#ogata scenario
laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Livin´ on a prayer
Kinktober day 1: switching
Pairing: Ogata x fem!reader
Word count: 5,547
Warnings: mild gore, oral (fem! receiving), written in 3rd person
A/N: whoop whoop! I´m finally backkkkkk (let´s hope I can manage to finish everything tho lmao) and we´re starting the month with my favorite wildcat^^ I´m so excited for season 4 aaaah
Song: Livin´ on a prayer by Bon Jovi
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Things have been rough for Ogata after Karafuto to say the least. Ever since he decided to do things his own way for once, think for himself and just do whatever he wanted for a change. And now there really was only place for him to go, it was the only thing he had left, the only thing he wanted in his life, the only thing keeping him sane. Well (Y/N) wasn´t a thing, she was a person. A person that was very important to him. He couldn´t tell if it was love since he never experienced that in his whole life, neither on the giving nor receiving end. So he didn´t want to call it that as long as he himself didn´t understand it fully.
He actually felt relieved when he entered the backdoor of her establishment, he couldn´t risk being seen and pulling her into his mess. She already did so much for him, she didn´t deserve the consequences of his actions. (Y/N) was about the only person he´d be considerate towards to.
The two of them always have been close, they hit it off as soon as they met. It was to be expected since brothels were always his home, though to be fair he still figured out what that even meant. But she really helped him with all of that, with his emotions, she didn´t look at him full of disgust and hate when he told her how he never felt guilty for his kills. And she was also the one who always listened to him, he trusted her enough to tell her all about his gruesome deeds in war.
Sometimes when he had a particularly bad day he´d even sleep over at her place. Most of the times he couldn´t sleep but he noticed that he was calmer in her arms, he liked cuddling a lot and she especially made him feel safe. Like nothing would happen to him. Because she wouldn´t let it. And that was because she actually cared, a lot more than she let on. Ogata saw her as a friend because he was too scared of anything more intimate even though they crossed that line a long time ago. And (Y/N) wanted to give him all the time he needed to figure things out on his own, she didn´t want to pressure him into a relationship just because she caught feelings.
As soon as she saw him she smiled slightly, already looking around the rooms to see which of the women were free currently. “Ah, no need.” he said as he noticed what she was doing. He appreciated it, she always had the prettiest women serve him but to him that was her. Especially lately on his journey when he laid awake at night, all alone. He just couldn´t stop thinking about her. “Alright, do you want some tea?” she asked, her gentle smile on her lips as always. He nodded as he took off his coat and put it on some chair where he sat down, running his hand through his hair to keep it out of his face.
During his travels he learned how to snipe again, he might have gotten just a tad bit better if that even was possible, he also put in his fake eye already, not really wanting to gross her out too much. When (Y/N) came back with the tea she noticed that he seemed to be deep in thought, which wasn´t uncommon for him but today it seemed especially serious. So she just sat down next to him, sipping on her cup of tea and waiting if he would say something. She didn´t mind the silence with him, she knew he wasn´t that big of a talker. Though sometimes he did surprise her.
“I´m glad you´re back, I missed you” her voice was quiet as she said it, it was the first time actually admitting her feelings for him, he was gone for quite a bit and she was so scared of never seeing him again, she just couldn´t keep it to herself any longer. She didn´t care if he didn´t feel the same but she couldn´t just act as if there was nothing between the two of them anymore.
He wordlessly blinked at her, needing some time to process what she said and come up with a sarcastic remark to hide his actual feelings because intimacy scared him.
“Aw come on, I´m not that good in bed” he smirked, she rolled her eyes chuckling but then looked him straight in the eyes, well eye… “Yes you are and you know it” she shot back, a sly grin on her face, knowing he knew that it wasn´t all there was to it. Even if he wasn´t ready to face it yet, he couldn´t escape from the fact that she liked him more than she should anymore. And maybe he did too. It was most probable but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. It was too late for him anyway, there was no chance in hell she´d still want him with his injury. But he was quite surprised she didn´t say something about that earlier. She must´ve noticed as soon as she saw him, but he appreciated her not saying anything, giving him enough space and room to address it on his own if he wished to. But (Y/N) was someone who would never force anything out of him so even if he´d stay quiet for the rest of the night she would never hold it against him.
But he did end up saying something about it. That cocky attitude soon being washed away by his insecurities as he stared holes in his tea, he had both of his hands holding onto his cup to warm up.
“Maybe I was once but I don´t think I am anymore” he quietly mumbled. When he felt her warm hand against one of his, still cold on the outside, he looked up slightly to see her kind and gentle expression. Even after all these years it was still new to him. How anyone could look at him with something else than hate and distrust. Disgust and shame. But there were no such things in her eyes, they were so warm and empathetic, loving even. If being loved meant being safe like he was with her, being looked at like that, he so desperately wanted to be able to express the same to her. Because in that moment he knew he felt it too. Being with (Y/N) was like coming home, having a home in the first place, he never wanted to leave. But at the same time he did, he wanted to leave with her and go on adventures, settle down at the same time, conquer the world and withdraw to the farthest corner with her. If being in love felt like this he understood how greedy and gruesome people got for it. All things considered he already did in his life and didn´t feel guilty about, he´d do things tenfold worse than that if it meant seeing her smile at him for just a moment. Because in that moment everything was fine, everything was peaceful, perfect, calm and … pure. In a sense that was almost comical considering the fact they met and presently were in that same brothel.
Ogata let go of the cup so he could properly hold her hand, not quite facing her just yet but his eyes were fixated on their interlocked fingers now instead of the hot tea. He was quiet for a bit but eventually told her all about his journey and injury. As he realized that she wasn´t judging him for what he did and just listened closely to him, softly caressing his hand at the parts that were hurtful to talk about to him, he felt so secure. He didn´t have to hide the pained expression as he thought about the pain, about the consequences of his actions, about the fact he did something for himself for the first time, not just following orders of a mad man that was too far gone at this point. Parts of his journey felt freeing even, but he paid the price for that. However if that was what it took, what it cost to be reunited with (Y/N), he´d do it all over again. And because he felt so safe with her, knowing she would never judge him for the fact he couldn´t express his feelings as others could, knowing he overall had trouble with emotions, he felt safe enough to tell her how proud he was to be able to call himself a sniper again, that he felt more alive again, like himself, like a breathing human being. Though he didn´t associate the last part with himself before knowing her.
“Really? That´s great,  but then again I didn´t think you wouldn´t be able to. I mean being a sniper is in your blood, it would be tragic if you wouldn´t be able to anymore” she told him, that honest to a fault smile on her face again. That smile he could look at for hours, knowing everything was going to be fine. No matter what went through his mind right now, screw the self destructive thoughts and all the doubts, questioning whether everyone who called him a wildcat was right, none of that mattered when he looked at her.
“You´re making it sound like I can actually be a man again” there it was, his self hatred, that dark chuckle that sounded more like a cry for help for her. She held onto his hand a bit tighter, gently caressing it. “Because you can. You never were anything less to me” she told him, this time averting her eyes. She was getting too bold. He was here for sex, to be a man again like he said. Not for her and her stupid feelings he didn´t even reciprocate. She should just stop it and so she did. (Y/N) wanted to get up and get him the prettiest woman she could find, if she had to continue her work herself. He deserved only the best. And she´d make that happen no matter what it took. But Ogata held her back, holding onto her hand like it was his lifeline because in a sense it was. “No. Stay. I don´t want meaningless sex tonight, I just want you… and I hate that you just made me say that but I know what you´re trying to do. And don´t. Just don´t. I thought we were past the point of sugar coating words so just say it. Say you don´t like me the way I like you and let me leave. Or say you feel the same and never let me go” (Y/N) wasn´t the only person unsure about her and his feelings, but the journey to Otaru made him hyper aware of his own. In a way that almost hurt.
Now it was her turn to wordlessly look at him. She just got a confession. Of his feelings. For her. By none other than Ogata Hyakunosuke. Now that was a rare occurrence if she ever saw one. Before thinking too much about it she pulled him close by the collar of his uniform to kiss him passionately. In this moment Ogata felt himself relax, much more than he already did whenever he was with her. Maybe it was because for once something good happened in his life, for once someone liked him for him, not his sniping abilities, not because of his mother, or his brother or father, not because he was in the 7th or anything like that. No she just liked him for… his personality? It sounded crazy to him to be honest so he thought that it might have something to do with the fact he gave incredibly good head. But maybe that was just because her cunt tasted the sweetest. He kissed her back eagerly, his tongue playing an all too familiar game of catch with hers, leaving him utterly breathless but he didn´t care. He did care about the little coffee table that was in the way between them so he pushed it to the side so he could wrap his arms around her, pulling her as close as humanly possible. She did the same, desperately clinging on to him and there was so much more emotion in the kiss than both of them were ready for, so much piled up feelings that have been repressed far too long.
She softly bit his lip like she always did and he couldn´t help but smile and then slightly chuckle into the kiss, his hands wandering all over her body and undressing her in the process. He used the moment when they broke apart for air to undress himself too, he knew she could get quite impatient in moments like these. When he was done he let (Y/N) marvel at him, she always needed that too. To touch him up like that, feel up his muscles and abs, she especially loved touching his inner thighs, maybe because she knew he was the most sensitive there. He´d hate it with anyone else, hate knowing they knew his most vulnerable spots and all his secrets, but sharing those things with her was much more intimate than he was ready for. But could you ever really be ready for love? Wasn´t that just the thing about it? That it hit you without any warning and then left you breathless?
She herself hated definitions when it came to feelings, you couldn´t explain them, that was the whole point. Instead she showed them with actions, of course she loved him. She knew him well enough after all those years but she still wanted to know even more. She wanted to know everything about him, experience everything with him, she just wanted all of him to herself.
Strangely enough Ogata felt the same about her. Nothing ever truly belonged to him, much less voluntarily stayed with him. But he was so sick of being used like a chess piece because he didn´t feel worthy enough to act on his own impulses, he didn´t really have any besides sex and shooting things. Until she came into his life. Somehow making her laugh was more satisfying to him than making her cum, though he always felt the proudest when he made both happen at the same time.
Just thinking about it and her made him dizzy in the best ways possible.
He hovered over her a bit, resting one of his hands on her cheek and the other on the floor to support his weight as he gently laid her down on the floor. Both of them couldn´t wait long enough to go to a proper room with a bed in it and both of them didn´t want to break their physical connection right now. Ogata was already half hard and normally it took him ages to get to that point so he really must´ve spared himself for her. It made her smile slightly, slowing down the kiss to make it more gentle and meaningful. It ended up being more tongue than lips but they always seemed to end up like that anyway, it was a routine she looked forward to every time.
Slowly but surely she felt his hands wander down to her hips which she spread for him, he broke the kiss to nibble slightly on her neck, leaving his marks this time. He usually didn´t leave any because he was too considerate of her not getting into trouble with other costumers but this time he just didn´t care. He´d much rather have her to himself anyway. And in the end he´d always been a selfish bastard, everything he did was for himself. And he wanted her too. Wanted to claim her as his own, maybe in a possessive way too but definitely not a harmful one. If he knew she didn´t feel the same he´d never have come back in the first place. Though maybe he would. He wouldn´t approach her, but he´d certainly watch her, wallow in his anguish of knowing she´d never love him back. Like all the others. And somehow that would bring him peace, knowing she wasn´t a freak like him.
But he knew better now. He knew that she was just as normal as him, she knew that they were two of a kind and finally he didn´t feel alone in this world anymore, he found a sense of belonging. It was so nice to be free of all the ties that bound him, of all the social status and faking smiles and respect, playing along with whatever sick thing Tsurumi had planned, pretending he didn´t know he was getting manipulated. It was all over now. None of that was on his mind when he was with her, she was his angel, purifying him in a sense. Purifying him in the dirtiest way they both knew. That thought made him grin, gently sliding two fingers over her wet cunt. “What´s so funny?” she smiled down at him, raking her fingers through his hair, spreading her legs even more for him. She loved the way he touched her, he wasn´t rough but also not soft. He was teasing, to an extent where he had her crying, begging him to stop and for more all at once. “Mhm, who knows. Maybe the fact that I got you all to myself now, that even though you get fucked every day I´m still the one who makes you scream the loudest” he whispered in her ear, nibbling on it slightly. She was already panting, how cute. Maybe all the smoking did him some good after all. It was no secret she had a thing for his voice, he never truly understood it but certainly made good use of it. Ogata was never one to talk much, or rather like to talk a lot. It really depended on the topic. He could taunt people for hours but casual talk? That wasn´t so much his forte, well he just didn´t care for it. Unless it was with her. With (Y/N) he could talk for hours on end. Especially if it meant teasing her in this state. He´d never get tired of that.
“My, my… so wet already~ I didn´t even do anything yet, are you that desperate? Can´t say I blame you though” he chuckled darkly, ghosting his fingers over her thighs, never giving her what she truly desired. It was too much fun watching her writhe in his touch.
“Fuck you” she moaned and his grin widened. “Oh come on, can´t even do that on your own? You want me that badly? Want me to make your legs shake with just my tongue? Make you cry out my name so that everyone knows exactly who you belong to? Fuck you so hard you can´t even think for yourself? Just say the word, we both know you want it, there´s no shame in it” he purred, how badly she wanted to wipe this smirk off his face, but she knew well enough that he wouldn´t let her tonight, there were too many emotions boiling over at this point, he was so unhinged, that hungry look in his eye she loved to see, at this point she´d let him do everything he´d damn well pleased, even let him fuck her in front of everyone to see but she knew he was too impatient himself for this right now.
“Just fucking do it” she groaned, not putting up with his teasing tonight, it´s been far too long for him to have an attitude like that. He let it pass since it was her. She wouldn´t be able to formulate coherent sentences in a bit anyway, so it didn´t really matter. “Fine, fine, you´re no fun” that didn´t stop him from teasing her a bit more though, his fingers lazily tracing patterns all over her skin before rubbing over her pussy, grinning as he put them in front of her mouth. “Go on, taste yourself for me”
She blushed, he was always so bold and yet she didn´t dislike it one bit, being obedient for him and opening her mouth so she could suck on his fingers. “Good girl” he grinned, starting to stroke his cock for her to see and dipping down to taste her for himself. Hyakunosuke always liked giving oral more than receiving it, he was the one in control, the one who held the power. And oh how immense it was. The second his tongue hit her clit she cried out his name. He had made her wait so long that now everything felt much more intense, a shiver went throughout her body, making her ache for him. Ogata looked up at her like she was a work of art. Not that he´d ever be interested in some boring pieces of painting. No, he meant the art of the battlefield, the art of his craft, the art he could understand and worship, the art he could relish in. She was an artform that only he could grasp and understand completely, just like he was for her, two outcasts of society, dancing and laughing in the bloody rain all alone while everyone else whispered among themselves just how fucking insane they were. And yes maybe they were, but did that really matter? The way they viewed the world was just so much more fun. They got everything they wanted after all, not being on any sides, just doing whatever they felt like whenever and craving chaos and their touch most of all.
Being with Ogata was pure ecstasy. It wasn´t even just sexual, (Y/N) and him felt completely and utterly understood for the first time in their lives. He chuckled darkly as his grip on her hips became that much tighter, as he felt the fiery passion only she could ignite in him, she was his driving force and only for her he wasn´t selfish. Eating her out gave him a weird sense of peace and belonging, for the first time in his life the voices were quiet, he was calm, her scent and taste calmed him down so much it was almost unbelievable. He always was so rough at first, diving his tongue and fingers in and out of her, overstimulating her clit in the process, but every time he had those almost romantic epiphanies in which he slowed down to appreciate the way she would look down to him, those beautiful eyes she could barely keep open, that mouth hanging wide open calling his name, those hands on his head, gripping his hair, tugging at it just the right way…
He grinned widely and sped up the movement of his tongue just enough to make her legs shake before moving away completely, making her whine and leaving her hanging. Ogata liked teasing her way too much. Maybe because he hoped she would take revenge one day. He liked playing with the thought of her completely and utterly dominating him and paying him back for every time he teased her a tad too much. But for now he simply kissed her with a softness that was so unexpected from a man like him. This gentleness she only experienced with him, the way he deepened the kiss and wouldn´t let go of her waist all the while. The way his fingers traced her stomach and then rubbed against her wet folds, slowly slipping in. He started to move them immediately, slowly at first since their kiss was still so gentle. He did crave those silent and quiet moments of inner peace he only found with her. She moved her hips along with him, with every curling motion of his fingers she panted heavier. He chuckled against her lips and hovered over her a bit, adding another finger that he just knew wouldn´t fill her up enough. He knew it and he anticipated it, anticipated the moment he would finally be able to give her what she really wanted, to feel those tight walls around his cock, he wasn´t a religious man but fuck if that wasn´t what heaven felt like. He groaned slightly at just the thought which was something he never did. Be vocal about his own pleasure and desires that was. But she made it so easy. Like it wasn´t something to be ashamed of, like he was normal. He hated feeling like an outsider, like the weirdo, like an abomination his parents always reminded him he was. But he never felt like that with her, she didn´t let him. She just made him feel like a man. And recently she became more bold, making him feel like a king instead. Hell, a god even. She really did love him, huh?
Love was such a foreign concept to him but with her he felt like he could actually grasp it. It was in the way her moans grew louder as he added another finger, driving her insane, she was just so impatient he loved every second. He liked to think that he was always in control in his life but she made him lose it all. He looked forward to it every damn time.
“Please… Hyakunosuke… I can´t wait much longer” she looked up at him with such pleading, irresistible eyes. How could he say no? Especially when she moaned his name so sweetly? He stroked his cock a few more times before he spread her legs even more, finally becoming one with her. She smiled up at him, watching every inch of him disappear inside of her, filling her up like nothing and no one else could. It filled Ogata with such an immense amount of pride, it was almost sacrilegious. It was in moments like this when they became one that she felt truly at home, it was the most natural feeling in the world to her and yet it was the most amazing one every damn time. Only with him could she feel this way. More than that she wanted to feel like this only with him. If there was ever someone else who wanted to steal those moments and feelings from her she´d beg Ogata to shoot them all down. And he would. Because for her he´d do anything. Especially if she was watching with those kind eyes of hers, that smile to show him she was proud of him…
And he was a greedy man, as if he´d ever let another bastard touch her the way he did, moan for him like she did for him, look at him like she was so in love she couldn´t even think straight anymore, look at him the way he looked at her. He grunted as he started moving, slower than usual, he wanted to savor every moment. She really was made just for him, clenching around his cock so deliciously. And then it hit him, she was just as greedy as he was. The thought made him moan and grin like a madman. In his euphoria he started moving faster, not even caring about the very thing he was scared of the most until it finally happened. At a particularly hard thrust of his, his fake eye fell out and landed on her stomach. Dread didn´t even come close to what he was feeling in this moment. He expected everything, her to scream, yell at him and run for the hills. To absolutely hate and despise him, to laugh at him, to throw up from how ugly he was now… but he didn´t expect her to smile up at him. He didn´t expect her to rest your hand on his cheek, stopping for a moment to kiss him softly and look at him full of worry.
“Did it hurt?” she asked quietly, putting the eye back in gently, maneuvering him so he laid on his back now. And he let her. They were still connected, maybe it was fucked up but her kind and gentle soul, her genuine kindness went right to his cock. He chuckled at her question and decided not to ignore it like he initially wanted to. No, with her he could be honest and vulnerable. Hell, she was the only person in this world who wouldn´t take advantage of it. “Actually I didn´t feel anything, got shot with a poison arrow” he said so casually and watched her lips twitch upwards as you laughed a little. Cute. “Lucky you. But the poison didn´t spread out much, did it? So… you can still feel this?” she accentuated her last question with a roll of her hips, propping herself up and leaning back just a bit so she would tighten beautifully around his cock. He bit back a groan and grinned up at her. “Feel what? I guess you´re gonna have to try harder to suck the poison out of me” it was a dare and he knew it, he also knew that she could very well just stand up and walk out of the room in just this instance to leave him to take care of himself. He knew that very well and still he craved to walk this thin line with her, testing the waters, no they were beyond that point now. He was slowly wading through her ocean just to the point where he couldn´t stay anymore and then he´d tease her to the moment he was completely underwater, seconds away from drowning. And then he´d behave again. Because fuck did he need her, cumming without (Y/N) wasn´t any fun. For some reason she let him every single time. Well no, she did punish him quite a bit which to be fair he always looked forward to a little too much. She sat on his cock, throbbing inside of her and stared him down, arms folded over her chest. She was waiting, testing how long it would take him to lose his mind. But both of them knew that he had been beyond that point for a long time now. Without any warning she lifted her hips off him until only his tip remained inside and then bounced down, taking all of him once again. She planned to be gentle with him today since it´s been so long since they last saw each other. But (Y/N) was getting impatient. And he was getting too cocky.
“Oh fuck, yup I definitely felt that one” he smirked up at her. “Good boy” she said sweetly and his smirk widened. He always was putty in her hands, he usually hated following orders but with her it was more than okay. She always took such good care of him. And hearing her praise him made it all worth it, all he wanted was to do a good job for her. He just wanted to be hers completely. She grinned down on him and he was in heaven. With every movement and thrust of her hips he became utterly lost in her, as if he wasn´t already. He wasn´t a religious man by any chance but if he could choose his deity it would be (Y/N). Hyakunosuke had a feverish look on his face as he watched her ride him, his hands gripping herr hips tightly, guiding them. Not that she needed any guiding but he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn´t touch her as much as he could. He had long since put any shame aside and moaned loudly now. “Please… please” he whispered, her name hanging from his lips like a prayer. “I know, baby, I know” she cooed, picking up pace all at once, her hips snapping and rocking against his, taking the breath out of him. He looked so irresistible underneath her, how could she hold back? Not when he looked up at her like she was a goddess. (Y/N) felt a rush go through her as she saw the way he looked at her, knowing she was the only one who ever saw this much emotion in him, being the only one he was so devout to. “Fuck...Fuck!” he groaned, he was close and he felt her tightening around him as well, he always tried to cum second but she made it especially hard today. His eyes rolled back as he dug his nails into her hips, thrusting up into her like a madman until he finally felt release. She felt it spill out while he was still inside. As always his voice was what brought her over the edge, the way he moaned herr name like the only thing that mattered. It was just perfect. She didn´t stop moving, instead opting to ride him slowly until she was exhausted as well, overstimulating him just a bit. He was still delirious from the pain and the medicine he took not to die, but she was the only thing he saw clearly. Ogata waited until she climbed down from him before he pulled her close to kiss her deeply, his hands roaming over your naked form. “I should visit more often” he mumbled, closing his eye, feeling at peace for the first time in years.
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Schrodinger's Igogusa. Or something
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yukiteruakari · 4 months
The Hopeful Radio & The Hopeless Ogata
I've recently managed to find all the recordings of Megumi Ogata's (Makoto Naegi's VA) talk show! The show features many guests, including voice actors and even Kodaka himself. Please feel free to check it out!
Vol.1 & Vol.2
Vol. 1 Tracklist:
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1. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
2. Guest: The Role of Byakuya Togami: Akira Ishida
3. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
4. Guest: The Role of Kyoko Kirigiri: Yoko Hikasa
5. Guest: Planning, Scenario: Kazutaka Kodaka
6. Guest: The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
7. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
8. Guest: Script: Makoto Uezu
9. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
10. Guest: The Role of Chihiro Fujisaki: Koki Miyata
11. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
Special Travel Edition - Guest: The Role of Leon Kuwata: Takahiro Sakurai
[Special Guest]
The Role of Asahina Aoi: Chiwa Saito
Vol. 2 Tracklist:
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12. Guest: The Role of Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Kosuke Toriumi
13. Guest: Anime Producer: Yuji Higa
14. Guest: The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
15. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
16. Guest: The Role of Sakura Ogami: Kujira
17. Guest: Director: Seiji Kishi
18. Guest: The Role of Junko Enoshima: Megumi Toyoguchi
19. Guest: Game Producer: Yoshinori Terasawa and Hope's Peak Academy Store Department: Editor T
20. Guest: The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
21. Guest: Music Producer: Masafumi Takada
22. Guest: Original Scenario Writer: Kazutaka Kodaka, Anime Producer: Yuji Higa and Ryoko Amisaki
[Special Guests]
The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
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stardoc676 · 5 months
No because you can’t just say that manga panel makes you think of some scenarios and then just leave us hanging like that 😪 please tell us what scenarios you thought of 🙏 also I really like the yandere drawings of Ogata ❤️❤️
Hahaa, sorry! I just think he's the type of guy that would infodump and praise himself in the process, so I drew this scenario where he's just spending time with u. Also, his humor is kinda broke in a bad way
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(Also, sorry if my English sucks,it's not my first language •~•)
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piduai · 2 months
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crazy that this scenario happened to ogata twice
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amyyythestarry · 8 months
They’re such Tsukasa stans.
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I have been pondering on their group name for a while. In this au, their ‘The Fanboys’, no debating.
The idol Yugi twins do switch-a-yugis ( I’m calling it that bc it’s similar to switch-a-roonies in Liv and Maddie ) in their songs. For example, in Megumi Ogata’s songs, like ‘Rebuild’. Tsukasa can sing good high notes and Hanako can sing good low notes ( Bc it doesn’t take much effort cause he’s tone deaf ), in the song, I assume it’s Hanako singing bc of the deep voice, but then it gets higher on specific notes. Either, 1 - Tsukasa teaches Hanako how to sing high notes ( He definitely gives him lessons and stuff ), or they switched smoothly for a second so Tsu could give Hanako the perfect pitch.
Sometimes they do that in their songs, and it’s not that noticeable, so nobody ever figures out. The only one who knows about it are the people producing their songs.
But most of the time it’s easy to figure out who is singing which song, bc of the twins’ different vocals and their singing styles. In ‘Re:build Version’, it’s obvious it’s Tsu singing because of the way he freestyles at the end, and with the high pitches, ect. With Rebuild, Hanako sticks to the notes ( As much as he can ), pretty plain, but still good. Tsu is extra, Hanako is just right.
Though, both of them are good, obviously.
Hanako sticks to the scripts, and Tsukasa alters them a little.
They’re each other’s back up singers most of the time, like in ‘Hohoemi no Bakudan’ Tsukasa is the background singer. In ‘Sakayume’ Hanako is the back up.
Yokoo and Mitsu favor Tsu’s music better, Satouu’s with Hanako, and Kou likes both.
Scenario: Tsukasa is singing on stage and sees the fanboys in the crowd. He recognizes them from school so when he sees Mitsuba he winks at him. Mitsuba catches it and almost faints, but Kou prevents him from falling.
“Stop being such a simp,” then Tsu waved at him and he falls with Mitsuba.
Yokoo and Satouu want their acknowledgment, and they get it, Tsukasa smiles their way.
They do all go to the same school. Most of them are also performers, but none of them know each others identities. Aoi knows Nene’s,
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the Shijima sisters know each other’s,
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and Akane, Teru, Hakubo know each other as models ( Or whatever they are in this official art ). The Yugi twins know each other, obviously. But that’s it.
Tsukasa still goes by Tsukasa in school, unlike famous idol Hanako as Amane, but imagine the people in Kamome ( And the ppl in their life in general ) like those people In Miraculous Ladybug who can’t seem to see the similarities between Marinette and Ladybug. That’s just how that is with Tsu, no one thinks he could possibly be the famous idol Tsukasa. With both the twins actually. There’s no way they look remotely similar to the idols, right?
They got lucky with the stupidity of others.
Sakura is Tsukasa’s assistant, and Tsuchigomori is Hanako’s assistant. Tsuchigomori and Sakura know the Yugi twins’ identities.
Natsuhiko is the Yugi twins’ guitarist, and ( If I add an oc ), Liam is the twins’ drummer.
Hanako is always trying to find a way to get Liam fired, all bc he just hates him ( And he can sense the obvious favoritism of Liam for idol Tsu ). Tsukasa likes Liam’s drumming skills, so they keep him around.
Scenario: Mitsuba and Tsukasa are having a sleepover or something, and they’re doing karaoke. Karaoke with friends is never serious, just ugly blabbering. But, Mitsu’s wrong bc he can hear his bestie hitting all the right notes and it’s like an angel walked into the the room when singing ‘Kita no Yado Kara’ by Harumi Miyako.
Tsukasa, with the people who’s oblivious to him being an idol, is like that friend who can sing really well but always brushes off the compliments.
“Oh no, that was nothing!” Or some sh** like that.
He would tell Mitsu about the idol thing, but Amane would be really pissed, so he keeps his mouth shut.
The fanboys are always talking about the famous idols every chance they get, or whenever news about the twins come out, and Tsu is always amused by their fanboy-ing.
Their friends talk about the idol twins, and whenever that happens Amane will subtly ( But not so subtly ) promote idol Hanako.
“Oh, that one super hot, sexy, amazing idol Hanako-kun? Yeah, he’s the best!”
He accidentally made his friends believe he was a Hanako-kun simp. He is still not able to convince them other wise. Karma for trying to promote himself.
Tsukasa does it too, but his mindset is always ‘Amane’s popularizing himself, so I’ll popularize idol Tsukasa too!’
It’s funny because he also says things like, “Idol Tsukasa-kun is so cool and amazing and sexy!” 💀
Now Tsukasa is considered a true member of the fanboys too.
Amane thinks Tsukasa is trying to compete with him for fun, so they keep going back and forth when endorsing the idols, playfully arguing over who’s better.
THAT’S IT FOR NOW! Maybe I’ll come up with some more.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 9 months
I found your post mentioning the possibility of Ogata working as a geisha if he had been born female (…com/post/176037618768/). As a result, I couldn't help but wonder how much her life would differ from his. (I’m surprise nobody had made fan content about such scenario before.) What do you think?
I had to go check the post because I couldn't remember it...
and here it is:
"A geisha wouldn’t permanently stop working because she had a baby. Ogata isn’t a little girl who can become a geisha so it would be fine if his grandmother were to come take HIM away, but she doesn’t need to bring home his mom as well."
Honestly I wasn't wondering what would be if Ogata were a female, it was more an observation on the fate of geisha's daughters... and, in truth, it would have been possible for Ogata to remain with Tome even as a boy.
In fact for example geisha's kimono are so tight that they requires a male helper, to help the geisha put them on and tightly knot the fabric in the back... so Geisha's sons could remain there and become helpers who do this and other jobs that were more fitting for a male, though this wasn't as likely as it was for daughters, so it would have made sense for Tome to send Ogata away.
If Tome had a daughter instead than Ogata, of course her life would have been seriously different from his own as back then expectations on boys and girls were pretty different.
Honestly it would probably make her a character completely different, not just genetically but also character-wise due to a radically different upbringing, resulting her into being another, completely different, character, if done realistically.
So I guess it probably doesn't get explored much because she would basically be an OOC.
Now, I don't know why people do something or not but, as a general line, fans rarely have interest in OOC characters so this might be why people don't explore this venue.
As for how the life of Tome's daughter would be... well, it would be the same as the one of a geisha's daughter, in short the same as her mother with the plus she was born in the okiya so she'll adapt to it a lot more easily and would view the people in it as her family a lor more easily.
She would clearly have zero expectations on Hanazawa as she would know it was foolish from her mother to expect more of him and that he would surely not come from her or his daughter.
Hanazawa might have been interested in his male firstborn but a daughter... that's something that would likely not interest him at all.
No one would consider giving her a rifle and letting her try shooting at ducks.
At 15 she would have started as Maiko (geisha's apprendice) and would become a 'full-fledged Geisha' around the ages of 20 to 22.
If you're curious for more I would recommend reading something about geisha in that time period. It's interesting... but they lead a life that's very, very different from the one a boy would lead both in education and expectation so really, Tome's daughter would have likely not have anything in common with Ogata beyond the birth parents.
Sorry, I fear this wasn't the answer you were hoping for and I guess people can think differently from me so just take this for what it is, my two cents. Thank you for your ask!
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
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I love the Naruto World so much that I wish I was in it, I want to be a female Senju princess who's a god child to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
I'll love to be the last child of Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya Ogata, be the Sixth Hokage after saving the Leaf with Naruto Uzumaki, and is the main romantic interest of Sasuke Uchiha, a former student of Orochimaru Yashagoro.
I want Naruto to have a sibling, so I chose Deidara cause Uchiha Clan heirs tend to be rivals with Uzumaki Clan members and I don't to replace Hanabi for somebody else, so Hinata got a big sister now...how about Yume for the name...yes.
My name should be Misako, have a big sister named Akira who's the main romantic interest of Itachi Uchiha, and is the Chosen One with elemental bending powers as the Light Avatar who must destroy the Dark Persona.
I shipped myself with Sasuke, NaruHina for life, NejiTen, ShikaTema, SaiIno, KibaTama, ShiShi, ChoKaru, LeeAma, KankuAka, SoraKae, GaaMatsu, AsuKure, KakaHana, JiraTsuna, MinaKushi, Orochimaru X OFC, Itachi X OC, MY AU!Deidara X OFC!Hinata's Big Sister, ToneShion, IruAya, SuiKari, Sakura X OMC, GaiKao, KoteAnko, KabuGure, HayaYuga, IzuShizu, YamaYuki, ObiRin, Rin and Obito will be still alive, my dad's not gonna die too, Asuma deserves to live for his daughter, Neji stays living, etc.
There's ten tailed beasts from zero to nine; Satori the Reibi, Shukaku the Ichibi, Matatabi the Nibi, Isobu the Sanbi, Son Goku the Yonbi, Kokuo the Gobi, Saiken the Rokubi, Chomei the Nanabi, Gyuki the Hachibi, and Kurama the Kyuubi.
I want Team 02 [Yoruha - Hikaru, Nayumi, Migaku & Sakura], 03 [Gai - Neji, Tenten, Lee & Kaede], 07 [Kakashi - Naruto, Misako, Sasuke & Hinata], 08 [Kurenai - Kiba, Tamaki, Shino & Shiho], and 10 [Asuma - Choji, Ino, Shikamaru & Akane].
Sakura need to be shipped with somebody else rather than Sasuke, she was falling for him and broke her friendship with Ino for his heart.
If I was her, I'll choose my friend over my crush and keep my bond.
Misako got three childhood friends; Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke...it's that clear and simple.
Misa doesn't like fan boys at all like Sasuke don't like fan girls, they're from enemy clans and are best friends who's secretly betrothed to each other as a way to form peace to both family trees.
Watching all episodes and movies, I've learned many shocking plots and twists throughout my childhood.
Itachi's an amazing big brother, I wish Naruto has a brother and I gave him one...named Deidara rather than Menma cause I see that alternative future son of our ramen lover if he was married to Sasuke.
I want Naruto to have his first kiss with Hinata, which leads to this scenario...what if Misako was between both him and Sasuke during the episode where they were finding out their teams.
Misako will kiss Sasuke...again, here's the catch, they shared their first kiss at a young age cause they liked each other and can see their futures as a badass power couple.
Itachi had already predicted that his little brother was in love with Misako...like he was with Akira, Akira will prevent Itachi's death and tell Sasuke the real truth herself with her baby sister by her side.
I've read a fanfiction on Wattpad that has an original female character portraying as Nezuko Kamado, her name was Misa, I loved it and saw the major changes they've done...it was glorious...shout-out to the author.
I know one way to make Sasuke feel overprotective to Misako like she's understanding with him, I've made three characters we know as original characters named Hikaru, Nayumi, and Migaku.
Hikaru will portray from Toneri or Seimei, Nayumi will depict from Shion or Sawaii, and Migaku...I got something for him...Yoichi or Ren.
Misako and Akira, two sisters with their father's white hair, their mother's brown eyes, their father's red markings, and their mother's beautiful looks and gorgeous figure...I got their character portrayals...Heinrich Prinz (Akira) & Eugen Prinz (Misako).
Indra & Asura was in love with the Kishimoto Sisters named...Luna & Kira...
Kira will be the light that guides Asura to the Sun and into the Spirit World for a bright star.
Luna will be the shadow that escorts Indra to the Moon and get him away from the Phantom Zone for a dark cloud.
The sacred ancestry continues to Madara Uchiha's lover and Hashirama Senju's wife...Mito Uzumaki & Himiko Hyuga.
Years have passed, I want Misa to become the Light Avatar since the Dark Persona was her complete polar opposite...they're destined lovers.
I honestly want Misa to have two sons and daughters; Daisuke (OMC: Haruto Uchiha), Mikoto (OFC: Amara Senju), Yuta (OMC: Isamu Senju), and Sayuri (OFC: Kiyomi Uchiha).
I'm giving Naruto another son and daughter; Menma (OMC: Soha Uzumaki) & China (OFC: Naruko Uzumaki).
If you're confused with the names of the following OCs I've planted, search for their names on Google to get some clarification...it took me a few tries and I've finished.
Comment down below, reblog, anything you wanna do...go for it.
Do not report me, this is just my ideas...something I wanna do for my fanfics in the future.
Sayonara guys...believe it!
Also...who will win between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso?
If nobody wins and unexpected twists happen, who will return?
What if Damian Priest changes his mind and cash in on Roman, if not...on whoever wins between Seth and Finn?
Who will beat Dominik's ass and strip him from his title?
Will Santos dethrone Theory?
Can Ricochet take down a jackass?
Will Gunther stay undisputed?
Who will be Rhea's opponent?
Who will walk out as Women's Undisputed Champion?
Will Iyo win or lose her chance?
Will Shotzi get revenge on Bayley?
Can LA Knight conquer the Battle Royal?
Will Shayna kick this transphobic bitch's ass out of wrestling for good?
Will Solo join his brother?
Will Cody end Lesnar?
All these questions and more will be confirmed tomorrow night at Detroit...watch Peacock now, get your tickets, and get ready cause it's ride or die this year on 2023.
Let this tribal combat...commence.
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postgameroutesix · 11 months
terasaka, itona + yoshida’s voice actors singing :} in my head i like to really stretch to imagine scenarios and the like with the characters to these songs .. megumi ogata in particular has a huge discography of both original and cover songs
links to full songs:
terasaka - friend , echo (best cover of echo ive listened to tbhh)
itona - be my lady , sakayume
yoshida - ban ban burn , dark prophecy
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eyedelater · 2 years
golden kamuy fragments
here are many short thoughts that i want to put out there but not as individual posts
because that would be too many individual posts.
i like the idea that usami could be a prettyboy that people around him love if not for his feral nature and shit personality
boutarou charm point: letting his long hair fall onto your body in unpleasant ways
tsukishima charm point: face partially obscured by hat <3
wilk said, "i want asirpa to become someone who chooses the difficult and thorny path of her own will and tries to grasp happiness with her own two hands." (inspired) i should choose the difficult and thorny path of my own will…! noo but it's so thorny
we really really need more characters like sofia. big and not beautiful in the face and cool. big mom from one piece is big and not beautiful in the face but she's not cool. she's cringe.
if i ever suffer a grievous life-altering injury i hope it at least makes my character design more interesting like with tsurumi
kiroranke's wife and sons only got drawn once but that panel got copied and pasted like 3 times. his family has an entry in the golden kamuy fanbook and it's yet another copypaste of the same panel.
hijikata toshizou is always dealing fatal wounds to the abdomen. they're gonna die horribly, you know?
otonoshin's recurring shakashaka and nagakura's recurring watata are not that different. they should get along
kikuta mokutarou's name is probably mokutarou because moku means wood and his face looks like it was carved from wood. (checks the kanji) 杢 is the moku in his name. i thought it would just be 木, the usual kanji for wood, also pronounced moku, but 杢 apparently means woodworker, so that makes even more sense.
i love tsukishima so much. i'll never get tired of him. sometimes you just need to spend a whole lot of time thinking about a really unhappy little guy.
another thing the official translation did wrong is that they didn't let us know when koito was adding an extra A to the end of tsukishima's name. it's a habit of his to say "tsukishimaa!" and sometimes, he even says "tsukishimaaa!" that's a charm point, dammit! he's a whiny bitch! include that! EH scans included that. (raises 100th glass to EH scans)
probably a lot of ogata's attitude toward guns, starting from childhood, is like, "this makes killing so easy. if it's this easy, it can't be that wrong." and that attitude, combined with certain external factors in his life and what some might call a clear case of the dark triad, slowly ferments into the ogata we have today. that's a big part of why he can kill people without remorse: because it's so easy... and because no one is close enough to him to make him question his own viewpoints.
it was the nikaidou twin with the leg wraps who hit sugimoto in the face with the rifle. i noticed during the nikaidous' first appearance that one was wearing leg wraps and one was wearing the leg guards that are not wraps, so i was going to use that to differentiate them and figure out if it was youhei or kouhei who hit sugimoto in the face with the rifle, which sugimoto himself wasn't sure about. and then i'd sound real smart. but by the time youhei got killed, it seems he and kouhei had taken their differential leg coverings off. even though i went to the trouble of remembering about the leg wraps for the duration of several chapters.
reading the raws is enlightening because japanese only uses punctuation sparingly (japanese doesn't Need punctuation in the first place) so when there is punctuation included, it's there with a strong purpose. like the first time nihei tetsuzou just shouts out "BONER!" as an exclamation, there's a rare exclamation point and it made me laugh
golden kamuy is good for your mental health because it exposes you to scenarios like seeing nihei tetsuzou's detailed face saying, "My boner is raging out of control," and you get to experience the resulting emotions in a safe, controlled situation. (the emotions involved vary from person to person.)
most middle school boys in america could do an edogai cosplay just by drawing two lines down their face because they already have the exact right haircut
it's my 4th read and i only just noticed that the stand-in fake nopperabou has had his tongue cut off… i mean, it makes sense given how he behaves (no words), but yeah, it's visibly apparent the first time he screams. never looked in there before.
i haven't looked at much kirakado fanart yet but it's occurring to me that there must be a scenario where kirawus is like "i can't believe i'm letting this guy rummage around in MY asshole…!"
when tsurumi was hasegawa, he liked big guns enough to have a machine gun hidden in his big camera, but when the big gun was being fired right next to him, he had a perfectly blank face instead of tsurumi's usual look of orgasmic bliss. that must be something he developed during his later military service and time on the battlefield.
when koito picks up tanigaki's gun and it's got a grenade trap under it… tsukishima protects koito by grabbing his head, by the face, with his big mitten. head. face. mitten. i had forgotten about that particular action. i really like the mitten to the face come here boy it's gonna explode. and then tsukishima gets his hat knocked off again :(
the kanji for sugimoto SAichi, uSAmi tokishige, and SAdo island (tsukishima's birthplace) are all the same SA. it's 佐. just a coincidence. 佐 means help.
the reason boutarou knocked shiraishi out of the way and took 3 bullets for him is because moments earlier, he recognized that he had finally taken a fatal amount of damage, and shiraishi was basically the only remaining person who could tell the world about him, as the pitiful remaining fragments of his dream.
i was wondering how commander koito's satsuma dialect would play into his communication as a big boss military man, like maybe some subordinates from different regions could have trouble understanding his commands? but in chapter 291/292 raws you can see that every single thing he yells is in kanji, no particles, no grammar. that must be the navy standard. so you don't really have to worry about dialect if you're not stringing any sentences together.
when you find a work that really strikes you, i think it's very important that you make sure that you are picking up what the author is putting down before you start engaging in fandom. sometimes it'll take more than one read or watch for that to happen. otherwise intra-fandom memes and headcanons could poison your mind with foolish misconceptions. (like what?) <- wikipedia-style annotation debunking myself
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ramenrescue · 7 months
I think this comes as no surprise but I find Usami and Ogata so very easy to draw--not in the technical sense--but their interactions are so comedic to me and I can think of them in 500 different little AUs and scenarios. They're so... catty with each other and it's very fun
Also the scene where Ogata shoots Usami and says something to the extent of "his death has made me complete" like what exactly does that mean... I'm guessing this is referencing what he said to Hijikata and co. about how sharpshooters aren't actually truly sharpshooters until they kill a human? But he's killed a shit ton in the past (just with his dominant eye) so does he mean that because he shot Usami using his left eye, that it's like starting a new tally? Yeah I don't know how much I should read into this.
Also I've been reading a lot of top Ogata bottom Usami on pixiv and the brainworms are relentlessly digging into my brain. <- this is what I really wanted to get off my chest. I like bottom usami in general. Just the fact that Noda canonically said in the official guidebook "What's scary about Usami is that he doesn't seem like the type [to sleep with a woman] but he'll probably be decent at it" (or something to that extent: check Usami's Wiki page), I think he's just good at everything, including bottoming.
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chalkythetalkie · 1 year
Time After Time for "mom?" - yuusaku when he's infected by the Incest Virus? 👀
Time After Time: Send me a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of [that fic], or sometime in the past before the story started, and I’ll tell you what happened then
OK, WHAT HAPPENED WAS Ogata was already feeling way better a couple days after the Mommy Incident, but still had a residual dry cough that wouldn't quit + some sneezing. And Yuusaku woke up ill that day, but since Ogata is shit at nursing others back to health Yuusaku just kept hallucinating for HOURS that Ogata was his dad bc they sneeze and cough Exactly the same (picture the most stereotypical Dad sneeze. that's Ogata. and Koujiro too apparently). Ogata only remembers that it would probably be good to give Yuusaku some ibuprofen and lower his fever when Yuusaku starts to like, actually talk to him AS IF HE'S KOUJIRO while they get handsy in bed. Getting called "daddy" is very novel for Ogata and he's not sure he's actually into it, but his dick kind of is lol.
I think that's it!! At least that's what i've vaguely envisioned. I do think it would be fun seeing what someone else would do with this sort of scenario lol the opportunities are endless.......
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okay so based on my audience here, probably nobody knows anything about Golden Kamuy, so this might be a post for no one, but Ogata really is the Vriska of that series.
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(spoilers for both Golden Kamuy and Homestuck, if any fan of one actually cares about the other without already having consumed it)
(spoilers for both Golden Kamuy and Homestuck, if any fan of one actually cares about the other without already having consumed it)
- both characters were made to fend for themselves as young children, which was a traumatizing experience that left them ill equipped to form genuine connections with other people.
- both killed their own parental figure(s)
- both have killed a lot of people in general, and have formed a lot of their identity around being proud of that fact, and they're convinced that they definitely don't feel any guilt for anything they've done.
- on a deeper level, they are the types of characters who deny their own guilt, and thus their own emotional availability, to such a massive degree that they'd rather double down and keep committing atrocities as a way of proving that it doesn't affect them. outside observers may note that they are lying to themselves, and this emotional damage is stacking up on the back burner, to the point where their actions read less like proof of concept, and more like self destruction. when the dam holding these emotions back finally breaks, they'll have to square with everything they're deciding to do in the present, which makes their smug commitment to the bit read as more of a tragedy than anything else.
- both lose an eye at some point, at the hand of someone who is at their wits' end with them. both also use their indifference to this as a smug way to taunt the ones responsible.
- both have an unhealthy relationship with a person who they see as innocent. they both think that this innocent person has no right to maintain innocence when they themselves were never allowed to have that, and they try to corrupt that innocent person by way of mentorship. they think that the harsh conditions they share with that person necessitate corruption, no one can expect to get out unscathed, that innocent person isn't special, they shouldn't be able to exist untainted, and equality will be achieved when they are equally befouled by their circumstances. upon failing to corrupt the innocent character, they end up killing them. because someone like that isn't meant to survive in a world like this, if all is truly fair.
- they both function as someone who is the only one on their own team. other people don't trust them either because they are serial backstabbers. the only person they think they can trust is themselves.
- the closest they get to really bonding with another person is when they think they share someone's circumstances, particularly in relation to the way they grew up as kids. however, this never comes across as healthy, and doesn't really last, because not only is their perspective uniquely warped by the way they were abused from such a young age, but also... anytime someone in their same circumstances actually improves their outlook on life, or copes in healthier ways, they see it as a form of ideological betrayal. in a worst case scenario, they might even see it as being abandoned or neglected again, like the other person is leaving them behind or doesn't get it, and this could even be seen as a re-traumatizing event. it only drives them deeper into their isolated convictions.
- they tend to assume that everybody thinks just like them deep down. they act smug because they think everyone else is just masking, while they are being more "real" somehow.
- both illicit an audience response of "that bitch!" whenever they appear.
- Ogata even appears on the cover of volume 8... I hadn't even realized until I went to grab a pic of him off of google and that cover was one of the first images that popped up.
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stardoc676 · 2 months
Ogata Yandere AU! (Announcement)
Sorry for not being present recently!!!! But, I'm working on something I think might be of ur liking. I'm trying to make an Ogata yandere AU visual novel. Or something like that. Making this by myself is more than I expected. Either way, I'm having fun and enjoying the process.
It's still a big Sketch by now. But if everything goes well, I will be posting more about it. If not, then I will go back to the usual content ^^.
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Thanks a lot for your patience and support! Feel free to ask and propose scenarios like usual. ♡♡
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piduai · 2 years
Interview with Noda Satoru for kotoba magazine
reposting anywhere is fine, but please credit me.
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Q: While the setting of Hokkaido at the end of Meiji era does feel somewhat familiar, it was still abundant with novelty. It seems to me that the more new stuff you bring into a story, the easier it conflicts with the way people are used to reading manga. How do you find the balance?
Noda: Exploring what others have barely touched upon before has been my goal ever since I was but an aspiring mangaka. Things like baseball and soccer, magic, demons, superpowers, all the genres that have so many fingerprints on them already have never inspired a desire of competition in me.
Rather than fighting my way climbing on a huge mountain with countless rivals, I'd rather make my own little mountain, with what I, myself, find fun. My previous work was about ice hockey, this one was about Ainu as a key element. I have also considered it crucial to include human drama that anyone at all could relate to. Besides that, I was sure to include things that only I have seen and things that the people I've met across my life have shared with me, it was all done on purpose. This way, my original story is my own, something that only I would be capable of creating.
For example, take the scene with Ariko Rikimatsu's father stubbornly showing his son how to carve a makiri. This was a real episode that Kaizawa Tooru-san, an Ainu artisan, has shared with me, and I depicted it as such. Perhaps Kaizawa-san's father also wanted his son to continue their craft, but didn't want to force him into it, or so I would like to assume.
Q: Bringing characters to life is a process I find difficult to even imagine. Do you go with your gut on top of the general layout, and then finish off with calculated tweaks? Especially Asirpa, who really gives Golden Kamuy its flavor, is a character whose like I haven't seen before. Could you elaborate on this unique heroine?
Noda: Just as you said, it's half hunch, half sticking to the plan. As Sugimoto's partner, if Asirpa were a grown woman, she would have been bound to become the object of romantic affection of either Sugimoto himself or someone else on the male cast. That, on top of feeling unnatural for many readers, would have steered the story into an entirely unnecessary direction. So that plot line was given to Tanigaki and Inkarmat. The scenario in which the Ainu partner is a pops-aged guy was given over to Kadokura and Kirawus. The dynamic between Tanigaki and Cikapasi is great as well, although it's a bit difficult to make it feel profound because Cikapasi is a child, and children should be protected and mentored by adults.
In the end, the reception for Asirpa and Sugimoto was the loudest, so it seems that both my hunch and my calculations were right.
Q: When a bunch of characters with entirely different motivations are united by the same goal, a Japanese audience tends to trace it back to Lupin the Third. But it didn't feel like that with yours at all.
Noda: It is true that, when creating different group combinations, I considered which would draw out each character's different sides. For example, when Karafuto was the main scene, there was absolutely no way Tsurumi or Usami would have worked in Sugimoto's group. That trip would have been so awful. Sugimoto's group reuniting with Tsurumi was when they had to part ways for good, the story progressed as definitive points like this were decided on.
Q: It's during their trip in Karafuto when Tanigaki has suddenly become such a prominent figure. In the beginning he used to be quite a serious character, but with time he started getting special treatment and became somewhat of an author's beloved plump pet. I have heard that Tanigaki is your favorite character, so I suppose that his growing popularity and the attention he gets is exactly what you wanted?
Noda: Tanigaki Genjirou's body pillow sales amounted to a mere third of Ogata Hyakunosuke's. He sold even less than Sugimoto. I have always been anxious that my sense of what's cute differs greatly from that of the readers. I mean, Tanigaki is the cutest of them all, so why was there such a huge difference in sales? Furthermore, when they told me that the first merch to sell out during the exhibition was Tanigaki's 5 piece gravure set, I screamed, "See, this is how it's supposed to be!".
Q: When and why did you switch drawing from traditional to digital? Would you say that your page spreads are so good specifically because you do it all digitally?
Noda: I have already switched to digital entirely by the time I started my previous work, so in 2010. Before that, I was an assistant for a mangaka that stuck to traditional. The problem is that, when creating manga, there's a lot of extra labor besides drawing that goes into it when done by hand. Cleaning out the corners with wite-out or erasers, cutting out and sticking or taping panels, and the such. A lot of fine extra work that is needed for traditional disappears entirely when done digitally. There's a lot of other merits to it as well.
Speaking as a professional mangaka, during my previous work I had my assistants come to the job in person, but now we mostly communicate through Skype, so there is no need to be particular about my appearance when working, no need to worry about whether my assistants get along well, and it's much easier mentally. Being able to draw traditionally is important too, though, and if I don't practice, it's easy to start messing up when drawing illustrations meant for autographs.
As for spreads, a lot of them were done with the intention of splitting the upper and lower parts of the page. This was done mostly with the intention of being in a physical book in mind, although lately there's a lot of people who read exclusively on their smartphones. For this reason I think that this will be my last work with that kind of panelling. I consider a mangaka that cannot adjust to the times fated to be left behind.
Q: Did you do any special work related to the exhibition? How did you feel about the exhibition in general, with it going all around the country and with so many people coming to see it?
Noda: I listened to the explanations sternly and answered whatever questions were asked of me. The exhibition staff was very considerate of this work, and eagerly participated in the management.
I loved the goods. Like the brain marshmallows. When I saw the Tanigaki mousepad I started thrusting my hips, saying, "Oh, it's finally here". I want about five of them, to put both my hands, feet, etc on. The Tanigaki bromides were my idea, by the way. I just asked them to make my drawings into goods without much consideration, basically forced the idea on them.
I consider the fact that the exhibition overall was a great success proof of this work being well loved and acknowledged.
Q: As appreciation for manga has grown overseas, back in 2019 there was a panel of Asirpa at the entrance of the British Museum during the manga exhibition. How did you feel when looking at it?
Noda: When I heard that they decided on Golden Kamuy to represent Japanese manga as a whole in that exhibition, I could really feel their resolve shining through. After all, if the goal were to attract as many visitors as possible, there was a lot of more well-known hit manga to choose from. I was told that Asirpa was chosen as key visual by popular vote from the museum curators.
I have met with the guides who helped me back then on site recently, and, according to them, the exhibition was highly praised in newspapers at the time, stating "It felt entirely different from the manga culture we know of. My impression of the medium has changed completely", things like that. I think that the organizers were more preoccupied with having a meaningful exhibition rather than getting visitors.
It seems that back in Meiji, the non-executives of the British Museum have courteously asked a few Ainu to carve a few tools for them from the local wood. I've seen those tools and the storehouses myself. Maybe they decided on Asirpa as key visual because there's this kind of history there.
Q: In order to write about the Ainu accurately, I heard that you dedicated a lot of time to proper research and to meeting various people. I can't imagine you haven't met any opposition or complaints. If you read the story, it's quite clear that you, as the author, have plenty of interest in Ainu and their culture; how did you manage to win over the trust of the people who helped you?
Noda: I have always believed that if I'm to depict Ainu in my story as a major theme, it's important to show the beautiful carvings and embroidery, the religious views, the interesting legends and customs, the words, all of it, in a positive and engaging way. And I think it went well with people of Ainu heritage. I don't know any other manga that has engaged with Ainu culture in a similar way. I consider that approach the reason that the work was received so well.
Q: Golden Kamuy has a number of very fun title pages. Ones that look like movie posters, ones that look lifted straight out of magazines of that time, parodies, even fantasy-like ones where Asirpa is frolicking with animals, but when it's cutscene, those animals, well... you know the drill. You can seldom get something that makes you laugh that much with only the title page.
Noda: The parodies weren't there just for the sake of parody, more often than not it was like, "Please read this chapter with this vibe in mind". For example, in the chapter where Sugimoto was fighting Vasily, I wanted to invoke the feeling of a horror movie with the enemy forestalling you no matter where you run, so I made the title page a parody of "Friday the 13th".
Q: The story was full of fierce battles, ranging from duels between snipers, various close defensive and offensive combat, and even fighting ferocious beasts such as bears. I think they're all pretty difficult to depict by just imagination. What did you use as references?
Noda: Well, it's not that this kind of combat can be as flashy as ones using magic and superpowers, so my prerogative was devising ways of showing combat that wouldn't bore the readers. When I was at this or that scene, I'd think of ways to use the surroundings for fighting, or when I looked at various items from that time I'd come up with ways they could be used in combat. I was inspired by Jackie Chan movies a lot, the way they utilize the set in battle choreography, or the way they make weapons out of ordinary objects. That was, perhaps, the starting point. When you look at fights using magic and superpowers, it's hard to imagine pain. But when you see Steven Seagal wrap a billiard ball in a towel and hit someone with it, it feels much scarier and conveys the feeling of pain well.
Q: I heard that the way you draw firearms is so thorough that even maniacs would groan. The depictions of vehicles of those times also seem very detailed. Are you good with machinery?
Noda: Not particularly, no, I often draw by looking at exhibits I photographed at this or that museum, and by referencing materials I purchased myself. I have Sugimoto's type 30 rifle as a full-scale model with minimal movement. In the first there is a scene in which the safety device is released, but back in 2015 there were no materials anywhere to show how it was done precisely. Years later, a video explaining its operation was finally released on overseas Youtube, and I immediately revised the scene in the volume.
Q: I could feel that for you, the sense of realism went further than researching materials. How often did you ask yourself, "Shouldn't it be like this", "Wouldn't it be more natural if it went like this"? Is it possible that there is a realm of realism that is only possible to convey through the use of imagination?
Noda: It was often the case that I'd consult a professional immediately after building up a hypothesis of my own. For example, the time when Asirpa managed to tell apart the fake tattooed skins by looking at the reaction of the tannin applied to them to iron, where she talks about the way a woman has dyed a kimono a beautiful red. I have heard of Ainu dyeing their thick kimonos made of tree bark red using alder, so I hypnotized that since alder also contains lots of tannin, it would turn brown upon contact with iron. After that I consulted Saito Reiko-san of the National Museum of Ethnology and Takano Keiko-san, an artisan from Nibutani, and was informed that although it was possible, though quite difficult, to use alder in dyeing things a neat red, when washed in a river with high iron content, the clothing would turn brown. Therefore my hypothesis was confirmed, and I was able to proceed with writing a crucial plot point.
Q: I assume many fans rejoiced in your choice to not separate Asirpa and Sugimoto, by design or death. Was it the ending you planned from the very beginning?
Noda: I could say that I never planned to kill him at all, although if the story spanned across ten volumes or so, that option wouldn't have been out of the question. But it spanned across thirty one and took eight years, therefore I considered that killing off Sugimoto or separating him from Asirpa would have been a deed done in bad taste towards the readers, who have been watching over them for so long. When you think of a work that you love, a manga or a movie, that you want to reread or rewatch over and over again, wouldn't most people choose something that has a happy ending?
Q: Speaking of movies, I heard that you're an avid watcher. Please share some of your latest favorites.
Noda: I like stuff by David Fincher, Michael Mann, Kathryn Bigelow... My manga is entirely different from their works, though. Recently I went as far as buying "Anne of Green Gables" on Blu-ray. The colors used in the backgrounds were so wonderful, I told the people working on the anime to use that movie as reference.
Q: Editors are important figures for authors. If you don't mind, could you tell us more about yours, Ookuma Hakkou?
Noda: I brought my idea to the editorial department of Young Jump because it kept being dropped from the serialization meetings at Young Magazine. Back then, Ookuma-san just happened to glimpse over it by chance, and immediately decided that it needs to be serialized. In the end, that manga was cancelled after 6 volumes, so I can't judge whether Magazine or Jump was in the right. However, I did feel thankful to Young Jump for giving me a chance, so I wanted to repay them with Golden Kamuy, and I think that I managed to pay that debt off. Meeting Ookuma-san was the most fortunate event of my life.
Q: You already announced that your next project will be picking up that cancelled manga again. Please tell us how you feel about it.
Noda: I was thinking about it even back when Golden Kamuy was still serializing, taking notes and making plans. After finishing a series that took thirty one volumes, I more or less came to an understanding of what kind of preparations and labor a long serialization would require. I learnt that fans are curious about such things as the height and weight of the characters, and that they want to know the full names of basically nobodies, there's demand for really detailed information. I'll make sure to have those things ready when I take upon a new project.
I consider it very fortunate that Golden Kamuy has happened to me when I was at peak physical and cognitive health. I'm not getting younger, but it made me acquire a wealth of experience, so I'll put it to good use with my next work. I'd like for those who liked Golden Kamuy to give it a try, and promise to not disappoint. I'm counting on you.
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desde-los-cielos · 1 year
Anyway I didn’t realize Golden Kamuy had ended and that the last chapters had been fan translated. What a great series.
So so so so sad about all the deaths. I love Asirpa.
Also really sad Vasily never got his revenge. And that we didn’t get to see more of him.
As long as Saichi and Asirpa stay together forever, I don’t care what their relationship is. I appreciate they kept their ending ambiguous though. Let me imagine my best case scenario.
Glad to see Ogata has a nice number of fans. Just something about that horrible man with those weird eyes. I kinda want the figure I saw……….
Or just more immortal kamuy merch in general….
Also just really sad about indigenous peoples struggles to this day. I knew it couldn’t actually end in Asirpa leading a revolution for Ainu independence, without altering the world as we know it. But I still hoped…..
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