#oggi star
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PRIMA PAGINA Daily Mirror di Oggi martedì, 10 settembre 2024
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
Well Critters it's Bells Hells Live Show Day! That snuck up on us quickly didn't it? Felt almost like a few weeks ago that they announced it!
Alas, being across the pond (also tomorrow's Father's Day in the UK) I will have to wait for the VOD, sitting here with my usual Thursday night doses of anticipation, imagination and anxiety, but I hope all that are attending have a great night. So much can happen, so much stuff I want to happen too but ofc some things are long shots - anyone who looks at my feed can tell what I want to happen let's be honest, and there'll be dress up and whatever beyond extra entrance Sam has planned to make his anticipated and grandiose return.
So sing the intro loud, tag your live spoilers just in case, do creepy whispers if Laudna performs a Sending, tell them to stop it if they sneeze, and most of all enjoy the show!
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dolorygloria · 2 years
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Sophia Loren for Ieri, Oggi, Domani (1963)
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pythonmelon · 3 months
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A monster themed RP game I spent a lot of time in between 2016-2022 is closing, so I wanted to redraw all the characters I played there over the years- I met a lot of cool people through it, made a lot of longterm friends and learned a lot.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 month
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Considering that Summer might come to a close end anytime soon, I'd figure why not draw some Soft Doodles of Me and My Friends' Xilam OCs together (with an addition of a Canon Character of course, lol).
Anyway, considering that I've wanted to do some Random Scenarios about this Year's Summertime, I've drawn Two Completely Different Scenarios.
For the First Scenario is Brady (@luci-the-stan-18's OC) with Star (Our OC) at the Beach. Basically, their Families decide to why not spend some quality time on the Beach & while they're at the beach, their own Kittens decide to play together at the Beach but most of them wanna go in swimming in the Water.
However, the Problem is that Star is too scared to go in the Water and is afraid that something bad might happened during their Beach trip like a Shark attack or something since she's very uncomfortable of being reminded when she lost her Siblings when they fell down into the sewer but Brady assures to help her overcome her fear of Water, so The Cockroach Kitten trio decide to help Star...Meanwhile, the Roaches on the other hand are up to no good (like any other day in Oggy's Family) (I dunno, maybe they wanna Have Fun Too? Cause Trouble? Probably).
The Second Scenario is based upon One of My Conversations towards @djinarocks about Bolok & Elodie's Love Life since @djinarocks described their own relationship as Genuine since Lucien proudly respects her as a Woman (unlike those perverted men that Elly got into over the Years), so I'd figure why not draw them in their own Genuine Romantic Moments of them Cuddling Together like a Couple while also having them in their Body-Wears (Elodie is wearing a Bathing Suit while Bolok (despite not wearing any shirts today) has his own Long Pants on) (they're sitting on a Bean Bag BTW).
For my personal Body design for Bolok, I borrowed some details from the Fine Bolok Queen herself on this Site as I really like the Theory of Bolok having some Scars on his Body (I dunno why, I think it's a Pretty Neat Concept).
Also, I made Elodie wear some Starfish Earrings for the Summer instead of her Pearl ones as I've also made her Hair into a Braid because My Friend confirms that Bolok can do any hairstyle that he wants for his Sweet Elly.
Brady (c) @luci-the-stan-18
Star (c) Me and @luci-the-stan-18
My Version of Star (c) Me
Elodie Auclair (c) @djinarocks
Lucien Bolok (c) Xilam
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benedicite-stellas · 2 months
i purposely made hyo cat coded while will is dog coded
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
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jikothemartian-z · 2 years
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DD and Marky cursing (inspired by Spongebob) 
The word was motherf***er because it’s word 11 and f**k is 1. I heard it in a deleted scene of the episode on YouTube.
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machiavellli · 5 months
You know i dont have a clue about anything in star wars
only thing i get is
may the FOURTH=may the FORCE
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May the fourth be with you too<33
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PRIMA PAGINA Usa Today di Oggi giovedì, 05 settembre 2024
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heart-star · 9 months
The days of my Advent for this Christmas.
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robertoperodi · 2 years
Il sentiero dell'amore - The path of love
Il sentiero dell’amore – The path of love
Amare è sentiero, non meta. La metà più stretta della via ordinaria (etimologicamente).Come tante altre cose, sappiamo cos’è l’amore. Ma non basta sapere, vogliamo sapere dov’è. Continue reading Untitled
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marine-indie-gal · 2 months
(Was originally going to upload this by tomorrow but I'd figure why not post it now).
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So Yesterday, I re-watched Two Ghibli Movies (The Second was "Spirited Away" but the Very First One was My Most Favorite, "Ponyo").
While watching the First Film for so long (since Ghibli was actually one of my Very First exposures to Anime), I've been noticing on how that Mine and @luci-the-stan-18's Two Kitten OCs were like the Animal Equivalents of Ponyo and Sosuke (and maybe our own Platonic Friendship is like them too).
Basically, a Girl from Another World befriends an Earth Boy.
So I'd figure on why not post Another Fanart Gift for My Bestie (inspired by her own Drawing of our Two Kitten OCs together) in my own OC Cosplay fanart right after her's.
So here we have is Star (Our OC) and Brady (Her OC) dressed as Ponyo and Sosuke, but this time in a Screenshot Redraw of the Famous Ending Scene.
Star (c) Me and @luci-the-stan-18
My Version of Star (c) Me
Brady (c) @luci-the-stan-18
Space Goofs and Oggy and The Cockroaches (c) Xilam
Ponyo (c) Studio Ghibli
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killiandestroy · 2 years
io e conqui A premio nobel per la pazienza perché ancora non abbiamo menato conqui P
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
AAAH HO APPENA NOTATO CHE GIORNO È, è da giorni che guardo sempre quanti giorni mancano per il tuo compleanno e poi sono in ritardo 😣
Alla mia aiellattrice* preferita, il raggio di sole di questo sito, Regina dei liveblogging, Raiappassionata più efficace di ogni spot pubblicitario, la simpaticissima persona che mi fa ridere ogni giorno e mi ha fatto scoprire tante belle cose:
Ti auguro una bellissima giornata di compleanno e una vita piena di gioia e amore 💜 Ti voglio tantissimo bene, tanti baci e abbracci a te 😘
*for aielling posts ma anche perché ti piace il teatro
Anon io ti ringrazio tanto e non ti nascondo che mi è scesa una lacrimuccia, sei proprio preziosissimə💜
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falcemartello · 4 months
Da ore e dico da ore, leggo commenti di gente scocciata perché la Premier Giorgia Meloni ha accolto Chico Forti. Un paio di considerazioni e mi levo dai piedi.
Chico Forti è tornato in Italia oggi, ma Di Maio nel 2020 promise di fare altrettanto e se ci fosse riuscito (ma non c'è riuscito perché non aveva potere né spessore politico) ad accoglierlo ci sarebbe stato Di Maio eppure Conte pronto a prendersi applausi di stampa ed elettori che ancora oggi, ne parlerebbero come della grande impresa della sinistra.
La stessa che oggi punisce la Meloni, dipinge Forti come una specie di Jaffrey Dahmer ed allo stesso tempo però applaude la Salis con 29 denunce e 4 arresti, ritenendola innocente pur essendo colpevole perché per molti di loro "picchiare un fascista è cosa buona giusta" pure se fascista il malcapitato non era e a questo nessuno mai ci ha davvero pensato.
La stessa sinistra che ogni giorno frantuma/logora/consuma i nervi di noi cittadini sottoposti alla lagna mortale di papà Salis che fa richieste degne di una star di Hollywood, senza essere una star e che per mettere a tacere noi cattivi malpensanti, l'ha candidato la figlia alle Europee.
Ebbene il problema non è la Meloni che accoglie Forti e non è nemmeno che lui sia in Italia, a finire di scontare la pena.
Il problema è che ad accoglierlo non c'era la sinistra, la quale non ci ha potuto speculare sopra e questo fa bruciare molti culi.
Così stanno le cose, tutto il resto sono stronzate di sinistra per la sinistra, da sempre abituata a cantarsela e suonarsela.
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