#off of what? off of my ideal ratio that's what
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fisheito · 8 days ago
The Yaku🔴sub⚫️dom⚪️neutral ratio check, SSR event units from left to right:
🔴⚫️🔴⚪️ ⚫️⚫️🔴⚫️ ⚪️⚫️🔴⚫️ ⚫️⚫️🔴⚫️
+⚪️⚪️OG SSR +🔴Story H +⚪️OG SR +⚪️SR Incognito Cafe
= 6🔴/9⚫️/6⚪️÷21
Justifications for each room under the cut 🤨
Disclaimer: do i have an actual system for classifying what is subby vs. dommy? nope! i vaguely describe dom as "controls the pace/leads the actions" and that's it ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Cocoa Liqueur:
🔴 R2: eiden grabs yakumo by the dick/forces him to take a break ⚫️ R5: baby's first kabedon. yaku goes jealous 2000s seme mode
Ocean Breeze:
🔴 R2: woe, eiden's oral skills be upon ye (try not to squeak too loud) ⚪️ R5: yaku going "pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease" and eiden answering "sure"
Crimson Phantom:
⚫️ R2: lost in the bloodsauce, immediate regret ⚫️ R5: better grip on the bloodsauce, Count Domkumo fully awakened
Dark Nova:
🔴 R2: "don't think. just follow my instructions" ⚫️ R5: yaku lacks lucidity and is hopped up on snake senses. less self-control leads eiden to go on the defensive
Shadow Lineage:
⚪️ R2: veers into dom bc yakumo's pinning eiden/eiden has no leverage, but net neutral bc yakumo still acts on orders ⚫️ R5: yakumo puts on a show for his annual outdoor sex evaluation, and eiden submits fully to snake bondage
Fateful Aegis:
🔴 R2: NAKED APRON YAKUMO ON HIS KNEES ⚫️ R5: yaku caught too many emotions again and drills eiden into the floor
Abyssal Pearl:
⚫️ R2: starts with power of Eiden Suggestion, but ultimately ends up in dom territory due to phenomenon of Domkumo Voice. ⚫️ R5: yaku shows eiden how much he wants him (it's a lot)
Sword of Determination:
🔴 R2: behave like a good student and you'll get a salty reward ⚫️ R5: plumbing be damned, you're getting splooged in the shower
⚪️ R2: they compromise on their horny goals because they have to get up early tomorrow for character development ⚪️ R5: eiden provides live feedback so yakumo will continue railing him against the wall, also stop apologising
🔴 Story H: yakumo learns what (human) sex is
⚪️ OG SR R5: respectfully, let's fuck *pushes eiden onto the bed* (mostly eiden indulging a pent up yaku)
⚪️ SR Incognito Cafe: eiden holds the reins in the first half, yakumo gains control in the second. a truly riveting game of push and pull.
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kinnbig · 1 year ago
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✨ Simple Gif Colouring for Beginners ✨
I wrote up my basic gif colouring process for a friend recently, but a couple of people here mentioned they'd also find it helpful! so, as requested, this is a beginner-friendly walkthrough of the way I colour my gifs :) it's aimed at brand new gif makers with no prior experience with photoshop or photo editing.
when I first started gif making I found colouring and photoshop in general suuuper daunting, so I've tried to simplify everything here as much as possible. hopefully this will be relatively easy to follow and not too intimidating!
a couple of things to begin with:
I'm only talking about colouring here - this is not a full gif making tutorial. I've linked to some of my favourites of those here!
I personally like to make bright, 'clean' looking gifs with vibrant but natural colours, so that is the style of colouring this tutorial is geared towards. most of gif colouring is subjective and about personal taste - the only thing that I'd say is possible to get wrong is skin tones, which I talk about a lot in this guide.
as I mostly gif Thai dramas, most of the advice is geared towards colouring for East Asian/South East Asian skin tones - but the techniques should be fairly universally applicable (and here are some tutorials that talk about gif colouring for other skin tones).
I'm not an expert! I'm not claiming this is the best or the only way to colour gifs - it's just how I do it.
this post is very image-heavy. if the images aren't loading (or the gifs are running slowly or cutting/looping weirdly), then try viewing the post in its own tab (rather than on the your dash or someone's blog) and refreshing the page.
okay, full walkthrough beneath the cut!
1. intro a. natural gif colouring goals b. very very basic colour theory 2. super simple colouring (the essentials) a. curves b. selective colour (and skin tone correction) c. hue/saturation d. saving and reusing colouring e. another simple colouring example 3. other adjustment layers a. brightness/contrast b. levels c. vibrance d. colour balance e. channel mixer 4. troubleshooting a. curves b. saturation 5. fin!
1. intro
the colouring part of gif making can be super overwhelming, especially if (like me when I first started!) you're completely new to photoshop and/or have no experience with colour theory or photo/video editing.
if you're opening photoshop and making gifs for the first time, I highly recommend getting used to making a few basic, uncoloured gifs to begin with. just to practice, rather than post anywhere (though you can always come back and colour them later if you want) - but it'll make the rest of the process much easier if you're already beginning to get used to working in timeline mode of photoshop. give yourself a bit of time to practice and get a feel for things like how many frames you tend to like in a gif, where you like to crop them for the best loop, what kind of aspect ratio you like etc* - so that you're not trying to navigate all of that for the first time on top of everything else!
* frames: for me between 60-90 frames is ideal, but 40-120 frames is the absolute min-max I'd personally use in a normal gifset loops: for the smoothest loops, try to avoid cutting someone off mid-movement or mid-word if possible. aspect ratio: for full-size (540px) gifs, I tend to go for either 8:5 (slightly 'skinnier' gifs), 7:5, or 5:4 (particularly big, thick gifs lmao)
✨ natural gif colouring goals
part of what can be so daunting about starting gif making is not knowing where to start or what you want to achieve. this is definitely something that gets easier with practice - the more gifs you make, the more you'll get a feel for what kind of look you like and the more instinctively you'll know how to get there. it also helps to see if any gif makers you like have made "before and after colouring" posts - these can help with getting a sense of the kinds of changes made through gif colouring. here's one I made!
in general, I like to make my gifs bright and 'clean' looking, with vibrant but natural colours. these are the things I'm usually hoping to achieve with colouring:
brighten dark scenes
remove muddy, yellowish lighting or filters
saturate colours
correct any skin lightening filters or overexposure
make lighting and colours as consistent as possible between gifs within a single gifset, especially gifsets featuring gifs from multiple scenes/episodes/videos
this guide is focusing on natural colouring, but of course there are many cool ways to make stylised/unnaturally coloured gifs. imo you'll need to master these basics first, but if you want to learn how to do things like change the background colour of gifs or use gradients or other cool effects, then @usergif's resource directory has loads of super helpful tutorials!
✨ very very basic colour theory
[disclaimer! I don't know shit about fuck. I do not study light or art. this is just an explanation that makes sense to me exclusively for the purposes of gif making.]
the primary colours for light/digital screens are red, blue, and green. having all three colours in equal measures neutralises them (represented by the white section in the middle of the diagram).
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so to neutralise a colour within a gif, you need to add more of the colour(s) that are lacking.
in practice this usually means: the scene you want to gif is very yellow! yellow is made of red and green light, so to neutralise it you need to add more blue into your gif.
it can also mean the reverse: if you desaturate the yellow tones in a gif, it will look much more blue.
looking at the colour balance sliders on photoshop can make it easier to visualise:
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so making a gif more red also means making it less cyan.
removing green from a gif means adding magenta.
taking yellow out of a gif will make it more blue.
neutralise yellows by adding blue (and vice versa)
neutralise reds by adding cyan (and vice versa)
neutralise green by adding magenta (and vice versa)
2. super simple colouring (the essentials)
starting with a nice sharpened gif in photoshop in timeline mode. (these are the sharpening settings I use!)
some scenes are much harder to colour than others - it helps to start out practising with scenes that are bright/well-lit and that don't have harsh unnaturally coloured lights/filters on. scenes with a lot of brown/orange also tend to be harder.
I usually save a base copy of my gif before I start colouring just in case I end up hating it, or find out later that it doesn't quite fit right into a set and need to redo it etc.
so here is my base gif!
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it's an okay gif, but it has a bit of a yellow tint to it that I want to reduce.
colouring is easiest to do in adjustment layers, which can be found under layer -> new adjustment layer - or for me they are here:
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there are lots of different types of adjustment layers that do lots of different things - but for me the absolute essentials for colouring are curves, selective colour, and hue/saturation.
I also use brightness/contrast, levels, exposure, vibrance, colour balance, and channel mixer sometimes, depending on the gif - but I use curves, selective colour, and hue/saturation on every single gif.
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✨ curves layer
the first thing I always do is a curves layer. when you first open one it will look like this:
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first I usually click the ‘auto’ button, just to see what happens. sometimes it makes a big difference (it usually brightens the gif a lot) - but on this gif it didn’t do much.
if it had made the gif look nicer then I would have kept it and added a second curves layer on top to do the rest of these steps.
the next step is selecting the white and black points with the little eyedropper tools.
the bottom eyedropper lets you pick a white point for the gif. click somewhere super light on the gif to see what happens - for this gif, I clicked on the lampshade on the left. if it looks weird, I just undo it and try somewhere else - it usually takes a few goes to find something that looks good.
here's what that did to the gif:
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then I pick the top eyedropper and use it to pick a black point by clicking somewhere really dark, again playing around until I find a black point that looks good.
here's what the gif looks like after picking the white and black points:
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this can take some experimenting, but you can make super easy drastic changes to your gif just with this. in this case, the curves layer took out a lot of that yellowy tint.
and this is what the curves graph looks like now:
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you can click and drag those lines to make further changes if you want - I usually leave them alone though. the colours of the lines indicate which colours have been changed in the gif - for example, you can see from that steep blue line on the graph that blue has been added to neutralise those yellows.
next I usually do another curves layer and just press the ‘auto’ button again to see what happens. usually it brightens the gif a bit more, which I like.
‼️if nothing is working: usually with a bit of fucking about a curves layer works well - but sometimes you can’t find a good white and black point anywhere, and instead your gif turns wacky colours and nothing looks good. this happens more often with very heavily colour tinted scenes :( the troubleshooting section at the end goes over some options, including starting with a levels layer instead.
✨ selective colour (and skin tone correction)
skin tones are made up of a mixture of yellow and red.
removing yellow (or adding blue or red) to a gif will make the skin-tones too red - and removing red (or adding cyan or yellow) to a gif will make the skin-tones too yellow.
adding blue to this gif with the curves layer took out the yellowy tint, which I wanted - but it also took the yellows out of Kim's skin tone, which I don’t want. so I need to put yellow back into the skin tones specifically - without putting it back into the rest of the gif.
selective colour layers let you select an individual colour and adjust the levels of other colours within that colour. you can change how yellow the green shades are, or how much cyan is in the blues, for example.
I need to add yellow back into the red tones to correct the skin tones on this gif. this is the case for most gifs in my experience - the vast majority of the time, unless a scene is very heavily tinted in another colour, a curves layer will add blue/remove yellow.
in the 'colors' dropdown, select the 'reds' section and drag the 'yellow' slider higher - this will add more yellow into just the red shades within the gif.
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the amount of yellow you need to add back into the reds depends on how much yellow was taken out of the gif initially - I just play around with the slider until it looks right. if you're not sure, it helps to have some neutrally-coloured (not white-washed!) reference photos of the people in your gif to compare to.
here's the result. Kim's skin is a lot less pink toned and much more natural looking:
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✨ hue/saturation
this adjustment layer lets you adjust the hue and saturation of the gif as a whole, and also of each colour individually.
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I don't use the hue or lightness sliders unless I'm trying to do something more complicated with the colouring.
clicking the dropdown menu that says 'master' lets you edit the saturation of each colour individually. this is useful if your gif is still super tinted in one colour.
I thought the yellows on this gif were still slightly too bright, so I switched to the yellow channel and desaturated them slightly. (remember if you do this then you need to go back to selective colour and add more yellow into the red skin tones to balance out the desaturation!)
then I increased the 'master' saturation of all the colours to +5:
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I usually find the right amount of saturation is somewhere between +5 and +12, but it depends on the gif.
‼️if the gif feels undersaturated, but the saturation slider isn't helping/is making the colours worse, try a vibrance layer instead.
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✨ saving and reusing colouring
you can copy and paste adjustment layers between gifs to make your colouring even across each of your gifs for one scene - so if you're making a set of multiple gifs of the same scene, or you think you might want to gif the same scene again in the future, you can save it as a psd so you can reuse the colouring again later.
each gif's colouring will then still need tweaking - different cameras/angles/shots of the same scene can still start out with slightly different colouring.
I recommend uploading the gifs as a draft post on tumblr so you can see what they all look like next to each other and catch any inconsistencies.
✨ another one! (speedrun!)
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the white point for the curves layer was in the window behind them.
the curves layer removes the muddy yellow tint, but again it makes their skin tones (especially Ken's) very red toned, which is adjusted by the selective colour layer.
3. other adjustment layers
imo many many gifs can be coloured really nicely with just those three adjustment layers, but some need different adjustments.
✨ brightness/contrast
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pretty self explanatory!
I personally usually avoid using the 'brightness' slider because I rarely like the effect - I only tend to use the 'contrast' one. 
the 'auto' button is sometimes useful though, especially if you’re struggling with the curves layer.
✨ levels
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levels alters the white and black points of the gif, like curves - but unlike curves it doesn't also alter other colours.
use the sliders beneath the graph to alter how dark/light the gif is. you can slide the black slider further to the right to make the blacks darker, and the white slider to the left to make the whites lighter.
levels is a good place to start if your curves layer isn't working.
(I'm going to hit the image limit for this post lol so here are some screenshots of a table I made to demonstrate this rather than actual gifs. sorry!)
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on both sides, I dragged the sliders up to where the big jumps are on the graph - this is usually a good place to start!
✨ vibrance
vibrance... makes the colours more vibrant. it's more subtle than saturation.
it's really helpful for gifs that feel grey. sometimes adjusting saturation just makes the greys kind of weirdly tinted, but a vibrance layer can fix that.
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vibrance is much more subtle!
✨ colour balance
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colour balance affects the overall balance of colours within a gif.
it's good for scenes with heavy tints.
I tend to stick to the 'midtones' dropdown, but you can also alter the colour balance within the shadows and highlights if you want.
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✨ channel mixer
I avoided channel mixer for such a long time because it scared me. but it's great for scenes that are very heavily tinted in one colour.
basically, it works with the levels of red, green, and blue within a gif. you select an output colour and then play around with the levels of the colour you selected within each other colour.
kind of the reverse of selective colour?
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so in the 'blue' channel, the levels of blue are at 100%, and the levels of red and green are at 0% - but you can impact how much blue is in the reds and greens and blues.
this tutorial explains it well - but imo the best way to get to grips with channel mixer is just to play around with it a bit (sorry)
(when I made this guide for my friend, I also made a slightly more complicated gif colouring walk-through that included using channel mixer. there isn't space to include it within this post, but if anyone is interested I could always upload it as an 'intermediate' gif colouring tutorial - lmk!)
4. troubleshooting
usually with a bit of fucking about a curves layer works well - but sometimes you can’t find a good white and black point anywhere, and instead your gif turns wacky colours and nothing looks good. this happens more often with very heavily colour tinted scenes :(
for example, with this base gif:
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using many of the brightest points as a white point turn it wacky colours, like this:
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yikes :(
some options for these cases:
try brightening the gif first with the 'auto' button on the curves layer or with a levels layer. having a brighter gif to start with can give you better options for picking a white point.
try finding an alternate, whiter/brighter white point. look for places the light reflects - on this gif, using the light on Porsche's cheekbone works well as the white point. it also helps to find places that would be white if the scene wasn't tinted - the lightest part of a white shirt is often a good place to start, for example.
skip the curves layer, and instead use a levels layer to alter your white/black points, and colour balance or channel mixer to balance the colours.
if your gif (especially the skintones) is looking a little washed out or lifeless, it might be undersaturated. boost that saturation - or if that's not working, try a vibrance layer.
oversaturation is often easiest to spot in the mouths and ears of any people in a gif. if the mouths are looking unnaturally, vibrantly red, then you've gone too far with the saturation.
5. fin!
and done! I hope this was coherent helpful to somebody.
if there's anything that I've missed or that doesn't make sense pls feel free to shoot me an ask or a message and I'll do my best to help! I've also collated a bunch of additional reading/resources below.
happy gifmaking 🥰
✨ some links!
photoshop basics by @selenapastel
gifmaking for beginners by @hayaosmiyazaki
gifmaking guide for beginners by @saw-x
dreamy's gif tutorial by @scoupsy-remade (includes instructions on how to blur out burned-on subtitles or annoying video graphics)
beginner's guide to channel mixer by @aubrey-plaza
how to fix orange-washed characters by aubrey-plaza
colour correcting and fixing dark scenes by @kylos
does resampling matter? by usergif
how to put multiple gifs on one canvas by @fictionalheroine
watermarking using actions by @wonwooridul
resource directory by @usergif
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typologyastro · 1 year ago
Neptune vs. Venus Beauty
This is my own observation, so take it with a grain of salt.
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🪞 Neptune beauty is when you zoom out of a picture, and you only see the best features that stand out. Bad features are hidden and blurred. Angles are extremely important. Everything is positioned purposely to create a specific impression or feeling, but you wouldn't know it's on purpose. Photography is ruled by Neptune. Neptune 1st house/dominants would intuitively get what I mean. You only see what Neptunians want you to see but never know it's all intentional.
🪞 Venus beauty is when you zoom in a picture, and every single detail is still perfect. Their pores are so tight that you can't even notice. Their skin is super smooth. Every feature is elegant, no matter what angles. Venus beauty with Taurus influence is more genuine, realistic, and detailed. Their natural face is pretty that they don't need much makeup.
🪞 Neptune 1st house/dominants may have certain features that are extremely beautiful and unrealistic in sizes, shapes, colors (very big round eyes, purple eye colors, big pupils, plum lips, etc.). People mostly focus on those out-of-this-world features that they ignore or forget their other imperfect features that are covered up very well.
🪞 Venus 1st house/dominants may have all pretty and feminine features and almost no imperfections, but their features are more common and average in sizes, shapes, colors, etc . Each feature doesn't stand out separately, but together, they harmonize perfectly.
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🪞 Neptunians may have a short or rounder face. They may have big round eyes, which gives off their innocence. Their pupils are huge as if they're wearing lenses. The gap between their eyes and lips are close, making them look like anime character. Their cheeks may be a bit more full, which give them a baby effect.
🪞 Venusians may have an oval or longer face. Their ratio is perfect, not too big or too small but balanced. Their features are thinner and more delicate than usual (thin eyebrows, small cheekbones, delicate lips lines), which gives off their femininity.
🪞 Neptunians change their appearance with different makeup styles, clothes, hairs, surgeries, etc. They fit the glamorous styles. They experience all kinds of styles that transform them into their ideal dream self.
🪞 Venusians, with Taurus influence, look the best with light and minimal makeup that showcases their natural beauty.
🪞 Neptunians give off an image of a baby or kid. Venusians give off an image of a maiden.
🪞 Neptune's features may be a bit more chubby than Venus's, which are more delicate.
🪞 Neptunians look naive, while Venusians act sweet.
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milksnake-tea · 1 year ago
Hi hi hii!
May I have 2, 4, and 7 with Aventurine for the ask game? Have a nice day!
This man has a strong chokehold on me-
- 🪽
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nah bro i totally get you that damn blonde im telling you .... him and his little >:3 are permanently etched into my brain .... THANKS FOR THE ASK !!! <3
2. What do you think their love language is?
My first thought was initially words of affirmation or acts of service, but now that I'm thinking about it, I think Aventurine would be a sucker for physical touch. The thing is, I personally believe that Aventurine is heavily touched starved, and a huge part of it is self-inflicted. There have been many times where he wanted to hold your hand, or lean onto your shoulder, or just have his hair played with, but he holds himself back because 1.) it's unprofessional and 2.) does he really want to deal with the implications of his actions? Even with friends (or the closest things he has to friends), he wants to be physically close to them, but he doesn't let himself be. The first time you held his hand, he stiffened like a block of wood. When you hugged him, and held him in his arms, he didn't know how to react - but it wasn't long until he closed his eyes and let himself slump against you.
4. What's an unpopular opinion you have?
i cant believe i have to say this BUT HE IS NOT A WHORE !!!!! Can he be clingy? Yes !! Can he be intentionally irritating and annoying? Yes !!! Can he come across as flirty? ABSOLUTELY. But what he isn't is someone who gives himself away at the drop of a hat. Intimacy and companionship, whether platonic or romantic, is something he desires, absolutely. But that doesn't mean he'll give it to just anyone. He has to respect you, he has to like you, he has to know you inside and out to ensure that you won't take advantage of his vulnerability.
I acknowledge that Aventurine often invites people to stab him in the back, but he does it with the prior knowledge that they'd likely do it, so he isn't surprised about it. But when it comes to true companions, not the "friends" he collects like chips, he needs to be able to trust you in all of your entirety. Yes, he has a very low view of himself, but it's not to the degree where he'd willingly use his body in that way to get what he wants.
7. What kind of person do you think Aventurine wants in a relationship?
The real question is whether or not he'll allow himself the liberty of getting into a relationship in the first place. But if I'm going to be honest, I see Aventurine as someone who values honesty and self-reliance, and admires those who are true to themselves and their ideals despite it all (example: Topaz and Dr. Ratio, both of whom he respects and admires as colleagues). So when it comes to being in a relationship, he doesn't want to stress himself out with the mind games; banter, sure, but he doesn't need another person to tip toe around.
Aventurine would want someone who isn't afraid to ask for what they want, or tell him off when he needs to be, yet is genuine, kind and earnest. He also would want someone who could at least take care of themself - as harsh as it sounds, he can't always be there to protect you, and he needs to know that you'll be okay even if he isn't there (also because he finds strength, both intellectual and physical, to be pretty attractive).
It's kind of sad, though. The kind of people Aventurine finds himself attracted to are often the type who end up disliking him.
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2k follower event if you want to participate !!!
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filtheopathic · 21 days ago
ode to a situationship — otoya eita
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PART 1 - the first & second times
WC - 1.6k
SYN - No love story ever began with, “Once upon a one-night-stand.”
CW - [18+!] afab!reader but no gendered terms are used, reader and Otoya are both implied to be a little promiscuous, dubcon (only because of alcohol, both parties enthusiastically consent), alcohol use, fingering, oral (f receiving), light anal play, spit fetish
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the first time
You both still smell like the club: sweat, the faint bite of cigarettes, and a mix of your go-to fragrance and his. It mingles in the air like your tongues in each other’s mouths. Becomes acquainted like his palms with the soft skin beneath your skirt.
The two of you were quick about it, spurred on by a splash of alcohol and an overflow of attraction. He was the ideal ratio of chill to shameless flirt, and you had fuck-me eyes and a pretty mouth. It was a perfect alignment of intentions.
There’s not much talking, just heavy breaths and the sticky sweet sound of lips and tongues in the darkness of your apartment. You’re wrapped up in the feel of each other, all eager and greedy and hot. He blindly backs you into a wall corner and you gasp. “Shit, sorry,” he breathes, cradling the back of your head in apology, “Bedroom?”
You know he’s going to fuck you good by the way he looks when he’s climbing onto the edge of your bed and pulling his shirt over his head. By the way he emerges from the cotton and has a dark, hungry playfulness in his eyes. He’s a good kisser (even if it is messy in the way drunken one-night-stands often are) and he has the confidence to hike one of your legs up high and roll his hips into you. Once, twice, again, again as he licks into your mouth and along the side of your neck. Chasing the heat and friction, reveling in your unabashed moaning.
He knows what he’s doing. You can tell by his demeanor that he’s done it plenty of times. He asks you how you want it then gives it to you like someone who knew how to give it to you from the start.
In return, you voice all your needs without a hint of shyness. With the confidence of someone who’s as experienced as he is. You’re nasty about it, too. A little demanding. (Fuck me. Harder. Touch me, right here. Like that— oh my god. Hear how wet you made me? Don’t stop. Fuck, don’t stop.) It makes him lose his mind, just a little bit.
After you’re both left panting and satisfied, the fantasy wringed from your bodies and the condom tied off and thrown out, you begin the careful dance of getting him the fuck out of your apartment and he falls into step with you. Another unspoken understanding between you, that you’re on the same page.
As you’re walking him to the door he holds his hand out for your phone and inserts his contact information (you’re grateful that he enters his name because you don’t entirely remember it) then immediately calls himself. “That was fun,” he says with a hint of a smile, “I’ll text you.”
You don’t expect to hear from him ever again.
the second time
You hear from him a week later, to your surprise.
It’s surprising not only because he bothered to text you at all, but because he does it so soon. It’s also not the typical middle-of-the-night text. It’s like 5pm, the sun barely dipping into the center of the sky.
You’re sober now, and more than a little grateful that he’s still good-looking. Very good-looking. Even better looking in the warm light of dusk, shirtless and hovered over you as he rubs your pussy through your shorts.
He’s taking his time exploring you — far different from the first time you fucked, which was all raw tension and release. Every bit of you is hot and primed by the time he pulls your shorts to the side and dips his finger in.
“Already so wet,” he notes, playful in that flat way of his. You make a comment about how he’s been teasing you, which he ignores in favor of teasing you some more. His fingers explore where you’re wettest, getting all coated while avoiding your clit long enough to make your hips cant up, then he brings them to his mouth to taste.
He knows exactly what he’s doing; this move always works. But, to his surprise, you don’t become bashful at all. You don’t avert your eyes or call it embarrassing. Instead, your entire expression darkens. The sight of him savoring the taste of you acts like a flame to kindling, only emboldening you further.
Wrapping your hand around his wrist, you guide his fingers to your lips next. You hold his gaze, take them deep and suck. He can feel the back of your throat, the tip of your tongue, the dull skim of teeth. So warm and slippery around his fingers. Otoya breaks eye contact to watch your lips drag around them, and his jaw goes a little slack at the sight.
There’s a sort of inherent game being played in the early days of fucking someone new — one you enjoy above all else. It’s a playful exchange of power, a push and pull, a gentle testing of boundaries in search of the things that drive the other crazy.
A love for fucking is what you’d say you and Otoya have in common, but really it’s this. Playing this game, this exploratory back-and-forth as you’re trying to get the one-up on each other. That one, decisive move has given you the advantage in this game. And that makes both of you very excited.
Still, Otoya keeps his cool. Remains patient. He rubs your clit and kisses your neck and chest until you’re tangling your hand up in his hair. Sucks on the sensitive skin of your stomach and thighs until you’re opening your legs wide for him to settle between.
“Can I eat you out?” He asks, punctuating with another messy kiss to your inner thigh. “I’ll make it good for you.”
Implying that, first and foremost, it’s going to be good for him. You realize this with a warm rush of arousal.
You respond by shimmying out of your shorts, giving him a nice view of your pussy between your closed thighs as you fold your knees up and pull them off, then opening wide for him again. Glistening wet, and on full display.
His patience leaves him in one deep, heavy breath.
He uses his whole mouth, all warm and wet and rhythmic, a shameless make out session with your cunt that surprises you as much as it melts you down to the bone. It’s a slippery mess in no time, him drooling generously all over you and you leaking more arousal in return. He’s really enjoying this, you think, like he could do nothing but this and still leave satisfied.
And he’s good at it. Really fucking good.
Otoya massages your clit with his tongue, closes his lips around it to swirl and suck lightly, then starts the process over again. Methodical, practiced. All while he watches you, gauging your reactions with lidded eyes. What he’s learned is that you like grinding yourself on his flattened tongue, and you love watching him spit on it. He wants to know what else you like, find out what else makes your body respond like that. Experimentally, he dips down low and licks all the way back up, pushes your legs back into the mattress then dips down even lower— your eyes roll back.
“You like a tongue in your ass?”
You smile lazily down at him. “Is that a crime?”
“No,” his teeth graze lightly over the space between your thigh and the fat of your ass, a testament to how hungry he is for it, “‘s hot as fuck.”
You breathe out a curse as you watch him collect saliva in his mouth and spit it down onto you. It’s warm and slippery when it hits your pussy, followed by the sensation of liquid dripping low. He catches it with his tongue. You shudder.
He’s forward about eating your ass in a way that makes your resolve crumble. It’s the kind of thing that a lot of men pretend to be into, but aren’t actually nasty enough to go through with. Their desire doesn’t run deep enough to get a little dirty. But this guy — this nonchalant pretty boy you happened to take home from the club once — has his face buried between your legs like it’s the most honest thing he can do.
Running your hands through his hair, you gently grind yourself against his tongue – feel it dip past the tightness of your hole. It’s too much, hearing him groan and watching his pretty green eyes roll up. Every part of you is pulled so taut it’s aching.
“Please,” you whine in spite of yourself, dragging the word out pathetically.
“Please what?” There’s just enough smugness in his voice to make your stomach twist with need.
“Need your mouth back on my clit. And your fingers inside me. Please, Otoya.”
His face comes back into view. The lower half is glistening, messy. He runs a finger down your slit, turns his palm up and pushes in, then promptly adds another. You’re so wet there’s no resistance. You’re so wound-up you could cry.
He lowers his face back down, wrapping his free arm around your thigh to pull you close. So close you can feel his hot breath caress right where you need him. His fingers aren’t particularly thick, but they’re long and skilled enough to induce that pleasurable full feeling. Watching intently, he pumps them steadily deeper until your whole body is arching and flexing with tension.
He makes you wait just long enough to hear you breathe in, readying another whine. Then just before he gives you his tongue again, he tells you, inflated ego making his eyes sharp and his voice teasing:
“When you cum, call me Eita.”
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luckyorchid · 2 months ago
The sun’s up
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Comic 1 (PT. 1)
(Lore + Context is below!)
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Hoo boy here we go (SPOILERS for anyone who wants to experience sky by themselves!)
Sky lore for Non-players (Feel free to skip, just added this since the story is a bit tied to the lore in game)
Some of the basics:
Core / Flame = Life source.
The ancestors are the original “humanoid” inhabitants of the world. Light creatures (animals) were the first inhabitants though. Sky beings were the last creations to solidify the inhabitants.
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Light creatures & Sky beings all have a “core” which means they’re all connected and living off of light as their life source.
Sky beings are essentially just stars that fell on the world and decided to exist LMAO. You can't make one, so you just have to pray really hard for a shooting star.
Realms & Elders:
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ignoring the middle one for now, there are 6 realms. Each realm has different climates (But it wasn’t always like that), and settings.
Isle of Dawn - Sandy terrain
Daylight prairie - Hills, grass, oceans and flowers.
Hidden forest - A forest where it rains non-stop
Valley of Triumph - A valley / mountainside that snows non-stop
Golden wasteland - Hell (/j) / Sandy terrain with toxic water.
Vault of Knowledge - Massive tower stored with history and knowledge
In the comic, they’re in “Hidden Forest.” Each realm has an Elder, who is essentially someone who governs the realm. They’re just here to make sure everything is stable.
History (This is all based off of my own observation + Tom Zhao's concept art!):
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For that middle realm, it's called "Eye of Eden" and or where the "Storm" originated from. It also has an elder, but he's more or less "King of all kings" sort of thing. He had the say in most things. Eye of Eden never had a clear vision on what it was before the storm, but I'd imagine it would be a sort of sanctuary.
Speaking of before the storm, some realms weren't how they are right now, like how Isle of dawn used to be like Daylight prairie.
Moving on, at first every one was pretty chill, until the king found something called Dark stone. Dark stone is like...the opposite of light? It's like if you shoved a rock into gasoline and something radioactive. Despite it, the elders find out dark stone can be used to make advanced technology, so of course they take the chance to overuse it.
The light creatures and sky beings suffer from the effects of this. While sky beings were taken to areas with less dark stone, light creatures were treated with more hostility. This causes the ancestors and light creatures to go to war with each other.
Long story short; Dark stone corrupted the ancestors and started destroying the environment, because it literally uses light / fire as its power. The creatures said "Nuh-uh" and started fighting back. The final fight (that transpired in Eden) gets so bad that most of the dark stone explodes and creates a massive storm that affects all the realms, and most of the people die including the elders and king 😭
This is where "Dark creatures" start to thrive. These silly little guys are similar to dark stone, they love eating light.
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Ratio & Kakavasha Lore
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Ratio was born before the storm, while Kakavasha was born when the storm had already happened.
Veritas Ratio Lore:
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Ratio was a smart kid, and a lot of people noticed it. That's it/j In fact, a lot of people noticed it, so he was dragged into the Sky version of the intelligentsia guild- in training, of course. He's too young to start running stuff, even if he insists on it.
It got to the point where even the elders acknowledged him, and some wanted him to be their advisor when he reached the right age. Veritas is (internally) ecstatic about this. He still holds the ideals of OG ratio, universal knowledge, and as an advisor he can further be of influence for good.
He was never close to his peers, in fact they couldn't count on their fingers just how many times he's called them idiots and other remarks, but he'd never go as far as to say he hated them. Fond? Maybe, just a teensy bit. A silent room is nice, but after a prolonged period, he may seek out that background noise of chatter. (Or not)
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(Ref used: S1 arcane poster) Then the storm came. The storm pretty much threw all of his dreams to the abyss, and not only that- he had to witness the things he loved and cared for either die or go into shambles. He's one of the few survivors, but he's harboring a lot of guilt and contempt towards most things. (aka everything. He always thinks of "Why's" Why did the elders let it get this far? Why were the ancestors so selfish? Why couldn't he do anything to stop his friends from being eaten by those dark creatures?)
He stays with other survivors in safe realms (Daylight prairie), and he tries his best to be of help. Specifically: hunting. (Haha get it cause the hunt *cough*) He likes to join in hunting squads to kill dark creatures in the Hidden Forest, and if he can; study the body. It's morbid, but he wants to find ways to mitigate attacks.
Kakavasha Lore
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The Avgin clan are all semi-dark creatures. Their landing spot is always within an area full of dark stone, so it's like their core merges with it. They can all turn into "Krills" (Sky version of dragon). Despite this, most of them have a kind nature and wouldn't go out of their way to hurt Sky beings. They settle on eating fruits, birds, and fish.
They live in Wasteland, which is littered with dark creatures. Despite sharing the same origins, even they have to be careful. Hungry creatures aren't picky after all.
But due to their advantage, they can usually freely travel through the Valley and Hidden Forest to scavenge for food and other materials.
Kakavasha loves to join his sister for scavenging, and he loves finding out about things in general, so much so his sister always has to look behind her shoulder to make sure he isn't doing anything risky. "High risk, high reward!" He still can't turn into a krill, but he can make his hands sharp! Other than that, he's pretty happy. The storm hasn't affected them much- in fact, it's an advantage. Though, he always wonders what's beyond the forest, snow and sands.
Post-storm Kakavasha happens when the storm starts to calm down and the sky beings start to regain their footing. This is how his clan gets found out and gets hunted down, until he and a few were the only survivors. He's used as a test subject to better understand dark creatures, but of course there was no consideration of his well-being. As long as he isn't dead. Similar to the OG hsr lore, he ended up killing the people who 'owned' him. But this time, he was freed with pardon because damn look at all that trauma. In this AU he's free to do whatever without someone shackling him down, but it doesn't make him feel any better to what happened to his clan and himself. He feels a bit of spite towards Sky beings, but he doesn't outright act on it...much.
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This ended up having more lore than it's supposed to have 😭 I'll make a continuation comic of their first meeting, and some other random shenanigans these two end up getting into LMAO. Thanks for reading and have a good day <33
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months ago
˚₊‧🍄[ Hangin' with The Boys ]🍃˚₊‧
◉ Synopsis; how the Boys spend their time off (with you)
◉ CW; potential spoilers for seasons 1-3, substance use (and abuse), swearing
◉ A/n- aight my first piece for the Boys- went with something tame to ease myself into writing for this insane show- wtf am I doing
◉ feat; Butcher, Hughie, Frenchie, M.M, Kimiko
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Moments of peace are few and far between when you're hunting and killing Supes. When you're not being thrown out windows and being threatened by the world's most powerful entities, free time with the Boys is definitely a special treat
The bastard he is, Butcher spends any free time he's got smoking, drinking, and antagonizing the others- just for a laugh. Butcher will always try to sneak off to a bar or some back room- but ever since you joined the crew, he's had a hard time shaking you off. Always following diligently- or maybe just to be an annoyance- Butcher is almost never free of you- or your attempts to get him to socialize. Forced proximity and a lot of patience were crucial to Butcher finally caving and allowing you to join him for a drink one day. At first, it’s quiet- not uncomfortably so, with the usual ruckus in the room over serving as odd but comforting background noise. Any conversation that does take place is likely started by Butcher insulting you. That goes for every other conversation that follows, too. You’re either a Butcher enabler or you help pull him back. Maybe it depends on the day- either way, your partnership comes at the expense of the others’ sanity. Pranks, insults, and drinks/cigs galore- the two of you go through the “recreational supplies” faster than Frenchie.
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I really, really hope you like (or can at least tolerate) Billy Joel because that’s all Hughie wants to have playing in the background while the two of you talk. Of course, feel free to introduce new shit- he’s flexible (but lbr, this dude just wants Billy Joel). When you’re not being forced to listen to “We Didn’t Start the Fire” for the millionth time, the two of you are playing card games, sneaking off to arcades and movies, and even possibly going to visit Hughie’s dad or Annie. Whether you’re on the train, the couch, or (M.M forbid) laying on the disgusting floor, you and Hughie are damn-near always sharing earbuds to listen to music. Hughie would really enjoy just people watching with you. Seeing people live normal lives, happy and (relatively) safe- it makes him believe he could have that one day, ideally with his friends and family- that includes you. The playful/nerdy banter between you two is considered to be the most wholesome part of the crew.
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Frenchie I wanna get high w you please- ahem- Yeah Frenchie likes to do a lot of drugs- but he won’t be offended if you decline. Usually, Kimiko and Frenchie come as a pair, so with you, they’re a happy trio! Together, you and Frenchie will request songs for Kimiko to play on the keyboard, the three of you will dance to whatever is playing on Kimiko’s iPod, you and Frenchie learn/practice Kimiko’s sign language, you and Kimiko entertain Frenchie’s high shenanigans (and pull him back when he goes too far)- basically any and everything you can do, you do together. Hope you have space in your brain for two more languages because alongside Kimiko’s SL, Serge would absolutely die if you learned any French- even you just learning the basics would melt his heart. Frenchie often encourages you and Kimiko to sneak out with him to go on “dates” (lowkey thruple coded) to small, hole-in-the-wall bars and restaurants. He’s for sure going to ask your opinions on chemistry or whatever the fuck while he’s making/studying bombs. He’s not miffed if you don’t know or can’t answer- often times he’s talking to himself anyways- but any feedback is always appreciated.
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M.M would really appreciate a grounding presence in the crew- and that’s exactly what you helped provide. You helped balance the ratio of crazy to insane within the group, and for that, M.M is eternally grateful. Often times, while he’s cleaning/organizing equipment, you’ll keep him company. This often turns into M.M opening up about his family, OCD, concerns he has about the Boys, etc. He’s a firm believer in hard work, discipline and learning so you won’t just be standing around while you talk and listen- oh no, he’s showing you the way- the proper way- to clean the weapons, disinfect the counters, organize the shelves- hell, he’ll even ration out some supplies so he can teach you some first aid/sutures. It’ll probably be a while before you get through to M.M’s softer side, but it’s totally worth it to get there. M.M wants the best for his crew, and though it’s tough love, the rigorous lessons are all taught in hopes of you being able to protect yourself (and keep the hideout tidy).
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Happy trio part 2! Nobody expected the quiet, intimidating Kimiko to enjoy music and art as much as she does. You and Frenchie are her biggest fans and supporters, and often show her new music to listen to- if you’re lucky, you can get some pirated versions of old cartoons to watch together. Kimiko loves dancing and listening to/playing music- and since you and Frenchie usually indulge her, that’s what you spend a lot of your time doing. The others call it goofing off- you three call it a healthy dose of fun. When Frenchie is out, Kimiko spends a lot of time teaching you her SL so that you can talk without Frenchie being the translator. Sure, typing on the phone is easier, but being able to have secret conversations with your friends is so much better, don’t you think? Talking shit about the others right in front of them is a treasured experience you, Kimiko and Frenchie share.
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anomaly-hivemind · 5 months ago
Beg for me ☆ Goddess! Nico Robin x Reader
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Summary: You may have said a few things that hurt your friend's feelings, but they were true. If they were so wrong, the goddess herself could come and strike you down. You actually didn’t want to be struck down, so put on your worshipping shoes and beg for forgiveness, maybe prove your “newfound devotion.”
Word Count: 2010
Tags:  Goddess Nico Robin, slight jerk reader, Dacryphilia, god complex, is it a god complex if you’re actually a god, sacrilege? Femdom, begging, pussydrunk, mind break, mind control, cunnilingus
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You looked around looking for your friends outside the library and they waved excitedly when they saw you and called you over. You greeted them and headed inside. It wasn’t any ordinary library you were in but the library of Ohara, dedicated to the supposed homeland of the goddess Nico Robin, you thought the stories they told of gods and goddesses were a bunch of crap, but your friends didn’t and you weren't going to pass up the opportunity to go to a nice fancy library.
You looked over as your friend, Pomji, called your name.
“Look, isn't this so cool?” They began talking about a picture of Nico Robin and how lovely her image was. All you could think of was how unrealistic it was. Multiple hands with what small frame? Such a drastic ratio of measurements? All it is is some horny men of the past created their ideal woman and made unrealistic standards for women for the rest of time. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts by your friend calling your name.
“Are you even listening? If you don’t care just say you don’t care,” They said, frowning. 
“Well I don’t care,’ You said, honestly,  That seemed like the wrong decision, your friends' frown deepened and they turned back to the book. The leaned over to your other friend, Chika, and said something to them, the smiled. and went back to what they were reading. You shrugged your shoulders and turned back to what you were reading. You chuckled and the ridiculousness of it all, you were reading the legend of the sun god Nika, or Monkey D. Luffy. Stretching every part of his body? Human skin certainly did have elasticity, but was it made out of rubber because he ate gum gum fruit? The whole thing was laughable, and that’s what you did… laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Pomji asked.
“ Oh just what I’m reading, it’s so silly, I mean who actually believes this crap?” You laugh while Pomji grits their teeth.
“Um me, I believe in this ‘crap’. This is a religious library, why did you even agree to come if you’re just gonna laugh at what I believe in?”  They whispered harshly and their eyes narrowed as they looked at you incredulously.  
You rolled your eyes, “Come on, you have to be honest with yourself, One Piece gives people insecurities and is just a way to manipulate the scared and ignorant masses. Monkey D. Luffy isn’t going to rise from the dead as the god of liberation and save you, You’re being fooled.” You said, when you looked at Pomji after your lengthy speech they had tears in their eyes. 
“My religion may be a joke to you but it’s serious to me. You don’t even know what you’re talking about,” they stormed off leaving you alone.
You blinked for a moment,... Did that really just happen? I mean it was true, there was more evidence pointing to One Piece being false than being true. 
“How dramatic,” You groaned, looking back at Chika; you were surprised to see that they were packing their things. “Wha- Chika, come on, you can't be serious; you don’t believe in this One Piece shit either!” A few others in the library looked at you incredulously; you didn’t even realize that you had raised your voice.
“Be quiet, this is a library. And I may not be religious but I'm not going to say that someone else shouldn’t believe in it either. I’m going to find Pomji, later,” Chika said gathering up their things, the few items Pomji had left, pushing in their chair and walking away without sparing you another glance.
You were left dumbfounded. You can’t believe that both of your friends left you with a simple comment. 
“That wasn’t very nice you know,” you looked back to where the voice came from to see a tall beautiful woman. She had long black hair with soft waves to it, tanned skin, and eyes as blue as the ocean.
“And who are you to say anything, it doesn’t concern you anyways,” 
The woman smiled politely before speaking.” Well, it does concern me you see because you were talking about me, Nico Robin,” 
“Huh?” Before you could even comprehend what was happening hands sprouted from the table and chair and grabbed hold of you. In an instant you were somewhere else entirely, it was strange it still looked vaguely library-ish but nothing like the one you were just in.
“Wha- what’s happening, Where are we? Who the hell are you?” You stuttered, looking around where you were.
“I already told you, I’m Nico Robin, and this is my holy domain, I brought you here so you wouldn’t cause a scene.”
“The Strawhat Deities are just mythology, lady hates to break it to you, you may be pretty, but you ain’t no goddess. I think all these dusty old books are getting to your head.” You said, her expression changed, but you still couldn’t place the emotion. 
Your eyes widened in shock as hundreds of hands bloomed around her and eyes of varying sized popped up around the room all staring at you. It made your skin crawl. The never ending star of all those electric blue eyes filled you with unease.
When you tried to get up, more hands popped up from nowhere and grabbed hold of you, keeping you seated.
“P-pease-please don���t k-k-kill me, I believe you! I-i promise, I promise!” You stuttered, eyes wide and dread filling your being.
She huffed in amusement, and all the extra body parts disappeared just so that her hands could spring up from the ground and make a large throne. She sat down and crossed her legs, looking down at you with a calm smile on her face.
“Why shouldn’t I? You have quite the number of sins racked up, you know. You do know what happens to sinners, right?” Your blood ran cold at her words; You didn’t want to think about what she would do. Based on what you did know, Nico Robin was also called the Demon Child in One Piece. In the Book on Enies Lobby, it says that she destroys three ships full of innocent marines and citizens of her home country. Why would someone worship such a violent goddess? You can't fathom, but you didn’t wanna die, so for once, you decided to keep your mouth shut.
“So…? I guess you're ready to die then?’ She asked teasingly.
“N-no, please don't kill me I’ll do anything, I promise,”  You feel a sense of dread, and your heart is beating what feels like a thousand times a minute. You feel your eyes almost welling up and you hold back your pathetic display to have your life spared. 
“Maybe if you beg, I’ll consider it,”
“Please, oh great goddess Nico Robin, please don’t kill me; I don’t wanna die; I‘ll do anything, anything at all; please forgive me,” You said, kneeling in front of her.
“I’m sorry if I offended you in any way necessary, I mean necessary; I'll find a way to apologize; just please don't kill me,” Tears were falling down your eyes, and you tried not to sniffle as you cried. Then you try to whip them away as to make yourself look less like a little bitch.
“Show your devotion to me, and I’ll accept you turning from your life of sin”
“Don't you want a taste of me,"  her words were hardly a question,  bring your hand to her wet cunt, then guide your hand that was wet with her juices to your lips. 
You let out a slight noise as the sweet taste hits your tongue, your eyes fluttering shut as you savor it.  You breathe, his mouth watering as you want more. You looked up at her, waiting on your head to partake in her mystic. 
"Want a taste from the source?" She watches you with an amused expression opens your eyes, and your gaze darkens and intensifies as she looks at you. 
As you slurped on her juices, you looked up into her glowing blue eyes. Beautiful…  You can't deny your hunger anymore, even if it was a feeling that seemingly, the desire coursing through your veins and making your skin tingle with want and a desire to please and obey. 
 "I want to taste you from the source."  You lean towards her with an eagerness.
"Down down and dive in," Robin tells you, and you don't hesitate to do as she says. Your hand carefully runs up her leg, bringing your lips into her heat.
Your eyes are dark with lust, the look in your gaze almost feral, giving you a blown look. You bring your head forward, your nose skimming along her inner thigh, getting closer. She lets out a pleased breath as she feels your hot tongue. You groan against her as she grips his hair, the sensation adding to the pleasure you're already experiencing. You go straight to her source of pleasure. Your tongue then flicks out, tracing circles around your clit before ducking under to find her entrance.
As soon as he touches you, you let out another moan, her fingers grip and start to tighten on your hair almost painfully. But you don't care as long as you make her feel good. That's all that matters; it's the only thing that should matter, and it does. It's the only thing you need and want. You can't get enough of the sounds she's making. You hum happily against her folds, still exploring her pussy with your tongue.
Robin was letting out sultry, sweet sounds that felt like the closest thing to a form of salvation. You slide your face in deeper, finding that wetness that's making you go crazy. The taste of her is intoxicating, the scent of her arousal hypnotic driving you wild. You pull away before starting to move his tongue again. This time he swirls it around slowly, and slurps at her entrance, knowing all you can fantasize what it feels like being in her.
“Doesn’t it feel better, all your sins washing away?” She pulls you more against her cunt, almost getting rid of your ability to breathe. 
You smile into her sex, It only encourages you more; knowing how much she turns you on just by licking some puss.  You begin lapping at her faster now, using small licks and quick sucks interspersed between long strokes of your tongue up and down her slit as an attempt to tongue  fucker her a little bit while focused on pleasing you orally.  You could feel her getting closer as your tongue pushed on her hole, which was closing against nothing but the tip of your tongue. 
You feel her rock her hips into your face as she falls into her orgasms. The sound causes of her falling close to her peak made you feel the neglected arousal that you were also feeling right now.  You drink up her climax as she releases her grip on your head, and you finish eating her out through it. 
Nico Robin stood up and fixed you up a bit. She cupped your chin and wiped off your mouth with a swipe of her thumb.
“I was never going to kill you, by the way; take care of yourself, apologize to Pomji,” Robin said before you appeared outside of the library. You looked around, a bit dazed. Did… did that actually happen?
You looked over at the sound of Chika’s voice. They did a double-take before speaking, with a slight frown on their face. “Where the hell did you get here?” Pomji turned around at Chika’s comment.
“Sorry for what I said earlier, Pomji; I believe now,” You said, shocking both of your friends, 
“What the hell happened in there?” Chika said, looking at you. 
You shrugged, not really knowing what to say. “The ONE PIECE! THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!”
“Shush, we are still outside a library,” your friends shake their heads at you.
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nqmonarch · 1 year ago
Red Flags in HSR Characters
I have a problem of simping for the most red flagged characters except I can't handle red flags. Like violence makes me nope the fuck out of any relationship, I am so scared of getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. In real life I'm fucking terrified of being manipulated into being dependent on someone because I've experienced that shit and it isn't fun. Hate being insulted, degraded, all of that.
But the red flagged characters are just too cool???
Like Dr. Ratio, sure he's a pompous shit and would probably end up degrading you which I hate but he's so cool?! So I need to find some way to make him into this weird yellow flag without making myself into some super genius because no way is that gonna happen.
So instead put him in like a tutor AU, he's teaching you and when you get something wrong he gives you such a side ways insult. Like it takes a minute to realize it's an insult, it's worded in such a creative peculiar way. The second it registers you begin doing ten times worse on every question. It doesn't take long for him to realize that being told you're shit isn't inspiring to everyone. So he takes a... kinder approach. He's still a hard ass and strict but he's actively trying to do better and you can tell, when he starts a sentence suddenly stops and then brings that sentence in a completely different direction. You both end up learning. You end up learning the material and he ends up learning how to be somewhat better at dealing with people whose ideal day isn't being insulted.
Then there's the aeons. i simp for all of them, like how can you not??? Especially Nanook (using he/him pronouns for Nanook), Yaoshi, IX, and Aha. Now first off IX isn't a red flag IX is a lovely little black hole who I will defend with my life. But the other three??? They're as red as a stop sign.
Like sure, Nanook would probably destroy you the first chance he gets. Maybe Nanook is the destruction because he wants to be destroyed. I, I don't know man. Like he's so beautiful but how the hell do you even write romance with him? That isn't just like destroying the love interest.
Maybe he's had an insatiable urge to destroy everything ever since the dawn of his existence and he can't remember why. He's always been filled with rage, hatred, toward everything that's existed. Then he sees you and it all comes rushing back toward him. Your death, the hole it filled, the only thing that could really be blamed was the universe. It was everyone and everything's fault. So he would destroy it all to protect you.
Still a red flag but man I'm trying my best, no matter what Nanook will always be a red flag. Yaoshi on the other hand... surely there's a way I can make Yaoshi into a yellow flag after all they just want to help.
Yaoshi who would save your entire planet, heal every individual part of the ecosystem and every person, just to see you smile. They would ask nothing in return and instead remain by your side, enjoying the beautiful of the world. Then the mara strikes, people begin to lose their minds and themselves and you're left to beg them for a way to reverse this. But this is the price of life.
Yaoshi assures you that this is natural but they still watch on in horror as you inevitably succumb to the mara as well. Only then do they try to figure out how to fix it.
The further I get the more hopeless I become. Then there's Aha...
They probably found you entertaining at first, a human full of surprises and excitement, someone that could survive any trial. Then you grew on them a bit more and they found himself becoming attached. Aha wasn't supposed to be attached but this of course just makes an opportunity for more entertainment! Now they're actually invested and can experience the nail biting tension of all this drama!
Just another form of entertainment, it'll be a shame when you're gone though.
Then there's all the other beautiful red flags Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, Blade, Luocha, and Aventurine and Sunday seem like red flags as well even though they're not out. Like if bad to date why do I want to date?
Their red flags are a part of them and it's hard to work around it, so sometimes you just gotta embrace it. Life's rough man. In the end it's my fault for liking red flags. I'll just stick to Jing Yuan for now, peak husband material.
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worriedvision · 4 months ago
"Improve yourself" - trailblazer
Gender neutral reader, angst. Trailblazer is referring to either Caelus or Stella - the two protags for Hsr. Kinda neutral ending, didn't want to continue too much with it in case it went really haywire. Possibly ooc Dr Ratio but shh
"Don't worry, my honey bun, I love you. I only have eyes for you"
That was the first reaction they gave when you showed insecurity when they met someone who was attractive in your eyes. You knew you were lucky to have them as your partner, but they always made you feel like you were number one in their heart. You didn't quite believe it, but the way they hold you and treat you implies they are correct.
They do love you.
The second and third time, they reacted similarly but you begin to fear there's something bothering them when you're distancing yourself.
The fourth time is when they react differently. They meet Dr Ratio, a man that they could attest to being an abrupt man. Intelligent, yes, but he wasn't one for sugar coating things..
But from your perspective, they had been spending a lot of time alone, spending time on investigating something. You can't help but see how attractive Dr Ratio is, and you know it's not rational for you to think your partner would quickly be attracted to someone.
But there's that nagging part of you that tells you that you aren't enough for them. Looking in the mirror, seeing a body type you seem inferior in comparison to those around you, different face, anything you saw as attractive you knew you didn't have you think of.
And, admittedly, Dr Ratio did have very pretty eyes.
When you decide to keep yourself away, staying with Pompom, you feel your phone vibrate.
It's your partner.
'Where are you? :(' followed by a crying PomPom emote.
'At the Astral Express, had stuff to do'
A few minutes later, you get a message from them asking to speak to you at the station.
"Why do you keep running away when I meet someone new?" They ask, crossing their arms.
Uh oh, this wasn't a good sign.
"I mean, I know you're really insecure, but you can't run away from your problems." They continue, you unsure what to say. Were you supposed to say you distanced yourself because you knew you were being illogical?
"You know, I'm beginning to get tired of this." They rest their hands on their hips, attracting the attention of some eavesdroppers. "I mean, I can only love you so much. You need to work on your own flaws, you need to improve." They tut, walking back to a...concerned Dr Ratio?
You don't take in the expression he has on his face for too long, more focused on the fact your partner was clearly getting fed up with your jealousy. Part of you is worried, however, that they're fed up with being associated with you. Hearing whispers around you, you go back to the astral express and withdraw yourself to your cabin.
After that, you stop hanging out with your partner so much. You stop being clingy, you stop indulging in the food they usually are eager to get you to eat, and despite their attempts to get you to spend time with them you turn them down.
They realised they screwed up, likely after getting a scolding from Dr Ratio, but you've closed yourself off after doing some self-reflection and realising that the trailblazer was not an ideal partner for you.
Or, more accurately, you were not an ideal partner for them.
When you get to Penacony, you finally decide to let the trailblazer go. Explaining your reasoning being the Illogical jealousy you experience and your reaction to back away as you knew it was silly, they try to convince you to stay with them.
"But what about the time we spent behind closed doors?" The trailblazer asks, pleading to give this relationship one more chance. "We can work on this, both of us need to put effort into this relationship."
"Exactly. But I haven't been able to keep up with you in this relationship, trailblazer." You solemnly respond. "Of course, I will remain professional around you, however we will no longer have the romantic bond I've had the luck of having with you."
Meanwhile, Dan Heng and March 7th are awkwardly waiting for you guys to turn your attention to them, the room keys now in hand. They both feel out of place, having known nothing of this happening. Looking at each other, neither know what to do.
"Oh, the keys!" You chuckle, drawing the attention of Dan Heng and March 7th. "Sorry guys, probably should have waited until we got to our rooms to do that."
"I..uhh...yeah." March laughs awkwardly, nobody knowing what to say.
"...In public?" Dan Heng awkwardly asks, earning a death glare from March.
"I know, sorry!" You rub the back of your neck. "Let's just get to our rooms? Thankfully we have separate ones."
That evening, you got knocks on the door from your ex partner, them pleading to speak to you properly to get things resolved. You send them texts explaining the main problem was your insecurities, nothing to do with them, but you hear them still trying to knock on your door before hearing a familiar second voice.
"Stop knocking on that poor persons door. They clearly don't want to talk to you." Dr Ratio huffs.
"I'm trying to talk to-"
"Your ex, yes we all know. When I advised you to speak to your partner, I didn't realise you were too much of an imbecile to realise I meant to speak to them in private about your problems."
"But they also-"
"Yes, broke things off with you, but there's a difference between their discussion and yours - they took all the blame themselves." Dr Ratio explains. "Let the both of you grieve for the relationship, it isn't healthy to hang on like this."
So that's why Dr Ratio looked so concerned after the trailblazer spoke to you.
You decide to just open the door one last time, to let the trailblazer rest easy knowing it was your own problems that led to the failure of this relationship. When you open the door, the trailblazer goes to hug you, only to be held back by an unamused Dr Ratio. Dr Ratio looks at you, and he immediately realises you need some proper rest.
"Let's just go back to your room, give dear _ some space." Dr Ratio begins. "_, you have enough bags under your eyes to keep all the shops in Penacony happy for a year. Do you need a prescription to help you sleep?"
"No thank you. I'll be fine." You yawn, closing the door as you see the trailblazer being led away.
Looking in the mirror, you realise the doctor was correct - you really did have massive eye bags. It's concerning he was able to see that, yet nobody on the astral express had really realised it. Perhaps it was a gradual change that people saw, or they just didn't want to insult you by pointing it out.
Whatever the reason, you felt like you needed a proper nap. Dr Ratio seemed to be able to read minds, knocking on the door with some medication for sleep.
"Take one a day, after a meal." He explains. "I usually take payment, but considering this is partially my fault I consider this my payment to you."
"But my feelings are mine. I'm old enough to know to look after myself and to not let other-" you yawn, interrupting your sentence.
"Give yourself a break, for pitys sake." He spits out, coming from a place of empathy.
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tartppola · 2 months ago
Are you voting for Ace or Deuce? I think Deuce should win, just to roast Ace. The guy who cannot talk to half the population (girls) is better than him lololol
omg another TWST boyfriend poll... awahwghgghf HONESTLYYY the ratio 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 my vote ain't gonna do anything BUTTTT but but but but I must put on my nerd glasses... the propaganda!! being spoken about my boy Ace Trappola!!
He's obviously got his own issues, he's mean, he's a tease with no filter w his words, he disregards authority figures etc. etc. but i feel the fandom exemplifies his negative traits and doesn't take into account his character growth throughout the game
Main Story Spoilers for : Book 4, Book 6, Book 7
Event Story Spoilers for : Ghost Marriage/Phantom Bride, Spectral Soiree, Fairy Gala IF, Lost in The Book with Stitch
He's a ride or die!! It's shown time and time again that despite the persona he puts up he cares SO much for his friends, throughout the main story, events and vignettes. He took the long trek back to NRC in Book 4 because of the prefect's SOS message!! In Fairy Gala IF he brought the whole first year squad together when Ortho was struggling to find his own image/sense of style unique to himself, in Spectral Soiree he told off Malleus, which ends up leaving an impression ( btw everyone this is a sign to read the Bloom Birthday Malleus vignette or get him on his birthday on EN ). In Book 6 he and Deuce patched the prefect up and stuck by them when Grim's nature as a monster came into question, fought against the STYX to defend the Prefect even though he was scared, and he scolded them when they basically left with no warning.
Don't get me started on him with the prefect OUYGHGHGHhghgh if what I yapped in the first paragraph and the number of home screen lines he has of them across all of his cards do not convince you that he's soooo attached to them, then the way he sticks to the Prefect in Lost in the Book with Stitch because he's concerned abt them being magicless & stranded with him in a deserted island, and the way he noticed Yuu not feeling well in Lilia's farewell party should prove it.
He's so dishonest with his feelings and with others but like deadass. it's so obvious to everyone else. A lot of characters always say how he's always with Deuce and the prefect a lot, like Ortho outing him to Kalim in Playful Land, Silver and Epel making comments about how Deuce and Yuu being close to Ace when they were finding a gift for him, even Malleus and Lilia teased him when he was in denial about being best friends with the prefect and Deuce.
The culmination of this in the latest ( as of now ) Book 7 update in Cater's segment, where he decided that the next destination is Ace's dream, to reunite!!! the mabutrio!! LIKEEEEEE DO YOU SEEEEEE HHGFGJGJGGRGHGHH
He's rising up the ranks in a lot of popularity polls whether against other TWST characters or against other media. He went from 41st in 2023 to 27th in 2024 in the yumejoshi survey!! He's very beloved!! A lot of people being up his past relationship in middle school, they forget his speech to Eliza about finding the perfect/his ideal partner, someone he can laugh and cry with and stick through hard times with!! The old ace who callously left his ex girlfriend would not have these beliefs, it's a sign of his growth!!! To even top it off Ortho did an analysis on him to prove his sincerity in that moment! ( and to rub it in his face bcs d'awwww ace is saur sappy ghhgsghff )
IG what I'm trying to say is!! He's definitely a lot, he's not everyone's cup of tea, but he's a lot more than what the fandom makes him out to be, and if Ace Trappola is your boyfriend he'll definitely cherish you lots ❤️
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not-wholly-unheroic · 6 months ago
This is a weird question, but y'know how some versions of Hook are super serious nearly all of the time (like in the novel and in Peter Pan and the Pirates) and some of them are only semi-serious (like the Cyril Ritchard one)? Where does Disney Hook sit on that scale of silly to serious? What do you think the ideal ratio is?
Another thing, how rich looking do you like Hook to be? Toned down like his OG stage appearance or crazy, stupid, impractical wealthy looking like Hoffman's Hook?
Love the blog btw :)
Aw, thanks so much! I’m always happy to hear someone is enjoying my content and I’m not just rambling about my favorite character into the void. 😅
So…as this is primarily a Disney Hook blog, I’m admittedly a little bit biased in my preference. I love most versions of Hook (though there are a few I actually really dislike because I feel they do a disservice to the character), but Disney has a special place in my heart because it was Disney’s version that first drew me to the character and convinced me to read the novel. I was intrigued by the fact that he could simultaneously be a legitimately threatening villain and also show emotions like fear and despair that we so rarely saw in animated villain characters from that era. It was these moments of “weakness” that made him actually seem human to me. A Hook (or any character) who is TOO stoic and frightening either becomes entirely unlikable because the audience can’t relate to them or they become a sort of flat, boring stereotype, a sort of caricature of villainy.
The more classic Disney villains are generally meant to be the sort of character we love to hate and hate to love. They’re supposed to be a little over the top and larger than life. They’re meant to revel in their villainy while still being entertaining. We’re supposed to like them at least to a point even if we seriously disagree with their moral standpoint on things. There are a few, however, who become a little too “real” and who I genuinely despise… Frollo comes to mind. There is nothing “fun” about Frollo. He’s a racist, misogynistic, ableist man who mis-uses the name of God and his authoritative position to get what he wants. Is Frollo a well-written villain? Oh, absolutely. Is there anything about him that I find likable or redeemable? I mean, he has a good singing voice… But that’s about the only nice thing I can say about him. He’s a terrible person and I have zero sympathy for him at his death.
But to return to Hook specifically…. What I find interesting is that although Disney’s Hook is often accused of being too silly, really the only thing that makes him a comical villain is his fear reactions to the crocodile (and octopus if you include the sequel). And that is entirely a function of the lens we are given to view him as the audience. The music we hear in the background as the crocodile’s theme is rather lighthearted and the other characters (the heroes) are often making fun of him in the scenes where he’s having a complete breakdown and running/swimming for his life. But if we switched the music to something more ominous (check out the Drewe & Stiles Peter Pan musical theme for the crocodile—it’s frankly terrifying) and saw things from Hook’s perspective…it would really give off the same vibes as, say, Jaws or Jurassic Park. I strongly suspect that if it were our heroes being chased by the crocodile, things would look/sound/feel very different. Case in point…go watch clips of Pinocchio where Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio, and Geppetto are fleeing Monstro the Whale and compare them side by side with Hook’s interactions with the crocodile. One is portrayed as comedic while the other is an action scene where we feel like the characters are genuinely in danger…but realistically, the same thing is happening in both. (Side note… I was absolutely TERRIFIED of that scene in Pinocchio as a kid. I literally had nightmares about it…so maybe I just relate a little too hard to Hook’s reaction and that’s why I’m so defensive of him.)
Compared to certain other Hooks, Disney’s is rather…soft, high-strung, and prone to being emotional but…that’s actually what I like most about him. That said, there are absolutely moments when we are reminded that we should be afraid of him. Heck, he shoots a man dead in his first few minutes of screen time which is more than most villains do. During the scene in Skull Rock, he climbs up behind Peter and—if Wendy hadn’t warned him in time of Hook’s approach—would have sunk the claw in through Peter’s eye socket. Not to mention the fact that he threatens Tiger Lily’s life and afterlife, sends a bomb to a child, and would have gladly allowed every single one of the Lost Boys and Darlings to walk off the plank to drown when they wouldn’t sign on with his crew. We also have him mention in passing “boiling in oil…keelhauling…marooning…” which would seem to imply that these are things he has done before and is willing to do again. In Return to Neverland we arguably have some even scarier moments on-screen. That final showdown with Jane…there are moments where you can see the murder in his eyes. He nearly lops off Jane’s hand at one point and then immediately attempts to run her through with his sword when that fails. A few seconds too late and she would have been a goner. In those moments, we are reminded of exactly what Hook is capable of and why the children should be afraid of him.
Disney’s Hook is, I think, a good mixture of scary and sympathetic; humorous and heavy…and that’s why he’s my favorite Hook. He’s very human and it makes him a lot of fun to play around with as a writer.
To answer your second question regarding Hook’s opulence…I tend to prefer my Hooks to be somewhere in the middle—wealthy but not totally impractical. If you go back through the series I did looking at versions of the Jolly Roger in different Peter Pan media and what we could learn about that particular Hook from his ship, Disney and Isaacs come out as two of the “middle ground” Hooks who I would label as well-off (unlike Jude Law’s Hook, who seems more like any other average sailor in terms of his wealth) but not rich to the point of impractical extravagance (like Hoffman’s Hook).
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rye-bread-soda-iceberg · 24 days ago
ok so anyways thinking about the animals that represent me n my partners
Sampo n Veritas? easy as hell it's all over their designs
Sampo is a snake, I don't have a specific species in mind but he's venomous. mostly green with teal blueish stripes. ideally he'd have green eyes as well
for Veritas, however, I looked a bit more into it. not even that much if I'm honest. anyways, he's a great-horned owl. merely because the resemblance is uncanny to me. like that's his face
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here they are. which leaves us wondering. what animal am I? now, you see, I thought about this a little bit. even got suggestions. and I reached the conclusion that I am a european mole. specifically european because I am european, which is a stupid reason, but anyways
(this is the cutest picture I could find of a mole)
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they are small, kinda ugly, brown fur (like my hair) and are stereotypically blind. now, they actually aren't, but they definitely give off the impression that they need glasses. and boy do I need glasses
also apparently snakes eat owls, owls eat snakes and Both eat fuckass moles which is like a picture perfect representation of our relationship (it's all consensual n we are adults)
anyways, you may now think. rye, what the fuck are you blabbering about? I Don't know. 🙏🏻
all I know is I've been plagued by images of snake hybrid Sampo and owl hybrid Ratio which has subsequently led to mole hybrid Me. and now.... and now I kinda wanna draw that. not in a furry way cause 1) I am not that skilled 2) I am not a furry (I tried)
but yes I can't stop thinking about this like,
Sampo would be half n half and have an awfully long snake tail + Very sharp fangs. his snake eyes would be much more pronounced and idk I'd change his outfit a little bit. just know his legs? gone.
Veritas hmm. he definitely has like some kind of mark on his forehead that extends to the tip of his nose (you know what I mean you've seen it before like come on) and of course Big big fluffy owl wings. his eyebrows are a bit wilder and perhaps he has real sharp nails
me? funnily enough, I'm mostly the same. I don't particularly care for an elaborate, complex representation of myself, I don't mind being a basic ass thing nor do I strive to make myself pretty in any way. though I'd make myself slightly more.. mole sized. or not. idrk. either way I Will be covered in fur, have a slightly bigger nose and microscopic ears + definitely sharp nails and a pathetic little rat rail which is honestly my gender
n that s it for now,
this was the true slfhsip ramnble
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gorbalsvampire · 8 months ago
is it bright where you are? (vtm city meta 2/?)
In Part 1, we talked about how to choose your city. In Part 2, we're going to start populating it with SPCs!
how many vampires?
If you've been around Vampire: the Masquerade for any significant length of time, you'll have heard the 1:100,000 ratio passed around.
Discard this. Ignore this. Screw this up, do a shit on it, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over the rainbow. It's arbitrary, it's frequently contradicted, it persists in fandom largely because it's a hard number on which the brain battens and sticks, and it's got no relevance whatsoever to how many vampires YOUR city needs.
Likewise, anything from the sourcebooks that gives you any impression that you need seven Tremere before you can have a Regent, or a dozen Ventrue to fill out the bottom rung of the Board? Yeet that. Those aren't characters; they're filler. A needless strain on the night to night. They probably exist, shunted off into suburbia with cleaver families or otherwise keeping themselves to themselves, but please don't feel like you need to know their names or have statblocks for them. They do not matter. They are there for verisimilitude's sake; spackle for the brain wrinkles of tidy minds.
You'll have Player Characters. They'll need sires, and they may have a Mawla or an Adversary. In an ideal world that's where you should start: build around the things the players put on their sheets, i.e. the things they've signalled they want in the game.
We do not live in an ideal world. At the present moment in time, my brain has been sparked by an impromptu chat from one of my D&D group who's been watching LA/NY By Night and getting back into Vampire. This particular group are now considering a pivot when we're done with our current D&D adventure, and I am reconsidering the handful of ideas I had for a Manchester based story some years ago. We have a sense of what clans are cool: we're probably looking at Toreador, Tzimisce and Lasombra (which is weird) and probably Anarchs because I know what these gremlins are like, and I want to lean into Ventrue and the Anarch pillar clans (Brujah, Gangrel, Ministry) because we're gonna have to fill out the conventional sect members.
The truth is, you've probably got an idea or two about your city already. That's why, a lot of the time, I actually start with the domains.
domains and you
Most cities kind of divide themselves into domains naturally. If you know the city, you can do what I'm doing right now and go "hmm, Oxford Road would make a good seat for a Ventrue Prince with this feeding limitation and that power base... Deansgate feels more anarchy, more Brujah... if we're going to put Toreador anyway, put them in Salford, maybe a Toreador/Gangrel axis, that could be fun... Elysium in the Northern Quarter, there's places there that would be perfect... and obviously the more north you go the more Anarch things get as the money runs out..."
If you don't, here's a trick you can do. Point your web browser to snazzymaps.com. Select your preference of style (I like to use Dark and Red as filters, for obvious reasons, and "dango red" is my current favourite). Drag the view to your real-world city of choice and zoom out until you have the names of good-sized, famous districts visible. If you want a busier and more complicated city, zoom in a bit and get the smaller ones. You'll need an account to save, but nothing stops you taking screenshots...
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Here are a couple of maps of Manchester: the wide zoom that includes some of the outer city, but not the real satellite towns like Sale or Altrincham, and the close in on the inner city which is where most of the action will probably be happening. I would of course crop these to hide the various UI greebles if I was using them in any sort of player facing resource, but that comes later.
That gives you your domains, which you can start populating with any SPCs you already have burning a hole in your brain. You can set markers at this stage, if you know where you want to put things, or you can do so in the later Relationship Mapping stage, or you can not bother and use a damn notebook (which, again, since I know Manchester fairly well - I lived there for two years and married a local - is probably how I'd go about things).
The old-school variation on this is acquiring an Eyewitness travel guide (the fat ones with the white covers) and using the chapters from that as domains. I like using Eyewitness because they're pretty exhaustive in terms of landmarks - gives you plenty of things you can navigate by and slip into descriptions, although it does give your game a slightly sightseer vibe.
For historical games, I like to dig up a historical map! There's not always one from exactly the right decade, but usually some from close enough that you can pinpoint landmarks around which a domain might centre and still achieve the right period vibe.
Anyway. However you've reached this point, this is where you start doing the Research, rounding out your initial enthusiasm for PCs and SPCs with historical conteeext! Vampire works really well as historical fiction in my experience - reality is deeper and gnarlier than anything you could make up and, quite often, you'll come across people and events and places that make you think "oh, this could be vampires."
I usually spend a couple of weeks on this. Just chipping away on different deep dives, different conflicts - politics, sport, universities, anything that exposes deep long term fault lines in the city's integrity, because that's where the monsters live and where their influence is felt. Once my head is creaking and my notes arranged along conflict lines... the Process can really begin.
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coyotejone-s · 4 months ago
i'm insane. rubber rats and such. here's my thoughts on who the reds and blues would main in tf2 vs whose place they would take in a potential au. spoiler: they ARE different. and also i'm not making the au, but if you wanna do it feel free to use this as a guideline.
disclaimer: i'm a walking tf2 encyclopedia... for the lore and comics. i HAVE played it of course, but i'm by no means an expert on strategy and such, so contesting my knowledge on that end is more than welcome.
Main: jumps around a bit, but always comes back to heavy because he's got high health and decent damage rates. mostly follows simmons around because no one wants to fuck with the battle medic. that being said, he CAN hold his own (he's actually REALLY good at the game) and watches simmons' back like a hawk. and his other teammates' too i guess (silly).
Place: heavy. big dude, cares for his family, wouldn't be doing this in an ideal world. also he deserves a big gun. RIP the grifshot.
Main: as mentioned, he'd be a battle medic, and a fucking TERRIFYING one at that. definitely puts a lot of time into it, and it absolutely pays off. has one of the best k/d ratios purely because he's just fucking going for it. it looks like luck but every second is strategized to an embarrassing degree. this makes him feel powerful. god forbid someone kill grif, because he'll hunt them down for the rest of the match.
Place: medic. he deserves to be unhinged. we've all seen how he is on the warthog turret.
Main: soldier. he's got rocket jumping down to a perfect science. he is defying gravity. he has discovered some sort of secret technique to perfectly optimize speed and distance while minimizing damage. he will never tell anyone what it is and he will show it off at any chance for the rest of time. thus, he never fucking plays any other class.
Place: soldier. there is nothing to be said that hasn't been said already.
Main: this one's tough actually. i think he'd flip between pyro, demo, scout, and soldier. he likes the fast-paced gameplay, and is pretty decent at all of them.
Place: scout! he's got a hell of a throwing arm! i'd be willing to bet he was in little league as a kid. i could have better reasoning but i had to switch him when i switched tucker.
Main: engineer. it's familiar, trying to keep things fixed and running while a bunch of idiots run around and fuck things up. can often be seen rancho relaxing next to at least 2 fully-upgraded sentries like 30 seconds into the match.
Place: engineer. same reasons, same play style.
Main: good god, he tries to main sniper, but he's so fucking bad at it. gets backstabbed all the fucking time. he's too stubborn to stop. to his credit, though, he's pretty damn good with the melee and smg.
Place: sniper. again, he's not GOOD at sniping, but he's good enough with the subweapons that he qualifies.
Main: probably scout. he likes being fast and annoying. it's not really that deep LMAO. i think he plays like me: running directly into the line of fire and just trying to hit as many people as possible before dying. a tried and true strategy. unfortunately, as such, his k/d ratio is impressively terrible.
Place: demoman. initially i wanted to place him as scout, but then i thought about eyelander and the energy sword and it won me over because i love eyelander. i think he'd try to demoknight and be really bad at it GHSJASKHGSA.
Main: listen to me. you can put him in any class and he'll kick fucking ass. he has every perfect strategy mapped to muscle memory or something. he's a fucking enigma. no one can beat him. if caboose is on your team, you are almost guaranteed a win.
Place: pyro. it's the whimsy.
Main: i think she'd main spy purely so she can cloak and watch everyone else run around like idiots. occasionally she gets a kill in, but that's mostly when they stumble close enough to her. she can be very efficient when she wants to be, but mostly she's here for the drama. she has a screenshot folder of grif and simmons doing gay shit. it's... massive.
Place: spy. she gets to serve cunt, be bisexual, and kill people. what more could a girl want???
Disclaimer: Locus and Felix do not have a place to take due to a lack of main-enough characters. Sorry!
Main: look at me. i think wash is exceptionally bad at most of the classes. he does his best, but they just escape him. he's pretty good with pyro, but he sees pyro as overly easy with little challenge (no offense to caboose). against all odds, i think he's best at engineer, and surprisingly good at it! usually he follows lopez around (because lopez knows what he's doing), but about half the time he'll be on his own and tentatively killing it.
Place: ms pauling. in season 10, he mostly follows carolina around, dragging the reds and blues with him and following the majority of her orders. remind you of someone?
Main: also tends to jump around, but prefers support classes. she'll join whichever team she thinks needs the most support at the time. half the time she'll be on the sidelines, cloaked and watching her idiots fuck around.
Place: the administrator! she's the most properly take-charge of all of them. i'd imagine she inherited the position from the director.
Main: medic, what did you expect? he's surprisingly good at offense, but prefers to stick to healing. in the event of an o'malley switch, he battle medics. he's not good at it.
Place: merasmus. he deserves wizard powers.
Main: spy. suits his style PERFECTLY. will occasionally play sniper if needed. absolutely cracked at both even though he says he doesn't play video games (this is a lie).
Main: he doesn't play tf2 because he thinks the people who play it are annoying nerds. this being said: probably either scout or sniper. scout when he feels like being an asshole, sniper when he feels like actually being efficient. either way he gets to show off.
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theprissythumbelina · 9 months ago
Hey! I hope you are having a great day!
I have some wordbuilding question about horses.
First off, what makes a horse good for endurance riding, riding in general especialy in colder enviroments. How does a horse like that look anatomy wise? I have a mighty need to give my characters big fluffy horses with long manes and feathered feet because i am not immune to the hollywood horse propaganda but it is my understanding that that is not the right horse for what i need it to do.
Also how do you care for a horse and yourself after a long and exhausting ride ? What are the absolutely esential, non negotiabel steps. I have a high speed long distance chase with horses and the resources awailibel are not ideal. In terms of technology its around late medival.
Sorry for the long/complicated ask. I understand if you can't/don't want to answer.
Hi! How delightful and thank you for asking!
What makes a horse good for endurance does differ a bit from hot to cold environments, but the basic tenet is a compact body shape, efficient food consumption, and sturdy limbs. Cold environments also breed horses with shorter leg to body ratio, and long, shaggy coats. So fluffy yes, big no.
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This is an Icelandic Horse, a breed native to Iceland, and descended from Viking horses. These ponies are efficient, sturdy, and have a special gait called the Tölt, a fast pace that is very smooth and comfortable to ride for long distances. A similar breed is the Fjord, though they lack the Tölt gait.
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Now, as for a long and exhausting chase, there are a few non-negotiables. First, top speed of humans and horses can only be maintained for a few minutes at most. Endurance riders spend most of their ride in the trot, which is the most stable of the gaits and the easiest to maintain for long distances, save for a special gait like the Tölt. Second, if speed must be maintained over saving the horse's endurance, riders will trade off horses, such as with the Pony Express, where riders continued at high speeds, but transferred horses every few hours. If endurance is more important than speed, or no other horses available, riders will often dismount and jog alongside their horses for a time, to let the horse recover from carrying them. Riders over long distances will often have two horses or more in a 'string', and will have one horse carrying pack items, such as tents, food, weapons, ect, and one horse for riding. These can be switched around, or a horse left behind if it cannot keep up.
And most importantly for a cold scenario, horses and humans both sweat through their skin. This is extremely dangerous, as the cold can quickly cause shakes, cramps, and hypothermia if not properly cooled down. The way to do this is by draping a horse blanket, preferably wool for best moisture wicking, over the horse's body and walking the horse until heat and sweat has evaporated. After a long ride, this can take extra hours, but without this care, humans and horses can die. Once the sweat has evaporated and the horse is cool to the touch, the salt then needs to be groomed off with a brush or curry comb.
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The horse should also then receive plenty of water, and if possible, a warm soaked mash, to further hydrate them. In the medieval period, horse bread, a baked bread make of nuts, oats, and grain, would be soaked in warm water and fed to the horse. It is also important to provide a source of salt, as much if it would have been sweated out, but this would also often be in the horse bread anyway. After a very hard ride however, a salt block or loose salt may be put in a bucket if the horse wants it. Again, without salt, the animal and humans will die.
Horse-bread Recipe
In the days after such a ride, the horse and rider should have plenty of rest, water, and food. They will be sore and tired, and possibly have injuries. Minor scrapes, hoof bruises, a pulled muscle, torn off horse shoes, and even a burst blood vessel in the nostrils can all happen during a hard ride. (the blood vessel will make it look like the horse is bleeding from its lungs, which is a deadly sign. However, if its just a minor blood vessel, the horse will be fine despite looking grisly.)
Hope I answered all your questions satisfactorily, and thank you for asking! Feel free to ask follow ups if need be!
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