mvpsychic · 7 days
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God bless Ibis paint filters this looks crazy I couldn't even decide which one was better
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mvpsychic · 9 days
I am fully convinced that people whose only excuse so as to not watch One Piece is "it's too long" have commitment issues, and should not be trusted in any relationship with others.
Who cares if its a long series? it's not like you have to watch it nonstop, without blinking and a gun to your head.
You can watch it at your own pace, your family won't be held hostage, you won't be forced to watch the whole thing in one sitting so you can save their lives.
I understand people might want you to hurry and catch up, considering we're on the final saga (supposedly), and once the One Piece is revealed you will be completely spoiled and it won't be nice anymore, but I think anyone should at least give it a try.
Everything in One Piece is about the journey. The freedom to do things your way. If you rush your journey, you won't enjoy it, which defeats its whole point.
Nobody really cares what the final treasure is (or at least they shouldn't), because that's not important at all. At all.
So, if the series being "too long" is your only deterrent to watch it, then you should get that checked.
Besides, as they say, the more the merrier. Why would anyone complain about something they enjoy lasting longer?
And to those who say the pacing is ass, which I agree with, to some extent, then I have phenomenal news!! you can read the manga!! for free, on the internet!! coloured and all. And you won't face the pacing problem anymore! Sounds cool, right?
And even greater news!! there's a remake coming out, that's supposed to solve this!
If you just don't want to watch it because it's simply not your cup of tea, then that's completely fine! But I don't want to see anyone making cheap excuses and mean comments to make people feel bad for the things they genuinely enjoy.
Also, One Piece is actually NOT that long and people exaggerate a lot. I don't see people complaining about Doraemon and it's almost 1800 episodes (+ 30 specials + the many movies), or the entirety of Naruto, with over 900 episodes, or Detective Conan, with over 1100 episodes too.
Again, if you genuinely just don't want to watch it that's completely fine, but finding excuses to demean those who do is disgusting.
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mvpsychic · 12 days
"Raise crows and they'll gouge out your eyes"
("Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos")
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(The crow is Blackbeard, I'll try to make it look obvious, somehow)
((I'm still working on that Sanji piece btw, please don't come at me, but I saw this picture and I just couldn't help myself. I am also aware of his lack of a nose rn...And what is with Oda and the gigantic necks?))
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mvpsychic · 12 days
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mvpsychic · 14 days
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Vivi and Cross pretending to insult Nami with the French language
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mvpsychic · 14 days
I absolutely love how Luffy is always being grumpy about being called a hero because he is a "selfish" pirate and he eats all the meat and all of that but he is straight up lying to himself, because when you look up the definition of "hero" they basically dox his ass with how accurate the descriptions they give are.
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I love him though, my delusional king. Stretchy bastard thinking he's so tough and the most menacing pirate out there yet he looks like the most huggable guy ever
(Jimbei and Chopper are very close on that list)
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mvpsychic · 17 days
I always hear people complaining about Ao3 and it's tag system being hard to use, but the REAL problem we're all ignoring here is Wattpad (don't ask please, I was desperate yesterday, I'm ashamed of myself already)
Like, HOW does that one work. I swear I tried, but I just don't get it, it doesn't work.
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mvpsychic · 18 days
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This is the most adorable thing I've ever done in my entire life look at that little face !! It needs some work still but I'm getting there.
I was planning on waiting and posting the whole thing at once but I can't help myself from showing Sanji's little adorable face to the world right now, the parasite in me was begging me to do so.
(this MIGHT encourage me to actually finish a drawing for once, so if we go too long without hearing about this, you can all beat me up with pipes, Sabo style)
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mvpsychic · 19 days
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I feel so bad for the Merry really she just wanted to go on adventures with her friends :(
Anyways, I found this picture and IMMEDIATELY thought of her.
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mvpsychic · 24 days
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feel better? 🤲🏼🫀
(garfield comic strip redraw!)
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mvpsychic · 24 days
The way I just jumped into upcoming traffic 🤣🤣 (I need this marvelous piece of art hanged on my wall so I can cry about it forever, please)
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Law and The Dear Bones
Sometimes we remember how cruelly the One Piece World treated Law and and our thoughts turn to dark subjects. We're sure Law would love to keep Cora-san's bones...
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mvpsychic · 24 days
You guys don't know how much I love this man
(This is like, a very obvious copy of one of Oda's official arts (I think, idk what it was, but it was Oda's style - I did not trace it, I just "copied" what I saw from the reference, I'm trying to improve on my colouring and all of that, and if something doesn't look relatively good from the get-go I will want to bite my fingers off, so there's that. Eventually I will be able to do it right without reference, I'm sure...))
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mvpsychic · 25 days
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He wouldn't do that
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mvpsychic · 26 days
i’m convinced some people that watch one piece watch it specifically to find a way to make themselves and everyone around them miserable. it’s not about ranking arcs, bad character analysis, who’s the strongest, worrying about who’s the weakest, or shipping.
one piece, at its heart, is about a selfish, greedy little rubber freak in jorts and a straw hat that sets sail to be king of the pirates and picks up often times hated and abandoned little freaks along the way, forcing them on his adventure with him while chasing their own dreams. it’s about friendship, it’s about adventure, its about not being afraid to dream, it’s about a show of strength that does not come just for the sake of being strong. if you’re watching it for any other reason besides the fact that you love these little freaks and want to see all of them achieve their goals, you will never properly enjoy it.
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mvpsychic · 26 days
I love Dr Stone. I love how every character is useful in some way, everyone has their roles, and they fulfill them perfectly. None of them are useless, and if they lack in something they train hard to be better, or they rely on eachother.
The animation is flawless, the openings and endings? incredible. The soundtrack? fits like a glove. Villains? Either redeemable and completely fine, with a logical explanation (they don't turn a new leaf just because, there's ALWAYS a logical reason to why they are what they are, and why they changed if they do), but there's also irredeemable villains, those you want to punch the lights out off because of how annoying they are (That one ugly guy that almost kills them all, can't be bothered to remember his name, I hate him)
The little animations explaining science stuff? funny, straightforward, easy to follow. The little "Minecraft like" animations? really well made too. The comedy and little gags? Love to see them.
Everyone has a distinctive personality, their own ideals, yet they all end up following Senku like little ducklings, because that's the right thing to do (with a little bribing and a few manipulation tactics here and there).
The wholesome moments, Senku's relationship with his father, the confidence he had in him, his sacrifice... I swear when Senku cried, I cried with him. And that little firework memory they added was heartbreaking.
Taiju and Yuzuriha are so amazing too, I love them so much
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mvpsychic · 1 month
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I'm sure I'm late as FUCK but oh well
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mvpsychic · 1 month
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Poor Luffy always going through it, can't catch a break if you want to be the king of the pirates I suppose... love his enthusiasm tho. He had arrows piercing him and all but I think this image is bad enough, he will be spared...this time.
(ignore whatever it is that happened in his shirt, idk)
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