#of course i headcanon that in the end they both just throw away their family names entirely
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moraymoth · 3 days ago
jorkfolfe hinted and tw for mean parent.
 Felix Wolfe really, really wants Blackburn in his gang, of course, probably because he knows he’s been going against Edward - however, what if there was more for it? This isn’t canon or anything, this is headcanons as a heads-up. I don’t mind if you disagree either.
James, of course, denies each and every time when Felix offers that odd thing and makes a scene; as said, James openly goes against Ed.
 So, what if, in the past - James and Felix used to be extremely close. Say throughout elementary up until 7th or 8th grade? They knew everything about each other, even if one was more melodramatic they would have got along and SOMEWHAT evened each others personalities out and James was relatively content and comfortable with this whole thing compared to how extreme or angry they act now. 
 So I’d say, like, middle school crushes type shit. You know?? That leads into a small idea I have of James’ family. I call James Jameson for this exact reason as well. Mr Blackburn, a short mean old man with a raspy voice and a flat expression. I’d say he’s homophobic, extremely homophobic - and with the two of them being middle school crushes and Mr Blackburn finding this out would make things absolutely horrible.
  Basically a, ‘if youre gay i’ll kill the both of you and you aren’t my son if you don’t follow in MY tracks’. Again, when I say Mr Blackburns short I mean like 5’0 short. 
 In return, James got so scared to the point he began to distance himself from Felix and get pretty pissed and angry overtime mainly at himself for doing something like that - which makes Felix more hopeless in his eyes, which since he was already acting out a bit in the past it gradually got even more extreme. Should probably throw in there, I feel like Felix and James are both seniors.
 Felix wants to befriend James again, and I can heavily think that he may already have an inverted letterman waiting for him somewhere on hand or in a bag or in his car. Since Felix would technically know where James lives(I see the idea here where only Felix knows since James may not bring the Basketball team over at all due to his fuckass dad and hes afraid for them) so Felix will stop by with gift baskets, in which James will only keep one or two things or throw the whole goddamn thing away as much as he wants to see that boy. Felix would also beg James’ parents to see him and talk to him again, which that’s actually pretty crazy to think about but what more do you expect from Felix? Either Demand and Beg or just demand it straightout with the door being shut completely on him.
 The Jameson name comes from the idea that’s his government name, and being called Jameson triggers something in his brain where he’s like don’t EVER call me that. It’s why everyone calls him James, or such as the basketball team may not know about the name all that much. The reason he hates it is because of his Dad naming him that. Jameson also means “Son of James” (Could be funny if his dads name was Jayson or James too but.)
 James has a hard time showing his care, obviously, and it’s probably affected him up in the basketball team as well since his home life (i.e mainly his dad…).
 I also feel like James’ family does magic shit or have demonic connections, more so than the Wolfes, mainly with the dark arts. They use blood to their advantage when doing it, since instead of a spellbook like Lous family or Felix using papers for it, or it being a supernatural powers - they can use the blood to make any spell although on the darker side of things with a few chants. If they do end up using books, it is written by the person who knows those things (Such as James having his own written one, called The Book of Shadows in a particular language and all the spells hand made by him) In which, that would be why Mr Blackburn and Mr Wolfe may have been close in the past as well (just not gay) to where their sons would have met, only for them to be torn apart by the same people who introduced them to eachother. (James would have done magic too then.) 
 James, on the dark magic end, used to do it as well. However, since then, he has not done it since he feels like it hurts people around him (such as something bad always happens after he does it and he regrets it heavily)
 James does not want to be like his dad at all, but he’s following in his steps because he’s afraid for the people around him, it’s why he shut Felix out. He didn’t want him to get harmed, nor did he want to think being gay was good (because of the thoughts Mr Blackburn injected into him.)
Jameson also has horribly bad anger, that much is obvious in IBVS all together - but this can be added on here. He bottles his anger up to a point he hurts anyone in his vicinity because he doesn’t know how to contain it or handle it at all. This leads into him accidentally punching one of his friends - regretting it and storming off out of fear they’ll hate him. 
 This could add into Felix wanting Ed to fuck off thinking he’s also causing grief upon James 
in which, he is unknowingly actually doing that with this whole change thing < will lead upon later
So, to that one poem in James’ redesigned reference sheet, to Felix, James is a star that got flew way too close (got caught) and now he feels he has to save him and all. ^ Relates to a song on the Jorkfolfe List (this post may also help you guys learn more about such songs on the jorkfolfe list.) Mr Blackburn has also cursed Mr Lopez to the point he has almost died, however Ms Lopez can keep him stable. Louis and Laurel are afr to scared to enter that room since they don’t want to see their father ill (he’s no longer on his death bed, just extremely sickly). ^ Mr Lopez is a really really good dad. He’s just sickly and his kids are scared to see their parent hurt.
Anything related to Felix that James may have was all mainly thrown away by Mr Blackburn while James was begging him not to do that at all. So, He had to hide very few things from his dad that he wanted to keep (a photo of him and felix hidden in a spot in his closet around 6th grade). A play on skeletons in his closet. Jameson also, as said, wouldn’t use Jameson in the basketball team at all. This gives Felixs reason a bit more depth and a bit more to James refusing to go with Felix, in which, in the end he may actually head off to his side any way.
A key point in one of the servers I was describing this to, was, ‘A fight between Xavier Jackson and Mr Blackburn would be great’.
I feel like James’ family also leans into the more gothic side of things, which would be a crazy change from the more normal looking parents (i.e antonio, janet, william, etc). His house probably has a spiked metal fence around it tucked deep into the darkest area of foxfield as well. Probably also a dead tree in their yard? ^ James’ room is likely similar, but I feel like he would have a lot of skulls that are real, or bones for that matter. Which would be extremely fun if anyone woul draw it (probably me if i do do that) where his room has shelves and stuff with plenty of skulls, and of course those volumes of dark spells tucked into it.
 He is greatly afraid of change, because he’s already had to make so much change between him and Felix so he doesn’t want to see himself forgotten by the basketball team nor have to distance himself. Since Edward may have helped him in some shape or form, which is highly likely that everyone in Edwards group has helped James in some way. When the group changes, even if it’s very little, he starts to grow a sudden dislike because of the worries he has stored away. However, it does rock back and forth in his head due to Mr Blackburns actions and how they have always affected him and his relationships. Whether for better or for worse the changing is, he’s scared. He thinks Isaac is going to change Edward(and his attitude makes him unbelievably mad), he thinks he’s going to lose Ed who will stop being friends with him just as he did with Felix (not because he likes ed unless you, the reader, portray it such as,) because of Isaac. It’s not just James’ interalized homophobia, it’s more than that.
If he does move onto Felixs side, he would have to fight his interalized homophobia further (I see felix being an absolute freak and kind of a flirt and it makes him EXTREMELY pissed off), but the even bigger change will drive him even more insane because of Felixs group (mainly evil justin… if you read his sheet, he’s EXTREMELY clingy.) and they could possibly bring out more bad then good in James (not ethan because ethan either switched sides and if he stayed is far too anxiety ridden or nervous to do so. Also hes probably the sweetest out of all of them.)
 A song I wanted to do with these two were, 
Tim, I wish you were born a girl by of Monteral   Which i still really want to do but it would be more exciting to do it with a surprise.
 Speaking with that member more, you know who you are, James definitely sucks at communication horribly and probably doesn’t want anyone to know whats going on with his dad at home. The day James cut Felix off was, he said (which is why people keep drawing it), ‘Felix… I wish you were born a girl.’ Before up and leaving that other boy there where he tried to tell him he had to leave in which Felix watched the other leave, saying- ‘jameson- wait–’ before James disappeared into the background. Of course Felix may still try and interact, but we know James would either avoid or lash out.
 One line that person said was, ‘not mr blackburn trying to mold james into him in the worst way’ James may really really want to go back to Felix, but he doesn’t want Felix (or himself) hurt in the process. 
 The scars upon James in the redesign is NOT from his father though, because James seems like the angry and blinded by rage type - he has had plenty of fights over things with other people at school. They would of course scab, in which James would pick at them either way making the other jocks try and stop him from picking at them however they still end up in scars.
 I wouldn’t think Mr Blackburn would put his hands on him (maybe a bit, but not often… probably a quick smack across the face or using a spatula. We don’t talk about the spatula part though getting his with a spatula hurts REALLY BAD.) but mainly yell and freak out on him, to the point he hits a wall or the table and freaks out further - in which James wouldn’t flinch anymore at it because he’s grown numb to it. If he does hurt him in a smaller fit of rage, he’s either grabbing him by the ear or yanking his earring which is why he’s missing one.
He’s likely attacked teachers too.
James has nothing but taking it out on the people around him, or buildings. He has a lot of rings on his hands I feel like, and he would punch the walls of the outdoor of a building until theyre bleeding and bruised.
 He hurts his friends too, but he regrets it heavily and doesn’t think before he does it - and he blames himself even after months have passed.
Obviously, his friends would understand this and would reassure him but it doesn’t make it okay because they did infact get hurt and he knows that.
 When James gets really upset or mad, the one who can probably hold him still and comfort him best is Cody - for one, because he’s basically the basketball players tank and can keep him still, and for two Cody is basically a big teddy bear (like ethan possibly is to the packe, who can calm Felix in perhaps the same manner?)
 Justin would have invited everyone to the group, except Louis inviting James. So basically it would go, in my eyes, Justin invited, Justin has been friends with Louis since they were little so Louis is invited, then Louis invites James, then Justin invites Cody. There. That’s how it goes in my opinion (and headcanons). I really like this idea in my head too I’ve teased on a few times. James takes care of crows and ravens, having fed them a lot. It’s probably one of his soft spots too. They tend to stick around him a lot because they know they can trust him. I saw this one thing of this crow waiting everyday for this little kid to get home from school, only let him pet it, and would always check on him. Which I find absolutely adorable in all manners. So, in my brain, it went, aww James would actually be really cute with birds similar to that.
 Some of these crows are blind, missing a limb such as a leg or a wing or maybe is deaf. He treats them.
The two I have in my head have names and personalities. The crow would be called Pestilence, a female crow who is extremely noisy and chaotic. She tends to curse, due to picking up on James’ constant swear words. She also torments people around James if she feels like it, but her favorite spot to hide or sleep is in James’ letterman hood. She likes to mock people around her, and she loves making noise when she gets gifts for James even if it’s as simple as a piece of wood. When Felix is around with James and shes there, she’ll stick her beak in his ear or peck his face and then laugh about it. James relies on her to speak about the way he is feeling sometimes, but sometimes she leaves for some time since she’s still technically a wild bird.
 The raven would be called Bionic, with a hand-made little leg though flimsy. She’s also pretty chaotic, but is a lot softer around the edges. Her favorite part is to sing songs that James may listen to - and she likes saying, ‘boop boop’. She also rests on his head, cleaning his hair even if he doesn’t need it. ^
May possibly update said post if I feel like it.
possible doodled designs below.
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needed mentions : @moldieecheese (since you love jameson), @qhostpi22 (you wished to be tagged), @jamesblackburnn1fan @over-dvse
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vonbergerpants · 8 months ago
Linhardt doing the high-school crush thing of testing out surnames with Caspar's family name like
"On the one hand, I don't want to be associated with Caspar's house. But on the other hand, neither does my father, and that would be REALLY funny."
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 3 months ago
Could I ask how you think Rise! Donnie would deal with his first time with his partner (18+) would he be nervous or confident? Would he start blabbering about info he researched prior to try and hide how nervous or excited he is? I feel like if it’s his partners first time with a mutant he would probably end up over-explaining his anatomy to them.
First Time Headcanons (18+)
Rise!Donatello x reader
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A/N: I’m not sure why, but I have this idea, that if Rise!Donatello should get to a point where he’s interested in having sex with a partner, he would be at a point where he’s very comfortable with them, and not that easily nervous. But with that being said, anybody can get nervous at any point in life, but I feel like he would be quite a bit calmer. Hope these headcanons was something like what you were looking for. Hope you’ll enjoy💜
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All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Mentioning of planned sex, softer sex, intense sex, passionate sex and rough sex.
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You and Donnie’s first time was planned, no doubts about it. This wasn’t the kind of thing Donnie would just do in the heat of the moment. Maybe once he had gotten more used to it, but his first time he needed to be prepared.
Donnie is not really a nervous person. It’s a rarity for him to get truly nervous in the stereotypical sense. He doesn’t shake, he doesn’t stutter, and he doesn’t hide away. No - when Donnie is nervous, he tends to turn off his emotions and throw around quite a few sarcastic statements. It’s not his intention to make you unsure, confused or hurt you when he would suddenly turn emotionally cold - it was just a way for him to protect himself.
At this point you knew Donnie well enough to know what was going on. He may have prepared himself in every way possible, doing as much research as possible  on the human anatomy, so that he was sure to please you. And you would remind him that everything was okay. You understood him and he understood you. You could be yourselves around each other, and you would find a way to make this pleasurable for the both of you.
With all that Donnie had learned about human anatomy, he would of course tell you about it. That’s just how he functions. He’s a fact thrower and he finds comfort in it. And you listen and engage him in what he’s talking about. Some of the things you may already know, but some of them might come as a surprise to you.
The day of your first time, you and Donnie had decided to do it in his room, an evening where you knew the rest of his family was out, so that the two of you could be all alone. Total comfort, allowing both of you to get as loud as you may need to, without having to worry about anybody walking by Donnie’s room.
And loud you were. It almost surprised both of you. It wasn’t because you were going absolut at it, breaking the bed on your first try (a few rounds in you did get quite a bit rougher tho). No, it was simply because of the new sensations both of you were experiencing. It was just part of your processing, expressing yourselves with sounds of surprise and pleasure. Though if anybody had been standing outside the door, they might have thought you were shooting a porno… ups.
Your first round was intense and passionate, holding each other close as Donnie thrusted in and out of you at a sturdy speed. Your second round started out intense and passionate as well, with you riding Donnie just to try it. But halfway through, Donnie had flipped you onto your back, driving into you at a much greater speed. However your third and final round of the evening was quite something, with Donnie having you on all four, fucking you like you both were already addicted. It didn’t take long before you had your chest flat against the mattress and ass high in the air, screaming and crying for Donnie not to stop. Quite the journey the two of you went through to be honest.
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quizzicalwriter · 1 year ago
Hi! Idk if you do headcanons but if you do can you do boyfriend headcanons for Dallas? It can be up to you to make it general things or just smut related things.
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Dating Dallas HC’s
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Despite what you may think, I don’t see Dallas being an overly possessive boyfriend. You two go about your business and that’s that, but the moment he catches someone flirting with you he’s bounding over and making sure everyone knows you’re his. Beyond that? He’s alright with PDA, but he’s not about to make out in front of his friends, that’s private stuff.
He’d let you wear his jacket, necklace, rings, everything. He loves seeing you in his clothing, and he’d certainly notice the moment you aren’t wearing one item that you usually do - and it’s not even for the reason you think, he’s just worried you’ll lose his stuff and he’ll have to find another one.
He has no problem remembering birthdays, anniversaries, all that jazz. He loves surprising you by remembering important dates for you. But the moment you ask him if he remembers someone you met last week he’s pulling a blank. He’ll remember eventually, but he sucks at remembering faces.
You ever need something but don’t have the money for it? Dallas does! Don’t ask where he got it, most of the time he doesn’t remember or doesn’t want you worrying about him - he doesn’t know which is worse and he ain’t about to find out.
On the topic of money, if you tried to pay him back he’d act personally offended and never accept the money. I’m talking full-on mouth dropping open, loud scoff, all of it. You’re his girl, why the hell are you trying to pay him back? Just give him a kiss or something.
Loves driving you places, and lets you control the music in reasonable amounts - meaning, you cannot play the same song over, and over. He’d let you get away with three replays max before he’s groaning and turning the radio off and tossing the mix out the window. He’d apologize afterward and buy you a new cassette.
I do not see him being a kind driver, the man has road rage and you’ve seen it. There have been multiple instances where you’ve ducked into the passenger seat and whisper-yelled at him to shut up - he never does.
The man is like a corpse when he sleeps. You want him to move over? Good luck. You’d have a better chance rolling over onto him to get sleep, he wouldn’t wake up either way unless you pushed him from the bed.
Speaking of sleep, if you’re ever cold and plaster your morgue-like hands against his back, he will shriek. His back will arch, his legs will shoot out, and he’ll throw every curse known to man your way as he moves away from your hands - your hands still end up warm.
His friends are his family and he takes their opinions seriously, I can see him genuinely fretting over their view of you if he cares enough for you. Hell, he’s got feelings for you, of course, he’s going to want his family to like you. They will, it’ll take a while to get used to their form of joking, but you’ll be at home with them and it’ll make Dallas smile.
On the subject of family, Dallas doesn’t mention his much. He might if you’re close enough, but you’re likely to get bits and pieces as time goes by until he’s sure you won’t leave either. When he finally tells you about his upbringing it hurts your heart, you’re both mentally spent by the end of it and you promise him to never mention it unless he does first. He appreciates you for it.
If you stay over at his place often enough he’ll try to make the place look more presentable. Mainly rearranging stuff that he hasn’t touched in months, maybe buying another set of bedsheets. You notice every time something changes in his room and whenever you mention it he’s happy to talk about it, even if he tries to play it off cool.
He watches you sleep, not so much in a creepy way, but it’s something he loves to do. If you talk or snore in your sleep he will imitate it in the morning. In the moment he finds it cute, but he’ll never admit it.
His version of helping you cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner is standing behind you with his chin on your shoulder, or leaning against the kitchen counter with a cigarette between his lips. The man can’t cook, maybe he could, but he likes watching you cook too much to try - that and the one time he tried to help he burnt the shit out of his hand.
If you smoke he’ll light your cigarettes or share his own, if you don’t he’ll appreciate you standing beside him while he smokes, but he ain’t gonna force you to be near him when he does - just don’t nag the man, he’s been smoking since he was a kid, I don’t think he could stop even if he wanted to.
Whenever he smokes he’ll blow the smoke to the side, always ensuring it doesn’t blow in your face. But, if the smoke follows you he’ll murmur some cliche line like “Smoke follows beauty.”
Any music he’s into he will show you in a heartbeat. He thrives on showing you things you haven’t seen yet, whether it’s movies at the drive-in he’s sneaking you into, or a cassette he snagged from a nearby store - either way, his eyes watch you for any reaction.
Definitely considers going on a walk or eating food in Buck’s T-Bird a date. You’ll have to specify what you want if you want anything different, otherwise he’s content with the routine. If you ask for something different he won’t take offense to it, but he might chide you for it.
Words aren’t his forte, actions are. He’ll try his best to be kind, but he’ll occasionally slip and might say something rude. If you can shoot back your own sarcastic quips it’ll make him swoon, he loves nothing more than someone who can fire back at him.
Likely won’t tell you that he loves you for YEARS. You can say it first, he’ll nod and likely kiss your cheek or forehead in return. You know what he means, but he’s not the type to say it until he feels absolutely certain about you. Dallas knows how he feels about someone rather quickly, but he’s wary when it comes to love. He wants to mean it, mean it in a way that scares him.
The first time he tells you he loves you will be when you’re asleep. He’ll continue doing that until one day when he randomly springs it on you. It’ll likely be around a cigarette, but you’ll be able to tell from his eyes how deeply he means it. Don’t expect him to say it often, but know that he always feels it.
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A/N: This is so short, I’m so sorry. I’ve never done headcanons before, so I hope this was good! I think about Dallas’s character so much that I actually had a bit of fun with this! This is a late night post for me, but I finished it up and figured I’d post it for y’all anyways. Thank you all for the continued love and support you’ve shown me and my work!! I appreciate you all more than words could ever describe! <3
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delaware-lemme-smash · 9 months ago
Headcanons on all might, and Aizawa reacting to you being engaged to someone
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I'm going off the basis that they find out you're engaged to someone and they secretly have feelings for you, to give this a little dash of angst. I might have hurt my own feelings a little, writing this lol
Characters: Yagi Toshinori/All Might, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Contents: gn!reader, unrequited feelings
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Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might has had a lot of women throw themselves at him over the years and he’s taken very few of them up on the offer, if any. Notice that I said All Might has had women throwing themselves at him. Not Toshinori. At least, not in the years since his injury caused such issues with his health. 
You’re probably close enough to him to know his secret. I don’t think he’d develop feelings for someone who only knew him as All Might, as that bombastic persona he puts on would naturally create a buffer between himself and you. But as Toshinori, he doesn’t have that luxury, and naturally, insidiously, his affection for you would start to grow. 
Toshinori isn’t exactly confident about his chances in love. He’s spent his whole life playing a role, hiding who he truly is, and now his health and Pro Hero career are in tatters. He wouldn’t expect anyone to want him as he is, despite protestations to the contrary. He hides it well, but he’s a little jaded, a little cynical in certain aspects.
Not only that, but on the off chance you did want to be with him, you’d end up being a target for every villain who wanted to get a crack at the untouchable All Might. He doesn’t have the strength to protect you. How can he put you in that kind of danger?
So he bites his tongue and grins, and listens to you chatter about this new person you’ve met. He can’t even dislike your new partner. They seem great. Charming. Successful. Kind. It doesn’t lessen the sting that it’s not him. It only gets worse as he sees you going farther and farther down the path of your future with that other person, slipping further and further away from him. 
That engagement ring on your finger rings the death knell for whatever ragged hopes he might have been clinging on to. He squeezes his bony hands into fists, congratulating you in a strained voice. His grin is as bright as ever, blinding you to how it dims around the edges. You notice that he doesn’t stay long at your engagement party, but that’s All Might for you! Always dashing off to play the hero…
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Aizawa is a master of ignoring his own feelings. Suppression, compartmentation, bottling it up…however you want to describe it, he does it. Especially when it comes to interpersonal connections that might leave him vulnerable. We never see him talk about his family, have relationships, and he even keeps his friends at arm’s length. 
It’s not just because it leaves him vulnerable. He harbours a deep-seated, irrational fear that anyone he gets close to will end up getting hurt, so he retreats at the first embers of a deeper connection. Sometimes he’s not even aware he’s doing it. 
That said, he’s still capable of being friends or colleagues with you. You’ll always feel as if there’s an invisible wall between the two of you, and every time you manage to make a chink the mortar, he bricks it right back up. 
So when you do eventually start dating someone else, he feels as if you’re both out of danger. He’s not exactly happy about it. Seeing you falling for someone else fills him with a bittersweet mix of relief and regret. 
Which he also then bottles up. Just open a fucking brewery, Aizawa.
When events follow their natural course and you end up getting engaged, it hits him. Hard. He sits there among your circle of friends or colleagues after you make the joyful announcement, sipping silently at his beer. His chest aches. His throat feels tight. 
And he can’t blame anyone but himself as he sits there, watching you laugh and toast your happy news with the others, your eyes shining. It’s not your fault that he feels this way; he did it to himself. Shouta orchestrated his own heartbreak, and he’s forced to sit there in stony silence as it unfolds before him.
Eventually he just slinks away, leaving his beer half-drunk on the table as the only sign of his presence at the gathering, the label half torn off. 
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penkura · 9 months ago
Hi! I saw that your requests are open!
Would you be alright writing headcanons for a GN!Reader(Fem is fine too if it's a struggle) for Sanji and Zoro with an idiot reader? The type to throw themselves in danger, believe people at face value, able to succeed a mission by failing all the instructions ect.
Im a big fan of idiot readers because I am one myself, if you could add some cuddling in there too I would be so grateful
Take care!
Hi!! Gosh, this was fun to write lol. Sanji and Zoro are my boys, they would both def end up with idiot readers lol. I hope you like it! :)
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You, an idiot?
His precious, darling beloved?
Never, he’d fight anyone who said you were! He’d never call you that himse—
Oh there you go again, throwing yourself in front of Luffy. Haven’t you learned he’ll be fine?
You do it every time, and even after Sanji and the others tell you to stop being so self sacrificing, they get enough of that with Zoro
Its fine, its fine, Sanji knows you just want to protect your friends
Its even fine when you nearly fall for an obvious scam of some woman needing money to pay off debtors, and it just happened to be the same amount in your hand
Thank goodness he was nearby and able to grab your hand to get you away from that, telling you what was going on
You felt really stupid for that, but it was fine, no problems, Sanji kept you from losing your money, Nami would’ve killed you both if you had
Its not fine when you end up injured this time, jumping in front of him when an enemy throws a spear at him
It barely grazed you when you pushed Sanji out of the way, but he’s still horrified knowing it was because you were protecting him that it happened
No matter how many times Chopper tries to Sanji that you’ll be okay, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, he’s still upset with himself for being distracted by another enemy
Sanji wants to distract himself but you won’t let him leave you alone, dragging him into the bed you’re staying in that night and demanding cuddles since you’re hurt (not that hurt but still)
He’s glad to obliged, holding you close and burying his face in your shoulder while you stroke his hair
“Sorry I worried you, Sanji.”
“You’ve got to stop throwing yourself in front of people…”
He just doesn’t want to lose you
He’s the one that calls you an idiot the most
In a loving way the majority of the time, but other times he really does mean it
The day you almost got swept away to another crew because on of their members tried to sell you a sob story about needing medicine for a sick kid?
Yeah you were an idiot for that one
The time you run to protect Nami, shoving her out of the way and receiving a deep gash on your abdomen
Zoro knows you want to protect people, to protect your family
But you should let him handle things sometimes!
He was on his way to protect Nami himself, but of course, you being you, ended up jumping ahead and pushing her away from the Marine attacking her
After all the Marines are taken care of, Chopper has you in the infirmary on Sunny immediately to assess your wounds
You got the worst of it, good job!
Zoro hears you got the worst of it, say your prayers because he’s pissed
Not entirely at you, partially at the Marine that got you, but still at you too
“You’re lucky his weapon didn’t have poison on it or somethin’!”
“I don’t think the Marines use poison, Zoro.”
“That’s not the point!”
You let him go off, telling you everything that could’ve gone wrong
It’s rare for even you to see this side of him, but it’s nice to know he cares this much
Eventually Zoro calms down, taking a deep breath before he walks back over and drags you into a hug
“You’re such a damn idiot you know?”
You nod, but smile, “but I’m your idiot, right?”
He rolls his one good eye and nods himself
“Yeah, you’re my idiot.”
He wouldn’t change a thing if it meant you were his and he was yours
Though he would like you be a little more careful in the future
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liveontelevision · 10 months ago
I saw someone do headcanons on Lucifer and I know you'd write it perfectly. They basically said that if you were to ignore him, he'd practically BEG and WHINE like a bitch to have you talk to him. Even if it's telling him he's pathetic. As long as he hears your voice.
Ofc don't feel pressured to do this if you're busy or anything else, Ily🫶🏻🫶🏻 keep up the great work! :]
OKAY MORE SMUT (seriously, mdni 18+)
Sorry this one took forever but I'm prettyyy sure it's worth it. Let's just say this is Lucifer discovering some new things about himself :D
Throwing out a CW: Intersex Luci
Ignorance is Bliss | Lucifer x Reader
Becoming comfortable with the King of Hell as his partner was easy. He made sure to cater to all your needs and give you everything you asked for. Overall, Lucifer was a sweetheart and a gentleman. And this was especially the case in bed. Considering his immense powers, he was giddy to fulfill any of your fantasies you'd have, no matter how bizarre. After being with him for long enough, fantasies dissolved into curiosities. Some nights became spicing things up in the bedroom in ways that you'd never consider, just to see how much you could handle. Now? you wanted to see how much he could handle.
Neither of you were comfortable with bringing intimacy to the public, not without proper care, at least. But what if you could work him up in a way only you knew about? Tease him throughout the day? How desperate could you make him without touching him? You couldn't recall where you picked up this idea, maybe somewhere online at some point. Knowing how deeply devoted he was to you, he was sure to hold a great reaction to this.
You were together when the hotel was renovated, so it was an easy transition for you. Everyone already aware of your relationship and loving you in turn made your afterlife seem like less of a punishment.
His top priority was your comfort when you both moved. He made sure to be close to you in group settings, keeping a hand on you at almost all times. Whether that be a hand on your thigh or the small of your back, or simply having his fingers intertwined in yours, it felt like a relief for both of you.
But with this little act you were pulling, you would lean away from his touch, and make excuses to disappear for the afternoon. Or in the halls, where he'd usually greet you with a quick kiss or I love you, you'd pull out your phone as you approached him, or simply smiled with your eyes barely looking his direction. He would swear, if anyone asked, that this wasn't bugging him one bit. Not. At. All. You were all his at the end of the day, you could treat him however you want and he'd submit. He's fine. He's acting fine.
When it came to the hotel, there weren't many demons jumping at the chance of redemption in the beginning, so some nights turned into drinks, games, and music. You felt so incredibly lucky to be a part of this family, your eyes scanning across the room and taking in just the pure enjoyment of everyone around you. The center of it all tonight was Lucifer. He was going on about some fantastical story that involved a circus in some other ring of Hell, that then evolved into sharing baby photos of Charlie. His eyes always sparkled when he would talk about his daughter. You loved her too, of course, but your heart always fluttered when his admiration would show.
Still, you had that little experiment to play with tonight. As Lucifer went on about his stories, either entertaining demons with their content or his ridiculous retellings, everyone was drawn in. Not to mention, he was drunk and was acting like a fool, so he was even entertaining Alastor. With one foot on the barstool and the other propped on the counter, he acted out some ridiculous story that you paid no mind to. In fact, you made it a point to not react to anything, despite how intense he was becoming. You'd look down at your phone as he spoke. Or you'd start some random conversation with Husk, who really could care less, but he at least responded to you.
Keeping your eyes off of him was a challenge, but you could tell he was trying to get your attention when he'd brag about something. With no response, he would stutter mid-sentence, then change the topic after not getting the reaction he wanted out of you. With each ignorant glance, he took a swig of his drink.
He was seated after that, being scolded for scuffing the tables with his heels. That's when the ridiculous jokes began. You loved his jokes! You could listen to them all day, even laughing when he told you the same joke over and over. But not tonight, you had to remind yourself. You bit your tongue and sucked in your lips to hide any smile or laughter that might pass through. Still avoiding looking in his direction entirely, Lucifer was suddenly silenced. You looked up at him through half lidded eyes, then back down to your screen, mindlessly scrolling through essentially nothing. Charlie was quick to distract him with a story, he was nodding along and smiling as best he could for her. The party dwindled, leaving you, Lucifer and Husk.
“I-uh.. think our royal highness has had enough. You should take him to bed, kid.” Husk finally draws your attention to Lucifer, who has laid his head on the countertop, incoherently mumbling. You sigh and nod, taking his drink from his hand and rising to your feet. Just barely touching his shoulder, he immediately straightens his posture.
“Good call, kitty!” He had a habit of calling Husk that when he wasn't entirely there, it made both of you cringe, “Bedtime, my love?” He takes a hold of your hand in both of his and you have to remind yourself this is just for fun. The endgame has to be worth it. You pull away, already walking through the portal he had created when he was talking. He looked at you as you stood in your shared room, still seated at the bar. Finally turning, you sigh and place your hands on your hips.
“C’mon, Lucifer.” You said absentmindedly, using a beckoning finger to draw him in. He eagerly jumped from his seat following you in, even with his chest aching. You didn't normally use his name. Usually it was darling, or my love, or good boy if he was acting accordingly. He takes a hold of your arm as the portal shuts, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, then running small pecks along the length of your arm, stopping at the start of your shoulder. You let out a small, almost nervous sounding chuckle, before reeling back.
“Didn't see you around the hotel today, darling. Did you do anything fun?” Lucifer sways as he speaks. Maybe small talk would help? He was trying his hardest to act casual and keep a clear conscience considering how much alcohol he’s had at this point. You shake your head, pulling your top off. You decide to sort through your clothes long enough to let Lucifer catch the sight of you bent at the hips, rummaging through a dresser drawer while topless. You could hear him gulp. He starts the same way, but struggles with the buttons on his vest.
“L-love, I might need-” his intoxication is clear in his voice at this point. After throwing on some sort of silky slip, you sigh and turn your attention to him. Looking down and fiddling with the buttons, he begins to lose his balance and finds himself leaning against a wall for stability. You approach him silently, and easily undo each of his buttons. You'd be lying if this alone wasn't making your stomach flutter. Even then, it was easy to keep your cool after seeing that he was clearly enjoying this too much. You notice his labored breathing as he braces his arms against the wall, allowing you to run your hands across his bare chest and slipping his shirt and vest to the ground with some maneuvering. You keep your hands at his hips for a moment, he lifted his pelvis away from the wall, maybe hoping for some kind of friction. You were lingering barely an inch away from his lips. Hearing the smallest whimper seemed to remind you of your mission, so you quickly pulled away.
“Good night, Lucifer~” just that sentence alone sent him spinning. Your lips so close to him and your voice so smooth, he was beginning to enjoy the sound of his name in your mouth.
More. He needs more.
As you crawled under the covers, you made it a point to hum and moan as you stretched and settled in. Pulling your phone back up to your face, you barely had time to look at anything before a clawed hand had slowly pushed your device down, revealing a very red-faced Lucifer.
“Is something wrong, love? Can I.. help you?” He was genuinely worried. You almost felt guilty at that moment. With a final sigh, you set your phone aside and cupped his hot to the touch cheek in your hand. He immediately let the weight of his head fall into your hands, humming contently at the long overdue contact. Still, you shake your head in response to him, keeping your lips sealed. His lip finally starts to quiver and he lets out a shaky breath.
“Please, I need your voice, love.. I miss it- I miss you.” He almost breaks you, so you decide to reward him for this display at least. You silently press a kiss against his eager lips. He's ready to pull you in and ravish you with that alone, he’d do anything to hear your voice. You pull away. He tries making connections in his foggy mind, tracing through the past few days to see if there was anything he might’ve done for you to be this cruel to him. He can't think of any wrong doings, but.. he'll do anything.
“P-please? darling?” He stammers out, continuing to crawl towards you and sitting prettily on your lap. The view itself drove you mad. You could keep your lips sealed, but you couldn't prevent the blush becoming apparent across your cheeks. He hums, satisfied with this reaction at least.
“I don't know what's going on with you, but.. I love you.” Oh, shit. “.. I love you~” He repeats.
You keep your eyes away from him. This one was a struggle.
“T-That’s fine, don't tell me about your day.. o-or laugh at my jokes, but, darling-” he turns your head to face him, a hand lightly bringing you forward by your chin, you notice his eyes glowing. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You said it quietly, a hint of defeat in your tone. He immediately perks up, shifting his grasp on your chin to thumb at your jaw, nearly encompassing your throat with his hand. Closing the already very small gap between your lips, he eagerly explores your mouth with his forked tongue. You yelp into his lips in surprise, before pushing him away carefully, seeing how much of a mess you've made him from just that phrase.
“Lucifer, that wasn't very nice, was it? You have to ask.” You said sternly, sitting up to rest your back on the headboard and pulling him with you to keep him seated on your thighs.
“W-Wha.. Ask? To kiss you? Well that seems.. rather…” He questions with a nervous laughter, waiting for the punchline. You only nod your head in agreement.
“Well.. can I kiss you, then..?” He asks awkwardly. It was cute enough, But this wasn't your original vision.
“Mmmm- no.” Making a big show out of tapping your chin and letting your eyes wander around the room, you finally look back at him.
“What? Oh- um.. please?” He clarifies, a now nervous smile present on his face.
“Please, what?” You start running your hands across his abdomen, letting them interlock behind his back and pulling him just a bit closer.
“C-can I kiss you.. please..?” You thought he'd be agitated at this point, but his voice is dripping with desperation. He likes it. You see his hips shifting just above your thighs.
“Hm. Maybe.. I just don't think you want it enough, my love.” You say sweetly, pouting as if you felt any remorse. You ran your hands up his chest, then back down his sides, brushing your fingers just slightly below his belt. He huffs.
“Sweetheart! I-I do want it! please..? I want you, p-please..” He finally moans out, panting heavily only from your hands along his bare skin. You couldn't help but smile, and finally give him what he wants. With a gentle kiss onto his lips, it's clear that he's shaking with anticipation. He wasn't jumping you like before or taking the lead to suffice his own desires. It's as if he was waiting for permission. You weren't going to give in that easily, though.
You pulled away after that single kiss, looking at him like you had just asked a question and were waiting for a proper response. Finally catching his breath, he braces himself up by keeping his hands on your shoulders. He looks at you with the sweetest puppy eyes, shifting his weight on his knees to ease the growing discomfort pressed in his pants.
“More, my love.. I need more- I-I need you to-” He's still rambling. You hum, letting the hand that had been sitting on his hip palm at the bulge in his pants. You learn forward, pressing your lips against his skin and running your tongue up his neck. He shivers, the sudden sensations after being ignored for so long already forces a pathetic sound from him, music to your ears. Your kisses become sloppy, and your little nips will surely bruise and shine by the next morning.
“I-I want- ahh~” He’s keeping up with it? You thought for sure this little game of yours had ended. You won and you're giving him the attention he finally needs, yet he's still begging for you? “talk to me.. darling-” he chokes out, moving his hands that had been tightly gripping your shoulders to cup your cheeks. You were pulled back by his touch, a slightly shocked expression on your face. “Please.” His eyes were brimming with tears. A single line of golden blood and saliva dripped from his mouth from biting a little too hard on his lip, in an attempt to keep his noises at bay. You moved your hands away from his buldge, which had accumulated a wet spot onto his trousers, then went back to trailing your fingers across his skin again.
“Okay.” You respond. He perks up at your acceptance, the little sparkle in his eyes brings a smile to your face. “Since you asked so nicely.” you said sweetly, “So.. how badly did you miss me? Only a few days like this and you’re already a mess.. did you miss our little conversations? My voice?” You question softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek to wipe away some stressed tears that had fallen. He nods, holding onto your hand and burying his cheek into your palm.
“-My touch?” You massage his hip, letting your hand drift closer to the clasps on his pants. He nodded again, much more eagerly this time. “Hm. Good.” with one final kiss to his lips, you push him to the side, swapping your positions, to where you were hovering over him with your arms caging him in. He barely has time to process the quick switch, before feeling your hands tug his pants. He's moaning at the sensation alone, holding onto whatever he could find, gripping your wrist in one hand and balling up the sheets in his other.
You linger above him, your lips just above his. You could feel him panting heavily against you, even before touching him. You'd normally be passionately entangled at this point, But here, you got the chance to see his face. You were enjoying taking your time with this one.
“You're being such a good boy for me.. you're doing so well.” Your eyes flutter shut to capture him in another heavy kiss, and you reach unto his pants, planning to slowly relieve his stress. A sudden request leaves his mouth, stopping you for a moment.
“N-no..! Nono.. love, my name. Use my name- please..” He's shaking his head, finally mustering the courage to make his request. Another new development. God, he was perfect. You move to his jaw, pressing kisses up to his ear before breathing heavily against it.
“Lucifer-” you finally say. He lets out a pathetic whimper, clamping his grip down onto your wrist and bucking his hips into your sudden, yet tantalizingly slow, palming. “You're doing so good for me, Lucifer. My Lucifer. My sweet, Luci~” you mutter into his skin, beginning to pump your hand a bit faster. He is doing so good for you, afterall, he deserves it.
This wasn't the only game you wanted to play tonight. you wanted to fully take care of your poor neglected king after all you've put him through. After toying with him for long enough, edging him from release each time, you finally let him rest. You pull away, after bringing him to the brink and tearing him away each time, you were reveling in his pretty tears. All the senses you were enrapturing suddenly put to a halt, forced him to look at you desperately. You fully dismount him, leaving him nude under your gaze. Slightly embarrassed, he pulls his legs together. You rest your hands gently on the top of knees.
“I’ll need both tonight, Luci.” You say casually. This was something you've tried before, and it was definitely due for a second round. You felt he needed the extra love. He nodded, his face completely heating up. walking your fingers across his legs and helping him take his trousers completely off, you were treated with the pretty sight of his already soaked pussy, that sat quite nicely below his already overstimulated cock. The combination of his two sexes was enough to drive a whimper even from you. You quickly dip down, your own desperation meeting his. After bringing him to the brink beforehand but not letting him finish, it wasn't long before he was squirming and whimpering under your touch.
Even with all that, he was still begging you for more. Drunk off his juices already, you ran your tongue up from his folds, flicking at his clit, then sending a heated trail right up to the head of his cock. he arches his back into the full exposure, and you have to keep your hands on his thighs to keep his legs from shutting. The agonizing moans and gasps he was letting out only made you want to hear more. Hastily pushing three fingers into his entrance, his voice cracked out some resemblance of your name. He doesn't use his other sex often, so when you get the chance to eat your fill, he's almost always struggling to keep any composure. pumping his cock in one hand, you skillfully pump and curl your fingers into him with the other, all the while maneuvering your tongue and lips to suction onto his clit.
“Mm-! I-I can't- ahha- take… anymore- m-mmy love-” He's stammering. You pull away for a moment to let out a single phrase,
“What do you say, Lucifer?” Before continuing your brutal overstimulation. Only hearing more whimpers, you slowed your motions, waiting for a proper response. You only speed up your movements, after keeping your thumb lightly pressed against the top of his head.
“P-Please-” he shoots his head back into the pillows, his legs already shaking. “Please, can I-I-” You hum against him, sending a mild vibration that still made a big impact, before lifting your thumb just slightly.
“You may, Lucifer.” You run your tongue across his entirety again, enclosing his cock into your mouth and taking in his final thrusts.
Still whimpering and gasping, you continue to bob your head, moving slow circles across his clit, and causing his body to fully tremor beneath you.
You finally sit up, enjoying the view beneath you, while wiping away anything that you didn't manage to already swallow. Even with his eyes closed from the pure exhaustion, he's muttering your name under his breath. You still don't know how you managed to get this lucky, so you appreciate his drunken appearance for a moment longer before cleaning him up and eventually settling him under the covers. You hold him tight to your chest, your limbs intertwined. Even with immense angelic power, he returns your embrace weakly, with shaky arms.
“I love you, Lucifer.” You hum, pressing a kiss onto his forehead while brushing some hair from his face. He's still catching his breath, “Luci-” you say just as sweetly. He barely opens his eyes to meet your gaze, still silent. With a gentle grip on his chin, you pull him upwards to fully face you. “I love you~” You repeat.
“Mmn- love you.. dear…” He grumbles, still clearly dazed from the events of the night. Running your thumb along his lower lip, you muffle his tired moan with a kiss, before letting him rest his chin comfortably against your chest. You’d say your little experiment was a success. And you're sure Lucifer learned a lesson along the way; He has to ask for what he wants.
Hope you like intersex lucifer bc I recently discovered I LOVE INTERSEX LUCIFER
More requests and the next part to Suffer is comin' up soon 🫶
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora )
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year ago
Their child experience their first crush
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Reaper & Aguri, Umi & Kousuke, Adam & Eve, Loid & Yor, Usagi & Mamoru ]
[ Assassination Classroom ] [ Gakuen Babysitters ] [ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ] [ Spy x Family ] [ Sailor Moon ]
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What a cute prompt!!! I loved writing it!! Enjoyed a lot writing ever single word!!
I grew curious and ask my mother how she deal with this and even when my sister and I are so diferent the experience wasn't that diferent! Honestly was so interesting to heard her opinion!
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Reaper & Aguri
Reaper and Aguri are really loving parents, both of them want to show all their love and support and actually are a really close family, they balance each other, while Agury want to be clingy and totally affectionate, even babying you a little, Reaper takes a role to be a little stric and a good mentor in life
Both want to share a lot of moments, and, as much as they want to keep you as their baby both are well aware that you have to grow and do your own life, and even when they are looking forward to see you grow, you experiencing your first love will definetly hit them hard
Both are really smart, while Aguri may notice the hints because she is a teacher and has a little sister, Reaper is extremely observant and knows a lot about human behavior, but both will have really diferent reactions, while Aguri is incredibly happy and excited, wanting to show you all her support and want to know all the details, Reaper isn't happy at all! Not that he is mad at you, of course, is something completely normal and he had tell himself that he would happy when you find someone to love (just as he had done with Aguri), but the truth is that the moment he notices it all his maturity and role as a good father is throw away from the window, he only wants his little baby back
Reaper will be the kind of father that feels like your lover is trying to steal you away form him but at the same time he feels incredibly happy for seeing you so happy, is so contradictory that is giving him headache. However, he is smart enough to know that it isn't right for him to act from those feelings, he just puts a smile and acts as if it doesn't bother him all while Aguri is asking you for all the details
Even if you prefer to don't say anything about it there is no way to hide it because both will find out and both want to know about your crush! And at some point Kaede will get to know too and she will be the one to came and give you some peace, stoping Aguri and Reaper from asking (if they were being pushy, but if you were willing to share the information she will be there to heard you too)
All of them will make a big deal out of it, Aguri is incredibly happy for her baby and is wishing you the best (while giving you some weird advices about romance), Reaper says that is alright but deep down he is trying to judge the person you like to see if they are worthy of being your partner (don't be surprised if he comes to pick you up from school more often), Kaede acts as if this is one of the greatest events, as determinated as her more important works, and be the one who gave you an actual useful advice
It could be embarrasing and a complete mess, specially because is the first time you develop a crush in someone, but at the end they only want the best for you
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Umi & Kousuke
Umi and Kousuke Mamizuka are really loving and supporting parents, they may be busy most of the time but they always try to be there for you (specially in hard times, they are always there), the Mamizuka family is really close and loving
Umi is a teacher, she knows to identify when you need her and when you need time for yourself, so is more than obvious that she'll know when her precious child develop a crush for someone for the first time, she sees it all the time on school, and she couldn't be happier to see her baby grow up!
Choosing to tell them or not is up to you, but Umi soon or later will start to ask you about it, even if you decide to don't say anything she will start to ask indirectly, a little teasing honestly. Changes of your behavior like being more distracted or noticibly more happy or even blushy by school will be noticed by Takuma and Kazuma (they are rather clingy and affectionate with you, so if they will notice even if they don't understand it) and they will also start pointing it out and asking you with their innocent but cheerful expressions (Umi will just laugh at it, specially if you try to come up with a excuse)
Kousuke will be the last one to know because he is always busy, and is more likely that he will know by the others, even if you wanted to tell him is more likely that Umi will tell him that their precious child is in love once she is sure about it, and Kousuke will make a really big deal out of it! It isn't that he is overprotective, but he will be in tears while talking about how his precious little baby is growing so fast and soon you'll probably just go away and make your life (even if that is far from happening yet), honestly he is being a little over dramatic, acting as if you were about to get married soon
It could be embarrasing his behavior because even if you talk about it directly he may or may not try to sneak to see who is the one trying to steal his baby, and will end up envolving Takuma and Kazuma too because he wasn't able to shut up and end up telling them that you love someone, he end up explaining as if you were already in a relationship with that person, what will lead the twins to ask you if you are really in love, and if you go to the same school (that is probably, since Umi works there) they will sneak out of the nursery if they have the opportunity (or just see you around) and start asking you about your lover, what will lead the other kids to ask too (and Usaida will be teasing you, not even try to save you from the embarrasment)
If they actually make you pass an embarrassing moment or just upsed you they will deeply apologize (Kousuke wil be dramatic as always), at the end is Umi who will make everyone calm down and just wish you luck with your first love, willing to give you advice but telling you that you shouldn't feel frustrated if things doesn't work, just enjoy it! (and at the end, Kousuke, Takuma and Kazuma will show their support too, but they won't be as calm as Umi)
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Adam & Eve
Adam and Even loves their family dearly, they want to protect their kids but loves them in their freedom, both want for their precious childs to discover the world from themselfs but are always close to whenever they need them, honestly the entire family develop a really wholesome enviroment, united but still free
Honestly, the fact that you are experiencing your first love can easily go unnoticed for a while if you don't say anything, Adam and Even will notice the little changes on your behavior (like being flustered, more shy or even excited to be somewhere) but won't say anything, or at least not to you, they will talk about it and will be Adam who suggest to let you be for now and wait until you feel ready to talk about it, in the mean time they will just keep an eye on you in case is something bad
Soon or later Cain and Abel will notice the little changes too, but they won't be as discreet as their parents, asking you right away about it or probably at your parents, at first they will try to push you to talk about it in a joking manner, and maybe even teasing you about you probably having a crush on someone, it would depend on your reactions, but at the end they will get the answer they wanted and they won't be too happy about it
Is a big contrast because while Adam and Even are taking the news more calmly and just trying to calm your brothers, is Cain and Abel who are taking the news more dramatically, no matter if you are older or younger than them, even if you were the middle child they had grew quite atached at you, they consider you not only as a sibling but also as a best friend, it always had been only the three of you against the world and suddenly some stranger wants to take you away from them! (thats actually not true, is just them being overdramatic)
Adam and Eve will try to calm them down and stop them from making a scene by assuring them that all of you will always be a family no matter what happen, but what Cain and Abel said will end up bugging Eve a little, later she will try to talk about it with Adam, what if that person really tries to take you away form all of you
At the end Adam and Even will want to talk to you about it, wanting to know how the person you like is (and who is, if you are willing to tell them), they want to respect your privacy but they are also eager to know (you still are their baby after all), and even if they don't say it both want to make sure the person you like is someone good for you
Eve and Adam will try to give you advices about love and relasionships, about how it has to be give and recive equally, their advices are actually really good, Cain and Abel will promise to be some kind of bodyguards, promising to don't let that stranger breakeyou precious heart
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Loid & Yor
Even when the Forget seem like the perfect family is because Loid and Yor always tries their best to play as a family, and Anya helps a lot too to keep the family enviroment!
Even when both are always looking after the family is Loid the more self-aware of everything that happens with his family (or at least tries to, he just want to ensure the peace for all of you), so it won't take him much time to notice the little hints on your behavior that you had just developed a crush on someone, he may don't want to asume it is a crush right away because he is pretty much cluesest when it comes to it (or at least with more real and deep relasionships) or even nervously in denial, but as time pass the more obvious it becomes for him and he almost panics
As much as Loid wants to repeat himself that all of this is just for his mision is undeniable how much he cares for his family, he wants to ensure your peace and happiness and you having a crush in someone is something he can't control and that makes him nervous! It triggers a little bit his protective side
There is no way Anya will not know, it would be a little confusing for her since now your mind is plagged with thoughts of someone and nervousness, still it doesn't take her much time to undestand it and, honestly, she'll find this funny only because of the reaction of your parents, she isn't interested on any kind of romance right now but she cares for you and wants to support you (even when she doesn't know how to do it or how important this may be to you)
If you don't say anything it would take Yor a long time to realice it, and she is so naive at times that she may just asume that you are being bullied at school, what lead her to be worry about you, leaving her to choose between ask you right away or try to find out who is bothering you
At some point Yor will also tell Loid that you are being bullied, what will lead him to explain that you just have your first crush (a little awkward since he isn't used to things feel so personal), both will be awkward and nervous about it the whole thing, wanting to protect you and support you but not knowing how to do it, and if you decide to don't say anything about it it would make things even more difficult to them, leading them to try to make weird plans to get information about who is your crush and to see if is someone worthy. In the other hand, if you do say them they'll try to show your support and give some advices, Loid's advaces are the most useful only because he know all of that for his job, but deep down he is being extremely careful with what he says, wanting nothing but to ensure your safety
Honestly, Anya could be of a lot of help here, innocently trying to bring the topic somehow if you or your parents decide to don't say anything (because is had started to stress her a little)
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Usagi & Mamoru
Usagi and Mamoru tried to be good parents and be always there for you, but if they already lead Crystal Tokyo it would be a little more difficult for them to be always there, however they always tries their hardest to at least let you know they are there for you, as well the Sailor Scouts are always there for you and treat you as family
All of them are really caring and try to look after you and Chibi Usagi, so there are high chances that when you develop a crush for the first time you went to at least one of them for advice, or even for help to try to undestand your feelings, and even if you decide to don't to tell them anything at some point at least one of them will notice your strange behavior (probably Minako, Makoto or even Usagi)
It isn't that they want to embarrased you or anything but once one of them get to know then you having your first crush it quickly become the biggest ghossip among the sailor scouts, if one of the sailor scouts know first they will talk about it a lot before even telling Usagi, but if is Usagi or Mamoru who get to know first then Usagi will be ranting about it, between wanting to tease you and ask you all the details and crying because her little baby had grow so fast! In the mean time Mamoru is trying to calm her down, but he also think that it would be good to talk about it with you
All of the sailor scouts are debating about it, trying to come up with a plan with how to help you, well, half of them don't think is the best idea to intervene if you haven't asked for help
Soon or later Usagi, Makoto and Minako start trying to ask you about it with little discretion, they are usually protective and watch over you but now they are a little more clingly just in hopes to see who your crush is (and try to get a glance of how you act with them), at the end is Mamoru and the other senshi who are more respectful and does support you and give you advice in a more mature way, wishing you the best
As well, you'll have Chibi Usagi's support, no matter if you are older or younger is probably that she grows attached to you since in Crystal Tokyo she used to be more lonely, so, if you don't mind, she will grow a little clingy with you (just like she is with Plut), she will be bothered if you decided to don't tell her and gets to know because of the other sailor scouts, but at the end she will be the first one asking you about it, she will be really interested and will tell you her own veredict about your crush, telling you if is a good or bad person for you (she is being a little prideful and playful, but at the end she wants the best for you)
However, no matter if they all are pretty cheerful about this whole situation everyone wants the best for you and will cheerish for you, actually giving you some useful advices, however there are also high chances that they will end up embarrasing you by trying to help (hopefuly not in front of your crush), also, some of them will try to watch carefuly your crush to make sure they don't want to take advantage of you because of your title
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tasha-tasha · 10 months ago
'Will Graham wants peace and luxury' NOOOOOO
Saw something along these lines on Tumblr and I disagree HARD. It said something along the lines of: 'Will wants to be in comfort and luxury, he craves pamperment, and he wants to feel peace away from pain and discomfort' (We can all have our own headcanons, but this is mine and why I really do not agree).
Will claims he wants a peaceful life, but it isn't what he needs, it isn't what he craves.
Will was a police officer, he then went on to teach college students about how to identify victims, murders and motives. He then went on to work for the fucking FBI and lands himself at Hannibal Lecter's dinner table.
Will Graham is drawn to chaos, drawn to the grotesque and drawn to battle. He lives to suffer and watch others suffer. He revels in the morbid and the battle. His empathy has thrown him into the minds of the insane, and his battle is in accepting that he enjoys being them.
Will's acceptance, if he wished for peace, would end the moment he started a life with Molly. It would have ended the day Wally called him 'Dad'. But that is not what he truly needed, it was something he told himself he wanted. So the show continues.
Will's final development was him dragging Hannibal off the cliff with him. Will had finally given into his carnal nature, and he stood with Hannibal, in a moment of bliss and peace, as they looked at each other and knew that they brung out what society deemed their worst.
At a moment of peace and becoming, Will throws them both off a cliff and delves right back into the adrenaline and chaos of the fight. To perhaps kill both himself and Hannibal. To end his life in perfect chaos and discomfort, because he is addicted to it.
Hannibal lets him.
Will is not a 'housewife', nor a man who wishes to sit idly by and have Hannibal preen and pamper him. He doesn't want to live like Bedelia did and just accept Hannibal's darkness, and turn a blind eye to the disorder. He is not the type to lounge in the sun and sleep like a housecat.
He wants to be there. He wants that havoc, that madness, it is truly what he craves. If he was with Hannibal, even after acceptance, he would forcibly shove himself into it. They would never be safe, they would never be fully forgotten. Neither of them wants that. They enjoy the madness that comes with the vengeful and carnal.
Will is more wild animal than pet, and Hannibal slowly begins to treat him as a part of himself, rather than a plaything.
Will stops looking for Hannibal when he stops running. I don't think it's out of comfort or safety. I think Will stops chasing because there's no longer any prey to chase. So instead, he chases what he thought he wanted, chases a family and a lover; convinces himself he is comfortable in normality.
As soon as Jack returns, as soon as Hannibal re-enters his life; he practically forgets they exist. We barely see Molly for the last few episodes, because Will is not thinking of them. Will no longer puts in the effort with chasing that ideal family, because his lust for war and pain is so much greater.
Will does not want to be comfortable or at peace. Will is happiest in constant battle.
Of course, there is more to this, I'd love to do a deeper dive one day.
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year ago
could you do some snowjanus headcanons for their life together had they both decided to runaway together after the whole mayfield situation. (i love this ship so much and your writing is just chef’s kiss.)
ok ok i don’t have time to format this into a fic rn BUT i’m so glad you asked this because i literally love the idea of them running off together, SO-
- While Mayfair’s body is still cooling, Coriolanus formulates his plan. There’s nothing left for him here, and it’s only a matter of time before he’s found out. Hurriedly, Coryo explains to Sejanus he’d recently discovered that someone had told the Captain of Sejanus’s treasonous plans, which means he’s just as damned as Coryo. Sejanus is quick to agree to run- he too has nothing left for him here after all, and clearly he can’t make much of a difference, based on how things went with Billy Taupe. He’s still shaky from their night, but Sejanus still thanks Coriolanus for watching out for him, for protecting him and keeping him safe. Coryo feels guilt gnaw at his chest, but reasons that at least he’s making it right. Even if he’s throwing everything away to make it that way.
- Coryo finds Lucy Gray in the crowds of the tavern, and pulls her aside. He offers her two options- either she come along too, or he writes a confession, leaving the gun with his fingerprints for the peacekeepers to find. He was already condemned, and so is Sejanus, but at least they can save her. Tearfully she agrees, thanking him for taking care of her, and turning to Sejanus to make him promise to take care of Coryo from now on too.
- They leave under the cover of the moon, after Coryo plants the gun close to Mayfair’s body, after he writes a damning letter to Tigris and leaves it in his things at the base. They quickly gather a few belongs and leave when their fellow peacekeepers are sleeping.
- Out in the forrest, they quickly fall into the brawns/brains dynamic. Sejanus is the one trekking onward, the one helping carry their things when Coryo tires. Meanwhile, Coryo is the one mapping out their course, is the one deciding when to rest and when to hunt, is the one watching the skies for hints of rain.
- They don’t talk about their relationship at first. And things start slowly between them anyway. Through them sharing body heat as they curl up together under the stars, Coriolanus grumbling the whole time, but then melting when Sejanus wraps his big warm arms around him. He tries to fight it, but he always ends up the little spoon.
- Sejanus kisses him first. It’s as they’re halfway across the mountains, after they’ve been sitting in front of the fire for a little while, chatting freely about life back home. They’re both more unguarded than ever, and Coriolanus shares a bit about his family’s burdens- and then Sejanus is saying how he’d always suspected Coriolanus was hiding something, and Coryo says he’s always hiding something, but he’s trying to stop that now. And then Sejanus is gazing at him, and Coryo is looking back, and when Sejanus kisses him, it’s tentative and questioning- but Coryo doesn’t push him away.
- They don’t know where they’re headed, but they keep on going. Unknowingly, they’re headed in the direction of district 13- but it’s a while before they begin to recognize that. It’s slow going on foot, and Coryo is certainly not built for life in the wild- but Sejanus thrives. It’s like he was made to be in the trees, made to wander the earthen floors. His smile is so much more dazzling out here under the brilliant sun, his laughter so much louder without the confines of the captial to hold it in.
- They start to kiss more frequently. All the time really. They walk side by side, hand in hand. When Coryo tires, he leans his body into Sejanus’s as they walk, and Sejanus will turn his head to plant a kiss onto Coriolanus’s head.
- The night that Coriolanus confesses to Sejanus about the jabberjay is a cold one. They’re settled just beyond the mountains, with the cover of trees surrounding their little campfire. Coriolanus watches the flames as he confesses it all, leaving no detail out, beginning with his tarnished family name, and ending with his desperation to save himself from the noose. He won’t look at Sejanus, too afraid that he’ll find the warmth in his friend’s eyes washed away. When he’s done, it’s silent. For a long while they sit in the weight of his words, until finally- Sejanus takes his hand.
“We all do things we aren’t proud of to survive,” Sejanus murmurs. And Coriolanus feels a single tear roll down his cheeks. Sejanus doesn’t know how true his words are.
- Their trust is rebuilt slowly. Sejanus, so kind and forgiving and understanding, doesn’t hold Coriolanus’s actions against him. But there’s certainly a wedge driven between them now, one that takes a while to be chipped fully away. But once it is- once Coriolanus has proven himself time and time again that his loyalties lie with Sejanus now- through throwing himself between Sejanus and a bear, through staying up with him all night after he’s been poisoned by a bad bit of fruit, by repeatedly offering up their only food so that Sejanus can keep his energy going- after all of it, their relationship begins to bloom. With no secrets holding them back, their feelings are free to grow wild.
- The first time they have sex is in the middle of a rain storm, under the cover of a fallen tree that they arrange into a temporary shelter. It’s messy and muddy and Coriolanus is shivering by the end of it- but his heart is warm in a way he can’t begin to explain, his chest so full once they’re done, when Sejanus holds him tight in his arms, when he kisses the top of his head and whispers how he hopes to never lose Coriolanus
- The day that they reach the border of district 13 is a clear one. They see the rubble clearly before them- and Coriolanus warns Sejanus that they not get any closer, but Sejanus treks onward anyway, noting that the rubble isn’t nearly as drastic as the propaganda he’d been shown back in 2.
- They’re greeted fairly soon by armed guards. Confused and tired, Sejanus and Coriolanus willingly go with them, following them into the depths of district 13’s base. Nothing makes sense to either of them anymore- hadn’t there been no one left here? But no- the base is teeming with life, though certainly not enough of it to fill the many halls.
- Theyre questioned, and questioned again. After deeming that they’re no threat to 13, and after deciding that there’s no where else for them to go, they’re given a mini history lesson on district 13, explaining everything from the end of the war till now.
- Sejanus and Coryo talk that night, in a guest room that they’re given to share. They talk and talk and talk, and eventually, they both agree. There’s no where else for their weary legs to take them, no where else for them to push onward to.
- They agree to stay, and district 13, still shaky in their numbers from the war, eagerly accepts them, desperate for their insight on the capitol, and any information they might hold to help bring them down one day.
- It takes Coriolanus a while to fully see the capital as the enemy. It’s a process of unlearning on his part, a process of seeing the bad that he’d been surrounded with his entire life, and accepting it for what it is. Sejanus helps him adjust, helps him work through his confusion and his frustration. District 13 never pushes them, always patient with the two of them on how much they’re willing to share.
- They’re both entered into their military program, though Coriolanus is soon transferred to their weapons team. After a while, Sejanus is promoted to medic, where he begins to study medicines and diseases. District 13 becomes an unlikely home for them both, a place where both of their talents are encouraged and fostered.
- They stay in the same dorm, having received the same benefits as that of a married couple. Each night they fall asleep in eachothers arms, each morn they wake to soft kisses and gentle touches.
- Sejanus tells him he loves him frequently. Coriolanus doesn’t say it back for a long while, but Sejanus doesn’t hold him to it. Eventually, though, he does- in the softest moments between them, in the most passionate, in the most tender. That is when Coriolanus feels he has the freedom to speak his mind, and that is when he utters the three heavy but blissful words back- “I love you.”
- Years later, Lucy Gray and the Covey find their way to them, having unintentionally followed the same path through the mountains. They bring life and music to the rigid district 13, and Sejanus and Coriolanus weep when they first see them.
- Eventually, after years of serving and living in district 13, after proving their loyalty again and again- they’re entrusted with the care of a newborn girl, who’s father had been lost in a small round of flu, and who’s mother had died in childbirth. They name her Rose- in honor of Coriolanus’s mother, in honor of the one good thing he can hold dead from his family legacy. She takes on the last name Plinth, the same name that Coriolanus himself takes on. The final shedding of his family’s legacy.
- The three of them are a happy unit, with auntie Lucy Gray playing a large role in her upbringing. She’s taught to love music and color, to be compassionate to all around her, to fight for what she believes in, and to always tell the truth.
- Years and years later, Sejanus notes that he and Coriolanus don’t have an anniversary, seeing as they’d never officially gotten married at all. They talk to the officials in 13, and soon plan a modest wedding, with Rose as the flower girl and Lucy Gray as their main performer.
- The words “I love you” finally come freely to Coriolanus, just as they’ve always come freely to Sejanus. He doesn’t feel the need to protect himself anymore, doesn’t feel the need to be on constant surveillance, constant watch. He can allow himself to curl up int Sejanus’s arms, can allow himself to feel everything for the man he’d so clearly been in love with for a long while, back since he’d first laid eyes on him-
The boy with the bag of gum drops from so long ago, new to the districts, and in desperate need of a friend. Now Coriolanus’s faithful husband, his loyal protector, and the loving father of his daughter.
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months ago
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Bill here is a very protective yandere. Well, that explains it since he did get bitten by Fenrir Greyback the werewolf and he doesn't want something bad happening to the ones he loves
He is big on cuddles and showing physical affection and intimacy with you. You might Bill if you work at Gringotts like he does as a curse breaker or if you've been friends with him when he went to Hogwarts. And we all know he's the human personification of the word 'Cool'
He attracts LOTS of attention from people but when he gets hooked on you... man he is determined to make you his. He will not leave you alone when he sees you. He doesn't become a yandere directly at first, his yandere feelings and feelings of overprotectiveness will develop slowly as time goes on and if he thinks you're in danger and don't take care of yourself very well
Lol he will do whatever he can to impress you. Oh, you just heard about that spell that some wizard did a few days ago and you found i impressive? Oh look Bill here can do it too. You have a fascination for talking about old and ancient things and Egyptian tombs? Well, look who can strike up a conversation and go hours and hours about the topic. Oh my Godric, this man here will literally talk with you for hours and hours about well... whatever you want to talk about. Like his job, your job, your life, his life and all that
He will most certainly introduce you to his family and of course, his family will take an instant liking to you immediately. They will do whatever they can to make sure Bill has you as his. And yes, that includes Molly and Ginny trying to set the both of you up and Charlie sometimes teasing you and Bill and trying to make Bill jealous by sitting really close to you during dinner and stuff and sort of drives him nuts. But Bill will just smirk and grab your hand and do something or the other that will end up getting an 'Aww....' from the rest of the family (Insert gagging sounds here from Ron, Fred and George) and you'll end up like a blushing tomato 
He gets pretty jealous every now and then and when he does, it is literally time for you to run from him and get the hell away from him because when he does get jealous, long story short without beating around the bush, you won't be able to walk straight for the next one week that's for sure 👀😳😏
You'll have to assure him that you love him every time he gets insecure of his scars and he'll look at you with such love and gratefulness in his eyes, it's a really heart warming moment. You'll just lay there with him, cuddling with each other basking in each other's presence
He might actually try to make you leave your job whatever it might be. Don't take this the wrong way, he does believe that you can take care of yourself and you're more than capable of protecting yourself but he just doesn't think it's safe. And besides, why work at all when he can work and provide for you for the rest of your life?
If at all the day comes he kidnaps you or doesn't let you leave his house, he'll take all of your tantrums with a great stride and he'll be patient with you. He understands how you feel, but every poisonous word you throw at him does break his heart and he feels like someone is using the Cruciatus curse on him. But he won't snap at you, he'll just sigh and apologize to you saying that he really loves you and since he cares for you he can't let you go. It'll be hard for you NOT to fall in love with him on your own since he's such a sweetheart and gentleman to you, never forcing you to do anything that you don't want to and giving you space if you need it
He will not take it lightly if other people make the mistake of flirting with you. He'll tell them to stay away from you at first since you're taken by him and he'll give them a warning 3 times. If they still don't heed his warnings he'll have to hex them and then prepare for not being able to walk straight for a week and your pretty little neck being covered and littered with hickeys and love bites from him. What? It's his way of showing that you're his, how else will everybody know you belong solely to him and only him?
If at all you do tell him that you love him he'll be really happy but will also be kind of cocky about it and have you on his lap, tease you slightly about it before he kisses your lips softly and then your forehead, telling you how much he loves you too. Overall, this man is your ideal dream guy
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deathnguts · 6 months ago
@crimsonlovebartylus for the resurfacing of an idea in my skull but reference to an old post of mine where I detailed my headcanon that Regulus is named after his grandfather Arcturus because they share the same birthday, which lead to Arcturus always being the center of attention and regulus just being an add on and regulus never really viewing his birthday as his own and therefore not liking it much: but like imagine how specifically Barty finds out about this.
Cuz like, Evan and Pandora already know. They’ve been to the birthday parties, they have seen first hand how Arcturus takes the spotlight but also flaunts his favorite grandchild like one of his gifts every year. They know regulus doesn’t really enjoy the attention and they understand to just let it be quiet. Sirius also obviously knows, Narcissa too for when she’s in school at the same time as regulus. For both of them it’s kind of more of a sore subject than it is for Regulus, because it just causes so much drama with how both their parents get on them for not being the pride of the patriarch of their family like regulus. Sirius, of course, tries to overlook this because in the past it was his job to try and keep regulus cheery the whole night as not to upset their grandfather.
But Barty doesn’t know this stuff. His birthdays have always been normal, albeit lonely since he was never that good at making friends, but he had his mom and a home baked cake and it was fun! He’s never been to a House of Black Galla, he’s never even heard of what they’re celebrating beyond his father’s complaining that meetings are canceled for them since Orion ‘Heir’ Black won’t be attending them. I imagine for like, the first two years of knowing regulus, Barty doesn’t even know his birthday. And it’s just one of those things that slips his mind, because no one reminds him his friend should have a birthday so it doesn’t ring any alarm bells in his head that he’s never celebrated it.
That is, until, probably their fourth year, when Barty’s finally reminded. Sirius left home a year ago, this is the first year where he isn’t present at Arcturus’ birthday party and therefore the first year Sirius missed his little brother’s birthday. He feels bad, he feels bad about a lot of things. So as kind of an olive branch and a bandaid over his own guilt, he tells regulus happy late birthday. He does it alone but while regulus is with his friends so he doesn’t feel outnumbered and also because he didn’t want the other marauders to see him do this. Maybe he gets Regulus something, but probably not since he figures regulus will throw it away out of protest (which he’s right about.)
Regulus is dumbfounded, unsure of if he’s upset or what he’s even upset about so he’s just blank faced like normal. Evan’s holding his breath because he has no idea what happens when the spell of silence around Regulus’ birthday is broken. And Barty is just… confused? Regulus didn’t have a birthday recently? It was his grandfather’s birthday, not his. That’s what regulus says every year. ‘My grandfather’s birthday party is soon’ that’s what he says. It’s not his party. Is it?
But regulus doesn’t correct his brother and is silent long enough for Sirius to get antsy and frustrated and leave in a huff like always. Evan and Regulus pretend he never showed up, Barty decides to speak when he obviously shouldn’t like he’s famous for.
“It was your birthday?”
Regulus stiffens a little. “Yeah.”
“When? Why didn’t- why didn’t we do anything?”
“We did, my grandfather throws a party.”
“… but, no, you said it was his birthday.”
Regulus shrugs. “We share a birthday. It’s why I’m his favorite.”
Barty asks more questions but Evan’s warning stare and Regulus’ silence shut him up. But it’s not the end of it, Barty won’t let it be. He’s tenacious and he ‘doesn’t know when to quit,’ he knows this as he’s been told it many times. Just imagine him absolutely not taking the hint that regulus prefers to ignore things that could make him happy because they usually don’t and gently barraging him with attention.
Like Barty isn’t much a gift giver, he doesn’t really know how to read what people like or pay attention to what’s available enough to do so. But regulus is always good with gifts for others, especially for Barty, so he tries. Maybe he gets him jewelry since he knows that regulus likes it but every piece he owns is a family heirloom of some kind, so now he has some that don’t have the ghosts of his shit family within them! And Barty wouldn’t consider himself as good of a baker as he is with cooking (every dough he’s ever made for anything looks radioactive get him away from the oven) and you can’t really cook at Hogwarts yourself so he gets the house elves to make some moon cakes since he knows regulus loves them but infers they probably aren’t served at his birthday (since it’s Walburg’s side of the family that’s Chinese, and Arcturus doesn’t see the point in non french food at his party.)
Barty doesn’t think a ton of it, it’s barely a gift really and he didn’t even make the cakes. He thinks birthdays should be a little bigger at least, like Sirius has a fucking bash every year, his brother should have something of a fraction of that right? But Regulus could fucking cry. He’s legitimately never felt anything but numb about his birthday before and this is the most positive attention actually thrown his way and no one else’s for it ever. He’s rarely seen by anyone, and even those he does hold close and love him understand that and further understand that he’s reproachful to let that change out of whiplash for it all. But Barty’s different, he’s always been different. More. And Regulus loves him so much for it.
Kinda corny but like guaranteed birthdays spent late and by Barty’s side are better than anything regulus could have wished for.
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yujeong · 1 year ago
So. I think as a fandom we haven't talked about this nearly enough. Actually, I haven't seen it mentioned at all and I want to change that.
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It's just a throw away line. The screen writers were probably like, "Hm, we need to make Tankhun say something relevant to the situation as a reason for him wanting to give Pete to Kinn and take Porsche. Ah, yes, a bizarre thing from the past with Macau and Pete, cool, throw that in." What the screenwriters didn't expect, I suppose, is me seeing that line and losing my mind over it. I've been thinking about it for months, it's kind of a problem.
Alright. How is this line significant? Well, it gives us vital information about 1. Pete himself and 2. Pete and Macau's relationship, because it sure af affects it later on, even though we never saw it in the show (we needed more Macau GODDAMMIT.) Ok, so first things first. Pete. I would like everyone to know that this is the second time we get indication that Pete speaks his mind against things he believes are wrong to do. The first is during the mermaid scene in ep 2, the screenshot below showing what Pete said to Tankhun when he ordered him to feed Porsche bread:
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Generally, throughout the show, we see glimpses of Pete's opinions being expressed at the Theerapanyakul sons, and while most if not all of those times he gulps them back down, the fact that he said them at all is significant to his character. He's not a pushover. He doesn't just blindly follow orders. He has *opinions* about what he sees and hears and he expresses them. And he's smart enough to not retort when those opinions are not taken seriously, being ignored or when he gets warned about them (a.k.a. the interaction he had with Vegas at the table in ep 4, this moment also lives rent free in my mind, thank you.) Back to Macau, what was even the situation with him that ended up making Tankhun asking Pete to tie him up? Was it just silly Tankhun being silly (that man is never silly, he knows exactly what he's doing)? Was it something serious that involved the whole family? Neither of those? Whatever it was, the most important thing is that Pete said no. And, in headcanon fashion, I believe Macau was present during that moment. Macau saw Pete refuse Tankhun's order, the order of someone from the main family, someone above Macau in status. He saw it and he remembers it to this day, because during the temple scene in ep 9, we get this:
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Ok. I'm going a little feral over what my mind has come up with. What we're seeing here is Macau, a member of the minor family, the lesser family, making fun of Tankhun, the oldest son of the main family. The family Pete serves. And all of the people present know this. It's evident - to me at least - by the fact that Vegas says *nothing* about Tankhun. He just says Pete is alone as an answer to Macau's question. So, the conclusion of this is that Macau feels confident and comfortable with sharing his actual opinions about Tankhun to Pete, who's Tankhun's main bodyguard, which both brothers know about. Vegas is also comfortable and confident with allowing Macau to say those things and the reason I'm mentioning him as well is because we all know how protective Vegas is of Macau. If that endangered him in any way, he wouldn't allow it. A reason they're both comfortable, of course, is because Pete is below *everyone* in status. He's literally just a foot soldier, he has no power over them. But the moment he returns to the main family, he has protection against Vegas and his side. He's in his own turf, and Vegas cannot do shit to the main family bodyguards if the main family decides so, as evident by the whole Porsche&Macau situation in ep 2. Now, can we imagine for a hot second, if Pete reported that back to the main family, what would have happened? Probably nothing, I hear you say, and maybe you're correct. But the more suspicious (and angsty) part of me wants to believe that there would be repercussions for this. Tankhun can literally hit Vegas with a fucking tray if he wants to, because he dared eat at the same table as Kinn. He can order Pete to tie Macau up because...something something Macau is a brat I guess. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to them, even if they've done nothing wrong. Can you imagine what he would do if he had actual reasons to punish them? The thought makes me shiver but it's reality and it's evident from ep fucking 2, as mentioned above, when all Porsche gets for making Macau BLEED from the HEAD, is a little choking and a pat on the back. The same goes for Kinn of course. He threatened Vegas with a gun in his OWN FUCKING HOUSE because he kissed Porsche in ep 7. He says the line "Do you see my ring?" and everyone understands what that means. The main family can do whatever the fuck it wants to the minor family and you just have to shut up and accept it. In conclusion, where does that bring us to Macau&Pete post-canon? Well, there's the simple thing called "trust". Yes, Macau will not trust Pete immediately. Yes, I love seeing this in the multiple hospital era fics I've read. But, can I introduce the variable of that event shaping Macau's feelings about Pete to the table? Because holy shit, it's eating away at me and I love it so much to let it be ignored anymore.
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year ago
Gotham Isekaied Reader
I have an idea. It's nothing new. I wrote nearly 5 pages of this idea, but I'm too scared to post it since it's filler and I even drew a cover. So I will ramble about this idea through headcanon. Some Jerome x Reader, I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. CW: One mention of suicide.
y/n wakes up to find that her life has gotten a major upgrade. Any flaws that her family has is erased. Did mom drink away stress? Now she doesn’t even touch alcohol. Dad isn’t smoking away his life. Her older brother is a law-abiding citizen who is studying to become a lawyer. Her younger brother is more positive about life and growing up in a home that they wished they had.
Not to mention that they’re rich. She no longer lives in a bad neighborhood and sleeps in a snazzy mansion.
Life is looking up until y/n turns on the TV with a news story about a man killing corrupt people with weather balloons.
She sits there thinking, ‘This was nice, but I should be getting back home.’
Maybe y/n’s close friends with Bruce beforehand. That’s when she realizes that she has to learn about the other y/n’s life. She can’t risk telling anyone about “we’re in a shitty TV show” without everyone considering throwing her into a mental institution. Tough luck because she ends up in Arkham regardless.
She writes down plotlines that she remembers. Making files on the character that she has met. Her files are hidden away in her room and aren't brought up later down the line when a certain person finds them.
How y/n ends up in Arkham is complicated. I want y/n to be completely sane through our POV, so she’s not going to be “I’m so insane and quirky”. Maybe she’s framed or killed someone in self-defense. Well, okay, I have thought out what gets her thrown into Arkham, but I don’t think anyone would find it interesting.
During her trial, the prosecutor will use her history of depression and suicide attempts to paint her as a homicidal. The whole trial is fishy, yet ends with her being locked up.
Bruce believes y/n when she says she hasn't done anything and promises to get her out of there. Legally of course.
Alfred probably tries to keep Bruce from visiting because Arkham has a reputation and doesn’t want him to be anywhere near there. The poor boy is going through too much in a short amount of time. 
So Bruce will send Selina to deliver anything. Or they both run away to visit y/n. When they come back to the manor and Alfred is questioning them, they both lie by saying that they’re somewhere else.
Bruce just wants to make sure his bestie is alright. Selina is just along for the ride but might visit y/n even when she doesn’t need to.
While in Arkham y/n is vibing in her little corner when Jerome starts bugging her. Might tell him about some plotlines just to see if anyone would believe her.
Jerome just laughs it off and starts orbiting y/n because she’s interesting. She tends to ramble and mumble to herself, for some reason he finds it so cute.
“You’re kind of funny, but I wouldn’t call you a joker.” She says before thinking, ‘Because legally you aren’t him. Thanks a lot, higher-ups.’
He writes about her in his diary and uses any stickers that she gives him. ‘Yeah, she's weird. Calling people characters and saying that we aren’t real, but she’s my little weirdo. I also got another pack of Hello Kitty stickers from her.’ Then he proceeds to doodle her with crayons.
When Theo Galavan surprise adopts them, Jerome starts taking y/n’s words more seriously. Still doesn’t believe her when she says he and everyone aren’t real. Like how is that possible? He feels real, oh whatever he has no time for that.
At the manor, Bruce is freaking out and dialing Jim begging him to save his bestie from that homicidal ginner. Theo has to make it seem like y/n is a hostage since she refuses to do any killing and Jerome has scary dog privilege.
‘They aren’t real. They aren’t people.’ She’d try to tell herself, but she just can’t bring herself to try to hurt someone. y/n is one of those freaks who try to drive safely in GTA without running over anyone or anything.
She doesn’t think that her words mean anything and that everything will follow the script. Until she tells Jerome to take an extra lighter with him. She’s chilling by herself when the news shows footage of a burnt bus and the news anchor talking about the cheerleaders who lost their lives.
That’s when y/n starts thinking over everything she’s said. She debates whether or not she should tell Jerome about Theo’s betrayal.
‘The show does start declining in ratings when he’s killed off. I could be doing the writers a favor, but what about the people? No, characters. They’re just characters! They aren’t real!’
In the end, Jerome is killed off and she’s put back into Arkham. Everyone is surprised by how calm she is after Jerome’s death. Not upset or anything. Like weren’t they close? Maybe their relationship was more one-sided.
Jim will question y/n and she might let a few things slip. Most brush her words off as they believe that she has some sort of Stockholm syndrome and is angry at Theo for killing her captor.
Back at Arkham, y/n yells, “FUCK!” When seeing Hugo Strange.
When Theo is dealt with, Jim will visit her or send her a thank you card for pointing him in the right direction regarding the investigation.
I’m getting tired and I might continue writing about this.
But I was going to have y/n be free from Arkham when some evidence regarding her case comes out. y/n will be outwardly passive throughout the story.
In the end, I was going to have y/n be the one who becomes Joker. Maybe she falls into a tub of chemicals. Don’t worry darling you aren’t going to be deformed like Jeremiah at the end. You’ll look different, but still smoking hot. 😘
Anyway seeing the physical change, her dwindling hope of getting back home, and her mental state being worn out. She decides to step up and take the name of Joker.
Bruce angst all the way. Maybe angst for other characters, but I could see this tearing him apart. He’s forced to watch his closest friend be replaced by a cackling monster. To then eventually start fighting against her.
She doesn’t react to being called y/n anymore, but she’ll give Batman/Bruce a melancholy look if he calls her by that. He doesn’t call her y/n often because that wasn’t y/n. y/n l/n was dead and there was no way she was coming back.
The theory of Joker being sane will ring true to y/n. She knows this isn’t real. It’s just fiction and any good piece of fiction needs a good villain. Since she’s not making it back home, she’ll make things fun.
Or multiple endings because those are always fun.
“Jerome? Jeremiah? Never heard of them.”
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floralcyanide · 1 year ago
hiii love
dad’s best friend!cillian catching you throwing a party while you’re parents are away and he’s disappointed but can’t help himself when you make him a drink and ask him to stay
Cillian Murphy Headcanons
Dad's Best Friend!Cillian Murphy x Reader
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
✺ you were absolutely not, under any circumstances, to have anyone over at your house while your family was gone. but of course, you got bored and invited your best friend over, who suggested having a small gathering. and this small gathering ended up not being so small in the end. you can't really say it's your fault, but then again, no one was supposed to be over to begin with.
✺ the party is in full swing by 11 p.m., and you're trying your best to keep the music down at a reasonable volume. but one of your friends, who's been drinking a little more than you, keeps turning it back up. you roll your eyes at him, and he just grins at you innocently.
✺ you're outside on your back patio by yourself, sitting on your wooden porch swing with a mixed drink in your hand. everyone else is inside, and you decide you need to get away from the loud and stuffy party. you're startled when your neighbor and your dad's best friend, Cillian, peeks his head over the privacy fence, "nice party you got goin' on." "shit, cill. you scared me!" you seethe, a hand over your chest. "you know you're not supposed to have anyone over, sweet girl." you roll your eyes at the nickname, even though your heart flutters a little, "I know. I invited my friend over, and it got... out of control."
✺ you offered Cillian the rest of your drink, which was a little stout, but that's how you made them sometimes. he doesn't even wince when he takes a sip, his tolerance fairly high naturally. "not bad," he says, "needs more vodka, though." "there's enough in there to knock out a horse," you snort. "you know you're in trouble right now, right?" you sigh at the older man, "yeah, I do. how does another drink sound? maybe you can stick around with me out here for a while? I don't wanna go back inside."
✺ Cillian reluctantly agrees, still scolding you for not listening to your family, especially your dad. you quickly go inside and pour a cup of Tito's before anyone notices you. slipping back outside, you hand the cup to Cillian and idle by the fence. "better," he smiles after taking a sip. "gonna stick around?" you ask. "maybe," Cillian chuckles. the two of you converse outside until after midnight. everyone has trickled out of your house, including your friends. you're relieved. "wanna come inside? I need company while I clean up." "sure. it can be your punishment to clean by yourself." you groan, "whatever, cill."
✺ after cleaning, it's nearing 1 a.m., and you're still nursing some alcohol in your hand. your family is still away for a few more days, and it's summer, so you have no responsibilities. so, why not? Cillian is next to you on the couch as you both watch a cheesy horror movie that's on tv, his arm on the couch behind you. you're sitting pretty close to him, and you inch closer as the alcohol warms your body. soon enough, you're nestled into his side and his arm is around you.
✺ Cillian looks at you, admiring your side profile as the tv flashes across your face. he reaches a hesitant hand up to your jawline, tracing it with his thumb. you turn your head to look at him, his line of sight right at yours. you nearly bump noses from the close proximity. Cillian glances at your lips and back up to your eyes, his hand that's behind you slipping into your hair. he lures you in, and you don't resist, having found your dad's best friend attractive since you could make sense of the word. you're old enough now to act on your desires, so you do. when Cillian's lips connect with yours, it's like magic. your hands rest upon his cheeks, keeping him engaged with your kiss.
✺ Cillian pulls away, "not telling your dad about this either, correct?" "absolutely not," you shake your head, and Cillian laughs before pulling you back in for another heated kiss.
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sweetbbyshion · 2 years ago
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-> Touya Todoroki x Reader
characters: Touya Todoroki, Todoroki family
genre: fluff
summary: more shenanigans with the todoroki family
warnings: established relationship, reader is called "mom", reader hinted to being afab, mentions of babies, alternative universe where there's no quirks and the todorokis are trying to be a better family
this is another part for the series I've been making with little brother Shoto. It can be read alone but here are part 1 and part 2 if you wish to read it <333 I'm taking requests and headcanons for this if you want to send anything
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You stare at Touya from your place on his bed. He has been arguing with Shoto for the past ten minutes but you can't understand what was the reason. He throws some glances at you from time to time, pacing around the room while speaking on the phone. It takes another ten minutes until Touya puts his phone down before making his way to the bed. He forces himself between your legs, then laying his head on your stomach. Your hands immediately go to his hair, your fingers going through the soft locks (that took a long time to get this soft after years of dyeing his hair black) while your boyfriend sighs dramatically. “Shoto called.” You hum in acknowledgment as you wait for him to continue. “He asked if we could visit this weekend.” Touya practically melts against your touch, burying his face on your stomach and tightening the hold he has on your waist. “Do you want to go?” You ask.
“Of course not. You forget about me every time we are there!” Touya is quick to reply.
“I do not. You're being dramatic.”
Touya keeps bickering, arguing that he has every right to be dramatic in this situation. At the end of the day, Touya gives in and decides that you are both going to visit during the weekend (he would never admit it but what made him change his mind was the fact that he would get busy with exams in two weeks and this was the last opportunity to see his mom for a while). You're not as nervous as you were the first time. After hours spent talking to the Todorokis, you felt more at ease while visiting the family. You had grown close to Shoto, forming a bond that you didn't have with the other members. For some reason, the youngest sibling saw in you a safe place and you couldn't be more happy about it. Touya, sometimes, would get jealous of the attention you gave his little brother but you would shut down his whining quickly. Nevertheless, your boyfriend is secretly very happy that you were so close to his family.
The nervousness you felt on the first ride to Touya’s house was not there anymore and instead it's replaced by excitement. You don't wait for your boyfriend to get out of the car when you arrive and, instead, you go to the door by yourself, knocking eagerly. Similar to the first time, Natsuo is the one opening the door. You ruffle his hair, surprised with the growing similarities between him and his older brother. Next, you hear someone running down the stairs and you know it's Shoto by the way his mom calls his name to warn him about running down the stairs. You see a blur of white and red hair before a body collapses against yours. Thankfully, Touya is right behind you to help you stabilize yourself but you barely acknowledge it, just holding Shoto close as you give him the tightest hug.
“Be careful, brat.” Touya says half-heartedly while hugging you both.
“Touya said you weren't coming!”
You look at your boyfriend, an annoying expression on your face while he pretends to not see you. You grab the back of his shirt, preventing him from walking away and whisper “Say sorry, now.” between your teeth. Touya mumbles an apology to his younger brother, who is still hugging you tight and barely paying attention to the other’s words.
Shoto stays quiet as you both walk to the couch. He doesn't talk much but you enjoy his company nonetheless. When you get up to help his mom in the kitchen, he follows you around like a baby duck, not wanting to get you out of his sight. It's cute, really, how he wants to be in your presence even if you're both doing your thing.
“Is lunch almost ready? I’m starving.” Touya asks when he walks into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist to peek at the pot in front of you.
You hum in affirmation. “Help Shoto set the table. Don't be lazy.”
“I’m the guest though I shouldn't…” He stops halfway when he sees you staring at him. “Fine. Kiss first?”
Touya lowers his head and you simply move his hair to the side to kiss his forehead before pushing him off of you. He laughs as he calls for Natsuo to also help because “it isn't fair”.
Lunch is uneventful. Enji Todoroki, as always, doesn’t speak to you much. Instead, he focuses on talking to his oldest son. After eating, Enji goes back to his office to work and the rest of you are left to decide what to do on that Saturday afternoon.
Touya, not so surprisingly, announces that he will be taking a nap and you don't miss the exaggerated pout he gives you when you refuse to go with him. Rei says she will go take care of her garden and asks to warn her if her children decide to go out.
After a lot of deliberation, you, Shoto, Natsuo and Fuyumi decide to go to the supermarket to get the ingredients to bake a cake.
And that's how you end up walking with three of the four Todoroki siblings, holding Shoto’s and Natsuo’s hands whenever you’re about to cross the street, despite the protests of the older one. Quickly you get to the supermarket and you ask the two boys to not run off anywhere, bribing them with the promise of each being able to choose a sweet they want. Natsuo, just like Touya, frowns and tries to act like the angry teenager he thinks he is even though you can see the excitement in his eyes with the promise of food.
“Mom, can we make soba tonight?”
You stop moving when you hear Shoto’s voice, your hand stopping mid air to grab the eggs. You watch the way the boy’s eyes widen when he processes the words coming out of his mouth and his face heats up with embarrassment. It's silent for a while until Natsuo starts laughing loudly and Shoto turns around to try to run away. You have to grab his shirt, not wanting him to get lost. He’s hiding his face and arguing with Natsuo to stop laughing saying “It was an accident!”.
Even Fuyumi has an amused smile on her face watching the scene unfold in front of her while you try to figure out what to do.
“It happens, don't worry about it.” you tell Shoto but it doesn't seem to do much since he still looks embarrassed.
The rest of the grocery shopping is done in silence. Shoto simply points at things, not wanting to make the same embarrassing mistake again.
When you all get home, Touya is awake and watching some random tv show in the living room. You’re putting away the groceries when you hear Touya’s loud laugh and the sound of Shoto running to the kitchen to hide behind you. Touya shows up shortly after, still laughing, with tears in his eyes. You give him a stern look but he doesn't even notice it.
“Hiding behind mom? Such a little baby.” Touya provokes.
“Leave your brother alone. It was an accident.” you respond, rolling your eyes at the immature attitude.
“Didn't you call your math teacher “mom” once, honey?” Rei intervenes, making Touya instantly shut up.
Your boyfriend decides to change the subject and asks to help with the cake. Shoto announced he will just watch TV, his cheeks still a bit red. Rei also leaves the kitchen to do something and you’re left alone with Touya who quickly pulls you for a kiss. “You would be a super hot mom.” he whispers against your lips, his hands making their way down to rest on your stomach.
“Of course you would say that.” you roll your eyes, pushing him away. “I won't get pregnant for the next few years, don't get any ideas.”
Touya laughs and you start paying attention to the cake recipe, trying to push back the images of tattooed, scary Touya with a small baby in his arms.
“Well, that's a shame.” Rei’s voice catches your attention and you see her standing at the door with a sweet smile. “I’m already crocheting small clothes.”
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