#odette eye
lea-andres · 7 hours
Since apparently my brain WANTS to get obliterated by bad news today, let's at least talk about the stuff I love the most lmao.
So @corrodeheavenn and I lumped our Batman obsessions together into a combined project we're writing together.
^ A Snake in the Garden, feat. Sebastian's girlie Dr. Odette Eye (I love Odette so much, she's so awful lmao)
^ And A Swann in the Arctic is about my girl, Alicia Swann. While no Odette Eye, I love her too. She's also The Worst™ lmao
You don't have to read them in any particular order (I think A Snake in the Garden is technically first though? I'll have to consult the timeline again) but they are pretty intertwined.
IDK, I want to ramble aimlessly about them right now lmao
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puddii-ng · 2 months
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swan lake x valkyrie
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ahollowgrave · 4 months
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-- glance.
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doveshovel · 3 months
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day 6: mirror // abandoned
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“It scares me what I see in the mirror sometimes. I fear that what I see will crawl out of the glass—I struggle to call it a reflection.”
ink, watercolour, gouache, gel polish topcoat, multichrome nail powder (twinkled t trapeze), nail gems on mixed media paper
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officersnickers · 4 months
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5/30/2024 - Costume
Today's prompt was literally perfect for my other (yes, another) NorRayEmma-fanchild, Luucy, in her first major role as Odette in Swan Lake, with her starring in a very feathery, light costume, despite being slightly lilac coloured, appearing snow white under the spotlight. The role of the entchanted Swan Princess is one of Luucy's most beloved, also heavily because of the simple, yet beautiful costume she did wear as a child.
( @ocweek)
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aria0fgold · 4 months
No more memories left to look through
A person with bright hair stood blankly in front of the shelves, they held an open book, one that they wanted to read through for a bit before deciding to buy. But somehow, like a lightbulb going out, its mind was plunge into the depths of an eternal darkness. It felt as though their entire identity was slipping, memories they knew was just there moments ago were fading far too fast for them to grasp. What was it doing here again?
Someone tapped its shoulder, causing them to flinch, the eye on its back opened just as they turned around to face the person beside them. It was a lady with silver hair.
“You okay? You've been standing there for awhile.”
It stared at her for a few moments and then looked back at the book it was holding, then back to the lady, its mind feels so empty but it can somewhat remember that they went to this store to buy a book. Right, they traveled to Ka Bue for a visit, then they went to this store to buy a book.
“Ah… yes! Thank you for asking, m'lady!” It made a small bow as they smiled at her. That's what Lord Joséphandre would do, right? But why did it think like that?
Something is missing… And that needs to be filled.
“M-m'lady huh…?” The lady chuckled, a bit awkwardly with a mixture of amusement too, “There's no need to be THAT polite. You can call me Odette! And you?”
“I'm—” . . .
. . .
What is… their name?
. . .
I can't… remember my name…
Why can't I… remember… my name…?
. . .
It looked around, to the shelves lined with books, to the book they held on its hands, and yet no matter what they do, they can't remember its own name. With furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown on their lips, they looked back to Odette who now wore a confused and concerned expression on her face.
“Ah… Apologies Lady Odette but I can't seem to remember my name after all…”
“Is… is that so? Are you really okay?” She seemed to be taken aback by the title again.
They closed their eyes, although the eyes on its chest and back stayed open. It was an action to mimic thinking deeply, something they used to be able to do before adding another pair of eyes to its body.
When was that however?
They can't remember.
“Hmm…” They opened their eyes again, they don't need to as the eyes on their face are blind, perhaps they wanted to appear as friendly as possible, or as polite as can be, or perhaps… something is wrong… It doesn't know what, it feels as though their identity is being rewritten the more the seconds pass. “I might still be sleepy after all… Well, nothing to be too concerned about Lady Odette!”
“Ahaha… You sure are polite, aren't you?”
“Thank you! Ah! Right, are you here for something by these shelves too? My sincerest apologies if I were on your way.”
“Oh no, it's just, I noticed you pick up that book. It's one of the best philosophy books there is, in fact, a certain friend of mine and I are still on opposing debates about its topics.” Odette spoke with a slight glimmer to her eyes before she paused, “…And also, your hair… somehow reminded me of something… I can't seem to remember what it is now though.”
The person with bright hair looked back to the book again, they remember reading this moment's ago, a philosophy book in regards to Craft, written in Ka Bue's language. They studied a bit of its language before coming here yet it seemed that there are still many unfamiliar words written on the book. Right… they remembered seeing such words and wanted to study some more of the language with the help of this book as motivation.
“This book… Truth be told, Lady Odette… I can't actually understand it!” They chuckled, “I was hoping to study more until I could, although it appears that you know quite a lot about it, if it isn't too much of a bother, may I borrow some more of your time for a chat about the topics of this book accompanied with some snacks and tea on the side perhaps? My treat of course!”
“Well, I can't possibly turn down a free meal! Although…” Odette smiled and turned to the shelves beside them, “How about I pick up some more books for you too, I know some interesting books here! As payment for the meal.”
“Hahaha! So long as I pay for it! It wouldn't be a free meal then if something of monetary value is exchanged!”
“Hah! That's fair. Alright, I'll just choose then.”
The person with bright hair smiled, they'd worry about its blank mind later. It'll be alright, the ________ leads, we follow... What was it that leads though...? Where did I get that saying from again...? . . . Well! Whatever! It'll be fine!
Soleil snippet during that time The Country disappeared ft. Odette by @gilfodile !
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dnangelic · 3 months
dark to me btw is a swan is a crow is a vulture is a cat is a snake.
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ariseur · 6 months
whoever made multiple youtube ads, like the “ad 1 of 3” type ads, i hope you honestly choke on your food. watch out i’m coming for you you better be oiled up and waiting for me when i find you
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turimoalin · 6 months
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Vaggie landed at Carmilla's place. Not the worst fate am I right?
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astarmaux · 1 year
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"Ever since we were small, we were fascinated by the places that were restricted to us, but it wasn't until we were a little older that we actually tested the waters; thinking we were clever."
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"What did I tell you? Nothing to it! And now we can finally see the wonders for ourselves!"
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"...uuuuh... O-Ode... Odette... d-don't l-look behind y-you... b-but, we need t-to... we need to run NOW!"
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"Did you just hear someone scream?"
"Looks like we found our missing morbol. Stay put! I'll handle it!"
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"Did we lose it? Please... I don't want to go back inside. Can we go home now?"
"Yeah, we lost it. Come on, let's hurry back home before we're found out."
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"How did that woman get here so f-"
"Ah, and here they are now, Master Astarmaux. Your girls are lucky we still had one of our botanists on task."
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"You both could have been seriously injured... or worse, KILLED!"
"What were you two thinking?!"
"Oh, the Forum is going to crawl all over your father and I for this one."
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"I'm sorry mother. I'm sorry father. It was my idea. Saedre followed me."
"...please forgive us."
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"Through it all, we may not have always seen eye to eye, but I'll never forget how you always protected me. Taking the blame when you didn't need to."
"That's what older siblings are for, I suppose. Besides, you do know I always aimed to collect on those times I took the blame for it all. Did you think they would all come free?"
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ahollowgrave · 5 months
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-- we could be broken hearted loves.
][ feat. @abyssalmermaiden's beautiful and charming Viola! ][
ominous chanting ghost date ghost date ghost date ghost date I've spoken a lot about Odette's touch aversion and that she can overcome it with enough patience and care. What I think I've mentioned less is that she doesn't have this mental block with the dead and other ashkin.
And a close up of this kiss because posing kisses is hard and I liked how this came out:
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dawnthefluffyduck · 9 months
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Wanted to draw but didn't wanna mess with anything that had pen pressure in it just yet, so here's some ms paint doodles done while I watched a manchild play lethal company
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waterkangaroo · 1 month
"The Bedlam Bride. That extra eye of hers, the one she opens that blinds you and drives you mad? It's a metaphor. We had a saying, my people. Never stare into the blinding eye of the Bedlam Bride. What it means is don't become obsessed with something, lest you're blinded to everything else. When it shows itself, it's all you can see."
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fals3nd · 8 months
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always an angel , never a god.
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flythesail · 1 year
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Countdown to Nancy Drew: 24 Days
"Why is it that anytime something vile happens, it always involves you?"
— 2x08: The Quest for the Spider Sapphire
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