#ofc this kind of goes off course in s2 but not enough for me to not be unwell about it
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marsreds · 3 months ago
arcane league of legends really stepped up and said, with its entire chest, that the only thing worth throwing out your morals, your convictions, your entire life for is a daughter, huh?
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ifyoulovemeletmebinge · 4 years ago
Why do you hate Joey? And please don't spoil beyond season 2 for me.
this is my first ever ask so this is kinda cool alrighty get ready bc this is going to be a LONG post. i’ll try my best to avoid spoilers. 
why i dislike joey potter from dawson’s creek: 
ok so I think what my growing hatred for Joey Potter mainly boils down to is just the fact that she is the type of character who has no personality, she is simply empty. when she does want something it’s because it helps her only, and she’s very selfish. this is hard to explain in the context of s2 which is where you are, but i am almost done with the last season and i feel this is where her character has turned to focus on over the course of the entire show. 
i will say, i completely respect other’s opinion of joey, mine is just that she’s not my favorite by any means in the show. i actually think she’s my least favorite. so i’ll try to explain that! 
let’s start with s1: 
- i actually enjoyed joey a lot in s1, i thought she was fun! she’s sassy and her “im beautful yet unaware of it” thing kinda worked. this aspect of her only works in the beginning though (since she’s young and that’s the entire point of being beautiful and young) and something i find aggravating about later seasons is this continued theme of unawareness that doesn’t fit with her character anymore. by that point, SHE SHOULD KNOW SHE’S HOT OKAY. 
- another s1 point is her relationship with Dawson. i was a strong shipper until ~certain future events~ happened because i liked them together. Girl Next Door is in love with Best Friend who’s oblivious to it, it’s a cute trope! i think for the first season, their focus on Joey’s suffering from just recently discovering her feelings for Dawson and trying to navigate them made for a good complex storyline for the Lead Female of the show. there was an exploration of female sentiment there that i personally haven’t seen a lot of, so i was interested. her relationship with Dawson in s1 was overall pretty good bc it set up excellent foundations character and plot wise for the show. 
- my only criticism (more like character-choice-to-eye-roll-to) for her relationship with Dawson in s1 is her treatment of Jen because of it. we all know Dawson falls for Jen super quick and that’s not his fault or Jen’s or Joey’s yet she chooses to blame Jen and antagonizes her the whole season because of it. basically, she was a bitch to Jen. now, that’s not to say that it didn’t make sense because it did, and i think it worked well since we need some Conflict here, but thinking back on it now after watching almost the whole show, her choices and behaviors towards Jen in s1 shift from a childish jealously funny thingy to outright unlikeable aspect of her character that is only built upon as the seasons continue. i would argue this is the beginning spark or preview into the Bitch she will eventually become. 
moving on to s2: i personally don’t remember much about joey from s2 bc my brain is Pacey Witter centered and he really shined during s2 so i apologize if i get something wrong, i’m outside my lane here teehee
- i feel that joey’s character in s2 starts it’s shift into Bitch Land and also Lost Land. this is where i feel they started to lose control of her, but something i find interesting about that is that the loss of control is extremely subtle up to the point where when you finally look back in retrospect, you can find those seeds being planted as early as s2. 
- let’s tackle her relationship with Dawson in s2. there’s a lot to unpack here, but let’s start with the fact that it started REALLY WELL!!! our queen was getting the boy of her dreams!!!!!!!!!!! and good for her, but ofc, because this is a tv show and they need drama for the ratings (i’m guessing :)) everything falls apart very quickly. i would also argue that the choice they made to break Dawson and Joey up in s2 was very definitive and formative for her character for the rest of the series; the seeds were planted when they broke up. 
- her reasons for breaking up with Dawson were understandable **at first** in my opinion, there wasn’t much reason at all to break up with him. yes, she needed to find herself (just like any young person does), but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t do it with Dawson. i actually thought they would do great at discovering her together, because i think Dawson is supportive and sensitive enough to help her. her excuse that she can’t do her art while dating Dawson was bullcrap. i could go on and on about why that is, but the best evidence of it is the fact that she hopped from Dawson to Jack with no hard feelings and continued with her art the same as before. her art didn’t get any better when she switched boyfriends so she really can’t use it as a scapegoat to explain breaking up with Dawson. 
- this break-up and then her romance with Jack is what really gets me about her in s2 though. i think Dawson actually commented on it: she wanted to be alone to find herself, but then she started dating Jack almost immediately after that decision. this is where Joey first starts contradicting herself. this is where she first starts her ever-running theme of not knowing what she wants from her life at any point in time. for inexplainable reasons, her character is confused and she has to lead everyone else along and confuse them with her. honestly, poor Dawson. she both Wants and Doesn’t Want things, and her inability to stick to one is annoying to watch. and it only gets worse! 
- her mistreatment of Jen continues, but what really gets me about her treatment of other characters in s2 is her relationship with Jack after he comes out. Jack has become one of my favorite characters in the show and his coming-out arc is (in my opinion) done extremely well for a gay character at that time. we don’t even have arcs like those THESE DAYS OF THE 21ST CENTURY WTFF!!!!!! it’s also a very important arc to me. i can’t cite all the evidence, but her friendship with him after he comes out is so messed up. she constantly acts like that weird Straight Girl Who Needs a Gay Best Friend. fucked up. she always apologizes and goes back on it after Jack has to snap at her multiple times, but it still makes her unlikable and inconsiderate to anyone but herself. Joey starts showing through her relationship with Jack that she only cares about herself. when she was dating him, she did it to feel good about HER art not because she really truly liked him, and when he came out, she wanted him to be a Stereotypical Gay Man for HERSELF, not because it was what Jack wanted, and he outright told her various times. she’s selfish. she doesn’t care about breaking Dawson’s heart and using Jack, she only sees her own benefit when she’s playing with these boys as if they’re not real people with feelings. this is another running theme that worsens her character throughout the seasons. 
- by the end of s2 i think her and Dawson are back together (i’m honestly not sure i was invested in Pacey <3) but then the whole thing with her dad happens and that was really interesting to me. her decision to breakup with Dawson in the s2 finale after what he did.... MADE SENSE. i was kind of sad about it, but it was right!!!!! she had to do that!!!! she went through a lot of trauma bc of it and being with Dawson would just remind her of it, it wasn’t fair to her!!!!! i thought, hmmm this is the cataclysm of their relationship here again. this would allow her to finally find herself after being lost all of s2 and then she can be with Dawson again. it was all set up to match together perfectly. s3 proved me wrong :) but that’s for another post. 
Joey is, at her core, an empty shell of a character. she starts off well and full of personality, but either bc of writing choices, or the audience reaction at the time they made this show, those aspects of her character start chipping away and she just becomes this unattainable sorcerer of men, who’s too good for any boy, but never good enough to be by herself. this is not the type of woman i personally enjoy watching, it gets tough watching her break everyone’s heart one by one just bc she “doesn’t know, isn’t sure.” it’s repetitive and makes for crappy drama effect. it’s frustrating. 
i’m sorry this is so long, i hope this makes it clear why she’s my least favorite character in Dawson’s Creek. again, i respect all opinions of her character. hey! if you love Joey Potter, then cool for you!!!! she’s just not that character for me, and looking just at s1-2, these are my reasons why. 
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merinnan · 5 years ago
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 4
Explore with the Note Ep 4 watch thread! 
 Since Ep 3 had no updates to any of the counts, we start ep 4 off with the following:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6 
- Now that I have some idea of the colour schemes, I can identify which opening credits shots are from flashback scenes and which are from Wu Xie era scenes 
- Ah yes, the snek fishies. A clue to consider, then forget about while we look at other things.
- Aww, he's so happy to see the baby corpse vase 
- And the paintings are far more interesting than whatever might be inside the vase. Although he's moving it around far too easily for the baby corpse to still be in there, I think
- Poor confused Wu Xie. I don't blame him. The stuff in this tomb and its design apparently places it in two different time periods which are like 1000 years apart 
- Oooh, bubbles 
- Good move on the jumping back, turning off your torch, and getting a knife ready
- Although there appears to now be light coming from the water itself 
- Hahah, it's Pangzi and Xiaoge 
- Oh, nice, this time they're not subbing Men Youping as Pokerface.
- And of course Xiaoge is the first one he asks if he's alright, and goes to help out of the water XD 
- lol, even Pangzi calling him out on that 
- Aww, he's so worried about the mark on Xiaoge's arm
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- "What happened?!" 
"Oh nothing, just a demon" 
- Ah, Pangzi knows what that is 
- ...and ofc Wu Xie only knows what it is from classic poetry texts 
 - *googles ptomaine gas* 
- Ugh, yeah, you don't want to be breathing that. Sounds unpleasant
- Wu Xie is so over everything rn 
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- Except Xiaoge, anyway
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- I really like S2 Pangzi. He's got the right blend of competence and humour. Comic relief without being just a caricature like S1 Pangzi 
- And Wu Xie showing off his smarts, which is cute. It's moments like these that reminds me he's got an architecture degree
- I think this is the first time we've heard Wang Zanghai's name in the dramas so far 
- And Xiaoge seems to certainly know the name and not be happy about it
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- Oh, this looks like a Xiaoge flashback? 
- More fucking swimming, of course 
- But without a diving suit this time - And that's all it was. So interesting. So groundbreaking. I've never seen anyone swimming through dark murky water in this show before
- This Wu Xie is a much more expressive Wu Xie than S1. So many smiles! 
- And such a brilliant little shit 
- I'm really liking the Wu Xie/Pangzi interactions so far. Well, all of them, but these moments are so good. They're reminding me of the Chongqi interactions
- Oh, more bubbles, I'm sure this will be FINE 
- Oh, it's just the water draining out
- Pangzi complaining he can't see because of the fog, but really, I'd think the darkness would be the bigger problem. 
 - They've only got a couple of torches, and this is a large room and even larger pit that that staircase is going down into
- Wu Xie, what did you expect, asking if he can read something from such a distance? 
- And then looking at Xiaoge to see if it's going to be okay to do this 
- These steps & the twig-things on them are remarkably dry for having been submerged in water only a couple of minutes ago
- OK, now that I'm not distracted by speaking or, like, plot (or pingxie), the bgm is actually drawing my attention and dear god, yes, it really is awful and annoying 
- Hahah, dunking on both Sanshu's and Pangzi's English skills in one go
- This Wu Xie is a lovely chaos gremlin 
- Who hasn't completely lost all sense of caution yet, it seems 
- I mean, Pangzi, I'm not sure you'd be saying those things if you heard the kinds of stories Sanshu was telling bby!Wu Xie in those flashbacks 
- Then again, you probably would
- "Besides, I can't leave Xiaoge" ❤️
 - So Xiaoge probably left those marks 
- This look on Pangzi's face as Wu Xie just throws away all the caution he'd been arguing with Pangzi with to go chasing after Xiaoge XD
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- I have to say, S1 was far superior in terms of set lighting. Most of the time it's so hard to make out anything. Like, I know they're meant to be in a tomb, but would it have killed them to add more set lighting so we could actually see what's going on more consistently?
- I do love this Xiaoge's unimpressed looks. 
- Oh, it's the mirror 
- Again, everything down here is so remarkably dry 
 - Dry enough to have got dusty in mere minutes!
- Intense Xiaoge Stares! All the stares, all the time, all at Wu Xie
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- Ooh, old diving equipment. Well spotted. 
- That airtank being crushed like that does not seem to be a good sign 
- I'm with Pangzi. What sounds? The bgm was drowning out everything except speech
- Hahahah. Pangzi all like, no, we don't need to go up, it's not that dangerous, you're just scaring yourself. Then one mention of the Drought Demon and he's like y'know, on second thoughts.... 
- Xiaoge does like his disappearing tricks 
- And reappearing ones
- This is a good shot for a vague creepiness factor
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- Baby is so worried
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- Oooh, time for dramatic music while we look at dramatic skyscapes and seascapes 
- Wait, is all that water running backward? 
- I have no idea how that is meant to symbolise remembering things, but apparently it does 
- And now, a Xiaoge flashback
- The vases in the tomb 20 years ago were amazingly clean. Somehow they went somewhere between 500-1500 years staying as clean as if new, then in 20 years they got covered in waterscum.
- I am impressed at the seals on their equipment, if dude was able to bring a sketchpad along on a dive and have it be perfectly dry when he took it out to draw on. 
- And all those notebooks, too 
- The flashbacks get MUCH better set lighting
- Boys, boys, don't fight over the priceless antique porcelain like that. You're gonna drop it and break it. 
- Hahah, Xiaoge's trying so hard to ignore this girl 
- Even when she does give him something interesting to look at
- Well, that explains why all the vases were over there and in that order 20 years later for Wu Xie to find
- This kind of chatter is exactly the kind of chatter I'd expect on an excursion to look at things, or a group project. A little bit is relevant, most is just random chatter, and some might actually eventually mean something once they talk it out. It's great
- Oh, if only you knew, Wenjin. If only you knew 
- Hahah, Wenjin yelling at everyone and telling them to stay put, while Xiaoge just calmly ignores her while he puts his backpack on and walks off 
- lol, and then he just staaaaares at her until she lets him go
- Ah, she knows Sanshu so well 
- She's trying to be the grownup here 
- Poor Wenjin. She really can't win either was when she was stuck on an expedition with both Sanshu and Xiaoge
- Apparently these guys all managed to make it through the hallway without any of them triggering the traps 
- Well done, kiddos 
- Poor Wenjin playing babysitter to all these kids, though
- At least 20 years ago the stonework stayed wet after the water receding instead of mysteriously drying off 
- Well. Most of it, anyway 
- The floor, at least 
- I mean, like, kids. You didn't have to follow him. He didn't ask you to. 
- You just decided to
- Well, they were right, Sanshu was there 
- Just not the one they thought he was 
- Oh, that's a door there 
- I love the way Wu Xie and Pangzi in this tend to shine their flashlights in each other's faces to indicate "I think you're full of shit"
- Oh, clever Wenjin, the first one to figure it out 
- So much staring at each other
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- Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 3 
- Though so far it's just sneaking down to tickle Wenjin's neck 
- And they go from perfectly dry corridor to wet-floored room 
- For no discernable reason
- And we end the episode mid-flashback, with them gushing over how pretty the Heavenly Palace is 
- And it really is quite pretty 
- No updates to either the Rescue Count or the Swoon Count, and only the single last-minute update to the Evil Hair Count
So, we end with:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 3
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
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umbrellasource · 6 years ago
whoops i let my inbox pile up a bit so here’s an ask dump, pls feel free to read if u’ve sent me any questions i wasn’t ignoring u i swear shdfgfjdk hope ur all having a good day/night 💗
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gdfhgj yeah i know. i explained in the tags but in short i’m a dumbass and i just checked the upload date on youtube and i was like,, 2009? ok i guess they didn’t make a music video until later. because i’m literally that dumb. and was also very very tired. and dumb. and i never saw the music videos until they were uploaded to youtube in 2009 bc there wasn’t any way for me to access them before then as i was but a lil kiddo.. oh and also i’m dumb
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i know :( hopefully at the end of the show he can somehow get his body turned back to his real age?? either way.. at least he has dolores and that’s tru love babey
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it’s the beginning of episode 3!
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ahhh ur so sweet thank u so much i rly appreciate u taking the time to say that,, i love u too!! 💜
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shdjf i guess grace turns them off when he’s not around?? 
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long... long. i am slowly getting through them and it doesn’t bother me or stress me out or anything bc so far i haven’t had any complaints abt things not being done quick enough, so i feel like i can do it in my own time.. i think it’s pretty much accepted by yall that i’m only one person and i only have so many hours in the day so things might take a little bit to get done, everyones been completely lovely so far.. and thank you so much !! 
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oh ofc i v much doubt they’d suddenly just ditch all the adult cast. the fans would be in uproar for one thing haha , very interested to see what happens in s2 though it cannot come quick enough
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thank you so much !! well i gif using kmplayer and i found a tutorial on how to do that here ,, i read through it and it seems good so i hope that helps :) 💗
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hhhh you’re so right he can let go of her bc he doesn’t truly need her anymore, when luther said to him in his bedroom that five isn’t on his own anymore, i think he rly listened to that and knew he no longer needed her for that purpose ....... sweet 
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u n me both man............ i’ve got some diego requests in my inbox i think so i’ll try and do some of those soon !
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ahhh thank you so much i rly appreciate that cause it was a Bitch to colour shdfjgkf 💜
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i love this question tysm....... my favourites would beeee istanbul with five killing everyone (too fuckin iconic), shingaling with hazel and cha cha blowing up the lab while high, all die young ! that almost made me cry....., and uh idk the name of it but the one that goes S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y in the bowling alley, that was super fun,, happy together because gerard and ray did #that babey! but also it just fit the scene really well haha and of course i think we’re alone now. bc obvious reasons. SO BASICALLY ALL THE SCENES. but my #1 is istanbul. thank u and i hope you’re having a great day too 💜
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haven’t yet!! it’ll probably be addressed later... i hope anyway!! i kinda hope it’s just something really lame like he fell off a scooter 
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yeah i feel the same way. i absolutely love his character too of course but that anon was just a straight up creep and i still feel kind of nauseous thinking about it lmao i just want all the kids on this earth to be protected from weird fucks like that :(
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i did!! that was so cute hhh she’s so talented we love a gifted couple
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guys,, it’s okay to have a crush on someone your own age (give or take a year or so). it’s perfectly fine and normal. it’s just when you’re several years older or an actual adult that it gets creepy and gross. you guys are FINE, don’t worry about it shdjfk
thank u for the questions yallstve hope ur all feelin good 💗 💗 💗
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roominthecastle · 7 years ago
1) do u ship michael/eleanor 2) if yes pls share ur thoughts and feelings :))
*cracks knuckles* Just remember: you asked for this, anon.
1) Yes.
I am oh so predictable and this dynamic offers everything - literally everything - that gets me going, so I got going at once. Like act 1, scene 1,
“Hello, Eleanor. I am Michael and you are dead.”
A dapper amoral non-human puppetmaster becomes emotionally compromised as a kickass mortal woman keeps foiling his ridiculously meticulous plans, and they end up bonding over the confusing struggle of self-improvement, survival, & being messy benches who love dramaaa?
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Honestly, they gave me no chance to even consider resisting this.
2) Oh boy. This is where we duck behind a read more bc length & GIFs
I should probably start by saying that as far as strict canon goes, for now, I only see solid evidence of the tightest, beautifulest friendship btw these two, but the potential for “more” is def there, as well, imo. I broship them on the show and ship them like mad in this nice little bubble of Could Be where I’m happy bc canon is generous w/ the fodder. That being said, the furthest I can see canon pushing this ‘ship is a bittersweet unrequited love area, sth like [ this post ] I reblogged the other day. No bitter Friendzoned™ bullshit bc Michael ain’t a gross-ass dick like that. Friendship is his most precious treasure like he kept the spoon Janet gave him and put it on display in his office. My heart almost gave out at that part. I think he felt lonely and isolated among his kind even before his solo project started going off the rails, forcing him to defect to the human side, so I’m sure he would never consider “friendship only” w/ Eleanor to be some second-rate outcome. (neither would I)
But he is only beginning to discover the various dimensions of human relationships, so his feelings are likely in flux and mixed. He might consider chaste romance friendship, too, since he has no previous experience to draw on whatsoever. I mean, feelings are v difficult to sort even w/ plenty experience as evidenced by the humans around him.
Eleanor is to Michael who/what Chidi is to her, imo. Every round of the Eleanor/Chidi dynamic is characterized by a rollercoaster of “is it platonic or is it romantic or both or neither or what the sweet fork is it?”, and I can imagine Michael going through a bit of that confusion himself as he gets more and more attached to Eleanor but w/o the pressure of “pick a label already and act on it”. A general feeling of attraction (not necessarily sexual) would be natural, esp for a being who is experiencing his first intense connection with someone who actively challenges, rewards, and punishes him in ways no other being has before and no human has ever dared before.
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She takes him down a few notches, no question. Chidi is the teacher but Eleanor is the one pushing and pulling Michael along their rocky, scary, insane path of self-improvement, which, just like hers, starts out as an empty nuisance deal of self-preservation (“You get help but only if you take ethics lessons”) and turns into a genuine effort to become better. She insists on him taking these lessons and makes sure he “stays in school” despite the initial difficulties. Out of his 4 humans, she is the one he consistently looks to for emotional pointers, support, and validation.
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The subtlest (and my most favorite) display of this is how he keeps half-turning back towards her when he pleads their case in front of Judge Gen.
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She is his person who has faith in him when no one else does and reaches him when no one else can or want to. She is his anchor pulling him back whenever he drifts off too far, be it as a result of a massive existential/midlife crisis or venting frustrations in his old, cruel ways like tormenting Chidi:
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He listens to her and tries to reciprocate even if it means breaking some fundamental rules of the afterlife or turning on his own kind or giving up his immortality or going behind the back of the All-Knowing Judge who can condemn anyone for eternal suffering with a snap of her fingers. This is the same kind of glitch Janet describes in 111 (aptly named “What’s My Motivation”): to act unpredictably and behave in ways that run counter to how you were programmed to behave. a.k.a. the “human error” a.k.a. LOVE
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Eleanor just instinctively gets him in every sense of the word bc they are very similar, and while at first it causes alarm, discomfort, and tension for both of them, it transforms into friendship - sth that I believe has its origins in S1 when he is supposed to be faking everything. That day spent together having all kinds of fun has left some genuine positive marks on both, imo, despite both “participating” to cover an agenda.
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This bond is now the kind of stuff that would need only a tiny, unexpected spark to ignite. I don’t think it will in ~that~ way on the show since Eleanor is focused elsewhere in that department atm & maybe forever, but the groundwork is def there, so I can imagine billions of excellent fic scenarios blooming from this + as I said somewhere above, a potential canon scenario where Michael harbors unrequited feelings but keeps silent bc it would be a secret he is ethically allowed - maybe even required - to keep. Again, it is one of the lessons that come up when Janet’s “glitching” and they consider breaking up Jason and Tahani as a solution: “It’s not permissible to ruin their happiness to save ourselves. … It’s okay to keep a secret as long as that secret isn’t harming anyone, and telling them that secret might cause harm.” Michael knows Eleanor needs Chidi to stay on course towards eternal happiness, and, given the group’s track record, telling her that he has feelings could cause confusion sufficient enough to derail everything and that’s not permissible. But this is pure speculation ofc.
Despite the circular narrative and reboots, nothing gained is wasted on this show, it only changes forms and feeds further development. For example, everything Michael pretends to feel and do in S1 he ends up feeling and doing for real in the first part of S2, then gradually gains a more thorough understanding of these actions and feelings in the second half via Chidi’s lessons and by watching/helping others deal with their problems. He fakes it till he makes it. He essentially mirrors Janet, the other non-human member of this group dynamic, who unexpectedly bonds with Jason and her behavior becomes erratic as a result and calms only when she understands what is going on and how to deal with it. Michael’s “demon programming” starts glitching, too, and Eleanor is right smack in the middle of that mess.
Janet “orbits” the “Jason-Tahani unit” w/ a link to Jason, Michael the Eleanor-Chidi one w/ a link to Eleanor, which forms the two interconnected triangles of the show - an “arrangement” further reinforced by the image of Janet and Michael glued to Jason’s and Eleanor’s monitoring thingy respectively at the end of S2.
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He is the (recovering) devil on Eleanor’s shoulder sitting opposite to Chidi (also they are the only two guys who wear glasses in the afterlife??), but no matter how well they click and how much fun they have together, it’s Chidi whose presence needs to be tangible (800+ reboots proved that), not his, no matter how/what he feels or what he wants. Removing himself from the equation, sacrificing his own wants & needs, is the only way to ensure Eleanor & Co. have a shot at eternal happiness, so he literally pushes her away and advocates for a solution that involves them completely forgetting about him. It is the ultimate act of selfless love if you think about it, and it makes me feel A LOT.
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Also just look at them when she sees he did not die and he sees she (and the rest of the gang, I know, but that’s not our focus here) has not been eternally damned yet bc OFC HE COMES BACK WITH ANOTHER IDEA + 369 BACKUP PLANS + CHEAT CODES bc this is the demon who literally tried a billion ways to sneak them into heaven and was plagued with “after sad” when he failed.
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And then we have the scene where he just can’t help himself, breaks yet another rule, and sneaks down/up/idk to Earth to nudge his lost pal back on track and she ofc doesn’t remember him bc the Judge wiped her afterlife memories and he pretends to be her BARTENDER in STING’S DESERT ROSÉ (!!) and delights in her drunken ramblings - it is too much goodness like I’m this close to a Cheers rewatch and also just… THESE FOOLS OWN ME NOW
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dracimexidae · 5 years ago
@lives-ruined-and-bloodshed replied to your post “@lives-ruined-and-bloodshed replied to your...”
I definitely wanted to see that reply, especially since we have so many similar thoughts about philinda lol but yeah, the end of S1 was rough on my love for Coulson. It's funny that I was angrier about how he only believed that she wasn't a Nazi and was an "ally" when he saw she was about to be executed that when he was a dick about TAHITI. IA about how confusing it was and Garrett was also a friend but I thought they were closer, that he knew her better.
Hellooooo!!! Here I am at last!
I don't really know, I've arrived to the point I assume that actually after Bahrain Melinda, along with everything and everyone else, got away from Phil as well and they barely kept in touch until Phil "recruited" her again, so they weren't close anymore, but then, why would he then choose her for his mission as his "right hand"? I would think such a decision implies that, apart from his obvious knowledge of her skills (even if they were probably a bit rusty since she's been away from the field from quite some time... at least, that's what he might think, but I'm pretty sure she has demonstrated to all of us from day 1 that she barely needed some warm up to start kicking ass like her usual 😀), he trusts her enough to convince him that he wants her by his side, also because this mission is no joke for him, it's rather important and he's aware of that responsibility... Yeah, I'd be curious to know how close Phil and Garrett have been in the past as well, because from the way I remember their interactions it seems they have known each other quite well, and yet... Goodness, for being such an acute reader of people, with Garrett (and Ward) Phil has been pretty blind - I mean, I totally fell for it the first time I watched it (I wouldn't last an hour living their life, honestly), but I'm not a trained and capable spy... It happens to the best as well, what can you do! 😌
I get why he was so mad about TAHITI and if only May had been able to fight back I wouldn't be as mad at him but he was so awful and she just took it, that's why I wanted to hit him. So much. Like you I have to believe that they did talk and he apologized in that motel room even if AoS didn't think it was important enough to show.
To think that Melinda likely let him throw his anger and frustration at her without fighting back (and we know she can and would do it if she wanted) because she felt so guilty about it, even if, from what she knew about her mission, she couldn't do much else that what she was told to... I can't imagine what must have passed through her mind, having this feeling about her that she deserves to punish herself, for Bahrain, for Phil (maybe even for his death, for her not being there to protect him), for Andrew, for the bus kids, for everything awful that happened to them that she couldn't fight or prevent... I really shouldn't think about that... 😖
Yeah, him asking her to kill her was so cruel and when she told him about it, he shuts her down. I love her SM. I thought the Theta Protocol was such a dumb way to have conflict between them that I try to ignore it, there are things that only the director can know but this huge thing? Fury, Maria, Koenig and a bunch of people knew but not his second? Makes little sense and when he told Maria he still lied to May because she wouldn't do what he wanted...
Yes, keeping her in the dark about Theta Protocol and consulting with Andrew was rather a poor decision and I'm not sure it worked that well in terms of creating tension between them, at least a conflict that makes sense! 😒
Wanted to hit him again lol but then we had that talk in the hangar that I loved it so much so I guess it might have been worth it. I spent most of S3 wanting to punch Coulson in the throat lol he was such a lousy friend, I legit lol when he said May didn't want his support and started to flirt with Rosalind, literally four feet from Lash and right after his BFF had one of the worse days of her life he went to get lucky.
Thankfully we had that brief moment (that I admit I had forgotten, ops...) between them when they are discussing that picture of Hive recorded and Phil finally aknowledges the situation and offers his sympathy for Andrew’s death, letting Melinda know he’s available if she wants to talk about it... At fucking last, I’d say!!! There, was that so hard to do, writers? Couldn’t you have staged it earlier and frankly, a bit better than a rushed conversation because of course when they’re not interested in delving into a scene (or a relationship) there’s always the convenient excuse of “there’s no time to talk about anything because we have a mission going on” (5x18???? Melinda cutting off a flustered Phil, adorably - but also frustratingly, may I add 🤦 - fumbling through words to reply to Melinda’s declaration??? Just saying...)
I hated that May was going through this horrible thing and Coulson was all "she'll come to me when she needs me" really? May? Then Rosalind got fridged in an infuriating way and he goes nuts and I like him even less and then 3B. Damn, I guess I mostly disliked him in that whole season, like you I have a version of him in my head that I like much more then what we got on screen.
Is it too harsh if I say that I felt like Rosalind in the end was a pawn used mainly to start the male protagonist's journey of man pain and revenge? I don't know, her death seemed rather unneccessary in my opinion, and a waste of what was actually an interesting character, even without it being linked so closely to Coulson... Even the whole showdown between Phil and Ward, which I guess would have happened eventually - would have been far more exciting under different circumstances and with different motives behind it than serving later on to show Coulson's remorse for killing Ward (and inadvertedly contributing on creating Lash) mostly for personal and selfish (even if all right, I'll admit that in that moment watching that piece of scum die was quite satisfying... ah ehm, moving on) reasons... That might have given another nuance at the character, but his humanity and how it sometimes clashes with his role in the agency and the responsiblity towards the world’s safety was never under question - that actually is what compelled me to him and this team from the first episodes, more than any superhero(/ine) would ever do for me, because according to me it’s more difficult to deal with all that have been facing without any kind of superpower or special ability (even if with this I don’t want to dismiss or downplay the struggles that powered people go through to save the day, but well... powers help a bit and it’s a plus ordinary people don’t have, but all those human agents are still there working their ass off to do the same that superheroes do with what they have... of the few things that I’d save from s5 there is that quote from Phil: “I’ve lived a life surrounded by heroes, none bigger than all of you” - I like to think that in a way he refers also to this aspect... even if in the team there are also Daisy and Yoyo, but they’re still not gods, like Thor, for example)... Well, anyway, in general I don't really like how Rosalind was used in all this: it seems to me that she was inserted in the show only for the sake of advancing Coulson's story in the end, no matter the role and agenda she has been given, which in the end I’m not sure how much relevance they have ever had... I think Rosalind deserved much better!!
I also wonder what happened for the writers to go from a 3 in s3 to an 11 in s4. Even a shipper like me went a bit like, wait what, when they were just "in love." So I can't blame anyone who wasn't a shipper if they were a bit confused but ofc I loved and needed all of that, I sort of went, really to Coulson's "she means everything to me" declaration but May deserved nothing less so I went with it... but it's funny that I still think that all that S4 Philinda would work much better after S1 or S2 than S3 when like I said before they barely looked like friends for so much of the season. It is ironic that May is so much more expressive in words and actions of her love for Coulson than the guy who supposedly never shut up and is so caring and open.
And still, the LMD was more successful in openly flirting with Phil and nudge him to finally make a move and, despite me loving this story arc, I have to admit it makes me want to tear my hair because we could have had it aaaaaaaaaaalll, but with the real Melinda (I’m still not over their kiss in the library, despite being shared with the LMD - I actually find it hotter than their real kiss, even if the s5 kiss is still pretty epic, but there is something so intimate and sensual about the libray kiss - maybe the library also helps, I mean, it would work for me 😜- that makes me swoon every time I watch it)!! I love May and her "quiet" way of loving and caring about people, but unfortunately for her the dumbass she fell in love with probably needed a little encouragment to make things happen at last! To think that the LMD's behaviour probably showed a glimpse of how May was in the past, as we have seen, for example, from the Russia flashback, more talkative and mischievous, more open in showing her emotions and opinions through her face and body language... I mean, it's still rather subtle, but I think I saw a little difference on how Ming was acting as a LMD compared to the real May, even if Melinda in that moment was already opening up more already, before she got kidnapped... Is it possible?
S5 Philinda pissed me off, it's not even his death, I've lost so many favorite characters, but if they knew he would die in the end, couldn't they at least give us much more than what we got, and really, not even one ILY from him, I know he does but words are nice too especially when May spent most of the show showing and telling us just how much she loves him and I spent the whole show waiting for him to show that he loved her just as much as she loved him.
Yes, and I also think that May would appreciate him saying it out loud, because I'm sure she knows at this point he loves her and that he generally is keen on speaking his mind when he wants to, but he still struggles to let her know he reciprocates her feelings through words, and she might interpret that as a sign that he doesn't feel the same way as her after all...LOL, I know, absurd, but still she deserves all the reassurance she can get, verbal and not, especially because she seems the kind of person that, if sensing that she is unwanted or an incovenience for those around her, is likely to distance herself to avoid being a burden to others... 😭
I COMPLETELY get the "S6 what's that" attitude lol there were things I enjoyed but mostly I just felt sad that May was the season's punching bag as always and got tired of the endless "gotcha" from the writers. Pretty much my only desire for S7 is May alive and somewhat happy and at peace, it shouldn't be too much to ask but it's AoS and after S5 and S6 I feel even something like that may be too optimistic.
I have so little expectations about s7 at this point, and I don’t even know what I would actually want from it... I mean, I KNOW what I would want in general but that ship sailed long ago; I’m trying to figure out what would be the best scenario considering canon (and I’m realizing it gets harder to accept canon with time... shouldn’t be the other way around, to be easier to accept it? I don’t know, I suppose it’s because I’m still not resigned at how badly they treated Melinda, and I doubt that the series ending will soften any blow that has been or will be thrown at me... Right now I’m having flashbacks about BBC Robin Hood - I don't know if you've ever heard of it -when they killed off Marian, and I think in a way a similar situation is repeating for me - that show, which I adored, was never the same again after that, since I was invested in the love story between Robin and Marian, and not even the final crumble they gave me - with Robin dying and showing that he reunited with Marian again in the afterlife - helped softening the punch in the gut I received from the writers’ poor choices - again, poor according to me, obviously, because I didn't get what I wanted, but allow me to be petty 😣... Wow, this was a long parenthesis, let's close it, shall we 🤣) but I’m finding myself lost, so I guess I’ll just stop wasting energies for that and see what happens and react consequently!
0 notes