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wowsosad · 7 months ago
Me white-knuckle gripping the steering wheel of my car, driving 25 miles over the speed limit while my poor friend sits in the passenger seat: No cause John already parentified Dean pretty thoroughly, as Dean largely was the one that took care of Sam for their childhoods, teen years, and adulthood. But imagine if John had gone further, and taught Dean that Sam was Dean’s baby? That Dean was Sam’s parent—maybe a mommy, maybe a daddy, but likely just Sam’s caretaker—and how much more fucked up all of Sam’s growing-up process would’ve been? How much more agonized Dean would be when Sam left for Stanford, or if Sam would leave for Stanford at all! Dean well and truly seeing Sam as his kid, not John’s? Sam referring to Dean as “dad” while John is just. John. Sam getting calls from Dean at Stanford and always telling peers and friends “oh yeah, it’s my dad. I’ll be right back” before walking off so he can talk to Dean privately? JESS BEING FULLY UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT SAM WAS AN ONLY CHILD? ONLY TO BE AGHAST WHEN DEAN, THE NAME SHE THOUGHT BELONGED TO SAM’S DAD, SHOWS UP AND HES ONLY FOUR YEARS OLDER THAN HER? HELLO??? HELLOOO????
Friend: take the next exit up here on the right
Me: thanks :3
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supernotnatural2005 · 4 months ago
That’s my girl (Drabble)
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Daddy!Dean, fluff
AN: Not gonna lie, i saw this gif and this is what came to me 😅
My Masterlist
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“Oh wow. Aren’t you quite the artist.” You praised your 5 year old as you moved to sit beside her at the kitchen table.
She beamed at you before concentrating back on her work, her tongue peaking out from her lips in the most adorable way.
Dean brought you over a cup of coffee and you mouthed a thank you, not wanting to disturb your daughter.
For a moment you admired her beauty. Her vibrant green eyes and freckled dusted nose, resembling that of her father’s. But she had your hair and shaped nose.
Sometimes you couldn’t quite believe she was real. She truly was a miracle.
“Finished!” She suddenly exclaimed and dropped her crayon to the table. “Do you want to see mommy?” She asked you sweetly and you all but melted.
“Of course i do.” You told her honestly and she gave you one of her toothless smiles. She slid the paper over to you and you made sure she could see as well.
“Wow. This is beautiful sweetie. Is that Mommy?” You pointed to the stick figure with your hair and eye colour.
“Yes.” She told you, joyful you’d gotten it right.
“And this is Daddy.” She pointed to another stick figure beside you. She’d got the flannel down to a T. “And this is uncky Sammy.” She mispronounce adorably and pointed to a much taller figure. She was probably the only person alive on earth, Sam allowed to give that nickname.
“And this is uncky Cas.” She pointed to another stick figure, with his trench coat and all. However you frowned at the black blob beside you all.
“And what’s this?” You asked carefully, not wanting to insult her work.
“That’s Baby silly.” She told you as if that were obvious and giggled. “Daddy said she is just as much as family as we are.”
You raised a brow at Dean as he walked over with a plate of pancakes and set them down on the table.
“That’s my girl.” He ruffled her hair before forking two pancakes onto her plate. She clapped excitedly, Dean’s pancakes being her favourite.
“Daddy also said Baby is special, because it’s where i was made.” She told you around a mouth full of pancake and you looked at Dean in horror, whose eyes were just as wide as yours.
So much for the bribe of pancakes to keep that quiet.
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AN: Gah it’s a short one, but it’s what popped into my head! I hope you liked that little twist at the end, i can imagine Dean having a daughter and her picking up his hustling ways. Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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lachelledavies-winchester · 10 months ago
" Dean, it's not porn. That's what makes sex so good, too. "
He looked at her in wonder at that lightness and lingered over every inch of her body. 
" Shall we change the game? " she asked as she stood up with feline stride. " Tell me what you like. "
Dean watched her in silence; she looked tremendously sexy with her blouse open and her boobs breezing down, between which the flower pendant descended. She had a few mini tattoos here and there and a couple of small scars that made her body even more intriguing and attractive.
" I wouldn't want to traumatize you. " he said to set the tone and test her again.
" Sorry, I forgot that you are older than me. " she teased him by pulling him toward her to reach the couch. " Do you see me as a schoolgirl? Do you think I can't chat like that too? Are you of those who like to be called sir? Or daddy?"
She smiled again when she saw him biting his lips, certain that she had discovered a kink in him at the first stroke. She knelt down this time and began to lick his member, showing him how much of a schoolgirl there really was in her; she neglected no part of it, alternating the pace from slow to fast and her hands to her mouth, combining them to stimulate his balls from time to time as well.
" You are so hard. You're making me wet again. " she moaned between lunges, making him gasp with that deep cavernous voice, not realizing the growth in the intensity of her own moans until she stopped to look at him and smile at him again with a look that communicated that she was restraining herself, but still with that lightness and complicity that he adored.
" You're really getting into trouble. "
" Then I can't wait to find out what my punishment will be. " she answered him as she calmly walked to her suitcase and pulled a condom out of a clutch.
" You are so sexy. " Dean remarked, at that moment completely captivated by her independence, by her being very different from the women he usually dated.
" I've been thinking all week about you fucking me in every place we've been, in every possible position ... in every possible hole. " she knew when to tread lightly to keep the desire from wavering, and this time she did so as she helped him insert the condom, alternating between thrusting phrases and twirling her tongue over the head as with obvious difficulty he completed the task.
" Oh baby, you're playing with fire. "
" What now? "
" Now daddy will teach you not to instigate such a man this way. "
Here the third chapter https://archiveofourown.org/works/50832031/chapters/141889423#workskin
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
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Summary: Your son heard something last night...
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Wife!Reader
Warnings: fun, crack, implied smut, daddy!Dean
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“I see you are wearing matching clothes this morning,” Sam smirks as you and Dean walk into the kitchen.
You bought Dean a pajama with hot dog imprints. Now he’s wearing the pajama pants while you stole the matching shirt.
“Where are the kids?”
You yawn and rub your tired eyes. “Still asleep. Don’t ask too many questions this morning.”
“Not so loud,” Dean whispers to you. “We don’t want them to wake up. I need coffee and breakfast first. Dean Jr. kept me from getting my five hours of sleep.”
“How?” Sam asks. “What did he want to know this time?”
“DADDY!” you watch your ten-year-old son storm toward his father. “You won’t get away with this!”
Dean Jr. wields his fake katana in front of him while glaring at his father.
“What’s wrong with you buddy? Last night you wouldn’t let me sleep, and now you threaten your father?” Dean yelps as his son pokes his side with the fake sword. “Dean Jr. explain yourself.”
“You hurt mommy last night,” your son sniffs. “Sofia Rose heard it too. You’re lucky she’s still asleep. I won’t let you hurt Mommy again!"
“Hurt mommy…” Dean frowns at his son’s words. “Buddy, I would never hurt your mommy. She would break my neck if I put my hands on her the wrong way.”
You laugh at Dean’s pained expression. “Dean Jr.,” you softly say, “I swear Daddy didn’t hurt me. Why do you think he hurt me, Dean Jr.?”
“You screamed last night,” your son mumbles. “Sofia Rose woke me up, and I heard you screaming. You said don’t stop, but you sound like you are in pain…I wanted to help you, but the door was locked.”
“I…screamed,” you nervously chuckle. “Oh…oh…” you feel heat creep into your cheeks as you realize that your son must’ve heard you and Dean last night. “OH!!!”
“Sonofabitch!” Dean curses under his breath. “Son, I did not hurt your mother.” Dean crouches down next to his son and places his hand on your son’s shoulder. “Do you remember that one time you came home from school, and we talked about bees and flowers?”
“I still don’t like girls,” your son scrunches up his nose. “They smell odd…like flowers. That new girl always tries to kiss my cheek.”
“You see, I like girls,” Dean whispers. “Especially your mommy. If I like her very much, Mommy gets loud."
Your son furrows his brows. He looks from Dean to you and back at his father. You can almost see the wheels in his head spinning as his eyes widen in shock.
“GROSS Dad! You can’t do this with Mommy!”
“Buddy, Mommy, and I are married, and we love each other. Sometimes we want to show each other how much,” Dean calms his son.
“No. You won’t do that again with Mommy,” your son declares. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Dean Jr. storms off. He mutters under his breath, calling his father's actions gross.
“Dean, he means well.”
“He can’t just tell us to never have sex again,” your husband grumbles. “That’s it, we need to leave."
You chuckle.
"I mean it, sweetheart," Dean says. “I won’t keep my hands to myself.”
“Maybe you should invest in wall acoustic panels,” Sam says. “It will help with the…noises.” He grins from ear to ear. “I heard you too, you know…”
“If you want to forbid me to have sex with my wife too, you are dead,” Dean warns. “No one gets between me and my wife…”
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Dean Martin masterlist
Dean martin
Masterlist below the cut
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vintage-agere · 5 months ago
(I know what I’m doing these days!)
Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin
Gene Kelly
Gregory Peck
Marlon Brando
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bethsvrse · 11 months ago
pov: I find a good smut fic but it includes a daddy kink
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wowsosad · 7 months ago
Sam calling Dean dad/daddy? Take that wherever and however you want 🖤
Hi nonnie :)
CW/TW: Weecest (Sam is 14, Dean is 18), avid references to this post, Daddy!Dean, Sam acts younger than he is (psychological regression who? Freud would have a field day), quite soft and fluffy, really no nsfw here
They’re in an apartment this time, and it’s rented every two weeks instead of every month. They’re close to St. Louis, but not within the city by any means. John’s been running around in the surrounding counties, going after a variety of salt and burns while Sam attends the nearby high school, and Dean made money bussing tables and serving at a bar (no time for high school, these days. Too many monsters and too little money). Today is a day like any other.
Sam’s leg bounced where he sat in his seventh-period class. He liked American history well enough, but the curriculum for freshman at his last school, Columbus High School in Nebraska, did ancient world history for freshmen. He liked that far more than WW2, which he’s learned about 16 separate times already.
Sam’s friend—“friend” being a tentative term—Derek was leaning against his hand, eyelids drooping. The teacher had finished for the day, and was giving them time to work on their homework assignments. Sam had been done with them for days, and was eagerly looking at the clock, anxious for school to be over. Derek’s eyes traveled up and down Sam’s body, blasé enough that it didn’t feel weird.
“What’re you so excited about?” Derek mumbled, and Sam’s attention snapped away from the clock on the wall. 2:50, ten minutes ‘til class was up.
Sam’s leg continued bouncing, “My dad’s picking me up.” A grin threatened to split across his cheeks, and Derek rolled his eyes.
“Your dad always picks you up. There’s nothing exciting about that,” Derek scuffed his shoe against the floor. Sam frowned.
“You’re just jealous ‘cause you’re a bus rider,” Sam switched which leg he was bouncing, and Derek hummed in acknowledgement. As they were talking, the rest of the class began abandoning their work in favor of socialization.
“I’m not jealous. My dad’s a total goober. If he picked me up I’d be embarrassed. Your dad, though,” Derek mimed steering a car, “He’s got that cool Impala. It’s hard to be lame in one of those.”
Sam grinned, finally letting his glee show on his face, “Yeah, my dad is pretty cool. So is his car.”
The second the bell rang, Sam bolted out of the classroom. He barely stopped by his locker to drop off the books he didn’t need for homework, then he was out of the building like a flash. Dean’s car was smack-dab-center in the car-rider line, and Sam hurried to it, satchel smacking against his thigh as he slowed his pace. “Four Sticks” by Led Zeppelin was audible from the stereo, and Sam stuck his head in the open window. He met Dean’s eye with a wide smile. It was Wednesday, which meant Dean wasn’t working.
Dean’s shift at the bar always started at 4:00 and ended at midnight. The only days he didn’t work were Wednesday and Sunday, which meant Sam loved Wednesday and Sunday.
Dean’s smile split across his face, “Sammy! Come on, get in.”
Sam hurried into the car, tossing his bag to the ground between his legs, and leaning forward to meet Dean in the middle. Dean wrapped an arm around Sam, cradling his neck, and pressed a firm kiss to his forehead. When released, Sam flopped against the seat with a smile.
“I missed you, daddy,” Sam blinked, and Dean grinned before ruffling his hair.
“I missed you too, kiddo. I got my paycheck, you wanna go get some ice cream?”
Sam’s smile grew even wider, “Milkshakes?”
“Whatever you want,” Dean affirmed, and pulled out of the car-rider line.
Once home, his stomach full of a burger, fries, and milkshake, Sam slumped on the living room couch with a deflated, content sigh. He was flopped up against the armrest, lithe body lain across the couch cushions, and Dean smiled at him softly. The older boy followed Sam onto the couch, crowding over him. Sam’s breath hitched, his jaw ticking up as Dean’s face hovered over his.
“Daddy,” Sam cooed, eyelashes fluttering, “You’re not working tonight.” He was giddy. It was already past 4:00, and usually, Dean would’ve been long-gone by now. Most days, Sam prided himself in his maturity. He was a pretty grown-up kid, knew how to hunt monsters and how to kill them, was mostly fluent in Latin, had fired a gun more times than the average 14-year-old boy. But he felt small with Dean, like falling back into a littler version of himself. Dean never made fun of him for it.
Dean bent down onto his elbows, one hand coming up to cradle Sam’s jaw.
“You’re right, I’m not workin’. I’m all yours this evening. Whaddaya wanna do?” Dean’s fingers, calloused and warm, gently scratched up and down Sam’s soft jaw. He hadn’t yet grown facial hair yet, unlike Dean, who had scruff he maintained. It made him look older, and more handsome.
“We could watch a movie,” Sam bit his bottom lip, worrying at the inflamed, reddened skin there. Dean’s thumb moved to remove Sam’s lip from his mouth with a tut.
“You should stop bitin’ there, Sammy. You’re hurtin’ yourself,” Dean’s gaze was pensive, unconcerned. He’d been repeating that for years. If Sam wasn’t biting his lip, it was the inside of his cheek, or his nails. “A movie sounds good, though. I got Ferris Bueller’s Day Off from the Blockbuster downtown,” Dean tapped Sam’s chin, “Does that sound good, kiddo?”
Sam nodded, and smiled, “Yeah, daddy, that sounds good.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Unrequited - Snippet - 4 years later
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Summary: Unrequited love is in the past.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, daddy!Dean, a little angst
A/N: Takes place four years after the epilogue.
<< Unrequited – Epilogue
Unrequited Masterlist
16.666 followers ‘16 days of requests’ celebration
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“No, this can’t be,” you glance at the scene unfolding in front of you. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” You huff. “I’ll kill her.”
You put your hands on your hips, ready to rip someone apart. A woman stole the man you love once. You won’t let it happen again.
“I’ll not let her get away with this. No way! I will show you what it means to mess with Y/N Winchester!” you are ready to commit murder. “That is enough. She’s going to never put her hands on him again.”
You feel two strong arms wrap around your waistline. “Sweetheart, relax. Bobby has a playdate. She’s a cute lil girl and not a succubus. I know it’s hard watching your baby boy become a man.”
“He’s four years old, Dean! My baby is not a man,” you sniffle. “She puts her hand on his shoulder!” you are not thinking straight. Watching the six-year-old giggle at something your son said reminds you of all the girls swooning all over your husband. “I bet she has something evil in mind.”
“Baby, that’s…” Dean snickers. “Aw, you should’ve been so angry and aggressive when it came to me back then.”
You look over your shoulder to give Dean the stinky eye. He can’t understand how it feels to a mother watching her son grow so fast. “But…but he’s my baby, and she’s older than him.”
Dean smirks. “He’s a heartbreaker, just like his daddy. Believe me. Bobby will wait for the right girl to come around. I did the same.”
“You didn’t wait for the right one—” You bite your tongue. Sometimes the past catches up and you feel the stinging pain of rejection raise its ugly head.
“We will raise him better, though. I took a little too long to become a better man,” Dean’s features soften. “You made me a better man, sweetheart.”
“I only had to almost die and get saved by the king of hell, his mother, and an angel.”
“It wasn’t…” Dean sighs. “You still didn’t forgive me? After all these years? I thought we are past this.”
“We are,” you turn back around to watch your son happily play with the girl. “But this doesn’t mean there aren’t still times in which I feel insecure and a little hurt.”
“Then I will spend the rest of my life making things up to you.”
“Hmmm…” you hum and nod. “You can start with getting used to changing diapers and getting up late at night again.”
Dean keeps on watching his son. He nods, hums, and smiles to himself as Bobby shows his little friend the new plushie you bought for him.
The minutes tick by. You wait and wait until Dean gasps audibly.
“Wait! What? Really? I mean…are you sure, sweetheart?”
“We will have another little Winchester run around this place in seven months.”
“FUCK!” Dean pounces on you. He wraps his arms around you. “Baby girl. I’m so happy. I…fuck. I’m a little older now, but I can still change a diaper. It’s burned in my memory.”
“I hope so.”
“SAMMY! SAM! MICHELLE! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!” Dean yells loud enough to make your son flinch.
“I know,” Sam yells back. “You ruined my best friend and put another little bean into her belly. A shame she didn’t leave you yet.”
“Shut up bitch!”
“DEAN! Not in front of Bobby,” you grab Dean’s ear and tug harshly. “I dare you to use bad language in front of the kids.”
He just grins. “I’m going to be a daddy again. Maybe we will have a little girl this time.”
“Maybe,” you peck his lips. “Now back to diaper changing training…”
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Old Hollywood cg
phone call to Dean
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He's glad to hear that you called, he was losing his marbles in a meeting about the next film he was supposed to be in, so when he heard that you called he jumped out of his seat, sarcastically saluted the executives and ran. "Hi angel!" He is excited but does his best to convey that in a soft tone for you. "Hiiiiiii!" You you would squeak. Dean probably talks to you for a solid half hour and then someone taps him because he really has to get back to that meeting. He would do so reluctantly and tell you that he loves you and will see you this evening.
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vintage-agere · 5 months ago
Dean Martin
Cooling a tantrum
0 notes
lanadelnegan · 10 months ago
stepdad negan stepdad negan stepdad negan stepdad negan
his pretty lil stepdaughter and stepdad negan
Daddy Issues
Warnings: 18+, smut, slow burn with lots of sexual tension, time jumps (reader ages from 18-20, negan is in his 40s), age-gap, very taboo relationship (if this isn’t your thing, pls don’t read), p in v, extreme daddy kink, oral (both), masturbating in front of him, lots of dirty talk (negan being absolutely filthy), breeding
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“Isn’t your dad home?”
“He’s asleep, don’t worry.” You smiled, pulling your boyfriend by his shirt and kissing him. It was a quarter past midnight, there was no way Negan would still be waiting up on you. You discarded your clothes on the living room floor before bending over the couch. Your knees pressed into the cushions while your boyfriend lined himself up behind you and entered you with one quick thrust. 
You moaned, resting your forehead on the arm of the couch while he plowed into you from behind. He gripped your hair and pulled, forcing you to look up. And when you did, you locked eyes with your stepdad standing in the door frame to the hallway just across the living room. His dark gaze was fixed on you, an unreadable expression on his face as he stood with his arms crossed.  
Your boyfriend must not have noticed him, because his thrusting didn’t stop and only became harder, making you gasp. You couldn’t look away from Negan, being intrigued by his willingness to stay and watch you. Moaning even louder, you put on a show for him. Negan’s gaze roamed to your breasts that were bouncing with each thrust before slowly trailing back to your eyes. 
Like you had fantasized about a million times, you imagined that it was Negan behind you, and that thought alone was enough to make you come undone. 
“Daddyyy!” You cried out, making a small smirk appear on Negan’s face before he disappeared down the hall and to his bedroom. 
2 years later: 
Negan never told your mom what happened. In fact, he never even mentioned it to you either. It was like the entire thing never happened. Your mom started working out of town more and more. In fact, she was hardly ever home, which made Negan step up and become the strict parent. It was super annoying, especially when he would lecture you about your clothing.  
“I’m 20.” You scoffed like you couldn’t believe this was even an issue. When are you going to start treating me like an adult?!” 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Go change, now.” 
“Make me.” You realized how childish it sounded coming out of your mouth, but you didn’t care. You wanted to push his buttons. 
“Do not test me, sweetheart.”
You crossed your arms defiantly, looking up at him, unwilling to move. Before you realized what was happening, you were being thrown over his shoulder. You yelped, trying to grab him, but his grasp was tight on your back thigh as you hung upside down. He carried you up the stairs without saying a word. 
“Is this necessary?” You yelled, blood rushing to your head. 
When he made it to your bedroom, he kicked the door open and threw you on the bed. 
“What is wrong with you?!” You screamed. 
He ignored you again, going to your closet and shifting through all your clothes before finding a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve shirt to throw at you. 
“Are you serious? It’s the middle of summer.” You threw the clothes back at him. 
“Maybe if you owned a pair of decent shorts, this wouldn’t be an issue.” 
You stared at him in disbelief. He wasn’t joking. He leaned against the doorframe of your closet and your mind flashed back to the moment 2 years ago - an image you replay in your head often. 
“Fine.” You stood and removed your shirt, revealing a pink bra underneath. 
“Y/n.” He warned. “What are you doing?” His voice was almost a whisper.
“Changing.” You shrugged, pulling off your skirt, leaving you in nothing but a small pair of panties that matched your bra.
Negan’s eyes remained on yours, refusing to look down at your body. 
“What’s wrong? Nothing you haven’t seen before.” You smirked. 
“You’re grounded. You can forget about going out tonight.”
“Then I guess I won’t need this either.” You hummed, unclasping your bra and dropping it to the floor. 
He gave in this time, dropping his eyes to your breasts. His jaw flexed like he was holding himself back. 
“Bringing back memories, daddy?” 
He walked towards you, stopping when he was close enough to look down at you. 
“What would your mother say if she knew what a little slut you were?” 
“Doesn’t matter. I have no respect for her after I found out she cheated on you.” 
Negan’s brows scrunched together as he searched your eyes. You bent over, pressing your ass to his crotch as you pulled your phone from your skirt pocket that was on the floor. He sighed frustratedly, taking a step back. 
You handed him your phone after clicking on your mom’s messages. You almost felt bad for telling her secret, but she deserved it. Negan was so good to her and deserved to know the truth. His expression was blank as he read through the proof. 
“I thought you deserved to know. I’m sorry.” You said sincerely. 
He tossed the phone on the bed behind you. “Thanks, but I already knew.” 
“Wh-what do you mean?” 
“I found out a while ago after seeing a text from him on her phone.” 
“Oh.. then why are you still with her?” You asked, suddenly feeling silly being almost naked in front of him during a serious conversation. 
“Somebody’s gotta take care of you.” He raised his eyebrows before turning and leaving your room. “Oh, and I meant what I said by the way. You’re grounded. For the rest of the weekend. And put some damn clothes on.” He said, shutting your door and leaving you in the uncomfortable silence of your room. 
The next day: 
You’ve spent the majority of the day in your room, transitioning between a book and scrolling on your phone. Anything to take your mind off the awkwardness of yesterday.
Negan has barely said a word to you in the couple times you’ve seen him today. Out of boredom, you decided to pop in your earbuds and watch an adult video on your phone. You found your favorite stepdad video that portrayed a man who looked extremely similar to Negan and your hand drifted underneath the covers as you played with yourself.
The volume on your earbuds was turned up to the max, so you didn’t hear your bedroom door open. You were so caught up in the moment, you didn’t notice him approaching you either until your phone was ripped from your hand. Pulling the blanket over yourself, you quickly shot up and pulled out your earbuds.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled, turning a bright shade of red when you realized he was watching the video. His expression was unreadable as he watched it for a moment and you wondered if he liked it. Turning the phone around to you, he raised his eyebrows.
“Seriously?” He said, reading the title of the video out loud and you wanted to die of embarrassment.
You jerked the phone out of his hand. “What happened to knocking? And what gives you the right to just take my phone? I’m an adult.”
���First of all, I did knock but clearly -" He paused, glancing at your phone before continuing. "..You didn’t hear me. Secondly, I pay for your phone, sweetheart. I can look at whatever I want.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes. “Okay, so now what? I’m grounded even longer?"
“No. Now? You’re going to finish.”
Negan removed the blanket from your body and continued standing at the side of your bed. His hands slipped in his pockets and he nodded, giving you permission to continue.
“Are...are you serious…?”
“Orrr you can stay grounded. It’s up to you.”
You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He wanted to watch you touch yourself. You adjusted yourself slightly, so that he could see your pussy completely. You were only in your panties and felt the wet spot that had already formed on them.
You moved your panties to the side with one hand, giving him a better view. Seeing him watch you with his eyes blown with lust was enough to make you wetter before you even touched yourself again. Reaching your other hand down, you ran a finger through your slit, getting it wet before circling your clit.
He didn’t take his eyes off your pussy and his jaw flexed when your finger dipped inside. Wet sounds filled the room as you started to moan softly, seeing the bulge in his pants grow bigger by the second.
“Negan.. I need your help, please.” You begged. His eyes met yours but he didn’t answer you. You could see he was losing his mind inside, and you knew you were close to breaking him.
“Can I just see it?” You asked, referring to his cock. “I’ve always wanted to know. Please?”
“No. Now be a good girl and show me what you can do. We both know you don’t need my help.” His adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he restrained himself. You did as he said, moaning louder and rubbing your clit faster. You felt your orgasm building quickly and your breaths became frequent and shallow as you locked eyes with him.
“Daddy…” You whined.
As soon as the word came off your tongue, Negan caved - diving between your legs as he spread them wider. You held your panties back further, giving him more access and immediately cried out when his tongue dipped inside of you.
He groaned into you, burying his face deeper and licking every drop as you rode out your orgasm. You tried gripping his hair but he had already pulled away and took a few steps back. You sat up quickly, not wanting him to leave.
“Fuck. That should not have happened."
“No, wait-“ You tried to explain but he left your room, closing the door behind him.
A few hours later:
“Come in.” You responded to the knock on your door.
“Hey kiddo, listen. About earlier.”
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.” You said, keeping your eyes on your book.
He sighed, dropping his head. “It can't happen again. It shouldn't have in the first place. That was my fault, and I shouldn't-
You slammed your book shut, looking at him annoyed. "It wasn't your fault. I tried to seduce you.. more than once. And failed miserably. And honestly, I'm embarrassed, so please. Let's just forget about it."
"Sweetheart." He walked towards your bed, sitting at the edge. "You don't have to be embarrassed."
"You've seen me naked. And didn't do anything. You obviously don't want me or find me attractive, and I get that now."
"Woah, slow down." His large hand slid over your leg to comfort you. "You? Are the most beautiful thing in the world to me, y/n. You know that. But I-"
"But you don't want me in that way."
"Baby, this is about what I can't have. Not what I want."
"If you never met my mom, and we ran into each other.. would you..?" Your cheeks turned pink and you couldn't finish your question.
"Yes. Without question, darlin'."
A tear slipped down your cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb, looking down at you like he wanted to take your pain away.
"I wish you would have met me first." You whispered.
He got up and kissed your forehead. "Me too." He mumbled, and you questioned if he actually said it or if you just heard it in your head.
You stopped him before he left the room. "Negan?"
"Yea, doll?"
"Am I still grounded?"
He laughed, thinking for a moment. "Why? Somewhere you need to be?"
"No, actually, I was thinking we could.. spend some time together tonight and watch a movie in the theater room like we used to?"
"Abso-fuckin'-lutely, sweetheart. You gonna let me choose the movie for once?"
"Not a chance." You laughed, knowing you always get your way. And you always will.
Later that night:
The smell of buttery popcorn filtered through your bedroom as you stepped out of the shower. You couldn't help but smile as you got ready for movie night, smothering your skin in your favorite lotion and pulling on your cheekiest pair of underwear. You dug through your t-shirt drawer, pulling out one of Negan's old rock band tees that you stole years ago. It was big enough on you to cover your ass, so you passed on wearing pants.
“So that’s where that shirt went.” He laughed as you walked into the kitchen. “Been looking everywhere for it."
“Oh, I didn’t think you wore it anymore. You can have it back.” You said, making note of how good he looked. His hair was damp from a shower and grey sweatpants rested low on his waist, not leaving much to your imagination. You tried not to stare at the outline of his manhood, but it was impossible not to.
Negan approached you, handing you the popcorn bowl and your favorite candy while he grabbed your drinks.
“No way, darlin’. It looks much better on you.” His tone was flirty as he stood towering beside you, darting his tongue out to slide seductively over his bottom lip. He smelled amazing, too - like leather soap.
"Decide on a movie?" He asked, following behind you down the stairs to the renovated movie room. You had spent so many weekend nights in here as a kid but this was the first time you and Negan would be spending it together alone.
"I was thinking something we haven't seen before. There's a scary movie out that looks good."
"You hate scary movies." He chuckled, setting down the drinks on the coffee table and you did the same, picking up the remote and finding the movie.
"Yeah when I was a kid." You laughed. "Not anymore."
You started the movie and turned off the lights as Negan got settled in his usual spot - the wide chaise lounge end of the sectional where he could rest his legs out in front of him. The couch was hugely oversized, with the lounge part almost the size of a full bed.
You made your way over to the other side of the couch, trying to give him his space and not make it weird.
“The hell are you doing?”
You gave him a weird look. What do you mean?”
“You always sit next to me on movie night. Get your ass over here."
You hoped he couldn't see the excitement on your face as your heart beat out of his chest. He was right - you did always snuggle next to him during movie nights. But that was years ago, before you could look at him without imaging him on top of you screwing your brains out.
“Just like old times, huh?” You grinned, glancing at him as you both munched on the popcorn and watched the slow intro of the movie. You could sense his gaze on you but kept yours on the screen.
“Not exactly.”
“What’s different now?” You asked innocently.
His voice was low and raspy when he answered. “I know how your pussy tastes.”
Your face turned pink and butterflies in your stomach came to life. You didn’t know what to say, so you just looked at him. There was a small smirk on his face and his eyes dropped to your mouth. You were seconds away from crashing your lips to his when a girl in the movie screamed. Negan cleared his throat and focused his attention back to the movie, so you did the same, trying to calm down your racing heart in the process.
You both sat in silence for awhile before Negan leaned over you to put the popcorn on the table. When he settled back into the couch, his arm slid around your back as his thumb slipped underneath your shirt, holding your waist. You felt like your skin was on fire.
He noticed the goosebumps on your bare legs as you shivered from his touch. Reaching for the blanket draped over the back of the couch, he covered you both and you took the opportunity to snuggle into him closer, resting your head on his shoulder and laying your hand over his toned stomach. You wanted to slip your hand under his shirt too but you were frozen, waiting for him to make the next move.
Half of the movie flew by and you had no idea what was going on. All you could think about was Negan. You hid your face during the jump scares each time, using it as an excuse to bury your face in his shirt and smell his manly scent.
"You can look now." He chuckled. You slowly lifted your head from his shirt, and when you did, you locked eyes with him. His hand slid against your cheek, cupping your jaw before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours softly.
You kissed him back, and he deepened the kiss when he knew you were comfortable with it, letting his tongue slip past your lips and rub against yours. You accidentally whimpered as his other hand finally moved lower on your hip. His fingers teased the edge of your panties before dipping in a few inches until his hand was fully pressed against your ass cheek while he kissed you.
You followed his lead, sliding your hand lower on his stomach until it reached the top of his sweatpants. You felt his dick grow underneath your touch and stroked him through the material. Negan’s hips lifted slightly as he moaned into your mouth.
“I wanna taste you here, too, daddy.” You said, finally pulling away from his mouth and sliding his sweatpants down in the front.
“Baby….” He warned, but he didn’t tell you to stop. So you pushed the material down further until his cock sprang free and bounced against his stomach.
“It’s so big and.. pretty.” You said amazed as you stroked it. You studied the veins in it and noted how tiny your hand looked in comparison.
He chuckled softly, dipping his fingers deeper in your panties until they reached your soaked cunt from behind. “Not as pretty as this little pussy.”
You moaned, pushing your ass into his touch until his finger slid inside you. “Fuckin’ leaking for daddy already.”
You tried to focus on his cock while he fingered you, taking the tip in your mouth and getting it wet before letting it slide to the back of your throat.
“Ahhhh shit, baby, that’s it.” He groaned, leaning his head back with pleasure. You bobbed your head up and down his length while his free hand tangled in your hair and guided you.
“You are fantastic at this, baby girl. Making daddy feel so fucking good.”
A bead of his precum leaked into your mouth and you moaned around his cock, loving the taste of it. Finally coming up for air, you took a deep breath before he pulled you to his lips again and kissed you harder than before. You climbed over him, straddling his lap as he sank a little lower on the couch. Both of his hands reached in your panties and gripped your ass while you hovered over him, feeling his cock brush against you teasingly.
“Negan.. please.. I need you inside me.” You begged between kisses, making him instantly rip your panties apart with his hands before tossing them to the floor.
He guided you by your hips until the tip of his rock hard cock was aligned perfectly with your throbbing entrance.
"You sure this is what you want, baby?"
You answered him by sliding down and taking him as far as you could, stopping when it reached your limit. You whimpered at the pain of trying to take him deeper.
“Come on, doll. You wanted me so bad and now you’ve got me. Take it all.”
You couldn’t believe this was happening. You had never heard him talk this way. Not even through the walls when he fucked your mom. You bit down on your lip and sat on him completely, letting him reach a spot that no one had reached before.
“Oh my god.. fuck.. it hurts.” But in the best, otherworldly way.
“Look at me.” He gripped your jaw. “Focus on me, baby." He whispered, encouraging you trust him while you adjust to his size. You leaned your forehead against his as you started to move up and down. Slowly the pain was replaced with pure pleasure. A feeling you never knew existed before him.
“There you go, baby. Just like that.” He grunted, slipping his hands underneath your shirt and squeezing your tits. "Fuck, doll. You're making me feel so damn good."
Your cheeks were flushed while you moaned and buried your face into the side of his neck. His hands returned to your ass as he helped you bounce up and down on him faster.
Wet slapping sounds and moans from both of you echoed in the room like surround sound, drowning out the movie.
“Negan." You whined in his ear while grabbing at his hair. "I'm-" You couldn't finish your sentence. Your core tightened and your vision went blurry when warm liquid suddenly poured out of you and all over his lap.
“Fuuuck yes, that's my girl.” He groaned, looking down between you at the feeling of your juices coating his cock. He gave your ass a light smack before standing up and bending you over the couch. You still felt lightheaded when he entered you from behind, harder and somehow deeper this time.
“Oh my god! Negan!”
“Who?” He asked, jerking your hair back so that your back arched perfectly.
“Daddy!!” You corrected yourself, earning a small chuckle from him as he fucked you harder and faster.
“Ohh baby, you are such a good girl, taking daddy’s cock like this. You know how bad I’ve wanted to bend you over this fucking couch?”
You answered him with a louder moan while his balls slapped against your skin.
He laughed, breathlessly, pulling you back further by your hair until your back was pressed against his chest. "That day you teased me with your little prick boyfriend? ... It took everything in me not to walk over and fuck you myself. I should have made him watch instead so he could hear what you sound like when you actually cum."
"You should have." You moaned, barely about to speak.
He sucked on your neck before reaching around your waist and finding your clit. You leaned heavily against him as your felt another orgasm growing.
“Negan.. will you cum in me?”
He groaned in your ear. “I can’t baby. We can’t risk that.”
“Don’t you love me, daddy?” You asked innocently.
“So fucking much, sweetheart.” His thrusts became faster and his breathing was unsteady, telling you he was close.
“Then prove it.. Please daddy, cum in me.”
That was all it took for him to let out a loud, long groan and you knew from the way he stopped deep inside of you that ropes of his seed were splattering your walls. You came right after him, being completely sent over the edge with knowing your pussy was full of his cum. You both breathed heavily, coming down from your high before he finally pulled out of you.
“Goddamn. And here I thought you had me wrapped around your finger before. Now? You are mine, all of you, baby.” He said, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Negan.. what are we gonna do?” You asked worried.
“We’ll figure that out later, sweetheart. Right now? I wanna take you up to your room and eat that sweet pussy out till morning.”
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price-is-dreamy · 5 months ago
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4ever-feral · 6 months ago
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Photos of Jensen that make me feral ✨pt.1✨
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wolfsplosion · 2 months ago
they really called Dean Winchester daddy's little girl huh. like in the show
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animasola86 · 2 months ago
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A/N: Just a little spicy shower scene between a nameless man (who could be anyone you like) and a female reader (no use of y/n, reader is of age and has female genitalia).
WARNINGS: Explicit! Daddy kink, Dd/lg dynamics. Pet names (baby/baby girl, Daddy). Size difference. Frottage.
WORDS: 802
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"Do you want me to touch you, baby girl?" he rasped, his fingertips dipping between your butt cheeks.
You stiffened slightly, pausing the squirming, before you pushed your rear against his big hands, a mumbled "Yes" escaping you. A rumble went through his chest when he gave a little laugh, slipping his hands lower, cupping your ass properly. And then he lifted you effortlessly, pulling you up and against him. Your arms wrapped around his neck while you instinctively pressed your thighs into his sides.
He shifted you slightly, one hand curled around your shoulder, the other slipping beneath you, and then it happened, your heated center pushed right against his cock, hard and stiff, pointing upwards, pressed between his lower stomach and your body. The spray of the water hit your back, a steady stream of warmth adding to the heat gathering low in your core.
His hands settled on your waist, a strong grip, and when you leaned back a little to look at him, you saw him watching you, his face tight, that muscle in his jaw twitching, and his eyes were... intense. There was undeniable hunger. A dark stare.
"Cross your legs behind me," he told you, and you did. "Hold onto my shoulders, yes, like that. And now, grind on me, baby girl."
He started the motion by gently moving your body up and down so that his shaft would press right between your labia, the head catching on your clit, and just that first stroke already blurred your vision.
Your hands dug into his shoulders, your pelvis working against him, up and down, back and forth, a slow rubbing and grinding, the heat and bulk of him gliding through your slick slit. The tension grew, your lips parted, chest heaving, heart thundering. He kept his hold on you, watching you, guiding you as you moved against him. Little moans escaped you, your limbs tensing and twitching around him.
You could feel him getting even harder, throbbing against you. Every upwards slide and downwards stroke sent shivers down your spine, little tingles that went all the way into your toes and fingertips, and when you could barely move anymore, he kept going, pushing you up and down, his fingers tight around your waist, probably leaving bruises, but you needed the strong hold, the reminder that he was there, helping you.
The friction felt like nothing you'd ever felt before, somehow both soothing and scorching hot, burning through your nerves, setting the cotton in your head on fire, and all you could feel was him. You tried keeping up with the grinding and sliding, but all those shudders felt out of your control, so you leaned in, wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your cheek against his, the scratch of his beard adding to the sensation. You were breathing frantically as your hips undulated against him, faster now, desperate to find that sweet release.
A low groan vibrated through him as he shifted his hands to cup your rear, pushing and pulling you into him, the additional pressure sending even more shock waves through your body. The heat built and built, your clit throbbing, the head of his cock rubbing and prodding it, his warmth all-consuming. You were teetering on the edge, so close, and then he spoke, low in your ear, a deep thrum that shot straight into your clenching cunt.
"Come for me, baby," he breathed. "Come on Daddy's cock."
You couldn't even control it anymore, it just happened, the tension almost painful until it finally exploded, like fireworks behind your eyelids, a sudden surge of energy through your entire body, a soothing wave, a roaring storm, all at once. You came with a croaked little cry, a breathless "Daddy!", burying your face in the crook of his neck, your hands clawing at his shoulders, your legs twitching as your toes curled.
He held you, slowed the grinding motions, and you noticed him twitching too, a little jerk through his big body, another quiet groan, before something warm and wet gathered between your bodies, slippery on your already soapy skin. You felt him, thick and warm, pressed against your swollen labia, the echo of that delicious friction still thrumming through your nerves. Exhaling loudly, you relaxed against him, holding onto him.
His lips brushed against your damp forehead. "My good girl," he whispered, his voice rougher than before, causing you to smile into his neck. You felt safe in his arms, any kind of worry silenced, pushed to the far back.
"Thank you, Daddy," you murmured, slowly making the effort to lean back a little, angling your cunt a bit more against him, the motion making that muscle in his jaw twitch as you looked at him. The hardness left his eyes when he smiled at you. "That felt really good..."
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End notes: Thanks for reading! This is actually a little preview for my Dd/lg story LOST & FOUND.
If you like to read more Smut Drabbles, check out my pinned post/Masterlist!
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