#ofc you get attached to it anyways even though you lie and say calling it forklift certified is temporary
calypsolemon · 4 months
realizing you can just call your oc's fucking anything is freeing me. So many of my oc's just have titles or their name is literally like. the thing that they are. im not looking at a goddamn baby naming website ever again and when i have my own child I'm naming them Kid
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
hii may i request more port mafia! Ranpo hcs can be yandere or not, i'm just so starved for port mafia ranpo fics but unfortunately they're quite hard to find 😭
And a scenario would be nice
ofc you can request this!! i won’t lie when i got the first pm! ranpo request it was the first time i heard of that au. i won’t lie i kinda wanna design him now… anyways! i also did just some headcanons because i think i’d rather do a oneshot than a scenario!! i’ll get to that in the future. thank you for requesting, anon!!
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Port Mafia Headcanons; Ranpo Edogawa
Possible warnings: Mentions of murder, brief mention of Mori
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At first, he was just a simple mission planner for the mafia. Dazai, being the mafias new boss, would often call him up to his office to go over some strategies that he formulated. He would always ask Ranpo to fact check each one of his plans just to make sure that they would go smoothly.
When he finally landed a spot as an executive, it was because he had lead well over fifty successful operations, each one with little to no casualties. This honestly impressed Dazai considering that Ranpo’s ability rivaled his own intelligence.
Much like the canon Ranpo, this version would still act childish. It wouldn’t be as much as he would be in the detective agency, but it would still be there.
He wouldn’t be the worst executive to work under, but he wouldn’t be the best either. Much like every one of them in canon, he’d have his positives and negatives. The most well known negative of his would be his childishness. Sometimes he’d send certain people to die on missions he planned only because he didn’t like something that they did. He of course would say that their death was a simple oversight, but he and Dazai knew that it was planned.
In his office he had a safe for his sweets much like he did in Dead Apple. Though this one would be bigger and much sturdier. He couldn’t risk his valuable snacks getting destroyed because of some raid by a rival group, now could he?
Instead of his glasses coming from Fukuzawa, they’d actually come from Dazai. Dazai gave them to Ranpo when he first joined the Port Mafia because of the tradition of giving one of your personal items to someone that you recruited. Ranpo got attached to these glasses because they were from the boss himself, and he wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Now, let’s get on to you.
When he first met you, you were only a mere assistant for him. He’d always give you random tasks like purchasing him some more snacks, or making you fill out battle reports that he didn’t want to do himself. Or maybe even sometimes he’d send you to meetings in his stead.
At first he really didn’t care if you lived or if you died as harsh as it was. You were just an assistant to him; a nobody. He could always get a new one and replace you like it was nothing. He was never one to maintain work related relationships, so it was to be expected.
But then he started to fall for you. At first he noticed how you’d do anything for him—albeit it being because he was your boss—but still, he grew to appreciate it after a while.
He then started to notice how you’d remember his food preferences and how you’d always get him his favorite brands.
Ranpo absolutely loved it.
Ranpo made sure that you’d never leave his side, figuratively and literally. If he was sent on a mission, then he’d drag you along with him. You were still his assistant at the time, so you really didn’t have a say in the matter. He’d also drag you along on meetings with all of the mafias executives. He’d say it was because he needed you to write down notes for him, but they were rather meaningless in his eyes. He didn’t need the notes because he was able to remember everything, but he wanting to stay in your company during the meetings.
Soon, word started to spread in the Port Mafia that you and Ranpo were dating. You of course would deny these rumors like your life depended on it, but Ranpo would just egg them on in the shadows. He wanted to date you, so why not get the mafia used to it before it was official?
Over time he’d become more lenient with your work. He’d make sure that you wouldn’t go on major life threatening missions only because he still wanted you around. He may have been sadistic towards other members of the mafia, but he’d never be that way towards you.
If you ever were sent on a life threatening mission though, he’d make sure to use his ability and make sure you’d be safe. If it would ever turn out that you got injured, he would force you to take time off. If you insisted on going to work during your recovery process, he’d personally go to your living quarters and lay down on you so you couldn’t get up. Yes, it was a childish solution, but hey it worked!
More often than not he’d just allow you to hang out in his office during your down time. It gave him an opportunity to study you, and you were able to feel at peace even in your hostile working environment.
He’d even let you eat some of his snacks while other people weren’t watching! You should feel honored because no one in the history of the Port Mafia has been able to do that.
He would send out someone to kill another if they ever saw you sharing his snacks though. He couldn’t let the fact that he grew fond of someone get out to the world. People may use that to their advantage and he doesn’t want that
If Dazai was to pick up on Ranpo’s feelings towards you, then he wouldn’t try to get in between you. He doesn’t wish to become like Mori and dictate everyone’s moves, so he’d allow it. Though, he would attempt to tease Ranpo during meetings if you weren’t there for some reason.
If you were ever to leave the mafia, then Ranpo would try to persuade you out of it. He didn’t want to be alone—be without you—but if he was unable to do so, he’d allow you to leave. He’d also use his ability to figure out ways to cover your tracks so no one will be able to cause you harm.
On that note though, I do think he does have a picture of Fukuzawa on his desk from before he joined the Port Mafia. He only joined because he had no other place to go, and the detective agency wouldn’t accept him back after he agreed to help Dazai with something.
Who knows, maybe he will add another picture next to it that had you in it.
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risquewonu · 4 years
svt as things the male species have actually said to me
hello welcome to this shitpost on my new smut blog!! not all of these will be nsfw, but some are, sooo be warned kiddos! this isn’t for you!
and yes, these are real things men have said to me, sometimes even in bed. you’ve been warned.
seungcheol: “fuck i’m gonna choke you again, i love it when you shake like that”
you can’t tell me cheol wouldn’t be into choking it’s written in stone
also he would love watching you shake, makes him feel powerful and shit
after he chokes you the first time he’d do it when you’re least expecting it just for your reaction
big dick man big dick cheol
jeonghan: “god you’re so cute when you’re mad”
i HATE when guys say this so yes 100% jeonghan would
i mean he’d genuinely think it’s cute but still
but would also lead to him trying to fuck the mad out of you
“why are you whining? i thought you were mad at me?” bitch
joshua: “i just don’t get why we can’t fuck in the on campus bathroom?”
joshua would be the type to just want a quickie in a bathroom
like no biggie, creampie next to the paper towel dispenser
but if you give it to him once he’s gonna expect it every few days or something
so just say no
junhui: “i’m not gonna lie you got me hard in my pants”
i dont think he’d say this to someone unless he was in a relationship but i just see him as someone who’s really sexually open?
like if you guys are together he’s not going to be shy about it
just come home like “yo i thought about your ass all day”
it’s kinda endearing tho ngl
soonyoung: “mmm i’m gonna eat this pussy like a mcchicken... imma call it a mcpussy”
yes.... yes a man really did say this to me. between my legs. during sex.
soonyoung would say this so seriously too
like mmm give me that value menu pussy
he’d prob still expect a blowjob afterwards too
wonwoo: “i’m gonna fuck you in the shower, in the kitchen, on this couch, next to the pool... i’m fucking you everywhere in this apartment.”
this is totally bc he wants you to randomly be making a sandwich one day and then get flashbacks of when he fucked you against the fridge
when you say something snarky to him in the living room he’d be like “you weren’t talking shit when i fucked you on that chair last week”
and if you were to move into together it’s his way of “breaking in the furniture”
also hes a dom so. he’d really like that shit
jihoon: “it doesn’t matter, in my head you were mine”
we all know that predebut jihoon had 0 experience in relationships
and i think he’d say this in the context of like “i know we aren’t together but youre still mine”
which is wrong imo
but i think his lack of experience makes it a bit harder for him to be able to establish things like that
minghao: “wth... am I supposed to cuddle myself or?”
minghao sassy there i said it
ofc said with love
and because he misses you
he’s just kinda shy to be like “i really wish i could cuddle you rn :(”
so he’s passive aggressive with it lol
mingyu: “we don’t even have to fuck please just let me take you back to my room so i can eat you out please please please”
also the guy who said this to me was so hot holy shit
but anyways, i see gyu as a desperate horny drunk too so if yall were at a party and he was getting excited u know
he’d just straight beg
he’s also a switch so the man is a whiny sub
seokmin: “i was talking about you to my mom! she asked what i was doing on valentine’s day and i said i wish i was spending it with you”
uh slow down there cowboy we’ve literally only been fucking for like 2 weeks
seokmin is the type to want to fuck with love behind it
so yeah, he gets attached
therefore u know if he’s fucking u u are his babie
also soft boi
seungkwan: “i love that since we’ve been together, i can’t remember what my life was like without you”
sorry this one isnt really nsfw but i can really see seungkwan loving with his whole heart
like i think he’s the type of guy who wants his first love to be his last
once he knows a world with you in it he doesn’t want one without you
no worries tho i will be discussing sexy times with boo in other posts
vernon: “can you send me a pic of your tits i’m hard”
damn bitch can i get a please at least
but yeah vernon would say this lol
i think he’s a tits guy too
at least he asked though??
but he wouldn’t get mad if you said no
chan: “does me talking about you being tight get your 🐱 all 💦 ? it certainly gets my 🍆 all ‼️ for your 🍑 ”
he’d send this shit and be like “ahaha i’m so good at sexting”
will prob brag to vernon about it the next day about how wet he got you
you were eating chips while he sent it and it took u 10 minutes to reply bc you were so disappoijnted
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txdoroki · 4 years
hey shawty bae 😏 ur vv swag ily. so anyway- confessing to noya 😳... he’s not used to girls even looking his way and u jus CONFESS ?? asf. and tsukki ?? he’s so sarcastic and mean and he’s like “tf?? yes but what???” omg. UHM BASICALLY- confessing to noya & tsukki hcs :) what do u think 🦦
confessing to tsukki, noya, and suga hcs
genre : fluff
fem reader | warnings: none | words: 1.2k
a/n : hehe i love this idea almost as much as i love you <3 I GOT CARRIED AWAY OOPS
-so you guys were just walking away from the school quietly together because your mutual friend, yamaguchi, wasn’t there that day
-every now and then he’d fire an insult at you, commenting on how lousy your kicks against the rocks on the pavement were, or about how your posture was slouched.
-he pokes more fun at you than everyone else at the school combined, saying some sort of insult directed at you every five seconds
-he loved how you’d always fire right back at him with another insult, a playful glint in your eyes
-even though you both had met off of yamaguchi, you had sort of became friends
-although you didn’t know much about him, his insults seemed to clear the path so you could tell what he liked and such
-after a while, you had gotten an attachment to him
-it was like your heart would skip a beat whenever you saw him, even if he just gave you a glare and nod at you from across the halls rather than actually greeting you
-right now, though, you were both walking together to your home. he’d planned to study at your house, even though he didn’t really need to.
-“i knew you with your stupid brain probably forget the assignment for math, so here,” he pulled some papers from his bag once you both had finally gotten to your room.
-this was way nicer than he had been in a while, and you tried to hide the confusion that was clearly showing across your face
-“um, thanks?” you took the papers and flipped through them, glaring at him when you noticed what he had written in the ‘name’ blank already.
-he had wrote, “lowsy y/n”
-he lost it, laughing so hard that tears were in his eyes when you punched his arm
-“wow what a way to treat someone who’s in love with y-“ you muttered, not exactly realizing what you were saying until you abruptly stopped
-you slapped a hand over your mouth and was like
-i did not just say that.
-he, of course, had heard it.
-although he didn’t say anything for a moment, too busy trying to figure out a way to get rid of the redness that was overwhelming his face
-“um, y/n, what?” he chuckled, pushing up his glasses when they began to slip down his nose.
-mans acted as if he wasn’t a blushy mess when he snorted, “well duh, everyone is anyways, you’re not special,”
-like an hour later when he had finally composed himself, after texting yamaguchi panicking, he asked you out ...
-although mans was so awkward in asking you out it was like you hadn’t just told him you loved him
-he first hugged you two weeks later when you complained about him not giving any affection and he was red for the rest of the day
-ofc that asshole doesn’t stop his teasing
-you both always had been sort of flirty with each other, joking about dating and such
-he’d always rant to you about volleyball and you’d be like ٩( ᐛ )و woo go noya go
-you both always listened to each other’s words like they were some law omg the convos were never dry...
-“the ball came over to me when i wasn’t prepared and i went woosh and it was perfect!!” he moved his hands around to show you what he did, smiling at you
-when you just smiled and nodded at him, he was like wtf
-cuz you usually respond so he was like ????
-“hey, noya, what if i told you you’re so cute when you do shit like this,” you winked at him, laughing.
-that way if he rejected you, you could just say it was a joke even though it really wasn’t ...
-he was just like 🤭🤭 for like ten minutes.
-“noya?” you mumbled when he didn’t even respond for a few minutes
-“for real?” he chuckled, preparing himself for you to say no
-when you nodded he PHYSICALLY JUMPED.
-he smiled 10x harder and literally thanked you
-“what?? you’re so cool, y/n! thanks!”
-mans was so nervous you’d take it back that he asked you out then and there
-although he was really worried his energy was making you uncomfy so he pretended to be like daichi and chilled out a bit
-mans was pacing around his house before the date, nervous to see you
-he kissed your hand at the door which was a bit awkward but ... i mean it gave you a lasting memory so ..
-when he saw how gorgeous you looked he literally teared up a bit???? he was like bro??? you’re so out of my league????
-he was goofy the entire date, and never let go of your hand
-was lowkey trying to play off his nervousness and just say that he was super excited. wasn’t a lie but he was literally ignoring the fact that he was bouncing every step
-he brags about you to his entire team like “look who fell for me and not you!! ha!”
-you guys had already been best friends for years. literally you were both in your third years of high school, but had known him since you were six.
-you’d always been conflicted, because he was sort of. touchy. and it played with your heart strings
-that romantic tension that was apparent in all of your conversations- woo
-it made your heart fly whenever he’d give you huge bear hugs whenever he’d get to see you, since you didn’t go to the same schools
-when he had surprised you in your kitchen when you got home from school that day, it caught you off guard
-you’d planned to confess literally that night
-you were watching a shitty romcom with his arm around your shoulder and his other laying on your leg when you whispered, “do you even like me?”
-“of course i like you, you’re my best fr-“
-“no not like that, suga,”
-he was just quiet for a moment as he paused the movie, turning to face you once it was paused.
-he was just. confused.
-he’d had a crush on your for so long he wanted to pinch himself to see if this was actually reality???
-“well yeah, of course i do,” he chuckled and scratched at his neck, his hand that was on your leg not moving.
-your cheeks were heating up so much, your entire body felt like a sauna.
-he continued the movie after asking you out on a date, of course to a picnic. he loved picnics, especially whenever you’d bring strawberries
-you both facetime like everyday since he lives too far to hang out
-long distance 😔👊
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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The Green-Eyed Monster
This is a sequel to Water Seeks Its Own Level, although you probably don’t have to read that one for this one to make sense. It’s set a few months after the events of that story. I originally intended to write for someone new but I am just totally smitten with Eddie. He called me back to him. 
Pairing: Eddie Kingston x OFC
Word count: 3,836
Content advisory: a healthy dose of smut and cursing
“Son of a bitch!” You jerk your hand back, wincing in pain and you smack the side of the toaster oven, as if it’s the appliance’s fault you haven’t yet figured out that food coming out of the oven is hot. To make things worse, you actually feel a little guilty for taking your anger out on the inanimate object. You’re in a bad mood. The toaster oven is just the latest thing to make your day worse. 
You run some cold water on your hand before you go back for another attempt at removing the leftover pizza slice that you don’t even want but you figure you should eat something because you’ve poured a couple of beer down your gullet and if you don’t eat something, you’re going to get a headache. 
So you gnaw joylessly at your pizza slice, trying not to notice that reheating it has not made it taste fresher than the three days it’s been in your refrigerator. None of this would have happened, of course, if you’d just gone out with the rest of the crew like you’d assumed you would. There was a Korean barbecue place that a few of the AEW gang had heard good things about and finally someone had taken it upon themselves to get a side room reserved so that you could all go together and have a good time. You’d been looking forward to it. 
But earlier in the day, you’d found out that the group that was going included Eddie, along with his new so-called family: the Butcher, the Blade, and the Bunny, also known as Andy, Braxton, and Allie. It shouldn’t have bothered you. They’d known each other a long time. You knew them all well. They’d all been bugging you to come along whenever they were going out together, or at least they had until recently. 
As things too often did for you, it came down to Eddie. After he’d shown up in AEW, the two of you had rekindled the fuck-buddy thing you’d had going when you were both on the indies. The problem was that now you weren’t just hooking up when you happened to be on the same tour or show: you were together every week, living in the same city, working the same schedule. So your casual, no-strings-attached thing had become a very frequent thing. It had become a leaving stuff in each other’s apartments thing. It had become a casual understanding of at least one night of the weekend together thing. 
What it hadn’t become was a relationship, at least not in the articulated, public, monogamous sense. You didn’t have anyone else in your life. You didn’t want anyone else in your life. You’d spent years telling yourself that Eddie was just someone you could go to for a good time in the sack, and even though you were aware that he always stirred up feelings in you that went beyond a fallback booty call, you kept telling yourself that was all it was. 
Now that the two of you were actually stable in terms of work and living space, though, you’d started to wonder if maybe you did want things to be a bit more stable with Eddie as well. Although you’d never discussed your status, you didn’t have anyone else in your life and you didn’t want anyone else in your life. Even though you were surrounded by beautiful people at work, people who had their shit far more together than Eddie Kingston ever would, it was like they didn’t really exist. You didn’t say that to him because you didn’t want to risk embarrassing yourself. If it was going to happen, it would come out naturally, by which you meant that he’d have to get around to bringing it up. 
Things had been fine until recently, until Eddie had taken it upon himself to reunite Braxton with his estranged wife Allie, the Bunny, so that they could have each other’s backs. At least, that’s what he said he was doing. But it actually seemed that Allie was spending most of her time with Eddie. He was the one on television calling her “the beautiful Bunny” and taking credit for wooing her back to the fold. He convinced her to join them. He was the one she seemed loyal to. Even backstage, when the four of them were around each other, Allie always seemed to be hanging off Eddie’s arm, laughing extra loudly at his jokes, and insisting that he come along wherever she was going. It made your blood boil. 
You didn’t say anything because it wasn’t like you had reason to think that Eddie wasn’t going to have anyone else in his life. And you were even sure if he did, because cuckolding his friend right in front of his face would be bold even for him. You’d gone out with the group of them a couple of times but you’d felt nauseous from jealousy, watching him talk about how great it was that they were all working together again. 
So you’d ended up begging off and just spending time with Eddie when you could be alone. More recently, you’d just started avoiding him because thinking that he was leaving your bed to have a quick shower and then run off to another woman had you crying your eyes out on several occasions. You never said anything, you just stopped returning his texts and stayed clear of him at work. And after a while, he’d stopped messaging and trying to talk to you. Things were over. 
You throw the remainder of the pizza in the garbage. Thinking about everything that’s happened in this weird, hopeless thing with him makes you feel rejected and miserable all over again. You miss him. A lot. But now it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t want anything more with you, that he wants to keep things open, and you know you can’t deal with that. 
The doorbell cuts through the fog of frustration and self-pity, startling you so much that you give a little yelp. You old place had one of those systems when the bell was hooked up to your phone but this one had a buzzer that sounded like an aircraft engine and you didn’t feel like you were ever going to get used to it. 
“Hello?” You mumble, hoping that it isn’t another homeless person looking to sleep in the hallway downstairs. 
“It’s me, can I come up?”
He doesn’t even have to say his name because you’d know that almost cartoonish accent anywhere. It figures that he’d just show up unannounced after eleven, like nothing had been weird between you. Maybe for him, things hadn’t been weird at all. 
“Yeah, sure.” You press the release to open the front door and wait, pacing a little and trying to stay calm until you hear a knock on your door. 
And when you open it, there’s Eddie, his face and jacket sprinkled with rain, sporting a fresh-looking bruise on his left eye that he turns to try to hide it. 
“We haven’t hung out in a while,” he grunts, his eyes a little suspicious and resentful. 
“True. Guess we’ve both been busy.”
You motion for him to come inside, quietly pleased that he remembers to take his boots off. You reach over to take his jacket so that you can hang it up and he looks almost offended. 
“I know where it goes,” he snaps, opening the closet and putting it on a hanger himself. 
You grip his jaw and turn his face so that you can get a better look at the damaged eye. 
“What happened?”
He steps back, pouting like a child who’s been caught doing something he knows he isn’t supposed to. 
“We went out to a bar after the restaurant. Archer offered to buy me a drink, and I said I wanted to buy him a drink. I guess it got out of hand.”
“Two friends try to buy a round at the bar turns into a fistfight. That is so you.” 
You can’t help but laugh at your own joke because it is such an Eddie thing but he doesn’t seem amused. 
“You got something I can put on this?” He grumbles. 
“I have a couple of ice packs in the freezer. Come on.”
He follows you over to the open kitchen with its little breakfast counter while you start lifting frozen entrees out of the way to find the artificial ice. 
“So how come you didn’t come to dinner?”
“I don’t know,” you lie. “My stomach was a bit upset and I probably wouldn’t have been much fun.”
He gives a low cackle. “You just don’t like it when you can’t have me all to yourself.”
You pause from digging through the back of the freezer to shoot him a scornful look. 
“You just want me there so you can have a larger audience,” you retort, standing and producing the ice pack. 
“Who said I wanted you there?”
You slap the cold pack into his cheek, giving a cruel little smile when he winces at the impact. 
“Thank god you never decided to become a nurse,” he growls. 
You can feel his eyes digging into you, searching for an opening. He knows all your fault lines so well, but he knows that there’s something going on with you that he hasn’t seen before. Your body twists under his scrutiny, trying to make it less obvious that you’re avoiding meeting his gaze. 
“So what’s up with you anyway?” he asks, still studying you too closely for comfort.
“Not much. I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine with me.”
“What?” You finally look back at him, eyes wide with fake surprise. “Did I say something that made you think I was pissed at you? Did I do something to get you pissed off?”
“Come on. You know what I mean. You barely talk to me at work, you never go out if you think I’m gonna be there. You won’t answer when I message you, or it’s two words long like I’m annoying you. I thought things were going ok with us for once.”
“They were. They are,” you counter desperately. 
He places the ice pack on the counter and arches his brows at you. When you reach to remove it, he grabs your wrist and pulls you between his body and the counter, shaking his head as he presses it hard against yours. 
His hands graze down to your hips and under your shorts, gripping both of your ass cheeks hard and you feel yourself melt against him, as you always do. You incline your head forward until your lips are against his, your arms winding around his neck, and you let yourself fall into the kiss you’d told yourself you were going to avoid. Everything that Eddie does with that mouth of his is magic and every second you spend locked in that embrace, you get drawn further in. 
“I missed this,” he growls softly, giving a hard squeeze for emphasis.
It’s almost painful to pull yourself back from what you want so much but if you don’t extricate yourself now, you’ll be going crazy over him forever, so you force yourself to do it. 
You try to pivot a little but he has you locked in place. 
“Please, just let me put the cold pack back in the fridge.”
“No,” he whispers, giving you an evil little smile before nipping at the skin of your neck. “That’s gonna stay right there and melt and make a mess until you tell me what’s going on with you.”
“That’s not fair!” You whine, trying fruitlessly to reach back so you can at least throw the stupid in thing in the sink. 
“Kinda seems like the Princess has decided she’s too good for me again.”
His lips lock onto the base of your throat and you main loudly. He’s doing it on purpose, tweaking your sensitive spots with his caresses and his words. 
“You know that’s not true, Eddie.”
“I don’t know. I thought maybe you were afraid someone might find out that I was your dirty little secret.”
“It’s not that, I don’t give a fuck who knows.”
That draws a guttural laugh from him and the sound makes your stomach flip. You don’t offer any resistance when he eases your tank top over your head and trails kisses down the center of your chest. 
“So tell me,” he insists, twisting a nipple hard between his fingers, “why I haven’t been getting any of this.”
“Why does it have to be something wrong with me? You’re the one with your new faction or family or whatever, making all sorts of plans and wooing Allie to join you.”
He lifts his head and as soon as you see the smirk on his face, you know you’re done for. 
“Wooing Allie?”
“I don’t know what you call it. You got her to ditch what she was doing and go back with you guys.”
“I call it talking to my friend’s wife and making her work things out with him. That’s not what most people would call ‘wooing’, princess.”
“Whatever, I just meant that you’ve been busy so maybe I’m the one who should feel neglected.”
You fold your arms in front of your chest because the only thing worse than trying to salvage your stupid comment is trying to do it half naked while he gives you that amused look. 
“I don’t believe it. You’re fucking jealous.”
“No,” you whine. 
“Oh yes you are. You think there’s something going on with me and Allie.”
“I guess it seems like you have a bit of a thing for her, at least. You’re always talking about how beautiful she is and all that.”
“Princess, has anyone explained to you that not everything you see in wrestling is real?”
“It doesn’t matter. I just said that you’d been busy and-“
He kisses you again, little ripples of laughter coming out as he does. You return the kiss, diving in and hoping that you can just shut him up and make him forget what you’ve said, and to shut yourself up before you say anything worse. 
“I like this,” he chuckles. “You’re jealous because you think I’m hot for someone else.”
“Fuck off, I never said that.”
The two of you continue kissing, more passionately and hungrier than before, but the next time he pulls back to catch his breath, he goes back to his new favourite subject. 
“I am never letting you live this one down.”
“You can leave any time, you smug asshole.”
He chuckles again, his hand sliding under your clothes, between your legs. He buries his face against you, his lips pressed against your ear as he drags one finger, ever so lightly, from the back of your slit all the way up to your throbbing little nub, repeating the gesture and using his hip to hold you still and stop you from thrusting against him to get more friction. He just keeps up with that ghost of a touch, humming with pleasure the more he can feel your frustration. 
“You want me to go? Really? Because it feels like maybe you’re not so sure.”
You just whimper in need, while at the same time trying to force the desire you’re feeling out of your body. 
He lightly strokes and taps at your clit as he whispers to you, “I like that you’re jealous. But you need to tell me these things, not deprive both of us, ya silly brat.”
His attention then shifts, two thick fingers swirling at your entrance while the two of you bite and lick at each other. You hold out as long as you can, which isn’t long at all, before begging. 
“Don’t do that. Stop teasing.”
“Well what do you want me to do?” he rasps, grinning as you thrust against him, trying to force some more pressure. 
“Fuck me. Stop talking and fuck me through the mattress and into the goddamned floor.”
He lifts you up by your thighs, smiling when you wrap your arms around him to secure yourself as he carries you to your bed. As he places you down, he removes the rest of your clothing in one smooth movement before discarding his own. You kiss playfully for a moment before you tap his thigh. 
“Get up here,” you order. 
And he is most happy to oblige, kneeling over your body and letting you take his thick cock in hand, easing the swollen tip past your lips, sucking and licking while you slowly move your hand along his shaft, occasionally letting your thumb flick delicately along the seam, relishing the yelps this gesture never fails to elicit from him.  
“So you want that even if I’ve been giving it to another woman?”
You growl but the vibrations only increase his pleasure and he starts to thrust a little, pushing himself further into your mouth and throat. 
“Aw, don’t worry,” he purrs, “I’ll always have some use for you.”
At that, you punch him hard in the hip and rake your nails down his ass. He eases down your body, sparkling, mischievous eyes meeting yours. It’s like there’s nothing else in the whole world for you but you know better than to say so. 
“You know what you need to do, Kingston? You need to shut the fuck up.” You push on his shoulders to direct him where you want him to go, and while he takes his time getting there, the journey involves him working his way down your body, like he’s worshipping you. 
“This what you want?” he asks, licking at your soaked flesh. 
“Mm-hmm.” You squirm in anticipation, suspecting that he might try to draw this out longer, so when he dives in and starts fucking you with his tongue, lips and teeth, you let out a loud moan and clench at the bedsheet with both fists. You’re already so close.”
“Lucky for you I have such good stamina,” he hisses. “So I can handle all of these women I’m fucking.”
“You’re still talking,” you groan. “Why are you still talking?”
He gives a harsh bite on the inside of your thigh. “Look at me.”
You glare down at him but immediately feel a little unnerved by the deadly serious look in his eyes. 
“You know damn well there aren’t any other women. I haven’t fucked another woman, haven’t kissed- hell I haven’t even beat off thinking about another woman in months. So let me enjoy this for a few hours until you go back to thinking you’re too good for me.”
With that he goes right back at it, letting you feel the full skill of that constantly moving mouth. You let yourself go, feeling for the first time in ages like you have exactly what you want, what you need, right here in your bed doing everything to make you happy. Your whole body trembles in ecstasy, the tide rising steadily within you, your whines and moans growing ever louder. 
“I love you.”
It slips out so naturally that you almost don’t notice that you’ve said it until he pulls back. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” 
“Get back down there!” You push his head but he shakes you off and now you’re aware you have a problem. 
“Oh no, I want you to repeat what you just said.”
“I don’t remember,” you whine. 
“Sure you do.” He moves to his side next to you, running his fingers over your skin so that you stay worked up, frustrated, and desperate. 
“I fucking hate you.”
“No,” he scolds, “that wasn’t what you said.”
You exhale in exasperation. 
“Let me get you started. You said ‘I’... come on, repeat after me.”
“What makes you think I even meant it?”
“Well you have to tell me whether you did or not, don’t you, princess?”
His finger traces a curved line between your hip bones that only accentuates your overwhelming, unmet need. 
“I’m not hearing anything,” he coos, flicking his tongue over your nipple. 
“Fine!” you roar, hitting your breaking point. “I said that I love you, and yeah, I meant it.”
Grinning, he moves back down your body. 
“Now was that so hard?” he asks just as he buries his face between your legs again. 
You’d love to give a sharp retort but the second he’s giving you what you want, every other thought leaves your mind. You are one pulsating nerve waiting for release and he is expertly guiding you there. Within minutes you’re screaming his name, tears leaking from your eyes as you come down from the best orgasm you think you’ve ever had. 
By the time you can open your eyes, he’s hovering over you, the tip of his cock throbbing against the lips of your pussy. 
“Say it again.”
You groan a little and push against him but it doesn’t work. 
“Say it again and look at me this time.”
His incredible eyes bear down on you and it’s very different than before. This time, you can’t hide the truth of it behind sarcasm and annoyance. This time he can see into you. You’re vulnerable. 
“Come on.” He prods at your face with his nose and lips before once again locking you with that killer stare. “Let me hear you.”
“I love you,” you stammer, trying to read his reaction and more than a little afraid of what that might be. 
He moans a little and pushes himself part way inside you, rocking his hips slowly. 
“Again,” he rasps. 
“Don’t be like this. I said it. I said it twice. What the hell do you want?”
He grabs a handful of your hair and thrusts his face even closer to yours. “Five years. Five fucking years I’ve been waiting for you to come around. So I want to get the most out of this that I can.”
“Eddie Kingston, I love you.”
He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and thrusts into you harder. 
“Are you going to say it back?” 
“Sure,” he laughs. “When I feel like it.”
He pounds into you with increased vigor, laughing more when he sees your face contort somewhere between fury and ecstasy, your pussy contracting involuntarily around him. 
“You are such a bastard,” you yell, fighting the second orgasm that’s about to overtake you. 
The phrase is barely past your lips when your whole body spasms, pulling him right along with you. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” he pants after a couple of minutes. “I am a bastard. But you finally managed to figure out I’m the bastard you want.”
You can’t help but laugh, wondering if he really did know ages before you did that you were in love with him, or if he was just hopeful. You run your hands over the back of his head and pull on his earlobe a little with your teeth. 
“God help me,” you whisper.
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akakeiiji · 4 years
this is kind of a weird request so sorry in advance and you don't have to write it if you don't want to of course!!! but could i get hcs for atsumu, oikawa, and terushima with a lesbian best friend? i feel like lesbian + flirty boy is such a power duo because she can give girl advice and they don't have to worry about feelings making things awkward dhkshdkdh sorry again!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS REQUEST FBWBBDSF I love the dynamic these three would have with a lesbian best friend, it would be so chaotic, I love it. I based some of these with how I am with my guy friends, I’m not a lesbian but I’m close enough HAHAHA
Also, happy pride you guys 🥺💕  from your local chaotic bi
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-`,✎ Atsumu, Oikawa and Terushima with a lesbian best friend
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Miya Atsumu
You guys are like the ultimate power couple except you aren’t a couple
Everyone thinks you guys are dating at first because Atsumu isn’t the type who’s openly close and touchy with a girl but when he’s with you, you two are basically attached by the hip, even more so than he is with his brother
But surprise!! You’re gay as gay can be
When you first told him, he didn’t even bat an eye
“I already knew.”
“What?? How?”
But he’s so genuinely happy you trusted him enough to tell him, also he was beginning to worry you were going to tell Osamu first
He’s surprisingly the most supportive best friend ever
If anyone ever tries to give you shit for your sexuality then they will have to face the wrath of an angered Atsumu (+Osamu ofc)
He was already pretty blunt with his words to begin with, just imagine him angry
You two do this thing where you sit somewhere in public, usually munching on snacks from the convenience store, people watching
When I say people watching, I mean checking girls out
“Look over there, she’s cute.”
“Ew, she’s way out of your league.”
“What do you mean?!”
He’d smack your ice cream to the ground when you say this and he’d have to buy you a new one after you started smacking him with your bag
He’ll never admit it to anyone except you but he sucks with girls
Basically: He’s a dork
He goes to you for love advice, mostly because he trusts you and because he knows there’ll be less teasing (Osamu would never let him hear the end of it)
Plus you have more experience than Osamu hehe
He’d drape himself over your lap as you’re working and tell you about all his woes
“Why do I keep scaring her off?”
“Listen, Tsumu, you just gotta cut the sarcasm and try not to sound condescending all the time.”
“I don’t sound condescending all the time!”
“Are you deaf??”
Not gonna lie, people are lowkey intimidated by you two
He’s pretty protective of you, like in an older brother type of way
Listen he knows that guys are trash but he knows how ruthless girls can be, he doesn’t want to see you get hurt
He ends up unintentionally scaring away other girls from you which you def weren’t happy about
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Oikawa Tooru
His fangirls hate you with a burning passion
You’re the one girl he’s completely let into his life, you were one of his closest friends
He was just drawn to you, you know? You two just clicked immediately
Mostly because you both radiated the same crackhead energy
But also because you weren’t the same as the other girls in his school, you didn’t look at him with this starstruck look in your eyes like he was some idol, you saw him for who he really was
That sounds so sappy, he would never tell you any of this, you’d tease him too much
He’s so cute though, he calls you his platonic soulmate
He’s a super affectionate person
He always has his arm around your shoulder or linked with your own, another reason why his fangirls have it out for you
Subconsciously, Oikawa knew that you would never fall for him and he loved that about your relationship, he didn’t worry about you becoming a fangirl or losing the bond you two shared because of awkwardness
But he just thought it was because you really only saw Oikawa as a friend and not because you were gay
When you did tell him, he was so surprised and he internally slapped himself because “I should have known!!” He knows you better than anyone, why didn’t he see the signs??
He’s so great about it though, he immediately takes you in his arms and tells you that you’re amazing and thanks you for telling him
“(Y/N) this is so great, it means we have more in common!”
If anyone, I mean anyone, whether it be fangirl or classmate or stranger on the street, says anything bad about you he will not hesitate to throw some hands
Listen, Oikawa may have a reputation to uphold but if anyone talks shit about his best friend then he’s going to go feral
You were definitely Oikawa’s go-to for girl advice
When he had a crush, when he didn’t know how to deal with his fangirls, when his girlfriend dumped him, you were the first one he went to
“I can’t believe she broke up with me.”
“Pfft, you could do better. I told you not to date her.”
“Would you have dated her?”
“I mean she was hot but come on, she was a bitch.”
sorry i just hate his ex-girlfriend even tho we dont even know her
Okay but you two are like this ultra attractive chick magnet when you’re together
You’re probably popular at school if you have Oikawa by your side 24/7, you probably have your own fangirls too
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Terushima Yuuji
Funny story, you and Terushima first became friends after he hit on you during your first year
“Hey, couldn’t help noticing you earlier, I’m Terushima but you can call me babe.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m gay. Second, what the hell was that pick up line? You’re never going to get anyone’s attention if that’s the best you’ve got.”
You two immediately became best friends
Your friendship mainly consisted of you teaching Terushima how to actually pick up girls at first but you two still stuck with each other even after he mastered the art that is being a fuckboy
i love him so much but come on, he’s a total fuckboy
Now your relationship mainly consists of vine references and you trying to revoke your knowledge of picking up girls from him
You regret teaching him those things all those years ago
In all seriousness though, you two are basically family to one another, he trusts you completely
And yeah, needless to say, he is totally supportive of you and loves you unconditionally
At first glance, you two look like an overly touchy couple, he always has his arm draped around you and isn’t afraid to kiss you on the cheek and forehead
He’s constantly surrounded by a whole number of girls but he always tells people that you’re his #1
You two constantly have these moments where you’re both out and a pretty girl walks by and you both just halt to a stop and check her out
Afterward, you both turn towards each other and freak out over how attractive she was
“Holy shit, (Y/N) she’s wearing a bi flag bracelet, go get her number.”
He always tries to set you up with other girls, you don’t even ask him to but he does anyways
“Are you free tomorrow?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Perfect, you have a date at 2, she'll pick you up at your place.”
“Wait, what—”
However, if you ever like someone then your boi Terushima will be your ultimate wingman
He just wants to see you happy okay?
So he will do absolutely anything to help you get your girl, no doubt about it
If anyone tries to hurt you then he’s gonna call the bois and beat them up, he will not let them slide
He will definitely go to pride with you, he’ll arrive clad in full rainbow attire
“What do you mean you won’t wear the matching rainbow cape, (Y/N) I paid good money for this.”
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Maybe a ben POV one? where bens off on a movie shoot and misses you and wants to fly you out to him but he’s worried it’s too much of a “romantic gesture” like in movies so he doesn’t want to weird you out but then on the phone you say how much you miss him too so he gathers the nerve to ask you and you’re like duh ofc I’ll come you dork (im envisioning this still kinda early in the qpr maybe right after platonically or smth)
Thank you so much babe!!
This is the second of the blurbs for my Platonically themed event! This one follows directly on from the one I posted yesterday so maybe read it first.
Words: 1,759
Warnings: just two idiots being dummies. Minor references to sex and probably some swearing but that's about it.
Reflecting on the situation, Ben had come to the conclusion that it was the perfect time to be in Greece. The run of beautiful weather they’d had over the course of the last month must have set some sort of record, he thought. Every day was blue skies, white fluffy clouds, and the sort of heat that was comfortable and not overly sticky. It made working a dream, especially when half the film seemed to take place on the beach. The sand was warm under his feet and the water clear and cool. They didn’t have much down time since the studio was pushing for it to be finished ASAP so they could release it at the optimal time, but the few days off they did get, Ben spent either fishing with some of the crew or else exploring the picturesque town they were in. There was just one downside. You weren’t with him.
Whenever the thought crossed his mind, whenever he really started to miss you, he’d remind himself that he loved his job, loved that it took him to exciting and beautiful places. And then he’d send you a quick message to check how everything was back home. He called too, mostly in the evenings after he got back to his hotel room. But the deeper into the project he got the more night shoots there were and the later he got back to his room. What brief conversations you had were good but not quite the same as if you’d been there with him. Of course, he’d try to remind himself that it wasn’t like he’d never been away from you before. But those times had all been before you got together, and the changed nature of the relationship made him feel your absence more. He never said that to you though. Mostly, when you could talk, Ben would ask how you were and talk about the exciting things he saw. He’d tell you about the beaches or the trinket shops and say how much you’d like them but he’d never tell you exactly how badly he wished you were with him. He didn’t want you to take it the wrong way and he didn’t trust himself to explain it properly. Whenever he tried to verbalise it (quietly, to his reflection or the dark hotel room he was staying in) he worried it came out too...well, romantic.
The truth was, he’d always been attached to you, since very early on in your relationship. You just got him. His sense of humour and his personality and the way he thought. It took him no time at all to start referring to you as one of his best friends and it was a title you’d held for years. But then he’d realised the way he liked you wasn’t strictly platonic, and it made him feel weird around you. More uncertain than he was used to. He found it hard to describe the relief he’d felt when you agreed to think about his QPR idea or how, when you’d accepted, it had alleviated the uncertainty and doubts that had been plaguing him. To you it would probably sound sappy and sentimental and tat all what you wanted to hear from him. Of course the QPR was really just an extension of your friendship. More or less the same, just a few new ways to show affection like kissing and getting you off (both things Ben greatly enjoyed), and a few new words that made it specific to the two of you. And maybe a new future too, depending on how things went. But again, while he might think those sorts of thoughts, he wouldn’t know how to begin saying any of them to you. Because he was starting to really want that future with you, and saying so might make it impossible to get there.
So Ben allowed himself to miss you quietly. Occasionally an idea of inviting you to join him would pop into his head. But he always let the thought go as quickly as it came. The weeks ticked by like that. Texting when you could between scenes and less and less frequent calls at night, which left Ben’s head swimming with lots of unsaid things. Progress was made on the movie too, most of the beach scenes wrapped and everyone moving to other parts of the script. Until everything came to a screeching halt. Ben wasn’t entirely sure what the problem was – something to do with scheduling conflicts or maybe special equipment that hadn’t arrived on time. All he was told was that things would be back up and running soon but it might take an extra few weeks to complete the project. He didn’t mind so much, it gave him a bit of extra free time after all, but it also meant he wouldn’t get to see you again for a while.
The possibility of flying you out to Greece to join him had been rattling around his brain since his third week on set. You could spend a couple of weeks, maybe a month, together. He could take you to that restaurant he’d sent you photos of and show you the handmade stationery shop he’d stumbled across that he knew you’d have fun exploring. And then there was the rest of the town, thin streets to get lost in together and beautiful views to look out over. Maybe you’d like to walk along the beach with him and collect seashells or rent a little dingy to take out on the waves. Once or twice he’d come close to actually asking you to join him but he always talked himself out of it, sure it would be crossing a line for you. Missing you was one thing but offering to buy you a plane ticket and whisk you off on a getaway to a gorgeous Greek island was surely too romantic. But the news of the delay made him consider it again.
That night he called you, smiling as soon as he heard your voice. At first the call was like any other. He listened to you talk about what had been going on since he last had a chance to call, getting caught up on your mutual friends and your work and whatever else came to mind. “But what about you?” you finally said, “You must be pretty busy since I haven’t had a call from you in a little while.” “Well I was busy except not so much right now,” “Oh?” “There’s some sort of delay, I don’t the details. But it looks like I’ll be here for another few weeks at least.” “Oh.” Ben was a little surprised by how disappointed you sounded. “I really miss you,” “I miss you too,” his voice got softer as he said it, “a lot.” “I really wish I could see you,” “Well,” he said sheepishly, hoping he wasn’t reading things wrong, “how would you feel about coming out here then? I can get you a plane ticket if you want.” “No shit! You can do that? You won’t like, get in trouble or anything?” Ben laughed, not quite understanding, “What are you talking about?” “I don’t know man, I’m not an actor. I just figured it’d be like a partner free zone. Like they wouldn’t want you getting distracted or whatever.” “You fucking dork,” his laughter threatened to obscure the words but he managed to make himself heard, “That’s not how it is at all. You being here wouldn’t be a problem, as long as I’m on set when they need me. Plus it looks like we’re about to have a whole lot of downtime anyway. So does that mean you wanna come?” “Ummm let me think abo- of course Ben!” “Well if I’d known you’d react like this I would have asked sooner,” The laughter had faded, leaving a grin on his face, though the embarrassment at his hesitancy was creeping up too. “Wish you had’ve. Why didn’t you?” “I just didn’t want you to take it the wrong way,” “And what way would that be?” “A romantic way? I don’t know! It’s just the sort of thing that’d happen in a romantic movie or whatever and I didn’t want to come across like that. It’s Greece man, it’s kind of a romantic place. Maybe not like Paris but it’s up there. Don’t laugh,” he groaned, “I’m just saying, white sands and clear seas and lots of pretty flowers in bloom, it’s definitely got romantic vibes.” “It didn’t even cross my mind that it might be that sort of thing. No offence to Greece, I’m sure it’s lovely.” Ben let himself chuckle at his idiocy, “I guess cause I’ve like, y’know, got feelings for you or whatever I saw the romantic side and assumed you would too. Feel silly for not just asking you but I’m glad we have that sorted now.” “I think it’s sweet, Ben. I love that you were conscious of how it might be perceived and I understand you didn’t want to hurt me. But yeah, dude, please get me that ticket, I miss you a stupid amount.” “Alright, I’m on it. When do you want to leave?”
Two days later and Ben was content, sitting and staring out at the waves on a quiet beach as you rubbed sunscreen into his back. He’d greeted you at the airport, feeling ridiculously excited to see you, squeezing you in a tight hug (which you later suggested had cracked one of your ribs). “Okay, all done, now let me do your front,” you shuffled around Ben on your knees, throwing a leg over his lap as he leaned back on his palms. “You’re such a perv,” Ben chuckled, subtly adjusting his posture to push his chest further towards you, “I bet you only suggested sunscreen so you could feel my boobs.” “Oh you caught me,” you squirted some more of the cream directly onto his chest, beginning to rub it in, “Definitely nothing to do with sun safety.” “No I get it, you don’t need to lie to me. You missed my pecks. It’s totally natural. But let me know when you’re done so I can show you the same courtesy.” "Think we might save that till we get back to the hotel, Benny,”  Ben laughed at your exasperated expression, raising one arm to pull you toward him for a kiss, barely noticing the cool of the cream still on your palm as you cupped his cheek and kissed him back.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Deception (John Watson x OFC) -- part fourteen
*hides behind door* Listen, I know it’s been a very long time, and I’m so sorry for that, but to make up for it, here’s a new (super long!) chapter! And I come bearing good news: I am getting back into this story again xx. I hope you guys don’t hate me too much for the absolutely absurd amount of time between these updates!
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I leave early for my meeting with Mycroft, making it to his office just in time for him to tell me I’ve gone to the wrong one.
           “Would it kill you to let me know we’re going to be in the bunker today?” I sigh, shoving the door in front of me, earning a nasty look from the security guard who stopped halfway through opening the door for me.
           “Would it kill you to stop referring to my secret office as the bunker?”
           “Yes, actually, it would,” I reply, trying not to stomp down the stairs. I open his office door without knocking. “Good—”
           There, leaned back in the armchair in the corner of the office, looking rightfully irritated, is none other than the famous detective himself, Sherlock Holmes.
           “Close the door, please.”
           Mycroft raises his eyebrows at me as I slowly kick the door closed, leaning back against it. Strangely this feels less like a meeting between colleagues and more like two older siblings scolding the youngest. Which, now that I review our relationship to one another, isn’t far from the truth at times. Though typically it was Mycroft and me scolding Sherlock.
           “What the hell are you doing here?”
           “He’s not back for long, so do calm down. You little whirlwind romance doesn’t have to end just yet.” Mycroft rolls his eyes as he stands, buttoning his suit jacket while he steps around his desk. He sits on the edge, leaning back on his hands, staring knowingly.
           “I’m calm,” I defend, crossing my arms over my chest. “And whirlwind romance? Really?”
           “You’re scattered,” Sherlock comments, narrowing his eyes. “You woke up…hours ago, but not successfully. You didn’t sleep alone—You didn’t sleep alone.” His stare turns cold. “Nicole.”
           “William,” I retort.
           “When I agreed to you looking after John Watson, I didn’t mean getting attached.”
           “Funnily enough, neither did I.”
           Sherlock’s head tilts, his narrowed eye staring me down. He’s already irritated, but so am I. I had zero warning he would be here in person, zero time to prepare myself for this.
           “John Watson is—”
           “I don’t need a speech from you about hurting him, Sherlock, because I think you’ve done that well enough.”
           The detective’s mouth opens and closes. His older brother stares at me, daring to make an argument, but there isn’t one. I’m right and they both know it. No amount of “caring is not an advantage” bullshit could make Mycroft or Sherlock believe that what happened hasn’t crushed John Watson to pieces. Pieces which, by the way, I am helping him pick up.
           “What are you even doing back here, anyway?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. “I thought you were supposed to be fighting crime somewhere miles away.”
           “I am,” Sherlock mutters. “I’m here only for a check-in.”
           “Well. You’ve checked in. John is fine.”
           “I can’t believe you’re not worried,” Sherlock shakes his head. “I expected you to be squirming, worried he’ll see me somewhere and your relationship with him will be ruined.”
           “He sees you all the time,” I reply quietly. “You died, Sherlock. He still sees you. He has dreams. He’ll call me sobbing some days because he was out for lunch and saw someone that looked just a little too much like you. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night after reliving watching you fall to your fucking death. So, no, I’m not worried right now. Because I have the smallest bit of faith that maybe, just maybe there is one ounce of decency in you to know that you need to leave John alone until you know the time is right. Don’t play with him like he’s some toy.”
           “Funny to hear all of this coming from you.”
           “Who faked their death again?”
           “And who’s lying to him about her identity?”
           I sigh, shaking my head now. There’s no sense in arguing about this. The entire situation is sticky, that much is known already. Both of us are at some fault here, arguably Sherlock more than me. But arguing won’t fix anything.
           “How long are you going to be gone?”
           “Half a year. Final estimate,” Mycroft answers for his younger brother. “You’ve got half  a year left with Dr. Watson.”
           “And you’ve got half a year left before you ruin his life. Again.”
           “Let’s stop arguing semantics, shall we?” Mycroft intervenes on Sherlock and I’s heated glares. “Sherlock will need to return to London once in a while, which I will notify you of. Your job, obviously, is to look after Dr. Watson and make sure he stays oblivious to it all. Are we clear?”
           “Crystal. As always. Now, if you don’t mind, I have somewhere to be for lunch.”
           “With John?” Sherlock snorts.
           “No. With Molly,” I reply easily, smirking to myself.
           “Molly?” Mycroft questions.
           “Will you tell her I said hello?”
           “You’re Sherlock Holmes, tell her yourself.”
           “I can’t.”
           “Why not? She knows you’re alive.”
           “Yes, but—”
           “I’m not mentioning the fact that I was with you, Sherlock, so stop it. As far as she knows, I don’t know that you’re alive either – I don’t know you, period. Talk to her yourself.” I look to Mycroft, the one I was actually scheduled to meet here. “Are we done?”
           He shrugs his shoulders in the manner he always does, which is my cue to leave, not casting a second glance at Sherlock as I exit Mycroft’s office.
Molly Hooper and I first met one afternoon after we had seen each other in the same café every day after three consecutive days.
           I probably stared at her a little too long because Mycroft had shown me a picture of her – he showed me pictures of all those who still knew Sherlock was alive – and I immediately recognized her. No wonder Sherlock was in love with her.
           She’s practically the same as Sherlock, only…ordinary. And I mean that in the best of senses. She’s just as awkward as he is, has a bad habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong time – although she at least recognizes quickly when the time is wrong. She likes strange things. She likes working in the morgue possibly as much as Sherlock likes being there, if not more.
           She’s obsessed with him. Even though she has no idea I don’t know that she knows he’s alive, she still gushes about him. Well, gushes is a relative term for it. She doesn’t gush necessarily, but she does slip up and talk about him probably when she shouldn’t. She’ll stop and pause and apologize, mutter something about needing to keep her mouth shut, and I just have to tell her it’s okay. Keep up the lie that I have no idea who Sherlock is. None. Whatsoever.
           “But aren’t you and John…dating?”
           “We are,” I nod, letting myself smile.
           “Doesn’t he talk about…?” Then she catches herself, shaking her head. “Sorry…it’s probably not my place to…”
           “No, you’re alright,” I dismiss her worry. “And he does sometimes, but not much. I think it’s too hard for him to really…” I wave my hands. “Express it, I guess. He’d probably kill me if he heard me telling you this.”
           “Probably,” Molly laughs, glancing down at her coffee. “How is he? John, I mean. I haven’t seen him in a while.”
           “You haven’t?”
           Molly shakes her head sadly. “He doesn’t come around anymore, not since Sherlock…”
           “I understand,” I nod. “I think it’s just too hard on him.”
           “I understand,” she says, speaking to her plate. “Well, how are you, what are you up to?”
           “You know me,” I laugh dryly, “busy with clients and when I’m not, John is dragging me out – even when I am, he still takes me out. He did last night, told me I needed to take a break.”
           “Did you?”
           “Well, good on him,” she nods her head in agreement. “We all need to take breaks sometimes.”
           “Yes, I know,” I smile softly.
“What did you do today?”
           “I…had lunch with Molly.”
           “Molly?” John raises his eyebrows. “Molly Hooper?”
           “Yes, that Molly.” I reach up into the cabinet and get down two wine glasses. John came over for dinner and decided to stay the night (again), which means sharing more wine together.
           “I didn’t know you knew her.”
           I turn around, placing my hands on my hips. “Funnily enough, I didn’t know she knew you, either.” I smile, teasing. “She slipped up and began talking about you one day and from there we realized we had a mutual friend. I hope you don’t mind.”
           John furrows his eyebrows. “Why would I mind?”
           I shrug, my hands falling to my sides. “I know she was close with Sherlock and I just didn’t know if it would…upset you, or anything.”
           John smiles gently, stepping forward to take my hands in his. I can’t help but smile when he kisses my knuckles, squeezing my fingers in his briefly. “I’m not upset,” he whispers, soft but firm enough to let me know he’s being serious. “It’s funny, actually.”
           “It’s a small world, that’s all.”
           I nod, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. You have no idea, I think to myself. It’s better that my words are left unsaid.
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blog-sliverofjade · 4 years
Of Doms & Subs 1: Can't Stop Here, This is Wolf Country
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Pairing: Angus Hopper x OFC
Summary:  What's a submissive female to do when she fights her nature and goes on the run as a Lone wolf to avoid being assimilated into a pack?
Word count: 6238
Master List
           “Please, please, please let me get as far as Tacoma,” I begged the flagging gas gauge of my trusty old lime green Jeep.  Experience told me that it was wishful thinking because traffic was bound to hit before Everett.  There was undoubtedly a Seattle pack and the fewer the stops in their area, the smaller the chance of getting picked up by the local werewolves.
           A schoolbus drew parallel to me in the left lane so a giant cartoon lupine mascot filled my peripheral vision.  “Can’t stop here, this is wolf country,” I muttered.
          If I barrelled through, gas up in Tacoma, then I could avoid the dreaded I-5 parking lot in both Seattle and Portland on the Friday of a long weekend.  Even though I started out in the British Columbia Rockies my destination was the central Oregon Cascade mountains, it was faster to cut across lower British Columbia, down the I-5 corridor, and then back across the Willamette Valley.
          This route also happened to avoid the territory of the famous Adam Hauptmann and his pack.  Oh sure, he was the perfect gentleman in the media and his wolves were seemingly well-behaved, but you know what they say about things that are too good to be true.  I was submissive and had no delusions about where I’d end up in the hierarchy.  Hell, humans had taught me that long before I was Changed two weeks ago.  And female werewolves were inevitably absorbed into a pack because some old grand high poobah declared that we couldn’t fly solo.
          So why was I zigzagging all over the Pacific Northwest instead of rolling over like a good little bitch?  Having been submissive for over thirty years, I’d long ago learned avoidance is the best way to avoid conflict.  When that didn’t work, an acerbic tongue and short temper kept most people from getting too close to abuse that aspect of my personality.  Too many people think that passivity is a synonym for doormat.
          My luck, or rather fuel tank, ran out in the U District.  Red and blue lights lit up the rearview mirror just as I squeezed through a yellow light towards a gas station.  “Please don’t be for me, please don’t be for me,” I chanted as I pulled into the lot.
          “Of course not, when has everything gone your way on this godsforsaken trip.”  I lowered my window, plastered a meekly congenial if slightly vapid look on my face, and gripped my license and registration in a sweaty fist.
          “Good evening.”  The officer bent to look in the window.  We both stilled the instinct we caught the other’s scent.  I dropped my eyes immediately, partly to avoid staring at the scar that marred his face, and offered the documentation.  Please don’t ask any questions, I prayed silently.
          “Are you traveling by yourself, Ms. Jones?”  Whatever deities that haven’t been listening to me can go shove it.
          “Yessir.  I’m headin’ back home to Oregon from visitin’ family.”  Mostly the truth.  I did stop in Vancouver to visit my brother.  I put the Southern drawl on fairly heavy.  The twang and the manners to go with often smooth the way with people in uniform, even if I hadn’t lived South of the 44th parallel in fifteen years.
          “Oh, you have family here?”  Must remain calm.  Normal, even breaths will help control the heartrate.
          “Vancouver,” I smiled.  So what if it was Vancouver, Washington and not Vancouver, British Columbia?
          “Yessir.”  His eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly at the blithe lie.
          “You must be a member of the Portland pack,” he said, eyeing my ID a little too closely for comfort now.
          “I’m just gonna go run these.”  My dad was a cop and his face would go blank like that whenever he was gathering evidence of my brother’s or my misdeeds.  This was so many flavours of not good.
          The wolf watched him walk back to his car.  She liked the way he smelled.  Familiar and right.  Like family.  If she could, she would have trotted right at his heels.  At that thought, the human half kicked in and started up the engine, slammed her into gear, and peeled back out towards the onramp.
          “Smart.  Real smart, what’re we gonna do now?” I tapped the steering wheel in a staccato rhythm with my thumbs in time to the rock blaring from the sound system.  “No license, no registration, he called your plates in before saying hi, he has your address and…”  I grabbed my phone and shut it off.  If the conspiracy theorists were right, they could track me via the phone.  Is it paranoia if they really are out to get you?
          I crossed over to the 405 and stopped in Bellevue for gas, otherwise I’d be making my getaway on foot.  I leaned against the Jeep, ignoring the damp that seeped from the cold metal through my clothing, and debated the merits of taking the really scenic route of 101.  Or would they expect me to leave I-5 and thus making it the safer choice by hiding in plain sight?  My head was starting to hurt from trying to outthink them.
          The gas fumes seared my nose so I couldn’t smell the driver of the Mazda 3 that pulled up behind me until he approached the squeegee station between us.  Studiously avoiding eye contact, I screwed the cap back on and nestled the nozzle back in its hook.  Slowly, no sudden moves.
          I slid behind the wheel and as the engine turned over a cop car blazed into the station to block me against the Mazda.  It looks cool in the movies.  Less so if you’re the one trapped.  I shut off the engine, folded my arms, and leaned back in a huff.  My license and registration slipped through the three-inch gap at the top of the window.  I snatched them up and tossed them in my purse without pausing in my attempt to mentally set his car on fire.  Unfortunately, lycanthropy didn’t come with pyrokinesis.  In the movies fiery explosions usually follow when there are confrontations in gas stations.  Too bad life wasn’t imitating art in this case.
          “I take it you know the law.”  The scarred officer was not referring to any statutes written by man.  “You can either come and meet our Alpha or I can arrest you and then you can meet him.”  There was no threat in his words.  He sounded as if he were inviting me over for dinner, which might actually be the case.  I resisted the urge to hit the steering wheel.  It would likely crumple now that I had preternatural strength.
          “Fine.  So where am I following you to meet your lord and master?”
          “Matt here will be your driver,” he gestured to the guy who’d blocked me in.  Mazda Matt leaned against his car door with his arms folded across his chest, watching the exchange with a slight smirk.  “Shane will follow in your car.”  A third man I hadn’t noticed before was mirroring Matt’s pose on the other side of the car.
          I sighed and glanced at my phone.  Even if they let me use it, who would I call?  Hi big bro, I’m being kidnapped by werewolves.  Please send in the National Guard.  Tanks work against werewolves, right?  I kicked open the door, forcing the cop to quickly sidestep.  With a snarl on my lips, I chucked the heavy mass of keys attached to a carabiner at Shane.  Damned werewolf reflexes.  If he’d been human they’d have struck his temple and probably dropped him like a stone.
          Matt came forward as if to take my elbow and escort me.  “Touch me and I break your scaphoid.  They’re a bitch to heal even with regeneration,” I snapped.  Just because my wolf was happy about getting taken to meet their leader didn’t mean I had to be.  He drew back his hand, but he did open the door for me and waited till I buckled up before shutting the door.  Why buckle up if I could survive a trip through the windshield?  It’d still hurt like hell.
          “So I heard you’re from Portland,” Matt said as we merged back onto 405 in an attempt to fill the silence that was thick with my seething.
          “Look, I’m no doubt about to get grilled on all this anyway, so let’s skip the twenty questions, ok?”  He shrugged and didn’t seem put out by my rudeness.
          Eventually he turned on the radio.  I fiddled with it until finally settling on 107 the End.  I tried to suppress a smirk at his frown.  Judging by his pre-sets he liked the music just fine.  Not so much me taking control of it.  If some strange wolf was driving my Jeep, Mazda Matt could suck it up.  He should be glad I didn’t put it on country out of sheer spite.
          Thirty minutes later, due to traffic as opposed to distance, we pulled up in front of an expansive house partially obscured by trees.  I shuddered to think of the market value for the area.  They seemed to be having a party due to the sheer number of vehicles parked beside the house.  Shane pulled up as I trailed behind Matt to the door.
          The door opened to a large mudroom with hooks for coats and cubbies for shoes.  About half of them were in use.  Curiously, there were two utilitarian shower stalls that would have looked right at home in a locker room.  I followed Matt’s and Shane’s examples and removed my shoes, tucking them into one of the shelves.
          “We’re having a barbecue on Saturday, so a bunch of us are already here to watch the game,” Shane explained from behind me as I followed Matt down the hallway.  The sounds of men cheering or jeering at a TV screen echoed up from the basement.  My human half was worried about being in a house with a bunch of strange men.  My wolf on the other hand was curious and delighted by the mixture of scents that spoke of wolves.
          How to play this?  Be a general pain in the ass and risk the consequences?  Or be a good little submissive female and not only risk being assimilated, but also subordinate to everyone else.  I always believed in playing to one’s strengths, which meant plan A was go.  Besides, I’d never been accused of having the sense God gave a squirrel.
           Matt stopped by an open doorway and gestured for me to enter.  The man standing behind the desk was certainly not what I was expecting of an Alpha.  For starters, he didn’t look like an arrogant asshole.  Secondly, he was maybe an inch taller than me, and I was considered fairly short.  Underneath his wine, or perhaps blood-red dress shirt he was thin.  The only hint to his status was the intelligence lurking behind his dark eyes, which I merely glimpsed before lowering my own.
           “Welcome, Eleanor,” he came around to shake my hand.  I didn’t know if it was proper protocol or if he somehow knew that I was recently Changed and was sticking to familiar, human customs.  His grip was firm, not crushing like some men, and not too gentle as if he was afraid of breaking me.  It was a bit startling to actually be able to shake his hand properly instead of my hand simply being engulfed by his as was the case with most men.
          “I am Angus Hopper, Alpha of the Emerald City Pack.  You’ve made good time considering you left Revelstoke early this morning.”  Oh that was neatly done, putting me in my place by hinting that he knew more than I suspected, but not exactly how much.  “Have a seat,” he leaned his backside against the desk and gestured to one of the comfortable looking chairs.  It was an order, not an invitation.  And why was I reminded of being called to the principal’s office as written in a Penthouse letter?  Shoving aside x-rated thoughts involving school uniforms and corporal punishment, I tried to look as non-threatening as possible.
          “Been sittin’ in a car so long I’d rather stand if’s all the same.”  Eyes down, properly polite, and heavy on the Southern accent to hide any attitude.
          “I imagine,” he said with a small smile.  “So tell me how you came to be living in Portland, a city currently without a pack.”  Crap on a cracker, there’s no lying my way out of this one.  How does a city that size not have a werewolf pack?
          “I was Changed two-weeks ago,” I sighed and sat in the other chair in defeat, the one he had not indicated, forcing him to shift slightly to face me.  If he didn’t want small acts of defiance, then he shouldn’t have multiple options available.  “I was solo hikin’ in Glacier National Park an’ doin’ a little boulderin’.  One slip an’ I ended up with a broken spinal column at the bottom of a ravine.  By the time John found me, it was Change or die.  Chose what I thought was the lesser o’ two evils.  Stayed with him through the full moon an’ then headed home.”
          “Does John have a last name?” Angus asked with a frown.  My wolf worried that he was displeased with us.  I worried what that might mean for us if he was.
          “He said he’s old an’ the old ones don’t like to give their last names.”  I had to consciously square my shoulders, which had subconsciously rounded under his frown.  He nodded as if the answer wasn’t a surprise to him.
          “And he was willing to let you go so soon?” he asked with an arch of an eyebrow.  It really should be illegal for such a simple gesture to lend an irresistible quality when he was already handsome.  Or that could have just been my imagination because it was hard to read expressions from peripheral vision.
          “Not as such no,” I admitted reluctantly.  “I waited till he went out huntin’ then I booked it back down the mountain.”
          “Why did you feel the need to run?” he asked softly.  Even if I was brave enough to look him in the face I doubted that it would give any clue as to what that tone was in his voice.  I wasn’t necessarily a coward, but I was never comfortable discussing my personal life, let alone with strangers.  Focusing on the rug, or the bookcase, was easier than looking at him.
          “I got a job to get back to an’ I really wasn’t fond o’ the idea o’ bein’ stuck in the backwoods with a crazy old mountain man who’s also a werewolf.”  He was silent, obviously waiting for me to continue.  “I got the feelin’ that even if I was fully in control he wouldn’t let me leave.”
          Angus folded his arms in thought.  “Do you know where John lives?”
          “There’s a map in my glove box.  I could show ya the route to the cabin we stayed at.  There’re no roads, an’ it’s a bit of a hike in.”  Despite my best intentions to the contrary, I was cooperating.  I blamed my wolf, who was eager for his approval.  The Alpha obviously did not like what he was hearing, but it was rapidly becoming apparent that I was not his quarry so I was more than happy to keep him on that trail.  He caught the attention of either Shane or Matt behind me, and a moment later a door shut.  “But I did get the feelin’ that he moves around a lot.”
          “Eleanor,” he began.
          “Ellie, please.”  Angus did frown at the interruption, but hearing my horrible legal name, which the cop must have told him, was like having my fur rubbed the wrong way.
          “Ellie, you’re not in any trouble,” he said soothingly, as if I were a startled horse that might bolt.  Perhaps that analogy wasn’t too far off the mark considering I was practically vibrating with the need to run for the Jeep.  “The manner of your Change was highly unusual, bordering even on breaking our laws.”
          “The law says that no one may be Changed without their explicit permission.  I was coherent enough to give it.”  Ha, that caught him off guard.  That’s right, the newbie knows the rules of the game.  I might not remember anything else around the accident, but things like a weird, hairy mountain man offering to save your life by turning you into a monster tends to stick in a person’s memory.
          “That is true, yes.  However, the second law is that before someone is Changed they must undergo rigorous counseling and testing to determine whether they can become stable wolves,” the Alpha explained.  I forgot for a moment and stared into his dark eyes in shock that someone would make the choice deliberately rather than out of desperation.  I quickly looked away once the surprise faded.
          “A newly Changed wolf lacks control for their first few full moons and requires supervision for the first year,” he continued as if there was no breach of protocol.  “A pack is necessary to guide new wolves.”  He sounded like he had given this speech many times before.  Luckily, he didn’t succumb to dry monotones.
          “Which’s why I was goin’ to pack up an’ move somewhere rural enough I could run off a little steam,” I countered.  “Nurses are always needed everywhere.”
          “This is not just a ‘little steam,’ pup.”  I suppressed a flinch at his growl, as well as a snarl of my own at being called ‘pup.’  He took a deep breath, whether to calm himself or to continue his lecture I didn’t know because the sound of the door opening interrupted.  Shane handed Angus the familiar map, folded in my own fashion that in no way resembled its original creases.  Those things are impossible to refold properly, anyway.  After carefully moving a few items, he unfolded the map over his desk and handed me a pencil.
          “Here’s the trail head.”  I pointed to the circle already marking the spot on Highway 1.  “He follows the main trail through this valley.”  I pointed at the trail, which was already marked from my planning before the trip from hell.  The accent softened as I talked and forgot to maintain it.  “At about here he branches off at different angles each time so that his trail, not being well worn, is hard to pick up until you’re further out and know what you’re looking for.”  I marked an X where I’d gotten lost and decided to just keep following the river down until I found either a trail, humans, or the highway.  “Follow the river up and at the very edge of the park he’s got a cabin right about here.”  I drew a paw print on the spot.  “With the climb in elevation, it would’ve taken me about two days before… before.  Downhill with a light pack, I made it in around eight hours.”
          “Does that say ‘Dogtooth Range’?” Shane asked with a hint of a wry smile.
          “Could’ve been worse.  He could’ve gone for the really obvious with either Grey Fang or Fang Rock,” I smirked and pointed out the so named peaks on the other side of the park.  He snorted a chuckle.
          “You didn’t go to the authorities.”  It was a statement, not a question.
          “And end up in a secret government facility?” I scoffed.  “No thank you.”
          “Where did you stop to rest?” asked Angus.
          “I didn’t.”
          “Fatigue can be as dangerous as alcohol,” he frowned.
          “Have caffeine, will travel,” I quipped.
          “Even though your endurance has improved, you still need rest.  Exhaustion erodes control.”  And back into lecture mode.
          “Like I said, I’m a nurse.  Pulling doubles, even triples, isn’t unusual,” I countered.
          “You passed through the territories of four different packs.”  Someone had probably pulled my credit card history to follow my route in retrospect.  That was fast work, and most definitely illegal.  “How did you avoid detection?”
          “Didn’t stop more’n absolutely necessary,” I shrugged.  “And when I did, I tried to not get out of the car.  Drive-thru, avoided pumping my own gas where I could.”
          With a few taps Angus called someone on his cellphone.  He had to swipe his fingerprint to unlock it, first.  It even had one of those heavy-duty cases, which was probably a good investment for a werewolf.  “Hello, Angus.”  It was still weird how much my hearing had improved, especially back in civilization.
          “Hello, Bran.”  Aw, son of a biscuit.  I really did not want to show up on the Marrock’s radar.  Angus gave a concise report of everything that had happened to me since the accident, as far as he knew, including the pathetic getaway attempt.  I sat back down for the uncomfortable reprise.
          “Send me the map and I’ll have Charles look into it.”  I wasn’t certain how I felt about having just signed John’s death warrant.  The old werewolf wasn’t too specific when he talked about the Grand High Poobah of North America, but he was clear that any time the Marrock sent someone blood was spilled.  “How is she getting on with your pack?”
          “She’s a touch overwhelmed so I thought it best to wait before introducing them en masse.”  I glared at Angus from under lowered lashes, which is harder to do than you would think without looking coy or drunk.
          “If she chooses, escort her to Eugene.  Otherwise I will send someone to fetch her here until she decides where to settle,” Bran said.  My scowl deepened and I opened my mouth to tell them exactly what I thought of their plans.  Shane shook his head almost imperceptibly in warning, though there was more empathy than condemnation in the movement.
          “Please give my greetings to Anna and Charles.”
          “I will.”  The call abruptly ended from the other end.  Our King of the Werewolves was not one for drawn out goodbyes.  Angus took a couple of pictures of the map and sent them off with thumbs flying across the screen fast enough to make a teenager jealous.  Then he did the most supernatural act I’d seen out of a werewolf yet: he carefully folded the map along the original fold lines before handing it back to me.
          I doubled it over and shoved it in my back pocket as I stood.  “If you’ll excuse me, I would like to make it home in time for my shift tomorrow night.”  Although I kept my eyes on the bookshelf, I could feel his stare boring through me till my knees threatened to turn to Jell-O.  Locking one’s knees is a surefire way to eventually pass out, but is effective in the short term.
          “I’m afraid that you will have to change careers.  Even old wolves can have problems around so much blood and the vulnerable.”  The bastard actually managed to sound regretful.
          “I have neither the money nor the inclination to go back to school.  Not to mention I’m a little old for that.”  Must not growl at the Alpha, I mentally chanted for the benefit of my human half.
          “Loans can be arranged, and I’ve known werewolves who were alive when the Magna Carta was signed and earned their doctorate two or three times over.”  He sounded so cool and collected as if we weren’t discussing what was the beginning of what was theoretically to be my extremely long life.  “The more immediate issue is how much control you have.”
          “If I don’t get my act together by this time next year I’m put down.”  Don’t know why I spared him when it would have been so much more fun to watch him squirm.
          “Not only that, but you must be able to shift form and back at will.”  People go through that much pain willingly?  “New wolves need a pack to teach them control and to prevent unnecessary bloodshed when the wolf takes over until control is regained.  We cannot afford one mistake lest we all disappear into secret government facilities at best, or hunted down and exterminated at worst.”  Angus’ voice achieved a deeper timbre that coiled through the room like some living thing as he seemed to be losing patience.  “You will stay the night here.  In the morning Shane and Matt will escort you to Eugene to be presented to the pack there.”  Ooh, presented like a gift.  Who could resist such a command?  Oddly enough, my wolf did not like this plan either, but not because of the authoritarianism.
          “And if I don’t want to join a pack?”  It’s difficult to arch an eyebrow effectively while avoiding eye contact.  But not impossible.
          “That is not an option,” he shook his head.  “Even if you were not so new, our females are so rare they not allowed to become lone wolves.”  That’s what John had said, but I hoped that it was a lie to keep me from leaving.  The whole damn lot of them were so possessive it’s a wonder they even realized they were in the 21st century.  And I didn’t belong to anyone.  Not any more.
          “Fine.  But I’ve driven from here to Eugene many times so I think we can dispense with the escort.”  I waved vaguely over my shoulder to where Shane still lurked by the door.
          “That is non-negotiable.  As a dominant male and even more so as an Alpha I have a responsibility to see a submissive female delivered safely to another pack.”  Oh bloody hell.  John was right.  They could tell from one’s energy, no matter how much I tried to hide behind my sass.  “Not all dominants that you might meet along the way would be as tolerant of your attitude as I am.”
          “More arbitrary rules from on high,” I said flatly and folded my arms.  “Tell me, is His Furriness one of those at the signing of the Magna Carta?  No wonder ya’ll’s thinking’s so medieval.”
          Angus grabbed me by the back of the neck and snarled in my face.  Reflexively, I stiffened and closed my eyes to avoid looking at him.  His grip was tight, but not painful.  One quick twist and he could snap my neck.  I was pretty sure that was one injury from which there was no recovery.
          “The Marrock set down our laws for reasons you cannot yet comprehend.  You don’t have to understand our ways yet, but before God you will show respect,” he snarled.  There wasn’t anything I could say to that, so with an involuntary shudder I went limp in his grasp as my wolf temporarily took over.  Well, there were things I could say, but self-preservation and my wolf stayed my tongue.  After a minute, he released me, stepped away, and turned his back.  The strength I had just experienced first hand was evident in the taut lines of his wiry shoulders.
          My heart pounded in my throat while in the back of my head my wolf howled her anguish at having been chastised.  As a result, my self-preservation went right out the window.  “My respect is earned, not freely given.  If I’d realized that my choices consisted of which pack I was going to be the lowest bitch in, I’d have told John to bugger off.”  At least he’d have made sure that it was quick and clean.
          The Alpha breathed deeply and was quiet for exactly ten seconds.  Basic relaxation techniques to manage the beast within?  And they thought they could teach me something in that area?  When he was done, but not noticeably calmer, he turned around to lean against the desk again.  “We have a rigorous screening process to avoid situations like this.  Dominant lone wolves are the last people who should be teaching pack structure to a submissive female.”
          “Please stop using that term.”
          “Used as an adjective, it refers to a person.  As a noun, it denotes something less than human.  An animal.”  Like breeding pairs.  Good thing I never wanted to procreate anyway.
          “Get used to the terminology.”  If he were human, he’d have developed a new frown line from this conversation alone.  “In the constant struggles for dominance, females and submissives are the center of a pack since they do not rise in rank, except for when their mate does in the case of females.”  If I didn’t like ‘female,’ I despised ‘mate,’ which seemed a ridiculous term for a species that couldn’t bear children.  “With submissives, dominants don’t have to constantly watch their back.  And the pack will unite to protect these weaker members.”  Oh if he thought I was weak, he had another thing coming.  “Female submissives are so valued that any pack would welcome you.”  ‘Submissive’ as a noun was definitely not an improvement.  “But none would tolerate your disrespect for long.”
          “That’s exactly why I should just be on my merry way,” I said brightly.  “I’m really more trouble than I’m worth.”
          “Nice try,” he smirked.  “Dinner is in thirty minutes.  You’ll want to freshen up.”  True to my nature I wanted to deny hunger despite not having eaten since well before the border crossing.  I’d worn the same clothes for the past twenty-four hours straight, which included a frantic run down a mountain through unfamiliar woods, and my hands still smelled like gasoline.
          I was still noticing just how many interesting smells I was covered in when a tall, perky blonde swept through the door.  She must have practically been listening down the hallway, not that, that was necessary.  Everyone in the house had probably heard me mouthing off.  I’d forgotten about that.  Great first impression.
          “Please show Ellie to the guest suite.”  Mickayla gave a sloppy salute, earning a scowl from her fearless leader, then cocked her head in silent invitation to follow her.
          “You’re up on the second floor,” she said as she led me upstairs.  “Hopefully you’re not afraid of heights after your accident,” she grinned.
          “Are you kidding?  I’ve always wanted to try free climbing, but was too scared.  Now I totally want to,” I said.
          “Don’t mention that to any of the guys or they’ll have kittens.”  Her golden laugh bounced through the stairway.
          “Now I’m picturing a bunch of them at the base of a cliff with a giant trampoline like in cartoons when there’s a fire,” I chuckled and she joined me.
          “This is you,” she waved a welcoming arm through an open doorway.  “Matt already brought your backpack and duffel up.”  My bags were indeed sitting on a low, wide dresser against the nearest wall.  The queen bed with its elegant down comforter faced the door.  A door on the right led to a bathroom, although I had no idea how I was going to be able to do my business in a house full of people who could hear through walls.
          “No worries.  You need anything you just give a shout.  Wait, you’re new.  No actual shouting necessary, just a sort of ‘hey’ so we know you’re not talking to yourself,” she winked.
          “Um, Mickayla?”  She turned back to me.  “What’s it like being in a pack?”
          She stepped into the room with a small smile and shut the door behind her, for all the good that would do.  “I don’t know this John, but sometimes wolves go lone because they can’t handle being in a pack.”
          “Yeah, he did seem more than a little biased.”  I dug out the Ziploc of toiletries and the bundle that was the last clean outfit I’d originally saved for the last day of the drive home, but didn’t dare stop long enough along the way to change.
          “Think of a healthy pack more as one big family.”  Mickayla flopped onto the bed with one leg tucked up under her, yet kept her voice low enough to not carry.  “Complete with the usual amount of dysfunction and bickering.  They’re really like a bunch of brothers, uncles, and cousins who are all trying to protect the little sister.”
          As she talked, I leaned against the bathroom doorway and started to brush my teeth.  They had fuzzy sweaters from the energy drinks I’d downed to stay awake.  “But then again, I’m married,” she continued.  “If you’re single then the unmated ones will all come sniffing around.  It’s not that bad!” she laughed at my expression of dawning horror.  “Even if any of them would push their luck and call down the wrath of their Alpha, the closest dom would thrash them, or if they couldn’t, tag someone in who could.  Mind you, I’m only talking about the Emerald City Pack.  I was Changed two years ago because my mate, Matt, was already a wolf.  Before that there were no other girls for I don’t know how long.”
          “They weren’t kidding when they said that women are rare,” I said around the toothbrush and foam that probably made me look rabid.  She laughed again, although it was hard to tell whether it was at my surprise or the toothpaste.
          “We’re more functional than not here.  But there are some stories out there of Alphas who went bad.  I don’t know much about the Eugene pack, but I haven’t heard any horror stories either,” she shrugged.  “You know, it’s funny, women are supposed to be huge gossips, but most werewolves are men and we all gossip worse than any housewife.”  I laughed and promptly choked, so I shut the bathroom door and started the shower as I finished brushing.
          “You’re going to need to get over that modesty.”  Mickayla’s voice was easily heard through the door and over the running water.
          “Oh?” I asked archly.  She couldn’t see the glare through the door as I undressed.
          “It’s incredibly painful to shift while wearing clothes.  So pack runs, full moons…”
          “I’ve just been told I have to switch careers, move to a new city, am no longer allowed to leave town without a babysitter, and when it comes to my place in a pack my only option is which one do I want to be at the bottom of the pecking order in.  Oh, and all the single guys will be eyeing me like a juicy steak.  Now you’re telling me I have to become an exhibitionist?  No thank you, I’m going to maintain whatever little control over my life I have left.”  It took all my willpower to not punch something.  If I had to move and look for work there was no way I could afford to replace anything in this bathroom, too.
          “If the pack’s good, you’ll be on a pedestal, more or less, not the low man on the totem pole.”
          “Great, I always wanted to be Princess Peach stuck in the castle,” I muttered sarcastically.  “I’ll see you downstairs.”
          “Ellie, I promise that it’s not as bad as it seems,” she said before leaving.
          I stood lost in thought in my office for some time after she left, bathed in the complex layers of smells that confirmed her story.  Mountain air, evergreens, sweat both old and nervous, gasoline, fast food, and no small amount of stress.  Amidst the melange was a thread of fear.  If it was any stronger, I would have called Alan, the pack’s only submissive, to come and help calm her before everyone got riled up trying to fix whatever upset her.  But under the circumstances, her fear was to be expected.  And he was working tonight.
          Tension had been running high in the pack ever since we went public.  Another submissive to ease the strain would be a boon, and a second medic would not go amiss.  Her presence would stir up a rash of dominance fights among the unmated males until she starting seeing someone.  That is, if she could be housebroken.  Time would show whether her defiance was born of ignorance or emotional pressure.  Her knowledge of our primary laws would suggest the latter, though I preferred to avoid premature conclusions.
          A younger wolf, or one who wasn’t as high in the hierarchy, might find such calculations cold, especially in regards to a submissive female whose Change had been particularly traumatic.  But you don’t get to be an old Alpha without assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your pack members and determining how they can best be used for the betterment of the whole.
          As much as I was loath to let her leave, even if the Marrock hadn’t mandated, protocol and courtesy demanded that the Eugene pack have right of first refusal.  Appropriate that Eugene was also referred to as the Emerald City, but we had claimed the name before the Portland pack had relocated there.  Ordinarily I would have my second, Tom, call to arrange things with the other pack, but the unique situation and the fact that he was on duty called for a personal touch, even if my third, Shane, wasn’t preparing for the trip.  Besides, their Alpha, Colin, would be pissed if I dropped this grenade, no matter how attractive or useful she was, in his lap without warning.  No, not a bomb.  Panicked ferret, maybe.  Still not pleasant, but not as disastrous.  And they could be cute, when they weren’t baring their teeth.
          Stifling a sigh, I found Colin’s cell number in my phone and called him up.
Notes: This was written two years ago and was my first fan fiction and my first attempt at writing over 10 years.
Matt and Shane live in Redmond, thus why they were able to carpool so quickly. It was sheer luck that they spotted the lime green, mud-splattered Jeep as they headed down the 405 after Tom asked them to try and track her while he covered I-5 South. Of course, Ellie didn't know that, nor does she think it's lucky at all.
Ellie was hiking along the easterly side of Glacier National Park of Canada in BC, not too far from Revelstoke, which has some great hot springs, by the way.
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grlsgen · 4 years
a list of my favorite albums
my music taste is a little embarrassing but it’s time i start owning that
dangerous woman - ariana grande
—— and the thing is everyone hates this album and calls it her worse but i think this was her best sound... it suited her very well. the stand out tracks IMO: moonlight, dangerous woman, into you, greedy, sometimes, touch it, thinking bout you. <- she really needs more songs like thinking bout you, absolutely impeccable. but anyways, not her peak musically but definitely a good ass album
the dream chapter : eternity - txt
—— AYOOO!!! i am definitely way more into dark concepts and this ep from txt was everything to me. i love the direction can’t you see me took and they ate it. i saw a lot of people saying seeing them take a concept like puma was odd but when they have their rv bad boy era y’all gonna take that back.. anyways. best tracks: can’t you see me, FAIRY OF SHAMPOO!!!, eternally. fairy of shampoo literally might be their best yet.
folklore - taylor swift
—— i shit my pants every time i hear this album. absolutely amazing.. something that always draws me to taylor is her songwriting obviously, and in this album in particular.. the take on different stories and perspectives was kind of everything and i was huge fan of it. at the first listen i loved it so damn bad and it hasn’t lost that magic to me. album of the year IMO! best tracks: cardigan, seven, epiphany, betty. cardigan is so beautifully made, same with seven. they make me cry like a little piss baby everytime i hear them. can’t explain how good they are...
golden hour - kacey musgraves
—— what can i say. like what can i say. it’s so good and hasn’t aged a day. i may not listen to every single track often but there isn’t one that’s objectively bad. the whole concept and sound of the album is very smooth and beautiful To Me. i enjoy a good little golden hour every now and then... best tracks: oh what a world, space cowboy, happy & sad, golden hour. happy & sad is so so good and for what. the chorus makes me cry sometimes.. i also occasionally cry to oh what a world but that’s my business. special mention is rainbow, that’s one hell of a song babe.
love yourself : tear - bts
—— oh nelly. ahah... like i said, i love darker concepts so of course this one grinds my gears. from top to bottom start to finish this is flawless and is one of their best yet i can’t even lie. fake love is one of my favorite songs from them ever and never gets old. Amazing amazing amazing. best tracks: fake love, the truth untold, 134340, outro : tear. everyone loves to shit on 134340’s name and for what. she’s beautiful.. the lyrics the chorus the rap verses the bgv COME ON!!!!!! so damn good. never ages. my favorite bts album.
perfect velvet - red velvet
—— no lie was told when this was named the ultimate girl group album. like dark concepts, i eat the shit out of their velvet concepts .. peek a boo was everything i could have asked for and they ate it up. what other girl group is killing pizza men for sport and holding rituals answer me quickly. as god once uttered, red velvet best idol group alive, but that’s a conversation for another time. this album has a nice blend of a little retro, soft harmonious songs & songs i’d shake my ass too in a cornmaze. seriously flawless. best tracks: i just & kingdom come (ofc). both never get old, they have to be some of the best songs i’ve ever heard. god bless
rookie - red velvet
—— i don’t give a fuck how you feel about rookie as a song, this ep is so damn good. rookie is definitely a little wack but i think it’s good.. what i love about red velvet is the funky concepts they can pull off and still make it bang, if that makes any sense. they not only ate the shit out of rookie and its choreography, but the bsides have to be some of their best. while it’s a red album, it isn’t one note and takes different turns without straying too far from rookie’s original sound which is cool.. To me. best tracks: little little & body talk. body talk has to be one of my all time faves from them, it was revolutionary..
speak now - taylor swift
—— next to folklore this is my favorite taylor album. i have several severe emotional attachments to this album that have transcended years.. i grew up with dis album 😢. i don’t even know what to say other than this album is my baby. best tracks: back to december, never grow up, enchanted, innocent, long live. innocent and never grow up have always made me bawl like a baby.. one time i wrote an anaylsis on never grow up for my sociology class but that’s a tale for another time.. i also have a strong attachment to long live. just such a good album that i’ll always come back to
the reve festival : finale - red velvet
—— now here’s the damn thing. especially repacked with the other festival songs, this is a masterpiece. don’t even get me started on psycho. that is song of the year and nothing will ever change my mind. i can’t believe it’s already been almost a year, i miss them :(.. anyway though. i have no words, but definitely my favorite album from the trilogy. best tracks: psycho, REMEMBER FOREVER!! i love remember forever so bad it’s unreal. it mentally takes me to another dimension every single time.. it reminds me how bad i love them but anyway Lmfaoo. timeless era that i’ll always look back on fondly. ot5 come back to me
wings - bts
—— ahhhhh... i found bts during this era so i’m very emotionally attached to wings. i love the dark kinda elegant (? idk what word to use...) concept they went for. blood sweat and tears was definitely a revolution and has stuck with me for the past 4 years .. best tracks: blood sweat & tears, begin, lie. jimin bodied the hell out of lie idc. it’s dramatic it’s bold it’s powerful it’s... beautiful. i always go back to his blindfolded performance of it on mama 2016.. it’s so good. him and hobi ate that whole intro up and reminds me how good wings is. tear and wings are the embodiment of the concepts i really love so obviously these make it into my favorite albums. :3 hehe..
my entire personality and life revolves around making myself go deaf via headphone and loving music so i had to offer my 2 cents on albums i think are amazing. and until next time..
not like anybody cares for my opinion but like i said i literally don’t have any other prominent personality traits so i may or may not post music reviews/thoughts like this on here for purely my own enjoyment and nobody else’s. i like to talk on the internet. thank you and good evening
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calm-me-down-oh · 4 years
How about all the questions ;)
skdsjf ofc u would get me back for that, under a readmore bc theres a lot!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday! Had a.. very hot convo w my gf
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? Uhh the only time Ive had it done to me the person had to stop bc they got uncomfy with it and it was overall just a bit odd,, wait it happened a second time and their nails were too sharp also sdkfhsdh I feel like I could get to like it though? If its like, actually properly done rather than my current experiences sdhfk
How do you feel about food during sex? nno thanks mostly? I guess it can kinda depend on the food though idk, like if my gf suggested somethin I might not mind trying it out depending on what it was yknow
What do you do directly after sex? um.. well afaik just kinda lay/sit in a daze for a moment, mayb have some water, get real clingy, kind of have to be nudged into doing stuff bc i guess my brain just stops working skjdfkj
Cuddle with the tip in? Hell yeah. cuddle with it all in. sounds good.
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? I don’t think I’ve really done anything nasty sdjkfsj all the sex ive had has been quite brief and vanilla idk
Name a follower you would fuck. @you-better-make-me!
Name a follower you have fucked. None..
What’s the sexiest part of your body? Idk man I guess my thighs are ok people seem to like them anyway
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe Am i supposed to know who these people are
Would you ever be with a trans person? i think the real question is would i ever be with a cis person (yes i would be with a trans person i am with 2 trans people and i am trans and i havent dated anyone cis since i was like 15)
Riding dick or doggy style? yes
Ever fucked in a school? Nope
Most random place you’ve had sex? havent really had sex in a random place lmao just beds
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? maybe..? thats having sex on a plane right. idk. maybe
Name three of your spots. what does this mean fkjd
Fuck on the first date? Depends
Do you suck dick? I’m sure gonna try!
Do you eat ass? Idk maybe not skdfjhsjk
Do you eat pussy? Haven’t yet, nearly did, got too nervous sdkjfh
Do you like kissing? So much!!
Is farting during sex sexy? I.. I mean its not sexy but like im also not gonna have a negative reaction. unless its me. that is something im admittedly very nervous about fkjd
Ever fucked in the shower? Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity? Uh............ good question. 19 or 20 i forget if it was before my birthday but within the last year. unless you only count penetrative sex, then I haven’t yet
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Y..yes? I suppose afternoon/night is usually a better time, morning is jsut sleepy and trying to remember how to exist hours
Do you like drunk sex? Haven’t had it but I do get horny when I drink, wouldn’t be against trying it with someone I trust
Do you like high sex?  Again never had it! And I haven’t really been high either so Idk
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll N..none for any
When was your first kiss? I was like 13 I think
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? College
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope. Wait maybe. Kind of. Idk when I was younger I was with this guy who would try get me to touch myself n I hadn’t figured out how to make it feel good so I’d just lie and say I was when i wasnt bc i didnt wanna do it so maybe at some point i said i came when i hadnt sdfhks
Ever painted/been painted on? Yeah but not in like a horny way, my ex would paint on my hand as kinda their way of flirting with me
You like sex toys? Sure
What’s your favorite sex position? Personally think missionary is underrated bc that closeness and being able to cling just sounds v good but also getting fucked from behind face down ass up also sounds,, v good lately
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? beddd, maybe couch, floor just seems uncomfortable
Do you like car sex? Never had it, just seems a bit awkward but I guess I’d be open to trying it
You get instantly horny; what happened? My neck got bit!
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Kill chris brown. idk who the others are
Describe your crush. Don’t have one!
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? Uh... Idk? I mean, theres preventative measures for basically all std’s right? So as long as those are taken so i dont also get it I guess it’d be ok
Rate your head game. No clue dkfhdsj
Rate your sex. Awkward!
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? ?? yes. what kind of question is this
Describe the type of freak you are. idk what this means but what first came to mind was ‘pet’ so take that as u will
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? Sure
Into golden showers? Nope
Body count: Under or Over 25? Wayyy under
How do you feel about nipple play? Uh depends! Not into being harsh like clamps etc just seems like itd hurt n not in a good way, but playing w/ them w ur hands and sucking on them. very good
Where do you like to be nutted on? chest/stomach seems good
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” Idk man dick is dick idc
Is play fighting foreplay? It sure can be!
Do you like angry sex? In concept maybe, in reality itd just kinda scare me
How long should a quickie be? Idk.. quick
How long is “too long” to have sex? Idk sex ends whenever one of u wants to stop, don’t think u can go too long if ur both comfortable with it
How long is “too long” to go without sex? Listen i.. am not the person to be asking this I’ve had sex maybe 3 times spread out over almost a year. i have never regularly had sex
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? Incredibly relevant!! Always!! Unless you’ve discussed beforehand that its ok to ignore it and have a safeword in place instead!! and then that safeword is not to be ignored!!
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? Sure but idk if i could do it
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? mmmaybe....
Would you have sex in a changing room? mmmmmmmmaybe
Who was the last person you had sex with? My ex
Describe your type. Idk I have the weirdest type i think they have like nothing in common then theyll all turn around and be into the same stuff or something its v strange
Name 3 turn-ons. Biting, just making out sometimes tbh, skin contact in places usually covered by clothes or under clothes..
Name 3 turn-offs. Umm. i definitely have turn offs but whenever im asked my mind goes blank. I guess being overly rough, hair pulling im undecided on tbh, and oh i usually dont like having my ass smacked but idk if itd change if it were like.. in the middle of sex
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. Bad pain or panicking or it seems like the other person is uncomfortable. or someones knocking on the door for some reason sdkfjs
Would you answer a phone call during sex? no omg
Would you ever pay for sex? Nah.
Would you accept money for sex? Uh. Maybe? Wouldnt ask for it tho
How do you typically feel after sex? Mostly affectionate and good, but w the last person i was with sometimes it seemed like they just wanted it over and done with so i would get kinda nervous and guilty over that,, idk
Do you like your body? Nah
Ever sent nudes? Yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yeah he was abusive
Have you ever been cheated on? Idk, maybe, wait i think the guy i cheated on tried saying he cheated on me too but idk if he was just trying to get back at me so
Would you have a threesome? If I trust the people sure
Would you have a foursome? Same as above
Would you take part in an orgy? Uhh idk maybe, same as above applies tho
Would you let’s train be ran on you? Again if I trust the people yeah sure
How often do you masturbate? Idk it really depends sometimes im really horny and its like daily maybe more than once a day and then sometimes i just dont for like. a while
Sex with the lights on or off? on.. how are u meant to see what ur doing otherwise sdjkhfs
Sex with music or tv in the background? Sure, idc really. Though i have a thing if its like.. kids stuff.........dont do that..........
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? wtf no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? Uhh... good? I mean, good at the time, though like i said sometimes felt a bit rushed, and that now makes sense and i have very mixed feelings on it but mostly guilt bc the person i was with has since said they werent really into it. so.
Do you sleep naked? Nah I at least have underwear on
How often do you go commando? Never
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? Nope
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? Uh, depends? Talking about it beforehand or even during can be good though. But i guess it doesnt have to be Right before it, it can be a bit in advance
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? Kiss.. touch,, etc,,
Do you make the first move? Um. w my ex i kinda had to bc as i said, i later found out they werent really into it. other than that i generally dont tho bc im very nervous abt all that, kinda especially after that discovery hdfbghf
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Nope
Do you like dryhumping ? Sure
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? Probably not
Have you ever been recorded during sex? No but I’ve had a dream abt being recorded sucking someones dick it was weird
Do you watch porn during sex? W. who does that. how can u focus on that. why would u watch sex when ur having sex skdjfhsjdk
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? Never had a one night stand
What’s your kink? Praise! Marking! Collars!
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? I don’t think i could have a hook up tbh so no
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? nope
How romantic are you during sex? uh.. idk havent rly had chance to try being romantic during sex but soft sex sounds v good imo
Describe your sex in 5 words or less. in my experience so far? nervous and kinda awkward
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Change of Plans
Characters: Sam Winchester, Taylor (OFC aka @impalaimagining ), Dean Winchester, Steph (OFC - aka @torn-and-frayed )
Pairing: Sam x OFC Taylor aka @impalaimagining, Dean x OFC Steph aka @torn-and-frayed
Square Filled: Cafe Owner!Sam
Rating: General
Warnings: Wedding Stress   
Word Count: 1600ish
A/N: This done for @spnaubingo and this one is for @impalaimagining  
It is also done for OC Appreciation Day 18 hosted by the amazing trio @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester and @atc74
Thanks to @there-must-be-a-lock for being sweet enough to beta this for me and helping me make this so much better than it originally was.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Everything in Sam’s life was perfect. He had just bought a small cafe which he had named after his new fiancee. “Taylor’s” was a success even if it was still new. There were always people in the small cozy cafe: couples on dates, people studying, and friends chatting. Sam loved it, even if starting a new business took up a lot more time than he had expected.
Taylor was understanding though. She had taken up planning their wedding all on her own, ordering around Sam’s brother Dean and his wife Steph whenever she needed help with anything.
As the day drew closer, though,Taylor appeared to be more and more stressed. Just like the cafe was taking up more time than Sam had expected, planning a wedding was a bigger affair than Taylor had counted on. The more stressed Taylor got the more bossy she became. Steph and Dean had taken to hiding at Sam’s Cafe for the day. She had been calling them all morning, but after having to run all over town yesterday for a specific shade of burgundy napkins, they weren’t answering her calls.
“If you tell Taylor we are here I am telling her you believed in the Easter Bunny until you were 12,” Dean warned his younger brother, when Sam’s phone rang and Taylor’s name flashed across the screen. Sam pulled a face at his brother before disappearing out back to answer the phone.
Steph and Dean smirked when Sam glared out at the two of them. “No I haven’t seen them,” he lied, but it was easy to tell he didn’t like it one bit. Even a white lie was not something he enjoyed. He loved Taylor and they shared everything with each other, aside from the embarrassing childhood memories which Dean had rudely threatened to spill.
A smile quickly took the place of the worried frown on Sam’s face, as he listened to his fiancee. “Taylor, everything will be perfect. As long as you’re there, I’ll be happy.”
Taylor responded that she would be the one in white, making Sam laugh.
“Hey, what do you say we have a date night tonight?” Sam suggested, leaning against the wall with a smile on his face. It had been a while since they had a night together and as soon as Taylor said yes, he began plotting what to cook and where to get candles on the way home. He missed her with how busy they were both being these days. A night like this was just what they both needed and maybe it would make Taylor less stressed, and less likely to boss around his idiot brother and his wife.
“I swear if she’s making me taste anymore chocolate cakes I am gonna vomit,” Steph complained, no longer paying attention to the phone call or goofy smile on her brother-in-law’s face. Dean chuckled and tugged her closer to his side. Steph sighed, instantly relaxing against her husband, before stealing a bite of his banana cream pie.
“Hey! I thought you had enough cake,” Dean teased, making Steph pull a face at him.
“You and I both know pie is not cake, dude,” Steph grinned, making Dean laugh. “I told her they should have just gotten hitched in Vegas, but she said her Mom would kill her. I just wish she wouldn’t care. The stress is really getting to her.”
Steph’s words made Dean sit up a little straighter and a huge mischievous grin spread across his face.
“What do you say we kidnap them for a bachelor/bachelorette party turned wedding this weekend?” Dean wiggled his eyebrows causing Steph to laugh out loud and throw her arms around her husband’s neck.
“Dean Winchester. You’re a genius and I love you,” Steph informed him, pressing her lips against his before he could get out his usual cheeky comeback.
Kidnapping the two turned out to be a lot more work than either Steph or Dean had anticipated. Sam was grumbling about not being able to leave the cafe for an entire weekend and he wasn’t thrilled about leaving Taylor either. Dean suspected the last was the real issue, but there was also no way in hell Sam was going to admit that to his brother, since that would mean lifelong teasing.
Taylor, on the other hand, didn’t hold back on saying how much she thought it sucked being away from her future husband for an entire weekend, but Steph was as stubborn as Dean. Somehow Sam and Taylor had each been dragged to their waiting car, clueless that they were actually heading to the same destination: Sam by car with Dean and Taylor by plane with Steph.
Steph and Dean had also called ahead, scheduling a time at one of the less corny chapels for the couple, and Steph had thrown Taylor’s wedding gown into Dean’s trunk. Good thing that the car was big enough to hold a dead body, cause if the dress had been wrinkled Steph knew that there was a real possibility that was how she would be  going home.
Vegas was amazing and Taylor seemed to relax the instant they got there, or maybe it was the booze Steph had spiked their drinks with. They were having fun even if Taylor whined about missing Sam every few minutes. As soon as Steph had gotten a decent amount of alcohol into Taylor’s system she was dancing on the stage and singing karaoke, much to everyone’s amusement. Steph loved seeing her this carefree. This was the Taylor she had missed. She was so much fun when she wasn’t stressing about a big wedding that was really more to please everyone else than it was for her and Sam.
Steph knew Dean and Sam were having fun as well. Dean had never been able to spend more than a few hours apart from Steph since they first met without texting her a million times. Today the text had included pics of a grumpy Sam at a stripclub, followed by one of a happier and drunker looking Sam gambling at a blackjack table with his hands over his head as he won.  
Sam and Dean were a lot more alike when it came to their attachment to their significant others than Dean cared to admit. Instead he just teased his little brother for always wanting to talk to  Taylor. This weekend, though, the two of them hadn’t been able to communicate since Dean and Steph had stolen their phones. Their arguments had been this was their last chance time out as single people with their friends and the phones would just get in the way of that. When that hadn’t worked, Dean had downright grabbed both phones and hidden them before Steph had dragged Taylor out the door and Dean had shoved his little brother into the Impala.
Dean and Steph weren’t chancing the two of them calling each other and somehow figuring out the plan. They couldn’t know that they were not only in the same town but in hotels right across from each other.
As much fun as partying all Friday had been it was nothing compared to the look on Sam and Taylor’s faces when they saw each other outside the chapel Dean and Steph had dragged them to. Dean wrapped his arm around Steph’s shoulder, kissing the side of her head as the two of them watched Taylor practically leap into Sam’s arms, kissing him breathless.
“Sam, what are you doing here?” Taylor beamed when they finally broke apart, but Sam just shook his head in confusion.
“Ask Dean. I had no idea you were here,” Sam answered her truthfully, causing a fit of laughter to erupt from their two kidnappers.
“You’re getting married!” Steph announced, causing Taylor and Sam both to frown in confusion before she spoke up.
“I noticed, Stephie. I’ve done nothing but planning…” Taylor was cut off by Dean laughing and shaking his head at her.
“No, in there. Right now,” Dean clarified,and the couple’s jaws dropped before Steph took a step closer to Taylor.
“You’re driving yourself crazy with all the planning. None of it is going to matter anyway, trust me. All I remember from our wedding is our vows and the way Dean looked at me,” Steph reasoned with her and Dean chipped in.
“I don’t even remember my vows,” he chuckled. “I just remember how gorgeous she was and that she said yes.”
Steph lovingly rolled her eyes at him, while Taylor smiled looking up at Sam, who just shrugged.
“It’s your call babe. I just want to marry you. How and where is not important.”
“I guess we could… but my dress,” Taylor looked torn, but Dean just sent her a huge grin and a wink.
“It’s in my trunk. So that’s not gonna be your excuse, sis.” The last word made Taylor tear up, and she nodded enthusiastically.
“Yes.” She turned to Sam, who was one big smile now. “Yes, I wanna marry you today.”
Sam pulled Taylor into his arms, kissing her until the room started spinning. Dean let out a whistle, making them break apart blushing.
“Before you guys skip too many steps and head to the honeymoon suite-” Dean tossed Steph his car keys, dragging Sam backwards with him- “we need to get you a tux, buddy.”
Sam Tag Team
@emoryhemsworth @sleepylunarwolf @roxyspearing @mysteriously-lost @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @fatalcrossbow @mrswhozeewhatsis @mysupernaturalfics @saxxxology @crushing83 @oneshoeshort @arryn-nyxx @superapplepie @walkingkhaleesi @impala-dreamer @peaceloveancolor @theoriginalvicki @feelmyroarrrr @bohowitch @katymacsupernatural @elevenofmages @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @dustycelt @adriellej @ashleydivine @percywinchester27  @percussiongirl2017 @sis-tafics @jayankles @spn-fan-girl-173 @ryantherandomhero @becs-bunker @mery-magizoologist @sandlee44  @sillesworldofwriting @mariahoedt @samisimportant @smoothdogsgirl @winchester-writes @deangirl-samcurious-0214-0502 @winchester-wannabe99 @jpadjackles @fanomoniumflurry @evansrogerskitten @dalikah3 @impalaimagining @love-kittykat21 @thelittleredwhocould @goodnightwife @there-must-be-a-lock @highlyfuncti0nings0ci0path @born-to-be-his-baby88 @super100012 @waywardasfudge @imanunbrokenfangirl @jadelecki-jackles @cassieraider @deanwinchesterisamazing 
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innocentfighter · 7 years
Hal Becomes an Avenger AU
Sometimes you just have to make a very stupid reason about why something exists. IE I Broke Marvel and DC to Ship StarLantern (Peter Quill and Hal Jordan) 
v  Blackest Night
Ø  Blah blah blah, fighting Nekron, except Scar has done something that gives him extra defense.
Ø  The entity reaches out towards the nearest lantern, in this case Hal as it’s currently attached to Sinestro and it can tell that they have a strong connection
Ø  It tells him that there’s a way for the defense to be brought down
§  Hal -> “what is it”
§  Entity -> “at great cost to you-“
§  Hal -> “If I can help to beat Nekron, it’s worth it”
Ø  So the Entity tells him that a large enough push of will, close to Ion’s levels, it can disrupt the shield long enough that the White Lanterns could beat it.
Ø  Hal agrees and relays the plan
§  Mostly “hey guys, you’ll know the signal, attack then and there won’t be a second chance”
Ø  Everyone agrees, because Hal usually knows what’s going on the with the rings more than anyone else does
Ø  Hal does the heroic thing.
§  He feels himself being ripped apart by the power of the shield and what’s surging though him
Ø  The Entity is impressed by the strength of the creature and how willing it was to sacrifice himself
§  It gives a gift
“You will be dead in this world, and it shall mourn you as a hero, but I will give you a new life in a place far from here”
Ø  When the light fades and Nekron has fall, Hal is missing
§  Barry realized what happened
Cue very dramatic mourning scene then and there
v  A New Life
Ø  Hal lands in New York City
§  His ring’s power cuts out and he’s unconscious
§  The large surge of power attracts resident heroes
They’re like, what the heck?? And take the guy back to be treated and assessed to see if he’s a threat
Ø  Hal wakes up with a dude hovering over him
§  Hi Hawkeye
§  He’s very confused and wonders why he’s not dead and also who the guy is that’s hovering over him
   Queue explanation
Ø  So  now that he’s not a lantern, he doesn’t even know if the ring works, but it’s cold and he’s likely hundred of Earths away from his own
§  The further that the planets get from Earth-1 the more different they become, as in some of the same people are neve born until they’re nearly unrecognizable 
Ø  Hal is kind of liking this life
§  He’s smart and experienced enough that he can help the avengers out
·         Plus Clint and Steve like him
¨       Actually most of the Avengers like him
Ø  Hulk and Nat have a tolerance of him
Ø  TBH Clint and Hal are like best friends, it’s a disaster
§  Hal is trying very hard not to compare them to his old friends
Ø  Anyway Infinity Stones
§  But First
Ø  The Guardians of the Galaxy were heading to Earth because of the large surge of cosmic energy
§  They were concerned that it was an infinity stone
§  So when they arrive at Avengers Tower they’re surprised to see that it was some dude that got jackslapped several dimensions away from his own
§  Drax asks why he never tried to find a way back, as there were ways as Tony discovered
·         Hal kinds of blinks like he never realized that he could go back
§  Peter just kind of looks at him with a face that says “I get it”
·         Queue friendship
§  Peter and Hal hit it off better than even Clint and Hal did
·         It’s more of kinship of similar beliefs
v  Right infinity stones
Ø  Things happen, Guardians and Avengers are in need of help
Ø  Hal wills his ring to work (by the power of suspension of belief I shall make this so)
Ø  And he’s able to hold Thanos off long enough that someone can break free and get the other’s free
Ø  No one knew that Hal was a superhero
§  I wasn’t a very good one
§  One of the guardians -> Did you break the law
·         No?? I just got really messed up by the entity of fear and hecked everything up
·         ?? It wasn’t you how can you blame yourself?
·         Everyone else did?
·         Collectively -> No?? That’s not how that works?
v  Regardless of the past everyone moves on
Ø  The Guardians say on earth for some time
Ø  Peter and Hal get close
§  E.G they get together romantically
·         Ace representation ftw
§  So they’re dating
§  And finally the GotG want to go back into space
·         Hal is like, if my ring still works I’ll go
¨       Which is does
·         So Hal spends his time traveling between Earth and the GotG because that’s what he did when he was a Lantern
¨       Mostly he hangs out with the Avengers when the Guardians do their illegal stuff
Ø  Plausible deniability
§  Bats and Supes would kill him
§  Eventually Peter and Hal get married
·         On Earth
v  Time skip 4+ years
Ø  Sometime while Hal and co were on Earth another space door opens and out pops Batman and Green Arrow
§  Hal is simultaneously thrilled and not so much so
§  Ofc is happens when he’s out walking with Clint
·         GotG got an urgent call
Ø  Naturally Ollie notices his former best friend
§  At first glance he thinks its one of those mirror dimensions were a couple of things were different
§  But he knows that ring
·         Also Hal is starring at him like he’s seen a ghost
¨       So maybe he died in this world or it was actually Hal
Ø  Batman makes the confrontation
§  Lo-and behold tis their Hal Jordan
Ø  There’s a lot of yelling, and maybe crying
§  Clint is uncomfortable, and decides that they should move this into Avengers tower
Ø  Hal has a long talk
§  Eventually Batman leaves to help Stark with trying to get the portal thing built
§  Ollie and Hal have a heart to heart  
·         Ollie talks a lot about Barry
¨       It seems they bonded in grief
·         Hal asks about his brothers and Carol
¨       They were hurt, but unsurprised, they knew the day was coming that Hal wouldn’t come home
·         Hal was also surprised to learn that he got fully memorialized
¨       It wasn’t right, that you died twice saving the world twice, and not get recognition, we made sure they knew about the second time
¨       Hal cries (he’ll deny it)
Ø  So  they catch up as the machine gets built
§  Ollie and Clint have an archery contest
·         Everyone is afraid to ask what the results were
Ø  Machine is complete
§  They Tropey standing at the doorway
·         Hal aren’t you coming back? -Ollie
·         No – Hal
·         Why not? – Ollie
·         I have a life here Ollie, a husband whom I love and friends that I cherish.
·         You had that life back home – Ollie
·         I had that life. When I came back from being Parallax I was living on borrowed time. I’m dead in that world, this is my life now.
·         Heroes come back from the dead all of the time
·         Ollie, no.
·         I have to tell them I saw you, I can’t keep this secret
·         Hal pulls out a thumb drive and hands it to the archer
·         Say you stole it, say you saw me and you took this. Let everyone that cares know I’m alive, healthy, and happy.
·         What’s on it?
·         Photos, from my life here.
·         What do I tell them? They’ll be hurt
·         Say I don’t remember that life.
·         Lie?
·         Hal shrugs
Ø  They go through the portal
v  Back on Earth-1
Ø  Ollie and Batman reappear
§  Oliver is crying
·         There’s a lot of questions
¨       Especially from Barry
Ø  They regroup and Ollie pulls out the thumb drive
§  Basically gave the same story that Hal told him to
·         Hal’s alive, he doesn’t remember this life, but I snagged this, he’s happy.
Ø  Everyone is kind of upset that Hal doesn’t remember them but they’re relieved that he’s alive and happy
v  End  
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The Little Princess: Chapter 4
A/N- I try to be productive. I really do. But this story just won’t leave me alone. Anyways, here’s the 4th part! I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I am! (P.S.-Today is my birthday, so be nice to me please!)
Word count: 1,475
Warnings: Angst, baby feels, fluff, TRIGGER! BRIEF MENTION OF MISCARRIAGE (I promise this is the last time. It just sort of came up.) slight cliffhanger at the end
Chapter summary: Cas surprises Reader with a visit; Reader comforts James in a time of need
Characters: Reader, Castiel, OFC Tori, OMC James, OFC Mary (baby)
Author: @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes
Need to catch up? HERE is the masterlist. It should be mobile friendly!
Chapter 4
You were completely entranced by Mary, even after 3 months. Every little face she made, every little coo and gurgle, even her cries, they were all perfect. Tori and James insisted on staying with you the first few days, just to make sure you were alright. And you were glad they did, because the stairs were hard. And they got even harder when carrying a squirming newborn. Too bad Ash couldn’t find any decent one-story homes around here.
James stayed for a few days, but he went back to their house after that. He felt like he was intruding on the time you and Tori had with Mary. You tried to tell him he wasn’t intruding, but he didn’t want to hear it. Something told you he wasn’t quite over their loss yet. It was hard for him to be around Mary.
Tori stayed almost 3 weeks though. She got you up and moving, and made sure you didn’t have to do a thing during the day. She just wanted you to rest as much as possible. Mr. Dixon stopped by every Friday with your paycheck and to see Mary. The man would never admit it, but he wanted grandchildren very badly. But his kids kept telling him the time wasn’t right yet. You are the same age as his youngest, so you allowed him to attach to Mary as a surrogate granddaughter. If anything ever happens to me, it can’t hurt her to have more people surrounding her. They’ll take great care of her…
Your doctor called it “baby blues,” but you were struggling to keep yourself happy. Tori was helping keep an eye out for post-partum depression, but it hadn’t reared its ugly head so far. Once she was satisfied that you would be okay on your own during the days, she moved back home with James.
While Tori was at work one day, you took Mary for a walk around the neighborhood. She liked being outside as much as you did, and you realized it was insane to think you could keep her hidden in the house her whole life. As you rounded the corner to the park, you heard the rustle of wings. You knew exactly who it was without having to look.
“God dammit Cas. What do you want?”
“You gave birth to Dean’s child. Why is he not here?”
“Because he doesn’t know about her, and you’re going to keep it that way. Got it? Don’t tell Dean anything.”
“I do not understand, Y/N. Usually the woman and the man are happy together when they have a child. Are you not happy with Dean? Has he done something to harm you? I will have a talk with him if it is necessary.”
“NO Castiel. I don’t want him to know. He could never leave the life behind, and it wouldn’t be safe for Mary. He’s told me over and over how he doesn’t want to raise kids in the life, and no one ever gets out. So I made the decision for us all. It’s just better this way. No long term damage and our child is safe from the things that go bump in the night.”
“I see. I still do not understand Y/N. But if you wish for your daughter’s safety, I can place warding on her like I did you, Sam, and Dean. That is your main concern, correct?”
“Yes Cas. But won’t that hurt her? I mean, she’s still so small and fragile…”
“No I will make it painless. I will simply put her to sleep first. If you’ll hold her?”
You picked Mary up and watched with wary eyes as Cas touched two fingers to her forehead. She fell right asleep. He put his hands gently on either side of her ribcage, and a faint glow emanated from his palms. Then he place a hand on your right side, and a small white hot pain shot across your ribs. It only lasted a moment but it was still shocking.
“There. Now you are both warded against everything except me. I am the only angel that can find you. Is there anything I can do to convince you to come home? We all miss you….”
“I’m sorry Cas, but this is the way things have to be. I…I miss you all so much Cas…” Before you could compose yourself, the dam had broken and you were sobbing. You missed them all so much. You didn’t realize that missing someone could be painful.
Cas wrapped his arms around you and Mary. For a moment, you were afraid he would use his angel mojo and zap you back to the bunker. Instead, he simply held you in his arms, providing you with whatever comfort he could.
“You and Dean are both very special to me, Y/N. That makes Mary even more special. If you ever need anything, even just advice or help with Mary, pray to me. I will always hear you and I promise you, both of you, that I will always come. Until the day I cease to exist. You have my word Y/N, I will always keep watch and protect you and most importantly your daughter. I will keep this secret, even though it pains me to lie to Dean. I know you are doing what you think is best. But also know there will always be a place for you with us.”
Cas kissed your forehead and then did the same with Mary.
“Goodbye, beautiful girls.”
Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he had flown off to who knows where. You hadn’t even gotten to say thank you for protecting you… Shaking your head, you placed your sleeping infant back in her stroller and continued on down the street. As you got closer to the park, you noticed a familiar man sitting on one of the benches watching children play. You parked the stroller with a still sleeping Mary at the end of the bench, and sat down.
“Hey James. What’re you doing here?”
He looked at you almost guiltily. He hadn’t even noticed you sit down next to him. “Please don’t tell Tori I’m here. After…after we lost the baby, I was heartbroken. All we had talked about since we got married is how much we wanted children. And we were having so much trouble, we had almost given up. But it finally happened, and then it was ripped away from us in the same day. I can’t say I took it harder than she did, but it was my idea to go out and celebrate. If we had just stayed in like she wanted…if we had just watched our favorite movies with take-out like she wanted…”
You automatically knew that he came here to watch what could have been his children. Instinctively you grabbed his hand in yours. “Oh James…you can’t blame a thing like that on yourself. Fate can be cruel sometimes. What happened that night was NOT your fault; it was the other driver’s fault. He shouldn’t have been driving like that, and I hope he got what he deserved for causing you and Tori so much pain. The other thing you need to understand is that people deal with grief and loss in their own ways. Tori dealt with hers by helping me with Mary, and you deal with yours by coming here. But James…you can’t keep dwelling on what might have been, or should have been. You have to focus on what the future will bring. And if children are in the cards for you and Tori, then it will happen. I promise you. One day, you and Tori will make the most amazing parents. And for right now, you have Mary here. If you ever want to take her for walks, or come over and play with her, or even want to keep her overnight at some point, you know I am more than happy to do any of that. You and Tori are the only ones I trust with her. And that should say a lot.”
Mary had woken up at this point, and you released James’ hand to pick your daughter up. As soon as she saw James, she giggled and cooed and reached her chubby little hands out towards him. James grinned, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you handed her to him. She was always so happy with James and Tori both, and you were secretly happy that “Uncle” James could be there as a father figure for her. You knew you would never love anyone but Dean, and you could never fake it enough to build a life with someone other than the green-eyed hunter.
As you watched James play with Mary in his lap, your hunter instincts suddenly had you on high alert. Someone was watching you…
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guiltypacifist · 7 years
Hal Jordan/Peter Quill Crossover AU
Blackest Night
 Blah blah blah, fighting Nekron, except Scar has done something that gives him extra defense.
 The entity reaches out towards the nearest lantern, in this case Hal as it’s currently attached to Sinestro and it can tell that they have a strong connection
 It tells him that there’s a way for the defense to be brought down
   Hal -> “what is it”
   Entity -> “at great cost to you-“
   Hal -> “If I can help to beat Nekron, it’s worth it”
 So the Entity tells him that a large enough push of will, close to Ion’s levels, it can disrupt the shield long enough that the White Lanterns could beat it.
 Hal agrees and relays the plan
   Mostly “hey guys, you’ll know the signal, attack then and there won’t be a second chance”
 Everyone agrees, because Hal usually knows what’s going on the with the rings more than anyone else does
 Hal does the heroic thing.
   He feels himself being ripped apart by the power of the shield and what’s surging though him
 The Entity is impressed by the strength of the creature and how willing it was to sacrifice himself
   It gives a gift
“You will be dead in this world, and it shall mourn you as a hero, but I will give you a new life in a place far from here”
 When the light fades and Nekron has fall, Hal is missing
   Barry realized what happened
Cue very dramatic mourning scene then and there
A New Life
 Hal lands in New York City
   His ring’s power cuts out and he’s unconscious
   The large surge of power attracts resident heroes
They’re like, what the heck?? And take the guy back to be treated and assessed to see if he’s a threat
 Hal wakes up with a dude hovering over him
   Hi Hawkeye
   He’s very confused and wonders why he’s not dead and also who the guy is that’s hovering over him
  Queue explanation
 So  now that he’s not a lantern, he doesn’t even know if the ring works, but it’s cold and he’s likely hundred of Earths away from his own
   The further that the planets get from Earth-1 the more different they become, as in some of the same people are neve born until they’re nearly unrecognizable 
 Hal is kind of liking this life
   He’s smart and experienced enough that he can help the avengers out
Plus Clint and Steve like him
     Actually most of the Avengers like him
 Hulk and Nat have a tolerance of him
 TBH Clint and Hal are like best friends, it’s a disaster
   Hal is trying very hard not to compare them to his old friends
 Anyway Infinity Stones
   But First
 The Guardians of the Galaxy were heading to Earth because of the large surge of cosmic energy
   They were concerned that it was an infinity stone
   So when they arrive at Avengers Tower they’re surprised to see that it was some dude that got jackslapped several dimensions away from his own
   Drax asks why he never tried to find a way back, as there were ways as Tony discovered
  Hal kinds of blinks like he never realized that he could go back
   Peter just kind of looks at him with a face that says “I get it”
Queue friendship
   Peter and Hal hit it off better than even Clint and Hal did
     It’s more of kinship of similar beliefs
Right infinity stones
 Things happen, Guardians and Avengers are in need of help
 Hal wills his ring to work (by the power of suspension of belief I shall make this so)
 And he’s able to hold Thanos off long enough that someone can break free and get the other’s free
 No one knew that Hal was a superhero
   I wasn’t a very good one
   One of the guardians -> Did you break the law
No?? I just got really messed up by the entity of fear and hecked everything up
?? It wasn’t you how can you blame yourself?
 Everyone else did?
Collectively -> No?? That’s not how that works?
Regardless of the past everyone moves on
 The Guardians say on earth for some time
 Peter and Hal get close
   E.G they get together romantically
Ace representation ftw
   So they’re dating
   And finally the GotG want to go back into space
Hal is like, if my ring still works I’ll go
Which is does
  So Hal spends his time traveling between Earth and the GotG because that’s what he did when he was a Lantern
Mostly he hangs out with the Avengers when the Guardians do their illegal stuff
 Plausible deniability
   Bats and Supes would kill him
   Eventually Peter and Hal get married
On Earth
Time skip 4+ years
 Sometime while Hal and co were on Earth another space door opens and out pops Batman and Green Arrow
   Hal is simultaneously thrilled and not so much so
   Ofc is happens when he’s out walking with Clint
 GotG got an urgent call
 Naturally Ollie notices his former best friend
   At first glance he thinks its one of those mirror dimensions were a couple of things were different
   But he knows that ring
 Also Hal is starring at him like he’s seen a ghost
 So maybe he died in this world or it was actually Hal
 Batman makes the confrontation
   Lo-and behold tis their Hal Jordan
 There’s a lot of yelling, and maybe crying
   Clint is uncomfortable, and decides that they should move this into Avengers tower
 Hal has a long talk
   Eventually Batman leaves to help Stark with trying to get the portal thing built
   Ollie and Hal have a heart to heart  
   Ollie talks a lot about Barry
      It seems they bonded in grief
      Hal asks about his brothers and Carol
     They were hurt, but unsurprised, they knew the day was coming that Hal wouldn’t come home
        Hal was also surprised to learn that he got fully memorialized
      It wasn’t right, that you died twice saving the world twice, and not get recognition, we made sure they knew about the second time
      Hal cries (he’ll deny it)
 So  they catch up as the machine gets built
   Ollie and Clint have an archery contest
·         Everyone is afraid to ask what the results were
 Machine is complete
   The Tropey standing at the doorway
        Hal aren’t you coming back? -Ollie
        No – Hal
    Why not? – Ollie
        I have a life here Ollie, a husband whom I love and friends that I cherish.
       You had that life back home – Ollie
        I had that life. When I came back from being Parallax I was living on borrowed time. I’m dead in that world, this is my life now.
  Heroes come back from the dead all of the time
Ollie, no.
I have to tell them I saw you, I can’t keep this secret
Hal pulls out a thumb drive and hands it to the archer
Say you stole it, say you saw me and you took this. Let everyone that cares know I’m alive, healthy, and happy.
What’s on it?
Photos, from my life here.
What do I tell them? They’ll be hurt
  Say I don’t remember that life.
 Hal shrugs
 They go through the portal
Back on Earth-1
 Ollie and Batman reappear
   Oliver is crying
There’s a lot of questions
Especially from Barry
 They regroup and Ollie pulls out the thumb drive
   Basically gave the same story that Hal told him to
Hal’s alive, he doesn’t remember this life, but I snagged this, he’s happy.
 Everyone is kind of upset that Hal doesn’t remember them but they’re relieved that he’s alive and happy
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