#og groot
ohfugecannada · 9 months
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guardians-restart · 1 year
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t*mblr probably nerfed the quality click to make it readable
yeah so uh it bugs me when people don't realize that Groot from the comics is a completely different character from the one we're seeing in the movies. In the MCU the Groot i love so dearly has been dead and buried on Xandar for 9 (?) years and im still salty about it
Also don't @ me for sudden downfall of quality in this piece i was struggling trough an art block at the time 😭 and everything came out chonky and blocky in a bad way
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kaijugroot · 1 year
Ok just watched James Gunn talking about the OG and the new Groot, he said the new Groot grew up with a family and treated as a part of a family but the OG Groot was treated like an animal for much of his life. Him saying this made me yearn for a Rocket and Groot meeting story, old Groot had such a big heart even though according to Gunn, he was treated so badly and then he met Rocket somehow... Ugh imagine Rocket’s reaction, he probably never trusted anyone after escaping from HE and then he met this selfless giant tree that sacrificed himself to save him... 
‘‘Why are you doing this... Why?’‘ Rocket asked when he realized what the OG Groot was doing, he didn’t understand why would Groot sacrifice himself for him... I feel like deep down in vol 1 and before, Rocket was expecting Groot to leave him one day.
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phantastragoria · 1 year
The tragedy that is the majority of viewers not catching onto the fact that Gamora had tons of internal cybernetics and an entirely replaced skeletal system when those are the only things that will remain long after she's gone.
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hestia-tunnnblr · 2 years
I’ve seen the trailer so many time and always get chills and emotional.
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 months
If you're up for it, I think it would be cool to see a sketch of rocket doing origami like in that one ask of mine you had answered a while back
a rough lil hospital room doodle for you, baby firebird
he made baby groot & now he’s working on cosmo
here’s the og imagine ♡ rocket fanart masterlist
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anomnipie · 1 year
no but all rockets friends dying brings so much new pain and meaning to OG groot's death in gotg1 like rocket just going thru all that again and we didnt know it.
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
Hey! If it’s alright with you, may I request an Adam Warlock x reader where the reader is still distant and cold towards him despite everyone else willing to give him another chance? The reader understands why he did what he did and knows he’s genuinely sorry for all the damage he caused, but the reader still struggles to forgive him for almost killing Rocket. The reader has known rocket (and groot) from way before they all joined the OG guardians of the galaxy so they have a close bond with each other and rocket means everything to the reader. So here, maybe rocket and the reader has a heart to heart conversation that allows the reader to slowly develop a friendship and soon to be romantic relationship with Adam?
hi, anon! It's been a month since i wrote for Adam so i hope you like this!!
Adam Warlock x guardian!reader
just fluff and slight angst. Headcanons.
a/n: wanna write more for Adam. This gif makes me weak. Just look at him so happy. wanna make him happy.
“ Adam's masterlist”
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Everyone seems happy to have Adam Warlock in Nowhere, the golden boy practically earned everyone's forgiveness due to his charisma, strength and beauty. Adam works hard enough to deserve his second chance.
But he couldn't help feeling that he was failing because you still couldn't seem to forgive him. And how could you? He had hurt the first being you cared about and that caused you so much angst and pain, so that was enough to not feel bad when you ignored Adam when he tried to get close to you.
It was too intense the tension between the two of you, but you could live with it, Adam not though.
Adam had heard how wonderful you were, your bravery and kindness was something that defined you, everyone in Nowhere seemed to love you that Adam felt so desperate to be your friend. And for that Adam needs to get your forgiveness.
His attempts are so embarrassing (he shouldn't have listened to Drax) because no matter how hard he tries you keep rolling your eyes and being cold with him.
And the cycle would have continued forever, so Rocket decided to end it.
"Y/n, Adam needs you to forgive him 'cause otherwise he'll just keep acting weird" "No! I'm not going to forgive him. He hurt me when he almost killed you...everyone has forgotten so quickly but I haven't and I'm not apologizing for it" Rocket sighs and pats your knee. "Okay Y/n, I get it, but the guy was just doing what he was told, he was made to take orders, he didn't even have a choice, doesn't that remind you of someone you know?" And that little talk is enough to make you forgive Adam.
As soon as you and Adam start spending time together everyone seems to know what will come of their new friendship; Adam and you fall in love with each other. Adam intertwines his fingers through yours, you hide your face into the crook of his neck as he holds you tight against his lap. The day is over and you and Adam are in their shared-chambers, enjoying each other's touch and company. Adam gives you a kiss on your temple and you kiss his neck making him smile before adam whispering; " i love you Y/n "
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wildglitch · 6 months
How What if...Zombies Spidey gets to the DCU
Here's the second part of this post
This is about how Zombie!Peter (And possibly others) got to the DCU. the third part will be the HC on what he is going to be doing overther, but for now wh need to know how he got there
Also,I accidentally uploaded my original draft for this but it wasn't finished so I had to delete it so I lost all of that writing TnT
-Starting this off with more timeline explanations! Let's goooooooo
Ok so anything that happens on Earth has absolutely no effect on the rest of the universe, that means that all of the guardian movies and Thor Ragnarok happens when they originally did in the OG timeline.
"But Thor and Loki met Strange 3 days before Infinity war" SHhhhhhh, trust and listen. Since Loki really didn't want to deal with his dad, Instead of just sending him to Earth, She sends him to a different reality Earth. How? But studying the space stone of course. Not to mention he spent a good while researching and studying the aether when he was king and before they sent it to the collector. With this in mind, Loki taught himself how to access and travel to different realities (Remember this)
That means that Bruce B. gets back on Earth at the same time he did in the original, in 2018. Infinity war takes place in about a day or so and seeing as Thanos is on Earth by the end of the episode, let's say that the episode takes place over a time period of about 24-48 hours. A weekend if you will.
That, adding onto the fact I made the zombie apocalypse 7-8 months long instead of 1 month changes a few things timeline wise. Not only does it push Ant-Man & The Wasp back many months, It also means that there's a high chance Bucky's brainwashing isn't 100% gone, and that the apocalypse started around a year or so after Homecoming.
Do with that info as you please :D
-What is happening without space friends? Well...
Loki wasnt Fucking Stupid and died like and idiot here!
(Your the god of fucking mischief and yet the only thing you can think to do is a knife?!? A fucking Knife? Not even to the back as has been stated you have done in your own goddamn show, But right in the face where he can very clearly see it you short dumbass!)
N E Ways- Loki did something, yk, smart and joined up with Thanos cause like, Dude the guy was winning! Loki was gonna play a long game and work with him again to get his opening. . .Then they killed his fucking brother! Yeah this has not been a good day for him- He is sent to stalk Earth with the other dudes but he decides to stay on the ship and
Loki looking down at Earth though the ship's surveillance systems: WTF did the mortals do!?!?
Alien helper Loki asked for and somehow got: Would you like to go down there sir?
Loki getting comfortable and changing his clothes into something cozy after a very traumatic day: Norse no, Get me a bigger monitor and some food, I wanna see where this goes.
And then Loki just watches like the agent of chaos he is. (Remember this too)
What about Thor? Well Thor doesn't really die, Loki just sees the explosion of the ship and just assumes. He still teams up with half the guardians and everything still happens like the movie for him until he gets to Wakanda.
(The Guardians? Canon. Literally the only difference could be that maybe Peter Q. and Co. die immediately on Titan without the space roadtrip trio.)
-Wakanda? Gone
Okoye Was sent to America and everything went to hell lol.
No but Seriously, The King was gone, Okoye went to look for him, and Wakanda was left pretty defenseless. I say that the country was already compromised before she left, but it only started causing trouble after she left, so she has no clue what happened. the important thing isn't Okoye though, no the important thing is Thor. More specifically, Thor, Rocket and Groot when they get there. I can see 2 things happening.
1-they get infected immediately and all of a sudden you get a Zombified God with an axe walking around with a tree and a raccoon. All there while his brother is watching the man, he thought was dead, truly die. ( he gets the feeling that this is Karma) Or,
2- They fight the Zombies thinking they are part of Thanoses army like total badasses, not knowing what they are fighting or getting infected. All while Loki I absolutely shell shocked watching this from a 5th monster mouth agape. (Ones watching visions base with the king and witch, Twos watching the group trying to get to the base, Threes watching some old guy sitting in a park absolutely unbothered, And Forths could be the other dead people from the last post, idk, the separate continuity for the AU gets a mention lol)}
Loki in ver. 1: Absolute depression
Loki in ver. 2: Slacked jawed as he watches his brother be a complete dumbass
-So, How did they he skip dimension?
Well everything from the episode happens the same. Maybe a bit more emotional because they are closer, but every one we see die, Dies. Why? Uhh duh, angst and plot potential, why else?
and its, Everyone one we see die. Let me explain. Anyone we see get turned or killed on screen, It's death. If a character dies off screen but the situation is bad and impossible for said person to get out of, it's death. BUT, if a character is killed off screen but theoretically they could escape, they can live.
Ex For this rule: Happy is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Death, Reason? He's a normal dude T'Challa is hit by a speeding car off screen that implies death= Can Live, Reason? He has the powers of the Black Panther
You Got That? cool. with that in mind, and what I can remember atm, this is the list of people who live
Peter P.- Scott L.- King T'Challa.- Bruce B.- Bucky B.- Rocket R.- Groot-Thor- Loki. Igs, if you want the guys from the more hero’s Idea to be here then you can add them ig. That's the list of survivor a
(Why aren't there more women? Idk, take it up with Disney for killing all of them)
Why these guys? Simple. Cause they all are on Earth
-Loki, being a god, takes a look at Zombie Thanos and thinks "Oh no...Oh Hellas no" And decides to do something about it.
Seriously, You expect me to believe that anything other stone then the space and reality one can send them to another reality? No, I don't think so. And who did I say studied and used these stones before? hmmm? So my proposition for you today is simple. take our god Loki with his obsession with the space stone and have him cast a spell to have every living being on the planet left, come with him to whatever other reality he's taking them to. and thus the crossover commences.
-Peter and the others are now screwed.
They all travel and end up at the same place they were in their original universe. (Omg I just realized Loki could end up at the watchtower lol)
They could be in different realities, but they all are in the same position they were before traveling
Peter: Is on plane before Dimension hopping
Peter: falling to his death after dimension hopping
Peter: Paink!
And then they get split up...hurray!
That's the end for this post. The other will be more focused on Peter But we needed This one as a way to get to the next world. Will I change some stuff? Sure, maybe later, But for now I'm pretty tired and I don't have much else to do at this point.
With that said, I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you think
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jackshade21 · 1 year
Four Years of Growth
I know it's sad that we'll never see the Guardians of the Galaxy in their prime again. Meaning the main group of Star-Lord, Rocket, the original Gamora, Groot, Drax and Mantis.
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There was a four year gap that takes place between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 and Avengers: Infinity War. Guardians Vol.2 left us with Peter dealing with the loss of his father figure, Peter and Gamora starting a romantic relationship, Mantis joining the group and establishing a close relationship with Drax, Gamora and Nebula starting to mend their broken relationship, Groot being raised by the team as a family and Rocket learning to let people love him and to love them in return.
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There is so much potential for stories set in those four years. So much growth happens in that time frame. Peter and Rocket go from being at each other’s throats in Vol.2 to being best friends in Vol.3. Mantis learns to give as good as she gets from Drax and I refuse to believe that Nebula didn’t end up running into them on more than one occasion because Gamora goes from saying “I hate you” and wanting to take her in for a bounty to giving Thanos the location of the Soul Stone, dooming the Universe to spare Nebula.  
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I need to really start focusing and write fan fiction cause there is so much I’d love to see. So if you’re one of those gracious and talented writers that are out there missing the OG Guardians line-up there is a gold mine waiting to be tapped. <3
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netbug009 · 1 year
Okay now that I've slept on it I have more thoughts on Guardians 3 (Spoilers, obvs)
Nebula having her most emotional moment be when Rocket was alive and well. Those two bonded so much during The Snap and I both never want anything clarified and want a whole D+ series about them.
3. I am so glad I avoided any and all preview clips and apparently so did many of the people watching with me because I'm not sure how to describe the SOUND people made at Quill dropping the first f-bomb in the MCU. Amazing.
4. Speaking of that, can't wait for a bunch of Christian media outlets to spend their words raging about that and not noticing that this was, blatantly, the most theistic film in the MCU to date. That sure was a thing.
5. Headcanon: Rocket used the parts/tech from Bucky's arm to make Nebula's upgraded arm.
6. The Christmas special started to sow the seeds of this, but GOTG3 cements Mantis as my favorite human Guardian, which I can't believe I'm saying when there is a bald abused cyborg lady and a himbo RIGHT THERE but
8. Incidentally, the fact that Groot can get that big argues that the OG Groot might not have been that old when he died. :'''')
9. Speaking of little comic references, anybody notice that when Groot was at Rocket's bedside, he was sending a bunch of little viney fingers towards him in an apparent nod to All-New Guardians?
11. They seriously let Gunn go full-blown fanfic whump levels DANG
12. If you didn't do the ravager salute for Rocket you're kicked out of the Rocket fan club I don't make the rules. /j
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ohfugecannada · 1 year
Of all the characters I could possibly hyperfixate on once getting back into guardians of the galaxy after watching vol.3, I had to go and choose the character who has been canonically dead in universe for at least over a decade!
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guardians-restart · 1 year
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kaijugroot · 1 year
Ok i saw someone saying they wish OG Groot showed up a bit in Rocket's heaven scene and now I'm tearing up while thinking about it...
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phantastragoria · 1 year
The 2nd Fandango interview when Gunn got to talk about the Groots for once in a blue moon but then the interviewer almost immediately changing the subject like wait can we please go back I wanted to hear more 😭
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marstar13 · 1 year
when Rocket said at the end of the holiday special, now we gotta have another special I started thinking what it could be...so hear me out
they already made for Halloween, werewolf by night, and for Christmas they gotg hs, so I thought they might do one for Thanksgiving, which is another lovely holiday, and it would go something like keep switching povs in it, from guardian to guardian getting read for it cuase Peter invited them, and in Peter's pov we see him struggle to tell his grandpa the truth about his friends, because if you live in the mcu you gotta hate the aliens and what they have done.
and at like the end the ogs guardians come to the dinner (Rocket, Drax, Groot, Nebula, Mantis and Kraglin and cosmo if you want) and Peter's grandpa still doesn't know the truth so when he sees them he like freaks out or asks them to leave, and he would call them freaks or something, which leads to Peter saying if they leave he will cuz he is one them, they are his family and he is a freak with them...
and it wil end up okay and actually liking them and they all have a lovely dinner.
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving so I don't know that much about, but please someone make a fic about it and idk let me know 😭🙏
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