#oh also she’s ambidextrous I guess
xcosmicsans · 3 months
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Whodave thoughk that the thing to get me actually posting my art here again would be The Legend of Zelda: You’re Not Gonna Believe This
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
9-1-1 Headcanons/Crack
A/N: I found this hiding in my drafts and giggled to myself way too much to not post it lmao.
- Athena kills the spiders. Bobby nopes the fuck away from them as soon as he sees them.
- The team prefers Buck stay away from large amounts of caffeine. Now it's bc they're terrified his heart will give out but before the lightning it was bc the adorable little shit would be bouncing off the walls after one RedBull. (Oh how I miss the days when caffeine gave me that kind of boost)
- Cat People: Buck, Hen, and Bobby
- Dog People: Eddie, Athena, Maddie
- Maddie & Buck take pinky promises VERY seriously. To them they're as serious as signing a legally binding contract or even selling your soul.
- Buck has a tiny adorable sneeze and it's never just one, always a minimum of three. Eddie & Bobby both scream sneeze but usually only once.
- God forbid Buck gets the hiccups. Bc not only do they last forever but he acts like they're gonna kill him.
- The one time the team managed to have a horror movie night the entire living room was covered in popcorn by the end of it bc Buck & Eddie hate horror movies and every time they got jump scared they flung their popcorn. And holy shit Buck screams like a girl. One of the scares made him scream so loud that he scared Eddie who was sitting right beside him who then launched his popcorn over his head and everyone behind them got showered in popcorn before the bowl landed on Bobby's head upside down like a hat.
- Nobody will even mention a haunted house because one Halloween, Hen snuck up behind Buck and whispered boo. The poor goof started flinging his arms around and accidentally smacked the shit out of Hen.
- Saw a meme with Buck thats said something about whats the word for when your hands are bisexual. Here's my take. Buck was trying to explain that he is ambidextrous one day but couldn't remember the word. "Damn it, what the hell is the word for when you can- for when- bisexual hands?!" Hen laughed so hard she nearly pissed herself before answering him "Ambidextrous, Buck."
- Saw someone headcanon that Hen and Buck bought Eddie a fake plant and convinced him was real as a prank. I think pranks are a common occurrence around the 118 but that prank specifically is the longest running and is stil going despite the fact that Buck nearly bursts into a fit of giggles every time he sees Eddie water the damn thing. Eddie actually knows its fake but his friends get a kick out of it so he plays along.
- The word's hippopotamus and Worcestershire are running jokes/challenges for the 118 team. For hippopotamus the challenge is to fit as many ps in there as possible. For Worcestershire it's just seeing who can pronounce it the most incorrect way.
- Buck loves to research shit right? He also enjoys reading. However, just because he can read big words doesn't mean he pronounces them correctly. The team is often lovingly correcting him on his pronunciation. Or sometimes he'll straight up spit out a word and hope they can play auto correct for him and figure it out.
- Hen can smell a budding romance from a mile away. She's also the queen of bets. So far, she holds the record for most bets won amongst the 118.
- Somehow various slang has made its way into 118's vocabulary. No one will ever forget the night Buck made dinner and Bobby took a bite before proceeding to claim it was "bussin'". Or the way Eddie always tells people "don't be so salty."
- The best people at sensing when Buck is about to be Buck are Maddie, Bobby, and Athena.
- Occasionally, someone will host a grill out and yep you guessed it, Bobby and Chimney man the grill (mostly Bobby) in full dad attire. When asked why, their response had the same vibes as "for shits and giggles".
- Buck has taken a liking to the phrase "Fuck it we ball," which terrifies everyone.
- That one tiktok audio but make it Eddie & Buck: Eddie: *lots of angry spanish* Buck: Someone tell me what he's saying! Wtf is he saying?! Dude, I don't speak Taco Bell! Buck can somewhat keep up with and understand it when Eddie is speaking slowly due to his time in Peru but damnit his brain doesn't process fast enough to translate the angry Spanish.
- Everyone has a habit of leaving their LAFD hoodies laying around and Buck has a habit of picking them up and pulling them on when he's cold without paying attention to what name is on the back. He once wandered up to dinner with Diaz written across his back. No one batted an eye except Eddie who pointed it out. Buck's only response was, "I knew this didn't smell right." Buck has also been caught wearing Bobby's hoodie a few times.
- Wait a damn minute. Let's talk scents. Buck wears a cologne that smells like cinnamon and fire. Eddie has a sandalwood or pine vibe. Chimney wears a citrusy scent. Bobby has an herby scent like maybe rosemary or just mint. Hen has a warm and cozy scent vibe to me so maybe vanilla and leather.
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squshiejelly · 5 months
so uh a intro about me because i saw some other students also doing it though i may be late to do this (with a face reveal bonus at the end (≧∇≦)/)
name - jelly (she/they)
age - i sorta uh cant remember
birthday - once again i cant remember
dominant hand - ambidextral
homeland - i cant seem to remember but i do know that i am a jellyfish merfolk
club - none atm
best subject - i cant remember BUT I DO KNOW THAT I AM GOOD AT LEAST 1 SUBJECT
hobbies - collecting cute stuff and forgetting
pet peeves - when someone does something completely fucking wrong and get away with no karma done to them
least favorite food - i forgot
talent - DRAWING though i always black out whenever i try to draw OH and uh summoning butterflies i guess? i honestly dont know, they just kinda follow me everywhere
UM - i cant remember the name of my unique magic but basically my unique magic allows me to place colors and stuff so if you see the blue in my hair in like different places in my hair, thats why (≡^∇^≡)
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MY FRIENDS HELPED ME TAKE THIS though i don't know where the eyeballs came from, i think one of my friends edited them in
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snailsrneat · 6 months
"Oh, You came to tell me happy birthday?..Heh, thank you for your consideration."
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
HII EVERYONE! So since it's Twyla's Birthday today I thought I'd give everyone a little treat and show off what I've been working on behind the scenes the last couple weeks.
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The prefect of Ramshackle, popular amongst her peers for her laid back demeanor. She loves the arts and expressing herself through multiple mediums. Specifically through fashion, often choosing to dress in alternative clothing styles. Despite the visual difference, she blends in quite well among the other students. Even with her temperamental companions.
This is Twyla's new (and final) design! Let's talk about her little bit.
She's technically twisted from two different characters. Them being Bruno, from Encanto, and the three Fates from Hercules.
The three Fates are actually where I got the idea to give her the hobby of sewing, because I wanted her to have an association with string. Also they inspired the name of her unique magic magic.
Bruno mostly inspired her unique magic (like how it works and what it does) as well as parts of her personality and design.
Specifically he inspired her hoodie.
Aside from that though, design wise I also was inspire by other popular cartoon characters like The Hex Girls from Scooby-Doo, and Gwen from Total Drama.
I specifically wanted to go with a more grunge or goth aesthetic, mostly because we don't really see said aesthetics explored much through the canon cast, so it would give a good visual difference. Also she just matched ramshackle more.
But let's get to some actual character facts shall we?
Twyla is left-handed, but is slightly ambidextrous when it comes to using her hands for anything other than writing.
Her favorite food is pancakes, when asked why she just blinked and shrugged. "I dunno' know. Just make me feel like a little kid again."
Her least favorite food is Brussel-Sprouts, which she also allergic to.
She's been known to have several hobbies including sewing, drawing, designing, reading, writing, scrapbooking, photography, gaming, and baking.
It is also good to note that she has ADHD and it's hard to keep her attention one thing for long periods of time.
Atleast when it comes to things like school work. Her hobbies take up most of her free time.
She has lilapsiphobia, or the intense fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. She developed it due to a traumatic event during her childhood.
She is an orphan with a deceased mother and a "missing" father.
She use to work many different jobs when in the foster care system, ranging from an unground boxer to maid at a maid cafe.
She was in the fostercare system for a long time, until she turned sixteen. Which is when her inheritance kicked in and allowed her to move back in to her childhood home.
Until 6 months later when she was transported into Twst.
Her favorite flowers are Holly-Hocks.
She has been given many different nicknames by the rest of the cast bit to her the strangest happens to be what Vil calls her "French Fry#1"
Speaking of nicknames, Floyd often refers to her as "Manatee" or "Manny-Chan".
Let's hear some of her homescreen voicelines.
"Oh, hey, you look tired. Do you need take a break in the guest room?"
"OH! Shit. Forgot that I had homework for Trein today. *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to do it during Alchemy today."
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just drawing while waiting for class to start. You can join me if you'd like!"
"*Huff* *Huff*, huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just, uhm, got distracted watching the squirrels and I had to run to make sure I wasn't late is all. Don't worry."
"Where's Grim? I don't know, probably off committing crimes against humanity...AGAIN."
"Uuuuugh, Crowley keeps bugging me about some stupid fight between a Pomefiore and Savannaclaw student. Why can't people at this school just learn to make up on their own?"
"Ramshackle dorm actually has some pretty neat history if you can find some of the old N.R.C. school books. Did you know that Ramshackle has never had a housewarden? Only ever Prefects."
"Man, if I have to hear Ace and Deuce bicker about something dumb one more time I think I might actually commit murder."
"Heh, Azuls flustered face is so funny. He's makes it so easy to want to bully him I almost can't stop myself."
"Leona I swear to fu- Oh! You're not Leona...don't worry about what I was just about to say, okay?"
*flops down face down on mattress*
Idk man my brain is tired and overworked. Also say happy birthday to me, it's my birthday I've been working hard.
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Midoriya-sensei AU
Part 4: Can I get your autograph?
Part 3 | Ao3 | Part 5.1
When the children were sent home after lunch, Izuku returned to the staff room and used the recess time to take some notes in his journal dedicated to Serenity Hero: Shoto, which he’d brought with him for the occasion.
While he was homeroom teacher for his first grade class, he taught English—his fluency heavily influenced by his obsession with All Might—and fortnightly Quirk Studies to upper elementary in the afternoon, so he had about twenty minutes before his next class. That was certainly enough time to word-dump everything he'd learnt from Shoto's visit, especially given that the staff room was empty for once; no distractions. It was also ideal because that way none of his co-workers could witness the dopey smile plastered to his face as he wrote.
More handsome in person
Doesn't use honorifics uses honorifics with teachers
Ambidextrous but prioritises his right hand
Good with children—patient, accommodating and blunt (in a good way)
Soft-spoken (voice cooler sexier calmer in person) and doesn't interrupt. Good listener
Smile is better in person. He smiled at me six times! Eyes crinkle and he gets one dimple ♡
Izuku had ten minutes to spare when he finally finished, so didn’t rush as he returned the journal to his bag. As he knelt down to get to his locker though, he heard the door open. Expecting it to be one of the other teachers, Izuku chirped what Todoroki had called a "retail greeting", and zipped up his bag without looking up.
'Good afternoon, Midoriya-sensei.'
Izuku almost jumped out of his skin and hurriedly got to his feet to find Shoto standing by the door, watching him with curious dichromatic eyes. Izuku flushed, partly at their intensity and partly because he literally just had his ass stuck in the air.
'Shoto-san! What're you doing here?' He immediately winced and waved his hands in front of his face placatingly. 'Not that you shouldn't be here! I wasn't trying to be accusatory! Of course, you're free to go wherever you want, I just wondered… why here in particular?'
He trailed off with a sigh, but if the hero was affronted or annoyed, he didn't show it.
'Nee- Todoroki-sensei told me to wait here, seeing as I'm talking to her grade 5 maths class next.'
'Oh, I see.' Izuku replied with a nod, only for the two of them to fall into silence. Several seconds passed as he tried to get his mouth to work, shuffling on his feet and rubbing his arm. For years, he'd built up an array of questions for the man in front of him, yet now he couldn't even formulate a sentence.
Luckily, the hero spoke first.
‘You’re really good with kids.’ Shoto looked stiff, if not for his left hand, where he tapped his fingers with his thumb, one by one. Perhaps he was nervous too, not that he had any reason to be.
‘I hope so.’ Izuku laughed awkwardly in response, rubbing the back of his head. ‘Otherwise I’d be in the wrong occupation.’
‘That’s true.’ Shoto scratched his cheek and looked away, not sure how to continue.
‘Thank you though. If it means anything, you’re also good with kids.’ Izuku flashed him a warm smile. ‘Todoroki-san told me you were, so it isn't surprising, but still, I thought I should say.’
‘Nee-san?’ Shoto seemed shocked for a moment. 'She talks about me?'
'Just to me, because we’re friends. She knows I love heroes, and she's very fond of you, so it works out in both of our favours.' He waved nonchalantly, grabbing his water bottle from the table to refill. However, when Shoto remained silent, Izuku suddenly realised. ‘Sorry! I hope that’s okay! She doesn’t talk about your personal life or anything, and it’s not like I’m a crazy obsessive fan… Well, I guess some would consider me obsessive, but not like a stalker! It's more that I’m fascinated by you and I’ve seen all your fights and I like to document heroes in general, but I’m not- I…’
‘Midoriya-sensei, it’s okay.’ Shoto’s lip twitched slightly. ‘Nee-san talks about you a lot too. I know you’re a good person.’
This time, it was Izuku's turn to freeze.
'S-S-She talks about…' He shook his head and laughed nervously as he pointed to himself. 'That worries me. I've done lots of embarrassing things in front of her.'
Like fawn over you.
'She's only ever had good things to say.' Shoto shrugged. 'I always like hearing her work stories, especially the ones involving you. Is it true that you greeted everyone by saying "namaste" for an entire year?'
Izuku could feel his face burn.
'W-Well, yes.' He had to stop stuttering. 'But for good reason, I promise. Has sh-she told you about "Global Month"?'
The hero nodded.
'Each class learns about a specific country for a month, then there's one day at the end where everyone goes around and sees each class's work, right? It's meant to encourage diversity and understanding of other cultures. Nee-san had the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago this year, I think?'
'Yeah!' Izuku brightened, finally refilling his bottle. 'Well, a few years ago, she had Italy and I had India, and because Hindi is one of the official languages of India, I decided to substitute "kon’nichiwa" with "namaste" for the month, to help the kids remember it. So, whenever I saw my pupils in the morning or during break or in passing, that's how I'd greet them, except it kind of became a habit that stuck for the rest of the school year. I ended up saying it to everyone, including the parents and the other teachers. They weren't impressed though, and it's better for everyone if I placate them, so I stopped... I still occasionally use it with Todoroki-san and the older students though.'
'Fuyumi mentioned how the other teachers act around you.' Shoto frowned. 'It's shitty.'
'Shoto-san!' Izuku squeaked, looking around despite the fact that they were alone, before sighing. 'They're not bad, honestly. I've had worse, plus they're professional in front of students and parents, which is what's most important. Other than that, they can think what they want about me… but I still try to be more agreeable when I can.'
Shoto's frown deepened.
'Have you done or said anything to warrant their dislike, other than be quirkless?'
After all these years, Izuku still held back a flinch at that word.
'I mumble a lot and can come across as fake and a try-hard.' He offered weakly. 'I have ASD too, which doesn't help.'
'So do I, but that doesn't affect how they see me.' Shoto responded bluntly and, well, that admission made a lot of sense, thinking about it. 'They're quirkist bastards and you owe them nothing.'
For the second time that day, Izuku was fighting back tears from something Shoto had said. He probably looked like a crybaby—hell, he was a crybaby—and yet he wasn't met with any judgement.
'Thank you, Shoto-san.' He swallowed thickly, flashing him a wobbly smile. 'That means a lot.'
The hero nodded his head in acknowledgement, but otherwise said nothing while Izuku regained his composure.
At a loss for what to say, he let out a wet chuckle. 'You're such a good hero.'
'I sure hope so.' Shoto's lips pulled into a small smile as he echoed Izuku's own words. 'Otherwise I'd be in the wrong profession.'
Despite himself, Izuku snorted out a laugh that reverberated through the staff room.
'That's true.' He giggled, feeling some semblance of confidence return. 'Yet I haven't even asked you for an autograph. My inner fanboy is ashamed.'
'Well, let's remedy that.' Shoto replied nonchalantly. 'You have a pen?'
Izuku's eyes bugged out and he hastily retrieved his journal, fishing a pen out from his hair in the process. When he presented them, however, he registered the surprise on the hero's face at seeing a book dedicated solely to him.
'Ah… I'd explain, but I got nothing. It's exactly what it looks like.' Izuku was bright red and sweating. 'Documenting heroes has always been my favourite hobby—strategies, fighting styles, strengths and weaknesses—even after I was told I could never become one. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable… a lot of people find it creepy.'
Shoto shook his head, before gently taking it from him.
'I'm not uncomfortable. Any preference where you want me to sign?' When Izuku hesitantly pointed to the inside cover, he clicked the pen and wrote, keeping the message a secret. Once finished, dichromatic eyes glanced at the rest of the page, which probably showed the list of contents and page numbers. 'You're really thorough.'
'Ah… yeah, sorry.'
'Don't be. It's a good thing.' Shoto closed the journal and handed it back to Izuku. 'I hope one day you'll let me read through it. Maybe I'll learn something.'
'Of c-course!' He hugged the book close to his chest, thinking about all the little doodles that would betray his crush. 'It just needs a little… editing first.'
'Mhm.' Shoto regarded him for a moment, before turning away. 'Well, I best be on my way to the next class before the bell rings. It was a pleasure talking to you, Midoriya-sensei.'
'Y-You too!' Izuku exclaimed, bowing low in response to the hero's little wave. Once he heard the door close, he straightened up and frantically opened the journal, only to immediately baulk. 'Holy All Might.'
From one hero to another,
090-XXX-XXXX (I trust you won't post this anywhere)
Izuku was glad the school bell drowned out his ecstatic squeal. It didn't even occur to him that Todoroki never did come to collect Shoto from the staff room.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you 😌
You writers are something else. It's amazing how ideas and words just flow in your head. I wish I had that. I have the imagination and all but I can't put it into words 😅
How many times do you reread your stuff and know when to post it? Like how do you know that it's a good piece and it's ready for the world to see?
Hahaha I only do it to break the ice. Cause I never know how to approach someone just normally, I'm awkward in person so when I meet someone I just try to say something corny or funny.
I am right handed. Fun fact, apparently when I was younger I was left handed but my mom "forced" me to write with my right hand. How about you?
Do you think love at first sight is a thing?
- CuriousGeorge
Hi hi! The healthy eyebag. lol.
aw thank you so much! I appreciate it so much! Oh sometimes the idea can flows well sometimes they dont.
Someday I can have the will to write but then no idea. Sometimes I have the idea but not in the mood to write. lol.
Mostly I got my ideas or imaginations from music and I usually got it when I was taking a shower because I always plays my music when I do so. Sometimes I got new plot of stories or just simple additional ideas for the request that I got and grows the plot. Sometimes I got the idea from my writer friends that helps me brainstorming.
I alwyas lost count how many I re-read my work until I post it. Even though i re-read it many times, there's still some errors i find after I post it. lol.
I always make sure no typo, n tried my best to write gramatically correct. that's why it takes extra time for me until i post it. Plus, I always try to find gif or picture that match with story. If i cant find it, sometimes I make my own picture edit or something like a cover or header (espcially if it's a multichapters or mini series)
plus deciding the title, it can be easy to find it can be hard to find. lol. even though i have fun when it's time to pick the title.
haha i think we r kinda similar but u hv more confidence in u. lol. well, not all eyebags are the same with the other, right? hahahahaha.
OMG! I swear i said OMG out loud when I read the part about ur funfact on left handed or right handed. because it HAPPENED to me!!! hahaha. I was born left handed, i remember when i was a kid, I always do stuff with my left hand, eating, playing, holding things or taking things, even writing but since in indonesia culture is considered impolite to do things with left handed (because it's the hand most people do to clean up their body after potty) so my mom "forced" me to write n do things with right handed. Now i'm right handed but not really. it's so funny that it happened to us. Was ur mom's reason teach u right handed because of that culture things?
I can say that I'm ambidextrous now. I used both hands daily but my natural dominant hand is left. but also right handed because i was taught right handed. so some daily things like cutting with knife or scissors, i use right hand. some daily things are right handed. but mostly I use left hand.
when I eat sometimes I swtch between two hands. I write with both hands but my left doesnt do as good or as fast as my right.
That's why my bow is left handed. I shoot guns left handed, i hit baseball with left hand. I can throw with both hands. its fun but i love it if i end up become a lefty. lol
fun fact, i noticed that my daughter is ambidextrous. hahahahaha. i guess she copies me but her left hand is more dominant.
yes, i believed in love at first sight. because it happened to me twice. to my ex gf and my husband. lol. what about u?
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cupidsintern · 3 years
shot thru the heart, pt 2
pt 1 here!
Steve shoves Billy's perfect handwriting homework in his binder with his own shitty notes and thinks immediately that it doesn't belong there. Too good. Too Perfect. Too pretty. Like the tails on Billy’s lowercase Gs and Ys- pretty. He thinks of that the whole time he’s copying free responses and trying to change the wording just enough so it sounds different- he just dumbs it down, has to guess at what a couple words mean, Billy writes all intellectual-
But actually Steve sort of feels like he learns something. Sort of feels like he gets it a little better in just the way Billy describes it back to himself. And Billy only did this to be helpful- the extended “I’m really actually sorry” of making sure someone passes at least one of their fucking classes. Steve wonders briefly if Billy would ever like, tutor him or something. Then he shoves that thought right the fuck back where it came from because the pit of what he’s sure is jealousy in his stomach fucking writhes or some shit when he thinks about being around Billy that much. Even just looking at his handwriting…
Steve takes an extra long, extra think-y shower after he finishes his homework.
Steve hands Billy’s work back in the hallway just outside their shared second period. He even waits by the door, a solid two minutes before the bell, leaning against a row of lockers trying not to look at the stupid depression-inducing decor. He’s not-thinking about it so hard that he doesn't notice Billy until he’s right there, close-
“Aw, you waited for me?” Billy says, mock-sweet, taking his work back out of Steve's hands.
Steve recovers from his surprise faster. “You wish.”
“Don’t I ever.” Billy’s already walking into class, sorta mumbles that last part. Steve follows him in.
And they don’t talk for the rest of class- there’s no homework. But Steve can feel like he can sense Billy's presence more again, now. Like before, but somehow worse...
Jealousy is a bitch.
Steve does get the last last homework he turned in back, though. This one also copied from Billy, and-
B-. improving! Is written at the top of the page. Great, Steve’s improving. Just in time for fucking spring semester of his senior year. And the improvement isn't even his it’s-
The bell rings. Billy’s up and out of his desk so fast his backpack clips the edge of the adjacent desk as he slings it ever so casually over his left shoulder. Everytime, he's so fast. Like he can’t be in any one place too long- like a shark.
That's a thing right? Steve thinks. Sharks. They have to keep swimming or they like, die or something.
Steve realizes he’s just been staring at the door Billy walked out of several moments ago and he blinks. Shakes his head a little, he’s spacing out too much.
Then he looks down.
A sheet of note paper lays face up on the floor next to him. W Hargrove in its top right corner- more notes.
Steve grabs the sheet of paper off the floor and shoves it into his backpack, before he even really has time to think about what he’s doing, why he’s doing it- burning hot something in the deepest pit of his stomach it’s jealousy it has to be- before getting up and walking out of class.
So why did Steve take Billy’s notes? Why, to give them back of course.
Billy probably needs it back, this half finished sheet of chemistry bullshit from- jesus from October?
Okay, well if Billy doesn't need it back, maybe Steve can just. Keep it. Keep it and stare at it and hate every single one of those perfectly lined up conversion equations that he remembers not understanding at all. Billy must be in honors classes, too, because some of it Steve doesn't remember. He spends way too much time looking at it when he gets home, sits down at his desk, ignores every fucking thing else in his backpack and pulls just the sheet out.
W Hargrove
The W is so even. It makes Steve’s blood boil. And all the slashes are perfectly parallel- Steve traces his finger under the numbers. He sets his hand on the paper, as if he were holding a phantom pencil, thinks how a past version of Billy traced his hand over this paper just the same way when he took these notes. Steve wasn't sure if he could remember Billy being a lefty or a righty, but he was so smart…
Steve took his hand off the paper suddenly, like it had burned him. Something… didn't sit right.
He folded the paper in half once and slid it back into his binder- more carefully than before- and switching to attempting to finish his homework.
Billy was a lefty. But technically he was a. Am. Ambiv- nope. The thing! Where you can switch hands. It’s- Ambidextrous? Yes. That.
Steve congratulated himself a little for remembering the word, then went back to completely spacing out thinking he could hear the sound of Billy's pencil scratching across his notebook behind Steve in class.
He did not pay attention at all, the whole day, the warm red feeling making his skin tingle and his feet itch like he had to walk somewhere. He got up to use the bathroom twice in the same class period, which the teacher wasn't too happy about, but whatever. Fuck her. She didn't have to sit in front of Billy and look at his perfect notes every time he found himself looking over his shoulder to check the time.
“What’s got you tweaking?” Billy’s voice snaps Steve out of his trance.
“What?” Steve looks over his shoulder again, this time directly at Billy, who's looking directly back at him, which makes him feel like his brain got left out in the sun.
“Tah-week-ing.” Billy says again, slower like he’s letting Steve catch up, stupid Californian drawl.
“Oh just. Uh. Just nervous.”
“Test isn’t for another two weeks, pretty boy.”
The warm feeling is back in full force, Steve thinks it must be because of how calm and collected Billy sounds, like he couldn't care less about the test. “Not all of us can be geniuses, okay?”
Billy laughs a little- it’s pretty, softer. Steve hates it. “Bold words from someone copying my homework.”
Steve frowns a little, he can’t help it, makes to turn back around but Billy catches his shoulder-
“Hey,” Billy starts, hesitates like he’s thinking about something
Warm turns to hot, Steve’s sweating and he’s only in a windbreaker.
“If you need like. Serious help with classwork, you could always borrow my notes.”
Steve blinks. It’s a lot nicer of an offer than just letting someone copy off you. A lot nicer than Billy usually is to him. Less of an apology, more of, like, an invitation.
Is Billy trying to be his friend?
“I,” Steve starts “Might take you up on that-”
The teacher shushes both of them. Steve turns back to sitting, facing the front.
God, is he jealous of Billy being able to be nice?
-> pt 3
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karahalloway · 3 years
20 Questions
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Thanks so much for the tag @bebepac! I love stuff like this!  🤩
Nickname: Kati (Kara is a pen name). Alternatively, I go by ‘Bunny’ (husband) and ‘Mommy’ (my son).
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius and proud! 😊
Height: 170cm, which is approx. 5′ 6′’ (I used to be 168cm but I ended up grown 2cm while I was pregnant... weird, huh)
Last Movie I saw: Erm... I think it was Snatch. We definitely watched Snatch last weekend, but I can’t remember if we’ve watched another movie since then... Unless it’s to do with my fics, my memory is terrible... 😅
Last thing I Googled: Italian swearwords (you will understand when I post Chapter 2 of Sleepless in New York!)
Favourite Musician: Eugh... I have no idea! What music I listen to depends on what mood I’m in. But at the moment it’s a bit of a four-way tie between Luke Bryan, Jeremy Renner and Ed Sheeran (previously it was Chris Stapleton and Mikolas Josef).
Song Stuck in my head: Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran (my new favourite song!) Did I mention I like Ed Sheeran at the moment...? 😅
Other Blogs: https://yycwalkies.wordpress.com/ Haven’t updated it since I started writing fanfic though...
Blogs Following: Mostly TRR writers, but some art, photography and movies/TV shows as well
Sleep Patterns: A lot 😆 I love sleep! I got to bed between 9:30pm and 10:00pm usually as I need to be up by 7:00am to take my son to pre-school and I need at least 9 hours of sleep a night to be functional the next day.
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 14, 72
What am I wearing: Cosy sweatpants, t-shirt and an oversized cardigan (it’s winter where I am - as in cold + snow). When I’m at home, I wear ‘home’ clothes.
What would I do if capitalism didn’t exist: Guess it kind of depends on what we’d have instead... Would it be communism (in which case I’d probably be writing for some kind of underground anti-establishment publication), or something more idealistic like a hippie commune (in which case I’d be reconnecting with nature and doing a lot of yoga)
Dream Trip: Oh, my God... so many! I want to go see the Pyramids, Machu Pichu, the Great Wall of China, Japan, New Zealand, Yellowstone, go on safari in Kenya, cruise around the Med, Istanbul, Ireland, Scotland, Montana, Texas, explore all of Canada... The list goes on!
Favourite Food: Again... This is a hard question. Depends on what mood I’m in. But I will very rarely turn down Asian-fusion, sushi, Indian, burgers, Italian- or New York-style pizza (I like the thin crust). And cake. I love cake! 🍰
Instruments I play: None at the moment... I used to play the piano in elementary school and flute in middle school, but I’ve totally forgotten these skills now!
Languages I speak: English, Hungarian and some French. I used to be able to speak Danish (spent a year abroad there and took a month-long Danish language course). I can also read and get the gist of Spanish based on French. Just don’t ask me to say anything!
Favourite Songs: Oh, so many! Some of them include: 
Ed Sheeran - Shivers, Bad Habits, Stop the Rain, Sing, Shape of You, Galway Girl
Luke Bryan - Move, My Kind of Night, Driving This Thing, Knockin’ Boots, Country Girl (Shake It For Me)
Jeremy Renner - Nomad, Just My Type, She’s a Fire, Main Attraction
Chris Stapleton - Parachute, Tennessee Whiskey
Bryan Adams - Open Road, Run to You, The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me is You
Mikolas Jozef - Lie to Me, Colorado, Me Gusta
Other - Good Times Roll (Jimmie Allen & Brad Plaisley), Old Town Road (Lil Nas X & Bill Ray Cyrus), Honky Tonk On (Hayden Haddock), All Eyes on Us (Jon Langston), Must Be the Whiskey (Cody Jinks), High Horse (Nelly, Breland & Blanco Brown), Throw it Back (Breland & Keith Urban), Hard to Leave (Riley Green), Lit in the Sticks (Ryan Langdon), Chasing After You (Ryan Hurd & Maren Morris), She Drives Me Crazy (Brad Kissel), Take My Breath (The Weeknd)
Random facts about me: I’ve lived in 7 countries so far; when I was young (like a toddler) I was ambidextrous and really good a drawing (according to my mom, at any rate!); I’ve been writing since high school; I’ve loved reading since elementary school; I’m a total introvert and need to spend some alone time each day, or I get massively grouchy; we have two doggos and a catto; I love horse riding and hiking; I love chocolate!
Tagging @aussiegurl1234 @angelasscribbles @nestledonthaveone @petiteboheme @walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @peonierose​ and anyone else who wants to share some info about themselves!
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 3 years
saw your post so go ahead and give us all of your DY headcanons
So...whoops this has been sitting in my drafts FOREVER and I deeply apologize anon. I wanted to go into it more but unfortunately it was forgotten and I feel terrible and I just wanna post it instead of leaving it forever again. 😔 my apologies again. So here's some headcanons specifically about Donald and Della.
So I'm guessing by DY you mean DT so I'm going with DT headcanons and if I misunderstood then I'm sorry anon 😂
Oh boy now I have to figure my thoughts 😂 this is not very organized!
Most of these will make an appearance in The Attempt and the Aftermath but some won't. I'm going to avoid putting ones that I feel will be spoilers.
Tombs DT Headcanons
He's ambidextrous
His parents taught him and Della the piano and guitar but it stuck better with Donald than it did Della.
His strengths are language, music, and arts. Reading, writing, learning other languages, drawing, playing music, etc. It's a kind of sad irony since so many people struggle to understand him.
He can speak, write, and understand English, Spanish, Portuguese, (courtesy of José and Panchito), Greek (courtesy of Storkules), Latin (courtesy of Quackfaster), and American Sign Language (courtesy of Hortense) also a small bit of Scottish Gaelic (courtesy of Fergus and Downy) and French (later in life courtesy of Daisy)
His voice being hard to understand is due to his vocal cords being underdeveloped when he was born. This causes him pain a lot of times, especially when he's sick or speaks a lot. (Already partially explored in my fic but some more coming up)
He was in the Navy for just under 4 years. (More on this coming up in TA&TA)
He doesn't like flying but his fear didn't really set in until after losing Della.
Donald has depression, anxiety, PTSD, haphephobia the fear of being touched, and selective mutism. Heavily explored in my fic with healing as the goal.
Panchito taught him his "world famous chili"
Donald is actually a pretty good cook when his luck doesn't mess with him and actually has access to better ingredients.
He mostly likes rock and metal music but he's open to all music of course. But he's still got a lot of his grunge tendencies.
His greatest fear is not being good enough for the boys.
Daisy is his first kiss, first really serious relationship, first all of it. He's a little bit embarrassed by it but he's just never really had time or even really opportunity to form romantic relationships before her.
He has the worst temper between him and Della but is more patient.
He used to really like sitcoms but now he can't really stand them. He doesn't watch TV much anymore. He's very tired.
Della is right handed.
Her strengths are more mathematical, scientific, and mechanical. She's actually quite intelligent when she really applies herself. It's just that a lot of time she's impatient and rushes in.
Della has a better temper than Donald but she still has the Duck temper. She is less patient than him though.
Della knows English, sign language, and Greek (courtesy of Selene). Languages don't stick quite as well with her so she relies on Donald more so for language stuff.
If Huey, Dewey, and Louie were girls she'd have given them the same Jet, Turbo, and Rebel names. ("What can I say? These are awesome names and gender neutral.")
Della claims she doesn't believe in astrology and horoscopes but she kinda secretly does.
She didn't go to college but she did attend a private flight academy for a year to get her pilot's license.
Also she isn't completely tomboy. There is a feminine side to her but she will only reveal it when she wants to. This mostly happens with her female friends but the family sees it sometimes. But as a whole she prefers adventure and sports and "masculine" things. (All of which is valid)
Her favorite TV shows are of the action/adventure and mystery/crime genre.
She's the oldest by 2 minutes.
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dancingazaleas · 4 years
bertholdt hoover | mc donald’s
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HELPLPPPP i love he 🥺 i love he so much
sorry if this was trash :-(( i was rlly sleepy when i wrote this. pls enjoy
warnings/notes: cursing, modern au, highschool au, bertholdt, reiner, marcel, and reader are seniors, porco is a junior, reader is marcel’s twin, bert is ambidextrous (my headcanon), hard pining, bert’s a music prodigy, female reader
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when you meet him, it was at your house on a friday night.
porco and marcel had decided to have their obnoxious and messy friend group over at the house while your parents were away for the weekend doing god knows what.
you were just annoyed that your mom said their friends could come over.
it wasn’t that they were inheritaly bad people, it was just that they were overly loud and, somehow, always forgot to pick up their shit before they left. you’d always get your ass chewed out by your mom for it too.
you also hated going downstairs whenever they were there. if marcel or porco caught even a glimpse of you, they would pester you to play a round of super smash bros and wii sports with them and the group. whenever the two of them started to pester, usually reiner would join in until you would cave. reiner was annoying when it game to game nights.
so, you sat upstairs in your room trying to go to sleep and drown out their laughter and yelling, but you couldn’t. they were too fucking loud.
you texted both porco and marcel angrily, telling them ‘shut your fucking mouths i cant fucking sleep’. you concluded that they were too distracted to notice your texts when they continued to yell and laugh. you scoffed and decided that you’d just try to scroll through social media and rant to ymir over text.
30 minutes had passed and the group downstairs showed no signs of quieting down and you were starting to get hungry. so with a sigh, you made your way downstairs towards your kitchen with the intention of finding pizza flavored goldfish in mind.
you were glad you weren’t noticed when you passed by the living room, that meant no pizza flavored goldfish. you opened the door to the pantry only to find cereal, protein powder and bars, porco and marcel’s chips, and the food your mom and dad ate.
this meant they had used your food for this get together. you groaned loudly and slammed the door to the pantry shut. the echo of it immediately silenced the large group in the living room, which held your next homicide victims.
you stomped into the room, irritation written all over your face as you looked at your brothers, who were hugging each other in fear.
“first, you ignore my texts asking you to shut your big fucking mouths. then, you decided death when you chose to serve your friends my food.” the two teenage boys nodded wearily.
with a battle scream, you jumped over the coffee table and on top of them on the leather couch, fists swinging. they shrieked in fear, scrambling under your weight to get away as everyone else in the room laughed at the scene.
you sat on porco’s back, the main offender, and held his head up by digging your thumbs into the bones of his eyebrows.
“porco, if you want me off of your’s and marcel’s ass in the next week; you better drive me to fucking mc donald’s, get me food, and pay for it!!! deal?!” you shouted at him, kicking away the hand that was reaching around to shove you away.
he slammed him palm onto the couch two times, “okay, okay!!! deal!! now get your ass off of me!!!”
you let go of his face and got off of him, but not without giving him a hard slap to the side of the head.
reiner hooted and clapped his large hands together, “another wrestling victory for (name)!!!”
everyone laughed a little, and you did a little bow before plopping down next to pieck, a college student you met in junior year while she was a senior who you were actually quite close with.
“how do you always manage to get your ass kicked by (name) everytime we come here,” zeke, another friend you’d met in junior year while he was in his senior year, snickered at the misery of porco.
“ha ha,” porco gave a monotone laugh, “leave me alone old man.”
“porco, where’s my mc donalds,” you sang and watched marcel roll his eyes a little.
“(name), it’s 11 o’clock at night. i’m not going to get you fucking mc donalds,” porco snapped but cowered away when you made the slight movement of getting up onto your feet.
“bertholdt’ll drive ‘em!” reiner piped up and everyone turned to said bert.
you felt yourself getting flustered when you took a look at bertholdt. he was tall and lean guy cowering in the corner of your couch with dark red cheeks as he stared back at you. his hair was a dark brown and he had the prettiest light jade colored eyes with a hooked nose right between them.
“oh...,” you were stunned, which was a uncommon occurrence, and felt like it was just you and him, “yeah... i’m down. i don’t think we’ve met before.”
bertholdt gave a shy nod and stood up for the couch, and you noticed just how tall he was. before you could make a step towards him however, porco jumped to his feet and got between you.
“nope! changed my mind! get in the tr—,” you shoved him back onto the couch next to marcel, who had a small and gentle smile.
“bert’s gonna get some,” pieck teased with a giggle as she poked at your sides from her seat.
you laughed bashfully and slapped her hands away, telling bertholdt that you were ready to leave when he was. pieck seized her attacks when you followed after bertholdt when he made his way to your front door.
“don’t forget to use protection,” annie shouted nonchalantly, the whole room bursting into laughter.
after that, both you and bertholdt hurried to get out of the house and into his car.
which led you to now, sitting in the parking lot of the sketchy and dingy mc donald’s eating and talking.
“wait, so when reiner...,” you chew while laughing, “told you marcel had a twin, you thought it was a prank?”
bertholdt chuckles shyly and nods, “yeah. i just.. i never saw you around cause no one pointed you out when we were at school. reiner would do stuff like that ever since we were kids.”
you shake your head with a smile, “so, why’d you decide to transfer to titan high just a couple weeks ago?”
bertholdt thinks for a second, “better music program. reiner mentioned something about it to me once, so then i did my own research. titan has multiple opportunities for their students to get a chance at getting scholarships to prestigious universities for fine arts by competing. also, all my friends are here.”
your heart swells as the way bertholdt eyes shine as he speaks of the music program, so much that you forget to answer for a second.
“oh! so, what instrument do you play?”
“uhm... i play the cello, violin, viola, double bass,” he pauses, “i’m learning the harp, piano, lyre, and the guitar.”
you gape at him, “so you’re a prodigy?!”
he blushes and gives a small shrug, “i’ve never really considered myself as such... but i guess by definition i am.”
“th-then why the hell are you going to titan high?!”
“i still wanted to be a normal kid. my dad put me in public schools with decent music programs so i could still play. my favorites are the piano and the cello.”
“hold out your hand for a second,” you request, to which he obliges.
you take it into your own hand, eyes scanning over the palm of his massive hand. his fingers are worn and he has a writer’s bump on his middle finger despite it being his left hand. he has a bandaid on his pinky finger and the tips of his fingers are a flushed red as well as his knuckles. his nails are perfectly even and trimmed and you notice a scar on his thenar stretching to his radial longtitude crease. you run the tip of your finger over the scar, ignoring how bertholdt flinches at the contact.
bertholdt’s blushing and he feels like he’s going to pass out on the spot. the only other girls he’s been this close to were pieck, annie and his friend ymir, who all have girlfriends.
but then bertholdt feels the soft skin of your lips gently kissing at the scar on his hand with your eyes closed. his heart races and it feels like it’s beating out of his chest.
bert’s pretty sure he can see black dots in his vision.
you look him in the eyes now, “i know we haven’t known each other for that long, but you’re really beautiful, bert.”
bertholdt flushed cheeks turn pale as he faints.
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oh man a guy for @crestbaby's terrovania? what's his deal
Dustin "Dusty" Wallace
"Groovy. ...What do you mean you've heard that before? That word sounds cool as hell! Why wouldn't you say it at all?"
Twisted from: Ash Williams from Evil Dead Dorm: Terrovania Year: 2nd Birthday: August 5th (Leo) Pronouns: He/Him Relationship Status: Single Age: 18 Height: 199cm Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (mostly right) Birthplace: Fidelph, Pyroxene Club: Light Music Club Favorite Subject: Alchemy Likes: Cats, free form jazz, things that go boom Dislikes: Things that wear out his patience, things repeated to him more than three times, gremlins Flaws: His stubbornness Favorite Food: Cherry Pie Disliked Food: Nuts Special Skill: An unusually fast reaction time An unbelivably normal guy in the middle of weirdos. Dusty is the kind of guy you'd probably entrust with anything. Except remembering long phrases. He kinda gets distracted easily and will forget one half of those phrases. Aside from that, he's a cool dude. That aforementioned dumb habit doesn't seem to put a dent on his grades. Mostly. An aniki-type guy. Certified Himbo.
Unique Magic:
"???" Wow, he hasn't figured out his own UM yet. That's pathetic.
Max - Dorm Leader. Dusty doesn't really have a high opinion of him.
Samuel - Dormmate. Gremlin. The annoyed tone Dusty gives when being toyed with isn't out of hate. It's kinda... endearing? It's hard to describe.
Cater - Clubmate. Tolerates him. That's it.
Kalim - Clubmate. He's fun to be around.
Lilia - Clubmate. Dusty likes calling him "Gramps". That's not an insult. He thinks he's rad.
Will - Clubmate. Little shit. Unlike with Samuel, Dusty just can't handle Will. This satisfies the triangle.
Frank - No relation. They hang out sometimes.
Pietro - No relation. Gremlin. He gets up all in Dusty's face every time he interacts with Frank. Will not hesitate to shoot him with water.
Sheila - No relation. She has a one-sided fangirl crush on Dusty. He knows this and tries to say no, but that doesn't stop her from fantasizing.
Ace - No relation. Dusty's seen him around, but hasn't really got the time to know him yet. Would definitely be on good terms.
Tiny Tidbits:
Dusty lost his left hand in an... "accident" that he refuses to elaborate on. It apparently involved a cabin in the woods and a date with a childhood friend. He replaced it with a prosthetic.
It also works as his wand. A tiny side effect with the prosthetic being linked to Dusty directly is that he's VERY prone to overblotting. He doesn't abuse his magic a lot, so it's not likely. ...Right?
It also comes alive by itself sometimes. Rarely.
Dusty works part time at Mr. S's Mystery Shop as an extra hand (lol). In turn, Sam's engrishy charisma has rubbed off on him.
His "boomstick" is linked to his hand (which in turn is linked to Dusty), so no one else can fire it except for him.
How is he allowed to bring a magic shotgun to school? I mean, I guess that works considering chainsaws aren't allowed yet guns are allowed... He WOULD replace his hand with a chainsaw, but rules are rules.
There are certain times where he's really crabby. And when he's crabby, he's more of a sarcastic, over the top jerk.
He got held back a year. That's why he's a second year despite being 18. Why? Because it's funny.
If he had actual in-game cards, he'll definitely say the line when any of his cards are groovied. You know the one.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi Zu!
Since we're talking about sleeping, how many pillows do you have? Blankets? Maybe toys to keep you company?
Wow. Now that's what they call a heavy sleeper, indeed! Do you at least hear your alarm? Or perhaps there's someone to wake you up? I'm somewhere in-between myself. It's kind of difficult for me to fall asleep, takes about half an hour at best days, but as soon as I'm out, there aren't many things that would be able to bother me. Besides, I use ear plugs and a sleeping mask, so the outer world stands no chance (x And I usually sleep for about eight or nine hours, I think. Sometimes less, very rarely more.
Well, I don't exactly love my handwriting, but it's okay — readable and simply mine. As for being ambidextrous, my main hand is still the right one, I can't really use my left one as easily. Years of using only right hand wouldn't go unnoticed, so. It is how it is. But I'm working on it!
You're making me blush again... Well, not blush, I usually smile when I'm embarrassed (x Anyway, more beautiful and incredible things are coming ✨
My most favourite is Greenfield Summer Bouquet, and the second favourite is Tess Flame 🌻 Oh, good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't feel anything after drinking coffee! No effect on me at all. Still love to drink some latte from time to time, mostly in one coffee shop chain that was introduced to me by my beloved once. Coffee there is delicious, and the flavours they offer are very interesting. It's great to try something new every now and then. Hm, then maybe some special place you'd like to share a story about? I'm still really curious (: It's okay if not though!
Oh, she is a wonderful person! And I can gush about her literally for hours and hours without an end (x A few years ago we happened to publish our stories in the same place, a group in vk I believe I mentioned once or twice. I fell in love with her writing very quickly, although not instantly. Then somehow I ended up on her vk account, scrolling her dash, which was (and still is) full of facts and jokes and reflection about her writing and herself. I still remember very vividly how amazed by her openness and bravery I was. I used to come there from time to time and read about her life, both creative and personal, for hours. And of course I got attached soon, it was hard not to. Although I don't think I'd ever gain the courage and confidence to actually talk to her. The start of our interaction was more of an accident. She helps in that group I mentioned, reposts the best stories from vk to Facebook, so one day she wrote me to confirm whether I have an account there, so she could credit me directly. The rest just kind of happened (x We started talking a lot, about our works and, honestly, everything. Then one day she said she'd like to visit me, and that was... It meant so much to me. Even more when she procceded to do exactly that. It was like a dream for lonely and depressed me. And it turned out we are just as comfortable together in reality as we are in the Internet. We had a wonderful time. She was the first person in years who hugged me with my permission and unsure but still existing desire — before her I absolutely hated physical contact yet got a lot of it against my will. It was a huge step forward, both for me and for us. Years go by, and our bond only strengthens and deepens, and the two of us work hard for that. She's always there for me, and I'm always there for her. We are in love, and we are also the best and closest friends. It only helps that we love each other's works as well 💞 She does her best to help me with my writing and supports me however she can, and I definitely do the same for her. One of the best parts in our shared process of creating something is that jokes turn out to be highly serious and true all the time. Like, one time I made a joke about the two of her worlds being connected, and guess what? They are connected, and that's a whole new plot line for us to investigate! Such things happen all the time, and it's just hilarious at this point (x All in all, I love my sunshine so very much, and I'm very grateful to have her by my side. Hopefully one day we'll meet to never be separated again. And for now we're merely waiting for another opportunity to visit, never stopping talking, supporting each other, sharing beautiful and amazing things, and so much more. Life goes on no matter what 🌻
A great reason to draw (or create in general), I must say (: But I also hope you do have someone to talk to when you need it, even if it is still hard. Do know I'm there for you as well, for small things and big, sad and happy. And, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly makes it difficult for you to express your thoughts and feelings? It's alright if you choose to not answer, or answer but in DMs. It's rather personal, so I'll understand in any case.
By the way, the newest drawing with Broomie is absolutely lovely 💗 He looks so fond of Ink, the expressions are so tender and open... I love this one so much. And finally Ink is taken care of! If Broomie is anything like the original Papyrus, Ink is in good hands, and personally I really wish Ink exactly that. So thank you <3
Oh, mine isn't so serious and not at all classic (x I believe its English name is The Founder of Diabolism?.. It is a Chinese BL novel by Moxiang Tongxiu; Russian version was published officially not so long ago. I'm actually re-reading it, but honestly the emotions are even stronger now that I know all the characters and don't get confused, because believe me, there is a lot of them (x Amazing thing, really. The only awful parts are nsfw, but luckily there aren't that many of those, especially considering how long the novel is, so you can skip them without a problem. The plot and the characters are absolutely worth it 💖
Take care! *hugs*
Hi anfie╰(*´︶`*)╯
Two soft pillows and one big blanket are just right ☆ As for the toys, a band of teddy bears always accompany me <3 What about you? ☆
Oh I do (≧∀≦) The alarm clock is the only thing that helps me start the day, not to waste it xd Good for you to have a sound healthy sleep! (ùwú) You reminded me of Holly from Breakfast at Tiffany's <3
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Readable and simply mine are the main things <3 True, still, good luck with activating another hand! ;D You deserve much more, and I'm always looking forward to more beautiful and incredible things by you ☆
Ah these are nice ones! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) Since you mentioned the willingness to try something new, how do you feel about changes? Or do you like stability?
Speaking about special places... it always works like a bomb full of memories (in a good way) when I walk past them. This is the balcony of the top floor, where we once admired the night city lights, shivering either from cold or excitement, and warming each other. This is the arch in the yard, where we got stuck not daring to say goodbye, forgetting about everything, and laughing awkwardly catching someone's eye. Those people are no longer in my life but these moments are always with me ♡
It's amazing that you've met such a wonderful and close to you person! ˚✧₊⁎ What a sweet story (´⌣`ʃƪ) And that's soo nice that your bond only strengthens and deepens since both of you work hard for that! ☆ I do hope you two can be together and no kilometers will separate you anymore <3
Awww thank you so much! (*´꒳`*) The fact that you're here for me is such a happy thing already <3 Oh nothing to worry about here, don't get me wrong!! It's just that between writing fics and drawing I choose the latter :D since it's easier when I don't have to put a thought into words but just show it, make others feel it ☆ Guess it's the costs of my profession, I've written so many articles I'm too lazy to just write anything including my own thoughts XD But thank you for caring about me (ówò)♡
I'm really glad you liked the doodle(s)! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Ink is in good hands now for sure <3 Broomie!Papyrus was such a great idea by the anons I just couldn't resist to embody this— and wow, they do like him! (〃ω〃) But it's time to go back to my plans ;) until I receive another cool idea mb *^*
OH I've heard about this one! (゚∀゚) (To be more precise, I've seen a lot of art of them because of "Zu" in the original name XD) Gotta look into!~ Ah it's nothing much, my beloved Haruki Murakami's novels are full of obscene scenes that don't interfere with reading and the plot's perception at all, so, мне не впервой хр Thank you! ☆
Take care *hugs* ♡
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Oh yes, you talked to me about Sylvie and Cass being alike. It is fun to see so many Cass fans liking Sylvie as well.
I see Sylvie as both handed as well BUT more like a sword and mace[she is always using her free hand as a mace] isntead of daggers. Probably to indicate she being rough and sharp...🤔
And Loki using both daggers indicating he is completely sharp? 🤔
Also he start to addopt her fighting style through the episodes 👀
But I see your point, with the hand she always cut and kill everyone she also shows kindness, which can be atributed to how she start sharp and is slowly showing how she can be kind and loving to Loki [both are really soft to the other] 🤔
additionally to Sylvie and Cass being similar, I've realized that there are some similarities between Sylvie and Elphaba from Wicked (which is only peripherally relevant bc Eden Espinosa is known for playing Elphie in i think Wicked's original LA run?). the whole scene where Loki and Sylvie first meet HWR kinda feels like the scene from Wicked where Elphie and G(a)linda first meet the Wizard
oooh your other observations are really good, she's very sharp, rough around the edges, all that. I tend to think of her more through like, flame metaphors I guess?? she's just got this burning, flashing, hot-headedness.
I mean my headcanon is still that she's less ambidextrous than Loki is, but I am LOVING the way you're taking your analysis! thanks again so much for sharing it with me!!
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren - 1 through 100 - You did this to yourself.
1. What do they smell like?
Bad. Do you think their party is able to regularly take showers? I thinketh the fuck not. ... Pine and old books when he can self care tho.
2. What is their voice like?
Listen I know Corren, being taller, would be more likely to have a deeper register but you'll tear "tenor Corren" out of my cold dead hands
3. What is their biggest motivator?
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
When he first met his BFF Alondra, he was so antisocial and good at ignoring people that she actually got the impression he might have been hard of hearing. She never let him live that down. (one day I'll finish this fic i promise)
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
"I will keep all of my pain in here, and one day I'll die." ... Okay but listen he's squishy so he takes like one hit and is bloodied up. Someone get him a healer. Pls.
6. What do they like to wear?
He likes his cloak. Its weighty and soft(well. WAS soft. got a bit of wear and tear these days.) and like. Who doesnt love cloaks.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
Ohhhhh fuuuccck this one's tough. I might have to go with Torvid honestly. While the entire party has had a positive impact on him(and trust me I was this close to picking Alistair), Torvid's been more of the one to call him out on his bullshit and to, oh I don't know, talk about your emotions? Ever??? Yknow BEFORE they become too much to handle and he absolutely breaks down???
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair's cooking.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Good luck finding him NOT cuddled up with at least one dog. Tbh he just enjoys cuddles in general.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
As tempted as I am to say "His cooking", it's actually his singing.
12. How do they like to dress?
"Comfort over flashiness tbh. I gotta go ADVENTURING in whatever I wear after all."
"... Also don't you DARE perceive me as cishet."
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Call him a genie because he will BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Denial :D
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Shrike: Killing his dad
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Somehow more of a dick than usual. Snappy and cranky and just. Mrehhh.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Doesn't get drunk often, but when he does I imagine he's actually giggly and a little clingy. It's cute :)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
*Opens my Corren playlist* Oh yeah. It's either full edgy alt rock or indie alt "depressed millenial" tracks.
19. Are they right or left handed?
FFFuuhhhhck uhhhh well
Looking over my old art I can't seem to pick a dominant hand(I've even drawn him handling his sniper with either hand???????????) so like oops guess he's ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
The dark, the ocean, dying alone and forgotten, his friends losing their trust of him
21. Favorite kind of weather?
Rain!!!! Especially cool rain like what people often get in fall months.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books :3
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold weather by far.
25. What is their eye color?
Electric blue!
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
Well his race is a homebrew race known as Marelienth. Uhhh ethnicity? Idk he's from a mountain town way up north *shrugs*
In human aus I imagine him as half-Mongolian half-Norwegian so ayee
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
No :D He loves adventuring with his party don't get me wrong but he still has a lot of trauma to unpack. ... Also he was just possibly broken up with soooo. :/
29. Are they a morning person?
30. Sunrise or sunset?
*motions to above question* Sunset.
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
More organized, actually!
32. Pet peeves?
*unravels a list. It's all shit the party has done. Mostly Alistair.*
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
His amethyst pendant used to belong to his brother, Julian, and he gave it to Corren right before they were separated so you BET it's sentimental as shit and he wears it daily.
34. Least favorite food?
Mecha's usually a great cook but one time trolled him with some absurdly spicy curry he couldn't handle and he's never forgiven them.
35. Least favorite color?
Hmmm. Maybe... yellow?
36. Least favorite smell?
He spent a year with his party in a damp cave and no showers, so uh. I'll give you a guess.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Literally last night in our game's timeline :D Full breakdown and everything!
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
Torvid :D He was there to comfort
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
One time they were in combat and Corren took a few hits and was down to about 2hp or so. He had a temporary level thanks to Kieran, which boosted his HP a little bit. When he teleported them to a safe town, though, well... Torvid was waiting for them so that's cool. But uh. Yeah that temporary level wore off then and there, dropping Corn Cob to exactly 0hp and he just- flopped down face first in the snow and started dying then and there KJNDKLFNSLKN
40. Do they have any scars?
Do you want to talk about the scar over his eye from a fight he got in with his dad or like. The scars on his limbs from the time he was literally experimented on.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Undiagnosed+Untreated Anxiety, Depression, DPDR, PTSD, just to name a few
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Running away from his problems, definitely.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He's a pretentious nerd. He can be a dick if he doesn't care about you.
44. Why might someone love them?
He's an adorable nerd! He's a hopeless romantic and oddly enough an optimist. He's passionate and driven too!
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well ghosts are like- a canon proven thing in his world sooo. Yeah.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
His party. Well- most in his party.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Nethyl :)
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
He's dating Nethyl and they're in a happy and healthy relationship :) *politely ignores canon*
49. Do they like surprises?
NO >:(
50. When is their birthday?
Heroya 5th! I think. I don't wanna check, assume it's this.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
"You guys celebrate your watchdays?"
Jokes aside, he mainly just treats himself to a nice dinner and a new book or something :)
52. Do they have any family?
Two older siblings: Julian and Mila. His parents are Andreas and Fanya!
53. Are they close to their family?
... *Coughs*. He was close with his siblings, but Mila died and he hasn't seen Julian in 30 years. Was close with his dad but last time they saw each other, they fought and Corren might have killed him so. ... Yeah. :/
54. What is their MBTI type?
FUCK uh. I... N... T... J? INTJ. Sure.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
In Sekrezia: The eagle
In our world: Uhhh. Idk. Capricorn????
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Uhhh. Ravenclaw??? I know almost nothing about HP :/
57. What D&D alignment are they?
THIS ONE'S EASY- lawful neutral!
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Used to have typical nightmares, nothing special. Nowadays though he often dreams of being underwater. Not drowning, though. It's... weird. He doesn't like those.
59. What are their views on death?
He's a necromancer lol.
Death is inevitable, though. It's a necessary part of life. Death is not an entire loss, though. One lives on in the memories others carry of them, in the love they hold in their hearts. Death is complicated, but that's okay.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Alistair :)
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Dog time :)
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
... Ehhhhhh?
63. Do they have an accent?
Technically??? It's an accent from where he's from but like. I just barely tweak my own voice when I rp him so? Damn Corren I'm sorry you've been cursed with east coast dialect.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
"Damn who's the rich bastard here?" (cake is kinda a delicacy in their world- not like elites only but not NEARLY as common as it is here)
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Reassurance mode to whomever he's with. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm okay. Remember what I told you, death is a natural part of life, yeah? I don't have any regrets, I'm okay... Just. Thanks. For giving me a chance. Thank you. Thank you."
66. How do they feel about sex?
I SWEAR he's allosexual. I'm just bad at writing allosexuals.
67. What is their sexuality?
He doesn't really know how to pin it down, so he just calls himself "queer". Definitely not straight, that's all he knows.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
AHAHA no. He's hella desensitized
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Skulking cyst. Look it up at your own volition. It's. NO.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
It's 12:21 in the morning and I'm NOT about to scroll through a bunch of tv tropes just. just. NERD stereotype.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yyyyes? Only really if it's the people he cares about.
72. Are they allergic to anything?
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Oh yeah he's all bark and no bite. He usually just throws a little fit and/or yells.
75. How patient are they?
More than he should be :/
76. Are they good at cooking?
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
Oh yes he insults the others all the time. No particular favorite, he likes so spice it up.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Stim. Stim. Stim. His eyes get all sparkly and he. He.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
He will do everything in his power to assure they won't ever have to deal with their fears alone- You afraid of spiders? It's his job to get the spiders from now on so you won't have to deal with them.
80. Are they trustworthy?
Oh yeah. He's like Rapunzel- doesn't break promises.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Oh yes he tries to hide it. And yes, he's awful at it.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
Yes and no? No like- exercise regimen, but the amount of travelling and fighting they do is just- a workout in and of itself
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yeah! He's cute and he knows it baybie!!!
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
He,,, he likes someone who's physically stong,,, Muscles are,,, aaaaa >///>
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Someone he can nerd out with :)
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Impartial to it. He won't turn sweets away but he's not crazy about them either.
87. What is their age?
43, the equivalent of- I think someone in their mid 30s?
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He's 6'8" :) Which is actually normal for his race
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
Sometimes! I like to think he has reading glasses or something like that.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Julian tainted his sense of humor and now he finds the most dumb shit hilarious. Think very millenial/GenZ humor like "I wish I was Jared, 19"
92. What mood are they most often in?
"I don't get paid enough for this" or Fear.jpg
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People who don't keep their FUCKING WORD. Oh and like. Yknow. Half the shit his party does.
94. Outlook on life?
Again he's??? Oddly an optimist? In the "Things will get better and that is a fucking THREAT" way, but still optimist!
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Talk about his family :) Or the fact that his boyfriend might want him dead :)
96. What is their greatest weakness?
He's squishy as fuck. He goes down easy.
97. What is their greatest strength?
He's extremely intelligent and great with magic and his sniper!
98. Something that they regret?
Not doing more to stop his brother when he tried to resurrect their sister
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Either convincing an entire town his name is Torren or accidentally convincing some very OP people that he's secretly a dragon.
100. Create your own!
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girloikawa · 4 years
daysten baking au
so, the premise is that for a competition you’re supposed to team up with another bakery in your area to compete for a $15,000 cash check that you have to spilt. kevin decides to ask neil to team up with him, and neil begrudgedly agrees because kevin is a great baker, even though he seems terrible to work with. they submit the form to the enter the competition, and they get in. as the weeks go by leading up the competition, neil and kevin do some baking for practice. they mostly bake cakes, because that’s what the competition is for. neil learns that kevin’s favorite cake is lemon, that kevin is ambidextrous, and that the reason kevin’s cakes taste like there’s something added to them is because he often puts alcohol in them. another thing that neil learns is that kevin is actually wonderful to work with. he gives precise orders, knows what the fuck he’s doing, and is pretty creative when it comes to coming up with flavors. the only thing is that kevin doesn’t know how to communicate in a nice manor, and neil can be snarky when he wants. so they clash a little bit, but once they get it figured out through some bickering and one very drunk night of bonding, they get into a grove. after that night neil also starts to notice things about kevin. the way he’ll subconsciously touch his nose when he wants to smile, the one dimple on his left cheek, his hands kneading the dough. neil doesn’t exactly know what it is, all he knows that it is there.
but then it’s competition time. opponents: renee walker and andrew minyard, dan wilds and matt boyd, aaron minyard and nicky hemmick, and then allison reynolds and seth gordon. when they all meet, they hate each other, and neil loves it. he figures out through nicky that andrew and aaron are twins and from the same bakery and entered a bet of who would win, and when neil told kevin that, kevin almost laughed.
they start the competition, round one: your partner is blindfolded and you have to steer them in the direction of the ingredients (not basic things like flour, but ones to make a unique cake) you want, but from twenty feet away. neil is blindfolded because he’d better at moving around, plus kevin can give better directions. kevin give directions and means for neil to grab lavender, lemons, and blueberrys, and—thank god—neil grabs the right things. (allison ended up grabbing tea mix and not coffee. ) kevin gave neil a big high-five. then they got to baking the cake. there was a moment where neil almost collided with aaron, but the cakes were safe!! neil got a stink eye, though. as they were making the frosting, neil randomly said, “what’s that scar from?” and kevin said, “not the time neil. but long story short, this guy broke my hand. we were on a lacrosse team together, I’ve put it in my past.” and somehow that was the first time neil heard kevin talk about lacrosse, and so neil rushed to make little fondant lacrosse rackets “because,” he told kevin excitedly, “i played lacrosse too and we’re bonding over it.” (kevin internally: we are?) round one comes to a close. the judges are eliminating two teams this round. neil and kevin make it through along with renee and andrew, and then matt and dan. the only complaint on their cake was “too much lemon” from one of the judges. kevin disagreed.
round two: bake a cake with one hand tied to your partners. neil and kevin were side-eying each other. they worked well together, but not that well. once they started, neil looked to andrew and renee and saw them working perfectly, even though andrew looked like some kind of devil and renee some kind of angel. needless to say, kevin and neil weren’t that smooth. they constantly bumped into each other, fought over who was using the middle hand, and on top of that were trying to make a carrot cake with pineapple filling, topped with cream cheese frosting. “carrot cake. for your hair.” neil laughs, “is that supposed to be a joke?” “no,” kevin says more like a question. that was the only civil moment. neil felt weird the whole time touching kevin’s hand like that, but he didn’t think about it much. by the end of it, kevin and neil resented each other a little bit. the judge said that their cake was a little undercooked and that the warmness of it made the filling a weird texture, but they still went through due to dan and matt’s cake being overcooked and barely having any flavor.
round three: no rules. make the best cake you can. oh, wait, it has to be three layers and you have two and a half hours. kevin goes right into focus mode, and neil is left running around the kitchen. he runs into andrew and has deja vu, but that’s because he actually did run into the same looking midget. andrew doesn’t even react. just looks at him. they get into a stare down, and renee notices and comes over. “andrew, we have work to do.” and then they left. kevin asked what took so long because he didn’t even look up from dumping flour in. “wait, did you even grab the eggs?” neil has to go back to the fridge for the eggs. this round they’re making a chocolate espresso cake with maple frosting, topped with candied bacon. it comes down to the wire, and kevin and neil do argue a bit, but they finish when the count gets to one. and, you know what, they’re proud of it. neil hugs kevin when they get to zero, and kevin is completely still for a second before he reciprocates. the judges love their cake, but they also love andrew and renee’s cake. and the winner is...........andrew and renee.
they go back home, and they’re exhausted. they don’t talk to each other for a whole week, mostly disappointed in theirselves, but they’re also reflecting. neil has lots of time to think, and he thinks that he doesn’t really want to not bake with kevin anymore. neil started his bakery because baking was one consistent thing his mother did for him before and after she had to take neil and run away to another state because of his abusive father. she never missed a birthday, until she died, and then neil baked himself a birthday cake, and he realized that he was actually good at this from the few things he learned over the years. neil baked because he was connected to his mother (and because he just really was good at it), but with kevin, neil felt like he could utilize that skill in more meaningful ways. kevin made him think about what ingredients to mix, to think outside of the box, to play with things. kevin lit a lot of fires, and neil wasn’t ready to put them out.
so, he drove to the town over and went to kevin’s bakery. apparently, he’d been working the whole week and not giving himself time to rest, which sounded a lot like him. not that neil rested either, because he didn’t. kevin asked what neil was doing there, and neil asked if he could go bake something in the kitchen. “i guess...just don’t mess up anything i have premade in there.” kevin works the counter for a little bit, his other workers are off today for covering all his shifts during the competition, and so neil’s alone in the kitchen. neil baked kevin a lemon carrot cake. when he sees it, kevin doesn’t get it. and so neil has to spell it out. “i want to keep baking with you, but i also want to keep learning things about you. i want to know you, i want to understand you, and never in my life have i wanted that with anybody. i want...you, really.” kevin’s brain explodes a bit, and he has to force himself to say, “okay,” because his brain can’t translate holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit fast enough. “okay?” “yeah. okay.” neil kisses kevin.
they smoosh their bakerys together and live happily ever after the end
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retvenkos · 4 years
“this world isn’t ready for us”
James Potter
hogwarts years 1971-1978
james potter is indian, you cannot convince me otherwise
he has the greatest hair ever - it’s black and fluffy, and even though his father literally invented hair products, he doesn’t style it
it just naturally falls in a really beautiful way and sirius hates it
james potter is left handed, you cannot convince me otherwise
he always has smudges all over his hand and he’ll wipe the ink on remus’ face when he wants to be annoying
he’s 5′11″ (180 cm) and he had the majority of his growth spurt in his third year
he was awkward and gangly all year, and that mixed with his new crush on lily was hell in a handbasket
he eventually filled out, though, and by 5th year he wore it well
he had big round glasses because without them he’s blinder than a bat
he also  n e v e r  wore his tie - mcgonagall hated it more than anything and she would always fix his tie (with magic!) in class
she would also lecture him in that mom™ way
lily laughed at him one time because the end of the tie hit him in the face and that’s when james realized he loved the sound
also, most people have this idea that james was suave and flirted with lily all the time, but i disagree
he was an awkward mess when talking to girls and would make the most corny jokes, hoping lily would laugh
he only got good at flirting in his seventh year, after a summer of sirius teaching him how to be cool
but talking with his mates, james was an arrogant idiot.
but always respectful.
he was really good at transfiguration but absolutely terrible when it came to potions
also, i know he’s canonically an only child, but i think he has a younger sibling - probably a sister. he just has the older brother vibes. adopting his friends the way he did? only an older sibling, mom friend would ever.
Remus Lupin
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i’ve already covered a lot about remus here but i’ll go off again
so i like to think that remus is secretly really good at drawing
we all took him for a writer but i am adamant in the idea that sirius is the poet, not him.
he can also do calligraphy - the writing on the marauders map was all him, fam
he’s also ambidextrous or at the very least able to use both hands pretty well
he’s definitely the tallest of all the marauders, coming in at a whopping 6′3″ (190.5 cm)
he was always lanky, too. james swore that one day he would be taller than remus, but it never happened
and i know we all like to think of remus as being the most studious child there ever was, but honestly,,, he was struggling every day and the reason he was constantly doing homework was because he was chronically behind in school work
i’m talking like at least a week out at all times
of course, the teachers knew why, and so they allowed him some slack, but still, he had the same expectations
but he was interested in most of his classes, and he worked on all of them equally
i think how he and lily met was that he needed a tutor because he was behind and she offered to help him
he just generally has this sad air around him, too
it was kind of a thing that he and snape shared for a while - two sad boys who were desperate to prove they belonged
and then, in their later years, they both take very different routes
oh, and because i haven’t said it enough, i love the idea of latino!remus lupin
and he could be bilingual!!!!
Sirius Black
hogwarts years 1971-1978
okay, here. is. the. thing. sirius is average height. i cannot emphasize this enough. i always see things about him being tall, but you are incorrect. he’s not super short, but he’s  a v e r a g e .
5′8″ (173 cm)
that’s still pretty good.
and while he can whine about how short he is, he is the most handsome out of all of the marauders
he has that regal look that makes his so attractive.
if he had an awkward phase, hogwarts never saw it. sirius just always looked really good.
and he did everything else to make himself look as chaotic as he could
he never once wore his school uniform correctly.
there were always buttons undone, ties pulled loose, shoe laces untied
and he acted chaotic, too
laughing overly loud
making unnecessary comments
every day he tried his hardest to be everything that his mother never let him be
as for classes, he’s one of those kids who is naturally gifted in everything (you can thank his mother for drilling him in the years prior to hogwarts) and just really doesn’t care that he has a natural aptitude
the only class he got really excited about was dada
also, i’ve seen the idea that he’s a womanizer be a thing, but,,, no?
i mean, he definitely flirts (most of the time jokingly) because it’s just another thing that can make his family upset and separate him from that image, but i don’t think he’s especially promiscuous
he’s literally a kid, guys
oh, and with every passing day, the lily and sirius friendship goes glaringly underdeveloped and it pains me - they could have been so close to each other but we just sleep on that, i guess
Peter Pettigrew
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i get why fanon leaves peter underdeveloped, but he was important
first of all, peter is the same height as sirius 5′8″ (173 cm) and the two of them constantly argue over who is taller
they are also constantly aiming short jokes at the other, even though they are the same height??? they’re just insulting themselves.
at the very least, peter is a half-blood (i think he might have been muggleborn but then why would voldemort tolerate him, y’know?)
i like to think that he is really in touch with his muggle side - he and remus talk about muggle stuff all the time and play jokes on sirius and james who are oblivious but want to learn
peter was also really good at finding secret passages
he found the better part of the ones on the map, and maybe he knows about a few others, too
he was definitely the cartographer of the marauders map. who else would have had the skill?
he was definitely more awkward like james, and he never quite grew out of it like the rest of them
but it was okay, because his friends were fiercely loyal to him
even if it screwed them over in the end...
i also have this idea that peter was really good at games? like, gobstones and chess were his area of expertise
it’s definitely something that he would do with the other marauders when they were stressed out or sad
and he would sneak them food from the kitchens and they would just sit up and play games for a while
i think that peter was also that marauder that would check their schedules, seeing what classes they had together, and which ones they could all bail on to hang out in the forbidden forest
i also think that peter was a huge music enthusiast
he and james definitely talked about music a lot - he took james to his first concert and it was really precious
james would sing at any an all times, and peter would know all of the lyrics, singing more quietly but supplying all the words.
Lily Evans
hogwarts years 1971-1978
lily was a nervous wreck in her first year of hogwarts
but also vvv excited - she wanted to learn everything
she had a natural talent for dada and was also pretty good at potions, thanks to snape being her bff
she struggled when it came to history of magic because, y’know, she’s brand new to all of it
lily had really long, beautiful red hair ever since her first year
and, of course, those eyes
she was always very pretty, but she also got a lot of hatred because she was a muggleborn, so she struggled with herself - especially in the later years
i imagine she’s average height or maybe a little tall, definitely not short, since harry was his dad’s height
probably 5′5″ (165 cm)
also, lily was the one who gave harry all of his sass
she definitely was the one to sass james (who loved it, despite being taken aback the first few times) and she was very adamant in her beliefs
she loved her friends more than anything, of course, but she would put her foot down when she had to
i also feel like lily was a thrill seeker
it’s why she and james got along in their seventh year when they were head boy and head girl together
he probably showed her secret passages or shortcuts to places and she couldn’t bring herself to reprimand him
she’s also a little impatient
she always sips at her tea too soon, burning her tongue
or she’s tapping her foot five minutes before class ends because she’s raring to go
she also walks fast
Severus Snape
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so snape’s biggest thing is that he will not be the small fish in the big pond - he will not be picked on
and so that has screwed up some of his relationships because he will do anything to not be the last kid picked
this also means that his loyalty is only with himself (and lily, previously, but when it was him or her that had to take the fall, it was her) so he’s definitely a lone wolf
i think his slow way of talking didn’t manifest until he was in his sixth year
it was a way to be calculating - see how people react to what he’s going to say before he says it
he was definitely a wide-eyed kid
really big, sad eyes that would have made anyone feel bad for him
they went away during the end of his third year and beginning of his fourth
he traded it for pushing his head down, not allowing anyone to look him in the eye
snape was definitely a book nerd, and he used to spend all of his time in the library with lily
but after the marauders started hanging out in there (thanks, remus and lily), he had to find a new place
he wore his robes properly, and with a lot of care since he was pretty poor growing up and he was determined to wear them as long as he could
that’s where a lot of his formal aesthetic came from
also, it was a stark contrast to the marauders - where they were carefree he was uptight, where they were informal he was not. the recipe for disaster.
also, he was pretty short up until his fifth year, where he grew like a weed
at full height, he was 6′1″ (185 cm) - just tall enough to look down at james
Dorcas Meadowes
hogwarts years 1971-1978
i’m pretty sure canon agrees with me when i say that dorcas was black, and a pureblood.
her family weren’t blood supremacists, tho, they were vehemently against voldemort and she grew up with those ideals
she was sorted into ravenclaw but quickly became a friend of lily’s because they both had so much interest in school
dorcas would help her study for history of magic, and in return lily would talk to her about the muggle world
and when i say dorcas was talented, she was talented
i mean, it’s literally canon that voldemort killed dorcas personally, so she had to be a particularly skilled witch
i like to think that in her spare time, dorcas would even make her own spells - similar to snape, they were both inventors
she was very studious - studying long into the night and always reading a book or doing homework during lunch
she was definitely taking many n.e.w.t. level classes when she had the chance
she was probably the model student that the teachers were all very impressed by - she was going places
she was head girl and a prefect, sometimes working alongside remus lupin
i also think that she had a crush on marlene mckinnon
and she thought she was being obvious about it, too - going to quidditch matches? since when had she ever done anything remotely social?
she was planning on being an auror, and she was made one almost immediately after leaving school
james would always ask her for notes, and if he said they were for remus she would always give them to him because remus was a sweet kid and he wouldn’t ruin them
5′4″ (163 cm) but she packed a punch
also, she had great cheekbones. you can’t convince me otherwise.
Regulus Black
hogwarts years 1972-1979
if you were wondering where all of the tall genes went in the family, then look no further
he’s still not super tall, but he surpasses his brother, coming in at 5′11″ (180 cm), the same height as james
he also hit his growth spurt sooner, in his second year, when sirius was still short
and where sirius is overly handsome, regulus is a little less so
he’s still handsome (don’t get me wrong), just in a more... quiet way.
he’s always been a more sombre boy, with sadder eyes and lips less inclined to smile
i think he was always the more plain boy, the more overlooked boy, and that really got into his psyche at a young age
he’s also bookish - this, again, stemming back to his childhood
he was always looking for a way to top sirius, be better than him
if you wanted a boy to speak french in the hp universe, this is him
i feel like regulus would have just been really gifted with languages? he probably knows multiple and reads a lot of literature (including muggle literature - sirius got him a book once, please don’t tell his mother)
he excels in school - went all the way with potions and fell in love with alchemy in his sixth year
but while he’s intelligent, there’s a lot on his mind so he’s never super present in lectures and he doesn’t over participate
he cuts his hair short, always clean and the perfect image that his family wants
in his first two years, he tried to talk to sirius a lot and keep their relationship at something like brothers, but sirius could never understand him and regulus could never understand sirius so they drift apart by his third year
he still feels guilty about that, after all this time
oh! also! regulus is seeker for the slytherin quidditch team. it’s just a thing he does, he doesn’t super love it or anything.
Mary MacDonald
hogwarts years 1972-1979
so mary is a gryffindor a year below lily and the rest of the gang, friends with lily because she, too, was a muggleborn and lily stood up for her against some mean older boys
i headcanon mary as being latina, or maybe just from spain
either way, she comes from a big family and is a middle child
and she speaks spanish.
she’s 5′1″ (155 cm) and you know her friends use it against her all the time, short jokes galore
and she’s very outspoken amongst her friends, making giraffe jokes in retaliation, but it just never really stuck the way short jokes did
she excelled in healing magic and was definitely an ace at potions
she also really loved divination, mostly because it worked in ways that were very different than other magic
she was always braiding hair and definitely taught lily how to braid that long hair of hers
her favorite place was the gryffindor common room because it was always so alive? it reminded her of her big family, that’s for sure
oh, and if james does have a younger sister, when he meets mary macdonald, she immediately reminds him of his sister
and so the two of them quickly become a chaotic duo, singing muggle songs together but also getting on each other’s nerves just for the fun of it
Marlene McKinnon
hogwarts years 1970-1977
she’s one year older than lily but immediately sees this cute first year, lost on the stairs and adopts her
marlene is definitely the reason that lily can be so sassy, too. she’s a terrible influence, really, especially with that mouth
marlene is a gryffindor, too, and she’s definitely on the quidditch team
a chaser, probably - she most likely helped train james when he joined the team and that’s how she knows all about his crush on lily and teases them both
and she 100% gives james tips on how to talk to lily, shhh, no one tell
she has masses of curly, blonde hair and it’s constantly being pulled into a messy top knot or ponytail
she did a dare in fifth year that involved shaving her head and she did it, but immediately freaked out afterward. lily had to find her a hair growing potion, but for a week she had a shaved head that sirius teased her about mercilessly
in her defense, she thought it would be fine at the time.
she was a talented witch, but she struggled in care of magical creatures
she just wasn’t an animal person, okay?
she swears that unicorn was going to gore her.
her favorite class was astronomy - she liked to be outside, and being in the astronomy tower was pretty close to flying.
oh, and she was tall for a girl - 5′9″ (175 cm) and taller than sirius. it was a thing
she was fiercely loyal of her friends and would have been down to duel with anyone if they said anything about lily
she had a lot of siblings and she was the oldest, so it was kind of a given
marlene would have punched death eaters if given the chance
she wanted to punch snape a solid three (3) times during her school years but lily always held her back
Frank Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
frank was a gryffindor, and a rather sweet one at that
he was a pretty social guy - he had lots of friends, despite being pretty shy. he was just a generally great person to be around and he cared about people a lot. it got him places.
he was pretty tall - 6′0″ (183 cm) - and he had a kind of dorky look to him
but he cleaned up nicely, and every year he got a little better looking
neville got his awkward phase from his dad, and when alice was pregnant, frank said he would have to apologize to his boy for inheriting those longbottom genes, one day.
he really loved movies - he and alice were kind of pop culture nerds
he was a little before remus lupin’s time at hogwarts, but they would have gotten along famously, had they been closer in age
but he definitely had a soft spot for the marauders - those younger gryffindors who were funny and bright and made living in these dark times a little easier
his best class was definitely charms
he loved that class and hoped to one day teach it.
going back to hogwarts one day was always a dream of his
he was terrible at divination, though. something about looking into the future just never felt right.
Alice Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
so we never get confirmation on what alice’s maiden name was, but i’ve seen in the fandom that it’s widely regarded that it could have been alice fortescue, and i thought that was sweet and kind of just absorbed the idea
alice was a hufflepuff, and a pretty social one at that
she was constantly chewing bubble gum and talking with her large group of friends
i like to think that she always had short hair in school - a dark brown bob that kind of bounced whenever she walked
she was short - 5′2″ (157 cm) - and when she and frank got together in their sixth year, he would always hold her hand and guide her through the crowded halls
she got where she was going so much faster that way
i like to think she’s east asian, or maybe half, on her mother’s side
she was best at herbology, and it surprised everyone when she turned out to be really good at combat magic?
turns out she was great at non-verbal magic and doing magic without her wand
she had lots of practice when helping the plants thrive in herbology - she unwittingly used magic a lot to help them grow
she had so much magical potential, neville definitely inherited that
i also think that she was the more forgetful one out of her and frank, and that’s why neville’s also kind of forgetful, himself.
Narcissa Malfoy
hogwarts years 1966-1973
so let’s get one thing straight - draco gets his incredible bone structure from his mother
this girl had the greatest cheekbones this world has ever seen
and it gave her a very regal look that would have appeared cold on anyone else
but narcissa was kind, okay? she was soft.
also narcissa is queen at wizards chess and strategy - she beat amos diggory’s winning streak in her third year - but she’s also really great at history
and it interests her!
even though lucius was a year ahead of her, he’d always ask her if he didn’t want to do his homework, offering her anything in return
most of the time it was white chocolate or some kind of cream filled pastry - she always had a bit of a sweet tooth, and lucius is her greatest enabler
her worst class was probably herbology or care of magical creatures
she didn’t like working with her hands. she said it wasn’t very “becoming”
andromeda taught narcissa how to do her makeup in her third year, and she picked it up fairly quick, very partial to a dark lip
andromeda also taught her how to do hair, but narcissa preferred to wear it down when she was younger
she’s said to be tall, so i imagine she clocks in at about 5′8″ (173 cm), taller with her usual heels
Lucius Malfoy
hogwarts years 1965-1972
lucius malfoy... where to begin
lucius was really good at reading people. it was one of his strongest talents, and it, interestingly enough, made him really good at divination and other intuitive magics like charms
and even those classes he didn’t like, he did his best to excel in because 1) expectations, and 2) lucius knew there was power in knowledge. and he wanted all of the power he could get.
but he was also great at charming people so when he didn’t want to do his homework, he was all over everyone else, not so much asking for help as just getting it after a word or two.
yes, he always had that long hair
narcissa would sometimes give him little braids when they were in the slytherin common room, but if you were present to witness it, you didn’t ever mention it
he would know and your life would be over. it’s just the facts
and did he always have impeccable style? mostly, yes.
he was always very neat with his clothes - things were always in their rightful place, no matter what
he didn’t get the pimp cane until later, though. it was a graduation gift.
and lucius isn’t actually super tall? i mean, he’s tall, but not super tall
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
and he never hated how narcissa and him where basically the same height? (she liked to wear heels) supportive husband, i guess.
and i guess i should tell you - they got together in their 6th year
Amos Diggory
hogwarts years 1963-1970
amos diggory was a hufflepuff, and honestly, he was really cool in his day
he’s the oldest out of everyone on this list, but he went to school with lucius malfoy and xenophilius, leaving before the marauders ever came to school
he was head boy in his 7th year and a prefect prior to
he was kind and worked hard, so the teachers thought he was a good fit
he was particularly gifted in care of magical creatures and transfiguration
he was also really good at wizards chess - he was unbeatable for a while - even against lucius
narcissa beat him in his sixth year, though, and she became the new student to beat
he had a lot of freckles - especially on his arms. they faded a bit with age but he still has quite a few
and he was really good looking?
plenty of people had crushes on him and it may have went to his head just a bit
but he was still very kind and humbled because he wasn’t the most talented or bright, but dedicated to what he loved
whoever he gets with definitely brings out more of his humility and it’s a good match for him
he’s so whipped.
he’s 5′9″ (175 cm)
Other Characters:
Mafalda Hopkirk
hogwarts years 1963-1970
mafalda is portuguese and spoke the language in her home. she mostly learned english for the first time at hogwarts. she had a few exposures before that, but hogwarts was really her first place to learn it.
she was a hufflepuff and honestly exemplified the “hard working” and “kind” traits. truly a friend to all.
she was great at flying and became a chaser for the hufflepuff team almost right away
she also really loved divination - she got into xylomancy early on and was super skilled
she loved making up omens too just to scare her friends
she teased her friends a lot tbh
she’s 5′0″ (152 cm)
oh! and in the hufflepuff common room she basically claimed one of the couches for herself - she’s a bit of a night owl so she perpetually claims the same chair and ends up falls asleep in it.
and since she went to hogwarts during amos diggory’s time, i kind of think the two probably dated at one point. it didn’t last, but maybe in their sixth year the two went on a couple of dates
Xenophilius Lovegood
hogwarts years 1965-1972
xenophilius was a ravenclaw who honestly had a handful of friends and managed to get one in every house  - including slytherin
yes, he could be weird, but he was honestly fun to talk to and gave a lot of interesting insights that weren’t technically wrong, but kind of sounded like it
he was made fun of for it, don’t get me wrong, but his oddities gave him a couple of friends that would let him just ramble
he mostly stuck to himself and his small group of friends, so nothing big ever came of his teasing
plus, when he was younger he wasn’t nearly as out there. that came with age and isolation.
he was actually really intelligent and, like narcissa, had a knack for history
he was also really good at charms - he could do non-verbal spells sooner than most
i imagine he started to grow his hair out in his fourth year, but before then it was short.
all fourth year it was at this really awkward length, but by fifth year it was longer and more natural looking
he only gained his odd fashion taste in his seventh year onward.
Edgar Bones
hogwarts years 1965-1972
edgar bones is a ravenclaw with the biggest fascination with space - more than anyone else you’ll ever know
he was really interested in it when he was younger, and when he went to hogwarts for the first time, his love for astronomy just skyrocketed
good luck getting him down from his tower, because it’s a near impossible feat
he has freckles all over his face (his mom used to tell them they were constellations) and brown eyes hidden behind a pair of square glasses
he actually wears them really well, he’s pretty good looking not going to lie
and for height, he’s pretty average at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s italian. idk why, but i just really think he’s italian.
sports aren’t really his thing, but he grew up in a family that lives for quidditch, so he’s a pretty decent chaser if you ever put him up to it.
he’s also really good at potions, although he doesn’t really have a love for it.
if you partner up with him, it’s great because you’ll get your work done fast, but you will end up talking with him about astronomy and divination for the rest of the class.
Bathsheda Babbling
hogwarts years 1966-1973
bathsheda was average height - 5′5″ (165 cm) - with wide, peach color glasses that sort of made her look perpetually surprised
she was black with dark, coily hair that was usually kept short.
she was incredibly gifted in arithmancy and study of ancient runes - the latter which she would one day teach
she was a hufflepuff who set the standard for kindness, always helping the younger students
which made her realize she would love to be a teacher
i don’t think that she was ever given a blood status in canon, but i’ve always thought her to be a halfblood who’s pretty in touch with both the muggle and magical world
i also imagined her to have a younger siblings in ravenclaw, so she could be seen cheering for them at quidditch matches
Fabian Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
fabian and his brother are more well known, so i’ll just hit the basics
so fabian and gideon are clearly twins (don’t @ me with canon, it’s not valid, here), but i also think they were in different houses
fabian was in hufflepuff, and if he ever wore his tie (he was perpetually without it) you would have been able to use it to distinguish the two of them
he was on the quidditch team - a keeper - and was actually really good despite being kind of clumsy on the ground
he was really good at charms and dada but he sucked at transfiguration
gideon was great at transfiguration, though, so it was a constant argument as to who was smarter
fabian definitely gave off younger sibling vibes - he was always joking around and teasing, but he was also very soft hearted when he wanted to be.
he gave terrible life advice, though, go see gideon for that.
i feel like he and gideon had really great hair, although idk why. i just really want them to have nice, curly red hair.
they both kept it short, though. they hated when the curls would get into their eyes.
Gideon Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
now gideon was the brother who was sorted into gryffindor, and you could tell why once you noticed his reckless behavior
if there was anyone the marauders looked up to, it was probably gideon prewett
he definitely helped them set up their first prank and he created such a beautiful legacy, tbh
he was on the gryffindor quidditch team, but he was a beater
the sibling rivalry was really palpable but it made the game so much more fun
like i mentioned, he was great at transfiguration but also had a knack for potions
he was terrible at herbology, though. a plastic plant could die in his care.
gideon is the older twin, but he honestly feels like the younger one sometimes just because he’s so impulsive
but he’s fiercely loyal of his family - don’t even look in their direction or so help him...
also, i forgot to mention that they’re identical twins (because that runs in families and fred and george had to get it from somewhere, right?) and they are both 5′9″ (175 cm)
the tall™ genes came from arthurs side of the family
Bertha Jorkins
hogwarts years 1968-1975
so i know that canon says bertha jorkins isn’t very bright, but i think she was in ravenclaw
i don’t have much on bertha other than she was really curious and loved to listen to gossip
if you ever wanted the good kind of gossip, you went to her because she knew it all
she had connections, y’know?
and i like to think she was creative - probably a writer of some sort, something that would make her want to be a reporter when she left hogwarts
i also think she was a pretty girl. not super gorgeous, but pretty in a more natural, soft way.
Amelia Bones
hogwarts years 1968-1975
amelia bones is the younger sister of edgar bones, and she was a hufflepuff
an athletic girl, she was the seeker for the hufflepuff quidditch team and wanted to be a professional quidditch player for a while, although she eventually turned her gaze to becoming an auror
she was a sweet girl and had a great relationship with her brother - she could sometimes be found in the ravenclaw common room rather than her own, studying with her brother because if he didn’t keep an eye on her, she wouldn’t do her transfiguration homework
she was really good at astronomy, since her brother had been teaching her about the stars since she was little, but her real interest lay in the more tangible magics
again, i like to think that her family is from italy, so she has a really big family and she’s the youngest, which makes her a little pampered, but it’s not too bad.
Sturgis Podmore
hogwarts years 1968-1975
sturgis podmore was a slytherin in hogwarts who mostly kept his head down through his hogwarts years, never really bothering anyone
he had this habit of being able to just slip into the background, no one really noticing him or anything
he was pretty good looking at 5′8″ (173 cm) with a square jaw and a soft demeanor
but again, he had the sneaky ability to just not be seen, so he wasn’t a heartthrob or anything
he was a halfblood and sympathetic to muggleborn students, often helping them in quiet ways so that he wouldn’t get singled out by certain members in his house
he joined the order of the phoenix because he hated feeling like he couldn’t help anyone or do anything that made a difference
he was a really agreeable sort of guy - kind, intelligent, talented.
he should have been the model slytherin, but he was mostly overlooked.
sturgis podmore deserved better, smh
hogwarts years 1968-1975
florence taylor was a slytherin halfblood who mostly kept to herself
she was friends with sturgis podmore and had a couple of other friends.
she was perfectly kind to others, but she could be a bit curt with acquaintances.
but with her friends, she is the most loyal and would kill for them.
she was made head girl in her seventh year due to her high intellect and generally kind demeanor
she had a secret artsy side - she loved photography and painting, and she had that kind of dark academia aesthetic in all of her work
she liked history of magic and care of magical creatures
she loves animals and is actually really sweet with them?
sturgis may have a bit of a crush on her and there might be a bit of a friends-to-lovers storyline involving the two of them
they are honestly very sweet together - he gives her his sweaters and everything.
and she kind of sucked at potions, but it’s okay because she partnered with sturgis and he absolutely kills it in that class.
they could often be found studying together in the common room, books spread out between them as they worked on the floor
she was 5′4″ ( 163 cm) and had beautiful, brown skin
oh, and she had dimples. that’s important.
Mulciber II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
this sadistic little punk.
his full name is xavier mulciber and he’s in slytherin (obviously)
the leader of his pack (w/ avery and rosier), he’s the most well spoken out of the three of them, and was the one to scout out snape and get him to join them
he was an only child and knew how to work people from a young age
he’s 6′2″ (188 cm) and it helps with his intimidation, even though he’d much rather just talk things out
he was also pretty smart, too, and knew a lot of hexes and jinxes
when he’s cornered someone, he’ll talk to them while walking in a circle, never quite making eye contact because he thinks you’re less than.
he had black hair that he slicked back and sharp, green eyes
Avery II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
punk #2, douglass avery was another slytherin crony of mulciber
now, avery is a bit more complicated
he came from one of those pureblooded slytherin homes, but he himself wasn’t super prejudiced or terrible. he was actually kind of sweet in his first five years at hogwarts.
BUT, his family found out about his muggleborn sympathies and weren’t having it. terrible stuff went down at his house, and when he came to school for his sixth year, he was just as terrible as his summer
in his fifth year he was made prefect, but it was revoked half way through his sixth year when he started becoming nasty to students
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
he had brown hair and sort of big, brown eyes
Evan Rosier
hogwarts years 1970-1977
and now we have punk #3, our third sadistic slytherin
now evan rosier was the traditional broad chested, strong bully who looked like he could snap you in half without breaking a sweat
standing at 5′11″ (180 cm), he was a beater on the slytherin quidditch team, and was extremely loyal to voldemort’s cause, even then
he was more aggressive than his friends when it came to negotiations, but he still deferred to Mulciber, knowing his place.
he always had his reservations about avery, and he’d pick on him since avery was objectively lower on the pecking order, but he was also aware that everyone served a purpose
not the dumb jock archetype because while he was always ready for a fight, he knew when he had to wait things out
he was blonde with blue eyes
Dirk Cresswell
hogwarts years 1971-1978
dirk cresswell was a muggleborn hufflepuff who embodied the idea of hard working
he was really talented at everything, and it honestly can be attributed to his work ethic
he was really good at potions and was frequently the partner of dorcas meadowes
they both worked really well together, and dorcas said that she wouldn’t have any other partner because no one else was half as smart and kind as dirk
he was a commentator for quidditch in his fifth year of hogwarts but said he didn’t love it too much - the sport is much funner when you can just watch
he was 5′5″ (165 cm) and was teased for being short (and a muggleborn, but that’s not the point)
he had sandy brown hair and freckles
Greta Catchlove
hogwarts years 1971-1978
greta catchlove was a ravenclaw who mostly kept a low profile during her school years
if you did see her, she was most likely sneaking into the hogwarts kitchens where she learned how to cook from the house elves
a lot of their secrets would be told when she wrote her book “charm your own cheese”
i also feel like she probably had an entire cookbook lineup - not just one about how to make cheese
anyway there’s not much to say about greta
she’s blonde and kind of short at 5′3″ (160 cm)
she was perfectly kind
hogwarts years 1971-1979
theodore farley was a half-blood slytherin who had to work rather hard to get where he was
he was quidditch captain for his last 2 years of hogwarts, and he was a beater - and a pretty good one, too
he nearly took out james a few times, but it was all in good fun 
because what is key to theodore farley is that he’s noble.
ambitious, sure, but not underhanded or sneaky. he’s the youngest out of a fairly big family, so he’s determined to prove himself, but not at the expense of what he believes
he has honor and dignity
theo was pretty strong, seeing as he’s a beater, and he stands at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s half brazilian and had really nice hair - you would not believe
he was very into slicking it back
he was absolutely amazing at charms and actually really enjoyed arithmancy
he struggled in potions, though, and was one time partnered with severus snape
it was horrible. he’ll never do that again.
Emmeline Vance
hogwarts years 1971-1978
emmeline vance was a ravenclaw, and a talented one at that
she was top of the class at charms and she was really good at dada, too. she was a really great spell caster and was good at dueling, too.
she’s half-veela, making her very gorgeous, but she wanted to make a name for herself outside of that beauty, y’know?
she was extremely competitive when it came to school, and she would do anything to get there
but she had a soft spot for her younger brother and would honestly do anything for him.
she was 5′9″ (175 cm) with long, blonde hair that was even more hair goals than sirius black, which is saying something.
hogwarts years 1973-1980
apolline corner was the younger sister of a few older brothers, sorted into ravenclaw
she was more of an artsy ravenclaw - she played the cello in the music class they had at hogwarts and did the art class, too, although she mostly doodled
she started doing calligraphy and she got okay at it. it didn’t last.
being a half blood, she took muggle studies as an easy class, but she ended up really liking it because it talked about some things she didn’t know or it deepened her understanding of what she already knew
plus, y’know, it helps that it was easy
she was really good in potions, too, something that her whole family was good at because her mom was a potions master and taught them all at a young age
she was absolutely terrible at astronomy for some reason, always messing up the skies by a long shot
she was 5′6″ (168 cm) and had long, black hair and brown eyes
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