#of course lockwood put this shit up in his house
stormwalkers · 2 years
Deciphering the article seen in the new featurette
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Teen Prodigy Slays the Competition by Sophie Powell
AT THE DEPRAC NATIONAL FENCING COMPETITION this past weekend, there were many surprises, the biggest being the gold overall medal going to previously unranked teen Anthony Lockwood, of [–], London (no agency).
Lockwood’s first match of the day saw him take on Rosie [–] of Tendy & Sons. The two athletes launched many of their attacks almost simultaneously, giving the advantage to whoever landed the touch first. After the third three-minute round, the match ended with Lockwood claiming a 15-11 victory.
A few hours and 2 matches later (winning easily against Betty Woodhouse of Bunchurch and Claire Bailey of Atkins and Armstrong), Lockwood stepped onto the strip again for his fourth-round match against [–] Rowland from Allwood and [–].
In the second round both athletes became extremely cautious and no [–] were [–] for the first minute, [–] gaining both opponents red cards for inactivity. With only a short time left in the round, Lockwood launched two successful attacks to bring the score to 4-1.
In the final round, Rowland was more active and both fencers launched several successful attacks to get in as many touches as possible. Rowland kept attempting to back Lockwood to the back of the strip, but with a 3 point lead, Lockwood gained more confidence and remained unfazed by his opponent’s [–] attacks. Lockwood kept pushing forward [–] his opponent’s style and claimed another victory with a final score of 18-7 and moved on to the quarterfinals.
In the quarterfinals, Lockwood faced off against Catherine Biddle from Sinclair and Soanes. After a slow start with further warnings of inactivity from the referee, within the last minute of the first round, Lockwood lunged and managed to land a touch, ending the first round with a score of 2-1. The second round was far more exciting for the audience, where the pair clashed in the middle of the strip for the full 3 minutes, and Lockwood ended up at the one point lead of 6-5. The third round ended with Lockwood taking the match by five points with a final score of 15-10.
For the final Lockwood took on a much older and more experienced Quill Kipps of Fittes Agency. From the off Lockwood pressured Kipps into backing up towards the end of the strip several times. Kipps attempted a few bold lunges but missed Lockwood each time.
Throughout the second round both athletes were on the offensive more often, with Kipps favouring a more steady advance and Lockwood utilising sudden lunges. Lockwood played even more aggressively in the third to keep Kipps under constant pressure. Kipps still managed to get multiple touches but Lockwood’s vigorous approach was effective and Kipps was unable to close the gap in time, ending the match at a very respectable 44-32.
Lockwood told the [–] that he is mentored by Nigel Sykes, but is yet to join an agency. It’ll be interesting to see where this teen goes next.
(Image text: Teen Anthony Lockwood wins DEPRAC fencing competition)
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jesslockwood · 1 year
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Detecting the Haunted Masterlist
Chapter Two
Word Count: 2.3k
Pairing(s): Anthony Lockwood x Ex-Detective!Reader
Warnings: Angst, a bit of Fluff, Swearing, Talk of Gore, Blood, Mentions of Death, small details of a death/ murder.
A/n: OMGGGG here's the second chapter, and where everything just goes to shit lol. I love causing pain Let me know what y'all think so far!!!
It's a free form of "payment" for my hard work for the time and effort I put into my works
Thank you and enjoy ❤️
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Lockwood opens the door, surprised to see you standing there in the rain, drenched and shivering. It was nearing dusk, and the haze of the rain and light fading from the day, and the street lamps started to turn on, the glow of them lit up your face.
It had only been two days since he last saw you, and even standing there soaked with your converse full of water sloshing when you leaned onto either foot, holding a grey duffle bag, you took his breath away. It was just the same as your badass move in the house during the ghost fight, even when he saw you getting fired up over his endless and harmless flirting. 
Lockwood finally looked into your eyes, and it wasn’t just the rain that was pouring onto your face, there were tears coming out of your eyes. 
He wanted to bring you into his arms to comfort you, and never let go. That is until he's brought out of his thoughts, when Lucy and George shove their way into the small entryway, to see the same sight he saw. 
“Lockwood Let the poor Detective in!” Lucy says, before making a path for you to step inside. 
When you planted your feet into the home, Lucy maneuvers to shut the door behind you. The home wasn’t what you expected three agents under a small agency to have. To be quite frank, It was quite a bit nicer than you expected.
“Uhh, I’m not a detective any longer, actually.” you blurt out. It seemed as the three heads turned right towards you all at once with the same shocked expression.  
They all turned to look at each other like they were having a private conversation with their eyes. 
“Uh, then uh- Y/n What brings you here?” Lockwood asks with his soft puppy-dog-esq eyes.
That was probably the first time you’ve ever seen Lockwood stumble over his words.
“I needed a place to stay for the night? I can crash on a couch or whatever…” you pause swallowing, “I’d be leaving tomorrow by train, out to the countryside where my mother lives… since I’ve got no job, or job prospects.”
You start drawing circles with your feet. Waiting for their answer.
“Of course you can stay, for as long as you like, actually!” she said through gritted teeth, giving a side eye to the other agent you haven't met, with a curly black mop of hair on his head.
“Just don’t go giving her a job now.” he mumbles, pretty loudly, rolling his eyes, before walking off. 
Before she gives him another glare, “Here, follow me, We should get you dried off, and you can sleep in the attic with me.”she says before dragging you up the stairs. 
Lockwood gives you a sympathetic smile, before he's out of sight.
“Ignore George, he was the same way when I was employed here.” she mentions, before opening a door to a bathroom, giving you a towel. You start to squish the water out of your clothes. 
“I’ll give you the Tour later.” she says, “c’mon I'll show you the attic.”
You got upstairs basically being dragged by Lucy.
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It had been a couple of hours since you had entered 35 Portland Row, and Lockwood was sitting in the library, trying to distract him from what just happened. He liked you, but he definitely didn't want you to get involved in all the mess that always seemed to trail behind the three who already lived there. 
 However, the real issue was, he didn't want you to go. He’d miss your banter too much, and especially your wit, and how you weren't charmed by his antics.
He could help but smile, just thinking about how fired up you had gotten over the conversations you've had.
He’s pulled from his thoughts, when he sees you entering slowly through the doorway. 
“Hey.” you whisper.
“Hi.” Lockwood greets you, putting his book down, and sitting up straighter. 
You didn't seem to be soaked anymore, and you were wearing an extremely long t-shirt, with some yellow fuzzy socks on your feet.
“I uh…” you pause, “I just wanted to thank you… and to say goodbye.” you say solemnly.
Lockwood was contemplating his next words as you sat down across from him. 
“We’re the reason you got fired… isn't it?” 
your eyes widen like a deer in headlights, as you gulp before choosing your next words. 
“It’s my fault really… I shouldn’t have helped you…” you say with tears starting to form in your eyes, “There were other reasons too… but it doesn't matter now.”
You take a shaky breath before telling him, “Don’t blame yourself.”
He looks at you with sympathy, before, gently and slowly placing his hand on yours.
“I’ll be okay. My mother moved out to the countryside after my father… She probably needs my company anyways…” you say trying to avoid mentioning it.
You get up to your feet, feeling claustrophobic from the weight of talking about it boxing you in.
“Stay safe, Lockwood.” you say before heading out of the room, to bed. 
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The next day, you creep out of Lucy’s bed, that you both had an almost sleepover in.
You couldn't remember the last time you had giggled like that in the early hours of the morning, out of your tired mind as she told you so many of her stories such as the ones of the Quill Kipps vs. Lockwood, or the funny mess ups of their agency, or even better, the failings of the Fittes team. You had even told her of some of the pranks you and James had done to Barnes, which he never could pin it on who did it. 
You wished you could somehow stay close by, and become a friend of Lucy’s. You felt if you had the option, the two of you would be inseparable.
You leave a note for Lucy of your mailing address so the two of you could communicate when you had the time to write letters. You really wanted to say goodbye, but you knew it would just make it harder to leave someone you felt already so close too. 
As soon as you headed downstairs, the smell of food filled your senses, and it was delightful. 
 You decided to skip breakfast, and just eat the snack you had stashed in your locker when you were employed instead. You didn’t want any trouble from George for staying around much longer, nor to face Lockwood. You didn’t think you could refuse to linger just to be close to him, which scared you. 
After your father had died, things just shifted. Your mother didn't let people into the house, and rarely went out. She just shut down everything that used to make her eyes light up. For the hope that one day your father would come back. The same had probably happened to yourself. You made a choice to drown yourself in work, but now that was gone, you didn't know what you had anymore to keep you going, and not dwelling. 
You had got your shoes on, that were still damp, before turning to the door staring at it for a good minute. 
You were broken out of your thoughts, when someone spoke up, “You do know Lucy’s right?”
You turned around to see that It was no one other than Anthony Bloody Lockwood. 
“What do you mean?” you ask confused. 
“I mean,” he takes a step forward cautiously like you’d run if he moved too fast, “You could stay for as long as you like.”
You blink a few times, like if you blinked him away, you could maybe have unheard what you just heard.
“I mean, if you want to. You could even work your wage here. You're not an agent so I couldn’t employ you as one without the proper training, but you could do research with George, or even just…something?” 
he pauses, taking a breath, “I just can't let you go home without trying to convince you to stay… even if it's only for a little while?”
You think on it for a moment, with him fidgeting with the silence. Flashes of your fathers warnings come back to you, but you ignore the caution. You had to do it… after that case the fire for being an agent wouldn't snuff itself out.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Lockwood. You train me as an agent, and I’ll stay. I’ll just do research until I get all my grade levels.” you say trying to strike a deal.
He looks conflicted, like there was an angel and devil on his shoulders, shouting at him all at once. 
He must have decided to be the devil's advocate agreeing, “We have a deal. But any seriously dangerous cases are left to myself, Lucy and George, got it?”
You nod pretending to tip a hat to him that wasn't there. 
He laughs, and it warms your heart.
You take off your damp shoes, as he guides you towards the kitchen.
He yells off towards the direction of the kitchen before the two of you enter, “Hey, George, we're going to need another plate for our new colleague, Y/n!”
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You had been staying there for a week by now, and you were ignoring the side eye George kept giving you, as you followed him like a lost puppy, to the library every day. He seemed just annoyed with your presence and the more you ignore his ignorance the more of a bad mood he seems to be in. 
You were glad you at least had Lucy on your side completely, with her giving you the tour of the house, minus what was behind the mystery door, which she defended that it should be Lockwood to show you since it was his home. But she shared a lot of things with you, like a sister would, to confide in. It was nice to have that, since you never had any siblings.
Lockwood was iffy. You didn’t know exactly where he stood half the time. He still seemed conflicted and you couldn't pinpoint the whole reason why. You thought it was just his complex feelings on you becoming an agent, but you didn’t think that was the whole truth to it. He was one of the harder people to read. 
During the week, nearing dusk, after Lucy, George and Lockwood had left for a case, you heard a knock at the door, as you were in the kitchen researching the next case they had lined up.
When you opened the door, you saw James, looking slightly stressed, holding a file folder in his hand. 
“James? How did you-”
“-Find you? There was a rumour that started from Kate that you've been hanging around the George Karim kid, and that you were living here.” he smiles trying to be genuine, but you knew something was bothering him.
“Kate may be a gossip monger but she got it right this time…” you mention, before asking, “So why are you here, out of the blue, other than to check up on me?”
“Since you couldn't access your Dad’s file… I may have flirted with the files clerk to get it.” he says looking guilty, since he knew that was a reason why you got fired, for trying to access it. 
“Don't worry it’s a copy, so you can keep it. Edith copied it for me… just now I'm going on a date with her because of you!” he half jokes trying to lighten the mood a bit before handing it to you.
“Do you want me to stay, or-” 
“I think I need to face this myself.” you say, before he nods giving a small smile, taking his leave.
You looked down at the file like it was death itself. 
You gulp, before closing the door, and heading to the library to read it. 
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You were in utter shock. You couldn't believe the piece of paper in your hands and what it said. The pain you felt was even worse than before, causing you to choke up, like you couldn't breathe.
You hyper ventilated for a minute, before sobbing your eyes out. 
It was his fault. 
You could barely fathom all the anger you had inside of you, stretching its way out from the pit of your stomach over your heart. 
You hated his guts. He destroyed everything you had hoped and dreamed for. For your father to come home. To even just have a father. But it was taken all away, and the hope was buried with him.
Now he was six feet under because he was slaughtered by a black market seller, trying to protect him because he wouldn't go. Your father had to have warned them. But it says that he insisted on staying, when your fathers death could have been prevented. If only he hadn’t stayed or convinced his colleague to stay.
Your father was dead, because of Anthony Lockwood. 
You would never forgive him for this. You didn’t think you ever could.
He was the leader and he led someone into their death. An innocent man who had a family waiting for him to come home and to be reunited with. 
The only thing you were given was an empty coffin to represent his body and all it symbolized was the complete emptiness you had from that day on. 
There was no question, once you became a full fledged agent you had to get out of here.
Far away as possible to Lockwood and co, and Anthony Lockwood himself who destroyed everything you had held dear. 
Taglist: @waitingforthesunrise
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bella-rose29 · 8 months
episode 1 commentary - This Will Be Us
Lockwood and Co on Netflix
spoilers obviously (for both the books and the show), and I'm gonna put swearing even though I haven't written anything yet, I was apparently very in love with all three of them and also I was very feral about lockwood too (that's definitely a warning)
edit: definitely swearing, and also there's no context for most of this so if you don't know the show that well then good luck (and go watch it, it's really good!)
omg I just realised that the first episode starts with a ghost lamp and the last episode starts with a ghost lamp
cameron's voice omg
cameron's hands omg
I need to calm down it's like 30 seconds in
I love that before they show their faces they show all the equipment it really sets the vibe omg
"Greek fire, which should only ever be used indoors under carefully controlled circumstances" lol
don't think of another four, Lockwood, you don't remember the ones 6 you have
lockwood straightening up his tie and sniffing is so funny to me and idk why
I love that they use the shadow inside mrs hope's house!!!
"problem" being emphasised omg (I'm almost certainly reading into everything too much)
Cameron Chapman you beautiful beautiful boy
omg I just realised they switched lockwood and lucy's lines around??? in the books lockwood's the one who calls adults useless and I think that sets up his charm in the show so much better but also sets up their personalities much better? like lockwood is the charming smiley one that everyone loves, and Lucy is prone to being a bit of a menace
the way lockwood looks around at her after she says adults are useless 💀
mrs hope is so much posher than I remember her being
love that she just ignores lockwood and only talks to lucy
omg they swapped again, in the book lockwood is the one who says 'the cleverer one' after Lucy asks 'sarcastic or ironic?' - don't get me wrong I love this show so much but I feel like it takes away some of lockwood's childish-ness (idk if that's a word)? like in the books he's quite often just a silly little boy making jokes
his hands
I love that they have loads of green lighting
oh lockwood you silly little man you absolutely need chains
eat that biscuit luce (now I want a biscuit)
wooo ghost
yeah no shit lockwood
yeah no shit lockwood
"been too busy trying to make contact with the living" mood
"of course she is, she's dead" lockwood my man 💀
how the hell did Lucy manage to hold on to that painting I would have just fallen off and died
omgomgomg starting credits omgomgomg
ew mrs carlyle can go suck a dick
Lucy looks like she'd much rather be anywhere else in the world
ugh don't say that "gonna give me a smile, young lady?" fuck off
omg Lucy :(
I love that they show us the defences omg
Lucy and norrie omg
"the more proficient you become, the longer you'll live" how come that doesn't happen with lockwood then bc he's very proficient with a rapier but he has such a death wish
oh luce
"we'll be on the cover of every magazine" crazy how in the space of less than a year Lucy changes from being like lockwood and wanting to be "the most famous agents in the country" to not wanting her face on tv or on any papers at all
Marissa fittes? coming back? from the dead? whaaat that would never happen norrie don't be sillyyyy
THIS WILL BE US omg I never realised I always thought it was like 'oh, this'll be us' like George or lockwood saying that to Lucy when she first comes to Portland Row bc that's what people say when they're being walked back or something idk I just never realised it was Lucy and norrie???
is anything more lesbian than giving your solemn and binding promise to each other and then threading your fingers through her hair?
everything points to a type one bro shut the fuck up
"she changed everything" Marissa sure did
"closer to her than you'll ever be. closer to history" oh my dear Jacobs, you have no idea what lucy's gonna do
Paul you are so right you would love to meet George (kinda sad they didn't meet tbh)
Jacobs you prick
ngl that ghost sounds terrifying wtf
Paul don't be silly
don't be silly paul
Jacobs you prick
what did Lucy trip over?
:(((( Paul :((((
no way that bastard didn't hear her screaming
can you tell I'm mad I was so angrily smashing that k key
norrie :(((((((
omg parallel!! bc lockwood thinks he caused his family's death (especially jess') even though he didn't and Lucy didn't cause their deaths but she doesn't blame herself
"you are deader than dead" ooooo burn
where tf did she get that sellotape from
omg fittes building
is there anything more British than a really long queue
poor babygirl is hungry :(((
paused to read the paper cutting of lockwood and co's ad and I can just imagine lockwood telling George what to put omg "prestigious Psychical Investigations agency", "well dressed", "UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS will include time-wasters, fraudsters and persons with criminal records" love the range there
also the address is literally just 35 Portland Row, London, like is there only one 35 Portland Row in the entirety of London??? apparently so
he looks and sounds so dead inside
omg it's so homely
she's a wimp
George wtf "see, told you so, okie-dokie"
heart eyes immediately lol (honestly same I love them both - the joys of being bi ig)
"hello, I'm Anthony Lockwood" hello, I'm your future wife
make the tea and drink the extra cup, George, that's what I would do
I love that he doesn't pressure her for the story!!! because he knows what that's like!!!
Anthony Lockwood chooses bourbons everyone
George picking up his comic is so passive aggressive
are all of his family dead wtf?
he's so excited to talk about Harold beck
George is interested now ooo creepy cup
I love that Lucy and George immediately don't like each other
omg George's laugh
jokes on you lockwood's parents are dead (bad joke)
"deep armchair" I'm sure it is, Georgie.
"miss carlyle" bro
you can definitely give me a tour of the house anytime (especially your room)
"teen prodigy slays the competition" fuck yeah he slays
if you pause the episode and squint really hard you can read the article on the fencing matches he did and they actually wrote an article - my favourite quote (from what I could make out) is "Kipps attempted a few bold lunges but missed Lockwood each time"
also he looks so happy in the photo omg so baby
his hands
HIS HANDS omg I think I'm going feral for them
his smile ughhhhh
lockwood you're talking very fast I can't keep up
the face he makes when he turns the smoke jets on his fucking hilarious
literally this one:
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also the way he stands??? I think I'm in too deep oh dear
"high security storeroom" sure honey tell yourself that
if lockwood was my landlord I don't think I'd have quite so much stress about finding a place to rent next year
"you saw those" yeah of course she did, they're in plain view bestie
"that's... if you'll take the job?" bro's so in love and he doesn't even know it yet (I need to stop using bro unironically bc it's making me sad)
can you tell I love his smile
George just spawning out of nowhere with no trousers on
if I didn't already know that Georgie really needs a wee I'd be able to tell from how he answered her questions before she'd even finished talking
your honour I love him
ok but the apple core being left on a chair is such a boy thing my brother does that
bitch why do you wanna see his picture you've got the real thing right in front of you
ok but if he talked to me the way he talks to Lucy in the library I would simply pass away
"I want you to be part of it" OKAY SIR. OKAY.
"how do I know you're good enough for me?" cuts to him saving her life
he did not need to do that fancy kick off the wall but he did it anyway
okay but they hold each other so much it's ridiculous
why can't someone hold me like that
"ghosts don't have feelings" 🥺
"oops" lockwood I love you but you can't just break the circle
"you've done that already, try something new why don't you" 😭
oh no
boy desperately calls out for his wife when she stares at a dead body instead of jumping from a burning building
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delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
Lockwood and Co. show notes
the parts in different colours are important (link to part 2) and my thoughts on the first two books.
episode one
love the opening shots on their gear before we see them
his smirk. music in the kitchen is so nice.
the angry biscuit munch.
the only other person who calls Lucy "Luce" is Norrie I think.
I love how we get to see the past and care about Lucy leaving. (although I would have loved it if we had reference to Lucy's sisters as well there could be a huge age difference between the two or something)
So with Ghost Touch being a bigger deal in the show makes a lot of sense because it is a medical emergency and in the books we do see people die from this and of course people ending up in a coma makes it a little more interesting because coma and it could be explained by who has Talents? Joe explain yourself.
love the fail montage (funny thing I was reading Hollow Boy at this point and shoved my book pouch to the side to show Lockwood and sister picked it up and compared the illustration to show Lockwood and just wondered at it)
biscuit cronch and say hi to the skull. Love how gleeful George was about the gunshots
I love the way Ruby Stokes said "no" in response to the Beck question
Lucy wanna fight. tour music is great and i love the framed newspaper.
love the little skip at the bottom of the stairs
little smile over the unlocking of the door.
Lockwood's face when she asked him about the advert. love how earnest he is
Lockwoods fighting is so good. That picture frame is so well made
love the entire exchange of Lockwood taunting the ghost
hugs and jump
episode two
i love this bit floating inbetween bit
Lockwood's "my partner" and her reaction to calling him that is so funny (so is the nurses's)
I love the Annie theme
I love the argument.
the smile when he comes in "unicorns or rainbows" George internally is 100% going "oh Lucy yells at me but she's not going to yell at him"
"it's our USP" Earnest Lockwood is favourite
was the hand grab needed to wake Lockwood up?
I wanna set tour so bad
I love the fight... I love the little birds on the window
Goerge loves a mystery. Hand flex and smile. I love communing with Annie (lost in translation "my lord")
"by firing Lucy Carlyle" i love Lockwoods worry at Barnes asking to get rid of Lucy
amazing deduction no other possible person playing hamlet.
"you need a ladder" love this line
love this bonding session with George although the question "dreamed of coming to London with" feels like there should have been an interaction before?
George calling out Lockwood for naming Lucy in the news (and Lucy eavesdropping)
love the training session
Barnes is a little shit and I love him though something needed to be done to set this scene up better
I love this bit between Lockwood and Lucy its so well acted and i love the music
love this fight and swong (a forest by the cure) sword chains and umbrella
I love their reactions to revealing the necklace and the censorship.
episode three
i love the delivery of "see a man about a ghost"
why so intense an eye contact in the elevator? (sister is wondering where they found the silvertongue to get Lockwood out of the book whilst holding Hollow Boy again)
how loud are Lockwood and George yelling?
I want to know all about Ellie
missing scene: how they find their house after DEPRAC breaks in the door (+ what DEPRAC finds)
love the delivery of "looks like blood"
thoughts: should have put the screaming in the screaming staircase (the chanting works but when we hear the word screaming we think of screaming)
like that the both save her from the well
love the sparkles as the grenade goes down the well
the goggles are great. I love the show of Annie's ring flying through the air as her ghost emerges.
love Penelopes coat
and Lockwoods ring (sister: love George's sticky fingers when he gets displeased)
missing scene: when did the certificate come up? he mentioned it happend in the van but how would that have happened without Lucy noticing?
episode four
the glass on the side was that warm Ribena but you know no longer warm? who wrote the notes?
love the little fish thing in the kitchen
I adore this exchange and George's "you good Lockwood?"
"do you remember us carrying you?" always have this in my mind "to me to you to me to you" but I must wonder how they carried her there is a few stairs between the basement and the attic
again love this bit and hype up Lucy time.
Flo reference
where's the uniform? considering how annoying the three are good thing there is no way to identify them properly? or nah? also the discreet part will never not be hilarious
"no backbone" love that coming from the older man who can't see ghosts and has to rely on kids then to say that about them
Lockwood "I'll protect you" show (not sure where I was in the Hollow Boy at this point but "come off it Luce you know I'd die for you" pipeline)
the bone glass design is really nice. I love how taken aback Lockwood as seeing the bullet wound
Bickerstaff looking imposing was something they did well. and the music when Lucy springs to action (after having a startling realisation)
I love this bit with the skull how soft it says "oh you can hear me"
Love George and his delivery of "is it talking to you know?" is so funny.
missing moment: "would never bollock [lucy] like this" feels like there is a lot more context there
also imagine if at the end of the fight (just so Lockwood barely hears it) Lucy mutters to herself "should be used to people not listening to me" and it comes up much later (angst what can i say)
cosy quilt. and love this little moment of Lockwood approaching the landing door and touching it then nodding
this would have been a great time for her to bring up Jacobs/ her mum but Lockwood needed his moment to share a little of his pain as well so I'm not mad. also the focus on their hands is so cute.
"I'm not sure what i should" Lmao Lockwood
I wonder what George would have said if he were there?
How long was Barnes standing there and George being startled is so funny.
love this little contest between Bobby and George
I love Barnes telling the two groups to back each other up and in the last episode they finally do it
love the delivery of "walking appendix"
random funny thing: "not filling out more forms" why is that lockwood? hmm... also in the credits there are listings for the ghost performers but i didn't get a chance to properly look
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archiveoftara · 1 year
I would like a Lockwood and Co request, if you like to do it of course . One stormy night, the reader breaks into Lockwood’s house (I see the reader as being jewelry thief or something close to that but she also works as a waitress we’re all the wealthy people go and there she gets all the inside scoop and secrets of different people) and she never been seen or caught before and she thought nobody was home but Lockwood came home early and they fight and she escapes but she dropped something and Lockwood immediately knows who she is (you can say that they are acquaintances) and he confronts her a few days later (also I see the reader as being kind of like Robin Hood, the whole giving back to the poor). Thank you
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Hii. I'm sorry for being late and I know this is trash. This is total trash. But here we are.
"Have you seen my engagement ring?"
Spoke Charlotte, a petite woman with fair complexion raised her hand, pointing a big chunky diamond ring to her friends.
"David must love you alot." One of her friend said in envy. Looking carefully at her ring 
"Oh, he's the best." Charlotte said with dreamy eyes. "Shit, I'm late. I have to meet David's family, we're going to get my wedding dress. I'll see you guys later" she runs off in a haste.
"Do you know David cheated on her again?" One of her friend chuckled as she left.
"Yes! This time with his assistant. I mean he's only marrying her because she's pretty. Just a trophy wife"
"He's got good money, I heard, and lives in a big house in Central London." The friend whispered to the group.
"Their relationship is so toxic. He cheated on her so many times I can't even keep count." 
"Poor Charlotte. I feel so bad for her." Said another girl in mockery. 
"Another theft in Central London." George reads the paper. "No traces of the theif found."
"George, I don't need this kind of negativity early in the morning." Lockwood yawns. 
"I think we should be more careful. Put more locks in the house." George exclaimed. 
Lockwood ignores him and make himself a cuppa. He doesn't bother as George loves to take unnecessary precautions.
"When is your train George?" Lucy enters the room. 
"Late afternoon." 
"Good. I'll leave with you then." 
Lucy and George both left to visit their family for this weekend. George went to sidcup to meet his grandma and Lucy went to her town to meet Norrie, which leaves Anthony to fend for himself. 
Anthony spent his afternoon in the library. When the clock struck six he abruptly rose up from the couch. 
"Shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm fucking late." He runs to get dressed and leave for his appointment. 
After the Combe Carey Hall case, Lockwood and Co is getting it's well deserved recognition. They recently solved a big case and the agent was supposed to be meeting the client for it's due payment.
Lockwood enters the posh restaurant of Soho and catch his breath. His wrist watch screamed at him "congrats, you saved the day. You're ten minutes early" 
"Reservation for two." He said to the hostess. 
After a moment, he finds himself sitting in a corner of the restaurant, waiting for his client. 
"Thanks for waiting Mr. Lockwood." A gentleman in his 60s said. He was in a business suit and had a warm smile. 
"It's my pleasure sir. Please don't be sorry." Lockwood remarked.
"I can't thank you enough. You and your team did a splendid job. Now I can safely sell the house." He sighed. 
After some conversations and exchange of a handsome cheque, the businessman talks about the recent news. 
"Have you heard about the thefts in your neighborhood, Mr. Lockwood? You can't never be safe these days." With wide eyes he whispered.
"Yeah.." Lockwood lightly nods. 
"Your coffee sir."
"Thank you" Lockwood gave a radiant smile which causes the poor waitress to spill some coffee all over his lap.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry sir." She immediately takes out her pink handkerchief. 
"It's okay. I'm fine." Lockwood went to the restroom to clean himself up.
The meeting went well but Lockwood found himself standing under the restaurant shade. It was raining heavily and the fellow agent forgot to bring an umbrella in hurry.
He sighed to himself and took a step when he felt a shadow beside him. He glanced up to find the same waitress "who spilled coffee", holding the umbrella for him.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there Lockwood." Her face went deep hue of red.
"As I said before, it's okay y/n." He gave his signature smile. "I hope you're okay?"
She nodded "I am. Take this. You can have it." She handed him the umbrella and fled inside the restaurant. 
It's a stormy sunday night which means the weekend is almost over. George and Lucy still haven't came back and Lockwood was out for a case. 
The person checked the neighborhood before unlocking the door. She drew her mask closer towards her face.
"Empty house, dark night, perfect time for some stealing." 
She made her way upstairs, looking for anything valuable. Something which will get pay her heavy price in the black market.
She notice how the house is quite old and the wooden floor creaked everytime she takes a step.
"Gotta work faster. Got no time to waste" she whispered to herself. 
She snooped around the house for awhile. She takes the stairs having no idea of someone standing at the foot of the staircase.
"Can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house?" 
She froze at her spot. A flashlight pointed at her body. She squint her eyes to look at the owner. 
 "One lump or two?" Lockwood smirked.
She wished the earth would just split open and swallow her up but it was too late. 
She threw a vase at him and ran upstairs. There's no way to escape. She have to think quickly. 
She spin around and threw a punch at Lockwood. He dodged, throwing a kick on her leg. She grunts but doesn't back off so easily. She throws a book at him which hits his head.
 She pushed him before making an escape but Lockwood punched her in the face which caused her mask to falter. He gets a look at her eyes but before he could react she runs away from the building, breaking a window in the process. 
He pants for a good minute before his eyes fall on a familiar hanky.
Few days later, the agent made up his mind to meet someone at Soho. He entered the restaurant searching for those familiar eyes he saw a few nights ago.
"Welcome Mr. Lockwood, what can I get you?" The girl cheerfully asked him.
"I came to return you this." He pulls out a pink hanky. The girl was too stunned to speak (you see what I did there 😏) ,for a moment her eyes widened.
She quickly pulls him to the back alley. 
"What do you want?" She snapped.
"Why are you doing this?" Lockwood glared. 
"None of your concern." She spun on her heels when Lockwood said "I can turn you to the police." 
She squinted "what will you gain from this?" 
"It doesn't matter." Lockwood smirkes. 
She shook her head in disbelief. She suddenly got fire in her eyes. 
"I hate you. I hate people like you. You people think you can buy anything with money. You treat other people like trash and then pretend to be perfect. You guys take advantage of innocent people. You guys are horrible."
"Robbery doesn't make you look any better."  
"At least I don't pretend to be a saint. Hiding behind a shadow, make someone else do the dirty work." 
"You will pay for this."
"I dare you Lockwood. All the best getting me to the police"
The agent stood dumbfounded, looking at the girl retreating the alleyway. 
"Why is she not scared of the police?" 
Lockwood was waiting behind a tree. He was curious about the girl. He decided to follow her and get more evidence against her. After waiting for two hours with a grumbling stomach (as it was near dinner time) she finally got off work.
He saw her taking the dark alley which leads to Thames.
He followed her silently. After few minutes, he see her entering a slum. He was confused. 
"What is she doing here?"
He sees her knocking someone's door. He hides behind a wall.
"Oh my! Y/n How have you been dear?" The grandma pulls her into a hug.
"I'm doing okay. Granny, I got some medicine for Josh. Here" She hands her a brown package. 
"Y/n dear, How can I repay your kindness? I can't even afford to take care of my grandson." She cried.
"Please don't cry granny. Here are some money for his treatment and also for food. You don't worry yourself, I'll take care of him." She mumbled. "I'll see you next week. Bye"
Lockwood was shocked. He followed her everyday. See her knocking at different doors, getting them food, money, medicines, clothes, whatever they are in need. 
Every other day, there would be news of robbery but she never used a single penny on herself. She would spend those money on people in need. The whole scenario gave an idea to Lockwood. He couldn't help but to respect her. He felt extremely guilty for the way he treated her but he didn't know how to apologise to her.
After few weeks of dwelling, Lockwood finally gathered some courage and visits her.
"Now what do you want?" She glares.
"I came to apologise. I'm sorry for judging you before knowing the truth."
She furrow her brows in confusion.
"I know the truth, Y/n. I know how you steal from others just to give it back to the poor. I know your intentions are pure but there are other ways you can help them."
"Excuse me, Why do you care?" She hissed.
"Because I..I want to help you. Not in stealing but giving you a proper job. With better wages. You can't rob people like this, not every rich person is an asshole" 
"But they deserve it" she muttered. 
He sighed. "I know how you feel but two wrongs doesn't make one right. Here's my card. Give it a thought."
She stared at the agent leaving her in the alleyway.
*Two months later*
Ding dong
"This is the third time I'm telling you I'M BUSY FOR GOD'S SAKE."
Lockwood huffs and gets the door. He freeze for a second when his eyes meets those (your eye color) eyes.
The girl awkwardly shifts her weight under his gaze. She clears her throat.
 "Someone said I can ask here for help" she peeks at him. Lockwood grins.
"Welcome to Lockwood and Co"
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oblivious-idiot · 2 years
Hi there! I love your Lockwood&Co. stories! If you're still after prompts, would you do a Lucy x (fem or gn)reader fic where they both run into each other in the kitchen late one night, because they've both been having nightmares and can't sleep? And maybe they end up falling asleep on the couch together after staying up late talking?
Have a great day!
Sweet Nothings
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AN: This is so sweet, thank you Clair!! I hope you like this <3 (I had to rewrite it so many times until I liked it haha)
Pairings: Lucy Carlyle x fem!Reader
Word count: 800~
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, mild language
Lockwood crashed down onto the floor as his rapier flew away from his hand, George passed out a few feet away. Lucy cradled your body as a phantom closed in over the group of you, your eyes a milky white colour from being Ghost Touched. Lucy sobbed as the impending fate of your group enclosed...
Lucy suddenly awoke from her nightmare, cold sweat rippling across her body, her heart in her throat. The last case the group battled was a close call, but her mind couldn't stop imagining worse situations while she slept. The thought of losing you to the Ghost Touch, someone she was so close to, someone she thinks she loved, she couldn't bare it. This group, Lockwood, George, and you, it was all she had and she was so afraid of losing it.
She arose from her bed quietly and grabbed her sweater, trying not to wake anyone else in the house, before slowly descending down the stairs to the kitchen. Spending some time in reality with a cup of tea will help her tired mind, reminding her that everything was okay.
What Lucy wasn't expecting when she arrived downstairs was to see the kitchen light already on. As she opened the door, her eyes met your body by the kitchen window, staring out into the garden as you filled the kettle. "Can you put in enough for two?" Lucy called out to you quietly, although still making you jump. You turned around to meet her eyes, your zip-up hoodie loosely hung over your shoulders, eyes clearly also burdened from lack of sleep and nightmares "yeah of course", you say giving her a soft smile.
"Bad dreams?" You ask her, resting your body against the kitchen counter as the kettle slowly boiled "I think 'bad' would be an understatement" she replied with a forced laugh, tugging at her sleeves. "Oh Luce..." you hold out your arms to hug her, which she gladly accepted, snuggling her face into your chest "I've been having them too, its okay..." your voice tight, almost as if you were telling yourself it was okay. Lucy wrapped her arms around you tightly underneath your hoodie, breathing in your comforting scent of cloves and vanilla.
The kettle eventually making its click sound to indicate it's finished boiling, you and Lucy slowly pull away from each so you can make the tea. You reach up to one of the top cupboards of the kitchen to pull out a box of sleepy herbal tea "If Lockwood knew you had that, he'd go ballistic" Lucy chuckled from behind you, "And that's why us girls aren't going to tell him, we both know that boy runs purely on extra caffeinated black tea" you reply, your soft smile making the edges of your eyes scrunch up. Lucy loved seeing you like this, sleepy but inviting. Were you flirting with her? God knows, but it made her heart ache.
Once the tea you had made finished brewing, you and Lucy headed into the living room where it was not only warmer, but also so much more comfy. Lucy pulled out a blanket from a nearby basket and you both snuggled into each other on the couch, her head resting on your shoulder as you both sipped your tea. "Do you want to talk about your dream, or would you prefer to think about something else?" You ask her, your voice soft and gentle so she knows that she shouldn't feel any pressure. "Something else, I really don't want to think about that.." Lucy replies quietly.
So the two of you start talking about all the stupid shit Lockwood and George have done since you both joined the agency, the both of you slightly delirious from the lack of sleep. "I swear neither of those boys had ever been around a girl when I first came here, this place was a mess" you laughed, telling Lucy about the constant piles of laundry and dirty dishes around the house, "oh oh, the state of the attic when I moved in, ugh!" Lucy added in, which made you look down at her "Luce, the attic was still my room too when you came" "Oh, so it was" she replied, sending you a cheeky grin.
Eventually you both started to become sleepy, the need for rest slowly taking over your bodies. You snuggled into Lucy as she rested her head on your chest, her arm cradled around you, almost as if so nothing would happen to you. Neither of you remember falling asleep, but it was the most peaceful sleep the both of you had for as long as you two could remember.
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historyofshipping · 2 years
1x06 Missing scene (or, George calls out Lockwood’s shit)
Missing scene (drabble) from 1x06 of what George and Lockwood talked about while Lucy was in Bickerstaff’s house. Lockwood’s POV. (If people like this, I’ll clean it up and do the whole Bickerstaff sequence from Lockwood’s POV. This is a type and dump because I haven’t written in years). 
“This is my decision.” 
And with that, Lucy turned and walked away. 
I sighed, knowing that I couldn’t stop her but also hating the fact that she wanted to do this alone (without you, a voice in my head whispered). 
I looked at George and knew a conversation I didn’t want was coming. Preparing myself, I went and sat on the stone steps in front of the building while George began pacing.
“Don’t.” I said, trying to cut George off before he could even start.
“Don’t what? Don’t remind you of what a stupid idea this is? Don’t tell you that your decisions are compromised by your feelings for Lucy?”
Oh so I guess we’re just going to jump right into it then. Brilliant.
“What do you mean? I don’t have feelings for Lucy. She’s my friend, my colleague.” 
“Are you lying to me or to yourself, Lockwood? We need to have this conversation.”
“We really don’t.” Please, I silently begged, but I knew it wasn’t going to work. George had been shooting me looks and hints for weeks now and I’ve been avoiding it. Now though, he knew I wouldn’t - couldn’t - run away from where Lucy needed me. 
“Well considering that our lives could be on the line, we really do.” 
George sighed and came over to stand by me. 
“Look, Lockwood, I’m going to say some things and you need to not interrupt. I honestly think you don’t know how you feel about Lucy -”
“I don’t –” 
“What did I literally just say? I’m talking and you owe it to all of us to listen to me for once.” 
I nodded in assent figuring we should just get this over with. George didn’t know what he was talking about, obviously. Liar. (Great, now I’m arguing with the voice in my head. Very sane, Lockwood.) 
“Ok. You have feelings for Lucy. It’s obvious to everyone except you two idiots. And you know what? It’s probably a good thing. Maybe you’ll be safer, more cautious, and calm your death wish if you have someone to love. Someone to live for. Or maybe not. I don’t know. But the fact is, your feelings for Lucy - and your refusal to acknowledge them - has compromised your decision making. And for what? So you two can dance around each other and unconsciously third wheel me? It’s fucking annoying.” 
George paused then, shaking his head, like he had forgotten he was talking to me instead of just having this conversation in his head.
“Anyway, everyone sees the way you look at each other. You both forget anyone else is in the room. It’s been that way since the first day she rang and told you off for your test.” 
We both smiled at that memory. It was Lucy through and through. 
Softer now, he looked at me. “Lockwood, you’re my best friend. You, me, and Lucy are family. I’ve known you for a long time and I want you to be happy. You have been a shell putting on a front for so long that I’m not even sure if you know how to just be yourself. Your parents, Jessica, hell even Robin - none of them would want you closed off like this. Yeah, we’re probably going to die just like they did but you’re acting like we’re all already gone. You deserve to be happy, Lockwood. You deserve love. We all do. What the fuck is the point of all this if we’re just here existing instead of living? Anyway, think about it. Admit to yourself what the rest of us can see. Lucy isn’t just a co-worker to you, and you’re smarter than to really think that.” 
And with that, George walked away, leaving me to process everything he said. 
Did I love Lucy? Of course I did. She was family to me - just like George. 
Ugh stop lying to yourself came that annoying voice in the back of my brain. Of course, I found Lucy attractive. I’m not going to lie to myself and say she isn’t beautiful. And feisty, and fierce, and called me out on my shit in a way that not even George did. She was also kind and compassionate in a field that often left people bitter and jaded. 
And sure, did I think that in another life, I could’ve fallen for Lucy? Probably. But we’re here, not there. George is right that we’re going to die sooner rather than later. And I refuse to leave behind someone who would mourn me. 
Coward! You already have people who would mourn you. George, Lucy, Flo just to start. Don’t use that lame excuse. 
Ok fine, but mourning someone as a friend was different than mourning them as a lover (god what an awkward word). Right? 
But then again, I already loved her, didn’t I? 
Well fuck. The realization forcibly knocked the wind out of me. I loved Lucy Carlyle. 
George shot me a knowing look. “Figured it out, did ya?” 
In answer, I just dropped my head into my hands. 
Seeing that his words had their intended effect, and knowing me well enough not to push, he turned his attention back to our mission.
“I really am worried about her though. There’s something just not right about her connection with the skull.” George said as he began pacing again.
“Look, hours ago, I thought this was the best thing to ever happen to us. Now it could be the worst.” 
Don’t remind me, I thought, but said instead, “I know what you mean.”
“She said, ‘Give us 15 minutes and if we're not back…’ She's talking about it like they're a team! It's still technically mine.”
“It was never yours, technically.” I knew that was besides the point, and so did George. 
“How long now?” 
Checking my watch, I willed it to be later than I knew it was. “Ten minutes.”
“Look, she's not in charge here. Who knows what that thing could be whispering in her ear? Have you forgotten Annabel Ward?” 
I shot George a look: how could I? 
“Let me put it this way. We've just sent her alone into a severely haunted house.”
The unspoken end of that sentence: and she’s alone with no one to help her. 
“You're right. This is insane.” 
And with that, I got up and stormed inside. I could deal with a pissed-off Lucy as long as she was an alive pissed-off Lucy
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alphacrone · 2 years
7 + Holly and her mysterious girlfriend!
7. visiting them at their place of work
“This is it?”
Michelle frowned up at the house. Holly held back her laughter. 
“What were you expecting?” She asked as they ascended the steps. Michelle shrugged. 
“I dunno,” she said. “I think I just assumed it would be on fire.” 
“Well, not today,” Holly said, opening the front door. “Not yet, anyway.” 
When Holly had first moved in with Michelle, before they’d even fallen in love and were simply, truly roommates, Michelle had been suspicious of her employers. Working at DEPRAC meant she’d heard all about the infamous Lockwood & Co. and their flagrant disregard for the rules or safety in general. But Holly had spoken of them with detached politeness and professionalism, only occasionally slipping to complain about Lockwood’s reckless behavior or Lucy’s snide attitude, so Michelle had assumed the child-run agency had calmed down in its antics.
Then Holly had come home black-and-blue and thoroughly shaken from a poltergeist gone wrong, and Michelle had nearly stormed across town to fight- well, she wasn’t sure whom she planned on fighting, but it might have been every member of that blasted agency. 
The following year had been a whirlwind of dangerous jobs and emotions running wild. In that time, between revealing conspiracies and battling the forces of evil, Holly had found the time to kiss Michelle, and also drive her insane with worry. 
Things were settled down now and Lockwood & Co. were the most famous agency in the world. Which was why finally—finally—-Holly had invited her to visit and meet her coworkers. 
As soon as they entered the house that served as the living space and headquarters of the agency, Michelle was met with screaming. “Cubbins, I’m going to skin you alive!” A thin, freckled man was shouting up the stairs, brandishing a crutch like a club. 
“You’ll have to catch me first!” A boy’s voice came down from the upper level. Michelle turned to her girlfriend in concern, but Holly seemed nonplussed. 
“What happened this time, Quill?” She asked the young man. He turned to her and rolled his eyes. 
“He used my jacket to mop up one of his experiments. It’s designer,” he huffed. “Who’s this?” 
“This is Michelle,” Holly said, placing a hand delicately on Michelle’s arm. “My girlfriend.” 
“Ah, of course.” The man gave her an approximation of a charming smile and stretched out his hand. “Quill Kipps.” 
“Nice to…meet you,” Michelle said slowly, glancing up the stairs, then back at Quill. 
“Kipps!” Another boy barged in from a room down the hall, waving a newspaper in his hand. “Have you read this Rotwell piece? It’s an absolute load of rubbish, trying to paint Steve Rotwell as some sort of saint when we all know-”
“Lockwood,” Holly said, gentle but firm in her tone. “This is Michelle.” 
The boy immediately smiled, wide and blinding. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Lang,” he said, sounding older than his appearance suggested. “I’m Anthony Lockwood, owner of this agency.”
“Hi…” Michelle couldn’t help but notice how young he was, especially next to Quill and herself. 
“Shit!” The boy from upstairs came running down, a silverglass box in his hands. “Lockwood, this one’s cracked!” 
“I told you not to put it in the bath, George!” Lockwood shouted back at him. “Have you met Holly’s girlfriend, Michelle?” 
“Hello!” George shouted at her as he ran past. “No time to talk! This source is strong, even in daylight!” He stumbled past Lockwood and Quill down the hall. Quill followed, grabbing a rapier from the umbrella stand. 
“Aren’t you going to help him?” Holly asked, hands on her hips. Lockwood shrugged and smiled. 
“Nah, it’ll teach him to be more careful with expensive items,” he said casually, as if there wasn’t an unsecured source being carried through his house. Michelle’s blood pressure rose. “Can I offer you any tea?” 
“Sure, but I’ll make it,” Holly said, taking Michelle’s hand and following Lockwood down the hall. They entered a cramped, messy kitchen that smelled of burnt toast. Holly and Lockwood worked in seamless tandem to put on the kettle and pull out mugs and tea bags. Michelle watched the way Holly danced around her employer, skirt twirling, every movement practiced and perfected. In the yellow morning light that filtered through the east-facing windows, Holly glowed, warm and soft and content in her odd life at this agency. 
“What was all that screaming about?” A girl appeared in the doorway, toweling off her short hair. Holly turned to beam at her, bright and wide and lovely, and Michelle’s stomach made a funny little twist. 
“Oh, George broke another silverglass box,” she told the girl, motioning to Lockwood to pull down one more mug. “Tea, Lucy?” 
“Thanks.” The girl—Lucy—stepped further into the room and immediately noticed Michelle, who’d been standing off to the side a bit awkwardly. “Oh, uh. Hi?” 
Michelle stuck out her hand, eyeing Lucy up and down. She was short and stocky, with bright eyes and a heart-shaped face. Pretty when you looked at her long enough, but with something mysterious hidden beneath the surface. Somehow, she felt threatened. “I’m Michelle, Holly’s girlfriend.” 
Lucy shook her hand, her grip strong and calloused. “Lucy. Didn’t realize you were coming by today.” 
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Holly said as she took the kettle off the stove. “If I told you, you’d all be on your best behavior, and I wanted-”
“-her to see what you put up with?” Lucy guessed with a wry grin. “Good call. This place is a nightmare.” 
“Hey!” Lockwood protested, though the smile hadn’t left his face. “It’s the most respected nightmare in London, I’ll have you know.” 
Lucy looked over at Michelle and subtly shook her head. Despite herself, Michelle laughed. 
They were quickly joined by George and Quill, who had successfully recontained the source after a disastrous couple minutes in which Quill had knocked over a different source and let it loose. Holly and Lockwood served the tea and a plate of biscuits, and Lucy and Quill got into some fight over a mug with a Satchell’s logo on it, and George started telling no one—or everyone—about a lecture he was attending, and Michelle was content to just sit back and soak it all in. 
Holly sat down next to her, tea in hand, and Michelle leaned over to murmur in her ear. “I get it now,” she said. “Why you love this place. Why you love them.” 
Holly smiled at her and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. Everything this woman did took Michelle’s breath away, and that single kiss had her gasping for air. “They’re my family. Just like you.” 
Despite the onlookers, Michelle leaned back in for a proper kiss, cupping Holly’s face in her hands. Someone wolf-whistled. Someone gagged. Someone else laughed. George didn’t pause his monologue. 
“Just because of that,” she told Holly softly. “I won’t report those idiots over there to Barnes for improper containment procedures.” 
Holly laughed and rested her head on Michelle’s shoulder.
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thevictorianghost · 2 years
What Jurassic World: Dominion should have been about
(Because I’ve watched not only Dominion but also a Jurassic movies marathon last weekend on TV. So I got dinosaurs on the brain lol. And while I enjoyed Dominion in theaters, the more I think about it, the less the story makes sense, and didn’t deliver on the DINOSAURS IN OUR WORLD plotline we deserved).
Here we go!
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Prologue. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs live their best lives, wild and free. We witness a fight between the T. Rex and Giganotosaurus. Giga wins and kills the T. Rex. 65 million years later, after the events of Fallen Kingdom, the T. Rex attacks a drive-in theatre, causing panic and chaos.
(AKA we keep the Prologue that Universal released on Youtube a few months ago. Because it’s awesome. Seriously, go check it out if you can!)
We see the NowThis segment on TV, with a little more scenes that weren’t already in the Dino Tracker added. Just to keep things fresh.
Ellie Sattler, Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm are all called as dinosaur experts to investigate dinosaur attacks in this new Jurassic World. We see the dinosaurs attack random people (like in the short film Battle at Big Rock that is also on Youtube and that is also awesome). Ellie, Alan and Ian go to investigate.
Meanwhile, Owen Grady, Claire Dearing and Maisie Lockwood are living off the grid in the house Owen built himself during and after the events of Fallen Kingdom. He’s been keeping track of his velociraptor Blue’s whereabouts, especially since she had a baby and he feels responsible for their safety.
When Blue’s baby gets kidnapped by poachers, it’s up to Owen, Claire and Maisie, as a family, to save Beta.
Ellie, Alan and Ian eventually discover that Lewis Dodgson, the man who hired them to investigate the dinosaur attacks, the owner of the company BioSyn, is cooking up a new dino in their lab: the Giga Indotosaur. The genetically-engineered dinosaur can track down dinos in the wild. BioSyn can then swoop in, capture the dinosaurs Giga Indotosaur hunts, and “protect our fragile ecosystems from these new apex predators” as Dodgson puts it. 
(Or to sell the dinosaurs. That works too.)
The kicker? Our characters never go to the Biosyn lab. The audience sees some scenes there, including the return of InGen’s Dr. Henry Wu, who is still making genetically-engineered dinosaurs, but the crew never goes to another lab in another park. Been there, done that.
Owen, Claire and Maisie, meanwhile, bust out the poaching / dinosaurfighting ring, and try to save Beta. They fail. The road also leads back to BioSyn, as they learn by sneaking in the poaching ring, since BioSyn needs Blue’s DNA to make Giga Indotosaur more compliant. But again, Owen, Claire and Maisie don’t go to BioSyn. Then they are disturbed by another dino attack. They escape and we see the big action scene in Malta. Which was the best part of Dominion.
Of course, it’s not common knowledge that Blue’s (and by extension, Beta’s) DNA was mixed up with T. Rex DNA during the events of Fallen Kingdom. So when Lewis Dodgson adds her DNA to Giga Indotosaur (and goes behind Dr. Wu’s back, because he refuses to work with Beta), it, ahem, fucks shit up.
The Giga Indotosaur escapes BioSyn and starts to wreak havoc on the dinosaurs in the wild. Many who had been captured by BioSyn, including Beta, are also released, and it’s pure chaos on the streets of New York City (or pick whatever big city that Hollywood loves). It’s up to Ellie, Alan, Ian, Owen, Claire and Maisie to deal with the Giga Indotosaur and save the day.
Of course, Giga Indotosaur is killed, thanks to Beta and the T. Rex who gets her revenge, and everything eventually goes back to this strange, new normal. By the end, Ellie, Alan and Ian are interviewed by the United States Congress about the events with BioSyn and the future of dinosaurs in our world and Owen, Claire and Maisie bring Beta back to her mother.
Sprinkle in old characters, like John Hammond’s grandchildren, Tim and Lex, Ian’s daughter Kelly, Claire’s old friends Zia and Franklin, and Owen’s old friend Barry, and add new characters like Kayla Watts and Ramsey Cole. And Dr. Wu probably gets his comeuppance. Probably.
And that’s it. You got a movie.
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2851
warnings: mentions of parental abuse
music: damsel in distress by neck deep, beautiful stranger by halsey
You did shots that night.
Xenia has been one of the stops on your ridiculously meticulous search through Ohio. One mention that one of Kai’s grandmothers might be buried here somewhere, and that she was a siphoner, too, which is a rare, and you stopped in Xenia, digging up every inch of the earth.
In fact, at some point, as you lived on in this weird world, systematic search has grown into a kind of manic entertainment.
You took everything to extremes. Searching for the grave, that might have answers and magical solutions, you basically unearthed the whole cemetery, because Kai said that maybe somebody wanted to hide his nana’s body, because she was a shameful accident, being a siphoner and all that. And that random guess got stuck in your heads, turning you into paranoid diggers. Really, you were just keeping yourselves busy. Doing the things you would never normally do in your usual life. Why would you walk around a town, digging the ground randomly, and putting so much effort in it? After a couple of days of incredible stamina fueled work, Xenia looked like it’s been ravaged by gigantic moles. Then Parker remembered. She has never been to Xenia, she lived, and died in Cincinnati.
And that’s why you were doing shots.
You invented a reverse never have I ever game which was called nobody has ever. The point was to think of all the things other people never did for you, and the luckier one had to drink, but obviously, pretty soon the game turned dark.
You found this nice house on the Creek Green Street that overlooked an old alley with a post office that must have been about sevety years old. You wondered how it survived the tornado.
The kitchen was big, and the table, square and made of very thick, nice looking wood, consumed the soft golden lights of the evening. Although your shoulders were hurting you almost to the point of whining, since no matter how many days you dug, your body wouldn’t get stronger, you made a salad. Kai cooked up a myriad of snacks, and they were all piling up on the table in a colorful, tasty mess. It felt like you were both drunk from work and the absurdity of your chore even before you opened up the bottle.
“Nobody has ever”, he said, narrowing his eyes, “hit me in the throat with a tennis ball”.
You shook your head slowly. The shots rested on the table. You were leaning against the table, one foot under you, and listened to music and your joints singing the mournful song of pain. Kai was rubbing his chin musingly. Days in Xenia were very warm - unlike in all other towns. That was amazing to you. Without the people, and the hurry, you could concentrate on the world itself and actually found every location had its own smell, temperature, color. Once you got out, you’d never be the same.
“Nobody has ever cut my hair while I was sleeping”.
Kai nodded responsibly and downed his shot. You raised your brows.
“Oh, I was way too agitated, and never liked scissors near my face. Mom always cut my hair while I was asleep. I was ugly when I was little. One more reason”, he shrugged, “to be hating on lil Malachai”.
You hummed.
“Nobody has ever said they loved me”, he continued, gravely.
Air got stuck in your throat.
You swayed in your place.
“Come on. Not ever?”
You took your shot and thought, who actually said that to you, except your mother. People usually said it in a friendly way. You couldn’t count how many times Elena said she loved you, and it didn’t mean much at the end of the day.
“Not even in a casual way, like, oh my god, you like Metallica, too? I love you!”
Kai chuckled.
“I don’t like Metallica”.
“Jesus. Okay. You wanna go hardcore. Nobody has ever chose me over everything and everybody else”, you offered.
Kai smirked and took his shot, and then reached for the bottle again.
“How? How come? And they never said they love you? Who?”
“I have learnt to manipulate people into choosing me over everything else. That’s how I keep sane, ha”, he noted. You frowned.
“Who was it?”
He looked at you with surprise.
“You. You chose me over everything else in your life when you decided to spend an eternity here with me. That was pretty nice of you. Cheers”, and he drunk again, forgetting he had already done his shot. You could feel the blood flowing to your face.
“I did it because I thought Damon would stop. I didn’t expect him to send me here”.
Kai shrugged, as if saying, it wasn’t really his problem Damon was a piece of shit.
“And why did you mainpulate me into it?”
Bold of him to assume he had manipulated you into liking him, but his way of thinking is different.
“Because I like you. I wanted you to stick with me. You’re the only person who doesn’t make me feel like a burden”, he replied with a lot of importance. He was a little tipsy.
You sighed heavily.
“Nobody has ever buried me under the ground in a drain pipe”, he ogled.
He grinned as you drank.
“By the way, after that, when I made a scene (because I was sixteen) about Damon not killing the love of his life over me, Katherine called me a delusional teenager. God I hate that bitch”.
“Katherine Pierce never infuriated me because I never met her”, he put it.
“It’s not your turn”, but you drank anyway, “Nobody has ever called me an abomination”.
He saluted you with his shot.
“Nobody has ever made me his door boy”.
“Nobody has ever took away my natural right of being the leader of my coven”.
Your right shoulder stang you with annoying pain, and you glanced at the clock. Midnight would come in a couple of minutes. You always started drinking just before midnight because the change of the day brought you back to sobriety, and you could go on and drink the same amount again without feeling bad in the morning.
As the midnight struck, you suddenly found yourself sitting so close to Kai your foreheads were touching.
You both straightened up and looked at the time. He stretched his neck.
“Were we drunk-confessing our mutual respect for each other?” you asked.
“Think so”, he pulled a bowl of salad to himself and started eating, without forgetting to fill the shots again.
“Happy birthday”.
You clincked your tiny glasses together, and the game went on.
“Nobody has ever cooked for me”, he said.
You downed your shot thinking about how fabulous it is, to have your own chef who is also in love with you.
At the same second, you wondered if he has ever thought about poisoning you, just for the sake of it.
“I have hard time believing it. You’ve made it to twenty-two, which meant your parents cooked for you”.
“We had lots of kids in the house. We always had to eat all together”, Kai shook his head, “if you were late to the table, you had to starve. Besides, I started cooking for myself pretty early”.
“Okay. Nobody has ever locked me up in the basement”.
He was so good at this game, taking his losing drinks like a champ, like a very diligent student. As his adam’s apple went down, you gasped.
“Oh, wait. Spit it out! Spit it out. I recalled. I’ve been locked up in basements plenty of times, it was just... more like... a dungeon”.
“In the Salvatore house?” he asked, displeased.
“Yeah. And once, in the Lockwood mansion. Damon was raging then. We got stuck and...”
You licked your lips and shut up, seeing the familiar irritated spark in his eyes. Kai hated Damon at this point; for sending him away; for being not his type of person; but most importantly, for the fact you still lingered on the memories of him.
Gradually, you started running out of ideas, drunk again, and it was barely past one in the morning.
Kai at least was constantly eating, while you just drank, so you now had a hard time focusing on one thing, your thoughts drifting apart like ripples on the water. You looked at his white wrists, his knees hopping lightly as he bounced to the music, and tried to think of something.
“Nobody has ever... ever...” you puffed. Kai smiled. “Ever stood over me at night, watching me sleep”.
“Yes, I have”.
You didn’t get it at first.
“I have”, he repeated.
“Oh, you mean... of course, I mean, back in the outer world”.
He nodded, like it was just a tiny misunderstanding about the size of a cheesburger he’s ordering.
“Oh, yeah, yeah. I was in your house at night before we got here”.
“What?!” you snapped.
All your body moved you towards him to slap him on the head, but out of instinct, the unkillable, fundamental instinct that kicked in when he was around, you took his head, let your palms slide down to his neck, as you hugged him.
“Kai, why would you do that?”
“I don’t know, I just wanted to see what you look like when you’re not around me”, he said simply. You could feel his mouth moving against your hair close to your ear. “What you look like when you stare at yourself in the mirror. What you do when nobody’s watching”.
You shut your eyes with embarrassment, your brain trying to recall all the things you did alone back in your house one hundred years ago.
“Oh god...”
“What you smell like when you’re just out of shower. You know, stuff like that”.
“God, this is so embarrassing”.
He laughed out with amusement.
You pulled away and took his head, covering his ears with your plams. His face swayed in front of you a little, as you muttered,
“You have to promise me something, Parker”.
“Okay”, he said carefully.
He could’ve said, of course! because you knew him. You knew how he pretends to be this enthusiastic person. Who is only serving you. But he was real right then, at that moment, looking you in your drunk eye, really considering what you’re about to ask. He could’ve said of course! and not mean it. But he said okay, ruffling up like a ferret, and you loved him at that moment.
“Once we get out, don’t stalk other girls”.
His face moved with laughter he contained inside.
“Why would I do that?”
You thought of that wretched universe full of good-looking girls, and all their different shapes and colors, the way they smell and how gracious they are, and felt scared of losing him for the first time.
“They’re all so pretty, and I... just don’t. Do whatever you can to...”
“You don’t think you’re pretty?” he asked in his are you dumb tone. “You’re a solid eight”.
You have lived enough to feel all kinds of wonders when intoxicated. You’ve sang, blacked out, stumbled, yelled, fought and slept when drunk, and now the very logical reaction followed, which you have also experienced many times.
You started sobbing.
“Eight”, you put your hand to your face, cradling yourself, and consoling yourself immediately.
Kai’s face went almost pale with shock. Then he started giggling uncontrollably, reaching his arms for you.
“I’m joking! Hey, I’m joking”.
He couldn’t start laughing.
“What are you upset about? I’m just fooling with you”.
“I’ve always been an eight!” you cried out, suddenly.
“For your information, eight is fantastic!”
“Katherine has always been a ten”, you finished solemnly, drowning in the pleasure of digging into your deepest wells of insecurity.
Kai froze.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about Damon right now. I swear to fuck, I’ll break your neck”.
You tilted your head miserably, letting the tears stream down your face in a dramatic fashion.
“Damon has made me think that I’m a fool for ever thinking somebody can be into me”, you said quietly. You could feel his hand on the base of your neck. As your hot tears dripped down, heating the perfume on your skin, his grab tightened lightly. He didn’t know how to hold tenderly, it was always half-clutching with Kai. With time, you came to realize it was so reassuring you felt the safest when his hands were around your throat. Whether it was playful or menacing depended on his mood.
“Let me rain on your self-pitying parade”, he murmured, “okay? My parents made me think I didn’t deserve to breathe even. Pretty natural, don’t you think? Everyone has their right to have air in their lungs”.
You looked at him. Kai was being serious. You wiped your cheek with the back of your hand, and his face softened a little.
“But my dad decided I wasn’t worth even that”.
“What are you saying?”
“Once I was sitting in the bath, when I was about five. That was the time you start getting your magic and learn how to control it. That was the time the whole coven found out I don’t have it. That Jo is useless, too, because I’m a siphoner. So one night, when I was in the bath”, he repeated, like he was trying to hypnotize you, “he came in, and...” he looked away, blinking several times. “I remember, he was wearing this dark green shirt. Green is the color of the coven. He held my head under water”.
There was a short break between two songs, and when the next one came in, blasting sounds, you shivered uncomfortably.
“He decided he’d spare himself and everybody else the headache. That’s why I don’t like water much and barely ever go near it. And now you taught me how to swim”.
“How did you survive?” you whispered.
“My mom barged in and pulled him away. I don’t know how she knew. Maybe it was her motherly instinct. She used to have that one for me long time ago”.
The tears welled up on you, pressure pushing on the sides of your skull. You took him, kissing his face, kissing his mouth, as Kai leaned in, quiet, and just let you dote on him. You held him tight, trying to kiss the memories out, begging him to forget.
“I’m okay. Hey, I’m fine. It was a long time ago, and he’s dead. And I’m alive. And I have you”.
You were so drunk, falling apart at the seams like a badly sewn jacket, that he had to hold you so that you didn’t fall off the chair. Hangover was guaranteed.
“Let’s just go... let’s go to bed”, you whispered, your face against his. “You can do whatever you want”.
Kai smiled. His eyes glinted in a familiar way. This kitchen, the house, it all grew on you. The way he held you, you didn’t even know if your feet touched the floor.
“Whatever I want?” he asked.
“Whatever you want”, you echoed.
He put your body onto the couch, and you could feel he moves your limbs a little, and then the weight of his body was next to you.
Fifteen minutes later, you pulled the covers down, and turned towards the light, and saw the TV shining through the blackness of the room.
Kai was watching Lethal Weapon on VHS and cuddling against you.
You inhaled, feeling he room spinning. The light stang your eyes, so you rolled back away and pressed your face into him, into the darkness.
The next time you woke up it was already dark.
You moved a little just to know where you are, and indicated his arms around you. Comfort settled down immediately, but the insane temperatures of his dozing body was too much, so you tried to kick the cover down to your feet. Kai lifted one of his arms unwillingly. It was still deep dark outside the window, and the old post office must have been standing there in complete fright.
“How many parts have you watched?”
“Three”, he said sleepily. You considered whether you were thirsty enough to try and go to the kitchen. Decided it wasn’t worth it. Your face felt a bit swollen with tears, but you felt comfortably tired. You wouldn’t leave this couch even if somebody lit it on fire.
“It’s not true, by the way”, he said.
“My dad never tried to drown me”.
You rolled your eyes without opening them up.
“I made it up, I was just trying to make you feel better”.
“You moron. You unbelievable moron, you...”
“You really have to stop calling me names, it hurts”.
“Douchebag. Why... Kai, you told me you weren’t a liar”.
He did something resembling a shrug. You felt his knee between yours, and slid your arm onto his back.
“You made me a liar. You’re changing me”, he mumbled, “I’m changing here with you. I can feel it”.
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kareniliana · 4 years
Stefan: Long-Lost Pt 2
A//N: Okay so someone agreed with me for a part 2. I’m so excited! thank you! I hope you enjoy! Watch this become like a mini series.. 
xx Karebear 💛🧸
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You sat at the Mystic Grill bar day drinking and eating a burger when suddenly you heard Tyler Lockwood and Andrea, but she goes by Hayley Marshall. Sadly she wasn’t able to grow up in the bayou with your pack like you. She was sent away as a baby. You remember when your mom first brought her into your room, you were so happy to have a little sister. But shortly after she was born someone attacked your family. Killing them and never knowing who it was. You weren’t home, thankfully. But Andrea was, unfortunately she got the short stick and was sent away. 
Now you’re both here in Mystic Falls and she doesn’t even know anything about her past except that she’s a werewolf and has a birthmark on her shoulder, just like you.
“They’re gonna get us both killed and we’re just sitting here.” Hayley said with a slight tinge of anger. Why is she so passionate about breaking the sire bond between the hybrids and Klaus? What is her ultimate goal? She can’t just be helping Tyler for shits and giggles. 
“Kim is right, the point of breaking the sire bond is to be free. They don’t have to listen to me.” Tyler rebutted.
“Yes, they do, Ty. You can make them.” She pleaded, “Hybrids are werewolves first. Wolves run in packs. You need to be they're Alpha.”
Suddenly you got an idea, you heard at the pageant that Hayley could be working with this Professor Shane guy. So maybe you can just cut off the head of the snake and you get your sister back.
As you paid your food and drinks, your phone rang. You rolled your eyes not recognizing the phone number. 
You answer it, but don’t speak first.
“Y/n? Labonair?” Stefans voice came through. 
“Stefan? How’d you get my number?” 
“I compelled the front desk at your hotel to give it to me.” He said nonchalantly, making a soft smile appear on your face.
“Of course you did.” You chuckled, walking to the door with your phone to your ear. You noticed Tyler and Hayley going to the other two hybrids. Her plan, whatever it is she’s planning, must be going off without a hitch.
“You knew about Elena being sired, how?”
“I notice things when people think no one is looking. Just like I know something is up with this Professor Shane. I don’t trust him. Something about him seems off.” You began to drive to the Salvatore house, in hopes of seeing Stefan or Damon or even this Bonnie Bennett witch.
“I need some insight with this guy, I’m heading to your boarding house.”
“Okay, look, I'm about to head out to New Orleans. I’ll wait for you here.”
You hung up and continued your short drive, this town is like a beacon for supernatural creature or something. You saw the house come into view, you parked your car next to Stefans red one. He leaned on his car like he was in a car commercial.
“So what is with your concern with Professor Shane?” Stefan asks, right off the bat.
“He’s got his slimy little hands intertwined with one of my own. Hayley is trying hard as hell to get these hybrids to break the sire bond. But why? If I know one thing about following her around is that, she’s trying to find her family.”
“So why don’t you come out and tell her you’re family?” You leaned on his car with him, your shoulders touching.
“Because what if she’s like evil or whatever.” You answered faster than a vampire can vamp run to and kill you, causing Stefan to chuckle a little.
“Maybe she’s doing this for something in return... like your name. Or where she’s from.”
“Okay, but why with Shane? What is Shanes plan?” You looked up to Stefan, worry evident on both of your faces.
Stefan looks down to you, almost feeling bad for you and Hayley. Then there was a moment, the birds a chirping and you forget all the bad. You’re lost in each other, and then Damon comes out slamming the front door. Causing you and Stefan to jump away from each other.
“Oh sorry was I interrupting something?” Damon looked fake apologetic and tossed his bag into the car, getting in himself.
You scoffed and she your head, “Okay well, I’ll let you go. Imma go try and save my sister from eternal damnation.” You joked, earning laugh from Stefan.
“Siblings,” Stefan shrugged his shoulders, “you die trying to save them.”
Stefan crawled into the car as you get into your own. Driving off you couldn’t help but smile at that short lived moment of something. You couldn’t put a word to describe the moment you felt. You barely know the guy and here you are basically fawning over him. In Damon’s car, he begins teasing Stefan about that very same moment he walked out and saw his brother almost kiss this woman. A woman he didn’t recognize, causing Damon to want to know more about you. But Stefan just smiled and didn’t say anything about you. Not just because he didn’t want Damon knowing you, but also because he want’s to keep this private. He wants to know what kind of person you are before he tells the world. He doesn’t want to mess anything up. He barely know you but he can't get you off his mind. Just how helpful you were without a cause or reason to help. But you helped him. He thought he wasn’t worth saving and then this beautiful woman comes in and unveils his life for him.
You’re special to him. You remind him of himself, before he turned. He wants that back in life. He wants you.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Written In The Centuries
Chapter 1
Once again, Tyler had pissed the Original Hybrid off. Y/N, like she always had to do since she moved to Mystic Falls, had to go save him.
"Tyler, you reckless ass!" Y/N yelled as she ran to Klaus, who had Tyler pinned against the wall by his neck.
"Why must you be so annoying!" She yelled at him.
Tyler struggled against Klaus' hold, "It would be...great if you'd help now...and insult later."
She turned to Klaus, "Klaus, I'm sure whatever my idiot cousin did, it isn't worth killing him."
Klaus raised a brow, "Well, your 'idiot cousin' should stay away from things that don't belong to him. Might get himself hurt."
Y/N gave him a look, "Klaus, please. Don't kill him, he's not worth the trouble."
"Well, there's no trouble at all, love. I could kill him now and not break a sweat..." Klaus said, staring down Tyler as he clawed at his hand.
"Klaus." Y/N said once more. Klaus clenched his jaw once and let Tyler go in a swift movement. "I wasn't going to kill him anyway. I might still need him."
Tyler gasped for air as he held his throat, "I'm not your bitch, Klaus."
Y/N gave him a kick to the stomach, not enough to hurt him, but enough to send him the message that she was annoyed with him.
"Shut up, Tyler. I'm taking you home and you better be happy I don't chain you to the wall and leave you there for a week to think about not being stupid for a change." She said, harshly.
Tyler let out a weak chuckle and she gave him another kick, "Shut up before I kick your ass. Go outside. I'll drive you home."
Klaus watched in amusement as Y/N talked to Tyler. He stood then and eyed Klaus for a moment before finally leaving. Y/N let out a loaded breath before finally saying, "I'm sorry. He's stupid."
She began to leave before being stopped by Klaus. "Why do you save him so much? Every time he's about to have his ass handed to him, you pull him out of the fire."
She shrugged, "He's family, and he's my pack. As much as it would be easier just to let him get his ass beat, and possibly killed, I have his back because you protect family."
Klaus shrugged, "I suppose I could get on board with that."
"Can I leave? Preferably before Tyler goes to insult someone else." She asked quickly, wanting to get away from the hybrid before he tried to make her do something for him.
Even though she wasn't kneeling before Klaus, she still did her best not to get on his bad side and did little errands for him as needed.
He waved his hand, "I suppose that would be a good idea." He gave an amused look and she swiftly left, rolling her eyes when she was out of sight.
She saw Tyler leaning against the car and she kicked his knee, making sure he felt it. He grabbed it and pulled it up to him, "Ow!"
"Stop being stupid! Don't snoop through the Original family's shit!" Y/N yelled at him. "If you keep doing this, I'm going to leave you to have your ass handed to you!"
Tyler shrugged, "I can handle myself. I don't need you to save me." She walked around to the driver's side and unlocked the car, both of them getting in.
She reached a hand over to him, dabbing a finger at his bleeding forehead before sarcastically saying, "Of course you can."
Tyler jerked away from her touch, his jaw set forward and clenched to show his anger. "Oh, lay off. You're always mad. Didn't change when Care dumped you for her soulmate."
Tyler spoke as you started the car, "Can you stop talking about it?"
Y/N answered, "I'll stop talking about it when you stop being stupid because of it."
She pulled out as Tyler complained, "I mean, what does Stefan have that I don't anyway?"
Y/N shrugged, "Common sense. Knows when to stop. Knows how not to be annoying all the time. Controlled anger issues to a point. Better hair. Shall I continue?"
Tyler finally shut up, much to Y/N's relief. She finally turned back to the road in front of her as she began getting out of the driveway.
She suddenly slammed on the breaks, a man standing in front of the car.
"Holy shit." She mumbled. The man, dressed in an elegant suit, walking around to her side. Y/N watched an rolled down the window.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." She told him. The man paused for a moment, a small smile spreading on his lips for a moment as he mumbled quietly under his breath.
Y/N could only guess he didn't think she heard the strange, 'Hello, again,' that escaped his lips.
He then told her sincerely, "It's quite alright."
The way the man spoke intrigued Y/N immediately. His strange presence had a kind of hold on her that she couldn't quite explain.
Y/N was brought back when he said, "What is not alright, is that the fact that Mr. Lockwood has something that belongs to me."
Y/N closed her eyes and clenched her jaw before slowly turning to look at Tyler. Her glare burned into the side of Tyler's face as he looked down, not wanting to meet her gaze.
"Tyler, hand it over." She told him, holding a hand out as the other gripped the wheel.
Tyler huffed and handed her a piece of paper that was folded in thirds lengthwise. The paper seemed old and oddly familiar, except it had to be years old.
Y/N tried to keep her anger at bay as she slowed her breathing. She wasn't looking forward to turning into a wolf in her car in front of this mysterious man.
"Tyler, I swear to everything holy and otherwise. When we get to the house, the first thing I'm going to do is lock you up." She threatened.
Tyler shook his head and looked out of his window, refusing to look at Y/N, as he didn't want to see her threatening glare.
She handed the letter to the man and sighed, "I'm sorry for my cousin. He's stupid."
"Oh, shut up, Y/N." Tyler grumbled. She flipped him off as she gave the man a small, apologetic smile.
The man returned the smile and went to run his hand through his hair. She took note of the ring that adorned his middle finger, the blue stone in the center.
It was a daylight ring, which meant this man was a vampire.
"Thank you." He opened the letter to make sure it was the right one. "Interesting..." He mumbled before folding the letter and putting it in a pocket inside his jacket.
Y/N nodded, "I'll try to make sure Tyler keeps his hands to himself. Again, I'm so sorry."
"It's quite alright. Thank you for returning it for me, Y/N...is it?" He spoke.
Y/N nodded, "Yes. Yes, that's my name..."
He held out his hand, "I'm Elijah. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Y/N held out her hand for Elijah to shake and when he had it in his grasp, he laid a gentle kiss to the back of it. Y/N tried not to blush.
Then it hit her.
Elijah Mikaelson.
An Original vampire.
Y/N nodded and ignored the feeling she got from the kiss on her hand. When he let go of her hand, he spoke, "I hope to see you again."
Well, that was pretty straight forward.
Y/N nodded and kept her thoughts to herself. "Of course. I'll see you around, Elijah."
He took a step back from the car and watched as she pulled out of the driveway.
Y/N swallowed as she realized she'd just associated herself with another Original.
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askullinajar · 4 years
Fifty Shades Dicked
The time has come for the third instalment of Fifty Shades of Ectoplasm
This is entirely the fault of the heathens over on the discord, namely @ironsilversaltandtea for posting the photo that led to it all, @achillesangst for making some interesting art of it, and @stormwalkers and @wolfjawswriter for just general shenanigans and egging on.
Warning: Any accuracies, historically, scientifically, or to canon, are completely accidental. This is pure crack. No actual hanky-panky - as I am but a totally innocent asexual - but a whole lot of inappropriate jokes. You have been warned.
Fic info: Post teg. Rating: Mature, clearly. Pairings: Implied locklyle. Word count: 1626
Summary: The gang stumble across a certain something previously owned by Mr and Mrs Lockwood. Shenanigans ensue.
It was a mild spring morning the day we managed to scar Lockwood for life.
The company was going through a lull in cases - something about warmer weather and extended daylight made ghosts not want to show themselves - and we were using that time to do a spot of spring cleaning. The fact that Holly had threatened to quit if she found another of George’s rotting ‘experiments’ stuffed in a random cupboard had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Holly was out with her flatmate on what she insisted was ‘definitely not a date, stop being nosy’ and had appointed Quill to keep an eye on us. His only purpose seemed to be nabbing whatever alcohol we found buried in cupboards from the days when Lockwood’s parents were still around and lounging in a chair complaining about this and that. I wasn’t really paying attention, to be honest; I was too busy trying to get Skully to stop dripping ectoplasm all over the newly-cleaned surfaces as he hovered above us making increasingly rude comments. 
“You could help you know!” I snapped at him, interrupting Quill’s ranting about the extortionate prices of laundry detergent.
“Moi?” said Skully, swooning dramatically in midair. “I am but a simple street urchin, I know nothing about this so-called ‘cleaning’ thing.” He waved a hand and sent half the kitchen appliances skidding across the counter and crashing to the floor. “Whoopsie!” he said, though his sadistic grin was far from apologetic. 
I picked up the salt shaker and threw it at him. It passed right through, of course, and collided with the wall, but a few grains of salt came loose and hissed as they came into contact with his ectoplasm. 
I ignored his complaints and went to put the appliances back with Lockwood and George’s help. When the boys hefted up the microwave, I noticed the floorboard beneath it had come loose. I knelt by it and dug my fingers in to prise it up.
“There’s a box under here,” I informed them, brushing dust away from the wilted cardboard.
George kneeled next to me and adjusted his glasses to peer at it. “Interesting. Reckon it contains anything of paranormal significance?”
“Or anything valuable?” said Quill, kneeling on my other side.
“It’s probably just stuff my parents hid when authorities came to call,” shrugged Lockwood, turning away with his bright pink feather duster to clean the higher shelves. “They weren’t exactly supposed to bring possible Sources into the country.”
Whatever it was, investigating it seemed more fun than cleaning, so I prised up the floorboards either side of the gap and wiggled the box free. 
The box was filled to the brim with packing foam, but when I dug it out and managed a first glimpse at what it was hiding, I nearly choked.
“What is it?” said Lockwood, whirling back around at the noise. “Are you alright, Lucy?”
My face pulled taut in a gallant effort not to laugh, I dug my hands into the box and pulled out its contents: a finely crafted china teapot, in the shape of a dick and balls.
Immediately, my hearing filled with spectral laughter as Skully burst into loud cackling above me, gripping his stomach and gasping for nonexistent breath. Quill and George weren’t far from joining in.
“Oh my god,” Quill gasped, wheezing as tears of mirth filled his eyes. “Tony, what exactly were your parents into?”
Lockwood’s face had gone a brilliant shade of red as he stammered for words. “It- It can’t be theirs- they- it must have belonged to the last people who owned the house…”
George took the teapot off me, which I was very grateful for as I was dangerously close to dropping it with my hands shaking from laughter. He cleaned his glasses on his shirt, placed them back on his head, then took the lid of the phallic pot and peered inside.
“Oh,” he said, the laughter immediately wiped from his face. “Oh, this definitely belonged to your parents, Lockwood.”
“What?” said Lockwood, eying the teapot from a distance as though weary it would blow up any minute. “What is it?”
George silently handed the teapot over to Quill before standing, going over to the sink, and dunking his head in the basin of what was now very cold water. 
Quill reached into the teapot and pulled out a stack of old photographs. I leaned over his shoulder curiously as he flicked through them and immediately started choking for real. I recognised Celia and Donald Lockwood from the few photos Lockwood had scattered around the house. I was not prepared for the positions they were in.
“What is it?” Lockwood insisted. “What’s on them?” He moved to reach for them but Quill jerked them out of his reach. Unfortunately, this put them right into Skully’s line of sight and the ghost started cackling even harder than before.
“Holy shit, those are some saucy parents he has. Come on, Luce, show the boy how he was probably conceived!”
“Nope!” I blurted, snatching the photos from Quill’s hand and lurching to my feet to make a beeline for the living room and - more importantly - the fireplace. “Lockwood, trust me, you do not want to see these.”
“If they’re photos of my parents, I want to see!” cried Lockwood, chasing after me.
It was then that the umbrella stand in the hallway fell into my path - entirely on its own, Skully would insist later - and my feet collided with it causing me to crash down to the floor, my grip coming loose from the photo stack and resulting in a whirlwind of erotic snapshots to fall down around me.
“Oh no.” Lockwood’s voice seemed very cracked and distant, and when I pushed myself up and turned to him, the poor boy had his hands clamped tight over his eyes, his face and ears tomato red. “George, please tear out my eyes!”
“Only if you tear out mine too,” George said, coming into the hallway with his hair dripping wet. “God, this is almost as bad as when I walked in on my mum-”
“Do not finish that sentence!”
“At least you don’t have to look your parents in the eyes after this,” George muttered, folding his arms over his chest. “Took me three months to get over that.”
“I’m going to have nightmares,” moaned Lockwood. “Lucy, please tell me you’ve picked them all up by now.”
Quill and I were systematically gathering them up and tossing them in the fireplace. Only when Quill had lit the fire did we give Lockwood the all-clear.
“I am never cleaning the house again!” Lockwood declared, collapsing against me with his face buried into my shoulder. I patted his back sympathetically.
“At least we got a new teapot out of it,” said George. “Tea, anyone?”
“There is no way I am drinking tea out of that thing,” said Lockwood. “Can we please get rid of it?”
“Or...” I said, spying the blackened skull perched on a shelf in the kitchen. “I have another idea.”
Holly returned to find us all - minus George, who was making sure there were no loose photos lying around - sheepishly sitting around the kitchen table sipping tea. The kitchen was clean, at least, but Holly didn’t even seem to notice, her eyes going straight to the teapot on the table.
“What. On earth. Is that?”
“Our new teapot,” I said matter-of-factly. “Like it?”
“That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen,” said Holly, her nose wrinkling. “I have never understood the appeal of these things.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” said Quill, sipping his tea casually.
“I’m throwing it out,” said Holly, picking it up with the tips of her fingers like it was contaminated, which it probably was.
It was then that Skully decided to make his presence known by forming directly out of the ‘spout’, his ectoplasm contorted grotesquely into the happy farmhand.
Holly, to no one’s surprise, shrieked and hurled the teapot all the way down the hall where a loud thump and yelp ensued.
“Oh my gosh, George, I’m so sorry!” Holly cried, rushing down the hall with the rest of us at her heels to find George curled up on the floor, the shattered remains of the teapot as well as the skull surrounding him. “Are you alright?!”
George groaned and pushed himself upright to reveal his glasses askew and a bright red mark on his face in the perfect silhouette of a dick and balls. I tried to stop myself laughing and only half managed.
“I think I have a concussion,” George slurred.
“Hospital,” said Holly, helping George up and bustling him to the door. “Hospital, now.”
The nurse looked from the penis permanently etched onto George’s face, to the haunted look in Lockwood’s eyes, to me and Quill who were still snickering, before finally turning to Holly who she seemed to deem as the most sensible one of the group. She wasn’t exactly wrong. Perhaps she remembered us from the time George got a condom stuck over his head and nearly suffocated.
“Dick teapot,” I blurted, trying not to look at Goerge’s face because if I did I would most certainly die of laughter. Unfortunately, this made me picture it again and I snorted anyway.
The nurse heaved a great sigh as if this was just the same old bullshit she had to deal with every day.
“Just once,” she said, “why can’t it just be ghost-touch.”
George rubbed at the imprint on his face, then seemed to realise it looked like he was wanking the dick off and stopped. “You know,” he said, ignoring me and Quill wheezing next to him, “I’m actually with you on that one, ma’am.”
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jacksnhartly · 4 years
hey all you cool cats and kittens !  it’s carole caitlin from big cat rescue and i’m here to deliver a well-meaning southern scoundrel ( who can be a real idiot 11/10 times ) to this glorious group. i’ve been on the hunt for a solid rp for idk how long and i’m sO stoked to find a home in frostford  &  begin writing / plotting with every single one of you !  admittedly, his background is pretty underwhelming because he’s a new muse and i’m still getting a feel for him, but i have a few wanted connections up for grabs listed at the end of this post that should ( hopefully ) make up for lack of depth in his bio, so if you see any that strike your interest please feel free to hit me up  &  now without further ado, i give you jackson hartley.
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made a little  pinterest board  &  spotify playlist  for your viewing / listening pleasure yeehaw
frostford, alabama.  born and bred. jackson daniel hartley was the result of an accidental pregnancy between two hasty teenagers, brought into the world on may 4, 1982. his mother left the hartley household for good when he was just a toddler, his father only seeming to care about the strange women who came in and out of their house ( never staying long ) and whatever substances would efficiently numb out the depression of his girlfriend leaving him and their son for the big city. it seemed jackson was set up for survival mode from the very beginning, but with a doting grandmother and a handful of good friends, he made it out alive.
sweet sixteen.  academics were never his strong suit, though his grandma did her damnedest to get his cursive writing looking like the queen of england’s and to get him to memorize every single multiplication table. school just wasn’t for him, he wasn’t interested in any of it. jackson was more interested in the social aspect, quick to make friends and even quicker to break hearts. however, he did enough work in order to graduate ( which was more than his dad could say about his own education ) and, for that, his gran was grateful.
vehicles and machines.  in general, they had always held a special place in the young man’s heart. ever since he was a kid, he’d help his dad out working on his old piece of shit truck, trying to restore what was once a faithful and reliable way of transportation. as a kid, he’d gotten a part time job at the magnolia hill ranch, driving tractors around and helping out with the physical labor aspect of the chores needing done. as he got older, jackson moved up the ranks as a loyal employee and became one of the ranch’s trusted machine operators. he’s been working there for twenty years now and wouldn’t change a damn thing.
wanted connections
group of childhood friends ;  these guys were so stupid, the group of kids your parents warned you about. they were the ones always climbing the water tower and getting stupid drunk, daring each other to have sleepovers down by the creek in hopes of spotting the witch, “borrowing” jack’s dad’s truck to take for joyrides in the middle of the night, and just captured the very essence of tomfoolery. whether or not they’re still close is up to each individual player, but jack definitely would have wanted to remain friends because he considered the group to be a sort of dysfunctional family. featuring owen heine & tba
blood brothers ;  if you think these two boys didn’t cut their hands with a jackknife and form a disgusting blood pact when they were kids, you’re wrong. brother from another mother, these fellas have basically been attached at the hip for the last two decades, almost three. they’ve been through thick and thin, so many ups and downs, all the trials and lessons of growing up, together. if jack’s ever gonna settle down and get himself a wife, this guy will without a doubt be his best man. filled by owen heine
ex girlfriends / flings ;  as a teen / young adult, jack was a young buck libertine, something that was inherited from his dad. he had charm, he knew he was a good looking fella, and he used both to get in between the sheets of a handful of girls’ beds. he’d climb up the sides of houses to get into their bedrooms, he’d sneak them out in the middle of the night and go rippin’ and roarin’ around the open fields and town in his dad’s truck, he’d take them out on cute lil dates to the diner or the movie theater or the creek. but he just couldn’t commit himself fully when every other cutie caught his eye. heartbreakin’ heartthrob hartley, through and through.
one that got away ;  the lady who gave him a huge wake up call and put an end to his player ways. she kept him on his toes and he could never get enough of her, a real dream that his grandma even gave him her ring to eventually propose with. he messed up though ofc and lost her, and it’d been one of the biggest regrets of his whole ass life. this doesn’t necessarily have to be a solid romantic connection!!! they could have both moved on since and developed an unlikely friendship, she could be someone he goes to for advice and gives him tough love when he needs it. or there could still be lingering feelings tbh it just depends on the chemistry / flow of things. filled by verona hyland
baby mama ;  with all his tomfoolery, there’s bound to have been an accidental pregnancy. so if somebody’s looking for a baby daddy, here he is!!! sidenote: he’d completely be supportive & involved in the kid’s life if he knew it was his ... if he didn’t know it was his, that could be some spicy drama woooooo doggy!!! again, doesn’t have to be a romantic connection, the could be friends co-parenting or just tolerate each other for the kid’s sake, but it could be a potential one depending.
extended family ;  he’s lived here all his life, his dad’s lived here all his life, and he’s pretty sure his grandma’s lived here all her life too. so there’s bound to be some cousins running around frostford. it’d be best if they were all close because he’s huge on family. ( his dad and their mom would be siblings ) filled by grayson lockwood
younger half-sibling(s) ;  kinda basic stuff.  his dad most likely married another woman later on in life when jack was a teen and they probably had kids of their own. OR for some real dramz, they could be his mom’s kids and he’d have no idea. so if from his dad’s side, he’d know about them of course and the oldest they would be is 24. if from his mom’s side, he wouldn’t have a clue that they were related. maybe they moved to frostford in hopes of connecting with jack? they could also be any age below 34.
small town vibes ;  literally anything & everything!! he’s lived in frostford his entire life, never once left the town, so he probably has a lot of deep rooted connections with the locals. whether he’s a regular at their place of work, they’re a regular visitor of magnolia hill ranch, they know his family, he knows their family, maybe he helps them out in one way or another ( ie. physical labor ), etc. the possibilities are endless!
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
The Paradox - Chapter 1
2009 AD
Jemma Erikson woke with a start, shooting out of bed as old memories attacked her mind. Stupid brain-, she thought to herself, blindly reaching for her phone as she rubbed her eyes. 09:00. She groaned and flopped back into bed, closing her eyes when she realised. "Wait nine o'clock-? We're late-!" She sped around the house, looking for her siblings only to realise they had already left without her. "Traitors-" She yells, hurrying as fast as vampirically possible. Not bothering to comb her hair properly, she smoothed it down and pulled a beanie, managing to get to class only 30 minutes late.
"Sorry I'm late Dr Saltzman. My alarm clock was broken and my dear siblings didn't bother to wake me.", she explained, walking into the history classroom as she sent a childish glare her sister's way. "It's fine. Just sit down and make sure it doesn't happen again." The history teacher shook his head lightly, running his fingers through his brown hair as he went back to his presentation on the Crimean War. She sat in her usual seat between Francesca and Caroline Forbes, a bright preppy blonde and the most popular girl around, thanking the heavens that she didn't get an hour of detention. She had better things to do after school than sit in a musty classroom. "Seriously? That's favouritism. If I get late, I get detention." Tyler Lockwood argued, slumping back in his chair. Alaric just smiled. "That's because you make a habit out of it Tyler." "Yeah Ty." "Carry on shouting out and you might get a detention anyway Jemma." "Yeah Jemma." "So will you Tyler."
Fran covered up a grin and the lesson passed without another hitch.
Lunch could not have come slower in Jemma's opinion. She walked through the corridors with Caroline, making small talk as they trailed along.
"Hey Jemma, have you seen Elena? She didn't come into school today." The aforementioned raised her eyebrows. "A teenager not going to school? What a surprise(!)" While Elena Gilbert skipping school wasn't common, it wouldn't be odd either. Then again, as a Petrova Döppleganger she could've got herself in something she can't get out of. "What if she's in real danger? What if she got kidnapped or-" The panicked young lady was cut off by Jemma suddenly grasping her shoulders firmly. "Look I'm sure she's fine and even if she has been kidnapped, they let her go once they realise she's useless so that'll be pretty soon." "Okay that's mean-" Caroline bit back her retort but visibly relaxed. "But true - I'm sure she'll be back soon. Chin up Care-bear." She patted her shoulder and threw her a smile. "Alright then - I'm going to Sarah's locker. See you in class?" "Yeah."
Jemma aimlessly roamed the hallways, peeking her head into empty classrooms till she saw Stefan Salvatore, the slightly broody but kind-hearted of the two Salvatore brothers.
"Hey Steffie." She greeted him with the usual smile and annoying nickname only for him to mumble back a short reply, oddly with no arguments about the nickname. He seemed distracted. "Where are you going?" "Alaric's classroom. Bonnie's doing a locator spell on Elena - she didn't go home last night." He explained the situation to her as they reached the room's threshold.
He turned to the two people already in the room: Bonnie Bennett, a powerful witch in the making, and Jeremy Gilbert, the human brother of the current Petrova Döppleganger, Elena. "Alright," he spoke up, successfully getting their attention, "Alaric said we've got to clear out of here within 10 minutes. I've got weapons, he stocked me up." Jemma perked up at the word weapons. "Wait, weapons? That means attack or rescue mission; I want in." "No way - the more people there are, the more likely we are to get caught." "I'm older and stronger than you and you'll need backup. I'm coming and you can't stop me." Stefan shook his head a little before nodding. "Fine, whatever."
Bonnie watched the exchange and raised her eyebrows. "Are you guys ready?" Jemma gave her a small smile and nodded. Bonnie cut the younger Gilbert's palm, blood dripping onto a map. They merged into one and moved, shifting to where the lost girl was hidden. "Here. She's there." "That's 300 miles away.", Jeremy said. "No way she's just out and about around there." Jemma added unhelpfully. Stefan ignored her and shook his head, "no, Bonnie. We need a more exact location than that." The eldest of them rolled her eyes. "That's as close as it'll get Messr Salvatore." Jeremy huffed quietly before suggesting an alternative. "Whatever. We can map it, aerial view will show us what's around there, help us narrow down the area." Stefan seemed satisfied. "Perfect. Call me with whatever you find." The pair of vampires were going to leave when- "no, no, I'm coming with you." "No Jeremy, you're not." Stefan crossed his arms and looked at the young teen sternly. "No, I'm not just going to sit here. What if she's hurt okay?"
Jemma turned her head away from the boys for a moment, her keen senses smelling blood. Bonnie's. Is she over exhausting herself? That can kill her-
"Or worse? What if she's…" "She's not." He reassured the brother, shouldering Alaric's bag of weapons. "You two go back to your house just in case. I'll call you the minute I find her." "Well you can't do this alone." Jeremy argued fruitlessly. "He's not." Damon Salvatore, the elder of the two vampiric brothers, butt in from the entrance of the classroom. "Let's go." Stefan seemed surprised at his brother's arrival. "You're coming with me?" "Us." Jemma added, letting Damon know she wasn't about to let them do something dumb on their own. "You're coming with us?" He corrected himself, earning a bored look from Damon. "It's Elena."
They drove in silence for a time, Damon driving with Stefan in shotgun and Jemma in the back.
"Alaric sure likes his weapons." Jemma smiled at Damon's fake nonchalance. "Of course he does. I mean he is a hunter after all." Stefan held a small bottle of what smelt like vervain. "What the hell is that?" "Calm down Damon," she smirked. "Is a bottle really all it takes to frighten the mighty Salvatore boys?" They gave her a look, one that very clearly said: shut up. "It's a vervain bomb or a grenade launcher or something like that." "A grenade launcher launches the grenades. That is an actual grenade so how's about vervain grenade?", Jemma mumbled, laying on the back seats and trying to think of a plan. "Let's go with that for now."
"Hey,  how much further is it?" Stefan asked. Damon replied, not taking his eyes off the road, "about 80 miles." "Who do you think took her?" "Someone from Katherine's past." Of course it has something to do with Katerina. Petrova döpplegangers always seen to be at the centre of everyone's problems. First Tatia, then Katerina and now Elena the naïve child's been pulled into it, Jemma thought to herself as she listened in on the brothers. "She said she was running from someone. They got the wrong girl."
"Thank you for helping me." "Can we not do the whole road trip bonding thing? The cliche of it all makes me itch." "Oh, come on Damon.  We all know that you being in this car has absolutely nothing to do with me anyway." Jemma mentally snorted, no shit Sherlock. He's in love with your girl. "The elephant in the room lets out a mighty roar(!)" "It doesn't have to be an elephant. Let's talk about it." "There's nothing to talk about." "That's not true. I'm sure there is. Just get it out. I mean, are you in this car because you want to help your little brother save the girl he loves? Or is it because you love her too? Hmm? I mean come on, express yourself. I happen to like road trip bonding." "Keep it up Stefan - I can step out of helping as easily as I stepped in." "No, you see that's the beauty of it. You can't." She sat up in the back, looking between the brimming anger of the brothers. "Drama." She whispered under her breath, playing with one of Alaric's stakes. "Shut up.", they said in unison. Well, she raised an eyebrow at the younger vampires, at least I got them to agree on something.
"We're getting close. Jeremy said there's an access road just past mile marker 6." Jemma took the blood bagout of her mouth. "Finally." Damon stole the bag from her hand and began to drink. "Hey-", she protested. "Oh don't be such a baby. After all, you're the one whose always on about how old you are.", his smile condescending. "If you want some, just ask.", he teased Stefan. "I want some." "Aw, that's so sweet. You're gonna be all big and strong and save your girl but don't worry. I've got your back. It'll be fine." "I'm not joking. I've been drinking a little everyday. I'm slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength." Damon looked back at the elder vampire as if to ask, 'is he kidding me?' "He's not kidding." Damon nodded and passed him her blood bag. "Does Elena know you're drinking blood?" "I've been drinking hers." "Hmm, how romantic." He said, drinking from another bag and thus earning himself a wack on arm from Jemma. "One: if you had your own bag, don't take mine you little shit, and two: how didn't you notice before? I've walked in on Stefan feeding and I don't even live at your house."
"Whatever. Anyway since we're road trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived for was blood? You were the guy who ripped people apart just for the fun of it." The Ripper. She smirked to herself. Much more fun but much less civilised. "You mean when I was more like you?" "Yes, Stefan, exactly. Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big bad vampire. I wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy? By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoot." "Agreed. He was a lot more fun than you but at least you have better table manners than he did.", she added. "I guess he found something else to live for."
"Why are we stopping?" The car slowed to a stop. "The house should be just beyond those trees." Stefan tried to get out but Damon stopped him. "Wait," he said. "I got a lot more experience than you do with these sorts of things." "What is your point?" "My point is, whoever has Elena is probably who was after Katherine in 1864 and before that." "And?" "And it puts them at 500 years old and strong. Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yeah, I'm certain I want to do it." "Because if we go in that house, we may not come back out." How ominous. "Alright, then I won't come out." "So noble, Stefan." "I can't think of a better reason to die, but if you guys want to stay here, I'll totally understand." He left the car, Damon and Jemma following in tow. "Why are you here Jemma? You don’t even like Elena." "You didn't think I was gonna let you two have all the fun now did you?"
They walked in to the house, their footsteps echoing. It was old and slightly dilapidated yet well kept as there was furniture dotted in different places.  A thick layer of dust covered everything.
"This place is in desperate need of a housekeeper.", she said, running a finger across a fire place, creating a groove in the dust before wiping her dirty finger on her jeans. "Quit screwing around and help us come up with a plan." Damon snapped. "I have one." "What is it?" "This place has at least a few floors meaning it has stairs. We make a bit of noise near some and our mystery man will show up. Stefan will stop him from going up. You stop him from going down. I block the exits. We have him trapped with three vampires who are armed and we kill him." "Did you just come up with that?" "You guys were having bro time in the car so I started doing something productive."
They found a staircase and went to the top, Jemma quickly getting bored. "Lets see how these work then." She muttered to herself, fiddling with one of Alaric's weapons and, naturally, causing a small explosion. "Good news: I figured out how to use the vervain grenades. Bad news: the plan starts a little earlier." 
Mystery Man vampire-sped into the room holding someone, a dark blur as Damon and Stefan moved around him. He threw Elena into a woman's arms. "Rose." the man said. Two thoughts ran through Jemma's mind: why does he seem so familiar? and Rose must be the girl's name. "I don't know who it is.", she called back.
"Up here." Stefan called from the top of the stairs. The man ran up the stairs to him. "Down here." Damon taunted. Jemma threw a stake that landed in his hand. He looked down at it and pulled it out with practiced ease as she hid out of the man's line of sight. Jemma looked back and forth looking for the two girls, Elena and Rose had seemingly having disappeared when in fact Elena was with Stefan and Rose with Damon. "Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. Do you hear that?" She faltered. Could it be? No. He would never come back unless Mikael was dead and because he can't be killed... The man broke a coat rack and made a makeshift stake. "I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girl, I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" Elena appeared at the top of the stairs. Stupid girl is out to get herself killed. "I'll come with you, just please don't hurt my friends, they just wanted to help me out." The man vampire-sped up the stairs, not giving her a chance to see his face. "What game are you playing with me?" She threw a vervain grenade at his face, burning him, only for him to heal almost immediately. He went towards her but Jemma ran towards him, she and Stefan knocking him over. Stefan tried to shoot him with a compressed air weapon which didn't work so he threw it to the ground and tackled him, resulting in them both tumbling down the stairs. The man got up straight away but Stefan wouldn't move. "Stefan get up!" She shouted at him, urging him to move because the man was going towards him but he hesitated when he heard her voice. "Jem?" He mumbled, quickly turning and facing her. "Eli." Damon hurriedly staked him, leaving him pinned to a door and dead. All of a sudden a sharp pain filled Jemma's body as she heard a sickening crack, her neck broken as she fell to the ground.
She groaned loudly, soft sheets pillowed around her as she sat up. She left the spare room of the Salvatore Boarding House and slowly padded over to the lounge.
"Hey Sleeping Beauty, Rose got you good didn't she?" Damon said, pouring bourbon into two glasses. "Drink." He pushed the glass into her hand, Jemma scowling as she downed the drink. "'Got me good'? She snapped my bloody neck." She wrinkled her nose at the lingering flavour of the alcohol. "D'you have anything other than bourbon?" "3 glasses of scotch coming up." "3…?" She mumbled, wondering who was going to join them when Stefan walked into the room.
"Where's Elena?" Damon asked. "At home." "And you're here why?" "Because he lives here?" She suggested. "That and because she wanted to be with Jeremy." "Here." Damon passed him a glass of scotch. "Thanks. Listen, um, what Rose told Elena about the curse…." "I know, we'll keep her safe." "You know, the only way were gonna be able to do that is if we're not fighting each other. We let Katherine get between us. If we let that happen with Elena, we're not gonna be able to protect her." "Yes Stefan I heard it all before." "From me.", she reminded them. They really need to stop falling for the same person.
"Hey." "What?" "I'm sorry." "About what?" "For being the guy that made you turn 145 years ago." "Enough Stef, its late. Don't need to rehash that." "You know what? I've never said it out loud. I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it. I'm sorry. What I did was selfish. I didn't wanna be alone. I guess I just needed my brother." She smiled at the boys. Having known them since before they were vampires, she had grown quite fond of them over the decades and she was proud of them. The rebel and the daddy's boy finally getting along as they used to. "Well," she cleared her throat. "I'd best be off - text me the details about the curse; I did used to be a witch so I might be able to help Bonnie with it all." She saluted and headed home, absently rubbing the back of her neck. Edmund will have my head.
I hate being right. "What were you thinking?" Passive aggressiveness and disappointment was worse than anger in Jemma's opinion. "I was bored so I helped them get Elena back. No biggie." He looked at her like she was crazy - she tended to get that look a lot. "'No biggie'? Are you off your rocker? You went against Elijah! The same Elijah who was batshit crazy last we saw him and apparently only got worse. We were lucky to not have been seen back then and now you try and fight him-?" "She fought him and won." Thank God for Fran. "How do you know?" "If she lost to a Mikaelson she would be dead by now." "Oh come on. The Mikaelsons were our family; they wouldn't hurt us-" Jemma protested fruitlessly. "The Mikaelsons were once our family. But they aren't those people anymore." Fran retorted, looking at her pointedly. "And Originals aren't easy to kill - Elijah's not dead, just very pissed and he saw you with the people who tried to kill him. How's he gonna react to that, hmm?"
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cursed-ice-spirits · 5 years
Rebecca’s First Year: Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Investigation Begins, The Werewolf Strikes
Prev: Chapter 7
First: Chapter 1
Next: Soon.
TW: Really bad fight scene.
“Was it really worth it to go at Merula Snyde just to lose us yet another 40 points?!” Jane roared in the Common Room.
Rebecca let out a long sigh as Jane continued her rant. Looking around, most of the members of the house weren’t looking at her with hostility for once. It was more pitying than anything. If there was something all of Hufflepuff could agree on, it was that Jane is a bit… intense when it comes to house points.
“Everyone is suffering from your poor decisions!!” Jane seethed. “You’re ruining any chance we have of winning the house cup!”
“Leave her alone, Jane,” Penny said, standing up. “She did what was right. Personally, I’m thankful for her actions.”
It seems she’d conveniently forgot about their exchange before her discussion with Snape and Merula. Rebecca’s eyes latched onto how her hair shone in the light, before forcibly snapping her out of it. Not now.
“Doesn’t mean she has to drag the entire house down with her!” Jane hissed. “We’re in dead last thanks to her!”
“No surprise there,” Meadows says snidely. “She’s cursed. Won’t be surprised if she gives Hufflepuff just as bad of a reputation as Slytherin like what her brother did.”
“Lilith!” Penny exclaimed, looking angered while Rebecca’s eye twitched.
Oh for heavens’ sake. That’s it.
“Yeah, and you know what?” She scowled as she folded her arms, feeling completely and utterly pissed and she’s sure her face looks like it too. “Five words; I don’t give a shit.”
“Rebecca, language!” Jane scolded her. Rebecca ignored her. Not her fault that she has a big vocabulary thanks to her brother.
“You go on and on about the same crap as always about how I’m so so cursed and I’m going to ruin Hufflepuff’s reputation! It’s getting old. Come up with new stuff. Maybe then I’ll give you my time of day. You know, the very thing you’ve been asking for since we’ve arrived here?!”
Meadows opened her mouth to protest, a look of indignation on her face, but Rebecca shut her down. “Unless you got something to say other than how cursed I am, I don’t want to hear it,” she says coldly. “Oh! I almost forgot!” She whirls on Jane and points at her, irritated. “The house cup is stupid and useless. All it is is a damn cup and it goes to Slytherin anyway because of Snape’s outrageous favoritism. I’ll earn those points back, I know that for sure, but that will never change my perspective on the house cup.”
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed up to the dorms, managing to catch sight of Chiara’s concerned look, Penny’s proud grin, Tonks’ gleeful grin frozen in a laugh, and Diego’s awkward, but reassuring smile.
For some reason, she gains a flush on her face and she forces herself to look away, pulling her hair up with a ribbon.
She can’t sleep.
She can never sleep. Insomnia hits her from time to time since her brother disappeared but it starts hitting her more frequently since she followed Snape and Filch to the corridor.
Sitting by the fire with honey lemon tea helps a bit. It smoothes her throat and although it doesn’t help her sleep, it keeps her calm.
Staring down at the silver dragons decorating her green pajamas, Rebecca lets out a frustrated sigh and sets down her tea on the table to rub her hands together, even though she knows it’s useless to try and warm them up.
Her hands will stay cold and will always be cold, as well as the rest of her body so she’ll be a literal ice cube, not that she can feel it. All she can feel is numbness in place of the cold and nothing more.
An unfortunate side effect.
“Quite, unfortunately, his sister seems to be in perfect health.”
She lets out a delirious snort. Perfect health. Yeah right.
Although there are pros to the side effect as much as there are cons. For example, she’s waiting for the chance to walk up to Lockwood and slap him in the face with her ice-cold hands. She can but since she’s already in trouble, she rather not risk her luck unless Lockwood provokes her. Shame, she would like to see his reaction.
Soft footsteps padded down the tunnel to the girls’ dormitory. Rebecca tensed and reached for her wand, but relaxed when she saw who it was.
“Chiara,” she said, blinking. “I’m surprised you’re awake.”
Chiara looked surprised too, eyes wide and her mouth slightly agape. She closed it and offered her a smile. “I should be saying that as well,” her voice comes out soft. “Can’t sleep?”
“You can say that,” she lies through her teeth. “I just woke up about a half-hour ago and couldn’t go back to sleep. Is all. Tea?”
“I’d love one. Thank you.”
They sat in comfortable silence, and Rebecca’s thoughts drifted from there.
The Cursed Vaults. She thought she’ll avoid them at all costs but with the events and the conversation she overheard, she supposes not. If it gets her any closer to finding her brother, she’ll do whatever it takes. Maybe that way, she’ll get some normalcy in her life.
Well, close to a normal life she can get with her curse.
She lets out a slow breath.
Lord situation. Lord situation. She isn’t stupid. She knows they’re talking about her brother, and what happened when he got expelled, but there has to be more to the story.
What is it? What is she missing? What was her brother up to?
“Rebecca,” Chiara suddenly spoke up. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She frowned. “Yes, why do you ask?”
“You snapped at Lilith a week ago,” Chiara pointed out. “After you dueled Merula. You also yelled at Jane. No offense but… it’s not really you. You usually ignore them.”
Rebecca drank some of her tea and sighed. “I was in a bit of a bad mood, Chiara,” she said when she finished. Half-truth. “Besides it wasn’t the first time I snapped at Meadows. First day, remember?”
“Of course I remember,” Chiara said. “But you went out of your way to ignore her. Snapping at her and Jane just surprised me.”
Rebecca sighed. “I’m fine. Those two just irritate me way too much.”
Chiara frowned. “I know about your nightmares,” she says simply, making her freeze. Chiara takes her hand, frowning at it.
Probably wondering why it’s so cold, Rebecca thinks warily.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” she continues, snapping Rebecca out of her thoughts. “I hear you scream in your sleep sometimes. You can try to pretend but I’m not fooled.” She squeezes her hand and lets go. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about it but you seem to be always busy.”
Rebecca’s shoulders stumped. “Does anyone else know?”
Chiara shakes her head, sending silver locks everywhere. “No, as far as I know, only I know.”
“That’s good.” She watches the golden liquid of her tea swirl in the cup. “I hate to think what Meadows would do.”
Chiara giggles. “Lilith isn’t that bad when you get past all that.”
“I disagree.”
She giggles again and gets up. “Well, this talk was enlightening, and thanks for the tea.” Her eyes soften. “You should really go to Madam Pomfrey if those nightmares continue to bother you. They sound bad.”
Rebecca couldn’t bring herself to say that she doesn’t want to, nor does she trust any healer to help her. Her uncle was supposed to help her mother, and look at what happened instead. So instead, she does what she does best. She lies. “I will.”
Guilt squeezes her heart when Chiara smiles gratefully at her. “Thank you,” she says, before going up to their dorm again.
Rebecca averted her eyes. She shouldn’t trust her. None of them should. Half of the things that come out of her mouth are lies.
It’s for the best, She tells herself. They mustn’t get into her mess. It’s her mess and her mess only. She can deal with it on her own.
And if lying gets saves them from being dragged into this mess, so be it.
The frown on her face deepens, tired hazel eyes staring into the flickering fire, glowing in the darkness of the Common Room. Really though, she doesn’t have a choice. Who wants to get into her mess?
She shook her head. It’s clear that she can’t sleep with this on her mind. After several sleepless nights, maybe it’s about time she does something about it.
Reaching for her blanket, Rebecca wrapped it around herself and basked in its warmth, just for a bit to pretend she’s normal and not going to die, and it hits her now that she’s completely and utterly alone.
She has been alone for the past year, and it’s only now that she finds out info about the Cursed Vaults that it really hits her. No one to turn to. No one to by her side. Sure there’s Ben, Rowan, Bill, Chiara, even Penny, but how long will that last once they find how about her curse?
With a sharp frown, she wraps the blanket tighter around herself and heads out of the Common Room.
“This is where Snape and Filch were talking…” she whispers as she approaches the corridor. A split second later, she chuckles to herself and shakes her head. So she has gone mad enough to talk to herself and expect an answer.
The corridor was surprisingly unguarded. She doesn’t relax. If anything, that puts her off. The door is obviously important. Snape told Filch to guard it and keep it locked, so why is so unprotected? Whatever is behind this door must be important. The Cursed Vaults caused so much trouble when her brother was around, so why leave it alone for even a minute?
She frowned. Regardless of why they would even let this door alone, she needs to be quick. Filch can be and will be nasty. If he catches her…
Shaking her head, she walks over to the wall and reaches out, fingertips brushing against the stone. As long as she hurries and stay aware of her surroundings, she’ll be fine. Although... there wasn’t much to search unless she goes inside the room herself.
Glancing at the door, she headed over and slowly pressed her palm against the wood. There was a slight tingling in her fingertips, slowly traveling up her arm, and hazel eyes widened and a slight gasp escaped her mouth as she pulled away.
That… wasn’t supposed to happen. Was it? Unless…
Her head pounded, but she ignored it and reached for the door again, curious about the tingling. If what she suspected is true...
There was a noise at the end of the corridor. Rebecca jumped violently and hopped straight onto the bench near her, whipping out her wand as she pointed it at the source of the noise, breathing heavily.
Someone was coming. No…, not someone. Something.
Her eyes moved over to the shadows, stretching against the wall, and shrinking as it got closer until it formed into… a shape of a cat.
Rebecca cursed. It could be just a cat belonging to some random student but she also knew that it could be Mrs. Norris. Not good.
A hand snatched up her blanket that she had dropped earlier when she got startled, Rebecca hopped off the bench and sprinted to the Common Room, suddenly grateful for her slipper socks, which muffled any sound her footsteps may make and also help her keep her footing so she won’t slip.
Even as she ran, she couldn’t help but look back at the door and muse on its purpose. An impenetrable lock, a mysterious door, and the constant threat of being caught by Filch. It almost seems impossible to breakthrough.
No matter. She’ll find a way. It’ll take some time, but she’ll figure it out.
The next few weeks flew by. She moved to the room she had found to sleep there instead. She’s sure that it’s not allowed but if she has to deal with Meadows calling her mad every single day, she’ll go mad.
It’s not like anyone would care. As long as they see her in the dorm before bed, she’ll be fine. She always retires early to bed anyway. It wouldn’t be hard. She trusts most of them not to bother her when her curtains are drawn.
Most of them.
It is now Hallowe’en. She used to love that holiday but now it just feels dull without her family. She should be happy about that holiday. It is the day the war ended after all. But she couldn’t bring herself to.
...regardless, she is hungry, and she still doesn’t know how to get into the kitchens. So… might as well get some food before retreating back to her room.
So, hungry and tired, she heads to the Great Hall to go to the feast, completely and utterly alone, with no one by her side like always.
It was better than what she expected. There was candy-filled pumpkins, apples, black cauldrons of big lollipops, and all sorts of Hallowe'en-related decorations. It’s ridiculously unhealthy but her mouth is already watering at the amount of food even as she goes over to sit in at a lonely corner of the Hufflepuff table. Everyone is already sitting down, chatting happily with one another as they ate, celebrating the 3rd anniversary of Voldemort’s defeat.
Where is Chiara? And Dumbledore?
Ice seems to form in her stomach as the feast continues and she realizes that she can’t see any of them. Which is why Rebecca jumped when someone slides into a seat next to her. She turns to see who it is.
She smiles and Rebecca could have sworn her stomach flipped at the sight of it. “Happy Hallowe’en, Rebecca!”
Rebecca tries a smile. “You too, Penny.” Seeing Penny frown, she hurriedly continued. “They must have put a lot of hard into this feast, huh? It looks incredible…”
“Definitely!” Penny smiles again, although the glint of worry doesn’t leave her eyes. “I’ve been looking forward to this feast all year. What are you most looking forward to?”
Rebecca shrugged even as her eyes roamed over all the students, trying to find the missing two, mostly Chiara. “I suppose I’m looking forward to the entertainment.”
“I heard Snape is going to sing A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love,” Penny smirked, her eyes glittering with amusement.
“That’s absolutely horrible,” Rebecca complained. “That better be just a rumor. I think I’m going to be sick if it’s true.”
Penny laughed. “Relax. He’s just grumpy as always. I thought he was earlier but he was just grimacing through his teeth.” She shrugged and reached for some pie. “But it’s always funny to see what people cook up for the entertainment, which we’ll see soon anyway since the feast is almost over.”
Rebecca nodded, her frown returning. “Speaking of that, when is it starting? I hear Dumbledore usually introduces it but I don’t see him anywhere.”
“It is weird,” Penny said thoughtfully. “He hasn’t appeared since the start of the feast.”
Her hand forms into a fist. “I… see…”
She isn’t worried about Dumbledore. She knows he’s a very capable wizard. Chiara, on the other hand…
Her Veer buzzes angrily in her head, and alarm bells rang loudly. Something is horribly wrong.
Rebecca stood up abruptly. “I’ll go look for him,” she said stiffly.
“Oh,” Penny blinked. “Do you want me to come with—“
But Rebecca rushed out of the Great Hall before she can finish.
Please please be alright, Chiara.
Her feet take her to the training grounds. The first thing she notices is Chiara, laying on the ground, unconscious.
The second thing is…
Rebecca’s eyes widened and she steps back. “What…?”
Three men stood a few feet behind Chiara, but the one right in the middle caught her attention the most. He looked bestially, with matted grey hair and whiskers, as well as pointed teeth and long yellowish nails.
Her blood turns cold when she realizes exactly who she’s looking at.
“Fenrir Greyback,” her voice comes out in a whisper, trembling slightly.
Greyback’s lips curled into a vicious grin. “Nothing to be afraid of, love,” he purrs. “We’re here to free you from your little life. To show you what true power is like…”
He gestured at her. “Come here~ I’ll be taking care of you from now on. After I get a bite or two…”
“Screw you,” she snarls, snapping out of it. Her arm shoots up and releases red sparks into the sky. Please, please help. “You don’t belong here, none of you do!”
A cruel laugh emits out of his mouth. She flinches at the sound of it.
“That’s where you’re wrong, little witch! Everything belongs to us!” He steps closer, his smile growing when she continues to step back. “You’ll see the truth soon enough! Or you’ll be dead…”
She can’t stop them. She’s just a first-year who barely started attending Hogwarts. She needs to get help.
Rebecca was lifting her wand, a spell at the tip of her tongue when one of the men next to Greyback darted towards her and slammed into her. Letting out a cry as she landed on the ground hard, her hands shot up instinctively and slams onto the werewolf’s shoulders, preventing him from going closer.
Keep elbows straight keep elbows straight! She screams in her head when the man pushes on her arms more insistently, jaws snapping, dribs of slobber falling on her face.
“Try and stop us!” Greyback’s voice sneered as she struggled with the werewolf on top of her. “That’s what this girl tried. Now, look at her; lying on the ground like a pretty little slab of meat… Go ahead! Take a bite out of her as long as you leave some for us! After all, what sort of leader would I be if I didn’t let my pack have a bite too?”
It was all instinct from there.
Rebecca grimaced her teeth, then moved to hook her feet on the man’s hips, first her left foot, then her right, and pushed back, before slamming her feet up against his chin with a scream. As soon as he reeled back, she scrambled out of his grip and as far away as possible, wiping off the slobber with a grimace.
She didn’t escape for long.
A force slams against the side of her head, sending her reeling and leaving her defenseless. Just enough for a hand to grab her neck and slammed her onto the ground.
“Oh, the little miss can fight,” the man snickered, curling a lock of hair behind her ear. “Shame it isn’t a full moon — you’ll be a lovely addition to the pack…”
The cold metal of her necklace seems to burn her skin. Her wrists were pinned to the ground to allow him to lean down and bite into her flesh, or he would have already if she wasn’t moving so much.
She can’t reach for the hidden knife.
She struggled, grunting as she tries to escape his jaws. She will not die here. She has too much to lose to die now.
Clawed hands dig into her forearms. Something wet was running down them. Blood. Blood, she can tell already. It was blood. She grits her teeth together and refuses to make a noise that will indicate her pain.
The bird was trying to escape its icy cage. It was slamming into the bars, trying to squeeze through the gaps, screeching to LET IT OUT. She can’t hold it back any longer. Let it free, just for a moment…
The last thing Rebecca sees is the man’s savage grin turning into a look of shock as ice climbs up his arms before she blacks out.
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