#of course xander and ryoma as well as takumi and leo can marry azura
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not my fault
every time theres a blog that takes requests that is related to characters being canonically... well. speak of the devil, related. and in love. you best bet i am in there submitting like 40 fire emblem characters
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smol-tactician · 3 years ago
I played fates again so
Spoiler wanejrn warning
Takumi: Hey Ryoma, the vibes are very much not good here
Ryoma: The what?
Leo: What's good shawty! Wanna go read books all day and forget about this awful shit called reality?
Takumi: Ok
Leo: b e t
Corrin putting a caprisun on Elise's head: In the name of myself, I dub you queen caprisun.
Elise: Awesome.
Sakura: What shall your first act be your highness?
Elise: Let's go eat ice cream for breakfast!
Corrin: Yeah!
Sakura: Ok.
Takumi: Why does Camilla call you baby girl?
Hinoka: Let's not have this conversation.
Azura: Ok so first we need a plan.
Corrin hugging Robin:
Azura: Corrin, that's Robin.
Corrin: Yes.
Takumi: Hey Corrin, the sky is breaking.
Corrin: What am I supposed to do? I'm not a sky builder.
Leo: I love you.
Takumi: Platonically or romantically?
Leo: Which one means I can marry you?
Takumi: Romantically... wait marry me?!
Leo: Well of course since you asked.
Takumi: I just got bamboozled into a marriage....
Takumi: So why are we here?
Corrin: To do the test of courage on the haunted mountain.
Takumi: To do the fucking what?
Corrin: Its bonding time, you have to say something nice to the other person.
Leo: Your brother's kinda hot
Ryoma: What the fuck-
Corrin: L e o-
Elise: We're friends now!
Sakura: Ok!
Elise: Wanna cause chaos for no reason?
Sakura: I guess.
Elise: Cool.
Corrin: Well then, either this place is abandoned or we're already dead.
Azura: Excuse me, what the fuck corrin?
Xander trying to make small talk: Well then, seems my tea has gone cold.
Ryoma: Then heat it up.
Xander: Ok then smart ass
Ryoma: I have an idea, but it requires someone blasting the back street boys, ten tons of fireworks, and shit load of pop rocks.
Xander: How in God's name is that supposed to help us on the battlefield?!
Ryoma: Get me the stuff and find out.
Hinoka: Don't do that, seriously! DO NOT GET ANY OF THAT STUFF!
Leo: Ah yes a nice cup of tea
Camilla: That's red bull in a mug
Leo: Shut up and let me pretend I'm normal for once.
Leo: Ok this is fine, it's just Takumi.
Takumi smiling: Hey Leo, how are you?
Leo now with gay panic: Gay
Takumi: What?
Leo: What?
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heiwanoryu-archive · 8 years ago
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same.(Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: No one; a friend linked it to me. Tagging:  YOU.
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Badass Bookworm: The Avatar isn't on Robin's level of intelligence or tactical ingenuity, but they do read in their spare time, and while naïve, are far from stupid. By the end of each game, the Avatar will have bested in combat great generals, dangerous criminals, royalty, hulking monsters, shape shifters, reanimated soldiers, seasoned veterans, and depending on the route Garon's dragon form ("Birthright"), a slime monster, an empowered Takumi ("Conquest") and finally their true father, a dragon-god-king ("Revelation").
Badass Princess: The Female Avatar, as she's a part of the Nohrian royalty (and even though she was adopted from Hoshido, she was of royalty there too) and is far from helpless. Also, her initial class is called Nohr Princess.
Blade on a Stick: While the Avatar can't use lances by default without re-classing, it's revealed in the female Avatar's support with Shiro that she's skilled enough with a lance to give him a run for his money. Considering everything the Avatar knows about fighting comes from Xander, a Paladin, it's not surprising.
Blithe Spirit: The Avatar doesn't particularly care if others perceive them as weird when they help out—and thanks to their optimism and social ignorance, they often do come across as such. It's especially notable in Revelation, where they shock everyone by choosing neither side to make their own.
Bond Villain Stupidity: Invoked late in Conquest when they have Ryoma at their mercy. The Avatar tells Garon they should spare him to extend his suffering, although the real reason is because they actually don't want to kill him.
Character Development: All routes give the Avatar different development due to the circumstances in question. To wit:
In Birthright, they grow more and more furious over the atrocities committed by Nohr, but at the same time, becomes all the more resolute in their idealistic beliefs. By the end of the route, they still remain firmly believing in their idealism, but they're much stronger mentally from where they started.
In Conquest, they join Nohr with the noble - if somewhat naive - intention of changing Nohr from within, believing that the war can end quickly if they change Garon for the better. Sadly, it doesn't work out, and the Avatar soon realizes that the only way to save the continent from ruination while changing Nohr from the inside would be to go along with the plan to invade Hoshido. By the time the route reaches its climax, they go from a Wide-Eyed Idealist into somebody who reluctantly cast aside their own ideals in order to change the world for the better. It's to the point that when confronted by a possessed Takumi, the Avatar doesn't even bother to justify their actions and instead accepts Takumi's rage without a second thought.
In Revelation, they get a mix of their Birthright and Conquest development. They are no longer naïve to the happenings of the world and become confident in themselves, but are still kindhearted and optimistic to a fault.
Cultured Badass: The male Avatar isn't just a skilled warrior. He can play the piano, likes poetry, is well-versed in philosophy, and is even said to learn how to sing if he marries Azura. [ I apply this trope to the Female Avatar as well ]
Deadpan Snarker:  The Avatar dishes out their fair share of snark throughout the story.
Azura: Avatar! We have trouble! Nohrian forces are approaching! Avatar: Seriously? We haven't even been here five minutes...
Girly Bruiser: The Female Avatar comes across as this. She's as battle-hardened as her male counterpart, but her female-specific support with characters like Caeldori show that she enjoys girly things like romance novels.
Good Is Not Dumb: As nice and naïve as they are, the Avatar is not stupid. They clearly don't buy Garon's claims that he wasn't trying to kill them with the exploding sword on Conquest, and on Birthright they'll actually list the event as one of the reasons for their defection. In Revelation, they aren't fooled by Anthony's deception, pretend to go along with it and effectively out-gambit him, and later correctly deduce Scarlet's killer based off something only they would know.
Good Is Not Soft: They're no pushover, either. Before the route split, they stand their ground against Garon and, with their dragon powers, intimidate Hans into talking about his assassination attempt, and afterwards they prove they're willing to resort to threats if it can get the job done — even on the lighter route, Birthright.
Hurting Hero: During Conquest, the Avatar's supports with Azura reveal them to be this. To elaborate, they have recurring nightmares over the Hoshidans that have died as a result of their choice, and is having a crisis of morality over just how far the ends justify the means, even believing that they're going to Hell for what they've done. This doesn't stop them from pressing on, however.
Informed Deformity: If Peri is in the Hot Springs with a Female Avatar, she will comment that the latter's body is covered in scars - enough to make her giddy - though this isn't reflected by her character model. Of course, it's possible that they've just faded too much to see outside of very close inspection.
Innocently Insensitive: The Avatar was raised away from the world, and while kind-hearted, occasionally makes a comment or question that seems normal to them, but insults the other person.
Lethal Chef: Per the series' tradition with its Player Characters, the Avatar can't cook at all. They manage to burn tea in their supports with Jakob, and are implied to produce food that tastes like steel (they were taught to cook by Gunter, who can't cook either). This trait is a bit inconsistent with the female Avatar, who reveals herself to be a fairly skilled baker in her Support conversations with Dwyer.
Living Emotional Crutch: It's strongly implied that they are this for several characters.
Nice Guy:
Caeldori: You always put the needs of others before your own. Even when dangerous, you choose mercy, compassion, and kindness over all else.
No Social Skills: The Avatar is a fairly forward individual who sees nothing wrong with behavior others would label "unconventional", such as shouting in a public area. This can be chalked up to their reclusive childhood not giving them the chance to develop normal social skills. Despite this, they still manage to get along with people well enough.
Oblivious to Love: The male Avatar has around half a dozen ladies that can potentially be crushing on him, but he never notices until they flat-out tell him. Camilla and Rhajat drop some very obvious hints about being into him, Hinoka and Felicia have liked him for some time, and Sakura and Azura are implied to fall for him after meeting him for the first time. His failure to notice is Justified given his isolated upbringing and lack of real social interaction.  [ I apply this trope to the Female Avatar as well ]
The Pollyanna: Rain or shine, the Avatar is a perpetual optimist and is rarely in a bad mood. This trait endures throughout Birthright and Revelation (though in the latter, it gets somewhat tempered, due to the dire situation at hand since Anankos was seeking to destroy humanity), but gets utterly crushed in Conquest.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Azura's Blue. The Avatar isn't exactly hot-headed, but they do tend to make decisions based off their hearts instead of their heads, as well as being openly emotive.
Royalty Superpower: As a descendant of the First Dragons, and in fact the direct child of Anankos, they are able to use Dragon Vein, which will be inherited by any child they become a parent of.
Shared Family Quirks: Orochi states in her support with Ryoma that Mikoto was very fond of sweets just like the Avatar. The Avatar also inherits Anankos's apologetic attitude. Several characters such as Fuga note how the Avatar has the same personalty as their adopted father Sumeragi.
She-Fu: This normally-female trope actually applies to both genders. The Avatar might be the most acrobatic lord in the series; their fighting style incorporates many flips, graceful spins, jumping sword strikes, and rolls.
Skilled, but Naïve: The Avatar is well-known to be naïve despite their skill, as Rinkah and several others refer to them as "that sheltered Nohrian prince(ss)".
Spock Speak: The Female Avatar speaks formally at all times.
Strategy Versus Tactics: Unlike Robin, the Avatar is good with the latter but not the former. While their charisma makes them an excellent leader in skirmishes and the Male Avatar's support with Shiro show he's good at discerning an immediate opponent's strengths and weaknesses, both genders lack the vision to handle large-scale battles. Their supports with Leo in particular showcases this difference, with the Avatar being upset at their inability to command large forces and Leo upset as his inability to command small ones.
Survivor's Guilt: Never outright stated, but it's implied they suffer from this, due to Sumeragi and Mikoto dying to protect them. Their supports with characters like Kaze and Yukimura have them apologizing for surviving Garon's ambush when Sumeragi did not—something they had no control over—they often express doubt over their own worthiness, and they downright panic if they're ever forced to leave allies behind. Depending on the route, they may have to watch even more of their loved ones sacrifice themselves for them, and express a great deal of anguish over that as well.
Sweet Tooth: Several of their supports include them handing candy to the other person, implying they love sweets and keep some on them at all times. Jakob also mentions making some for them in his supports with Effie.
Trying Not to Cry: In late Conquest, when Ryoma kills himself in front of them, they hit a point where they need to walk away and verbally remind themselves that crying now would ruin their facade as Garon's obedient, cold hearted child. It doesn't work, and they shed several chapters' worth of Tears of Remorse.
Unstoppable Rage:It doesn't happen often, but when the Avatar gets pissed, they get pissed. Their mindless, grief-driven rampage in Chapter 5 is perhaps the best example of this, followed up by their Paralogue with their child Kana after seeing them attacked.
In Conquest, when Iago tells the Avatar about all the things he has done under the king's orders to ruin their life in their pre-fight conversation in Ch 26, the Avatar straight up says they will kill him.
Warrior Therapist: The Avatar is always willing to lend an ear to the troubles of their comrades, and will do whatever they can to help.
Weak, but Skilled: While the Avatar is no slouch in battle, and is arguably one of the best fighters in the army, they are far from the strongest, finding themselves bested by more powerful opponents like King Garon, Xander on Birthright or Anankos in Revelation in straight-up single combat. Rather, their greatest strengths are their intelligence and analytical ability; their charisma; their determination; the Yato; and their bonds with the many people that are or grow loyal to them, especially the royal siblings. Their fighting style seems to reflect this trope as well—lots of flips, spins and twists that lack power, but are very fast and hard to dodge.
Wide-Eyed Idealist: The Avatar has a rather hopeful, idealistic view of the world. Depending on what route is chosen, it may or may not be broken by what happens next.
Xander: Mark my words, Avatar... One day an act of kindness may be the death of you. Avatar: Perhaps, but if I'm kind, I will die without regrets.
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persorene · 8 years ago
Into the Unknown; Chapter 28
“Azura is the rightful heir to the throne, Valla should go to her.” Corrin said, addressing the impromptu council made up of her former army and her family. The group had set up a temporary head quarters in what appeared to be the remains of an elegant banquet hall.
“As I have said, Corrin, I rescind my rights. I’m not interested in ruling.” the songstress interjected, locking her icy blue eyes on the princess beside her.
“I now rule Nohr. Ryoma leads Hoshido, neither of us can do it.” Xander started “Camilla has denounced her title altogether and intends to spend her days living a normal life with Niles and Nina. Hinoka is leading Hoshido’s military forces… That leaves you, little princess.”
“Yes, you were the one who freed Valla, you brought peace to our countries… why shouldn't  you become queen?” Ryoma had been tapping the table as he spoke, each tap underscoring the statements he felt were most important.
Corrin shook her head slowly “I- I’m no ruler… I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“You most certainly do! You brought Nohr and Hoshido together, you commanded an army, you were a valiant and noble leader. You’d do well for this country.” the Nohrian king paused briefly “Of course, I would never force this on you, sister. If you truly do not wish to be the queen, the throne will go to either Takumi or Leo. If both should decline, we move on to Elise or Sakura…" 
"Nope!” Takumi chirped from his place at the table, he sat with his arms folded across his chest “I’m not becoming king. Corrin is the best choice here, we all know it.”
“Agreed. I whole-heartedly decline the throne.” Leo sighed “And no offense intended, but do you really want Elise or Sakura in charge of a country?”
“Hey! I could be a queen…” Elisa frowned at her siblings and her Hoshidan friends but her protests were ignored.
Corrin glanced to her little sisters, she loved them dearly, but he was right. Neither one had any place ruling anything “I guess… I accept.” she muttered.
“Only if you’re certain, Corrin. If you really don’t want to go through with this then I’m sure we could find a capable ruler eventually.” Azura said gently, taking in how frightened the young woman looked.
The red head sat up straighter, mustering up all of her confidence and hoping she sounded braver “No, I accept. I will be queen.”
“Then it’s settled.” Xander clapped “Corrin is queen of Valla and that makes Jakob king!”
The former butler had been sitting silently beside his wife as the council had worked out the various issues the treaty had created. However, once the idea of him becoming royalty had been brought up, his attention was drawn back to the room. Jakob looked up, scanning the crowd “I’m not comfortable with this.” he finally muttered.
“Nonsense! Corrin will be an excellent queen.” Xander boomed.
“Of course she will, everything she does is incredible; I would never argue against her becoming queen. Valla would be lucky to have her guidance. However, that isn’t what I’m speaking of. I do not want to be king." 
Leo rolled his eyes "Well, you married a queen, that’s how this works.”
“I did not marry a queen. I married Corrin as a princess, an exiled princess no less.” he snapped.
“Jakob, you made a vow as my sister’s butler and retainer to follow her wherever she may go and stand by her side. You made a similar vow when you married her, did you not?” Xander questioned, his gaze focused on the slender man at his sister’s side.
“Yes, I did. I’m not suggesting I wouldn’t be ever at her side, I would be as I always have been. I just don’t see any logical reason that I should become a titled monarch.” Jakob answered, not backing down from his brother in law. If he was to be treated as on par with nobility, he decided he could argue with them as well.
Camilla interrupted quietly, hoping to end the disagreement “Jakob, darling, Gods forbid something ever happened to my precious sister, but if it did, you would need to be able to have claim to the throne and take over as ruler.”
“Should the unthinkable ever happen, I’d rather one of our sons take the throne.”
“Dwyer and Kana won’t be legitimate heirs unless their father is a king, Jakob.” Leo pushed “Do you see the issue?”
“Who says our monarchy has to follow traditional Nohrian customs?” Corrin shot back to her brother, finally speaking up in the mess that was unfolding.
The prince stammered momentarily “I don’t suppose anyone says it has to. You are the queen after all.”
“Yes, and I’m tired of this bickering.” She groaned “Jakob-” she turned in her seat and cast a tired look his way “if you don’t want to be king, it’s fine.”
He ran a thumb over her knuckles, staring into her ruby eyes “And what do you want me to do, my love?”
“Honestly?” She questioned
Jakob nodded.
“I want you to be my king and rule by my side. But, I understand why you don’t want to and your apprehension is fair so I certainly won’t make you.” Her answer was short but heartfelt.
“If you want me to be your king, you needn’t say more. I accept my position.” he kissed her cheek gently and looked back to the council. “As you’ve all heard, I’ve made my decision. I will rule as king of Valla.”
A smile bright enough to light up the night spilled across Xander’s face “Excellent! Valla has a new royal family. I’ll summon a scribe at once to get the documents written.”
The Nohrian king was going on about something else but Jakob wasn’t listening, his mind was racing; King Jakob. His new title kept repeating itself in his head ‘King. I’m a king.’ He couldn’t quite believe this. It felt wrong. He’d been born a lowly bastard and worked his way up to the title of butler, he couldn’t have imagined he’d have ever even been a butler. Now he was a king… the idea seemed absurd. The young man looked around the room, they were making plans for the start of the Vallition restoration and discussing which of their army’s members wanted to become citizens of the newly reformed countey. He should’ve been listening 'Damn it, you’re their king. Pay attention.’ He growled to himself as he tucked a lock of his white hair behind his ear and sat up straighter. Jakob attempted to bring his focus to the group in front of him, but as per usual, he couldn’t help but to watch his wife. The new queen was nervously biting her full bottom lip and twisting a strand of her red hair in her left hand. She’d had the same nervous habits for the thirteen years he’d been with her. He no longer cared about his own nerves, all he wanted was to comfort her. A light squeeze of her hand drew her attention back to him. The king smiled warmly, his lavender eyes light and comforting “You’ll be an incredible queen, darling.” he whispered, knowing her fears lay in her self doubt as a ruler. She smiled immediately, as always, he’d known exactly what she’d needed to hear. 
“And you’ll be a wonderful king.” she whispered, holding his hand tightly as she prepared to make the decisions that would alter their lives forever.
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How do you think Leo and Camilla explain their "marriage" to their children?
depends on how you see the taboo-ness of it.
its hard to tell just how the world of IF/Fates takes sibling marriage. clearly corrin can get married no problem to their siblings- but corrin isnt really traditionally sibling related to them, even if they see eachother as being siblings through the adoption or as step-siblings, they may be "not blood related enough" to not really upset anyone politically, potentially. of course, azura can marry corrin as their cousin, and azura can marry leo and xander as a step sibling, or takumi and ryoma as a step cousin which nobody really bats an eye at- but leo at least certainly does eventually see her as a sister all the same which does not effect his ability to marry her at all.
but, of course, the direct siblings cant actually marry eachother. so maybe it has to do with blood more than anything, maybe there's legal barriers for blood relations or maybe its just socially taboo, maybe its just a "we didnt really wanna do any of that" on the devs, like how nile's is functionally playersexual because his bisexuality can only ever really do anything with the player's choice to be interested in him, because no other characters who are men are allowed this.
it also matters how you interpret the line that revealed leo's feelings- that he has feelings for camilla beyond familial but must keep it secret. ive always taken it to mean more of his own lack of feeling worthy enough to tell her, but it could also imply, and i do believe it to, imply a level of social taboo or legal consequence. i think its likely a mix of both, where he doesnt feel like challenging society for his love because he doesnt feel like he deserves to have her, that he's not enough, and furthermore, he is so little that putting camilla through the struggles of that outcry would be hurtful to her, rather than being mindful that it would also be hurtful to him, so he chooses silence because of the fears of inconveniencing camilla, or also just making their relationship awkward if she doesnt return feelings. he's like usual, too afraid of failure or embarrassment or upsetting something thats going well enough to make any real choices.
so, i believe at least in my own thoughts on canon reflections of sibling incest in if/fates, at least for nohrians there's a level of taboo or even legal barriers that forbids specifically blood relation. i have no doubt that while its probably unlikely they were initially met with overwhelming violence, they probably were met with push back and potentially a strained relationship with the ever rule oriented xander. i dont doubt leo and xander would get in an argument which neither would win, hence my constant connection to leo simply moving out. i feel that arguments are inevitable between the two once garon dies anyways.
so, id assume their children probably grow up knowing. if they grow up with any kind of social situations with non-family they may even be picked on about it.
but i also dont feel like camilla and leo think of being married as being "more" than their siblinghood. i think they would still call eachother brother and sister- they are not "now lovers, once siblings" theyre siblings who are also lovers. the kids... probably know theyre married.
they probably just grow up with the assumption this is normal until they reach an age of teasing and and more complex understanding of social norms, like how kids with gay parents in a generally queerphobic country may grow up.
when i think about leo making hard discussions with his children i tend to think more about the worlds in which leo is NOT married to camilla, and is for a long time called "uncle". i think its inevitable that at some point leo sits forrest (and any other kids) down alone and has a very important talk when theyre older. its not an easy conversation to have, but there's not a lack of baseline. books certainly exist, dramas are always popular, narratives of cheating and fathers raising chilren that arent theirs are not unpopular older subjects for books, in fact, in times where things like your bloodline was important, that kinda thing was extra dramatic. so, he'd probably try to find a way to link it to more favorable popular culture or storybook it in a sense. i find this kind of leo more interesting to think about often, where he's put in a difficult situation with his own relation to others and needs to decide maturely what the best choice is. in his character, its one of his deepest flaws and a very painful situation to be in. i think he would eventually come to terms with himself that he feels that he cant live in a world lying anymore, or feels terrible as a father for not being truthful to a child who is old enough to know.
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