#wooton basset
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missdrummond · 9 months ago
Does X Odyssey character own a gun?
With little to no explanation
Connie: Maybe
Eugene: No
Katrina: Yes
Wooton: Not any real ones
Penny: Again not like a rifle or pistol or anything
Jason: Naturally
Bernard: Probably not, but maybe like an heirloom or something
Jack: Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised
Joanne: Not currently but probably at some point in the past
Whit: No.
Jillian: Yes
Tom: Yes
Richard: No, he's not going back to jail
Bart: For all of our sakes let's hope not
Edwin: Ha! No
Shakespeare: Maybe
Blackgaard: I don't know like he might, but feels kinda beneath him
Monica: She's in jail so no
Red: Yes
Dale: Maybe
Harlow: Canonically yes, but it only shoots caps
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aiorevelations · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas Everyone! In honor of the holiday we have written a new Christmas fanfic. So enjoy! ❤️
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missdrummond · 3 months ago
Hot take?
Eugene and Katrina = what not to do
Wooton and Penny = what to do
So be clear specifically before marriage in-universe, and either way for in the writers room.
My friends ask why I'm the one people go to with relationship problems. I say idk but deep down I know cause it's from listening to Eugene and Katrina's and Penny and Wooton's romance arcs
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heatherthetiredwriter · 2 years ago
What are your top 6 adventures in odyssey?
Mine are:
Truth, Trivia, and Trina
2. Family Values
3. The Time Has Come
4. Naturally I Assumed
5. You Gotta Be Wise
6. St. Paul: The Man from Tarsus
What is your favorite album?
Mine is 7, the one with ice fishing and Monty's Christmas! I love the older Adventures in Odyssey.
What makes for the best episodes?
Me: Preferably something that involves Eugene, Katrina, and the Rathbones.
I'd love to hear what you like!!!
Hello! I'm finally getting around to this!!! Thank you for asking me questions! <3
Top 6 Adventures in Odyssey episodes
Broken Window - It's such a classic and always has a special place in my heart as it was the first episode I ever listened to!
Greater Love - It's such a sad episode but it has such a beautiful message. I don't know that I have that much love to die for a friend, I can only hope I would, but I know someone who does have that much love for me, for all of us
Plan B Part 4: Departure - I've mentioned this before when I was talking about Wooton, but this episode hits very close to home for me. I've had a very rough times of things the past few years. It seems like everyone I know is just dropping dead. And I... I dunno. Just this episode is therapeutic. Wooton comes and takes Connie and me by the hand. He tells us both that it's okay to be sad. He listens to Connie as she mourns for Mitch. He reminds both of us that it's okay to be sad, but it's okay to be happy. We can enjoy things. Fennel Cakes exist. That it's alright to have some good days and be distracted from the pain. That it's okay to one day move on and keep living. But the thing that really always hits me is this one quote from Wooton. Connie mentions she never got to tell Mitch or Eugene that she loved them and they were some of her best friends. She wonders if they knew. I wonder if they knew. I will spend nights wracking my brain trying to remember the last time I told them I loved them. What if they didn't know? But then Wooton says it. "A two-hour conversation about socks can say "I love you" just as much as... well, saying "I love you.""
The Fifth House on the Left Parts 1 and 2 - I just love these two episodes
The Perfect Witness Parts 1, 2, and 3 - Probably the one I have on repeat the most. I love how they showed Robin using her other senses to find the criminals. I am not blind thankfully, but take my glasses and I might as well be
I Slap Floor - Need I say more?
What is your favorite album? Ohh.... The Novacom complete series
What makes for the best episodes? Okay a Eugene and Connie focus episode is the best
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throwaninkpot · 8 years ago
aceofstars16 replied to your post “Who are your favourite AIO characters?”
Yes!!! Wooton is such a role model for me like, he's such a great example of how you can love things and yet keep God first...just...YES!
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gyorklady · 5 years ago
Definitely. Penny likes the New Who, while Wooton leans more toward the classic episodes, and both agree that Sarah Jane Smith is the best companion.
Wooton and Penny are Whovians.
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donnadarling · 6 years ago
Reasons to Listen to King Falls AM
It’s really good
Sammy and Ben basically invented friendship. They say “you’re my brother” and my eyes start leaking like the Titanic
The musical episode
It’s kinda like a supernatural/sci-fi Adventures in Odyssey if AiO was for adults and wasn’t created by conservative Christians and had a lot of sex jokes. (Seriously I can see Wooton Basset delivering the station’s mail at like 4 AM or Connie Kendall calling in to ship Ben and Emily and loudly demand they hire her to plan their wedding.)
Obviously this means there are endearing characters that make me soft
But also it’s SUPER spooky
You’ll hear some tidbit of town world building in Ep. idk 1 maybe and be all “haha lol that wacky King Falls” and then hear something in Ep. 80 that makes you go “wait a minute HOLY SH—”
Really good at building suspense
It’s good
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trekkiehood · 5 years ago
Things that happened in AIO canon that are never brought up again: Tom Riley's son was transported to another dimension and fought in a revolution an evil corporation perfected mind control and influenced local elections a street gang committed multiple acts of vandalism also in order to influence a local election a girl sued the former mayor for not making the all-star softball team Eugene uncovered a plot to eradicate his family and steal his little brother
ALSO Wooten Basset writes a super ridiculously successful superohero comic franchise and comes from a ridiculously wealthy family and he's a mailman who doesn't tell anyone either of those things because he loves people and his job and also lives in a house where the exit is a slide and the porch swing is made out of a trampoline and also only reveals his secret comic writing because somebody else tries to take credit for his work on accident (bc Harlowe Doyle doesn't know better)
And another thing do you remember the episode told from the point of view of Mandy's goldfish? Who straight up dies? During the episode? And gives a monologue about how Mandy didn't love him enough and that's why he died? And how about the Twilight zone spoofs those freaked me OUT when I was little
Like that one where the Toy Chicken was drugs and told people what to do??? Or My Girl Haley where the computer took over.
Wooton is SUCH A SWEETHEART when he actually moved because he wanted Odyssey to have a chance to win 😭
Or how Tom DIES and it's not brought up until over ten albums later!!!
Or how his wife has a mental illness and they just kind of... put her in a home and leave her there.
Or how Whit convinced Aubrey and A COMPUTER PROGRAM THAT DOCTOR BLACKGAARD HAD INPRINTED HIMSELF ON that he had been brutally murdered.
Or when Jimmy Barclay hit his head so hard he dreamt that he was in the imagination station but was really DYING.
AIO is dark but also absolutely amazing and I love evry bit of it.
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missdrummond · 3 months ago
AIO Memes
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theodyssian · 7 years ago
Wooton/Penny Connie/Jason... Age Gaps?
Did you know that Wooton and Penny are about 12 years apart in age? The same as Connie and Jason who are also about 12 years apart in age?
I didn’t.
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This is interesting to me because the main agreement against Connie and Jason being a couple is their difference in age. (Of course, not the only reason people don’t like the ship, just the MAIN reason I hear against it). I was musing on this (because that’s what I do at work when I’m bored...), so I started crunching some numbers and was surprised by what I found out. I thought other people might be interested on the data on this as well. To understand where I get some of the numbers and years, you need to know how I calculate “Odyssey Time.” My formula is Real Life Time = 2.8X Odyssey Time. So it takes 2 years, 8 months of our time for one year to pass in Odyssey. This seems to correctly reflect the episodes in AIO with a 10% margin of error (chalk it up to continuity errors). Currently, it is 2017 in real-life time, 1997 equivalent in Odyssey Time, and Volume 63 in album time.
Ready? Okay. Characters ages:
Wooton is probably 35 but anywhere from 33-37.
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Wooton has been described as a character “in his 30s.” If Wooton was 30 when he was first introduced, then currently, he would be 35 and 7 months. Another way to figure out Wooton’s age is based on his niece's age. Talia was about 10, maybe older, in volume 40, so currently she would be about 15. As Talia is Wooton’s niece by his twin brother, that means that Wooton has to be old enough to also be able to have a kid as old as 15. The average person who has a 15-year-old would be at least 35. Of course, they could be younger than that, but Wellington seems to be very by-the-book so I don’t think he would have had a baby when he was a teenager. Then again, I could create a backstory where Thalia was the one thing in his life NOT planned and is what prompted him to do what he saw as getting his life together. Even age 20 is young to have a kid, especially for someone career-focused like Wellington. Maybe he was older than that when he had a baby. Or if Talia is older than I guessed, then perhaps Wellington had her even younger - or him and Wooton are older. Really, I’m approximating Wooton being around 35, but it’s give or take a couple years. Penny:
Penny is probably 23 but anywhere from 22-25.
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Penny moved to Odyssey with her highschool sweetheart who wanted to go to college before getting married. This strongly implies that they were freshly out of highschool, so 18-19 when they moved to Odyssey. (Also, freshly out of highschool because that’s most likely when it would hit Devon the seriousness of their relationship, causing him to break-up with Penny.) When we first meet Penny in volume 53, she was still in college and assuming she was a full-time student, that means it hadn’t been more than 4 years since she moved to Odyssey. Actually, no more than 3 years because at least a year later, she is still in college. So when we first meet her, she was probably 21, and as it’s been two years in Odyssey time since then, that makes her currently 23. She could be slightly older than that if she didn’t keep a full schedule or took extra classes, etc. I don’t think she has been in college for too many years, however, for the reason of ex-fiance Devon. The break-up was long enough ago that Penny felt ready to date but recent enough that the wound was still fresh. Also, the fact that Devon showed up to check up on Penny seems like it’s within an appropriate time period, not, you know, him appearing as the guy from 8 years ago. There could be a story made with that but not the one they told. Wooton/Penny Age Gap? Wooton and Penny are most likely 12 years apart in age. At least 8 years apart and no more than 15 years apart. Connie:
Connie is probably 26 but anywhere from 25-26.
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Connie was 16 when she was first introduced in Odyssey time 1987. So she was likely born in 1971, possibly 1972. It has been 10.7 years Odyssey time, so she would currently be 26. Yes, she is in college, but remember that after highschool, she worked for the Timothy Center for a few years. After that, she likely only enrolled part-time at college (guessing that based on the hours she seems to work at her jobs, plus the fact that she hasn’t seemed to have a clear direction of study). Adding that up, also puts her in the mid-twenties.
Jason is probably 38 but anywhere from 37-39.
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He was born around 1960. His brother Jerry died in 1971 when Jason was in middle school. Their sister Jana was 14 at that time. It’s uncertain how much older Jana is than Jason, but she was already talking when he was a baby, so at least 2 years older. Again, that points to Jason being 11 or 12 in 1971, so he was born in 1959 or 1960. He would have been about 29 when first introduced (in 1989 Odyssey Time) and currently about or almost 38. Connie/Jason Age Gap? Connie and Jason are most likely 12 years apart. At least 11 years apart and no more than 14 years apart.
Well, both pairings have significant age differences, almost the same amount. Does it mean anything? No -  but then I’ve never put too much importance into ages. Maybe that’s what it means. I don’t want to get too much into shipping here, but I want to note that what I think works about Wooton and Penny is that they closely matched in maturity. Wooton is child-like but has wisdom in other areas, whereas Penny can be naive but she’s not as goofy as Wooton. So they balance one another out. Going to leave it there for you to draw your own thoughts.
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ashieblue · 10 years ago
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Wooton and Penny Wise. I believe I posted the sketch some months back. Also, Connie and Eugene as kids.
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missdrummond · 5 months ago
AiO Thought of the Week
I think Wooton and Penny celebrate Halloween. Penny seems like the type to insist that Halloween's roots are 100% Christian and also love all the decorating. Think she really leans into the cutsy version of it with lots of orange pumpkins and scarecrows
Connie and Whit still don't celebrate for sure, but I have no idea about everyone else.
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liveyouthfully · 14 years ago
"A two hour conversation about socks can say I love you just as much as, well, saying I love you."
-Wooton Basset
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missdrummond · 4 months ago
AiO Thought of the Week
I need a Wooton and Penny host Thanksgiving episode.
The guest list will include:
Penny's Parents, (Penny’s dad and Bradford are still a little at odds unfortunately)
Wooton's parents (yes both of them and Wooton's dad initiated it because he genuinely wanted to see Penny again but no he and Wooton are in no way reconciled and they still won't be by the end of this episode,)
Wellington for sure and his wife maybe (if she exists I'm not convinced)
Talia doesn't need to physically attend but if she doesn't they have to say she horseback riding in Mongolia
Penny's sister and her husband have to come ideally with their baby but if the baby still isn't born we can work with that too
Along with Wooton's grandfather getting a shout out, Mrs Randalof is mentioned to have bake them a pie which she dropped off the day before, the charity Wooton's cousin runs will be referenced, and Hadley makes a brief phone call cameo.
Will this be a chaotic mess of an episode both on a writting and sound design level? Yes. What will the Chris wrap up be about? Loving your family even if they're a lot like that one episode where all of the Parkers' extend family took over their house for a week.
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