#oh and her and Rollo too!
midnightmah07 · 2 months
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Glorious Masquerade redesign
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
hello! love your art. i was curious on why you like rollo so much. sorry if this has been asked before. have a great day!
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I don't think it has ever been asked but here's a few things I can think about why...
Also that scowl !!!!!
And I rwas convinced he'd be a short character but no ! he's near 1m80 and it threw me off as well as when he just ??? appeared out of nowhere when I decided to make that frollo halloween costume yuu art... He's been haunting me since day one
Whenever I see anything that looks like priest robes I lock in on the character.
And everything became even better when Glomas event released on the EN servers and the brainrot that was dormant until then came back stronger.
I like his backstory and his motives, how he's unhinged sometimes. he just really need support and rest honestly, if only he accepts to get both
The way he's alright with yuu because no magic, and that yuu is kinda just vibing thourghout the event since the flower's don't do much to them.
it's like 4am and I'm sitting here rambling about rollo, might correct text tomorrow if needed I should go now, thanks for listening to my explanations !
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 3
Philomela: I hope everyone had a good night's sleep!
Philomela: Great! Because you all are going to experience some body pain today!
The students: ...
Epel: Haha... Not everyone seems excited now.
Yuurin: She's never good in motivating anyone.
Malleus: How come she became your mentor?
Yuurin: My mother.
Malleus: Oh.
Philomela: I'll be explaining to you the mechanics now!
Philomela: Today will be the elimination round! You are free to attack anyone you please! And you have all the permission to use any type of moves even magic to your own advantage!
NBC student A: Eh? Isn't this a wrestling event?
NBC student B: If magic is involved, then we'll have better chances of winning.
RSA student A: Won't it be fair to not use any magic at all?
RSA student B: Yes. It feels wrong.
Philomela: Ha! Why? Do you think you can win just because you use magic?
The students: ...
Rook: Madame is right! There are many factors we need to consider!
Ruggie: Hm. Yuurin, you never used magic in any of your wrestling competitions, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Jack: I see. Does that mean...
Yuurin: Philomela is not impressed to any of them. That's why she's willing to give them a leverage to make this match worthwhile.
Floyd: Ne~ Mrs. Whale~ What other things we should remember for this elimination round?
Philomela: Nothing much, except that you have 30 minutes to fight anyone.
Floyd: Yay~!
Jade: Oh dear... *chuckles*
Epel: Can't I really join?
Rook: You'll get yourself hurt, Monsieur Crabapple.
Epel: *pouts*
Sebek: I promise to win this round, Waka-sama!
Silver: This is only an elimination round, Sebek.
Malleus: Do your best, Sebek, Silver.
Sebek/Silver: Yes, Waka-sama!/Malleus.
Ruggie: I guess this is the part where we start recording—
Philomela: Spectators! There is a designated room for us!
Malleus, Ruggie, Jack, Jade, and Epel: Huh?
Philomela: *leads them to a room that offers a panoptic view of the locations in the Kingdom of Heroes*
Epel: Whoa... *in amazement*
Philomela: Sick, isn't it?
Jade: Indeed. I've never been to such place before.
Jack: Ah! I can see everyone clearly!
Philomela: *laughs* Yes! This room will cater to your needs! Foods, drinks, and a good entertainment!
Rollo: *looks displeased*
Neige: This is great! Principal Ambrose will surely love this place!
Epel: Neige Le Blanche?!
Neige: Hello~!
Malleus and Ruggie: Flamme/Rollo.
Rollo: ...
Rollo: It's a pleasure to meet you again, mages.
Malleus and Ruggie: *smirks*
Jack and Jade: ???
Philomela: Everyone! Take your seats!
Epel: Um... But there are no seats— *a seat in front of him appears*
Epel: ...
Philomela: This room will cater to your needs. *smiles proudly*
Epel: Neat!
The students: *listening to Philomela's voice*
Floyd: Can we do a war cry~?
Philomela: *laughs* YES!
The students except Yuurin and Silver: RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Silver: Good luck to you, Yuurin.
Yuurin: *nods* You too, Silver.
Epel: Wow... Just wow...
Jade: That's Floyd for you.
*Floyd unleashed a flurry of clothesline strikes, taking out multiple students simultaneously with each powerful swing.*
Ruggie: Poor NBC and RSA students.
Malleus: Sebek and Silver are doing well.
*Sebek asserts his dominance by executing his running bulldog move; swiftly seizing his opponents by the head and driving them face-first into the ground with decisive force.*
*Silver expertly wraps his arm around the neck of each approaching opponent, applying precise pressure to cut off their air supply and induce unconsciousness.*
Epel: Wow... Everyone is amazing— Wait. Where's Rook?
*Rook's grin widens as he expertly locks his poor opponent into the sharpshooter.*
Epel and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: That savage.
Jack: Ruggie-senpai! Look! Some of the students are attacking Yuurin!
Philomela: *smiles*
*Yuurin remains composed as everyone closes in on her. Then, she swiftly grabs one attacker, lifts them, and slams them to the ground with a powerful spinebuster move. With each opponent, she repeats this action, using their momentum against them to quickly take them down, one by one.*
Epel, Jack, and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Oh shit, wait— I need to document this.
Floyd: Whoo-hoo~! This feels great~!
The students he defeated: *groaning in pain*
Sebek: Ha! I've defeated 25 students!
Rook: Oh! That's impressive, Monsieur Crocodile!
Silver: Should we be counting?
Sebek: How about you, Yuurin?! Bet you didn't—
Yuurin: *students piled up like a mountain beside her*
Yuurin: It seems we're the only remaining ones.
Floyd, Sebek, Silver, and Rook: ...
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sweetbunpura · 5 days
So uh- I just so happened to stumble across a little tid bit of information.
Did you know that the legal drinking age in France is 18? Though, 17 and 16 year olds can drink in public, so long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Now, on a completely unrelated note...
Tipsy Rollo headcanons anyone 😏?
Oh my lord!
Yuu and Rollo at a bar in Fleur City. Yuu's talking to some of the girls until she feels someone drape themselves over her shoulder. She turns to see Rollo with his cheek pressed against her shoulder and him holding a wine glass in his hand.
"Oh my~" One of the girls says. "Is this your boyfriend?"
"Wait, is that Rollo?" Another one asks.
Valentin, Rollo's former vice student president, comes up with a can of beer in his hand.
"Sorry, Yuu-chan." He stays with a laugh. "Rollo-san just had too much to drink."
"Hmm." Rollo hums as he presses his cheek to Yuu's. He moved back after a few seconds. "My-My apologies. I shouldn't have done that." He stares at her for a few minutes. "Wow, you're beautiful."
Yuu bites her tongue as the others laugh around her.
"Why, thank you."
"Are you single?"
The group breaks out into a roar of laughter as Yuu struggles not to join them.
"N-no, I've got a boyfriend."
Rollo pouts. "I see, I hope he knows how gorgeous you are." He turns to leave and Valentin has to catch him before he stumbles into anything else.
"Alright, alright. I'm taking him home." Yuu finishes her drink and pulls Rollo away from Valentin. "I'll see you guys later or around the city.
"Bye, Yuu!"
"Tell Rollo to drink lots of water!"
Rollo's memory is hazy once he wakes up in the morning. He pries himself from the bed and stumbles his way downstairs where Yuu greets him with a smile.
"Good morning." He kisses her cheek and she hands him a cup of coffee. "Remind me never to drink again."
"You were funny last night, but you might wanna hide when we get back to NRC."
He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"You drunkenly texted the group chat and talked about a lot of things."
"....Was.... Was it bad?"
Yuu doesn't answer, she only starts laughing as she goes up stairs to get dressed.
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merakiui · 8 days
I've been nonstop binging bridgerton and have been thinking abt twst being set in that au and been thinking abt step bro twst chara (maybe deuce or malleus maybe the tweels i literally cannot figure out which chara) being such a hard ass on every man who tries to get your attention and take your hand at every party and you're so sick and tired of it bc you are a young woman who needs to get married and here your step bro is making it harder for you! This eventually leads to you lashing out at him one night in a room at a party after he degraded a potential partner for you and then you both end up kissing each other from all the intense feelings and your step bro finally confesses his feelings to you and you feel so sad bc yk you and him can never marry bc it's so taboo and oh what would the gossip mongers say if they ever found out? You and your family would be casted out and your family may abandon and disown you both (even tho there's literally a family who gets engaged to her cousin in the show fr) so you both continue your rouse in secret which is easy bc you both live together anyway, but what the ppl don't know when your step bro takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor is that those hands are the same ones who's ruined you for any other man, what they don't know is you both are so in love but everyone just thinks it's step siblings getting close. You and your step bro may never be able to wed but maybe someday you'll both run away to some country and finally get to live that fantasy of a married couple, but until then, everything must be kept a secret
AAAAAA OMG OMG!!!!! This is so scrumptious,,, I think it can work with so many characters. Riddle and Rollo immediately come to my mind for various reasons, but then it could also pair perfectly with Malleus or Deuce just as you said. orz so many thoughts!!! Maybe even Idia.......
Secret, taboo relationship, but the both of you can't keep your hands off the other. Always toeing the line of being caught, constantly disappearing right before important events just for an intimate tryst that's all too tempting. Sneaking into each other's chambers, sending all the servants away so that it's just the two of you. Fucking everywhere and anywhere, especially in places where the risk is so very high. Sometimes you dirty your exquisite attire when you roll around in the gardens, the smell of sex mixing with the floral fragrances of surrounding blooms. It's all so enticing and incredibly forbidden. But you can't help feeling so infatuated with him. <3 your parents would certainly disapprove, but who needs them when the both of you will inevitably move far away?
What may seem like familial outings to the general public are actually dates between the two of you. Maybe he's daring and tries to hold your hand, or maybe he's much too concerned about the image he's showing to the public. The tension between the both of you is so palpable each time you have to pretend to be just siblings and nothing more. As soon as you're behind closed doors or in an area where you won't be seen or disturbed, you're on top of each other. You're truly inseparable and insatiable.
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zippidi-dooda · 1 month
Rollo would be the type to gossip about other people. Well, talk smack behind their back more like.
He already grumbles to himself about how repulsive the people he don't like are,
So if you were to come in one day ranting about some person or other, he probably join in like,
"Oh, him? Ugh, I always knew he was a tasteless skive, going after anything he thought was priceless. He's bound to end up in more trouble than he can handle one day. Serves that old codger right."
"Her? You know I heard she's expecting soon. The father up and left and she was already out of her family's good graces. I expect she's out on the streets in a week. Two if she puts on a good groveling act."
And don't get him started on people you know he hates cause then he'll go on for days, getting louder and more expressive the longer you let him talk.
"Thank you! Thank you! See I told you, didn't I? He is a dirty, no-good, wreckless, lying, schemer. A shame it happened this way, but at least now you see the light."
And breakups?
Probably shouldn't go to him for comfort and advice.
"Oh thank sevens, this is a blessing for you, trust me. Everyone with eyes knew that it'd end up this way, even you. But you ignored it and now here we are. Magic users. Listen, you don't need them. They're probably planning to sob up a storm to get you back already. No. Don't you dare look at that phone. Gimme that. *sigh* You're too soft for your own good. You know they're just cheap dirt right? An arrogant prat. Lazy nut who isn't half as romantic as they make themselves out to be. Not worth anyone's tears. You know, they can't even get a job in this town aymore cause of their terrible rapport, they couldn't even begin to hope to take care of you. Let me handle everything for you? Where am I going? Don't worry about it. I uh ... I'll be back with ice cream ...? Sad people eat that, right?"
Probably shouldn't encourage him with such talk
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Who amongst the nonhuman au guys is best for cuddles? (I know some of the guys don't have cemented forms which is honestly the beauty of this au since you can always have a different version of them look but if there's different versions then which do you think would be best cuddles?)
Of course, I'm more so asking your opinion (i very much have a preference lol and that's owl harpy rook hunt because i love Rook Hunt and i want to kiss all his feathers and give him all the cuddles and affection lol)
I suppose it depends on the kind of cuddles you want, warm cuddles? Definitely Harpy Rook, Jack, Leona, and Bear Trey.
A great spot to cuddle into is under Rook's wing where it's attached, a lot of warmth comes from there and the wing surrounding you will be like a blanket.
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This is def Yuu with their harpy who's in a snuggle mood when one of the others asks if Yuu wants to do something with them. Though depending on who it is, and with how Rook is, I think he would probably offer them the other wing to snuggle under.
Only Yuu, Rook, and Vil take him up on it 😔 but Vil is always particular about things and Epel gets huffy. He's also going to use you being close as an excuse to try and preen you. Needs to make sure his mate is taken care of after all.
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Jack is a winter wolf and fluffy as heck, the man runs like a heater. Like, you could cuddle him in a situation where or stuck in a cold cave in some snowy place and be totally fine as long as this man is cuddling you.
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He can be a bit awkward about it at first, especially since he's a lot bigger than you and worried about accidentally smooshing his human. Eventually though when he gets more used to things and is more comfortable it, he might try laying on you sometimes, he gets good at distributing his weight, though admittedly he likes having you be the one to lay on top of him, another fan of using his human as a weighted plush.
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Leona is another boy who runs hot, though not fluffy like the others when it comes to the fur on him that isn't his main, he uses fancy products, and it's very soft.
Unlike Jack, Leona doesn't care too much about crushing you and finds it funny when you whine about him being too big and heavy, trying and failing to push his big ass off of you. Will rest his head on your lap, chest, tummy, and butt, and will use your whole self as a body pillow. Will randomly bite and not apologize, expect to be aggressively groomed and then bit if you try getting away.
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Trey is very warm, that green fur of his is thick, and you can comfortably sleep on the guy like a bed.
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Similar to some of the harpies, you can sort of...just sleep and even hide in there if you need to. Very comfortable and you'll definitely feel safe with him, which is what he totally wants.
Now all of this is great but oh man can it be uncomfy when the weather is hot, not to mention that isn't going to keep the clinger guys from trying to smother you. Luckily there are some boys that are cold-blooded and are good for some cooler snuggles, though admittedly if they get cold, they're gonna use your squishy human body as a heating pad.
Idia, Jamil, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Malleus.
Now Idia and Jamil aren't as cuddly as other guys on her, but I think they should be on this list because their bodies are so great for it, you can comfortably use Idia as a sort of recliner and his floofy spider butt is a good pillow.
Jamil is his own bed and is yours, also his scales, along with Mal's feel really good against the skin.
Azul, Jade, and Floyd are all clingy as heck when cuddling or sleeping but you don't have to worry about overheating. Not to mention they're pretty comfy when fully in their mer forms, especially Azul. There's more squish to them, also Azul's giant self really makes the best bed.
Oh, and another mention, Lilia and Rollo.
Lilia is great for being a little spoon that you can snuggle but also as a bed when he turns into a big bat monster. Rollo's fur and wool are very comfy.
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harfanfare · 1 year
Rollo Flamm x Reader || Rhythm
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Warnings: Understated jealousy (?), Reader can’t dance (wants to, though), provisioning of unrequired love, female reader.
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The girl that dances atop the stage is really pretty.
It’s not you, and with some kind of regret, you concede you’ve never properly learned to dance.
The girl is more beautiful than the starry night above the City of Flowers because she feels like a dream. Stars will be tomorrow too, but her? No one knows, so all eyes are on her, to balm each’s heart with her sight.
Her steps are graceful and the way she moves is enchanting. It’s not an easy choreography either - with so many jumps and twirls and turns - but she makes it seem so because a smile never leaves her face. The fabric of her dress follows her faithfully, and you imagine she will look incredible in every photo taken of her.
“She’s so… beautiful,” someone next to you breathes with awe.
You believe Rollo thinks so too.
Even if the thought of never being looked on like that stings, you can only blame yourself as he didn’t want to come here at all. When you suggested checking out the show that is being held in a Topsy-Turvy Event Hall, Rollo scolded you for distracting yourself. It might be a Friday evening when most of the students are already headed to the dormitory, but the work of student council members is never done. Before the weekend, at least.
Your whingeing has been guerdoned: Rollo agreed on taking a break. He was hesitant while doing so, and almost annoyed at the cheery smiles that appeared instantly on three faces, yours, the vice president’s and a school treasurer’s. The papers and cups of cold tea were left instantly, and in the next few minutes, all four of you were heading down the staircase.
A square is crowded every season with tourists, so neither you nor Rollo is surprised that the two other students got separated from you before even reaching the main stage. You are thankful for their attentiveness because it allows you to be alone with Rollo.
“They are selling enchanted drinks again!” You exclaim, pointing to a stall with indigo macrame hung around a tent. Some attractions were opened at certain seasons a year, and you remember the elixirs being a hit last year.
“It looks like so,” Rollo states flatly. “I wonder why people are so fixated on this kind of never-lasting things.”
Knowing Rollo is a man of harsh words, you brush off his comment.
Blue potion with edible glitter — you are sure it’s edible glitter because most of the useful mixtures are rather lustreless — catches your eye. It looks like a piece of starry sky tucked into a glass bottle. It’s also supposed to help you with your studies if you drink it, so it’s even more magical.
“Would you like to try one? This one helps you focus… But, yeah, I guess you already can do that perfectly,” you pick up the next vial. “Oh, after drinking the yellow one, you should be able to sing more professionally! And the green one is for rhythm… I would need that one. Yet, the most interesting one here is-”
- a love potion.
Even the vial is heart-shaped. The mixture inside is either pink or purple, you can’t really define it because of the amount of bubbles that constantly stir the mixture. You might not be the best alchemy student ever, but even you know that that potion has some enchanting aroma that might bind your senses.
Maybe that potion is your only chance ever to get with Rollo. Your heart is heavy at the thought of enchanting him to love you.
“I have no intention of buying anything,” Rollo’s curt voice slings you from your thoughts. He takes vials from your hands and puts them back, any moment ready to push them out of his mind. “Anything but croissants. I can treat you to one of those.”
…And that’s how you get free food, dear students.
“Will you? Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You would love to hug him, Rollo is… Rollo probably wouldn’t appreciate this kind of gratitude in the middle of the street. Or wherever. It’s hard to imagine Rollo being happy about a hug as he seems unused to physical contact, yet that might be a reason why you should try to open him up.
For a last moment you think about the enchanted concoctions, but Rollo turns around and you need to catch up to not get separated from him.
Way to his favourite bakery Rollo knows by heart. He guides you through the crowd and it’s easy to follow him as he stands taller than most people, the distance being even larger when you count his hat. He glanced over his shoulder to check if you were still beside him after you get out of the most crowded area.
“We’re here,” Rollo announces as if you hadn’t been accompanying him to the bakery whenever you had a chance. He strides to the counter, where several types of croissants under a glass cover are creating a delicious exhibition. “Choose whatever you like.”
It's a very tempting offer, and you decide to take it once you glue yourself to the glass of a counter.
“I…” You start, pointing at two specific desserts. Two croissants with your favourite fillings are too delicious to pick between them. “Can I get two? I will treat you something in return, once I'll have money on me.”
“You’ll get a stomachache,�� he says curtly but slides his card to a lady behind a counter that picks up another baking for himself, halfway dipped in chocolate and topped with cut-dried strawberries. “Be careful. They’ve been just taken out of the oven, so you’d better don’t burn yourself.
You let yourself bite into the device, as you take another turn, this time the way leading into the main square. There is a grand scene that is always used for music performances.
There is one being held, a solo.
You glance at the dancer, and they look around the crowd. You think there are your two missing clubmates, and beckon Rollo over.
“Hey, there are—”
Your surprise silences you.
Rollo stays planted on the ground, eyes on the dancing girl with something like awe. You know that look. You caught a glimpse of it many times on the surface of the glass in student consul’s showcases; your face, so desperately stretching in a soft smile, not to look suspicious.
For the first time, you didn't like the idea of love at first sight.
You know where it’s time to step out. Many negotiations you held with people on behalf of students of NBC sensitised you to their expectations and what you should do.
You smile weakly, before gently tapping Rollo on his arm. “I… will get going.”
But Rollo, amazingly, has already shaken off from mysterious enchantment. If you could only do so as easily, permanently. “Are you sick?” He asks, and when you avoid his eyes, his tone voice drops half a tone. “What happened?”
“Nothing, it’s… Can… I… just go?”
“What happened?” Rollo repeats. His eyes scan you, the first time quickly, and when he doesn’t find anything visible, he gets more alarmed, actually looking stiff. “Did you actually burn yourself? I told you to be careful.”
You don’t know what to tell him but start with a measurement that doesn’t bring him any relief.
“It’s not that, Rollo. I…”
“Do tell.” He insists, although if you said a word, you know he wouldn’t question you any more about this. But he would find out in some other way, and he might think you don’t trust him enough - and this implication you really want to avoid - and… “Tell me.”
…And you want to believe that he’s worried for you.
You stare at the ground, and clasp your hands behind your back once you notice their subtle shaking. Why are you reacting this way? Ahh… “I just don’t enjoy dancing. I think I will just return to school and finish organizing the documents…”
“You’ve always liked to see people dance though.”
So he has noticed.
“I don’t have a talent to dance myself.”
“You just need to learn,” he says, his tone softer than you’ve ever heard him. And as you’ve been listening to his voice o lot, you think you might’ve imagined it. Rollo glances at his watch and urges you to come with him. “It’s almost time to ring the bell. Let’s go. I will help you.”
You don’t like climbing the bell tower, and going up hundreds of steps isn’t something easy even with Rollo as your motivation. It’s the anxiety that keeps you going.
“I didn't buy the enchantment, though,” you break the silence, and Rollo looks over his shoulder. He is one step in front of you, and he probably slowed his pace to let you catch up to him easily. He’s a master of climbing stairs and ladders after all. “To dance. The bell won’t do anything if… I don’t have any magic on me, no?”
“Don't depend on these kinds of things,” he grumbles. “If you do, you will never achieve anything. For example, if you drank the potion, of course, you'd know how to dance. But just for tonight.”
You question his motivational quote. “But isn't the magic helpful sometimes?”
“It makes one fully depend on it.”
And the conversation ends here because you’ve reached the top platform. Rollo opens the trapdoor and holds it for you. As you step out, you’re immediately hit with a breeze of cold air, but it’s more kind of refreshing than freezing.
Once the trapdoor is closed, Rollo awaits, frozen for a clock-measured minute and three seconds.
And then he rings the bell. It takes much force to move it, and you are almost sure Rollo doesn’t even boost his strength with magic. But, what’s unexpected, this one time he uses magic to repeat the movements of the bell and have it ring on its own.
He leaves it to ring at the same tempo and turns to you. The magical earplugs in your ears only moderately muffle the sound of the bell. No music from the Topsy-Turvy Event Hall reaches you anymore. You can only hear the rings clearly, and wouldn't hear Rollo if he said anything.
He doesn't even try to, and without even a shred of a smile, he takes your hand in his.
His right hand wraps around your waist, and the fingers of the left one intertwine with yours. He stands taller than you, mighty, righteous. His gaze lingers on you as if he judges you.
It’s never a fair judgement, because the slightly offbeat of his heart drives his reason senseless.
He takes the first step to the back, and you follow along.
Rollo's movements are fluid and graceful, yet precise and purposeful. He leads you with ease, his body guiding yours. Waltz is a dance that emphasises the partnership, but with you not knowing the steps, it feels to you like some sort of majestic tango.
You’re overpowered within the first seconds of dance.
Step, step, DING, turn, step, turn, DONG.
You know your cheeks are flushed, and you blame the height and cold wind for it. Maybe it is a tiring dance, and you believe it’s acceptable to be this tired yet happy if you are dancing for all of eternity. It feels like the bell started to strike the omnipresent tempo a lifetime ago.
Rollo knows when your waltz-tango should end. He stops the chime with a fluid movement of his hand, magic stopping the well-kept rhythm from a bell.
Your heart maintains the tempo. Even if each beat is strong and loud, you worry about how it will come to a halt at any second.
“I’m surprised,” he starts, sounding unsurprised but kind…-ish, “that you aren’t in a dance-related club yet.”
You cock your head to the side. “Is this a… sarcasm?”
“No. I think that musical-related things would suit you better. You could dance on that grand stage we approached earlier.”
“Like that girl?”
Rollo frowns. “What girl?”
…He doesn’t remember? How could anyone forget for a second about a person one has fallen for? You couldn’t. You can’t. You’re dumbfounded.
“A dancer. On a stage. Today.” Rollo looks more confused with each suggestion. “She was dancing to a… fast music in a flowy dress?”
“Ah,” finally, recognition sparkles in his eyes. A wave of relief is followed by anxiety, but Rollo shrugs your both overwhelms off, with a flick of his hand. “Yes, like her or… even better. The piece she danced to would fit you if you only embrace your passion. I think your performance would be more dreamy.”
You chuckle.
“If I would do that, what would you do without me in the student council club?” By this slight teasing, Rollo stiffens a little. You place your hand on your chest. “But as your right hand, you can’t get rid of me so easily.”
You swear you see him smiling subtly, and it’s no trick of light.
“As my right hand, you have the power to do whatever you want.”
“Then I want to stay.”
“Hm,” Rollo ponders. As you notice his gaze, you feel as if he’s contemplating which future holds the best fate for you. He lowers his eyelids, sighing slightly. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” you smile. “But if I hold any power like you say, I would like to use it to have you dance with me again.”
“Strange request,” he says curtly but doesn’t deny your request. His follow-up question makes your chest fill with warmth. “Do you know any dances? Except for waltz,” he says as if you could call your ‘waltz’ anything other than pretending to know how to dance.
“Macarena?” You suggest and he looks at you sceptically. In response, you flash him a bashful smile. “No?”
He sighs but takes your hands in his.
“Let me teach you, then,” he says, slowly. “Let’s start with a proper greeting,” but his greeting isn’t proper, because he doesn’t look at you. Because he avoids your gaze, you can have a shameless view on his red face, that must match the temperature with his quickly warming up hands. You always thought Rollo’s hands were cold, until this moment. “An elegant bow…”
He bows and you lift the brim of your skirt in response, trying to copy the fluidity of the curtsy.
He brings your hand up so carefully as if it is made from the thinnest glass, and presses his lips to your knuckles. So cliche, so old-fashioned, but chivalry isn’t dead as it fills you with energy, surprise and some embarrassment that makes you want to live this moment forever. “And a kiss.”
“Now I’m charmed,” You laugh softly, a smile on your face, yet you were mentally prepared to faint. You wonder if doctors would detect you lovesick if your heart actually stopped. “What’s after that?”
Rollo glances up at you, his eyes brighter than ever. He brings you closer to him.
“Let’s talk about rhythm.”
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althea-and-alcestris · 2 months
Alce has punched almost the entire cast at least once if not multiple times
The few exceptions are:
Cater Jack Kalim Epel Ortho Lilia
Silver is debatable because she might have punched him during book 7 in the darkness for thinking he isnt loved
But other than these, everyone has been decked
Riddle - During his OB (Ace started it, Alce landed the second blow) Ace - For being an ass the first time Deuce - For making an immensely stupid decision (possibly book 3) Trey - For not stepping up to Riddle when he shouldve Leona - Got decked twice. First time was for threatening Yuu (Allen) in the botanical garden and the second time a bit before his OB Ruggie - For trying to steal from her Azul - For the book 3 shenanigans before his OB Jade & Floyd - Not only decked but fucking threw hands with them in book 3 Jamil - For what he pulled in book 4 Vil - During his OB Rook - For being just as pushy as he was with the beastmen (he somehow knows what she is) Idia - For the STYX incident (because she too was taken) Malleus - During his OB, got whooped by his supposed older sister Sebek - Multiple times for acting like he's better than the other freshmen
Oh and Rollo for obvious reasons
Barely anyone is safe from the hands that are rated E for everyone.
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sassenach77yle · 3 months
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The tent flap was closed, but there was a candle burning within. He coughed politely outside, and Rollo, seeing where they were, wagged his tail and uttered a cordial woof !The flap was thrust back at once, and Rachel stood there, mending in one hand, squinting into the dark but already smiling; she’d heard the dog. She’d taken off her cap, and her hair was messed, coming down from its pins.“Rollo!” she said, bending down to scratch his ears. “And I see thee’ve brought thy friend along, too.”Ian smiled, lifting the little tin.“I brought some grease. My aunt said your brother needed it for his arsehole.” An instant too late, he re-collected himself. “I mean—for an arsehole.” Mortification flamed up his chest, but he was speaking to perhaps the only woman in camp who might take arseholes as a common topic of conversation. Well, the only one save his auntie, he amended. Or the whores, maybe.“Oh, he’ll be pleased; I thank thee.”She reached to take the tin from him, and her fingers brushed his. The tin box was smeared with the grease and slippery; it fell and both of them bent to retrieve it. She straightened first; her hair brushed his cheek, warm and smelling of her.
Without even thinking, he put both hands on her face and bent to her. Saw the flash and darkening of her eyes, and had one heartbeat, two, of perfect warm happiness, as his lips rested on hers, as his heart rested in her hands.
Then one of those hands cracked against his cheek, and he staggered back like a drunkard startled out of sleep.“What does thee do?” she whispered. Her eyes wide as saucers, she had backed away, was pressed against the wall of the tent as though to fall through it. “Thee must not!”He couldn’t find the words to say.
His languages boiled in his mind like stew, and he was mute. The first word to surface through the moil in his mind was the Gàidhlig, though.“Mo chridhe,” he said, and breathed for the first time since he’d touched her. Mohawk came next, deep and visceral. I need you. And tagging belatedly, English, the one best suited to apology. “I—I’m sorry.”
She nodded, jerky as a puppet..“Yes. I—yes.”He should leave; she was afraid. He knew that. But he knew something else, too. It wasn’t him she was afraid of. Slowly, slowly, he put out a hand to her, the fingers moving without his will, slowly, as though to guddle a trout.And by an expected miracle, but miracle nonetheless, her hand stole out toward his, trembling. He touched the tips of her fingers, found them cold. His own were warm, he would warm her…. In his mind, he felt the chill of her flesh against his own, noted the nipples hard against the cloth of her dress and felt the small round weight of her breasts, cold in his hands, the press of her thighs, chill and hard against his heat.He was gripping her hand, drawing her back. And she was coming, boneless, helpless, drawn to his heat.“Thee must not,” she whispered, barely audible. “We must not.”It came to him dimly that of course he could not simply draw her to him, sink to the earth, push her garments out of the way, and have her, though every fiber of his being demanded that he do just that. Some faint memory of civilization asserted itself, though, and he grabbed for it. At the same time, with a terrible reluctance, he released her hand.“No, of course,” he said, in perfect English. “Of course we mustn’t.” I—thee—” She swallowed and ran the back of her hand across her lips. Not as though to wipe away his kiss, but in astonishment, he thought. “Does thee know—” She stopped dead, helpless, and stared at him.
“I’m not worried about whether ye love me,” he said, and knew he spoke the truth. “Not now. I’m worried about whether ye might die because ye do.”
“Thee has a cheek! I didn’t say I loved thee.”He looked at her then, and something moved in his chest. It might have been laughter. It might not.“A great deal better ye don’t,” he said softly. “I’m no a fool, and neither are you.”She made an impulsive gesture toward him, and he drew back, just a hair.“I think ye’d best not touch me, lass,” he said, still staring intently into her eyes, the color of cress under rushing water. “Because if ye do, I’ll take ye, here and now. And then it’s too late for us both, isn’t it?”Her hand hung in the air, and while he could see her willing it, she could not draw it back.He turned from her then and went out into the night, his skin so hot that the night air turned to steam as it touched him.
67 GREASIER THAN GREASE~ An Echo in the Bone
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unicyclehippo · 1 year
as a prompt: imogen and laudna and images of vex?
there are people sitting on the tempest’s bed when they return. keyleth’s skin is split and red and it’s awful to see except when you love her enough that pain means alive, means here enough to hurt.
these strangers love keyleth. they sit on her bed as people who are welcome to it, they hold her staff and she trusts them to take the place of her powerful artefact, to help her to her feet when she struggles to stand—scarred hands in scarred hands—and laudna considers the few of her own people who have carried her (dead) and carried her (alive) and offered a helping hand and knows keyleth loves them too.
it takes some minutes for laudna to realise they are not strangers at all.
‘lady vex’ahlia,’ imogen greets warily. and then, ‘lord de rollo.’
‘bells hells,’ lady vex’ahlia returns in much the same tone, wary as everyone is these days. her tone softens tremendously when she says laudna’s name, alone. laudna trembles. imogen takes her hand. lord de rollo looks at her too, too keen. then orym speaks, and keyleth, and there’s flowers and busy work as tinctures and healing begins and laudna mostly is thinking about the fact that they’re inside of a tree and how funny that is, really, because sometimes she turns treelike herself, and it’s a bit strange to be a dead woman inside a tree that’s inside a dead woman inside a tree.
she smiles, touches imogen’s elbow. ‘might we go outside, darling?’
orym glances over—the quickness of mental communique that laudna so admires, and misses, the crackle of imogen’s thoughts so bright and light and powerful—and he nods and there’s something in his gaze that makes laudna think she ought to say something, but fear is a starving rat eating her tongue, which is awful, isn’t it, because she can’t speak while it’s there but it’s better for everyone if she keeps her mouth shut so they don’t see the tongue and the rat and the cavern and the rat can’t get out and it can’t bite anyone but her and she doesn’t really need a tongue anyway she’s dead after all so why deal with the blood and pity when she could just eat the rat and be done with it. also, there’s a beautiful woman whose ears are uncut into points who is her reflection, brilliant life billowing out from her, sun-warm, and she’s watching her, and laudna thinks she might cry or perhaps scream if this woman gets a glimpse of laudna’s insides.
imogen loops their arms together. they walk outside like lovers do, beneath trees bejewelled with flowers and buds. the fabric of their dresses brush together as they walk. their hands do not part.
‘are you alright?’
laudna keeps her mouth closed. the rat is gone, she doesn’t think it was real, but she’s not sure about the state of her tongue.
imogen touches her own forehead, the circlet there. ‘do you ever think of her?’ she asks. ‘that lady?’ when laudna nods, imogen sighs. ‘i wish… i wish so much hadn’t happened to you. i wish it couldn’t hurt you anymore.’
‘if it’d never happened, we wouldn’t be here,’ pate says, crawling out from his house. he perches on the roof, balancing with paws against the faux-chimney—laudna knew it was ornament only because she’d taken pate’s eyes as her own and they’d clambered through the space together, small and secure, and pried into each expert corner until they were satisfied. ‘and then you wouldn’t get to explore wi’ her. an’ by explore—‘
‘don’t you finish that thought,’ laudna snaps.
‘—o’ course i mean explore her body,’ pate chortles. he has to launch into the sky when laudna tries to grab at him, palm full of dark lightning. ‘oh fuck! don’t - laudna!’
‘get back here! apologise to imogen!’
pate hides behind imogen, wings flapping, chortling. ‘won’t!’
‘you will! right now!’
‘won’t! can’t make me!’
‘i did make you, you - you - you little beast!’ she races around her - girlfriend? her imogen - who spins, laughing, keeping herself between laudna and pate.
they’re drawing eyes. who could possibly be laughing, loving out in the open? who could possibly dare draw the ire of the red, glaring moon? imogen catches laudna’s clawing hands in hers, holds her. pate crawls up purple hair, splays, exhausted, atop her head.
‘do you think she knows?’ laudna gives voice to her fear. ‘what i am? what i did?’
‘how could she?’
‘she could be watching. me. if she suspects, if he does… she did such terrible things to them, darling, and i am—i literally embody that for them.’ imogen is shaking her head but laudna doesn’t see it; sees the tree, and the de rollo’s, and the shadow of the blossom tree with its curling branches stretches out in front of the sinking sun like a grasping hand. ‘i’m afraid, imogen,’ she admits, mouth open, everything soft and bitten and hurting on full display. imogen looks right into her eyes, her mouth. she sees everything. nothing changes. imogen still holds her hands, still holds her close.
‘what are you afraid of? that they’ll try and hurt you?’ imogen shakes her head. ‘i won’t let them. we won’t. you’re not bad, laudna, and you’re not her.’
‘but she’s in here. she’s back, i did that—‘
‘did you ever think that you didn’t let her in? that she was waiting out there in the dark and when you were scared and hurt, she let herself back in?’ imogen reaches up. strokes the hair back from her face. which does nothing, because the wind is fierce and playful and endless here in zephrah. ‘you’re not to blame for the fact that she hurt you. and if they blame you for that,’ she says, tilting her head back to the tree, ‘they’re wrong.’
‘she hurt them too.’
‘i don’t care.’ she didn’t. laudna could see it. oh, she cared enough for them—hearing what had been done to whitestone and the family there was dreadful and imogen had a sweet heart—but the care was dwarfed, obliterated, by how she cared for laudna. it did not compare. how could it? what was as a single raindrop to the scorching desert, a handful of gravedirt to the mountain. what was sympathy to the way imogen loved her?
‘i don’t want to see her today,’ laudna says, and helps to tie back imogen’s hair with red string. ‘can it be as it was, once? the two of us?’
‘three of us,’ she amends, and when imogen laughs, and kisses her—hidden from their friends behind the huts—laudna glances over to ruidis, smouldering on the horizon, and smiles. it would all be alright, eventually; after all, what was the red moon to the way she loves imogen?
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House fire
ROLLO FLAMME — in which one can predict a student exchange program might go south real quick
COLLAB WORK with @unfictinalnightmare for [The chimes of comfort]
CONTENT — takes place after glorious masquerade, our yuusonas (hillary and irene) are yuu, silly shenanigans with hillary and irene, calm before the storm, rollo will show up next chapter :)
TAGGINGS — @cloudcountry @identity-theft-101 @xen-blank @esmerulia-chantelle @dove-da-birb @cookiesandbiscuits @vioisgoinginsane @siren-serenity @loser-jpg @axvwriter @edith-is-a-cat @thehollowwriter @taruruchi @cyanide-latte + others :3
Do reblog or comment if you enjoy my work! ^-^
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2: Calm before the storm || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6
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At the crack of dawn, Hillary and Irene had to wake up early for preparations to welcome Rollo to Night Raven College. The two stood in front of the mirror, one brushing her teeth, the other brushing her hair, all the while Grim was still dozing off in the covers.
Hillary sat on the edge of the tub, brushing her long snowy hair as she narrowed her eyes at Irene. "Oi, so what's the guy like? Spill the tea, you wicked witch."
"Oh, shut it." Irene replied, still half-asleep as her hand moved the toothbrush all over her teeth.
To be honest, she didn't know what to tell Hillary about Rollo. A domestic terrorist who wanted to purge the world of magic? A clean freak who only saw NRC as dirt under his shoes?!
That would be too blunt and demeaning, and Irene didn't really like that. Unlike Hillary, she actually has tact.
Hillary mumbled something under her breath, reaching for her jewellery box to grab two accessories in a bright shade of red. One of an old headband she had used for a while, and the other was a recently bought bow, along with several other accessories.
"Which one should I pick?" She turned her head to Irene, holding up both pieces in her hands.
"Aren't you always wearing the headband on a daily basis?"
Irene asked in confusion, looking at her roommate as if she just grew a second head.
"But Aphro said something 'bout being girls, it'd be better to change from time to time, or something like that. Here, there's for you too."
Hillary said, hands pinning the red bow to the back of her hair neatly. Then she pulled out a turquoise bow, almost similar to hers, and handed it to Irene.
"Oh, was it from Galodis?" Irene held the bow in her hands, clipping the bow onto to her hair as she turned her head to check. Not bad, she thought impressed, that Aphro Galodis had a decent eye for fashion.
"Yeah, he made it with Hazel and Zelus. Grim has one, too."
Irene only clicked her tongue, deciding to overlook how the snowette just accepted things out of nowhere. After all, it was a gift from their upperclassman. Then she rushed out of the bathroom, changing her outfits to prepare to welcome their unavoidable esteemed guest.
"... Cold."
Hillary's red eyes stared at the falling snowflakes through the frosty windows of Ramshackle dorm.
Snow... Perhaps it was now winter back in her home country. Her family would be flying to Russia to visit her grandparents, with vodka, hot cocoa, marshmallows, the comforting flames illuminating from the living room's old fireplace... She snuggled into the wool scarf wrapped around her neck, enjoying the warth it provided...
"I... really hate it here."
Irene shakily walked out of the dorm's front door, swaddled in two thick coats yet still able to feel the cold. It was understandable, since she was from a tropical Asian country, where people can't completely deal with the biting cold, and 10 degree Celcius was already horrible to face.
Hillary sighed, pulling out another two scarves from her bag, one blue-grey and cyan with a cat charm for Grim, and the other a deep shade of sea green. She knelt down and wrapped the scarf around Grim's neck, much to his delight, then roughly threw the other into Irene's face and left without another word.
"That little...!"
Irene scowled, sending Hillary a scathing glare. Just a few days ago, she still saw the snowette knitting by the fireplace, she didn't think she'd get one herself. Irene lightly ran her thumb on the scarf, hand made meticulously and embroidered with a white owl. It was so, so pretty and warm. Irene wrapped the scarf around her neck, mumbling under her breath.
"Is this just some accidental product?"
... So much for being sworn enemies.
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twistedtalking · 3 months
Welcome to Twisted Talking (2.0)! Your one-way ticket to NRC. (Asks/interactions open)
Twisted Talking is a roleplay blog with a twist (pun unintended).
The TWST fanfiction writing/requests shall be moved to @write4me-twstandocs . Please check that out as well!
Mayo (which is me btw), will not be role-playing just one character, but the whole cast! (Rollo too, I guess... Staff definitely tho!)
There are different levels of role-playing! Canon-compliant, Romantic, and Yandere. These would be symbolised by symbols?
🤨- Canon Compliant :)
😏- Romantic <33
🫣- yandere ;)
3. You can also send letters! But beware, I might take longer since uh-oh I am tempted to print it on paper.
4. I do take NSFW asks, but only in Canon, so it would be just their horrified reactions.
5. Minors welcome here. I've seen lots of yandere fic blogs that say minor dni, and as a teenager who hasn't yet reached her debut, I feel super sad about it. So yeah, minors welcome!
○Those with church/religious trauma, specifically Christianity. More for you than me, since I add bible verses to each of my posts. Feel free to block!
○ Those who are rude about Christ in my blog. My God is very important to me, so if you got something to say, don't say it here. Or I'll block you.
You now know everything you need to know to ask/roleplay. Now, personal stuff! About me, the one running this thing!
My alias is Mayo! I am a binibini (maiden) from the Philippines! I am currently a not-yet 18 year old. I am quite excited about my debut ngl.
Other than Twst, I am very fond of manga! I've read tbhk and wotakoi! I'm also excited for "The flower that blooms with dignity" anime adaptation! I also love musicals, like Six and Hamilton. Very excited for Epic the Musical's release too! (I also code)
Outside of tumblr, I am a high-school student (middle school, by Japan's standards), who wants to spread the word of God! That's why I add bible verses on each of my posts! My dream is to one day be a Voice Actor in America, while also doing accountant work. I also one day want to live in Japan!
My main account on tumblr is called @/everydaytwstsimp. Its mainly for reblogs though.
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sweetbunpura · 16 days
Rollo, sprinting through the house and into Yuu's arms: MY WIFE HAS RETURNED FROM WAR!
Yuu, trying not to laugh: Rolls, I was only gone for two days.
Rollo: Potato Tomatoe, all that matters is that you're home.
Yuu: ...
Rollo: ....
Yuu, narrowing her eyes: You didn't start any fights this time did you-
Rollo, panicked: Oh would you look at the time! I have to go water my homework! Goodbye!
Yuu: ROLLO-!
Yuu getting like 2 calls from Sebek and Lilia about the mess he caused with Malleus.
Yuu: Did Tsunotaro start it or did Rolls jump him?
Lilia: It was both actually.
Yuu, sighs.
She gets a call from Jamil as well.
Jamil: Tell your overdramatic boyfriend that he's not allowed to borrow Kalim anymore.
Kalim, from over the phone: He just asked me for rain, that's all!
Yuu: So that was harmless.
Jamil: ...I still don't like him being with Kalim.
Yuu: He's not gonna hurt him, he likes him too much.
She later lightly knocks her fist against Rollo's forehead.
Yuu: No more fights, even if you and Mal started it, understand?
Rollo: ...I understand.
Yuu, soft smile: C'mon, let's eat dinner.
She 100% saved that picture of Rollo glaring from the window and used it as his profile picture on her phone.
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twst-drabbles · 11 months
Mozus 1
Summary: Being in Noble Bell College brings out the nostalgia in Mozus. You want him to continue. You like hearing him talk about his wife.
(I was going to write about Rollo since it seemed appropriate, but Mozus took place in my brain instead.)
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“And while she never witnessed the bell, she was always enchanted by its sound,” Mozus’s voice was soft in the way one cups a flower blooming in the soft frost of winter: delicately, yet still filled with the strength of love.
“Oh? Tell me more,” you couldn’t help but lean into his view with an exaggerated stretch of your spine, arms gripped behind your back. “Remember, you promised me more stories about her, Mozus.”
Mozus didn’t twitch nor lose any gram of composure. His back was still straight, but it seemed as though gravity added weight to his shoulders. “I remember well. Though I must ask, why are you so interested about such a subject?”
“Because you practically grow twenty years younger whenever you talk about your wife,” it wasn’t a radiant glow so much as it was a gentle light that bloomed from within Mozus’s heart, blanketing his shoulders in a shroud of dancing spring air, “it’s very sweet, seeing how much you love her so. Of course I want to hear you talk about your fond memories all day.”
It was a rare thing to witness from Mozus, so of course you want him to continue speaking of those years, so as long as it doesn’t hurt him. He may be an older gentlemen, and while you don’t have a clue as to what age he became a widower, to lose his wife before the age of sixty seemed far too young to lose a loved one. When you hear of stories of old couples dying, you imagine their backs curved, hands knobby and skin slack with laugh lines so deep in their faces their eyes practically vanish, and yet the twinkle in them is still there.
You don’t know the amount of years that have past after Mozus’s wife’s death, but it seems to have been enough for him to have come to terms with his grief, to speak of her memory, both good and bad.
Perhaps it was too casual an action, lightly tapping your elbow on his arm to goad him into talking more stories, but there’s something about Mozus that you just can’t help but want to be a bother him a bit. And you’re happy when you heard that tired gruff of a sigh come out of him, like you’re an insistent kid from the playground that wanted to listen to stories instead of being on the monkey bars.
“Be patient,” Mozus shook his head but it wasn’t a verbal ‘no,’ “I’ll make do on my promise, but right now we’re on Noble Bell College’s campus, and we’d do well to listen to the years of history embedded within the walls and minds of the students here.”
“Gotcha gotcha,” you straightened yourself out, disappointed but not surprised, “I’ll be sure to remind you if you do forget. You lost that game of cards after all.”
He won’t, you’re sure of it, but you may as well give him a warning in advance that you’re going to be a bother until you get those stories.
Perhaps it was dirty of you to do that, coaxing Mozus into an old card game that just so happened to be relevant to the era he was teaching to Ace, Deuce and Grim, but you had gotten the cards as a gift from one of your faerie buddies and you couldn't pass up the opportunity that was presented to you.
Oh well, what can Mozus do besides complete his promise? Besides, he didn't say no to your request. You bet he does want to talk about her as much as you want to hear about it. Otherwise, why would he indulge you?
See, this is why Mozus is probably your favorite out of all your co-workers, barring his strict conduct.
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Regarding your last post, i would honestly love to see a jealous jade >:'DD
Jade doesn't seem like the type to get jealous easily and can keep himself usually in control.
So, like, imagine Jade heard/saw Miss Raven giving Rollo a Tour (because her generous uncle asked her to do so). Jade would probably find the situation amusing at first and would probably if he had the chance to tease miss raven about it, before he noticed how much time the two would have to spend together (again, explaining/giving a tour takes time). He would act as if he isn’t jealous. Jade would greatly maintain his facade with a smile. Jade would be seething on the inside while glaring holes at Rollo while quietly following them and just happen to stumble upon them wherever they went (What a coincidence!)
Or he would grab Miss Raven (just like in the fanart) and pull her close to him while he would scoff and mock Rollo under his breath. Imagine Rollo and Jade glaring at each other while Miss Raven is in between them.
Once alone, Jade would probably use his crocodile tears, sigh dramatically, or fake a pitiful expression trying to Guilt trip or make Miss Raven feel bad. Saying stuff like how's she's "cheating" on him. 😔
Rest assured, Jade wouldn’t let this incident pass by just like that. Now that he has a "love rival" (besides Rook), he has to step up his advances towards Miss Raven. After all, he can't just let his precious "Prey" escape from his grasp. How amusing Fu fu fu fu.
What do you think...? 👀
[Referencing this post!; the “giving Rollo a tour” premise comes from this fic!]
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Actually, I have to confess that Rollo has basically replaced Rook in my “top 3 TWST characters” list… OTL Superior fictional French man/j 😔 L*ona is in that top 3 ranking too—
EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT JEALOUS JADE 💀 I think about what he said he’d do to anyone that betrays him (in book 4)… ngl hot I’m sure he’s patient and meticulous about plotting his revenge though it’s one of his many charm points💕
I’m going to go a little ham with the rot prompt so @w@ I’ll slap it under a cut—
J word just doing his thing, passing as a Normal Student on campus when suddenly he spots his usual target for bullying teasing walking around with a stranger (he knows all the NRC students’ information by heart :)) as part of his information broker duties in Octavinelle). Ah, this must be the representative from NBC—the headmaster was in a tizzy about finding a tour guide for him, according to Azul upon his return from last week’s dorm leader meeting. The poor sap assigned the task? Miss Raven. He chuckles to himself, wondering how she’s faring with it. Should he mess with her? He should, shouldn’t he?
So Jade goes over to introduce himself, shakes Rollo’s hand and everything. He immediately notices him going for the handkerchief, how Rollo masks his expression with it—Jade already knows there’s more to him than meets the eye. He then goes to greet Raven, who is frozen in shock. “Erm… good to see you as well…” she says, trying to stay polite in front of their guest. (“You’re acquainted?” Rollo asks, to which she hurriedly replies he’s a waiter at Azul’s eatery.) Raven’s quick to guide him away, insisting that they’re on a tight schedule (they’re not), just to put distance between them and Jade. A shame he can’t fluster her more, but he’s patient—he can wait. Jade wishes them well and waves… but he doesn’t fail to notice Rollo passing him a stern look before leaving. The feeling the mututal, Jade doesn’t trust him one bit.
As Rollo is being led away, he addresses his tour guide. “That man’s smile was quite the fantastical ruse”. (“Oh, he’s always like that,” Raven says dismissively. “Don’t mind him.”) He scoffs, then asks, “… What is he to you?” to which Raven bashfully changes the subject. This only earns a suspicious glare from Rollo, but he doesn’t press further.
There’s something very offputting about Rollo, Jade just doesn’t know what it is yet. Jade’s a curious merman, so he sets to following the duo investigating for himself. The mild discomfort, unfortunately, only seems to grow the more and more he witnesses of Rollo and Raven. With Jade, she’s always so snippy and defensive—but with Rollo, she’s more encouraging and cheery. More forgiving. Then he catches her holding Rollo’s hand (albeit just to stare at his shiny ring). Sharing her favorite stories. Admiring the flowers. Having lunch. Feeding the birds and singing to them. Such raw, unguarded moments. She’s wary of showing that side of herself to Jade, yet to so easily share it with Rollo… He feels something dark and ugly twisting inside of him. Jealousy.
Jade makes it a point to be petty by “accidentally” interrupting their moments together. They’re just coincidences, he insists. Happenstance. Certainly not well-coordinated efforts to drive a wedge between them. (Jade literally stands between Rollo and Raven, making sure to include Rollo in the conversation so it’s not obvious what his intentions are—to monopolize her attention.) After the third encounter though, Rollo calls Jade out on his bullshit farce (“You honestly believe I would be convinced these encounters are mere coincidences? I am no fool. You’ve been following us around, haven’t you?”), which leads into Jade’s whole fake crying schtick (“I would never do such a heinous thing!! Shikushiku… Rollo-san does not trust me. Such a cruelty toward your peers.”)…
dbsvsjsc)cayDRSt/2egabwkeju788!j THEN MAYBE LIKE. Jade is especially dramatic (because he wants to piss Rollo off) and like lays his head on Raven’s shoulder or in the crook of her neck and pretend-sobs, asking Raven to please comfort him in his time of distress… and Rollo, being a prude, gets all mad about it????? Calling it indecent behavior and how dare he engage in public cuddling— (meanwhile Raven is short circuiting over here—) “J-J-Jade-senpai, p-please remove yourself from me! Y-You’re… you’re too close!! And too big! And heavy!!” she squeals, trying to shove him off (to no avail).
“Ah, it seems Miss Raven too has chosen to reject me,” Jade laments. “Whatever shall I do…? Perhaps I will die of a broken heart and dissipate into mere sea foam.” (“S-Stop being overdramatic! You’re fine…” Again, she tries to pull away, and shoots Rollo an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about this, I didn’t mean for…”) And there it is again—jealousy, now pulsating and hot. A hand shoots out, seizing Raven by the arm and pulling her close to him again. Jade drops the facade, holding her chin in one hand while he regards Rollo with a cold smile. Rollo meets him with a glare. “At last, you show your true colors.”
“Alas, you’ve yet to reveal your own to me.” Jade’s eyes are half-lidded, bemused. “You wear that mask of civility quite well—I cannot help but fret for the safety and wellbeing of my poor, sweet Miss Raven when she is left alone with you.” (Rollo’s eyes narrow at that. “You’re of no real importance to her,” he scoffs. “What a swelled ego you must have to elevate yourself to a higher pedestal. You ought to humble yourself.”)
Rollo steps forward, as if ready to retrieve his tour guide and to be on his merry way with her. Jade’s eyes flash dangerously—but he returns his attention to his captured prey, sharp teeth and warm breath at her ear as a whisper slinks out. “Please permit me to borrow your lips, Miss Raven.” (“H-Huh…? What are you say… NMMMMMMPHGH?!”) And suddenly 🤡 bro’s aggressively kissing her right in front of Rollo, who’s standing there utterly shocked and appalled. She gasps and tears away to catch her breath, to give Jade a piece of her mind for giving her a fright—but here he comes again 💀 this time lightly peppering her face with kisses, (murmuring sweet affirmations inbetween), just to reaaaaaally drive the message home to Rollo.
Speaking of Rollo, he points a shaky finger at Jade and starts firing off ALL the bad words in his lexicon (harlot, degenerate, pervert, freak…!!). Jade smirks, considering it a victory to both unnerve Rollo as well as making it clear what his relationship with “the tour guide” really is. Unfortunately for Jade, Raven’s annoyed with him, beating her small fists against his chest and pouting. He laughs and ruffles her hair fondly in spite of her protests. There’s her shyness, her cute vulnerable side. All for him, none for Rolloz
I’m not sure where it would go from here honestly 💦 but!! I do think that once Jade leaves the scene and Rollo and Raven have a moment with just the two of them, Rollo calms down from his outrage. “That odious man stole a kiss without obtaining proper consent. He has harmed you.” The disdain in his words is palpable. What follows, however, is more uncertain—Rollo’s not very good at being comforting. “… Are you alright?“ “Y-Yes, I’m fine,” she stammers, though she’s still embarrassed knowing that he had been a witness to Jade’s… possessiveness. Without realizing it, Raven’s fingers drift to her mouth, where the ghost of an eel’s lips linger. Rollo’s eyes follow, and they heat with an intense, unknown emotion.
“… Come here,” he orders. (Raven does.) Rollo wets his handkerchief using water drawn from the courtyard’s well, then sponges her face off with it. You’d think he’d aggressively scrub her down to be thorough and to fully expunge the merman cooties but no—he’s surprisingly gentle. “There. I’m afraid that is the best I can do for now. You should wash your face well tonight to ensure you are clean and free of… him.”
“Earlier, I asked what that man is to you. From your reaction, I had suspected him a beau—but no self-respecting person would act so shamelessly, nor disregard the wishes of their partner. Alas, that is how mages are: wicked and selfish to their very cores.” Rollo sighs as he wrings his handkerchief. “… If you ever find yourself becoming frustrated with his behavior, you need only seek my counsel. While it’s true that you live among mages, it’s clear that they’ve poisoned your mind. Perhaps it is possible to dispel that miasma and to guide you on a more righteous path. Renounce Night Raven College and its teachings. Revert to your natural state, free of magic. Come to me.”
(I’m delusional)
OH BUT AS SoON AS RORO’S OUT OF THE piCTURe (ie back at NBC) YOU BET YOUR ASS J WoRD’S COMINGBACK 😭 Crocodile tears out on full display to guilt trip and to milk Miss Raven for her pity… “Shikushiku… Miss Raven, I believe I’ve said that you’ve gone and broken my heart. What will you do to compensate me for it, hmm? I do believe I am owed at least one date—no, make that two. After all, you did cheat on me with Rollo-san.” (“It wasn’t a date…! I had no choice but to serve as his guide!! Besides, it’s not a crime to spend time with other people.”) They settle back into their usual pattern of bickering, but every so often Jade will catch her scribbling away on stationary (who is it addressed to?) which reinvigorates his suspicions. Well, he supposes that Rollo can’t become too intimate with her since he’s all the way in the City of Flowers. However, Jade will remain cautious now that he’s aware of Rollo’s presence.
NOT J WORD BEING CLINGY POSt-ROLLO VISIT… Not like, being whiny but more like stepping it up with acts of service (like offering to walk her to and from class, brewing her tea, etc) 🤢 Gotta ensnare her heart while Rollo isn’t physically around… Bro’s probably also going to be checking with the mailman ghost to see if Raven’s continuing letter correspondence with Rollo… He’s going to sabotage their communication—
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