#happy birthday by the wayyyyy
deathnguts · 21 days
@crimsonlovebartylus for the resurfacing of an idea in my skull but reference to an old post of mine where I detailed my headcanon that Regulus is named after his grandfather Arcturus because they share the same birthday, which lead to Arcturus always being the center of attention and regulus just being an add on and regulus never really viewing his birthday as his own and therefore not liking it much: but like imagine how specifically Barty finds out about this.
Cuz like, Evan and Pandora already know. They’ve been to the birthday parties, they have seen first hand how Arcturus takes the spotlight but also flaunts his favorite grandchild like one of his gifts every year. They know regulus doesn’t really enjoy the attention and they understand to just let it be quiet. Sirius also obviously knows, Narcissa too for when she’s in school at the same time as regulus. For both of them it’s kind of more of a sore subject than it is for Regulus, because it just causes so much drama with how both their parents get on them for not being the pride of the patriarch of their family like regulus. Sirius, of course, tries to overlook this because in the past it was his job to try and keep regulus cheery the whole night as not to upset their grandfather.
But Barty doesn’t know this stuff. His birthdays have always been normal, albeit lonely since he was never that good at making friends, but he had his mom and a home baked cake and it was fun! He’s never been to a House of Black Galla, he’s never even heard of what they’re celebrating beyond his father’s complaining that meetings are canceled for them since Orion ‘Heir’ Black won’t be attending them. I imagine for like, the first two years of knowing regulus, Barty doesn’t even know his birthday. And it’s just one of those things that slips his mind, because no one reminds him his friend should have a birthday so it doesn’t ring any alarm bells in his head that he’s never celebrated it.
That is, until, probably their fourth year, when Barty’s finally reminded. Sirius left home a year ago, this is the first year where he isn’t present at Arcturus’ birthday party and therefore the first year Sirius missed his little brother’s birthday. He feels bad, he feels bad about a lot of things. So as kind of an olive branch and a bandaid over his own guilt, he tells regulus happy late birthday. He does it alone but while regulus is with his friends so he doesn’t feel outnumbered and also because he didn’t want the other marauders to see him do this. Maybe he gets Regulus something, but probably not since he figures regulus will throw it away out of protest (which he’s right about.)
Regulus is dumbfounded, unsure of if he’s upset or what he’s even upset about so he’s just blank faced like normal. Evan’s holding his breath because he has no idea what happens when the spell of silence around Regulus’ birthday is broken. And Barty is just… confused? Regulus didn’t have a birthday recently? It was his grandfather’s birthday, not his. That’s what regulus says every year. ‘My grandfather’s birthday party is soon’ that’s what he says. It’s not his party. Is it?
But regulus doesn’t correct his brother and is silent long enough for Sirius to get antsy and frustrated and leave in a huff like always. Evan and Regulus pretend he never showed up, Barty decides to speak when he obviously shouldn’t like he’s famous for.
“It was your birthday?”
Regulus stiffens a little. “Yeah.”
“When? Why didn’t- why didn’t we do anything?”
“We did, my grandfather throws a party.”
“… but, no, you said it was his birthday.”
Regulus shrugs. “We share a birthday. It’s why I’m his favorite.”
Barty asks more questions but Evan’s warning stare and Regulus’ silence shut him up. But it’s not the end of it, Barty won’t let it be. He’s tenacious and he ‘doesn’t know when to quit,’ he knows this as he’s been told it many times. Just imagine him absolutely not taking the hint that regulus prefers to ignore things that could make him happy because they usually don’t and gently barraging him with attention.
Like Barty isn’t much a gift giver, he doesn’t really know how to read what people like or pay attention to what’s available enough to do so. But regulus is always good with gifts for others, especially for Barty, so he tries. Maybe he gets him jewelry since he knows that regulus likes it but every piece he owns is a family heirloom of some kind, so now he has some that don’t have the ghosts of his shit family within them! And Barty wouldn’t consider himself as good of a baker as he is with cooking (every dough he’s ever made for anything looks radioactive get him away from the oven) and you can’t really cook at Hogwarts yourself so he gets the house elves to make some moon cakes since he knows regulus loves them but infers they probably aren’t served at his birthday (since it’s Walburg’s side of the family that’s Chinese, and Arcturus doesn’t see the point in non french food at his party.)
Barty doesn’t think a ton of it, it’s barely a gift really and he didn’t even make the cakes. He thinks birthdays should be a little bigger at least, like Sirius has a fucking bash every year, his brother should have something of a fraction of that right? But Regulus could fucking cry. He’s legitimately never felt anything but numb about his birthday before and this is the most positive attention actually thrown his way and no one else’s for it ever. He’s rarely seen by anyone, and even those he does hold close and love him understand that and further understand that he’s reproachful to let that change out of whiplash for it all. But Barty’s different, he’s always been different. More. And Regulus loves him so much for it.
Kinda corny but like guaranteed birthdays spent late and by Barty’s side are better than anything regulus could have wished for.
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userjungkook97 · 1 year
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me seeing all the things about yoongi's tour
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thankyouforthev3n0m · 22 days
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nikaizkool · 1 year
hallo you don't know me but happy birthday you're amazing 🤪☺️
(anything for s/o being a streamer in qsmp and being the one to take care of tilin with quackity that flirts with everyone infront of s/o)
Tilin is so close to you. Literally he’d be following you all around the server.
Quackity telling tilin how you are irl and how much he loves tilins other caretaker. “My son, you love s/o more than me and hey that’s alright, coz I love them more than you so, let’s drink over them, yeah- HEHAHEHAHRHSHSHFHHSJS”
Tilin would be hanging out with Juanaflippa and he’d nonstop talk about s/o nonstop to where Juanaflippa would just leave. ‘Have you seen s/o today? I haven’t seen her anywhere :[‘
Tilin would be jumping around you doing backflips when you come back after being gone for a while and so would quackity.
Quackity flirting with you? 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 since Wilbur’s on tour your his new Wilbur. He’s flirting with you, twerking on you, calling you his partner. 👻👻👻
You two have converted tallulah into shipping you two instead of the tnt duo. Quackity doing the orange justice while your with him and tilin “we’re like a family :D that’s so cute” quackity is Alex so sweet when you and tilin are together treating you like his husband/wife/partner in marriage and treating tilin wayyyyy better.
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p0p33-k3da · 25 days
No wayyyyy
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This is rlly stupid but HAPPY BIRTHDAY @its-a-me-mango BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS DAY
I really love your art and I think I can speak for everyone honestly, what cool artist doesn't have THE SMG4 post your art in their videos, what? Three times? THATS INSANE MANGO.
But we all know why CAUSE YOU SO COOL.
anyways happy birthday again (on the weekend too????)
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prrplefungi · 1 month
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arcatsk · 11 months
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Happy Birthday to Seto Kaiba 25.10 !!!
I enjoy designing the clothes of the yugioh cast wayyyyy too much!
BG is his desk from Transcend Game manga (DSoD prequel)
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azalea-romanoff · 6 months
First: happy autism awareness day to all my mun/mods with autism or who have characters with autism. (in my case, it's both!)
So in honour of Autism Awareness Day and month, I'd like to tell you all about my levels of autism <3
Tics and Fidgets: I'm on the spectrum such that I have a lot of tics and fidgets. Usually it's the repititions which feel nice, and it can often annoy others. I have a tendency to: click my tongue, snap my fingers, flap my hands, rock back and forth, and i make popping sounds. the more subtle tics are pulling my hair, picking my fingernails.
Poor Eye contact: Poor eye contact with me is only with people i don't know or during stressful situations. like if i'm in a meeting with Nick Fury, i'll be fine. but if i'm greeting new agents? hell no. (//ooc: i can talk to my class teacher just fine, but with maybe the delivery man, a cashier, i can't look them in the eyes.).
Abnormal Posture: ...as an agent, this is a huge no-no. the only reason i got the job is because my abnormal posture is literally me just keeping my fists clenched at all times, and keeping my left foot a bit more in front of the other. a tense fighting stance if you will. Convenient!
Anxiety: Shockingly, it's low! I only get anxious in places which are too loud or too far from home. loud places make me really anxious because it means i have too many thoughts in my head and too many things to process at a time. and being deaf, too, with hearing aids, it makes it 100x tougher. Sorry, but Azalea Romanoff-Maximoff isn't the girl you take to a party or a club.
Social Difficulty: I have moderately high social difficulty. as in, i have trouble communicating my thoughts when in big groups, and making friends is a bit...daunting as a task. And sometimes i miss on non-verbal cues like sarcasm, subtle joking, even a few metaphors here and there. So iF YOU NEED A SPECIFIC BIRTHDAY GIFT, TELL ME TO MY FACE. DON'T HINT IT-? I WILL LITERALLY NOT GET YOUR POINT.
Noise Sensitivity: ...have you met me? i am VERY sensitive to noise. Vacuum cleaners, power drills, gunshot sounds (//ooc: movies, especially), someone typing loudly on their laptop, so many of these day-to-day sounds drive me to a meltdown sometimes because it's just so annoying.
Abnormal/Flat Speech: Nope. Most people can tell how i'm feeling by my voice, except in situations where i'm confused on how to react. like if someone says they're pregnant, i'll just say 'oh, nice.' like, are you happy or sad or like-? eH???
Fixations: I have plenty. But my biggest ones? Top Three: Animals, History, Space. iF i get bored, i will literally talk about this for hours, and dare you show even an iota of interest in the same, my friend you're gonna be there a WHILE.
Depression: only on sensory overload days, or on days where i randomly get sad. a result of the anxiety, honestly. i think wayyyyy too many 'what if' scenarios.
Aggression: And finally, I'm not a very aggressive person. Only if i'm very overstimulated, if i'm not being heard, or if i'm just having a bad day in general, i might break a pencil or two. maybe throw a few books down a shelf.
BONUS: soooo i hate the colour yellow or anything that is yellow. like, i haven't ever touched a banana. my favourite colour is red, and my favourite animal is the panda. i hate the feeling of shag carpets and i don't like the feeling of nylon on skin. i don't like the scratchiness of yarn and i don't like the sound of chalk on a chalkboard. i do like the hum of an air conditioner though, and looking outside a window helps calm me down.
SO that's all about my autism! I hope i made you all aware! Reach out to any fellow autistic people you may know, and do find out about their fixations, if they're non-verbal or verbal. accept them for who they are, don't try and fix them.
autism isn't a disease. our minds are just wired differently. if you can figure out how a complex video game works within 24 hours, how hard can a person be?
🤟 love you all!
bellow is my autism spectrum evaluation results (mod's) for people who are close to me, like @moongirlwidow @wandabug @supermilkshakebanana @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol @capt-carter-mostly-official @esmerxyaugusta and @pietro-maximoff-official <3
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my-cannibal-romance · 22 days
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
Happy birthday!!🎊 it's also my birthday too! You're actually the first person I've seen with the same birthday as me :c I hope your birthday goes well!!
May your genshin wife/wives spoil you on this fine day <3
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Happy birthday, loser!!! You are still him by the wayyyyy
Thankyou BrickBroomTetris
He the gender fr
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I'm actually wayyyyy to exhausted to make full blown art for Pizza tower's anniversary/birthday, plus i think i may be a little late too, but I'm so happy that Pizza Tower had become so popular and affected people in positive and creative ways, myself included. Here's to more Peppino and co. absolutely insane and crazy goofy content, fanmade and official!
Happy anniversary Pizza tower Fandom!!🍕❤
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oobbbear · 1 year
Preemptive happy birthday!!! (I'm guessing) 🎈 🎂 🎈
Wayyyyy to early but thank you🌹
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me when my friends become older than me due to a 4month age gap (lecture on old age problems ensue) 😼😼
Someones turningggg into an old women 😼 wear your babushka bitch (you see oldness is an age of matur-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE PHINEAS TO MY FERB <;3 @tasenwiththerobots more days of unhinged bohemian rhapsody on your wayyyyy
I hopee this years goes just fine and much better with new accomplishmemts and happy surprises and really cherishable moments (i also hope you complete your homework on time.)
Also like you're the best ncc commander girll, my days are going better since you've started giving commands (your throat looks fine and polished and not very sweet infact. Nice throat you have. )
Also- this means- ive known you for a whole decade now??? We sound so ancient and you're only 15 mf
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mollyoddle · 4 months
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a dumb screenshot of youth
sick of losing soulmates
intertwined ep
(happy birthday @danielhowell)
found this old screenshot from dan’s instagram from wayyyyy too long ago
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katyspersonal · 6 months
Happy birthday! 🎉 (even if it's late)
Heyyyyy!! Thank you so much! XD No worries, I am absolutely abusing the privilege of living in two timezones by the virtue of associating with too many European and Western people lol fdjhfddfdfs IT'S TWO DAYS LONG BIRTHDAY BAYBEEEE AND I DO HAVE TWO DAYS OFF 😎
(LMAO inb4 I simply sleep through April 12 because I am staying up wayyyyy too late smh)
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(блять сука это скриншот с древнего рутпа который я пошла копать потому что мне на ум пришла фраза и я не могла вспомнить откуда а теперь вспомнила я ору нахуй кст рутп ржака сейчас такие не делают хд)
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