#official aio
the-doodle-nerd · 1 month
@coluccikins @missdrummond
Here's where I found picture of Jillian and Jason:
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What if Connie’s head made her still look awkward?
this is just an experiment
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So to thing I learned from this one: Connie is TALL
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browneyedbrunettebaby · 8 months
they’re this to me
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missdrummond · 28 days
News I guess
the official AiO podcast just did a video podcast on the history of the visual depictions of characters. Being able to hear the different reasons behind the design choices and look at some scraped art was kinda inspiring.
A few notes I wrote while watching: They reused the writer room fist fight from the old tour for visuals. That made me laugh a lot. And we got confirmation that Connie was depicted with green jeans. Wait Gary Locke forgot for a good while he didn't draw Connie with a ponytail! That's so funny. Fair but funny. Oh it's because it wasn't his idea. Checks out. Phil's reaction to Bruce Day Eugene was delightful. I support Giga-wooton lol. Wooton had a mustache in some of the concept art and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Slimming him down was a mistake! Gary was right on this one guys come on! I've been saying this for a while but the social media guy sounds like he's having a blast and he's doing a great job. Empathizing with Gary's hat woes.
Phil: "I think it looks great! 😊"
Gary: "Eh it's alright 🫤"
Lucy is our art rock lol. Yes yes! Do this again! This information would be way more useful with us than Gary's dog!
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asterdeer · 1 year
six-sentence sunday
"I’ve got one partner, but we’re looking for our third Charlie’s Angel. Or Totally Spy, if that’s more your generation.” “A cord of three strands, et cetera,” Monica said sweetly. If it was the last thing she did, she’d make use of at least some part of those Bible-cramming sessions. “What are you independently contracting? Something that’ll piss off my parole officer?”
from my newish tasha/monica fic that literally no one ever asked for because i can't emphasize enough how much these characters never interact in canon even a little bit
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genshinresource · 8 months
Hey guys, this is kind of sudden but my time in genshinresource will end starting today. I've given a lot of thoughts about this but I can't find joy in Genshin anymore, to the point that I feel uncomfortable just by looking at any Genshin-related stuff, therefore I thought it would be best to stop now. Should anyone wants to make another Genshin resource blog or wants to look for other official art, you can find the source links for everything under this post's break line.
This blog will still be open for public view but it won't be updated any further, same goes for the AIO links and the Ask box will be disabled permanently. I will now fully focus on my Star Rail resource blog instead and will keep running it for as long as I can.
Thank you everyone for the past 2 years. I really appreciate all your thoughts and encouraging messages as well as all the new stuff I could learn from you guys. I apologize for not being able to contribute to the Genshin community anymore.
So long, everyone.
CN links:
Genshin's Miyoushe forum: https://www.miyoushe.com/ys/home/28 - Almost everything can be downloaded without the need of Miyoushe account except avatar frames and other account-related settings. The 资讯 tab is where they post all official art like birthday artworks, celebration artworks etc.
Official Genshin CN Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/401742377/dynamic
Official Genshin Weibo: https://weibo.com/ysmihoyo
Official Paimon's Work Note Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/1669328690/dynamic
Official Paimon's Work Note Weibo: https://weibo.com/pmmihoyo
Teyvat Fan Association's Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/1113861913/dynamic - This is where they post all stuff related to sponsored special fan-made programs like New Year Party, Birthday Party countdown artworks etc.
Global links:
Genshin's HoYoLAB forum: https://www.hoyolab.com/circles/2/27/official?page_type=27&page_sort=events.
HoYoFair's HoYoLAB forum: https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=244938673
Official Genshin Twitter EN | JP | KR | BR | ES | FR | TH | ID | RU
Official HoYoFair Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoYoFair_0
Official Paimon JP Twitter: https://twitter.com/paimon_genshin7
Official HoYoLAB Twitter: https://twitter.com/HoYoLAB_Mimo
Official Genshin Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/
Official Genshin HoYoWiki: https://wiki.hoyolab.com/pc/genshin/home
Unofficial Genshin wiki: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Genshin_Impact_Wiki
Media-focused links:
HoYoWiki's Genius Invokation TCG cards: https://wiki.hoyolab.com/pc/genshin/aggregate/tcg_character
Official Genius Invokation TCG display page: https://act.hoyoverse.com/ys/event/e20221207-card-dhcksn/index.html
Official Genshin CN's version KV gallery: https://act.mihoyo.com/ys/event/community-content-collection/index.html#/wallpaper - recommended for CN logo KVs if you can't download from Baidu Wangpan
asddzr's Bilibili for upscaled art: https://space.bilibili.com/1550564/dynamic
景三尧's Weibo (another upscaler with great art quality): https://weibo.com/u/7654321688
For twins version birthday shorts, you can find a lot from Miyoushe forum by searching with CN character name + 生日 but it's best to bookmark user(s) who often post them, I usually went to this user's profile page for those.
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Hey there, welcome to the-astral-express-archive, an unofficial fanblog for official Honkai: Star Rail resources. Everyone can call me Seven or Sev, and I'm also the owner of genshinresource (now a retired blog). This post might be long so I’ll keep the main content under break.
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Below are a few things everyone should keep in mind before following/interacting with this blog:
Please avoid bringing up all kinds of real-life related controversies in reblogs. I believe people who come here all want to have an enjoyable time looking at their favorite scenes and characters and maybe, just for a moment, forget about the difficulties they have to go through in life, and this also applies to me as well as a person. While I'm really thankful when someone shares their creations or translations for non-English contents in the reblogs, sometimes the negativity coming from people who hate on some characters for how they look or act, which is seen as "controversial" in real life, affect my mental state a lot. What I wanna say is, If anyone wants to vent their frustration over fictional characters then for God's sake, please do it somewhere else, don't do it here, I really appreciate it.
This blog is NOT spoiler-free but I'll try not to post any directly without prior warnings, especially in-game contents like story CGs and such. If you’re not comfortable seeing any content(s) here, please consider blocking/muting/filtering respective tag(s).
I also don't post leaks or any content related to leaks. All contents you see here were officially released by miHoYo/HoYoverse/COGNOSPHERE and/or their respective owners in-game and/or publicly by the time they are posted.
I usually don't reply to Ask messages aside from questions, feedback and requests to minimize clutters but rest assured, I read and really, really appreciate every single positive and encouraging message everyone sends to me. They're the energy and motivation I need to keep running this blog for as long as I can. Thank you so so much, everyone.
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AIO download links (Google Drive)
Artworks - Illustrations
Master Pages
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[Outdated/Being reworked on] Masterlist/Tags page: This page is the main masterlist of this blog. All tags assigned in this blog are grouped into categories and there’s a filter at the top of the page if when you want to see specific groups of tags.
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Character tags page: There’s a filter box to the right where you can filter characters by their attributes, factions and sexes. Click on a character’s avatar to go to their tagged posts.
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Sticker page: This page is the masterlist for all previously posted Star Rail stickers. You can use the filters on the left and at the top to narrow down your searches, or you can use the search box in the top right corner to look for a specific character (first names only).
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Light Cone Gallery: As the name suggests, you will find the images of all the released light cones here. Hover on a light cone to see its name and a list of characters featured in it. Right-click or long-press the image then choose "Open image in new tab" to see it in full size, or "Save image as..." to download it in full size.
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Last updated: July 3, 2024
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checkoutmybookshelf · 1 month
Ash and Sera FINALLY Figured Out Communicating!
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The book gods SMILED on me with this one, y'all. The book officially came out August 13, 2024, but it showed up a few days early to arrive on my doorstep the morning of my birthday. It was a TREAT <3
I was a little on the fence at the end of A Fire in the Flesh, because it was a lot of STUFF and I felt like the necessary aftermath was...just straight up not present. Well I should have more faith in authors, because this book handled the aftermath BRILLIANTLY, Ash and Sera finally figure out communication, and they get to kick unreal amounts of ass as they also figure out working through trauma. I absolutely adored this book! Small caveat: I have not read the Blood and Ash series. I have no idea what happens in those books, so it could not and did not color my read of the Flesh and Fire series, so if you HAVE read the Blood and Ash books, your experience may differ from mine and your mileage may vary.
This is your SPOILER WARNING and you CONTENT WARNING. I'm gonna spoil the crap out of this book. Please also be aware that this is going to require discussions of trauma, sexual assault, recovery from sexual assault, abortion, and a whole lot of murder. Take care of you and give this one a pass if you need to. We'll be here if and when you're ready.
So just to cover all my bases, and to start with a trend I REALLY hope we keep seeing in books, I'm going to share JLA's content warning from the front of Born of Blood and Ash here:
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I love that authors are giving readers more autonomy to make informed choices about the books they engage with, and honestly given the hard conversations in this book? Well done JLA for including it. Because she's not exaggerating here; Sera was assaulted in multiple ways by Kolis in the last book, and this book is where that trauma comes home to roost.
Sera's reaction to her trauma resonated for me, because she spends a HUGE chunk of this book literally telling everyone "it was nothing," "I'm fine," "he didn't rape me [because there wasn't penetration]" (and just to be clear: He did. She gets there, but it takes time to process), and "other people experienced way worse than I did." We're not even ENTERTAINING the idea that she might have had a point, because the book absolutely does not and she DOESN'T have a point. Her experience was awful and it was real and her reactions and trauma are valid. That doesn't mean she sees it that way right away though, and I also appreciated that we got a reveal that Sera had been hiding the memory of what truly happened from even herself in this book. It can take time to acknowledge even to yourself what happened, and I honestly appreciated the time and space Sera got in this book to work through acknowledging the trauma in her own time.
So often the world wants you to just get better immediately, and that's not how brains work. That Sera was given the time, space, and support she was throughout the book was honestly lovely to see--especially since we had people like Kyn, Veses, and Kolis actively trying to twist and weaponize a narrative to try to shame, isolate, and embarrass her. But Ash was having none of that, and nor were Attes, Rhaine, or Aios. They also were very clear that they didn't need to know anything that Sera didn't want to share, and that is another really important piece for handling trauma. Nobody was judging, nobody needed Sera to be "the perfect victim" to support her. They simply validated her and offered whatever support she wanted or needed. That support and understanding was truly lovely to see, and there were moments I was full-on over here crying because of the support and grace extended to Sera as she found her own strength and her own ability to process and move forward.
And despite the fact that Sera does begin to process and move forward, there is no "have one good cry and one good conversation and suddenly everything is 100% better" nonsense. At the end of the book, Sera is in a SIGNIFICANTLY better space, and she is living with her trauma and experiences, but they're not gone. They've simply shifted, to be a part of her that she acknowledges and handles and has good and bad days with. I personally find that way more comforting and hopeful that magical disappearing trauma in books.
I could go on for a LONG time about how much I appreciated how this book handled Sera's management of her trauma, but at some point it's going to devolve into "OMG THIS WAS DONE SO SO WELL" over and over. The last little piece I'm going to say about it for the moment is that while some people might find the beginning of the book repetitive as Sera has very similar conversations about her trauma with people over and over, I would counter that with the fact that honestly? That felt deeply realistic to me. You have to bleed off the poison of just mentioning the cause of the trauma, and sometimes you need to visit and revisit that, and that is ok. Sera was allowed and given space to do that, and the world would be better if that was the case IRL too.
Now, just because we have to deal with the trauma Kolis dealt out in the previous book doesn't mean he's sitting on the beach with a book. No, Kolis is over here still trying to be the Primal of Blood and Ash and to get Sotoria back and basically wreak havoc and vengeance on everything and everyone. So not only are Sera and Ash working through the aftermath of the previous book, but Sera has to figure out her new set of Primal skills, face down Kolis and the Arae, and she has to deal with her own perceived monstrosity. That last one gets really bad when Kolis murders her entire human family, and in rage and grief Sera kills a LOT of people. Then brings some of them back to life, while forgetting that that will kill OTHER other people. Sera is super not ok after this, and spirals into "Oh my gods, I'm just as bad as Kolis" and we spend a really nice amount of time with Ash and Attes and Aios talking to Sera and helping her work through what monstrosity is and when a little monstrosity might be a virtue rather than a vice.
Again, this conversation isn't simple, it doesn't simply absolve Sera of her actions, and it doesn't even go "Oh no, sweetie, it's ok! You're not a monster!" because that would be a lie. Monstrosity exists, it is part of the reality of who Sera is and what she's become. But there is a really lovely acceptance of that, and a negotiation of how you live with monstrosity and where the hard lines are. I really appreciate the acknowledgement of that reality and the negotiation of it. There was something almost Eliot Spencer from Leverage about it, because it was coming to an equilibrium about who and what you are and how to leverage that for the most good you can do.
(Ok, I swore I wasn't going to take any cheap shots at Rhysand in this conversation, but I cannot help myself, because if ANYONE needs a come to Jesus about their own monstrosity and when it stops being ok, it's the lead bat boy!!! I said to someone when I was reading this book that JLA is the anti-SJM in some really key ways, and I stand by that...especially when it comes to the pregnancy thing.)
We're just going to take that parenthetical segue, because it's there and I am so excited to talk about the OTHER really good (if brief) conversation this book has: the pregnant person's choice when it comes to deciding whether to keep or abort a pregnancy. I did a whole little post about this while I was still reading because it was done SO WELL, and I'm just going to let Aios speak for herself about this one, because here is what she says to Sera:
Aios nodded. "Okay." She cleared her throat, her eyes glistening. "There doesn't need to be a choice [about whether to go into battle pregnant] at all." My breath snagged, and I recoiled. "I'm the Primal of Life, Aios." "You are Seraphena first." The eather intensified behind her pupils. "A woman who has fought for her autonomy. This is your body." My fingers dug into my knees. "You're a goddess of fertility, so hearing you speak of terminating a pregnancy to the Primal of Life is...kind of odd." "What I am allows me to fully understand the complex nature of these things." She reached between us, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. "Sometimes, the time is simply not right. It happens. And if anyone faults you for that, that is on them. Not you. They do not live your life. It is their problem. Not yours."
THIS IS HOW YOU HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT ABORTION. You speak directly to the pregnant person and give them all the information about their body. You remember that it is THEIR body. You don't judge. You offer space and compassion. This was such a kind, compassionate, and realistic conversation and I was almost in tears again about how well this was done.
(And again, to take a wee bit of a cheap shot at ACOTAR...JLA had the dang conversation here. SJM was just like, "C-sections aren't a thing, so I guess Feyre's going to just die. Abortion? That doesn't exist. Time for Rhys's man pain to take precedence over Feyre's choices about her own damn body!)
Sera decides to keep her babies, but the fact is? She had a choice. She would have been supported and loved whatever choice she made. There is a power to that kind of love, support, and acceptance that--once again--we could use more of IRL.
Those are kind of the big three conversations and themes that the book focuses on, but it's not all heavy and conversation-driven. The sex scenes are fewer in this book that previous ones, but they're well done and they don't bog down the dang plot, which I appreciate. Additionally, we get some purely DELIGHTFUL Ash and Sera being BAMF and going full primal. There are also some delightfully sweet scenes with Reaver and Jadis, plus some peak comedy with Sera trying to stop everyone and their mother from bowing to her.
And the best thing? Ash and Sera have cracked the communication code and they actually have FREAKING NAILED IT. That is character growth, and that is setup and payoff. I adored it.
Overall, while the middle two books of the series were a little hit and miss for me, the quartet as a whole was fantastic. I'm so happy my sister pestered me until I let her put the first book in my hand, and we've had such fun reading them. I cannot recommend these enough, and I absolutely adore Ash and Sera's dynamics.
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cr-noble-writes · 1 year
The Alliance Intelligence Organization
The Alliance Intelligence Organization is a unified organization of the Systems Alliance government dedicated to the acquisition and analysis of intelligence both foreign and domestic. It relies primarily on human intelligence gathered via espionage and other covert action. The AIO is headed by the Director of Interstellar Intelligence, who reports directly to the Prime Minister of the Systems Alliance Parliament.
The AIO was founded in 2149 as part of the Systems Alliance charter. The organization began as a consolidation of the various governmental intelligence agencies of the 18 nations than ratified the SA charter. Since its inception in 2149, the AIO has been humanity's primary source of both Civilian and Military Intelligence.
The primary divisions of the AIO are the Civilian Intelligence Division and the Military Intelligence Division. The CID is responsible for acquisition, analysis, and action of intelligence in non-military sectors, such as the corporate and governmental sectors. The MID is, similarly, responsible for acquisition, analysis, and action of intelligence in military sectors. Each of these primary divisions are further compartmentalized into the following directorates:
Directorate of Operations
In both the civilian and military divisions, the Directorate of Operations is the primary source of human intelligence gathered through espionage. the Directorate of Operations for each division is headed by a deputy director, with the MID director being a high ranking SA Military officer. These deputy directors report to the directors of their respective divisions. In addition to acquiring intelligence via espionage, the Directorate of Operations is responsible for covert operations based on intelligence gathered. These covert operations can include anything from ensuring the safety of a SA government official to destabilization of hostile groups/governments to assassinations.
Directorate of Analysis
Within their divisions, the Directorate of Analysis is responsible for the analysis, confirmation, and delivery of actionable intelligence. The deputy directors of this department report to the Operations deputy directors of their respective divisions. Positions within this directorate are primarily organizational, determining whether human intelligence gathered is both accurate and important enough to be passed on.
Directorate of Support
The Directorates of Support provide administrative functions including personnel, training, security, communications, and financial operations.
Directorate of Science and Technology
The Directorates of Science and Technology were established to research and create new technologies and equipment. Many of these innovations are used by other directorates within the AIO, and eventually some are transferred to other divisions of the SA government, particularly the SA Military's N7 Special Forces.
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theagileoperator · 5 months
"SEO is no longer sufficient. AIO, (AI-optimization), will become necessary to ensure the results are accurate."
So, how do you do AI-optimization? Who better to ask than an LLM? ChatGPT advises the following:
Anchor Your Online Presence with Accuracy: Make your official website and social media platforms repositories of precise, up-to-date product information.
Implement Structured Data: Use schema markup to help search engines and indirectly, LLMs, better understand and accurately represent your products.
Engage on Review Platforms and Q&A Sites: Actively manage product listings and engage in discussions to ensure accurate information proliferates.
Leverage Press Releases: Regularly release official statements to keep the information about your products current and easily accessible.
Partner with Content Creators: Collaborate with influencers and content creators to amplify accurate product narratives.
Offer Feedback to Model Developers: Participate in improving LLM accuracy by providing feedback on misinformation directly to developers, where possible.
Monitor Your Brand: Use digital tools to keep an eye on how your products are being discussed online.
Produce Quality Content: Distribute educational and informational content that accurately reflects your products' value and features.
Engage in Industry Discussions: Share your expertise in forums and professional networks to influence the narrative accurately.
Consider Legal Measures for Misinformation: As a last resort, take legal action to correct significant misinformation that could harm your brand.
In the dynamic realm of AI, proactivity in managing our online presence is not just beneficial; it's essential. Let's lead the charge in ensuring technology enhances our brands accurately and responsibly. #AI #SEO #ChatGPT #SocialMediaEngagement #Business #Online #TheAgileOperator
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the-doodle-nerd · 3 months
Got a new tablet that uses a new drawing program and decided to break it in with a portrait of my favorite AIO family (and OC.) It's sorta a redraw of an old drawing I did of the Meltsners. Personally, I think this drawing looks much better than the first one (I sure hope it would, I spent over 10 hours on this one) Might make a version without Selah so it's more "official" IDK
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What happens if we shrink the heads on AiO official art?
this is just an experiment
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browneyedbrunettebaby · 8 months
i will FINALLY be using this account for aio hello 🙈👋
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missdrummond · 1 month
AiO Thought of the Week
Hey a new official art just dropped. That means you don't have to create your own designs for those characters right?
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madillhethen · 2 years
So many things have happened since August that I feel I owe an explanation for essentially disappearing (mostly). So basically university resumed for me but outside of my usual work/university is that my sister, Aio, is going through cancer treatment. It was found that she has a cancerous tumor in her chest that none of the doctors really understand why as it doesn’t run in our family and her age is rather young. Nonetheless, they want to take preventive measures so it doesn’t spread. Due to my own schedule, our family decided it would be better for her to return to our family home in AZ to have more care there where our family and family friends could help care for driving to and from hospitals and if she needs anything after chemotherapy. The plan is 6 months she will be back so estimating by Spring/Summer after the surgery for removal.
Essentially it means, I’m here up north by myself with the animals which means the time we usually split for chores etc is all mine which means I have way lesser time to do the things I usually do. It’s been a bit since that decision and it’s still very much hectic on my side but it’s easing up as I only have 3 weeks of university left before winter breaks.
The cancer part is a big scare for my family because our dad passed away from lung cancer (Aio was diagnosed with breast cancer) so…chemotherapy is not something we’re unfamiliar with but it is still hard to see/deal with.
On a different note, I never updated on Myla the little corgi that was from an abusive household. (The one in my pinned message)
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Myla was officially adopted by her foster mom! So Myla and Pretzel the corgi are now sisters AND the vets said they believe Myla can keep her leg. So after 8 weeks of being in a cast, cone, and somewhat crate rest, Myla is living her best life. Her leg is still healing, but she’s been microchipped and spayed, and been playing with her sisfur. Donations for her GoFundMe are still being used for her vet visits as the vets are still monitoring her health and the repercussions of the abuse she received but thank you everyone again for keeping her in your prayers/thought and/or sharing/donating!
I’m going to remove the pinned message now and pin this for a bit as you are all still welcome to donate if you’d like! GoFundMe
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aioboosting · 14 days
Overwatch Boosting - AIO Boosting
Are you struggling to climb the ranks in Overwatch? Look no further! AIO Boosting offers top-tier Overwatch boosting services designed to elevate your gameplay and achieve your desired rank effortlessly. Whether you need assistance with competitive ranking, hero mastery, or simply want to enhance your overall performance, our team of expert gamers is here to help. So visit our official site now!
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