#og was just on my pinterest
sc0lippi · 3 months
he’s a big fan of the shirt
og under the cut 🔥
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fernsensei · 4 months
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sorry im on a hiatus again have this silly ass mouse drawn gabriel
original vv
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Athena waking Odysseus up the day after ‘Warrior Of The Mind’
(Yes I know the clothes are not accurate, it’s 4am and I wanted to draw this before it left my mind)
OG photo under the cut
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bard-of-beasts · 9 months
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OFF fans making their Elsen ocs (I myself am not guilty of this deed)
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amebelladonna · 15 days
M4k0t0 Yuk1 (age 6) and the Jollibee Killer of 1999
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bat-luun · 4 months
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(tags via @encryptidarchivist)
YESSSSS i love him very much hes my darling beloved!!! <33
(ramble below cut cuz this got so long oh my god lmao - cw: suicide mention)
The tma oc is actually an au version of 'Pai Rite' (he/she)! He's player character i made while co-DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign. He's originally from 1982 Chicago and about 28 years old. Her og lore and backstory and what played out in the campaign is rather complicated so imma leave it out. (tho i'd happy to rant about it lol-)
For the tma version: She uses her full name more often than just her nickname/chosen name; Joshua 'Pyrite' Kerr (he/she). She was born in 1978 in LA, moved to England in 1997, and died 2010 at age 32.
She is marked by both The Vast and The Spiral! (in the same way Martin is a mix of The Eye and The Lonely)
Pyrite has a rocky relationship with his parents from the start, his father was killed/taken by The Vast when Pyrite was only 17. His mother was killed by The Spiral, which triggered Pyrites leave to England to study mathematics at the King's Collage in London.
(Idk if it would really work all that well in canon but I've taken The Vast in a less 'real' direction? Like making it less of a place of endless mist or whatever but making it more like a concept?) Pyrite's father was a mathematician and investigating/trying to figure out more of the pi number. The horror of the uncomprehendable powered my the Fear drove him to insanity and eventually suicide, leaving his family suddenly and without a word.
Her mother, turning even more hyper religious than before, turned to pseudoscience as a way to cope with the grief (buying crystals and crafted religious symbols/spells to protect her, and doing other low-key paranoid superstitious stuff).
She eventually got her hands on some colorful (sea)glass shards which she hung by the windows to catch the light and "ward off evil".
The glass is an artifact of The Spiral! It slowly multiplies in numbers in the given location, and starts changing colors/patterns of objects within it's line of sight (though the owner is the only one who can see it's effects).
The longer the artifact is a set location and affecting it's victim, the more intense the distortions get (pottery/dishes "melting" or changing shape, entire rooms becoming mirrored, objects switching places with each other, glass clinking sounds being heard from every room, ...). Eventually it moves from inanimate objects to people in the victims life.
Pyrite's hair got turned a purple/pink as a cause of the artifact. Panicked, Pyrite's mother took a hammer to the glass, breaking it untill there was nothing left but dust. Pyrite found her body later that day as it was being taken away by paramedics. He moved away after that, taking a single glass shard as a keepsake to remember her by, having no idea of it's effects.
He went on to study mathematics in London and found his fathers research notes, going down the same cursed rabbit hole he did.
She did become an avatar for The Spiral later on as the artifact went on to distort any research notes Pyrite made/found beyond recognition, essentially 'winning' and making her a Spiral avatar. Pyrite died in 2010 after Gertrude and Michael stopped the great twisting. Died mad and dazed and out of breath, trying to keep her grip on the only thing that was left of her mother, the destruction of the ritual making her take her own life.
me and my best friend(one of the other co-DMs) did art of Pai Rite and his gay boyfriend Revemine for valentines day!! :D
(also tagging @horrid-mothlegs for if you want more info for when our tma ocs can hang out >:])
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Pose For The Fans!!!✨
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pw-ps · 10 months
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this is so sad because the pete binder edit IS there like im pretty sure that post only got notes when i added it but i think someone was a coward and deleted the addition so now transmasc pw is circulating binderless 💔
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squidcavedraws · 1 year
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5 minute Nameless Ghoul study 💀
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I made a post another day about how I can't comprehend those imagines people write about Lip cause they're just describing a totally different character, Lip has never treated none of his romantical partners that way so I just do not understand where that comes from, and therefore I said I can't understand how people are attracted to him.
I do stand by what I said but it kept me thinking, cause I received some answers and now I do see what the appeal is: Lip is a malandro.
I don't know if there's an equivalent translation for the term cause I believe it is essentially a Brazilian thing but a malandro would be this man who always has the upper hand since he's streetwise and has some brains which leads to the ability to take the best of every situation. Like a rascal? A scoundrel?
A malandro lives life kind of freely, lightly; he fits the space he is put in, he is a natural. He would avoid the complicated and to compromise, wants to live an easy life, and his motivations can be perceived as laziness. The term is associated to young criminal men usually — no good thing could come of someone like this —, and there's this appeal of this boyish man, a bad person but not necessarily a bad boy, who knows how to have a good time and is always breaking rules, the men no father desire to their daughter, the way he's a promise of a good time for any women, that leads to his attractiveness.
A malandro also has the gift of the gab (which I love cause in portuguese we say "ser bom de lábia" or "ter lábia" which directly translates to "have a lip" in the meaning of having its ways with words, knowing how to speak and convince and even fool someone easily).
Just from this description, Lip fits it better than any other shameless character.
there's how he made money easily: often scammed people like the northwest guys to work for free, later to visit Fiona's club, then when he was a trainee stealing money and taking their tablets and all, also selling weed and fireworks, selling homework and school projects and then the SAT thing — he never really gets a conventional job or source of income, and when he had aka s5 construction he left it to travel to Miami.
then his dating: he first got with Karen with the whole dirty tutoring and even madly in love with her he never really wanted her as a girlfriend; Mandy was flirting and having sex at his little sister's sleepover, and then she kind of made herself his girlfriend and he let her cause it was comfortable for him; Amanda's parents hated him and later she did too cause he gets sick of her and kind of ghosted her; he was smartfunny and had a quick mouth and got into his professor Helene's pants; i don't really remember Sierra but he was the cute boss younger brother etc.; and Tami was the easy fuck. The point is, he doesn't compromise, he's the promise of easy good sex, he cheats and lies.
and other stuff like he was not only a genius but smart, making good connections with older and powerful people like his professors; the way he never really looked forward to college or any other accomplishments really and he hated the pressure and expectations people had with him; how he was always committing delicts by breaking things, getting expelled from school, stealing, working with JimmySteve, underage drinking, etc.
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warlordfelwinter · 8 months
having a morning
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darkmacademia · 2 years
Why don't you like Pinterest for moral reasons? Not tryna attack you, I genuinely don't understand :)
oh ahaha dw that was just a joke abt how unfriendly pinterest is for my original content, the platform makes it very easy for reposting and losing credit for original pics! no hate for anyone who does like it as it is genuinely a useful tool for collecting stuff, I've just had my stuff reposted on there without credit too often ;-;
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dibbs-n-scribbs · 10 months
Just watched the fnaf movie and i loved it. Wish there was more of a horror element on screen but the subtle cues of as to what happened were also pretty cool. Anyways im gonna be ranting in the tags cause i dont have the energy to write a well thought-out review xp
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grotesquism · 2 years
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lemorgo · 2 years
i find tumblr extremely comforting because i had timeline that was more like a pinterest with a bunch of pretty art, gif edits and photos and occasional memes now very few of my followed blogs are active so it’s not as fun but i’m going to find more active accs to keep vibing  also you can send me some recs uhh in the tumblr reply thing idk how it’s called or in asks or in dms wherever you wish
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keep gravity falls posting babe ive been rewatching the show lately and I can already tell all of yr thoughts and opinions on it are correct . sorry this sounds like a yelp review it's supposed to be encouraging
listen i dont know i feel like my opinions are a bit too 2016 KSCMDH
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