chao swore he’d make them pay for being incompetent.
Around ten o'clock that night, someone burst through the front door of the apartment. According to the lone survivor, Mo Xuanyu’s aunt Mo Shi, a man in all black shot Mo Xuanyu’s mother, making her bleed out and watch as they brutally beat Mo Xuanyu to death. The only reason the killer spared Mo Shi was because she feigned gratitude for “finally” getting rid of the nuisances in the family. Immediately after he left, she called the police and was put under protective custody for a few months.
While the obvious suspect was Wen Chao, police have footage of him robbing three civilians at the same time of the crime. Mo Shi claims the assailant didn’t wear any gang affiliated symbols, which the Wen gang was known to do even under supposed covert operations.
Though Lan Zhan didn’t like to make conclusions without further evidence, he found the Wen gang’s innocence hard to believe. After all, he worked with his brother and trained men in taking them down.
Having met Wen Chao on a few occasions, he knew the man well. While he was a despicable man who was easily baited and angered, a child that young bumping into him wouldn’t have set him off like that, especially if the mother didn’t say anything outlandish. What he said also raised suspicion. As it was left out, Wen Chao and Mo Xuanyu’s mother most likely had no connection before this incident, so how was her son bumping into him incompetent?
There was more to this story, that much was obvious. In fact, he was almost positive it was planned.
Before he could do further research on his mother and aunt, he saw his phone light up.
A notification from Tumblr: Suibian sent you a message.
Glancing at the time, a flicker of worry threaded through his veins, not realizing it was already one in the morning. For once though, he was glad to have lost track of time.
Opening his phone, his heart stopped in his chest.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do the collab thing after all.”
“Why not?” Lan Zhan wrote back, the message illuminating Mo’s pale and dirtied face.
He hadn’t expected a response, not this late at night. Mo Xuanyu stared numbly down at the phone screen, his eyes glazing over at the words. The answer was obvious, wasn’t it? His inspiration might claim to like his version better, but what if that was it? Aside from his newest song, there was nothing special about him. Besides, everyone who ever got involved with him got hurt, so if he really cared about Lan Zhan, he should keep his distance, right?
… would that be cruel to Lan Zhan though? Despite popular belief, he wasn’t dumb, he knew they were somehow connected. How else would Lan Zhan play the other part of the soothing melody from his dreams? One that had so many notes in places where his lacked, the two versions creating a whole.
Hearing that melody outside his dreamscape had been the only thing that stopped him from stepping off that bridge that night.
”I’m here,” Hanguangjun said through the notes. ”You’re not alone, I’m here.”
The more he listened, the more those and other inaudible words warmed his soul. Tears soaked his cheeks, though he wasn’t sure when they started to flood in the first place. For the first time in his life, he didn’t feel suffocated by another’s care and love. He felt safe and truly wanted, and it was all because Hanguangjun played the missing part of their song. It made him realize that even before the trust he had in his mother shattered, he never truly felt safe with her.
“Mo Xuanyu, you know what happens to the people who cloud your judgment. If you don't want them to be punished, come home.”
When he read that text a few days late (he silenced all her calls and texts), he couldn’t help but laugh. Them hurt Lan Zhan? Impossible. How laughable. What he’d give to see his mother’s smug smile fall into one of fear after realizing who he’s been talking to.
Yet part of him still couldn’t help but worry. No one was untouchable, and that included Lan Zhan. Just the thought of someone hurting him to get to him made him want to rip his own heart out and crush it so they no longer had a reason to hurt his apparent soulmate.
The mere reality of that made Mo scoff, finding it utterly ridiculous how he felt this strongly for someone he barely even knew. Part of him wondered if he was delusional, but feelings this powerful can’t be manufactured.
Besides, someone tainted in filth and blood shouldn’t associate with someone so perfect. They needed to step off a bridge so they'd no longer be a burden on the world.
“Lan Zhan, let me ask… why should we?” He managed to type back, his silver eyes hardly focusing on what he was typing. Too sober to be responding, the back of his brain whispered. In the morning, when he looked back at these messages, he’d berate and scold himself for letting his depression speak truthfully.
“Why not?” Lan Zhan responded again, making his frown deepen. He really wasn’t making this easy. How could he convince Lan Zhan he was poison? Part of him was tempted to ghost him, maybe even block him to prevent him from finding him again. Everytime he went to do it though, his finger would hover over the block button and his anxiety would race.
Don’t do it don’t do it don’t you dare fucking do it. It literally felt like he was crushing his own soul with his bare hands every. single. time.
“We’re just not compatible. You’re well, you. You’re beautiful, you’re gorgeous. You’re exceedingly good at playing the guqin. That goes without saying. You’re really good at calligraphy, and-” his thoughts came to an abrupt stop, but not his thumb as it pressed send. Oddly enough, he had a vague sense of dejavu. How could that be when he’s never been close enough to say such things to someone? And why focus on calligraphy? Sure he's seen it before, fans like himself liked to see everything he did. But still, calligraphy?
Shaking his head, he quickly added to the last message. “I know better than to put people on pedestals, this isn't me idolizing you or anything like that. I just don’t want to ruin your reputation. Sure you like my version, and maybe others will too, but I don’t exactly have a good reputation.”
The biggest understatement of the year.
How could he warn Lan Zhan he was danger and not worth it without outright saying it?
“I do not care about trivial matters like that, and even less about what others think. I make my own judgments.”
“Lan Zhan, you barely even know me,” he wrote truly back, feeling a little aggrieved. “What if I’m actually some criminal trying to hurt or exploit you?”
“A criminal brave enough to try going up against a Lan would be worth knowing.”
Mo couldn’t help the snort that left him, his self deprecating mood lifting a bit. Yet again Lan Zhan was able to do something no one has before - pull him from his dark place and make him feel secure. Even his mother hadn’t been able to do that.
Maybe things would be different with Hanguangjun.
“What if I’m hideous?” He teasingly wrote, quickly following it up. “You should know my wardrobe mostly consists of ripped jeans and hoodies these days. Mostly black or red depending on which one is clean 😉”
After escaping, he secured a cheap black hoodie from the thrift store along with another set of jeans. There were only two outfits to his name right now.
“Appearances do not matter. Anything you wear to the performance is welcome.”
“ 😲 Anything you say?! Lan Zhan, you should really watch your words 😉”
This time a chuckle left his lips as he curled up more into himself, cradling the phone in his hands. His body shivered as another frigid breeze swept through, making him inch slightly closer to the crackling fire. Another trip to the thrift store was needed. At this rate, he’d die from frostbite before seeing Hanguangjun in person!
It didn’t matter if he felt good enough to collab with Lan Zhan anymore, or felt like he’d endanger his inspiration. Right now, as he drifted to sleep, the only thing that mattered was finally meeting him in person. Once he did, whatever happened afterwards, he knew he'd be able to die happily.
“Do you ever feel nervous before a show?” Mo Xuanyu asked. It was now three days before the performance.
“No,” Lan Zhan responded, purposely leaving out that this is the only show he’s felt nervous about. After all, he’s going to properly meet his music.  
“You’ve never looked shy in front of a crowd, but you also don’t talk to your fans either.”
“I do not perform for the crowd, I do it for myself,” he wrote, purposely leaving out the part where he did it in an attempt to reach out to his soulmate. With both of them avoiding the topic, Lan Zhan assumed it was safe to save the subject for later.
“You really are a weird person Lan Zhan, but in a good way!” Mo responded, quickly following it up. “At least we don’t have to worry about the fame getting to your head or any scandals. Now I have a way to sniff imposters out 😉”
“How will I know if there is an imposter of you?” A risky move, Lan Zhan knew, but it also made sense in this context. “The tickets are sold out.”
Five minutes-
10 minutes-
“You’re right. Even if someone showed up to your dressing room, how would you know it’s me?”
“Lan Zhan… no one else looks at your messages, do they?”
A hard fearful lump formed in Lan Zhan’s throat, his fingers unconsciously tightening their grip on his phone. He finally had physical evidence that his music was in danger, and not just from himself. The caution towards others seeing these messages clearly showed his trust was fragile. Mo Xuanyu didn’t want to be noticed by someone.
“My brother used to help manage my account, but not anymore. I am the only one who has access. However, if you feel uncomfortable, I can give you my phone number. We will need to exchange information for the collaboration anyway.” Writing out his number, he hit send, and waited.
After asking for a description or possibly even a picture of Mo, Lan Zhan knew he’d have to wait a while. If answering simple questions took his music a while to respond, finding the courage to send what he looked like probably made his anxiety skyrocket.
Surprisingly, it was only a few hours later when he received a text from an unknown number: “Am I your only fan in your phone?” The text preview showed as another text came through - a picture text.
Opening up his phone, Lan Zhan’s eyes scrunched up with a mixture of emotions.
“Am I your only fan in your phone? How scandalous Hanguangjun! What if I was pretending to be Chenqing this whole time, or worse! What if I wasn’t human?!”
The picture below the text was one of a fox. Lan Zhan wanted to shake his head until he noticed an arm wrapped around the fox, then a chest adorning dark clothes. This was an image of someone cuddling a fox, and based off its ragged appearance, it seemed to be a wild one.
… Mo hadn’t googled fox facts the other day. He found out older foxes liked being cuddled by cuddling one himself. That was incredibly dangerous! Why would he try such a thing?!
Wait, if the fox was real, did that mean when he talked about a river full of trash, he stumbled upon one too? He knew Mo liked nature, his blog was filled with pictures of a forest. Did he perhaps live by one? This was something he’d make a mental note of.
“That is incredibly dangerous,” Lan Zhan texted back, hoping he still didn’t have the fox captive.
“I already told you they like being cuddled, and so do I. I don’t see a problem~ 🦊 ”
Worry and anger made Lan Zhan scowl, trying to balance the two emotions out before responding. Yet as his fingers pressed a few letters, Mo sent another message - a picture message.
This time, it was a selfie of the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life. Those alluring yet mischievous silver eyes stole his gaze, finding himself lost in them. They’re sparkling and smiling, but also filled with a deep sadness he wishes he could eradicate. Framing them is long black hair tied up with -
A red ribbon. Lan Zhan grasped his heart, feeling it race in his chest. It’s the same exact ribbon from his dream, one of the only parts he remembers when he wakes up.
“Jeez, I must love hoodies cause I’m wearing one in all my selfies 🤣”
“You look fine.” More than fine, actually, he wanted to add.
“Aw, thanks Lan Zhan! ❤ I know how great I look and all, but please don’t show me to too many people, okay? I know how hard it'll be to hold back 😉 I’m just trying to stay out of family drama and would prefer no one recognize me.”
Family drama? Well, even if it was a lie, it was yet another glimpse into Mo Xuanyu’s personal life. “I promise only to show it when it comes to your safety.”
“PFFF Lan Zhan! What do you mean by that? No one I know enjoys what I do, so I’ll be fine at the performance! Don’t go showing me to all your security guards, I’ll have them swooning! 🤣”
… then why mention not showing the selfie to others? Mo Xuanyu really knew how to confuse and concern him.
His concern doesn’t go unnoticed by his brother who stops by later that night to eat dinner with him.
“Did something happen, Wangji?” Lan Xichen asked as he slowly pulled the takeout boxes out of the bag. “You look troubled.”
“So do you,” Lan Zhan admitted, becoming just as worried for his brother.
“It’s nothing to worry about,” Lan Xichen merely waved. “We finally besieged one of the Wen gang’s main hideouts. Twenty two are in custody, thirty are dead.”
“That’s good news.”
“It is. We found three shipments of illegal weapons along with logs and footage of their heists and crimes.”
They actually found logs and footage of their crimes?! That meant there was a huge possibility Wen Chao wouldn’t get away with all his crimes no matter how much money he threw around. That was definitely worth celebrating!
“Do you need assistance combing through them?”
Lan Xichen shook his head, a genuine smile peering through this time. “No, but thanks for the offer. The footage is rather disturbing.”
“I see,” Lan Zhan mumbled, seeing his phone light up with a new message from Mo. He didn’t notice the way his mood instantly lifted, but his brother did.
“Things must be going well for you too Wangji.” Lan Zhan froze up, the tip of his ears turning pink. “I haven’t seen you this happy before.”
Not knowing what to say, he nodded, though his eyebrows knitted in worry. “I am…but I am also worried.”
“About your new friend?” Seeing his little brother nod, Lan Xichen’s own eyes scrunched a bit worriedly. “Is this related to your searches in the database?”
There were no secrets kept between them, including their search histories. Out of curiosity, Lan Xichen had clicked on the search after seeing Lan Wangji reviewed the case file several times. To his surprise, he found the file classified as a cold case. “Is your friend related to the victim?”
For a moment, Lan Zhan stayed frighteningly quiet, which considering he hardly spoke, said a lot. “He’s claiming to be Mo Xuanyu.”
Shock couldn’t help but breech his face, now understanding what had his brother so perplexed. The same question that plagued Lan Zhan for so long now infected Lan Xichen: Why would someone pretend to be a dead child?
“And you looked him up to see if someone had the same name?”
“That was the first thing I did,” Lan Zhan sighed, no longer feeling hungry as he stared blankly at his food. “He is the only one that comes up.”
“I see… have you tried inquiring about it with him?”
“No,” he admitted, biting his bottom lip. “I… think he is in danger.”
Considering he was using the name of a deceased child, he must be wrapped up in something dangerous. “What makes you think that?”
Now that he was finally telling someone else, Lan Zhan felt like a nervous wreck. He was worried - he was beyond worried. After saving his soulmate from suicide, now he had to save him from something or someone who drove him to make such a decision. How could he do that when all he had were breadcrumbs of his life?
He couldn’t lose him. Dear god he couldn’t lose him. That pure unfiltered fear was unexplainable, but he didn’t need it to be explained.
Lans only loved once. That was the only explanation he needed.  
Taking a deep breath, he told him about the suicide attempt, his cautious reactions and responses, and the way he skirted around personal questions. While leaving out the most important part, the one about the song in his dreams as it would make him seem insane, his brother nodded with a distressed look on his face. Something didn’t seem right even to an outsider.
“That does seem worrisome,” Lan Xichen agreed, resting his chin in his hand for a moment. “Even if he wanted to pose as the deceased Mo Xuanyu, you’d think he’d say his head injury happened when he just turned five, not almost six.”
Lan Zhan nodded, completely agreeing with him. “He needs help.”
“I agree. Mind if I lend a hand?”
Normally Lan Zhan hated getting his brother involved, especially since he had so many other responsibilities. Yet he couldn’t help but nod, his desperation too great.
Somehow, he knew they didn’t have a lot of time. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Is there anything else you know?”
“Not really. I do have a picture of him, if it will help.” Mo asked him not to show it to a lot of people and seemed okay when Lan Zhan said he’d only show it to people when it concerned his safety. This situation definitely matched up with those terms.
“The picture he didn't want others to see?” His brother asked, wanting to make sure he was okay with this.
“Yes. He said not to show many people, and I only intend to show it to you. Besides, this is to protect him.”
The moment Lan Xichen’s eyes landed on the photo, his whole face went pale. The reaction wasn’t expected, which only made Lan Zhan nearly panic. Did his brother already know something?
“Wangji… are you sure this is your friend?” He asked, zooming in to get a better look at some of his features. It didn’t calm him down in the least.
“And he’s safe?”
“... Brother, why are you asking? Do you know something?”
“Is he safe?” Lan Xichen asked once again, his stern tone making his brother quiet down.
“I believe so. He has been texting me the past three days.”
“Good,” he breathed out before closing his styrofoam take out box, no longer hungry. “Before I say anything, I want to confirm something first.”
“Wangji, whatever you do, make sure to keep in contact with him and find a way to convince him to meet up before the event.”
“Why?” Lan Zhan asked, unable to help the exasperation in his desperate voice.
“I dare not say, not until I confirm it. Let me know if you’re able to meet up with him.”
Meet up, meaning his brother didn’t find him a threat. So why was he so concerned about him?
“Okay,” he said, swallowing the rest of the words in his throat. He trusted his brother with his life, so no matter how hard it was, he would be patient.
“I know this is sudden, but are you in town?” Lan Zhan asked, pursing his bottom lip anxiously as he typed; a habit he’s never had before now. “I would like to meet up before the performance, if that is okay with you.”
As if waiting to hear from him, three dots started appearing, showing Mo Xuanyu was typing, then stopped. Anxiety and fear tightly gripped his chest in an attempt to suffocate him, unable to handle the suspense. Would this scare Mo off?
“Before?? 😳😳😲 Hanguangjun, haven’t you heard it’s bad luck to see each other before the ceremony?”
The tip of his ears burned slightly as his golden eyes read the text, immediately thinking “shameless, ridiculous!” Referencing the performance as some kind of ceremony had to be his soulmate flirting with him, right? How was he supposed to respond to that??
“I will risk it if it means being able to meet you without the eyes of others.”
“... Lan Zhan wants to get me all alone 😨😱”
… was Mo trying to imply something there?? “It gets fairly busy, and I do not want our first meeting to be rushed and interrupted by others.”
“Is this really Hanguangjun? Quick - take a picture of what you’re doing right now, no matter what it is!!”
Another picture? Looking down at his lap where two bunnies sat, his ears became a little pink again. No one knew about his affinity for rabbits. Until now, he hadn’t really cared if anyone knew or not. For some reason, the thought of Mo knowing made him feel embarrassed.
Regardless of how he felt, he raised his phone and took a picture, making sure everything was in view. Behind him his beautiful peonies could be seen, their colors so vibrant they nearly drowned Lan Zhan out.
“Holy shit - are those bunnies!?” Mo sent, the three dots immediately popping up again. “Are those peonies?!”
“Yes,” he simply responded, still not sure what this reaction meant.
Instead of words, a picture message was sent. In what must’ve been Mo Xuanyu’s hand was a little white bunny figure attached to a thin cord, resembling either a phone or wallet charm. “At least you have the real thing! I like bunnies too 😍 Do you have more??”
Lifting his gaze from his lap, Lan Zhan stared down at the seven other bunnies hopping around close by. He sent this scene to Mo as well.
“Holy shit I didn’t expect you to actually have more! Do you tend to the garden yourself?!” Just beyond the bunnies were dozens of flowers of all kinds along with fruits and vegetables at the corners of the frame.
“I do.”
“Why don’t you hire a gardener? That’s a lot of work!”
“Tending to it brings me peace.”
“So you’re a prodigy, an expert at the guqin, exceedingly smart, intoxicatingly handsome, a diligent housewife, a masterful gardener - Lan Zhan, how are you not married???”
“I have not found my fated one.”
“Aiyah even your fated one doesn’t deserve you! Anyone who manages to steal your heart will just use you!”
“I do not mind being used by my fated one.”
“You can’t just let someone take advantage of you Hanguangjun! - I take it back, you’re not allowed to marry! Who knew you’d be so irresponsible?? 😡”
A very small smile folded at the corner of Lan Zhan’s lips, once again finding Mo Xuanyu’s protectiveness cute and endearing. “If they are my fated one, I know I will be unable to do anything but love them unconditionally.”
“Just because you’re fated to be with them??”
“Because we are fated for a reason.” To outsiders, this sounded like severely flawed logic. To those who knew him, they were well aware Lan Zhan didn’t love easily. He didn’t talk to others easily either. If he truly loved someone enough to call them his fated one, then that person had to be extraordinary.
“I never took you as a romantic, now I don’t know what to do with this new information 😵 😵 ”
“Are you in town today?” Lan Zhan asked, trying to reel the conversation back to his first request. It would seem Mo had somewhat of a silver tongue.
“I am. Where would you like to meet? I don’t do well in crowded places.” For some reason, Lan Zhan had a feeling Mo actually meant he didn’t want to go somewhere he’d have a higher chance of being recognized.
“There is a small cafe I frequent. I can pick you up?”
… ten minutes passed, leaving Lan Zhan waiting with bated breath.  
“Lan Zhan, you really have to stop being so chivalrous! I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little lost.”
Lost? How could he be lost when there was a GPS on his phone? Shouldn’t he have reception since they were texting each other?
“Where are you?”
“Somehow I ended up at a cemetery.”
A cemetery…? How did he end up at a cemetery?? If Lan Zhan hadn’t been the one to invite him out, he would’ve assumed this was a set up. Actually, it still seemed like a set up. It wouldn’t make sense though. Why would someone on the run set a trap for him?
Shaking the thoughts from his head, he got the name of the cemetery, informed his brother, and quickly left.  
He was shaking. How could he not be shaking? So much had happened this morning and the only thing he wanted to do was drink and sleep. When was the last time he even had a drink? Probably the night he fled from the Wen’s den.
Considering he relied on buses and trains, it didn’t take him too long to get to Gusu. Filled to the brim with nerves at the idea that Lan Zhan would hate and discard him, the world naturally thrusted more problems on him.
Traveling all night, he accidentally fell asleep on the final bus, missing his stop for the cheap motel Wen Ning managed to find for him. The only thing that woke him was a fight breaking out on the bus, a fight between a Wen gang member and some martial artist who refused to give up his seat for him.
Naturally, with his shitty luck, he knew the gang member from the Wen gang. He was one of the ones he never wanted to see again. While he should’ve pondered what they were doing in Gusu, he instead kicked them both out of the bus while the driver quickly closed the doors, leaving the two brawling in the street.
Opting to get off at the next stop, the doors barely closed behind him when he saw two other Wen gang members walking towards him. Bolting was his first instinct, and he was glad he didn’t give in. Such an abrupt action would’ve caught their attention. With the oversized black hoodie covering his slim frame, they wouldn’t notice a thing unless they ripped the hood off his head.
Taking deep breaths, he managed to slip away without drawing their attention.
Focusing so much on escaping, he forgot to pay attention to where he was going, hence how he ended up at a large cemetery.
And now, if he was being honest, he didn’t want to leave. The main reason he nearly stepped off the bridge was so he didn’t have to deal with all this shit anymore. Yet here he was, lost in Gusu with Wens crawling all around the city. How ironic would it be if he got caught in Gusu while trying to find his way to the song in his soul - the one that convinced him to stay a little longer?
“Lan Zhan…” he mumbled, clenching his phone with shaky hands. Just saying his name helped steady his breathing. Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan Lan Zhan Lan Zhan-
The sound of a car approaching made him snap his eyes open, not even sure when he closed them nor when sat on the ground to curl into himself. While he would’ve opted to call himself pathetic, all thoughts were silenced as he watched the white car pull up. This wasn’t someone from the Wen gang, all their cars were either black or red, which meant this was either someone visiting their loved one’s grave or-
The window to the passenger seat rolled down, instantly putting Mo Xuanyu at ease.
Lan Zhan.
For a moment, all they could do was stare at each other with wide eyes, gold bearing into silver. They weren’t sure who moved first (or when Lan Zhan got out of the car), only that they met each other halfway, arms around each other in a desperate embrace.
… desperate embrace?
Mo Xuanyu quickly pulled himself away, his face bright red as he cleared his throat. “S-sorry! I guess I tripped. Your handsome good looks nearly killed me Lan Zhan!”
Lan Zhan looked stunned, needing another moment to recover. “I am glad you did not fall.”
For some reason, that made Mo burst into a fit of laughter, needing to wrap an arm around his stomach the longer it went on. “Lan Zhan-” he breathed out between cackles. “I can’t believe you came!”
Confused, the Lan titled his head ever so slightly. The sight made Mo Xuanyu’s heart race with heat, laughing even more. “I can’t - I can’t- you’re too much!!”
“How so?” He asked just as calm as before, not helping poor Mo’s condition.
Taking deep breaths, he managed to satiate the laughter with tears in his eyes, using his finger to wipe them away. With his other hand, he gave Lan Zhan’s forehead a gentle teasing flick. “Don’t trust anyone who asks you to meet them at a cemetery again! I could’ve been a creep or serial killer!”
The barest hint of a smile flashed across those stone lips, one that made Mo nearly swoon more. “I will not,” he said, simply placating him with a warm glint in those alluring eyes.
Standing in front of one another at least, Mo Xuanyu found himself nearly a head shorter than his inspiration, which made him pout a little. Growing up poor with little food severely stunted his body. Odd how he hadn’t cared about that until now.
Ironically his stomach growled, stopping his lips from moving and speaking some more. Instead he watched Lan Zhan’s eyes widen, then soften again.
“Let us get something to eat.”
The thought of real food made Mo’s mouth water, humming and nodding desperately. He can’t remember the last time he had an actual decent meal. Hopefully the cafe wasn’t too expensive, he barely had ten dollars to his name.
The drive wasn’t as awkward as Lan Zhan thought it would be. Granted, he also hated socializing with people, especially when they had a lot of energy. Somehow, he only felt endured and almost breathless as he watched Mo Xuanyu excitingly point at places they passed and inquired about them.
“What about that book store? Have you been there too?”
“I have.”
“It looks so homey from the outside!”
“It is my favorite one, actually. It is very quaint and quiet.”
“Oh??” Mo’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ as he pressed his face against the glass, trying to get a better look as they started to pull away due to the light turning green.
“Would you like to stop?”
As expected, Mo shook his head, a somber expression taking over his once sparkling smile. “Another time.” There was a hollowness to his voice, one that made Lan Zhan’s eyebrows knit together and grip tighten on the steering wheel. If it wasn’t for the looming danger of knowing someone was after his music, he would’ve pulled over and forced the other to indulge himself. Something he was positive Mo either didn’t allow or couldn’t.
The moment his eyes had settled on his music back in the cemetery, a silent alarm whirled in the back of his head. As charmed and speechless as he had been, he managed to take note of certain details.
He was thin. Too thin. Even the oversized hoodie couldn’t hide the growing hollowness in his cheeks. Embracing him only confirmed what his eyes observed. His waist was far too slim, his bones protruding more than what was healthy. Then, there was his smell. While his nose was buried in those tied back long black strands that smelled like cheap shampoo and conditioner, there was an undertone of a deep earthy musk.
It wasn’t bad, in fact it was a little nostalgic. He wasn’t one to reminisce on his childhood, that is until he started talking to Mo Xuanyu. The smell brought him back to the days he spent in a haze during astronomy camp. Of getting lost in the forest during a violent storm and becoming quite ill. It made him remember going back to the forest, often hiking on trails and finding a place to quietly play his music - the music that played nonstop in his soul.
With the picture of Mo cuddling the fox and talking about rivers being littered, part of him wondered if his music had been hiding out in the woods before coming here. Just the thought made him grip the steering wheel more, his knuckles turning white as he glanced over to his soulmate again, seeing him pointing at another building.
“What’s that one?”
“That is a Gusu brand clothing store.”
“Oh,” Mo said, wrinkling his nose as they passed by the glass windows, seeing expensive looking suits and dresses in the window. “Looks too expensive, they’ve squandered such a cool looking building!”
Lan Zhan shook his head, finding a little amusement in the response as he turned down a sidestreet. There wasn’t a lot of parking along this road, but seeing the lack of pedestrians, there didn’t seem to be a reason for more.
Mo Xuanyu’s eyes immediately locked onto the little cafe without it needing to be pointed out. It was a cozy looking coffee shop painted a light lilac with flowers blooming at the front door and windows. On display in the window seal were small lotus flowers that were obviously fake, but still captured their beauty as they framed the name of the small business: Lotus Cove.
Lan Zhan took off his seatbelt, unaware of the quiet maelstrom that was brewing inside of Mo.
His head ached despite being empty as he stared at the building, unable to process what he was feeling. It was unpleasant, that much he knew, yet as Mo tried to turn away, he couldn’t. There was a silence that overtook him, a silence that made a tingling white noise sensation quietly form in the back of his head and ring quietly in his ears.
Was this fear? Was this oppression? The numbness that settled into his limbs and bones made him think otherwise. There were no prominent emotions, just a tingling blank slate.
“Mo Xuanyu?” Lan Zhan quietly called, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Right, he was here to spend some time with his soulmate. It didn’t really matter what he was feeling or how this would end anyway.
“This is really cute!” He beamed, his smile not fully reaching his eyes. Not sure if he was being too obvious or not, he quickly got out of the car and scrambled onto the sidewalk. His feet froze one cement block away from the door, though he wasn’t sure why. The only thing he knew was that he didn’t want to go in alone.
His behavior must’ve been odd because Lan Zhan walked up to his side with a concerned gleam in his gorgeous gold eyes, one Mo quickly learned he hated to see.
“Who knew you’d find such a cute little cafe like this? You really can’t judge a book by its cover,” he winked, making the tips of the other’s ears turn a slight shade of pink.
Oh no- that was really cute. Mo felt a very faint blush of his own take hold and cleared his throat, opting to stare at the door to the cafe instead.
Before he could say anything shameless, Lan Zhan opened the door, gesturing for him to go inside. Instinctively he clenched his fists, a wave of nervousness washing over him. Not knowing why he felt like this made him a little irritated. He liked to face things head on, so not being able to face whatever the hell he was going through right now pissed him off.
For Hanguangjun’s sake, he entered with a smile. “Why thank you my fine gentleman!” He chuckled.
“Lan Wangji!” A female’s voice beamed in happiness, making Mo quickly find the source. Behind a dark wooden counter was a beautiful young woman with long black hair tied into two slight buns with bangs framing her comforting honey-dew eyes. She wore purple-jean overalls over a short-sleeve white shirt with small cute pins aligning the top.
She was comforting, even if the white noise became a fraction louder.
“It’s good to see you again!” She smiled, her eyes then moving to Mo. A spark of fond shock made him feel self conscious, unknowingly taking a step closer to Lan Zhan. “You brought a friend with you today?”
“Yes,” he bowed his head ever so slightly, his eyes silently glancing over at him. Knowing Lan Zhan was leaving it up to him if he wanted to introduce himself or not made his heart race in fondness. He really was perfect in every way.
“I’m Mo Xuanyu,” he said, slightly bowing his head as well.
“I’m Jiang Yanli, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she smiled, bowing her head in the same manner. “Lan Wangji’s never brought a friend before. This is cause for celebration!”
Lan Zhan wanted to refuse, knowing she liked to go overboard, but there was something in the way she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off Mo that made him curious. She was married and wasn’t the type to steal glances at other men. For her to be this interested meant she saw something special in him.
“Please take a seat! Would you like your usual?”
“Yes please,” Lan Zhan said, picking up a paper menu and handing it to Mo, the action seemingly snapping his music out of whatever thoughts he was having. “Do not worry about the prices. This is my treat.”
Mo snapped his head up faster than he could blink, the look of shock and guilt making his heart ache more. “Hanguangjun-”
“I was the one who asked you to come out here. It is the least I can do.” There was far to it than that, but leaving out the rest would make this less awkward. Thankfully his soulmate easily gave in, his silver eyes scanning the menu as Lan Zhan led them to a seat away from prying eyes from the street. He didn’t dare take a risk.
“I think I’ll just take a tea,” Mo smiled, his reward being a glare from Lan Zhan.
“No, you are hungry. The food here is very good.” Reaching over, Lan Zhan flipped the menu over, forcing Mo to look at the food items. What he didn’t expect was the way his silver eyes stayed glued to something on the list, something that made his whole body stiffen.
Knowing the menu by heart, he wasn’t sure what could have caused such a reaction. Peaking at the paper, he didn’t see it altered in any way.
“Here’s your hot jasmine tea,” Yanli placed his steaming hot cup on the table along with the rest of the pot. “Would you like your usual salad too?”
“Yes,” he said without looking at her, his own eyes glued to his soulmate.
“What about you Mo Xuanyu?” Her voice seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in, though his body remained stiff.
“Oh, uh, watermelon iced tea please,” he mumbled, avoiding eye contact as he fidgeted with the edge of the paper menu. “And lotus root soup.”
The smile that placated her lips faltered for a moment, enough for Lan Zhan to see it. “You’re in luck, I just finished preparing some so you don’t even have to wait! I’ll be right back.”
Right, today was the anniversary, a day he never missed before. Thankfully some part of him remembered enough to bring Mo here so she wouldn’t be alone.
“Have you had lotus root soup before?” Lan Zhan asked once Yanli was out of earshot, a little curious. It wouldn’t be his first choice, especially since it wouldn’t fill Mo Xuanyu up enough. If it weren’t for the meaning behind the dish, he would’ve made Mo change his selection to something more filling.
Mo Xuanyu’s gaze became distant as he hummed to himself, thinking. “I feel like I have, a long time ago,” he admitted. “When I was very small.”
Very small. As much as Lan Zhan wanted a specification, he had a feeling he wouldn’t get one. “How much memory loss do you have?” He chose to ask instead.
The question made Mo shift uneasily, teeth piercing his bottom lip. Odd, that was something Lan Zhan started to do himself in recent days even though he didn’t know anyone with such a bad habit.
"You worry too much Lan Zhan," Mo laughed, though it felt pained and forced no matter how hard he tried to hide it with his grin. "I prefer living in the now, you know?"
No, Lan Zhan didn't know. How could he when he was he one that stopped Mo from jumping off the bridge? The present didn’t seem much better than the past. He wanted to be frank, to say it outright, but he had to be careful with what he said. Somehow he knew his soulmate was getting closer and closer to a bottomless edge. Though he’s never met Mo Xuanyu in person before, he could see how uneasy he was.
Something wasn’t right. Everything was starting to go wrong.
“You can not live a fulfilled life without confronting the demons of the past,” Lan Zhan said, watching as Mo’s fake smile faltered a bit.
“Is that a Lan philosophy?” Mo asked, lightly and playfully bumping his foot into the musician’s. He was a fidgety person, he noted. “You can only fight demons if you remember them.”
There was a smugness in his voice, one that gave life to that forced smile. Seeing the smallest hint of it made Lan Zhan’s heart a little lighter while filling with even more determination. “Are you sure you do not remember?”
Mo’s face didn’t change, though he did deflate in his seat a bit, finally realizing he couldn’t run from this.
“It’s hard to say,” Mo hesitated, opting to stare out the window as he continued to avoid eye contact, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. “I don’t remember most of my childhood. Considering how mom and I have struggled, it’s probably for the best.”
Slowly, as if pushing thoughts from his mind, Mo finally turned to him, opening his mouth when Yanli emerged from the kitchen again. Her hands were completely full, and while she did this for a living and was obviously used to it, Mo Xuanyu still jumped up and met her half way.
“Not that you aren't perfectly capable, but don’t you have employees to help you?” Mo couldn’t help but ask as he carefully stole the tea from her, winking at her confused expression. “Beautiful flowers like you deserve to rest!”
Yanli stood there staring for a moment before giggling, an odd fondness twinkling in her eyes. A fondness Lan Zhan only saw when she looked at childhood pictures.
“Such a charmer, no wonder Lan Wangji likes you,” she giggled, missing the way his ears pinked at the tips at the comment.
The two made their way back to the table, Mo Xuanyu instantly taking a sip of the watermelon tea. “So refreshing! The best I’ve ever had!! Did you make this yourself?”
“I did,” she beamed, setting the soup on the table in front of him. “I’m glad you like it!”
Mo smiled happily as he turned to the soup, scooting in to sit a little closer to the table when his eyes fully settled on the soup, finally seeing the inside of the bowl.
And his heart stopped.
Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
Don’t eat it. Don’t you dare fucking do it. Every inch of his body and soul trembled, his eyes catching sight of his hands actually shaking. Thankfully they were in his lap, a place Lan Zhan couldn’t see.
“I hope you like it,” Yanli said, her smile shadowed with a weight Mo knew too well. This soup meant a lot to her. Turning it down now and wasting Lan Zhan’s money was out of the question, not to mention upsetting her. He’s only known Yanli for less than twenty minutes but if anything happened to her he would kill everyone even remotely responsible and then himself. Which was weird. Why did he feel so strongly towards someone he just met and only spoke a few words to? Lan Zhan was his soulmate, so he understood why they instantly clicked. But her? No matter how he tried to think about it, it didn’t make sense, and honestly he didn’t really care.
Ignoring the way his body and mind screamed bloody murder in an attempt to stop him, Mo picked up the spoon, making sure it had a fair amount of soup on it.
The smell. Dear god the smell. Heavenly. Sweet. Light. Powerful- overwhelming.
Vicious, merciless thorny vines wrapped tightly around his head, forcing his lips to part with an inaudible gasp.
Don’t do it - don’t you dare fucking do it!!
The instant his mouth closed, he felt sick. In fact, he felt violently ill-
’You have to be a good boy,’ he heard his mother say, the exasperated yet wickedly gleeful tone foreign to him. His ears start to ring, his head fuzzing into static.
That’s not his mother, that malicious tone doesn’t belong to her-
Stop stop you have to FUCKING STOP-!
Bile burst upwards so fast Mo hardly had time to cover his mouth in time, narrowly avoiding puking in the soup and all over the table.
”A-Xian, are you feeling okay?” Someone asked.
A female. Someone he didn’t know-
That’s a lie-
“Mo Xuanyu?” Yanli’s voice pierced through the static, her voice sounding just like the one that just spoke.
A-Xian. A-Xian… who the hell was that?
“Mo Xuanyu?” Lan Zhan’s voice dripped with worry, his reaching hand making Mo instinctively stumble to his feet, more vomit nearly making him lose his composure. The sudden movement did not help the immense pain and extreme pressure in his skull. It made it hard for him to actually see.
In a daze, both seeing and hearing static, he somehow managed to find the bathroom. His legs carried him before he even realized he found it, barely managing to stumble to the toilet before letting it all loose
Feet hit lush vibrant green grass surrounded by beautiful blooming flowers. Giggles as pure and bright as the sun made his heart lurch-
Cold. It’s so cold, and so, so dark.
He wasn’t supposed to remember - he wasn’t supposed to think about this-!!
Why did you have to fucking do it?!
Helpless. For the first time since he found his music’s Tumblr post, Lan Zhan felt completely helpless. Mo was hurting and Lan Zhan had no idea how to help. Should he give him space? People hated when others saw them in such a vulnerable state, yet he couldn’t find himself caring about that. Without sparing another glance to Yanli, he quickly followed after his soulmate.  
Part of him was surprised Mo didn’t lock the door behind him. Then again, given his current state, he was surprised he even made it to the bathroom by himself. Upon entering, he saw Mo Xuanyu collapsed against the toilet, heaving up whatever managed to slip into his stomach. Considering how skinny he was and how he hadn’t even eaten a full spoonful of soup, there couldn’t be much for his body to expel. Yet it kept trying to do it anyway.
What did people normally do in this situation? Instinctively he learned forward, barely giving his soulmate any warning before gathering his hair into his hands, trying to prevent any more throw up from getting in it.
That’s when he saw it. The fading red and purple mark on the back of Mo’s neck. Lan Zhan wasn’t an idiot. He knew what that mark was, and he couldn’t help but feel a flare of unchecked jealousy rush through him. Was his soulmate in love with someone else? No, it didn’t seem possible, not when he tried to commit suicide.
Feeling him start to dry heave again, Lan Zhan shook those thoughts from his mind. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. He needed to be here for Mo Xuanyu. When he was sick, Lan Xichen used to rub circles into his back, so maybe it would help his soulmate?
Gently he reached forward, letting his fingers rub against his back. Immediately a choked wail left Mo’s lips, jumping up from his slumped position only to slip and hit his head against the wall. Lan Zhan reached out, wanting to steady him, but froze. Those enchanting silver eyes were blown wide with fear. Fear of him.
No, that wasn’t right. Those eyes were focused solely on his hands, not his face, which helped pinpoint the source of his fear. Knowing the physical source didn’t help much though. Mo Xuanyu was having a panic attack and Lan Zhan had no idea how to help. He barely understood his own emotions, how could he help someone through theirs?
Actually, there was something he could do; something that worked before. It would be hard with no instruments, but he could use his own voice. His voice wasn’t fine tuned like his technique on the guqin, but it was all he had. Closing his eyes, wanting to give Mo Xuanyu the privacy he needed, he hummed the song of their dreams.
The result was immediate. His fast ragged breathing slowly became calmer until he eventually started to hear the other part of their song being hummed by Mo.
Weak at first, which was to be expected. Gradually their duet picked up in strength, Mo Xuanyu’s breathing slowly regulating into normal breaths. Even then Lan Zhan made sure to keep his eyes shut, not brave enough to risk undoing the progress they’ve made.
After an unknown amount of time, Mo finally spoke. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, finally prompting Lan Zhan to open his eyes again. “And thank you.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Richard - an excuse for him to gush about his husband uwu: What do you see in Bailey? To many he’s nothing more than a spoiled child; a brat that throws a tantrum to get his way. What is it about him that lets you put up with it? 
| Harass my muse
Richard stand there fixing a look his beak pulling into a tight thin line, feathers lifting up as the started to bristle up, amber eyes seems to be burning with anger from the wording aimed at his husband. Sure maybe because the rooster had a public image they were a target for this kind of talk aimed their way didn't mean Richard wanted to hear it. Normal he is quite but right now? no of course not. "And what do you know about my husband?" he tone is held even but the tone? oh the tone he has is low a warning their way for daring to speak down on the rooster like they just did and worse in front of Richard. The palm of his hand lands square flat to the bar top as he leans in a little looming over it as a slight growl escapes between the clicking of his beak grind out his annoyance of what he just had to listen to. Image
"You want to know what I see in him then? you want to know what a spoiled child that whines at the mere mention a no his way is someone I put up with as you phase it?" he repeats back taking a moment to stopped his clicks just so he can speak. Looking down to the counter he needed to take back control of his emotions before he spoke. He was easily able to do so by thinking of the very same rooster being asked about as he speaks. That bright cheer smile he would do anything to see came to mind first. How those gorgeous eyes seemed to light up the second they saw Richard. Feathers started to flatten down as he was able to relax, a small smile tugs on the corn of his beak. "I can depend on Bailey." is what finally comes out of his beak as he speaks softly, because that what mattered most when it came to his husband. No matter what Richard knew one thing, he could count on his husband. Slowly moving his head up to look them in the eye as he spoke to him this was a mockery on Bailey's good name and he wouldn't let anyone get away with that.
"I'm no love sick fool I know my husband better than anyone. He can be ridiculous and he is over the top sometimes..he is always over the top I will correct actually. And I'm sure you think he is useless and dumb as well don't you? He isn't. He is far from any of that. When you're willing to give him a chance and get to see past the heavy crow that man carries you find something with greater value to it." Richard goes on to say still looming over the counter "For all the man puts up with to keep his spell of glamour up. I've come to find he was beaten down, trampled for years without ever realizing how very precious he is." The look in his eyes softens "Because he is, this world took so much away from him. Bailey could easily use his wealth and privilege for his own gain to try and fulfill his life with meaningless things. And sure for time maybe he did do that. But no matter how hurt he was by circumstances out of his control or people only aiming to use him? he found a way to smile still. He rather off his status in a way to be kind and generous."
The thing Richard was always most stunned by himself when they first were getting to know each other. He always expected the same thing of the rooster. Being some spoiled rich man child but Bailey? nah that just isn't who he is. "Bailey is far more than any camera could ever capture. It can only get whats on the outside. Inside though? rivals his looks no it blows his looks out of the water I would even dare to say. That idiot will go to the ends of the world and still find a way to go further for someone he cares for. And he picked me to be that person. Bailey is my everything. My husband, my partner, my best friend, my closet confidant. So many time that spoiled child you want to call him has pushed aside things just for me sake can not be counted on one hand alone. Bailey wouldn't even be able to tell you. Because that just comes so natural to him. Its so his nature to love and care and to give. Even when hes upset he looks to make sure the other person is fine first." How many times did they try to put up a brave front in front of Richard when they wanted to break down and cry. "Despite all the time spent in a mirror he can't seem to see what really makes him so" he softens more "so beautiful. No the glitter nor the pallets of make up. His heart, his drive to be there for his loved ones. I know why he dose it. I know why he feels he needs the glamour but it was never what dazzled me when it came to the rooster." he mulls that over to himself. There was so much more to Bailey. "it was always how selfish a man he is, he wouldn't even dare to trust love again because of the idea of being hurt." He smiles a bit "So yeah I put up with all his clinging ass, I let him whine and pout for my attention, I always give into his wants because." he gets a little quite. His poor husband and all they have lost but are willing to put back into the world. Bailey had been hurt in so many ways made to fear things that he never wanted to trust in. Trying to protect himself from it enough to run when the chance was there in his hands to grab. If Bailey hadn't ran that day Richard would have given himself to Bailey then to. No Richard had to show Bailey they could have him…
Richard can only hope hes enough at the end of the day. " if anyone has earned the right for some selfishness every now and again? he should be allowed to be a little selfish for one thing." slowly moving back now. "I'll give him everything he wants so yeah I take it back. He is spoiled. I would be an awful husband if he wasn't"
Huffing as he fixed them with a look "I see everything in that man! everything that makes him amazing every time he walks through that door I fall in love with him all over again. because I am in awe over the fact I get to call him mine and I say it with all my pride. Bailey is my favorite person in this whole damn existence. And I will not let any slander on him be spoken his way." Richard makes clear.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Hii I can please request a angst to fluff sakusa x fem reader where a fan forced a kiss on him and Paparazzi takes a picture making a big issue and y/n see and y/n was going to tell him she was Pregnant(make it really angsty but with a fluffy ending please)
Besties??? Where do you guys get all these ideas from????Like this is such a good idea tysm for requesting!!!! If anyone wants to see anything else let me know because I love writing requests!!!(I tried to make it angsty bestie but idk if it’s the most angst ever😭)
Part two!
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Tw- sexual harassment(the forced kiss) pregnant reader, allergic reaction to lip gloss, arguing, angst to fluff, idk let me know if I missed anything else!!
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You’d found out you were pregnant that morning, Sakusa was supposed to come home that evening and you wanted to tell him after dinner.
But when you’d opened Twitter the first thing you saw was your husband’s name plastered across Twitter attached to a photo of him kissing someone who surely wasn’t you.
You practically drop your phone, he’d told you just this morning that he was so excited to come home and it’d be the first thing he was doing after his game. Of course the photo made it seem like coming home was the last thing he was worried about.
Of course none of the photos or articles bother to inform that the person had practically pounced in him and sucked the soul out of him before he’d shoved them off.
He quickly got right back into the vehicle locking the doors.
He felt disgusting as he pulled the car into the parking garage. There was a tacky residue and no matter how much he rubbed and rubbed it refused to come off only irritating his skin further, to make it worse, Kiyoomi’s sensitive skin decides to have a reaction to the lip gloss as well.
He distracts himself from the uncomfortableness by thinking about how when he gets home you’ll pepper his face with your soft comforting kisses like you always do asking him if everything went well as he practically melted against you letting you take him to wherever he needed to be.
Unfortunately when he got home, he was not treated with those feather lite kisses that make him giggle like a boy. Instead he’s created with a finger in his face asking if he thinks you wouldn’t have found out.
You break out into a sob eventually, “I thought you loved me?” You break down and your legs feel weak.
He catches you by the elbows helping you stand a bit as he holds you against them, “I do love you” his brows are furrowed in confusion.
“You practically have her tongue shoved down your throat you can’t say that!” Your voice is getting shrill and you feel horrible.
“Oh god” he breathes out, “no I’d never! She came onto me, I swear baby she attacked me I’m sure they have the footage she jumped the dividers and just tackled me”
You blink up at him, “really?” You don’t know if you should be relived or horrified and angry.
He nods his head quickly, “honey I’m sorry” your hand moves to brush through his pretty curls.
“Did you file a report?” He nods, “do you want to talk about it? Come on let’s sit down?” He shakes his head no as he moves to lay on top of you like always, you aren’t even concerned about the way the food gets cold on the table it’ll taste fine after a pass through the microwave.
“Just want to hear you talk” he whispers against you, “what’d you do today?” His voice is tired and he sounds a bit defeated.
“I took a pregnancy test…” your hand naturally finds its way into his hair again, you smile softly, “it was positive”
He jolts up suddenly, “really?” You nod happily and he turns slightly, he lets out a little huff of excitement as he moves his feet over the edge of the couch so he’s even with your tummmy, “hey little baby I’m your daddy”
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Let me know if you guys want more because I love requests so much!!!!
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alycosworld · 3 years
Scaramouche X Reader
WARNING: mentions of (nearly) sexual assault
A/N: I seem to have more angst/comfort ideas for genshin but I'm not sure why...also, I'm on holiday in a foreign country! I have no work and I'll probably spend all my nights on Tumblr after exploring the city in the day, so please please please send in some requests! I'm bored and although they might take some time, they might help me get back into writing more regularly. I'm pretty sure this is gender neutral but if I made a mistake, feel free to tell me. This has NOT been checked for any errors (I'll get around to it at some point).
I'm not sure if Scaramouche is ooc, since he doesn't say anything that nice in the game or in any official works, but I definitely think he has the capacity for it. And I like soft Scar <3.
If at any point you feel uncomfortable, PLEASE DO NOT READ ON. I felt a little icky after writing the assault bit so do not force yourself to read any further or read at all. I do not want to make anyone reading this unhappy. Any victims of sexual assault or harassment, I hope you heal
Keep walking. Just keep walking. Get home as fast as possible.
Avoid dark spots, avoid all people, avoid secluded areas. Just get home now.
That's what you told yourself after it happened. Archons, you didn't even know how you should feel. Ashamed? Angry? Disgusted? Upset? Confused? Afraid? The amalgamation of these emotions just made everything worse. You felt sick to your stomach. You wanted to cry and scream and vomit and disappear all at the same time.
You felt like you were covered in grime and you don't even know how you managed to get away. You should've done something, anything! But in the moment, you couldn't.
Your day had started normally. You went to the Adventurer's Guild in Inazuma, doing your commissions and taking up a few extra quests to help people out. Even though you were walking home later than normal, you didn't think much of it. Until somehow, you lost your way. In the dark, things became a little more vague and confusing, so you ended up taking a left and ending up in a dark alleyway between two dimly lit buildings.
You walked through, lost in your own thoughts, until you heard some chuckling and some incoherent remarks made by someone exiting one of the buildings out a back door and into the alleyway.
Glancing up, you saw that the person was a man - quite tall and well built with flushed cheeks: he was clearly not sober. You paid him no mind, staring at the ground as you continue to walk, determined to get home to see your boyfriend, Scaramouche. Though he wasn't one to worry, knowing that you could handle yourself, you did want to see him as soon as possible.
"Well, what do we have here?" The man asked, and you looked up at him again, tilting your head in confusion but staying silent.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" He asked, a suspicious smirk on his face.
"I'm going home." You said firmly, not wanting to give him any ideas.
"Oh? A handsome young thing like you, going home all by themselves? Let me walk you, I promise I don't bite." He continued, clearly not getting the hint.
"I'm alright, but thank you for the off--"
"Stop being such a fucking tease! Wearing an outfit like that, you're begging for it." He pinned you against the wall despite your attempt to politely refuse any moves he tried to make. He caught your arms above your head and harshly shoved one of his legs between yours.
"Don't like to me, hon, you know you want this." He whispered huskily. You had fought countless hilichurls, abyss mages and monsters far more intimidating and dangerous than that man that day, but you couldn't seem to move. All you could manage was a fearful 'please, don't do this'. Struggling was futile, for some reason you couldn't escape his grasp. You had fought beasts ten times this man's size but violating you like this? It made you break.
He gripped you harshly and even managed to kiss your neck a couple times, making the tears stream down your face uncontrollably, until he heard some voices. You recognised them immediately: members of the Adventurer's Guild. He must be known it too because he stopped as soon as he heard, offering you a sickening grin and scuttling away before you could react.
"We'll finish this some other time, sweetheart. I promise."
You didn't get any help from the Adventurer's Guild members who you heard, instead opting to rush home as soon as possible, trying to figure out what to do next.
The only solution in your mind was to crawl into your lover's arms and tell him what had happened. You didn't want anyone else to know - you know you could trust Scaramouche and you knew he would help you.
But he didn't.
You got home and wiped your tears before entering the house, hoping to look somewhat presentable despite having experienced such an impactful event. You dropped your belongings carelessly, not flinging at the loud sound they made as they hit the floor. You immediately made your way to the guest room Scaramouche had turned into an office of sorts, for him to work on Fatui business. The bedroom door was open and empty and he was nowhere to be found on the first floor, so that was the only other place he could've been. You were relieved to see him sitting at the desk, deep in thought with some maps and other sheets of paper laid out in front of him.
"Scar, I--"
"Not now, (Y/N), I'm busy." He said hot even bothering to look up at your frazzled and shattered state.
"I know but, please, Scar. While I was--"
"If you know that I'm busy, why enter in the first place? I'm working. Leave me alone." He said harshly. You didn't say anything, instead opting to nod silently and close the door. Since this was the first time you had experienced this pain and discomfort from being touched and defiled in such a way, you decided that maybe you should put it aside. After all, maybe it was something so jarring. Maybe it didn't matter. Maybe Scaramouche's nonchalance was justified. In a twisted way, you blamed yourself for overreacting and decided to just forget about the incident. If it didn't mean enough for Scaramouche to even look at you, it clearly wasn't something worth fretting over. You were just exaggerating, right?
You tried you absolute hardest not to let the incident bother you, but you unknowingly started changing your habits to prevent what had occurred from happening to you again.
"Wearing an outfit like that, you're begging for it..."
You started wearing less revealing clothing, going as far as wearing gloves at some point and covering your neck with collars and scarves through the hot weather.
"We'll finish this some other time, sweetheart. I promise."
Initially, you just avoided dark or secluded places, even when you were with other people, but eventually, you were too scared to leave home at all. You didn't leave the confines of your small garden and if someone passed by, you would quickly hide yourself away. When Scaramouche had unknown guests and colleagues over, you would hide in your bedroom and make him promise not to mention you or acknowledge your existence in the slightest.
You even started taking longer showers and refused to bathe with Scaramouche, confusing him since you used to enjoy it so much. But you wouldn't let him see you in such a vulnerable state now that you were contaminated. You didn't want him to know that you had been tarnished in such a vulgar way, and you spent long moments scrubbing at the parts the stranger had touched. You were worried that Scaramouche would blame you for being assaulted - because in a sick way you thought it was your fault, despite having been nothing wrong. You had twisted the story in your mind to make it seem like you were responsible for the crime committed against you.
Eventually, Childe had to visit for business purposes, but you had become good friends with the eleventh Fatui Harbinger since he was friends with-- well, he and Scaramouche had a relationship, to say the least.
"So where's (Y/N)? Normally they're all over you and making you as embarrassed at possible." Childs grinned, and Scaramouche just frowned and narrowed his eyes.
"They're in our room. They don't really want to see anyone right now." Scaramouche said. Even though you told him not to mention you anymore, since you were so hellbent on avoiding all human interaction, he thought it would be okay to tell Childe. He was your friend too, after all.
"Is something wrong? What happened?" Childe asked, concern in his eyes.
"I don't know. They've been avoiding everyone, including me. They barely talk to me and insist on sleeping downstairs." Scaramouche confessed.
"Let me talk to them."
Childe exited your room after hearing what to had to say, and he was disturbed and sympathetic, at the very least. Scaramouche saw his wide-eyed, grim expression when he exited the room and immediately had questions.
"What?" Scaramouche asked.
"I'll come back tomorrow to continue our work." Childs said, referring to the business he originally came for.
"But we have to--"
"Scar?" Scaramouche stopped all his trains of thought and turned to the sound of your voice. It was hoarse but still as beautiful as ever. He knew you had been crying from your puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
"I think you have other matters to take care of." Childe winked, before giving Scaramouche an informal two-fingered salute and showing himself out.
As soon as the door closed, Scaramouche turned his attention to you, not coming too close in case you didn't want to be near him.
"Yes, Love?" He asked, more concerned than you had ever seen him.
"Can I talk to you? If you're busy, that's okay, it's not that impor--"
"I'm not busy." He shook his head, and you offered him a sad and grateful smile before sitting on the edge of the bed while he took a seat on a nearby chair.
"So, uhm, a couple of days ago I was walking home and I kind of got lost...so I tried taking this alleyway and--" You stopped yourself, meeting Scaramouche's attentive gaze before continuing.
"There was a guy. And he-- he t-touched me. I-- I didn't know what to do. I could've easily fought back but I just got scared and froze up because that's never happened to me before and he kept saying that I wanted him-- but I didn't! I swear, I didn't. I know it sounds bad since I didn't stop him but I really tried, I just couldn't. And he started k-kissing me...here," You gestured to the spots on your neck that you could still feel being violated.
"And I felt so horrible and he didn't go any further because some people were coming, so I ran home. I-I...I didn't know what to do but I felt like I should tell you because I thought you would help me, but you said you were busy so I just-- It-tried to brush it off but I just couldn't get it out of my head! And before I got away, he told me that he'd come back and finish me off and so I didn't want to go outside anymore in case I ran into him. And I started to cover up since he said I was asking for it because of what I was wearing and then I just got scared and I felt dirty. I tried so hard to forget and clean myself but it kept coming back-- I can still feel him on me! I hated it, I still hated it! You have to believe me, I wasn't trying to get him to notice me, I just..." You broke down after finishing what you had to say. You had already been crying since you told Childe, but now you were choking out sobs and your face was drenched. Scaramouche stood up from his chair and sat next to you on the bed, a safe distance away just in case you still weren't comfortable with being touched.
"I believe you. I know you're not like that." Scarsmocuhe started calmly. In all honesty, he wanted to interrupt you as soon as you said that this man approached you. His blood was boiling and he was ready to murder this man for you but kept himself in check because you didn't need senseless violence or revenge right now, you needed comfort. What hurt him the most was that you were blaming yourself because he didn't bother listening to what you had to say on what was probably the worst day of your life.
"It's not your fault you were touched like that. You are not to blame, at all. I-- I should've listened to you when you came to me - as soon as I turned you say I thought something was wrong but I didn't bother asking about it. That's entirely my fault." He admitted, which surprised you. It took Scaramouche a lot to admit his mistakes, but for you? He didn't care. You constantly put up with his sour attitude, he can definitely listen to you and admit he was wrong.
"You sure? Because I still--"
"I'm sure." He said simply.
"But why did you start avoiding me?" He asked, wanting to understand the situation entirely.
"Well, because..." You started, unsure if he would get angry if you told him. While you were contemplating, he offered you an encouraging expression. It wasn't a smile, but it was more than enough to put you at ease.
"I didn't want you to think I was tainted. Of course, you wouldn't want to be near me after that had happened." You sighed, wiping up the last of your tears.
"You really are an idiot, you know?" He said, but after seeing the clueless and almost hurt look on your face, he immediately wanted to take it back. He didn't mean to be insensitive, he just...well, he often explained positive emotions with his very wide negative vocabulary.
"No, I didn't-- uhm..." He mentally cursed himself for not knowing what to say, but you didn't interrupt him and made a small gesture for him to keep going.
"What I mean to say was, I don't think that you're tainted or anything like that. And I still...want to be...near you-- eugh!" He pretended to be grossed out at his own words in true Scaramouche fashion, but he knew you knew he didn't really mean it and was beyond delighted when he saw you giggle at his facial expression.
He sighed and acted angry as he opened his arms ever so slightly. You noticed the movement and quirked an eyebrow when he hesitated.
"Is it okay if I come closer?" Scaramouche asked, unsure if you wanted to be touched after the incident.
Your heart swelled at his care and then you slowly watched as he stiffly wrapped his arms around you comfortingly. Although you had hugged and cuddled on countless occasions, he still wouldn't stop being so robotic unless you did something. It made you laugh and he pulled away slightly to glare at you, so you decided to just pull him back in and hug back.
And when you relished in the touch of another human being, the touch of the person you love, you began to cry. The last time anyone willingly touched you was in that alleyway, and so to have someone be so gentle with you and have no bad intentions, you were overwhelmed with emotion.
Scaramouche must've felt your tears staining his clothing and skin, and quickly pulled away with poorly hidden concern in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asked, but you just continued to sob and nod.
"I love you!" You choked out. He sighed and gently patted your back.
"I...love you too." He said, before making another expression of mock disgust. He slowly moved to hold both your wrists in his hand and kiss down to your neck, pulling you into his lap with your legs straddling one of his.
You soon realised that he was covering up the placed the stranger had touched you with his own ministrations, effectively replacing the grime you felt you gained after the incident. After you came to that conclusion and Scaramouche was done, he didn't meet your eye, blushing profusely. It was justified since he didn't usually initiate any kind of affection acts, but you just cupped his jaw and kissed his cheek, smiiling at him with purity and a newfound confidence in the both of you.
"Thank you, Scar."
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itshuu · 3 years
7. watching their s/o defend themselves
pairing bakugou katsuki, keigo takami
word count 1329 words
bakugou katsuki
after including the word “crepes” into every conversation you could with bakugou for the past week you made a date to visit your very first crepe shop
yeah bakugou made sure to click his tongue in annoyance when he reluctantly gave in but he wasn’t bothered at all
I mean, he’d do anything to make you happy y’know
even though he’d rather die than admit it
you both planned to go out that fateful day
although you had a few quick errands to run that morning you let him know that you’d meet him later at the shop through an early morning text message
so he left the dorms, past the gates on his way to finally see you after suffering through breakfast with his dumb friends
checking his phone he saw your message letting him know you arrived and texted you back, picking up the pace
when he finally arrived he froze in his spot when his eyes caught your figure being harassed by another man
you stood there confidently, unbothered even as you examined the crepes in the display window while the stranger invaded your personal space
you knew better than to award a useless man with your attention so you simply pretended as if he didn’t exist
almost sensing his fiery aura you adverted your attention to bakugou who had his eyebrows scrunched together producing a nasty glare at the man
holding in a chuckle you gave him a sweet smile as you walked towards him
but you were stopped by a sudden hand that held onto your wrist restricting your movement
“where ya going? I asked for your number didn’t I?
before bakugou could blast this guy to hell he watched as you twisted the man’s arm painfully behind his back singlehandedly, yelping as he fell to his knees
“who said you could put your hands on me?”
your voice is laced with an unfamiliar venom that makes chills run down bakugou’s spine
face stern as you click your tongue and twist his arm further which makes the man hiss
“do you need me to teach you manners?”
at this point the stranger is spewing apologies quickly, begging to be let free
all you could do was scoff in disbelief as you reluctantly freed the man and watched him scramble to his feet making a run for it
sighing exhaustingly you finally make your way over to bakugou who’s staring back with his eyes wide with a faint but noticeable blush on his cheeks
grinning, you subtly grab his hand and feel him twitch slightly
“let’s go?” you ask with a playful glint in your eyes
and he nods dumbly making you chuckle which knocks him out of his trance
scoffing, his signature scowl settles upon his face as he turns away from you and leads you through the front door of the shop, hands intertwined
for the rest of the day he kept you under his supervision, refusing to leave you alone, occasionally, laying his hand protectively on your hips and sending death glares to anyone who lingered their eyes on you too long
bakugou knew you weren’t weak, even before today’s display he was well aware of what you were capable of
yeah he was pissed watching you being flirted with but he couldn’t deny how absolutely hot you were watching you defend yourself
keigo takami
observing keigo for the past few days you were gone you could tell he was starting to miss you
after receiving a call earlier that week you’d decided to go to your grandmother’s to help out here and there
it was 3 hours away from what you and keigo called home and even though he suggested it, you absolutely refused to have him fly all the way here after one of his late night patrols
you hadn’t seen each other in the flesh in about 4 days now, settling for late night calls
he was more than eager to hear your voice after a long day of work, finding comfort in your serene voice
but you could tell he was getting restless, sighs coming out more frequently, “I miss you”s flowing out a lot more, and his loving yet lonely gaze that met you through the facetime calls you both had
you were flattered really, to be loved by japan’s no. 2 hero, it was an honor
something you never would’ve imagined would happen in lifetime
and you never took such fate for granted, treating hawks like your one and only greatest prize
because in reality he was
cracking a soft smile at his tired pout after he complained about being home alone tomorrow on his day off you whispered to him softly through the screen
“would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?”
almost immediately hawks lights up, eyes and wings perking up in interest as he stares at you in surprise before shouting in approval
laughing into the quiet night thats how you both planned your day
that next morning you woke up to take the earliest train
you made breakfast for the large bird still sleeping in bed, shared interesting stories, breathless kisses, soft touches, and relaxed indoors within close proximity of each other before setting out for your date
it was nearing sunset as both of you went for a stroll in the park, basking in each other’s presence, laying on the grass with take-out and enjoying the fresh air
until you had to pee
with a groan you excused yourself to the bathroom really quickly and took off running as he laughed at how desperate you seemed
hawks couldn’t remember the last time you both had an entire day to yourselves to just relax and refresh
with both your schedules often clashing and the tons of work he has thrown on his shoulders by the hero commission as the no.2 hero it’s no doubt that he’s constantly busy
you both had settled for the late night and early morning greetings to keep you happy but this was the icing on the cake
lost in his thoughts with a smile on his face as he recalls the day with you hawks realizes you’ve been gone for quite a while
a part of him feels like he’s pushing it trying to convince himself that you’ve only been gone for about 3 minutes or so but he knows its been longer
so, confused at your odd behavior he stood up and headed towards the bathroom to check up on you
the closer he gets to the bathroom he finds a larger crowd of people gathering around which unconsciously makes his eyebrows knit together
“is that man crazy? sneaking inside the women’s bathroom like that…” he heard a passerby say
“damn, they're strong though” he heard another said
“oh hawks arrived!”
pushing himself through the crowd politely his eyes widen in surprise when he sees you
there you were holding a man by his shirt off the ground outside against the bathroom wall singlehandedly
the words tumbling out your mouth like poison, hot and steaming as you publicly shame the perpetrator in your hands
immediately hawks whistles, impressed by your tenacity and just how hot you look when you were upset
peeking your head over your shoulder to glance at him who was smirking at you you smiled gently at him and immediately he felt his heart swoon
“let’s drop him off at the police station and finish our date at home” you said and hawks chuckled at you
how did he manage to get such a bad-ass
© 2021 itshuu, all rights reserved. Do NOT repost, translate or claim my work as yours.
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Class Drama and Anger Issues
Hey besties this will contain swearing, violence, catcalling/ sexual harassment, blood and just horrible behaviour so please take care reading this, love you all <3
You had always been very protective of your friends
It wasn’t like you didn’t think they could stand up for themselves
You understood that 100%
However whenever anyone insulted them or talked bad about them you were the first person to throw hands
You were sure that your jaw had locked from how long you had been tensing it. You see, being sat at the back of the classroom was great, you could see everyone and hear everyone. Which means that whenever someone decided to bitch and moan about the people in the little group you had managed to join, that you would be the first person to hear it. Like right now for example, Liz and Peter had broken up a few days ago and she didn’t take it so well and had taken up talking about him behind his back. Which had led us to this: you at the back of the room, fists and jaw clenched in an effort to not walk over to her and her little friends and wipe that smug look right off her face. “And he isn’t even that smart, God knows how he got into Stark industries” nope that was it, that was the last straw. You pushed the stupid science lab chair back so hard it fell to the ground, heads turned to you as you stormed over to where Liz and her group where currently at which just happened to be at the front of the classroom. God, were you lucky that the teacher had left to go grab some more textbooks from some cupboard down the hall, otherwise you would have been dead when you said “Listen Liz. Peter is an amazing and smart boy who cares more for others than he does himself. He works harder than anyone else I know and he still manages to make sure others are okay. He is twice the person you will ever be and if you don't shut up in the next 2 minutes you won’t have to worry about being bitter over a breakup, you’ll be too worried about getting a set of new teeth”. If this was a cartoon steam would be pouring from your ears and your face would be blood red, which wasn’t too far from what you looked like now. Peter had taken a sick day and thank god he had, otherwise he would have killed you for even saying anything, however Ned was still here and he was waiting to see how far you would go before having to step in and calm you down. “Oh how sweet L/n, you think you’re all strong and scary” her and her friends' sickly sweet laughs echoed in your ears as you clenched your fists even harder. “Y/n come on Peter wouldn’t want this” ned tried to reason and even in your rage filled stupor you realised he was right and took a breath to try and calm yourself down “say anything again and you’ll see just how strong and scary I can be” you spat, stroming away, grabbing your bag and walking out of the room just in time for your teacher to walk back in, “where’s L/n?” he asked. 
Okay maybe you did tend to overreact 
You just really cared about your friends
They were there when you needed them and you wanted to do the same 
You couldn’t help it that you got angry when people decided to talk about them 
In some situations though it was acceptable to get angry
You, Mj and Betty had been coming back from the Cinema late one night after deciding that you deserved to spend some time together after exam week to treat yourselves. Unfortunately walking through the streets at 10pm meant getting some very unwanted attention from older men. “Hey mama looking good” one man slurred as you walked past him grabbing the girls hands a little tighter in an attempt to ground yourself and reassure them that you would keep them save, “hey don’t be like that, we just want to talk” another man added, honestly what was it with them? Couldn’t they see you obviously didn’t want to “talk” to them. You hadn’t even realised your feet had stopped moving until Betty gently placed her hand on your shoulder and whispered “It’s fine just let it go” and tried to give you a nudge in the direction you had originally been going. “Hey! Don’t just ignore us! We know you want some attention” you didn’t know who had said it and at this point you didn’t care, worrying more about teaching them a thing called respect than about who voiced their unwanted thoughts. Letting go of your friends hands, turning around slowly and walking towards the men with a smile on your face so sweet it was almost scary. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that women aren’t your submissive little toys?” you sung punctuating your sentence with a kick to one guy's nuts and a punch to the other's nose. “Because someone really should” and as the men were recovering from your atack you stalked away along the dimly lit street and continuing your journey to Mj’s house.
Okay so we have clearly established your hatred towards people who disrespect your friends 
The Avengers new about your strong feelings and respected the fire that you had 
Of course they did have Bruce try and teach you some breathing exercises 
Spoiler alert they didn’t help very much 
So when Bucky got a call from your school telling him that he would have to pick you up as you were suspended for a week
He couldn’t say he was surprised
“I’m going to pick Y/n up from school, be back in a bit” Bucky called to the rest of the team who had been watching some sort of reality show on the new Tv Tony had no reason to buy but did, “why? What happened?” Steve replied, a look of concern on his face “They got into a fight and so they are suspended for a week” the supersoldier sighed, grabbing the car keys and whispering “what did you do this time Y/n” to himself.
I’ll tell you what happened
You had been on your way to English when you had seen Flash taunting Mj, waving her book above his head and laughing hysterically about something. Instantly you dropped your bag to the floor and stormed over to them “Hey Flash, what are you doing there buddy?” you shouted loud enough to seem intimidating but not loud enough to capture the attention of the teachers and students who were already in class. “None of your business Y/n, move along” he spat back, if looks could kill he would be six feet under and halfway to hell as you ripped the book from his grasp and slammed him into the lockers “really? Because to me it looks like you’re being rude to my good friend Mj and I don’t take that very lightly”. Gripping him by the collar and pushing him even further into the lockers that he was sure his body had made a dent in the metal, however flash was never one to give up like the shaking leaf of a man he was. Pushing you hands off and shoving you by your shoulders he said “aww look Mj your angry little guard dog has come to your rescue again. How sweet” if there was one thing you hated more than stupid boys and disrespect it was being called a dog. You weren’t gonna let him call you that. Quicker than he could say “Don’t hit me” your fist came flying straight into the boy's noise, a satisfying crunch being made upon impact. Now throughout all of this no one had heard the commotion and they wouldn’t have if Flash didn’t scream out in pain and then faint at the sight of his own blood.
That’s how you ended up getting suspended 
It was what you had told your dad when he picked you up because you had no reason to lie
No matter how proud of you he was he still gave you a talking to 
You both had a long talk about how best to go about controlling your anger and instead of going back to Bruce you decided to take a few anger management classes
And so far it’s going great
(Until flash decides to open his mouth again)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Hollow Pass (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader has to spend a day in the mines for work, she’s less than thrilled. When the miner showing her around for the day, Dean Winchester, is an ass, she’s even less thrilled. But an accident will change all of that and if they want a chance of getting out of the mess they’re in, they’ll need to put their lives in each others hands, literally...
Pairing: Miner!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,100ish
Warnings: language, injury, frightening/claustrophobic/near death situations
A/N: Please enjoy the first of this 2 parter!
You sighed as you stood in the trailer of the manager’s office, a jumpsuit and a pair of boots sat in a chair. Your boss, bless his heart, thought it was always a good idea for corporate positions to experience a day in the mines to truly understand the product and what the little guy went through on a day to day basis. The argument that you were not really corporate, not even close, seemed to go over his head.
“Y/N, you gonna change? I need my office back,” said the manager through the door. You pulled it open and pouted. “I don’t want you going down in the mines anymore than you do but if you want to make corporate, you gotta do what the CEO says.”
“Dad I don’t even want to work there. I like my simple office job.”
“Then why have you been in all those development programs at work?” he asked. You shrugged and he sighed. “Cause you can’t say no.”
“Do I have to?” you asked, looking back at the overalls.
“Do you want to quit?” he asked.
“I don’t want to lose a good paycheck. But I don’t want a corporate job either,” you said. 
“Then you’re shit outta luck,” he said. “I’m gonna put you with the Winchester boy. He’s on safety checks in our most secure mines.”
“You mean the ones that never have problems.”
“Funny how that all coincidentally happened today of all days,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks dad.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere near explosives. You’ll be safe doing the checks with Dean for the day.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said twenty minutes later. The man in overalls and a hard hat rolled his eyes.
“I’m ten minutes late because of you which means I’m gonna get docked those ten minutes of pay so thank you little miss corporate.”
“I’m your boss’ daughter, jackass.”
“Still ain’t my boss,” he said. You huffed and headed over towards the mine entrance when he grabbed the back of your overalls. “No, dummy. You have zero safety gear so unless you want to die, you’re coming with me.”
“Dean Winchester at your service,” he said, dragging you over with him to some lockers. He punched a card and went to the storage racks, seemingly grabbing a few items and putting them on. He picked the hard hat off your head and grabbed one with a light and a wire attached to it, clipping it on your belt. He put something over your shoulder you put your arm through like a sling and clipped a mask onto the back of your belt, a flashlight and a small hand pickaxe going through your other loops. “Turn this lamp on anytime you’re in the mine and never, ever, take off your hat. If I yell at you or you smell something funny, get that mask on. Flashlight and the axe are backup for emergencies.”
He put a radio in your pocket and looked you over.
“Oh and for the love of God, do not wander off. I don’t care if you see a bug or break a nail or gotta piss.”
“What do you do if you have to…” you said.
“Normally you piss against some rock like a man but special manager’s daughter we’ll walk you back out here, take our slow ass time, make me go longer than my shift and because I was late today, I don’t get overtime.”
“That sounds kinda illegal.”
“The contracts for this company are a fucking nightmare,” he said, walking out of storage.
“Why work here then?” you asked as he went to an area and grabbed a clipboard. He took two water bottles and clipped them on each of your belts before whistling for you to follow after.
“Well somebody had to pay for his baby brother to go to law school and it wasn’t going to be my drunk of a father now was it,” said Dean, stopping and writing something down. 
“So you didn’t grow up with mining in your family?” you asked.
“No. I’m not some redneck hillbilly like you imagine either,” he said. He flipped on his light and turned yours on when you got to the mine entrance. “Crouch.”
“We ain’t riding the cart which is missing, dumbass. Crouch down so you can fit in the tunnel,” he said. You swallowed and had to bend down some, following Dean closely. “Ain’t claustrophobic are ya cause now’s the time to tell me.”
“No,” you said. “Jerk.”
“Ah, see? We’re getting along already.”
You walked for five or so minutes before the ground sloped down further and an entrance to the right opened up. Dean straightened up and you did the same, stretching out as he grabbed the back of your jumpsuit.
“Dude, would you stop doing that?” you said.
“Would you stay in my line of sight?”
“That’s harassment. You can’t touch me without my permission,” you said, crossing your arms. He blinked a few times and rolled his eyes quite possibly the most dramatically you’d ever seen in your life.
“This? This is not an office building. Every single time you step in here you run the risk of dying and you have zero clue on how to stay safe down here. I hate it when you people with your big offices and penny pinching bullshit come down here and complain about every goddamn little thing. If you want out, get out of the fucking mining business.”
“You’re an irritable person,” you said. He grumbled and tugged you along with him until you brushed him off. You followed him down a hallway and another, Dean checking things off on his clipboard as he went. “Are you gonna explain any of this stuff?”
“What do you think?” he said. He whistled and you followed him down a few more hallways when he stopped a gauge looking contraption. He checked a few different numbers and valves on it as you spun around. 
“I guess it is kinda cool. That somehow you guys know how to block up rocks and leave all these cracks and know how to make it so it doesn’t all come crashing down.”
“Cracks?” he asked as he squatted down and read off a meter.
“Yeah like that big one,” you said, pointing at the wall across the way. He turned around and looked at it for barely a second before he grabbed your arm. 
“Move. Now,” he said. He pulled out his radio and pressed down the button. “We have a grade five crack in Lodge Six West. Do not blow. I repeat do not-”
The ground rumbled and you heard a splintering noise, Dean pushing you back into the hallway you’d been in. He jumped on top of you and covered your body with his, all the lights going out, a loud thundering of falling rocks happening close by. It seemed to go on and on before it finally stilled, the hallway pitch black.
“You alright?” he asked.
“I think so,” you said, coughing when you felt dust in the air.
“Don’t move,” he said. He lifted his head and there was some light, Dean looking around before climbing off of you and staring at a new wall of rock. He looked at the hallway you’d been in, clicking on his flashlight and you saw where the rock dropped off about a hundred feet away. “Well. Shit.”
“What just happened?”
“The rock was unstable and they already set off the charges and it shook the mountain so now there’s a giant hole over there and our exit is blocked.”
“What’s that way?” you asked, nodding down the only unobstructed hallway.
“Further down into the mine before you hit the decommissioned area.”
“Is there a way out,” you asked, Dean patting his side.
“Fuck. My radio is under all that,” he said. He took out yours and handed it to him, Dean nodding before he turned it on. “Main do you copy, over?”
There was silence on the other end and Dean hit the button again.
“Main this is Winchester in Lodge Six West with…what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, manager’s kid. Copy, over.”
“Winchester this is Main. We got lots of calls coming in from ground crews about a shaking.”
“Lodge Six West Hall K is a giant crater of death and Hall H is buried, right up to the entrance of junction HJ.”
“We’re okay,” said Dean.
“Give me a second.”
Dean took a deep breath and coughed. He tapped your mask on your belt and you put it on, the air a bit easier to breath. 
“Winchester this is Melvin.”
“She’s okay, boss. Just a little shook up. Saved our asses from winding up in the ground even if she doesn’t know it yet,” he said. He held out the radio and you pulled down the mask. 
“Dad I’m fine, really. We both are. It’s just kinda dark and smelly is all.”
“I know. Put your mask on sweetie until you can get to some cleaner air,” he said. You put it back on, Dean, getting to his feet. He pulled you up and looked back at your blocked path. 
“Any other collapses?” asked Dean.
“None reported so far. Everyone should be out of the mine’s or on their way. Alarm is blasting.” You looked back at Dean, his eyes shutting.
“Melvin we can’t hear it. At all.”
“Rodney’s out checking where our side of the collapse starts. We’ll get you out,” he said, someone panting in the background.
“Hall B, Mel,” he said. Dean turned away from you and sighed. No one said anything for a long time until Dean finally raised his head.
“We got two 16 ounces bottles of water. If she rations it, she’s got a shot,” said Dean quietly.
“No, she doesn’t,” said your dad, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. “How long does your radio have?”
“Mine got crushed. Hers was on a quarter charge. I’d guess maybe an hour or two tops,” he said.
“Should we call your brother?”
“He’s hiking in Glacier Park this week. No cell service,” said Dean quietly. “Just tell him to check my bottom desk drawer. There’s something for him there.”
“I can do that,” he said. “Is there anyone...parents-”
“All due respect sir, I’d rather you talk to your daughter,” he said. Dean held out the radio to you and you picked it up, Dean skirting around the corner to the one unblocked hallway.
“Dean?” you asked, following over there. He was leaned against the wall and looked over his shoulder at you. “What’s going on?”
“They can’t dig us out in time.”
“What do you mean-”
“Talk to your dad. You’re wasting time. That battery won’t last forever,” he said. He turned back and you walked back around the corner, sitting down against the wall.
“Hi dad,” you said.
“Hey,” he said, his voice shaky. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Mom’s on her way down to talk, okay? She’ll be here in ten minutes.”
“I so quit this job,” you said, wiping off your eyes with the back of your hand. He laughed and you threw your head back. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m gonna stay on the line as long as I can, okay?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Two Hours Later
The battery in the radio had died about fifteen minutes ago. There was no sound aside from your sniffling and Dean’s down the hall. You got up eventually and went into the hall, sitting down beside him. You handed him the radio and he clipped it back on his belt.
“You okay?” you asked, voice hoarse.
“You try listening to someone say goodbye to their parents and not bawl,” he said. He wiped off his face and took a deep breath. “Air’s better now at least.”
“What do we do now?”
“Now,” he said, clipping his water bottle onto your belt. “You sit there and try not to exert a lot of energy and that water will last you a few days.”
“We both heard my father. They can’t drill or dig or do anything fast enough. It’d take weeks. I’m not sitting here next to your dead ass so take your damn water back,” you said, shoving it back in his chest. He didn’t speak but put it on his belt, pulling his knees into his chest. “Why were you so mean to me before? You gave up time on the phone for me. I don’t think you’re what you pretend to be.”
“I’m a dead man walking and that’s a fact.”
“Technically you’re sitting.”
He smiled and rested his face in his knees. He sat up and reached over behind you, hitting off your headlight.
“We need to conserve power as long as possible,” he said.
“Will our lights go out before we dehydrate to death?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “This is what it’ll be like.”
He flipped off his lamp and you swore you’d never experienced a darkness so deep. You felt his hand graze yours before holding it and you swallowed.
“Kinda less scary knowing you can turn it back on again,” he said.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why such a brute?”
“You do this job long enough and most people think you’re a dumb sack of shit with nothing in his head. You’re dead weight, odds are you’ll die down here or get into some kind of accident and have to go on disability the rest of your life. You corporate people are always so stuck up, like I’m not even good enough to be the dirt on your shoes. I didn’t give you a chance because odds were you were like all the rest of them. You’re the only reason we didn’t die in that hole, very painfully.”
“Wouldn’t we have-”
“No. It’s not a simple hole we would have fell in. Falling rocks, crushing and hitting, landing on you, ones you hit yourself. Might not kill you immediately. You’d feel it.”
“Dying of thirst is better?”
“I’d say so. Still get to keep this handsome face, or what’ll be left of it,” he said. He flipped his light back on and you scooted closer. “I think you’re very attractive.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gonna die in like three or four days. Life has no consequences now and I happen to find you very attractive and you seem like a smart, sweet woman that put her parents a little at ease during the worst moment of their lives.”
“Who’s your brother?” you asked. “No consequences after all.”
“He’s a lawyer...and my best friend.”
“You said you did this job for him.”
“Student debt is a bitch. I try to help him out and the overtime helps make dents in it,” he said. “Our parents had debt out their asses. It caused so many problems for us. I wanted him safe, never have to worry about the next meal on the plate or the roof over his head or having to wear my hand me downs ever again. At least he’ll get my life insurance policy. That should help.”
“I have been busting my ass since I was a college freshman in that office to move up the chain for a job I didn’t even want. I completely lost nearly all of my twenties to work. All so I could die in here.”
“Well I know this doesn't sound good but I’m glad I didn’t die all super painful. Or that I’ll be alone,” he said. You smiled and nodded, Dean returning it. “Got any bucket list shit we can pull off down here?”
“We could make out,” you said. “Never knew anyone could make that jumpsuit look good.”
“Why the fuck not,” he chuckled. He leaned in close and your helmets bonked, Dean pulling his off and yours, quickly cupping your face. 
His lips were gentler than you thought, the two of you stopping when your lips were pressed together. You rested your forehead against his and broke off only an inch.
“Not as much fun at the moment as it sounded,” you breathed out.
“Pretty good last kiss though,” he said. You put your helmets back on and you grabbed his hand again. 
“Don’t let go down here. Please.”
He reached to his belt and undid a little pouch, pulling out a small tether of rope. He clipped one end onto him and the other to you.
“For when the lights go out,” he said.
“How long do we got?”
“About a day, maybe a little more,” he said. You sighed and turned your head, staring down the rest of the hall. “It’s decommissioned, Y/N. It’s a death trap.”
“Is there a way out?” you asked.
“Maybe. Maybe they never find us though,” he said. You stared at him and he nodded, hitting your headlamp back on. “Enough of the pity party. Let’s go get out of here or die trying.”
He stood and held out a hand, hoisting you to your feet. 
“So. What’s our best option?” you asked.
“It’s alright for a bit until we get to the decommissioned section. When we get there, that’s when it gets dangerous. Technically it’s dangerous now considering the blast but we’re okay for a bit,” he said. 
“Let’s go then,” you said. He nodded and you followed him down the hall, walking side by side. 
“Alright so the decommissioned section is called Hollow Pass. Beyond that is Upper Seven. If we can get to Upper Seven, we can get out the old entrance I’m pretty sure. Never been in there but hopefully it’s not a maze over there.”
“So Hollow Pass is the hard part.”
“Why was it decommissioned?”
“Unstable ground. Holes, pockets of air, rotted support beams, wood planks.”
“So it’s a death trap.”
“Yup,” he said. “We’re probably gonna die down there.”
“What do you think our odds are?”
“Well it’s been out of order for over fifty years, we have no map, I have no real idea where exactly to go...I give us 1% odds.”
“Beats are 0% odds here.”
“Good way to think about it considering we’re going to most likely die.” He stopped walking and took a deep breath. “If I fall or whatever, follow the widest hall possible and keep away from wood and cracks as best as possible. Ration your water and eventually you’ll find your way out.”
“If you fall I’m definitely not gonna make it.”
“Well at least try. You can tell my brother how devastatingly brave I was that way.”
“You just spent the past hour crying.”
“So did you,” he said. You bumped his shoulder and he returned it but it was playful and soft. You walked together quietly for a moment until Dean rounded a corner and took a deep breath.
There were a few planks across a hallway, Dean kicking them down, frowning when they broke pretty easily.
“There’s gonna be rot.”
“We don’t have to go,” he said. “You don’t have to. There’s a chance-“
“There’s no chance Dean. Not if we stay up there. If you don’t want to go, I will. Maybe I can get help back in-“
“We’re doing this together or you’re staying. I can go and you-“
“We both go,” you said. 
“I go first. You step where I step and if I tell you to do anything, you do it.”
“Dean. We already established that you’re not a hardass. You can lead the way but you know, nicely.”
“Alright, alright,” he said. He gave more slack in the rope attached to the two of you and took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”
He was calm for a few minutes until you were turning down a hallway, Dean suddenly stopping in front of you.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Look,” he said. You poked your head around him, swallowing at the rotted wood on the ground, holes worn into the planking. “Y/N that’s not good. Rot means there’s water and water means erosion and erosion means big shafts hundreds of feet straight down under those wood planks.”
“How much of it is wood?” you asked. You both looked ahead and sighed, the whole hall flooring covered in wood. “Shit.”
“Y/N. This is too dangerous. I’ve worked in mines since I was 18 and it’s way too dangerous.”
“Dean. I don’t want to die. If we don’t do anything, we’re dead in three days, maybe less.”
“Maybe they come up the decommissioned mine and get us,” he said. 
“Dean. The mountain collapsed from what my dad said. They are not coming in here, risking even more lives, in this mine. It might even have collapsed on the other side on the way out. We don’t know. All we do know is we stay and we’re dead or we go and we’re maybe dead.”
“You still won’t let me go on ahead on my own to try to get some help?”
“You’re not leaving me alone,” you said. You stepped ahead and he yanked on the rope, pulling you back. “Dean. Stop.”
“I go first,” he said. You held up your hands and he swallowed, Dean stepping past you, carefully putting his weight down on each plank. “Follow. Every footstep exactly where mine go.”
You followed after, the only sounds your breathing and the occasional board creaking. Dean put a foot down and stopped moving forward when you heard snapping. 
“Go back. Slowly.”
You stepped a foot backwards, putting weight on it and your foot going straight through. Dean grabbed your arm as you pulled your foot up, a few sticks falling into a deep dark pit. 
“What do we do,” you breathed out.
“Well we’re over rock that fell away so there’s a big hole beneath us if the rotted wood is anything to go by,” he said. You heard the slight waiver in his voice and sighed. “We make a choice. Forwards or backwards.”
“Back looks bad. Plus we already probably broke the supports.”
“I think solid ground is in front. But I have to jump for it,” he said. You looked past him and shook your head. 
“Dean, it's way too far. I can try to walk over there if you let out the rope. I get to solid ground and then you walk and if you fall, I got you with the rope.”
“Sweetheart, there’s no way.”
“You’re too heavy and we can’t stay here,” you said. You slipped past him and he tried to grab you but you went quickly. “Dean let out the rope. Now.”
“Fuck. We’re gonna die.”
“No we’re not,” you said, walking quickly, planks creaking but you sighed when you had solid rock under your feet again. “Alright. Just go where I did and fast.”
He took a deep breath and walked a few steps, a loud groaning of the wood making him move faster.
You hit the ground the second you saw him go down, the wood breaking away. Dean shouted and you dug your heels into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” he said, falling straight down into a hole and out of view.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (10)
(New update coming in and things are getting heated!!! I wonder how our lovely little group’s gonna handle it??)
Ch.1 / Ch.9 / Ch. 11
Chapter 10: Adrenaline Rush
Possible Schools:
Rosemary High
Skyline Academy
Angelwood Institute
Liberty High
Summerfield Academy
Clearwater Institute
A sigh passed through Adrien’s lips as he crossed out the last name on his list, matching it with the other failed attempts. He just didn’t understand. Why was it so hard to find Marinette’s school? All he needed to do was search for high schools in the area and ask the students at each school whether she attended or not. It seemed simple enough at the time, but now another week and a half has gone by, and he’s no closer to finding her than he was two weeks ago when he asked for her school name as Chat Noir. 
Adrien set his pencil down and rubbed a hand over his face. He could have sworn she said ‘Rosemary’ last time they talked, but that blonde guy insisted that there weren’t any new students there. Maybe he just hadn’t met her yet? No, that didn’t make any sense. School had already started by then. Adrien assumed the guy would notice if he suddenly had a new classmate. 
Ugh. If only he could visit her again.. Between patrol with his lady, akuma attacks, homework, and photoshoots, going out as Chat Noir to see Marinette was nearly impossible. He really needed to have a talk with Nathalie about getting more free time.
“Alya, Marinette is killing me!” 
Adrien glanced up from his paper- That’s right, he’s supposed to be working on his own school right now -just in time to see Lila wiping fake tears from her eyes as she walked into the classroom. Although they still had a good five or ten minutes before class started, she was the only who wasn’t currently seated at her desk, and judging by her greeting, Adrien was going to assume that she entered last on purpose.
“What!” Alya gasped, standing up from her desk to meet Lila halfway. “What did she do now?”
Lila sniffed and accepted the comforting hug that Alya offered. “She’s been sending me awful messages all week! Telling me she hates me and insulting me and that I should’ve just stayed in Italy where I belonged.”
Adrien shifted in his seat to hear the conversation better, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips. Another scheme to slander Marinette’s good name.. Why did Lila still feel the need to lie about her? The ravenette was gone, completely transferred to another school, too far to even breath about Lila’s fabrications. There was no reason to turn their classmates further against her. (if that was even possible at this point)
“She told you what?!” Alya blanched, pulling back to grab Lila’s shoulders. “I can’t believe her! wasn’t sabotaging the forms you needed to be class president enough? Why can’t she leave you alone!”
Adrien resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Now that lie had a reason to it. He knew first hand how thick those stacks of forms can be since he’s helped Marinette carry them a few times, and Lila was obviously too lazy or too unqualified (or both) to sift through all of that mess by herself. What Adrien didn’t understand about the lie, though, was why she had to drag Marinette into it. Again. Why not lie about feeling unwell? Or simply ask for time to adjust to the role that had practically been dumped onto her? Any of those excuses would not only have been easier to say, as they didn’t involve anyone but herself, but they probably would have been accepted just as wholly. So why? It was as though Marinette became a crutch for Lila, which he supposed made sense. Building onto a widely accepted lie would be much simpler than creating a million small lies, but it certainly came with a risk. For example, if Adrien were to, say, kick that crutch right out from under her, she would probably flounder around on the floor with no way to get back up again. 
This left Adrien with another important question: How was he going to do it? So far, his friends have been sticking to her like glue and taking in her words like they were given directly from the Bible. On top of that, Alya seems to have become Lila’s official guard dog. How was he supposed to work around that? Adrien couldn’t confront the brunette publicly, because Marinette was proof that that never ended well, and confronting Lila privately didn’t help either, because she would only blow him off again. No, he needed to focus on outing her to his classmates directly, but he also needed to be subtle about it. Which meant..
Which meant he’d have to beat her at her own game.
“That’s crazy!” Adrien piped up, plastering on a surprised and disgusted expression. “Can I see the texts?”
Lila and Alya turned to him, both equally shocked by his comment. He normally kept to himself during conversations about Marinette.
“Oh..” Lila blinked, gathering her thoughts. “I mean, of course! It’s just that.. they’re quite personal, you know.. She said some things that were close to home..”
“We completely understand.” Alya assured. 
“Completely,” Adrien agreed, “which is why I want to see how bad it is. Those texts can be considered harassment if you don’t feel safe.”
Alya frowned at him, but a spark arose in Lila’s eyes, one that was no doubt fueled by the thought of getting Marinette into trouble with the law. Adrien would never understand the hatred that Lila harbored for the ravenette, but he definitely knew how to use it to his advantage.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want her to get in trouble!” The brunette said with feigned concern. “But.. if you think it will help..”
She made a show of tentatively pulling out her phone and handing it to Adrien. He wasted no time snatching it from her hands and pulling up the texting app. If she was giving him the phone, she most likely had a series of fake texts to back up her story. (and they would be fake. Marinette was too nice to outwardly insult or bully others. Besides, she wouldn’t have the time even if she wanted to, what with her new school, homework, and fashion designs that she needed to tend to.)
Sure enough, he found messages upon messages of insults under the contact name “Marinette”. Things like “You’re only a model because of Gabriel’s pity and charity programs”, “You made our school’s reputation so pathetic that I had to leave”, and “They’ll find out soon that you’re too stupid to be a decent class rep.” were only the tip of the iceberg. Adrien noted the fact that there weren’t any comments about Lila’s looks specifically- she probably couldn’t think of any insults like that herself, since she was obviously so fashionable -but other than, the texts appeared to be authentic.
That is, except for the phone number.
Adrien slid further into his desk and pulled out his own phone to unlock it. A swift comparison between the two contacts proved not only that they had different phone numbers for Marinette, but that the phone number used for the harassing texts was actually the phone number that Adrien had for Lila. She must have texted herself, then deleted the doubles to make it look like a regular conversation between two people. Adrien had to hand it to her, it was a clever set-up. 
But not clever enough.
“Wow, this is awful.” Adrien declared, ensuring that both girls along with a few of their other classmates could hear him. “I’m going to text Marinette about this right now. Do you mind if I copy the number from your phone to text her, though? Some of my contacts got deleted a while back.”
Lila’s eyes widened, and panic briefly flickered across her features. 
“O-Oh, um- you really don’t have to do that-” She tried to say as she reached for her phone. 
Adrien pulled it back up with a smile. “Oh, but I want to! We can’t let Marinette get away with things like this.”
“Yeah, he’s right!” Alya eagerly agreed. “Let him talk to her. That should really pack a punch for Marinette.”
Although the comment was a bit odd, Adrien nodded along, because as long as Alya was on his side, this plan should work perfectly. 
“I’m typing in the number to call right now.” He announced, quickly punching in each digit. His only regret in that moment was that he couldn’t see Lila’s expression as he got closer to ‘accidentally’ outing her. However, the sheer panic in her voice was still enough to make his smile widen to a grin.
“No, you can’t!” She nearly shrieked, lunging over Adrien for her phone. If the class’ eyes weren’t on them before, they definitely were now. 
“Don’t worry, Lila.” Adrien said innocently as he pressed ‘call’ on the number. “I won’t tell her that you gave me her number.”
As expected, Lila’s phone immediately began to ring. He watched as the blood drained from her features, and she scrambled to turn off the device before it could finish the first ring. It was a decent move, in his opinion, but that didn’t stop the class from staring at her with a mix of surprise, suspicion, and curiosity.
“What was that?” Alya asked, leaning forward to help Lila get off of Adrien, “Was your phone ringing?”
“No, no! It was- uhm -” Lila let out a nervous, little laugh.  It’d been so long since she had to fight for her lies to stick that she must have forgotten how to lie on the spot. What a shame.
“That was just a small sound my phone makes when it turns off.” She blurted out. “I must have forgotten to charge it last night.”
Adrien pressed “end” on his call- because obviously he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Lila’s phone off -and glanced around the classroom to gauge their reactions. Those closest to the conversation were warily watching the scene unfold with furrowed eyebrows, doubt clear on their expressions. The farther ones, however, nodded along with what Lila was saying. They probably hadn’t heard most of the conversation beforehand and therefore had no reason to question her. 
“Oh,” Alya said, accepting the bullcrap answer as always, “that’s not good. Do you want to use my charger in case you need your phone later?”
Lila offered a sweet smile, stray bits of her confidence floating back to her due to Alya’s reassurance. “Ah, I’m fine. I wouldn’t want to trouble you or anythi-”
A soft rumbling shook the ground, causing the Italian girl to trail off. Adrien turned to the window, his breath catching in his throat as his thumb instinctively brushed over his ring. Was now really the best time?
In the distance, a cloud of dust was rising into the air. He’d seen enough- and done enough -to know that only the mass destruction of buildings could create such a cloud, and the mayor hadn’t informed them of any pre-planned constructions.
“Yes!” Alya cheered, leaping down the classroom steps. Leave it to her to be the only one excited about another akuma attack. “Finally!  It feels like we haven’t had an akuma in weeks!”
“Alya, wait!” Nino called after her. He always hated her little escapades. 
“Don’t worry,” Adrien said as he stood up, “I’ll take care of her.”
Right after I take care of the akuma.
The little hands of Felix’s black wrist watch ticked away well past 12:30, reminding him of his frustrating failure to set a timer for their lunch period. How could he have forgotten? The notion had to be ingrained into his muscle memory by now. Get up, go to school, burn through the first few classes, set a timer to not waste time, and go to lunch. How did it slip his mind?
“I can’t believe I didn’t ask this sooner,” Allegra remarked as they exited the café, “but what happened to your guys’ faces? I’m pretty sure they weren’t that red before.”
Felix glanced towards Claude and Marinette, the excuse to his forgetfulness finally returning. He’d been in the middle of setting the alarm when he saw their tomato-colored faces in front of the Chemistry lab. The sight must have been enough to throw away all thoughts of setting his alarm as he asked what happened. Nevertheless, Felix still had time to copy down some notes before his next class, and that would suit him just fine for today.
“Oh, man, how have I not told you yet?” Claude snorted. “It was hilarious!”
Marinette let out a light, yet playful scoff next to him. “Define ‘hilarious’.”
The group shared a small chuckle, and Claude jumped into the story of how they- well, how he spilled their chemicals in class. It surely couldn’t have been as interesting as the brunette let on, but Claude always loved to be dramatic. He made voices for Marinette’s comments- which she jokingly took offence towards due to the unrealistically high pitch -and flailed his arms about while explaining how he poured the chemicals into a bag and mixed them. Claude even made a point to throw out his arms while mimicking the sound of an explosion when he got to the part of the story where the chemicals overflowed.
One of those arms happened to smack Felix in the shoulder, which easily brought a glare out of the blonde. If Claude was this energetic now, there was no telling how bad he was going to be during Allegra’s sleepover. In fact, the whole group was probably going to go overboard. Something about sleepovers tended to bring out the most outgoing side of a person, which was why Felix loathed them. He had to sit there and listen to everyone snort and laugh and be loud the entire evening without the comfort that he might be able to leave within an hour or two. It was torture, simply put.
And yet, he decided to go. All for the ludicrous thought that he might be able to ask Marinette more questions about her relations to Agreste and her old school once- or if -the night provided them a moment of privacy. The motivation itself was outright foolish if he were honest with himself. Even if he did acquire a “decent moment” to bring up the subject, she would most likely be uncomfortable talking about it, and dragging a person through the past that they’re deliberately trying to run from isn’t pleasant for anyone involved. That’s why he’s refrained from asking about it again so far.
Felix needed to find some other way to sedate his curiosity towards her. He did.. But how else was he going to find out why an aspiring fashion designer would run from the supposed affections of a top designer’s son? Felix guessed that it might be something like sexual harassment or another, equally disgusting treachery, but then what about the chest of gifts? Where her affections for the model had been clear? What type of fallout must one have with another person to risk their entire dream career just to escape them?
Felix shook his head slightly to push the thoughts out of his mind. He wasn’t going to barrage Marinette with question after question just to stop his mind from constantly turning when it probably wouldn’t stop anyway. Marinette was Marinette. A classmate of his that was kind, clumsy yet capable, overly-generous, determined, weirdly strong for someone of her stature, and a mystery in more ways than one when it came to the life she lived. That was going to have to be enough for him.
“You should have seen it, Allegra.” Claude said with a grin, pulling Felix back to the present. He’d somewhat forgotten that the brunette was even talking.
“It was like the whole bag of Phenol Red just went-”
A large crash erupted to the left of them, followed by a strong gust of wind that pushed them all off of their feet. Felix hit the pavement with a grunt, and Marinette landed on top of him a second later, sucking the rest of the air from his lungs. Screams pierced the air, disorienting him further- why were they screaming? What made the crash? How did it create enough wind to knock them over? -but Marinette sat up immediately. She turned to the source of the crash, tense and ready, as though she already knew what they were dealing with, and Felix couldn’t be more confused. Why did she look like she was about to fight something? (And why did he feel like she would win?)
“Do not be afraid!” A voice yelled over the crowds, drawing Felix’s gaze to a woman standing a few yards away from them. She was dressed in dark and light blues, save for her white elbow-length cloak and her white skirt that appeared to be split into several different pieces of cloth. “I’ve come to help! Not just you, but the world!”
Felix’s eyes widened, an entirely new form of terror taking hold of his body. This wasn’t.. This couldn’t be an akuma, right? She looked different than the ones he’d seen on the news, more human. If it weren’t for her white and dark blue mask and the large fan in her hands that seemed to be controlling the wind, he would have thought that she was a normal civilian merely passing by. 
“Our planets have been spoiled by the bigger companies for too long!” The woman continued, even though people ran as she spoke. “It’s time we take matters into our own hands!”
His mind screamed at him to run, to hide, to move, but he couldn’t. His entire being was cemented to the spot in fear of what might happen next. What if this akuma was dangerous? What if her powers possessed people like that Pharaoh themed villain? Or completely killed them like Stoneheart or TimeTagger? Were they going to be her first victims? What if it-
A harsh tug interrupted his reeling thoughts, and suddenly, Felix was back on his feet and running. Running behind Marinette who was pulling them to safety. 
“Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” She quietly called over her shoulder. “Let’s hide behind the wooden fence while she’s distracted.”
Felix had enough sense to look ahead of them, where a small, wooden fence that held the cafe’s menu was placed. It wasn’t hard to notice under normal circumstances, but how did Marinette think of hiding there while the akuma was right behind them? How was she not paralyzed by the very idea of being caught?
“I’m going to destroy some stores around here, but only to get the heroes’ attention!” The akuma explained as the group scrambled passed the fence and pressed their backs against the wood. “Once I have the miraculous, I will restore everything to its rightful place, I promise!”
Felix tried to slow his rapid, shallow breaths as he sank further against the fence. She was going to destroy buildings? How many? Were they going to get hit with the debris? Where were the heroes that he’d heard so much about? Shouldn’t they be doing something about all of this?
“What do we do?” Claude whispered, panic clear in his tone as well. None of them had ever seen an akuma attack before. Well, none of them except Allan, but he’d been watching through a store window a safe distance away.
“Should we call the police?” Allegra nearly squeaked, tentatively reaching for her bag to pull out her phone. “They help with stuff like this too, right?”
“No need.” Marinette said. She was on the left side of Felix now, staying close to the edge of the fence and carefully peeking around it. “The police have akuma alerts on their phones to tell them when attacks happen. They're already on their way, I’m sure.”
Felix stared down at her with furrowed eyebrows, completely baffled by the lack of panic in her demeanor. This was the same girl who stumbled and stuttered to ask him for a pencil during class! Yet here she was, taking charge and giving orders and speaking perfectly. It was like she was a completely different person! How was that even possible? 
“Alright,” The ravenette spoke, turning back to them with a deathly serious gaze, “I’m going to run out and get her attention. While I’m doing that, you guys need to run as far away from here as you can and find a good basement to hide in until this is over.”
“What?” The group practically gasped in unison. She wanted to face the akuma alone?!
“Marinette, you’re not going anywhere!” Allegra insisted. “It’s not safe out there!”
“It’s less safe if we stay here.” She replied, moving to step out into the open.
Felix grabbed her wrist to yank her back. What was happening right now? 
“Are you insane?” He hissed unintentionally. “You can’t go out there! You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“Yeah, she’s not after us.” Allan agreed. “Only the buildings. Let’s just all run out of here together.”
Marinette glanced back at the group. “But there are still people in those buildings. I need to lure her to an empty street or at least stall until the heroes get here. If I don’t, people are definitely going to get hurt or worse.”
Felix’s grip on Marinette’s wrist tightened. He hadn’t thought about the crowds of people who were running inside for cover, but even so, what would she be able to do alone? The akuma was a powerful being, and they were merely civilians in the crossfire. What’s stopping it from crushing Marinette beneath its boot at the slightest whim? Who’s to say the akuma would even listen to Marinette if she did get its attention?
“We’re not letting you sacrifice yourself for an extra second of time.” He told her. “Like you said, the police are on their way, which means the heroes will be here soon too. Let them handle it.”
A strange mix of urgency and frustration flickered across her features, and she tugged against his grip. “Felix, please, we don’t have time to argue-”
“I think I’ll start with this darling café.” The akuma crooned. “That should get some attention.”
The café walls crumbling apart was Felix’s only warning before the gust of wind made it to their little hide-out. It splintered the wood within seconds, and the group went flying, once again, into the pavement. 
Felix groaned as he pushed himself to his knees. How many times were they going to get thrown around? At least Marinette didn’t land on him this time.
The realization that Marinette was no longer with him washed over Felix like a bucket of ice cold water, and his gaze snapped upwards. He started to yell for her, but it was too late. Marinette was already on her feet, somehow recovering faster than all of them, and running towards the akuma head on. He could only watch in abject horror as she called out to it.
“Hey, airhead!” She yelled. “Do you really think this is the smartest plan?”
The akuma rounded on Marinette in an instant, and Felix sucked in a breath. No, no, no, no, what was she doing?
“My name is ‘Whirlwind’, thank you very much,” The woman snapped, “and I think it’s a brilliant plan. Do you think you can do something better?”
“Of course.” Marinette replied, crossing her arms. “If you’re already destroying buildings, why not go and destroy the big companies that you’re after in the first place? It’d be much more productive, don’t you think?”
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. Didn’t she say that she wanted to avoid public places?
Whirlwind hummed. “Well, yes, but with all of the major hotels and tourist spots, it’s hard to tell which buildings to destroy, and I don’t have time to look.”
“I’ll show you where they are.” Marinette offered. “Think about it, destroying a big, company building is sure to attract more attention than taking down a little café, right?”
Whirlwind narrowed her eyes as she thought it over, and a part of Felix desperately hoped that she would decline Marinette’s suggestion. A bigger part of him prayed that the police or the heroes or somebody showed up to stop this before Marinette went too far.
“Alright.” Whirlwind smiled. “I’ll take you up on that. It’s nice to see someone else interested in saving the environment.”
With a flick of her fan, Whirlwind gathered a gust of wind around Marinette, causing the ravenette to rise into the air. She then gave herself a gust of wind, which caused her white skirt to start spinning around her. If Felix wasn’t going pale with dread over what might happen to his classmate, he would have found the unique fashion choice to be humorous, as it almost reminded him of a box fan. 
Allegra let out a horrified shriek, one that rattled Felix to his bones. This was really happening. Marinette was really being carried off by some maniac in a costume. What were they going to do? What could they do? Gosh, where were the heroes?
Felix grit his teeth and forced himself to his feet. He couldn’t just stand there and watch her be kidnapped or he’d never be able to look her in the eyes afterwards.
That’s right, he told himself. The heroes were going to win, and she was going to be just fine. 
Those thoughts didn’t stop him from sprinting after the akuma, though, even as the trio called after him to stop, even as the akuma rose higher into the air, out of his reach. Marinette couldn’t do this by herself, and although Felix’s presence probably wouldn’t make much of a difference either, he’d be darned if he didn’t try to help. 
“Don’t worry,” He huffed, comforting himself more than her as he darted through alleyways to keep up with them, “I’m right behind you.”
Tag list:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything  @magnificentcrapposts  @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @vixen-uchiha @casual-darkness @luxmorningstarr @jjmjjktth​ @kaithehero @itsme1598 @theymakeupfairies @xjaccyx
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Are you forgetting that gray stalked lucy, by trying to follow her home?. Then getting caught by natsu. Then he broke into her apartment and stripped nude. It really shows that men can't be seen as stalkers while women characters like juvia are easy targets because she is an important side character. I literally don't understand the logic?, they did the same thing but nobody cares because gray is the tall dark and handsome guy everybody gloats over.
Look, there are other blogs for this kind of discussion, and this isn't one of them. This is the only butt-hurt gr///uvian I'm responding to, because it's the first, but from here on out I'm going to be deleting any and all messages like this.
(This ended up being much longer than I was anticipating so here's a cut so you don't have to see it all. TW: Mentions and discussion of abuse, stalking, gaslighting, sexual harassment & assault, double standards & misogyny, abuse apologism, and a single mention of rape culture.)
Let's get this over with quickly-
Gray stalked Lucy by trying to follow her home - Gray followed Lucy home because she said she thought she was being followed. He followed her to make sure she got home safely. He said this, even when he was caught by Natsu and Happy.
He broke into her apartment - So did Natsu and Happy and Erza and many, many other characters. No, it's not right when Gray does it. But it's also not right when anyone else does it. Either punish all off them or none of them, you can't cherry pick Gray because you don't like him.
He stripped nude - Yep. You're right. Go get yourself a cookie.
My friend runs the blog @absolutezerotolerance and I've heard all about you, Anon. I get it, you don't like Gray, you think he's an awful person who deserves all the abuse he endured, but here's the thing because you refuse to listen.
Just because Gray has done some shitty things, does not mean he deserves to be stalked and abused.
If you think he does then I hope to GOD that we never meet because you are an abuse apologist and I do not need to know someone like you.
Men who stalk women should be held accountable for their actions, it is not acceptable. Women who stalk men should be held accountable for their actions, it is not acceptable. There should not be a double standard, but unfortunately there is, and it doesn't go the way you think it does.
We hear all too often about men and masc. folk who get abused and stalked and hurt and no one believes them, because men are meant to be strong and tough and hide their emotions. I've seen on this very website people who believe that men are incapable of being abused because of some made up genetic component.
Men and masc. folk need to be listened to. This is not something that can be brushed aside, it is key and it is crucial. The wellbeing of men and masc. folk cannot be ignored.
And this is what's happening here, with Gray and Juvia and Lucy. No, it's not okay when Gray does it to Lucy. But Gray has suffered more at the hands of Juvia. That's all.
Gray should be held accountable for his actions, but Juvia's actions are simply further reaching and far more detrimental. They are indicative of a problem that makes me so, so sad to see.
Juvia isn't an easy target because we're looking for someone to hate. That isn't how this works, Anon. We hate Juvia because she gave us a reason to. Because she stalked Gray multiple times, including across several countries to Isvan. Because she has emotionally manipulated and gaslit him multiple times both after Ultear sacrificed herself and saved Gray, and on top of Gray's parents' grave after his father died a second time. Because she has a history of sexually harassing him - including touching him without permission and refusing to let go, and asking him to spank her when they a) aren't a couple and b) he makes it clear that he isn't comfortable with that. Because she objectifies him to such an extent that everything in her room is Gray-themed in some way - from multiple stuffed plushes, to a bar of soap that she uses to wash herself with. Because she admitted to sexually assaulting him during the one year time skip. Because he does not consent to what she does to him and she doesn't listen. Because she drugged him in an attempt to make her love him - removing consent from the equation all together.
What Gray does to Lucy isn't okay. But Juvia has a much, much longer list of crimes. This isn't okay to ignore. Especially when it's romanticised to this degree.
Your reasoning for ignoring everything Gray has gone through is the exact same reasoning that abuse apologisers and devil's advocates use to ignore women when they report abuse against them. "They're too pretty" or "this person did [x] to [third party] so they deserved it". It's a couple steps to the left of rape culture. Going to absurd lengths to ignore and dismiss Juvia of all wrongdoing and instead putting all the blame on Gray.
When I, or my friends, talk about GrUvia, we don't have to talk about Lucy. If she isn't relevant to the discussion, we don't have to bring her up and say "oh but don't think Gray's perfect because xyz". It doesn't cripple our arguments and it doesn't suddenly make everything we say redundant.
There are parts of Juvia that need to be discussed critically because they're a microcosm of a much bigger issue with today's society and the way it responds to abuse, abuse victims and abuse survivors.
We need to be able to look at situations like GrUvia and recognise that they're dangerous. Otherwise, how are we meant to do that when it comes to the real world? How am I meant to trust that if someone comes to you, Anon, saying they've been abused that you'll believe and help them?
This isn't about who's done worse, this is about the victims of stalking and abuse.
Laser focusing on the perpetrators only makes it more likely for victims to fall through the cracks without justice. And some, like Gray, may end up giving into their abusers and that isn't okay on any level.
Suffering isn't a competition, Anon. Gray is able to do shitty things and still be a victim, his right to health and safety can't be taken away because he isn't flawless. No one is flawless, but everyone deserves to be safe. This is all about empathy and listening to victims and having the ability to realise when a piece of media is perpetuating an idea that hurts and kills real people.
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astridthevalkyrie · 4 years
summer rain: chapter 2
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Your days in the Training Corp aren’t too out of the ordinary. You make friends, you train hard, and you eat dinner every day.
Oh, and you’re also hellbent on getting revenge against Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
Okay, okay, so, you’d prided yourself on your plan. Getting the lieutenant himself to train you personally so you could learn his weaknesses and use his own tricks to one day take him down and humiliate him in front of everyone - it’s convoluted, but it’s a good idea. It’ll take a while, but it’ll work if you stay dedicated. Right? Right.
But you hadn’t actually expected him to agree. And so easily at that. He’d given you a quick look over as though he was scanning for some potential scheme, and then he’d readily said he would train you, which not only shocked you, it shocked both Captain Erwin and the woman who you learned was Lieutenant Hange Zoe. If his friends were surprised, then this must be out of character of him. You can’t imagine why he possibly would willingly take you under his wing.
Maybe...maybe the harsh treatment was some twisted way of looking out for you. A small bit of guilt blooms in your chest at the thought, but you quickly squash it down. There are other ways to prepare someone for their future than by publicly embarrassing and physically harassing them. A simple hey, focus up, cadet would have sufficed. Not that you’d have listened, but he doesn’t know that.
Yeah, he’s just a dick. He probably has his own messed up reasons to be doing this. You have to mentally prepare yourself for whatever cruel and unusual punishment he’ll be inflicting upon you.
His instructions ring through your head as you go to bed that night.
“Be at the grounds at 4 AM, sharp. Don’t be late.”
However, that’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s bad enough that you have to adjust your sleep schedule to wake up at 8 AM instead of 11 AM since they don’t allow for beauty sleep at the Training Corp (how are you supposed to maintain your flawless skin?), but now he expects you to be up and out of bed four whole hours than everyone else? No one is expected to be up at that time. Not even him. People are sleeping at 4 AM. No, you’re absolutely not going to be getting up just to train with a grouchy, perverted midget, thanks very much. If he was serious when he gave you those instructions, he’s going to have to deal with someone who values their shut-eye time. Sorry not sorry, Lieutenant. Your dreams are pleasant that night, letting you visit the market on the edge of Stohess which always smelled of fresh fruits and exotic perfume.
You’re content with your decision until a fucking wave crashes on you and brutally brings you back to the world of the living.
With a heaving gasp, you sit up straight in a coughing frenzy, spitting up water. Your hair is soaked, along with your nightgown. Fat droplets run down your face and bite into your cheeks. It’s cold.
“Be quiet,” Lieutenant Levi mutters casually, as though he didn’t just dump a bucket of water on you, “you’ll wake up the others.”
You gape at him incredulously, bringing your hands up to frantically wipe water off your face. For a second, you forget all formalities and you forget he ranks far higher than you, or perhaps you just don’t care, and you splutter out what you’ve been wondering since the moment you met him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
For someone who seems to enjoy teaching you discipline, he never actually tells you off for these comments. Instead of chiding you for being rude, he says in a snippy tone, “I’ve been waiting for ten minutes. Get up, or I’ll refill the bucket.”
You don’t need any further encouragement. You throw off the thin and wet blanket and stand up, now fully awake. He rolls his eyes when he sees how silky your nightgown is - yeah, he damn well should feel bad for soaking such an expensive piece of fabric, the asshole. It’s worth more than that stupid tacky cravat he’s always sporting, that’s for sure.
Fortunately, no one else has woken up. Thank Maria, you’re not sure you could stomach someone seeing Lieutenant Levi demeaning you yet again. You shakily grab your clothes and uniform, and then turn to him. He raises a brow.
“Some privacy would be appreciated, sir.” You cross your arms over your chest protectively.
He scoffs pointedly, as though to tell you he’d have to be absolutely obtuse to want to see you naked, to which you only take a little offense. He gives you orders to hurry the fuck up and then leaves the barracks. You’re tempted to take your sweet time changing, but you really, really don’t want to risk getting soaked again. You just wish that you had time to dry your hair - the morning air outside is bound to be freezing. Sighing, you tie it up tightly, mourning the days you could let your precious tresses fly freely. Stupid military, stupid titans, stupid lieutenant. You dislike all of them greatly. In that order.
When you join him outside, he’s leaning against a tree, looking at you dully.
“Managed to have a tea party before you got down here, (L/N)? Or have you always walked at the speed of a snail?”
Holy hells help you, this is going to be a long day.
You salute, and he lets out a small tch, walking up to you and sizing you up. You tense up immediately, you wouldn’t put it past him to knock you down again for the heinous crime of making him wait.
“This is how this is going to work, Cadet.” He stands right in front of you and you force yourself not to look in his eyes, choosing to look at the pretty leaves on the birch tree behind him. “Every morning, from 4 AM to 6 AM, you’re here, and you’re doing whatever the hell I tell you to.” Probably allowing him to punch you in the face repeatedly. “Then you go back, get two more hours of sleep so that you don’t look like shit at breakfast.” It’ll take more than the likes of him to get you to look like shit, but sure, he can flatter himself. “If I’m on an expedition or not here for some other reason, you do a basic routine regardless.” Right, like he’ll know if you skip out. Nice try. “I might have you do other bits of training at another part of the day sometimes, but for the most part, we’ll be doing the brunt of it in the morning so it doesn’t interfere with your classes and shit.” Okay, that’s fair, and you can’t find a complaint with it no matter how hard you try. “Questions?”
You open your mouth, but he doesn’t give you a chance to actually ask anything before barking out an order. “Twenty-four laps around the grounds, now.”
Twenty-four? Okay, okay, you can do this, you knew what you were signing up for. He’s going to be harsh. He’s going to wear you out. You’re not going to break. Even if it’s the crack of dawn and he’s certifiably insane.
When you start running, his eyes follow you. You briefly wonder how he’s going to keep himself entertained throughout this, but then you remember that he’s cruel and terrible, and he’ll be entertained plenty watching you suffer. Besides, you have other things to focus on besides how much fun he’s having.
The maximum amount of laps Grumman has had you run so far is twelve, and that was with everyone else, so all the cadets could feed off each other’s energy and boost morale. Right now, there’s no one with you, no one to complain to, no one to hide behind so you can spend a few seconds walking instead of running. Oh, and it’s way too early. Have you mentioned that it’s way too early?
Half way through the fifteenth lap, you drop down on your knees and start panting. You’re tired. You want to go back to sleep. Screw your plan. Screw getting revenge.
“Oi!” The lieutenant calls out from his cozy spot under the birch tree. “I didn’t say you could take a nap!”
Most all all, screw him.
You hear him approaching, but you can’t bring yourself to get up. The grass is damp against your fingers, looking like a nice and cool spot to just lie down and rest your head for a few seconds. Sure, not as nice as a regular feathery pillow, but -
He kicks you on the side. It’s not that hard, but you still hiss in pain.
You hate him, you hate him, you hate him -
“Get up,” he snaps, impatient. “You’ve got nine more to go.”
Everything about him is grating, from his voice to his polished shoes to his gorgeous grey eyes. How you wish you could shut him up.
Clearly not someone who enjoys waiting, he yanks you up by your arm, letting out another tch at your murderous expression. He applies just the slightest pressure against your skin, before speaking in a tone that makes it clear he’s getting fed up.
“You’re the one who wanted to be trained. If you can’t handle a few laps, then forget about getting into the top ten.”
“I don’t want to get into the top ten,” you huff, writhing in an attempt to break free of his grasp to no avail. Why does everyone and their mother assume you’re some tryhard goody two shoes? “And even if I did, running these laps isn’t gonna get me there. So can we just leave it at fifteen?”
Lieutenant Levi pulls you in closer, until you’re nearly nose to nose with him. Your eyes widen as he tightens his hold on you, and you despise that your heart beats faster for whatever godforsaken reason. Unwillingly, you think about what it would actually feel like to be wrapped up in his arms, to have his hands on your waist, to have his lips on your -
Fuck fuck fuck. Wrong and fucked up line of thought. Focus.
“You seem to think we’re collaborating here, (L/N). Let me make it clear,” he drawls lazily, “we’re not. You’ll do what I say, no questions asked.”
“I’m going to ask questions, sir. Blind obedience isn’t good for anyone.”
“I think it’s less to do with blind obedience, and more with you wanting to be a pain in the ass.”
“Very astute of you,” you say without thinking, and his shoulders move in what might have been a laugh, but it happens so quickly you’re not sure if you imagined it or not.
“Finish the laps,” he orders, letting go of you and jerking his head, telling you to hop to it.
You glare petulantly, but start running anyways. What he doesn’t realize is he just let you have a break, no matter how short it might have been, and that’s exactly what you needed. Not so clever, this one. You take the small win and feel triumphant, even though you still have to run nine more laps and your hair is still wet and it’s still a forbidden hour for anyone to be awake at.
Once the laps are done, Lieutenant Levi allows no further time for relaxation before ordering you into thirty push-ups, which is just thirty more than your preferred amount of push-ups. The amount of fucking delight he takes in putting his foot on your back, making it just a bit harder for you to get up each time, is unbelievable. He’s a damn sadist, who thrills in your pain.
After the push-ups are finished, you have to do squats. Once the squats are finished, you move on to crunches. Then around five million side kicks, or at least that’s what it feels like. Then forward lunges. Then tricep extensions against the tree. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
How fucking long is an hour anyway?
By the time the lieutenant finally tosses you a flask of water - he throws it so quickly it almost hits your face - you’re winded, out of breath, and dizzy. Nothing hurts per se, but your body is desperately begging for you to stop, to take a break, to just sit down for a single second. You know that any second now, you’ll be back in bed, and the only obstacle to that destination besides the fear that you might collapse halfway there is this asshole of a midget in front of you. You technically can’t leave until he dismisses you, a rule that you despise with all your being.
You think that dismissal is coming when he takes the flask back and then gives you another demand.
“Ten calf raises. Just a test run. I’ll see if I can put it into your routine.”
You look at him disbelievingly for two reasons - one, because he’s actually continuing this torture and two, he’s assuming you know what the hell calf raises are.
He sighs exasperatedly and then demonstrates. It seems simple enough, it’s just standing on your tippy toes, spreading your feet out, repeating the action, spreading them out even more, and then doing it again. Three angles, just a bit of balance for a few seconds.
At this point, you’ll do whatever it takes to go back to bed.
So you start. You do three (there’s three angles, so technically nine, but who’s counting? certainly not you) and everything’s fine.
The fourth set leaves you a bit sore, but whatever.
The fifth set hurts.
The sixth set stings like a bitch.
After the seventh, you cry out in pain. It’s quiet, but mortifying.
Great, just great. The whole point of this was to pick up on his weaknesses, and here you’ve accidentally exposed your own. You freeze completely, eyes on the ground, waiting for the lieutenant to say something about how weak you’re acting.
But he doesn’t say anything, and you’re too nervous to look at him in case he catches the embarrassment playing out on your face.
Eight. Your calves are killing you, but you’re not going to cry out again. Ever.
Nine. Holy shit. Are you on fire? You think you’re on fire.
One more. You can do this. You’ve done all the others.
“Hey,” a sharp voice cuts through the air, but you pay him no mind.
You clench your fists, muster up all your strength, and push yourself up as hard as you can.
And immediately regret it.
Your legs buckle under you, and you stumble with a yelp. You didn’t mean to. It just hurt so bad, but now you’re going to be on your knees again -
Up until now, you’d seen how fast Lieutenant Levi could move because he was constantly throwing you around like a child would throw around its favorite toy. When you feel a breeze against your skin, your mind is thrown into an alarmed state for a fraction of a second. He’s coming at you, to what? Push you? You’re already falling down, so nice try, jerk, but -
It takes you a few seconds to realize he’s caught you.
With his arms hooked under yours, he lets you put your weight on him, ignoring your astonished expression. Even the blunt pain is pushed aside as you take in the fact that he stopped you from falling. Apparently you can only be knocked down when he decides you can. For the life of you, you truly cannot figure out just what this man’s deal is.
“Well, then,” Levi murmurs against your ear, “we’ll leave that one out from now on.”
Millie informs you that you look like shit over breakfast, and you tell her to kindly fuck off.
These lovely morning meetings become routine. Since you’re waking up earlier, you try your best to go to sleep earlier too, but you’re a night owl who can’t be caged, so the operation isn’t really successful there.
Instead, you try to rest any second you can during the day. While Millie, Stephen and Ricky are reading over their notes under the same birch tree that you and Lieutenant Levi meet at, you’re lying on the grass with an arm thrown over your eyes. It’s not like you need to study that hard - one doesn’t need whole hours to learn that titans are dangerous.
Besides, your arms are sore from your push-ups this morning. You usually don’t do the same thing twice in a row, apparently the lieutenant likes to switch things up. Which is just fine with you, of course, you’ve never been a fan of the same old thing every day; you joined the military to get away from the feeling that all your days were stationary and felt the same. And the whole dead dad thing, but that’s kinda secondary.
“Try putting ice on it,” Stephen offers helpfully, the only one of the three to take your complaining in stride.
“Try putting a gag in your mouth,” Millie adds.
“Try taking the stick out of your ass,” you tell her pointedly before offering a grateful smile to Stephen.
“Have you considered asking yourself if this is worth it?” Ricky tosses his notes aside and nudges your head with his knee. “Your super duper revenge plan -”
“It’s a mega super duper revenge plan.”
“Yeah, that. Is it worth exhausting yourself like this?”
Surprisingly, Stephen is the one who speaks up. “I don’t think it’s right for a superior to disrespect his subordinate and get away with it without any repercussions.”
“Look, what he did was...sketchy,” Ricky concedes, “but he’s him, y’know? Some people are good enough to act like that and get away with it.”
“No one’s good enough to act like that. Do you know how hard he runs me into the ground every single day? He’s never satisfied, not until I’m fucking collapsing. The only reason he’s stopped dumping water on me is because he says it’s a waste of resources.” You blow out a puff of air, frustrated. Why does no one understand how not okay the lieutenant’s actions are? “And he never does anything himself. I haven’t picked up any weaknesses. I have to keep going until I find one.”
“That’ll take you your entire time here.”
“So be it,” you say dramatically, before finally sitting up.
You’ll stick to it for however long it takes. There are boundaries that should never be crossed, and Lieutenant Levi’s managed to cross every single one of them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a familiar figure. It’s him, of course it’s him. It’s not enough that he disturbs your sleep, no, he has to make his presence known during the day too. Sure, maybe he’s just going about his day and not actively trying to aggravate you, but he’s still in your line of sight and he has such a punchable face.
Maybe Lieutenant Levi senses that he’s being watched, because his head turns and he catches your gaze.
You wave with a sugary smile, acting like you weren’t just fantasizing about punching his face.
Without so much as an acknowledgement, he looks away and keeps walking.
You scoff. Rude fucking midget.
The best parts of your days are undeniably after hours. Or more specifically, that small period before dinner and bedtime, when there’s nothing required of you, and you can slip away. You like leaving a bit earlier than everyone else, just to enjoy the cool night outside. It’s funny, how there are so many rules and restrictions here at the military, but a girl can still just get up and wander outside at night and no one will look at her strangely. It’s a wonderful feeling, freedom.
You’re just about to begin what’s sure to be a leisurely walk around the grounds when there’s suddenly a vice-like grip on your arm. You gasp, the first instinct to defend yourself. You raise your fist and immediately launch it, only for it to be caught rather easily.
The lieutenant rolls his eyes at your attempt to defend yourself. “I sincerely hope you never get mugged.”
If he followed you out here, that’s frankly quite creepy and he should feel ashamed of himself.
“I hope someone steals your cravat,” you mutter, and the corners of his lips twitch in amusement. “Can you let go? Sir,” you add quickly - it was becoming easier to forget that you had to refer to him properly. “I have a walk to take that doesn’t involve doing push-ups or crunches.”
His eyes are alight with cruel intentions. You hate that you still find them fascinating. “I have a training exercise for you.”
“You’re a few hours early, Lieutenant.” You give him a condescending smile. “See, 4 AM actually isn’t until much much later. It’s okay, I know telling time can be tough.”
His lips purse in displeasure, and you mentally do a small, victorious dance.
“Be that as it may, I recall telling you that your training can take place at any time that I see fit.”
“But,” you protest, stomping your foot childishly, “you also said you didn’t want to interfere with my regular training!”
He makes a point of looking to the right and then to the left and then finally back at you. “I don’t see any drills going on around here. Do you?”
If you say you do, will he let you off? Probably not, he’ll just cart you off to the infirmary and declare you mental.
“Fine,” you mutter with gritted teeth, “what is it now?”
Without answering, he turns and beckons you to follow. Like a good little obedient soldier. You fume silently, walking behind with clenched fists. First he cuts into your rightful nap time, and now into your wonderful walking time. Is there no limit to the amount of serene, private moments he plans to intrude on?
For some reason, the two of you head indoors, towards the rooms and offices. You may just be a dumb cadet, but even you’re pretty certain that none of the exercises are done in here. Is he taking you to his room? Why would he -
Your mouth falls open, but your steps don’t falter. This is highly inappropriate. You don’t know what kind of woman Lieutenant Levi takes you to be, but you did not sign up for this. So you ask him to train you and call him sir a few times, and the man thinks you’re all good and willing, does he? That since he’s Humanity’s Strongest, he can have whoever he wants? What an insult to the name of courting. Where he finds the nerve to keep pulling stunts like these, you’ll never know.
Training your ass. This is an indecent night call. And you would never, ever -
Maybe. In a hot, scandalous kind of way that you would only ever tell Millie about. Not that you’d enjoy it, not with him. It’s more the forbidden aspect that’s attractive. It’s certainly not about the lieutenant, even with his nimble fingers and cold eyes and sharp tongue that you’re sure he could work wonders with - okay so maybe it is about him a little bit.
But it would also be delightful to turn him down. To watch the light leave his eyes (not that it was there in the first place) as you proudly tell him you respect yourself too much to sleep with a man who’s so arrogant and callous. Yeah, that’ll show him.
His fingers, though.
You’re so caught up in your little debate that you almost crash into him when he stops in front of a door. Ah, a private area. The barracks? How many members of his squad does he share a room with? You twitch uncomfortably.
“Here we are.” Even his voice sounds sultry. Or maybe it always sounds like that. Who knows.
“Why are we here, sir?” Your throat feels dry.
He turns and gives you a look that is decidedly not sexy. Rather, it seems like he thinks you’re the most idiotic person he’s ever had the unfortunate pleasure of laying his eyes on.
“You’re going to clean up in here, did you not hear me the first time?”
You’re not sure what feels the most embarrassing. The fact that he’s apparently decided you’re the official Training Corp maid, or that you had actually been so comfortably considering sleeping with him that you tuned out what he was saying.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you frown. “Sir, I mean no offense -” He raises a brow, clearly ready to get offended - “but your, er, sanitary habits are pretty much known to everyone here. I doubt that I’ll be able to make your room sparkle more than it already does.”
Lieutenant Levi scoffs. “Then it’s a good thing this isn’t my room.”
He opens the door and your mouth falls open in horror.
“This is Lieutenant Hange’s lab,” he explains as he steps in, “and before you ask, I’ve already secured her permission for you to clean up.” Producing a broom out of thin air, he shoves it in your waiting hands.
“Lieutenant, I...this is…”
“Disgusting. Yeah. So better not waste any time. You need to get some sleep if you want to survive your morning drills tomorrow.”
“Lieutenant, I’m from Stohess.” Too late do you realize that you’re pleading. “I’ve never even seen a pig’s den that is as messy as this.”
Countless exercises at the crack of dawn, and this is what’s broken you. The room is horrifying. It’s straight out of any neat freak’s nightmares. You don’t know how the lieutenant even stomachs looking at it.
“Never cleaned your own room, huh? Not surprised,” he muses, and you shoot him a dirty look.
This isn’t the spoiled brat in you talking, no, this is the sane human who knows that this room is basically hell incarnate.
“How does this count as training? You just need someone to do the Survey Corps’ dirty work!”
“Is there anything you don’t complain about?” he demands, but oho, you are ready.
“Exercising I can understand. Your random bursts of physical violence - harsh, but whatever.” Not like you’re trying to get vengeance for them, but he doesn’t have to know that. “This is just work, and I want to be paid if you’re making me do work.”
This makes him snort, shaking his head at you like he’s your teacher and you’re not understanding the most basic of concepts. “You’re not a merchant, (L/N), you’re a soldier.”
“A soldier, not a servant!”
“I am ordering you to do this,” he says softly, “are you disobeying an order, Cadet?”
Well, when he puts it like that, you’d rather not get kicked out of the military before you even complete your training. And certainly not before you make the lieutenant pay with everything you have. Oh, revenge will be sweet.
Begrudgingly, you step into the lab, swallowing your nervous inhibitions. This place is a dump, you wonder how Lieutenant Hange even gets any work done in here.
Goddammit, you are never going to clean this place up, no matter how hard you try!
“Like I said, we still need you to sleep,” the he-devil murmurs behind you, “so this better be done in an hour. I’ll come check on you then.”
Oh, fuck him. You wait until he leaves, and then get to work.
His royal highness comes back an hour later just like he said he would. When he opens the door, he finds you sprawled on the floor against the wall, tired but with your chest puffed up proudly, eyes zeroed in on him to see his reaction.
The room is spotless and distinctly organized. Papers that were strewn everywhere are now in one pile next to a stack of Lieutenant Hange’s many, many journals. Vials and flasks have been placed on top of one another by the sink, where they can be quickly washed and ready for use. The tops of the desks are spotless and dust-free. The floor is not only clean, but shiny.
There’s a brief flash of surprise on Lieutenant Levi’s face as he looks back at you. You allow yourself to smirk. Sure, your arms hurt even worse than they already did and you still feel like a maid because you’ve done more cleaning in the last hour than you have in your entire life (not because you’re spoiled, just because no rooms back home are ever this messy), but it’s worth it to see that he’s impressed by you, no matter how he tries to hide it.
You don’t know why you want him to be impressed in the first place, but you decide not to question it right now.
“Not bad,” he finally relents, walking up to you. “You plan to sleep here, or are you gonna get up?”
You snort. Such a charmer, this one. Well, you’re too lazy to stand on your own, so you hold your hand up expectantly. It’s really the least he can do after being no help at all.
After giving you a long look, he takes your hand and pulls you up to your feet. Your legs feel a little wobbly, and you wryly think about how you’d figured you’d be leaving the base with wobbly legs anyway. What a ridiculous fantasy. You hate him, and he probably hates you too. You would never do anything of any sort with him.
“Go to bed,” he orders quietly, taking note of how tired you look.
“So, 5 AM tomorrow, right?”
Again, he looks dryly amused like he always does when you say things like this, as though you’re just the funniest fucking person he’s ever met. “Nice try, (L/N).”
“When do you even sleep?” you question, brows furrowed in curiosity. You’ve wondered for a while.
Lieutenant Levi shrugs. “Usually from 1 to 3.”
You blink in disbelief, shaking your head. “Sorry, what?”
“Got a problem with that?” He’s clearly not fond of where the conversation’s headed, since he grabs you by the back of your collar and pushes you forward, out of the room. You comply, but you’re not done with this line of questioning. No one can just get two hours of sleep daily and continue to function normally.
“Is this why you’re so grouchy all the time?”
“You have no respect at all,” he quips, still shoving you ahead. The base is for the most part, bare and empty, since nearly everyone’s gone to bed by now. There’s only a few people still around, and they pay the two of you no mind.
“Have you always been an insomniac?”
“Fail to see why it’s any of your business.”
“Are you trying to make me an insomniac?”
The lieutenant sucks in an exasperated breath. “No, then I’d be punishing all insomniacs.”
“You’re one to talk.”
You don’t know why it’s so easy to engage in banter with him. He never discourages you, as much as he points out how unruly you are. In fact, he seems to enjoy it almost as much as you do.
And you do enjoy it, as much as you don’t want to.
“Lieutenant,” you begin hesitantly, not sure why you’re saying this, “I hear chamomile helps people go to sleep.”
“So it does,” he mutters dryly, “thanks for the observation.”
Fuck him, you were trying to be helpful.
“Are you going to walk me all the way back?” You hum thoughtfully, craftily. “People might get the wrong idea.”
At this, his footsteps stop, and you wince. God, your mouth really just runs a mile ahead of your brain at all times, doesn’t it? It won’t be satisfied until you’ve dug yourself into a hole that you just can’t get out of. Implying to Lieutenant Levi that people would think the two of you had sex is just the icing on top of the snarky cake you’ve been baking him since you got here. When you turn around, he’s looking at you with an appraising expression.
“What wrong idea will they get, Cadet?” he asks softly, grey eyes piercing through you.
Your mouth is dry. Surely he knows, does he need you to say it? Of course he does, he wants to make you uncomfortable. You can’t even blame him, this one’s all on you.
Screw it, you might as well be blunt.
“They might think we slept together.”
If he’s taken aback, he doesn’t show it. “I see. And what would you do if these rumors spread?”
You take a deep breath. “Gouge my eyes out, sir.”
This time, you can’t chalk it up to your imagination or a trick of the light. He scoffs, but he’s laughing, normally cruel lips twisted in a humorous smile. You’re surprised by how pleasant the sight is, like looking at a lily in a field of roses. Out of place, yet so very beautiful, a sight you can’t take your eyes off of. Just how does one man manage to be so fascinating? It takes a lot to make you want to swoon, especially for someone who you harbor such negative feelings for. How does he manage it so easily?
“Can’t have that.” His expression is still lit up in mirth. “You better go the rest of the way yourself.”
You salute, and turn around. Even as you walk, the image of him laughing - laughing at something you said - is burned into your mind, and it makes something in your chest clench in an all too unfamiliar way.
Maybe he watches you go, but you’re too proud to look back and check.
The air is abuzz with excitement. Everyone’s been waiting for this day. If you didn’t know better, you’d say that everyone joined the military simply so that they could do this.
This being using the ODM gear, of course. Everyone has mastered the basics by now, or they’ve dropped out. The one who stayed have perfected balancing and not falling flat on their faces, they’ve watched senior veterans use the gear, and they’ve gotten a brief example of what it feels like to be shot forward through the air. Utilizing the blades properly will eventually be taught too, but for now, they get to practice flying. Actual flying. How amazing is that?
While people usually pair off on their own, Grumman sees fit to assign pairs himself today, much to everyone’s chagrin. By some shitty luck, you’re not paired with Millie, Ricky, or Stephen. You’re not even paired with Nifa or Jack, who you’re friendly enough with.
No, you’re paired with Petra fucking Ral.
You probably wouldn’t even know or care about who Petra was if not for Millie’s incessant complaining about her. Petra is one of the few people who balanced in the gear belts perfectly on her first try (you were also in that group, but Millie’s not gonna complain about you to you), Petra is all their teachers’ favorite because of how easily she retains information, Petra doesn’t have a hair out of place even when she fights. Petra this, Petra that.
Petra is Millie’s main competition for the number one position.
Frankly, you think your best friend is projecting.
“Do you feel a bit ridiculous too?” she asks after the two of you have put your gear on.
“Just a little.” You face her and strike a pose. “Do you think the titans would appreciate some more flair?”
Petra laughs, nodding. “Some eye candy would go a long way, I’m sure.”
The two of you exchange grins, straightening to attention when the instructor passes in front of you. He looks between you and murmurs something to himself before shouting out loud for just about everybody to hear. “(L/N) and Ral will go first! All the rest of you little shits, pay attention!”
Apparently being paired with golden girl Petra Ral means that you’re supposed to be a role model or something now. You groan inwardly - it seems everyone is convinced you want to be a model cadet. When will they get it through their thick skulls that you’re not that boring?
You and your partner step apart until there’s a safe distance between you two. In front of you is a forest, a forest that is the perfect place to practice with the ODM gear. You grip the handles firmly, knees crouching a little. Excitement bubbles inside you as you tense in anticipation. This is it! This is the first step to you becoming a full-fledged soldier. You’re one step closer to everything you’ve worked for.
“On my mark! Ready, set…”
You toss your shoulders back and push your chest forward and out of the corner of your eye you see Petra do the same.
Whizzing sounds are heard as the two of you fire your cables at the same time. You gasp as you’re shot forward, hurtling through the air at an electrifying speed. The trees rush past you in a blur of green and brown as you go up, up, up into the sky. You let out a breathless laugh as the hooks come free. This feeling, this feeling of your stomach jumping, this nerve-wracking feeling of doing something so dangerous and so thrilling at the same time - you’ve been craving it all your life. And here you are. You’re doing it, you’re actually up in the air and you’re flying. It’s incredible. You could stay up here forever.
So enthralled are you by this experience that you forget to hook to the next target, and with an unceremonious shriek you tumble through the branches and fall on the dirt below. Some gets in your mouth, unfortunately, and you hear loud chortles behind you. You spit out the rancid soil, shooting a glare behind you when you hear another whiz.
Up above you, Petra is still in the air. She’s slowly lowering herself down, though, concern dancing in her eyes as she stumbles to a stop a few feet away from you and rushes to help you up.
“Are you okay?” She looks genuine.
You sigh. Fucking Millie, she couldn’t share your distaste for Lieutenant Levi but she found it in her to hate this girl?
“I’m alright.” You take her hand and stand up, dusting dirt off your clothes. “Just got carried away.”
Petra giggles. “You were saying something about flair, right?”
You smile wryly, beckoning for her to come closer as an idea pops into your head. “We’ve got about two minutes before Grumman sends in the next pair. I bet I can get deeper into the forest than you can.”
Her eyes shine competitively, and she nods.
And without a beat, you two are up in the air again. You’re not a natural like she is, but you sincerely doubt that she or anyone else appreciates the wind whipping through their face quite like you do. You belong up here. You can feel it. For the first time in your life, you know instantly that you’re creating a memory that you will cherish for however little time you might have left.
Your heart beats with excitement as you bounce on the heels of your feet, looking behind your shoulder nervously. “Hurry up, Ricky!”
“I’m hurrying, now be quiet, someone’s gonna hear you.”
You don’t see how. No one is wandering around the kitchens right now. The cooks who prepare the food left their stations ages ago, and no one else in the base would have any reason to be wandering down here. Normally, you wouldn’t have any reason either, but today is a bit of a special day. Or more accurately, it’s a precursor to a special day. The day after tomorrow will mark the Survey Corps’ next expedition and as always, the cooks are preparing something special for the heroes and fools. An energizer for some, and a last meal for others. While you know that the lowly cadets haven’t done anything heroic - yet - you and Ricky agreed that some pastries would surely make everyone happy. Just a few measly sweet tarts, the Scouts wouldn’t miss them. You didn’t lay a hand on the meat, knowing fully well that most of the people going out in two days would savor it much more than you would.
Ricky is quickly shoving the tarts into a pouch, taking his sweet time counting so that everyone got the same amount. Fucking outer city peasant, concerned with fairness. You sigh impatiently, bouncing on your feet. You’re hungry. The bread at dinner seemed even more stale than usual today.
“Hey, what are you two doing?”
Your eyes widen at the same time as Ricky’s - why in the holy hells is the head chef still here? Does he sleep here? Before you can consider the disturbing implications of that possibility, you’re grabbing Ricky’s arm and running for all you’re worth. You’re counting on the fact that it’s dark in the kitchens, so hopefully he didn’t see your face. Unfortunately, the chef seems intent on finding out who broke into his precious kitchen, because he clambers on out after you.
After running for two minutes, he shows no sign of stopping.
“S-split up,” Ricky pants, wheezing as you two flee.
“Fine,” you huff, a bit proud of the fact that you’ve got more tolerance than he does, “but I want leverage.”
Without waiting for him to respond, you snatch a pastry from the top of the bag and skid to the hallway on the right while Ricky keeps running forward. The chef chooses to chase him, and you cackle maniacally at your friend’s terrible luck. You’re home free, and you have your dessert as a trophy too.
You turn your head to double check, turn back, and then crash face first into someone’s chest.
Rough hands grip your wrists to catch and steady you, and when your eyes adjust to the darkness, you want to scream.
Why is he everywhere?
Lieutenant Levi’s gaze goes from the tart in your hand to your panicked expression, and he understands what’s going on without any need for an explanation from you. He takes a step closer to you, tugging you firmly so you can’t move back. You swallow nervously, stuttering out apologies for crashing into him and for being up past curfew. He listens to you ramble, but doesn’t let go. His eyes flicker to the pastry again.
“Those are for the Scouts,” he murmurs lowly. Is it your stupid imagination again or does his voice sound more husky than usual? “Not for fucking brats, (L/N).”
Normally you’d answer with some witty comeback, but you’re feeling a bit dizzy with how close he is and how hungrily his stormy eyes are watching you. The most you can do is open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. You’re in deep shit now, you know that much.
Without removing his piercing gaze from your face, he lowers his head a bit, and takes a bite out of the tart in your hand.
You could swear your heart stops beating for a second. His grip on your wrists suddenly feels like it’s hard enough to make them bruise, even though you can tell he’s not holding on that tight. You watch him chew, swallow, and then lick his lips, all without looking away for even a second. It’s mesmerizing. Before you can tell what you’re doing, you raise the tart a bit, and let him take another bite. As though you’re fucking feeding him, like a good fucking girl. The lieutenant’s lips curl into a small smirk, and you think you’re going to drop on the spot when he takes a third bite, finishing the pastry, the tip of his tongue just brushing against your index finger.
You wonder if he can hear just how erratically your heart is pounding.
Levi’s close, too close. You don’t know what to do, how to break his scrutiny of your face, or if you even want to. He leans in, just a little. Your breath gets caught in your throat. When did you forget how to breathe? It should be easy. Suck in air, let it out, repeat.
He tilts his head a millimeter.
You sigh in anticipation, lean forward, and…
He turns away at the last second, and your lips meet his cheek.
You gasp against his skin, not moving. From his amused expression, he can tell that your face is burning up. Somehow, he’s managed to embarrass you again, even if this instance isn’t public and doesn’t end with you in pain. This feels worse than all the other times, though. Before, you were simply thrown around, his way of calling you weak. Physically weak. Not strong enough, a rookie. But this, this is him telling you that he knows he lords some power over you, something that transcends his rank. Something personal.
“Thanks for the snack,” he says, stepping back only a little (see: not enough) to cup your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Now hurry to bed before I decide I want more.”
Heat pools from your stomach right down to your core. If possible, your cheeks grow even hotter.
The lieutenant lets go and turns around, leaving you standing there with a wide-eyed expression, feeling strangely empty as you watch him go.
You’re never going to let him catch you breaking curfew again.
If you’ve never done calf raises before, I do not recommend, they genuinely will leave you sore for a bit if you’re not used to them. But otherwise, yay for exercise I guess.
Reader is very cocky but we love her for it.
We don’t have Petra slander here, folks. I adore her. Millie doesn’t, though. Rip.
Let me know what you think!
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- Watched - Pt.3
(Mammon x GN!MC)
**TW: cussing, stalking, kidnapping, religion, 
Note: C/N (coworker name)
“Man, I’m starvin’. What’s takin’ so long anyway?” He grumbled, remembering the whole ‘first name basis’ thing with the delivery driver. 
He was laid on his back across your bed scrolling through social media, impatiently waiting for you to return. His stomach started to growl.
“Maybe I should go check? But, MC said to stay here so no one could see me.” He said to himself, a slight pout on his lips.
He heard a small shuffling noise come from the living room, it sounded like a paper bag crinkling.
Ok, ya got the food, now don’t be tryin’ to chit chat MC, I know how ya are. I’m dyin’ in here!
The bedroom was a straight shot down the hall from the door, making it impossible to sneak a quick peek without fully exposing himself.
He could hear you talking back and forth with...Alex. He huffed to himself remembering your chumminess with the take out guy. Something just seemed weird to him about the whole thing. 
Somethin’ is fishy about him always havin’ MC’s route or whatever. Does nobody else deliver for that place? I bet he’s got a crush on MC or somethin’. 
“I’ll kick his ass.” He said out loud, his own thoughts making him sour.
He listened again, trying to hear what was being said. He couldn’t hear any actual words, but he could hear Alex’s voice. Barely, though.
Wait a minute.. Is he whisperin’? What’s he gotta say to MC that requires whisperin’?! I gotta get outta here.
Mammon was getting himself worked up, assuming this delivery guy was confessing his love to you. He’d nearly convinced himself to march out there and confront the creep. To hell with staying hidden!
Before he could blow his cover, he heard something hit the front door followed by more shuffling movement. He calmed down a bit, thinking the noises he heard were of you getting the food inside and trying to kick the door shut.
He impatiently waited for you to call out, telling him the coast was clear and that he could finally come eat. But, you didn’t.
After a couple minutes passed with no new noise, he grew slightly anxious.
He stood up and started pacing beside the bed, feeling antsy.
C’mon, MC. What’re ya doin’? I’m witherin’ away! Before long I’m gonna shrink up and turn into a Little D or somethin’..
Suddenly, he heard voices again. Well, just the delivery guy’s voice, still a hushed tone. He groaned to himself.
“If he don’t hurry up and go away, I’m gonna eat him instead.” He grumbled quietly to himself.
Something didn’t feel right though. Why was Alex’s voice the only one he heard? It had been at least five minutes since he heard you say something. It’s not like he just missed what you said because you were too quiet for him to hear, or you just chose not to contribute to the guy’s conversation.
You always talk, to basically anyone you come in contact with, never really knowing a stranger. He’s pretty sure you haven’t gone five minutes without talking since he met you. That’s why it seemed so weird to him. 
That alone wasn’t really enough to expose himself though, was it? 
To say you’ve been through a lot lately is an understatement. You’re sleep deprived and your nerves are shot. With everything that’s been going on, it would be more weird if you didn’t act a little different. He didn’t blame you for not being your usual self.
He still couldn’t shake this feeling though.
A sudden, loud noise outside got his attention.
Was that a car door?
He moved quickly, putting his back against the wall, scooting over to the doorway.
“MC? Is he gone?” He whispered.
No answer.
Screw it.
Very slowly, he peeked his head around the corner, careful not to be seen.
“MC?” He whispered again, louder this time. 
Still nothing.
Somethin’ is definitely wrong..
He fully emerged in the doorway, eyes darting around, taking in his surroundings. As he quickly made his way up the hall, he noticed the door standing wide open. He could see that an older model car was parked in front of the house and you were no where in sight.
Hand still on the door knob, he turned around to call out into the house, “MC, where ya at? Ya know ya left the door-”
Before he could finish, the car outside suddenly accelerated, kicking up dirt and rocks as they sped off.
What the..?
“Guess he didn’t like his tip..?” He whispered to himself.
He shut the door and turned around slowly, only taking a couple steps before he came to a stop. He couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he had.
“Oi, MC! D-don’t ya know you’re supposed to answer when THE Great Mammon calls for ya?” He waited, but the house was still. All he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears.
He walked further into the house, quickly looking around the kitchen before heading back down the hall.
Why ain’t they answerin’.. c-could it..? Nah..
“This ain’t funny ya know..” He called through the house, hoping that you’d somehow slipped past him. 
Again, he was met with bone chilling silence.
Slowly, he started piecing all the little weird things that didn’t make sense together like a puzzle. The silent house and wide open door, abandoned food, the car speeding away.. 
The same delivery guy somehow always having this route...
His heart sank.
No, no, no, no!
He ran from room to room in a panic, desperately calling out to you, begging you to answer him.
This ain’t happenin’.. They gotta be hidin’ or something. Yeah, that’s it!
“MC! Where are ya? Talk to me, please!” He screamed, voice breaking around the hard lump forming in his throat, tears beginning to prick at his eyes.
No, it can’t be.. It can’t be..
With trembling hands, he dug his phone from his pocket, quickly dialing your number.
“C’mon, pick up. Please, please pick up.” He pleaded as he paced the floor.
His stomach dropped when he heard it ringing within the house, quickly following the sound until he found it on the coffee table where you had left it earlier. He stood there unmoving, staring at his picture and contact name with hearts on the screen, tears streaking down his face.
The weight of it all came crashing down like a tsunami, forcing him to his knees. With his face in his hands, he sobbed uncontrollably.
I shoulda listened to my gut when I thought somethin’ was wrong! Why did I wait so long to look for ‘em?! He took MC, he took MC! Dammit!
How did he let this happen? He was right here, right here, and he didn’t sense the danger. He couldn't protect you again, letting you fall right into the hands of the psycho creep who had been relentlessly harassing you, who was planning to do who knows what.
He had to do something. Anything. 
Get the hell up! Ya gotta go find MC NOW! There’s no tellin’ what this creep is gonna try.
He stood up and wiped his face, trying to compose himself as he switched into demon form.
“I can still catch ‘em!” He made a beeline for the door, stopping abruptly as he reached the thresh hold.
“Wait, it’s the middle of the day and this ain’t the Devildom. A demon flyin’ around on a man hunt would be real bad.” He thought aloud.
People would most likely panic and if history proves anything, nothing good ever comes from humans when they panic.
He had to try and think rationally, as hard as it was. He wanted to rush in and save you as quick as he could, but going in blind without a decent plan could get you hurt...or possibly worse.
He switched out of demon form and moved back into the living room, trying to come up with an idea.
Your phone was here so he couldn’t have you tracked by GPS and he didn’t remember much about the car except that it was older. He didn’t even know what the guy looked like since he’d had to hide. All he knew about him was his first name and that he worked at a restaurant. 
“The take out place would for sure have everything about him on file!” He quickly punched in the name of the place into his phone’s search engine, then suddenly paused.
“Wait a minute..I can’t just waltz in there and ask for someone’s personal info. They’d call the cops or somethin’. Damn!”
He was beginning to feel hysterical. He didn’t have much to go on and every idea he came up with was crap. A few ‘ding’ sounds from the coffee table tore him from his thoughts. It was your phone.
Someone named C/N had sent you a couple texts about work and judging by the text log, you talked to them often.
“Man, I hope this C/N knows somethin’ cause I’ve got nothin’ else to go on..” 
Luckily, he remembered the name of the coffee shop, having heard you talk about work often. A quick internet search and he had the directions. He was out the door like a shot.
With his newfound breadcrumb, he was one step closer to finding you.
A bell chimed above the door when he entered the shop, alerting the worker behind the counter of his presence.
“Hi, how can I help you?” They greeted him as he walked up to the counter.
“Hey, is there a C/N here by any chance?”
“Oh, uh, yeah just a sec.” They went through a doorway behind the counter, returning moments later with another person in tow.
“Hello..? I’m sorry, do I know you?” They asked, approaching Mammon, visibly confused.
“No, but you know MC, right?” He asked, uninterested in beating around the bush.
“I’m not sure I can answer that.” They said cautiously, visibly tense.
They do know somethin’.
“Here, look.” He said, pulling up the gallery on his phone, showing them multiple pictures of you and MC together.
“Oh, so you’re the boyfriend. MC has told me about you. Uh, anyway, is there something I can help you with? I need to get back to work..”
“Yeah, has MC ever mentioned anythin’ about a guy named Alex before?” He asked.
Please, please, please
“Alex..Alex..” They repeated, tapping a finger on their chin as they thought it over. “They did, actually. We went to the movies about two months ago, and ran into a guy they knew. It was their usual deliver guy I think? Said his name was Alex. He gave me the creeps.” They explained.
“Why is that?”
Yes! We’re gettin’ somewhere.
“He just seemed..I don’t know, off? And when I met him, I actually remembered seeing him a few days earlier on my way to work. There was another A.T.A. protest and I saw him in the group demonstrators. He denied being there when I brought it up, saying it had to be his doppelganger or something, but I know it was him. When we ran into him at the movies he said he had just got off work, and he was wearing the exact same shirt and hat as the day of the protest.” They informed him.
“Wait, A.T.A.? What’s that?” He asked curiously.
“Anti-Treaty Association. They’re exactly what the name suggests. Everyone involved in the exchange program is public knowledge. Names, pictures, updates on how the program was going, etc. All easily found on any search engine. If he is part of the A.T.A., why would he be friendly with MC? There’s no way he didn’t know who they were.” They said.
This Alex guy is definitely the stalker. I bet if I dig into this A.T.A. I can find him..
“Alright. Thanks for your help.” He said as he turned to leave, C/N took a few steps after him.
“Hey, uh, is MC okay? I know they haven’t been themselves lately, but uh, you coming here and asking all these questions kinda scares me..” They admitted, fear for their friend written on their face.
“MC is uh, goin’ through some stuff. I’m gonna put an end to it though.” His voice was rough, angry. His face however, was full of desperation and sadness.
Mammon thanked C/N again for their information and left the coffee shop on a new mission. He uncovered another piece of the puzzle, new information that could lead him to you.
No one knew exactly what this guy was capable of, but he had the most important piece of Mammon's existence with him. There wasn’t anything he wasn’t willing to do, in any realm, to bring you back safely. He would breach the Celestial Gates without thinking twice if it would bring you back to him.
He was going to show them exactly why he's the second strongest of the seven rulers of the underworld.
I’m comin’ MC. I will find ya, I promise.
“Get out.”
The scorching heat inside the trunk made you nauseous, and severely thirsty. You felt weak and disoriented, unable to move much. You weren’t sure how long you had been stuck in there before you finally felt the car come to a stop. The lid opened, blazing sunshine poured inside the dark space, making your eyes water and squint reflexively.
“I said, get out!” He screamed.
He wrapped his hand around your wrist hard and yanked you from the trunk, letting you drop to the ground. You were much to weak to try and brace yourself so you fell pretty hard, getting small scrapes and dirt on your elbows and forearms.
You tried to open your eyes to try and get an idea of where he had taken you, but before they could adjust to the blinding sunlight, he tied something around your eyes.
“Can’t have you trying to escape.” He said to himself, as he finished tying up your hands. The restraints were very tight, already starting to hurt your wrists.
“I’m not going to.” You said weakly, your words making him laugh.
“Well, at least your a smart demon slut. Somewhat, anyway.”
Honestly, you weren’t planning to escape. If the opportunity presented itself, you would make a run for it, but you weren’t actively looking for an escape route. However, you had no intention of giving this creep what he wanted, or giving up without one hell of a fight.
Pulling you by the restraint around your wrists, he began to drag you across the ground. He let go of you a minute or so later. He didn’t drag you very far, ending up in some kind of building judging by the change in temperature and the rough feeling of concrete beneath you. It felt a little cooler in here as if you were out of direct sunlight, but the air was still fairly hot and sticky.
You did your best to pay attention to the things around you. The sounds, smells, what little you could feel. Outside you could hear cows in the distance and some kind of humming noise. It was definitely hot, but more like that humid feeling before it storms. You could also smell it too, the incoming rain. That warm earthy smell.
You could hear Alex nearby messing with something metal, there was also the sound of running water somewhere close.
I can’t believe Alex was actually the stalker this entire time... Explains how pictures taken of me from outside my house though.. I wonder what he plans to do..
You promptly chased away those thoughts in order to keep yourself calm, replacing them with thoughts of him, the time you’d spent together along with all the memories that came with it.
How soft and fluffy his hair felt when ran your fingers through it. The way he smelled; not the Devilish No.5, although you did love it, it’s smell closely related to the famous human world version, but his smell. Crisp and clean like fresh laundry or new clothes, slightly smoky like leather because of his favorite jacket and small undertones of warm cinnamon and vanilla.
The always groaned about your selection for movie night but was the first one to get really into it. Having a concert while cooking when you had kitchen duty together, getting in trouble for talking and laughing in class and later being scolded by Lucifer for it. How he always used to complain how bad humans smell, only to find out he started buying your brand of body wash for himself and would also try to casually smell his hoodie after you’d worn it.
The thought of never seeing him again, never experiencing anymore memories like these or the chance to make new ones, kept haunting you. A hard lump was forming in your throat, tears beginning to prick your eyes.
“Aw, what’s the matter darlin’? The abomination you chose as a lover isn’t rushing in to save you like Prince Charming? Imagine that.” He spat. 
You ignored his sarcastic comments, wanting answers of you own, “Why are you doing this?” You could hear him walking toward you, his footsteps getting louder as he approached. The sound stopped abruptly, then he crouched down next to your head.
“I told you, you need to be cleansed.” His tone was very matter-of-fact.
He grabbed your wrist restraint again and drug you another ten feet or so. Easily picking you up and hoisting you into the air until the rope around your wrists caught on something. He let go, your full weight coming down on your restraint. You were suspended in the air, feet barely skimming the floor. 
He checked your ropes to make sure it was still secure with the added weight and gravity, then he removed your blindfold. The sudden change causing you to blink several times.
Your previous assumptions had been right, you appeared to be in a warehouse that had been abandoned for quite some time. Most of the windows were broken, big vines and other foliage creeping into the building. The rusted remnants of machinery scattered around the large, open room. You looked above you to see that you were hanging from a large hook that was suspended by thick chain from a metal beam up above. Far to your left you could see what looked like a large pool or even one of those big basins you usually use to water cattle, with a hose draped over the side. There’s the source of the running water you heard.  
Wait...a stock tank with water, ’cleansed’...is he going to..baptize me?
“Cleansed? That’s been mentioned quite a bit in the dozens of letters I’ve been getting. Well, you would know, huh? Since you’re the one behind it all. What I don’t understand is why?” 
It came off as more sarcastic than you intended, but you didn’t really care. You had been terrified for weeks about the stalker. What would they do when they finally got to you? You haven’t truly felt alone in over a month, as if someone was always hiding in the shadows watching, waiting. Your anxiety has been through the roof and you’re in a nearly constant state of paranoia and fear. 
But, now that he was in front of you, you didn’t feel scared. You wanted answers.
“Because they don’t belong with our kind. Uniting our realms is blasphemy and will throw the human world into chaos.”
‘Don’t belong with our kind’..? Whoa, what the hell..
“Blasphemy? But, the Celestial Realm is on board with it. The angels in the exchange progr-” He cut you off before you could finish, his sudden booming voice echoed through the spacious warehouse, startling you.
He stood with his back to you, facing a long metal table that looked as if it used to be a conveyor or some other piece that once belonged to one of the old machines inside the long forgotten building.
“The exchange program was a joke! Those devils just needed a good cover to get their claws on our realm so they could take it over! Using their dirty tricks and magic to bring corruption and pollute us with sin.” He stared you down like a mad man while he yelled.
This was so bizarre, he sounded insane. Like, one of those people that wore tin foil hats. This version of Alex, the real one, was scary. You would’ve never guessed in a million years that this guy was the same one that you talked about the weather and current events with a few times a week.
“None of that is even remotely true! They just want to bring peace among the realms, to prove that they are not what all the harmful, hateful rhetoric claims they are. So we can all just co-exist! That was the entire point of the exchange program! To learn about the Devildom; it’s people and culture.” You fought back.
His face twisted up in disgust, visibly becoming more and more agitated every time you spoke. He stalked closer, stopping maybe six feet in front of you, staring at you intently.
“That kind of thinking is exactly why you need to be cleansed. You’re a human, or has being a demon whore and becoming the embodiment of sin made you forget that? You are nothing but a weak, powerless human to them. A pawn in their bigger plan, collateral damage if things went wrong.” 
You never cared what assumptions people made or the rumors they started regarding your stay in the Devildom. However, when the very demons you loved and cared about became the subject of people’s whispering, you were willing to fight with no intentions of backing down.
You, out of everyone, who had to live in the House of Lamentation for a year, escaped death from a couple of the brothers, helped them mend familial bonds, and held pacts with all of them, should know better than anyone, exactly who they are.
“You don’t know anything about them!” You yelled lurching forward as you filled with anger, lightly swinging back and forth where you were suspended, the thick chains above you clanking, “The things they’ve been through, they things they’ve seen. The sacrifices they had to make..” You heart ached for them. What happened during the Great Celestial War, their fall.. They’ve been through a great deal and they, along with the rest of the Devildom, are undeserving of such prejudiced hatred. 
“Being demons doesn’t automatically mean they are bad people, just like being human doesn’t make you good.” You stared him down, lacing venom in your words. He squinted his eyes at you, unhappy with your implications. “That fact was thoroughly proven during my time there. Some of kindest people I have ever met, as well as the people I love and cherish the most, are demons.”
You would forever stand behind the program, your now second home, and all the friends and loved ones you made along the way. No matter what this psycho could come up with, you would not be swayed. You knew them for who they are, all Alex knew was hatred.
He scoffed at your words, walking toward you as he shook his head in disgust, eyes boring into yours. He stopped just inches in front of your face. You held onto your resolve, staring back at him intently, not letting him see that you were completely terrified. It’s what he wanted; to feel superior and pass judgement on those he deemed unworthy.
You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction though; to feed his ego, his delusions. You refused to bow to fear, instead giving it all you had to make sure that if this was how it would end for you, you would fight against his prejudice and hatred until your final moments.
“We will start with the normal cleansing.” He backed away from you, confirming your suspicions as he gestured to the stock tank. “Although I think your soul might be too far gone for it to be completely effective.” He smiled wickedly as he turned around, going back to the table he’d been at earlier and picked up the same knife he’d held to you when he kidnapped you. The only other weapons you could see on the table were a baton and a taser. There was also a thick book you could only assume was a bible and a large jar of water. The most concerning however, was the gas can, thick work gloves, and what looked a lot like a body bag.
“This may call for a more extensive purification.” 
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Hii. Can I request anything with pre- cult Kai and fem reader with a reader that's really happy and bubbly? It could be a fic, headcanonns, literally anything lol. I love your writing 💙💙
Of course you can love, I hope you enjoy this ❤️
Pairing: Pre Cult Kai/ bubbly reader
Words: 1506
Warnings: POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS ⚠️⚠️⚠️ This will contain sexual harassment and assault it isn’t graphic but some may feel uncomfy, this fic also features heavy language
Summary: Kai and Reader have both had crushes on each other but have consistently brushed their feelings off they both felt the other was simply unattainable. A bad experience ends up bringing them together.
You had always been a bubbly person, the type that usually had a grin spread across her face. You had the biggest crush on your friend Winter’s older brother. You were one hundred percent positive that you were not his type. He was sarcastic and a little mean at times, you were an absolute giggle box who always had a kind word and a smile for almost everyone.
What you didn’t know, was that you were not the only person with a crush. Kai had been mesmerized by the way you floated through life like you had a bubble to protect you from all the grubby thorns that were society. You never caught him but he would stare at you when you came to visit Winter. The entire family loved you actually and Kai’s father would often tease him about you when you were out of the room.
You never expected anything to come out of your silly little crush and neither did Kai for that matter. He had actually put you up on a bit of an unfounded pedestal in his own mind. You were too pure for anyone himself included. He didn’t want to see anyone crush your spirit it was something he loved about you.
Kai couldn’t control the world though, and the world was a dark miserable place that was full of dark miserable people. You were someone who was remarkable though, you seemed untouched by the dark miserable world in his mind. The darkness of the world affects everyone sometimes though and it did eventually catch up to you.
You had been walking home from work in the rain, face tilted to sky as the soft drops of water tickled your skin. You hadn’t noticed the strange customer who had been watching you at the coffee shop where you worked. You also hadn’t noticed him follow you out of the shop too busy watching your bright yellow converse splash happily in the puddles on the grubby side walk.
It hadn’t taken him long to act when you had turned onto a fairly deserted road. He had caught up to you and began to walk in step with you. Red flags went up immediately in your head but you as always held out hope that maybe this person was just being friendly.
“Hey baby girl,” his tone was slippery and disgusting. You couldn’t help the trill of fear that went down your spine.
“Hey, please don’t call me that,” you muttered, probably more politely than you should have.
“Oh so you’re a frigid bitch that can’t take a fuckin compliment!” His tone had shifted from slick to intimidating in the span of a few seconds. This man was everything your mother had taught you to fear. You also wished you had started carrying personal protection like Winter had suggested, weapons made you uncomfy though.
“Excuse me I need to get home people are waiting for me” you babbled picking up your pace to try and put distance between himself and you. Before you got very far his large hand reached out wrapping around your forearm with a bruising tightness. You yelped, reaching into your pocket with your free hand to hit your emergency dial.
“I wasn’t done talkin to you bitch don’t think I didn’t notice you ignoring me at the stupid little coffee shop” your fear level was almost maxed out now and you could faintly hear Winter screaming in your pocket from where you had emergency dialed her.
“Please I don’t want any trouble, I haven’t done anything to you,” you tried to reason with the mad man. Before the man could utter another word a car screeched to a halt in the middle of the street.
Kai had been driving down the road on his way back home when he saw a familiar polka dot rain jacket being assaulted by some grubby asshole. He had slammed on his breaks and jerked his old beater of a car into park. He flew out of the car dashing to your side.
“Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Of. Her.” He hissed as he stepped between you and your assailant. The man released her arm like it shocked him as Kai glared at him with angry brown eyes.
“Sorry man, I didn’t know she had a fuckin boyfriend she should have said something,” the man backpeddaled.
“It shouldn’t matter if a person has a boyfriend or not! No means no asshole!” You shouted the fear draining from you being rapidly replaced by righteous anger.
“If I ever see you again I’ll be the last person you’ll ever see fuck face” Kai spat angling himself rven further infront of you as the man ran off.
As soon as the man was gone Kai spun so that he was facing you. His eyes ran down your body looking for any possible injuries. Water dropped from his wild brown curls as he checked you over. He was careful not to touch you but you weren’t having any of that, you launched yourself into his arms your own wrapping around his surprisingly muscled middle.
“Thank you, you saved my ass,” you mumbled into his soaked t-shirt, happy that the rain was hiding your tear stained cheeks.
“You scared me to death, let’s get you home,” he brushed off your thank you. Like he could let someone try to hurt the only good thing in his world. He guided you to his car that was still parked in the middle of the road with the engine running.
Once you weee safely inside and he was driving again he turned to you. You couldn’t help the heat that filled your cheeks at his pointed gaze. You had never been alone like this with Kai before and it was frankly overwhelming.
“Why were you walking home, I know you have a car?” Kai asked his tone still full of worry. He would personally pay to have your car fixed if it was out of commission.
“I always walk when it’s raining, rain is my favorite” you blushed at how childish it sounded coming from your mouth. He let out an exasperated chuckle.
“Of course you do! Your a living breathing chick flick!” His tone was exasperated but lighthearted in a way.
“Hey! I resent that!” You shot out indignantly, “if I were a living breathing chick flick I would get the guy.”
Kai couldn’t help but look at you like you were dumb his brown eyes scanning your face to make sure you weren’t pulling his leg.
“Y/n you could literally get any dude you wanted, you’re freaking adorable” He sounded stunned that you would think such a thing. You rolled your eyes you didn’t need your best friend’s older brother blowing smoke up your rear.
“Adorable girls don’t get the guy Kai-Kai, hot girls get the guy” you rolled your eyes elbowing him gently. You didn’t know it but you were the only person in the world allowed to call him Kai-Kai. He pulled into your driveway still looking at you like you had grown three heads.
“You’re not serious y/n” Kai asked incredulously running a hand through his wet brown curls.
“Kai-Kai you don’t have to be nice to me just because I’m your sisters best friend” you rolled your eyes, moving to get out of Kai’s car.
“Give me your pinky” his voice sounded strange. Still you flashed him a goofy smile holding out a painted pinky. He linked his pinky with your own his was much larger and warmer.
“You know how a pinky swear works right?” He asked and you nodded still confused on where he was going with this.
“Yeah you can’t break a pinky swear” you replied.
“Well I pinky promise to tell you the brutally honest truth no sugar coating” he declared.
“Okay” you replied still a bit confused.
“Y/n I have wanted you from the moment you opened your mouth and that perfect giggle floated out. You ate everything I’m not. You’re a happy go lucky girl and I’m just some internet troll that enjoys getting a rise outta people,
“You’re way to good for me and I would never even bother to think that you would ever be interested in me. But you gotta stop this self deprecating bullshit. You are the most beautiful human I know inside and out” he ranted and you could only stare at him in shock, floored by his revelation.
“You like me?” You questioned your voice soft and squeaky.
“Hell yeah! How could anyone not like you y/n?” He too sounded surprised.
You unlatched your pinkies trying not to overthink what you were going to do next. You stared into Kai’s piercing brown eyes gathering your non existent courage. You leaned forward pushing forward with your hands on his console. Your lips connected in a searing kiss his lips scorched your own as he kissed you back with a fierceness, his hand burying itself in the back of your hair.
Sorry this took so long I was exhausted and time got away from me ❤️❤️❤️. Much love and thanks for reading.
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