#october 27 2022
dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2851 - October 27th
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Krug
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
the bobening of 2022 - video 1
[October 27, 2022]
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The Medici Murders by David Hewson, narrated by Richard will be released on Google Play on October 27, 2022.
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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300/365 👣
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wisedawn-whatever · 2 years
There's so many pumpkins everywhere!!! 😲😍 - Wuxian
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
I’ve been on the fence about Jason being in on the stunt for a while now but the nanny thing has convinced me that he is. I feel pretty confident in saying that when Olivia no longer gets the attention she craves from the stunt, her and Jason will get “back together.” You can save the date of this ask if you want, mod. I’m actually that certain! 🤓
okay I'll save it here lol
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Midnight. The living room's still empty. Maybe she shouldn't wait up anymore.
A door slams, somewhere down the hall. The neighbors are having a fight again.
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yahooanswersblog · 5 months
👤: What’s your favorite oldie song?
Me: Maybe something by Steppanwolf.
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mermaidinthecity · 9 months
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October 27, 2022
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Lost Mine & Abyss Session 2 - I Want To Speak To Your Manager
-The party comes up the stairs of the cave to see a large mean bugbear with a big wolf at his side, yelling at a small goblin girl and a tied up orc-looking woman. He turns around at Yeemik's announcement, very tired of his misbehaving employees. Roll initiative!
-Klark immediately slams Yeemik into the cave wall for half his health. Suddenly he doesn't look so confident. Yeemik attempts to stab Klark and crit fails, accidentally throwing his scimitar into the firepit behind him.
-Sid slams Klark in the back of the head with his warhammer and deletes half HIS health with a crit, dropping Yeemik to the ground. The goblin girl stands against the wall shaking, not taking a side.
-Sheara takes out her longsword to stab him and rolls a one, missing Klark and inches away from stabbing Yeemik. Very extreme rolls we’re getting here. Yeemik scampers away into the shadows to let the party handle this.
-Zoream demands Klark tell them why they had the orc captured. Klark complains about his useless employees who brought him the wrong person. Zoream then shoots Klark in the dick with a crossbow. He’s running on one hit point and pure rage.
-Somewhere in this process we decide that Sheara’s father is fantasy Jeff Bezos, causing her dislike of bald people and authority figures. Yeff’ros Bezosos the tiefling.
-Seeing an easy target in the small Dakwert, Klark’s wolf lunges for the gnome and throws him against the wall with a crit. Dakwert is immediately dropped unconscious. First death saves of the campaign!
-Klark slams Zoream with his huge morningstar and launches him down the stairs unconscious in revenge as the orc’s noises of pain go silent. uh oh. The goblin girl takes his moment of distraction to flee. Sid punches Klark, the weakened bugbear crashing to the ground at last. 
-Sheara uses her paladin healing powers on Dakwert, as the gnome returns to consciousness. The wolf is having none of this and runs from where Camila was loosely holding it to send him right back to the void. Freed of her chains while Klark was distracted, the orc woman launches an ice spell at the wolf, finally downing it as it falls on top of Dakwert.
-Sid heals Dakwert and Zoream with a Healing Word, bringing the two back. Yeemik emerges back from the shadows, telling the party that this all went perfectly. He receives death glares. 
-Sheara binds Klark with the chains the orc woman was bound in and slaps him awake. Sheara and Zoream interrogate him on the location of their dwarf employer. He is uncompliant, until Sheara threatens to kill him again. He tells them that he has been sent to Cragmaw Castle somewhere within the expansive Neverwinter Wood, and that his boss is another bugbear. 
-Klark complains some more about his employees. The orc woman is confused to be here but tells Klark to be nicer to his workers and that the goblin girl did a good job capturing her. The party interrogates him about his workers treatment and compensation and is horrified to learn he gives almost nothing. Sheara snaps his neck. 
-The party investigates Klark’s hoard and finds crates of various guilds and traders that never made it to Phandalin. They take various trinkets as their tax along with nearly all of Klark’s money, some healing potions, and a small jade frog statuette.
-The orc-looking woman begs for the frog. She introduces herself as Ataxia. Zoream gives her the frog and welcomes her to the party. Sheara notes that she has long hair, putting her to the top of heal priority.
-Zoream starts skinning the wolf for a cool cape. The party is horrified. He then takes Klark’s sick morningstar for himself. Camila takes his spiked shoulder armor.
-Sheara catches Yeemik attempting to sneak away from this horrible scene. He leads them back to the goblin break room. He announces to the goblins, “Friends! Klark is fucking dead!” to much applause. Meanwhile, Sildar is still tied up on the ground being lightly kicked by the goblins again. The defeated knight begs the party to take him away. 
-They gather their human and the crates to take back to Phandalin, and say their goodbyes to the goblins. Zoream gives Roblin a hug and a dagger for protection. Sheara writes a legal document for the new goblin cave leadership. 
-The party returns to their wagon to see their oxen lightly wounded and one of the freed wolves dead at their feet. They seem completely unbothered. Sildar flops into the cart and goes right to sleep.
-As they set out for Phandalin, they hear a rustling in the bushes and the small goblin girl steps out. The party invites her to climb up on the wagon with them. Sheara braids her hair. Camila discusses rogue skills with her. Sheara asks if she wants to take notes of their adventures, and hands her some paper and ink. She agrees, and doodles a cute spider. The party falls in love. She introduces herself as Creak Cragmaw. Sheara asks if she knows where Cragmaw Castle is, to which Creak replies that her boss never told her anything, but that apparently their king lives there. 
-Camila asks what Klark was yelling at her about, and she replies that in looking for Gundren’s allies to capture, she found Ataxia in the woods and tried to bring her in, and Ataxia killed the three other goblins she brought with her. No hard feelings, friends die all the time and you can lose anything whenever. She tells them she’s wanted Klark dead for awhile, and that Yeemik is her brother. He’s kind of an asshole though.
-The wagon continues on to Phandalin, the party resting after their experience and Zoream stitching together his wolf cape. They enter the town gates at last. The party stops at Barthen’s Provisions to drop off Gundren’s supplies and the crates. They’re greeted by the tall orc shopkeeper, Elmar Barthen. He asks where Gundren has been, and the party informs him that he was taken away by goblins. He says its a shame, as Phandalin needed him and his discovery could have improved the town.
-He has no idea where Cragmaw Castle is, but says he knows a druid, Reidoth, that knows the land, though he is currently away. He sees the crates, and is overjoyed at finally having shipments. He tells them they rarely get visitors, and a gang is running the place. He tells them they’re a bunch of assholes named the Redbrands that hang out in the Sleeping Giant taphouse.
-The party offers to deal with this problem. He looks over all of them, recognizing them as adventurers, and says that would be the best thing to happen to this town in a long time with Gundren gone. He tells them some of what Gundren was intending, to find a lost magical forge in the nearby mountains that used to make Phandalin a prosperous town, but it has since been lost after eruptions, landslides, and raids, and now Phandalin is just a shithole town. 
-Barthen and Zoream discuss their orc heritage, Barthen saying his mother was of the Many-Arrows tribe but tired of all the raiding. He says its a shame what happened to Zoream’s tribe, but glad to see some of them are still alive. Zoream asks what tribe Ataxia was of, to which she says her dad left and she doesn’t know much of her heritage. He tells her they have a new tribe here.
-Sildar pays for rooms at the Stonehill Inn and goes right back to sleep. Ataxia gets drunk, made difficult by her earth genasi constitution. Camila scouts out the gang-run taphouse from outside.  She sees a bunch of fantasy frat boys partying and three losers playing Monster Manual Smash or Pass on the steps outside.
And there the second session of Lost Mine & Abyss ends!
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music-asylum · 2 years
October 27, 2022
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The Medici Murders by David Hewson, narrated by Richard, has a new release date on Audible US and UK, it will be released on October 27, 2022.
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untothebreach · 2 years
Life would have been easier if I were born a boy because then I would be able to love men they way you're supposed to, properly. It'd be gay love and it would be beautiful, instead of whatever the hell it is im trying to pull right now.
I feel so sad thinking about dating and relationships, knowing I'll never feel the way I want to in them and feeling a strange ache in my chest considering a man dating me and seeing me as a girl.
I don't want straight love, I want queer love, I want gay love, I want whatever the hell love it is this is depicting:
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...and that, my friends, I don't think is possible for me. Not right now. Maybe never. To just be a boy in love with a boy.
That would be nice.
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thehiddenhermit · 2 years
I don't know what my aunt feeds her chickens but they taste nasty
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