#ogam staves
saganssorcery · 3 months
𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Ceirt / Apple
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Today we might find ourselves struggling with our mental health or unstable emotions, perhaps we run into unpleasant people or we find ourselves being triggered for one reason or another. Chaos abounds, and while we are likely to be faced with the more traumatised parts of our psyche, we need to make sure we don't act self destructively or in ways where we ultimately only make ourselves worse. Be aware that things could be hard today, or you could be met with people who only make things worse. The best bet on how to deal with this energy is to simply walk away if we find ourselves feeling emotionally or mentally unstable.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥🖋️
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Please check out my Ogam divination services below:
• 3 Ogam spreads for £5 GBP
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 1 Ogam readings for £2
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please see the featured post pinned on the Sagans Sorcery or Sagan Regan page.
All readings will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account.
I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
All readings are completely private and confidential.
Please DM me for any information you may need to get your reading underway.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Cert - /kw/  Often translated in context as “Bush; Rag” but in old Irish Cert literally translates to “Fitting; Proper; Right; Justice”
MM: clithar baiscill - shelter of a lunitic
MO: bríg anduini - substance of an insignificant person
CC: dígu fethail - Dregs of clothing
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seleneblackwell · 5 years
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Finally finishing my healing buffalo drum.
Outer circle is a Druids call for peace in Gaelic.
Ouroboros circle is protection spell in Ogham.
Inner spiral is the deepest magic of healing of the body, the spirit, and the mind.
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theenchantedwren · 5 years
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Ogham (pronounced OH-ehm) is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language and later the Old Irish language (scholastic ogham, 6th to 9th centuries). Today, many magical folk use them the same way Runes or Tarot is used, to divine and unearth what we need to heal, make decisions, grow, handle problems, transform energies and evolve. A single 'few' or stave can be drawn from the bag, a spread can be used as in tarot, or you can create your own method of using Ogham in your spiritual path. Each symbol is associated with a tree (or other woody plant/shrub) with a specific meaning based on that association.
These Ogham fews were created using 1.5" ash wood disks, 'Nion' in the Ogham, painted black and antiqued with silver and sealed to protect them against spillage and stains. The symbols themselves are raised, with a dot to orient the user for upright and reversed positions, making them perfect for those who are visually impaired. They arrive in a 5.5" x 5.5" drawstring bag and have been cleansed and blessed before shipping. It is recommended that you cleanse and bless them again upon arrival. Allow them to be with you for a time, before beginning to use them, so they can pick up your personal energies.
I also include a list of the symbols and a brief description of their meanings, in large print. I hope you will explore the Ogham further, as its history and meanings will be enhanced the more time you spend learning about them. And, use the Ogham set often as well, so it becomes attuned to you.
You will receive the set pictured in the listing, as every set I create is unique.
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thewandcarver · 6 years
The Magickal Vine…or Blackberry Bramble?
#EarlyBiz #Tweetmaster #TWDA #ATLondonUK New #blog by @TheWandCarver The Magickal Vine…or Blackberry Bramble?
By Isabella @TheWandCarver Instagram: @thewandcarver This is going to be a tricky write, I have a feeling! For most of us who go by Robert Grave’s Ogham trees from the Celtic Birth Trees list, we all know that the tenth lunar “month” is Vine and its Ogham “Muin”, the 10th letter. However, as I noted in my travels to research this “tree” or lack thereof, I find that the Vine is not necessarily…
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chronarchy · 4 years
Question from a newbie: I'm looking to get into ogam, as a way of trying to deepen my spiritual senses and have a stronger foundation in gaelic polytheism. I have a maple tree in my backyard that drops many a branch or twig after a storm. Any tips on picking sticks to create ogam staves with i.e. how straight vs curved they can be, potential carving difficulties (I have a pocketknife and hope and thats about it), or basic ogam tips in general? Thank you for your time.
I spent some time thinking about this, and consulted a friend who also makes sets. Then, I distilled the conversations and experience into a video.
You can find the video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Hpp_50My_KY
There is also a transcript of the video on my Patreon.
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saganssorcery · 7 days
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This is the box I have carved for my Ogams. The symbol is known as Feige Find or Fionn’s Window, it appears in the “Auraicept na n-Écea” an old Irish text on language and grammar. Each ring includes the well known Ogam feda and the forfeda (or additional feda) surrounding the second ring from the outer edge.
The symbol and its original uses are somewhat a mystery but people have adapted it as a meditation tool which ties Irish myth and cosmology together.
The idea here is that it can be used in meditation as a mandala or portal into the otherworlds, starting from the outer edge and moving your attention to the inner circles where the deeper secrets lay.
You'll notice that the feda are set into four “aicme” consisting of five feda running from the outer circle to the inner circle. At the top we have the Beith aicme. The right the h-Uath aicme. The bottom the Muin aicme. And left the Ailm aicme. This set up somewhat reminds me of the Rune Aetts and their categories but obviously not related or the same.
Anyhow I figured I would share a little about what this is and what I've been up to with it.
©️SagansSorcery 🔥🖌️
If anyone would like an Ogam reading please send me a DM. I'm offering three Ogams for £5 GBP or a 10 Ogam Celtic Cross for £15.
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blackcrowing · 2 years
Blackcrowing's Ogam Masterpost
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Why Ogam is Definitely Not a Tree Alphabet
My Divination Meaning Guide
My kofi
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saganssorcery · 3 months
𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Idad / Yew
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It's likely that a past cycle is coming to a close. Idad holds strong ties to death, ancestors, and the elderly. We're likely in the transitional stage where something must die so the next steps can be taken. As we pass through this phase of transition we are being asked to look back on and respect the lessons we have learnt from our past experiences. We have likely matured a lot from where we once were and can use this knowledge to guide us in our next steps. From a more magickal perspective Idad could be drawing our attention to the long lasting traditions that stay lit within us that have been passed down from generation to generation. It would be very beneficial to study the past and the roots of all things on this day. Perhaps our ancestors know something that we do not.
©️Sagans Sorcery 🔥🖋️
[ Tip jar ] ✨🙏✨
Please check out my Ogam divination services below:
• 3 Ogam spreads for £5 GBP
- Past, present, future
- Situation, action, outcome
- Overlook
• 1 Ogam readings for £2
For a full list of my services and disclaimer please see the featured post pinned on the Sagans Sorcery page.
All readings will be delivered as a photograph and a detailed write up in your inbox or to your email account.
I can usually fulfil requests within 72 hours.
All readings are completely private and confidential.
Please DM me for any information you may need to get your reading underway.
Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Ruis - /r/ has traditionally been associated with ruise 'red' however I believe that it should be noted that ruis is OI inflection of ros which means 'linseed or flax' (which should be noted are often red in color) and was highly used in iron age British isles as a medicinal plant (with studies showing it has anti-inflammational properties that can help with skin conditions)
MM: tindem rucci - most intense blushing
MO: rúamnae drech - reddening of faces
CC: bruth fergae - glow of anger
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Edad /e/ while the exact meaning is unknown it seems most likely to have some relation to eó which has two definitions one which is believed to pertain to this letter 'salmon' and the other is believed to pertain to the next, and last, letter [Idad] 'yew' but ultimately there are no clean cut answers and many theories. Eadhadh/Eadha is attributed as the Modern Irish word for Aspen trees in many of the articles referencing Edad, however I could not find any evidence for this being true. According to the Focloir English to Irish dictionary the Modern Irish word for Aspen is crann creathach and I could find no information about Eadhadh/Eadha in Modern Irish outside of these references.
MM: érgnaid fid - discerning tree
MO: commaín carat - exchange of friends
CC: bráthair bethi - brother of birch?
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Gort - /g/ Field
MM: milsiu féraib - sweetest grass
MO: ined erc - suitable place for cows
CC: sásad ile - sating of multitudes
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Muin - /M/ - Traditionally translated as 'neck' but muin is also referred to in MIr. as 'Protection; in the care of; under care of' as well as 'top; upper back; surface'
MM: tressam fedmae - strongest in exertion
MO: árusc n-airlig - proverb of slaughter
CC: conar gotha - path of the voice
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blackcrowing · 2 years
I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and devote more time to my divination skills, but I have a geis where I can't cast for myself unless its a festival day.
So I need folks to bring me their questions! Drop it in my ask and I'll get to them as soon as I can!
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blackcrowing · 2 years
For the Divination thing, If you could answer a question that would be great.
What should I keep in mind for the upcoming month?
That's a good question to be asked in tarot hope it translates well to ogham. Thanks
The project (I think this is something of a creative nature but might be less of a "project" and more of a large task thats been taking a lot of your time. it feels personal, something for yourself or family or household, not anything work related) you're working on is going to have a breakthrough. It looks like you've had some anxiety around it happening or maybe just moving forward, but it looks like this month it's going to have a decent push, or something is going to click for you (there's an element of sudden understanding thats going to give it forward momentum but I can't tell if its YOUR understanding or someone elses).
Overall there's A LOT of forward momentum here that seems to be really centered around knowledge/understanding (seems to be of the intellectual kind, I'm not finding anything about emotional intelligence here) and that's going to be paving the way for some really fertile ground in the future.
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blackcrowing · 2 years
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Ailm /a/ There is no known definition for Ailm. Revered Irish Linguist Damian McManus notes that "As far as I know ailm is only attested once outside the Briatharogaim and letter-name contexts, in the King and Hermit poem: caine ailmi ardom-peitet 'beautiful are the pines which make music for me' If the translation is correct the arborealists may be right, but the poet himself might have been one." The possibility has been kicked around linguistic circles that the letter is representative of the sound "AH" such as a cry or scream based on the kennings associated with it. Personally I think its possible it could be a play on OI ainm(m) (or even possibly the victim of a poor transcription) meaning 'name; reputation, repute, renown; (grammar) noun'
MM: ardam íachta - loudest groan
MO: tosach frecrai - beginning of an answer
CC: tosach garmae - beginning of calling
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