#ogawa gen
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fallinblossoms · 2 months ago
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courtesanofdeath · 4 months ago
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SCIENCE FUTURE: Dr. Stone Season 4 (first cour) coming January 2025
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shouts-into-the-void · 1 year ago
Taiju and Yuzuriha have loved each other for 3,705 years and Tajiu's desire to tell Yuzuriha kept him conscious for the entire time he was petrified
Senku trusted without a doubt that Taiju was still alive and that he would be conscious enough to break through the stone without Revival Fluid, with no evidence to back it up
Yuzuriha used to pay attention to all of Senku's science lectures and he turned the science flag she made him into the symbol for the Kingdom of Science
Chrome literally spent his entire life rediscovering science and beat the second strongest warrior in the village to try and heal Ruri
Even while leading opposite sides of a war and trying to kill each other, Tsukasa and Senku considered each other best friends and they know each other so well they can predict the other's behavior
Gen, even before he'd met or decided to side with him, had already grown an incredible fondness for Senku and went so far as to condemn his soul to hell (his own words) to further his goals
Kohaku had complete trust in Senku immediately, despite never having heard of half of the things he talked about past the negative association with sorcery and is one of the only people to notice how much he actually misses his dad
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time-speculo · 8 months ago
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The immediate urge to put Kohaku in action poses when I draw her
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strangle005 · 1 year ago
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Senku brought frigging guns
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froqpi-art · 1 year ago
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happy birthday senku my beloved 🫶
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ambdlc03 · 17 days ago
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Gen traumando al senku mientras anda de espía :p
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aoikasaa · 25 days ago
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dcst s4 ep1-3 scribble log
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ptgeist · 2 years ago
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dr stone characters ☆ ☆
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bluefrogbubbles · 8 months ago
Hey artists in the Dr. Stone fandom....
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I need Senku drawn in this dress.
A little background, either Tsukasa or Gen got Yuzuriha to make the dress for Senku. Obviously, since it isn't his lovely science lab coat dress, he hates it. So. Who can draw this for me? Please. I need this 😭
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artiusrattus · 1 month ago
Dr. Stone Pokemon AU.... Hhh..
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I have a whole list of teams so I'll put some of them under the cut !! This literally took me like five hours to think up and draw and I went through the entire pokedex and conjured up all my fifth grade Pokemon knowledge. Now im obsessdd
The ones with the * are the partner pokemon. These teams are also just the first draft so some of them might change.
Senku: Snivy*, Tangrowth, Ferroseed, Klinklang, Oddish, Varoom, Clefairy. His Ferroseed is actually super strong and he loves it to bits. This team is definitely a little weird and all over the place, but somehow, Senku manages to make it work synergically. He doesn't use his Clefairy to fight.
Tsukasa: Pangoro*, Machamp, Hitmonchan, Kangaskhan, Bewear, and of course Primeape. Mirai has a Stufful and he helps her train it.
Hyoga: Honchkrow*, Darkrai, Zigzagoon (the dark one), Poochyena, Unfezant. Idk who his sixth should be 💔 but I saw Honchkrows Pokedex description and I was like yeah. Hyoga is that you
Gen: Alakazam*, Indeedee, Xatu, Unown, Porygon, and Ditto. Don't ask me how he got the Unown he's just special like that
Yuzuriha: Whimsicott*, Eldegoss, Leavanny, Sylveon, Smeargle, Comfey. She rarely fights battles, but her pokemon help her with crafts. It makes it go a lot more smoothly.
Ryusui: Pelipper, Magikarp, Slowking, Cramorant, Floatzel*, Castform
Francois: Spritzee, Alcremie, Fidough, Klefki, Persian, Polteageist
Chrome: Carbink, Roggenrola, Diglett, Geodude, Bunnelby*, Sudowoodo
Taiju: Loudred*, Gurdurr, Bouffalant (he doesn't have a full team because I'm lazy because he doesn't fight battles)
Also Homuras partner is Swirlix (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) and Suika's is Lechonk
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fallinblossoms · 2 months ago
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Dr. Stone Opening 6
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mvpsychic · 6 months ago
I love Dr Stone. I love how every character is useful in some way, everyone has their roles, and they fulfill them perfectly. None of them are useless, and if they lack in something they train hard to be better, or they rely on eachother.
The animation is flawless, the openings and endings? incredible. The soundtrack? fits like a glove. Villains? Either redeemable and completely fine, with a logical explanation (they don't turn a new leaf just because, there's ALWAYS a logical reason to why they are what they are, and why they changed if they do), but there's also irredeemable villains, those you want to punch the lights out off because of how annoying they are (That one ugly guy that almost kills them all, can't be bothered to remember his name, I hate him)
The little animations explaining science stuff? funny, straightforward, easy to follow. The little "Minecraft like" animations? really well made too. The comedy and little gags? Love to see them.
Everyone has a distinctive personality, their own ideals, yet they all end up following Senku like little ducklings, because that's the right thing to do (with a little bribing and a few manipulation tactics here and there).
The wholesome moments, Senku's relationship with his father, the confidence he had in him, his sacrifice... I swear when Senku cried, I cried with him. And that little firework memory they added was heartbreaking.
Taiju and Yuzuriha are so amazing too, I love them so much
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senku-is-aroace · 1 month ago
Thinking about tsukasa perspective for season 1 after he killed Senku-
Specifically the conversation with Tsukasa, Taiju, and Yuzuriha-
Tsukasa’s perspective for this
He just killed Senku.
Senku was Taiju and Yuzuriha’s best friend.
Those two set a bomb off in his face (basically) as a cover to run off with Senku’s corpse
They later returned to stay with him in his empire
So I’m wondering-
From tsukasa’s perspective- What happened to Senku’s body?
They give him a grave- but there’s no body- We know Senku didn’t die. But Tsukasa believes he’s dead.
Did Yuzuriha and Taiju make a dummy and body bag for “Senku” and bury that at the grave?
If there was a body then Tsukasa wouldn’t have had doubt about whether or not Senku was really dead or not and wouldn’t have revived and sent Gen to find out. I guess they coulda done the dummy and Tsukasa didn’t open it?
But either way-
What did Taiju and Yuzuriha tell Tsukasa when they met up with him again?
“Hey Tsukasa! I know you just murdered our best friend right in front of us, but we wanna join your empire!” ???
“We can’t make it alone. Our best chance for survival is joining you…” ?????
How long was it just Tsukasa, Taiju, and Yuzuriha? Who was the first person they revived? How did those two feel watching this and playing their parts. Taiju is clueless aside from they’ll meet again. Yuzuriha is rebuilding broken statues in secret.
What was the early empire like? Gen wasn’t revived right away and there was quite a few already when he was.
Why did Tsukasa doubt Senku’s death?
What was it that made him suspicious enough to find and revive Gen to confirm it?
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yaddorin · 2 years ago
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Little dr stone art dump ✨💕
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frogizzhc · 3 months ago
Dr. Stone Headcanons: As Parents Edition!
Senku: He would most likely adopt, mostly because he doesn't see himself having relations with anyone he would procreate with. He wouldn't be able to handle more than two kids, and he better hope they're into science because he would annoy and bore his kids to death if they aren't. He'd try his best to parent just like his dad; supportive and loving. Senku would take them everywhere, he'd possibly even understand why his dad wouldn't stop talking about him because he wouldn't stop talking about his kids. He'd even talk to his kids about how amazing his dad was. He'd have a smile on his face and teary eyes just mentioning him, but he'd spend hours telling stories to his kids.
Gen: He'd be a very nervous parent at first. Biologically his or adopted, he'd never feel ready when he first held his baby in his hands. He wouldn't feel ready until he learned everything there is to being a father. Gen would be a little overbearing but it's all with love. He'd constantly be afraid that he is coddling his kid too much but he'd try his best. His kid would be so impressed by his little magic tricks and impressions, they'd probably want to grow up to be an entertainer. He'd be hesitant because he knows how stressful the industry can be, but he'd support them. Oh, and you know he is going to tell a lot of cringy dad jokes.
Chrome: Man, he'd be such a dorky dad. The second he would get a hint that his kid(s) would need something, he'd "invent" something only to be told that it was already a thing by the pre-petrification people. He'd also be a little clumsy too. Chrome would even be the kind of dad that would sneak sweets to the kid(s) when the other parent told them they couldn't have any. He'd spoil his kid(s) so much that he wouldn't ever have anything nice to himself because all of his worldly possessions would practically go to them. He'd also want to take them hiking or exploring to learn the lay of the land or find minerals and learn about them.
Tsukasa: Just like how he was for his sister, he would be a provider. He'd make sure that his kids have everything they need. He wouldn't be home a lot, but when he would be, he'd spend every second of their waking hours with them. He'd deeply care for his children. He'd also want to teach them how to care for themselves early on just in case he's not always around. Though he wouldn't be the best at emotionally connecting with his children.
Ukyo: He'd never want to be a parent in the first place, but he'd accept being a dad if it came to it. At first he would be anxious, but his great hearing actually helps him parent better, at least in the infant stages. It'd be like his sixth sense to immediately know what his kid needs and he'd smoothly handle any situation flawlessly. He'd be an excellent problem solver, making sure his kid has everything they need.
Ryusui: Because he'd want to keep the Nanami Corp. legacy going, he'd have multiple children, maybe four. He'd want to have them close in age and make sure they bond. While he wouldn't be so attentive to their basic needs (He has Francois for that), he'd be there for their financial and emotional needs. He'd make sure all of them know how to manage money, upkeep a business, and stay rich. Oh, and of course he would take his kids sailing all the time, as well as indulging in every single of their whims. If they want something, he just has to get it for them because how could he deny any of their desires? His greed would almost definitely extend to his children.
Kohaku: She'd be a little overbearing but only because she had to go through years of trying to heal her sister. She'd also be a provider, but also a pretty scary mama bear. She'd be a strong protector and no one would want to mess with her kids. They'd be strong just like her, with incredible sight too. She'd train them just how she was taught how to fight and make sure that they learn science from the best, Senku. She'd think about the future of her kids and how much the Kingdom of Science has changed her life. She would want everyone in her life to also be a little involved in her kids' lives.
Francois: They could have a kid canonically and we don't know it. We don't even know how old they are. Ryusui barely knows anything about this person. They are a lovely mystery and I'd like to think that they do have a kid or did pre-petrification and somehow the Nanami family just didn't know about it. Francois would somehow find the time and energy out of their exhausting day for their child. Otherwise, I think it'd be near impossible for them to have a kid with their busy schedule.
Ruri: She'd love every second of being a mom. She'd tell them stories every night (tell the 100 tales as tradition eventually), dress them up in matching outfits, and plan to travel the world with them. She would want to make sure that her kids see a lot of their aunt and learn a thing or two from her about how to be tough like her. She'd also want to take raise them around the Five Wise Commanders so that they could learn from them as well.
Yuzuriha: She'd be determined that her children are some sort of artists. She'd make every article of clothing they wear, every blanket they've every slept under, and every pillow they'd lay their heads on. Some her kids first stick figure drawing or finger painting, she'd proudly hang any piece of art up for display. A proud mother she would be if her kids turn out to be artists. She'd want to teach them everything she knows, which is mainly crafty stuff, but crucial to rebuilding society.
Taiju: He would be one of the most proudest fathers in the world. He'd be way too excited to be a dad, hyping up every moment he has with his kids. Their firsts would be like his firsts, no matter how many kids he would have. He'd be very fun to use as a jungle gym by his kids because he would practically be able to carry them anywhere and be climbed on easily. He would never wan to deny giving his kids a piggy back ride if they needed one because he wouldn't want their little legs to ache on a long walk.
Xeno & Stanley: Strict and Laid Back. Not saying which one though, that would be up for interpretation by literally anybody that interacts with these two and their children. (Yes I ship these two, I'll be tagging that)
Sai: He'd want to pass on his hobbies and passions to his children, but he'd never want to make it seem like they had to be a successor of anything. He'd want them to share what he loves, but also feel free enough to follow their own dreams and use their gifts for something that they're comfortable with. He'd feel bad for not hanging out with his brother when they were younger, so he'd make sure his kids have good quality bonding time with each other to maintain a close relationship that he sort of wishes he had always had with Ryusui.
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