coochiequeens · 10 months
This Veterans Day don't let the media gloss over the women that served
By Lori Tobias | For The Oregonian/OregonLive
Ask most any of the 26,000 female Oregon military veterans about invisibility and not only will she know exactly what you are talking about, she’ll no doubt have a story or two of her own. That includes Dr. Nakeia Council Daniels, interim director of Oregon’s own Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Daniels said she didn’t even realize she was considered a veteran after servingin the U.S. Army from 1998 to 2003.
“I do not recall the word actually being used when I was processing out of the military,” Daniels said. “I remember the word civilian being used quite often in transition. There were no images of women. When I saw veterans, I saw older white men who had wartime paraphernalia on their headgear or on their clothing. Culturally, women have historically been disconnected. We don’t see ourselves as women veterans. I actually thought you had to be a certain age to be a veteran.”
Stories like Daniels are what inspired the “I Am Not Invisible” traveling photo exhibit created in 2017 by the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA) to “raise awareness and visibility of the women as veterans in Oregon.” This week, the exhibit is on display at Western Oregon University in Monmouth.
The idea for the exhibit grew out of a conversation with the Portland State University Veterans Resource Center, said Nicole Hoeft, ODVA Strategic Communications Division director. Oregon women veterans coordinator Elizabeth Estabrooks and PSU Veterans Resource Center director Felicia Singleton were in a meeting with women veterans discussing the veterans’ sense of feeling invisible. And from there, “I Am Not Invisible” was born.
“We wanted to make sure that we had a diverse group of women from all eras as well as positions and branches of service so that we could try to make sure that we had a photo or bio that would resonate with a majority of the other women that would be seeing this,” Hoeft said.
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"Culturally, women have historically been disconnected. We don’t see ourselves as women veterans. I actually thought you had to be a certain age to be a veteran,” said Dr. Nakeia Council Daniels, interim director of Oregon’s Department of Veterans’ Affairs.Courtesy of Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs
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“When we go through the gate at the Portland National Air Guard, they look at my husband and expect him to give his card and don’t expect me to. And I outrank him. It never occurs to them that I am the officer,” says Mary Mayer, who retired as a colonel after serving for more than 30 years in the U.S. Air Force.Courtesy of Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs
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Liz Estabrooks, ODVA’s first women's veteran coordinator, and Sen. Jeff Merkley review the exhibit in Washington, D.C., in 2017.Courtesy of Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs
The women veterans it resonates with include ODVA advisory board member, Mary Mayer. Like Daniels, Mayer also knows what it’s like to feel invisible, though she notes, “invisible means different things to different people.” In her case, it often also meant disrespected.
In 1972, Mayer went to Lackland Air Force Base for officer training, “It was the first time I met our squadron and one guy comes up to me and he says, ‘What are you doing in my man’s Air Force?’” Another time, Mayer needed help learning to march, a skill necessary to be an officer, but the drill instructor refused her request, hoping Mayer would “wash out.” It’s not only the obvious insults, like the lower ranking officer who refused to salute a woman, but the day-to-day slights, even in full dress uniform.
“Initially, we had black coats and white coats, kind of like a tuxedo, and I don’t know how many times I would have the white coat on and they thought I was the waiter,” Mayer recalled. “Another person thought I was a bus driver.” Retired as a colonel after serving for more than 30 years in the U.S. Air Force, Mayer still feels the sting. “When we go through the gate at the Portland National Air Guard, they look at my husband and expect him to give his card and don’t expect me to. And I outrank him. It never occurs to them that I am the officer.”
The issue of visibility isn’t only a lack of recognition but of access to benefits and resources, Daniels said. “This campaign gets right to the heart of education, outreach and awareness, not just to women veterans, but to the next generation that follows and to those military connected families … a way to reach out and ensure that in Oregon, all veterans are accessing their benefits and resources.”
It’s been more than six years since the “I Am Not Invisible” exhibit launched at the Portland Art Museum in February 2017. Mayer, who served on the Advisory Committee to the ODVA, recalled the opening day.
“The room was packed,” Mayer said. “Everyone was very moved. I mean, even the men. It was amazing. We were being seen for the first time. We really mattered.”
Since then, the exhibit has been replicated by the VA’s Center for Women Veterans, as well as dozens of state veterans groups. It was also on display in Washington, D.C., in the rotunda of the Russell Senate Office Building. It opened at the Western Oregon University in Monmouth on Monday and will be on campus through Nov. 11. It can also be seen at the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs website and in a video presentation at the Pacific Maritime Heritage Center.
“We are extremely, extremely proud of the advocacy that this exhibit has been able to carry on not only for just the first few months, but for six years now,” Hoeft said. “To date, there have been thousands of people that have seen thousands of women veterans’ photos attached to the “I Am Not” Invisible campaign. … We are very, very proud of this whole engagement and our partnerships now with the federal VA and the other state VAs who are also replicating this exact campaign.”
— Lori Tobias, for The Oregonian/OregonLive
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huijutoi · 1 year
Livvinkarjalan hiĺĺastu liikehty kuvailijat verbit
suomi — karjal
hiipiä hiivuo, hiidrie, hiibiä, hispua, ńulata
liikkua, liikuttaa hiljaa hidvelöittiä, vizeröittiä
liikkua hiljakseen kuďvelehtua, kublelua
laahustaa hizistä, hizajua, lukšua, lyödžyö, šlöhätä, vuovelehtua
köntystää kupettua
köpöttää käpettiä
ontua šlävätä, šlöhätä
liikkua vaivalloisesti elvie, kidžaittua
liikkua kömpelösti höńťittiä, kömpiköijä, köbistä, köńťitä, kömssiä, käpyldiä, kämitä, kömitä, käńńitä
hoipertaa, horjahdella vuappuo, kötteröittiä
kuhnailla hydelehtiä, hydelöittiä, nojelehtua, čoksua, töllöillä, kuďvittua, kudžista, edenöijä, hyzelöittiä
vitkastella zevaija, vitškuttua
laiskotella taglastua
mutkitella vidveröittiä
kontata löššie, löššittiä, rybie, ryvissä, ryödiä, mammerehtua
Vora hiibi aittah da otti kuda midägi. Varas hiipi aittaan ja vei jotakin. Hispau astuu hiĺĺah. Hiipiä astuu hiljaa. Voimatoi odva vai hiivou häpettäy. Sairas nipin napin hiipiä askeltaa. Hiiret hydritäh seinän loukkolois. Hiiret hiipivät seinän koloissa. Reboi hidvelöittäy nenä muas. Kettu hiipii nenä maassa. Ńulattih käskemättä pruazńiekkah. Hiipivät juhliin salaa.
Kaži händiä vizeröittäy. Kissa liikuttaa hiljakseen häntäänsä. Vilu hibjas kuďvelehtau. Kylmä ihoa myöten hiljaa hiipii. Kondii peril kublelou. Karhu takamailla tallustaa.
Väzynyönny kodih hizizin. Väsyneenä laahustin kotiin. Hiĺĺah tulou hizajau. Hiljakseen tulla laahustaa. Lukšetah kävelläh. Laahustavat. Illat lyödžyy ruadoloin kel. Illat laahustaa töissään. Akku odva vai šlöhiäy mahan kel. Vaimo nipin napin laahustaa mahansa kanssa. Vuovelehtau hiĺĺah vahnaine. Laahustaa hiljakseen vanhus.
Nečih luaduh šläviäy nuori inehmine, ei voi astuo puťilleh. Siihen malliin ontuu nuori ihminen, ei kunnolla voi kävellä.
Starikku hiĺĺazeh astuu kupettau. Vanhus hitaasti astuu köntystää.
Nojelehtetah vai, ei ruata. Nojailevat vain, eivät työtä tee. Pertis vai čoksetah, ei lähťetä kunne. Sisällä vaan kuhnailevat, eivät minnekään mene. Töllöilöy neče, rua ei ńi midä! Kuhnailee tuo, ei mitään tee! Ei mene hebo, kudžizou vai. Hevonen ei mene, kuhnii vain.
Taglan luaduh istuu laškannu, taglastau. Laiskana istuskelee, laiskottelee.
Älä zevaiče! Älä viivyttele! Vitškuttau ruadau. Vitkastellen työskentelee.
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stegal · 1 year
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Mi az hogy nincs odvas fátok, jó akkor majd rakok fészket..
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balazskisswriter · 2 years
Mikből állnak a jegyzeteim?
Most egy icipici bepillantást nyerhettek abba, hogyan készülnek a regényeim, pontosabban, hogyan készül most a Keltike, a lázadó. 
Az alábbi részekre osztottam a jegyzeteket: 1. A történet (és a világ) röviden 2. Ajánló (ezt már megosztottam veletek) 3. Szereplők 4. Helyszínek 5. Mitológia (és kultúra), lények, szörnyek 6. Istenek és istennők 7. Hősök 8. A csodakristályok és az űrkövek / technológia / modern dolgok 9. Szervezetek, foglalkozások 10. Keltike varázslatai 11. Időszámítás és a hozzá kapcsolódó kulturális, vallási magyarázatok 12. Kis információ az odvas keltike nevű virágról 13. Zene ("főcímdalok", Kristallia saját muzsikái) 14. Cselekményvázlat (természetesen ez teszi ki a legbőségesebb szakaszt)
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jobkash · 1 month
Program Accountant (Accountant 3)
Initial Posting Date: 08/14/2024Application Deadline: 08/28/2024Agency: Department of Veterans AffairsSalary Range: $5,747 – $8,831Position Type: EmployeePosition Title: Program Accountant (Accountant 3)Job Description:Program Accountant- (Accountant 3)The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs (ODVA) is a State of Oregon agency with a mission to serve and honor veterans through leadership,…
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hkxytech · 3 months
Honeywell 2MLL-DMEB-CC DeviceNet
Honeywell 2MLL-DMEB-CC DeviceNet, DEVICENET, MASTER, 500KBPS, ODVA, COATEDModel: 2MLL-DMEB-CCCategories: Modular ControllersBrand: Honeywell
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invertek · 3 months
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EtherNet/IP Module
ODVA compliant EtherNet/IP Modbus Translator Device. Compatible with all drive platforms: P2, E3 & Eco. Integrated network switch: simplifying network architecture. Compatible with RSLogix and CoDeSys PLCs.
The VFD Exchange
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madarashirek · 6 months
Tüneményes odúkat kaptak a balatoni madarak a nemzeti park munkatársaitól - Magyar Állatvédelem
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crystal970225 · 7 months
🎈ODVA SC SX Waterproof Fiber Adapter for Cabinets
ODVA SC Waterproof Fiber Adapter is easy to install and made from durable materials that are resistant to moisture, dust, and other environmental factors. High-quality fiber optic adapter designed for use in cabinets, panels, harsh outdoor environments, and other similar environments. 
 😊Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 18370107379 to get a factory price ~ 
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suntelecomcn · 1 year
FTTA Fiber Optic Distribution Box: Ideal Solution for 5G Network Application
FTTA (Fiber-to-the-Antenna) fiber optic distribution box is used for network access points terminals in the FTTx network. It has inlet and outlet cables pre-connected, eliminating the need for closure opening and fiber splicing. All ports are equipped with hardened adapters. The operators do not need to splice fibers or open boxes during optical distribution network (ODN) deployment, which improves service provisioning efficiency. This article discusses the FTTA fiber optic distribution box.
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What is FTTA Fiber Optic Distribution Box?
FTTA fiber optic distribution box is a new economic fiber distributed solution for outdoor use. It is easy to operate and has high compatibility. It is used for wall-mounting, aerial, and holding pole installations.
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Features and Benefits
High compatibility: can be assembled ODVA, Mini SC, ODC, H-connector
Factory-sealed or field assembly
1200N pulling force long term
From 6 to 12 ports for single or multi-fiber waterproof connectors
Available with PLC or splice sleeve for fiber divide
IP68 waterproof rating
Wall mounting, an aerial installation, or holding pole installation
Meet IEC 61753-1 standard
Application Scenarios
Traditional solutions use ONU or FDH (Optical Network Unit/Fiber Distribution Hub) when trunk optical cable arrives outside mansions and villas. FTTA fiber optic distribution box can replace ONU or FDH because of the fiber distribution function. Inside, it can be fixed 2-4pcs 1*8 or 1*16 PLC and can be put 24pcs fiber splice protection sleeves. After mating with a 1-48F IP67 pre-assembled waterproof connector, the FTTA fiber optic distribution box can directly connect each mansion and villa or low-voltage silo. It can reduce signal loss through the fewer connecting nodes.
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Traditionally, remote radio units (RRU) and building baseband units (BBU) connected by fiber optic cable, formed star network topology. Each RRU needs one duplex outdoor cable link to BBU. The installation will need more time, and the cost will be high. FTTA fiber optic distribution box works as an Aggregation/Demark box, linking RRU and BBU together. From BBU to FTTA fiber optic distribution box, only need one multi-fiber hybrid cable. Then FTTA fiber optic distribution box divides fibers to each RRU through IP67 pre-assembled waterproof cable assemblies. RRU can get power through assembled power connector on the FTTA fiber optic distribution box. It can avoid needless duplication.
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Trunk Cable Connecting
Trunk cable is fusion welded frequently because each drum cable's length is limited. So connecting point is weak and needs to be protected very well. When the trunk cable comes into the FTTA fiber optic distribution box, it will be sealed and fixed by a torsion-proof cable gland (plastic or metal type). For 5mm/14mm out diameter cable, the FTTA fiber optic distribution box has different accessories to fit.
The torsion gland can release stress when the trunk cable bends and protects fiber to avoid breaking. Inside the FTTA fiber optic distribution box, the main cable and strength member are fixed by a fastener, ensuring that the box can stand 1200N pulling force long term.
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Military Communication
Connectors and cables cannot stand frequently, and high strength pulling and reuse. Inside the FTTA fiber optic distribution box, armored cable and strength member are fixed by a fastener, so ensure that the box can stand 1200N pulling force long term. High-strength material and arc interface design make sure the FTTA fiber optic distribution box works abnormally when suffering shocks.
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FTTA fiber optic distribution box provides waterproof protection for use in harsh environments. It reduces the total cost of operation and has high compatibility and flexibility.
Sun Telecom specializes in providing one-stop total fiber optic solutions for all fiber optic application industries worldwide. Contact us if you have any needs.
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rishinayak · 2 years
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Product Engineering | Industrial Solutions | Automation | Utthunga We are a niche product engineering company specialized in end to end product engineering like application software, hardware & firmware application, IIoT applications, OPC-UA and industrial communication. We work actively with various technology consortiums and forums including OPC-Foundation, ODVA, FieldComm group, PNO, FDT Group and other industrial technology groups.
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holightoptic-blog · 3 years
Armoured 24Fibers ODVA MPO-ODVA MPO OM4 φ7.0mm Patch cable
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icnweb · 3 years
마이크로칩, 시간민감네트워크(TSN) 지원 이더넷 스위치 출시
마이크로칩, 시간민감네트워크(TSN) 지원 이더넷 스위치 출시
LAN9668 TSN 스위칭 디바이스 제품군 마이크로칩테크놀로지(아시아 총괄 및 한국대표: 한병돈)가 산업자동화 현장에서 실시간 제조 공정을 수행할 수 있도록 시간민감네트워크(TSN)을 지원하는  새로운 산업용 이더넷 스위치인 ‘LAN9668 TSN 스위칭 디바이스 제품군’을 출시했다고 밝혔다. 이 제품군은 업계 최초의 스위칭 솔루션에서 IEEE 표준 호환 기능을 제공하여 데이터 트래픽 지연을 줄이고 클럭 정확도를 높여준다. 특히 이번 LAN9668x는 마이크로칩의 LAN8814 4포트 기가비트 이더넷 PHY(Physical Layer) 트랜시버를 추가함으로써 성능 실현을 구현했다. 마이크로칩의 LAN9668-I/9MX 및 LAN9668-9MX 디바이스는 각각 Arm® Cortex®-A7 CPU(중앙 처리…
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comedicchaplain · 3 years
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#ODVA #Oregon #VeteransAffairs (at Salem, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQUztbNl1HL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alisaspringoptic · 5 years
ODVA Bulkhead Adapter
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nubesetanimus · 6 years
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Krókuszok és odvas keltikék
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