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chrrywvea · 2 years ago
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(still not over this. so adorable♡)
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aureatelys · 29 days ago
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adore you
pairing: aaron hotchner/fem!bau!reader w.c. 3k a/n: written for @mggslover's 1k celebration event, congrats baby! i initially wrote 5k, hated it, and basically rewrote all of it but i swear i still had fun writing this. i hope you enjoy <3
Weird. You're acting like my boyfriend. - God Is a Freak, Peach PRC Your boss has essentially become your best friend. What the hell does Derek mean he looks at you a certain way?
c.w.: fluff! friends to lovers, age gap ofc, feelings realization, reader is oblivious and tipsy but is a consenting party
read below or on ao3 here <3
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“So, you and Hotch, huh?”
You had just finished putting your coat up, stepping through the massive entryway of Rossi’s mansion, when Derek approaches you with that familiar shit-eating grin and hands rubbing together like he’s scheming something.
You blink up at him, confused. “Yeah… he gave me a ride.”
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head but still wearing that smile that made you want to lovingly punch him. “Yeah, I saw that. I meant, you and Hotch aren’t…?”
You squint at him, because you really aren’t sure what he’s hinting at. Also, a glass of wine has been calling your name since you started getting ready and Derek is very much in the way of that. Hotch was always annoyingly punctual, and today was no different because you were honestly about to open up a bottle when you heard his car pull up in the driveway. “We aren’t what?”
“Sweetness. You’re really trying to tell me you and Hotch aren’t together?”
You choke on your spit, coughing so loud in your fist that it echoes down the entryway and gathers the attention of Rossi and Hotch at the end of it. You wave them off when they both give you equally alarmed and concerned looks while Derek laughs heartily, like the asshole he is.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you hiss at him, slapping him on the shoulder as he nearly makes himself tear up from laughing.
Derek puts a somewhat apologetic hand on your arm as he steers you to the kitchen and pours you a glass of red, finally. “Hey, I see the way he looks at you, I just wanted to make sure I’m up to date on everything.”
And that catches your attention.
Your chest still aching from your coughing fit, you give him another perplexed look. “What? He looks at me the same way as he looks at everyone.”
Derek’s face morphs into a nervous, almost uncomfortable one as he starts slowly backing away into the living room, as if you were an unpredictable dangerous animal. “I think I’m gonna… look for Garcia.”
And then he turns on his heel and is out of the kitchen before you can blink, leaving you with your lone glass of wine and the sounds of laughter emanating from the patio.
You’re still so fucking confused, because you and Hotch were only friends. In fact, you can almost consider him your best friend with the way you two are spending so much time together, even on the weekends.
One late night spent in his office to work on reports that were due the next day that you had procrastinated on and ordering Chinese food eventually turned into a habitual thing, now spending the last hour of the workday every night in his office. Then, he started inviting you to the park to play with Jack who had apparently been asking for you, then staying for dinner because Hotch was not eating the way he should’ve been and him and Jack didn’t deserve to eat pizza rolls with mac and cheese every night.
It's been a couple of months and now, you can honestly say you two are nearly attached at the hip. You’ve tried to tone it down for the office, because you knew you would get teased, and clearly you were right.
But dating Hotch? Honestly, the thought had never occurred to you.
You’ve been single for over a year and you were okay with that, because at least the job kept you busy. And you know for a fact that Hotch hasn’t even thought about dating since Beth moved a couple of years ago.
The sudden thought of Beth, her pretty blue-green eyes and perfect hair, causes a sour taste to form in your mouth. You had never met her, having only technically heard good things about her, but every time you thought of her or someone mentioned her in passing, you felt… upset.
For no reason.
When you glance at Hotch from where he’s talking with the rest of the team on the patio, you catch his gaze for a brief second before he’s turning his head back around to chuckle at something Rossi says.
You feel your heart start to race, your blood rushing through your ears, because what the fuck did Derek mean when he said Hotch looks at you a certain way? You were telling the truth when you said you’ve only noticed him looking at you platonically and nothing more.
Sure, Hotch was conventionally attractive, handsome even. You guess he hit all your boxes in a guy; tall, capable hands, and pretty brown eyes. He was a good boss, a good man, and was always putting other people first before even thinking about himself. He had an intense sense of justice, loves children, and would do absolutely anything for his team and even beyond for Jack.
He has a nice laugh once you break down his walls. For all he’s meticulous at work, his house is absolutely chaotic and it takes you nearly an hour sometimes to get him and Jack ready for a soccer game. He doesn’t prefer to cook but he seems to enjoy it more when you’re in the kitchen with him, laughing at his technique and groaning about the lack of certain utensils.
The sudden realization that you like Hotch, your boss that is older than you by 20 years, hits you like a ton of bricks. You nearly snap the stem of your wine glass, something like panic and mortification climbing up your throat before you could help it.
It’s fine, you’re fine. It’s normal to have a crush on someone you spend time with on a regular basis and is conventionally attractive. You can deal with that.
But the absolute possibility that Hotch doesn’t want you romantically was very real. In fact, it had to be the only possibility. You were younger and less experienced, both romantically and professionally. The only reason that he’s been spending so much time with you was because you needed guidance and reassurance as the newest member of the team.
He doesn’t look at you any differently than the others. That’s it. Derek has no idea what he’s talking about.
You take a shuddering deep breath, quickly composing yourself because, hello, you work with profilers. Which meant you couldn’t avoid or hide from Hotch tonight, no matter how much you wanted to.
When you make your way out to the patio to join the others with a full glass of wine and you spot the only space left in the circle was between Spencer and Penelope, you internally thank whatever God was out there. The sound of them talking over each other about something inane was oddly comforting as your eyes met Aaron’s from the other side of the circle.
His eyes appeared golden from the numerous fairy lights strewn across Rossi’s backyard, making his face appear softer and younger. You’re not sure how it took you this long to realize he was so handsome.
He raises his eyebrows at you, silently asking if you were okay because, somehow, he’s grown to learn your facial expressions like the back of his hand, which means he most likely will catch on to you having a silly juvenile crush on him.
You give him a weak smile, raising your glass slightly before taking a large gulp of it. You’re glad that Rossi is Rossi and that he doesn’t spare any expenses when he throws his parties, the strong cherry flavor refreshing compared to your cheap boxed wine you’re used to. You don’t even remember what you were celebrating tonight, or if you were even celebrating anything at all and this was just another much needed get together after case after case.
You catch something soft in Hotch’s eyes that makes your chest pang painfully as he raises his own glass of whiskey before taking a sip. No one else has noticed, too enthralled by their own conversations, so the intimacy of the private moment doesn’t escape you, in fact making you even more anxious.
It was going to be a long night.
You are absolutely going to give Derek an earful on Monday morning.
It’s entirely his fault that you’re not enjoying Rossi’s party to the full extent, his words swimming in your mind.
Now, you’re psychoanalyzing and second-guessing everything Hotch does.
You had made sure to walk alongside Penelope on the way to the large round table for dinner, somewhat consciously as you continued to avoid Hotch but also because she was rambling about the show you suggested she watch. Spencer was on the other side of you, interjecting whenever he could, and you made a mental note that Hotch was still on the other side of the circle between Rossi and Tara.
So imagine your surprise when, after you tear your attention away from Spencer’s ramblings and back to Penelope, you’re met with Hotch’s pretty eyes and woodsy cologne instead.
“Oh, hi,” you say, hoping he doesn’t hear the shakiness that’s suddenly overtaken your voice as that familiar panic starts to crawl up your throat. This wasn’t going to be good.
“’Hi.” The corners of Hotch’s lips quirk up, eyes softening, and what the fuck is going on. “Can I sit next to you?”
You swear you’re going to have a heart attack. This man cannot be healthy for you. “Oh, yeah, sure.”
And then he’s pulling out your chair for you.
And it’s not anything new—he pulls your chair out for you all the time, in the conference room, in his dining table when you made not-pizza rolls, and even at restaurants the afternoons after Jack’s soccer games. You’ve never thought anything of it, but tonight, after your impeccably timed realization, your brain feels like it’s going to implode.
He’s just being a gentleman, that’s all.
“Thank you,” you manage out, heat starting to come to your face. Before Hotch, no one’s ever pulled your chair out for you. It’s nice.
Hotch doesn’t say anything, because of course not, just scoots your chair in closer to the table before he takes his seat on your right.
And he’s sitting really fucking close to you.
Have you always sat this close to each other before? You must have at least once during those late nights in his office, poring over case file after case file.
Not only could you feel the heat of his body just from sitting next to him, but his arm kept brushing up against your bare one while he ate, because of course you had to sit on the left side of a left-handed person. Every brush of the sleek fabric of his green button-up against your bare arm sent shivers down your spine despite the summer air, making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
His hand kept brushing against yours as you ate and your eyes are drawn to how large his hands are as he handles his fork and the thickness of his forearms, having had rolled up his sleeves earlier. If you searched closely, you could find scars scattered over them through the dusting of hair, undoubtedly from his time on the job.
You don’t realize you’re staring at his Rolex and the way it glints underneath the lights, until Hotch is suddenly leaning into you. “Are you okay?”
Jesus Christ, hearing that smooth voice speaking lowly in your ear, breath warm as it fans over your cheek, causes all of the air in your lungs to escape. Has his voice always been that smooth, attractive?
When you risk a glance at him, conversations around the table slowly fading into the background, his face is merely inches from yours. His brows are pinched in concern and lips are pressed into a flat line. There’s something dancing in his eyes that you couldn’t quite put a finger on.
You clear your throat. “Sorry, I think the wine is just getting to me.”
He chuckles low underneath his breath. “Good thing I’m driving.”
And then he’s knocking the back of his hand against yours, the briefest brush of skin that causes electricity to zing up your spine, and then he’s back to listening intently to Derek and Emily’s bickering over who cheated at the last game of charades.
At this point, you think Hotch is able to read your mind. Why else would he be touching you, be sweet on you, if not to torture you?
You try to wrack your brain through these past couple of months, trying to find whether Hotch touching his hand to yours has happened before or any other sign that he actually is attracted to you. You come up short.
You chalk it up to him loosening up from his whiskey. He’s already moved onto water, because he was your ride, after all, so maybe this was a fluke. A one-off.
But it’s not a one-off. In fact, you think you’ve honestly died and gone to Heaven after suddenly tripping and breaking your head open in the entryway after Derek spoke with you. If you didn’t know any better, you would think you were actually on a date with Hotch, sans the rest of the team.
He must have noticed your distracted mood, because he’s making sure you’re included in almost every table conversation by glancing at you and giving you a smile that has started to make something flutter in your stomach. He���s participating minimally like usual, content to listen, but whenever he has a comment or thought he wants to share, he’s leaning in and sharing it with you.
He's leaning in to top of your wine, reaching over the table to get more of those green beans you like, and once even knocking his knee against yours underneath the table when you looked especially lost in thought while staring at your plate.
And then when the team has moved into the living room for charades, Emily wanting payback against Derek, it somehow gets even worse.
You’re quick enough to be the first to volunteer to not play due to there being an odd number of players, thus requiring Hotch to play. Everyone cheers teasingly, because Hotch is always quick to volunteer himself out of games, content to watch.
You blame the copious glasses of wine you’ve consumed and the decadent filling dinner, warmth thrumming through your entire body, when you poke at Hotch’s considerably firm bicep. “Show us what you got, old man.”
There are resounding oohs and aahs from the rest of the team. Something fuzzy settles in your chest when Hotch rolls his eyes good-naturedly at you and stands up from where he had sat next to you on the couch to JJ’s team.
You continue to nurse your wine, pleasantly buzzed, as you are thoroughly entertained by your team’s antics. Emily and Rossi argue at least 3 times, Penelope gets significantly close to having a private meeting with HR, and Hotch continues to stare at you.
Or at least, you think he’s staring at you. The alcohol has started making you second guess things even more than you already were. Because for some reason, despite JJ sitting on the other side of the living room and being on a team with her, he moved to sit in the empty spot next to you after the first round.  
He’s definitely participating in the game, even in second place behind Penelope and Derek, but you swear you feel his eyes on you now more than ever.
It’s distracting as you try to follow the game and guess along with everyone else. This time, the right side of him is nearly molded against your left side, pressing into you so hard that you’re starting to sweat from how much body heat he’s radiating.
When you glance at him to try and catch his eyes, he meets your gaze steadily. His hair is starting to come undone, a few strands falling against his forehead, and his dimple seems to have made a permanent appearance from how much he’s pretending not to laugh at his team’s antics.
It’s nice to see him enjoy himself—a flush rising up his neck and shoulders relaxed. Although you understand he has a certain image he maintains for his team, it’s become familiar to you.
By the time it dwindles close to midnight, there’s a chorus of yawns around the group. Penelope’s the first to call it, stumbling to grab a hold of Derek’s arm and dragging him with her out the door to drive her home, ruining your initial plans to catch a ride home with her instead of Hotch. After that, everyone starts to say their goodnights and exchanging hugs despite the chance you may get called on a case as early as tomorrow morning.
“You ready to go?” Hotch leans to whisper in your ear, his breath fanning over you again and causing heat to rise to your face.
“Absolutely,” you exhale, clutching the water bottle that Hotch retrieved for you in the middle of the game, hoping the breathiness in your voice could be blamed on how late it was.
When you get to Hotch’s car, heart full and warm after spending another wonderful evening with your makeshift family, he opens the passenger side door for you.
You think you’re going to lose your mind if he keeps this up. How are you supposed to stop having a crush on Hotch when he keeps doing things that justify that crush?
“Do you need to stop anywhere for anything? Are you hungry?”
You blame it on the wine despite the fact you’ve been drinking nothing but water for the past hour, thanks to Hotch silently getting you and only you a water. Your body and tongue feels loose, inhibitions naturally decreased, and it’s not your fault. It doesn’t matter if the soft lights of the driveway highlight the sharp angles of his face or the way his woodsy cologne has infiltrated your senses.
“Weird, you’re acting like my boyfriend or something.”
The silence that ensues is deafening. Your brain takes forever to catch up with you, but then you’re suddenly struck with humiliation and dread. You mind starts to race, as best as it could, when you realize that you may have just royally messed up the best job you’ve ever had and the best group of people you’ve ever met.
Before you can backtrack and say that you were just joking, Hotch carefully says “Do you want me to be?”
“What?” Wow, you really can’t hold your alcohol well, why did you drink so much wine?
And then Hotch is stepping closer, into your space, and you’d be worried that the rest of the team was going to see if the car door wasn’t shielding you from view from the front of the house. You get a whiff of whiskey on his breath again, but when you meet his eyes, there’s not a hint of the same full body dizziness you feel.
“Was I not being direct enough?” There’s amusement sparkling in his eyes, eyebrows raised. He looks like he’s politely trying to hide a fond smile. He’s teasing you.
This Hotch is the one you’ve grown to become familiar with over the past several months. Charming and unafraid to tease you when you’re away from prying eyes. Hotch is a private person, always has been, so it’s not a surprise that him essentially torturing you tonight was his version of being direct.
“You’ve been flirting with me?”
Hotch ducks his head bashfully to chuckle. It’s ridiculously endearing and you want to tug him closer and touch him all over. “I’ve been trying to flirt with you all month so I’m guessing I didn’t do a very good job.”
You stare at him as if he grew a second head, suddenly feeling much more sobered up than 5 minutes ago. Clarity sluggishly comes to you. The various invitations to spend the night or go out to dinner without Jack comes to mind. The touching had steadily increased, but you had assumed it was just due to Hotch getting more comfortable around you.
For a profiler, you weren’t very good at noticing what was happening right in front of you.
Hotch may be a ridiculously patient person, clearly since he’s been content to flirt with you for apparently a month while you didn’t notice, but you were not. You knew what you wanted. The wine still thrumming through your veins just gave you that little extra push.
You place your palms on his chest, relishing in the subtle firmness you can detect through his shirt, and you wonder if that’s his heart you feel thumping erratically or your own. “I promise I’m not that drunk and am fully aware of what is going on right now.”
Hotch hums and places his hands on your hips, the heat of him searing through the fabric of your dress. His eyes briefly flit to your mouth before back up at you. “I’m not sure if I believe you.”
Instead of providing a snarky response, and because you know Hotch wouldn’t make the first move since you did have some to drink, you finally lean in to close the distance between you two to kiss him.
It’s soft, chaste in a way that makes you feel pleasantly warm all over, the barest tendrils of electricity tugging at the pit of your stomach. The intensity of how much you like him, how much you adore him, nearly barrels you over, but Hotch’s grip on you tightens, steadying you. His lips only slightly move against yours, as if briefly testing the waters, but it does nothing to quell the sudden desire slowly twisting inside of you.
When he pulls back, chest only marginally heaving, you instinctively chase after him. He chuckles again, low and comforting, as his hands come up to hold you still by the shoulders. It shouldn’t feel as nice and soothing as it does. “I should take you home.”
“Are you coming with me?” You sincerely hope that Hotch doesn’t question you and your boldness tomorrow. Again, not entirely your fault.
“I’ll walk you to your door, how about that?” As if he already wasn’t going to do that.
On the drive back to your apartment, the tight ball of panic and uncertainty in your chest quickly unfurls and is replaced by affection, tenderness, and promises of the future. Hotch’s hand, large and protective, doesn’t leave your thigh the entire way home.
You make a mental note to send Derek a gift card and thank you note on Monday.
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rayassecretlife · 2 years ago
Im LITERALLY so down bad for dilf Jake Sully like omfg. Could you write a fic where maybe he is like your dads best friend yk like a forbidden romance with an age gap? (Ofc the reader is still over 18 duh)
Forbidden secrets
Pairing: Dilf!Jake sully x 23 year old!Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Summary: You have a little to much fun celebrating your birthday, and the man you often caught yourself fantasizing about was the one to take you home.
Warning(s): Mature language, use of alcohol, Corruption kink, DOM!Jake, Praise kink, 15 year!age gap, unprotected p in v, degradation, dilf jake being a warning himself 🫠, cr*ampie, consensual!non!consent, f!ngering, marking, mentions of blood, semi public??? This smut is LONG
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Saturday nights were usually days where Jake would relax at home and take a break from anything outside, but for today, he had to make an exception just for you.
Jake sully was your father’s best friend and right hand man when it came to anything business related. You grew up knowing Jake as one of the people you looked up to, but sometimes you couldn’t help but think about why that was.
As you got older, you’d catch yourself staring at the older man way more then usual. You’d notice when his braids were fresh and new, or when he cut his hair and lost the smallest amount of weight. Your mind had memorized every scar from previous battles that scattered his blue skin, and you knew how many freckles he had on his face. You never realized how good looking he had been till you grew up.
As for Jake, ever since you’d turned 21, he had his eyes glued to you and the way you were. Just like you, he’d find himself staring at your hips when you’d sit down and how they outlined your perfect hourglass body, or the way your hair touched the small of your back. He’d often take you hunting with him and that only made it worse, seeing the way your body moved when you pulled back a bow or even just stretched.
It was safe to say the two of you had the most forbidden feeling toward one another, and it made both of you feel so terrible.
Tonight was your 23rd birthday and of course you decided to share it with friends and family in an open area within the forest. Most of the clan had went but there were also people you knew who couldn’t go, having to tend to duties or watch their children since your party was definitely an adult only type of event. Your father was one of them, out running scout trips with a few other men while you celebrated without him.
It bothered you at first but you couldn’t think of anything else other then the drinks you had downed over the course of the night. You’d danced with many guys, sung with your friends, and even made a toast to which your very drunk words barely let you finish. It was safe to say you were the most drunk you’d ever been.
And Jake saw that.
“Having fun, Kid?” He asks, approaching you. Your conversation was cut short by the deep voice behind you, your laughing coming to an end as you turn to the familiar face with a smile.
“Jake! Your here!” You threw your arms around his large torso making him let out a small grunt, holding up your drunken body that so easily gave into his touch. “Thought you’d never show” Your friends are watching you with a smirk on their faces, eyes on the man above you that they so obviously thought was attractive as well. After all, he was Toruk Makto.
Jake frowns, excusing the two of you from your friend group before bringing you away from the crowd, gently pulling you off of him. “Your trashed, aren’t ya, peach?” You giggle and shake your head, taking another sip of the cup that was in your hand.
“N-no! This—this is water!” You argue, holding it up to show him. He only sighs at you, reaching to take it but you quickly pulled it back, shaking your head. “I promise, Jake! What’s the difference? It’s my birthday, you know?”
“I do know, and your shitfaced, Y/N. It’s time to get you home” He reaches for your drink again, this time being able to grab hold on it but not without your retaliation. “Peach, I’m really not trying to-“ Just then, the alcohol spilled all over you. Both of your hands drop the glass once you let out a gasp and look down to watch it run down your body. Your clothing was now drenched, dripping with liquid all the way down your legs.
“Are you happy! Now my clothes are wet and I don’t even have a drink” Jake doesn’t miss how you sniffle, kneeling down to see if the glass was broken which is so clearly was. He sighs and walks over to your helpless body, lifting you up gently so you wouldn’t stumble into it. “I was just having fun!”
“I know, Peach. I know” He thumbs away the preexisting tears that slipped down your cheeks before kneeling down, lifting you into his arms. “I’m gonna take you home, alright? Get you cleaned up, your gonna feel so much better” His voice is soothing against your ear and you can’t help but nod, closing your eyes to rid you of the spinning feeling inside your head.
Your relaxed as the man carries you through the forest, staring up at his features that you noticed never drastically changed since he was younger. His skin was glowing in the moonlight above you, and his yellow eyes were big trying to find your cave in the dark. You giggle at his frustrated expression, reaching up to touch his face.
“You look pretty, Sorry for screaming at you” Your apology makes him chuckle and his eyes are suddenly back on you, watching as a smile crept up to your lips. “I want a bath… a bath sounds amazing right now”
“Good thing that’s exactly where I’m taking you, huh?” You hum in agreement as he enters your cave, turning on the lantern that lit up your entire bedroom. He sat you on your hammock before excusing himself to grab some water and maybe some fruit for you to eat, trying to at least sober you up a tiny bit before you fell asleep.
You on the other hand, worked to remove your wet clothing that stuck to your skin. You had on celebration clothes so they were much more uncomfortable and skin showing, but the top wouldn’t come off and you were getting frustrated. Your mind begins to roam with anxiety as you fiddle with the strings, afraid of what Jake might say when he comes back to your half naked body.
But another part of your brain is telling you to keep it there. To keep the wet top on your body so it continued to show the curve of your breasts and nipples, and to allow your bottom half to show on full display for the older man to see. The ideas intrigued you; having Jake sully look at you like that… to look at you with hungry eyes like you’d always imagine when you were alone.
Oh Eywa, how badly you wanted him to touch you.
It was so forbidden but it felt so right, like you needed him to see you the way you saw him.
“Okay, here’s some…” Just as you had planned, you watched as his voice trails off and his eyes glue to your body, taking in every freckle and every line that scattered your skin. You were practically naked for fucks sake, how could he not look? He hated himself. He hated that he saw you the way he did but the truth was that he couldn’t see you any other way. He saw the way you’d look at him every so often and you saw the way he’d look at you, there was no reason to hide it anymore.
“I need some help with my top, Jake” Your voice is soft and slightly demanding as you stand to your feet, watching as Jake clears his throat, setting down the fruit and water he had grabbed for you. “It’s stuck… and sticky”
“Your uh… you don’t have anything on, Y/N-“
“Yes I do. I have this on” you tug at the top on your chest, watching him take a deep breath. Were you getting to him? You definitely were. His eyes are anywhere but near you now which made a smirk tug at your lips, approaching the man. “What is it, Jake? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a woman without clothes before?”
He fought with himself as he tried to hold back, biting his bottom lip as his eyes scanned your hips, taking a liking to the curve of your body. You were a tease, who knew? It was wrong of him to look at you like this… but why couldn’t he stop? Why couldn’t he turn away.
A single hum vibrates through your throat as you let your hand reach for his arm, fingertips ghosting over his skin. Yes, you were intoxicated but you knew exactly what you were doing. If anything, you were glad you had the liquid courage to do this because if you were sober, you would’ve never tried.
But believe it or not, you deeply wanted to do this.
“Y/N” Your name comes hoarse out of his mouth, almost in a warning tone. You were playing with fire, didn’t you know this? Jake was so much bigger then you, and his gaze burned holes through your skin whenever he looked at you. “Your drunk, peach” He breathes but you only giggle, eyes taking in his every ab and detail on his chest; his very strong, large chest. You look up to the man with that same smirk still on your face, letting your fingers move from his arm to his chest.
“And so, so horny” His cock twitches at your words, your eyes were burning against his own, and your face was almost undeniable in that moment. Your sweet doe eyes were big and pleading but your body was confident, touching his like it was going to take what it wanted. “Come on, Jake. You want to help me, don’t you?” Stop looking at her, Jake! Just put her to bed and leave! Jake’s thoughts were roaming so wildly through his head, the only thing that was holding him back was the fact you were so clearly drunk, and he feared taking advantage of you.
“I can’t help you, not if your drunk” He finally refuses but your not taking that answer, only touching more sensitive areas on his body to gain his upmost attention.
“I appreciate you for saying that, but you and I both know I’ve been wanting this. You, have been wanting this too” Your voice is soft but full of intent as you press your hand to his chest, feeling the chisels of his abs between your fingers. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when we hunt, and how you watch my hips sway when I walk” He looks down at you as you watch your hands against him, letting them guide themselves up his perfectly toned body. “Tell me, Jake. Have you ever touched yourself to the thought of me?”
His breath is hitched as you let your hands travel up his back, moving closer to the man with ease. You had him right where you wanted him. “I… I don’t think-“
“Don’t lie to me, Jake” Your eyes meet at your words and he can no longer act like it’s not true, taking a deep breath before nodding his head gently to you. “I touched myself to you this morning, you know why? Eywa, you just looked so good with your hair wet, and the way the water fell down your body… makes me so hot”
Your hand eventually make it to the back of his neck, shaking under his dreads with ease. You were as close as you could be, eyes looking up at him with that pleading look. “Always think about how good you’d treat me, how good you’d fuck me” You could feel his heart beating faster and faster against you, and you watched as his eyes slowly forgot their loving state that he was so obviously trying to fight. “Why are you still holding back? You want me to get on my knees and beg you to fuck me?” Now you were just being a brat. Your voice was clearly in a teased tone and your body language was trying to get the best of his, you could see his jaw clenching at every word you uttered.
You lean up to the older man’s ear, brushing your lips against its lobe. Your breath was hot against his ear and you could feel his hands start to move from his sides, hesitant to touch your waist. “You better make me beg, Mr. Sully” That was it. That was his breaking point.
From the moment you whispered in his ear, to when his hands roughly grabbed at your waist, you couldn’t remember much until he was pushing you against the wall of your cave, keeping a slight amount of distance between the two of you as he took in your messy-hair state. You were laughing, biting your nail like this was funny to you. Jake didn’t see the appeal, if he was going to fuck you, he was going to ruin you.
“Your playing a dangerous game, Kid” He tells you with a sharp tone, moving to place his hands against the cave’s walls, closing you between him and the stone. You smirk, looking him up and down once before looking back to his face.
“At least one of us is playing dangerous” The two of you stood there, staring at the other for what felt like forever until Jake finally gave in, cursing himself under his breath before he grabbed your neck to pull you into a rough kiss. Your body is flush against his as he lifts you into the air, wrapping your legs around his waist as soon as you moaned against him. You could feel his growing erection, you could feel his hunger for your body like he felt yours.
Once again, your back is crashed against the wall as he completely devours your lips into his, fingers digging into your skin as did yours to his dreads, slight pulling them back when you needed to breath. His lips remove from yours and move to your jaw, hungrily peppering wet kisses down it, all the way to your neck.
Your moans are what encourage him the most. Hearing your sweet whimpers in his ear as he sucked on your neck felt like a dream. Believe Eywa, he’d had that dream many, many times before.
“I’ve waited so long for this” Your breathless above him, gripping his dreads between your small fingers. You could feel his cock pressing against you, begging for your tongue. It was big, he was so fucking big. It should’ve scared you but you were more intrigued, grinding your hips against his to gain some friction with the little time you had before he stopped your bratty movements.
“Older girls wait” He teases and you only roll your eyes, grabbing his hand that held you steady against him. You could feel his fangs were brushing your skin, hungry for it like some starved vampire. He wanted to mark you, and you wanted him to.
“Nothing’s stopping you from getting an older girl” You hum, holding his head and slightly pushing it down so his lips reattached to your neck. “And nothings stopping you from marking me, Mr sully” A grunt escapes his mouth as if he had been fighting with the feeling, shaking his head between your neck before meeting your eyes again; your bratty, untamed green eyes.
“Can’t have an older girl when I have a brat I need to take care of, now can I?” He’s so obviously joking and you love every second of it. Every word of degradation is like music to your ears, like a forbidden kink you didn’t know you had. You were a brat, but you were his brat. “That’s how you like it, huh? Like being bad?” Your ears are perking at his every word and your eyes light up with a laugh to your lips, smile so big you couldn’t relax it. “Jesus, your so dirty, aren’t you?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to his body then before with a smirk, shrugging your shoulders. “I guess you’ll have to find that out” His eyes. Oh Eywa, his eyes were so hungry as he set you down on your feet, giving you a devilish look before kneeling in front of you. At first you didn’t know what to think but it only took you a few seconds to realize once his large arms were wrapped around your thighs, pulling your body close to him.
His chin sat against your stomach, staring up at you like he had been waiting for you to say something. But you didn’t know what he was planning until his thumb was ghosting around your clit, that same smirk pulling at his lips as he watched you.
“Fuck” You breath heavily, leaning your head back against the stone, not even realizing the man under you was now fully under you. “S-shit!” Your hand fell clasp over your mouth to silence your moan, eyes falling back on the man under you. Except now, his face was pressed into your dripping wet cunt, and his fingers teased what his mouth didn’t. “S-sneaky little shit” You mumble under your unsteady breath, trying your hardest not to moan because he had just started and you didn’t want to seem weak.
But holy shit, this man knew how to use his tongue.
Your hand fell atop his head in hopes to gain some sort of stability but that quickly failed, given how badly he was attacking your clit. His mouth was warm against you and you already knew you’d come soon. It was like he knew your body inside and out.
“I know your not holding back on me, are you?” His words vibrate against your cunt making you jolt, thankful his arms held you down so you wouldn’t fall. Jake was in pure bliss under you, relishing in your sweet taste that so effortlessly painted his tongue. You were wet, your cunt was begging for more even if you were a crying mess above him, like it finally found what it had been longing for.
“That’s all? Maybe your the one holding back” He chuckles at your attempt at retaliation but still manages to one up you, slipping two of his large, slender fingers inside you. “J-Jake, let me sit down fir-“
“No” He only uttered one word but it was enough to make you listen like a trained dog, allowing your legs to tremble against his face. You could’ve taken it had you been sitting, but your legs couldn’t function correctly when he was destroying them under you.
His fingers curl against your spongy walls, pushing his tongue against your clit quickly as your moan’s increased. It was so clear you were already on edge, about to let go without it being over five minutes. You find your pride slipping from you in a matter of seconds, begging the man to let you come as your fingers tug his hair. You couldn’t hold on, your legs were far too weak.
“Please, please—Jake, please” His ears are perking as you moan his name, begging for him, moaning for him. Normally, he’d take his time with you but now? You were being such a brat, he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He needed to be inside of you, and for that exact reason is why he only sped up under you. “G-gonna come..!”
Your mind tried to come up with some sort of reason as to how you got yourself here, How you got your fathers best friend between your legs, and definitely how you were about to fully submit yourself to this older man. He was thinking the same thing; how did he get so lucky to have you above him?
In only seconds, your coming undone above him, legs almost falling weak under you as they shook from your release, sending shivers throughout your entire body. Jake’s still torturing your body, pumping his fingers into you at a faster pace. It was clear, he was trying to kill you.
“Jake!” You cry, gripping his hair with a begging tone. You couldn’t stand much longer. You had to lay down. Finally, after what felt like forever, he removed his tongue from you, letting his fingers slip from inside you. His strong arms are the only thing that held your legs straight, and you could see your release painted on his chin once he looked up at you. “Holy shit” You curse under your breath, chest heaving as he stood to his feet. You look at the large man above you, noticing once again how he towers over you.
“Down” Was all he said to get you to do just that, falling to your knees in front of him. You shouldn’t have teased him, huh? You really, shouldn’t have. “This your first time, peach?” He asks, obviously teasingly as he strokes your hair, making your eyes roll.
Your small hands work to untie his loincloth, letting it fall to the floor under you. Great mother, your suspicions were more then right. He was big, so fucking big you were unsure if it’d even fit inside you. Your body was small compared to his, and something like this was almost double the size of the first guy you’d been with.
“Nervous?” That’s it. You don’t even listen to Jake as you take his large length in your hand, leaning over it to let a line of spin drip onto the skin. Jake watches closely as your tiny hand spreads the spit around his cock, stroking the base of it. His hand falls to the side of your head as you let your tongue push against his tip, swirling around its mushroom head. You weren’t even doing much but Jake couldn’t help but go completely feral for you, praising your every move with heavy breaths.
You open your mouth to him, closing it around his cock once you went as far as your could. You look up at him with those sweet doe eyes, driving him absolutely insane. He was already harder then he had to be, now it was you teasing him for it. Your mouth is warm around him and he can only imagine what it feels like to be inside you, that thought alone made him feral. Your already stroking him faster and sucking him harder, tired of waiting for him to be inside of you. You could taste the sweet pre that leaked from his tip, humming around his painfully hard cock that sent vibrations through his body.
“Want to fuck your face… Gonna let daddy do that?” You bat your eyelashes at the man above you, removing your hand from his shaft along with your mouth, sitting back on your knees. He chuckles, pushing his thumb against your lip to open your small mouth, grabbing hold of his cock to press onto your soft tongue. “Such a dirty girl. A shame your dad doesn’t know your not at that party right now”
Your mouth is already filled before you could respond, and you could feel every ounce of him push into your throat as he strokes into it, holding your head to guide it along his shaft. Your nails dig into his thighs and make him groan, throwing his head back at the unbelievable sensation you gave him. You were so good for him, it made him wish you had been older so it wasn’t so wrong of him to mate you… but you both knew it was.
“Fuck, just like that. Taking me so well—wish you would’ve came to me sooner, Kid” you moan against his cock, the lines of spit from your mouth were now dripping between the two of you, making a mess of the ground. “All that shit that comes out your mouth about how your so innocent, about how your such a good little princess? Where’s your mouth now? Huh, girl?” He wanted to stay there forever but he knew he couldn’t. He was close enough, he needed to fuck you now.
He pulls you off of him, allowing you to gasp with your chest heavy, following his instructions to move to the fur mat you had in your room. You didn’t even have a minute to adjust yourself before he’s already towering over you, pushing you onto your back and pulling you by your ankles closer to his body.
“Jake” You call to him breathlessly, propping yourself up on your elbows. He looks to you with his ears perked, watching as a smirk pulls at the corner of your lips. “Use me” Your words are like a command almost, and his face is already meeting yours, kissing your lips roughly as he hovered over you. If it was rough you wanted, it was rough you’d get.
His cock is pressed against your entrance almost instantly, your slick coating it’s head with ease as he runs it along your slit. You were ready, you wanted him for far too long and you couldn’t wait any longer. Your eyes give him a reassuring look before you press your forehead against his, feeling him slowly push his tip into you.
His fingertips are caressing your cheek, soothing you as your eyes squeeze shut. You wanted this and you weren’t a virgin, but this was nothing like before. “You okay, Sweet thing?” He asks softly and you nod, fingers intertwined in his dreads. Jake stares longingly at you, watching your every move as your face contorts at the slight pain, pushing more into you slowly.
“Jake” You let out a soft moan once his tip is past your entrance, the hard part was now over. You look at him with your lips parted, brushing your thumb over his. He pushes your hair out of your face before kissing you, and you weren’t prepared for when he pushed into you fully with one snap of his hips.
Your toes curled and your nails dug into his skin desperately, the feeling was almost indescribable. You just felt… full.
“Oh my god” You moan against his lips, throwing your head back as he strokes you slowly, massaging your thigh. You looked so perfect like this, so pretty in this light. Your body was bare for him, and your body was welcoming him with open arms—he couldn’t get enough of you. “S’big… so fucking big” one of your hands release his shoulder to grip the fur underneath you, teeth catching your bottom lip between them.
“Now your just stroking my ego, pretty girl” He jokes, moving his head down to your neck, placing sloppy kisses against it. His hips find a steady pace at first and gradually work their way up, starting deep, then fast to your skin. “Jesus, your so perfect. Wish I could breed this pussy… this pretty little cunt of yours”
His strong arms capture your thighs, pulling one of your legs to rest against his shoulder. “Jake! I can’t… oh my gosh” Your little voice is projecting off the walls of your cave but you don’t care, only worried about the man above you. Your head was still slightly spinning from the drinks your endured earlier that night and it only mixed with your horny mess of a body, begging Jake for more. “It’s so good… fuck! Your so fucking good!”
“Look at you. Such a fucking mess under me. What would your dad say if he saw you? If he knew how badly you wanted me to fuck you? Such a dirty girl, Y/N” He grabs the back of your head, pulling you up slightly so you were at an angle you couldn’t look away from him. His big yellows were burning holes into your own, hips rutting into you like he had something to prove.
Which he did.
“Gonna come…! Jake, I’m gonna come!” Your a whining mess under him and he loves every second of it, pushing his hips into you faster then before. Your small body was like a toy in his hand and you were at his every command, doing everything he said.
“Come for me. Want you to scream my name so the whole forest knows who’s fucking you this good” You knew it was a bad idea but who were you to decline that request? You were already screaming as it was. “My dirty girl, Your so fucking hot like this”
“I’m coming! I’m—oh my god I-“ Your voice is cut off by your loud moan, leg shuttering against his shoulder as you felt your release threatening to push over. His tip was kissing your cervix repeatedly, and you knew you couldn’t last much longer. “Jake��!” You cry out, pressing your hand to his chest as if that was going to do anything. Your orgasm finally tipped, and you felt it hit you like a truck.
“That’s it! Good fuckin’ girl!” His thumb rubs circles against your clit as he ruts into your harder, watching your liquid spurt from between the two of you. “Squirting all over me, can’t believe anyone actually believes your innocent”
“Jake it’s—it’s too much!” You push on him but he obviously doesn’t budge, only rolling his eyes at your attempt.
“You begged me to fuck you like this and now your giving up? A shame, thought you were stronger then that” You grip his large arms until your knuckles turn bright blue, scratching along his striped skin. You curse at him, not wanting to hear his teasing any longer. “Fuck me? Is that what you said?” You look at him with an angry look for a second before completely switching, a smirk pulling at your lips. Jesus, you were nasty, huh?
He pulls out of you all at once making you whine, not able to protest before he’s already flipping you over onto your stomach and pushing your ass in the air. You giggle, stretching your arms in front of you as you arch your back against him, begging him to forgive you. “I was only joking, Pretty boy” You hum, looking back at his face.
He doesn’t say anything and grabs your hips roughly, pulling you back onto his length that so easily slipped inside of you. Your eyes roll back almost instantly as he bottoms you out, pushing his cock as deep as he could reach inside you. “This what you wanted? Then fucking take it” He growls against your ear, slamming himself into your harder than he had been before. You couldn’t even think straight, you were already so fucked out you didn’t even remember what it felt like to not be fucked.
“fuck! Right there! Please, Jake—fuck me right there!” Your begging voice is music to his ears, your hands gripping the ground under you as he pushed himself against you. “You’re so deep… so fucking good to me, Jake” He hums, leaning against your body so you were entirely pressing against him, his tongue running along your light blue skin. Once again, you could feel his fangs threaten to break through you but he held himself back, placing sloppy kisses against your shoulder and your neck.
“Nobody can fuck you like I can, Kid. Your mine. You’re all fucking mine, you hear me?” You cry out a yes, the sound of your skin slapping against each others being the only thing that could be heard. “That’s it, fuck me back!” He praises against your ear, holding your hips to press into his.
“Mark me, Jake. Please… please mark me!” You beg making his ears perk, his chuckle against your ear making your skin shiver with goosebumps.
“You know I can’t do that, Kid. M’sorry” He snaps his hips against you and you mewl loudly, crying out his name. “Just let me fuck you nice and good, yeah? Give you a birthday to remember” You huff, reaching back against him to grab his face.
You look over at him, your loving eyes practically begging him. “The back of my neck, Jake. N-nobody will see it! Nobody will know—fuck! Nobody will know it was you” you try to bargain and you can tell he was debating it, glancing down at the area on your neck. “Please, do it for me?” Fuck. That got him good. He cursed himself before pushing your hair away from behind your neck, leaning down to run his tongue along it.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble one day” He sighs and you can feel his fangs press against your skin making your eyes roll back, feeling your third orgasm of the night slowly approaching. You let out a shaky breath against your hand as the slight sting took over your body, like you had been getting a tattoo for the first time. His fangs pierced your neck, coating themselves in your sweet blood.
“Yes! Jake I’m… I’m gonna come again!” You whine, not daring to move your head as he soon released your skin, cleaning the blood with his soft tongue. He was close, so fucking close and he knew this was as far as he could go. He needed you to come now.
He grabbed your hands and pinned them against your back, pushing your head to the mat as he sat up against you, slamming into you harder than before now. You’re a moaning mess under him and you know your done for, begging him for more and yelling to him how close you were getting. He couldn’t handle it.
“Come for me, baby. Need to paint that pretty face of yours” Jake moans above you and it makes you frown, pushing your hips harder against him as you clench around his cock, making it almost impossible to move. “Don’t be a brat, kid. You know I can’t!” He already knows what you’ll ask but the answer was no. He couldn’t, he definitely couldn’t.
“I’m not in my heat, Jake. Please!” You beg, knowing it was practically impossible for you to get pregnant if you weren’t in heat. Jake kept repeating his answer with every stroke but as he continued, it didn’t seem to matter. You wouldn’t let him go. “Please, Jake. Want it inside! I want all of you!”
“You’re so fucking drunk, Y/N. You don’t want that” He curses, holding himself back from releasing just off how tight you were clenching around him. You roll your eyes, you knew exactly what you were saying.
“Stop being an asshole and just fucking do it!” He groans loudly, pushing your head against the mat harshly as he picked up his pace, tightening his grip around your wrists. You had officially pissed him off. You were screaming under him, he wasn’t just kissing your cervix anymore but he was full on ramming into you, like a wild animal during its rut.
“Fucking brat, you never know when to shut up, huh? Come for me now, Y/N” You cry, unable to hold it any longer. His grunts are louder now and you could feel his cock pulsing inside you, just waiting for you to release. You let out the loudest moan you could as you tip over your edge, fingers balling into a fist as you cry loudly from your orgasm. “That’s it! Milk my cock, kid. Just like that!”
“Please give it to me, Jake! I’ve been so good for you, haven’t I? Just give it to me!” You beg the man and with only a few more strokes, he pushes himself as deep as he could go inside you, releasing himself deep inside your dripping wet cunt. “Yes! Oh my god—yes!” Your eyes roll back as you move your hips against him, helping him ride out his high inside you.
The hot spurts of his come paint your gummy walls, and he almost collapses onto you, holding himself up just inches from your body with his heavy, hot breath against your skin. The two of you are sweaty messes against each other and you don’t even know what to say, only laying there lifeless as he slowly slipped out of you. You could hear him moving around your room but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even move, you felt so weak.
He clicks his tongue as he kneels down to you, scooping your body in his arms gently to not hurt you so much. He can see the bruises along your body now and instantly feels bad. He hurt you, his innocent little girl that he was sworn to protect. “You alright, Y/N?” He asks worried, laying you down on your hammock and retrieving a blanket to cover you.
You open your eyes to the man standing above you, his loincloth and gear back on his body making you frown. “You’re leaving?” You question sadly and he sighs, looking over at the entrance to your cave.
“Your father will be home soon, Kid. I can’t stay” Jake admits, sad as well that he can’t be with you. You wanted to argue but you knew he was right, giving him a small smile with your arms out for him. He kneels down so his face is level with your own, pressing a passionate kiss against your lips. He hated the fact he had to leave you after doing that with you, he felt like an asshole.
But he couldn’t stay and get caught by your father. He didn’t want you to get in trouble, especially on your birthday.
You both pull away with a smile and Jake looks down beside him, holding up the bin he put there and the medicine he laid out on your small table that acted as a nightstand. “Put some medicine here for when you wake up and the trash is here if you need to throw up, okay? Your father should be home soon so you won’t be alone for long” His finger strokes your cheek and you nod softly, eyes threatening to flutter shut.
“Could you stay until i fall asleep?” Jake looks at you with a softening face, sighing before nodding his head. You were already well on your way, there was no point in saying no. “I’m gonna have the worst hangover, huh?” He chuckles, nodding his head as he lays behind you, pressing his stomach against your back.
“I’ll be here in the morning, don’t worry” Your forehead creases at his words but he quickly shushes you, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Gotta help your father with something here, but don’t worry about that now, just close your eyes” He reaches to stroke your hair softly, listening to your purring noises next to him.
You smile, closing your eyes at the sudden touch. You felt safe, so at home with him. You prayed this wasn’t just a dream. “I love you, Jake” The words slip from your mouth and you’re not even worried about them, feeling yourself slipping away already. He chuckles, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your shoulder.
“I love you so much more, kid”
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PURRRRR DOUBLE UPLOAD!!! Sorry if there are mistakes, my keyboard is glitching cause of how long this was 🫠. I’m sweating this was one of my best works 🥲
Tag list: @neytirishottie @luz15sstuff @rinizitos @erenswife5 @myh3artt @jakescumdump @viajaeger @lu-the-ghost-reader @angelsamor @mashiromochi @luvagirlsworld @doggyteam2028
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rabbitsrams · 1 year ago
meeting ted and schlatt at a halloween party (and eventually hooking up with them)
college! au & fem! reader
happy spooky month yall :)
nsfw under the cut, minors dni, 18+ only.
♡ you were invited to a house party by a friend
♡ it was a costume party (as you expected) and you decided to go as [your costume].
♡ you didn't really know anyone at the party other than your friend
♡ you recognized some people from your classes and people you saw often around campus and they were all in costume
♡ everyone looked super cool in their costumes, but there were two people who caught your eye.
♡ one of them had a frankenstein costume. completely decked out.
♡ green face paint, fake stitches all over his face and body, electrical bolts sticking out of his neck, ripped and tattered clothes, and he was really tall too.
♡ the other was wearing a knight costume.
♡ unlike frankenstein, the knight put absolutely no effort into it.
♡ his knight's helmet was barely painted blue, he's wearing a white shirt with a light blue cross in the middle and gray sleeves, he's holding a cheap plastic sword and a little ram plush is sitting on his shoulder
♡ but what draws you to him (besides the total lack of effort) was how good he looked under the helmet. also him being super tall. and constantly hanging around frankenstein.
♡ you can't stop staring at them throughout the night. and your friend notices.
♡ "just talk to them!"
♡ "i can't!"
♡ but right as you're lamenting, they come into the living room to get another drink.
♡ and your friend asks you to get them another. which you know is a ruse, but you go anyway.
♡ frankenstein is chattering excitedly while the knight is pouring himself some beer from the keg.
♡ god they're even cuter up close.
♡ you grab a couple of red cups and go to pour some beer but the lever thing is a bit too hard to grab with both cups in your hand
♡ "here, i can give you a hand." it's the knight. you nod and step aside. he pours beer into your cup. you turn around and see your friend left their spot.
♡ the knight asks if you want another and you tell him no since your friend just ditched you.
♡ "that's okay, you can hang out with us." frankenstein comes up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. you feel your face heat up as you turn to face him.
♡ you learn their names as you all go into one of the bedrooms for some privacy. frankenstein is ted and the knight is schlatt.
♡ they compliment your costume and you do the same, except you're not really sure if schlatt even is a knight.
♡ "who are you supposed to be?"
♡ "the ice knight from castle crashers!"
♡ "ohhhh..."
♡ you text your friend quickly that you're alone with the guys and they text back really excitedly :)
♡ you talk for a little bit but you all know you're not there to talk.
♡ they noticed you the moment you came in
♡ thought you were so sexy in your costume
♡ they both wanted you and agreed to try and get with you (with your consent ofc)
♡ you're sitting in the middle of them on the bed. you're waiting for one of them to make a move. they don't, so you eventually just tell them that you want them both.
♡ them scrambling to get you first. schlatt tosses his knight helmet aside and kisses you while ted struggles to take the fake electric bolts out lol
♡ he kisses you as if you're the princess he just rescued. really rough and passionate and his hands are all over your body
♡ ted on the other hand is a bit more gentle. holds your face and brings you onto his lap as he kisses u!!!!!
♡ smears of green makeup cover your face once you pull away from him but you don't even care.
♡ you immediately go to kiss schlatt again so he has some of the makeup on him too hehe
♡ and since ted basically covered anywhere that was visible with the paint...
♡ green handprints all over your body :) and smudges of the paint all over schlatt's :)
♡ them taking your costume off at the same time (or trying to)
♡ schlatt being completely fixated by your tits. his hands are ALL OVER THEM
♡ even when ted wants to touch them schlatt pushes him away so he can keep touching them hehe (and eventually kissing and sucking on them......)
♡ so ted opts to focus on your pussy.
♡ he rubs your clit with his fingers and licks up your folds and you're whimpering under him
♡ and yes your pussy has green makeup all over it too
♡ you're begging them to fuck you
♡ riding schlatt while ted fucks you from behind GRRSKMSDNJFDKFJ 💥💳💥💳
♡ literally the only reason why schlatt wanted u to ride him was so he could watch your tits bounce i'm so serious
♡ genuinely one of the best hookups you had ever
♡ getting their numbers before you part ways bc you have to do that again
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ghoultrifle · 1 year ago
Your post with Jimothy was just a little inspiring to me.
How do you feel about Phantom wetting himself on Rains lap while Rain is sat on the floor (below eyeline just felt more subtle than the couch or armchair) because Rain wont let him up during pack movie night? Stop wiggling will you? You don't want us to miss the good part do you? While Rain plays the good, helpful partner. Whispering in Phantoms ear to keep quiet as he feels it happen, then still not letting him up until the movie ends "so that the rest of the pack doesn't find out what he did and tease him or WORSE punish him for making a mess" (in quotes bc ofc they are in on the shenanigans as consent from all parties is always key)
HELLO ANON THIS IS THE BIGGEST BRAIN PROMPT AND IT WAS A PLEASURE TO WRITE!!!! (this is the post anon is talking about) Once again, it's a piss fic, read the prompt for the contents - don't like, don't read. I'd also like to point out that I have never seen Twilight so please ignore if any references sound out of touch, it's because they are ajghalhkdg. It slightly devolved into the entire pack getting in on the action because I couldn't resist!!
Read HERE on AO3 or below the cut!
After Twilight was rudely interrupted by Mountain and Cirrus’ fiendish games last week, the whole pack held a proper movie night to show the cult classic. Earlier in the day, however, Rain had accidentally spilled his iced coffee all over one of the common room’s beanbags, leaving only enough room for eight of the nine ghouls to sit. 
Cirrus immediately made her way to the remaining beanbag, popcorn in hand, ready to subject the others to the film. Next to her, Aurora was already fast asleep in the other beanbag, she’d been curled up all afternoon. Cumulus was wedged between the resident big boys, Mount and Aether, already making biscuits on Mountain’s thigh as she settled in for the night.
Swiss and Dew were left to find their seats, Rain having sent them out of the kitchen with drinks and snacks for everyone, keeping Phantom behind. Dewdrop ran at the remaining sofa, launching himself onto it, no doubt breaking something in the process. Swiss followed, placing the food on the table before laying his head in Dew’s lap, staring at the screensaver on the TV.
Everyone was right where Rain wanted them. Including Phantom, who was bitterly arguing with the water ghoul about who gets the last seat on the sofa next to Swiss and Dewdrop.
“Alright Bug, calm your tits. How about we both sit on the floor, hmm?” Rain enquired, praying to Satan below his careful planning would pay off, “I’ll even let you sit on my lap and I can braid your hair.”
“Mmm okay but I call dibs on the beanbag next time!” Phantom pouted, resigning himself to Rain’s lap, sat on the floor in front of Swiss and Dew. 
The water ghoul was sat cross-legged, the space between his thighs a welcoming nook for Phantom to nuzzle into, resting his head on the bend of Rain’s neck. It’s as if they were made for each other, an enzyme and substrate locked together for eternity.
Rain offered a blanket to the younger ghoul, knowing his own tendency to run cold. Phantom happily declined, his brand new bat ‘oodie’ covering most of him, and a large pair of fluffy socks keeping the rest of him warm.
An absorbent choice of clothes, Rain thought to himself, pleased the young ghoul had picked the oodie up on the way to the den.
Cirrus happily clicked play on the remote as the film started. The lights were out, only the glow from the TV and Phantom’s bat-themed fairy lights illuminating the den. Rain had his arms around the quintessence ghoul, embracing him in a warm hug, well warm for a water ghoul.
That afternoon, Phantom had been out in the greenhouse, helping Mountain move the delivery of new pots for the earth ghoul’s ever-expanding collection. It was hard work, Mountain ensured Phantom wasn’t getting dehydrated as he knew the young ghoul found it hard to listen to his body (and he’d be lying if it didn’t make him think back to their quiz night, Phantom drenching Cirrus as he writhed in her lap).
But Phantom didn’t use the bathroom once. In fact he seemed quite content labouring away without a care for his bladder. Mountain certainly took note, a new summon like Phantom couldn’t hold his bladder for more than a few hours, let alone when he was pounding back drinks at the rate Mountain had been offering them.
What the earth ghoul was unaware of was Rain. Rain who suggested Mountain take the young ghoul outside for some good old fashioned manual labour. Rain who sat at the dockside watching the quintessence ghoul all afternoon. Rain who kept Phantom’s bladder from sending any signals to that poor brain of his. Rain who dragged the ghouls back inside for movie night, handing them a clean set of clothes as he led them directly to the common room, “It’s starting now, guys, Cirrus would be really disappointed if you missed the actual showing of Twilight!” And Rain who, midway through the film, let down the barriers between Phantom’s brain and bladder.
Shit, Phantom thought, a sudden, intense pang twitching in his lower belly, What the fuck? He looked behind him, only to be met with a set of cerulean eyes already staring back at him. Looking down, Rain’s fangs were poking out, a smirk adorning his face. Still unsure of exactly the game Rain was playing, the quintessence ghoul went to stand and make his way to the bathroom. The water ghoul clamped his hands down on Phantom’s twig-like arms, it was no trouble to keep the smaller ghoul from moving, he could do it in his sleep.
“Colour, baby bat?” he whispered sweetly, as if he wasn’t suggesting Phantom piss himself in front of the pack.
Phantom hesitated. He knew Rain would release him if he just said the word, but part of him loved being forced into these situations, forced to go through the humiliation of getting himself, and others, soaked.
“G-green,” he choked out, trying to be discreet about both his words and the growing desperation. He thought the initial twinge was bad, but Rain seemed to be letting the need grow with every second.
“Good boy, now stay right here, I’ll be the judge of when you can leave, okay?”
Rain phrased it as a question, however they both knew it was anything but. The only way Phantom was getting out of this dry was by calling the scene, and that was exactly how he liked it.
Phantom was now cursing his past self for not taking the blanket, his bladder on the verge of leaking as he writhed under Rain’s vice grip; both ghouls’ hands now in the main compartment of the jumper. Phantom had removed his hands from the arms of the oodie to subtly clench his dick. Rain’s deft fingers, on the other hand, snuck their way under the woolly fabric to still the squirming ghoul’s arms more firmly.
“Stop wiggling will you?” Rain whispered into Phantom’s ears, barely audible over the swell of the film’s music. Unlike the swell of the quintessence ghoul’s bladder, the slosh of the day’s drinks audible as if it had been injected directly into his eardrums. 
Damn water ghoul magick, he thought.
He wondered if the others could hear it or if Rain had spared him the humiliation of letting the pack in on his desperation.
He wasn’t sure which option he would prefer, both ideas leaving his cock twitching for different reasons. Had the pack been unaware, it would have been him and Rain’s dirty little secret, something shared between them, a sinful pleasure. Had the pack been in on it, part of Rain’s master plan, he would revel in the knowledge that their eyes are on him, it’s not all in his mind; they’d watch him let go as Rain hushed him to be quiet under the guise of secrecy.
Rain, the ever helpful partner, offered Phantom a drink, “Wouldn’t want you to get dehydrated, baby, you’ve been working outside all day.”
The smaller ghoul grimaced as he took a sip from the shark-adorned straw, not wanting to alert the others to his somewhat distressed state. There was no doubt that refusing a drink from Rain would prick ears and invite watching eyes. The other ghouls had all fallen victim to Rain at one point or another, Phantom included.
His efforts were futile as Rain held the tumbler to his mouth for far longer than expected, forcing Phantom to continue gulping the water. He wasn’t sure he could physically hold any more liquid in that slight body of his. Dew and Swiss exchanged a knowing look, Rain having made the pack well aware of his intentions for tonight. 
With each gulp, the quintessence ghoul’s bladder longed for release, and his brain became fuzzier, a haze pulling over him. His belly was throbbing, an unhelpful, nimble hand massaging his abdomen. Cuddles, the water ghoul would claim if questioned. Not that anyone would, the pack were under strict instruction not to let on, and Phantom was flushing a deep purple at the idea of being found out.
Quintessence ghouls had an odd connection with the colour purple. When a ghoul turned that hue, it was indistinct, it could be any number of emotions; excitement, shyness, embarrassment, or unfortunately for Phantom, turned on. The young ghoul prayed the room wasn’t too dim for his glowing veins to be displayed. Even if it was, the distinct smell of ozone wafting around the room was all the pack needed to know exactly what was happening between the two ghouls.
In the interest of dragging the scene out, Rain removed his teasing hands and began to softly braid Phantom’s hair, gently raking his nails along the ghoul’s scalp as he whispered into his ear.
You don’t want us to miss the good part do you?
Such a good boy holding it in for me.
Gonna feel so good when you leak, getting the both of us all wet in front of the others.
Phantom shivered as he let out a barely audible whine accompanied with a plea, “Rainy, please, needa go!” He was rocking slightly now, thighs clenching in time with his movements, Rain struggling to keep a hold on his hair. It was a lost cause, the water ghoul decided, snaking his hands back under the oodie to still his desperate, whimpering ghoul.
At the sensation of Rain’s cold fingers resting just above his neatly trimmed curls, the quintessence ghoul could also feel another odd prodding sensation. Of course he’s getting off on this, Phantom thought as he ground discreetly against the water ghoul’s filled out cock; he was nothing if not passionate about pleasing his partners. At least Rain’s dick was leaking from arousal and not about to burst from the insistent pressure barraging his bladder.
Phantom would be lying if he said his cock wasn’t attempting to get hard, the incoming tsunami hampering its efforts. He got off on the humiliation of it all, the shame of wetting himself, losing- nay giving control to Rain, and oh the feeling of drenching himself in his own piss. The way it floods, saturating clothes as the stream hits too fast for the fibres to absorb it. The warmth, like basking in the heat of a thousand suns, slowly running down your legs, dripping beneath like sand from an hourglass of passion.
Phantom’s eyes rolled back both in desperation and in the heat of his own thoughts. He was close now, a weak dam holding back the torrent, due to collapse any minute. It was obvious even to a passer-by that the quintessence ghoul was aching for release of every kind. Small breathy moans, supposedly muffled by the soundtrack, eyes screwed shut, tail quietly thumping on the rug, and hands conspicuously hidden beneath his clothing, no doubt grabbing his dick like the end of a hose, letting the pressure build before spraying.
He could feel his body giving in, it feld like he’d been holding on for hours at the brink of spilling. He felt the stream making its way from his belly to his dick, leaking just a few drops. He whined, louder now, with abandon. Rain’s probing fingers froze, before settling over the ever-growing damp spot on Phantom’s sage green boxer briefs.
Quiet, my darling, we can’t have the pack finding out what a dirty boy you are…
Shh baby, you’re such a naughty little boy, you’ll let the whole ministry know you’re wetting yourself at this rate!
Phantom quiets down, a low purr in his chest, only for Rain’s ears. It was the water ghoul’s turn to breathe out a cut off whine, almost forgetting the game he was playing with the younger ghoul.
Phantom sat there, placed helplessly in Rain’s lap as he drenched the both of them in his piss, torrent in full flow now. His oodie sagging as the stream continued, warm humiliation coursing over him and through his veins. His boxers now a dark shade of the once autumnal colour, the overflow seeping slowly through his layers and onto Rain.
The water ghoul was rock hard, revelling in the way Phantom was leaking all over the two of them. The warmth flooded around his dick first, making it kick in interest, a small bead of pre soaking into his already wet underwear. His jeans were no match for a day’s worth of quintessence ghoul piss, quickly soaking through the layers, engulfing Rain’s ass and upper thighs in the hot liquid. He could feel it dribbling beneath him and onto the rug beneath, a pretty pattern forming in the tufts of the fabric, no doubt.
The flood came to an abrupt stop, Phantom sighing in relief, unsure how he held it for that long. Perhaps Rain helped a little, his magick was always subtle - you’d only ever notice it in hindsight, that’s what made it even hotter. Either way the shame hit Phantom like a truck, there was no way the pack didn’t see his spectacle. No way they didn’t hear the hiss as he relieved himself, fully clothed, in the common room, ruining Cirrus’ movie night.
They both sat there, unmoving for what felt like hours. Rain finally piped up, “Such a good boy for me, ah feel so wet, my perfect little piss boy,” he mouthed at Phantom’s neck.
Phantom took that as the end of the scene, Rain was done with him. He went to excuse himself, to clean up the mess he’d created at the hands of the water ghoul. It was embarrassing, sure, but it would be far more humiliating if the pack noticed when the lights came up and they all filtered out the common room, eyes not even needing to strain to see the puddle on the sky blue rug.
“Oh no, bug, you’re not going anywhere,” Rain whispered into his ear, faux concern in his voice, “they’ll see the way your clothes sag and drip all over the floor, a little trail of shame. You wouldn’t want them to find out, would you? To see your little accident? To see you can’t even hold it in during a film? How embarrassing,” he tutted. Phantom only winced in reply.
“Or worse, Ant, they might punish you for making such a mess of Cumulus’ new rug. I’m sure Swiss is vying for a chance to get you over his knees, all soggy and dripping, to show you what happens to naughty boys who break the rules.”
The cock beneath Rain’s sodden fingers gave an undeniable twitch at the comments, interest piqued at the idea of being found out; Rain knew the younger ghoul loved public play. 
Two long fingers found themselves tracing a slick line from where the piss had pooled in the bottom of Phantom’s underwear, grazing over his taint, gently teasing his balls, before drawing up over the length of his cock, at full attention now.
“Colour?” he asked almost silently, still keeping the guise of stealth.
“As green as the mountains, Rainy, fuck, please, so hard” he whined softly back, craning his head to keep their conversation somewhat private.
Rain chuckled as he began to stroke Phantom through the fabric, gliding smoothly over his dick, a mix of piss and pre lubricating the underwear. The quintessence ghoul threw his head back into the crook of Rain’s neck, his nerves were on fire, and if he wasn’t glowing purple before, he definitely was now. All he could hope was that the pack were too engrossed in the movie to notice.
The squelch of the movements was barely audible but it was crystal clear to Phantom, music to his ears. The product of his shameful accident being used to get him off? He nearly came at the sound alone. Phantom bucked his hips into Rain’s gentle touch, not quite enough to send him over the edge. 
“You either keep still or I stop touching you, baby boy,” Rain demanded, maintaining the pack are still unaware, despite the very obvious handjob he’s giving the whining ghoul on his lap. Rain would never admit it, but he was teetering on the edge with the heady combination of Phantom’s unintentional grinding and the gloriously wet puddle he was sitting in; he was going to blow his load right into the mix with Phantom’s piss if the younger ghoul didn’t stop.
Hips stilled and whines were cut off at the water ghoul’s insistent voice. Rain’s hand gave no reprieve, however, reaching below the damp material to grasp Phantom’s slick cock and start stroking him in earnest, smirking as the quintessence ghoul desperately tried to keep a straight face, fangs piercing his lips ever so slightly, purple blood aglow at the surface.
He tried to pay attention to the film, for the first time since Edward brought Bella to the Cullen home. Although, he doesn’t remember Twilight looking like this… there was a laugh track, and completely new characters, and-
“Oh- fuck, Rain, shit, ah, don’t stop!”
Rain leaned in to give a playful bite at Phantom’s neck, as he sent him over the edge, despite his confusion about the film. The quintessence ghoul hissed as Rain’s hand sped up, stroking him through his explosive release, cum further ruining the oodie and spurting onto his happy trail.
Once the water ghoul was sure Phantom’s dick was spent, milked dry, he released his hand, wiping it on a somewhat-dry part of Phantom’s clothing. Mourning the loss of contact, Phantom came to his senses, looking back up at the TV. It definitely wasn’t Twilight, perhaps it was that friends show Aurora kept talking about. Had he really been on the edge for so long that the film finished? Looking around, nobody was watching it. Every single pair of eyes was looking squarely at Phantom, hungry.
Looking up at the sofa behind him, Dew and Swiss grinned in unison.
“Heard you wanted to see what happened to naughty boys that broke the rules,” Dew growled, the scent of burnt wood and cinnamon assaulting the quintessence ghoul’s nose.
Phantom gulped as the whole pack stood up, Swiss offering his hand to the small ghoul. Phantom squelched as he rose, only briefly getting the chance to appreciate the mess he made of Rain’s lap before he was being dragged out of the common room.
Swiss didn’t stop until the quintessence ghoul was laid, in all his soggy glory, on the dining room table, the rest of the pack eagerly perching on the wooden chairs beneath.
“Are you going to be a good boy this time?”
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ladamedusoif · 2 years ago
Visiting - Chapter 10: Something About You
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(Moodboard by @cutesyscreenname)
Pairing: Professor!Ben (College AU) x OFC Lydia/fem!Reader (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in a small New England town, to spend a year expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor of art history at a small liberal arts college. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
Chapter summary: Reunited and resolved on what they both want, Ben and Lydia finally get to spend some quality time together. Of course, their friends (and siblings) will want to know what, exactly, happened on the night of Jen's party.
Word Count: 7.7k
Rating: Explicit (MDNI; 18+)
Content (series and chapter specific): Professor Ben College AU; Ben and Lydia are firmly contemporaries; canon is not a thing here; slow burn; idiots-to-lovers; lots of smut; fingering; oral sex (F and M receiving); safe PiV sex; this pair are consent champions; praise kink; strong language; weight and body insecurity; self-esteem issues; fluff; the love was requited, they're just idiots; and yes - SMUT.
A/N: If you've wanted Ben and Lydia to finally spend some, er, quality time together - you're in luck, as that's the main focus of this chapter.
The title of this chapter comes from Kate Bush's song 'Snowed In At Wheeler Street', which came to mind when I was thinking about Ben and Lydia getting caught in the snow on their way to her flat in Chapter 9. The song is also fitting for these two, as it evokes a sort of soulmate relationship through time.
They have established they love each other, but there's still some way to go for Ben and Lydia to get what they want and deserve, and to find a way to make things work when Lydia has to go 'home'.
Thank you to everyone who's shown so much love for this pair so far - every comment, reblog, like, interaction, ask is just a joy to me.
See the Series Masterlist for an outline of Lydia's story and background.
Cross-posting to AO3 (and if you're reading on there, too, and yelling along in the comments - I love you, thank you!)
Chapter 9 - Chapter 11
@lunapascal and @julesonrecord - as ever, thank you for loving these dorksicles like your own.
Taglist: @lunapascal, @julesonrecord, @cutesyscreenname, @tessa-quayle, @vermillionwinter, @iamskyereads, @tieronecrush, @perennialdoll247, @love-the-abyss, @imaswellkid, @intheorangebedroom, @javierisms, @fuckyeahdindjarin, @littlemisspascal, @khindahra, @pedrostories, @readingiskeepingmegoing, @ruebyretro, @rhoorl, @red-red-rogue, @princessanglophile, @katareyoudrilling, @survivingandenduring, @trulybetty, @fictionismyreality, @sunnywithachanceofjavi, @joeldjarin
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She’s refilling the industrial-sized filter coffee machine when they walk back into the Brunswick Café. Even in the bustle of the Saturday lunchtime rush, she recognises them: the sweet, clever man who had been a regular visitor for coffee and pie over the last eight years, and with him the same woman as last time. 
On Thanksgiving, she’d commented (innocently, she’d insist) on the obvious affection between the pair, sparking flustered gestures and insistent explanations that they were not, in fact, a couple.
“I never said you were a couple, Benjamin. I said it was nice to see people in love.”
They were a couple now, though. She’d bet her life on it. It would be imperceptible to the less astute observer, but decades of diner work equips you with the sort of wide-angle vision and ability to pick up on the things experienced investigative officers could only dream of spotting. 
It’s all in the gestures: their hands separating reluctantly as they enter the Café, his big hand tracing ever so slightly over her lower back as he guides her towards a booth in the window; the way she’s looking at him, as if she can’t quite believe he exists; the telltale touches of knees and thighs under the table. 
Most of all, though, what signalled a change in the dynamic between the two was an intangible glow: one that had nothing to do with the brisk January air outside. It was like they existed only in their own, self-contained bubble, lit from within by their smiles and bright expressions.
She snaps the lid back onto the huge tub of coffee and stashes it in its usual cupboard, smiling with satisfaction. Of course she was right. She was just glad they’d worked it out for themselves. 
She decides not to let on, at least for a bit. She has to acknowledge them while she takes the order, of course. But she does her usual friendly shtick with Ben and pretends she can’t quite remember the woman’s name (“Olivia, is that it? Oh, Lydia! See? Close enough”). No questions about their status as she serves up their orders (they were starving. Must have worked up an appetite, she notes with a cheeky smile) and refills their coffee.
Instead, she quietly observes them at intervals while she works. She notes the little brushes from his hand to hers, and vice versa; the way her hand reaches to stroke crumbs of toast from his beard with such care and affection; the kisses they steal over plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and home fries. Their whispered confidences and peals of laughter speak of easy intimacy and warmth. 
She takes satisfaction in knowing she was right. But she also feels a quasi-maternal surge of happiness for the man she always thought of as ‘a sweet boy’, who had been a pleasant presence on his regular visits to the diner since he first arrived at Barrow. At last, it looked like he’d found his person.
When they’ve cleared their plates, she crosses to the booth, coffee pot in hand. The dishes and cutlery are quickly cleared and held in the crook of one arm while she tops up their mugs, offering a benevolent smile to each of them in turn. 
“Can I get you two some dessert?”
They exchange glances for a moment, until Olivia - no, wait, it’s Lydia - declines the offer. As she returns to the counter, she can hear them speaking in hushed voices.
“I have, uh, dessert at home. You know. Dessert.”
This elicits a bashful giggle from him. 
She rolls her eyes as she adds another couple of old checks to the spike at the register. It’s not long before the broad figure of Ben Morales is standing in front of her in his dark winter coat and soft knitted watchcap, wallet at the ready, to settle the bill. 
“I’m glad you finally paid attention to what I was saying, Benjamin.”
He furrows and then raises his eyebrows quizzically. “What you were…saying?”
She hands him his receipt. “I told you two idiots you were in love at Thanksgiving. Just glad the two of you finally caught up to it.”
He grins as he shoves the receipt in his coat pocket, but his smile falters when he notes the stony expression on her face.
“That girl really likes you. Don’t fuck with her, or you’ll never get a slice of pie in this establishment again.”
He nods seriously. “Don’t worry, Emma.” He turns and looks over at the woman pulling her knitted hat and scarf on before edging her way carefully out of the booth, and a huge smile appears on his face. “I really, really like her, too.”
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Ben twines his glove-clad fingers through yours as you walk down Main Street and turn in the direction of his house. You’d asked him over breakfast if he would like to spend the weekend with you; he wants to pick up some fresh clothes and his laptop from home. 
You squeeze his hand and smile up at him. It feels vaguely surreal, walking hand in hand with him along the streets of your little town, knowing he loves you and that he knows you love him. 
“Is there anything we need to do, in terms of work?”
He looks a little confused. “Work?”
“Yeah, like - do we need to notify anyone that we’re together, or…?”
He thinks for a moment. “I think that only applies if it’s a relationship with your boss or a direct superior or someone you are in charge of - you know, that sort of thing. I can check with Jen if there’s a formal parchment declaration of romance that needs to be completed and affixed with a wax seal.” He chuckles warmly as you roll your eyes affectionately.  “Though I’m sure she’d have told me about that already if there was.”
“Jen knows?”
He smiles. “I think she knew I liked you before even I did. She’s a big fan of yours.” You smile softly. “She literally kicked me out of her house last night to go find you.”
“Literally. Ani was no holds barred, and then Jen poked me in the ass with the toe of her boot and told me if I didn’t go find you, she’d never speak to me again.”
Your smile turns somewhat satisfied. “I like her a lot.”
“Anyway, I’ll find out. But I think we’re good, baby.”
The endearment makes you lean against his shoulder, feeling the brush of his woollen coat against your cheek and the solidness of the man underneath. He gives your hand a little squeeze and turns to plant a little kiss to the crown of your head, cosy under your warm, knitted cap.
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Ben offers to drive the two of you back to your place after he’s grabbed what he needs to and changed his clothes. As you settle into the passenger seat, watching his hands on the wheel, you are reminded of the very first day you met him, of sitting in this car, chatting and listening to music as he drove to Lino’s for dinner. You smile at the memory, at how it felt like both yesterday and forever ago. 
You close your front door and he places his tote bag on the couch before taking off his coat and hanging it up alongside yours. He’s changed into a beautiful flannel button-up in shades of green, sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms slightly. He turns to face you, smiling shyly. 
For an instant you forget that you can touch him - and then you remember, delighted, and trace your fingers across his chest before tugging playfully on the waistband of his jeans and bringing his body flush to yours. You look up at him, a smile dancing around your lips as he puts his arms around your waist. 
“Bed?” He almost whispers the word.
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In contrast to the desperate need of the night before, the pace this time is much slower. You lie together on your bed, still clothed, and gently undress each other, planting kisses on each new area of skin revealed. It’s difficult to resist the urge to go straight back to fucking: you can feel your wetness already soaking your panties as your clit throbs with need, while his cock is straining at his boxers. 
But you keep on taking your time. Ben trails a line of kisses along the line of your bra, the contrast between his soft lips and the bristle of his moustache making your skin tingle. “So fucking pretty,” he murmurs, as you wind your fingers through his hair. 
“The bra, or the tits?” 
He laughs, the vibration resonating through your chest. “Both. But this is a pretty thing.” The bra is almost exactly the same colour as your skin, the cups made of a mesh fabric decorated with bright, embroidered flowers. “Almost looks like there’s nothing here but these flowers.” He puts his mouth over your nipple and sucks it through the fabric, pulling a moan from you. 
“Pretty though it is -“ he reaches behind you and unhooks the bra - “nothing’s as pretty as you.” He sighs with delight at the sight of your soft tits, sucking each nipple in turn, while you gently pull down his boxers and lightly stroke at his hard length. 
You trace a line up the side of his neck, interspersing kisses with little bites and nibbles that have him moaning with pleasure as you work your way up to kiss every inch of the scruff along his jaw. 
“You’re very fucking pretty too, you know.”
He opens his eyes and looks into yours, dark and soft. He’s blushing. 
“Pretty? Can a man this old with wrinkles and grey hair and back trouble really be pretty?”
“You aren’t fucking old, Ben. But I’m 42 and have wrinkles and grey hair and stretch marks and sag everywhere and you think I’m pretty.”
You caress the side of his face, planting a kiss to the furrows between his brows that always remind you, stupidly, of quotation marks. “Pretty.”
Another kiss, to the laugh lines beside his eyes. “So pretty.”
One for the grey patch at the hinge of his jaw. “The prettiest.”
And one more, long and lingering, to his mouth. “My beautiful, pretty, love.”
Ben’s eyes are simultaneously soft in adoration and dark with lust. He runs a thumb along your cheek.
“I’d like to take care of you for a while, my love. Is that okay?”
You nod, tilting your chin upwards so you can kiss his forehead, and he carefully encourages you to lie back as he works his way across and down your body. 
He starts with a deep kiss, his tongue meeting yours deliciously before he starts to suck lightly at your neck and across your collarbones. Ben is nothing if not meticulous. Every inch of your body is kissed, licked, or ever so gently nibbled or bitten as he descends ever closer to the heat of your core. 
At times you feel like this worship of your body might be enough to get you off, even without the slightest contact with your pussy. The sensation is electric, pleasure coursing through every fibre of your being as Ben’s mouth moves over your skin. Your hips buck upwards as you moan his name, and you feel his large palm lightly holding you down as he slowly drags himself down the bed, ready to move back upwards, inch by inch. 
He nibbles and kisses the insides of your legs, humming happily to himself as he palms the soft flesh of your thighs and sucks at your skin. You notice that he has taken his hard cock in his hand, stroking it intermittently as his mouth gets ever closer to your wet pussy. 
You feel like you will go insane if he does not eat you out immediately. He’s so close now that you can feel the bristle of his moustache against the curls that cover your mound, the scratch of his beard against the inside of your upper thighs. 
“Please, Ben, please. Please. I need you. Need to feel you.”
For a moment you open your eyes and look down, and the sight of that man - that gorgeous, wonderful, sexy man - with his head between your legs is enough to make you moan unexpectedly loudly. He looks up and meets your eyes, a divinely wicked look in his. 
“I haven’t even started yet, Lyddie.” A grin, and then - oh. There he is. 
He is so deliberate, so slow, so caring, so loving with the way he’s exploring you with his mouth, seeing what you respond to and trying out different approaches. He’s in no rush, and he intends to enjoy making you feel good. Hell, if the intermittent moaning is anything to go by, he’s making himself feel good too. 
You aren’t going to last very long, you fear, as his nose traces a line up your soaking folds before his tongue dips into your cunt. You come for the first time as Ben is sucking your clit, occasionally flicking the tip of his tongue over the sensitive, swollen bud until eventually you cry out and find release, gasping his name. 
“That’s it, darling,” he murmurs, marvelling at the way your body reacts when you come. “That’s it. Come for me. I love taking care of you, I love it, I - I love you.”
Once you’ve ridden out your first orgasm he looks into your eyes before returning to the task at hand, this time carefully inserting first one, then two fingers into your cunt. He starts to work your clit again with his tongue. You grip the sheets, mewling with pleasure at the sensation of having him inside you again.
It has never, ever been this good with anyone else.
“You’re so fucking good at this, baby. So good at eating my pussy, making me come -” you pause, moaning as he starts to hook the fingers buried inside you in order to hit the spot even more powerfully and pull another orgasm out of you. You can feel him responding to your praise, humming against your warm core and slowly increasing the pace as he feels you tightening around his fingers. 
You’re so close now, again. “Gonna come again, baby,” you pant, the words becoming harder to find as you near the edge, “never - never come like this before…fuck…you’re so good to me, making me come like thi-“
The silken thread that has been twisting up in your core snaps once more and you come so hard you feel like you might actually tear the sheets, so tight is your grip on the sage green fabric. 
As you’re coming down, breath slowing, you open your eyes and look down between your legs. 
It’s a glorious sight: Ben, his mouth, beard and moustache glistening with your slick, lightly pressing his lips to the soft flesh of your inner thighs. He looks up and meets your gaze, his eyes sparkling as he catches his breath, and he grins. “You look fucking beautiful, Lyd.”
“C’mere,” you murmur, still hazy in the afterglow. You widen your legs, hitching up your knees. “Need you inside me, now.”
He’s on top of you in what feels like the blink of an eye, propping himself on one forearm while he runs his other hand over his hard cock, tip already glistening. 
“Lyddie, I don’t think I’m going to last very long this time -“
You still him with a giggle and a finger on his lips. “I’ve just had two of the best orgasms of my life. You did that. Do whatever you want to me.”
His eyes close, accompanied by a needy groan, and he kisses you deeply as he slowly enters you. You can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and the sensation makes you feel like you might come again. 
He keeps a close eye on you, making sure you are okay, but has taken your words to heart. He started off fucking you slowly, but your wetness is begging for something harder and he picks up the pace seamlessly as he tries to find his own high.
He’s driving harder and faster into you, feeling your wet pussy already starting to tighten again around him. He grips the back of your knee and pushes your leg up so he can fuck you even deeper. 
Time to use your words.
You mouth his name as he continues to fuck you, and shower him with praise. “You feel so good inside me,” you hiss, “gonna come for you again if you keep fucking me like this.”
He opens his eyes and looks into yours, his dark, chocolatey irises somehow both blissed out and determined. “Jesus, darling, you’re so tight and wet for me,” he pants, sweat glistening on his brow. “T-take it so well in your p-perfect…pussy.” 
As you cry out he slips a hand between your bodies and finds your swollen clit, rubbing a finger over it while he continues to fuck you. 
“C-come on, baby. Come on now. One more?”
And there it is again, your entire body tingling and shuddering with pleasure under his as you come apart. Once you’ve worked through your orgasm, you pepper his chest with soft kisses, trailing the tip of your tongue lightly across his damp skin. 
He sighs with pleasure in response, bringing his head down slightly to your tits to suck intently on each of your pebbled nipples in turn. He leaves gleaming wet traces on your skin as he pulls his mouth away and looks up at you through his dark lashes. 
“Can I turn you over, my love?” 
You nod enthusiastically and shift yourself onto your front, Ben helping you turn over and get into position. He massages the ample flesh of your ass for a moment, almost growling as he does so. 
“You like it, huh?” you ask, turning your head slightly. 
“It’s fucking beautiful, baby. I’m going to fuck you now, okay?”
“Please, love.”
He slips back inside you quickly, the new angle making the two of you groan with pleasure. He was right; he doesn’t last much longer. He moans your name as he comes, bringing his head round to kiss you. 
“I love you, Lyddie.”
The taste of his mouth, the feeling of his broad, beautiful body, of the soft, warm skin of his chest and tummy on your back, of him, still buried deep inside you. The sensations are both devastatingly erotic and incredibly comforting. 
You are safe. You are loved. You are home.
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You cuddle together on your couch later that evening, watching Seinfeld reruns after sharing some Chinese takeout. Save for your excursion to the café, and getting up for dinner, you’ve been in bed together all day: kissing and touching and fucking and talking and laughing. 
Ben is resting his head in your lap. Both of you are far more interested in each other than what’s on the TV: you playing with his curls and occasionally lightly stroking at his beard, he reaching a hand up to caress your cheek or press his fingers to your mouth. 
You bend your head forward and kiss the top of his head. “You are so lovely-looking, Benjamin Morales.”
He flushes, ears pinking up a little. “Thanks, darling.”
He pauses a moment, then brings himself back up to a sitting position. “Can I - can I ask you something, Lyddie?”
“Of course, love. Is…is everything okay?”
He smiles softly. “It’s wonderful, Lyd, but I was just wondering. When did you know?”
“When did I know?”
He looks a little embarrassed. “When did you know that, uh, you liked me? More than just as a friend, I mean.”
“Ohhhhh. Well, I was wondering the same.”
“I did ask first…” His gaze is flirtatious and cheeky, and you melt a little inside. 
“Well, I guess - no, I know exactly when. The day of my birthday. You’d come with the coffee, you laughed so hard at one of my stupid stories that your glasses shot off your face, then you said you’d made Aeropress coffee for my birthday.” You smile at the memory. “And then I watched you walk back down the corridor and - yeah. I knew.”
He raises his eyebrows and gives you a little smile. “That coffee really did it for you, huh.”
“Yeah, it was definitely the coffee.” You look away. “There were little things that had been happening in the weeks before that made me feel - well, different. But I…I guess that was the first time I admitted it to myself. If that makes sense?”
He nods, gently, reaching for your hand. 
“Your turn.”
He gives that low, sweet laugh you adore. “Funny thing is, it was kind of around the same time. And yeah, I think I hadn’t wanted to admit it either.” He moves close to you and kisses you on the forehead. “But then I was buying your birthday gifts and your card and - well. Sorta knew I was ‘down bad’, as I once heard one of my nephews saying.”
You giggle. “Never thought I’d hear the phrase ‘down bad’ from your gorgeous lips, Benjamin.”
He grins. “I mean, I thought you were great from day one.”
You nod in agreement. “Same. I felt like I’d known you for years. Fuck. I wish I had met you years ago.”
He wraps an arm around you, bringing you in for a cuddle. “I know, baby. I feel the same, but - maybe this is the exact right time? For the two of us?”
You sigh. “Except I’m not here forever.”
He squeezes you a little tighter. “Cross that bridge when we come to it, Lyd.”
“I love you so much, Ben.” You lift your head and kiss him, hands roaming over his body and pulling him closer still. He reciprocates, tongue swiping at your lips before gaining entrance to your mouth, a hand groping at your breast through your soft, old Sorbonne sweatshirt. 
You make out like teenagers, hands slipping under clothes to feel the bare skin underneath and Ben breaking away from the kiss to start working his mouth down your neck. It’s always been a sensitive spot for you, and once he realised this he took every opportunity to go to town on it. 
You ease him back and move yourself over to straddle him. You quickly slip off your leggings and panties before climbing onto his lap, your inner thighs clenched around his upper legs as you begin to ride the erection that’s clearly visible through his sweats. 
He looks you up and down, a huge smile on his face. “Jesus, fuck, Lyd. Look at you.”
You laugh, and bring your fingers to his waistband. “Can I take these off, baby?”
He nods in agreement, lifting himself up and helping you quickly get his pants off. He strokes his hard length as you move your hips into position above him, ready to take him inside you. You sink onto his cock, moaning with pleasure at the stretch and feeling of fullness. Ben nibbles and bites at your neck as you roll your hips and try to find just the right angle, hands moving to lift off your shirt. 
He hums happily as you pull the sweatshirt over your head and fling it behind you. 
You lean in to whisper in his ear. “I want to make you come like this, love.”
He gasps and cries out your name as you begin to fuck him harder, bringing his mouth to suck on your nipples. 
“You like that?”
“Yeah I fucking do, baby, you’re so good to me. So good.”
He trails a line with his tongue across the soft skin of one of your breasts as you throw your head back and moan with pleasure. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Lyddie. So beautiful. The most beautiful.”
You slow it down a little, though it’s no less intense, and keep that pace until you’ve both come, looking into each other’s eyes as you reach your highs, murmuring words of love and affection into each other’s ears. 
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Sunday morning is strangely silent, save for the gentle, reassuring sound of Ben breathing beside you. You carefully get out of bed and peek out the window. 
It has snowed heavily overnight, and it’s still falling, the fat flakes dropping noiselessly onto the existing deep blanket below. You love the quiet of the early morning on snow days, as the snowfall provides a kind of soundproofing for an otherwise raucous world.
Behind you, you hear the sheets and comforter rustling as Ben stirs. “Lyd?” His voice is thick and sleepy.
You turn and cross back to bed, climbing back in and nuzzling against his warm body. He wraps an arm around you and caresses your back. 
“We’re not going anywhere today. Snow day.” 
Ben hums contentedly. “Very important we stay in bed then, to keep warm.”
You nod, kissing his chest softly through the fabric of the old T-shirt he’d worn to sleep. “Extremely important. And will have to do things to keep warm in bed.”
He opens one eye and arches an eyebrow. “Oh? Any suggestions?”
You grin mischievously, slipping your hands under his shirt and lifting it up. “Well…there’s something I’ve wanted to do to you all weekend…”
You start to work your way across his chest with your mouth, echoing the way he had kissed your entire body the day before. When you start to move down, bringing your lips and tongue to his belly, he realises what you have in mind.
“Is this okay, Ben?” You look up at him through your lashes. He nods quickly. 
“K-keep going, Lyd, I want it. Want your pretty mouth, so much.”
You push down the comforter so he can see you, and return to your ministrations, experimentally trailing your teeth lightly across his tummy and humming with satisfaction as you realise he likes it when you do that. 
File that one away for future reference. 
You’ve slipped your hand into the loose boxers he wears to bed and are palming his cock, already getting hard under your touch and at the promise of your mouth.
He slips the boxers off and you trace a line with your tongue from his hip to the trail of dark hair leading from his navel. 
“Fuck, please, Lyd, need you -“
You survey him for a moment, sucking in your breath as you admire the length and thickness of his erection. You swipe your tongue over your lips, drawing a low moan from Ben in response.
With one hand lightly holding his balls, you wrap a hand around the base of his cock and guide it between your wet lips and into your mouth. The sensation makes him groan with pleasure, and he puts a hand on the back of your head as you begin to take him as deep as possible into the warmth of your mouth and throat. 
“Touch yourself, baby, please?” he hisses, and you follow the instruction gladly, groaning on his cock as you play with your pussy.
You intersperse deep throating with almost completely pulling him out, with only the head still in your mouth. The air hits his shaft and he gasps as you suddenly take him back into the heat of your mouth, moaning your name and pushing his hips up to make you take even more of him. You hollow your cheeks and trail your tongue around the head of his cock, before moving a hand from his balls to begin stroking the sensitive patch just behind. 
“Fuck, baby! You’re so - so good at this - so fucking good taking me like this.” 
The tip of your tongue traces along the underside of his cock and flicks lightly over the tip. Ben positively whines at the sensation, hips bucking slightly. He opens his eyes to watch the sight of his length, coated in your saliva, disappearing in and out of your mouth. You increase the pace a little and feel his balls start to tighten. 
You ease him out of your mouth and pause to catch your breath, taking in the gorgeous, sexy sight above. His jaw is a little slack, his eyes half open, his chest and tummy rising and falling as he pants with need and arousal.
You continue to stroke him with one hand. “What do you want, my love?” 
He’s almost sobbing as he struggles to string his words together. “You, baby, want…fuck, I’m really close, think I’m gonna -”
The feeling of your warm, wet mouth taking him again tips Ben over the edge and he comes hard, emitting a deep cry as he fills your mouth and throat, his hand still resting on the back of your head. 
You crawl back up the bed and nestle into his arms as he pulls you in for a soft kiss. “Was it okay, then?”
He closes his eyes tightly and groans. “It was fucking incredible. You’re really…good at…that. You’re so…fuck. You’re just so good. In every way.” He cuddles you against his chest. “I love you so much.”
You chuckle and kiss his forehead as you pull away. “I love you too, darling. I like it, y’know - making you feel good like that.” You bring yourself to the edge of the bed and put on your slippers. “Just going to get a drink of water, darling.”
When you come back to bed, carrying two glasses of water, Ben is already fast asleep. He’s got a soft smile on his lips and a look of pure contentment on his face. You slip back in beside him and watch him for a couple of minutes: the little twitches in his eyebrows, the way his mouth is slightly open, revealing a glimpse of his teeth below that soft lower lip, the way his dark lashes rest on his cheeks when his eyes are closed. Slowly, surely, you drift off again.
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The buzzing of your phone wakes you for the second time. Half asleep, and cuddled into Ben, you fumble for the phone and look at the screen through bleary eyes. 
You swipe to answer the call and prop the phone up on your pillow so you can talk to your sister without getting up properly. 
“Hey, Lyd! Why the fuck are you whispering? Where are you? All I can see is a bed, some of your hair…OH MY GOD?!”
“What?! And what do you mean, you can see a bed?”
“Lyd, are you in bed with some - oh. Ohhhh. I see. Hey, Lyd?”
“Mmmmmfff, what?”
“You’re on a video call. Now - is that him?”
Ben is rudely awoken by the sound of you yelling and swearing as you scramble to sit up in bed. He lifts his head from the pillow, hair sticking up and eyes full of sleep. 
“Lyddie? Wha’ happened? Everything okay?”
Kate raises her voice so he can hear her. “Well, hello there!”
“Oh, fuck off, Obi-Wan,” you mutter, panicking at the decidedly unplanned introduction.
 Kate rolls her eyes and huffs. “Ben, right? I’m Kate. I’m Lyd’s sister. Lyd, turn me around - if he’s decent, that is.”
You groan and bury yourself in the pillow as you tilt your phone so Kate can see Ben, and vice versa. “That’s my little sister. That’s Kate, with her impeccable fucking timing and inability to warn me she’s doing a video call.”
Ben sits up and reaches for his glasses so he can see properly. “Mmmmm. Hello, Kate. It’s nice to, uh, meet you. And who’s that there with you?”
Could this get any more awkward? At least you’re both wearing something. 
You put on a brave face and smile.
“Hi, Cora! That’s such a cool book. Can you show me the cover?”
Your niece, book completely forgotten, peers closely at the screen, tiny face looming on camera. “Who’s that man in bed?”
You can hear Kate laughing like a drain. “That’s Auntie Lyd’s…special friend, Ben. Ben, this is my eldest, Cora.”
Ben, a little sheepish, waves at the camera and smiles. “Hi, Cora. I’m so happy to meet you!”
You try not to think too much about how adorable he is with kids. 
Cora stares at Ben, nonplussed. “What’s your whole big name?”
“She means your full name,” Kate explains. “She’s obsessed. They started learning about them in nursery.”
Ben chuckles lightly. “Well, my whole big name would be Benjamin Ernesto Morales.” He enunciates his name carefully and clearly for the little girl. “Or just Benjamin Morales. But please, you can call me Ben.”
Cora appraises him and tries to repeat Ben’s name. “Benjaman? Benjamoraless?” She nods to herself, satisfied she got it right. “I like your smile, Benjamoraless.”
Ben beams. “Thank you, Cora. I like your smile, too.”
“Well, I don’t want to interrupt your little sleepover any longer,” Kate says, a smug smile on her face. “Lyd, I’ll talk to you later, if you aren’t too busy.” She collapses in giggles. “Ben, seriously - I’m really happy to meet you, even if it’s via a screen. That one is crazy about you.”
You moan in embarrassment and pull the comforter over your face. 
“Nice to meet you too, Kate, and Cora, of course. And I’m crazy about this one, too.”
You peek from under the comforter and catch his eye. He winks and smiles softly.
“BYE AUNTIE LYD BYE BYE BEN” - Cora pauses, trying to replicate Ben’s whole big name as she says goodbye - “BENJA- BENJAMOO!”
The call ends and you emerge from under the comforter and bury your face in your hands. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Ben wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. “What are you apologising for? You should see what TJ sent me - message after message asking if I’d talked to you, and then, when I said I was staying with you this weekend, well…”
Ben reaches for his phone and finds the message. It’s a video of a sweet-faced, dark haired man you recognise from photos in Ben’s house, dancing and whooping in delight with a smiling woman with a head of purple curls and bright, striking eyes.
“Eyyyyyyyyyyy! Get it, hermano! We told you! We love you!!”
“And that is TJ and his wife, Lucy.”
You giggle. “They’re happy for you. For us, I guess? They look really sweet.”
“They are, truly. And you know, I was glad to meet your sister and your niece. You talk about them all the time, I know you miss them.”
“I know, but - it’s not the classiest way to meet your, uh…I mean, my family.”
He pulls back slightly and looks at you, quirking his mouth. “Your what?”
“Well…what am I? Please don’t say special friend.”
He smiles, though still looks a little confused. “Girlfriend, surely? Unless you have another preferred term. Partner? Lover? Lady friend?” He lowers his voice and wiggles his eyebrows. “Paramour?”
You laugh out loud. “Are we in a mad medieval fantasy novel? I’m very, very happy to be your girlfriend.” A broad smile creeps across your face. “As long as you’re happy to be my boyfriend, of course.”
He looks in your eyes, expression soft and intent. “It’s a fucking honour.”
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Ani Sen likes to get in early on a Monday morning, especially near the start of the semester when things are particularly busy. The buildings are usually quiet, and they can have free rein over the copier and the coffee machine in the staff lounge. There’s an added incentive this week, though - Cass is staying with Ani for a few days this week, and they’re keen to free up their evenings as much as possible so they can enjoy the time together. 
Ani has their suspicions about what transpired on Friday night after Ben went after you. They wanted to give you some space, though, simply sending a quick text on Saturday morning:
ANI: You good?
LYDIA: All good 😍
ANI: Fuckin’ finally 😏
They’re enjoying the silence of the staff lounge and the rare pleasure of a fresh cup of coffee from the machine, leafing through their weekly planner and making a mental note to pop in to your office later, when the calm is interrupted by the sound of a man humming what sounds like ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’. The humming gets louder until, finally, Ani looks up and sees Ben literally dancing into the staff lounge. 
He seems completely oblivious to their presence as he reaches into the cupboard, retrieves two mugs, and pours the coffee while bobbing his head, still humming happily. 
“And a very good morning to you, Benjamin.”
Ben turns, slightly startled. “ANI!” He grins. “It is a good morning. Did you have a nice weekend?”
Ani rolls their eyes. “I did, but more importantly - did you?” They lower their glasses and look at Ben, accusingly arching an eyebrow.
He blushes a little, pursing his lips before giving in and smiling broadly. “Uh…”
Ani can’t help but smile in turn, shaking their head exasperatedly. “I’ll take that as a yes.” They gesture as if shooing him out of the room. “I guess the two of you might need some extra caffeine today, huh? Go on, get!”
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You grin at the sight of the familiar silhouette at your door. Everything is different - and yet, just as it was. 
“Hi. Got you some coffee, Lyddie.”
Ben places the two mugs on your desk before walking around to your side and kissing you quickly, but tenderly. You let out a little sigh of pure joy and squeeze his hand before he heads back towards the door.
“Thank you, love. You’ve got a 9am, don’t you?”
He nods, sipping his coffee. “Yup. The least popular teaching slot in human history: Mondays at 9.” 
“Pffft. Your students love you, you’ll probably have a full house. Hey - lunch later?”
He smiles. “Let’s grab some of the nice sandwiches from the place on Main Street. What time suits - 12.30?”
“Sounds perfect.”
He stops and takes you in for a moment, before closing the door and walking back down the corridor to his office.
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At mid-morning, you’re cracking through your to-do list with unusual speed, headphones on and your favourite playlist turned up loud to keep out any distractions. 
You’re entering student marks from the end-of-semester assignments when the bassy, bluesy riff of Heart’s ‘Magic Man’ kicks in. Lost in your own happy little world, you start to dance in your desk chair, hips moving and head bobbing in time to the rhythm as you sing along enthusiastically.
I could not run away, it seemed
We’d seen each other in a dream
Seemed like he knew me
He looked right through me, yeah
By the first chorus, the marks entry is forgotten as you give the performance your all, for your audience of books and paperwork.
Eyes closed, you can’t help but giggle knowingly to yourself as you sing:
You’ve got the magic hands
“Yeah, you do, baby,” you murmur to yourself as the guitar solo kicks in and you spin in your chair.
“Enjoying yourself, Professor?”
“FUCK, Ani!” You grip the arms of your chair to steady yourself as Ani stands, perfectly poised, in the doorframe. 
“How…how fucking long have you been there?”
“Since you were singing about trying to get your mama to understand he’s a magic man. Good weekend, then?” They sidle into your office and sit in the armchair in the corner. “Not that I needed to know about his ‘magic hands’.” 
You slump forward. “Oh, god.”
Ani laughs, and you detect the kindness in their voice. “Fuck, Lyd, I’m sorry. Don’t be embarrassed. You’re just…well. You’re happy. Right?”
You lift your head tentatively. “Yeah. Yeah, I am. We are.”
Ani smiles and nods. “We? It’s a we, is it?”
You sit back up as a smile spreads across your face. “Yeah, I guess it is. Hey - thanks for Friday night.”
“Should be Benjamin you’re thanking, no?”
“Wouldn’t have anything to thank him for if you and Jen hadn’t been complete and utter legends and read him the riot act.” They shrug and make a satisfied little pout. “Just doing my job, ma’am. Right, I’m gonna get back to prepping for the afternoon seminars.” They stand up and adjust their perfectly-mismatched statement jewellery. “I’m fucking thrilled for you guys, Lyd. Even if you are two of the biggest idiots in love I’ve ever seen in my fuckin’ life.”
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Evan Rhys doesn’t teach on a Monday this semester, so he usually works from home. But he goes a bit stir crazy if he doesn’t leave the house at least once, so he usually walks into the centre of town to grab a coffee after eating lunch. 
He’s standing in the queue of the Barrow branch of the big-name coffee chain, oversized long-line cardigan and padded jacket wrapped around himself, foot tapping, keys jangling, and lanyard (with his staff ID and coffee shop loyalty card) dangling from his hand. Evan is sailing into the new semester with a shock of scarlet hair, inspired by him and David bingeing on Good Omens over the holidays. (Evan considers himself very much a Crowley.)
“Can I take your order and a name, sir?”
He spits it out like machine-gun fire, with practiced ease. “Yeah that’s a venti five shot half-caf iced espresso with hazelnut syrup and a DROP - a DROP - of heavy cream for Evan to go please thanks”
The staff member nods and prints out the coffee order label, affixing it to Evan’s rainbow glitter reusable tumbler, purchased during the chain’s most recent Pride campaign. 
Evan moves down the counter to wait for his order, gazing aimlessly out the window of the store at the passing traffic on Main Street. A couple, wrapped up warm in winter coats and soft, knitted hats, emerges hand in hand from the good sandwich place just across the street, looking completely besotted with each other.
“Awwww,” Evan says to himself. He’s a sucker for that kind of Hallmark Channel holiday small-town romance movie shit. And then something gives him pause, and he reaches into the pocket of his coat and retrieves his oversized, clear-framed glasses.
“WHAT in the FUCK?!” He turns to the barista. “Is that gonna be much longer?”
They shrug. “You want half-caf, it takes longer, sir.”
Evan grits his teeth. “FINE. I will be back. I need to speak to those people urgently.”
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You lean in for another kiss, arms wrapped snugly around Ben’s waist as he holds you close. “I probably taste all garlicky after the sandwich, love.”
He laughs and shrugs. “Meh, so do I. Better kiss you again just to see, though. Just to be sure.”
You kiss again with a smile on both your faces, oblivious to the world around you - until a voice jolts you back to reality.
Evan’s gaze flits from you to Ben and back again, his mouth hanging open in astonishment. 
“Aw, hi Evan! I didn’t see you in work today, I -“
“I work from HOME on a MONDAY this SEMESTER, LYDIA now WHAT THE FUCK? Are you - is this…?” He scrabbles for his phone, hastily swiping at the screen.
Ben looks at you, a little concerned. “Evan, what are you doing?”
“Hold it, Benjamin.” You hear David’s voice as he picks up the call. “Hiiiiii baby how are you miss you! LOOK AT THIS! LOOK at this sneaky, sneaky pair!” He turns the phone round so you and Ben are visible to David, who smiles and waves. 
“Hey, Ben, Lydia! I’m guessing you let the light in, huh.”
You blush and lean into Ben’s chest. “Yeah. Thank you, David.”
“You KNEW??” Evan turns the phone back round, staring indignantly at his boyfriend. 
“Not that they had actually got together, but…”
David is interrupted by the barista emerging from the coffee shop with Evan’s iced coffee. Evan thanks them profusely before turning his attention back to you, Ben, and - via FaceTime - David. 
“Well, I cannot believe this is how I find out. I mean we all knew you were madly in dork love or whatever but I thought I would have been informed of this.” 
“Ani didn’t really know exactly what had happened until this morning, Ev. I’m really sorry, you were away for the weekend and we…” You look up at Ben, who’s clearly chewing on the inside of his cheek in order to stop himself laughing. “We were pretty busy, um, catching up.”
Evan sighs, takes a deep sip of his coffee, and closes his eyes. “Fine. Fine. But I expect to be kept abreast of any further developments.” He looks at his phone and ends the call. “Babe, I’ll call you later.”
You nod and reach out to give him a hug. 
“It’s just…” Evan’s expression changes, softening as he looks at the two of you. “It’s just that I fucking care about the two of you. And I’m so fucking happy that you worked your stupid nerd shit out and realised you were crazy about each other. Truly.” He embraces the two of you, before standing back as if he’s waving you off on a long journey. “I love you guys. Now go forth and be dorks together forever, or whatever.”
You and Ben turn in the direction of campus, hand in hand, leaving Evan and his mind-bogglingly complex coffee watching after you like a proud mother. 
Evan reaches into his pocket and digs out his phone again, tapping out a message at high speed. 
EVAN: The love was requited…
ANI: …They were just fucking idiots.
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“Were we meant to tell everyone?” Ben asks as you near the college. 
You laugh. “No, I think they were just really invested. Hence Evan and his ‘go forth and be dorks’ thing.”
Ben smiles. “‘Be dorks together forever’, you mean.”
You smile and nod, squeezing his hand to try to dispel the worry that creeps into your brain when you think about the future and about what happens when you have to return to your ‘real’ job, to your ‘real’ home. Even if, in this moment, the thing that feels most real and true to you is the handsome, kind, loving man holding your hand in the crisp January cold.
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(bookshelf divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more; other dividers by @cafekitsune)
Further A/N: It's such a bop and felt like the perfect song for Lyd to be singing along to 'alone'. Thanks, @julesonrecord, for pointing out the line about his 'magic hands'. 😉
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moranasgrave · 2 years ago
Eren X Morana Kraven (OC) sneak peek !
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okay so this is a sneak peek of my wattpad story that’s coming soon! it’s the one i have the most progress in right now and it’s gonna be a longgg one 😝. i will be using an OC of mine bc it’s fun to create characters and backstories of my own and her backstory is based off of someone i know who gave consent for me to write this story. also please let me know if i should write this in 3rd or 1st person so far im doing 1st but i’m not sure.
disclaimer : morana kraven is not the same as me morana. she’s her own person that i based off of someone i know irl (with consent ofc), i had the OC named first actually but i love that name and it goes with my real name so that’s why it’s my user on everything. so no this isn’t a self insert or anything like that i already have a self insert character lmao i just wanted to clear that up.
also this prob won’t be proofread yet lolz this is just a small portion of chapter 1 that’s in the form of a drabble! it’ll be much better in the book.
okay i hope you enjoyyy chapters 1-3 should be uploaded to wattpad by august the 25th 🫶🏼 then after i’ll be releasing 5 chapters at a time.
Morana knew she wouldn’t be able to attend this party unless she pregamed first. Her nerves were shot through the roof.
Everything happened so fast with meeting connie, her new plug and close friend. To meeting his friends for lunch at the mall and shopping, and finally getting invited to the back to school party that was happening at Zeke jeagers house.
Connie insisted she come and meet the rest of the people they’ll be hanging out with and Sasha said she’d cry if she didn’t come so here she was.
She got ready with pieck her new roomate, and sasha while connie passed 2 blunts around the room, along with a bottle of Casamigos. They shopping so she had confidence with her brand new outfit and her blunt.
Standing at the front door as connie and pieck impatiently banged on the tall wooden frame, Morana felt so good with all the alcohol and weed dancing in her system.
Eren sat on the couch lighting a blunt waiting for his other friends to arrive. He was already pissed off because his ex mikasa and her little crew of wannabes have been staring him down all night. Purposely walking past him and laughing to eachother and dancing where he could see them.
They broke up 4 months ago after mikasa said some cruel things to him. He had enough of her bad attitude and stuck up ways, she treated him horribly. She only cared about them being the most popular couple at school, but he loved her.
Mikasa was cut throat, she used her popularity and her mindless minions to tear down anyone who stood in her way. Pissing off her ex was a daily task though, her way of still letting him know she was around and not going anywhere.
He dreaded this school year all over again. The next 3 years having to endure this pain alone, no one understood him for real.
He needed his lively friends tonight to get his minds off of things. He perked up in his seat when he heard the loud banging at the door. A devilish grinned crept onto his face as he shifted in his seat, putting out the blunt momentarily so the others could join him.
Jean speeds walking from the kitchen pushing random people as he yells “GOT DAMMIT IM COMING YOU MANIACS.”
Connie’s the first to walk in, wearing an all black nike tech with some jordan’s as usual. His matching diamond earrings and chain sparkling brightly in the lighting of the party. “PARTYSSSS HEREEE”, he shouts as he spots eren jogging over to him.
Sasha and pieck walk in booty bumping and being loud as fuck, clearly both drunk, the pair wearing similar versions of moranas outfit. Morana steps in last greeting jean with a smile and a light hug.
Erens eyes immediately divert towards them, spotting morana his jaw slacked a little as he gawked at her. She had on a black pleated mini skirt with one of those belly dancer tie-around-the-waist scarves draped around the skirt. The gold metal plates jingling together with every step she took. She had a cropped longsleeve black skin tight skirt on with her leopard print bra that peeked through the top, boobs kindly threatening to spill out the top. Black leg warmers running down her tanned smooth legs, and some clear heels that displayed her leopard print french tip pedicure.
‘Wow she is fucking gorgeous’ eren thinks as he continues to stare. Mikasa catches this and saunters her way closer to the scene.
Morana wore her infamous huge black juicy couture purse that had an assortment of pins and keychains also jingling with every step. Her long crimson red hair was down and curly but not in it’s natural state, more of a tight wand curl that gave it a more kempt appearance. She had it half up half down with her bangs curled falling over her forehead. Her strip lashes long and spiked with black eyeliner smudged around her eyes. She changed her face jewelry to gold diamonds to match her outfit, her nose, cheek ,belly, and lip dazzling against the light.
Eren noticed every little detail in her outfit and made a mental note of how good she looked. He irritated himself with the thought of anyone seeing her how he saw her. Yea mikasa was beautiful and popular with everyone, but morana just had an essence and pure beauty that was unmatched. Her gorgeousness was something hard to put into words for eren.
Everyone finally makes their way over to the couch and starts settling in while the blunt makes it’s way around. Mikasa and her crew on one side of the couch, on their phones while mikasa talks to sasha. Eren hated that she still hung out with them, but that’s just how their group was no matter what they all still hung out and had eachothers backs.
Even though she broke his heart in the worst way possible she was still always welcomed. ‘what a joke’ he thought to himself.
Eren didn’t look her way once, instead focusing his attention on morana. She was sandwiched in between connie and pieck on the end of the couch. Diagonal from erens view in the middle of the couch next to armin and the guys.
Mikasa noticed eren staring and immediately followed his gaze to morana, pinching connie’s nipple and everyone laughing as he yelped and rubbed it. She scoffed under her breath, ‘of course he’s interested by her she looks like a hooker’ she thought to herself as she pretended to be interested in what sasha was saying.
“Morana i wanna kiss you bitch you look so hot”, pieck says laying across moranas lap eyes already glazed over. “Stoppp your gonna make me blushhh”, morana playfully hides her face from her.
“Can you guys stop flirting and pay attention to MEEE”, connie says passing the blunt to sasha. “Oh shit hold on before anything”, he stands up looking around at everyone. They all stopped their conversations and looked at connie.
“Everyone this is our new friend Morana Kraven, she’s going to our college this year and she lives in our apartments she’s piecks roommate”, he announces smiling proudly obviously excited about his new friend.
“Hey guys it’s nice to meet you all i hope we can be friends”, morana flashes a toothy smile to everyone.
Everyone gawks at her, Reinas the first to speak “Nice to meet you as well gorgeous.” He’s clearly already drunk but morana pays him no mind saying thank you sweetly.
Everyone goes around introducing themselves welcoming her to their hetic friend group.
“How do you guys know eachother”, eren finally speaks after everyone is done.
“I scared the shit out of her smoking on the porch last night and after she was done peeing her pants we started talking and we just clicked she’s cool as fuck, i think she’ll fit right in”, connie said squeezing moranas cheeks with his hands. “Connie stopp my makeup dude”, she laughs as she slaps his hands away.
Eren laughs and says “yea she looks like a perfect fit.” He secretly curses himself for being infatuated with her. He wasted 4 months of his life getting drained by mikasa, was he really ready to start looking at someone else the same way?
He sits back and watches her as everyone else begins interacting with her, making a mental note to get her number to do more research on her later.
Bertholt and reina start laughing hysterically, even annie cracks a small smile. “No yea she’ll totally be a good fit to our group we needed more girls, plus she’s super hot i mean come on”, sasha says shoving her hand into a random bag a chips that were on the table.
Everyone greets her with open arms, except mikasa. She stares intensely as she watches the boys get red in the face as their talking to her. Armin stuttering over his words like he’s forgotten english. The girls, annie and sasha even her dumb friend historia are gushing over her outfit and hair.
She gets up from her seat, her minions following suit as she strides over to morana standing directly in front of her. Hoping to scare her off from the group before she gets to comfortable.
Pieck sits up and scoffs taking out her phone and touching up her makeup with the camera.
“Mikasa Ackerman, you may of heard of me my fashion blog is pretty popular”, she said with her hands on her hips in a blasé tone. Morana looked away from pieck giving her a confused smile, “Um…sorry but i haven’t, i’ll definitely check it out though i love your outfit.”
Historia and Frieda wince behind mikasa, they knew they’d have to hear about this for hours tonight. Everyone in town knew mikasa, she was powerful there.
Mikasa felt her skin heating up, how dare she act like she doesn’t know her. She showed no signs of this though, she refused to look embarrassed infront of anyone. “Thanks, yours is to for like the club”, mikasa said back as she plucked an imaginary piece of lint off her hot pink mini tube dress.
Before she could respond mikasa made her way back to her area of the couch. “I’m historia and this is my sister frieda, you are so pretty by the way”, the short blonde girl in the blue version of mikasa dress says as she pulls her sister by the arm back to their spots.
“The fuck was that?”, morana asks pieck as she grabs the blunt from connie. “That was the most popular group of girls in the school they call themselves the 30, just stay out of their way they like run the school it’s ridiculous.” Morana nods her head confused about the name but shrugs it off. ‘i’ll ask her more later’ she thinks to herself as she hits the blunt.
She wasn’t dumb, she knew she had a huge secret she had to keep under wraps but she won’t let anyone punk her. ‘This is college not highschool, i don’t know how popular they could be’ she thinks to herself as she passes the blunt back to eren.
His hands linger on her for a second causing her to look into his eyes. “Wow you have really pretty eyes, eren right?” she says holding her gaze.
Eren finally breaks away sitting back in his seat. “Thank you i can’t tell if their blue or green they always mix or some shit, and yea i’m eren”, he say as he hits the blunt to hide his flushing face.
Morana laughs grabbing her chest, “Thats so cool i wish mine we’re a cool color.” Her eyes were black, she looked alien like because of how dark her eyes were and how whites the outer part was. When she looked at someone it was like she was peering into their soul. Eren was absolutely intrigued about this, it was as if her eyes were asking him to spill all his secrets, he almost wanted to give in.
“I think their pretty cool though, you are the first person i’ve seen with all black eyes”, Eren can feel mikasas eyes boring into the side of his head, but he refused to give her any spec of attention.
Mikasa was seething, some new random chick gets accepted into the group just like that? No one discussed this and why is everyone up her ass.
“Kay i gotta use the bathroom, come on girls”, she say quickly getting up and brisking away.
Eren continues casual conversation until morana says “OHMYGOD THIS IS MY SONGGG.” She stands up grabbing pieck and sasha’s hand. “LETS DANCE PLEASEEE”, she shouts over the music already swaying her hips to the music. S.O.S by rihanna is blasting from all the house speakers, everyone making a dash for the dance floor.
Morana looks back at eren, “Sorry that was rude as fuck, but we should talk again sometime! find me at school”, she says as she drags her friends onto the dance floor.
Morana starts really feeling herself when she gets to the dance floor. The lights flashing pink, then purple, then blue giving it a club vibe. The footsteps of people stomping drunkily around dancing on the black hardwood floors.
Morana pulls pieck into her turning around swaying her hips back and forth, using sasha as balance. Pieck immediately follows her lead grabbing her by the waist and following her movements. The sound of moranas belly dancer scarf and piecks chains that hung around her skirt were making a jingling beat to the music.
Morana spins around now face to face with pieck, she bounces around stomping her heels as she feels up her own body dancing between her friends. Eren is on the couch watching in awe, there were 100 people on the dance floor and she still stood out like a dazzling star.
He shifted his pants in his seat when started whining all the way to the floor then popped up, hands around her ankles as she was bent over. He could see her leopard print panties peeking under her skirt. “She’s hot isn’t she”, a voice says on the left side of eren making him jump.
Connie is leaning over his shoulder following his friends eyes towards the new recruit. “Yea whatever she’s cool”, eren says trying to keep his composure. “You should talk to her more after this, i think you guys will have a lot in common.” He slides over the top of the couch plopping next to eren.
“She told me to find her at school so we’ll see what’s up.” He secretly wished they would have at least one class together.
“Tomorrow morning we’re probably gonna wake n bake then help sasha shop for her apartment, you should comeeee”, connie sings raising his eyebrows at his friend. He could tell he was intrigued by her, and with the conversation he had with her last night he figured they could use eachothers company.
“Why the fuck not, jus come wake me up in the morning.” Eren found himself excited about this school year, if she was cool enough to win connie over that quickly, she had to be special. “Bettt we’ll have fun i’ll show you, this year will be amazing.”
They turned their attention back to the dance floor, a girl bumps into sasha, causing morana to almost fall over. “Watch there the fuck your going idiot”, the girl says go sasha. “Ew isn’t that the one who was stuffing her face in the kitchen?”, her friend says furrowing her brows in disgust.
Morana turned around as quick as the sentence came out of the girls mouth. “Yea what we’re not finna do here is talk to my friend like your crazy”, she says laughing. “How about YOU watch where YOUR going and watch your mouth while your at it too thanks”, she says grabbing sasha’s hand pulling her behind her.
“Who the hell even are you don’t start something you can’t finish, take your dumb friend and go back to dancing SLUT”, the girl says taking a sip of her drink.
Morana feels her blood go cold. She knows it’s probably just the alcohol but she hated when people insulted her friends. She’s heard the slut comment plenty of times but talking shit about her friend was doing too much. She closed her eyes trying to count to ten, when she got to 7 and still felt that anger she shrugged.
“I guess it can’t be helped huh”, she backs away from sasha stepping towards the girl close enough to kiss her. “Call my friend another name and see what happens”, she grits through her teeth. The girl leans her head to the side so sasha is in her field of vision, “DUMB. BITCH.”
Morana cracks a half smile before grabbing the girl by her hair and pulling her to the ground. She starts hitting her while her friend pleads on the side for her to let go.
“Ahhhh SHIT, THIS is part of the in common i was talking about, i should get her before she goes to jail”, connie stands up running towards the cat fight. Eren sits there watching as every hit she threw connected to the girls face. ‘She’s definitely done this before’ eren thinks to himself as she throws another punch. He’s kind of shocked that such a sweet looking girl could hit like that.
Mikasa and her girls were coming out the bathroom before they saw morana fighting. “EHMAGAWD SHES BEATING HER ASS”, historia exclaims throwing a fist in the air. “Shut it.”, mikasa warns her dumb friend to tone it down. “What an attention whore, fighting at a party is so middle school.” She walks off leading her girls to the backyard. She couldn’t handle watching everyone ogle that girl anymore. ‘I give her two weeks and i’ll have her out of here’ she thinks to herself as she pushes past people.
Connie runs up and grabs morana by the waist lifting her as high as he can. “ALRIGHT WERE OUT THIS BITCH LETS GO”, he yells as he starts hauling her towards the door. Pieck and sasha follow close behind watching their friend still cussing the girl out over connie’s shoulder.
They’ve barley just met and she already got in a fight over them. Sasha giggled “Thank you Momo you are the best bitch.”
Morana finally stops arguing looking down at sasha. Her face softens, “That was nothing i would’ve killed her if i was sober”, she said laughing a little embarrassed. Sasha could tell she was half serious by her tone which warmed her heart in a weird way.
“YEA YOU TOTALLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER”, pieck says grabbing sasha’s hand as they make their way out the door.
Eren watched as connie left with the girls, feeling kind of sad that HIS party had to leave.
‘Tomorrow morning’ he thought to himself as he sat back thinking about her.
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Hiiiii it's me, I'm back again!!! They are STILL so important to me fr fr 0️⃣1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣
(I WILL get through all of your Elimetri content and reblog it and say nice things about it, I swear by all my blorbos and everything I hold dear--)
There is something insanely adorable about the fact that even when they're smashed out of their mind, Demetri and Eli aren't loud or gross or pushy with each other, they're just...wholesome and cuddly in a way they'd usually be scared to display that openly ;_____; Internalized homophobia is a fearsome beast!! It's got Demetri over here going "what if I got really inebriated??? So I could...sit in your lap and hold your face gently and bump our foreheads together???"
"He was in no way a drinker, not even at parties; but Moon had brought this cotton candy vodka stuff, and it tasted more like liquid sweets than anything despite the burning as it went down his throat." Nooooo Demetri, not the sweetened, heavily-flavored alcohol that doesn't taste like alcohol!!! You dun got played like a fiddle!!! By the oldest trick in the book, too!!! Embarrassing, quite frankly ;____; And come now--you didn't think that what Moon (of all people!!!) brought would get you that fucked up??? Smdh. But I have to applaud Demetri being a man of culture--I, too, live and die by the philosophy "the less it tastes like alcohol, the better" XD
"But it was fitting, because neither would have the confidence to go through with it sober." Unfortunately this is true ;____; 5 seasons and counting and these children are still in the world's most vehement denial about their sexualities. Sending thoughts and prayers to them every single day 💔
Only Demetri Alexopoulos would think about crunching numbers while drunk aksudhfpbguishn He's gonna be such a menace in the corporate world someday I just know it
Eli's drunken, borderline incoherent rambling is 1000/10, I KNOW that boy would!! I hope Miguel takes pity on his idiot besties and does in fact give them a ride home so they can eat ice cream and watch Game of Thrones.
#v small drabble. anyways don't drink kids. and if you're gonna make out with someone either both be sober or both be drunk? Backing Rose here, consent first ofc 🩵
#also not-that-i've-ever-drank-at-all-in-my-life-what-are-you-talking-about. but. #when a drink 'tastes just like (x) sweet!!1!' girl no it doesn't it tastes like burning vodka with some sugar YOU TELL THEM, GIRL!!! Louder for the naive fools in the back ;_____;
Tis I, the Hell Yeah anon!!! Still reading and loving all of your binary boyfriends content <3 Could I get a bb ficlet with the prompt "we're way too drunk for this"?
hey, hell yeah anon ! i missed you, hope you're doing well <3 here's an extra-small 265 word drabble for you. obviously, content warning for underage drinking
"Hey," Demetri murmured, hands cupping Eli's cheeks, forehead pressed against his. He was sitting in Eli's lap, comfortable in spite of his jeans.
The room had a heated air to it--but maybe that was due to the sheer amount of alcohol Demetri had that night. He was in no way a drinker, not even at parties; but Moon had brought this cotton candy vodka stuff, and it tasted more like liquid sweets than anything despite the burning as it went down his throat. Soon enough, he found himself a giggling mess, stumbling into Eli and leading him to a spare room.
"Hey," Eli replied, pushing forward and pressing his lips to Demetri's. And it was funny, because Demetri never thought they'd have their first kiss drunk. But it was fitting, because neither would have the confidence to go through with it sober.
"Hey, wait, Eli," Demetri whispered. "We shouldn't--I mean, I drank a lot of that cotton candy stuff, and you had that and at least two beers, so crunching the numbers…that makes us…"
"Fucked up?" Eli snickered.
Demetri grinned, nodding in response. "Maybe we shouldn't do anything until we're sober…?"
"Sure, sure," Eli shrugged woozily. "Or, consider this: we make out, okay…and then we have Miguel drive us to your place…then we have some ice cream and watch GoT…then we make out some more…am I a genius, or what?"
That seemed to not go with the plan Demetri had just suggested, though it didn't go entirely against it, either. Demetri laughed softly, pressing his lips to Eli's once more, clearly satisfied with that plan.
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 years ago
Okay so showing up in teyvat and the first thing you do is ask the welcoming party where Venti is.
"Right here, your grace!"
And ofc most people don't immediately jump to the I've been isekai'd conclusion, so you think you're just dreaming. What do you do when your fave shows up in your dreams?
"Can I kiss you?"
You're dreaming, what's the harm in passionately smooching the love of your life in front of all the other playable characters? Wait, what? What do you mean it's not a dream?
I'm now half convinced you're an alternate reality self of mine because you keep reading my mind- Gods above, I'd do this shit fr--
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Imagine this:
Venti was feeling a mixture of confusion, happiness, and wariness when you specifically asked for him. He's not drinking a lot today so as not to accidentally make a fool of himself in front of you, although he may have at least a couple glasses of dandelion wine. He approaches you with a smile, nervous yet excited.
"Venti, may I kiss you?"
Okay, he's drunk. Damn. But he's sure he only had a couple of drinks, not even enough to get him tipsy. He blinks once, twice.
"Excuse me?"
"I said, can I kiss you?" You repeat, this time, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. Although he's not drunk (not yet, at least), he felt himself sober up and become hyperaware of your finger tracing his jawline.
A bard like Venti never gets flustered. But, god. The things you do to his heart, and you've only just officially met! His breathing picks up, eyes widening when you cupped his face with both hands. If he says yes... would you really...
"P-Please," he hated how needy he sounded. He thought he heard a glass shatter and someone objecting to it somewhere in the crowd before everyone else quieted down in shock with what transpired next.
Truthfully he really couldn't care less... or more like, he never had the time to care because your lips are immediately on his as soon as he gave his consent and, oh. Oh. OH.
Venti whimpers against you as you shamelessly devoured his lips in front of all your acolytes, wrapping his arms around you as you ceaselessly drowned him in affection. Oh, whatever did he do to deserve this blessing? He feels like he's on cloud nine. If this is a dream resulting from an accidental millenia-long slumber, then please he doesn't want to wake up anymore. Let this moment last forever.
You pull him even nearer by his waist and he gasps, giving you an opening to completely conquer his mouth.
He never stood a chance.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years ago
I hope you don’t mind me requesting a peter parker where the reader is in a coma and some girls are hitting on him and asking if he is taken and he said like “yes, I’am just waiting for my princess to wake up” something like that. If you’re comfortable with it ofc.🙂 or just the reader asking him what would he say to the girls who’s hitting on him🥰 thank you in advance💕
Hey! Your ask kinda low-key made me sad but honestly I love it thank you for requesting. Hope you like this. Took a little inspiration from the amazing spiderman 2 where Gwen dies but here the reader goes into a comatose state instead.
Song inspo - Sunflower by post malone
Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings : none
You're a Sunflower
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It's been three months now as Peter stands in front of his university leaving his high school life behind and stepping into his college life; though this is not exactly how he imagined it would be he had imagined to walk through these gates with you hand in hand by his side. But as fate would have it you now lay in a bed succumbed into an eternal sleep. 
The memory was still fresh in his mind of how Harry clad in his green goblin suit kidnapped you to get his revenge on him though Peter was able to subdue him not before Harry threw you down the building. You reached out your hand to Peter with fear in your eyes for help and even after Peter's desperate attempt to save you by shooting his webs, he couldn’t web you up in time as your body hit the ground with an impact that your humanly body couldn't withstand all he remembers was you looking at him smiling softly before closing your eyes for eternity. 
You were rushed to the hospital and admitted in the critical care unit. Your parents came running after they heard about your accident, Peter couldn’t look in their eyes because it was he for whom their daughter is battling with death. Peter cried and prayed for you the whole night. With a heavy heart the doctors informed that the impact of your fall had directly affected your brain sending you into a coma and they have no idea when or ever are you going to recover from that state. Peter thought it was all a lie, he didn't want to believe that he may have lost you forever. At his request and with your parents' consent Tony shifted you to the Avengers compound so your treatment could be done under better hands and you recover quickly but neither Bruce could provide him with a satisfactory answer of when are you going to come out of your comatose state. The only thing now he could do was wait, wait for you to one day open your eyes and pull him back in your arms, his safe haven, even if he has to wait all his life he will wait. 
He had never wanted you to get involved in his dangerous life and that is why he revealed to you his secret identity to let you know that you both can’t be together. But you had laughed it off and playfully said to him "Haha, I laugh at the face of danger!"
After his classes were done for the day Peter walks back home stopping by the flower shop to buy flowers for you. It was a part of his daily routine now everyday after college he would bring you sunflowers. They were your favourite flowers because you once said to him they symbolize ‘‘a person who has loved with sincerity and purity never forgets, on the contrary, truly loves until the end’’
And you were his sunflower. You were a ray of sunshine in his life and he always thought that your love was too much for him which he would never be able to reciprocate you back, he was lucky enough to be a part of your life because he doesn’t deserve you. He blames himself for your condition. You were a bubbly person who loved the outdoors, the bustle on the streets, visiting new places and meeting new people. And he wanted to be part of every little adventure in your life but alas he robbed you of your life.
Reaching the compound he goes to visit you in your room. He replaces the dry sunflowers in the vase with the fresh ones he bought for you and sits beside you. You looked so calm and peaceful. It pains him immensely seeing you lying motionless wired to an HRM, the rhythmic beeping of the machine a proof that your heart still beats and all hopes are not lost, not yet. 
He misses your carefree laugh, misses your sweet honey laced voice, your warm smile that could brighten up anyone’s day. He craves for your touch; he wants to feel your soft delicate hands again as you caress his wounds after every time he comes back wounded fighting the bad guys. 
Everyday it's a struggle for him to leave you like this. He wants you to call him back by his name like you used to do every night before he left for patrolling not wanting him to go and risk his life out there.
It was fresher’s night Peter had already decided to give it a miss and spend time with you but Ned and Flash had forcefully made him tag along which he reluctantly did. The party was at full swing, music booming and drinks flowing. Drunk boys and girls hitting upon each other. Peter was standing at an isolated corner drinking a coke by now a bunch of girls had tried to make a move on him which he had managed to decline politely. He was never the man to indulge in infidelity, he loved you dearly and no one can take your place in his life. You even once had jokingly asked what he would do if you vanish from his life would he move on and he had just placed his hand on your mouth warily asking you to never ever say such a thing again or even think of leaving him.
After sometime one of his classmates Felicia waltzed her way up to him.
‘‘Hey Parker why are you standing here all alone?’’
‘‘No I’m fine-’’ by the time he would stop her she was already dragging him to the dancefloor. She pulled him closer, her back pressed against his chest as she took his hands and placed them on her waist. Peter felt awkward as he gently swayed with her. Soon she began grinding against making Peter feel uncomfortable. He thought whatever was happening wasn’t right he pushed her away from him as she turned around looking at him in shock and confusion.
‘‘I’m sorry I-I can’t’’ He stuttered nervously and rushed out of the room to the ground for some fresh air as he felt suffocated. Seeing the scene Emma Frost, another classmate of his followed him. Though he backed off Peter was still feeling guilty he felt he kind of cheated on you as you lay unconscious, tears pricked his eyes.
‘‘What’s your deal man?’’ Emma asks him from behind startling him.
‘‘Uh.. what?’’ He asks, quickly wiping his tears with his hands.
‘‘I just saw you leaving Felicia on the dance floor. Who does that?! Every guy in the college wants to be with her’’ she snickers
‘‘I’m not every guy. Moreover, I’m not interested’’ he says blandly.
‘‘Are you taken?’’ she looked at him skeptical and his silence gave away the answer.
‘‘Damn! She’s indeed a lucky girl’’ she exclaims ‘‘to have such a loyal boyfriend like you these days is very rare. Can I see one picture of your special one?’’ she asks excitedly to which Peter obliged with a smile as he took out his phone from his back pocket and showed her a picture of yours looking all radiant and happy in a sunflower field just like the flowers which he had clicked when you both went on a small trip.
‘‘Here she is’’
‘‘She is beautiful’’ Emma approves with a smile ‘‘So where is she? Another college or at a totally different country?’’ Peter’s expression fell as sadness took over his features; he took a long sigh before he answered her question.
"She’s at the brink of life and death and I'm just waiting for my princess to wake up"
Feeback and suggestions are always welcome.
Part 2
Requests are open.
Taglist : @peaches-parker @osterfieldshollandgirl @starcoadrienette2 @spideyth @allthisfortommy @thenoddingbunny-blog @larrystylinson-sus @bloodyscarlet @itstaskeen @dummiesshort @tutuabby28 @dramaholic18 @thehumanistsdiary @majo240820 @heyafellows @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @justafangirlduh @moniffazictress11   @goodgirlgonetom   @lyzalovealk @parkerpeterparker2004 @ladykxxx08 @joselyn001
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countess-strahd · 1 year ago
I changed a lot from canon and ended up making it really hard on myself. I recommend looking at MandyMod's guides on reddit, and watching Lunch Break Hero's videos on youtube. (I think the vids are also all available as articles, which is my preferred version, but some might only be in one format.) Keep in mind that you don't have to go with their changes, but you should see what they think, as they're both good at developping the setting further and have some valuable input.
If you're struggling with anything, the subreddit does have some valuable input, so search for the location or character and see what other DMs think. That usually helps me resolve things before they become a problem, like the Yesterhill fight.
Don't get sucked into the trap of making Strahd too difficult. He's incredibly powerful within Ravenloft, but a lot of that power comes from his minions. Your party shouldn't be able to beat Strahd til the very end, not because he's CR 27 or whateber the highest CR statsheet is these days, but because they've taken out the brides, Rahadin, and others of Strahd's allies.
One thing I screwed up on what making the Dark Powers too present in the plot. It's confusing for my players, and they throw a lot of stuff out of whack. Stick to having the vestiges in their amber sarcophagi be trapped in the Amber Temple. If you want to tempt or corrupt your PCs, with your players' consent ofc, my players REALLY like the creepy dreams where shadowy figures come talk to them. Could be a fun route if they have to piece together what's happening from rumors and such. (Where I got stuck is that one PC is a warlock of a powerful vestige/dark power from the temple, so I thought having other warlocks around like Kasimir and Rahadin would be cool. It is not. I fucked up so bad. The lore is so complicated.)
Another mistake I made was making the elves and vistani wayyy too closely tied together. Try and keep them distinct from each other as oppressed minorities within Barovia, and let the Barovian villages feel distinct culturally, as well. No two groups are the same. A way to do this is accents, but also description. Vallaki looks totally different from Barovia, Krezk, the elf village and the Vistani camp, etc. Also, they can be kinda emoty. Barovia has a terrifying population decline, and Vallaki and Krezk are no better. The elves are dying slowly but surely. The Vistani, meanwhile, have no lack of children and young folk. This should help them all feel separate. (Related note: I named the elf/vistani camp outside Vallaki "Avenir" for simplicity. Having Ez be from there, and be the only young person or maybe the only woman besides Arabelle the little girl, might add to the off vibes that PCs should sense here.)
Also: make Strahd the most manipulative, frighteningly in control, possessive, seductive, puppetmaster-y piece of shit you can conceive of. Strahd's spies are everywhere, and the PCs should pick up on that quickly for maximum horror vibes. Have these spies lie, manipulate, and subtly threaten. They should be nervous around animals, strangers, NPCs who are too helpful or know more than expected, and each other.
On the other hand, having Ireena work as a DMPC has been a godsend. DON'T rob players of choice, but being able to say "I don't think we should go there... at least not without a plan." is so damn useful in a campaign designed to kill your PCs if they screw up! She knows the valley despite never seeing much of it, can talk shop with burgomasters and others because of her upbringing, and is a sword-wielding badass. Ireena is willing to die for Barovia, or become undead, if it would save others. This makes her a fantastic NPC ally.
Allies: pick ahead of time. Rig the whole tarokka reading, honestly. Don't give your players a terrible ally like I did. Van Richten, Ez, and Ismark are very good choices. You could even say it's "the vampire hunter" and lead them to think it's RvR or Ez, only to have it turn out to be the other one. If you want, you can skip the reading entirely and just give them plot suggestions from Eva. As in, you might be able to find allies in Vallaki, Argynvostholt survivors, or the Winery. Something like that gives them direction but allows you to mix it up behind the scenes, where necessary. (Might be biased bc my reading fucked up my game, but that was my own damn fault lol)
It's a fun campaign. Don't worry too much about details and you'll be just fine. Good luck :-)
hi dnd tumblr 😎 i'm beginning to plan my curse of strahd campaign for my group, and here i am wondering. pondering. considering, even.
dms, is there something in strahd you would have changed/removed/did end up changing?
tips? tricks?
i myself have never played (which is so sad) but i'm determined to run it
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bakusdumptruck · 4 years ago
Dabi Headcannons
hello :3 i hope you enjoyed your day today :) bUT ANYWAY here are some best friend Dabi headcannons!! also it’s a quirkless au so instead of his scars he has hella tats and piercings :)))
Warnings: cussing, implied sexual themes (barely), nudity, marijuana, sexual assult
I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible! 
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Ouuuu I hope you all are ready for this shit 
SO you and emo boy have been best friends since kindergarten 
After meeting, the two of you basically grew up with each other and were inseparable 
Throughout middle school and high school every one thought you both were dating since you’re together ALL THE TIME. 
Don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say all the time
You’d drive to school together, have the same classes, sit with each other at lunch, then go home together. 
Biittcchhhh you’d even have detention together
But anywayyyyyyy time skip to college days 
OFC you and Dabi are roommates
Living together was a ✨d r e a m✨
You both planned days where some of your other friends would come over and everyone would drink, smoke, and hangout 
During these hang outs tho Dabi would keep a close eye on you 
Baby boy is possessive. Even if you two aren’t dating you’re his and his only 😡no one can lay their eyes on you or even BREATHE near you... unless he trusted them 
Ouu bubs one day yall threw a party, invited all your friends and told them to invite who ever the fuck they wanted 
Bad idea 🤩
As you were sitting on the couch talking to a couple of close friends, a drunk fucker came up to you and got all up in your space
Baby you are a BAD BITCH, but you were too high and drunk to function at the moment 
The bastard came up to you reeking of booze and weed. The mf could barely stand and crashed on the couch next to you 
They started hitting on you and touching up on you without consent
hah. The fucker was boutta die. Dabi was watching the whole time.
(sorry the next part might be bad, but im trying :’-))
“Heyyyyyy babyyyy you lookin real scrumptious tonight” 
you and all your friends looked at him like 👁👄👁
“W-what are you doing here a-all hehe all by yourself?”
Normally sober you would’ve laughed in this bastards face and walked away but babes you were fucked up 
“u-uh I’m not here by myself silly hehe, my friends are sitting right in front of me”
Your friends already saw Dabi watching so they decided to just let the scene unfold, unless something bad happened before he could get to you
“Hmmm I don’t see anyone. How bout me and you go find a room and h-have some f-freaky time” *mf squeezes your thigh*
“E-excuse me I d-didn’t say you c-could touch me”
oop Dabi’s getting closer 
“C’mon baabbeeeee, just a little fuck won’t hurt 🥴I mean you’re dressed up like that so you must be asking for it. s-stop being a t-tease”
uh-ohhh they invaded your nono square 
you may be wondering what your friends are doing, but keep reading sweetie. I promise you’ll love it 🤩
“Stop being such a b-” WHAACKKKKK BOOM BOOMM
You best believe Dabi hit the fucker straight across the head with an empty bottle 
But thats not the only thing he did uh-uh nooppeee
Dabi pushed the fucker off of you, kicked their no no square, then quite literally threw them out of the apartment
After that situation he kicked everyone out 
During the whole thing you were still on the couch in a daze thinking about what happened and lowkey trying to bring yourself back to earth
When Dabi had everyone out and finished cleaning he went to you to see if the bitch did any damage before he got to you
“Hey bub (yes he calls you bub fight me) are you doing all right?”
You stared in his eyes and said 
“You’re pretty ya know that?”
He chuckled and carried you bridal style to bed
“You must be fucked up if you’re complimenting me so easy”
“It’s only the truth bitch 😤”
The next morning you woke up with a deadly fucking headache not remembering anything that occurred the night before.
Turning over you caught Dabi staring at you
He rolled off the bed laughing his ass off 
After his little episode he got you some medicine and food 
Baby, after yesterday you felt nasty as fuck
you smelled like a whole frat party, so ofc you decided to shower
Dabi insisted on showering with you just in case your headache came back and caused you to “slip and split your head open” 
He convinced you and its not like you two haven’t seen each other naked anyway or messed around 😗
Sooooooo ya’ll step into the shower
It was pretty big so there was some space between the two of you
you’re there minding your own business washing your face until Dabi said 
“...Since when did you get that ass” 
“😃 why are you staring at my ass”
You turned your head around to see him still staring 
“It stared at me first”
He poked it. He didn’t pinch it, grab it, smack it. No. He poked it.
“Dabi... what the fuck are you doing :D”
“Sorry... it just looked soft”
After that you both switched places and his ass was on full display
Smirking to yourself you brought your hand back and-
He froze and turned to look at you 
And thats how you both ended up a laughing screaming mess trying to hold yourselves up in the shower 😭
“WELL- well I mean if you’re gonna smack it at least go all out 😏”
“bye 💀”
The shower lasted about an hour due to making jokes and screaming out sad music at the top of your lungs
When you two got out of the shower Dabi said “pose for the camera we look hot as fuck” 
He took out his phone and opened snap
This fucker captioned the pic “Normalize showering with the homies 🥵🥶”
Theres never a dull day with this bitch. 
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beautiful-and-terrible · 4 years ago
dazed ‘n‘ confused (part 3)
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A/N: 3500 fuckin’ words y’all lmaooo i am so stupidly invested in this dumbass and his hot neighbor.
Ship: Rodrick Heffley x OFC
Warnings: underage drinking / drug usage, dubious consent (both parties inebriated), swearing, etc.
Nicole shouldn’t have worried so much about what to wear. When she showed up in Rodrick’s garage, his friends Ben and Chris were there, both dressed in ripped jeans and flannel shirts paired over band t-shirts. By comparison, Nicole’s black skater skirt and combat boots felt almost fancy.
“Hey, I’m Ben,” the dark-haired one holding a red electric guitar came up to her and gave her a fist bump. She almost laughed, not having fist-bumped anyone since she was 13. “Nicole,” she replied, smiling.
“I’m Chris!” the blonde called over, waving, before turning back to adjusting his microphone and checking the settings on their audio.
Rodrick seemed to appreciate her style, at least. He came through the garage door, carrying a four-pack of Monster energy and whistled, giving her a quick up-and-down glance, “Hey, groupie.”
Nicole punched his arm as he walked by. “I came here to listen to you play, so… play.”
“Your wish is my command,” Rodrick said with a dramatic bow.
Nicole found a relatively comfortable spot as far from the speakers as she could get - this wasn’t a concert, but loud speakers could still be painful after an extended period of time. The clack of Rodrick’s drumsticks alerted her, and before she knew it there was a blast of noise and a blur of limbs.
Honestly, he wasn’t bad, Nicole thought to herself after they had played a few songs. He could use a little more control, but what musician didn’t get caught up in their music? Glancing outside, Nicole saw that it was finally growing dark out. The sky had turned a soft purple, and she could see a few fireflies flashing in the cooling grass. She checked the time on her phone - 9:15.
“Hey, do you guys know Caitlin?” she asked the group. They turned to look at her.
“Caitlin Irving or Caitlin Peters?” Ben asked, taking an impressive gulp of Monster before burping loudly. The boys fell into fits of laughter. Nicole couldn’t help laughing, too.
“I don’t know her last name, she works at Starbucks, though.”
“Ohhhhhh, Caitlin! Yeah, we know her. Why?”
“She invited me to a party tonight, but I don’t really know anyone but her. Would you guys wanna be my plus-three?”
Ben and Chris high-fived each other, and Rodrick saluted her with his drumstick, whacking himself in the head in the process. Nicole hid a laugh behind her hand, not wanting to embarrass him. “For sure, Nikky. As long as there's drinks, we’ll be there,” Chris said. 
“C’mon, we can take my van,” Rodrick said, shoving his drumsticks in his back pocket and running inside to grab his keys. The other boys started down the driveway toward the white van, garishly painted with the band's name on the side in bold, black letters.
When Rodrick returned, Nicole gave him a smug look. “I thought it needed repairs?”
Rodrick stopped walking mid-stride, looking like a puppet caught on its strings. “Uh. Yeah. Well. My dad helped, when you were over at your house. Getting ready. It’s fine now. He’s the best mechanic I know.”
“Uh-huh. You sure you didn’t just… want to ride home with me from work?”
Rodrick scoffed. “You wish.” But as he rounded the front of the car to the drivers side, you caught the scarlet color of his cheeks against his tan skin. As if he could be any more endearing, he even offered Nicole shotgun. Chris grumbled the entire time, but begrudgingly gave you the seat he had worked so hard to acquire. 
“First stop - Capital. Ben has a fake, so we can BYOB,” Rodrick said, practically peeling out of the driveway. Nicole clutched the seat for dear life, heart stuck in her throat.
“Are you sure this thing is secure?” she squeaked, feeling the seat shaking a little in its bolts.
“No one has been ejected yet, Nikky,” Rodrick laughed.
“Go-go gadget get me the fuck out of here,” Nicole groaned, planting her feet on the floor to try and stop herself from flying forward as Rodrick squealed to a stop in front of a seedy looking liquor store.
Ben barely avoided taking the sliding door off its tracks when he opened the door. Chris lit a cigarette in the back, the acrid scent wafting to the front of the van. Nicole didn’t mind the smell much - honestly it reminded her of her Grandmother's house - but she hoped the smell didn’t linger on her clothes. That would be hard to explain to her mom. Speaking of, she sent off a quick text to her parents telling them that she’d be back late. Luckily, Nicole had always been the responsible type, so her parents trusted her to make good decisions and as a result, let her have free reign of her life (especially now that she was 18).
Ben returned after a few minutes, carrying a 24 pack of Natty Light and lighting his own cigarette.
“You have the address?” Rodrick asked, and you showed him Caitlins text.
“Yo, that's in Heather Hill’s neighborhood. Maybe we can tee-pee her house later,” Rodrick said, already zooming off again.
“Heather Hills?”
“Major bitch,” Chris called from the back of the van. Rodrick shrugged. “She’s not a bitch she’s just… not very nice.”
Nicole laughed, “You don’t have to defend the honor of all women by not calling her a bitch. If she’s a bitch, I believe you.”
Rodrick looked at you out of the corner of his eye, thinking briefly.
“Yeah, she’s a stone-cold bitch. She ran over my foot once. With her car.” 
Nicole grimaced in sympathy.
“Last year, we played at her Sweet Sixteen party, and Rodrick broke her ice sculpture bust. It was awesome,” Ben said.
“Oh, so you aren’t always perfect?” Nicole teased. Rodrick flipped her off.
Soon, they pulled up in front of Caitlin’s house. Nicole could already hear loud music from outside the house, and there were rainbow strobe lights flashing in the windows. Swallowing her nervousness, she followed Rodrick, Chris and Ben up the front walkway.
As they walked in the house, Nicole was hit by the fragrant, herbal smell of weed. From far away, the music had seemed loud, but coming in the house the music seemed to vibrate her ribcage - it was something with a repetitive bass, stuff Nicole didn’t normally listen to but she enjoyed it nonetheless. She followed Rodrick further into the house, trying to find the kitchen, weaving between people dancing and couples making out.
There were people surrounding an island in the center of the kitchen, decorated with colorful bottles of liquor and sodas to mix with. Nicole spotted Caitlin talking to a tall black guy, drinking out of a red solo cup. Nicole gave her a wave, and Caitlin excitedly came over to greet her.
“Hey! I’m so glad you made it.”
“Yeah, me too. I haven’t actually ever been to a high school party.”
Caitlin’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Well, you’re gonna have one hell of a first high school party experience, girly. Let's get you a drink.”
Caitlin turned to the kitchen island and poured about four shots of rum and filled the rest with coke in a red solo cup. Nicole took a sip. She could barely tell it was spiked, so she took a few more chugs and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Caitlin asked, and Nicole nodded before following her back to the living room. Already, the rum was making her limbs feel looser and her brain fuzzy. She finished the rest of it in one go, enjoying the feeling of her nervousness and insecurities fading away. Nicole had never been unpopular, per say, but she tended to stay to herself and only had a few close friends at her old school, anyway. It was refreshing to feel included, and she couldn’t help feeling that this was the way her teenage years were supposed to be - loud and exciting and living moment to moment.
As they danced, Nicole swaying in place and occasionally spinning around, she couldn’t help but feeling a little awkward. Caitlin was actually a really good dancer - she knew how to move her body in all the right ways so they hit on beat with the music. Nicole envied her easy grace, but was quickly relieved when Caitlin accidentally bumped into someone, causing them to spill their drink. Nicole stifled a laugh, not at Caitlin’s expense, just at the irony of the timing. At least Nicole wasn’t the only clutz. 
They had been dancing for only a few minutes before Nicole felt a hand on her waist, making her jump slightly.
“Hey, the guys and I are gonna smoke some weed in the backyard. Do you wanna come?” Rodrick said. His voice was almost in her ear, close enough that she could hear him over the blaring music, his breath tickling her sensitive skin. 
She turned around to face him - in the dim light of the house, he looked much more appealing than usual - she hadn’t even noticed he had put eyeliner on, but it made the dark of his eyes look even more obsidian. Nicole nodded, giving a thumbs up, and pulled Caitlin along with her.
“I need you for moral support,” Nicole said, making Caitlin laugh.
“Have you ever smoked weed before?” Caitlin asked.
Caitlin raised her eyebrows and pulled her closer as they walked to whisper in her ear.
“Okay, take a small hit the first time, don’t try to impress anyone. But breathe it fully into your lungs - I like to start by pulling it into my mouth first, and then inhaling fully. And if you cough, don’t worry, almost everyone does their first time.”
Nicole gave her a grateful look as they approached the circle of people sitting on lawn chairs in the backyard. Ben and Chris were already there, with two other girls Nicole didn’t know. However, there seemed to only be two more lawn chairs available to sit on.
Nicole was about to plop down on the grass before Caitlin grabbed her hand.
“You should sit on Rodrick’s lap,” she whispered, and Nicole almost choked on her drink.
“Dude, he’s totally into you - I don’t know what your sitch is, but I think he’s probably a little nervous about making the first move. Just do it, and if he asks, say ‘sorry, there weren’t enough seats and I don’t wanna get bug bites from the grass.”
Nicole stared at her, mouth agape. The alcohol in her brain was telling her it might not be the worst idea ever. And you know what? Fuck it. You’re only young once. Nicole made up her mind, and squeezing Caitlin’s hand, she walked over to where Rodrick was sitting before primly making herself comfortable on his thigh.
She felt him tense beneath her immediately, before his hand came up to her waist to steady her. Before he had the chance to say anything about it, the joint was passed to him, and he took an impressive hit, the cherry glowing red at the end for several seconds. Nicole watched him with interest, hoping she wouldn’t mess up too badly and embarrass herself. 
Rodrick looked up at her as he exhaled the smoke, holding the joint out to her. Not paying attention, and entranced by the eye contact they were holding, she reached out to take the joint without looking and promptly burned her hand on it.
“Fucker,” she hissed, shaking her hand to try and get rid of the pain. Rodrick just laughed.
“Do you want help?” Rodrick asked, before taking another hit of the joint. He reached up behind Nicole’s head, threading his fingers through her hair, before pulling her down close to his face, their lips inches apart. Nicole instinctively opened her mouth, half from surprise and half in anticipation of being kissed. But Rodrick simply blew a steady stream of smoke into her mouth, - their lips didn’t make contact. Belatedly, Nicole realized she was supposed to be inhaling, so she did quickly, trying to hold the smoke in her lungs for as long as possible. 
Somebody wolf-whistled in the group. Nicole was pretty sure it was Caitlin.
Eventually, she ended up coughing it out, Rodrick rubbing her back but still laughing.
“You’re a green at the green, huh?” Rodrick asked, and Nicole rolled her eyes.
“That obvious?”
“Yeah, but it’s cute. I’m glad you’re having your first high with me,” Rodrick said, smiling sweetly. Nicole’s stomach fluttered. Already, she could tell that this wasn’t alcohol she was feeling anymore - the buzz she had been feeling earlier was replaced by something much slower and velvety, like the world was moving through maple syrup.
“Dude,” Nicole said after a minute, realizing she had been staring at nothing. Rodrick looked at her. She looked at him. They both started cracking up laughing.
“What are we laughing at?” Nicole hiccuped through her laughter.
“No idea,” Rodrick said, wiping his eyes free of tears of mirth.
“Rodrick, pass the J,” Ben called out, breaking the two of them from their trance. Without thinking about it, Nicole leaned back onto Rodrick’s chest, enjoying the warmth of his body. It wasn’t a cold night, per say, but Nicole was only wearing a skirt and a t-shirt, and she had always had poor circulation. She shivered involuntarily.
“Do you want my flannel?” Rodrick asked, already taking it off. Nicole sat up, ruffling his hair playfully.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you just want to show off your arms,” Nicole said, slipping on the warm blue flannel and resting her hand on Rodrick’s exposed arm, once again in a cut-off tank top. Rodrick gave her a funny look.
“What do you mean?”
Nicole suddenly found herself tongue tied. “Uh. I mean. You just wear a lot of tank tops.”
Rodrick raised an eyebrow, but said nothing else. Nicole leaned back against him again, feeling simultaneously self-conscious and exhilarated. They had never touched for this long before. She wasn’t sure exactly what was happening between them, but she liked the direction it was going. Even though they hadn’t known each other long, Nicole felt more comfortable with Rodrick than she did anyone else - even though most of the time she had known him, he had been a nuisance to her. Well… maybe not a complete nuisance.
It was funny to think that only a few days ago, Rodrick was just an annoyance she dealt with at her job and admired from afar, and now she was sitting on his lap, wearing his flannel. She leaned her head back, looking at the stars. She hadn’t noticed that Caitlin had left, but suddenly she appeared over her line of vision, grinning.
“Do you want a beer?” she asked, holding a cold can over Nicole’s forehead. Nicole reached out to take it, sitting up before cracking it open. She wasn’t in the habit of enjoying beer for the flavor, so she’d rather get drunk off it quickly. It tasted like wet cardboard, but Nicole managed to chug it down.
“Damn, girl, where’d you learn to drink like that?” Chris asked, laughing as Nicole belched loudly. 
“Years of rigorous practice and intense concentration, young padawan,” Nicole replied.
“Do you wanna shotgun one with me?” Chris asked, half-joking, but Nicole was feeling overly confident from the buzz she was feeling and readily stepped up to the challenge.
“Whoever spits it out owes the other ten bucks.”
“Fuckin’ deal,” Chris grinned, Ben cheering him on as he threw a beer toward Nicole. She (surprisingly) caught it.
“Wait, gimme one,” Rodrick said, making grabby hands in Ben’s direction, who threw him a beer.
“On three, okay?” Ben counted. They all started to crack open their beers, Nicole with her house keys, Rodrick with his car keys, and Chris with his pen knife.
“One.. twoooooo…. Three!” Ben yelled, and they all tipped their heads back, drinking from the hole in the side of the can. Nicole’s eyes watered, but she was too competitive to back down now. Foam spilled out of the side of her mouth, but she kept drinking. She could hear people chanting her name as she finally threw the beer can down on the ground, raising her hands in victory. Both Rodrick and Chris were covered in beer foam, but Nicole somehow stayed relatively clean, minus the beer she wiped off her face.
“Ten motherfucking bucks, Chris,” Nicole slurred slightly, grinning at him as he pulled out a crumpled bill from his pocket and threw it at her. 
“Rodrick, how the fuck did you lose, dude? You were the one who taught me how to shotgun,” Ben said, causing Nicole to throw her head back in laughter, before letting out another massive burp that lasted for several seconds. The whole group dissolved into laughter. 
Eventually, the joint got finished, and people started to move back inside. However, Rodrick and Nicole stayed outside, talking about whatever came into their heads.
“Were you ever into Greek mythology as a kid?” Nicole asked, watching Rodrick’s eyes go comically large.
“Does Percy Jackson count?”
Nicole pretended to consider it deeply for a moment, before shaking her head. Rodrick pouted. 
“I only got into Greek mythology because of Percy Jackson. So, I think it still counts.
“Fine. But do you know shit about the constellations they’re associated with?”
Rodrick pointed at the sky, at a random cluster of stars.
“For sure - that's Dingus Humongus, he was a Greek hero with the fattest ass known to man.”
“Sounds like my kinda guy,” Nicole replied, sticking her tongue out as Rodrick squawked in indignation.
“Besides a fat ass, what do you look for in a guy? Not, like, that I care. Just. Wondering.”
“Very good English, Rodrick,” Nicole laughed, “I guess my type is… someone kind. And funny. Someone who tries to be cool and is actually a huge dork. And musical, that's always a plus,” she said, feeling very bold as she looked directly at him. It took Rodrick a moment, but eventually his mouth formed a small “oh” as he realized who she was talking about. His eyes flicked down to her lips. Then he frowned, “I am not a dork.”
Nicole rolled her eyes, “And I’m totally not waiting for you to kiss me right now.”
Nicole watched as the color slowly rose in Rodrick’s cheeks, turning them rosy pink, visible even in the shadow-drenched backyard. Nicole decided to pull yet another risky move, and adjusted herself on Rodrick’s lap so that she was facing him, her thighs on top of his arms around his neck. For such a seemingly confident boy, Rodrick seemed more nervous than she had ever seen him, even when he asked her to come to band practice earlier. Hell, he hadn’t even been that nervous to shotgun the joint into her mouth.
“Sorry, I just… I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. I don’t wanna be bad at it,” he confessed. Just as Nicole thought she couldn’t be any more endeared by this boy. She slid her hands into his hair, thick and soft. She leaned in and gently nosed at his jawline, placing small kisses against his warm skin. Right at his jugular, he smelled like cologne and nighttime and boy, the right mix of clean and sexy. Seemingly gaining his courage, he grabbed Nicole by the back of her head and brought her up to his lips.
It was soft, at first, merely a press of skin to skin, but the two gradually deepened the kiss, moving against each other like they were made for it. Nicole felt like her heart might beat out of her chest - or maybe she was just that high.
Feeling emboldened by Rodrick’s enthusiasm, she slipped her tongue between his lips, gently tangling their tongues together. He let out a low moan, and Nicole could’ve blacked out from how turned on she was by that simple sound. The warmth of his body against hers and the slickness of their mouths together caused a rush of liquid heat to form between Nicole’s legs. Goddamn, he was good at this. Nicole wasn’t sure how many girls Rodrick had kissed before this, but if he was a rookie at this she was damn impressed.
Rodrick’s hands, which had been resting on her waist, slowly moved down her ass and under her skirt, causing Nicole to gasp as he started to knead and grab at her cheeks - not hard, but enough to get her even more hot and bothered than she thought possible.
“Is this okay?” Rodrick asked, his voice low and rough. 
“Yeah, I’m good,” Nicole replied, running her fingers through his hair and scratching her nails down his neck. She felt him shiver beneath her, sending a heady rush of power to her stomach and lower. He pulled her closer to him by her ass, so that their crotches pressed together. Nicole was taken aback by the sensation of his bulge pressed against her, but didn’t pull back, instead grinding down on him.
“Are there still people out here?” Rodrick asked shakily. Nicole pulled back and looked over her shoulder - the backyard was empty, thank god.
“No, just us,” Nicole said, turning back and bringing her lips to his ear, biting and licking the sensitive flesh. Rodrick whimpered, grinding up to meet her, and Nicole almost lost it then and there.
The alcohol and weed in her system were slowing her reactions, but also kept her from thinking too much about what she was doing - all she could think about was how much she wanted this. Sober, this might’ve never happened - she was too nervous about what he would think if she ever made a move, constantly overthinking her every word and action. This dumb boy, who rode with her to work, who stayed to the end of her shift and bought her slushies, had wiggled his way into her every thought and every beat of her heart. She knew she was fucked.
She only wished it was literally.
Nicole opened her eyes briefly to catch Rodrick’s gaze, and out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed the red-and-blue flash of police lights. Rodrick caught sight of the lights at the same time.
“Oh, fuck.”
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wylanvaneckkinnie · 3 years ago
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normalbirb · 4 years ago
Abstinence isnt sex ed and everyone needs to learn this shit, especially teenagers
Ive seen a lot of anger and blame being thrown on p*rn artists online lately for people growing up with warped views on sex, especially here on tumblr. "Think of the children" type of talk. So i guess i, a part time p*rn artist, is gonna have to have the talk with you that your parents and teachers apparently havent had with you yet.
Sex posetive ≠ have a lot of sex
Sex posetive = practice safe sex
So. What is safe sex?
Tw heavy and triggering language
Research std's before having sex. Learn about the dangers and what they can do to you. This is really important. Find out WHY protection is important. A std can lead to some really nasty shit.
If you cant say no, you are NOT ready for sex. Consent is SUPER important and a huge part of sex.
If you cant take a no, you are NOT ready for sex. Consent is SUPER important and a huge part of sex.
Theres nothing shameful about being a virgin. Especially if youre still a minor. Losing your virginity isnt a cool hip thing, sex is much deeper than that. Ive seen a lot of people talk about how they regret having sex as a minor and how that warped their view on it in a negative way. You are not an exeption to this. You are not unique.
You and your partner needs to be equals in bed. Even in bdsm. A dom isnt supposed to be an abuser, a dom is supposed to be just as much of a pleaser as the sub is. If a dom isnt listening to you, they arent a dom, they are abusing that label to get away with r*pe.
A minor and adult can NEVER be equal. As an adult i can confirm that all adults hold power over younger people. Age gaps are ok but ONLY if both parties are adults.
Research safe bdsm. Ex, choking isnt safe in general but it can be made safer (dont press your hands on the windpipe). Spanking needs to be done right or you can dislocate the hip. Use handcuffs made for bdsm. They are made to be able to open quickly if the user starts to panic.
Sex doesnt need to lead to penetration.
Aftercare is important and a good bonding thing. Foreplay is also important and can lessen discomfort.
Clean your sextoy after every use, preferable with sextoy cleaners. You can get an std from a dirty sextoy even if youre the only one using it.
Never use a broken sextoy.
Lube. Use it.
Clean your packer every day. Preferably with sextoy cleaner.
Wash under your foreskin and dont use soap in your vagina.
P*rn isnt realistic.
Having sex wont make you whole. That hole in your soul, it can only be patched together with therapy. Having sex to try to fill that void will leave you vunerable to being abused by people.
If you cant talk to your parents about sex in a healthy manner, you are NOT old enough for it.
If youre scared of going to a gynecologist and having your genetals checked, you are NOT ready for sex. Do some research on how a checkup is done.
DO NOT send nudes to strangers, ESPECIALLY NOT if youre a minor. This can fuck your entire life up. It can make you a target for harasment and even go as far as making you a victim of being kidnapped and sold to sex slavery. It may sound like a stretch but its a very real thing in this world.
Dont trust strangers online. Im a stranger online. You are a stranger online. Everyone are a stranger online. Research grooming tactics, learn what the red flags are. Them being nice to you isnt an exeption, being nice is a grooming tactic.
If you get sexually asaulted, do NOT wash the clothes. Save them for evidence. Your assaulters dna is a evidence against them in court. Talk to an adult and go to the police imideatly.
Even as a minor, dont draw p*rn of other minors. No matter your age you have still created ped*phile p*rn. Ofc as a minor you should prob not draw that stuff to begin with but i also cant stop you from it.
You do NOT need to sleep around to find out what your sexuality is. That is a shit advice. Theres no hurry for you to figure it out, it took me until 23 to figure that shit out. Hell, im still not 100% sure.
The internet isnt a safe space. It never has been and will never be. Its still important for you to do what you can to make it safer tho.
Even if someone is a p*rn artist, it does not mean you can talk to them however you want. Drawing p*rn isnt consent to being talked to in a sexual harrasing way.
You can still be groomed even as an adult.
Sex is supposed to be enjoyed by all parties. YOU need to make sure the other(s) are feeling just as good as you are. Dont be pushy. If someone says no that means no.
If anyone want to add something, feel free to.
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chiliconsharls · 5 years ago
ok. i hate to be put in this position because polo x carla x christian was an OT3 that was really close to my heart but yeah, here goes a long rant: POLO X CARLA X CHRISTIAN IS IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM BETTER THAN POLO X CAYETANA X VALERIO. 
First of all, anyone of you who says they’re just recycling or repeating that storyline can fuck right off, let us polyamorous people have more than one throuple in a show. 
Why is Polo x Caye x Valerio better? Simple: because they talk. Because they’re open. Because they’re aware of what they want. 
Polo x Carla x Christian was born out of a shady game/experiment Polo and Carla wanted to try. Polo x Carla x Christian throuple’s whole foundation was a clusterfuck.
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Christian was fooled into thinking Carla was into him when really he was being watched without his consent when he had sex with her. Carla thought she was trying to salvage her relationship with her boyfriend and Polo was just trying to act on his attraction to men without having to end things with his girlfriend. Messy. Then when Christian got in on to the picture, he did so for his own, dishonest reasons. 
Let me break it down into the three parts, because that’s the real issue: all three of them did terrible, questionable stuff.
First, the original sinner & real orchestrator: Polo. Yes, this whole thing was Polo’s idea even though Carla had to nudge him towards it at given points. 
In season two we find ourselves with a Polo who’s not questioned about his bisexuality, who explicitly says “Bi? Is that what I am? You know, you may be right. I might be bi” when is labeled as such & then who reveals to Guzmán he was into him at some point in his life. We don’t know for sure how long people have known this about Polo, but they know now. But FIRST, in season one, we have this exchange between Carla and Polo, the first time he’s having doubts about what they’re doing: 
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[btw, this is Carla being supportive of her bi bf, just saying. She was encouraging, at one point, but, yk, I’ll get to that]
Now, either this happened sometime before Polo’s bi awakening via Guzman’s incrediboy ass or this right there is Polo outright lying to Carla. Polo was aware that he was attracted to guys & his main goal of having a threesome with his gf & some other dude was to explore that (or he wasn’t but then the whole timeline is weird bc then that means he liked Guzman sometime during S1 events. idk). First strike. 
Then, where else did my dear chaotic bi Polo go wrong? He let himself get pushed & influenced by Guzmán’s nosy ass comments. Polo was ready to help Christian get a modeling job with his mother, to get Christian to like him as a friend, without anything sexual in return
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but then Guzman got inside with his head with his “Christian wants to take advantage of you” & then Christian’s whole dismissive attitude towards him & Carla calling him out on being jealous just triggered his Messy Needy Bi brain. So he got Christian to suck his dick over a magazine cover = he took advantage of Christian before he could do it to him. Second strike
And the nail on the coffin was cheating on Carla. Because yes, that was cheating. He lied to her to get alone time with Christian so he could have him to himself. He broke his girlfriend’s trust &, as the principle of their arrangement stated they weren’t supposed to do anything with Christian without the presence of the other: he broke the rules. Third strike. 
This last point of Polo’s faults brings us to Carla’s mistakes:
As I pointed above, Carla did encourage Polo in his attraction towards guys. In the examples of: the scene above, when she told him he liked Christian undressed better, when she moved the boys’ chins to see if they would kiss with a smile on her face, even when she pointed out Polo was jealous she was amused by it. She was on board. In fact, she was actually even pushy about it when you come to think of it, which is not good, bc if Polo hadn’t told her then she just had to wait for him to gather the strength to say it, not push him out. But I digress.
It was only after Polo broke their pact that she turned disapproving & judgemental & did that cursed thing of questioning Polo’s bisexuality by saying “I think you like boys more than girls”.
A lot of people like to think that Carla pulled the strings to get herself this double course meal but as I said, that’s not the case. Polo had the idea, it’s just that Carla had the drive to actually pull it off. That being said, the way she decided to get there was controlling and messy, yes. Most of the times, she cared more about getting keeping the threesome arrangement than the genuine concerns and doubts her boyfriends had. Dick got her careless about her boys feelings.
Then there’s the fact that, yk, she coerced Polo into lying about what he had done (which, now that S3 is out makes me wonder a LOT), which ended up getting messier than it needed. And then she also dragged Christian down.
PS. Also, a lot of people seem to have pointed out that Carla was more into Christian than she was into Polo but I feel like that’s a reach. Polo had been her boyfriend for over four years, so ofc, she was a bit more enthusiastic when she was with Christian. But when it all came down, the one she really loved was Polo. Only Polo. (which is also an issue for a polyam triad, ofc)
Now, on to the icing of the cake: Mr. Christian “I’m not aware I’m a huge ass raging bisexual & Im upset about it” Varela. Yes. I said it. Christian’s bi, I got plenty of proof & no doubts.
As I’ve pointed before: Christian was put into this trio clueless. Used. Lied to. The guy had very valid reasons to go “if you want to spice things up in your relationship, get yourself some other guy”. But since he’s a dumb (bi) boy with a Plan, he accepted.
Nothing ever goes right in triad in which one party just “””accepts””; they’re either into it or they’re not. Forcing polyamory is just as bad as forcing monogamy.
That’s not saying that Christian wouldn’t have gladly been a part of their trio had they gone right at it (just, picture it, Polo helping Christian get that fame & recognition he craves, slowly getting close to him. Carla being supportive & reassuring of her interest in them, equally, bam! They would’ve gotten Christian forever).
However that didn’t happen, so instead, we got a Christian who’s core interest was sexual & social/economic. He wanted to be with Carla for sex & with Polo for money/prestige.
There was potential for Christian to realize he’s not straight. Because no straight man looks like this when being sucked off by a guy:
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There was potential for Christian to fall in actual love with Carla, too. Potential for Christian to become more than what his parents thought him to be & to exploit that ambitious side of him in something that would’ve made him truly successful. However, Miguel Herran (Christian’s actor) had scheduling conflicts or didn’t wish to be part of the show anymore so all that potential went to waste. 
Why Polo x Caye x Val are better
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Essentially: because they have none of the above.
Polo has left insecure-about-his-bisexuality Polo behind, he’s grown & knows better than to lie & be pushed around now. Cayetana is in no position of power to be controlling or pushy. & Valerio is fully aware of who he is/what he wants with them from the beginning. 
The circumstances have made Polo stop being concerned about what his friends (now former friends) think of him & his love life. In fact, he proudly rejoices in it & tells the people he cares about,  about it (Ander, his moms). Polo’s really only hesitation at first was rooted in the fact that his previous try with Carla & Christian didn’t work out. 
Valerio comes forward with his equal interest in them as soon as he realizes that’s what he wants. (which is after he learns Polo tried to commit suicide) He makes sure to state, verbally, that he’s into both of them: 
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& even makes sure that they like him back by asking them. Which they verbally assure Valerio they do. But they’re only saying no because they don’t want to tarnish Valerio’s already controversial reputation, showing that: they care about Valerio at that point already. 
Cayetana, for her part, did positively what Carla wasn’t able to, for one reason or the other: constantly be reassuring and supportive of the triad. She’s the one who made sure the triad kept on by just being open & honest about how good it was for them. (”You’re the piece we were missing” to Valerio & “We’re building something nice here. Something worthwhile” to Polo). 
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When Polo&Christian wanted to call quits & break up the arrangement, Carla forced them back in with manipulative tricks (sex or pressure). Meanwhile, when Polo&Valerio got insecure about the triad, Caye lured them back in with honest, sweet words and reassurance.
Ultimately, the reason they fell apart was entirely fixable had they had had more time, but the season was about to be over & Polo’s fate was already set, anyways. 
You can argue Polo x Carla x Christian was hotter or that they felt more organic to you, fine. But they’re not a better trio & they’re definitely not a better polyamship; they had the potential, but the writers didn’t exploit it (& I’m sure that’s because Miguel H got out).
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