#of boötes
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capricioussun · 2 months ago
Ooo ok!
Can I know about the outerfell and outerswap siblings and their personalities?
Ah the outers...
Initially, I'd had a bit of a hard time with them, tbh! I'd always just considered them the exact same as their original counterparts with aesthetic differences, but a number of people had expressed interest in my interps and so I was like "well okay! How can I make you different" which resulted in a still very half baked "plot" variance (though it does still ultimately follow UT's plot, just a little...sideways. And still subject to change aha) and whole new structures that I could explore!
While they are still ultimately not too different from their counterparts, they've definitely come into their own a lot more since I first started Thinking about them ✨
Starting w/ the Fell boys, Antares and Boötes, as far as their relationship goes, they're pretty much as close/distant as standard UF, but with a slightly different dynamic balance, almost more similar to classic UT. Despite being the same age difference apart, Boötes has always seemed and acted older, and due to mild changes in their make up during creation, Antares wasn't as equipped as Edge to...well, be molded into an appropriate shape for their world.
That only further exacerbated Boötes slight infantilization of him, and so while he'd been more brotherly to him when they were younger than Red to Edge, he'd also been more protective and secretive, causing essentially the same rift.
With things being slightly less violently and slightly more...idk a good phrasing for it, autocratic? Militaristic? It's less "every man for himself" and more "policed". Antares felt a lot of pressure to prove himself to his brother, which only ever really worsened the divide as he got older and began to kind of resent the fact he couldn't ever seem to do right by his brother, no matter his intention or degree of success.
They're both pretty stubborn and secretive, and when younger were more prone to arguments, but once older, they definitely kinda leveled out and mostly stay out of each others business, apart from keeping track of important stuff.
Boötes is sort of somewhere between Red and Snare. He’s cold and gruff, pretty much only makes mean spirited jokes, but he’s not quite so apathetic or despondent yet. He definitely gives off the aura of a guy who knows way too much and can read just about anyone like a book, which makes him pretty unnerving... But unless someone gives him a genuine reason to dislike them, he can be a pretty agreeable guy.
Antares is a little more comically villainous, sort of like that one fanon portrayal of uf papyrus where he's still very Papyrus but trying to be Fell, except not that goofy. He’s proven himself to be capable, reliable, and a good asset...but he still struggles to be respected much as he often times shows preference towards others lives than upholding the system.
He’s also nearly on par with swap Papyri as far as insecurity and self worth issues, due partially because of his brother's disapproval of his choices so often, but predominantly because of their more rigid social structure.
As for outerswap! While he doesn't have a design nor nickname yet, I promise OS Sans is fine and exists, he’s just very far down my list of priorities 😭 /lh
Their relationship is a little more tense than standard swap, but definitely not as rough as the loveswap brothers. It's just sort of a standard for my outers that there's a more strict social aspect of things, which lead to Sans making an effort to take it more seriously from an earlier age in order to get a leg up once they were on their own.
He doesn't actually take it that seriously, but it's part of playing the game, and it's a part Aurigae does not like. He did try, at first, but he quickly realized he'd never really be able to pull it off like his brother, which was really where the brattier, "more rebellious" part of his "persona" came from.
This of course lead to the brothers clashing on a lot, but never too seriously, since they were both also more than aware they were only trying to figure out how best to make things work for themselves.
OS Sans is still pretty chipper and friendly, but he makes an effort to come across "more serious", and at the same time has shorter patience for tomfoolery. Mostly. The cracks in the foundation are a little more apparent, and it's sometimes easy, if caught off guard, to see how stressed he really is.
He denies this, of course, but it's also part of why he and Aurigae grew apart from each other. OS Sans is determined to be self sufficient, regardless of how detrimental it is to his health or relationships.
Aurigae is fairly similar to Stretch, taking slight cues from Copper and Luck on the "troublemaker" front, but still sweet and well meaning. It frustrates him to no end watching everyone stress themselves and work so hard to uphold a system that clearly isn't working for everyone, but he'd long since given up trying to point this out or make any difference.
Instead he mostly just follows his own rules, which makes him popular with some, less so with others. Similarly to how it strains his relationship with Sans, it also works against him with Toriel and Undyne. Sometimes the pressure gets to him, and he dips into a downswing pretty hard, but for the most part he might actually be amongst the best of swap Papyri at the whole "fake it til ya make it" thing.
All four of them could use some serious family counseling, and just therapy in general, but really that could be said of most of the brothers lol
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ramenlicious · 4 months ago
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tired-in-tree · 1 month ago
Hello, I’m zip. I’m one of the firelights medics. I’ve been at this the longest. I’m 31 and probably work too much… or that’s what capella tells me. I can get very anxious about social stuff so bear with me… both of my friends think I should take more time off.
I joined the firelights to try and help the community… not sure how much people actually want me around though. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and I’m shit at apologies.
I’m around 5’0”… and usually wear a large jacket with medic written on the back. I use he/ze pronouns. Birthday: February 9th.
Blog tags:
#zips ramblings : random talking and posts
#zip answers: answered asks
#medic office hours: at firelight base working
#zip out on the town: zip away from base
#zip draws: art
#zip lore: things to do with Zips past
#boots orphans: things to do with the orphans
#zips journal
Ooc/// I love answering asks :), if anyone has drawing requests/ideas with the characters lemme know and I might draw it :)
Info about person operating blog.
I operate in Pacific standard time and because of life stuff often can’t respond late at night, so if things happen late at night it might be harder to keep up/interact with people. I also have life stuff and won’t always be able to respond or keep up with everything said.
I’m trying my best here and any advice or criticism is always appreciated.
I am autistic, if I am bothering someone or if zip does something others don’t like tell me. I will not know otherwise, and if I ask if I’m annoying someone please be honest or I will not know. Feel free to leave asks or messages in my inbox to let me know.
This is an oc and I will get things wrong sometimes. Please be patient.
We’re all just here to have fun and make stories. :)
Admin of blog- @turtle-exploring-the-woods
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randoimago · 3 months ago
Me, reading Greek myths: Oh hey, kind of a happy ending at least
Me, reading Roman myths: Uhh dude? What the fuck??
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disgruntled-blacksmith · 4 days ago
// late night conversation, many years ago. One of the orphanages by the mines
Hey Vega?….
Vega you awake?
Yes Sirus?., what is it this time…
When they were asking for a group to… ‘show them the ropes’ why did you volunteer us?
He was getting picked on by the same kids who used to pick on you… plus, he’s not gunna survive down here without people to care for him.
…. Still… he’s annoying and clingy… and brash and it gets him into trouble?! He’s going to get the rest of us hurt… you know Capella and Aldebaran are too small to take it…
I know… I think… he’ll calm down once he realizes that his actions now affect us to…
They… used the box tonight on him right?
Yeah… again.., he doesn’t understand you know?… not really not how they want him too
…. We should sleep Sirus…
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jbfly46 · 8 months ago
Traveling through a wormhole and traveling through time are the same thing. Space and time are the same material, the same fluid. The Boötes Void is a wormhole through which information is sent from one side of space-time, to the Black Knight satellite on our side of space-time.
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sweet-star-cookie · 9 months ago
also, is bootes an actual skeleton or is he just a guy with a skeleton mask and clothes?
You know what? I asked myself this question literally last week, what a funny coincidence! When I first designed Boötes, it was a situation where I didn't necessarily have to answer that question, the ambiguous nature of his body structure wasn't super relevant to his role in the story at the time, so I didn't really feel the need to clarify it more.
That is until very recently, where I came up with a way to strengthen his ties to the main characters and expand on why he's so hellbent on justice and revenge, particularly against Scorpio, which required me to assess what he is a bit more. Or what exactly his physical body is composed of, at least. Yes he wants Scorpio to be punished for his involvement in the destruction of the Astral Plane in general, but I felt I could push it even further than that.
When creating new lore like this, either I do a complete redesign to match it like I did with Aranea, or I use what I have already to inform said new lore. In this case I ended up doing the latter, though I'll still tweak a few things later to tie him to the new ideas more clearly. So I guess now it's New Lore Time™! :D
Just to recap a bit, Boötes is the guardian of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, who are related to controlling and maintaining a lot of the Astral Plane's water flow, especially rivers and other smaller bodies of water that are connected to the astral sea. Initially, the previous incarnation of Boötes was always at their side to guard them at their home, wanting little to nothing to do with anyone else unless they threatened the bears' safety.
Though Ophiuchus was able to stop much of the Void magic when Scorpio first arrived, he couldn't save everyone in time given how quickly it spread, and the Ursas' connection to water unfortunately made them easy targets, similar to Pisces. That incarnation of Boötes died trying to save them, and at the time it was assumed that Ursa Minor was killed too (but really just succumbed to the corruption and landed on Earth, as Cassie discovers later).
Through his constellation's sheer conviction and desire to protect them, however, the current incarnation of Boötes appeared shortly after the death of the previous one and saved Ursa Major from being killed too. But, similar to Scorpio, this event permanently linked him with Void magic, as he quite literally emerged out of it when his constellation reformed itself.
After some investigation, it seems that a lot of Boötes's body is actually made out of Void magic, not just overtaken by it. Only the Light magic from his powerful spirit gives him a somewhat corporeal form to begin with. Like I said before, I'll probably tweak his current design a bit to better match the colours of Void/poisoned water magic that I've made, and give him a slightly more wispy look underneath his clothes and such to better convey this idea.
Trying to heal any of the shadowy parts of his body, for example, could cause it to disappear entirely rather than restoring it. So attempting to fully heal him could, ironically, kill him. Instead, Libra uses her magic to keep his balance of Light and Void magic in check, and gives him smaller amounts of periodic healing in between his rounds of patrolling to stem his fatigue. Though he resents his reliance on her in general, he is grateful for her help nonetheless. Given his current state, it is unclear if he'd survive full corruption or not, even if he became an Unsigned spirit on Earth rather than dying.
Because of this instability, Boötes fears that he will corrupt the Ursas again if he is too close to them, significantly hindering his ability to guard them effectively. So while he still upholds this duty, he now desires revenge on Scorpio for doing this to him, and on Ophiuchus for protecting him from punishment in the first place. This is part of the reason why Boötes initially hunts Cassie so aggressively, sensing the shared aura of the Starglass and thinking Ophiuchus merely changed his form to hide himself.
In many ways, Boötes and Scorpio are cut from the same Void magic cloth, so to speak, but this only led to hatred between them rather than camaraderie. Boötes serves as a particularly loud reminder of what Scorpio's Void magic has done to their world as a whole, and of the damage that Scorpio can't fix even if he tries. Some things just cannot be reversed, and he is forced to live with that. Even with Scorpio's current "agreement" with the zodiac that prevents him from being imprisoned, Boötes still looks for any opportunity to put him behind bars for good.
He began patrolling further out from the Ursas's home during this revenge quest, and this is how he met Ophiuchus and the zodiac in the first place. It was quite an explosive encounter, to say the least! It took much convincing from Virgo and Libra, and they were able to get him to agree to more of a sheriff/deputy role to help them protect the other constellations, but he still largely acts for his own reasons.
From a design standpoint, even if skeletons don't technically exist on the Astral Plane (as in, none of the residents have mortal bodies with skeletons inside them), I think keeping his skeleton motif helps add to him being somewhat of a symbol of death, or perhaps the undead, given this new lore. Plus I think he looks pretty cool that way too :D
I haven't decided yet if his dogs share the same predicament as him, or if they simply share a similar appearance, but they'll probably need some design tweaks as well anyway.
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soberfructosecornsyrup · 1 year ago
Thinking about the Boötes Void makes me uneasy. Like that much space where there's just nothing is fucking bananas.
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opera-sings · 1 month ago
Cappella: a very small girl, 11 Driven, if she wants something she’ll either steal it or make something like it herself. Out of all of the boöts orphans shes the one who grew up closest to the upper city and spent the most time with her parents. Wants to sing at the opera in piltover one day. Role in mining: squeezing into the tighter cracks to get minerals and materials that others can’t reach.
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we-cannot-be-friends · 3 months ago
patiently waiting for boötes to be back in my sky
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
Mhh your space bois?
Space boys!!
⟡ despite being the same age difference as most of the others, Boötes seems older, and tends to act more like an older brother to Antares
⟡ Antares always wanted to be in the guard, he'd heard stories of their heroics from back during the war, and wanted to help protect others as well
⟡ Aurigae is a little bit more of a prankster than Stretch, and tends to get into trouble with the guard despite being a sentry himself
⟡ OS Sans (who still needs a nickname) is actually captain of the guard! He took on the role after their Alphys stepped down and (pretends to) take it very seriously!
⟡ Ara has his Grillby have a very will they won't they type of relationship that has most of the regular patrons making bets (both are aroace-spec and have no idea they give that vibe)
⟡ Pictoris is a very skilled embroiderer! It's not something he'd consider a hobby, since he mostly picked it up to customize his clothes to his liking, but he branches out more post pacifist and loves making all sorts of designs
⟡ Boötes doesn't float around like the other Sanses do, he prefers staying grounded for some reason...
⟡ Antares loves animals, but there aren't many in their sector, so whenever he scavenges and finds books or magazines or videos about them, he does his very best to preserve them
⟡ he may be the judge of his world, but Aurigae and their Toriel...don't really see eye to eye. They have a very tense relationship, though most don't pick up on it around them
⟡ OS Sans actually doesn't really enjoy cooking or baking, so he makes a lot of instant or pre-prepped stuff. His more original ventures...are not very good
⟡ Ara has...a particularly hard time visiting the labs. He still does, to help out Alphys from time to time, but given the option, he'd never set foot in there again
⟡ Pictoris will argue to his dying breath that his jokes aren't puns, they are incredibly witty word play, there's a difference! (<- pretends he doesn't have a sense of humor)
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ramenlicious · 3 months ago
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misc doodles
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quiltofstars · 4 months ago
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NGC 5248, C45 // Greg Nelson
NGC 5248 is notable for the ring structure around its central region. These nuclear rings have hot spots of star-formation activity, called starbursts. Because NGC 5248 is so close to Earth (compared to other galaxies with these features), it offers a great chance to study how these starbursts happen and progress.
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tired-in-tree · 2 months ago
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First look.
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Last look
Ooc/// small peek into Zips backstory…. Someone important ze lost
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disgruntled-blacksmith · 1 month ago
Boötes Orphans: end of the beginning
Hope you enjoy :)
Tw: implied character death, drug use, angst (if there are any others let me know and I’ll add them)
Running through the alleys and streets of Zaun was never pleasant… always something or someone in your way… it doesn’t make it any easier when carrying someone…
‘shit… he’s gotten worse… so much worse… how did I not notice… ‘
The small apothecary shop is easy enough to find… Sirius never has been in himself… but Vegas has been in enough, and has told him the way… not that Sirus really wanted to visit Arcturus.
“Hello. We’re close- fuck! Vega.”
Arcturus says in shock seeing the state of his friend. It’s a nice enough shop, aromatic smells and bushels of herbs hanging in the shop window and different bottles and remedies lining the shelves. Arcturus clears everything off of the table not caring about the mess he’s making.
“Sirius, put Vega down on that table… I’ll take a look at him.”
Arcturus puts a stethoscope on to feel his friend's heartbeat hammering out of control in his chest… his face is grim. Vegas eyes are an unnatural glowing purple. Sirus hasn’t looked this panicked since… well… since Aldebaran died.
“What did he take? And how much? Fuck… he told me… he told me the pain meds were working”
Arcturus rushes around finding whatever he can to help stabilize his friend. He puts an oxygen tank on him while Sirus tries to calm his lover.
“It hurts!” Vega screams, ripping and clawing at anything getting near to him, throwing the mask off and thrashing.
“I know… I know love… shhh shhh…it’s gunna be fine… you’ll be fine… you’re going to live”
“Hold him down Sirus!”
Everything’s a struggle, Vega thrashing around on the table… Sirus pinning him down. Arcturus running around looking for something, anything to help.
“A new drug… called shimmer… I-i don’t know… Arcturus said that it helped with the pain more… he was only taking a little he promised…”
Arcturus stays silent, mixing things together making something he hopes will work. But if it doesn’t… he can’t think about it now… he won’t think about it.
“Sirus… I don’t know if this will work…it might make things worse I don’t know if…I don’t know if he’ll survive this…”
“Fuck!! Dumb bunny, it has to… if it doesn’t… I’ll fucking kill you!”
Vega screams, tears rolling down his face. Tears also fill Arcturus’s eyes as he desperately try’s to stay focused.
“Arcturus… arcturus it fucking hurts! Please… please make it stop…”
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far-constellation · 8 months ago
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Immortality is the digitization of the soul. Everything I am is encoded in zeros and ones, my existence is mythologized and diluted until I don't really exist, I only seem to.
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