"That won't be an issue. If it is, I will make it so it is not."
A New Story (Closed RP) (alternate timeline)
There was a village in the mountains just outside the Enchanted Forest. No one ever went there, and those who lived there rarely went out after dark. Looming over the village was a large hill and atop that hill was an old castle, one that many believed to be haunted.
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"Well, it's still quite early in the day. Perhaps we should retire."
Down in the French Quarter on a humid night, Bee sat outside of a cafe. She sipped on a peach sweet tea as she watched tourists mingle about. Her mother had braided her hair and the long braid fell over her right shoulder, shielding her bite mark.
A handsome young man with a walking stick walked by.
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Dracula + style
The Dark Compass
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Alright, let's see.
Eggs: Soft-boiled with plenty of salt.
Steak: Medium Rare
Milk: Whole, as an ingredient. I am not a milk drinker, personally.
Alcohol: None, unless it's used in batter for frying.
Warm Drinks: Hot Chocolate, but not for a long time. I prefer cold drinks honestly.
@fear-my-giggles @rebekahtheevilsister @bornfromthelast
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Chat Control 2.0 also means the end of private communication. Hell world.
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Vampirism Basics for the Blog
To avoid confusion, I have decided to go over the basics of Vampirism that I use in my RPs. I used different bits and pieces of the mythos from different sources, so bare with me.
The spread of Vampirism is more than one bite. The road to Vampirism is a three-step process.
The Bite: The vampire will first bite and drink the victim's blood. This will strengthen the monster, and weaken the human.
The Drink: Once the vampire has drunk the victim's blood, should they decide to turn them, the vampire will have the victim drink their blood.
Death: To complete the transformation, the vampire must kill the victim. The victim will then become a vampire.
The vampire has many powers and abilities, all of which help them become more efficient predators.
Super Strength: The vampire has unnatural strength, able to lift objects far greater in size. Some have said that they have the strength of 10,000 men.
Super Speed: "The speed of a falling star" allows the vampire to travel great distances. A destination that could take hours for us would take minutes for them.
Shapeshifting: It's far more than mist, wolves, and bats. The vampire can take the shape of any beast, as well as mist or fog. Not only that, but they can change their human appearance, allowing them to blend into society. This ability to warp their bodies also allows them to slip through narrow spaces. However, in a feral state, vampires have a form often referred to as their "true form." A large, winged beast with sharp teeth, ripping claws, and unmatched strength, speed, and ferocity.
Enhanced senses: Vampires have enhanced sight, hearing, and smell. Being nocturnal, vampires can also see in the dark.
Weather Control: Older vampires with a degree of experience can control the weather.
Shadow teleportation: More specifically, vampires can vanish into the shadows and travel through the darkness, and reappear in other locations
Riding Moonbeams: This ability is a bit more unusual. Vampires, on clear nights when the moon is shining, can ride on beams of the moon's light.
Compulsion: Also called hypnosis, this ability allows vampires to enter the mind of their victims or enemies, and compel them to do anything. This also gives vampires the ability to create illusions and make people see things.
Immortality: The vampire can live for as long as it feeds on blood, and vast amounts of blood can reverse aging for them.
No creature is without weakness, and the vampire has its share.
Sunlight: The vampire can walk about the living during the day, but this can prove dangerous, not because the sun itself would destroy them, but the sunlight itself weakens them, zapping them of their powers, and making them mortal. At this time, they are susceptible to any weapon, not just the ones usually used against them.
Garlic: Garlic can be a deadly poison to the vampire if ingested in whole cloves or even just sections.
Silver: Silver is deadly to the touch for the vampire. Its properties will burn or melt their flesh, and even pierce their bones.
Vervain: A beautiful plant, vervain is another helpful herb against vampires. A dose can incapacitate them, and larger doses can harm them.
Fire: Fire can be used to destroy the vampire. Once set on fire, they must douse the flames before they are burned to the bone, or they will be helpless until fed blood once again.
Decapitation: Another major weakness for vampires is decapitation. Cutting off their head will render them a helpless, headless corpse until the head has been fed blood.
Penetration of the heart: Be it a stake, a knife, a dagger, or whatever have you, the piercing of the heart will render the vampire nothing but a lifeless corpse until fed blood.
A Wild Rose: This one is less about injury and more about incapacitation. When the vampire sleeps, they sleep in coffins containing soil from their birthplace. At this time, a wild rose placed on their coffin will trap them, making them a prisoner
Starvation: The vampire must have blood to sustain itself. Without it, they begin to age, and after a long enough time, decompose into a dry, shriveled corpse. After that, it's only a matter of keeping them away from any blood.
To Kill a Vampire completely
To ensure the complete destruction of a vampire, there are several steps to be taken.
1. Drive a stake through the heart.
2. Cut off the head.
3. Stuff the mouth of the severed head with garlic.
4. Burn the remains.
5. Scatter the ashes.
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I accidentally deleted my post about vampire basics….
Well, guess I know how a good portion of my night will be spent.
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Open RP
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"I'll come right to the point. I'm recruiting. See, I have plans for this world; for them to work, I'll need all the power I can find. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, mummies, zombies, any of them will do. If you happen to be one of these beings then I want you for my army. The Army of Dracula."
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"Well, I have more than my fair share of acquaintances. Though most of them stay in the shadows. Safer for them there."
A New Story (Closed RP) (alternate timeline)
There was a village in the mountains just outside the Enchanted Forest. No one ever went there, and those who lived there rarely went out after dark. Looming over the village was a large hill and atop that hill was an old castle, one that many believed to be haunted.
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"Ignore Mr. Grey, love," said Alastor. "Our affairs are none of his business."
Down in the French Quarter on a humid night, Bee sat outside of a cafe. She sipped on a peach sweet tea as she watched tourists mingle about. Her mother had braided her hair and the long braid fell over her right shoulder, shielding her bite mark.
A handsome young man with a walking stick walked by.
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"Aw, don't fret, Rebekah," said Dracula, lifting her chin. "You no longer answer to your brother. As far as I'm concerned, you're a part of my family now."
Rebekah walked along the dark streets of London. She was new here and was happy to be away of her controll obsessed Brother Klaus. In this town she felt save and nobody knows her. But suddenly, she had the feeling that someone followed her. The steps came near. She takes a deep breath. Had Klaus found her?
Turns around.
Open starter for @countfromthecarpathians
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"Just because I don't need to eat doesn't mean I can't. I'll probably have some salted pork."
A New Story (Closed RP) (alternate timeline)
There was a village in the mountains just outside the Enchanted Forest. No one ever went there, and those who lived there rarely went out after dark. Looming over the village was a large hill and atop that hill was an old castle, one that many believed to be haunted.
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"I just thought Alastor should be honest with you. You see, his past few ladyfriends all backed out for one reason or another. Poor fella couldn't convince them to stay."
Down in the French Quarter on a humid night, Bee sat outside of a cafe. She sipped on a peach sweet tea as she watched tourists mingle about. Her mother had braided her hair and the long braid fell over her right shoulder, shielding her bite mark.
A handsome young man with a walking stick walked by.
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Well y'all I have bad news.
This does not mean that the fight is over. Keep emailing, keep calling, keep pushing back.
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tagging people
@non-tyrannical-usa @walmart-the-official @duothelingo @france-unofficial @communist-usa-real3
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I tweaked my Godzilla comic for GOD-ZINE-LA
The new one is on the left and I prefer it but if you don’t - hey! Differing opinions is what makes us so great. 
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I made a comic about Godzilla. 
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So, Warner Bros owns Hannah Barbera and co-produced the Monsterverse, right? You know what this opens up the door for?
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