senzudealer · 1 year
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“Hair? Blue.
Pronouns? In bio.
Bio? Eaten.
By whom? Me.”
Disappears for another three years.
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senzudealer · 4 years
A massive gaping maw unhinges itself, devouring the rhinestones, the cyclones, the skies themselves. There is no longer anything above, not even a void to stare into and feel abject terror and hollowness.
Yajirobe exhales, and it sounds like marshmallows and torment.
He strides up to Chilled, a slow, sensuous saunter, and reaches one sticky, hammy hand out, softly caressing Chilled’s face as he brings his mouth by where Chilled’s ears would be if he had any.
The whisper, hot and dangerous, fills the empty air around them.
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I have found you out. The wool covers my ass no more! You are the Demiurge. The foolish bastard who trapped our perfect, divine sparks within imperfect matter. Forever trapping us in a cruel, uncaring existence of total meaninglessness. You are the cause of all pain, suffering, and misery life has to offer. From your dark loins, you’ve birthed a hell greater than most can comprehend.”
For a moment Chilled is silent, clenching his fists as a cyclone of plastic rhinestones rain down from above. There are tears in his eyes as he beholds the creature responsible for all suffering. His suffering.
“That’s so fucking hot.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
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“I can’t feel my knees.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
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“When I finally figure out this Weed Alchemy.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
Enjoy some out of context Tumblr quotes paired with some delicious DBZ screencaps accompanied with my (grating) soothing voice.
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senzudealer · 4 years
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“It’s a little known fact that I am British.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
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all of these have the same energy
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senzudealer · 4 years
His face melts off.
Beams this video right into your brain.
“It’s time the prophets are heard again.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
I cried twice watching him draw this.
Thank you, I still want to set it on fire.
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Happy Birthday to @senzudealer! It’s been a wild and enjoyable ride.
Will I explain any of these inside jokes? No. Some can be gleaned from our blogs, but others are for only Birb and I to comprehend.
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senzudealer · 4 years
“@timesdefense Do you see this shit???????”
“I will now cosplay Marik”
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senzudealer · 4 years
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“I have watched one episode of Yugioh. I now own every card in existence. I bought them off of God-Bay. I’m cosplaying Bakura. Mokuba is best character. Duel me.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
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“I was born this way, Lizzy Lee.”
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“Why is he like that.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
Plain vanilla sex fetish
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“I like vanilla.”
He leans in so he breathes tiny pterodactyls into your ear.
“It’s the finest of the flavours.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
Yaji has a foot fetish
I dare you to name a fetish that he doesn’t have.
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senzudealer · 4 years
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senzudealer · 4 years
“2 Ass 2 Furious.”
“I am now assless. This will be resolved in the next 2 to 365 business days.”
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senzudealer · 4 years
Jaw unhinges like a snake.
Children will want to look away for the next long while.
“Deep throat my tail as you try to consume my entire ass. This is a command. Not a request.”
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