neversith · 7 years
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“Ahsoka.” Her name slips from the Jedi’s---no, ex Jedi. The Jedi don’t exist anymore---lips in a soft whisper. Relief is apparent in his voice when he speaks again. “You’re alive.” He fights the urge to reach out to touch, to make sure she’s real and not some trick his mind is playing on him. 
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tachiisms · 8 years
@ofxsnips | starter call
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Siri didn’t open her eyes as she heard the young Padawan approach. She wasn’t quite meditating, but she’d been pretending to, to appease the Temple medics. “ If you’re looking for your Master, he and Obi-Wan left an hour and twelve minutes ago. He told me to keep an eye on you....though really, it seems ambiguous who they think needs babysitting from whom. ”
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themadvigilantist · 8 years
@bumpwantspie | @ofxsnips | @mahiaemerga | @timesvigilante | @im-a-hawker | @iclearupyourshit | @the-tophat
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“Do you need some coffee or...what? You look a little nervous...”
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fromredemption-blog · 8 years
"I hate this."
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      ❛  what more can we do ahsoka? what we are doing isn’t exactly with the code.  ❜
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neversith · 7 years
tagged by: @cosmicrepairs tagging: @consequentson. @voiceiinyourhead, @allianceintel, @ofxsnips, @ofspaceandmyth, @solraised, @bcmbshell
instructions: fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
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1. what does your muse smell like?
oil? ozone? he smells like someone he spends his days working in a repair shop. he does wear some type of space cologne padme gets for him, but, that usually is over masked by the other smells that surround him. 
2. how often does your muse bathe/shower? any habits?
he has to bathe daily because he usually ends up dirty by the end of the day because of his job. he tends to like to shower, but, he does take baths every once and a while. his showers are quick so he doesn’t waste too much water. it is a habit that he picked up as a slave and one he still abides by ( though his showers are much longer now ) but he really hates wasting water. he can’t get rid of that habit no matter how much he tries. 
3. does your muse have any tattoos or piercing?
nah, tattoos and piercings aren’t really anakin’s thing. 
4. any body movement quirks ( ex.knee shakes )?\
if you look real closely, you can sometimes see his right fingers fidgeting. when he’s ready to be sarcastic or snarky at someone, he does like to tilt his head. he crosses his arms over his chest a lot too. 
5. what do they sleep in?
sleep pants. normal space pajama pants, like he’s seen wearing in rots. most of the time he is shirtless, but, padme has managed to get him to where a shirt every now and then. 
6. what’s their favorite piece of clothing?
 anakin tends to wear normal civvies clothes now. he would prefer wearing his jedi robes since he was so used to wearing them, but, well, he can’t wear those anymore. he does sit at home sometimes wearing his old brown cloak. 
7. what do they do when they wake up?
anakin is usually up early, in fact, he is the earliest riser if his children or wife don’t beat him to it. he mediates for a least ten minutes before he gets his clothes on. he fixes breakfast if padme hasn’t done so. he wakes the twins up and readies them for the day if padme hasn’t done so. 
8. how do they sleep? position?a
anakin is one of those sleepers that sleep in any position and you never know how much of the bed he’s going to take up. since he shares his bed with his wife now, he is usually seen curled up to her. he sometimes still has nightmares, but, that comes with having ptsd. the twins are known to sleep between him and padme when they don’t wanna sleep on their own.  
9. what do their hands feel like?
anakin’s flesh hand has callouses on them. his mechno one is completely smooth. well, as smooth as a robotic arm can be.
10. if you kissed them, what would they usually taste like?
caf, probably, since he tends to drink it a lot.
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tachiisms · 8 years
“I could do that, but “could” doesn’t mean would.”
@ofxsnips | meme ( accepting )
“ Okay then -- stay here and miss all the fun. ”
Siri shrugged, giving the young Padawan a crooked half-smirk. “ I’ll be back in twenty minutes. And for the record, it’s only breaking the rules if you get caught. ”
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captainrcx-archived · 9 years
positivity !!!
   marie was one of the first people i interacted w/ on rex and tbh she’s just an utter joy ic and ooc.   she made me feel v welcome when i was just a lil shiny fresh into the community and if i were to list all the things i love about her portrayal i’d be here all night so  ………………  in short, she’s  wonderful  and if you’re not following her, then u really,  really,  should
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fromredemption-blog · 8 years
' feel better now? '
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     anakin crinkles his nose as he holds his side, a once throbbing ache now starting to dull. gaze falls onto ahsoka as he lets out a huff. ❛ yeah but i would have been fine earlier. i could have taken them on! ❜
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dathomirborn · 9 years
ofxsnips continued from here
“Oh, don’t tempt me, Tano.” Though her face is fatigued and limbs looking heavy, there’s a hint of amusement in Asajj’s voice as she slides down into her seat. “I have just as many ways of making people talk as I do for making them shut up.”
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worldwearyjedi · 9 years
ofxsnips          Quiet          Well, aside from the steady hum of the Venator’s life supports          systems. Still was a nice change from blasterfire and explosions.          It gave Rush room to think, to process it all. A rarity in this war.          That said- it was to be short lived, the Commander of Torrent          Company was due any second now, something about a          joint taskforce.                                Should be fun.                                                        As it always is.          Booted feet propped on her desk, Darkburst leant back in her          chair, flicking through the inventory reports. There was a lot of          stuff that they were going to need before they set off.          But for now it would have to wait.          Someone just walked up behind her.          “Can I help you?”
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thekryptonianhel · 9 years
How long had he been adrift? 
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The rocket from Krypton that he rode in, navigated, and piloted, had been attacked by one of the planets he was passing by, they apparently had the technology to detect it and then fire defensive missiles at it. However, they must not have had strong enough technology to scan his ship to know what was inside the pod as it flew by, and that the only capable shield tech it had was supposed to be used when it was entering into a planet’s atmosphere. 
The main hull had been breached; enough to let air out, but the cargo was still secure in their disheveled boxes--Kryptonian hardware was made to last, just the attack on his vessel took him by surprise, and it had not even been suspected by the mastermind Jor-El to happen. 
The engines were also damaged, and it was enough to render them nonfunctional; meaning that the linked power was out and he had no way of knowing where he was, how much life support he had left, because his air slowly leaked out from the bulk of the ship, and in the cockpit, H’El was gradually breathing himself to death, the first step was losing consciousness... 
The next time he regain consciousness, he believed himself to be dead. A broken ship and in the middle of an unknown sector of the galaxy? He wasn’t very optimistic about his chances.
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His eyes opened, the irises colored the most potent emerald that the real gems would be jealous, everything was bright and blurred even after he tried blinking it away a few times. His ears were functioning, but everything was muffled around him--he must have just been rescued, his ears hadn’t pressurized with this ship’s atmospheric conditions to the worsening ones they’d been in. His throat felt hoarse, when he tried to make a noise, all it was was a wheeze accented by a hard cough.
He didn’t move aside from that--he had to assess the situation, but had no clue how to since he’d been running on low air for quite some time, his brain could have been damaged, or maybe he was just regaining consciousness like waking from sleep. 
Had the craft survived or was he found jettisoned in in the void in his spacesuit? What of his cargo, it wouldn’t have been precious to anyone by him and Jor-El. He didn’t even think about the sunstone crystals, they were purely used for informational purposes only and that was their only true value to those that knew how to use them with other Kryptonian technology. Anyone that didn’t know that would think them obviously as valuable as any other crystal.
At least there was one thing he knew for certain--he was no longer on board his own ship.
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captainrcx-archived · 9 years
( How has Rex's image/perception/thoughts of Ahsoka changed form when her met her to now? )
 //cracks knuckles ok kids buckle up this is going to be a long-ass ride 
   The first thing he notes is her A R R O G A N C E.   She's  BOLD  and  BRASH  and  sets  his hackles   RAISING   when she passes comment on  RANK.   Though  even  then,  there's  a  part  of  him  that   H U R T S   for  her.    She may be a few years his   senior       growth acceleration       but  she's too   YOUNG   to witness the   MASSACRE   he knows   will   follow   the   advancement   of  the  Klanker's   energy  shield.    She  has  such  an   INNOCENT   VITALITY in  her  eyes  and  the  thought  of  that   FADING has a  sickening  kind of  dread  settling   cold and leaden in the hollows between his  ribs                    enough has already been lost to war.   But even the   butchering   at  Christophsis  can't   crush  the LIGHT in her and the smile that graces   his  lips  as he listens to her recount her rescue of   the  General  is  the  most  genuine  he's  worn  in   WEEKS.
   There's a kind of  protectiveness - she's  one  of   them now - that   flares   up  inside  him  as  time   goes on       Naboo,  the  VIRUS,  cements  that.   She's  as   willing   as  he  and his brothers to lay   down  her life for this   GREATER  GOOD   they're   battling  for and it garners his   respect   as much   as it breaks his heart. He sees the same potential   for  GREATNESS  in  her  as  he  did in Echo and   Fives on the Rishi Station,  and he'll be  DAMNED   if  it's   crushed   out  before  it  has  time  to  truly   FLOURISH.
   She's  like a   B R O T H E R   to him  ;  bound  by   something other  than  BLOOD  but by no means   less  HEARTFELT  and every battle they survive,   every  teasing jibe and smile they share only adds   to this  unshakeable  BOND.   She's the first real   friend  he's  had  that  doesn't share his face and   he  knows  he'd be as  willing  to place himself in   front of a blaster bolt for her as he would a  fellow   clone.    Not that he'd need to.    She's a force to   be reckoned with   and  though  he'd  never give   her  the  satisfaction  of  admitting  it  ;  her skills   never fail to evoke a burst of  AWE  ( and PRIDE )    in  him    ( even when she and the General  threw   him from that wall ... )    She  possesses  a  kind   of   STRENGTH   belying  of  her  youth and small   stature  but regardless of how many Klankers she   butchers  to  bolts,  that   protective  urge   never   falters.
   It's more than that,  though.   He's used to being   D I S R E G A R D E D      as    cannon    fodder -   EXPENDABLE - to  watching  his  brothers  suffer   the same fate, but Ahsoka ... Her COMPASSION,   her  willingness to LISTEN  elicits an affection in   him  unrivalled by even his  LOYALTY  to General   Skywalker.
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withoutpeer · 9 years
marie i don’t think i have u on skype???? this is an atrocity! give it to me
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worldwearyjedi · 9 years
  snippylittletano, ofxsnips, thewrcngjedi   It could have been worse.          At least they still had air support. That much          was a blessing. Still, the mortar fire was a pain          in the ass, and having shells dropped on you day           night was not fun at all. Rush could personally           attest to that.           Thankfully things were looking up. Torrent Company          were finally being re-tasked to dig Darkburst and           her remaining troops out the the hellhole the Seps had          forced them into. The mission to push through the line          had been going well, but then the Lead Walker was           downed, followed by the rear Walker- suddenly they           were boxed in. A trap? No, just luck. A dumb tactical          decision. Now Darkburst had a lot of blood on her hands-          literally.           Being trained as a Healer had its advantages- for one          it was these abilities that, as of late, had been keeping          Rush alive well beyond what would have killed any of           her men- but at the same time, it almost completely           stripped her of all force abilities without doing some           serious damage- and the company’s medics were already          busy enough without a dying commander to try and save.                            She’d do alright on her own.                                     She always did.          Despite all of this, there was one sound that brought           a legitimate smile to the tired, scarred face of the young          officer: the drives of several LAAT Gunships swooping in.          If angels existed- Darkburst was certain that these Gunships          were their physical form. The real surprise however, came as          the doors parted to reveal the fresh troops- and a togruta who          could easily have been mistaken for a youngling.                                      Well this was new.          None the less, Darkburst waved her over before returning to          blasting away the closest line of droids.
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