#of course i saw school of rock as a kid but i don't remember a lot of it
castorochiaro · 1 year
Favorite Jack Black performance?
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animexts · 1 year
Please don't die | Megumi Fushiguro
Sumarry: Megumi feels his world crumble when he sees Y/n on the brink of death.
Paring: Megumi X Mother figure!Reader | WC: 2.877
A/N: Well, I'm sorry for any mistakes I made here, I'll review it later. This story, the reader is Gojo's wife.
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Megumi feels her body freeze when she sees Y/n's body being thrown by the curse they were facing.
"Y/n-sensei!" He hears Itadori screaming in the background, but all he can pay attention to is Y/n's bleeding body lying unconscious on the floor.
“It's not your fault”
Is what she would say to him, and then she would give him that smile that manages to relax his whole body.
Y/n was a special grade sorceress, and to Megumi, she was not only the best sorceress, but also the best person.
She was smart, responsible, loving and just the best mother he could ever have.
"Why didn't you fucking take care of her?"
Megumi thinks, clenching her fists with all her strength.
He never thought he would want Gojo's presence as much as he does now.
As if his legs were moving by themselves, he was running over to Y/n and kneeling beside her body.
"Sensei please wake up." He says rocking her gently.
"Sensei please... please don't die mom." He says crying and rubbing his hand on her face.
If he was a little stronger, if he was faster, he never wanted to fulfill the promise he made with Gojo a few years ago so much.
"Listen Megumi, since we're going to share Y/n, you need to promise me that you'll take care of her with your life." Gojo says looking seriously at the Boy.
"She's strong, I don't think she needs my protection." The boy says with his arms crossed. "She's strong yes, but it turns out she'd rather protect those she loves than herself." Megumi looks at Gojo and sighs
"Okay, I promise to protect her"
And during her lifetime, Megumi saw how right Gojo was, Y/n put herself in danger several times to save him or some of the students, both first and second years.
"They're just kids"
Was what she always said.
And unfortunately, that's what was happening now, Y/n spent the day exorcising curses practically alone, as seeing how Itadori and Nobara were still hurt from the previous mission, it sure exhausted her.
"Please Mom, don't leave me too." Megumi says hugging Y/n's body.
He is so desperate, he didn't even notice Gojo coming and finally exorcising the curse.
The Shaman feels his blood run cold when he sees his wife covered in blood, it was even sadder to see Megumi in that state.
"Megumi, let's take her to shoko." Satoru says trying to take his wife from Megumi's arms.
"No! don't take her away from me!" He says holding tighter.
"Come on Megumi, if I take her it will be faster, please is my wife you're holding." Gojo says and Megumi, still reluctant, hands Y/n to Gojo, who immediately leaves.
"Don't worry, Y/n sensei Is one.of the strongest people I've ever met, well she and Gojo sensei." Itadori says putting his hand on Megumi's shoulder.
The strongest couple
Megumi remembers perfectly well only the day when Gojo introduced Y/n to him and his sister. Unlike Gojo, Y/n was responsible, more serious and easier to talk to.
"Here you are, my beautiful wife Y/n!" Gojo says putting his arm around her shoulders.
"I'm not your wife." Y/n says pushing him, and bending down to be at the children's height.
"You're not YET"
"Hi, don't worry, me and this idiot here will take good care of you two." Y/n says, and gives the kids a warm smile.
And that's what she's been doing since they met, Megumi thinks, no, rehash that, he KNEW he wouldn't be the man he is today if it weren't for Y/n's (and Gojo's, of course) incredible upbringing.
"You're worried about sensei aren't you?" Nobara says, as the three walk back to the school.
"I'm sure you don't have to worry, she's pretty tough!" Itadori says smiling.
"I hope you're right." Megumi says, and feels her palms sweat when they arrive at school, and see Gojo sitting on the stairs.
"Look who's here! It took you a while huh." Gojo says standing up and Megumi sighs in relief.
Even though he knows that his sensei is very good at hiding his feelings, he knows that the feeling of losing his wife, best friend, could not be hidden.
Gojo looks at him and sees the anguish on his face.
"She's fine, she's in there resting." He says, and Megumi's face turns red.
"I knew!" Itadori says jumping up.
"You two can go rest, Megumi and I are having a family reunion here with Miss Saves Everyone's Life." Gojo says, and he and Megumi head to their rooms.
"I'm sorry sensei, I couldn't protect her as I should have and as I promised you." Megumi says as the two walk to their rooms.
"I know how much you love her, and you tried to protect her, just like I know how stubborn my wife is, when she wants to protect someone, nobody can stop her." Gojo says and notices that Megumi has clenched her fists.
"I thought you were used to her craziness by now." Satoru says trying to lighten the mood.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of almost losing her."
"Me neither" Gojo thinks.
Gojo knocks on the door, and opens it carefully, Megumi almost cries when she sees the state of the woman who always conveys that powerful and independent aura.
"Gumi!" Y/n speaks softly but with happiness in her voice when she sees the younger boy.
"Sensei..." He says quietly, as he doesn't trust his voice anymore.
"Oh Gumi, I was so worried about you." She says with teary eyes.
"I... I'm sorry sensei, I couldn't protect you like I should have." Megumi bows with her eyes closed, making Gojo and Y/n look at him in surprise.
"What are you talking about? I should protect you Gumi, I know I'm not your blood mother but-"
"Don't finish that sentence, you are my mother, and I owe you my life you've protected me my whole life, I want to protect you now... mom." Megumi says crying.
"Oh my love come here." Y/n says opening his arms, making the younger boy immediately fall into the woman's embrace, just like when he was younger.
"You'll always be my baby." Y/n says and kisses Megumi's head, you might think he wouldn't like it, but coming from her, he almost cries from her affection.
"I think for the sake of my sanity, and Megumi's, you better stop giving your life for others, because baby I swear that if you die, the world will gain two crazy mad sorcerers." Gojo says taking off his blindfold.
"And we don't want that right?" Y/n says laughing.
"No, definitely not." Megumi responds by laughing too.
Gojo and Y/n look at each other smiling fondly, they were doing a good job.
"Family hug!" Gojo says lying on top of Megumi.
"You're going to hurt Y/n you freak, get out of here." Megumi says trying to push Gojo away.
They weren't the most perfect family of all, but there was more love than many out there.
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aidaronan · 2 years
The years go by. The retail jobs that Steve thinks are temporary keep piling up, but he has no idea what else to do with his life so he just keeps on keeping on.
Until a large tree falls on the lawn of the little house he managed to buy and he gets the quote on removal and the number literally hurts his soul.
He buys a small chainsaw instead. Over the course of a few weeks, he gets most of the branches cut up. He collects some large rocks from down by the quarry and digs out a fire pit in his backyard. On his days off, his friends come over and they sit out back and have a few beers. The pile of wood dwindles. The giant trunk is another story though. His chainsaw isn't big enough for it. Burning it would take forever, and Steve's terrified he'd disappoint Smoky the Bear. He's at a loss.
Until he sees another giant trunk in someone's yard carved into a bear.
He knows what to do then. Not a bear, but something else. Through trial and error, the trunk becomes the rough shape of a woman, the remnants of the branches like a crown on her head. It's not as amazing as the bear he saw, but it's his. He finds he loves the smell of sawdust and the feeling of creating something.
Just like that, Steve realizes what he wants to do. It takes several months and a lot of yard sales, but he scrounges up the tools he needs to start woodworking. He learns to measure twice and cut once. He makes tables and chairs and carves them with art and designs that get better and better the more he learns. Shockingly, people actually buy his pieces.
Even more shocking comes the realization that he's making enough money to do it full time. He puts in his two weeks notice at Melvald's and hands in his assistant manager badge.
He's not sure he's happy, but he is content. It feels good to work hard and actually have things to show for it. It also feels good to work muscles he hasn't used since high school. He carries on for a few years like that, creating and learning and creating some more. Then Eddie Munson blows back into town. Invited back so Hawkins can have their most famous alumnus sing the national anthem at homecoming. Steve's honestly surprised he shows at all. "Can't believe you didn't tell them kiss your hairy ass," Steve says. Because of course Eddie ends up around his fire pit, sipping on Steve's cheap beer like he doesn't have three Grammy awards on his mantel. The years fall away with each drink, reminding Steve of just how much it had hurt when Eddie left. He'd wanted Eddie so bad back then, more than he'd ever wanted anyone. He can feel the echoes of that deep ache across time.
"Pfft. Don't you know all famous people wax our asses now? All the rage in LA." Eddie cuts a look at him and smirks when Steve rolls his eyes, grateful for the lighthearted moment to snap him out of his maudlin nostalgia. "Really though I thought about it, but then I thought it would be way funnier to donate a metric fuckton of money to Hawkins High with the stipulation that it go to the theater and band programs. Kind of bummed they couldn't honor my other request though."
"Which was?"
"My old Hellfire throne. I miss her, but apparently she's not around anymore. Something about water damage."
"Oh yeah. Water main busted a few years back and flooded the theater. I remember that." "Yeah. Had to settle for the promise they'd make a game lounge and stock it with all the supplies a budding young nerd needs."
"That's really nice, Eds."
Eddie shrugs. "I've been known to be nice on occasion. You'll come to homecoming, right? Moral support?"
Steve hasn't been to homecoming in years because he sees the other people who stayed in town all the time, and he has no interest in seeing the people who didn't. He can only answer the same questions so many times. Oh, I'm doing woodwork now. Yep, I still live right here. Nope, still not married, no kids.
He goes though, and he answers the uncomfortable questions. Because Eddie asked him to. Because no matter how long it's been, Steve can't deny that some part of him still...
He says goodbye after, and Eddie leaves again, and Steve tries not to think about that too much in the following days.
He's halfway into the project before he realizes what he's building. He'd seen Eddie's throne quite a few times back when. What he doesn't have memories of, he makes up. He adds his own touches too, making it a throne fit for a rock star, a nerd, a friend.
He carves ornate patterns, he creates scenes of dragons being beaten back by a man with a guitar, crowds of people that could be knights or concertgoers.
It's his favorite piece he's ever done, and his hands are shaking when he dials Eddie's number. He gets an answering machine and stumbles through a message.
"I made you something. I guess it's kind of silly, but it's here in Hawkins if you want it. Or I'm sure you can afford the shipping if you don't want to come. Just, I made you a chair. It's more of a... Well, you'll see. Unless you don't want to... It's Steve by the way." He hangs up before he can embarrass himself even more.
Eddie doesn't call him back. One day passes and then another. Steve tries not to let it get to him. He works on orders and new projects. He enjoys his little backyard oasis. He rents a few movies and thinks they're okay.
He's debarking some wood in his driveway when the rental car pulls up, Eddie stepping out in ripped jeans and an old Metallica tee. "Hi again, Stevie."
"Oh." Steve clears his throat. "The thing's in the garage. I'll..."
Eddie doesn't say anything for a long time, circling the throne, running his tattooed fingers over each little detail.
"You made this whole thing?"
"I did."
"For me?" Eddie looks at him then, one hand still touching the wood like he doesn't want to let go. Even under the harsh lights of the garage, his eyes are such a warm shade of brown that Steve forgets to breathe.
He nods. "For you."
There are a hundred answers Steve could give, but he spent so long not knowing who he was or who he wanted to be. Too long. "Because you'll always be the one that got away. Because some part of me will always want to make you smile no matter how long it's been."
Eddie falls into the throne like he just got the wind knocked out of him.
"You don't have to respond to that," Steve says. "You can just say thank you and take the chair."
"I can." Eddie blows out a breath. "But that would be incredibly stupid considering half my early ballads are about you."
"What?" Unfair. Steve doesn't have a chair to fall into.
"Oh sure, I changed the hes to shes for a while there because..." Eddie waves his hand. "But they're about you, Steve. God, I should've asked you out. I just thought..."
Hearing those words is a lot like seeing that carved bear all over again, something clicking into place that wasn't quite right before.
"Go out with me now then," Steve says. "Or stay in. I've got a frozen lasagna and I rented Contact."
"Steve Harrington? Asking Eddie 'the Freak' Munson on a date? Did hell freeze over?"
"Pfft." Steve takes a step closer toward what he wants most. "Hell froze over in 1986, Eddie. You were there."
Five months and a lot of long distance phone bills later, Steve opens Harrington Woodworking in Los Angeles. That same day, Eddie takes photos for Rolling Stone posing in an ornate throne in his living room. He tells the reporter exactly who made it and what he means. At concerts, he starts singing those ballads the way he always wanted to. More often than not, Steve stands in the wings singing along.
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mykuup · 1 year
Remember me from Middle School ?
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Summary : As you start your high school year, you meet one of your classmate : Eddie Munson. You don't understand why your biggest crush since primary school is here with you, as he's older than you. The thing is, for Eddie, you're a total stranger. Will he remember you ?
wc : 1,3k
Warning : mention of drug selling // angst and fluff // use of "y/n" // kisses
A/n : It's been a while since I haven't posted something here. the thing is that I want to write but nothing comes out of my brain that is fried bc of the heat where I'm living. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this one ! Also, this is lightly proofread and english isn't my native language (if u read my previous posts u already know ahaha) so all the mistakes are my own. Feel free to let a comment if u liked the story ;) Love ya
Originaly posted on Ao3
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You thought your first day of your last year would feel like a relief. You woke up early this morning with a wide smile on your face. Putting on your favorite outfit, you were ready to go to Hawkins High for the last year. Finally you were close to your biggest dream : leaving Hawkins. You needed to get out of there, you wanted to live something else in a big city. You broke up this summer with your ex so you would not have any link with anyone else than your best friend, Veronica. 
As your first French lesson starts, the door swings open and your heart misses a beat.
“S’rry I’m late.”
You and all the students turned their head to the voice. Dark hair floating around his face, a denim jacket over a black leather perfecto opened on a Hellfire club t-shirt. As you look at his dark brown eyes, you couldn’t be wrong.
Eddie Munson was walking his way to your classroom.
Everyone followed his walk with their eyes until he sat at a desk at the back of the room.
As the lesson begins, you couldn’t stop thinking about the man who sits a few desks behind you.
How could this be possible ?
You tried to glare a few times in his direction to picture him better. Last time you saw him was in middle school. His style and look were a complete turnover as he looks so adult and teen at the same time.
Darker also.
You remember a weird but sweet kid, always smiling and making the other laugh. Here, he looked mysterious and… angry ? Maybe it was just a stressful day for him as you see him biting his nails and his leg trembling. Looking back at his hands, you could notice the several obvious silver rings. He just looked like the former of a rock band or something. Maybe the hellfire t-shirt was a clue ?
You could hear the teacher asking every student to quickly introduce themselves and your turn came quicker than you expected. With a bit of apprehension, you also rise and try to speak as clearly as you could. But all you were thinking about at this moment was the reaction of the dark haired man behind.
Does he remember your name ?
You changed too so you wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t recognize you at first sight. As you sat back, you immediately turned to see Eddie’s reaction but you saw nothing. 
He was still biting his nails but was now writing something on his notebook. He doesn’t even take a look around him. You were a bit shocked as you were kinda friends at the school music club…
You spent the rest of the hour trying to not think about him. As the bell rings for the end of the class, you see him rushing outside without looking back.
You needed a talk with your best friend. You find her at the end of the day.
“Veronica !” you blurted out, and your friend saw that you looked panicked.
“Looks like you saw a ghost or something.” she says calmly.
“You’re right ! Do you remember Eddie ?”
“Hum…” Veronica faints to think hard. “Yeah maybe…”
“Don’t laugh Veronica !” you were angry at this time. Your friend saw your face and tried to calm you down.
“Of course I remember ! How could I forget !”
“He’s in my French class.” you don’t even manage Veronica and the news felt like a bomb, even for her.
“How?” she remembers he’s two years older than you both.
“I don’t know !”
“Are you sure it’s him ??”
“Well, yeah, I’m pretty sure. Even if he looks like a real man now.”
“I want to know everything from the first second you saw him!”
And here you are, for the first day of your last year, telling to your best friend the story of you seeing Eddie Munson for the first time since something that felt like decades.
Senior year started a few months ago and you are still obsessed with Eddie Munson. 
Veronica and you were hanging out a lot at the arcades or the mall to have some fresh air. This senior year wasn’t going to be easy for sure and you both were talking about a few uni you dreamed of going to after your graduation. You already know that your path will part away after this year but you promise to each other to stay in touch and to see each other at least once a month.
“So, how’s French class going?” Veronica asks with a grin.
“Not that bad, Mrs.Flora is very kind !”
“I wasn’t talking about your teacher y’know…”
You sigh.
“I told you there’s nothing more to add. I already said everything you needed to know.”
“I know, I know !” she replies, hand rising like redemption. “I just found it weird he didn’t say anything to you after class. I mean, he heard your name right ?!”
“I’m not even sure he was listening during the whole hour. And he ran outside at the second the bell rang. He was late somewhere else for sure… as always.”
“How so ?” inquire your friend as she raises an eyebrow.
“I don’t really know how to explain it but he’s always late for French class. And everytime it ends, he runs to God knows where. And he always looks stressed or something.”
“You should simply ask why.”
“I’m sorry what ?!”
“Every problem or question has its own solution or answer. It’s… Basic science.”
“It’s not science Veronica, it’s being human ! And no, I will not ask him what he’s doing. I’m not his mom.”
“Hum… you really don’t want to solve this mystery ?”
“Don’t start Veronica!”
You both laugh. Truth is you both love investigation stories or movies. And when you were younger, your parents could watch you playing cops or secret agents to solve some imaginary scenarios.
“We’re not kids anymore.” you add, a bit of sadness in your laugh.
“I know, but hey, I know you ! You’ve always had a thing for this guy. You know that I’m a pragmatic girl but -and I hate to say that- it’s obvious that the universe is sending you another chance.”
“I thought you were a pragmatic girl…” you tease.
You laugh again. But your friend didn’t know the whole story. You’ve never found courage to talk about this. To talk about how you’ve been rejected by Eddie during middle school. You remember what you wrote on that note that day. You remember that you gave this piece of paper to someone so he could give it to Eddie. 
But maybe your friend was right. Maybe you could try to make something work out with Eddie ? You’re not sure why this guy was so much present in your brain. But anyway, you feel something for him, as you always did since you first met him.
You spend the next week trying to find out Eddie’s schedule.
During meal break, you heard about how dangerous the Hellfire Club was because of the freaks that were in it. You also find out that this wasn’t a music band but a Dungeons & Dragons thing. Whatever it was, you couldn’t see Eddie or his friends as freaks. Sure he was different since you knew him. But you were pretty sure he wasn’t all the things you heard about him.
Especially a drug dealer.
You only hear a few parts of a chat between three -not really reliable- students. You recognize one of them being in the same history class as you. And without thinking another second, you choose to follow him after class to see where he was going.
On your way to follow your classmate outside the school, you see a piece of paper hanging on a wall. Looking at it, you see a picture of a few students, all wearing the Hellfire Club Tshirt.
Between them, a bit on the left, you spot Eddie.
Every guy in the picture was smiling, obviously happy to be there at this time. Eddie was smiling too and you feel your heart missing a beat again. You felt weird. Something between angst and happiness. A bittersweet feeling that left a weird taste in your mouth. Thinking about the thing you never said to your friend Veronica made you remember this moment in primary school your wish to forget.
You shake your head.
“No time for this.” you say to yourself.
You have to find out the truth. You look at your classmate in the crowded corridor. When you find him a few feet in front of you, you keep following him.
Few minutes later, you find yourself walking in the closest forest to school. You could hear the footsteps from afar as you kept yourself low to not be seen. You stop to hide behind a tree. From your point of view, you could see Eddie, sitting at a picnic table. He had a black metal box opened in front of him. The student you were following took something out of his pocket before giving it to Eddie. You see him give something back before the other student leaves without saying anything. You couldn’t believe that the rumors were true. Eddie was really a drug dealer. You felt disappointed. How this sweet child turned into someone completely different ?
“I see you.”
You froze as you heard the voice. Your heart misses a beat when you hear him again.
“Hey, hello ?”
Your breath was heavy and you didn’t know if you had to run or…
No, the truth is, you didn’t want to run. You were curious. You wanted to see if he would recognize you this time. You walk out of behind the tree you were hiding to join him at the picnic table. You didn’t sit even if you saw your classmate gently inviting you to. You toggle on your feet, clearing your throat, not knowing what to say.
“Are you okay ?” he asks, a bit concerned.
You look straight at him. You dive in his eyes so easily you couldn’t believe it. You remember the last time you saw him and this weird feeling came back. You swallow hard before shaking your head.
“Sorry it was a mistake.” you say dryly before turning away.
“Hey !” he calls you, gently grabbing your arm so you don’t run away.
You turn to face him and you see his wide smile enlighten his face. He let go of your arm and raised his hands in surrender, taking a step back.
“Nothing to be afraid of.” he adds.
You offer him half of a smile before sitting on the bench. He sits too, facing you before opening his metal box again. Then he put his hand on his mouth, looking at you. He was waiting for you to speak. But as you start to open your mouth, you understand that he wanted to sell you stuff. Eddie sees your sudden change of mood and tries to calm you down.
“Hey hey hey ! I’m sorry ! Hey y/n , I'm sorry !”
You froze as you heard him calling your name.
“What did you say ?” you ask, uneasily.
“You’re y/n right ? From French class ?” he hesitates.
This was too much.
You decided to walk away without looking back at him. You could hear him trying to catch you again but you didn’t let him have the chance to. After that, you walk back home furious and a bit sad too. You had to bury the feelings you had for him or you would chase him desperately.
But the thing you didn’t know was that your best friend got your back. As she always did.
“Can I come to yours after class?” Veronica asks you, as you were entering your science class.
“Yeah sure ! We walk together ?”
“No, I have an extra hour. I will join you after.”
You could see your friend hiding a smirk but you couldn’t guess why. Anyway, you had a lot in your head today as you had a chemistry test this afternoon.
You were exhausted because of your day. You were close to the middle of the year already and all your teachers gave you tests every week or so.
Finally home, you try to relax a bit before greeting your friend. You prepare her favorite tea and take some ice cream out of your freezer. After a few minutes, you hear your bell rings. Usually your friend would come in like it was her home. But maybe you lock the door behind you this time.
It wasn’t locked.
As it wasn’t Veronica behind your door, it swings open on a dark haired boy, wearing a Hellfire Club t-shirt.
“Hi !” he waves at you with a shy smile.
You look at him in awe, your mind boiling with any insult you knew, thinking of Veronica. For sure you will kill her for that.
“Don’t blame Veronica please !! It was my idea to come here...”
Could he read your mind ?? He could see you were lost at his words.
“I hum… I wanted to talk to you. Last time I tried you… just ran away…” he explained quietly.
You sigh.
At his surprise, you take a step back to let him in, then close the door behind. Without a word you walk to your kitchen to take the cup of tea, bringing another one for him. You walk back to the living room to sit on your sofa, legs crossed. You invited him to sit in front of you. He nodded, quiet as you were, and took a sip of the hot tea you just prepared.
This was a weird moment. You both didn’t want to break the silence around you. So you were both drinking tea without saying anything. You notice he glances at you a few times. Clearing his throat you could see he wasn’t comfortable with the situation. So you decided to talk first.
“What d’you want ?” you ask, maybe a bit too rudely.
He put his cup of tea on the coffee table before looking at you. You could see he was a bit embarrassed but he found some courage.
“I think we started the wrong way. I guess it’s my fault.” he adds. “I can see in your eyes that I did something wrong. But I need your help to tell me so I can understand why you seem to… hate me.” he laughed nervously.
“Wait.” you say, pinching at the bridge of your nose. You were lost at this time. “Eddie do you… Do you just remember something ? Like anything about you and me ?”
“What the fuck ?! y/n, you're my biggest heartbreak ! Of course I remember! How could I forget…” he added with a sad laugh. 
You froze at his words. How could it be possible ? It was him who broke your heart back then. How could he blame you? He continues.
“I remember one day at school. You stopped talking to me. You were even avoiding me ! I never knew why.”
“What ?” you say with a quaver in your voice.
Eddie sees your face and he was as lost as you were right now.
“YOU were the one rejecting me Eddie ! I did nothing ! You do !” 
You were now letting all your feelings out. They were like a tornado at this point and you couldn’t stop yourself.
“You’re the one who broke my heart ! I tried… I really tried to forget you. But when I saw you in this classroom I… I couldn’t believe it.” you sigh, looking down at your feet. “It felt like you were a ghost, haunting me.” you almost whispered.
Eddie was completely lost. His throat felt like a big knot where his voice couldn’t come out from. He stares at you and slowly walks closer, kneeling in front of you. Still looking at your feet, his hand came into your sight as he gently put it on your thigh. You look up in the sudden to meet his eyes. You could see he was truly sorry about how you’re feeling right now. He cleared his throat.
“y/n… What happened between you and me ?” his voice was soft as he was only trying to understand.
“I wrote you a note.” you could feel your tears coming. “I… it was a piece of paper from my notebook. I gave it to one of your friends because I was so scared to give it to you.” You shut your eyes to stop the tears and shake your head. “It said : Would you go out with me ? A : Yes     B : No. And then the paper came back to me, it was ripped and everything was crossed out except the “no”. I was so afraid to ask you to hang out with me. And I was right…”
You couldn’t keep your tears anymore and you felt ridiculous to cry for that in front of him. You suddenly rise from the sofa to run to your room. You couldn’t stay in the same room as him. 
“Wait !” you hear him as you are climbing the stairs.
You wanted to shut your bedroom door behind you but something came in the way. Eddie was here, holding the door.
“Leave me please.” you ask as you dry your tears away.
“Hey y/n !” Eddie came closer to you. “Hey, look at me. Please, look at me.” he gently put his hands on your face so he could see you better.
You blink a few times to clear your vision.
“Hey…” he whispers, wiping your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry. For everything.” he was even closer to you by now, one of his hands behind your neck. “But y/n, I’ve never had this note from you. And believe me, I would say yes without a doubt.”
His words felt like a bomb. Your eyes widen as you part your mouth.It feels like a knockout. You sat on your bed, still stunned about what you just heard.
“I’m so stupid.” you whispered, almost for yourself.
“No you’re not.” he adds, kneeling again in front of you. He didn’t let you go, his hands still on you. “But again, I’m sorry. I should have asked you out myself back then but… I’ve never had the balls to do it.”
His choice of words makes you laugh a little and you could see his face enlighten with a smile.
“I love this sound of yours.” he admits.
You smile back at him.
“So what about now ?” you add with a bit of hesitation in your voice.
“Well.” he whispers. “I could try to be brave and find the right words but… I’m not very good with words.”
You were about to say something when Eddie closed the gap between you and him. His hands gently caressing your cheeks, you could feel him smile against your lips. You only needed a few seconds to relax and let him kiss you harder. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you.
As you thought he would directly throw you on the bed, you can feel one of his arms under your butt as his other hand finds its way to your breast. Delicately, he starts kneading your left boob through your t-shirt, making you gasp at first.
You kiss him more deeply and he lets your tongue play with his. You loved to french kiss. There was something so passionate about that kind of kiss. And you quickly understand he loved that too as you hear him groan a little under your touch. And it makes you shiver instantly.
“Are you okay ?” he enquires between two kisses.
“Yeah.” you sigh as you kiss him again and again.
He smiles and places a hand behind your head before bending over to lay you onto the bed gently. He crawls up to you and places himself between your parted legs. He raises himself on his elbows so he could admire you under him.
You caress his cheek gently, smiling at him. Your eyes flutter as you feel his powerful hands on you. Eddie lost his mind at your touch and that was all he could manage to say.
“Sweetheart you’re beautiful.” 
You giggle. He was so cute with his blushing cheeks and his wide smile. You locked your eyes with his and Eddie blew you a kiss in a silly way before kissing you for real.
Finally, you will have to thank Veronica for making this up.
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bjfinn · 10 months
"Beetlejuice"/"School of Rock" crossover
(thanks to @stinkyhorsebitch for the title suggestion!)
(Lydia's gift for Beej inspired by @lazifyre's artwork)
"Rock and Roll" by Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones & Robert Plant, © Edition JA, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Peermusic Publishing, Royalty Network, Songtrust Ave, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Inc
Lydia looked out the window. "Why is there a van parking in our driveway?"
Everyone came over to see. "HE'S HERE!" Beej exclaimed excitedly.
"Who's here?" asked Charles.
"My friend Dewey!" Beej said. Then he stopped suddenly, his hair turning pink. "Uh, is it okay if I invite him over for Christmas?"
"It's a little late for that, BJ!"
"I know, I know -- I forgot, okay? I'm sorry!"
The doorbell rang. "You must be Dewey Finn," Delia said brightly when she opened the door. "It's so nice to meet you -- BJ's told us all about you! Come in, come in, please!"
"Thanks," Dewey said as he knocked the snow off his boots and came in. "Glad to be here." He took off his coat, and Delia hung it on the coatrack.
"Dewey! My old pal! " Beej cried, grabbing his friend and hugging him. "Glad you could make it! It's so good to see you, buddy!"
"You too, Beej," Dewey said. He turned to Delia. "Thanks for telling Beej that I could come."
"Uhh ... well, of course!" she replied, managing to cover up her continued surprise. She shot Beej a look that clearly said We'll talk about this later. "Any friend of BJ's is a friend of ours," Delia told him. "Now let me introduce you to everyone -- I'm Delia, this is my husband Charles and of course you know his -- our -- daughter Lydia ..."
Dewey shook hands with each of them in turn.
"And these are our dear friends, Adam and Barbara Maitland -- oh! I don't know if you can see them -- they're ghosts."
"I can see them, actually," Dewey said with a smile. "It's ... it's nice to meet all of you -- Beej has told me all about you."
"Can I get you something to drink?" Charles asked.
"A beer would be great, thanks," Dewey said. "If you have any, of course -- otherwise, anything will be fine."
Charles headed to the kitchen and returned a moment later with a glass of foamy amber liquid. He handed it to Dewey, who took a sip.
"So BJ tells us you're a music teacher at Horace Green?" Charles inquired. "Good school -- I went there myself."
"Oh wow! Small world, huh?" Dewey replied. "Yeah, well ... actually I -- I'm the music coach. I teach some of the kids after class -- they're really talented! We even formed a band -- The School of Rock."
"I remember reading about it in the alumni newsletter -- you nearly won the ... Battle of the Bands, was it?"
"Yeah," Dewey said, nodding. He took another sip of beer. "Pretty good for a band that was only a couple months old."
"I'd call it extraordinary," Charles said, smiling.
"We'll win next year, just you wait and see."
"From what BJ has told us, it wouldn't surprise me at all -- your passion and dedication to those kids is ... what's the word? Awesome."
Dewey chuckled at that.
"Come on, buddy!" Beej broke in. "Lemme show you around!" And he grabbed Dewey by the hand and pulled him up the stairs.
"He seems like a nice young man," Charles said.
Delia nodded. "I think it's wonderful that BJ has another friend besides us."
"Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that they look ... identical?" Barbara asked. "Beej and Dewey could be twins!"
"I noticed that, too," Adam replied.
"They don't just look alike," Lydia said. "From what I saw in New York, they have pretty much the same personality, too -- like two bratty little kids with ADHD. Especially when they get each other going. And they argue and fight a lot -- like, constantly."
"Well, Beej does bring out the best in people," Barbara noted sardonically.
"I'm sure it won't be that bad," Adam told her.
Lydia rolled her eyes. "We're gonna have our hands full with those two -- just you wait and see."
As it happened, they didn't have to wait long.
Charles had just brought up the box of Christmas decorations up from the basement when there was a loud crash. He, the Maitlands, Delia and Lydia raced up the stairs and stopped at the open doorway to Beej's room. The demon and his human friend were rolling around on the floor, grappling fiercely.
"I told you so," Lydia said. She put two fingers to her lips and whistled shrilly.
The two of them froze in mid-battle and looked over at the Deetzes, eyes wide with surprised embarrassment, and Beej got off of Dewey and helped him to his feet. They stood there, two grown men looking for all the world like a couple of guilty little boys.
"He started it," Beej said.
"Did not!" Dewey retorted.
"What's going on?" Charles asked. Beej and Dewey both began talking at once, and he held up his hand, a bemused smile on his face. "You know what? I don't even want to know. New rule: no wrestling in the house."
"You guys are in trouble! " Lydia said as her father and stepmother headed back downstairs, her voice tinged with glee.
Beej stuck out his tongue at her.
"Come on, you two -- we're gonna start putting up the decorations."
"Sorry about before, Mr Deetz," Dewey said as he untangled the Christmas lights. "Sometimes me and Beej ... we just get a bit carried away."
Charles nodded. "BJ has that effect on people," he said.
"Yeah, I've noticed."
"Hey, I'm standing right here! " Beej said indignantly.
"I noticed that, too," Dewey quipped.
Charles chuckled. He'd never say it out loud, but he was enjoying the way the two of them were interacting -- they might've been full-grown men, but their relationship brought a youthful exuberance to the Deetz-Maitland home. He just hoped they wouldn't destroy the place before the holidays were over.
"Hand me the staple gun, Beej," Dewey said, climbing the ladder. "I'm gonna put these lights up around the window."
Beej handed the gun to Dewey. "Lemme help get it in place," he said. He took hold of the other end of the string of lights and floated up to hold it against the top of the window frame.
"Fuck, man -- I wish you could teach me how to do that!" Dewey exclaimed. "Let it go slack -- just a little ... that's it -- perfect!" He began stapling the lights to the frame. When he couldn't reach any farther, he handed the staple gun to Beej, who stapled the rest of the string into place.
"Why did I hafta do any of it?" Dewey asked, grinning. "You coulda done it all!"
"Yeah, sure," Beej retorted. "Make the six-hundred-year-old demon do all the work! Jeez, you're a real peach, you know that? Why am I even friends with you?"
" 'Cause beggars can't be choosers?"
Charles snorted a laugh.
They finished putting up the decorations -- Beej and Dewey squabbling the entire time -- just as Delia came into the living room. "Dinner's ready," she said. "You guys did a great job!"
"Thanks," Beej said, beaming. "I did most of it myself."
"You liar!" Dewey retorted. "I did most of the work -- you just helped."
"If it wasn't for me --"
"Boys! Boys! " Delia interrupted. "Dinner's getting cold."
The two friends went over to the dining table and took their seats, one on either side of Lydia. Charles and Delia looked at each other, smiling and shaking their heads in amusement, as they joined them.
"So, Dewey," Adam said, "how long have you been a musician?"
"I got my first guitar when I was ten," came the reply. "I've been playing ever since. Music's my life, you know? I -- I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't play."
"He's really good, too," Beej added. "Not as good as me, but --"
"Dream on, pal!" Dewey chuckled. "I could beat you and your little ukulele any day!"
"Says you!" Beej countered. "And it's a banjolele, dumbass!"
"You wanna take me on?" Dewey asked. "Put your money where your mouth is?"
"You're on, pal!" Beej agreed, never one to resist a challenge.
"After dinner -- six-strings at ten paces!"
The Maitlands exchanged amused looks with Charles and Delia as Beej and Dewey bumped fists across Lydia's plate, momentarily preventing her from getting the forkful of roast chicken to her mouth.
"Hey! I'm tryna eat here, you know?" she said in mock annoyance, trying to hide her own amusement.
"Sorry," they replied.
"You're goin' down!" Dewey told Beej.
"Yeah, we'll see about that!"
After the dishes had been put in the dishwasher, everyone headed into the living room for the duel. Dewey checked the tuning on his guitar, and Beej produced his banjolele.
Dewey smirked, but his mouth fell open when the demon turned the miniscule instrument into an acoustic guitar to match Dewey's.
"What?" Beej said smugly. "You think I can't play anything else?"
Dewey glared at Beej. "Let's do this," he said.
"What are we gonna play?"
"How 'bout Led Zeppelin -- 'Rock and Roll'?" Dewey started playing the tune.
"Hold up," Beej said. "If we're gonna do this, let's do it right!" He snapped his fingers, and suddenly Dewey was holding his most prized possession -- the Gibson Les Paul 100 Heritage Cherry Sunburst that had set him back nearly $3000.
Dewey gave the strings an experimental strum with the pick. The sound wasn't muted at all -- despite the fact that the guitar wasn't hooked up to an amp.
Astonished, he looked over at Beej, who now held a black-and-white Gibson EB-3 bass. "How --" Dewey began.
"I keep telling you -- I'm a demon."
Another snap of Beej's fingers and a stand microphone appeared.
"All right!" Dewey exclaimed, stepping up to the mic and thrusting a fist into the air, index and pinkie extended. "Let's ROCK AND ROLL!"
Adam got to his feet and extended his hand to Barbara. Smiling, she placed her hand in his and they started dancing as Dewey took up the lyrics:
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled
It's been a long time since I did the stroll
Ooh let me get it back, let me get it back
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from
It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
Beej joined in on the second verse, the two of them sharing the mic as if they'd been doing it for years.
It's been a long time since The Book of Love
I can't count the tears of a life with no love
Carry me back, carry me back
Carry me back, baby, where I come from, whoa-oh-oh
It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
Dewey fell to his knees and leaned back, head-banging as he shredded the guitar solo, and much to everyone's surprise Beej was content to let his friend take it, backing him up on the bass -- a sure sign of just how much Dewey meant to him.
Oh seems so long since we walked in the moonlight
Making vows that just can't work right, oh yeah
Open your arms, opens your arms
Open your arms, baby, let love come running in, yeah
It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
Yeah-hey, yeah-hey, yeah-hey, yeah-hey
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time
By the time the song came to an end, both of them were out of breath and drenched in sweat, their hair plastered to their foreheads. The Deetzes and the Maitlands applauded enthusiastically, and the two performers high-fived one another and bumped fists.
"That was fantastic!" Adam said. "You guys are amazing! I wish I could play."
"Thanks," Dewey replied, still breathing hard.
"Well?" Beej asked. "Who won -- me or him?"
"Too close to call," Lydia told him. "It's a tie."
"Well, that sucks!" Beej replied, scowling -- but his hair was a happy bright green.
"I hope you don't mind sharing BJ's room," Delia said. "He insisted -- but there's only one bed, I'm afraid. One of you will have to sleep on the air mattress."
Beej shook his head. "We can share the bed -- we share his bed whenever I sleep over at his place."
Lydia looked at the two of them. "What?"
"Yeah, it's great!" Beej said. "Two hot guys, one little bed ..." He licked his lips suggestively.
"Are you two ...?" Adam asked.
"Huh? No! " Dewey replied, glaring at Beej. "No, nothing like that." He grinned at the misunderstanding. "We're just friends, that's all."
"Good to know," Barbara said brightly.
"I was just kidding around," Beej said. "Jeez! You'd think you two'd know me by now! "
"We do," Adam answered, smirking. "That's the problem."
The next morning when Dewey and Beej came down for breakfast, the former was wearing a black t-shirt emblazoned with rainbow stars and the words "Educational Rock Star".
"What's with the t-shirt?" Lydia asked.
"It's a bit too small for you, isn't it?"
Dewey grinned sheepishly. "Oh, uh ... yeah, I know," he said. "But ... well, my students gave it to me for Christmas, so ..."
"That's sweet," Delia said. "They must really appreciate you."
"Yeah, they're great kids." He tugged at the neckline of the shirt. "I'm hoping it'll loosen up a bit."
"I think it makes you look hot," Beej said.
"You think everything makes everyone look hot," Lydia countered.
"Hey, you know me -- I'm all about body positivity, kid!"
"I'll have to shovel the walk," Charles said, once breakfast was done.
"Let me do it," Dewey offered.
"No, you're our guest," Charles told him. "I can't ask you to --"
"You're not asking -- I'm offering. It's the least I can do."
Charles considered for a moment, and then he smiled. "All right," he said. "Thank you, Dewey."
"I'll help!" Beej chimed in as Dewey put on his coat, and they headed outside.
Between the two of them, they made short work of the job, and when it was done they high-fived one another.
"I don't think I've ever seen Beej work so hard," Lydia said, grinning -- she'd been watching them through the window. "I'll bet they decided to make a contest out of it, to see who could shovel the most."
Delia and Charles joined her at the window, along with the Maitlands. As they watched, Dewey picked up a handful of snow, packed it into a ball and threw it at Beej when he wasn't looking. Beej turned in surprise to see his buddy preparing another missile, grinned, and grabbed some snow to make his own, and then the two of them were hurling snowballs at each other, laughing and yelling.
Lydia would've liked to join them, but Beej and Dewey deserved to have this moment to themselves -- besides, she was getting a kick out of watching the two friends. She raised her camera and began taking pictures of the scene through the glass.
A massive snowball exploded against Dewey's chest, and he fell backwards. Beej threw himself at his friend and they began wrestling in the snow.
"Look at them," Adam said, grinning. "They're like little kids!"
Barbara nodded. "Dewey's a good influence on Beej, I think."
Lydia raised her eyebrows at that, but said nothing.
Delia, smiling, said, "I'd better make some hot cocoa -- they'll be frozen when they come back inside."
"Do you think they could be related somehow?" Barbara asked.
"How could they be?" Adam asked. "I mean, Beej is a demon."
"Well, Beej said that his dad was a ghost," Lydia put in, "so ... it's a possibility -- they could have a common ancestor hundreds of years ago."
"What an astonishing coincidence that would be," Charles noted. "That they met and became friends without knowing?" He shook his head in amazement.
Delia was struck by a sudden thought. "Do you think we could find out? If it's true, that would be a great Christmas present for the both of them."
"I can't think of a better present," Barbara said. "Beej doesn't have any family except for us, and Dewey's alone ..."
"That would be amazing! " Lydia exclaimed. "They'd be so stoked! We need to find out!"
"I don't know if it'll be possible -- BJ said that his father was alive during the Black Plague," Charles replied. "But there's no harm in trying. I'll make some calls and see if there's anyone who could help --"
"Thanks, Dad!" Lydia said happily, hugging him.
"I may not be able to find any information."
"I know," she said. "It's enough that you're gonna try." She turned to the others. "Nobody say anything about this to Beej or Dewey, okay? If we find out something, I want it to be a surprise -- and if not, I don't want them to be disappointed."
When the boys came back inside, Delia handed each of them a mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream, mini marshmallows and chocolate shavings. "Something to warm you up," she told them as they went into the living room.
"Thanks, De- I mean, Mom," Beej said.
"Yeah, thanks," Dewey echoed. "I haven't had hot cocoa in ... I don't know how long." He took a sip and licked his lips. "I really wanna thank you guys for inviting me. It's ... it's nice to be around family for the holidays, even if it's not my family."
"If I may ask, what happened to them?" Charles inquired.
"Drunk driver," Dewey said simply. "I was thirteen when it happened. They were pronounced dead at ... at the scene. I was in school, and I got called down to the principal's office. I remember wondering what I'd done -- I, uh ... wasn't the best student -- and then he told me what had happened."
"That's awful!" Barbara exclaimed.
"We're so sorry for your loss," Adam told him.
"It was a long time ago," Dewey said with a shrug. "I still miss my mom and dad, but I guess ... I guess I'm used to them being gone." He took a deep breath and shook his head as if to clear it. "It's been a long time since I told anyone about that," he said.
"What happened to you after the ... accident?" Delia asked.
"I went to live with my mom's sister until I graduated -- then I got a place of my own."
"You have no brothers or sisters?" Lydia asked. "No one to spend the holidays with?"
"Nope," came the reply. "I was an only child. And Aunt Carol never had kids, and she, uh ... died. About five years ago. So getting the chance to have a real Christmas again ... it really means a lot to me."
Delia smiled. "Well, you're always welcome here." She turned to Beej. "Are you up for a session today?"
"Okay," he replied.
"Session?" Dewey asked.
"I've been helping BJ get in touch with himself," Delia explained. "Teaching him how to ... be a better person. You can join us if you like."
"It's kinda fun," Beej said.
Dewey shrugged. "Okay -- yeah, sure, why not?"
"Okay," Delia said when they entered her studio -- a boho-chic space replete with macrame wall-hangings, throws, tropical plants, kilim rugs and tasselled floor cushions. And, of course, examples of her artwork. "How about we try a bit of meditation?" She looked at Beej and smiled. "Think you're ready for that?"
"Yeah, sure," he replied. "I'll try it."
"Good. All right," she said, and brought over a small, intricately engraved brass bowl and a wooden striker partially wrapped in felt. Settling herself on one of the large floor cushions, she placed the bowl on a smaller cushion in front of her. "Let's all get comfortable, and we'll start."
The guys sat side by side on the other floor cushions.
"Have you ever meditated before?" Delia asked Dewey.
He shook his head.
"That's okay -- it's BJ's first time, too. Now, put your hands in your lap, like this -- that's right, and take a long, deep breath. Let your body relax ... gently easing any tension you might feel ..."
She gently struck the rim of the bowl with the mallet and then began running it along the outside, producing a soft, rhythmic ringing sound.
"That's an A," Dewey told her.
"You have perfect pitch?" Delia asked. "Impressive. This note helps unlock your Third Eye Chakra in the center of your forehead -- it's for understanding, visualization, intuition, and inner vision."
Dewey glanced over at Beej, who grinned and stuck out his tongue, elbowing his friend in the ribs.
"BJ," Delia chided him gently, before things got out of control. "Focus."
"Sorry," he said, chastened. "I'm just so happy Dewey's here!"
"I know -- we all are," she told him. "But now's not the time for goofing around. Now we need to be calm and serene."
"I don't think Beej knows the meaning of that word," Dewey quipped.
"Oh, and you do?" Beej retorted, grinning.
"Calm and serene," Delia repeated firmly. "Both of you."
"Yes, ma'am," they chorused.
"Maybe we should do something more ... active," she suggested. "Art therapy?"
"That's my favourite," Beej told Dewey.
"Uhh ... I'm not much of an artist," Dewey said.
"You don't have to be," Delia replied, getting two sketch pads and a box of coloured pencils out of the supply cabinet. "It's about getting in touch with your inner self -- the art is just a way to do that."
"Okay, sooo ... what do I draw?"
"I like to draw my family," Beej said. "Or sometimes I draw birds."
"Yeah, me and Chuck go birdwatching," the demon told him. "I love birds -- there aren't any in the Netherworld. Well, not like the ones Topside, anyway."
"So that's why you were so interested in the ducks when we went to Prospect Park!" Dewey exclaimed. "I've been wondering about that!"
"Sounds like you two had a good time there," Delia said. "How about drawing your memory of it? And remember, it's not about how good the art is."
"BJ," Delia said when he was done, "this is really good! You're really improving! You even tried shading this time -- I'm impressed."
"Thanks, Mom," he replied, his hair turning pink. "It's not as good as Dewey's, though." He turned to his friend. "I thought you said you weren't an artist!"
"I'm not," Dewey answered. "Not really." He'd drawn the same scene as Beej -- the two of them jamming by the lake. "I just draw when ... when I'm writing music and I get stuck. To get things going again, you know?"
"It's really good," Beej said. "Better than mine." There was a note of sadness in his voice, and his hair was shot through with purple.
"It's not a competition, BJ," Delia told him gently.
"I know," the demon replied morosely. "I just wish I could draw that good."
"You'll get better at it," Dewey responded. "Just keep practising, dude."
Beej nodded. He stood up and went out the door without a word.
Dewey and Delia looked at each other.
"I'll talk to him," Delia said.
Dewey shook his head. "Let me do it."
Delia nodded, and Dewey went after his friend.
"Hey, Beej!"
Beej rounded on him. "It's not fair! " he said. "You're better than me at everything! I tried -- I really did! But I'm not as good as you at anything! " Angry tears spilled down his cheeks, his hair reddening.
"Hey! Buddy!" Dewey said. "Listen -- Delia's right, it's not a competition. And you're wrong -- you can play music every bit as good as me! Maybe better."
The demon shook his head. "That's only because I tune in to you!"
"I know. But the thing is, you remember it afterwards, right? You learn, right? It doesn't ... it doesn't just disappear when it's over."
"I guess."
"So you get better at it." He put an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Do you know why I'm good at music? It's 'cause I practise all the time, man! It takes me forever to learn a new chord, or the lyrics to a new song. But you ... you do something once and you got it down pat! I would kill to be able to do that!
"And it's the same with drawing -- you just started doing it a little while ago, and you're already this good?" He held up Beej's drawing.
Beej looked at the picture and then at his friend. "It ... it is pretty good, isn't it?" he said with a chuckle.
Dewey nodded, smiling. "It is. Can ... can I have it?"
"Really?" Beej swallowed the lump in his throat. "You really want my drawing?"
"Yeah, man -- and you can have mine, i-if you want."
Beej grinned, his hair now green.
Delia, who had been watching the exchange from the doorway of the studio, smiled. It warmed her heart that Dewey had known just what to say to make BJ feel better.
"What's goin' on?" Beej asked.
"Oh, nothing," Lydia replied coyly.
Beej bit his lip, his eyes wide, his head moving in that predatory raptor way it always did when he sensed something was up. "You're hiding something," he said. "What're you hiding from me, Lyds?"
"It's a surprise."
Beej's eyebrows shot up. "A surprise? For me?"
She nodded. "For you and Dewey. For Christmas."
He grinned, no longer the apex predator. "What is it?"
"You'll have to wait until Christmas morning."
"Ah, come on! Tell me!"
"No," Lydia told him. "You have to wait."
"Pretty please?"
His lip curled in a scowl, his hair turning magenta. "Aaargh! Fine! " he snarled. "I don't even wanna know!" And he stomped out. He returned immediately. "I definitely don't want you to tell me!" He left again, and again he came back right away. "You can beg me all you want -- but you're not allowed to tell me!" He left once more. He stormed back in a third time. "Even if you try to tell me, I won't listen!" And again he left, only to return. "So there! " He slammed the door behind him as he exited one last time.
"Reverse psychology really isn't his strong suit," Lydia chuckled to herself.
Dewey was sitting on Beej's bed tuning his guitar when the demon came in. He looked up and saw the colour of his buddy's hair. "What's wrong?"
Beej flopped onto the bed. "Lydia was mean to me," he muttered.
"What? What'd she do?"
"She said she had a surprise for us for Christmas, but she wouldn't tell me what it is!"
Dewey chuckled. "She wasn't being mean -- that's how Christmas works," he told the demon. "You have to wait to ... to find out what your presents are -- it's part of the fun."
Beej raised himself to a sitting position. "Doesn't sound like fun."
"We'll find out Christmas morning, and that'll make the surprise even better -- I promise." He put an arm around his friend's shoulder. "If you knew what the ... the surprise was, then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"
"I guess," Beej said morosely.
"Come on," Dewey said. "Let's jam a bit -- whaddya say?"
Beej brightened at the suggestion. "Okay." He produced his banjolele, and the two of them, sitting on the bed, began playing.
"Hey," Dewey asked suddenly. "What're you getting them? "
"Whaddya mean?"
"For Christmas -- what're you getting them for Christmas?"
"I ... I gotta give presents???" Beej sputtered.
"Well, yeah," Dewey told him. "That's how it works -- everybody exchanges gifts for Christmas."
"You're kidding, right?"
"You didn't get any presents for anyone, did you?"
"No one told me I had to!" Beej wailed. "I mean, how's a guy supposed to know this stuff if nobody tells him?" He looked at Dewey, desperation in his eyes. "You gotta help me! I don't know what to get anybody!"
"Okay," Dewey said, grabbing a sheet of paper and a pencil. "Let's figure out what to get everyone. Let's start with Lydia. I know she's into photography, right? So maybe we can get her something to do with that."
"Like what?" Beej asked.
"Like maybe film for her camera, or ... oh! I know -- how 'bout some supplies for her dark room? She could always use more of that stuff."
"Okay," Beej said, and watched as Dewey wrote "Lydia -- photo supplies?? ".
One by one, they came up with ideas for everybody, until only two names -- Charles and Delia -- remained. They looked at each other.
Beej shrugged. "I don't know what to get them," he said.
"It's okay," Dewey said. "We'll think of something."
"Hey -- what do you want for Christmas?" Beej asked.
"I-I don't know, man," Dewey replied. "It's supposed to be a surprise -- I guess each of us'll hafta ask the others for ideas."
"But they don't really know you," Beej said. "What if they can't come up with anything? I don't wanna not give you something."
Dewey smiled. "It'll be okay, buddy -- you'll come up with something. And anything you get me'll be great."
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Delia asked.
"I don't know what to get Dewey for Christmas," Beej replied. "Can you help me? I really wanna get him something."
Delia thought for a moment. "How about ... you make him something? Homemade gifts are always better than store-bought, because they're made with love."
"Okay," Beej said, "but what?"
"Well, he's a musician, so ..." She paused, stroking her jaw with a finger as she thought about it, until finally she said, "I've got an idea."
"That's perfect! " Beej exclaimed when she told him. "I'll go ask Adam to help me make 'em!"
Dewey opened the door to the attic. "Hey, guys? I ... kinda need your help."
"Hi, Dewey," Barbara said. "Is everything all right?"
"Yeah," he said. "Everything's good -- I just ... I was just wondering if you guys could help me come up with an idea of what to get Dee."
Adam nodded. "Sure thing -- come in."
"Have a seat," Barbara told him.
"Thanks." Dewey sat down in the easy chair and sighed. "I've been wracking my brain tryna think of something, anything, but ..."
"But you just met her," Adam finished.
"Yeah, exactly. I mean, I know she's into all that, uh ... New Age stuff, but --"
"What about Charles and Lydia?" Barbara asked.
"Oh, I, uh ... got Lydia's gift in New York -- before I came," he replied. "Same as Beej's. And I think I have an idea for Charles' gift."
"Well, don't worry," Barbara said. "Between the three of us, we'll come up with some ideas of what you can give Delia."
"Where are you two off to?" Delia asked the next morning after breakfast, when Beej and Dewey put on their coats.
"We're headin' into town," Beej told her. "Dewey's takin' me Christmas shopping."
"Well, have fun," Delia said. "Don't spend too much money."
"Don't worry," Dewey replied with a grin. "I don't have that much to spend."
"And I don't have any! " Beej chimed in brightly.
A few hours later they returned, each carrying two full shopping bags.
"What did you guys get?" Lydia asked.
"Nuh-uh," Beej said. "No way. I'm not telling you anything!"
"You can tell me what you got the others."
"Yeah, and then you'll run and tell them! "
"No, I won't -- I don't want to ruin the surprise for anybody."
Beej looked at her uncertainly.
"Don't trust her, buddy," Dewey said, grinning. "She's smarter than the two of us put together!"
"But she's my BFFFF -- my ... my little sister! "
"Exactly!" Dewey told him. "That's why you can't trust her! Little sisters love to ruin things for their big brothers."
Lydia glared at him comically. "What would you know about that? You're an only child -- you said so yourself."
"I've heard stories," he replied.
Lydia stuck out her tongue at him.
"Sorry, Lyds," Beej said with a shrug. "I gotta trust my buddy on this one -- you'll just have to wait."
Lydia smiled and gave him a hug. "Good," she replied. "I was hoping you'd say that -- you're starting to get the hang of Christmas."
"Wait -- what?" Beej said, looking confused. "You were ... testing me?"
"And you passed with flying colours." She kissed him on the cheek. "I'm proud of you, Beej."
His hair turned bright green, and a goofy grin spread across his face.
"I still don't know what to get Dee," Beej said. He flopped back on his bed, staring up at the rafters. "I mean, she's more of a mom to me than my real mom ever was -- I oughta able to come up with something! "
Dewey frowned in commiseration. "Yeah," he agreed. "Sometimes the people you're closest to are the hardest to get for. Did you ask Adam and Barbara? They're the ones who helped me figure out what to get her -- maybe they can help you."
"Did you want to make Delia a gift?" Barbara asked, when Beej broached the subject with the Maitlands the next morning.
"Yeah, sure," he said. "I'd really like that -- but what?"
Barbara thought for a moment. "I have an idea," she said finally. "And you could make one for Charles as well -- a matching set."
"Okay," Beej said. "Sure, that sounds good. What is it?"
"How would you like to learn to make pottery?"
The next few days were a whirlwind of activity as the Maitland-Deetz household prepared for the upcoming festivities.
Barbara, as always, was in charge of all the cooking and baking, with Delia and Lydia helping. Beej and Dewey lent a hand in the kitchen, as well, when they weren't busy helping Charles and Adam, or just hanging out together and enjoying each other's company -- unless they were quarrelling about something or other. Then someone would have to step in to stop things from escalating.
"Those two sure like to fight," Adam observed -- an argument over whether mashed or roast potatoes were better had almost resulted in all-out war between the two.
Charles chuckled. "Almost like brothers," he said.
The morning of Christmas Eve, Beej and Dewey went with Charles to get the tree, a trip that resulted in yet another argument between the demon and his friend -- this time over which one was the nicest.
"I like this one!" Beej said, picking out a particularly full balsam fir. "It's nice and fat!"
"That one's too bushy," Dewey told him. He pointed to another. "This one's better -- there's more space for the decorations!"
"There's plenty of room on this one!" Beej insisted.
"No there's not!"
Beej scowled. "You need glasses, pal! Look!" he said, thrusting his arm in between the branches. "See? Plenty of --" he tried to pull his arm out -- "plenty of room ... shit! I'm stuck! Help me out, guys!"
Dewey and Charles began to laugh.
"Gimme a hand here!" the demon said. "I can't ... I can't get loose! It's tryna eat me! Let go of me, you fuckin' bastard!" he growled at the tree.
Still laughing, Charles and Dewey grabbed hold of Beej and pulled him free.
"Oof!" Dewey grunted as Beej landed on top of him. "Get off me, you fat fuck!"
This earned him a half-hearted punch from the demon.
"Fuckin' tree ate my glove!" Beej snarled as they got to their feet.
In the end they went with Dewey's choice.
When they arrived home with the tree, the boys helped Charles set it up in the living room, and then it was time to decorate it.
"I'll get the lights on it first," Charles said.
Once that was done, they began opening the boxes of decorations and festooning the tree, an activity that entailed several more arguments between Beej and Dewey.
Charles couldn't stop grinning at the way the two of them were with each other -- he'd already begun thinking of BJ as a son a while ago, and now he'd started feeling the same way about Dewey. The Maitland-Deetz house really felt like a home now.
He was going to miss having Dewey around once he went back to New York.
For Christmas morning, Barbara prepared a big breakfast -- there were bacon and eggs, sausages, toast, pancakes, juice, coffee and tea (for Beej, who hated coffee -- "It tastes like the way I think about Juno," he'd said the first time he'd tried it).
"Look at the spread!" Charles exclaimed.
"I hope it'll be enough," Barbara said.
"It might be too much," Delia told her.
"You're kidding, right?" Lydia said. "Are you forgetting how much these two can eat?" she asked, indicating the demon and his friend.
"Hey!" Beej said, frowning. "You callin' us fat?"
Lydia gave him a pointed look. "If the shoe fits ..."
"Okay," Beej said, grinning affably. "Just checking!" He looked at Dewey. "Race you to the table!"
"Save some for the rest of us!" Adam told them.
Once breakfast was done, everyone headed into the living room. Charles turned on the tree lights.
"What's going on?" Beej asked.
"Time for presents," Lydia said, and gave him his gift. "Merry Christmas, Beej. I made this for you."
Beej took the soft, irregularly-shaped present. "What is it?"
"Open it," she replied.
He tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a green-haired rag doll wearing a black-and-white striped suit. "It's ... me! " he said, awestruck. "You ... you made this? For me? "
Lydia nodded. "Barbara's been teaching me to sew. And you're always saying that this place could use more you."
"I love him," the demon said, hugging the doll and grinning happily.
"And I didn't forget about you, Dewey," Lydia said.
"You ... you shouldn't have," Dewey exclaimed when he saw his present -- a notebook for writing music, hand-bound with red ribbon and "DEWEY'S NOTES" embossed on the cover between two undulating staves festooned with musical notation.
"A place to jot down your ideas," Lydia said.
"Wow -- this is perfect!" he exclaimed. "Thank you! I ... wow! I ... got you something," he said, giving her a small, square box. "I hope you like it."
Lydia unwrapped the gift and opened the box. She gasped -- inside was a silver chain, and on it was an amber pendant. She held it up to get a better look.
Encased in the amber was a black beetle.
"When I saw it, I ... I thought of you," Dewey said. "Do ... do you like it?"
"It's gorgeous! " she cried, throwing her arms around him. "I love it! Thank you so much!" She undid the clasp and fastened the chain around her neck. "It's perfect!"
"It'll go very nicely with this," Charles said, handing Lydia another gift.
She unwrapped it. "Mom's jewellery box!" she gasped. She lifted the lid, and the tiny ballerina inside began to turn in time to the tune that started up -- Beethoven's "Für Elise".
"She wanted you to have it," Charles told her.
Lydia hugged him, sobbing quietly.
"I got you a present, too," Beej said, giving her a large, rectangular package.
Lydia wiped her eyes and took the gift. She smiled when she saw what he'd given her. "A camera tripod! I've been saving up for one! Thank you so much!" She hugged him, kissing his cheek.
"I'm glad you like it," he said. He looked at Dewey, gave him a wink and a thumbs-up.
Dewey returned the thumbs-up and then pointed a finger at the demon, mouthing the words You owe me.
Beej, grinning mischievously, flipped him off.
"My turn," Delia said. "Merry Christmas, Dewey."
"You're giving me your singing bowl?" he said when he opened the gift. "I ... I can't ..."
"I have others," she told him. "I want you to have it. I think ... it might do you some good. But you can always use it as just a bowl, too."
He looked at her. "It's ... I love it," he said, smiling. "Thanks, Dee."
"I got you something, too," Beej said, handing Dewey a small gift-wrapped box. "I made 'em -- well, with Adam's and Dee's help. But I wrapped it all by myself."
"Thanks, buddy," Dewey said. He unwrapped the gift and opened the box -- inside was a set of six black guitar picks, each initialled with a purple "DF" on each side, as well as a new guitar strap with his name embroidered on it in white.
"These are beautiful!" Dewey said, holding one of the picks up to get a better look at it. "You really made these? Wow!"
Beej nodded, grinning. "You like 'em?"
"I love 'em!"
"Now you can think of me whenever you use 'em."
In return, Dewey gave the demon his present. "Merry Christmas, Beej."
Beej tore off the paper and opened the box. He pulled out a black t-shirt and held it up. On it was a graphic of himself in cartoon style, with the words "I'M THE GHOST WITH THE MOST, BABY!"
"It's me! " Beej exclaimed. He looked at Dewey, tears in his eyes. "You ... you made this for me? "
"Yeah," Dewey said with a smile. "I ... did the design, and I got a friend who does silk-screening. Do you like it?"
Beej nodded silently, overcome with emotion.
Dewey gave him a hug. "I love you, buddy. Merry Christmas."
"It's beautiful, Dewey," Delia told him. "And you said you weren't much of an artist!"
"That's really nice work," Barbara agreed.
"Thanks," Dewey said. He looked down at the floor. "I ... I couldn't think of anything to get you and Adam."
"Oh, that's okay!" Adam said. "What do you get a ghost-couple, anyway?"
"Yeah," Dewey agreed with a nod. "But I wanted to do something." He stood up and got his guitar. "So I wrote you a song."
Barbara and Adam looked at one another in surprise.
Dewey took one of the picks Beej had made for him and began playing softly.
I'll hold you in my arms
For a thousand years or more
Together on wings of love
Above the world we'll soar
Seeing all the changes
That the future will bring
But there's one thing that'll never change:
You're my everything
"I-it's still a work in progress," he said with a shrug.
"That was ... that was beautiful, Dewey," Barbara said, hand over her mouth as she choked back the tears.
"It really was," Adam agreed. "Thank you."
"I'll keep working on it," Dewey told them. "And when it's finished I'll record it for you."
Dewey then gave Charles his present.
"The Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs!" Charles exclaimed. "And with the accompanying CD! Thank you, Dewey!"
Dewey grinned happily. "I got you something, too, Dee," he said.
"Ooh -- it's heavy!" Delia noted. She opened her present -- inside was a hollow, hemispherical rock lined with amethyst crystals. "A geode! Oh, Dewey, it's beautiful!"
"I ... I didn't see one in your studio," he said. "I thought you might ... need one."
"Where did you find it?" she asked him. "I didn't think there was a place in Winter River ..."
"I got it in Hartford," he replied.
"You drove all the way to Hartford? "
"I took him," Beej said. "Demon Express -- we'll get you there before you leave!"
Delia chuckled. "Thank you, Dewey. And thank you, BJ."
Beej's hair blushed pink, and he smiled happily. "My turn," he said, handing a present to both Delia and Charles. "I made these for you guys -- Babs showed me how."
"Thank you, BJ!" Delia said. She and Charles opened the gifts -- two mugs, one white with "WORLD'S BEST MOM" on it, the other black with "WORLD'S BEST DAD".
"You made these yourself?" Charles asked.
Beej grinned sheepishly. "Well ... the mugs are from the pottery supply store, but I painted them myself -- Babs helped me with the spelling, and she showed me how to glaze and fire 'em so the paint won't come off."
"You did a really good job, sweetheart," Delia told him.
Beej smiled, biting his lip. "Thanks," he said.
"This is for you, Beej," Barbara said.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Open it!" Adam said.
Beej looked inside, and then at the Maitlands. His expression, for once, was unreadable. He reached into the box and took out the object -- a sandworm plushie, fully six feet long. He looked at the Maitlands again, his eyes welling up. "It's ... it's Sandy," he breathed, roughly brushing the tears away. "You made ... you made her for me." He squeezed his eyes shut against the tears, his hair flashing bright green. "She's ... beautiful."
"We know how much you loved her," Barbara said. "And we thought you should have something to remember her by."
The demon threw his arms around the two of them, sobbing uncontrollably. "It's ... she's ... you guys are the best!"
The gift-giving continued, and at last there were only two gifts remaining -- one for Beej and one for Dewey.
"I got you both something else, too," Lydia said, handing them over.
"What is it?" Beej asked, inspecting the flat rectangular package.
"Open it, silly!"
They looked at each other and tore open their gifts. She'd given each of them a book of black construction paper pages with leather-bound covers.
Beej looked quizzically at Lydia. "A book?" he said. "You know I can't read very good."
"Not a book," Dewey said. "A photo album -- one for each of us." He opened the album, and his eyes widened. "Oh, cool! They're photos of us! "
"Really? " Beej asked, opening his album. "Of us? "
Inside were photos of him and Dewey. Some they'd posed for, their arms around each other's shoulders -- but others were candid pictures of them talking, putting up the Christmas decorations, playing music, wrestling, dozing on the couch ... There were other photos as well, of the two of them with Delia and Charles, and with Barbara and Adam.
"When did you take all these pictures of us?" Dewey asked. "I don't ... I don't remember seeing you when these were taken."
Lydia just smiled. "Now you'll be able to remember this Christmas forever."
Beej looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Thanks," he said simply.
"No pictures of you, though," Dewey noted.
"There's room in the back for more photos," Lydia replied. "We'll be sure to get a couple with me before you go back to New York."
"We saved the best for last," Delia said. "We got something for the both of you."
"What is it?" Beej asked, eyes wide in anticipation.
Lydia nodded. "We were all ... struck by how much alike you two look. So Dad did some digging, and he found out something that I -- all of us -- think you'll both love."
Dewey and Beej looked at each other, perplexed.
"There's a possibility -- maybe even a probability -- that the two of you are related," Charles said.
Beetlejuice's face lit up, and Dewey's jaw dropped. "Related? US??? " they chorused in astonishment.
"How ... how is that even possible? " Dewey asked. "I mean, Beej is a demon." He turned to his friend. "No offense," he said.
"None taken," Beej replied affably. "Breather," he scowled comically, giving his friend the finger. Dewey gave it right back to him.
"Beej's father was a ghost," Lydia explained, before things escalated. "That means he was once alive -- and human."
"I called an old friend of mine," Charles said. "He's a professor in the history department at Harvard -- I asked him if he could try to find out anything about BJ's father, and he hadn't been able to learn much. But he did uncover something.
"As it turns out, an Irish sailor, last name Finn, who had recently returned from France aboard a ship called the 'Betalgeose' died in Drogheda in 1348 -- the first recorded death from the Black Plague in Ireland. And he left behind a wife and six children."
"And Finn is Dewey's last name!" Delia exclaimed.
"So if Beej's father is this Irish sailor --" Barbara began.
"And if now, as a ghost, he goes by the name of the ship he was on --" Adam continued.
"He could ... he could be my ancestor," Dewey finished, his voice filled with awe. He and Beej looked at each other, wide-eyed.
"Holy crap! " they both said.
"Beej, you said that your dad had brought the plague to Ireland," Lydia said. "I thought you meant that he'd done it deliberately, after he died, but maybe your father was just a sick guy who went home."
"Of course, there's no way to know for sure," Charles cautioned. "It's still just speculation. Nothing's known for certain -- Finn is a relatively common name in Ireland, after all."
"Uh, yeah, no, of course not," Dewey said, shaking his head. "But it's still an amazing possibility!"
Delia smiled and touched a hand to her bosom. "There may not be proof, but I know in my heart that it's true."
"I think we all know it's true," Adam agreed.
"Of course it's true!" Barbara chimed in. "I mean, just look at the two of you! You're like two peas in a pod! Except one of you is a bit ... mouldy."
"I love you, too, Babs," Beej said, and stuck out his tongue at her.
Then he threw his arms around Dewey. "We really ARE brothers! " he crowed. They hugged fiercely for a long moment, and Lydia raised her camera to capture the moment. When they finally released each other, there were tears in Dewey's eyes. Beej, meanwhile, was openly sobbing, his hair having turned a brighter green than any of them had ever seen before.
"More like his great-great-great-great-great-great uncle, or something," Lydia pointed out. "But yeah, okay -- we can call you brothers."
"This -- this means so m-much to me!" the demon said, his voice hitching. "You g-guys are the b-b-best!" He grabbed Charles in a bearhug. "This is the best Christmas I've ever had! Well, it's the first Christmas I've ever had, but it's still the best! Thanks -- I really mean that, Chuck! You know, it's too bad that people think you're a stuck-up asshole!"
"Beej!" Barbara exclaimed.
"I'm just sayin' he could stand to loosen up a little."
Charles was taken by surprise by the embrace, but he submitted to the demon's display of affection, patting Beej on the back. "Uh ... yes, well ... um, you're welcome." He gently extricated himself from the hug. "And maybe I, uh ... do need to learn to loosen up a bit and not be such a ... stick in the mud."
"I -- wow," Dewey said. "The idea that me and Beej could be related -- that we're family --" he shook his head in amazement. "Thank you for this," he finished, and shook Charles' hand.
"Well, it's not just Beej," Barbara pointed out. "We're his family --"
"Admittedly a strange and unusual one," Lydia quipped.
"-- so that makes us your family, too, now," Adam finished.
"Hey, Lydia," Dewey said, a wicked smile playing across his face. "You know what this means?"
She shook her head. "What?"
"This makes you my little sister. And it means that now you have TWO older brothers!"
Lydia paled at the thought and started backing away from them. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no -- what have I done??? "
Dewey and Beej grinned mischievously at one another, wiggling their eyebrows.
"Let's get her!" Dewey said.
Lydia shrieked as they grabbed her and started tickling her mercilessly. "Help! " she yelled, flailing as she tried to escape. "Oh God help me! Make ... make them stop! Ha-ha! Aaaah! No!!! "
"Sorry, pumpkin," her father replied, grinning broadly. "Now that you have brothers, you need to learn to defend yourself!"
"Da-Daddy, pleeeeease!!! Aaah-ha-ha-ha! Help meeeee!!! No! Nooo!!! "
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart," he said.
34 notes · View notes
chuckwon · 1 year
Concept: Jack Kline was turned into an Ostium
And looking at how the Ostium was used in the season finale further underscores what will be needed in the future for the story to move forward, and for Jack and his family to heal.
Let's go through it:
LATA: Our box has a name. They call it the Ostium.
CARLOS: Oh. Latin for "an opening in the body." What, didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday School? ...So is that thing organic? Is it a mouth or... [chuckles] any other kind of hole?
LATA: Let's just stick with a mouth, please.
ADA: So this box eats monsters?
–SPNWIN 1x07, "Reflections"
ADAM: It's one of my ribs, dude. Everything can contain the spark of the divine, but this puppy? It's packing enough punch to create life. Or, in your case, destroy God.
SERAFINA: Jack, making your vessel strong, reclaiming your human soul, it was... it was all preparing you for this.
JACK: What'll it do to me?
ADAM: Start an elemental chain reaction. It fuses your soul and your grace into a... Like a...
SERAFINA: Metaphysical supernova.
DEAN: Meaning what?
ADAM: You'll collapse into a living black hole for divine energy. One nothing can escape—not the darkness, not God himself. But once it starts... you can't stop it. So, don't use 'til game time. You dig?
–SPN 15x17, "Unity"
Dean: All that prep work we did to turn Jack here into a cosmic bomb? Oh. Well, it turned him into sort of a power vacuum. He's been sucking up bits of power all over the place.
–SPN 15x19, "Inherit the Earth"
"A living black hole for divine energy" / "a power vacuum" is akin to how the Ostium functions. (And remember that Chuck orchestrated this outcome.)
The final step of Jack's transformation in 15x17 and the way the Ostium is activated are also similar:
Adam's rib, containing extra "spark of the divine," was placed in Jack's palm and he absorbed its power. After his initial explosion outward, Jack was then turned into a vessel that acted as a vacuum for divine power.
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When an item was placed on the Ostium–like a rock from the Akrida's world–it absorbed the item, which determines what powerful beings the box "eats" and where it sends those beings when activated.
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Both Jack and the Ostium were also wielded as weapons.
Which, of course, this show condemns explicitly:
LATA: So you had a friend stuck in a cycle of violence, and instead of helping him, you wielded him like some kind of weapon?
–SPNWIN 1x06, "Art of Dying"
And, with Joan / the Akrida Queen, we saw what happened to a hunter who absorbed monster essence: she became corrupted.
JOAN: What I decided was that the monsters weren't the problem, kid. Mankind is the problem. They always need saving. And Hunters are the ones who end up paying the price with our lives. And then what do these rescued humans do with their precious second chance at life? They waste it… kill each other, beat each other down, destroy our planet. Monsters have it right. Humans are nothing more than food.
LATA: Is that you talking? Or is it the monster essence that's powering you?
MARY: The monster essence drove her mad. She became so obsessed with making sure that Hunters were protected, and she believed the only way to do that was to wipe out everyone who needed saving.
–SPNWIN 1x13, "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye"
(Joan is also a dark mirror for Dean, but that's a separate meta topic entirely.)
With how Jack is acting in 15x19 and the SPNWIN finale (and as part of Chuck Won as a concept), something seems to be wrong with him along those lines.
So in regards to the Ostium, what was the solution the team used in the season finale? What did they need to defeat the Akrida Queen?
ADA: The Queen is about to sing her swan song. We can't rewind this tape here.
CARLOS: Wait. What if we could rewind the tape? Metaphysically speaking, if you know what I mean.
–SPNWIN 1x13, "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye"
CARLOS: Well, whatever you feed it creates a portal connected to that object. So we fed it the rock, and it was able to shoot the Akrida back to their world.
MILLIE: So, if we feed it the journal and trace the sigils in reverse, the Ostium can bring here whatever was tied to the journal... the Mystery Man, if he's even alive.
–SPNWIN 1x13, "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye"
They reversed the polarity of the Ostium to try to summon Dean, which required using the journal–something “personal” and “clearly connected” to him, as Mary said at one point.
Now, of course, the result when they used it on the Ostium was that it gave the team the Impala rather than Dean for plot reasons. However, the point holds: Dean's journal was the key to metaphysically rewinding the tape and getting the Ostium to release / return what it had absorbed.
That journal was filled with Dean's thoughts, which we got throughout the show in the form of the story he's telling / narrating. They're the healing lessons repeatedly demonstrated by the 1972 gang that Dean has to use in his own life to free himself from the trap he's in, break the cycle of violence, and get his own happy ending.
So, follow the through-line:
The Ostium and Jack are seemingly similar. Just like Dean's journal was used to reverse the Ostium and get it to release/return what it absorbed... The lessons inside of Dean's journal are what’s needed to reverse the polarity of Jack’s transformation, getting Jack to release the God power he absorbed too.
And what are those lessons in Dean's journal? Ah, well, that's what The Winchesters (the story Dean is telling) is dedicated to showing and telling us. That's the function of the entire show.
To highlight a few mirroring moments relevant to the topic at hand:
TONY: You're scared of your own son?
ADA: I'm not scared of you. I... you are my son, and I love you.
TONY: If you love me, you would've told me the truth.
ADA: I... was wrong to lie to you about who you are, and I was even more wrong for not believing in you. I know you're not your father. You're not the worst parts of him. You're not the worst parts of me. You're just... you're my... You're Tony.
–SPNWIN 1x05, "Legend of a Mind"
MAC (possessing John): Why did you give up on me?
TRACY: I didn't know how to help you. I was scared.
MAC: I was scared too. I needed my family by my side.
TRACY: I know it's about ten years too late... but I'm here now, and I am so sorry.
LATA: It's not too late, Mac. You can still break the cycle.
–SPNWIN 1x06, "Art of Dying"
MARY: Because I still want to get out of hunting. I really do. But it's not gonna be at your expense.
–SPNWIN 1x06, "Art of Dying"
Mutual honesty, apologies, and forgiveness between Dean and Jack are the vital place where they must start. After all... Jack went through with his transformation and later with the corrupting absorption of God power simply because he was desperately trying to earn Dean's forgiveness, something that was repeatedly emphasized throughout season 15. The cycle remained intact instead of broken, and that's why they lost.
So saying that they need to reverse the polarity... What does that mean? It means that their family needs to have emotional release for there to then be the cosmic release of God power, so that that power can be put back out into the universe and no longer have personhood.
Only then will they break the cycle of violence and be able to be free of Chuck's influence once and for all.
You don't need Jack and Ostium parallels to understand and know this about the story. But I do think it's neat, further enhances the overall themes, and once again supports the fact that a Chuck won plot / what happened to Jack was deliberately being centralized! :)
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justatalkingface · 1 year
I saw a few anons mention Hori's other works in the past and I noticed something when I read them myself. Every main character of his works are nice, kind characters that have tragic backstories that make people want to root for them:
Oumagadoki Doubutsuen introduces a female protagonist who was laughed at by literally everyone at school for being so clumsy, she couldn't do anything right without hurting herself. Her working part time at the zoo (owned by the rabbit guy) not only helps her, but it reveals she has a deep knowledge and understanding of animals. Sensei No Bulge introduces a boy, who cares for the many homeless children younger than him, get roped into acting as the prince's body double because the two look alike. This end up revealing that the boy has what it takes to lead through his kindness and taking the lessons taught to him.
However, these two (plus Izuku) NEVER have their backstories explored after the introduction of it. We never get a deeper look as to WHY the girl is so clumsy, or how her passion for animals came to be. Nor do we get to see any more of her school life after that. We never learn more about the boy that explores his kind and willingness to help others. And, once again, he doesn't go back to check up on those homeless children.
But we DO get focus of the rabbit guy, who is literally abusive to the zoo animals and a jerk to the girl. Don't worry, it's revealed that the rabbit guy was a child turned into an anthropomorphic rabbit by a rabbit guardian as punishment for abusing a rabbit in the woods. Which apparently made him stay stuck in his (horrible) child mentality. We DO get focus on the jerk mentor/bodyguard who is teaching the boy. But when it came to learning some backstory? It's the a$$ hole of a prince who we get the backstory of! After he's KILLED! And it turns out that HE'S THE FAKE AND THE BOY IS THE REAL PRINCE!
Every. Time. Hori puts his focus on characters who are jerks (though, the other two aren't as bad as BnHA's jerks.), while the main character is relugated to taking care of everyone problems and being their mandatory support rock. The main character is always neglected, and never explored. The pattern just grew worse due to BnHA not being cancelled like the previous two mangas, and was allowed to continue for this long without any kind of self-awareness or an editor intervening.
...You know, I get the feeling, sometimes, that to Hori, the story is just a vessel to put his favorite characters in.
Like. 'Loser kid gets gud' is quintessential shonen, in the most basic of ways; and so that basic plot is there so MHA can be written and sold. Izuku, as he is now, exists to support MHA's existence more than anything.... but it feels sometimes like MHA itself is a stage that exists so he can play with his favorite toys characters on them.
There's Bakugou, obviously; always angry, always unrealistically loved, allowed to rampage with abandon throughout the DnD board that is MHA.
There's also Mirko, though; I don't remember where, but I seem to remember she's basiclly in the form of Hori's ideal woman or some bullshit? And, of course, the way he tortures her is infamous, and with that context... it's like he's playing out a fantasy.
Bakugou is the impulsive, angry, consequence-free prodigy he always wanted to be, maybe, and Mirko is, god help us, his fetish? Mineta is his perverted desires, and all the attractive women in skimpy outfits are just...fan service, for him as much as everyone else.
When you look it at that way, it feels like he made the setting, established the basics, then just... lost interest in the broader context of it, and just decided to double down on whatever specific elements he liked, and that's why certain things are so deeply invested in, like Mirko's torture porn and Bakugou's deep feelings and why we should totally like him, and how we should all forgive Endeavour already, since all the cool kids are doing it.
At the same time, though, the demands of the setting itself, and the important characters supporting them are still there: All Might, All For One, One For All, and Izuku. They're still in the story, and still massively important to the broader plot of the manga, and they have to be told. Hori can't just switch it to the Bakugou channel when this is, explicitly, Izuku's story... but he can stop focusing on it as much. So, as time passed, Izuku was less and less in focus, but he still did the checklist of whatever major parts he was supposed to play in the first place to move the plot along.
The only time it feels like he gets any focus anymore is when Hori can draw him out all edgy and dramatic, those moments when he's least like Izuku and most EPIC AND COOL, with serious Spiderman vibes with Black Whip, because Hori apparently loves Spiderman, and to some extent Izuku is his Spiderman wish fulfillment, but... as soon as he's talking about his feelings, or not wearing his costume, or basiclly doing anything that isn't fighting? Izuku is just kind of... skipped over, like someone's fast forwarding past their least favorite parts of a show.
That same logic can apply to OFA, who we know shit all about, even though this is one of the most important characters in the lore and the story is almost over, about All Might, who was been turned into this bumbling fool who can't even tie his own shoes, and AFO, who is probably the only person passing Izuku on the, 'I exist only support the plot' scale. AFO has just turned into Hori's' excuse for everything that has gone wrong these days; he's a multi-purpose answer that allows him to push forward the story without having to have any logic behind it at all beyond, 'AFO did it, I don't have to explain shit'.
(Someone get that 'it's magic' meme and slap AFO's mask on it.)
And that kinda energy, even if that isn't exactly what is happening, is part of the reason MHA is so... boring these days. Everything that happens seems so contrived and predictable, and it just isn't... fun anymore, or interesting. There's no depth to it, no life, just hollow tropes being executed by characters who no longer resemble who they used to be.
It used to be that I waited eagerly for each chapter to come out, that I was on the edge of my seat as Izuku struggled to establish himself and beat the odds, but now I can barely be assed to see if it updates. I can call most of the major story notes without even thinking about it at this point, and so far I've been pretty spot on in a broad sense, though a lot of them still need to play out, and when they do happen, I just want to groan more than anything.
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luimnigh · 8 months
2003 for the movie ask game? :O
send me a year and i'll tell you my favourite movie of that year
Okay, I just wanna start us off with this:
While Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines is not a good movie, they fucking nailed the ending. It was a bold move that most of the Terminator films since then have tried to walk back, and I feel like that's contributed to them not being the best they could be.
Onto better films. Or maybe not. Brother Bear was on repeat in my house as a kid, it probably doesn't hold up today, but I still bear some fondness for it.
Other kids films? I like Finding Nemo, but it did leave me with a lifelong fear of Anglerfish and other deep-sea creatures. And also deep-sea footage. And may have killed my childhood fondness for the ocean.
...Looney Tunes: Back In Action was a great film. And my first exposure to the Daleks. Holes, also a great film, though I feel like I don't like it as much as Americans who grew up with the story. Rugrats Go Wild was fun, but was never my preferred Rugrats movie as a kid. Spy Kids 3D is iconic to this day, of course. Not the best Spy Kids, but still memorable. And School of Rock is School of Rock. No bad words about it.
As for some adult movies, I remember seeing Phone Booth a lot as a kid, great performance from Colin Farrell. X2 to this day is still one of the best X-Men movies. I still remember how to spell "beautiful" thanks to Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty. 28 Days Later is a fucking amazing film. Bad Boys II is iconic action cinema, and in my opinion miles better than the first simply for lacking a scene where jokes are made about a dead woman's breasts. Similarly, while honestly a bit iffy nowadays, Kill Bill: Volume 1 is worth watching at least once.
And before we reach the finalists, an honorable mention to the most memetic movie of 2003: The Room. Never have I seen a movie more deserving of the title "so bad it's good".
But in the end, it's a damn tough decision. Both of these movies make me cry. But I have to call Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King the runner-up here, despite the awards from The Academy.
I am always going to love Love, Actually. It hasn't aged the best, there are some elements that aren't great anymore, but I have watched it every year since I first saw it. It is a beautiful movie.
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melodymay-k1tty · 1 year
This is a blog that will have +18 content, and will soon be suitable for people of legal age.
I don't know if people often write about themselves on Tumblr, because I'm new here btw, but I will♡
I have nothing to post, so I'll tell a little about myself.
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My name is Maya and I'm almost 18 years old. Of course, I'm still 17, but I'll be 18 in less than 3 months, so don't worry about that.
I like a lot of things! In fact, I love watching anime and doramas, as well as following K-Pop groups♡. I'm a fan of 90+ K-Pop groups, so you can imagine.
I'll highlight some K-Pop groups that I like!
These are BlackPink, BTS, Twice, Girls' Generation, EXO, 2NE1, f(x), Super Junior, 2PM, BigBang, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, GFriend, Momoland, Got7, Stray Kids, Itzy, SHINee, (G)I-dle, After School, Apink, Lovelyz, Miss A, 4Minute, NewJeans, TXT, Wonder Girls, TVXQ!, Everglow, SS501, Fin.K.L, Baby V.O.X./Baby Vox Re.V, Shinhwa, Kara, T-ara, IVE, S.E.S., and 1TYM (i know the latter is a korean hip-hop group).
Note: I also like some solo singers like BoA, Henry, and Park Bom (ex-2NE1).
Of course there are other groups, but at the moment I don't remember them. When I remember, I'll put them here too.
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Now I'm going to talk about my otaku tastes.
I can't say that I've watched that many animes. However, I've watched One Piece, Naruto (Classic and Shippuden), Death Note, Sailor Moon, Futari wa Pretty Cure, Citrus, InuYasha, Tokyo Revengers and Demon Slayer. I didn't finish all of these, but I got to watch a little (or a lot).
I confess that I have a special affection for One Piece, Naruto and Death Note. They are definitely works that saved my life.
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I love doramas! I will contextualize dramas here, like every kind of Asian series/show.
So I'll start with my all-time favorite dorama, Hana Yori Dango, and some of its international versions, which are Boys Over Flowers and Meteor Garden. Also, I also love Alice in Borderland, Girl from Nowhere, All Of Us Are Dead, 1 Litre of Tears (this was the saddest drama I've ever watched in my life, I cried SO MUCH when I saw it...), 14-sai no Haha, and King the Land.
I also like the Thai lesbian movies called Yes or No and Yes or No 2.
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I've also watched some series, like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Orange Is The New Black, Euphoria, Game of Thrones (although I haven't finished most of them because I have ADHD) , and many others...
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Besides K-Pop, I also like some solo singers like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, Adele, Mitski, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Akon, Nelly Furtado, and others...
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And rock bands... Like Evanescence, Paramore, Pierce the Veil, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Panic! at the Disco, Tokio Hotel and more more...
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I love Studio Ghibli movies. I love to read and write fanfics, and yes, I consume and will produce NSFW content.
My mother tongue is Portuguese, because I'm Brazilian. However, I'm trying to learn better and improve my English here on Tumblr.
I confess that I am quite a perfectionist, and sometimes a little lazy. I don't care about likes/comments as long as I'm doing what I really enjoy, but anyway, of course a like or a comment on any future fanfics I create would make me really happy!♡
This blog certainly didn't tell half of me, but it may already have given you a certain idea. I think so...
This is a personal and interactive account, so if I start writing here on Tumblr, I will PROBABLY create another account specifically for that.
So I end up here♡
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bugtransport · 2 years
oh geez guess who remembered they can actually explain the thought process behind Whatever The Fuck The Rothko Comic Is look don't ask me let's just let me talk about art for a minute that's probably easiest
"nooo aha dont write a fucking novel about your favorite piece of art haha youre so sexy" shut up! my meat is huge. AND i'm sexy as hell. thank you.
let's talk about Clothespin by Claes Oldenburg.
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my favorite piece of art of all time. this isn't a joke actually. this 10 foot tall clothespin has made me feel just about every emotion in existence. there's a larger (i think about 45 ft?) version in philadelphia somewhere that i'm aware of but i haven't actually gotten to see that one in person (maybe someday) so we're just going to be talking about the smaller one. which is still quite large. i think to actually explain myself and this one i need to take you through my history with it and how i originally saw it, because that really plays a lot into how i view it. maybe more so than the actual piece itself.
i'm just going from memory here so bear with me... this story takes place back in middle school when i lived in the midwest. i was a young dumb kid who liked drawing stuff so my parents would just sign me up for whatever art classes they could find (i took botanical art with a bunch of middle aged ladies once which fucked severely) and, since we were in the burbs just a train ride away from chicago, one of the options available was to take kids classes at the art institute. so i took some digital art classes there.
enter me: 12 years old and just wanting to learn how to draw anime girls on the computer. at this point i have not thought about art beyond knowing superficially that i enjoy Some Paintings and that certain narrative works have whipped my nuts off and sometimes i would look at pics on deviantart and get emotions i was unable to describe but i have not really, at this point in the story, thought to question why i feel that way.
there's one other important thing to know to make this whole experience make sense. the timing of me attending these classes was right around when the art institute opened up their modern wing! brand new wing + taking a digital art class = i spent so much time in there i cannot even begin to describe it. i wouldn't necessarily say that i like modern art more or less than anything else... but i can say that by sheer volume alone, no question, it is the majority of museum art i have consumed.
anyway, for those unfamiliar: the art institute has two entrances (well, that i know of). there's the main one with the lions that you've probably seen in ferris bueller's day off, and the second one is through the modern wing. here are some pictures i found online showing what the main hall is kind of like:
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that glass wall in the far part of the picture is where the doors are. it's a really nice space; there are galleries both upstairs and downstairs. this is also the same place that i saw Untitled (Portrait of Ross in LA) but that's really neither here nor there. i've just seen it brought up before here and thought i would mention that it was a very cool experience. one of those things again where i saw it way before i could comprehend why it made me feel the emotions it made me feel... and then i got hit with The Understanding years later like a cartoon anvil. i couldn't actually find any pics in the 5 minutes i had to spend on google with Clothespin actually displayed, but here it is with a different statue in roughly, to my recollection, the same place:
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that is a really dramatic place to put a sculpture.
okay well, anyway, the first time i saw this piece, i did not think it would rock my shit. i actually thought it was just kind of funny. i still remember it - our little group was walking to go take a look at a specific piece and of course, had to go through the lobby to get there. i saw Clothespin for the first time and went "haha, that one's kinda funny, i wonder what that means?" and someone shot back "i don't know, maybe a giant lost it doing laundry." that exchange tickled me so much that i spent the rest of the day and into the next week thinking about it.
the second time i saw Clothespin i was mostly just confused. in the same way that today i can still remember my first interaction with it but not any of the other pieces of art i saw that day, i was confused as to why this thing was leaving such a large impression on me compared to everything else. i did look at it for a while and then just kind of left. and came back to it. and left again. and came back to it.
that dance continued for a couple visits until i finally got the chance to sit down and watch it for a while. there were some benches under the stairs for people to rest; i took one of those and started to people watch. and brother... suddenly i began to get it, i think?
[to be read in the tone of someone who has been haunted by these thoughts for over half their life] see, i think the real genius in the way this was (and the really large one is) displayed is that they're in thoroughfares. they're both in high traffic areas where people are mainly trying to get from one place to another more interesting place, right. people entering a museum usually have a starting point in mind that they're looking to get to and go from there; people exiting a museum are usually kind of wiped and probably not really looking to look at much more art at that point. it's not quiet in a lobby like you get when going through an exhibit - it's not loud, but there is a constant background hum. there's a café upstairs and people checking tickets and families and school groups chatting and, of course, in the middle of that, a 10 ft tall steel clothespin, being largely ignored.
yeah, okay, not totally ignored. people would stop and look at it for a second or make a comment about it maybe or glance at it in passing. but people didn't really tend to look at it like they would if it would have been displayed in a room. maybe that was because they didn't want to hold up the flow of traffic going through (it was always pretty packed on the weekends) or maybe the display location inherently lowered the perceived value of the piece as art - it's not "enough" to be put on display in one of the collections specifically, it's just a clothespin. but it was big and quite impressive and in the middle of the floor and not something you could easily ignore, really. the juxtaposition between the impact it had on me and the way it was being treated by the visitors en masse... you know what? it is kind of being treated with the same thought that you would give an actual clothespin.
it might seem like a pretty base level concept. and it is! of course everything that has ever been made has been made by someone. but this was the first time that thought had really occurred to me in a way where i actually grasped the impact of that statement. somebody out there designed the clothespin and put thought into how it worked and felt and looked. even the most utilitarian designs are still designed. Clothespin my beloved is a reminder to myself to appreciate and recognize the beauty in the little things in life that people might not otherwise think about and i cannot overstate the impact that way of thinking has had on my life. some pieces of art i think definitely are better learning things about the artist but i've never looked anything up about Clothespin - i don't think this is necessarily the impact that the artist set out for it to make, but it alone and regardless of intent obviously has done one hell of a number on me.
"julia that fucks but what does that have to do with sonoi tarou" i'm getting there i'm getting there. god!
i think the important and relevant part of that story isn't at all what i ended up getting out of that piece. the important and relevant part is the confusion i felt leading up to the realization. i am not looking to get into a debate about What Makes Art but i think that we could probably agree on a baseline statement that one of the things that may make something art is the ability to elicit emotions from the viewer.* while yeah sure probably not what i think most people would anticipate or look to get out of art, frustration at your own lack of connection and understanding is an emotion. being unable to understand the artist's intention and experiencing connections but taking those connections you make completely off book is still experiencing an emotion. simply enjoying something superficially is as well an emotion. sonoi is so painfully close to getting things in my Humble Onion and goddamn that really makes me feel some kind of way. he just has to unclench about it.
for someone who has a stick so far up his ass ("integrity and perfection personified," cannot stand the bitch) i can understand why the concept of allowing himself to relax and consider how he is already obviously being impacted by art and what that means is hard. to focus on the correct way to view and create art is... well, how many duels have he and tarou had? how long have they spent trying to do things "right" and get the "correct" feelings from it? i mean, it makes sense for his character. i know a lot of people who feel the same way looking at art. i totally experienced adjacent feelings before the cataclysmic earth-shattering world-busting event known as Clothespin. ooh i just want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. introspection! it's uncomfortable but that's the joy in it! i want to psychoanalyze him so bad.
fuckin, to conclude: MY moral of the story is that there's no right or wrong way to look at art. and i dont think there's any wrong way to love someone either.
*"julia are you arguing that fat anime milf tits are art" fuck yeah i am because they make me feel an emotion: HORNY. sorry i had to add that joke into this otherwise dry ass essay.
p.s. it's my life goal to make everyone look at Clothespin. i have a picture of it at my desk. again i have never made a joke in my life
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soullikethesea · 2 years
Drawing the circle to a close. (Under cut for length).
It's what I've always wanted. I always wanted to learn how to treat others - still learning even now, of course.
But there is a difference.
I distinctly remember a car ride when I told my dad that I would be a very good parent, because my horse riding instructor told me that I was very strict (which was good). I was around seven years old. My dad said that the most important thing is to be nice to your children, which was an answer I couldn't make sense of.
At some point I transferred to a different riding school and I got my first taste of a different kind of world. I had been taught to be harsh to horses, "because you have to show them who's boss when they don't want to listen!" But in this school they taught me something that was actually much more valuable: if a horse doesn't listen, it's likely because it's not clear what you are asking.
They showed me how horse riding could be done in a much kinder way. Bitless, with cooperation and fun. My new teacher also never screamed at me. It was honestly life-changing... it made such a big impression. I think it played a big role in starting to shift my world-view. Maybe children didn't need to be presumed bad, maybe they had just misunderstood something. Maybe there is a possibility for kindness.
I was around 16 when I started to think about not having kids, because I don't think it would be the responsible thing to do. I don't think that it's likely that I can pull it off. Not in a way that wouldn't pass on the generational trauma.
But I did know that I needed to learn about kids. That was glaringly obvious to me, even just in the way that I would freeze whenever I saw a child cry. So I started volunteering at Summer Camps, teaching horse riding. On the one hand I was very kind to them, but I still had absolutely no clue on how to handle any possible emotions. Oof.
Then eventually I started teaching something as a side-job (still doing that) and that has taught me so so so much about how to handle kids and groups. So many difficult kids. I've been hit and growled at, blatantly and deliberately misunderstood. I've seen so many crying kids, fearful kids, angry kids, provocative kids... but also SO many happy kids. I have actually ended up with a much clearer idea of what it looks like when conditions are SAFE. Warmth, exploration, play, boundaries. All of it. Teaching from the heart.
(I had a much harder time when I had another side-job as somewhat of a counselor for troubled kids. That was too far out of my WoT and too triggering).
But that aside... we get to my current job, which also has to do with teaching. I've been getting a bunch of feedback and it makes me SO happy. It's all about warmth AND boundaries. So much about being helpful and kind. (Oh, and some said that I was "Cool!" and that is obviously my life-goal). My colleague said that I have natural authority, in a didactic way. You guys... this is such a big deal. My father lost his job as a teacher in a big scandal, when students gathered stories about really awful and triggering things he had done in class. It was all meant to provoke deeper thinking, but it deeply hurt many, many people and took years for it to come out. I know what it's like. It's what I endured as a child at home. But can you imagine how cool it is that I am NOT like that???
So that makes it feel as though things have come full-circle, even though I'm not a parent.
(You absolutely rock if you managed to read all of this).
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-3 062 Toto - Africa
I don't particularly like Africa by Toto but it reminds me of my sister and I like that. My sister used to play it in the mid to late 1990s at a club called 333 in London, England. Africa took a while to become a hit. It was released in 1982 the same year as its parent album Toto IV but didn't chart in the UK until January 1983 with the help of a music video. Once it became a hit it went stratospheric. When my sister was playing it at the 333 it had fallen out of fashion, it had become irrelevant, these were the days of jungle/drum and bass, UK garage, big beat, new disco... lots of heavy electronic dance music. My sister really likes Africa by Toto so that's what she played, and Supertramp, and Fleetwood Mac (again having a dip in their popularity), and Steely Dan... and the people that saw her play at the 333 loved it. Of course Toto's Africa has become very popular since the late 2000s, and musical atrophy has helped Africa become relevant again
I thought I'd post Toto now as Cheryl Lynn came up the other yesterday and Toto helped kick start her career
Africa it a bit of a problematic song. Co-writer Jeff Porcaro has talked about it as "A white boy is trying to write a song on Africa, but since he's never been there, he can only tell what he's seen on TV or remembers in the past" and descriptions were drawn from the pages of National Geographic and David Paich's memory of stories Catholic priest told him at school about their missionary work in Africa. Paich has said he based the lyrics on a late night documentary with depictions of African plight and suffering "It both moved and appalled me, and the pictures just wouldn't leave my head. I tried to imagine how I'd feel about it if I was there and what I'd do." We were entering the time rock stars arrogantly believed they had the power to change the world (like Bill And Ted), the result is clumsy and patronising (maybe not quite as bad as Band Aid's Do The Know It's Christmas Time)
It like the opening drums of the song, I'm sure Quiet Village have lifted them. As a kid I loved Joe Spencer's sleeve artwork for Toto IV with it's airbrushed rings and sword (he also did Rick James' Stone City Band logo)
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[MM Raph, Casey, and Splinter :'D]
"Would ya relax?" Casey brushes off any concern, "I'm used to mutants, hang out with ya now don't I?"
He smiles, following Raph through the sewers and to their home. He was a little taken aback by the amount of mutants there, and all the various species. Casey simply grinned though, acted as cool as ice, as he greeted everyone. The Alligator is Leatherhead, the Gecko's Mondo, and the giant Rat is -
Casey's entire body paled, heart stopping in his chest when he saw them. The giant Rat. The giant, talking, mutant Rat that was currently speaking to Raph. They were looking at him, but Casey couldn't hear their voices over the sound of his own blood rushing through his ears. Entire body petrified, he managed a small whimper,
Not a scream or a yell, just a tiny noise, before his knees gave out, and he collapsed to the floor in a heap - clearly having fainted. Casey couldn't give less of a damn about the whole mutant thing, very much used to those. But why did Raph's dad have to be a rat?
| Muse Interaction
Raphael never really felt this nervous before when they had their first fight? He was so pumped with Adrenalin he couldn't even really bother to be worried. Leo had that bit covered after all. First day of school? He might been a tad but he had his brothers with him and the kids in the school were so impressed that the hero of the city were at their school it sort of made it a breeze to just well walk in. His first day of wrestling practice was kind of the same the guys on his team seemed pretty stroked to have him, maybe any of them, join their team. His first wrestling meet even didn't have him feeling this way. Like his hands were sweating and clammy they were always sort of that way cause well cold and all but still. Why he had them buried in the pockets of his jeans. He swears his stomach is doing flips, he might not be able to eat the idea of food was making him want to puke actually. Eyes were slightly focusing on the floor as he lead Casey through the sewer tunnels. The reason for his current state right now, he knows Casey is talking simply cause he recognizes the sound of their voice by now. But he couldn't tell you a sing word they had said. As if Casey was speaking a whole other language in the moment if anything. He's never brought anyone home before after all, not even any of the guys on the wrestling team have been to the sewers before. They have least met some of his mutant family. Like his brothers, Beep Boop and Rock steady too and of course Splinter.
But this was him bringing someone home! with the intent to meet his family.
"Would ya relax?"
Raph suddenly seems to understand English again the moment Casey voice pipes up from beside him. He sort of moves to look at them letting that worry he been trying to bury flash over his face for fraction of a second. There was a million concerns and worry all on the tip of his tongue. But? Something about how Casey looks at him seems to make them fade away. He dosen't even notice how the corner of his beak curls up into a smile. "Well, jus' ya know lotta mutants in my family is all."
"I'm used to mutants, hang out with ya now don't I?"
Raph offers a roll of his eyes and bumps Casey with his shoulder, "more like leech on ta me" he teases of course, they had become pretty inseparable after all. "Almost there just round here 'han we'll be at my place." Raph explains now that he remember how to move his tongue to speak.
He could slightly hear the noise from home starting to bounce off from the bricks as they drew in closer. Of course the sound of wheels against brick got his attention first. Mondo must be near of course Ray would be near them as well as the rounded the corner. Raphael smiled and waved once they noticed him and of course Casey beside him. Mondo was one of the best ones to first introduce Casey to he felt, even if he was overly friendly shown as he went and hugged them first even threw a compliment out about their style having a good vibe to it. Raph never understood what he said most the time without Mikey working as a Mondo translator. But least it helped to break the ice and Raph started to feel a bit better about the introductions that followed.
Bringing Casey over to Leatherhead, wingnut, Genghis. Of course he had to bring them over to Beep Bop and Rocksteady nearly last. Even if Beep gave Raphael a almost 'knowing' look the whole time they went about saying their own hellos and such once asking Casey if he was the same boy Raph talked about all the time. He felt hot embarrassment hitting his face at the mention of Raph talking about Casey so often. Made work with Rock Steady agreed and went on to say how my eyes never leave my phone screen even when watching games with them. Raphael wishing they would suddenly forget to talk as they turned to each other recalling when Raph was telling them about how good a hockey player Casey was. Soon grabbing at Casey shoulders so he could stir them away.
"Aight cool 'hats enough!" Raphael exclaims needing to try and slavage himself some what here.
But, Casey being Casey, made it all seem.so easy. He didnt look phased in the slightest. Didnt seem to mind Mondo's over friendly nature. Or the appearances id the other mutants. Even as mutant Wingnut and Ray still stood out themselves. Heck not even the bigger animals mutants seemed to throw him. As cool as the crispy ice scent that always seemed to linger on Casey.
Not that Raph took notice of that on purpose he just well could smell it is all. Only time he seemed to crack any expression. Was a moment ago with Boop and Rock, purely because they were slightly ousting Raphael here. He was just his friend that's all. A friend he thought about often who caused him to feel a little dumb, made his stomach do flips, as if he was falling from a building. But yeah a friend. That he was going to introduce to his dad. Sure Raph could say it was the mutant thing that cause him to stress over it but in truth? Dad didn't like Casey really? And it's partly Raphael's fault. If he hadn't gotten into a fight with Casey his Dad would have this tainted image of his Casey as a 'bad influence' or a 'trouble marker' or whatever else Splinter had muttered under breath at the time. The real reason Raph was high-strung right now. Not so much Casey freaking out about mutants. He didn't seem to care when he and Raoh fought after all.
They came across scumbug first so he asked where his Dad was she nicely called for him before Raoh gave an awarkwd smile her way. He was still warming up to this whole thing between her and his Dad after all.
"Jus' be cool okay?" Raphael is quick to speak up on, "my Dad's jus' still unsure 'bout ya bein' my friend causw of the fightin'" Raph triednto explain. Casey seemed not to bother suddenly he hears his name called and his attetion snaps.
"Yeah uh Dad I wanted ya to meet Casey, my boyfriend- BEST! Best friend" and there was that whole Casey makes me feel dumb trait kicking in already sputtering as he offered a odd chuckle trying to cover for his slip up. Hoping Casey take it more as a mix up with the whole non binary thing " my best friend the one that's a friend that I told ya 'bout."
Splinter's disapproving hum wasn't going unnoticed by the turtle as he father walked over to the pair of them. Arms behind his back as he had a look fixed on to Casey. An ear flickered over Raphael panic getting the rat to shift his attetion towards his son instead seeming to catch on to what Raphael was praying no one would focus on. Praying Splinter would just turn and refer to Casey as trouble or something instead. Sorry Casey but he rather throw you under the bus. Least that he was sure he could smooth out.
The pair of mutants both turned the second they heard the words leave Casey mouth. The odd little sound Raph didn't even know a human could make was all that seemed to follow.
"Case?" He questions get a look at them. And just how pale Casey looked in the fave. As if every ounce of blood had been sucked right out from him. Before either could say a thing to him Casey's legs seemed to give way under his weight as he moved to collapse. Raph moved fast as he could to drop down and catch them, arms moving under Casey's own sliggtly letting them lean against him. Raph at least trying tk keep them from hitting their head. "Woah there. Casey? Hey Casey?" Raph called their name a few times trying to for a response but no luck he was out cold.
Well, that was one way fir meeting his Dad to go he guessed? Eh least his slip up would be forgotten Casey seemed to freak out to have known what happened anyway. Lucky for Raoh not so much fir Cadey. Though Casey freaking out at the sight if him did seem to assure Splinter that they wouldn't be likely wanting to pull Raoh into any funny bussniess cause and Raph qoutes. 'I scared the very life outta the boy.' Raph sighs and groans a bit as he moves to lie back against the wall head turning to the side checking on Casey at the moment who he just smiles when he sees Casey seem to finally stir and wake up. Looking rightfully confused.
" ya passed out beought ya in room, Don' worry he ain't here, he 'hinks it's cool ya scared of him though." Raph slightly explains towards Casey. "I can' believe ya scared of rats." He chuckles a little to himself over it."I introduced you to a giant alligator and it's my Dad 'hat made yous faint?" He chuckles a bit more knowing Casey gonna be upset about it. "Aw don' worry I'll protect ya from my scary dad." And he laughs more because the idea was abusrb.
"Okay okay 'm done promise." For now "wanna watch somethin'? My brothers ain't here so we can jus' hang out in the room for now if ya 'ike?" Raphael tosses out hoping Casey wouldn't want to go home just yet at least but he wouldn't be too surpised if they did after what happened. Moving off his bed he decides to try and press his luck "Got a few good movie ya might 'ike ya can pick whateva ya 'ike even." He dose stop and look towards Casey. " I mean ya still cool? Hanin' out for a bit at least?"
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bjfinn · 8 months
"Beetlejuice"/"School of Rock" crossover
TW: child sexual abuse
"When was your first time?" Beej asked. He was visiting Dewey for the weekend, and the two of them were spending the evening sitting on Dewey's couch, listening to Dewey's Led Zeppelin records and eating junk food.
"First time what?"
"Your first time having sex."
Dewey laughed. "That's really all you think about, isn't it?"
Beej grinned. "What else is there to think about?" he quipped. "Come on, I'm your brother -- you gotta tell me!"
"Okay, well, uh ... I was fifteen, and ... my buddy asked I'd done it. And I said 'Yeah, of course! Have you?' And he says 'Sure, lots of times.' You know, we were fifteen -- gotta make like you're cool, or everyone'll make fun of you just so they look cool, right? Anyway, he asks how often I, uh ..." He pumped his fist quickly up and down a few times. "So I say 'Six or seven times a day' -- which was probably pretty accurate, I was a horny teenager, you know? So I, uh ... I ask him how often he does it, and he says 'Six or seven times a day' too.
"Nice," Beej put in.
"Yeah, uh ... well, anyway, then he, uh ... he asks if I ever jacked off with anyone else. I tell him no, and then he asks if I want to. So we get naked, you know, and we, uh ... we start. And I'm ... I'm a bit nervous, you know -- 'cause I never jacked off with somebody before, but, uh ... well, it's rock-hard and it feels like it's about three feet long."
Beej grinned lasciviously and licked his lips. Dewey gave him the side-eye and continued with his account.
"Then he, uh ... he reaches over and takes hold of my, uh .. you know. So I take hold of his. I mean, it's only fair, right? Yeah, so there we are, jackin' each other off, and it's pretty good, you know?"
"I bet," Beej said.
"So then he says 'How about we rub them together?' So I say 'Okay' and we put them together. And he, uh ... he holds both of them in one hand, you know? And he starts moving his hand up and down, jacking both of us off together, you know? And I put my hand over his ... you know, to help. And, uh ... well, you know."
"Did you cum?" Beej asked.
Dewey nodded. "Uh, yeah ... we both did. That was the only time I ever ... you know -- with another guy. And we only did it the one time.
"Okay," Dewey said, "your turn."
"Now it's your turn," Dewey repeated.
Beej bit his lip self-consciously. "Do I hafta?"
"Hey, fair's fair," Dewey told him. "Come on, I told you about my first time -- now you tell me about yours. And you gotta tell me the truth -- no makin' something up just to look good!"
"I ... I don't like to think about it," Beej said. "It wasn't ... it wasn't good."
"Why?" Dewey asked. "What happened?" He saw tears in his friend's eyes, and Beej's lip was beginning to quiver. Dewey put an arm around the demon's shoulders. "Hey!" he said softly. "Hey, it's okay -- you don't have to tell me, okay? But, uh ... if it was a bad experience, it ... i-it might help to talk about it."
Beej sniffed, nodding. "Yeah," he said. "Yeah, you're ... probably right -- I should tell somebody. I mean, I can't talk about it with Dee -- she's my mom, for crissakes! It'd kill her to find out about it."
"She won't hear it from me," Dewey promised. "Nobody will."
"O-okay," Beej said. He took a deep, ragged breath. "Okay, uh ... well, I was just a kid -- twelve or thirteen, I think. I don't know -- it was a long time ago. Anyway, I never had any friends."
Dewey nodded. "I remember you telling me that."
"Yeah. Well, there were these two demons -- Sturm and Drang. They were older than me -- maybe seventeen or eighteen, and they were always mean to me. They're the ones who killed Sandy."
"Your pet sandworm."
"Yeah. Anyway, one day they come over to me, and I think I'm gonna get another beating. But they say they're sorry for the way they been treating me, and do I wanna hang out with them. So I say 'Okay, that'll be fun!" So thay take me back to Sturm's place, I think, a-and then ... and then they ... they grabbed me and held me down and ... and ..." He squeezed his eyes shut, his face a mask of pain.
Dewey's eyes welled up, and he felt his heart breaking for his buddy, but he said nothing -- Beej needed to tell the story in his own time and in his own way.
"Those fuckin' bastards r- ... they raped me!" Beej was sobbing now. "They fucked me up the ass again and again and again for... I don't know how long, until I was bleeding down there. And when they were done, they kicked me and beat me and ... and I blacked out."
Dewey began to cry as well, imagining the pain and humiliation of going through that.
"What ... what happened to them?" he asked. "Sturm and Drang -- what happened to them?"
"I killed them," Beej replied, his voice low and dangerous now, his eyes glowing red. "When I blacked out, the monster inside me came out and killed them. That was the first time -- I didn't even know he was inside me. And over time I learned how to control him -- now he only comes out when I want him to."
"I ... I don't know what to say," Dewey told him. "I-I'm glad ... I'm glad you survived and they didn't, but you shouldn't've had to go through that, and I shouldn't've made you tell me -- I'm sorry, bro." He hugged Beej tightly. "I know," he said, "how about you tell me about your best time. That'll make us both feel better."
Beej shook his head. "I can't," he said.
"Why not? Can't pick just one?" He grinned and gave the demon a playful punch on the arm.
"No," Beej replied. "I can't tell you because ... because my first time was ... it ... it was my only time. I never had sex again -- I mean, I wanted to, I still want to, but ... nobody ever wanted to with me." He glared at Dewey. "Promise me you won't ever tell anyone."
Dewey smiled gently and hugged him again. "I promise, buddy." He took a deep breath. "Okay, well -- we gotta fix this!"
"Whaddya mean?"
"I mean we gotta get you laid -- and soon, before you explode!"
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smokingangelhoe · 3 years
Project Buddy
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HighSchoolAU!Rio x Black Reader
Prompt: You and Rio have known of each other throughout the whole time in high school but never had a conversation with each other but what happens when you guys get partnered up to do a project?
Warnings: Fluff, very light angst
A/n: Might be a second part but idk yet and this will be told in the readers POV
Word Count:
I sighed softly as my sleep was interrupted by the sound of my iPhone alarm. I reached over and shut the traumatizing sound off. I lay in bed for a few more minutes before finally getting up. I opened the door to my closet and picked out a simple and comfortable outfit and laid it on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and took off my bonnet letting my hair flow out down to my lower back. I ran my hands through it a couple of times before combing it and throwing it in a high ponytail. I let out a yawn before getting started on my morning routine.
35 minutes later.......
I wrapped my body in a towel as I stepped out of the shower. The smell of rose and peach filled my bathroom. I wiped my mirror off and started on my makeup. I kept it simple by just doing foundation, my eyebrows, and applying mango gloss to my plump lips. I let my hair down and ran my hands through it a couple more times. I slid on my favorite white lace thong and the matching white lace bra before putting my outfit on over it. I slid my shoes on being careful of my nails.
"Good morning honey" I looked over and saw my mom smiling at me in her work uniform
"Good morning ma" I responded
"I'm heading out to work and here's some money for lunch" she said handing me $25 dollars
I thanked her and kissed her cheek "Also your bike is fully charged if you want to ride it instead of walking" she said before kissing my head and leaving
I finished gathering my stuff for school before leaving my room. I grabbed an under armor and Gatorade along with a granola bar. I grabbed my keys and made sure had everything before exiting the house. I unlocked my bike and placed the lock in my bag. I climbed onto the bike before placing my AirPods in and rushing off to school.
"Elizabeth I told you many times I don't want you. I was drunk and you were drunk that's it. Leave me the fuck alone." I chuckled quietly to myself as I caught Rio's and Beth conversation
"What are you laughing at?" I looked around the hallway trying to see who she was talking to
"Yes, you, who else?" Beth huffed rolling her eyes
I arched my eyebrow and gave Rio a look "Control your pet, please. I think her collar is a little loose" I said making her jaw drop as other kids tried not to laugh at the bright red girl
He shook his head with a smirk as I walked away from them. I arrived at my English class and sat in my usual seat in the back. I pulled out my notes and plugged my phone in to charge as I waited for the bell to ring and the class to fill in.
"Hey queen" I smiled instantly at the sound of my best friend's voice
"Hi my love" I said wrapping my hands around her in a hug
"I see you rocking the pink today boo" she said pulling out her notebook and a pen
"Yeah something comfortable yet not bummy looking you know" I said making her nod
"Sooo I have a little tea" she said making all my attention go straight on her "You remember adam right?" she questioned making me nod "Well we've kinda been hitting it off lately because I was leaving the library when he called my name and asked me 'Hey sweetheart you mind helping me on Mr. Howards test' and of course, I said yes but even after the test we both confessed how we want to know each other more and explore whatever we have going on" she said smiling hella hard
I cooed as I saw her bright smile "I'm so happy for you boo, you definitely deserve it" I said making her giggle and nod
"But when are you and Rio finally gonna get at each other" she said arching her brow
I pursed my lips and looked away "There's nothing to get at" I said making her scoff
"Yeah right even though yall don't actually say things to each other, your eyes speak everything" she said making me roll my eyes
Before I could respond the bell rang and the rest of the kids piled into the classroom "Good afternoon everyone, I hope you guys had an amazing day. Today, we're going to be starting a project, but before you start groaning and moaning it's actually very easy. I will partner you up with one other person and you both have 2 weeks to gather information about each other's life. Now I don't mean what their favorite color or kid show. I want you to explore the aspects we don't get to see. Can someone give me an example?" Mrs. Davis said looking around the room
I raised my hand making her smile and nod her head towards me "Like they're family" I answered making her nod
"Yeah what kind of traditions do they have? Kind of food? Music? Anything but the basic 21 questions. Alright with that being said I have already picked your partners for you" she announced making us all groan "Yes I know I know you guys would like to pick your own person but you need a fresh face." she said "Now when I pair the two people up one of you needs to move next to your partner and sit there for the rest of the class period." she said making us nod
5 minutes later.....
"Rio and y/n" my head immediately popped up as the teacher called our names
I bit my lip as I looked over at Love who was sitting with adam and a big smirk. I rolled my eyes "Ouch mama am I that bad?" my breath hitched at the feeling of him so close
'This nigga had to teleport cuz I didn't even hear the chair move' I thought to myself
I kept my composure and looked over at him with a smirk of my own "Eh not enough information for to decide" I said making him smirk
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He cleared his throat and sat forward "Well I can't wait till you get your answer" he said making me nod
"Me too" I admitted softly making me smile
End of the day.......
I sighed softly as I finally exited the school. I made my way over to my bike and was about to ride off when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.
"Mama hold on" Rio called out as he jogged up to me
"What's up boo?" I questioned softly as I was completely drained for the day
"We never exchanged a way to contact one another to schedule when we're gonna get started." he said tucking his hands in his front pockets
I giggled quietly and flashed him a teasing smile "Are you asking me for my number?" I said tilting my head
I could've sworn I saw some blush coat his sexy cheeks but decided to leave it alone. He nodded making me hum "So ask for it" I teased making him bite his lip
"Angel can I please have your number" he asked
'Gawd fuck me' I thought as my eyes internally rolled to the back of my head
"Yes" I breathed making him smile
To be continued........
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iluvcvnnie · 3 years
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warnings: very nsfw towards the end, cursing, eating out
pairing: misa amane x fem!reader
dni if under 16
wc: 1k+
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It was a casual boring monday afternoon for you in school. Your chin rested on your left hand as you listened to your teacher give some boring lecture on who knows what. You constantly stare at the clock while the minute hand moves as slow as ever. You take a deep breath and sigh very loudly causing your teacher to turn around and face you. “Shit” you mutter under your breath. Luckily the bell rings just in time for the class to be excused.Your teacher looked pretty tired so they didn’t even bother asking you to stay after class. 
You quickly grab your backpack then dash out of the door. The hallways are always crowded with students which always irritates you since you don't like being this close to so many people. Plus the constant shoving you have to deal with when people run in the hall to meet up with their friends.
You continue to walk at a fast pace which gets you closer and closer to the exit. A grin plasters on your face once you see the sun shining outside that door. You’re so close to exiting the place you hate the most until you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket. Since your locker is near the exit of your school you walk to it and pull your phone out. The brightness on your phone illuminates your face, making you lower it since it hurts your eyes. Who the hell turned my brightness up this high. Then you remembered that it was your girlfriend who did it since she always complains about how low it is.
Once you lowered your brightness you scrolled down to read the notification you got. It’s a text message from your girlfriend.
m: guess who has practice afterschoooool
y/n: practice?
m: y/n you seriously forgot
y/n: babe i’m kidding you know that i could never forget that you made the cheer team :)
m: i knowwww
m: anyways since it is my first day, you wanna stop by and come visit me afterwards???
m: i know you find the football team and the cheerleaders annoying buuuut
y/n: well i don’t find ALL of the cheerleaders annoying
m: really?! Who do you like
y/n: you, just you lol
y/n: but of course i’ll come and support you <3
m: aaaand you’ll get to see me in my uniform.
m: i know how much you likeeee it
You bite your lip remembering the times misa had sent you seductive photos of her in the cheer uniform. Taking photos of her thighs while in her mini skirt texting you: “wish you were here.” Or the selfies in the crop shirt positioning the phone at her breast. Fuck I can’t be thinking about this right now.
m: babe?
y/n: um yeah i’ll be there!
You quickly turn the opposite way from the exit and walk towards the football field. Your school is a decent size but it’s your senior here so you pretty much know your way around the whole place. You pushed multiple doors and walked down multiple staircases until you finally reached the bleachers.
The sun began burning your forehead which made you instantly regret coming to this practice. But it’s for misa so of course you’re showing up. She’s had the most positive impact on you ever since you moved to this school. Before you two got into a relationship you two were close friends, basically best friends. Always there for each other. You told each other everything and both comforted each other. 
Your feelings began to grow stronger for her everyday. It wasn’t until she had confessed her feelings first that gave you courage to ask her out. So here you are 1 year later and still together. Now you're sitting on a steaming hot bleacher bench getting ready to watch your girlfriend at cheerleader practice.
You turned around to scan your surroundings. All you saw were a bunch of guys who you assumed were on the football team supporting their girlfriends. You began hoping that this practice ends soon so then one of the guys doesn’t try to start a conversation with you.
Finally you spot a group of cheerleaders run out onto the bright green football field. You quickly spotted misa and her bright smile as she conversed with the other girls. The sun shines on her golden locks as you watch her begin to stretch. The sun is like misa’s spotlight causing her skin to shine bright.
Your eyes scan all over her body as she stands up to continue stretching. Her eyes swiftly find yours. She smirks once she notices you checking her out. She decides to tease you, curious on what your reaction will be.
She steadily turns around then begins to bend over. She starts to reach down to touch her toes. She does this flawlessly while looking incredibly sexy while doing so. Misa is super flexible so all the stretches come easy to her.
Her pink laced underwear starts to show, making you clench your thighs together. She notices how flustered you are, causing her to smirk. “Oh fuck you” you mouth. She chuckles then brings herself back up standing straight. Luckily none of the guys were on the bleachers anymore since they had to go to practice.
You grin then shake your head. After a few more stretches they began to start their routine. It has been a few hours since you’ve been sitting on the bleachers. Honestly the time went by fast. After misa did that last jump in the air and landed it perfectly. The coach blew the whistle which meant that practice was over.
Misa jogged over to you while her high ponytail swayed left and right. Before you could say anything, Misa cups your face then places a delicate kiss on your lips. The kiss lasts for a good ten seconds. Until it sadly breaks apart. Your favorite taste of misa’s lip gloss lingers on your lips. You and misa both grab your backpacks then you wrap your arm around her waists as you both walk into the parking lot.
“Soooo how was practice?” Misa turns her head at you with a blank facial expression. “Uhhh you were there.” “You know what I mean, was it fun?” “Honestly, no.” “No?!” “It was ok but not fun.” “Oh.” “It would have been fun if my girlfriend stopped eye fucking me on the bleachers and just fucked me on the field.” “In front of everyone.” You whisper in her ear. Her breath hitches “Yeah…”
“How about I fuck you right now?” “In the car?” “Yeah” You both quickly enter the car while the tension is rising.
Misa quickly straddles you then begins to place soft sloppy kisses all over your neck. Your breath starts to hitch as you already feel your core heat up. Your hands begin to roam all over her body. Your hands move under her skirt and start to fondle her ass while her body rocks back and forth on your thighs. Misa begins to slowly unbutton your top, revealing your bra. Once you help her unclasp it she begins to plant kisses all over your exposed breasts. Her lips quickly latch on to your nipple which makes you bite your lip.
You feel her warm tongue swirl onto your erect bud. While she sucks on your right nipple her left hand fondles your left tit. She squeezes it a bit too hard causing you to let out a moan. You mumble multiple profanities aloud while Misa is still sucking your tits. After she sucks on your breast. She gets off of you and lowers herself to the floor. Her head is between your knees while she goes in to start kissing your inner thighs. You then feel her warm tongue slide up and down your clothed area. “Such a pretty girl for me.” You feel her voice vibrate all throughout your core.
“Gonna eat you out so good huh?” You feel her fingers remove your underwear as she begins to slowly suck on your clit. She places her face deeper in between your thighs as you feel misa lick up all of your juices. Once she gives one last lick a load of cum shoots out onto her face. “Sorry…” You both laugh a little bit as she wipes it off then licks it with her fingers. Misa gets back up and straddles you again.
You figure it’s time to please her since she worked so hard today. Your hand goes under her mini skirt as you feel the wetness between her legs. “Fuck, baby your soaked.” Misa unlatches her mouth from your nipple as her hips begin to rock faster once you insert a digit inside of her. Your finger begins to pump faster and faster and she lets out elicit moans.
Your eyes are both half lidded while misa tits bounce up and down. The cheer uniform shirt makes her tits almost fall out at times. This is one of those times. She doesn’t even take the shirt off, they just fall out. “Fuck your tits are so pretty babe.” “You're so beautiful you know that right?” Misa just nodds her head while you finger fuck her. You mutter praises after praises until Misa cums all over your hand.
Her head falls onto your shoulder as you place delicate kisses on her forehead. “I love you so much baby.” Misa, being too tired to speak, mumbles an “I love you more” while placing a kiss on your shoulder. You both fall asleep in the parking lot while Misa is still straddling on top of you with your arms wrapped around her waist.
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