dathomirborn · 6 years
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I’m opening up sketch commissions!!! I live with my mom, her boyfriend, two siblings, and three cats. Money is really tight around the house lately, so if I can help out by earning some quick extra cash that would be amazing.
I WILL DRAW: - human / humanoid characters (elves, twi’leks, qunari, etc.) - suggestive / mild nsfw - mild violence / blood
I WON’T DRAW: - intricate armor - robots / mechs - gore, heavy violence, heavy nsfw, etc.
* If you’re interested in getting something from the “won’t draw” section, I suggest finding another artist as these aren’t my area of expertise! There are plenty of great people on tumblr who would be glad to draw them.
To start off I’m going to open up 5 slots; depending on the response/interest shown, I might open up more! Payment will be made via my PayPal ([email protected]), and once your sketch has been completed and paid for I will send you a png and Photoshop file of the sketch.
Thank you in advance for sharing this post and showing interest in my art!!
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dathomirborn · 6 years
“ it’s nothing personal. ”
angst/post-angst sentences
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She almost looks like she would laugh at him, were it not for the furrow of her brow. “Of course not. You never let anything become too personal.” Still, despite Asajj’s own tendency to keep everything (and everyone) at arms length for as long as possible, she’s no less unhappy about it. It’s not like she expected anything else. With a huff Asajj stands and turns toward the door, “I’ll be taking my leave, then. Don’t bother seeing me off.”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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                         I’ve found the strength to grow so much more                                              A whisper to a roar                                                No more crying,
                                   It’s time for me to soar
promo template by rcbelborn
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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Reminder: literally everything involving Darth Maul gets 100% better if you replace him with Asajj Ventress, it’s a law of the universe
also they’re lesbians, Howard
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dathomirborn · 6 years
@rcbelborn liked for a starter
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“Any updates?” Asajj asks as she climbs back into the cockpit, warm mug of caf in hand as she huddles down in the co-pilot’s seat. Cold rain hammers on the viewport and nearly obscures the scene outside. If they weren’t stuck with staking out this blasted outpost, she’d be more than happy to let the sound of heavy rain lull her to sleep. Maybe then I’d actually get some quality shut eye, she thinks bitterly. “Or are we just going to keep sitting here pretending there’s something worth watching out there?”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
We found each other by accident - by which I mean every power in the universe made it so.
Nicholas A Browne (via wnq-writers)
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dathomirborn · 6 years
@redarrovv liked for a starter
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“Now this is interesting.” Ventress muses aloud, “You’re obviously no Jedi, yet you carry yourself with the air of someone trained in the Force... Just who are you?” While her words ring with intrigue, her voice is low and dark. Curious as Ventress is she isn’t about to let her guard down now. “I’m not a particularly patient woman, so let’s skip the part where you try to lie and get right down to the truth, yes?”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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just got done watchin the t/ony’ssss, who wants a starter? like this so I can throw something at you and get the ball rolling on some new stuff since my current drafts are being a pain
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dathomirborn · 6 years
[slowly raises hand] yeah, so, does making out with the enemy count as “fraternizing” or
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dathomirborn · 6 years
hey lucasfilm if you had TOLD ME you were gonna cater specifically to my clone wars obsessed dathomirian loving ass I would have put all of my reservations aside just to feel the satisfaction of getting to explain maul’s presence and why dathomir is important to my family as the credits started rolling, I NEVER get asked to do that because everyone’s sick of me rambling about how much I love tcw and rebels but I finally, FINALLY got to do it without the exhausted looks because my knowledge of the shows was finally fucking relevant to the movies, tonight we stan solo: a star wars story and ONLY that
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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“I died a long time ago. So did everything I cared about. It’s only the likes of me, with nothing to lose, who’ll really be prepared to tear the galaxy down and start over.”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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         LIPS DRAW UPWARD at the corners to reveal the gleam of enamels beneath, brought on of course by the sheer gaiety lilt of her voice. Bright eyes watch her carefully, following the flourish of her hand across his body & the cant of her skull. Shifting his weight slightly from one foot to the other, he comes to rest in easy contrapposto, arms folding across his chest & vambraces clinking together. 
 ❝ My darling, you seem to be quite caught up in my appearance for one who claims otherwise. ❞ A hand lifts from its resting position to gesture to her now, his smile taking on a near mischievous quality. The words that follow are not kind, but they keep up the same quality of teasing.  ❝ You should try upkeep sometime. It might actually suit you. Now, what exactly brings Asajj Ventress to these parts of the galaxy today? Had I expected you, maybe I would have up-kept for the occasion.❞
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She affixes him with a scowl at the insult, despite knowing that it’s (mostly) meant in good fun. Maybe even because of it; who could really tell? The two of them aren’t exactly known for being open about their feelings towards one another. Teasing is about where her conversations with Kenobi started and ended. There’s little room for anything else in their usual duels, after all.
“Hilarious.” Asajj answers dryly. “But where’s the fun in being expected? Maybe I wanted it to be a surprise. Or perhaps I was just minding my own business, when you showed up to spoil the fun.” With easy, sauntering steps she walks just for the sake of moving, coming closer to Obi-wan but not quite too close. Her icy eyes meet his watery blues, looking coy. “You always have been a stick in the mud.”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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and  you  master .  what  does  your  heart  tell  you  you’re  meant  for ?                                                ❝       I N F I N I T E  S A D N E S S      ❞                                                                                    obi - wan  said ,  even  while  smiling
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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yes, that is most certainly a jump in his pulse. but he does not pull away from the fingers that ghost over his lips. there’s a maddening desire to let his eyes drift down to her own lips, but he instead keeps her gaze, watching the play in her eyes. there’s always been a repartee there between them, even when they were trying to kill each other. a flirtation always hovering just beneath the murder. an interesting sensation to be sure, and one he’s never felt with anyone else. 
     ❝ threatening me again, asajj? ❞ he asks, an almost playfulness in his tone even as         his eyes narrow, making the smile lines at the corners of his eyes crinkle. a hand         of his own drifts up slowly to ghost over her own upon his cheek. ❝ a truce. let         there be no killing tonight. ❞ his voice has nearly gone down to a husky whisper,         and they are dangerously close now. the temptation is maddening, and for how         renowned obi-wan’s iron will is, and his rigid following of the jedi order ( a boast of         himself he laughs at on a normal day ), he is WORRYINGLY close to giving into         that temptation. but this, like most of their interactions, has the edge of a game         to it, and the first move in this game of chess, he believes, is to see who will         move their piece first - who will take the plunge. admittedly, he’s not far off from         it being him. 
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Asajj hums thoughtfully, making a show of considering his request. There’s a sudden ease that drifts through her at Obi-wan’s touch-- something surprisingly gentle for a heated exchange shared in the corner of a bar. In all the time spent dueling him, trading blows that came dangerously close to ending the other’s life right there, on some nondescript planet where clones and droids alike fell to unforgiving blaster fire... she had never pegged General Kenobi as gentle.
She would have been wrong to, anyhow, because it isn’t the General or the Jedi Master that is gentle. It’s the man beneath those titles who is.
“A truce,” Asajj repeats, scarcely daring to move. She knows what she wants... now she waits for Obi-wan to admit the same. “I can live with that.”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
“Whoever I am? Did you listen to a word I said? This is your last warning!”
thor: ragnarok starters
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“Yes, I can hear you loud and clear, unfortunately.” She rolled her eyes. “You have an obnoxiously loud voice. But if you really think I give a damn who you are you’re in for a rude awakening.”
Ventress steadied her grip on the hilt of her sabers, keeping a suspicious eye on the man before her. He carries himself with the manner of a warrior, that’s for sure, and a proud one at that. The universe is full of proud men who delight in flexing their (literal and figurative) muscles, and Ventress has encountered more than her fair share of them. More often than not once you strip away the bravado there’s very little ‘warrior’ left to be found… still, there’s no harm in being cautious.
With a disdainful twist of her lips, she says “I distinctly remember not inviting anyone onto my ship– so this is your last warning to tuck tail and run before I tear you limb from limb.”
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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asajj punching quin in the face at their first meeting is everything I live for
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dathomirborn · 6 years
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“Embarrassed, are we? How sweet.”
messianick replied to your post : dathomirborn: @starkniight liked for a starter …
can u guys get a room pls
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          ❝ Preferably not. Don’t give her ideas. ❞
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