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israa-abdelgani · 2 years ago
أقراص أوديفسي – Odefsey؛ لعلاج مرض نقص المناعة البشرية أقراص أوديفسي – Odefsey المستخدمة لعلاج مرض نقص المناعة البشرية. تعرف كيفية استخدامها، الآثار الجانبية الناتجة عنها، جرعتها، بدائلها، سعرها في الأسواق.
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aya-kakeda · 5 years ago
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Here is 5 friends’ quarantine shopping list interview from last week! I took a weekend off🥰 last week I learned that my friend’s aunt has a rice farm, life of Paris, how to get inspiration for Ikebana, and more💕 Ypu can read the interview from a link on my profile! I’m posting it daily on my story if you are interested following this. Today was day20. That means NY has been shut down for more than 20days now😳 wow... thank you @ciou_in_hell @fluorescentpool @shihwenlin @catherine.lazure for the inspiration and the interview! . . . . . #dailyart #dailyinspiration #illustration_daily #illustration #productillustration #shoppinglist #covidart #ikebana #catherinesikebana #rize #camargue #bonappetit #odefsey #dailymedication #cheburashka #mandarin #russianchildrensbook #eggs @gileadsciencesinc #stayhome #stayhealthy #staysafe (at @ Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7YW_KjuXH/?igshid=w92ng566521j
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pozmagazine · 6 years ago
Among those starting HIV treatment for the first time, Edurant (rilpivirine) is superior to Sustiva (efavirenz) on multiple measures, aidsmap reports.
Publishing their findings in HIV Medicine, researchers conducted a multicenter, prospective and observational study of 1,490 people with HIV who started their first antiretroviral (ARV) treatment with Edurant (786 people) or Sustiva (704 people) and were members of the Italian Cohort Native Antiretrovirals Foundation Study. All participants began the study with a viral load below 100,000.
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fundacionluchandovenceras · 4 years ago
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ODEFSEY EMTRICITABINA / RILPIVIRINA / ALAFENAMIDA DE TENOFOVIR. Combinación farmacéutica #odefsey #rilpivirina #alafenamidadetenofovir #alafenamida #emtricitabina #clorhidrato #fumarato #tenofovir #salud #saludybienestar #arv #medic #medicine #medicinas #medicamento #retrovirrales #antiretrovirrales #concienciasocial #conciencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyUusYj63r/?igshid=erp5x8jtukum
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cozy-guy-88 · 6 years ago
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Can you tell? 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓖𝓪𝔂𝓼ᵀᴹ are traveling.
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suedework · 7 years ago
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davidmpillow · 3 years ago
Pharmacie Vezere
Qu'est-ce que Protonix ? Protonix (pantoprazole) est un inhibiteur de la pompe à protons qui diminue la quantité d'acide produite dans l'estomac.
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Protonix est utilisé pour traiter l'oesophagite érosive (lésions de l'oesophage causées par l'acide gastrique et provoquées par le reflux gastro-oesophagien, ou RGO) chez les adultes et les enfants âgés d'au moins 5 ans. Le pantoprazole est généralement administré pendant une période pouvant aller jusqu'à 8 semaines, le temps que l'œsophage guérisse.
Protonix est également utilisé pour traiter le syndrome de Zollinger-Ellison et d'autres affections impliquant un excès d'acide gastrique.
Mises en garde Protonix n'est pas destiné à soulager immédiatement les symptômes des brûlures d'estomac.
Les brûlures d'estomac sont souvent confondues avec les premiers symptômes d'une crise cardiaque. Consultez un médecin en urgence si vous ressentez une douleur ou une sensation de lourdeur dans la poitrine, une douleur se propageant au bras ou à l'épaule, des nausées, des sueurs et une sensation de malaise général.
Un traitement à long terme par Protonix peut également rendre plus difficile l'absorption de la vitamine B-12 par votre organisme, entraînant une carence en cette vitamine. Parlez-en à votre médecin si vous avez besoin d'un traitement à long terme par Protonix et que vous vous inquiétez d'une carence en vitamine B-12.
Le pantoprazole peut provoquer des problèmes rénaux. Informez votre médecin si vous urinez moins que d'habitude, ou si vous avez du sang dans vos urines.
La diarrhée peut être le signe d'une nouvelle infection. Appelez votre médecin si vous avez une diarrhée qui est aqueuse ou qui contient du sang.
Le pantoprazole peut provoquer l'apparition ou l'aggravation des symptômes du lupus. Informez votre médecin si vous avez des douleurs articulaires et une éruption cutanée sur vos joues ou vos bras qui s'aggrave au soleil.
Vous pourriez être plus susceptible d'avoir une fracture osseuse si vous prenez ce médicament à long terme ou plus d'une fois par jour.
Avant de prendre ce médicament Les brûlures d'estomac peuvent imiter les premiers symptômes d'une crise cardiaque. Obtenez une aide médicale d'urgence si vous avez une douleur thoracique qui s'étend à votre mâchoire ou à votre épaule et si vous vous sentez anxieux ou étourdi.
Vous ne devez pas utiliser Protonix si :
vous prenez également un médicament qui contient de la rilpivirine (Edurant, Complera, Juluca, Odefsey) ;
vous avez eu des problèmes respiratoires, des problèmes rénaux ou une réaction allergique grave après avoir pris du pantoprazole dans le passé ; ou
vous êtes allergique au pantoprazole ou à des médicaments similaires (lansoprazole, oméprazole, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, et autres).
Informez votre médecin si vous avez déjà eu :
un faible taux de magnésium dans votre sang ;
du lupus ; ou
une ostéoporose ou une faible densité minérale osseuse.
Vous êtes plus susceptible d'avoir une fracture osseuse si vous utilisez Protonix à long terme ou plus d'une fois par jour. Discutez avec votre médecin des moyens de garder vos os en bonne santé, surtout si vous êtes un adulte de plus de 50 ans.
On ne sait pas si Protonix peut avoir un effet sur un bébé à naître. Les études sur les animaux n'ont montré aucun effet nocif. Informez votre médecin si vous êtes enceinte ou si vous prévoyez de l'être.
Protonix est sécrété dans le lait maternel, mais on ne sait pas si Protonix a un effet sur le nourrisson. Prévenez votre médecin si vous allaitez avant de prendre Protonix.
Protonix n'est pas approuvé pour une utilisation par des personnes âgées de moins de 5 ans.
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• "Either I gave it to him or he gave it to me. When we first met (many years ago), both of us claimed to be negative. Four months after we met, I got tested and the results were negative. One month later we stopped using condoms. Then, about 18 months after that, a test came back positive, first for me and later for him. ~ Every two months I see my doctor, blood is drawn and new viral load and T-cell numbers follow. Currently, I am on Odefsey. Previously, I was taking Complera. Before that, Atripla. ~ I have had zero success using condoms. In the mid-1990s, condom use rightfully became part of the accepted formula in the effort to lessen, treat and prevent HIV infection. My personal response to the evolving situation was to give up having anal sex completely. I couldn't make condoms work, and I didn't want to commit murder by ejaculation. HIV impacted my sex life in a very negative way. ~ PrEP, PEP and the notion of undetectable have lessened the anxiety that I feel regarding sexual activity. While hook-ups are rare, I am enjoying sex once again." ~ Ken, 72, undetectable. Hell's Kitchen, NY. Music and piano teacher (at New York, New York)
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katiesrunning · 7 years ago
Health Care Spotlight: Kendall
This is a segment of the blog that I am incredibly excited to introduce to all of you.
In this post and in similar posts once a month, I will be featuring individuals who desperately need their health care to survive.
I am a few days behind, but I had no idea exactly what it would take to put a post like this one together and, now that I know, I will be more prepared.
So, let’s get started.
This is Kendall.
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Kendall  loves his dog, Penny.
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Kendall is happily married.
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Kendall enjoys playing video games, watching TV, reading science fiction and spending time at home. Though, when he was younger, he enjoyed having many friends, now that he is older, he enjoys the company of smaller, more intimate groups. He would choose the comfort of his own home over the noise and chaos of a bar or club.
“I'm an optimistic and positive person,” he says,”but you might say I have a short fuse. I'm very much a Libra and have always identified with the balance and the need to help and lead. I've always been a  leader, and frankly I don't do well in subordinate positions. But I make do.”
Kendall attended college and studied political science, stage management and acting. Finances eventually got in the way, however, and he did not complete his degree. Though he tells himself (and others) that he will get back into it one day, “I don't know. More and more I don't see it as worth it, as expensive as everything is. Anyways, my husband has an MBA so we'll hopefully be fine.  I really enjoy theatre but it's been years since I felt the drive or need to work backstage. It might be a hobby I used to have that I hold on to, despite not truthfully being interested anymore. ”
Side note: I feel you, Kendall. This is a fascinating phenomenon for me - the way humans hold on to things that used to bring them joy whether they continue to do so or not. The nostalgia and the fascination there once was combine to make us feel like the object is still providing us with everything we need from it. Yet, we leave work, rehearsal, class, etc. some days feeling empty and wonder why. I struggle with this often. I imagine we all do - as, in some cases, we have identified ourselves using the object to describe who we are. I love that Kendall describes himself here as someone who loves theatre, but admits openly that it may not be him anymore. It’s beautiful and honest.        
This is Kendall.
Kendall was diagnosed with HIV on January 3rd, 2014.
This is Kendall.
“I've definitely come to terms with it. It wasn't too difficult, because I've always had a very solid support system. My friends, family, and romantic relationship. My boyfriend at the time I was diagnosed was toxic and hellish towards the end, but he was always supportive of me and my diagnosis.
I was actually diagnosed at first at C-Street at CUPHD mobile testing facility. Since that is a rapid test, once it came up positive, I had to get the real test - the 2 week wait test.”
“So after I waited two weeks, they called me, and I avoided going in. Honestly, I spent the next two weeks reading about people who are inherently immune to HIV, some super-Aryan people in Europe or something. I always thought of my heritage as super white and super English, so I'd convinced myself I was gonna get rich - that my blood was the cure. It was dumb but it was better than sitting there stewing for two weeks.”
Kendall avoided receiving his diagnosis for two more weeks. Laws prohibit doctors from giving you your diagnosis over the phone since some patients react - understandably - rash upon receiving it. When he finally went in to get his diagnosis, he was lucky enough to be accompanied by his sister as well as by his best friend.
Fast-forward to four months later - he began Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ARV). Though his numbers weren’t bad, he and his doctor decided it was best to avoid waiting.
He took Atripla first. Atripla is known for being very good when you are first starting treatment. However, after prolonged use, it can cause damage in your liver and kidneys. So, three years later, in 2017, Kendall switched to Odefsey. Both drugs can have crazy side-effects - including dizziness, crazy dreams, weight loss/gain, etc.
In regards to these side effects, Kendall states that he has been very lucky, “ Thankfully I only ever experienced one side effect once. I woke up one night, around 2am, and I felt like I'd been spinning for hours - I was so dizzy I fell back onto the bed. Honestly, I woke up the next morning and thought it was a dream, and it was not a negative experience, but I'm glad it's been the only occurrence of any side effects.”
Other long term side-effects can include losing fat in the arms and legs, gaining weight in the upper back, harming organs later in life and heart-disease. While Kendall states that he worries about these side-effects as well, he has enough on his plate already. Aside from being HIV+, he also takes medication for high blood pressure and wears a mask when he sleeps so that he doesn’t stop breathing (a common treatment for those who have sleep apnea).
“I'm basically a mess, but I also rarely get sick otherwise - no flu, colds, headaches - maybe because, after so many years of ARVs, my T-Cells are very high. Who knows.”
Odefsey (a daily perscription) costs Kendall $88 a day - $2640 a month. He stated that Atripla was cheaper, but not by much. This medication treats merely one of his afflictions.  
As part of his treatment, Kendall sees his doctor once a year and must have blood work completed at least 11 days beforehand, “and it has to be Monday through Thursday, which sometimes I forget, and then have to reschedule.” The blood work is particularly expensive - costing him right around $400. Usually his insurance has covered this, but there have been a couple instances where he has paid this bill out of pocket.
He also sees his case worker at CUPHD once a year.
Unfortunately, Kendall’s current employer does not offer insurance, so his coverage is through the AHCA - costing him roughly $275 a month. This is the cheapest plan with the worst coverage. The upside is that paying for this coverage allows him to be eligible for various grants, co-pays and other helpful resources when it comes to his meds, visits and lab-work.
If he is able to get his hands on better insurance, Kendall states that CUPHD is capable of covering his monthly premiums. Unfortunately, they won’t cover the $275 that he is paying now, because it is “basically worthless.”
Despite all of this information that Kendall is constantly swimming in, there are bright spots.
One of his close friends posted a GoFundMe for Kendall last month during the lapse between his insurance coverage (he left one job and his coverage through the AHCA didn’t go live until January). Not only had his assistance programs expired, but he had also waited too long to receive assistance from his case worker - someone he had just switched to. During this time, he purchased about $1200 worth of Odefsey over the course of two weeks - going in every two or three days and hoping his coverage would kick in soon.
His parents, grandparents and cousins all donated to the GoFundMe to help Kendall purchase a supply of his daily medicine. Now that his meds have been covered, he has used the GoFundMe money to purchase an extra month’s supply of them, so that he is always a month ahead in case the same situation should occur. He is incredibly grateful to the friends and family who supported him in his time of need - and every day.
A figure from Kendall’s Walgreens bills states that the insurance he had between January and September of last year saved him $32,468.93. Yes, for those of you in the back (over the course of an entire year) that coverage would save him the cost of some American’s yearly salary.
Kendall’s husband takes PrEP (Truvada) daily to prevent being infected. He also has a yearly appointment at CUPHD. His pills cost him $66.80 per day - $2004.90 per month.
This is Kendall.
Kendall’s health is very important to him. On one of his arms, he has seven tattoos that are dedicated to his health conditions.
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“Most of my tattoos on my health arm are by Keith Haring. He died of complications from AIDS and was a big activist in the fight against HIV/AIDS in NYC in the 80s. He died in 1990.”
He is in the process of planning more.
In fact, when I first asked him about his HIV diagnosis, he stated “I was diagnosed 1/3/14. I have it tattooed on my arm. Wait. No I don't. Just typed that, looked, and saw it was a lie. Well, I will have it tattooed on me.”
And, remember Penny?
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She was a big part of Kendall’s coming to terms with his diagnosis. He adopted Penny the November before he was diagnosed. During this time, Kendall stated that he would often be at home, feeling alone but that Penny would come around and always made him feel better - feel loved.
This is Kendall.
This is the life of someone who, without insurance, would be choosing between living and dying every day.
This is Kendall.
Kendall has a right to coverage that will keep him alive and well.
This is Kendall.
Those of you who have been following my running might know that I have a GoFundMe as well. It is dedicated to raising money for Planned Parenthood - a company that provides affordable healthcare to those in need. The link is listed below. Please donate to help protect our right to affordable healthcare.
No one should have to choose between health and life.
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itswallstreetpr · 5 years ago
The Coronavirus Coping Portfolio (QDEL, GILD, QBIO, CYDY)
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a dramatic realignment of social, cultural, and economic agendas because, in all cases, the healthcare issue has priority. It’s not a genuine public debate – if you don’t solve the healthcare crisis, you can’t solve any of the other crises that have been boiling over in the public discourse. That puts a ton of pressure on the vaccine race. But an effective vaccine will take at least another 4-6 months, and probably longer than that. Which brings us to the coping tools: Therapeutics and diagnostics. For investors, the coping theme is a treasure trove. Companies able to offer real resources to help manage the situation until a viable vaccine candidate is available will reap huge rewards. We profile several stocks on this interesting playing board here: Quidel Corporation (NASDAQ:QDEL), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD), Q BioMed Inc. (OTCMKTS:QBIO), and CytoDyn Inc (OTCMKTS:CYDY).   Quidel Corporation (NASDAQ:QDEL) leapt onto the stage in spectacular form on Monday after news spread that the FDA approved its antigen testing method following the close of trading last Friday. An effective antigen test is a superior option to the PCR RNA testing we have been leveraging thus far in our fight against the new coronavirus. The QDEL antigen test is expected to change the game for testing for COVID-19, with results in minutes rather than days. That’s a key part of an effective “test and trace” approach to tracking and defeating this enemy. The stock exploded higher in response to the news, but there may still be room to run. Quidel Corporation (NASDAQ:QDEL) frames itself as a company that develops, manufactures, and markets diagnostic testing solutions for applications in infectious diseases, cardiology, thyroid, women's and general health, eye health, gastrointestinal diseases, and toxicology worldwide. It offers Sofia and Sofia 2 fluorescent immunoassay systems; QuickVue, a lateral flow immunoassay products; and InflammaDry and AdenoPlus, a point-of-care products for the detection of infectious and inflammatory diseases and conditions of the eye. The company also provides Triage MeterPro, a portable testing platform that enables physicians to promote enhanced health outcomes, as well as the detection of certain drugs of abuse; Triage BNP test for use on Beckman Coulter lab analyzers; and Triage TOX drug screen, which provides results for the determination of the presence of drug and/or the major metabolites in urine. In addition, the company offers traditional cell lines, specimen collection devices, media, and controls for use in laboratories that culture and test for various human viruses, including respiratory and herpes family viruses; and cell-based products comprising tubes, shell vials, and multi-well plates. The stock has been ripping over recent days, up something like 50% in that time. Quidel Corporation (NASDAQ:QDEL) pulled in sales of $174.7M in its last reported quarterly financials, representing top line growth of 18%. In addition, the company is battling some balance sheet hurdles, with cash levels struggling to keep up with current liabilities ($108.8M against $136.2M, respectively).   Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) is the leading player in the treatment, or therapeutic, domain when it comes to the pandemic. It’s ebola anti-viral asset, remdesivir, has shown legitimate promise as a weapon against COVID-19, especially when administered early in the disease progression. That said, the results suggest this isn’t a “silver bullet” drug, and it has to be administered at a hospital, where few “early” patients ever are. But it does work, and evidence mounts that it represents a key part of our response puzzle. Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) promulgates itself as a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, and commercializes therapeutics in the areas of unmet medical needs in the United States, Europe, and internationally. The company's products include Biktarvy, Descovy, Odefsey, Genvoya, Stribild, Complera/Eviplera, Atripla, Truvada, Viread, Emtriva, and Tybost for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in adults; and Vosevi, Vemlidy, Epclusa, Harvoni, Sovaldi, Viread, and Hepsera products for treating liver diseases. It also provides Yescarta, a chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy for adult patients with relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma; Zydelig, a PI3K delta inhibitor for certain blood cancers; Letairis, an oral formulation of an endothelin receptor antagonist for pulmonary arterial hypertension; Ranexa, a tablet to treat chronic angina; and Lexiscan, an injection for use as a pharmacologic stress agent in radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging. In addition, the company offers Cayston, an inhaled antibiotic for the treatment of respiratory systems in cystic fibrosis patients; Tamiflu, an oral antiviral capsule for the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B; AmBisome, an antifungal agent to treat serious invasive fungal infections; and Macugen, an anti-angiogenic oligonucleotide to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration. It will be interesting to see if the stock can break out of its recent sideways action. Over the past week, the stock is net flat, and looking for something new to spark continuation to the upside. Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) generated sales of $5.5B, according to information released in the company's most recent quarterly financial report. That adds up to a sequential quarter-over-quarter growth rate of -5.6% on the top line. In addition, the company has a strong balance sheet, with cash levels far exceeding current liabilities ($21B against $8.9B).   Q BioMed Inc. (OTCMKTS:QBIO) is a biomedical acceleration and development company that focuses on licensing, acquiring, and providing resources to life sciences and healthcare companies. The company’s ace offering is Strontium Chloride SR89, a radiopharmaceutical therapeutic for the treatment of bone cancer pain therapies. Q BioMed Inc. has a research partnership with Mannin Research Inc. for the development of therapeutics to treat a variety of vascular diseases, including the new coronavirus. In addition, the company is working on adjunct treatments for complications stemming from COVID-19. The main asset under development (rapid path) through the company’s partner, Mannin, is targeting the stabilization of 'leaky vessels' that play a critical part in organ injury, a major determinant of negative outcomes in patients affected by several infectious diseases, including influenza and the current COVID-19 pandemic. Q BioMed Inc. is a biotech acceleration and commercial stage company focused on licensing and acquiring undervalued biomedical assets in the healthcare sector. Q BioMed is dedicated to providing these target assets the strategic resources, developmental support, and expansion capital needed to ensure they meet their developmental potential, enabling them to provide products to patients in need‏. The company focuses exclusively in the biotechnology and healthcare sectors, targeting a broad spectrum of biomedical products and healthcare solutions. Q’s expertise is in business & product development and the capital formation required for phased advancement of products. Q BioMed’s team assists companies by utilizing its strategic partners and network of experts to provide public market access for private company assets. 80% of biomedical start-ups lack capital and resources to transition from incubation to development and beyond. Q BioMed Inc. (OTCMKTS:QBIO) expects to maximize risk-adjusted returns by focusing on value-driven assets from early stage to near-revenue businesses where the technical, regulatory, and commercial risks have been mitigated or where major valuation inflections are imminent.   CytoDyn Inc (OTCMKTS:CYDY) is another treatment play. The company is currently testing the efficacy of its HIV drug, leronlimab. So far, CYDY is actually riding a wave of positive momentum in terms of the direction of this narrative. As a result, shares of the stock are up as much as 900% in the past 3-4 months. CytoDyn Inc (OTCMKTS:CYDY) promulgates itself as a late-stage biotechnology company that focuses on the clinical development and commercialization of humanized monoclonal antibodies to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Its lead product is PRO 140, a therapeutic anti-viral agent, which is in Phase IIb extension study for HIV as monotherapy, rollover study for HIV as a combination therapy, Phase IIb/III investigative trial for HIV, Phase Ib/II trial for triple-negative breast cancer, and Phase II trial for graft-versus-host disease. CytoDyn Inc. has strategic agreement with Samsung BioLogics Co. Ltd. for the clinical and commercial manufacturing of leronlimab. The company was formerly known as RexRay Corporation. CytoDyn Inc. was incorporated in 2002 and is based in Vancouver, Washington. And the stock has been acting well over recent days, up something like 12% in that time. CytoDyn Inc (OTCMKTS:CYDY) had no reported sales in its last quarterly financial data. In addition, the company is battling some balance sheet hurdles, with cash levels struggling to keep up with current liabilities ($7.1M against $41M, respectively). Read the full article
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hivforum · 8 years ago
Canadian reader here, I just saw the post were the reader talked about how his new monthly insurance makes Odefsey co-pay $850 a month. Is this common in the United States? How does anyone afford treatment there?!
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We have a seriously screwed up healthcare system here in the U.S… if you can even call  it a “system.” Medicare didn’t used to provide prescription benefits. George W. Bush fixed that, but in doing so he prevented Medicare from negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry. Instead, there were built-in “donut holes”–coverage gaps during which you’re responsible for your own drug costs.  At the same time, the patient and copay assistance programs offered by drug companies can’t be used if you’re covered by Medicare or Medicaid.  Thus, Medicare patients often have very high out-of-pocket medication costs, even though they have fairly broad coverage for other healthcare expenses.
Our system got better under Obama because the number of uninsured declined and the extent of covered services improved.  But because we don’t have a single payer system or a government option open to everyone, and because states can choose not to expand Medicaid,  we still have an incomplete, patched-together system, and Trump and the Republicans are doing their best to dismantle the Obamacare gains. 
Americans are terrified of “government control of healthcare” or anything smacking of “socialism”…until they turn 65, when they’re thrilled to get their Medicare card. Just don’t suggest we should offer the same benefits to younger people. That, they say, would be socialism (making us too much like our more sensible neighbor to the north). 
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pharmaphorumuk · 7 years ago
Hep C woes to continue – but Gilead willing to acquire again
Gilead recorded a loss of $3.9 billion in Q4 because of a one-off charge linked to US tax reforms – however it has bigger problems because of the decline in its hepatitis C portfolio.
The biggest development for the firm in recent months is of course its acquisition of Kite Pharma, and the US launch of its CAR-T treatment Yescarta in October. However while this groundbreaking drug is expected to be a multi-billion dollar blockbuster, it was always expected to get off to a slow start, and recorded just $7 million in Q4.
The company’s management never believed that Yescarta could help it plug the gap creating by is shrinking Hep C sales, which means it must still find a way of boosting revenues.
Full year sales for the company fell 20% to $25.7 billion, and the company forecasts sales will continue their fall to between $20,000 and $21,000 in 2018.
The $5.5 billion charge related to the new US tax legislation was a shock to the system in Q4, but Gilead’s hepatitis drugs, including Sovaldi and Harvoni, saw sales shrink rapidly in 2017.
Total Hep C sales were $1.5 billion for the fourth quarter, compared to $3.2 billion for the same period in 2016 and $9.1 billion for the full year, versus $14.8 billion in 2016 – a decline of around 40%
This decline was seen across all major markets, as the number of patients being diagnosed and treated has now fallen sharply away since Sovaldi’s launch in late 2013.
There was more positive news from its HIV and hepatitis B franchises, where full year sales rose 10% to $14.2 billion. This was thanks to growth in its next generation HIV products, Genvoya, Descovy and Odefsey.
It is now forecasting a growth of $1.2 billion – $1.5 billion this year in HIV revenues.
The company has two ongoing phase 3 trials in liver disease NASH, which is expected to be another blockbuster therapy area. The first pivotal data on its ASK1 inhibitor drug selonsertib will be ready by 2019, and if positive, will form the basis for Gilead’s regulatory filings.
Another promising late-stage candidate is filgotinib, which is being studied in rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
John Milligan
CEO John Milligan says the level of disruption and decline in the hep C market is set to bottom out, prices stabilising as fewer new products are launched.
“Given these changes, Gilead’s HCV revenue should be a more predictable, albeit smaller, piece of our financial story.”
The company hopes that once this hep C decline stabilises it can then focus on growth driven by its HIV franchise, short-term and long-term growth from Yescarta, selonsertib and filgotinib.
Yescarta and beyond
Yescarta became the first cell therapy approved for adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in October.
While Novartis was first to get Kymriah, its CAR-T, approved in August, Yescarta is in pole position because it has access to the larger market from launch.
Novartis’ drug is approved in children and young adults with B-cell ALL, but is pursuing a DLBCL indication, but Gilead says it will make its headstart count.
Milligan commented: “We have 28 [CAR-T treatment] centres currently that are up and now certified to prescribe Yescarta. We hope to have about 80% of the population by the midpoint in this year.
He added: “There are around 7,500 patients in the United States, so 80% of that is well over 5,000 patients.”
Milligan says Gilead is looking at ways to optimise and expand its CAR-T presence, by looking at new targets, and by considering switching to ‘off the shelf’ allogeneic drug production.
Gilead has also acquired Cell Design Labs (CDL) a specialist firm which it will use to develop next generation cell therapies. One of the greatest challenges is in overcoming obstacles to making CAR-Ts work against solid tumours.
R&D chief Norbert W. Bischofberger said allogeneic drug production requires a gene editing technology, so Gilead is looking at how to acquire this expertise.
Bischofberger says he is excited about CDL’s synNotch technology, which will be able to broaden CAR-T’s therapeutic range.
In addition to this long-term plan, Milligan indicated that Gilead could well make another major M&A move.
“We’ve been open about our desire to increase our pipeline through acquisitions and partnerships with other companies, as we continue to actively seek new therapeutic advancements and technologies. We have both the financial strength and internal capability to aggressively pursue opportunities when we see them.”
The post Hep C woes to continue – but Gilead willing to acquire again appeared first on Pharmaphorum.
from Pharmaphorum https://pharmaphorum.com/news/hep-c-woes-continue-gilead-willing-acquire/
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remybarrette · 4 years ago
La santé des reins
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Bien qu’ils soient petits, les reins font un travail inestimable pour protéger l’organisme. Ils traitent près de 200 litres de sang par jour, filtrant près de deux litres de déchets et d’excès d’eau qui se transforment ensuite en urine. Si les reins ne fonctionnent pas bien, les déchets s’accumulent dans le sang et peuvent nuire à l’organisme.
Les reins jouent aussi d’autres rôles cruciaux : ils régulent les taux de minéraux dans le corps, produisent une hormone qui stimule la production de globules rouges, aident à réguler la tension artérielle et convertissent la vitamine D en sa forme active, dont nous avons besoin pour former des os solides, maintenir une bonne santé cardiovasculaire, prévenir le cancer et la dépression parmi d’autres choses. Il est essentiel que toutes les personnes vivant avec le VIH fassent évaluer régulièrement leur fonction rénale et qu’elles maintiennent ces organes puissants en bon état afin de vivre longtemps.
Facteurs de risque de maladies rénales
Le VIH et nombre de médicaments antirétroviraux peuvent nuire aux reins, tout comme les facteurs de risque traditionnels.
Les personnes vivant avec le VIH dont le compte de CD4 est inférieur à 200 ou dont la charge virale n’est pas maîtrisée courent un risque accru de maladies rénales. Lorsque l’infection au VIH non traitée est à l’origine des problèmes rénaux, une thérapie antirétrovirale (TAR) peut être utile. Certains antirétroviraux risquent cependant de causer des dommages aux reins; on parle aussi de toxicité rénale et de néphrotoxicité.
L’infection au VIH cause de l’inflammation, même chez les personnes
séropositives ayant une charge virale indétectable. Puisque l’inflammation est associée à un risque accru de maladies cardiovasculaires et rénales, les personnes vivant avec le VIH sont plus à risque de présenter une maladie des reins, peu importe si leur charge virale est indétectable ou pas.
Les médicaments antirétroviraux
Le médicament anti-VIH fumarate de ténofovir disoproxil ou TDF (Viread et dans les coformulations Truvada, Atripla, Complera et Stribild) et certains inhibiteurs de la protéase, dont l’indinavir (Crixivan), l’atazanavir (Reyataz) et le lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra), sont tous susceptibles de causer des dommages aux reins.
En ce qui concerne les reins, il semble que le TDF soit le médicament anti-VIH le plus préoccupant. Bien que le risque global de dommages rénaux soit extrêmement faible (moins d’un pour cent des patients subissent de graves dommages rénaux), de nombreuses études ont associé l’usage de TDF à un risque accru de maladies rénales. Lors d’une étude importante menée par des chercheurs de l’Université de la Californie à San Francisco, on a constaté que le risque d’avoir de la protéine dans l’urine (indice d’insuffisance rénale) augmentait de 34 pour cent pendant chaque année d’utilisation, et le risque d’insuffisance rénale chronique augmentait de 33 pour cent. De plus, chez les personnes recevant le TDF, le risque d’une détérioration rapide de la fonction rénale augmentait de 11 pour cent pendant chaque année que le traitement se poursuivait. Les chercheurs ont signalé que la discontinuation du traitement ne corrigeait pas immédiatement l’insuffisance, la dysfonction rénale ayant duré au moins une année encore après l’abandon du TDF. Les participants à l’étude qui avaient utilisé le TDF dans le passé continuaient de courir un risque accru d’insuffisance rénale, comparativement aux personnes qui n’avaient jamais pris ce médicament.
Au cours de la même étude, l’usage de TDF a également été associé à une augmentation du taux de l’hormone parathyroïde (HPT). Lorsque le taux d’HPT demeure élevé, la fonction rénale risque de se détériorer. Bien que cette étude n’ait pas clairement établi si l’élévation du taux d’HPT était la principale ou bien l’unique cause des dommages rénaux provoqués par le TDF, plusieurs études antérieures avaient suggéré l’existence d’un tel lien. Pendant cette étude, le taux d’HPT avait tendance à être plus élevé chez les personnes ayant un faible taux de vitamine D, ce qui a poussé les chercheurs à suggérer que la prise de suppléments de cette vitamine puisse protéger les patients contre l’augmentation du taux d’HPT. Alors, si vous prenez le TDF, vous souhaiterez peut-être demander à votre médecin de vérifier votre taux de vitamine D et, si nécessaire, de vous recommander la dose de supplément appropriée.
Il existe maintenant une nouvelle version du ténofovir appelée TAF (ténofovir alafénamide). Elle est présente dans les comprimés Odefsey, Biktarvy et Descovy. Les essais cliniques des régimes à base de TAF indiquent que cette formulation est relativement plus sûre pour les reins que les régimes à base de TDF.
Dans des cas rares, l’atazanavir (Reyataz) peut causer des calculs rénaux ainsi qu’une maladie appelée néphrite interstitielle (enflure des espaces entre les néphrons, soit les unités de filtrage des reins dont on trouve plus d’un million dans chaque organe).
L’indinavir (Crixivan), qui n’est plus largement utilisé au Canada, peut causer des cristaux rénaux, des calculs rénaux et la néphrite interstitielle. On conseille aux personnes prenant l’indinavir de boire au moins 1,5 litre d’eau chaque jour en plus des autres liquides qu’elles consomment afin de s’hydrater adéquatement et d’aider à prévenir les calculs rénaux.
liens : https://santors.fr/
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canets · 5 years ago
Omeprazole là gì?
Omeprazole là chất ức chế bơm proton làm giảm lượng axit sản xuất trong dạ dày.
Omeprazole được sử dụng để điều trị các triệu chứng của bệnh trào ngược dạ dày thực quản ( GERD ) và các tình trạng khác do axit dạ dày dư thừa. Nó cũng được sử dụng để thúc đẩy chữa lành viêm thực quản ăn mòn (tổn thương thực quản của bạn gây ra bởi axit dạ dày).
Omeprazole cũng có thể được dùng cùng với kháng sinh để điều trị loét dạ dày do nhiễm vi khuẩn Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).
Omeprazole không kê đơn (OTC) được sử dụng để giúp kiểm soát chứng ợ nóng xảy ra 2 ngày trở lên mỗi tuần.
Thông tin quan trọng
Omeprazole không phải là để giảm triệu chứng ợ nóng ngay lập tức.
Chứng ợ nóng thường bị nhầm lẫn với các triệu chứng đầu tiên của cơn đau tim. Tìm kiếm sự chăm sóc y tế khẩn cấp nếu bạn bị đau ngực hoặc cảm giác nặng nề, đau lan đến cánh tay hoặc vai, buồn nôn, đổ mồ hôi và cảm giác bị bệnh nói chung.
Omeprazole có thể gây ra các vấn đề về thận. Hãy cho bác sĩ của bạn nếu bạn đi tiểu ít hơn bình thường, hoặc nếu bạn có máu trong nước tiểu.
Tiêu chảy có thể là dấu hiệu của nhiễm trùng mới. Gọi cho bác sĩ nếu bạn bị tiêu chảy chảy nước hoặc có máu trong đó.
Omeprazole có thể gây ra các triệu chứng mới hoặc xấu đi của bệnh lupus . Hãy cho bác sĩ của bạn nếu bạn bị đau khớp và nổi mẩn da ở má hoặc cánh tay xấu đi dưới ánh sáng mặt trời.
Bạn có thể có nhiều khả năng bị gãy xương trong khi dùng omeprazole lâu dài hoặc nhiều hơn một lần mỗi ngày.
Prilosec OTC (không kê đơn) nên được thực hiện không quá 14 ngày liên tiếp. Cho phép ít nhất 4 tháng để vượt qua trước khi bạn bắt đầu điều trị 14 ngày khác.
Omeprazole điều trị bệnh lý do dạ dày tăng tiết axit (2)
Một số lưu ý trước khi dùng thuốc Omeprazole
Bạn không nên sử dụng Omeprazole nếu bạn bị dị ứng với nó, hoặc nếu:
Bạn cũng bị dị ứng với các loại thuốc như omeprazole, như esomeprazole , lansoprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, Nexium, Prevacid , Protonix và các loại khác
Bạn cũng dùng thuốc điều trị HIV có chứa rilpivirine (chẳng hạn nh�� Complera , Edurant , Odefsey , Juluca ).
Hỏi bác sĩ hoặc dược sĩ nếu bạn sử dụng Omeprazole an toàn nếu bạn có các điều kiện y tế khác, đặc biệt là:
Rắc rối hoặc đau khi nuốt
Phân có máu hoặc đen, chất nôn trông giống như máu hoặc bã cà phê
Chứng ợ nóng đã kéo dài hơn 3 tháng
Đau ngực thường xuyên, ợ nóng kèm theo khò khè
Giảm cân không giải thích được
Buồn nôn hoặc nôn , đau dạ dày
Bệnh gan
Nồng độ magiê trong máu thấp
Loãng xương hoặc mật độ khoáng xương thấp
Hãy hỏi bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng omeprazole nếu bạn đang mang thai hoặc cho con bú.
Đừng cho thuốc này cho trẻ mà không có lời khuyên y tế.
Liều dùng Omeprazole như thế nào?
Liều thông thường cho ổ loét tá tràng người lớn
Uống 20mg mỗi ngày một lần trước bữa ăn. Hầu hết bệnh nhân lành trong vòng 4 đến 8 tuần.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn nhiễm Helicobacter pylori
Điều trị đôi: Omeprazole 40mg uống mỗi ngày một lần vào buổi sáng cộng với clarithromycin 500 mg đường uống 3 lần một ngày từ ngày 1 đến 14. Bắt đầu vào ngày 15, omeprazole 20 mg uống mỗi ngày một lần vào buổi sáng ngày 15 đến 28.
Điều trị ba: Omeprazole 20mg cộng với clarithromycin 500mg cộng với amoxicillin 1000mg dùng đường uống hai lần một ngày trong 10 ngày. Nếu bị loét bắt đầu điều trị rồi tiếp tục omeprazole 20mg uống mỗi ngày một lần cho thêm 18 ngày.
Người lớn điều trị Helicobacter pylori dương (Cadet-Hp): Omeprazole 20mg, metronidazole 500 mg và clarithromycin 500 mg, hai lần mỗi ngày trong 7 ngày.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn loét dạ dày
Uống 40mg mỗi ngày một lần trước khi bữa ăn cho 4 đến 8 tuần.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn thực quản ăn mòn
Uống 20mg mỗi ngày một lần trước bữa ăn. Liều lượng này có thể tăng lên đến 40 mg mỗi ngày dựa trên đáp ứng lâm sàng mong muốn và khả năng chịu bệnh nhân.
Các nghiên cứu đã được hoàn thành đến 12 tháng đối với điều trị duy trì viêm thực quản ăn mòn.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn hội chứng Zollinger-Ellison
Ban đầu: Uống 60mg mỗi ngày một lần.
Liều dùng nên với nhu cầu của bệnh nhân, duy trì: liều lên đến 120mg 3 lần một ngày đã được sử dụng. Liều lớn hơn 80mg nên được chia.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn trào ngược dạ dày thực quản
Ban đầu: Uống 20mg mỗi ngày một lần trước khi bữa ăn cho 4 đến 8 tuần.
Liều lượng này có thể được tăng lên đến 40mg mỗi ngày nếu cần thiết.
Duy trì: Điều trị lâu dài với liều 10 – 20 mg mỗi ngày có thể cho duy trì chống ợ nóng và có vẻ an toàn.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn u tuyến nội tiết
Ban đầu: Uống 60 mg mỗi ngày một lần trước bữa ăn.
Liều lượng này có thể được điều chỉnh dựa trên đáp ứng lâm sàng mong muốn và chấp nhận của bệnh nhân, duy trì: liều lên đến 120 mg 3 lần một ngày đã được sử dụng. Liều lớn hơn 80 mg nên được chia.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn u tế bào hệ thống
Ban đầu: Uống 60 mg mỗi ngày một lần trước bữa ăn.
Liều lượng này có thể được điều chỉnh dựa trên đáp ứng lâm sàng mong muốn và chấp thuận của bệnh nhân, duy trì: liều lên đến 120 mg 3 lần một ngày đã được quản lý. Liều lớn hơn 80 mg nên được chia.
Liều thông thường dành cho người lớn rối loạn tiêu hóa
Ngăn ngừa chứng ợ nóng thường xuyên: 20 mg uống mỗi ngày một lần, trước bữa ăn, trong 14 ngày.
Omeprazole điều trị bệnh lý do dạ dày tăng tiết axit (3)
Liều thông thường cho trẻ em bệnh trào ngược dạ dày thực quản
Trên 2 tuổi, <20 kg: 10 mg mỗi ngày một lần.
Trên hoặc bằng 20 kg: 20 mg mỗi ngày một lần.
Trên 1 tuổi: 0,7 đến 3,5 mg / kg / ngày, chia 2 lần, không vượt quá 80 mg hàng ngày.
Dưới 1 tuổi: 1 – 1,5 mg / kg mỗi ngày một lần cho 56 ngày. Omeprazole được dùng đường uống như một hệ thống treo 2 mg / mL bicarbonate.
Liều thông thường cho trẻ em thực quản ăn mòn
Trên 1 tuổi: 0,7 đến 3,5 mg / kg / ngày (tối đa 80 mg / ngày), trong 3 tháng. Liều dùng tăng từ 0,7 mg / kg / ngày để đạt được pH dạ dày < 4.
Tôi nên dùng Omeprazole như thế nào?
Omeprazole thường được dùng trước khi ăn (ít nhất 1 giờ trước bữa ăn). Thực hiện theo tất cả các hướng dẫn trên nhãn thuốc của bạn và đọc tất cả các hướng dẫn thuốc hoặc tờ hướng dẫn. Sử dụng thuốc chính xác theo chỉ dẫn.
Đọc và cẩn thận làm theo bất kỳ Hướng dẫn sử dụng nào được cung cấp cùng với thuốc của bạn. Hỏi bác sĩ hoặc dược sĩ của bạn nếu bạn không hiểu những hướng dẫn này.
Lắc hỗn dịch uống (chất lỏng) trước khi bạn đo liều. Sử dụng ống tiêm định lượng được cung cấp, hoặc sử dụng thiết bị đo liều thuốc (không phải thìa bếp).
Nếu bạn không thể nuốt cả viên nang, hãy mở nó và rắc thuốc vào một muỗng táo. Nuốt hỗn hợp ngay mà không cần nhai. Đừng lưu nó để sử dụng sau.
Bạn phải hòa tan bột omeprazole trong một lượng nhỏ nước. Hỗn hợp này có thể được nuốt hoặc cho qua ống nuôi dưỡng mũi (NG) bằng ống tiêm có đầu ống thông.
Sử dụng thuốc này trong thời gian quy định đầy đủ, ngay cả khi các triệu chứng của bạn nhanh chóng cải thiện.
Gọi cho bác sĩ nếu các triệu chứng của bạn không cải thiện, hoặc nếu chúng trở nên tồi tệ hơn.
Một số điều kiện được điều trị bằng sự kết hợp của omeprazole và kháng sinh. Sử dụng tất cả các loại thuốc theo chỉ dẫn.
Omeprazole có thể ảnh hưởng đến kết quả của một số xét nghiệm y tế. Nói với bất kỳ bác sĩ nào điều trị cho bạn rằng bạn đang sử dụng thuốc này.
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu quên một liều?
Dùng liều đó ngay khi nhớ ra. Bỏ qua liều đã quên nếu nó gần như là thời gian cho liều kế hoạch tiếp theo. Không nên dùng thuốc thêm để tạo nên liều đã quên.
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu quá liều?
Tìm kiếm sự chú ý khẩn cấp y tế.
Triệu chứng quá liều có thể bao gồm buồn ngủ, mờ mắt, tim đập nhanh, buồn nôn, nôn, ra mồ hôi, nhức đầu, khô miệng.
Omeprazole điều trị bệnh lý do dạ dày tăng tiết axit (4)
Tôi nên tránh những gì khi dùng Omeprazole?
Omeprazole có thể gây tiêu chảy, có thể là dấu hiệu của nhiễm trùng mới. Nếu bạn bị tiêu chảy chảy nước hoặc có máu, hãy gọi cho bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng thuốc chống tiêu chảy.
Tác dụng phụ của Omeprazole
Nhận trợ giúp y tế khẩn cấp nếu bạn có dấu hiệu phản ứng dị ứng với omeprazole: nổi mề đay, khó thở, sưng mặt, môi, lưỡi hoặc cổ họng của bạn.
Ngừng sử dụng omeprazole và gọi bác sĩ ngay nếu bạn có:
Đau dạ dày nghiêm trọng, tiêu chảy mà chảy nước hoặc có máu
Đau mới hoặc bất thường ở cổ tay, đùi, hông hoặc lưng
Co giật
Vấn đề về thận, ít hoặc không đi tiểu, tiểu ra máu, sưng, tăng cân nhanh
Magiê thấp, chóng mặt, nhịp tim không đều, cảm giác bồn chồn, chuột rút cơ bắp, co thắt cơ, ho hoặc cảm giác nghẹt thở
Triệu chứng mới hoặc xấu đi của bệnh lupus, đau khớp và nổi mẩn da ở má hoặc cánh tay của bạn trở nên tồi tệ hơn dưới ánh sáng mặt trời.
Tác dụng phụ omeprazole phổ biến có thể bao gồm:
Đau dạ dày, đầy hơi
Buồn nôn, nôn, tiêu chảy
Đau đầu.
Đây không phải là một danh sách đầy đủ các tác dụng phụ và những người khác có thể xảy ra. Gọi cho bác sĩ để được tư vấn y tế về tác dụng phụ.
Omeprazole điều trị bệnh lý do dạ dày tăng tiết axit (5)
Những loại thuốc khác sẽ ảnh hưởng đến Omeprazole?
Đôi khi không an toàn khi sử dụng một số loại thuốc cùng một lúc. Một số loại thuốc có thể ảnh hưởng đến nồng độ thuốc trong máu của bạn, điều này có thể làm tăng tác dụng phụ hoặc làm cho thuốc kém hiệu quả hơn.
Hãy cho bác sĩ của bạn về tất cả các loại thuốc hiện tại của bạn. Nhiều loại thuốc có thể tương tác với omeprazole, đặc biệt là:
John’s wort
Một loại kháng sinh, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, rifampin.
Danh sách này không đầy đủ và nhiều loại thuốc khác có thể ảnh hưởng đến omeprazole. Điều này bao gồm thuốc theo toa và thuốc không kê đơn, vitamin và các sản phẩm thảo dược . Không phải tất cả các tương tác thuốc có thể được liệt kê ở đây.
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from CaNets Canets là trang tin tức tổng hợp về sức khỏe, sắc đẹp, ẩm thực…với mục đích chia sẻ những kiến thức bổ ích cho đọc giả mang lại những kiến thức hỗ trợ sức khỏe và sức khỏe tốt đó là những gì Canets hướng đến. website: https://canets.com/ SĐT: 0933249921 Địa chỉ: 81 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Quận 1, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
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traderspro · 5 years ago
GILD’s value proposition is too good to pass up – isn’t it?
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Progress on the trade front has given the market a new set of momentum over the past couple of weeks – enough that the major indices are nearing the all-time highs they set at the end of July. Even so, the unpredictability associated with tariff news and the trade war itself has resulted in a lot of volatility that has kept a lot of stocks at or near historical lows; it also pushed a lot of stocks that had been star performers for a big part of the year to near-bear-market correction levels in August.
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A multimillionaire has written a fascinating analysis, and posted it free on his website here...
As I’ve watched the market’s activity over the last year, and most particularly over the last few months, I’ve been intrigued by the Healthcare sector. That’s because it is a sector that I think could be in better position than most to remain strong, not only for the time being but also for the next few years. I think that could be true even when the economy, and therefore the market, does finally turn bearish. Strength in this sector, I believe is likely to be driven primarily by the fact that the demand for all types of healthcare remains pretty constant, no matter what the state of the economy is.
Last week I reviewed a number of stocks in the Healthcare Equipment industry that I think look like they could present some interesting opportunities; however if you’re looking for a stock that you could clearly call a value stock, that isn’t really the industry to focus on. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical stocks, however present some of the most interesting, value-oriented opportunities available in the market right now, and so I think if you want to consider long-term possibilities that are worth paying attention to, these are the areas of the Healthcare sector that are the most worthwhile.
That leads me to the stock I’m focusing on today. Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD) is a large-cap biopharmeceutical stock with a major presence in some of the most cutting-edge areas of bioscience. The stock is more than -26% off of the high it reached at the beginning of 2018, and is in a long-term downward trend from that point; but it also looks like that trend has flattened significantly, with very strong support only a few dollars below the stock’s current price. The stock has some interesting elements showing a significant level of strength, however, including a very strong balance sheet. Does the stock’s relatively low current price, and fundamental strength create a compelling value? I think it could.
Fundamental and Value Profile
Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a research-based biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops and commercializes medicines in areas of unmet medical need. The Company’s portfolio of products and pipeline of investigational drugs includes treatments for Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), liver diseases, cancer, inflammatory and respiratory diseases and cardiovascular conditions. Its products for HIV/AIDS patients include Descovy, Odefsey, Genvoya, Stribild, Complera/Eviplera, Truvada, Emtriva, Tybost and Vitekta. Its products for patients with liver diseases include Vemlidy, Epclusa, Harvoni, Sovaldi, Viread and Hepsera. It offers Zydelig to patients with hematology/oncology diseases. Its products for patients with various cardiovascular diseases include Letairis, Ranexa and Lexiscan. Its products for various inflammation/respiratory diseases include Cayston and Tamiflu. It had operations in more than 30 countries, as of December 31, 2016. GILD has a current market cap of $84 billion.
Earnings and Sales Growth: Over the past year, earnings declined -1.71%, while sales were flat, but positive at 0.66%. In the last quarter, earnings increased just 3%, while sales improved by 7.65%. GILD’s unimpressive earnings pattern is offset by a very healthy operating profile that is strengthening; in the last twelve months, Net Income was more than 26% of Revenues, while in the last quarter that number increased to just over 33%.
Free Cash Flow: GILD’s Free Cash Flow is generally healthy, at about $7.7 billion. On a Free Cash Flow Yield basis, that translates to 8.99%. It should be noted that this number has declined steadily since the beginning of 2016, when Free Cash Flow peaked at $19.5 billion, but it has also improved over the last two quarters from about $6.6 billion. That improvement looks like it could be a sign the company is reversing the longer trend of free cash flow deterioration, which is a positive.
Debt to Equity: GILD has a debt/equity ratio of 1.13, which is a bit higher than I prefer to see; but by itself this number doesn’t really tell the whole story. Their balance sheet shows $27.1 billion in cash against $25.6 billion in long-term debt. Along with their very strong margin profile, this is a good indication that the company has plenty of financial flexibility, not only to service their debt, but also keep funding the strategy they’ve been following for a while, which is to grow earnings via acquisition, and returning value to shareholders via stock buybacks and dividend payouts..
Dividend: GILD pays a dividend of $2.52 per share, which translates to an annual yield of about 3.79% at the stock’s current price.
Price/Book Ratio: there are a lot of ways to measure how much a stock should be worth; but one of the simplest methods that I like uses the stock’s Book Value, which for GILD is $17.96 per share. That translates to a Price/Book ratio of 3.69, versus a historical Price/Book ratio of 6.32, which actually means GILD is currently trading at a discount of about 71% from par with that average. That’s pretty compelling, and could make GILD a very interesting stock to watch, even under current market conditions.
Current Price Action/Trends and Pivots: GILD’s downward slide from January 2018 to December of last year is easy to see. From that trend low at around $60, the stock rallied to about $70 by the beginning of February, but then dropped back again. Since the beginning of March, the stock has defined a clear consolidation range, with top-end resistance between $67 and $69 and support around $62. A break above $69 could mark an early indication that the downward trend could be reversing back to the upside, with room to run to the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement line shown at around $71.50 in the near term.
Near-term Keys: Given current market conditions, it may seem a little odd to suggest that a bearish, short-term trade on GILD Is a low-probability risk right now; but the fact is that unless the stock breaks its multi-year low around $60, its downward trend is unlikely to extend much further. That doesn’t mean that it won’t break that level; that is always a possibility. However, the longer the stock’s consolidation range holds, the more likely the stock becomes to break out of that range to the upside – especially when the company’s fundamental strengths are taken into consideration. Even so, the best signal for a bullish short-term trade on the stock won’t be seen unless the stock breaks above $69 per share; if that happens, you should take it as a good signal to buy the stock, or to work with call options with a near-term exit price somewhere between $71.50 and $75. What about the stock’s long-term prospects? The value proposition is very intriguing; and if you aren’t afraid of a fair amount of volatility, both from the stock and the broad market right now, this is a stock that offers an impressive dividend yield for those who are willing to be patient and hold on for the ride.
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azveille · 6 years ago
UPDATED : With eye on revenue stabilization, Gilead takes 4.9% hike on a basket of drugs
Once the hep C titan, Gilead is now fortifying its still dominant HIV business with a round of list price hikes it took over the weekend under new chief Daniel O’Day, as the drugmaker looks to stem more than two years of shrinking sales revenue.
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The biotech has hiked prices on its big ticket products — including its arsenal of HIV drugs, but excluding its HCV franchise and CAR-T therapy Yescarta — by 4.9%, which is in line historically with its practice of raising prices annually in the first quarter, according to Cowen’s Phil Nadeau.
The hikes come at a time when pressure to rein in drug prices is mounting, with Congress conducting hearings to unpack the role drugmakers and pharmacy benefit managers play in skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has issued a string of proposals to curb prices, including importing prices from overseas, and HHS secretary Azar has implied “naming and shaming” tactics will be employed against drugmakers who raise prices.
The price increases are notable as various big drugmakers — including Roche, Pfizer $PFE, Novartis $NVS and Merck $MRK — had pledged not to raise prices until the end of 2018, after Trump’s drug pricing blueprint was unveiled in the second quarter of 2018.
“Gilead’s price increases would seem to signal a return to its historical practices with the calendar’s turn to 2019,” Nadeau said. “Gilead will not recognize the full magnitude of the price increases because of discounts, rebates, and regulations. The price to Medicaid, for example, can only increase by an amount related to inflation. Nonetheless, these price increases give us additional confidence in our 2019 U.S. HIV franchise estimates, which project 16% Y/Y growth in revenue.”
Gilead’s 2019 forecast — issued last month — implied “product sales growth of -2% to +0.5%, suggesting that overall Gilead‘s business has finally plateaued,” Nadeau added.
So newly crowned O’Day has his work cut out for him: Gilead’s hep C franchise is melting away, its $12 billion buyout of Kite (and its CAR-T therapy Yescarta) remains an open question mark and its big bet on late-stage NASH drug selonsertib has hit a major roadblock. What remains is its stable, foundational HIV business — which may have postponed its best-before date with new, easier-to-use therapies — and piles of cash in its coffers lying around for the next meaty buyout deal.
“We believe the HIV business’ fundamentals are sound. The rapid conversion of patients from TDF to TAF-based regimens plus Biktarvy’s strength in the treatment naïve setting should keep Gilead the market leader despite emerging competition and patent expirations starting in 2021,” BMO’s Matthew Luchini wrote in an initiation note last week.
The 2019 price increases include “Atripla (to $2,857.55/month), Biktarvy (to $3,089.99/month), Complera (to $2,812.13/month), Descovy (to $1,757.90/month), Genvoya (to $3,089.99/month), Odefsey (to $2,812.13/month), Stribild (to $3,241.40/month), Truvada (to $1,757.90/ month), Letairis (to $9,708.09/month), Ranexa (to $614.60/month), Vemlidy (to $1,118.88/ month), Viread (to $1,196.09/month), Zydelig (to $1,0717.14/month) and Hepsera (to $1,484.35/month),” according to Nadeau.
These 14 drugs — including 6 blockbuster treatments — accounted for a bulk of Gilead’s 2018 revenue.
“Gilead has increased list prices of these medicines…to reflect the rising costs of goods and services necessary to produce groundbreaking medicines. This increase is lower than the standard measure of health care inflation, based on an independent estimate of growth in health expenditures, and is lower than price increases in previous years,” a Gilead spokesperson told Endpoints News.
“These prices also do not impact the price freeze that Gilead established for state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) in 2008, which is effective through 2019.”
The hikes come at a time when Gilead’s executive team is in a state of influx. O’Day’s first week as new CEO was marked by the departure of one of the company’s top research scientists, executive VP of oncology Alessandro Riva. The executive team has suffered somewhat of an exodus recently, with the exits of CEO John Milligan, Chairman John Martin and R&D chief Norbert Bischofberger. Bischofberger’s replacement, Andrew Cheng, stepped up as chief medical officer before he left as well to run his own biotech.
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