#odin server
neriyon · 6 days
For the FFXIV ask thingy: 8, 14 & 20~
Ohh nice, a triple~
8. Biggest Accomplishment?
This is a hard one since I don't do any savages or extremes or any of the "hard" endgame content people usually say as their big accomplisments haha. So I guess uhh, idk, getting all jobs to 90 during EW? (six to go till all jobs at 100) Or that 5000th commendation I got last month? Figuring out how to do old content (and maps) with just the 3 of us? Still playing this game after 5 years?
14. Favorite Raid?
Alliance one? One of the Nier raids, probably Copied. Ridorana, Orbonne and Aglaia are good too, but there's just something that sparks joy whenever I see Nier raids come up in roulette.
8-man ones? Uhhh..... Pandae 9 (Kokytos) or 11 (Themis)? P4 (Hesperos), 6 (Hegemone) and 7 (tree) were nice too, and I kinda still like getting Eden Titan on rouls.
20. Favorite Limit Break?
Hmm, summoner one is very neat! Not that you get to use it that often, but it's fun to finally become Bahamut.
Fav tank one is drk, melee on is ninja (*angrily does really fast hand signs at you*), ranged is bard (its the bow at the end) and healer is whm. Almost all of them are good tho, only ones I'm meh about are the more "boring", non flashy ones (pld, mnk, sam)
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unityrain24 · 25 days
just discovered the gotcha for gaza discord server has a odinsleep lost in the sauce odin soup stew emoji and it is the best emoji in existence
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hearthofhiminbjorg · 2 years
Hearth of Himinbjörg | 18+
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The Himinbjörg is a 18+ Discord Server for fans, writers, and artists, of Heimdall and other God of War characters! It was created for the sole sense of gathering into a community and pushing further interaction between readers, writers, and artists and bridging the gap that relies on likes and reblogs to spread content. While this is Heimdall-centric server, discussion of all other characters is welcome, as well as the plot, original mythology (or what remains of it), and more. In this server you can:
• make requests for writers and artists that anyone can choose to pick up!
• get writing and drawing help from other artists and writers!
• share ideas, plots, prompts, especially if you are a reader and want to see something specific!
• create a collection of Heimdall and God of War content that is not hidden away within the darkness of tumblr!
• server events such as movie nights, card games, and voice call hangouts!
• casual God of War themed literate roleplay!
And so much more! The server is small, at the moment, so if the idea of large servers does not interest you, no worries! Come join us and share your work, or come hang out and chat! Just click this link here to join! If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to our ask box and a moderator will be happy to answer! *Please note that invites are time sensitive and each link will expire within a set date, so join as soon as possible so you don't have to wait for the new invite! Server changes are also in progress. **You will be required to fill out a mandatory introduction form upon entering the server before you can access the server channels. Once you do, a moderator will be able to approve you.
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usertransducks · 2 months
obviously I’m excited for people to read this week’s PKNA but I’m more excited for people to read Portrait of the Young Hero next week :D
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Alright time to help me make a decision
Images under the cut
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Base form Skadi
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Skadi the Corrupted Heart
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Skalter BoC skin
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asatroende · 1 year
I wish there was a tumblr specific discord or something for discussing asatro, I have so many thoughts in my head about stories and folk tales and all that but I can’t like develop them at length with other people of the faith and I don’t wanna join an organisation about it
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reality-detective · 27 days
The new variants coming out are MILITARY codes and each variant signals Military operations and White Hats chess< counter movements/
(The DEEP STATE got really confused when so much different Variants started popping up on the news and papers without their CONTROL and Acknowledgement>>>> they can't back track these STORIES planted or say they didn't name the new variants ...it will truly destroy their NARRATION if they deny these variants popping up!!!)/////
Pay close attention to the new variant >>>>>>>>>>>>OMICROM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
OMI= ODIN (Omi is one of ODINS name)
CROM: is a commanded to an operating system or server for a job that is to be Executed at Specified time.
> >>>>>>>>>>PROJECT ODIN < </<<<<<<<<
WHO Skips Next Greek Letter After “Nu” in Naming New COVID Variant – The Next Letter “Xi” Might Draw Attention to China – So They Named it “Omicron” Instead
Xi =11 in Roman numerals
>Q, POST #1116 (>ELEVEN<16)
Thank you Xi
Good start.
China/CQ cancel.
(This post was not about China or Xi ...it was disinformation..Q knew the enemy was reading the post.... And Q Mil.Intel couldn't break the laws of National Security by openly stating the Laws of War > End of occupation 11.3< )
CHAPTER 11(xi) in the Law Of War all pertain to END FOREIGN OCCUPATION and 11.15 has specific rules on how to " combat the spread of contagious diseases and EPIDEMICS"
Side note;
Xi also means 14 (fourteen in gematria =104)
Q post #104
Now is the time to pray.
We're are operational.
God bless the United States of America.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
It was over before it began.
~ Be careful PATRIOTS/ANONS/ Freedom fighters across the world....... Be careful of those who divide inside the Great AWAKENING......( Many are drunk on EGO> FOLLOWERS>or simply are drunks and high and take to social media to vent (hate/accuse/>ego<) and instead of seeking help for their mental problems or drug problems or alcohol problems........./////
I'm not here for these games or followers or being a keyboard warrior looking for fights and raging nonsense....
Some of us are here.. Because we truly care for humanity, nature, animals and Earth...
No matter where you are seek peace.
God will not do for you.. What you can do for yourself. ( This means learn to use all your sacred senses in Harmony ..... Come to a clean life.. LIGHT)> THE GREAT AWAKENING is much more than can be fathomed...
I'm sure I'll get some flack for sharing this but I have to admit, a lot of Q posts have come to fruition in many ways. Sure it's a Psyop and it's happening on both sides. It's up to you to know or be-LIE-ve. 🤔
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #11
Today's prompt isn't a Harry Potter one like I said it would be yesterday, but that's because I'm sick and writing makes my head hurt (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) so instead, I grabbed one of @stealingyourbones prompts off the @batpham-discord-highlights server and ended up drawing it! Now, for it to count per my own rules, I have to write something to go with it, so I will, but it will be short (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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Jason didn't set out to adopt two traumatized teens with super powers, but then, he'd come to realize that Bruce, for all his faults, had been the same way. The difference was, Jason refused to fail his sons the way Bruce had failed his own kids. While Jason's new biggest fear was turning out just like either of his fathers, his kids constantly reassured him he was doing pretty well.
He did his best to train his kids, both in and out of suit, helped them with their homework, and made sure they spent time being kids instead of fighting crime (if Captain Marvel suddenly started taking more days off from the League, well, the big three could only feel relief). He also did his best to keep his kids off the Bat's radar, at least until they were both sixteen and could use their powers competently in either of their forms. He'd almost succeeded in that last one when a mass Arkham breakout had called for all hands on deck. He had tried to leave his kids behind, but Danny and Billy were insistent. Thus, Hood's Ravens, named after Odin's own raven companions, Hugin and Munin, took flight through Gotham.
Through the mission brief and the first part of the roundup, Hugin and Munin stuck close to Red Hood, keeping their powers mostly under wraps. They were doing surprisingly well in such a large scale mission, in Jason's opinion. Sure, they'd both had previous experience with fighting large groups or for long periods separately, the kind of teamwork they were displaying, working as two parts of a whole, brought Jason a sense of pride. He'd been the one to teach them that, after all.
Suddenly, Babs let out a frustrated growl over comms. "I just lost connection to half the cameras in the city, I'm nearly as blind as you guys. You're going to have to do this the old fashioned way until I can figure out what happened," she said.
Jason shared a look with his sons and sighed, silencing whatever protest or reassurance the others were flooding the comms line with. "You two sure about this?" He got twin nods. "Alright. You know the rules. Stay out of sight, don't engage if you don't have to. Hugin, you take East side, Munin, you take West side. Go." Both boys were suddenly airborne, one flying East and the other flying West. He watched them fly for a bit before getting back to work. He trusted them to follow his rules and to know their limits. They could do this.
Soon, nearly identical voices were feeding real time information directly to the bats, each raven playing the role of "eye in the sky" surprisingly well for fifteen year olds. They directed the closest free bat or bird to problem areas, they rescued trapped or injured civilians, and most of all, they listened to any suggestions or corrections Babs gave them and adjusted accordingly. Jason was so unbelievably proud of his sons, he was fit to burst from it all. He couldn't understand how Bruce had never buried them all under mountains of praise if he'd ever felt even half as proud of his bats and birds as Jason was of his ravens in that moment.
Eventually, things calmed down enough that Jason wasn't exactly surprised to sense the big man himself dropping onto the roof behind him. Jason let Bruce watch him as he continued to watch his sons flying over and through the city, giving directions and helping when needed. They stood there like that for a few minutes before Jason sighed. "What is it, old man?"
"Those kids, Hugin and Munin. Who are they."
Jason felt the pit rise up at Bruce's tone, feasting on the riot of pride, anxiety, joy, fear, and anger. He wondered if the green he was seeing was real or imaginary as he turned to look over his shoulder at his adoptive father. "Those are my sons," he growled.
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There (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)I hope that satisfies! It's only thanks to ibuprofen that I was able to get through writing that much, so thank you modern pharmaceuticals ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Whether or not Danny and Billy are actually related (ie long lost twins, cousins, clones, brothers really close in age) or just doppelgangers is up to the reader, but the point is they're practically identical when just standing next to each other, but suit them up as Red Hood's Ravens, Hugin and Munin, they're indistinguishable until one goes invisible and the other starts shooting spells at things. In fact, Danny and Billy regularly "switch" who is Hugin and who is Munin. They usually discuss beforehand who is going to be who for a given period of time, but sometimes one of their power sets is better suited for a situation and they'll switch on a dime. Of course, this is only possible because their suits are identical in every way, being based heavily on Dick's Nightwing costume (specifically the Young Justice version) with red ravens on their chests instead of the bat on Jason's. Neither has a preferred weapon to deal with as they're both hand to hand fighters when they're not using their powers (Danny's ecto/ice blasts and Billy's spells), either. They do both still show up as their first alter egos, Phantom and Captain Marvel, fairly regularly, but Jason ensures they get plenty of rest and down time while still doing their school and homework.
I might have more to add later, but I'm drowning in snot and the ibuprofen is trying to wear off, so I'm going to leave it there. If anyone wants to continue this, please let me and @stealingyourbones know so we can enjoy it, too! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Have a good morning/day/night!
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gposers · 3 months
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Character Name: Khian'to Ghava Server: Odin Twitter Caption: Master and Servant
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
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...feel like I should be making a FFXIV Server Cryptid Off.
Alright so...
Adamantoise - The Loogie Cactuar - Iron Mouse Faerie - Hobo Obobo Gilgamesh - Jenova - Lil JC Midgardsormr - Sargatanas - Siren -
Crystal: Balmung - Mog Dancers Brynhildr - Dancing Thancred Coeurl - Dancing Pope Diabolos - Goblin - Malboro - Weeabo Police Mateus - Kweh Zalera -
Dynamis: Halicarnassus - The Lala Squad Maduin - Marilith - Seraph -
Primal: Behemoth - Excalibur - Exodus - Famfrit - Hyperion - Lamia- Leviathan - Ultros-
Light: Lich - Odin - Rex Phoenix- Shiva- Twintania- Zodiark- Alpha- Raiden-
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alice-the-arcane · 2 months
If anyone has witchy discord servers that don't take themselves seriously or try to act professional where the owner calls everyone "Hon" or "Sweetheart" plz let me know bc:
Why is every witch discord always filled with people who talk like they're a high priestess and act all professional???
Where are my feral servers with "yea so I pissed in a jar filled with rusty nails and im using it to keep bad vibes away from me" or "I wrote this song for Lord Dionysus" and it's just screaming into the void with some nice banjo in the background.
It genuinely irritates me. I'm part of one witchy server only because of their library and group grimoire (and I was hoping for community but still haven't found it). I posted one thing about leaving an offering of Oreos to (I think Odin) and someone was like "it means more if you don't eat the offering"
Dude, I live off of food stamps. My food and drink offerings are always eaten or drank as I offer them. I can't just leave it out.
"Odin, Allfather, I invite you to enjoy whatever food or drink I consume today through me. Please, thank you, and I love you." *Eats offering*
That's literally how I do it.
And if I'm fishing I invite Njord and (try to remember) to say something about the fish guts being an offering back to the land (because I don't eat the guts and, historically speaking, the Vikings would give the blood of their game as an offering and eat the meat).
Now, I just try not to talk about my deity work on discord. The most I do is talk about Tarot once or twice a week to not get kicked from the server until I find another server that I actually like and feel welcome in.
I got introduced to Paganism (which very much ties into my craft) through SJ Tucker's music. Through the fun and whimsy of it all, because that's what I'm like. I don't like people who take themselves seriously.
Like yeah sometimes deity work is leaving raw meat out as an offering with flames and herbs n stuff but other times it's:
*Shakes candy bag* who wants candy?!
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Look, i already asked this in my Discord server, but i do need some more info and more opinions cause I'll make that game eventually.
Odin build a SPACE TRAIN? Yea? And lyf called the clothes and weapons of the 3 bandits "utterly alien" between oop train gone and oop train back, 80 years passed and they DO have space ships now-
In what time period would anything be? "aesthetic" wise mean? a steampunk space train would be cool, sure. and i don't think I'm trying to give it logic cause the train is powered by BLOOD. I think i just need some rough explanation?? Or hell, if you like making graphs that a 5 year old could understand, I'd GLADLY use that as reference??
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Tagging: @thepresidentloki @goddessof-death @god-of-sillyness @loki-laufeychild @your-savior-ishere @demonofchaos @sallaufeydottir
(Pls tag anyone i forgot?)
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magpie-murder · 11 months
Hey buddy, I too used to like Loki so much, he was my comfort character. Then I saw Ragnorak, where he was the butt of the joke and started to hate everything he was on.. I'll be very if he's done for good and left alone.
What's your opinion on the finale? I just simply read the plot on wiki.
i'm not watching (and will not watch— i'm boycotting disney+ out of support of palestine anyway) season 2, but i've been told about it so i do have some thoughts.
i think, as far as the show goes, it's by far not the worst ending they could have gone with. i feel that it's a mixed bag.
on one hand, i really enjoy seeing self-destruction in loki plotlines as a means to explore this very visceral and realistic grief. i've been saying for a little while that i would rather have had loki's story end at thanos' hands, because as horrific as it was and how much it upset me at the time, i think there's kind of a beautiful tragedy to it. especially in comparison to his treatment in the series.
on the other, i feel very bitter knowing that, after two seasons of a show which downplayed his trauma, made fun of his prior characterization (that cringe "i was so angry at odin and thor" dialogue), and demonized him for things he didn't do (i will stay mad about blaming him for frigga's death. that was not his fault lmao), he recieved an ending where he had to sacrifice his own comfort to protect his loved ones, and the world.
in theory, i ADORE this idea. i think it's extremely in-line with the stories i like to see from him for a character arc— learning to forgive the world for the way he was treated, and unlearning the (justifiably) defensive behavior that he used to defend himself which has only caused himself and his loved ones harm are both things i absolutely adore in a loki story.
however, it takes place in the finale of a show where he isn't really allowed to genuinely express his grief, or his trauma, or his remorse. obviously there could be a couple respectful scenes here and there that i magically have not seen, but the large majority of what i HAVE seen has been really condescending towards his character, and i feel that if there was a more sympathetic scene someone would have shown it to me by now in our discord server.
i ADORE tragedy stories. and i think this tragedy was pretty in-line with the purpose i believe he usually serves in fiction (characters are inherently storytelling devices, at the end of the day) so i think it's very bittersweet that something that emotional, and something that i love so much in theory, was a follow-up to a show in which the contents make me very uncomfortable.
that's just my two cents tho
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rainbowstargazerlilies · 10 months
Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 1 Poll 2
Tim/Narrative Flow:
When Jonny said "can I introduce you to the concept of narrative flow" he was setting them up on a blind date 
I quote tgis too often
He was a boy, she was an abstract concept, can I make it any more obvious?
Annabelle (TMA)/Carmilla/Odin
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51188014 just imagine odin in this :)
"A soft kiss was pressed to Odin’s cheek as she yawned, slowly opening her dark eyes to the face of her girlfriend. Carmilla smiled, kissing her pale cheek again. “Morning, love,” she whispered, making the tall vampire smile, her sharp fangs showing. “Hey there,” she murmured in return, gently pulling the covers off of the Allmother’s speckled legs, brushing her hand against the sparse hairs covering her. 
Odin laughed softly, ever the ticklish one, and swung her legs to the edge of the large, round bed, making sure not to disturb the alien lying next to her.
The two women smiled at each other as their younger girlfriend rolled over, spread-eagle over the entire bed. Annabelle groaned at the loss of heat almost as soon as Odin stood up, curling back into herself as her eyes flew open.
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serenedash · 1 year
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Since the whole Thor thing is taking off, I thought I'd show off my original ideas for him way back in 2020 when he was just my idea of what Baldr could look like because I have an unhealthy obsession with designing characters that have no design lmao, you can see I went through a lot of hairstyles, and I find it really fun and silly he's being shipped with Baldr since he was Baldr, I have set him free now so everyone enjoy the communal blorbo, and if you're like "I don't understand when was any of this made" it was an effort made on discord in the server "Daybreak ad Caelum" so from just some baldr idea to Thor, grandson of Odin and close friend to Baldr, here he is!
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