#ody poli
bugbear55 · 22 hours
Figuring out my art style! Waiter waiter, requests please! (Ships especially, rarepairs/prompts take priority i fucking LOVE rarepairs)
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send me your STRANGEST rarepairs i beg of you. odyssey/iliad
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sleeping-at-sea · 18 days
Hi captain! -🥀 [Poli anon!!]
Hello, Polites
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sera8273 · 2 months
I don’t think that Polyphemus and Poseidon Father-and-Son relationship gets mentioned often in EPIC (and odyssey and Iliad and stuff but again my info is 100% from EPIC less stated otherwise-)
Both of them wanted to kill Odysseus last:When Odysseus spares Polyphemus and when Odysseus apologized to Poseidon for blinding Poly, they both wanted to kill him last bc ‘Ruthless is Mercy’ and stuff.
(Let’s be honest with ourselves here, Poly only tried to kill them after Ody sang that ‘Glad we see eye to eye’ joke—)(And Poseidon would’ve killed the 557 men no matter what bc he wanted Ody to see the consequences of sparing an enemy—)
They both try to get ‘revenge’ I suppose:When Odysseus shoots Polyphemus apparently favorite sheep and when Poseidon came down to kill odyssey for Blinding Poly they’re both kinda trying to get revenge (one is for the death of a favorite pet and another is for trying to humiliate a literal God)
And when Odysseus yells out to Polyphemus saying to the Giant how he’s his Darkest Moment (which is again- ✨ Racist✨) Poseidon uses the same line when he Kills off Ody 557 men because Odysseus is seemingly in defeat and a loss of control. (And because he is a ✨Petty✨ ✨little✨ ✨fucker✨)
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phantomdecibel · 2 years
FUCK you: re-canonifies your Flower!AU
Anyways what if Polites actually still dies flower au au (bit o context in the tags, just so this drabble makes a bit more sense since it doesnt exactly follow canon aha-)
Rattlesnake Root
shield, step carefully.
Watching Ajax rush across the deck, calling out orders while cradling little Astyanax in his arms, the realization hit Odysseus like a brick.
This is what Polites had meant.
Eurylochus’s voice still echoed in his ears — but Odysseus wasn’t hearing any of it. Everything sounded muffled, like he was listening to (one of) his best friend chew him out from underwater. He must have started yelling louder, because the teenager glanced over at the two of them, something Odysseus hesitated to label as anything other than concern written across his face.
He wanted to yell.
He wanted to scream, keep shooting venom like arrows, jump up and pace, even.
Instead he stood, hands clasped over the rail, staring blankly past the blurred shape of his friend. It was both too loud and yet too quiet and annoyingly chilly and somehow everything was way too bright. It felt like there should be a storm brewing overhead, yet the only rain falling came from his eyes. The sun shone down unapologetically overhead, and Odysseus fought back an unintelligible scream.
This is what Polites had meant, what he’d pleaded back in that forest.
If you don’t talk to us, if you don’t trust us, then how can we help?
He’d thought he’d had it all under control, that his own hangups weren’t affecting anyone else, but clearly he’d been wrong. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or just plain ignorance, but Odysseus had fucked up, pushed too far.
He wanted to sob.
He was already crying, Odysseus realized in a vague, sort of detached way. His face felt… damp, and tight from the salt already starting to dry. Something hit his hand; again and again and again, and rolled down his knuckles.
Eurylochus yelled again, throwing his arms out, and Odysseus flinched.
How long had this been brewing?
How long had he been pushing his crew, his friends to the edge? For how long had he been pushing them to the side, ignoring their concerns and needs, forcing them to pick up his slack?
…when had his efforts to protect them start to hurt instead?
Slowly, Eurylochus’s face came back into focus.
His mouth moved and Odysseus could, technically, hear him still, but the words themselves were lost to the buzzing in his head. The tilt to his eyebrows would have looked angry — really, really angry — to anyone else, but Odysseus knew his friend. Eurylochus was angry, sure, but mostly he was just worried (and tired, so tired, and grieving, too). The man’s eyes glistened wetly, shining with unshed tears.
Odysseus barely noticed as he started to shake.
He did this. This was his fault, the result of his negligence. Polites was dead because of him, and now he was driving away the other person he should be supporting, looking after the most.
Odysseus clenched the rail tighter, clearly hearing it creak under his grip. Eurylochus’s voice faded in and out, nothing but background noise.
He’d failed.
Odysseus blinked once, twice, trying to alleviate the pressure growing behind his eyes. The tears, which had been slowing, built again, suddenly, and everything was just too much.
Oh. He dimly realized again. I did this.
And Odysseus…
…Odysseus broke.
Odysseus broke, tears falling like a waterfall. He choked on a sob, shaking violently, as his knees wobbled and knocked together. Eurylochus’s voice, angry and harsh, snapped back into focus, and Odysseus keened weakly.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, falling to his knees as he swallowed back another sob. “I’m sorry-“
Desperately, shaking all the while, Odysseus clutched at his friend’s chiton, head pressed to Eurylochus’s knee. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry-“
Eurylochus’s angry rant trailed off into shocked silence as Odysseus tripped over his words. Apology after apology spilled from his lips as he sat shaking on the wooden deck of the ship, legs collapsed awkwardly beneath him. He didn’t dare look up as silence crashed against the ship like Polyphemus’s club crashing against men and stone, just kept choking out desperate apologies into the empty, oppressive air.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, sobbed, like a mantra. “I’m sorry,”
The moment seemed to stretch for an eternity; a terrifying, heart-stopping eternity.
He couldn’t do this.
Odysseus- he couldn’t. He’d tried, fuck he’d tried. Tried to carry every burden he could, tried to protect his people, and look where they were now.
It was all a mess, a fucking disaster.
And- and Polites was gone, now, really truly gone, never-coming-back gone.
And Eurylochus would be too- not dead, not if Odysseus had any say in it, but gone, leaving.
Leaving him, because Eurylochus would do what was best for the crew.
Odysseus was just dead weight.
The leg he leaned against, clutched in desperation, was pulled back, and Odysseus let it go.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, trying and failing to blink away his tears as his hands dropped down to dig his nails into his own knees instead. Something thudded against the ground ahead of him, but all Odysseus could think was ‘this is it’.
This is it, this is where his friend, his last surviving best friend, his brother, even, left him.
And by the gods if he didn’t deserve it.
“‘msorry,” his words slurred together. “‘msrry’msorry,”
He deserved this, for hurting his friend and daring to proclaim otherwise. Why should Eurylochus stick around? Odysseus wasn’t worth the work. He hunched in on himself some more.
“‘msorry,” he might have begged. Please don’t go. You have every right to, but please, please. Don’t leave me. “‘msrrymsrrymsor-“
Odysseus coughed.
Oh, that was odd.
He couldn’t breathe, for a moment there, air knocked from his lungs as his chest collided with something warm and solid. Something strong tugged his forwards, pulled him tight against it.
Warm arms wrapped around his shoulders, and Odysseus suddenly found his head tucked into the crook of Eurylochus’s neck as he shook. He tried to choke out another apology, but Eurylochus held him too tightly to properly speak the words.
Odysseus shook some more, hands slowly worming their way from his knees to clutch this time at the front of his friend’s chiton.
Eurylochus was hugging him.
Eurylochus. was hugging him.
Odysseus sobbed again.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to force out again, but Eurylochus just pulled him impossibly closer.
“It’s okay,” his friend whispered, voice hoarse. “It’s going to be okay.”
mans is a bit harsh on himself :,)
He doesn’t q u i t e get the point, but he’s getting there-
Anyways so flower au; asty lives and also @hahahaghosty and I are soft for lil ajax :P
I know I always say this, but they were a huge inspiration for this (bc they fuel me w like 75% of my writing ideas lmao-), so thank you a whole lot!! wouldn’t be possible without ya :) they're really fucking awesome, go check out their stuff!! do it- Do It Now-
anyways that all from me for now, thanks for reading :P
(me: check out the tags for some context :) also me: throws way to much shit in them-
just. just read the beginning and end and itll all make sense if u wanna)
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sydneyofalltrades · 2 months
no one asked but these are the weapons i think ody, eury, and poli uses respectively
odysseus: main weapon of choice is a spear. as athena’s weapon of choice, he became a skilled master of the weapon under her tutelage. he still owns a sword and is a master swordsman, and knows many more weapons as the king of his kingdom, yet the spear is his personal favorite
eurylochus: main weapon of choice is a massive sword. think rose quartz’s sword but slightly thicker. since it’s basically a part of the the canon, he uses the sword more than other weapons, although he is quite proficient in other weaponry
polites: main weapons of choice: a bow and sheath of arrows. he doesn’t like hand to hand combat or direct combat, so he attacks from afar and only when necessary. i believe he was the one who shot polyphemus’ sheep, as it would only thicken the plot and its complexity (being the one who led them to the cave and shooting the sheep that sealed his fate). he also had a hunting knife at his belt.
after polites’ death, odysseus takes his bow and arrows and eurylochus takes the knife. both taking them as keepsakes, but are used a couple more times (the bow and arrow in “different beast” and the hunting knife in “mutiny,” on the cow that sealed eurylochus’ fate)
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ardenzia777 · 1 month
Bloodstar Polities is such an interesting concept! I love characters that are good people… until you dare to hurt the people they love. They will do whatever it takes to protect their person.
For Polities, his person is Odysseus. >:)
I’m wondering, since Ody is so loyal to Penelope, how that works with Polites?
Is it an extremely strong platonic/familial bond? Or poly relationship? Or were Ody and Polities pining but not together? Was it one sided on Polities’ side?
I’m just curious where the two of them stand.
I’m also kinda curious what will happen to Polities once Odysseus dies for real… will he be left alone then? :(
SO I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT so in Bloodstar canon, its a Poly thing. Originally Odysseus feels things for Polites but feels ashamed for having those feelings, until some Godnypmhs from Aphrodite show up, slap him, and tell him Penelope has been praying to her (Aphrodite) to get to see him and Polites smash for like years now so Odysseus better not fuck up this moment or Aphrodite will have to redo the drawing board of her plans. And that is the opener that gets Odysseus with Polites (polites had been pining for him for awhile and they always did small little flirty things but never super serious till this moment) So when they return, they're all really in a good mood towards each other. I have Penelope lore as well for her in the Bloodstar Au that i can talk about sometime Concerning the future, Angel Polites plans to stay with Odysseus throughout his journey through the afterlife, since Angel Polites is a Spirit. Siren Polites plans to take him to Poseidon and request he be turned to a siren like him so they can be together. uwu
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caramellcandy · 3 days
Usually I just steal headcanons for my ships from other people but like I'm the ceo of eurypoli I wanted to make some, so here are some eurypoli headcanons!
-They started dating before troy.
-Ctimene knows about their relationship and is ok with it, she even gets along with Polites very well, Eury has two hands for something.
-Odysseus was going to kill Eurylochus until they explained to him that Ctimene was allowing it and it wasn't cheating.
-At first they tried to keep their relationship a secret to avoid questions from the crew and reactions like Ody's but Polites was completely incapable of acting like he wasn't in love with Eurylochus so they dropped the secret after a while.
-Polites always thinks Eurylochus looks super cool no matter what he is doing and Eurylochus always thinks Polites looks gorgeous no matter what he is doing.
-Both love seeing other sides of each other, Polites loves when Eurylochus acts sweet and Eurylochus loves when Polites acts more serious, specially during battles.
-Polites likes gifting things to Eurylochus so he was planning of searching something for him every time they stopped at an island, he didn't last enough to do this so Eurylochus only has what Polites gave him from the island of the lotus eaters.
-Eurylochus loved Polites' optimism but he was always worried that something would happen to him.
-Eurylochus was REALLY mad that Odysseus threw Polites' headband away during the underworld (don't worry guys, poli picks up the headband, it's not lost).
-while Odysseus was talking to the prophet the crew was comforting Eurylochus because seeing Polites in the underworld affected him a lot.
-ghost au thing: no matter how much everyone, including Polites, told him it wasn't healthy, Eurylochus' sleeping schedule got absolutely wrecked after he discovered Polites was more visible during the night, after a while he was convinced to fix it.
-Polites loves cuddling with Eurylochus.
-Polites also loves asking Eurylochus to pick him up.
-Polites is the only other person that can lift The strongest of Same, not because he is specially strong, is just that he is the only one Eurylochus allows to.
-Polites is great at baking, Eurylochus is great at cooking.
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epicsfanshitposting · 2 months
Odysseus- Ody, duh. Also Dyssi, main called this by kids... Like Telemachus, even tho he's never seen his father... And Polities.
Eurylochus- rylo -> rhino, for his physical prowess in battle. Lochus, given to him by Polities and Odysseus, and it somehow stuck
Polities - lit -> light, for proud or distressed moments. Pol/Poli, for Ody and Locus.
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midnight-drip · 22 days
epic gang!!! I have a Thought!!!!
((!!spoilers for We'll Be Fine ahead!!))
"then his light went dark" I think this line is about Polites!!!!! Might be wishful thinking just because I love the song so much but I think it's a reference to Your Light!
Hear me out: Athena says this when talking about her platonic breakup with Ody, and we know that when that happens at the end of the Cyclops Saga, Ody is still VERY MUCH shaken up and affected by Polites' death and he's real upset about it ("my friend is dead!", "your dead friends can attest- "HEY!") . Also!! in the background after Athena riffs on "dark", we can hear mallets!!!! Poli's instrument!!!
anyways. maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. but I'm having very many Feelings about this saga.
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jarondont · 7 days
Greetings, Telemachus of Target. These are great questions of the ships you like in mythology and it’s your turn to answer (/nf):
OTP of all time?
Your favorite straight or male/female ship/s?
Your favorite mlm or gay ship/s?
Your favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s?
Your ship/s you like to analyze but not ship as endgame? (any type)
Your favorite doomed ship/s?
Your favorite toxic ship/s?
Your favorite exes-ship/s?
Your favorite platonic ship/s? (any type)
Your favorite OT3/poly ship/s (any type)
NOTP of all time?
Least favorite straight or male/female ship/s?
Least favorite mlm or gay ship/s?
Least favorite wlw or sapphic ship/s?
Your crackships? List them all
Greetings, Macaronides. I thank thee for the ask :D
Ooh, this seems fun!
I wanna list them all. But if I have to pick one ... hm. I think I'll go with Odysseus x Penelope
Odypen, Hector x Andromache, Telemachus x Nausicaa
hm. I don't think i know any ...
errr idk ... i'm a pretty hard shipper ... I'll go with Eurylochus x Ctimene, but only bc Eurylochus basically gave up. I don't think he loved her any less tho (at least, EPIC!Eurylochus) also they're SO fun (in a painful way) to analyze
Patrochilles, Orpheus x Eurydice, Hector x Andromache, Eurylochus x Ctimene. Make me cry every time
Okay. Look. I don't ship them, and I never will. BUT. the ANGST potential ... of Telemachus x Antinous
uhhhhhh i have no idea. Menelaus x Helen? but they get back together ... eh. I still love them smmmmm <33
Odydio. I don't see a romance. but i SURE DO see the biggest bromance EVER
Antinous x Penelope. get the frick away from her, CREEP
(see #11) or also Ody x Calypso or Ody x Circe. he did NOT cheat on pen, y'all!!!!
poseidon x ody. it's hilarious but no.
hm ... idk. again, i don't really know any, so yeah
Ody's fleet
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scuorge101 · 2 months
yes finally finished the cloak scene! Some good ol hurt/comfort.
Polites jolts awake breathing hard and he has to bite his lip to prevent a choked scream from escaping. Pain pulses from his body as he tries to shake the nightmare of that cave again but in the darkness of his room it's almost impossible.
The shadows feel like they are creeping in and every dark corner has another club ready to strike. Polites tries to get up from his bed only for his shaky legs to give out and he falls. He isn't able to fully keep in the pained noise and the sound of the fall so soon Odysseus rushes in, face full of concern.
“Polites what's wrong, are you okay?!” Odysseus crouches down and Polites desperately clings to him. Everything hurts and he is shaking from the nightmare of a memory.
“Ody I need…to get outside…please-” Polites forces the words out as he is breathing hard and Odysseus hushes him. Odysseus gently picks him up making sure to not hurt his legs.
“Of course Poli just try and calm down a bit and I will help you get some fresh air.” Odysseus carries him a bit awkwardly considering how Polites is taller but he doesn't complain as he leaves the room. As soon as they arrive on a secluded part of the deck Polites visibly relaxes.
“Thank you.” Odysseus smiles but he is obviously worried for him. The guilt hits when he notices the dark bags under his friends eyes and the obvious exhaustion draped over him. Instead of apologizing(he knows Odysseus wouldn't accept it) he just gratefully smiles back.
The chilly air brings a bone deep ache from his wounds but he ignores it. Feeling the ache out on deck is infinitely better than being stuck in the dark room that reminds him too much of the cave.He still shivers a bit in the breeze and a warm cloak finds its way on his shoulders.
He looks up at Odysseus who now no longer has a cloak and Polites wraps it around him more soaking in the warmth and comfort it gives him. Polites leans on Odysseus and arms wrap around him.
They stay like that just snuggled together on the deck and even with the pain, a genuine smile spreads across Polite's face. He closes his eyes and just relaxes secure in the fact Odysseus is there with him.
You don’t understand my urge to draw this.
The fact he has nightmares </3 Oh Polites I am sorry for the way this AU torments you so 😔 But at least you’re not going to have to stay in that room for much longer! He will hold onto that cloak for a bit tho, Ty you Odysseus
Thank you for writing this and adding more motivation for me I really need to draw this scene or ima evaporate
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sleeping-at-sea · 18 days
I haven't made my daily post saying how much I love my husband and son
Chat I literally love them with my all I’m so glad we're friends I’m so glad I know them
Imagine if we weren't friends? That would be a horrible world
They're so great and I honestly would give anything just to make them happy
Them being happy makes me happy, that's honestly all I want for them
I love my best friends
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sera8273 · 2 months
Things that are practically cannon to the Epic the Musical Universe:
•Hermes Laughs like a Horse so of course Ody Laughs like a Squirrel-
•Odysseus name is Ody so Penelope should be Penny, Eurylochus is Eury or ‘Lochus, Polites should be Poli.
•Ody is a short king, Gods and Godesses are literally just doing it to activity fuck with him but some of his friends will take pity on him.
•Little Ajax is literally just a child that got adopted by all the Soldiers-
•Ody tucks his hair behind his ear in Suffering. That’s it.
•Hermes gave Ody drugs during Wouldn’t You Like.
•Ody and Circe had a Pokemon fight in Done For.
•The Lotus Eaters are just lil fuzzy furballs and Ody after the death of Poli kept 1. It stayed with him until the start of Underworld Saga.
•When Polite dies Ody either wears his Blue headband or uses it as a hair tie and at some point during Monster it gets lost.
•Eury has a Giant ass anime sword.
•Poseidon is literally just water but…alive.
•Athena, being an Owl, has traits like one.
•Zeus eyes glow Yellow.
•Zeus is also just Clouds and Lightning but…alive
•Aeolus is a fucking energetic speedster
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phantomdecibel · 2 months
If Odysseus died first and they somehow all made it to shore I think Eury and Poli would have a Pearl & Greg from SU kind of relationship . Specifically like “It’s Over, isn’t it?” Yknow ??
YES AMAZING. I can see either of them playing either role tbh, but poli would totally be greg (odys best friend and the one he listened to more) and euryl pearl (second in command, effectively odys trusted and loved tool not yet gone rogue). just like the crew had w poli they’d have such an idolized vision of ody in their heads and would argue abt it constantly–
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girlinthetardis04 · 1 month
Both of them just encountered the sirens (separately). Their two ships are unknowingly inching closer, but Odysseus's crew land on the island of *insert Sun god here Jay make up your mind is it Apollo or Helios* and ya know. Wouldn't a BBQ be nice right about now.
Cue ⛈️ Thunder Bringer ⚡
Penelope's boat was nearby. Close. Very close. Too close.
They get swept up in the storm as well. So now we have Ody, Eury and Poli (plus the Trojan girls) floating aimlessly on a piece of driftwood and Penelope holding onto Telemachus and their dog (perks of being half ocean nymph means you don't drown easy).
Both of their "crews" wash up on Calypso's island. They wander around cluelessly before finally FINALLY bumping into each other. Cue tearful reunion.
And scene
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ardenzia777 · 13 days
I almost never send “asks” but I can’t help but say how awesome your art isss!! The anatomy is so gOOD! Definitely very inspiring.
And like, it’s so nice to see another Odysseus x Polites shipper. It makes me more comfortable being an open shipper myself :b So thank you for that- gshsvshs
YESSS ANOTHER POLI ODY SHIPPER!!! Golly yesss it's so nice to find others out there. there aren't many of us and that hurts my soul, but my big goal is to convert as many people to the Odyites ship as i can cause THEY'RE SO CUTE AND AHHHHHHHHHH You are very very welcome, and i am so fucking happy you're also here
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