#oh also !!! @ the person who asked about my colouring process this is what i was talking abt re: painting with an underpaint layer
hinamie · 3 months
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theyre soft your honour
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temporaryrose200 · 11 months
✩Just A Little Accident✩
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✟pairing: Yan Claude X Fem Reader
✟genre: Yandere
✟warning: Yandere, mention of murder, reader being drugged.
✟fandom: Who Made Me A Princess
✟summary: After your maid spilled tea all over your lap, Claude knew she had gone…
✟a/n: This I meant to be a side story. Check out my other Yan Claude for this story to make sense if you haven’t. Also sorry I haven't been updated much but a lot has been going on. Going to try and update now.
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Hissing in pain as the boiling liquid spilt all over your lap and in the process staining your dress. In the pain, you drop your cup and it landed on the soft glass, breaking its fall “I am so sorry my lady!” Annie your maid exclaimed, snatching up a nearby napkin and tried to remove the stain. Keyword, tried. All the maid was doing was making it worse.
Claude who was sat beside you, watching intensely, glaring dagger at the poor worker. The murderous glint in his diamond eyes sent chills down everyone including yours if you had noticed. You were much more occupied with Annie and the burning pain to even notice the emperor. Oh how Claude wanted to strangle that maid for putting her dirty hands on you, even worse hurt your fragile skin. The woman was a nuisance in the eyes of the emperor, a clumsy and idiotic person to be assigned to serve someone as graceful and perfect as you. The maid needed to go…
Placing a gloved hand over Annie’s hand, you gave the woman a reassuring smile. “If you keep rubbing it in like that, it’s just going to make it worse” you spoke softly. Eyes focusing on the large stain, you noticed how the woman began tearing up. Before you could get a single word out to calm her, apology after apology began spilling from her lips. She bowed her head in shame and her voice trembled. With a sigh, you stood up from your seat, placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gently patted it. “I’m fine, calm yourself Annie,” You said, trying to soothe her, but she remained in her apologetic bow, her hands balled into fists and still trembling like leaf. “I’m going to just go change” you explained to the teary-eyed maid. Turning towards Claude you saw the murderous glare focused towards the maid and you felt something deep within you, telling, no yelling at you to stay. But of course, you didn’t listen. “I’ll only be 10 minutes” you timidly told the emperor. Eyes landed on you, the deathly glare that the emperor held had now vanished and had been replaced with a soft loving gaze. It made you sick.
Picking up your cream-coloured dress, you began walking towards the palace leaving poor Annie all alone with Claude. Diamond blue eyes watched you, his gaze not leaving your figure until you were out of sight. Now that his lover had gone, there’s no one to stop him for what he’s about to do next. Placing the half-empty tea cup on the garden table, Claude stood up with a dead expression. He towered over the quivering woman, who knew her life was soon about to end. The only witness to horrid scenes was a young guard, who just stood there watching.
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Coming back with a freshly clean dress, you were about to open your mouth to tell Annie a funny story to cheer her up, but when you saw no sign of the maid, you were left confused. E/C eyes darted around the garden, searching for the missing maid. ‘Where is she?’ You question to yourself. “My dear, what seems to be the matter?” a familiar voice asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. Claude sat there, sipping away at his chamomile tea, he held this sickening smirk which was hidden under his cup. Stepping towards the garden table, you griped the top of your seat, feeling uneasy at the missing maid. You had an extremely bad feeling. You questioned to your fiancé to where your maid had gone off to, but there was silence after that. No excuse came from his lips.
It wasn't until you looked over at the other side of the table, a guard. He’s been here all along, maybe he might know! Opening your mouth, you stopped yourself as you finally noticed the frightened expression painted on the young guard’s face. The colour had drained from his face, his eyes widened with fear, his hand gripping tightly at the hilt of his sword, and his breathing unsteady. And that was all you needed to know and the whereabouts of Annie.
Your blood ran cold, you felt yourself shaking like a leaf. A million scenarios ran through your mind at what kind of horrible things Claude had done to her. Falling to the fall, hands covering your face, you sob. Not caring that you were ruining your makeup. The sound of the chair hitting the grass, signalled to you that Claude had gotten up from his seat. Feeling him wrap his strong arms around you, pulling you into a hug. You screamed, kicked and struggled for the blonde to let go of you, yelling insults left and right. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER, YOU BASTARD!? TELL ME!”
Out of nowhere, you felt a piece of cloth be placed over your mouth and noises quickly shutting you up. You breathed in the fumes, feeling your eyelids began closing on their own. To struggled to gain consciousness, but it was futile. The drug was too strong. Before slipping into unconscious you heard Claude’s voice echo in your mind. “You are mine understand. I will not let anyone hurt what is mine, only I can.”
Oh [Name], what did you do wrong to this story…
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implalazz · 8 months
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Asked for some yokai fusions on reddit, this is the first batch
L-R: Frostysol, Nonoko, Venyan, Lord Lie-in, Slimatina, Whisbuzz
Some thoughts on these designs under the cut
Yayyyyyy thoughts on these because I like talking, esp about my creative process
Frostysol: I WILL SAY RIGHT NOW I KNOW I FUCKED UP THE KOSODE MASSIVELY, IT DOESN’T HAVE SLEEVES & IT’S TOO BIG….. I literally only had two ideas for this desgin, one was inspired by the yuki onna segment's backgrounds from Kwaidan & the other was inspired by the spirits from Kuro Neko. The eyes in the backgrounds of yuki onna were so striking & I had just watched the movie recently so it was still fresh in my mind. I knew I wanted her to be closer to a real yuki onna rather than just a cute snow girl spirit. And in that regard Kuro Neko helped with that. I guess subconsciously I wanted her to give off vibes of an unsuspecting girl who kills you & turns out to be a yokai. I thought a kosode would make more sense historically than a random cape, but also idk if young girls wore kosode like that or if it was just adult women. Had no ideas how to incorporate pallysol so I just used him for little details. He's more prevalent in the design intentionally than physically
Nonoko: Pretty simple what do I say. Uh I thought I could do a clover for the tail rather than a heart like Bloominoko. Wanted to make him even fatter than he is cuz he's Noko x2, also made his spots clover shaped cuz what's more lucky than a four leafed clover? An eight leafed clover! Or two four leafed clovers..... Also gave him double teeth & some little wing shaped clovers on his head kinda like Dudunsparce. This one didn't have a lot of thought go into it, I just kinda did what felt natural
Venyan: The first thing I thought about was what colour to make the fur & what colour to make the hair. I decided on red hair cuz it would pop more with dark blue fur. Also made his face pattern a part of his hair cuz he doesn’t have enough room on his face for it with Venocts bangs. I wanted him to be kind of a shitty little bastard, a real cat kinda cat. A good mix of their personalities y’know. Didn’t have much going on with this design either other than I didn’t want the scarf to be all bulky with the dragons cuz Jibanyan is very squart, so I moved them to the tails. Also just because that looks cooler. Had a hell of a time drawing them, I have experience drawing dragons but I’ve always been bad at drawing them roaring or snarling, they look okay but not great.
Lord Lie-in: Also had a bit of trouble combining these two, makes sense cuz I put this one off for more than a few weeks. Didn’t wanna give him big spiky saiyan hair so he got some stray hairs in the front. Took his face framing bangs & tied them up cuz I always like that look (They’re two different pieces tied individually then tied together, so there’s two mini ponytails instead of one. Also had to deliberate on the hair colours cuz I knew I wanted him to have white fur. One of my favourites was red hair with light blue ends but I didn’t go with that one cuz his outfit is mostly red. I also DID NOT feel like giving him a whole kimono (mostly for silhouette reasons) so I just gave him Miku-like sleeves. I originally wanted to give him split leg hakama but when looking at reference I remembered “Oh yeah these things have a lot of pleats & the crotch is pretty low so that’s not great for the silhouette I have in mind.” I gave him harem-esque pants & if you look closely at the upper thigh you can see a little slit in the side of them. Underneath his waist plate & top, the pants tie together like hakama do so I guess I got the hakama in a little bit. I didn’t have any room for his arm warmers so I made them into gloves & gave him the kind of socks that I don’t know what they’re called (Catra has them & I think they’re cool). Also gave him tengu cuz they look cooler than whatever Lie-in Heart has going on. Also cuz it makes him more like “Woah what a bold guy/character!!” And don’t ask how the sword fits in that sheath, idk magic or something he’s the king of the yokai he can do whatever he wants
Slimatina (or Frostymander): Again not much going on here it’s pretty simple. Gave the lower body muscles cuz I noticed the lower body of Slimamander kind of looked like a chest & also just cuz that makes it more creepy. I gave the main body/head some hair clips resembling the patterns on the bulbs of the other heads. Also made the openings in the head look more like a woman’s mouth cuz again, makes it creepy, but also I just thought it would fit more with the Frostina part. Also gave the main heads head eyelashes that look like the openings on the other heads. Decided to give her a cape this time cuz I’m not fuckin around with another kosode. I don’t know if it comes off in the piece but I wanted her cape to be flying up like she just summoned a harsh wind. Last thing is I gave her an eye ornament on her obi & a specially tied obijime cuz I saw one tied like that on google & I thought it looked cute
Whisbuzz: YET AGAIN SAY IT WITH ME! NOT! MUCH! GOING! ON!!!!!! Uhh gave him a frown cuz he’s depressed or whatever, made the top of his hood look like Whispers…… ahoge???? Made his wings wispy on the ends. That’s about it. Fun fact before I drew that one I had another one but I scrapped it because it looked too much like a sperm cell :]
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chocochococoffee · 2 months
I saw your post asking for cumplane prompts and I couldn't resist giving one:
Fusion au (ala steven universe) where SQQ and SQH can only fuse with one another because fusing with anyone else would reveal them as transmigrators
yayyy thanks for the ask! i did a fanfic for you. its short tho. iis doneeeee but i cant really link it since android tumblr is shit and aint letting me hyperlink. i hate it
Sometimes Shen Yuan felt that he was thrown inside a nightmare. Airplane called it a fanfic, but didn't call his bro out for being wrong. Gemstones here, alien attacks there, the world the System had for them wasn't Proud Immortal Demon Way anymore. 
Where to start, though? Oh, from the Very Start.
PIDW was meant to be a stallion xianxia. Cheap, easily sellable, you could add whatever bullshit and people would eat it with gusto because Magic Chinese Bullshit solved all problems, no matter what Cucumber would say against it. Now... whatever this world had instead was a mix of intergalactic/sci-fi with some touches of modified xianxia for whatever meaning cultivating could have in their now very touchable, colourful cores. What was this, Land of the Lustrous? Cang Qiong sect itself felt like a direct ripoff outta it. There was no buddhist father of the sects in their mountain though, just a lot of rowdy humanized stones polishing themselves to perfection. Sometimes they polished each other with dual cultivation. Airplane cackled madly when Shen Qingqiu had furiously mentioned it to him, skin dark green in embarrassment. No matter how edited, the core (haha, geddit?) was still the same.
For being a modified xianxia, now that their cores had become actual gems a lot of their training had become a lot more literal. Tangible, even. Airplane decided that it was easier than all the soul and aura bullshit he had written eons ago.
So yeah. Gems. Literal aliens running the whole mountain, training humans (it wasn't the case for every sect, though) and other gems for polishing into immortality. Of course the head figures of every house would have to be gem people, most of them coming from pure lineages. According to some history books, gems had colonized their plane centuries ago. Something about the quality of the soil and the nice fauna.
Airplane had called bullshit on that, he knew it was because of the specialized porn.
Fusion they had called it, the process of becoming one with another gem, the act of purest feelings that would result in a better, stronger core. 
Fusion could also be done within humans, for some reason. He had guessed that the trace minerals inside the alien gems were very accepting of the chelating qualities of the organic complements in humans.
As a result, everyone wanted to fuse. Forget dual cultivation, it was the actual Goal of the gems. It was part of all sects training, it was a required step for perfection.
And everyone could fuse and de-fuse. They could do multiple fusions too! Fusion threesomes, foursomes, maybe more! 
"Do you really believe in that bullshit?" Shen Qingqiu had asked Airplane, now Shang Qinghua, while drinking, while lazing and acting unmannerly outside of every eye put on him. While relaxing in front of the only one who could see him really relax. "Is fusing really a step to happiness?? Today even my own students are asking me why I don't do fusions with anyone in Cang Qiong. They are asking me if I am broken."
Shang Qinghua knew from where those words came from. He had been the one who warned Shen Qingqiu of what fusing really meant.
He had done it once when younger, and he had broken his partner's mind.
They couldn't take all the information inside Airplane's mind and soul. Two lives were too much for a person, even more if they had the information of the world itself.
And yet...
"Not gonna lie to you bro, I do like the idea of fusing. Even Qingge has benefited of it - I believe that it can work miracles sometimes. Just... not with us. Fucking system doomed us sexless." He took a sip of his own baijiu. Tasty shit. 
"Whatever, it feels like sex."
Shen Qingqiu had known of his only experience. It had broken him to see that he was unable to participate on one of the best features that the PIDW fanfic they lived in had to offer.
"Your Only sex experience, you mean." 
"Whuh? You come here to call me out while drinking my wine? Pfwuh, you ungrateful child. At least I Have fused once, you are still a Green Sapling compared to Me"
"Well I AM green! And this is bullshit."
To follow the design, Cucumber was also a gem. It was an implicit requirement to be the head of a sect in Cang Qiong. He, though, was not what Shen Jiu had been. 
Everyone knew of the new Shen Qingqiu proud stone, a malachite that had grown from his chest in needles towards his shoulders and neck, a problem not only made his skin get greener shades whenever his emotions ran too strongly but also that required lots of tailoring attempts thus ending with sluttier clothes, making him shine through the hallways of the sects quite literally. He didn't really know how his core had evolved from an olivine to a malachite, their compositions were different, no? And Shang Qinghua had been the only one who knew of the peridot on Shen Jiu's chest, the knew he had guarded and hid all his life, a secret that not even Yue Qingyuan knew at all.
Bullshit world. Bullshit System restrictions also.
"But no, I didn't come here to 'call you out', you swine. I came here with a proposition"
"Whoa, this is new. Are you feeling too alone without Binghe, now?"
"Binghe has nothing to do with this! It... it is more about my. Our. Uh. Our mental health. I was thinking that maybe we could try fusing? We are two people in the same conditions and I thought that maybe the restrictions that affect others shouldn't affect us... wait, what is with that face??"
Qinghua sweated, the astonishment making him acquire an orange tone. "How many cups of baijiu did you drink?? I am not trying anything unless you are sober -- I am sure sober Cucumber wouldn't even try to touch me unless to hit me with your fa-- ouch!" He was hit with Qingqiu's fan.
"I am Not Drunk, Qinghua, I have just started my second cup. My opinion will not change, also, I am telling you -- agh, you are right, this may have something to do with Binghe after all. Today Mu Qingfan even tried to recommend me some fusing to Take my mind out of my Binghe's 'demise' and... you know, it has been one year since I had to thrown him into Jue Di Gorge... Medicines aren't making any effect right now and you heard me, I may be kind of desperate, though, If I am asking this to you so... can you try to listen to me once without being an ironic piece of shit??" 
And sure thing, all that sentence had been acidic as fuck but the pain clad under that was veridic.
For mental health huh... 
"Cucumber bro, you know how this means much more than just treatment, right?"
"I know"
"This also means you will have to understand me, within the fusing bonds and outside of them. You will have to treat me well if we are agreeing to it, even if its just to Try."
"Yeah I will... I am willing to try."
Airplane cackled. "Try?? God, you really are unromantic, you little shit. Go drink some water, let the alcohol flush away first. If I am going to try fusion sexing with you I will not do it with baijiu on the body."
"Hey, I am taller than you!!" But he obeyed his instruction without retaliation, and Airplane thought that may be a start.
When Airplane fused for the first and last time it had been with his roommate, a promising An Ding prospect which meant he was also a tired and hopeless kid with great abilities in math. He had been funny and ridiculous, and also a human. 
He was now six feet under and Airplane excelled in math as a memento of their last dance.
Now they had written their own goodbye letters to their peers and friends, if anything went wrong.
"The best way to start a fusion is by dancing."
"I know, there are many types of courtship dances and Qing Jing teaches more than twenty of them. In my last life I had two left feet and now look at me, master of dances I will never use."
"Oh, not even on me, bro?"
"If you are like me we wouldn't even sync if it isn't something from the modern world, our world."
True that, plus Airplane still had maintained his two left feet from his other life. An Ding never cared to teach them things as frivolous as that, confident on the innate abilities of their own students to learn on their own. Something that Qinghua had planned to change in a near future, of course all depending on how the Binghe domination trope went.
"Got any plans, Cucumber bro? I may have stayed in this world for too long, my mind is already a bit hazy..."
"Hmm. What about Caramelldansen?"
"Gangnam Style?"
"You want us to fuck or to laugh until a heart attack!?"
"Meanie. Hmm, what about Let it Go?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"You know the choreography? I do."
"... of course you would"
It took them a few tries, and they didn't know the choreography as well as they had memed in their own original lives, but they, in time, learnt that the best way to fuse was when in sync with the other, and if it had meant them to be embraced to each other while laughing, it was enough.
"Shizun, what does this mean??"
If the whole of Cang Qiong had taken their reckless union and odd choice of partner with dismayed eyes and mean suspicion, Binghe had been on top if that mountain. Three years training in the underworld had felt like a millennia, and it may as well have been that amount of years considering that coming back may have meant that An Ding and Qing Jing had fused as their leaders had not only become an extremely stable gem, but also decided to keep fused longer and longer. Chrysocolla may have been an invention born two years ago, and may the citrine sparkles shine oddly on their black and green eyes, but the happiness they radiated may have been depicted in books as the bright blue-green colour that made their own robes and hair.
Even when separated they had changed each other, Shen Qingqiu's core turning into what looked more like Azurite, and Qinghua's secret Citrine core changing into various forms of Agate.
"Shizun, are you really happy this way?" Binghe had asked Shen Qingqiu while suddenly missing his green spikes. His new blue robes may not mix well with Qing Jing altogether but it couldn't that it was a beautiful colour.
"Mm, I may be? Now I know many things that I didn't before." He had smiled, finally satisfied. He now had all the information that even Qinghua had reprived to himself and the rest of the world in his mind, thing that became even more ckearer when together, and Qinghua had now someone who loved him and his inventions near. Qingqiu himself had learnt to love his real life inventions too, he could even pass Mobei-jun and see what Qinhua adored in him, too. That was a funny thought, but he had two years of unlearning and relearning new things, enough to be more accepting of what their future could be.
"You think you can convince Shang Qinghua if I can join you?"
If he had fused with Qinghua for that reunion he would've surely not sputtered his tea. That was a certainty.
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nayeonie99 · 8 months
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Sana x Momo / Drunk Call
Momo was sound asleep when she got woken up by the ringing of her phone. She sleepily reached for it and looked at the caller-ID.
Minatozaki Sana...
Momo's eyes were full of sleep, but after reading that name, her eyes shot wide open and her heart started racing. She hated the fact that this name still had this effect on her.
She cleared her throat, to get the sleepiness out of her voice and slowly swiped her thumb to the right, to answer the incoming call.
"Hello?". She rasped out and held her breath, nervously waiting for a respond.
"Ah, thank god you picked up. I'm sorry for disturbing you this late, but Sana and some of the rest of us went out to have some drinks, and now Sana is like super drunk and I didn't know what to do with her, so I told her to unlock her phone and call someone who can pick her up, apparently she chose your contact". The person, which clearly wasn't Sana quickly rambled over the end of the line.
Momo couldn't even process anything right now. Sana chose Momo as the person to contact?
"I'm sorry, but who am I talking to right now?".
"Oh, I'm so sorry, where are my manners. My name is Park Jihyo, I'm a coworker of Sana. I'd take care of Sana myself, but my friend Nayeon, also a coworker of Sana, decided to drink a little bit too much tonight as well, so I'm having my hands full with her already".
"Alright umm, where are you right now? Where is Sana?". Momo asked while she had Jihyo on speaker and quickly changed into some black jeans, a shirt and her shoes.
"We're at this bar near the company, I told Sana to sit down on a chair and ordered a glass of water for her already". Jihyo said and Momo could hear the music playing slightly in the distance. Jihyo must be calling her from outside of the bar right now.
"Alright, send me the address, I'm gonna pick her up". Momo said and grabbed her jacket and keys to walk to her car.
Jihyo thanked her before she ended the call and Momo made her way to the address Jihyo sent her a few seconds after the call ended.
On her way there, her mind was full of questions.
Why did Sana tell Jihyo to call her?
Momo and Sana broke up 2 months ago, they never talked to each other after the breakup. That's why Momo was so surprised to see Sana's name popping up on her phone earlier.
When Momo parked her car in front of the bar and got out of it, she leaned her back against the black Mercedes and fished out her phone to call Sana's number again.
"Hey Momo-ssi". Jihyo picked up the call again and Momo scanned the area with her eyes.
"I'm here, I'm standing outside of the bar. You can come out now, I'm standing in front of a black Mercedes in case you're searching for me".
"Alright, we are coming". Jihyo said before she ended the call.
Momo's nerves skyrocketed after the call ended. This will be the first time seeing Sana after the break up, after 2 months of not talking to each other.
Momo didn't know what Jihyo looked like, but that wasn't necessary, because when two women walked out of the door of the bar, Momo could instantly see that one of them was Sana.
Momo could stand in a room full of people, she'd always find Sana first.
She saw Jihyo looking around, searching Momo with her eyes, and when they finally made eye contact Momo lifted her hand slightly up to wave at Jihyo.
She saw Jihyo dragging Sana along, with her right arm tightly wrapped around the other woman's waist.
Momo gulped when Jihyo whispered something in Sana's ear and her head shot up from Jihyo's shoulder. Dark brown met cinnamon eyes and Sana's face lost all the colour it still had.
It's like the sight of Momo made her sober up a little bit.
"Hey, sorry for the late bother, but I didn't know what to do with her". Jihyo said after she finally got Sana over to Momo.
Jihyo was a beautiful woman. It was nice to finally have a face to the raspy voice Momo had talked to over the phone with this night.
"Hey, it's okay, don't worry about it". Momo said and felt Sana's eyes staring at her.
"So, is that your girlfriend?". Jihyo asked Sana, but all she could do was gulp and shake her head.
"Yeah, no. We aren't together, we're...". Momo paused for a second, her eyes looked at Sana, Sana's eyes looked at Momo.
"Friends, we're friends". Momo finished her sentence and fake smiled afterwards. She tried to act as if the situation wasn't completely awkward at all right now.
"Ah I see, well, I hope it's okay to leave you both alone now, but I have to take care of Nayeon". Jihyo smiled and slowly unwrapped her arm from Sana's waist. The Japanese girl stumbled a little bit, but quickly found her footing again.
"It was nice to meet you Momo, maybe you can tag along when we go out the next time". Jihyo said and waved at Momo one last time before walking back into the bar.
As soon as Jihyo was gone, the atmosphere was more than tense. It was awkward and painful.
"Let's go". Momo said and held out her hand for Sana to take. Sana stared at her hand for a good five seconds, before slowly intertwining her hand with Momo's cold one.
Momo swallowed before she walked Sana to her car to open the passenger seat for her to sit down in. Momo buckled her up and Sana's sweet scent filled her nose after she heard the click of the belt.
She took a deep breath after she slowly closed the passenger door and made her way to the driver's seat, slowly sitting down and buckling herself up as well.
"You shouldn't drink this much, Sana". Momo said after she started the engine of her car.
Sana just blushed and played with the rim of her skirt, she was clearly embarrassed about this whole scenario going on right now.
"I'm sorry that this happened". Sana slurred out and this was the first time that Momo heard her soft voice talk after 2 months.
It made her heart race.
"I know". Momo hummed and started driving into the cool summer night.
"Why didn't you tell Jihyo to call Mina? Why me?". Momo couldn't help but ask.
"I don't know". Sana said and stared out of the window, too scared to meet the other woman's eyes.
Momo didn't believe her, but she decided to not push Sana.
"Do you want me to drive you to your apartment? Or do you want me to let you out at Mina's?". Momo asked after she halted at a red light.
"Can I stay with you tonight?". Sana shyly asked and the grip Momo had on the steering wheel tightened.
"Sana I-".
"Please Momo". Sana said and turned her head to the left, to look straight into Momo's eyes. They just stared at each other, they took in the other persons sharp facial features.
Momo's eyes darted down to Sana's lips and she cursed mentally at herself for feeling so drawn to Sana, as if nothing happened between them.
A car honking behind them broke the moment they shared and Momo cleared her throat before she started driving again.
"Mina is probably with Chaeyoung anyway". Sana mumbled and returned to looking out of the window again.
"Alright, I'll let you stay the night". Momo said and regretted it right after she said it.
"Thank you Momoring". Sana smiled at her and Momo couldn't help to smile a little bit back at the younger girl.
The rest of the drive was filled with silence, just the radio playing some quiet songs.
Momo shut the engine off when they reached her apartment complex. She quickly got out of the car to open Sana's door.
Her fingers shakily opened Sana's seatbelt, before she stepped back a bit to make room for her. Sana slowly tried to stand up, but as soon she was up on her feet her body crashed straight into Momo's.
Momo quickly held her up by the waist, their chests were pressed together and Sana's nose grazed Momo's for a millisecond.
"Slowly". Momo husked out and Sana's grip tightened into the fabric of Momo's shirt.
"Are you okay?". Momo asked and slowly steadied Sana back on her feet. Sana still had her hands clenched into Momo's shirt.
"Y-Yeah, just a bit...dizzy". Sana whispered out, her eyes darted from Momo's eyes down to her plump lips.
Momo gulped, before she grabbed Sana's hands, to remove them from her shirt.
"Do you think you can walk?". Momo asked and slowly let go of Sana's hands. Sana just nodded her head and clenched her hand around the strap of her purse.
Momo locked her car and then started making her way to her apartment, with Sana slowly trailing behind.
When they reached the elevator and Sana pressed the number of the floor Momo's apartment is at before she could do it herself, Momo couldn't help the tiny smirk forming on her lips.
So she still remembers...
It was weird, standing in this elevator with Sana, her ex-girlfriend. In the elevator they had made out millions of times already.
The ding of the elevator broke Momo's train of thoughts and she walked to her apartment door, grabbed her keys and opened the door for Sana and her.
Momo slowly closed the door behind them after Sana made her way into the apartment. Sana stood still for a moment, to take in her surroundings.
Momo's apartment hasn't changed at all, everything was the same, the same paintings hanging on the wall, the same furniture, the same smell.
Momo's smell...
Being here made Sana's heart race more than she'd like to admit. She would've never thought that she'd be here again, not after what happened between Momo and her.
"Come, let's take off your makeup". Momo said and grabbed Sana's wrist to take her to the bathroom.
Momo placed Sana in front of the mirror, grabbed her hairbrush and started brushing Sana's long hair. She felt Sana's eyes on her through the mirror, but decided to avoid eye contact.
After she finished brushing Sana's hair, she grabbed some cotton pads to moisture them with her makeup remover.
She began to gently remove Sana's makeup. When Momo started removing Sana's mascara, she couldn't help to stare into Sana's eyes for a few seconds before she continued removing the rest of Sana's makeup. 
She threw the cotton pads into the bin after she was done and grabbed a spare toothbrush for Sana to use. Momo watched her brushing her teeth, with her shoulder leaning against the doorframe of her bathroom.
This felt so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time. Sana made Momo feel calm and Momo missed this feeling more than anything.
No, it wasn't the feeling she missed.
She missed her.
She missed Sana.
Her Sana.
When Sana finished brushing her teeth, she washed her face afterwards and took some of Momo's moisturiser.
She washed her hands and dried them with Momo's towel before she followed Momo into her bedroom.
"Here, you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch for tonight". Momo said and lifted up the covers for Sana, to signal her to slide under them.
"I need to change my clothes". Sana still slurred a bit. Momo's eyes slightly widened and she quickly grabbed some spare clothes for Sana to take.
"Okay, take these". Momo said and handed Sana the clothes.
"Can you help me?". Sana asked and tilted her head slightly to the side, staring up at Momo with those beautiful cinnamon eyes Momo fell for so hard.
Momo didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded her head slowly up and down. She walked towards Sana's direction and slowly started to tug the white buttoned up shirt Sana was wearing from out of her skirt.
Sana's breath hitched slightly when she felt Momo's fingers brush against her exposed skin. Momo's eyes were fixed on the buttons she was opening. She was sure that if she'd look into Sana's eyes right now, things would just escalate.
When she opened every single button of Sana's shirt, she slowly slid it down her shoulders and took it completely off.
"Can you take off my bra? I feel uncomfortable with it on while I'm sleeping". Sana asked and Momo's eyes widened even more.
Momo didn't say anything, she just slid her hands behind Sana's back and opened the buckle of Sana's bra. Momo slowly straightened herself and pulled the strings down Sana's shoulders.
Momo gulped at the sight of Sana's exposed chest. She always loved Sana's breasts, they were the perfect size.
"Now take off my skirt". Sana rasped out and let her back fall against the mattress.
Momo bit her lip and reached the zipper of Sana's skirt with shaky hands, to pull it down. She firmly gripped the fabric, to tug it down Sana's long legs.
"Okay, all done". Momo breathed out and wanted to walk away, but Sana grabbed her wrist to hold her in place.
"I want everything off". Sana rasped out and Momo gulped.
"Sana, I don't think that this is necessary". Momo blushed and glanced down to Sana's panties.
"I want them off though, you know I prefer sleeping naked anyways". Sana smirked and Momo let out a sigh.
"Fine, if that's what you want". Momo mumbled and Sana let go of Momo's wrist.
Momo slid her fingers under the waistband of Sana's panties and pulled them slowly down Sana's legs. She took them completely off and placed them on top of the rest of Sana's clothes.
Momo felt like she was glued on the spot. She couldn't move away from Sana. Her eyes raked over Sana's entire body and she had to bite her lip. She felt her cock twitch in her pants.
Sana looked up at her, their eyes were exchanging words, playing a dangerous game of who will break first.
When Sana slightly spread her legs apart, and Momo saw how wet she was, she couldn't hold herself back any longer.
"Fuck it". Momo breathed out, before straddling Sana's hips to press their lips together.
They both sighed into the kiss, Sana's fingers tangled into Momo's dark hair to pull her even closer.
Momo felt Sana tugging on her shirt, silently telling her to take it off. Momo pulled away from the kiss to quickly take off her shirt and bra, leaving her only in her black pants and underwear.
Sana looked up at her with hooded eyes and flushed cheeks. Momo always got weak at this sight of Sana, so she quickly unbuckled her belt and unzipped her pants to take them off, together with her boxers, leaving her completely naked as well.
Sana hummed satisfactorily and let her hands run down Momo's abs. Momo couldn't help the smirk forming on her lips, which mad Sana smirk as well.
"I missed this". Sana said and wrapped her hand around Momo's cock, slowly jerking her off.
Momo watched with hungry eyes, she wanted to say that she missed this too, that she missed having Sana this close, but she couldn't find her voice.
"Lay up on the bed baby, let me make you feel good". Momo said and this made Sana nearly moan out loud.
She quickly laid down on the bed, her head was resting against Momo's pillows at the headboard and then Momo crawled slowly onto the bed, to hover right in front of Sana's face.
"Hi". Sana breathed out with a lazy smile playing on her lips. Her fingers gently caressed Momo's face, feeling her soft skin under her fingertips.
"Hi". Momo replied. The same smile Sana was showing started forming on Momo's face and she closed her eyes for a few seconds, to enjoy the feeling of Sana's gentle fingers on her warm skin.
When she opened her eyes again, Sana was staring at her with longing eyes and rosy cheeks.
"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to regret this tomorrow". Momo said and caressed Sana's hair with her right hand.
"I'm sure about this. I never regretted you, Momo". Sana said, the slur was now completely gone, her voice sounded clear and confident.
"Neither did I". Momo said, before she leaned down to press their lips together into another sensual kiss.
Sana wrapped her arms completely around Momo's neck, to pull her impossibly closer against her naked body.
"Please...". Sana whined out after Momo pulled away first.
Momo slowly positioned the tip of her dick against Sana's pussy, letting it slide up and down her folds, to collect Sana's slickness.
Before Momo pushed into her, she looked up to check if Sana is ready. Sana just nodded her head, telling Momo silently that it's okay.
Momo slowly entered her, inch by inch. Sana's pussy was sucking her cock in, engulfing it in a tight heat.
"Oh my god". Sana whispered before she clenched her hands around Momo's wrists.
"Fuck". Momo shakily moaned out before she started moving her hips at a quicker pace, fucking into Sana in a steady rhythm.
"Momo". Sana moaned out, her head flew back into the pillows and her mouth shot open because of the way Momo's cock was stretching her out.
Momo let out a moan as well, at the way Sana kept moaning her name every few seconds. She knelt up, so her back is straightened and grabbed Sana's legs to place them on top of her shoulders. She leaned forward, so Sana's legs were folded and then started pounding into her.
"Fuck yes, just like that babe". Sana cried out. That nickname made Momo bite her lip, while she watched Sana falling apart under her.
"Yeah? Is that good baby?". Momo huffed out and gripped Sana's hips tightly with her hands. Their skin kept slapping together harshly and Momo could feel her abs starting to burn.
"Y-Yes, please". Sana cried out and covered her eyes with her arm. Momo quickly removed Sana's arm though, before she pressed Sana's wrists up above her head.
"I want to see your pretty eyes, love". Momo said and quickly pecked Sana's lips, before she cupped Sana's face with her right hand, pressing her fingers into Sana's cheeks to make her look at Momo.
"I love to watch you fall apart". Momo husked out and Sana's eyes rolled back after Momo hit that specific spot inside of her.
"I'm gonna cum". Sana cried out again. Momo smirked and nodded her head, "Yeah, cum for me baby". She hummed.
Sana's stomach clenched together, her whole body started trembling and she let out a shaky breath when she came undone underneath Momo.
"Mhm, such a good girl". Momo hummed and pulled out of Sana to turn her around on all fours. Not even giving her time to at least calm down a bit after her soul crashing orgasm.
"You're so beautiful". Momo breathed out, more to herself than towards the girl bending down in front of her, after her eyes scanned Sana's naked back. But still, Sana heard Momo and clenched her hands tightly into the sheets, letting out shaky breaths.
These type of words of affirmation made Sana go absolutely insane. It made her heart beat faster, her stomach clench and her mind foggy.
But it's not like Momo didn't know about this. She knew exactly what she was doing to the other girl, she knew exactly what to say and where to touch her. And it drove Sana more than mad. Mad that Momo still knew how to handle her, even tho it's only been two months. These months felt like years. But Sana wouldn't have it any other way right now.
So when Momo pushed back into her, filling her completely, she closed her eyes and pressed her face into the mattress, letting out muffled moans when the older girl started moving her hips.
No one could do it like Momo, and for Sana it will always be Momo. Who knows maybe it's wrong, that the thing they're doing right now is not right, but the both of them didn't care, not for a single second they regretted it.
They just wanted to feel like this for one more time, one last time. Being there, together in the comforting light of the night, expressing their emotions they can't express with words.
And that's exactly what they did.
"Sana". Momo moaned out and threw her head back, gripping Sana's hips tightly, to pull her more into her thrust. Sana's eyes rolled back and her grip on the sheets got impossibly tighter, making her knuckles turn white from the strong grip she had on them.
Momo's jaw slacked open when she felt the way Sana was clenching around her. Her eyes looked down, watching how her cock slides in and out of Sana with ease, coated with Sana's wetness.
"Fuck...". She rasped out, eyes hazed and cheeks flushed, abs burning by how hard and fast she was going.
"Momo, please". Sana cried out, arching her back. Momo bit her lip, watching her side profile, the way Sana's lips were parted, sweat dripping down her jaw, down to her neck. The way some strands of hair were sticking against her skin.
Momo was in such a haze, it felt like a fever dream where she never wanted to wake out of.
"You're gonna cum for me again? Huh?". Momo huffed out, spanking Sana's ass harshly.
"Fuck, yes. Please Momo". Sana cried out even harder, legs trembling already.
"It's okay my love, u can come. Let go for me". Momo said and angled her hips a bit lower, to hit that specific spot inside of Sana, making her completely break down underneath of her.
Sana came with a loud scream, her entire body started shaking, eyes tightly clenched together. Her grip on the sheets slowly loosened up and her body fell completely down onto the mattress.
"Good girl". Momo hummed and kissed up Sana's spine, up to her shoulder blades and cheek. Sana started smirking, and turned around so she's on her back again.
"What about you?". Sana asked and wrapped her arms around Momo's neck.
"I'm good, don't worry about me". Momo smiled and caressed Sana's cheek gently with her thumb.
"You need a reward though, since u put in so much effort and work". Sana grinned and turned them around so Momo is lying on her back and Sana is kneeling between her legs.
"Oh do I?". Momo rasped out and rested her back against the headboard. Sana slowly crawled closer, grabbing her cock in her hand and started jerking her off slowly.
"Yes, definitely". Sana hummed before she leaned down to take Momo's cock in her throat. Momo instantly let out a moan when she felt Sana's soft lips engulf her length, her hand instantly tangled into her hair, grabbing the back of her head tightly, but not pushing Sana's head more down. She wanted to give Sana the entire control.
When Sana swirled her tongue around her tip Momo's eyes rolled back and her tummy clenched together.
"Fuck, I love this". Momo breathed out and Sana took her out of her mouth, "I know that", she smirked before sucking Momo back into her mouth.
"Holy shit". Momo moaned out when Sana started bopping her head up and down, feeling her dick slide down Sana's tight throat.
"Sana...I'm close already". After Momo said that, Sana took her even deeper down her throat. Momo's eyes widened and it didn't take much more than that to make Momo explode into her mouth.
Sana hummed at the taste of Momo's cum filling her mouth. She swallowed it all and slowly pulled Momo back out of her mouth again, just to get pulled into a deep kiss, by the back of her neck from Momo.
The both sighed into the kiss and pressed their bodies together, feeling each others body heat.
Sana was the first one to pull away from the kiss. They stared into each other's eyes and both of their hearts started racing.
"Sana...". Momo breathed out, her thumb caresses San's bottom lip. Sana just stared at her, waiting for Momo to continue.
"Thank you for choosing me as the person to call". Momo smiled and slid a strand of hair behind Sana's ear. Sana returned the smile, she knew what Momo meant with that, so she grabbed Momo's cheeks with her hands and said, "I will always choose you as the person to call", before pulling her into another deep, longing kiss.
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heliosoll · 5 months
Hii I'm here with regards to your winx Dr!
I've got a few questions, please let me know or just exclude ones that make you uncomfortable or ones you'd prefer not to answer! First question is, what's the winx society like? it's a mix of magic and tech so it's obviously different from ours but besides that what about the culture, the politics? Is there late stage capitalism there or is it more socialist/communist ish in the sense of workers rights, people not being exploited, universal basic income etc? and education, that's one I'm curious about. Is it possible to study both streams of magic i.e fairy and witch at the same time? or r they inherently antithetical to each other and will clash? It just seems so fascinating to me. In a similar ish vein regarding education, what jobs can a fairy take on after they've finished their alfea schooling? what happens to those who didnt manage to save anyone because it's not like there's a life threatening situation where you have to sacrifice yourself everyday? are they asked to stay back another year? how would you say the economy works over there? are jobs necessary in the same way that they are here? or are fairies kinda just given free reign to roam the magixverse and pop in whenever there's trouble along with the specialists and witches? are there research institutions specifically designed to further their knowledge of magic? it feels like the entire political structure and system is different in the winx universe and I absolutely loved that as a kid. oh yea did it take long for you to adjust having wings? do they kinda just pop out when you need to fly? like what's the sensation like? do you mind describing ig the texture? and if they're really as brightly coloured as what we see in the cartoon? im still having trouble imagining wings that can carry an entire person like woah that's incredible now that I think about it! also how exactly do people travel from planet to planet? does everyone have magic inside of them or only a select number? are there spaceships? can you breathe or fight in the vacuum that is space? or does it not work that way in you Dr? it's all so fascinating. do you get a salary? or is there no need for one??
Hi! How fun! Disclaimer that all of my answers are my experiences in my DRs. All DRs are different, so don't worry if there's anything here you don't want to experience!
what's the winx society like? it's a mix of magic and tech so it's obviously different from ours but besides that what about the culture, the politics? Is there late stage capitalism there or is it more socialist/communist ish in the sense of workers rights, people not being exploited, universal basic income etc?
In both of my Winx DRs, there are multiple planets and systems that have various cultures and societies. What society is like really depends on where you are! Lynphea works on a full trade/barter system; only a couple of major cities use money and only for tourists. Eraklyon has an absolute monarchy with figureheads for smaller cities (like Diaspro's family - the Quidoves). Magix has a direct democracy and is on the brink of socialism.
There's a council of representatives from different planets, however, not every planet is included. It can be a very lengthy process as all powers and the majority of people have to want to be on it (there's a voting process that the council holds separate from whoever's in charge), they have to agree to the council's main rules of morals of society (free healthcare and education, rights for all, etc), and the planet has to elect a representative.
I'd say education is best on Lynphea, Magix, and Solaria! Lynphea has some of the best magic programs in the universe, Magix is such a cultural hub that there's very little bias in the teaching, and Solaria is generally really good at balancing between things like science and healthcare vs arts and history. All studies are considered important and worthwhile there! (Fun fact: Helia attended an art school in Solaria in my DRs)! Zenith's education is good, but it's extremely selective and intense. Their primary education is so good that only people who really, really want it (or need it for their career) further their education, which means smaller programs and fewer spots for students. They're working on it hahah
Is it possible to study both streams of magic i.e fairy and witch at the same time? or r they inherently antithetical to each other and will clash? It just seems so fascinating to me.
Well technically, you can study the magic of other streams, but it's not really possible to practice them. Streams, for the most part, work on completely different wavelengths. For example, in order for a Believix fairy to be a Believix fairy, they need to continuously inspire the people around them. If that fairy were to start trying to use a more witchy input (ie feelings of self-will/self-preservation or intense, negative emotions), their output could backfire badly.
Picking a magic stream is a really important decision! This is actually a big reason why so many magic users don't do it. Picking a stream has a lot of pros (more focused magic, community that can make you stronger, certain career choices, etc), but it also has some cons like magical input being extremely particular.
In a similar ish vein regarding education, what jobs can a fairy take on after they've finished their alfea schooling? what happens to those who didnt manage to save anyone because it's not like there's a life threatening situation where you have to sacrifice yourself everyday? are they asked to stay back another year?
Fairies can pick any average day job they want (like accounting)! But you probably mean magic-specific jobs hahah Well, obviously guardian fairies! The Winx were appointed those positions but most fairies would apply for it. They could apply to guard specific areas like a home town or they could even go to the council and be sent on missions where a fairy is needed.
If someone has picked the fairy stream and goes to Alfea, like 9 out of 10 times they're trying to become a guardian fairy. As for other paths, some fairies get into general politics, others the government (a lot of royals at Alfea), and some will just be traveling fairies. Some fairies even set up their own shops for spells and helping people!
So Alfea fairies actually don't graduate until they reach their Enchantix level! Students are given a two-year period after Alfea's third year to complete this and are allowed to live on campus and continue learning during this time. Once the school feels a student is ready, they'll be sent out on missions either by themselves, with other fairies, or with specialists to help in crisis situations on their home planet. It's extremely rare for an Alfea fairy to not reach Enchantix during this time!
how would you say the economy works over there? are jobs necessary in the same way that they are here? or are fairies kinda just given free reign to roam the magixverse and pop in whenever there's trouble along with the specialists and witches?
For jobs, it depends on where you are again! On some planets, they are necessary, and on others, they aren't.
As for fairies, if they want to just roam and help whoever needs help, they'll need to get registered with their governments and the council if their planet is on it.
are there research institutions specifically designed to further their knowledge of magic?
Absolutely! The magic research programs and institutions on Lynphea are actually to dieee for hahah Domino also had a good one for templars but it faded away after the war :(
yea did it take long for you to adjust having wings? do they kinda just pop out when you need to fly? like what's the sensation like? do you mind describing ig the texture? and if they're really as brightly coloured as what we see in the cartoon?
It did take me a while to adjust to having wings and flying! I had never experienced that before, so it was quite weird at first. They do just pop out hahah They won't pop out randomly though, you still need the intention to do it. The sensation of them "coming out" or transforming mostly felt warm to me. It feels like a surge of warm energy/light coursing through your back (and sometimes your whole body). The texture of wings is very silky but kind of like... staticky too... like you get tingles when you touch them hahah The color really depends on the fairy! A lot of fairies do have bright-colored wings, but there are also plenty with darker or muted colors. The colors correspond to the fairy's personality!
also how exactly do people travel from planet to planet?
Spaceships or teleportation. Do you remember the teleportation postcard that Stella showed Bloom in the first season? Those are extremely common!
does everyone have magic inside of them or only a select number?
Not everyone has magic inside of them; some people have some but not enough to use it. It just depends on genetics! People without innate magic can still become magic users though! They just have to harness the magic around them instead of inside them. It's generally a lot harder though :(
are there spaceships?
Yes :) Commercial, private-owned, and military!
can you breathe or fight in the vacuum that is space? or does it not work that way in you Dr?
In my Winx DR, we could fight! We couldn't breathe unless we had Cosmix. In my Specialists DR, we couldn't do either hahah
it's all so fascinating.
I agree :) I love fantasy DRs so much!
do you get a salary? or is there no need for one??
It depends on the planet again! Some planets pay people for work with tangible money/coins/gems, while others pay with lodging/food. On some planets, a job is more of a partnership and you get paid back with experiences, more information on the field, etc.
This was fun! Thank you for all the questions :) I love talking about my Winx DRs hahah
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ryuichirou · 5 months
You know the drill!
Anonymous asked:
Malleus is soooo cute and he's being such a little shit about it 😭❤️
He knows he is the cutest, that’s for sure >:3
Anonymous asked:
Oh your LiliMal 💚💚💚 I love it so much!
I just really have this thing on my mind that young Malleus has a crush on our dear cool General Lilia. I mean who wouldn't? fufufu
Thank you so much, Anon!
I agree, Malleus and Lilia have a very complicated relationship, but one thing about it is certain: Lilia has always been the most special person in Malleus’ life <3 for better or worse lol So he was absolutely crushing hard on him back then.
Anonymous asked:
*points accusing finger at you*
I see the purple and green paint mixing in that pallet, sneaky bastard(/j)
*this is refering to the greenviolet art*
Ahh I’ve been found! Exposed!
It’s all Violet’s fault, he is the one mixing these! And he absolutely doesn’t need whatever colour he ends up with, I don’t think it works very well lol But it’s the process that counts…
artfulhero-m asked:
Also completely random but you know how Malleus has the ability to teleport yeah? Do you think he has the ability to choose to teleport out of his clothes or do you think the clothes have to stay on during teleportation? The thought of that man just forgetting to teleport with his clothes on and actually managing to catch a housewarden meeting, albeit naked, is a really funny thought to me. Then again, he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to do that at all, but it's still a funny thought in my opinion lol.
(this is the second part of the ask from yesterday)
I’ve never thought about it, but you know, accidentally teleporting out of your own clothes does sound like a fun concept lol Maybe this is one of the first things you learn when you master teleportation: how to keep your clothing belongings intact, and then how to teleport other objects or people without directly touching them. Malleus really isn’t very likely to make that amateur mistake, he is very powerful and skilled.
But for the sake of the funny scenario… he would be so confused about what’s going on, and the rest of housewardens would be so shocked that they probably wouldn’t say anything. I’m betting Kalim will be the first one to make a sound lol
Poor Malleus, he would be very upset and embarrassed after that. Which is horrible for every single NRC student; we don’t want to have Malleus in a bad mood… the housewardens would silently swear to never speak about it again. But the memory would haunt them forever…
Anonymous asked:
I saw your RookLeo reply, and I was like 👀 But honestly I think maybe it happened exactly ONCE because Leona thought that giving in just once will stop Rook's... obsessive behaviors, but little did he know 🤣
Sounds like a typical thing Leona tells himself to cope; like yeah sure it was a plan that just didn’t work and somehow even backfired lol
But to be fair, there is no way this plan would’ve worked in the first place, so…
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indigos-stardust · 2 months
@undertheopensky here's some answers to your questions! I do have a whole series planned and these are actually just scenarios that happen in it lol
#how does green come to find vio’s anxiety closet?#what differentiates it from a regular closet?#does he find it while vio is IN the closet???#why does vio have an anxiety closet in the first place?#not that i can talk i used to hide under my desk and cry bc Paperwork#but like what’s the REASON#how did he come to find the closet helped? DOES it help?
Vi is a hermit. That is a fact. And while he fine at first, you see the realization and mental processing of everything he suppressed has started to hit him! And due to some *ahem* miscommunications he is trying to bring back Shadow and deal with his guilt of everything that happened and internalizing everything :). So what though? Sure he's rationalized that he just lacks the same humanity as the others and is not only a cruel person but also one who doesn't even possess the quality of being loved unless he's serving the others. And honestly they can't know about any guilt he has either! that's risky.
The thing is, lil dude is convinced that "he's the only one who understand the horrors and implications of his actions, and the heartlessness he had when he executed them." And that if he starts talking about what happened, not only would they be disgusted in him, but they'd also grow suspcious of Vio's "research for the rebuilding of Hyrule" and catch him as a traitor for real this time!
So yeah he's basically numb and repressed all the time with occasional intense bursts of anxiety. And well I'm gonna be honest, closets are nice small safe spaces where he can't be seen. (I have a drawing of the floorplan of their house if ur interested). Green and Vio's rooms are wall to wall. So when Vio thinks everyone has left the house its nice to have a morning sob in the anxiety closet. At this point the others have picked up that he has "self care" issues because he's "just so devoted to helping Hyrule" but then Green was sleeping in one morning and well.. Lets say the element of wind is a light sleeper. And, well he went into vios room... Asked Vio is he was okay, and vio was just trapped in the closet. Of course, Vio at that point was doin the thing where you try to stop crying but your breathing is weird. So yeah green just found vio as a flustered curled up crying mess in his own closet.
Green has indeed used this to blackmail into taking better care of himself. The closet mostly just provides security for him because he's like mega paranoid and hyper aware of everything. He kinda just started doing it out of desperation because being in a closet is the best way to not be heard having a panick attack at 6 47 am.
#blue-vio interactions are AMAZING and i will always be delighted by them#but why does vio have panic attacks?#did blue know about it beforehand?#did anyone know vio got panic attacks?#did VIO know vio got panic attacks?
OH I have a whole fight and character developement arc between those two! And yes vio has bitten blue and blue did throw a heavy book at his face to "help him learn a lesson sense reading the books wasn't helping so far" Their autism styles clash extremely hard. Their triggering of each other's issues clash even harder! I've got a whole thing written out if you think I should make a post on it~ It should answer the rest of ur questions lol. But yeah vio just thinks that "oh sometimes the stress kinda hits me because I sleep bad meh" bro is so suppressed he doesn't even realize that he's having emotions. (very, very intense ones). I have. pages and pages of ideas and dialogue about this
#what does ‘how red sees the colours’ even mean?#is red colourblind or is this a character study thing
Oh yeah! I do Character study things with these guys all the time, whether its their communication styles, their changing group dynamics, small quirks, and etc! Btw generally speaking, Red started out really admiring everyone else for different reasons, but honestly the more he gets to know them the more cute and silly he sees them XD. Blue's just a grumpy kitty in reds eyes lol. Green is such a silly little airhead sometimes! And vio is so cool and smart- Oh no HES A WET CAT- So yeah he definitely has a way higher emotional intelligence and uses his "innocence" to his advantages. Whether that's emotionally manipulating them to be mentally healthier, get extra cookies, or get away with his mischief <3
#shadow walking in on zelda midmurder: yeah that makes sense. would be fantastic bonding too. or at least hilarious.
Would you like to hear my "effects of the invasion of Hyrule on princess Zelda and her englithenment and reasons for murder?". ALso no, shadow is terrified of her. absolutely horrified and this makes it a billion times worse XD I also have notes on this if you are interested. Zelda's is more "I am going to eliminate any threat to my friends, and if I have to kill then they can't know. It will harm them, but I need you to cover my tracks. I'm sure you wont say anything, now will you?"
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faebriel · 1 year
brrrr rainduo hunger games au
mad shoutouts to bee, beans, daisy and cherry for hopping on the rainduo hunger games bandwagon kdhkdjd
okay so nonnie i have a bit of hunger games knowledge (have watched the first two movies with some pals in the last month, various clips on youtube, etc) so i decided to take this one to my friends in clout farm to bounce some ideas around. niki and wil as tributes? niki as a tribute and wil as an estranged old friend who won the games five years ago and then was swallowed up by the capitol? two coworkers in the world's worst subminimum wage job? then bee comes in with the sledgehammer
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for everyone else who also thought oh god i need to google that: avoxes are rebels, traitors or deserters who had their tongues cut out as punishment, and are forced into servitude by the capitol.
alright so. wilbur and niki are two kids in district 12 in the midst of a potential regime change - and they're kids, around ten and fourteen each. to-be-president schlatt is shoving around president dream and it almost seems like this might be a window for change, something wilbur is so passionate about
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and then that wrong person overhears, and wilbur is gone.
niki assumes that wilbur is dead. (and tries not to think about how he got taken, because of nothing more than sheer bad luck, and she didn't.) it's awful, but seven years pass and she does her best to cope with it. and then her name is called at the reaping, when she is seventeen years old.
niki has absolutely zero intention of playing along with the games - she thinks they're horrible, just another way for the capitol to terrorise the people of the districts, even if she's learned by now the consequences of actually saying that out loud. she meets her mentor, jack - a year younger than she is, district 12's only remaining victor. he came out of the coal pits at thirteen, with just enough charisma and confidence to win over the sponsors and just enough grit to outlive every other tribute in his games, despite his age.
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unfortunately for jack, niki is stubborn as hell when she makes her choices, and she's chosen not to play. fuck the capitol - fuck acting as their entertainment while they burn her entire fucking world down. fuck smiling how they want her to and acting sweet. why should she? she should she, when they've ripped her away from everything she had to lose? niki can hold her own, but not like this - and if she is going to go to her death, she refuses to act pretty about it.
and then she encounters wilbur.
it's one of the dinners for the tributes - one of the early ones, right after they're paired off with their stylists (niki doesn't entirely know what to make of hbomb, who asks her what colour hair dye she'd prefer in one breath and then lays out the most cynical, how-to-get-ahead guide to the games in the second, and then exalts the benefits of a kitty ear motif in the third) but before the interviews and grading. they're eating the fanciest food niki has seen in what is probably her entire life, although it tastes like nothing more than ash in her mouth, and pouring the tributes and their mentors glasses of expensive wine - never mind that almost all the tributes are underage, because when else will they get the chance to drink, hey? niki is still silently fuming, pushing her food around her plate and refusing the sixth damn offer to refill her wine glass and she finally looks up and behind the mask he's wearing, behind the unrecognisable silence, behind seven years of thinking one of her best friends had been horribly killed (and being entirely unable to process that fact) - she sees wilbur.
she immediately asks, wilbur? - not that he responds, and now hbomb and jack are giving her weird looks as hbomb informs her it's just an avox and jack goes oh, yeah, they don't have them in the districts, but -
none of their words matter, because half of niki is solidly trapped in this space between reality and dreams and her worst nightmare - she's only able to pull her shit together once jack has dragged them all back to the district 12 tribute spaces, and gives her the whole spiel about what an avox is, and by extension, what happened to wilbur.
niki is horrified. to think she mourned for all those years, and wilbur was alive - not just alive, but mutilated and tortured at the hands of the capitol. niki didn't think she could become more furious, more enraged with them. she was wrong.
the problem now, then - if niki wants to help wilbur, actually help him, she has to play. she has to win.
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(and yes, she does set the forest on fire. she has to win, after all, doesn't she?)
this post is getting so so long so i am putting some more miscellaneous thoughts about The World and more details about niki's games under the cut ⚔️
okay so dream WAS president but was overthrown by schlatt in a "peaceful transfer of power". this was around when niki and wil were 10/14 each - and naturally uprising resulted in a peacekeeper crackdown in the districts, leading to wilbur's capture and arrest :(
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2. haven't really nailed down other tributes in niki's reaping (i'm already handwaving the guy from district 12. he doesn't exist to me he is stock image steve) besides uhh ranboo who niki makes brief friends/allies with and then dies horribly. i was thinking aimsey and guqqie because from what i've seen of their content they love a tragedy? but yeah idk
3. sam is the gamemaker for this arena! he was a former victor and has decided to use this knowledge in the worst way possible.
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quackity is Also a gamemaker (young upstart with no experience yet in the arena or out of it) and they have terrible workplace drama. is he hooking up with the president? i will not say yea or nay.
4. rest easy in the knowledge that, as a servant to the capitol, wilbur got to see on live television the moment niki was reaped :']
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5. niki does, in fact, win the games - by the skin of her teeth. while she is so full of fury at the capitol, i feel like she'd Actually kill like, one career and then feel Extremely ill about it. unfortunately, she has too much on the line to lose. this isn't just about surviving, or going home - she needs to get herself and wilbur home in one piece. she Cannot Afford To Fail.
she ends up winning by setting the arena on fire with use of a match donated by jack and some sponsors he managed to twist the arm of, plus probably some clever digging around in the arena itself to find something flammable (maybe some kind of fuel to power the arena itself?) this fire ends up killing off the remaining few tributes at that point - at least one in front of niki herself - and damages the arena too. niki, already injured before the fire started and now barely clinging onto life past her burns, doesn't even hear the sound of the cannon shots as her victory is announced - she only realises that she's won once the hovercraft descends, perfect steel against a fiery, smoke-filled artificial sky.
she can't really stand the sight of flames after that. unfortunately, fire becomes her new branding.
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6. district 13 Is a thing. Eventually. can't overlook niki's beloved anarchist friends :3c
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and finally:
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lixenn · 25 days
HELLOOO!!! (〃^▽^〃) These are for Dan, Dave & Rina!!! 💖
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
Heya there Ein! My angel! Thank you for coming in and delivering some questions 💜✨
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
This is difficult to answer because I love a lot of things about Chief. Hmmmm... I like his competence and ability to roll with the craziest bullshit. Yes, some stuff the Varia pulls will have him stumped especially when he's tired (brain takes longer to process things) but he will put his confusion and questions on the back burner and just get shit done. I'm a sucker for competent people Ein, it's one of my weaknesses 😔
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
Dan isn't really a fashionable person, he prefers comfort and practicality over style. He wears the Housekeeping uniform while working (so pretty much 24/7 OTL). The standard uniform looks a bit formal, it's basically dress pants (black), dress shirt (depends on division but as Chief of Staff Dan's shirt is also black) and Varia boots. Since Dan wears his uniform a lot it kind of misleads people into thinking that it's his prefered way of dressing but it's not. His personal style is way more casual. Hoodies and sweaters, cargopants (he lives for the cargo pants, he needs the pockets so bad), mostly in earth tones. Green, brown and grey are his go to colours sometimes he mixes in some black. He still wears the Varia boots in his free time too because they are the best boots 🫡
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
My favourite thing for Dave is his complexity. He started of as just some silly comic relief with his comments in the Guide but he quickly grew into a very complicated character with lots of layers and hurts. I like how he developed into someone life like, someone who's a lot little bit broken, hiding the his true self under a mask.
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
Dave also wears the Housekeeping uniform while working but unlike anyone else in the division he doesn't stick to one shirt colour. Dave exists in a weird twilight zone where nobody actually knows what his place is. He's just ghosting around in Housekeepings command structure doing whatever he likes which includes wearing all the different shirt colours of the different departments lmao.
As for personal style... It varies on mood, he often goes with punk deliquent kinda style, ripped jeans, lots of jewellery, leather jacket, fishnet, matching the chaos gremlin energy. But sometimes he likes something soft and cozy too, with oversized sweaters and slacks. Again it depends on what he feels like in the morning. Just know that Dave is pretty fasionable (unlike me and Chief OTL) and cares a lot about his appearance.
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
I love Marina's ambition and ruthlessness. She's a powerful woman, but not for her abilities in battle. No, Marina fights with words and social influence. Sweet praise, hiding dripping poison underneath. Nudging someone in the right direction with just a few comments. A manipulator in the shadows, often dismissed as just another pretty face (which she fully takes advantage of). Politics is her playground and oh boy is she winning at it.
I love strong female characters but I wanted Marina to have a different kind of strength. So yes, she's ruthless and has high ambitions, but she fulfils her desires in a social setting instead of in a fighting one.
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
Marina is pure elegance. Beautiful dresses, nice pair of heels. Often times simple but still stunning. Her usual go to are dresses and skirts but she also rocks a pant suit occasionally. Colourwise she's not that picky but tends to go for warm colours over cold ones. (She's also fond of green like Dan).
oc ask game
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le-trash-prince · 7 months
adding another ask into our rotating collection sorry.
so I had a dream last night where [a person I love] was tenderly doing my nails and it got me thinking, because everything I think of these days is pit babe and because Kim (well Benz but you understand) has SUCH nice nails: one of his boys doing his nails. filing, shaping, smoothing, painting. maybe a little hand massage.
the act of service makes me think Kenta (he'd be so gentle and careful about it) but also Dean wears rings in a way that makes me think he understands the importance of nice hands. plus the opportunity for praise: doing a neat and tidy job, when he picks a nice colour. maybe he learns how to do cool designs?
(the only part of the process winner is interested in is the scratches that can be left with said nails)
idk it's just Very Important to me that Kim is well-cared for 🥺
🥺🥺🥺 Please don’t apologize for blessing me with this ask. This got me choked up because YES, Kim deserves to have his boys taking care of his hands??? Taking care of him???? And good god yeah his nails are so pretty wtf
I can see the little crease between Kenta’s eyebrows from concentrating so hard on doing a good job 🥹 But oh yes, Dean strikes me as someone who could really get into doing nails! He’d do it with a smile on his face because it’s something he finds fun (and yes praise kink), and he’d think about Kim when he’s out at the store and sees a color that matches Kim’s jacket. And nail art yes! Little black and white checkered racing nails 🏁🥺
Honestly I can see him and Kim doing each other’s nails on a regular basis, but if I think too much about how competent Kim would be at doing someone else’s nails and him touching Dean’s hands I might swoon AGDHFJJF (Inserting this clip of Benz here for the domestic visuals BECAUSE JUST LOOK)
which of the four do you think has the most sensitive hands asking for reasons
(can you blame Winner honestly. Im thinking about how he probably loves being marked up and im yelling)
Yeah Kim deserves to be pampered like royalty! 🥺 Why else would they always be kneeling at his feet. What a lovely dream and a lovely thought!!
I know exactly what you mean about associating everything to Pit Babe 😩 I was at the store earlier and I saw a dartboard and IMMEDIATELY envisioned Winner and Kenta smoking and playing darts at the bar!! Kim and Dean join in sometimes (and those are the loudest and most entertaining games), but it’s usually just the two of them and it becomes a little bonding ritual of theirs.
Winner doesn’t really stand a chance against Kenta’s precision, but he enjoys trying anyways. One game, he starts catching up, and he’s all ready to start trash talking until he notices that Kenta’s aim has been drifting—and when he looks over, he sees the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of Kenta’s mouth, which has Winner swearing at him (he’s still smiling though) coz he knows Kenta did it just to get on his nerves, because Kenta can go easy on him and still win. (And if Kenta shakes in silent laughter, will Winner’s poor heart even survive)
Anyways it just makes Winner decide to show Kenta how he really likes to win—sabotage (feeling Kenta up while he tries to stay focused).
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madamesydney · 2 years
states + how to enter
hello !
today i will be talking about states and how to enter. i know this’ll help.
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“what are states?”
states are a collection of beliefs, feeling we have towards ourselves, what we feel are true as a present fact. it’s who you are aware of being in the present, it’s who you are in your mind, the I AM. you switch states all the time wether you realize it or not. it’s natural. you can be in the state of richness, admired as well as being in the state of poorness and disliked. it all comes down to what state you frequently go back to. 
remember that you are not your state. you’re the person, the BEING who enters in and out of states. it’s like when you walk into a room, you’re currently occupying the room however you’re not the room itself. that’s like states. 
so if your bank account is -200$, it wasn’t you, you were in the state of being poor, your sp rejecting you, it wasn’t you, you were in the state of being the person who got rejected by their sp. you see what im saying? so instead of focusing on the material object, focus on the being, being the person who has them.
seeing states like this makes things easier because now you realize that the only thing you need to change is yourself. 
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“so how do we change ourselves?” 
so change ourselves we need to understand how we manifests. like i said before, what manifests is not how long you stay in a state but how frequently you go back to a state. let’s say you want to manifest an sp. so you’re in the state of being the person who’s dating their sp. let’s say you’re in the state for 7 minutes, and then you frequently go back to the state of being the person who’s not with their sp. now what state do you think is gonna manifest? the state of you not being with your sp. remember that the world reflects your inner world. the world echo what you whisper in secret. 
it’s essential to remember that to become the person you want, you must leave the world alone. what do i mean leave the world alone? no, i don’t mean lock yourself in your room and repeat affs all day. i mean, genuinely leave it alone because there’s nothing you need to do now. you don’t change the world you change yourself. if you KNOW that you are the world and the world reflects your inner world, you’ll know there’s nothing to do. see the world as a mirror because it truly is. i’ll give an example. 
let’s say you’re manifesting a tesla. you’re in the state of BEING the person who is a tesla owner. you don’t look at the world and say “WHERE TF IS MY TESLA???”, there’s nothing to do because you already are the person who owns a tesla. the more your frequently go back to the state being a tesla owner, the more natural it feels and it’ll manifest. 
like neville said, many people would imagine “i am rich, i am wealthy” but internally they would feel “when’s my next dollar?” “where’s my money?”. to avoid this you need to completely immerse yourself into the imagination as if it’s the only reality. if you know the world reflects your inner self then you’d find it useless to look for external validation. 
manifesting isn’t about “getting” it’s about BEING
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“ok great so how do we get into the state”
it’s very easy, once you decided you’re in the state, you’re automatically in. i know there’s people who think it’s a huge process of how to enter the state but it’s very easy, even saying to yourself “i’m in the state”. 
however there’s also different ways to enter the state if you’d like. this also depends on how you think because we all don’t think in the same way. we sometimes think in pictures, inner convos and etc. i personally think in inner convos. 
so if i were manifesting a tesla, i’d be in the state of a tesla owner. i’d ask “what would a tesla owner think?”, so i’d have inner convos like “oh i wonder where i parked was a nice spot, i should charge my phone before i get locked out again, should i change the colour of my tesla?” and stuff like that. once you realize you’ve fallen out of the state, you can use any method to go back to it. 
if i thought in affirmation (or if my favourite method was affirming), i’d just affirm “i’m in my desired state or “i’m a tesla owner” and move on. if i feel myself getting out of the state throughout the day I affirm once again. remember it’s how much you frequently go back to the state which manifest, not how long you stay in the state. even asking yourself “what would a tesla owner think and feel” is enough. 
remember how you think and feel is different from the way i think or feel. feel free to think however you want !
“but how do i know if i’m in the state or not?”
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the way to find out if you’re in the state is your thoughts. like i mentioned before, you change states 24/7, it’s inevitable however it’s the state you frequently come back to that manifest. with that being said you cannot serve 2 states at a time. you cannot be in the state of the wish fulfilled and in the state of lack, it’s one or the other. i’ll give an example. let’s say two people named sam and phoebe are trying to manifest a job. 
let’s say phoebe’s thoughts are like this 
“i wonder how i’m gonna receive the manifestation” 
“it’s been a couple of days and no sign of my manifestation :/” 
“omg i forgot to affirm! now the manifestation won’t come in time” 
and sam’s thoughts are like this
“i love my job” 
“my coworkers and managers are the best” 
“every single shift is so much fun” 
now tell me, which one of them is gonna manifest their desires? yep, it’s gonna be sam! we can tell that phoebe’s state is the state of lack and sam’s state is the state of the wish fulfilled. phoebe is aware of the fact that her desire isn’t here right now whilst sam is being who she wants to be in the present moment. 
i know lots of people feel “stuck” because of reasoning. we need to understand reasoning come from fear. reasoning asks when it’ll happen, how it’ll happen and many more. to get what you want, to become the person who receives their manifestation, you must abandon your reasoning. to abandon reasoning is to bring things to the present moment. you must stop thinking about your desires in a future moment and think about it from the present moment. instead of thinking when it’ll happen, fulfil yourself because it is happening right now in your inner self. there’s no need to look outside to know when it’s coming because YOU are the confirmation. if your inner world is saying that your desire is happening NOW then it will happen NOW. it’s like when you order a package. you don’t question how the mailman is gonna drive to your house or who’s gonna drop your package, there’s nothing to do anymore once you press “order. 
manifesting isn’t about changing what you see in the mirror, it’s about changing yourself, it’s about being the person you want to be so that the mirror changes. look at the world like a mirror.. because it is. if you have dirt on yourself and you look in the mirror, you’re not gonna wipe the mirror, you’re going to wipe yourself. 
let’s say you’re manifesting your desired appearance. if you’re imagining or thinking in the future moment, as in you’re thinking about your glow up happening later then you have completely failed the inner man. you will continuously just manifest nothing or small movement because your inner man is telling you it’ll happen later. well, that later will keep being later until you realize you need to fulfil in the present moment. to fulfil yourself you must abandon the world and think in the present moment. the being, the person who has that glow up, is you right now. 
the same voice that puts you into the nightmare is the same voice that frees you - Edward Art
a lot of people make this mistake of thinking in the middle. thinking in the middle is manifesting the steps, the middle. so i’ll give another example with an sp. let’s say you’re manifest an sp right? you want to be with them correct? but in the present moment, you’re being the person who gets a follow back. or being the person who sees them in the hallway. however, the end would be you being the person who’s in a relationship with your sp. why are you trying to manifest small steps?? go to the end! i know for some they wanna manifest small steps because it’s comfortable for them. at first, when being the person who has your desires, it’ll feel weird. neville gave this example of being a suit. at first, it feels weird or uncomfortable but later it’ll feel natural. 
another example about thinking in the middle could be trying to manifest a job but you’re thinking about nailing getting a job interview. if your manifestation is the job, you being employed, why are you thinking about the process?
remember once you enter the state, let. it. go. there’s nothing to do anymore because it’s already done. you don’t need to hold onto your state. your only job is to frequently return to your desired state whenever you think about your desire. so if you think about your desire 4 times a day, return to your desired state 4 times a day. 
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“ok but what about negative thoughts? what do we do about those?”
whenever we speak about states there’s people who ask about negative thoughts and how to control them. what if i told you, there’s no need to control them. i know we’re used to hearing “flip your negative thoughts” which is bad because you’ll just end up in a warfare in your mind especially if you have OCD, ADHD or any form of mental illness that repeats negative thoughts. i know i’ve had my fair share of repeated negative thoughts. all you have to do is.... nothing! let it pass. look at it like someone who got water thrown at their face, you may said wow that’s insane, and move on. you walk pass it. i know it takes practice but once you master it you’ll be free. read this reddit post for more information about this.
speaking of forcing, i’ve noticed a lot of people have difficulty staying or returning in the state of numerous reasons, but i don’t understand why you wouldn’t fall in love with your desired state. persisting is not a chore, it’s not something you should dread, persisting is simply experiencing being the thing you want to be, being the person who’s that happening to.
one woman in neville’s teaching wanted to be an author, she asks neville “i want to be an author, what would you do in my position?” he responded with this “i’d imagine i’d see my book outside of a window, i would be looking at it at a bookstore and then i’d have people lined up eager to buy my book waiting to get into the bookstore. and i’d see people wanting my book so badly that i can’t keep up with making copies of it because people want it so much, and people would praise me and tell me how wonderful my book is”. now if your desire was to be an author, would that feel amazing? yes it would wouldn’t it? that’s why i say make it personalized to you. make it so that you can’t help but go back to the state. get creative! make it so that it’s natural to you to go back to the state. 
“naturalness is just effortless expressing, you don’t need to force it” edwart art 
this also reminds me of marilyn monroe’s story and how she unintentially manifested her fame. we all know that marilyn monroe was one of the OG it girl. the girl everyone wanted. did you know she manifested the way people look at her and her beauty? check out what she said in her autobiography
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to end this off, i wanted to leave a video i highly encourage to watch. this is what help me understand states. 
happy manifesting
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sangpires · 2 years
i've been following you for a very very long time (the snk askblog days !) and your art still blows me away every time. i just love your colors and painterly style. do you have some art tips, tutorials, brush recommendations etc ? i really want to improve my digital painting skills and i'm curious about your process
Oh no! Not the ask blogs..... but thank you so much for your continued support of my work 🥺♥
I think the most important things I always keep in mind is colour theory though I can't say im always successful each time I do it 😂 Honestly when I see guides it all never makes sense to me?? What do they want me to do even!!
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These guys explain things pretty well though and much more professional than me:
Emel's Colour theory notes Gigi's colour/lighting notes And also this image right here
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Honestly main things are
limit your palette - use a colour fill set to low opacity overlay or 10% opacity normal for the mood you want for the piece, your character might be wildly coloured but this brings it together
split/complementary palettes are great, saturate one side, desaturate the other for contrast (looks teal but its actually a grey if you swatch it )
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don't you dare use white grey or black to shade! dont you dare!!!!
add a slightly more saturated colour in the middle of your shading gradient for some pop
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personal taste but i like to dab some colour elsewhere where it might not belong 🤷‍♀️
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my personal pet peeve is that i dont actually like swatching from character sheets im sorry the cat is out of the bag whats the fun if you cant play around with lighting and mood
most important skill is to not be scared to try things that are hard that you think wont work out!! trust in the process!! itll look like ass the whole way through!! use colour balance at the end if you need to!!
also colour theory relies on the ryb wheel rather than rgb which really messes with you in digital settings... thats something i still need to memorise more... awful
Also tosses this out here too: Jing's brushes are my current go to since I work more in procreate now
Anyways half the time I dont even listen to myself and forget the stuff i should be doing and i have to go back and ref my own art style so who knows!!! take this all with a lot of salt
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maximillien · 2 years
anywho, THE REQUEST 🫶🫶
i don’t mind what ever format you like to do, but can i have a thing with alberu where he’s looking at the reader and goes “oh shit, i am so in love with this person” and after he comes to that realisation he just notices more little things about the reader until he’s like, “(name), for as long as i lived, and for how much i cherish this empire, you are my closest aide and has gone through the most with me. so, not as a request from your superior or as your royal highness, but as alberu, would you continue to cherish these moments with me? for i love you truly, (name)”
Omg omg omg okay let's gooooooo
- let's start talking about how he'd fall in love with reader.
- another writer has touched on this, but I also think he'd go for an arranged marriage as they've written 'the benefits of an Arranged marriage can't be glossed over'
- so yeah, reader is either a noble or princess and all (transmigrated or not)
- I think he'd try to start off being friends with you
- before the wedding and marriage in itself he wants you both to get to know each other, like? You're spending your lives together?? Might as well see what you're both getting on each end
- so he'd try to make some time in his schedule (I'd love to see him throw his work on Cale- literally, throw his papers in his face and say 'IM GOING A DATE, DO THE WORK')
- most likely would have tea with you, have walks in the garden
- starts off asking basic questions like your favourite colour and food (yes ik ik ik idc, he's asking them, he wants to know)
- he might invite you to play chess with him (yes I hc he plays chess- ugh imagine playing chess with him. After he fell in love with you he'd let you win just to see you smile (unless you're a chess champion and you win without him letting you, then count him surprised and horny))
- bounces ideas and theories off of you, he wants to know how your brain works and your thought process
- at the very start when you're still acquaintances he'd probably ask some questions to test your boundaries and see where you stand (like to see if some subjects make you tick, what you're okay talking about and all)
- he wants to know who you are as a person, not as the noble/royal facade you've put up
- in exchange he'll do the same
- he won't let you know he's a dark elf yet tho, that's like very very intimate territory and much further down the line
- so he'd share his own ideas, theories and interests
- I think you'd end up being friends in the beginning
- then you get married (I don't think you'd spend the first night yet)
- and then you meet his fucking brother
- I think you'd be so flabbergasted meeting Cale that you'd show it too evidently on your face, and Alberu would test the waters. Then you'd answer in some way, half bashing Cale and that's it.
- he's elated
- you're now BEST FRIENDS
- tea times complaining about Cale and the work you BOTH have to take care of
- which he's ever so thankful for, because he also now has you to help and has a tiny bit more free time
- I think he'd fall in love after you discover he's affiliated to the dark elves
- like you don't know HES one. You just know he has connections with them
- one of his fake elf guards made themselves known in their real form and BOOM. You're in his office
- why are you in his office? Your husband has been overworking himself for the millionth time that month, so you know what? You're going to knock him out and drag his ass to bed. How will you do that? You snuck into the kitchen and stole a pan. Now you're tiptoeing into his office, busting the door open and- OH MY GOD IS THAT A DARK ELF?
- I gotta say, mistah dark elf bodyguard would probably try to knock you out, but you've been training your reflexes to knock your husband out.
- so guess what?
- mistah bodyguard ends up knocked out into the floor whilst steam comes off the pan
- Alberu is gobsmacked
- like his mouth is open and he is SHOCKED
- a tiny little part of him is like 'wow, they have brains AND brawn, ugh I wish that were me on the floo-'
- he waves the thoughts off though, and pries the pan from your hands before more lasting damage can occur
- I mean he was gobsmacked, youre over here having a whole ass nervous breakdown because what the FUCK is a dark elf, the elves that have gone into HIDING FOR CENTURIES??? Doing here??
- honestly considering taking his necklace off and telling you the truth
- before you look at him, dead in his eyes and go ' you're allies with them'
- so he's just gone quiet whilst you're over here, marvelling over how your husband SOMEHOW managed to BEFRIEND, and ALLY himself to THE dark elves
- he's kinda shocked that you're not idk, thinking of reporting his bodyguard (who si still knocked out onto the floor)
- he asks you why you're not reporting the bodyguard to his father (ugh.)
- you say that it's unfair what's happening to them. What, because they use dead mana they're dangerous now? Who the fuck came up with that logic?
- he swoons. Does not show, but he swoons.
- he started falling in love right there, he just didn't show it and I don't think he acknowledges it until later on
- so you know, you guys brings the bodyguard back to his room/headquarters and then you both walk back to your room
- you shared that you were gonna knock him out with the pan to bring him to bed (since he wondered why you had it)
- he's never been more jealous of his bodyguard in his life
- anyways y'all go to bed
- he definitely wants to ask you again, if you're okay with him being allied to the dark elves (not even knowing your sexy ass husband is one) but he abstains cuz you'll get suspicious otherwise
- he waits until you fall asleep and just watches you, with this soft look in his eyes, and his heart just squeezes and he knows
- he is not an idiot, he knows on the spot what he's feeling and that it's all for you
- probably has an 'Ah. I'm in love with them' realisation
- definitely makes more time in his schedule for you
- and tries courting you properly
- he's putting himself out there
- gets you flowers, presents, whatever you want.
- you want jewellery? He's called up the best jewellers in the empire, they're coming over soon. You want to have a look at new weapons for your weapon training? He's sneaking out with you in town to have a look at some. It's a date. (He's buying you skewers and trying out new foods too. Is watching you and only you the whole time. Definition of heart eyes.)
- he complimented you before he fell in love, but then his compliments like, tentupled?? Is that a word?? Autocorrect says it's not. (X10 basically)
- you 👏 are 👏 always 👏 getting 👏 complimented 👏
- in the morning when you wake up? Your hair looks marvellous, he loves the way the sun catches its reflections. When you come see him for a break? Gosh, those trousers/dress suit you so well. He should call another dresser to make some more for you. Having dinner? He won't say it, but he loves how you eat (yes, he loves how you eat. Idk what you use to eat, he loves how you enjoy your food and your content face.)
- literally, he loves everything about you
- it doesn't even matter what emotion you're feeling
- you're angry? Will try his best to help you (Horny activated if you get mad at some horrid noble). You're sad? He will always always be there for you and make time for you. Want a hug? His arms are already open and he's ushering you into his lap. Not a hugger but need a shoulder? Available for Any talk. He'll always be on your side.
- I don't see him confessing just yet
- he's in love, but he's been living in the palace so that's given him trust issues
- also he's a dark elf so that makes his trust issues go ⬆️
- you'd get curious about his necklace sooner rather than later.
- all the months you guys have been sleeping together he's never taken it off
- you've seen him go take a BATH with it
- (yes? You watch your husband like a hawk? And? He notices when you go to take a bath too?? He loves how you look when you're all warm and refreshed, ready for bed.)
- so yeah, subject would come up, and he'd share it's from his mom
- you tell him he can talk about it if he wants
- he does. He talks about his mom, how much he loves and misses her. How he knows she would've loved you so much and would've loved to meet you. How hard it was in the palace for them and how life was for him after
- you'd both be in a pretty private area and you'd have moved your hand to hold his (if ur ok with touch, if not, you're intently listening to him).
- at that point he says he wants to share something personal
- you say go for it
- he takes his necklace off
- *wink club transformation msuic*
- here is your sexy dark elf husband
- now. I gotta say. I think we all thirst for dark elf Alberu. I know for sure my first thought would be a horny one and I know reader would also have a thirsty thought
- probably let's it slip that you find him really HOT AND SEXY
- hand on mouth with gasp (not him ;;;)
- he did not expect that
- he expected either a freak out, rejection or acceptance
- not sudden horny
- gobsmacked 2.0
- recovers pretty quickly, he's definitely teasing you after but right now he just wants to make sure you're okay with this
- you're okay with him? Even like this?
- youre tutting at him at this point. What the fuck do you mean, this? Yeah I'm okay with you being sexy, man.
- no but seriously you say this changes nothing and he's still your Alberu (ahem ahem emphasis on YOUR, he blushes but you can't see due to his darker skin)
- gets up from his seat (y'all were sitting at a table) and rounds the table.
- takes your face in his hand and looks ta you with that look
- that look. When you're in love and you look at somebody like they're your world
- yeah, he's looking at you like that.
- he's leaning in closer and right RIGHT close to your lips he asks if you're okay with this (little breathy question, god you can feel him)
- you don't even wait
- just immediately take his face and kiss him
- he's brain fucked
- he's so happy, gives the kiss his all
- sits on the table and you climb on his lap and straddle him soon after
- you're both holding each others faces
- rly passionate honestly
- and then confession
- he confesses between kisses
- now you over here are absolutely breathless. Not breath left in these lungs. He's taken all your oxygen and he's confessing his undying love for you
- the moment you reciprocate hes grabbing your waist and leaning you slightly forward and kissing you even more fervently
- he's so happy
- (this definitely leads to hickeys, though he had to loosen your dress/shirt to give them, gosh you're both completely messed up by the end)
- I wouldn't be surprised if you guys had your first time right there and then
- If you don't want to, he'll immediately stop, he's absolutely fine not doing anything. He's still miss you up your neck and your face though. Very attached to you for the next few weeks
- if you do end up banging, you're doing it on the floor as the table is too uncomfortable
- takes very good care of you, goes slow and is very respectful (even if his control is slipping, like sweets, the moment he's in you? That control is an elephant on a thread)
- aftercare king
- runs you a bath, asks for some food to be cooked and water to be brought over
- will massage you if you want
- wether you have sex or not, you both fall asleep cuddling (unless you don't like that) and he's completely shoved his face into your neck
- he's in his dark elf form the whole time btw
Haha there it is
My keyboard is glitching so I'm stopping now
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ayyponine · 5 months
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much like last year i got to enjoy some studio visits this weekend B)
(commentary in addition to description linked to each photo individually)
started out fresh w an art gallery (1, 2, 3) w some cool, colourful, eclectic and playful pieces on display. made a quick stop at work to say hi to a colleague i hadn't seen in a while before making my way to
my second location and biggest must-see (4, 5). Had a nice chat w artist who saw me look at one of her canvases frm the side so she was like lol do you paint or smth. bc i recognise how you're viewing these works when i go to a museum i do the same exact thing. I loved getting her perspective and a glimpse into her work process even if it's so different from mine idk it was cool! There was a whole collective of lil art studios scattered about the building surrounding a courtyard so i also entered a diff place and look. they were all about making zines. a group of ppl was chatting and making em. so i entered and was like hi ja sorry i kom ff binnenvallen maar ik weet niet goed wat er..... te bezine valt. which instantly made me cringe so hard i was ready to leave but the girl leading the workshop seemed thrilled to have me and explain the setup even if internally i was still like oh god why am i like this rip. i think i missed out on some more ateliers but mostly bc a lot of the artists were gathered in the lil courtyard having drinks and chatting and i was too intimidated to ask fr info or be spotted looking lost like some IDIOT so on i went rip.
quick stop at kids clothing shop which always cheers me up it's so whimsical and i want their stuff fr
Then onto 6, 7 where they had some cool stuff fr sure but the location was such a cramped and cluttered old row house and i had already spent my whole day walkign around in a T-shirt so especially trying to navigate around other visitors this was just not it babes. i moved on before having seen it all despite being interested bc i just needed to get tf out.
Managed my good deed fr the day when i spotted a confused looking older couple w a wheeled suitcase and personally guided them to their hotel
THEN on to this hidden lil atelier where i also went last year + attended a grand total of 2 life drawing sessions in the months after. again while arriving i was faced w the distinct feeling of having barged in on a private party of artists all at a table sharing a leisurely drink on a dreamy sunday afternoon rip BUT. the artist i talked to last time/followed the drawing sessions with was there, still knew me by name and made some small talk to help me feel welcome what an absolute gem. he even proposed i sit w them at the table & hang out fr a bit, when i said like hmm thank you but to just join up w a group of friends who all know each other it's a lil daunting he even said like but i know them, and i know you so its all ok :) i was internally like cool. i would takea fucking bullet fr you btw this is totally fine and i can not believe you are still willingly talking to me, the single most embarrassing person to ever exist in the world
anyway i did not accept the offer to stay fr a while but did chat w some of the other artists which was again super cool, to get more info on the diff works on display. they seem like a rlly sweet and charming collective of people and i wish i didn't feel so ashamed of myself so i couldve spent more time with them all but aint that the way. debating atm whether i should sign up fr another life drawing class or if the guy was only being nice bc he felt obligated and would actually prefer i keep my flustered and off putting vibes tf away from his personal and professional work space idk.
anyway. i had the wrong address so almost missed out on my last visit but in the final hour it was still possible i did manage to find the last location (8, 9) w an exhibit on themes of europe, durability and the meaning of home. there was a really cool piece on trees & difficulty in their sap stream where you could touch a chunk of wood and feel clicks resonate through a speaker mounted on the back, a glass installation on koekhappen re: jumping through hoops fr resource accessibility & probably my fave: the audio of welcoming messages. esp smth about the french speaker was so warm idk there seemed to be genuine relief in the confession of "je suis tellement heureuse de te voir, que tu m'as manqué" which also btw. god ive always loved that expression. ive missed you you have been missing FROM me or smth more in that direction of semantics i. insane
then biked on to my moms again to get some got damn. peace and quiet. and a cinnamon roll w vanilla ice cream <3
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pinkboxess · 5 months
⭐️I want you to do a little directors cut so bad but I don’t have the time right now to pull out a specific scene from one of your fics so you chose!!⭐️
Okay, after thinking, I'm going to talk about sunflowers, again. I'll add a cut since this will get long. Also this is like....heavy and sad, so sorry about that.
This is one of my fics where I actually put more artistic thought into it. I wrote the fic after I visited a Monet exhibit in February. It made me think about Ted's visit to the Van Gogh museum in season 3, and the connections between him and Van Gogh (sunflowers, suicide), and thus the fic was born.
I'll give some more behind-the-scenes details about some of the sections
“Do you have any guns, knives, or other weapons on your person?” the employee asks. “No siree bob,” replies Ted. “Only guns in the room are these bad boys.” He flexes his arm comically, causing Rebecca to choke on a smothered laugh and elbow him in the ribs.
When I visited the Monet exhibit there was a security agent who asked us about weapons. I just imagined how Ted might respond to the same thing when he's feeling anxious and rambly
In the next room, the museum has placed Cafe Terrace at Night and Wheatfield with Crows adjacent to each other. They have similar colours: bright mustard yellow, a deep, powerful blue. Whenever Rebecca looks at art, she imagines herself inside of it. What might it be like to order dinner at that cafe? Or to chase the crows away from the wheat?
This is often how I engage with art. I imagine myself inhabiting it. I am really interested in historical clothing (and furniture and items generally, to a lesser degree) and I love to go to museums just to look at items and imagine who wore them, used them, and inhabited them. Imagined what it would be like to be the person who wore that dress. Place myself within their perspective by gazing at something that once was part of their life.
“He did it cause he didn’t think he was a good dad. Didn’t think he mattered.” “Oh, love,” Rebecca soothes. “But look at this guy. He thought the same thing, but here we are, all these years later lookin’ at his art.”
This section is heavily inspired by the Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who. I'm not really a Doctor Who fan, but a friend of mine made me go watch a clip of that episode specifically, and it has violently imprinted itself into my mind.
In the episode, Vincent time travels with the Doctor to a museum displaying his work. The Doctor is doing it to convince Vincent that he is famous in the future and people love his work. He's hesitant to believe it because in his own lifetime he wasn't valued as an artist.
Then the curator of the museum says to a visitor that Van Gogh is possibly the greatest artist who ever lived, and Vincent hears him, and he gets it.
It is just so striking to me to imagine an experience like that. It's something that never could really happen, because it's sci-fi, but it's incredible to think about. What if you could know how people think about you decades or centuries in the future? After you're gone? What if you could see your legacy before it's even happened, and see that you even have a legacy at all?
We don't know anything about Ted's dad really, but I suppose in my imagination I think he's the type of person who would be changed by the experience of watching Ted go to therapy and process his trauma. If he thought he was someone who didn't matter in life, he might be surprised to see how Ted engages with his memory after his death. Ted's statement of "I still need my dad" is my attempt at something would impact Ted's father in a way that mirrors Van Gogh's reaction to the words of the curator. And I think Ted might think, in his own mind, that by healing himself, he is also kind of healing what happened with his dad, in some way.
Even later, a few weeks after their museum trip, Rebecca comes home to find a print of Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers hung up in the kitchen. She doesn’t ask him about it. She doesn’t need to: she sees his quiet smile as he looks at it while he cooks for her. 
This ending is a manifestation of that feeling for Ted. He's not avoiding Van Gogh-- in fact he's actively bringing it into the house-- because he thinks of it as part of the healing process.
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