#october 12th 2022
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777rare · 4 days ago
THE Ahtkuymas METHOD~
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How is each month going to be for you?
My Solar Return observation.
Imma a bit delulu but if this method is a success, please call it...The Ahtkuymas method~
(I'm wheezing😂😭)
A note:
So guys, before you come for me, telling me Lunar Return Chart is available for this monthly prediction, yes. I do know we read the Lunar Return Chart for that but I wanted to know how one could read their months in a yearly chart as well.
Lunar Return Charts provide an in depth prediction of one's month but Solar Return Chart also made me drawn to just generally understanding what a person can expect for each month overall.
Yes, the placements in a Solar Return Chart will function throughout the year but each placement reaches its peak in that particular month and works very actively in that month compared to the entire year.
I wanted to read my SRC a bit differently this time. I wanted to know how one could understand how each month would be for them in a year. I then had a thought...maybe I could try this method and study whether all of my past months in the past years have an accuracy with this method.
Yes, I did find a mind-blowing accuracy so I wanted to share this method with you all as well. It is very simple and anyone can read their SRC easily with this method but I do want to remind you that this is just a method I have observed so if it isn't accurate, forgive me as I'm not professional astrologer.
I really do hope you enjoy this though...i will provide steps and examples from my own Solar Return chart.
I named this the 'Ahtkuymas method' because I made this name up when I was a small child. So yeah, I'm honouring my childhood self rn lol. It's pronounced as the 'Ath-ku-i-maas' method btw.☺️❤️‍🔥
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First of all, you must know what zodiac sign you are by your birth date.
Zodiac sign dates:
Aries: March 21 – April 19
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Gemini: May 21 – June 21
Cancer: June 22 – July 22
Leo: July 23 – August 22
Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Libra: September 23 – October 23
Scorpio: October 24 – November 21
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Example: I am born on 16th of February so my zodiac is Aquarius.
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Now, see where your birth zodiac sign is sitting in the Solar Return Chart.
In this Solar Return Chart, my Aquarius is sitting in the 3rd house.
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Now, wherever your zodiac sits is where the months of the year begin. For example since my Aquarius is in the 3rd house, the months will begin like so:
3rd house = January
4rth house = February
5th house = March
6th house = April
7th house = May
8th house = June
9th house = July
10th house = August
11th house = September
12th house = October
1st house = November
2nd house = December
Also, please be sure whether Whole Sign chart or Placidus chart works accurately for you beforehand before trying this method. It is very important.
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Okay, I'll use at least 2 Solar Return Charts to explain few placements that fell in which month and what experiences took place for me at that time.
I will just give a few months cuz of the overflowing of tea 😂😭
My 2022 Solar Return Chart:
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Moon being in the month of July was when I was so unsteady and so damn emotional. Like that was the month I kept crying and crying because of an incident that took place. I had Leo Moon conjunct Vertex in the 9th house and yes, a lot of my personal information was revealed to the public (my classmates and teachers) in this month (Leo effect along with vertex being the significant event). And uhh...I was the one who revealed it because I had too many sleeping pills which made me very unsteady and unconscious of my actions at that moment, I just blabbered my entire dark life to whoever was there.
August month being ruled by Virgo (mercury being the ruler in Aquarius 3rd house). wherever Virgo sits is where you are the most picky or have a lot of suspicion on and also where you have to work to be accepted, yes..that month I spent a lot of time trying to do things to be accepted by others, especially my friends. I feel out of a friendship which I a had for a very long time and I did make new friends whom I tried to fit in with and I knew they were hiding a lot from me, very suspicious of them.
September month being ruled by Libra and in the 11th house (libra ruler Capricorn venus in 2nd house) I did have a new crush here who was my friend's friend. I fantasized about marrying him and it was quite sudden (the Groom effect). This was a hard crush and it didn't end so well. Yes, I asked his number and texted him (11th house significance) once but he never really replied because he didn't like me back so I left it at that (probably the Groom squaring mercury effect).
Also Capricorn is a zodiac sign who is known for not taking shit from people whereas I am a person who takes others shit no matter how bad but this shockingly changed here.
I once went to his classroom after my friend told me how bad she felt when he called her "Sam's body' which kinda meant I was sending her to get info on him which was not true cuz Im not creepy and I got hella pissed. Not because he told that about me, but because he hurt my friend. So I went to his classroom during his class, called out his name in front of the entire classroom and told him we needed to talk right that second and he gave a gesture saying he was doing his work and I told him I don't care. He came out and I gave him a sound scolding for doing such things. Not like that bad but I told him if he wasn't comfortable being my friend he could have just said so instead of spreading fake ass shit and talking down on my friends and he was speechless😭😂 (Capricorn Venus effect baby😂).
Scorpio being over the 12th house. I was in an extreme emotional turmoil in the month of October because of how my crush left me feeling Even though I scolded him (Scorpio ruler, Mars in 2nd house conjunct Venus and Pluto in 2nd house conjunct Mercury). I felt worthless and my self esteem dropped down so so badly. I was also very closed off but very emotional in private. Like I had so so much mental pain and emotional damage.
I'll jump to overall of December... there is Capricorn over the 2nd house and ruler, Saturn is in Aquarius in the 3rd house. Now, I met someone online in this month (Union in 2nd house conjunct 3rd house Aquarius mercury) and he was few years older to me, there was an evident age gap (capricorn). It was online mostly because the ruler of the 2nd house, Saturn, was in Aquarius with Aquarius mercury conjunct Union. Yes, this was the significant event that took place in this month. Yes, the connection was taboo and something I was sopposed to not involve myself in (union conjunct Pluto, Pluto conjunct mercury) The result is seen in the next SRC chart, 2023 where I check the placement of my Aquarius and count that as January and moving on.
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My 2023 Solar Return Chart:
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January being in the 12th house, having Pluto, sun and Mercury was the month where I was going to have a lot of my personal or taboo stuff exposed online (Capricorn Pluto conjunct Aquarius mercury). I was in a lot of drama and mess that month. I was going to have my reputation completely destroyed all because of some shitty guy online...the one I met on december and luckily I got myself out of it...with a lot of struggle (sun conjunct Saturn)
February was the month I began changing drastically as a person. Yes, I was more secretive and auspicious of people and I was very vulnerable and emotional that month (pisces over 1st house). I was also very much elevating spiritually.
March was the month where I paid a lot of attention to my studies and knowledge. I was also sharing my knowledge with others, like a guru does to his pupils lol. Yes, I actually had few People with whom I shared spiritual knowledge as a way to distract myself from the trauma and pain I had recently been through. This month was also the time I only spent time healing my wounds and had been wounded more.
April was the month I suddenly travelled a lot (3rd house = short distance travel) and those trips also changed me for the better (Taurus ruler being in the 1st house). The trip was expensive and lavish which also explains the Taurus over this house. I traveled to another state in my country so it is just Short Distance Travel. I also had significant events take place Here that changed my life's course extremely. It was like a new chapter in the book and I let go of the old chapter.
The month of May was a struggle for me because I began getting into arguments and fights with my mom and my family in general. I began feeling very uncomfortable around my elder brother since this month too. I was not at all in a good mood in this month and had horrible mood swings. I was pissed of 24/7, was always getting into fights with others, and was always complaining for nothing lol. I had a lot of problems with my friends too (Gemini) but my friend humbled my ass and told me I was so draining to be around and this further hurt me and I felt the need to change myself.
This one is very interesting, I met my romantic suitor in the month of June and cancer ruler being in the 10th house in Sagittarius is really fascinating because the guy was a Sagittarius. Anyways, I was also very emotional in the month of June, I was very emotional and I began to change into a more caring and loving person towards others. Cancer ruler conjunct Fama is the reason I began becoming known by many and popular because of my change of behaviour and welcoming nature.
Funny thing is, I began falling in love with this romantic suitor in the month of July. Leo being over this house with Destinn in this house made me experience such fated events which clearly felt like it was destiny that I met this man in my life and began falling so deeply in love with him, it was a crush in the beginning of course. My health also changed again and I began losing a lot of weight. (Leo ruler, Sun in the 12th house, the house of losses).
August month was very significant and full of work for me (Vertex and Virgo over this house) and it mainly circulated around the love that kept growing into a deep internal commitment to this person [7th house] (meaning I didn't tell him). I also faced significant events with my open enemies where she was clearly trying to take the guy away from me and it seemed to work which I was sad about but didn't do anything about. I was suspicious of my open enemies and even this guy I was falling in love with because I was doubtful about being liked back by him. I was overthinking so so much this month and had gotten so many dreams about this guy...he deeply impacted my subconscious and I couldn't go a day without having him settled in my brain (Virgo ruler, mercury in the 12th house). I even began writing in my diary because of him and about him of course.
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✓Always check the months falling in your 6th, 8th and 12th house because that month will be kinda tiring and there will be some sort of struggle that month. In Vedic astrology we call these houses the Dusthana Houses. They are called that because of how much pain and suffering these houses hold:-
6th house has got to do mainly with physical suffering and pain such as health issues and diseases. All about one's health and everyday life.
8th house has got to do mainly with very very harmful obstacles and extreme transformation All about intimacy, depth and spirituality.
12th house is the house of mental suffering, painful losses, betrayal and a lot of suffering that seems endless. All about addictions, secrets, pain and spirituality.
✓Where your True Node sits is the month where you will face and extremely impacting event that will change the course of direction in your life or will be the main contribution to your path moving forward so do not ignore that.
✓Wherever Moon and Mercury sits is the month you will be very unstable in some way or that month will be very unstable for you. You will also likely be very moody during that month and the months connected to these planets and you can overthink a lot with the mercury and become very emotional and moody with the moon.
✓Vertex also plays a very important role in understanding the month you will have very evidently significant events in your life. Especially when they conjunct a planet.
✓ I always notice that I meet significant people who will impact my life or will be there in my life forward a long time in the month that falls on my 10th house when the 10th house has a planet. Even when another house is connected to the 10th house (ex: Leo 4rth house (suppose March is in this house) sitting in the 10th house, I will meet someone significant in the month of March.
>> How and in what way does the significant person impact you can be seen by where the planets ruling sign is placed. Example: I have Cancer over the 5th house (suppose April falls here) and my Moon is sitting in the 10th house, I will meet this person in the month of April or the month falling in the 10th house. Also, this person will impact my love life or romantic journey, even my creativity for that matter (5th house themes).
I mentioned 👇this👇 in my Solar Return Chart post last time, but I'll type it down here as well for those who need it. For the placement of the zodiacs, it indicates the month being:
Where ♈ is, is the month you are brave, come first, are energetic and self-oriented. The month where you take a lot of action too.
Where ♉ is, is the month you are very stingy or when you are the most possessive of certain things or people, sensual, comfortable and dependable.
Where ♊ is, is the month you are fluent, curious, clever, seen as charming and communicate a lot. Will be very talkative. You can be spoken a lot about too.
Where ♋ is, is the month you will get pampered a lot, nurtured and protected or what/who you protect. You can even nurture and love the person connected to the house.
Where ♌ is, is the month you will have a lot of focus on you, when and where you tend to get creative, are adventurous, generous, have exciting experiences, and take risks (can also show who you take risks for)
Where ♍ is, is the month you try to be of service, when you are the most sceptical, doubtful and have to work to be accepted.
Where ♎ is, is the month you are cooperative, diplomatic, keep trying to find a balance, and are even competitive.
Where ♏ is, the month you feel compulsive or obliged to take care of certain things, when you get more into depth of the house topic and so on, experience a lot of intensity, when you keep secrets, what areas of your life you keep secrets about that month.
Where ♐ is, is the month you are more optimistic, crazy, fun, adventurous, and are liked by everyone. Also when and where you expand to new horizons.
Where ♑ is, is the month you are very serious, responsible, formal and even choosy and take no shit from others.
Where ♒ is, is the month you are quite the rebel, are independent, when you think a lot about the future, and when you are truly you.
Where ♓ is, is the month you are compassionate, sensitive, merciful, the month you dream of a lot, and possibly even wishes pertaining that area come true if you just dream about it.
For the significance of degrees (image from Pinterest):
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✓The chart ruler is very important in the SOLAR RETURN CHART to know overall what does the events revolve around that topic. Example: Leo ascendant means the events in the year and months overall revolve around love, romance, fun, creativity, the heart, etc. The ruler (SUN) sitting in 6th house indicates these areas affecting your health or meeting new romantic suitors where you work.
To understand the events better always connect the house ruler into your prediction along with aspects and signs as well, just like I mentioned in my examples above👆.
Try examining a future chart and make note of predictions. Then let that year arrive and let the predictions unfold in front of your eyes. Let me know how accurate this works out for you guys❤️
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I'll come back with my experience after I see how well the predictions manifested:
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Okay, so January, February and March are already over...I mean we're almost at the end of March now so I'll share my experience and then I'll continue with the prediction. I'm so excited!!😆 I will return with my experience of the predicted months as well guys, so stay tuned✨👏.
Mind you, this method is used to just check how and what would happen overall during each month and does not go so deep as the lunar return chart does.
My chart has Leo ascendant and my Sun is sitting in my 6th house conjunct Mercury in the 7th house. So this year, all the events will revolve around romance, creativity, fun, etc. Themes connected to the 7th house being relationships, partnerships, etc. will also affect me and my health (7th Mercury conjunct 6th Sun). Overall health and romance are the main theme of this year for me.
January is in my 6th house having Pluto, Sun, Destinn and Libby. The minute my year began I got sick. I was really really sick and I was puking so much. The 6th house is one's physical health and Pluto being there just made me fall ill out of nowhere. It was like the Tower Card. I was so healthy and suddenly I feel I'll the next day, it was very unexpected. Pluto conjunct Destinn manifested as me knowing the sickness was a sign from the universe about a new beginning. In last year December I was getting signs and weird premonitions Outta nowhere and this was the final confirmation for me to let go of what has ended in the past.
February is in the 7th house with Pisces Saturn and Mercury. This was the month where someone confessed their feelings for me before saying goodbye🥲👏 (mercury in the 7th was the loving confession while Saturn was the goodbye lol). I tried getting over him because he was a long term love of mine and I met a lot of people online but it never worked out with any of them even if it was the shortest of the short connections lol. I downloaded a few dating apps (Pisces Mercury conjunct Aquarius Sun) and deleted them within a day I tried getting into a relationship and it never happened (Saturn in 7th).
March month is in 8th house with Aries Chiron, Venus, Fama and Pisces Neptune and True Node. This month I did travel for 3 days and this trip, even though short, had a massive impact on me and I learnt a lot of lessons (True Node in Gemini degree, 27° in 8th house). I was recognised a lot for my beauty where I was told I had a very photogenic appearance and I should go into modelling (Venus conjunct Neptune in 8th house with fama). I was very active and took a lot of action this month too (Aries effect). I met a lot of people in the trip too and they taught me these lessons (again, True Node impact). This trip was also an extremely spiritual trip, like a pilgrimage (8th house themes).
APRIL - April month is in the 9th house having Taurus Uranus and Vertex. I will be traveling in this month and it will be long distance, like to another state or country. It will be sudden travel, like one I didn't plan and was suddenly taken to (Uranus in the 9th house). Significant events will take place this month which will make me level up when it comes to my beauty and femininity (Vertex in Taurus).
Even the Taurus sign ruler, Venus, being in the 8th house indicates my growing sensuality and also me having the fear that the events that took place on March would repeat again on this trip (sorry, too personal to share what happened). I will also be leveling up spiritually and will learn a lot of new things. I can also get new unexpected gifts and stuff, probably even technological devices (Taurus Uranus conjunct Vertex).
Uranus conjunct MC indicates literal change and elevation in my public image. Sudden breakthroughs are much likely and it can quite impact my personality uncomfortably though, it's the kind of change that makes me uncomfortable in some way (Uranus Square ascendant). Also since Uranus in 23° (Aquarius degree) I will most likely suddenly have significant events with people online and I will also elevate very uniquely.
I will definitely have extremely new experiences this month, probably even doing things I've never done in my life before. This house ruler in the 8th house does give me the feeling that I'm gonna be hella horny this month and I'm gonna be very intimate with someone or in general (idk who gurl, let's just see), especially since it's Venus and I will have or take some sort of intimate action because my house ruler is in Aries.
MAY - The month of May is in the 10th house having Gemini Jupiter and Groom. Since Jupiter is in the 10th house, I will be paid a lot of attention to in the public eye this month. It doesn't have to just be where I study or work, even while I'm walking in the streets, people will stare, it's like all the eyes are on me. This is because of the radiant energy I will vibrate in this month, it's very divine and pure, one full of life. That's why people will feel quite drawn to my energy and appearance, thus keeping their eye on me.
I will again travel a lot this month but it will be short distance (Gemini). I will speak a lot during this month or also be very influential online (Jupiter in 11°). Jupiter in Gemini also Indicates me being spoken a lot about by others this month, I'll be the topic of a LOT of Gossip. I will also most likely meet someone from my past (Gemini ruler in 7th house, a house that's falls behind this house which gave methe feeling of past returning back to the present and Groom falling in this house too). I can also meet a new romantic suitor or reunite with an old one but this is a man who will be very understanding towards me (Jupiter sextile Venus). I can also have wishes granted or prayers answered this month (Gemini ruler, Mercury in Pisces).
JUNE - The month of June is in the 11th house having Cancer Mars. I already know that this month is gonna be full of fights and arguments with my family members especially my elder brother (Cancer). I will also get into a lot of arguments and clashes with my friends and possibly even online drama (Mars in 11th house). Cancer ruler being in the 2nd house can also hinder my security, I won't feel safe this month. I will be very guarded and stingy even. Mars in Leo degree will make me very focused on my hair growth and my creativity, I will be very ambitious when it comes to this, this month. Although, Moon Quintile Mars suggests I will be very sexually active this month and can have extremely new sexual experiences (Moon in 0°). I will even probably have someone wanting to put their baby in me (Mars in Cancer aspect Moon effect). Not necessarily but we'll see...anyways, the month of June will be a very rocky month for me overall and I'll be pretty active that month. I will also have a lot of new experiences with my family and my mother specifically (Moon in 0°).
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Well, thankyou for reading through this today, I really hope you all enjoyed this!! ☺️❤️
Also, even though you are born on the middle or last months of the year, you can move to the next chart and begin counting the months from January starting with your zodiac sign.
For example: If you are born on the month of November, your chart would start at November _date_ 2025 in your 2025 SRC, still, start counting January from your zodiac sign till December and then shift to the next chart. I have tried this method with my friends charts and they have shared their relatability as well. It has worked wonders.
I know, a lot of critics will come my way but every method we use today was once a 'first time' for the creator. If we don't expand our mind to new horizons like the creators of many astrological methods did, then those methods wouldn't exist today..I'd like to end it at that😊💝.
Have a wonderful day ahead!!✨
All the images used above apart from my Solar Return Charts are taken from online sources and do not belong to me. All credits go to the original creators.
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anyataylorjoys · 1 year ago
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TOP 10 most obsessively rewatched horror films as of October 12th, 2023 according to Letterboxd:
1. Scream (1996) dir. Wes Craven 2. Halloween (1978) dir. John Carpenter 3. JAWS (1975) dir. Steven Spielberg 4. Scream V (2022) dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett 5. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) dir. Jim Sharman 6. Midsommar (2019) dir. Ari Aster 7. The Thing (1982) dir. John Carpenter 8. The Shining (1980) dir. Stanley Kubrick 9. IT (2017) dir. Andy Muschietti 10. Hereditary (2018) dir. Ari Aster (view 250 film lineup)
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holylulusworld · 8 months ago
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2024
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Like in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, I will post a kinky, fluffy, angsty or scary one-shot from October 1st till October 31st, 2024.
Please consider none of the stories are available until the set release date. Titles may change (all titles are working titles until the release date.). The release date may change at any time.
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October 1st: Forbidden Lust (3) sequel to Forbidden Lust & Forbidden Lust (2)
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Homewrecker kink
October 2nd: How deep is your love? sequel to Deepest love
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Friends to lovers
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
October 3rd: Extreme tight places sequel to Cramped & Tight places & Very tight places
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x fem!Reader
Kink: Anal sex
October 4th: Colorful leaves sequel to Falling leaves
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Trope: Sunny vs grumpy
October 5th: Serve your Soldier (2) sequel to Serve your Soldier
Pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!Reader
Kink: Collars
October 6th: Snuggle and cuddle sequel to Snuggle time
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Plussized!Reader
Trope: Huddling for warmth
October 7th: Good girls punch hard (1)
Pairing: Raymond Smith x fem!Reader
Kink: Lust at first sight
October 8th: A new life sequel to One autumn night
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Trope: Nesting (a/b/o)
October 9th: The peach (2) sequel to The Peach
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Girlfriend!Reader
Kink: Spanking
October 10th: My car again? sequel to Not in my car
Pairing: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Cuddling & Snuggling
Requested by: @dawn-petrichor-world
October 11th: Breathlessness sequel to Breathless & Take My Breath Away
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Boss kink
October 12th: Death or date?
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader
Trope/Kink: Enemies to lovers
October 13th: Pour me some love (1)
Pairing: Biker!Dean Winchester x Plussized!Reader
Trope: Love at first sight
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
October 14th: Ashtray (2) sequel to Ashtray
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Kink: angry sex
October 15th: My lawn, my rules sequel to Get off my lawn
Pairing: Alpha (Teacher) Bucky Barnes x Omega (Teacher) Reader
Trope: Mating
October 16th: Howl like a wolf (Prologue)
Pairing: Alpha!Anders Lassen x Omega!Reader
Kink: a/b/o
October 17th: Bucky & Ducky (1)
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Side-pairing: Bucky x Ducky the duck
Trope: Best buddies
Idea by: @buckys-wintersoldier
October 18th: Pipsqueak & Grumpy (2) sequel to Pipsqueak & Grumpy
Pairing: Wolverine/Logan Howlett x Chubby(Short)!Reader
Trope: TBA
October 19th: Torn in two
Pairing: Mobster!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Trope: Unrequited Love
October 20th: Sweater weather sequel to Christmas Sweater
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader
Trope: Sweater weather
October 21st: The cabin in the woods (2) sequel to The cabin in the woods
Pairing: Winter Soldier x fem!Reader
Trope: Captivity
October 22nd: Lunchtime Delight
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Girlfriend!Reader
Kink: Edging
Idea: by @elle14-blog1
October 23rd: My annoying sexy neighbor (2) sequel to My annoying sexy neighbor
Pairing: Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Semi-public sex
October 24th: Parallel Worlds (1)
Pairing: Negan Smith (TWD) x fem!Reader x John Winchester (SPN)
Trope: Daddy kink
October 25th: Unwanted mate (2) Bucky's version sequel to Unwanted Mate (Bucky's version)
Pairing: Alpha!Stucky x Omega!Reader
Trope: Triade
October 26th: Up his sleeve
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Hand kink
Idea by: @buckys-wintersoldier
October 27th: Breakfast for...
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Wife!Reader
Kink: TBA
October 28th: Their bride (Snippet 1) sequel to Best bridesmaid ever
Pairing: fem!Reader x Nick Fowler, Ari Levinson, Lloyd Hansen, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Trope: Post-Coitus moment
October 29th: His Bride (Prologue)
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Trope: Vampire AU
October 30th: Bound Tight
Pairing: Gus March-Philipps x fem!Reader x Anders Lassen
Kink: Ropes
Halloween Specials: ANGST/SMUT/HORROR
October 31st: His little red riding hood sequel to Little Red Riding hood lost in the woods
Pairing: (Alpha) Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader (LittleRedRidingHood)
Trope: Monster-fucking
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Find all other Bingos and Special Events here: Special Events
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yurimother · 2 years ago
Star Student X Delinquent Yuri Romance Manga 'I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl' Licensed in English
On Saturday, Kodansha USA announced at its Anime Expo 2023 panel that it has licensed Kashikaze's I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl (Lonely Girl ni Sakaraenai) for English publication. The first volume of the school romance Yuri manga will be released in the spring of 2024.
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I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl follows Ayaka Sakurai, a star student gifted in both academics and athletics. However, she gets nervous about exams, so has to settle for a lesser high school than she intended.
When her homeroom teacher recognizes Ayaka's struggle, she offers her a recommendation letter that could get her into any school of her choice, on one condition. She has to convince the delinquent girl, Sora Honda, to come to school. Thus the goody-goody Sakurai is thrust into a web of blackmail that might just lead to romance!
I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl was serialized in Comic Yuri Hime from 2019 until its conclusion in October 2022. Ichijinsha publishes six collected volumes of the manga in Japanese.
The manga received positive reviews from audiences and critics. Erica Friedman awarded the first Japanese volume an 8/10 score on Okazu, and the series won 12th place overall in Yuri Navi's fifth Yuri Manga Sousenkyo in 2021.
Kashikaze is a Japanese Yuri artist. She has contributed to multiple Yuri anthologies, including Canelé: Soeur, Shibuya Gyaru, and Chocolat: Shkaijin Yuri Anthology. She also released a side story doujinshi focusing on the side characters from I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl.
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Look forward to the release of the first volume of I Can't Say No to the Lonely Girl in the Spring of 2024.
Source: Kodansha USA Website, Kodansha Comics Twitter
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chlochette-sunde · 3 months ago
Know your Destiel/Cockles history: a calendar 
As a newcomer on Tumblr and on the Supernatural fandom, I first had trouble following all the past events that were regularly reminded and celebrated.
On this very special day (December 14th, European time), the following post is an attempt at listing those events, focusing on Destiel and Cockles (with a hint of Jenmisheel). Feel free to advise me for more (or less) dates!
Acknowledgement: The idea came from @youchangedmedestiel who also contributed to the content. The present post would never have been possible without @livebloggingmydescentintomadness 's Cockles masterlist. Color code: Destiel / Cockles
Honorary periodic event: FIMMF (Finger In My Mouth Friday)
12th: "Mish. Dee." (2021) - 1
16th: Broadcast of 15x09 “The Trap” (2020) - /
17th: ‘Isn't the season you met Misha?’ ‘Taste the rainbow’ JaxCon (2016) - 1
18th: The abandoned Jenmisheel podcast (2022) - 1
24th: Dean's birthday + ‘Jensen's the horse’ HousCon (2015) - / + 1
2nd: Broadcast of 12x10 “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” (2017) - /
14th: Destiel wedding anniversary (2021)
16th: Broadcast of 12x12 “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” (2017) - /
26th: ‘Which is funny, because so do I’ JIB11 (2023) - 1
28th: ‘Misha's been working out’ ‘He has though, hasn't he?’ NashCon (2016) - 1
1st: Jensen Ackles' birthday (1978) - 1 2 3 4
18th: Danneel Ackles' birthday (1979)
20th: Broadcast of 8x17 “Goodbye Stranger” + Gag reel (2013) - / + 1
23rd: Broadcast of 7x17 “The Born-Again Identity” (2012) + Broadcast of 15x13 “Destiny’s Child” + Gag reel (Jensen's infamous fart joke) (2020) - / + 1
1st: Mishapocalypse (2013) + Mishapocalypse 2.0 (2023) - 1 2 + 3
10th: “When Harry Met Sally” JIB2 (2011) - 1
13th: Season 15 EW Photoshoot (2020) - 1 2
15th: Broadcast of 5x18 “Point of No Return” + Gag reel (blowjob+‘we’re missing the gay angel’+‘confetti it’s a parade’) (2010) - 1 + 2 3 4 
15th: Bishagate 2.0 NJCon (2023) + Misha’s Cas essay (2022) - 1 2 + 3
23th: Bishagate ‘I’m all three’ NJCon (2022) - 1
25th: ‘I happen to be straight’ (2022) - 1 2
27th: Broadcast of 12x19 “The Future” (2017) - 1 2 3 4
28th: ‘Balls deep’ CR8 (2024) - 1
29th: Broadcast of 6x19 “Mommy Dearest” + Gag reel (2011) - 1
6th: Broadcast of 6x20 “The Man Who Would Be King” (2011) - /
7th: First release of 'Watching Over Me' (2021) - 1
19th: Straddlegate JIB10 (2019) - 1 2 3 4
21st: Jensen's bear underwear reveal JIB8 (2017) - 1
23rd: ‘Okay babe’ (2021) - 1
24th: Misha tenderly rescuing Jensen+’We like you the best’+Hitch scene JIB5 (2014) - 1 2 3
26th: ‘It’s not a subtext. It was clear text.’ PurCon8 (2024) - 1
27th: ‘I talked to Jensen and Danneel this morning because I couldn’t sleep’ PurCon7 (2023) - 1
1st: ‘I miss my blanky’ + ‘I love you’ VS ‘I need you’ (2021 (yes, on the same fucking day)) + ‘Also, Cas is gay.’ (2023) - 1 2 3 + 4
14th: 'Destiel is Cockles Fault' Day SFCon (2024) - 1
24th: ‘Wow, that was really informative. Thank you.’ SDCC (2011) + ‘How do you know’ SDCC (2016) - 1 + 2
9th: Destiel fanfics first ship to reach the milestone of 100,000 stories 'I have to admit, I like being on top' (2021)
13th: ‘I’d love to do a Western…slash romcom with Misha’ VanCon (2017) - 1
17th: Cockles day at sea (2015) + ‘I would probably choose to be the car, because Dean would ride me all day’ SPNDEN (2018) - 1 2 + 3
18th: Destiel winning TV Choice Best Chemistry (2015) - 1
20th: Misha Collins' birthday (1974) - 1
8th: Release of "Some things I Still Can't Tell You", poetry book by Misha Collins - Men in the Woods (2021) - 1
13th: First broadcast of Supernatural (2005) - /
18th: Broadcast of Lazarus Rising, first appearance of Castiel (2008) + First release of Jensen publicly singing 'Angeles' (2012) (+Bonus: Jensen serenading Misha at JIB11 (2023)) - 1 + 2 3 4
24th: Broadcast of 5x03 “Free to Be You and Me” (2009) (Bonus: reference of ‘personal space’ at SFCon (2024)) - 1
11th: Danneel Ackles, sharing a picture of Jensen, reading "Some things I still can't tell you" by the fire, Misha tagged on his heart (2021) - 1 2 
13th: Broadcast of 12x01 “Keep Calm and Carry On” + ‘You're poking me’ Gag reel (2016) - 1
16th: ‘He’s like an angel plushie’ DenCon (2021) - 1
20th: ‘I can say whatever I want because Danneel is in love with you' HCCB (2024) - 1 
21st: Broadcast of 10x03 “Soul Survivor” + ‘Aloha cowboy’ Gag reel (2014) - 1 2
23rd: ‘I should have said ‘I love you too’ and hugged him’ VanCon (2022) - 1
28th: Broadcast of 11x04 “Baby” (2015) (Bonus: reenactment of the CasDean scene at JIB7 (2016))
5th: Broadcast of 15x18 "Despair" - Destiel's anniversary (2020) - /
8th: ‘Homosexual declaration of love’ Darklight Online Con (2020) + 'I live it' (2021) - 1 (no official proof because the panel has mysteriously been deleted from social medias around the 26th) + 2
11th: Broadcast of 10x05 “Fan Fiction” (2014) - /
12th: Broadcast of 9x06 “Heaven Can't Wait” (2013) - /
16th: Broadcast of 13x06 “Tombstone” (2017) + ‘Release the tapes!’ Day (2020) - / + 1
19th: Broadcast of 15x20 "Carry on" -> Last episode of Supernatural (so far 🕯🤞🏻) (2020) + Misha sharing by mistake (?) “The epic love story of Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins” blog (2013) - / + 1 2
24-25th: 'y yo a ti' (2020) - 1 
24th: ‘His ferret goes other places’ (2024) - 1
26th: Misha having to live stream and do PR during Thanksgiving, in mid divorce, following 'y yo a ti' (2020) - 1
1st: Danneel sharing a post to promote "The Adventurous Eaters Club", featuring Jensen and their kids (2019) - 1 2
5th: ‘I love you, not like a brother, but like a lover’ CCXP (2024) - 1 2
6th: ‘Cas was supposed to have his arm around Dean in the bar’ CCXP (2024) - 1 2
14th: Cockles anniversary (2009) + Introduction of 'Eyes Like The Sky' beer (2020) - 1 2 3 + 4
19th: Jenmisheel holiday package (2017) - 1 2
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digimonarchive · 8 months ago
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Digimon in all animated media - Anime, Movies and OVA
1st pic = Digimon Adventure anime (Japan: March 7, 1999 - March 26, 2000; USA: August 14, 1999 - June 24, 2000)
2nd pic = Digimon Adenture 02 anime (Japan: April 2, 2000 - March 25, 2001; USA: August 19, 2000 - May 19, 2001)
3rd pic = Digimon Tamers anime (Japan: April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002; USA: September 1, 2001 - June 8, 2002)
4th pic = Digimon Frontier anime (Japan: April 7, 2002 - March 30, 2003; USA: September 9, 2002 - July 14, 2003)
5th pic = Digimon Savers / Data Squad anime (Japan: April 2, 2006 – March 25, 2007; USA: October 1, 2007 - November 2, 2008)
6th pic = Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion anime (Japan: July 6, 2010 - March 25, 2012; USA: September 7, 2013 - August 16, 2015)
7th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars part 2) (Japan: April 3, 2011 - September 25, 2011; USA: March 8, 2015 - August 16, 2015) **
8th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars Hunters or Digimon Xros Wars part 3) (Japan: October 2, 2011 - March 25, 2012) ***
9th pic = Digimon Adventure Tri OVA (Japan: November 21, 2015 - May 5, 2018; USA: September 15, 2016 - September 20, 2018)
10th pic = Digimon Universe Appli Monsters anime (a.k.a Appmon) (Japan: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017)
11th pic = Digimon Adventure: (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 2020 or Digimon Adventure reboot) (Japan: April 5, 2020 - September 26, 2021; USA: November 19, 2022 - April 13, 2023)
12th pic = Digimon Ghost Game (Japan: October 3, 2021 - March 26, 2023)
13th pic = Digimon Adventure (Movie) short film (Japan: March 6, 1999; USA: October 6, 2000 as the first segment part of Digimon The Movie)
14th pic = Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! movie (Japan: March 4, 2000; USA: October 6 2000 as the second segment part of Digimon The Movie)
15th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals movie (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 02 Vol 1 and 2) (Japan: July 8, 2000; USA: October 6, 2000 as the third segment part of Digimon The Movie) ****
16th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back / Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon movie (Japan: March 3, 2001; USA: August 5, 2005)
17th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle / Digimon: Battle of Adventurers movie (Japan: July 14, 2001; USA: October 16, 2005)
18th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express / Digimon: Runaway Locomon movie (Japan: March 2, 2002; USA: October 2, 2005)
19th pic = Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! / Digimon: Island of Lost Digimon movie (Japan: July 20, 2002; USA: October 23, 2005)
20th pic = Digital Monster X-evolution movie (Japan: January 3, 2005; USA: August 1, 2020)
21st pic = Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! movie (Japan: December 9, 2006)
22nd pic = Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix! short film OVA (Japan: July 20, 2000)
23rd pic = Digimon Savers 3D: The Digital World in Imminent Danger! short film OVA (Japan: July 8, 2006)
24th pic = Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project OVA short films (Japan: November 22 2019 - December 25, 2020)
25th pic = Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie (Japan: February 21, 2020; USA: September 29, 2020)
26th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie (Japan: October 5, 2023; USA: November 8, 2023)
** This is the 2nd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Taiki, Kiriha and Nene on their adventure while Akari and Zenjirou are left out.
*** This is the 3rd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Tagiru, Yuu and Taiki as the protagonists. This 3rd part has the overly long title so we fans prefer to call it 'Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters' or 'Digimon Young Hunters'.
**** Yes, this movie has an overly long title. I had a hard time deciding whether to highlight it in bold or not.
Happy Digimon Day!
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kathlare · 2 months ago
tornado warnings
Lando Norris x Amelie Dayman
Summary: Lando confronts his unresolved feelings for Amelie as he listens to her song Tornado Warnings. The raw, emotional lyrics force him to face the mistakes he made in their complicated relationship, leaving him overwhelmed with guilt and regret over what he lost.
Wordcount: 1.0 k
Warnings: none
full masterlist // request over here!
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October 12th, 2022 - London, United Kingdom
Lando sat on the plush couch in his family’s living room, the quiet of the night settling in like a heavy blanket. The house was empty aside from him—his parents were out, and his younger brother was visiting friends. It was rare for him to have these moments of stillness, where the world slowed down long enough for him to breathe and reflect.
He had been meaning to listen to Amelie's album for months now, ever since it came out. But somehow, he kept avoiding it. Maybe because he knew deep down that it would bring back memories he wasn’t ready to face, memories that still haunted him. He grabbed his headphones, plugged them into his phone, and hit play.
The first few tracks were catchy, fun, the kind of music that made him tap his feet and nod his head. But he wasn’t really listening. Not like he used to with Amelie’s music. It felt too detached, too clinical—like listening to someone else's life. And that’s what it was, wasn’t it? Her life, her journey, her voice. Not his.
Then came the song. The one he’d been dreading: Tornado Warnings.
The first notes hit him with a strange pang in his chest. He stopped what he was doing and just listened. He wasn’t prepared for how it made him feel—how it cut through him like a blade, opening up a wound he thought he had buried.
"We were never in the park," the lyrics began, Amelie’s voice lilting and haunting. Lando leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes as the words swept over him. "Talking on a seesaw, teetering with our feelings in the dark." That was them, wasn’t it? Always balancing on the edge, pretending to be something they weren’t. Always avoiding the truth of what they were to each other.
"Ignoring tornado warnings."
He let out a shaky breath, his fingers tightening around his phone as he braced for more.
He didn't hold me in his arms, we didn't stumble over the pages of our relationship arc... The lyrics kept hitting home, pulling him deeper into memories he couldn’t escape. It was true. They never fully committed, never fully admitted what they were to each other. He had never really held her in the way she deserved, not in the way that could have kept her from walking away.
The guilt hit him like a wave.
And then, the lines that really got him:
"Don’t understand how quickly we get right back in our rhythm without missing a step, and logically, the last thing I should have on my mind, but I want you there sometimes."
It was like hearing her voice for the first time again. The way she always knew how to make him laugh, how they could talk for hours about nothing at all, or everything at once. It wasn’t just friendship anymore—it was something else, something more, something that never fully had a name. And now, it was gone.
He rubbed his eyes, trying to focus as the tears began to blur his vision. "I guess maybe that's why I'm lying to my therapist..." Amelie’s voice broke through the fog of his thoughts, raw and vulnerable.
He didn’t know why, but the thought of her sitting with a therapist, talking about him—it hit him harder than he’d ever expected. He had convinced himself that they were just two people who drifted apart, that it didn’t matter anymore. But hearing her sing about lying to her therapist, about trying to convince herself that it didn’t matter, made him feel like the biggest piece of shit on the planet.
"I keep saying things like, ‘I never saw him and we never kissed,’" she sang, and Lando’s heart twisted painfully.
He had always known that Amelie had a way of hiding things, of putting on a brave face when she was breaking inside. But he hadn’t realized how much she had buried until now. He thought he had hurt her, but he didn’t understand how much until he heard it in her voice—her sadness, her longing, her regret.
"Now I think, somehow, in my mind, if I could convince him, if he doesn’t see it, then maybe it doesn’t exist. I think he’s onto me every time I say, “I’m over that son of a bitch.”
Lando gasped, a lump rising in his throat as the weight of her words settled over him. He had pushed her away. He had been the one to turn his back on their connection. He had been the one to prioritize everything else—the girls, the distractions, the fame—over the one person who had truly understood him.
She had deserved more than that. More than him.
"I’ll drive you home, you drive me crazy, but that’s not gonna stop me..."
He could hear the pain in her voice, the mix of love and anger, the way she had tried to make sense of their twisted dynamic.
But it was too late. The realization hit him like a freight train. They could have been something. They should have been something. He had let it slip through his fingers.
Lando finally pulled the headphones from his ears and stared at the blank wall in front of him, tears slipping down his face without him even realizing it. He had messed it all up. And now, she was gone. Not just physically—she was gone from his life, from his heart.
He never wanted to admit it to himself, but now, listening to her voice, he couldn’t deny it anymore. Amelie was the one that got away. And he had no one to blame but himself.
The song echoed in his mind as the weight of everything crushed him.
He had always been good at pretending. But now, in the silence of his family home, he couldn’t pretend anymore.
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fyeahygocardart · 6 months ago
FYYCA 12th Anniversary Post
Hard to imagine it's really been this long...
As always, many thanks to everyone for their ongoing support of the blog. Life's been hectic as of the last year with hospital work and family things (namely, raising a toddler). Blog isn't going anywhere, just a matter of keeping up with posts and so forth on the off weeks.
In any case, here's an overview of the top posts for the last two years (since I neglected to do a summary post last year):
October 2022: Dark Magician
November 2022: Chamber Dragonmaid
December 2022: Parlor Dragonmaid
January 2023: Purrely
February 2023: Dian Keto the Security Master
March 2023: Stardust Dragon
April 2023: Gizmek Hopping Hare of Hokuto
May 2023: Nemleria Dream Defender-Couette
June 2023: Kuribot
July 2023: Dark Magic Twin Burst
August 2023: Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle
September 2023: Rafale, Champion Fur Hire
October 2023: Diabellstar the Black Witch
November 2023: Purrely Delicious Memory
December 2023: Duamatef Blessing of Horus
January 2024: Vanquish Soul Pantera
February 2024: Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever
March 2024: Melffy of the Forest
April 2024: Dragonmaid Sheou
May 2024: Ragnaraika the Evil Seed
June 2024: My Friend Purrely
July 2024: Ghoti of the Deep Beyond
August 2024: Evil HERO Malicious Bane
September 2024: Rescue Hedgehog
Top three posts of October 2022-September 2023: Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette, Melffy Pinny (in the same month as Couette), and Parlor Dragonmaid
Top three posts of October 2023- September 2024: Dragonmaid Sheou, Melffy of the Forest, and Diabellestar the Black Witch
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tiedyeflannels · 3 months ago
Never Let You Go
Park Jimin x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Pt.1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 -- Masterlist
Genre: Angst to fluff
A/N: Yo! Not gonna lie, I thought this was going to be the last part, but I guess there'll be one more! Haha! Anyways... Enjoy!
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“Hey, Chim! Though it’s the 12th here, it’s technically your birthday back home, so… Happy Birthday! I hope you’re doing well. Sorry I can’t be there for your birthday, but I did get you a gift so make sure to ask Hobi about that, lol! Anyways, stay safe and healthy. I love you!” Sent 8:07 am, October 12th, 2022.
“Congratulations on your Billboard #1!! I am so, incredibly proud of you!! I remember being with you when you were working on the album and all of those sleepless nights you spent in the studio and I’m so glad that your hard work is being recognized the way it should be! I also saw a performance of yours and you looked so cool! I’ll be rooting for you, fighting!!” Sent 12:42 pm, May 1st, 2023.
“Hey, I thought that I would send you message before you go into the military. I know you guys were dreading it, but it’ll pass in no time, so keep your head up! I texted the others to wish them luck in their service, too. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there to see you off, but I’ll see you soon! Be safe, stay healthy, and do your best, which I know you always do! Good luck!” Sent 10:48 am, December 10th, 2023.
“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jimin! I hope you’re well. How’s life been treating you so far? Are you excited for the new year? I been doing well over here. I definitely am a little homesick, but I’ve made some really nice friends over the year, so it’s been fun. I’ve talked to the others, and they said that you’ve been doing well so that’s a relief to hear, but I’d love to hear from you. I’ll be here for you, just send a text, okay? Miss you lots…” Sent 11:11 pm, January 2nd, 2024.
“Hey, Jimin. Uh… I’ll be coming home in a week. I’m excited to see you guys! I-”
I stopped typing I looked at the last text I sent.
“I miss you…" Sent December 25, 2024”.
It had been a week since I sent that, and it was still unread. I scrolled through all of the texts I sent throughout the two years since we had the argument and I had moved, making me heavily sigh. 
I deleted what I was writing, figuring that I was starting to lose the energy to keep this up. I sat up and shook my head as I went back to packing my apartment up before going back home early next week. I really can’t believe him…
“Dude. I just got off the plane. I’m on my way to grab my bag. What do you need because you called me six times,” I asked as I approached the luggage carousel as bags started to appear.
“Oh, nothing! I just wanted talk to you,” Jin said happily and I could practically hear the smile in his voice. 
I quietly chuckled and shook my head as I watched others take their luggage and waited to see my suitcase.
“Anyway, we sent a car over to pick you up from the airport, so be on the lookout for our driver, okay?”
I nodded, though he couldn’t see me and approached the carousel once I saw my bag making its round. 
“That’s sweet, thanks- hold on,” I said, sliding my phone in my coat pocket before getting hold of the suitcase handle and hauling it out of the carousel. Standing it up and pulling the handle up, I started to walk toward the ‘ground transport’ area.
“Anyway, thank you! You didn’t have to do that. I could have ridden the bus home.”
“It was no problem at all! Actually Hobi wanted to make sure you got home safe, so the idea was mainly his.”
I smiled at the concern.
“Aww! Then I’ll make sure to thank him when I get home.”
I followed the crowd as I neared the doors and saw the line of cars outside. I looked around the area to see if I could spot their driver, Mr. Choi, and a man holding a sign with my name written on it with Hobi’s handwriting. I laughed at how unreadable it was, but approached him nonetheless.
Mr. Choi bowed in greeting as I smiled and he led me outside to where the car was stationed. “I should let you go. I found you driver and I’ll be heading home. I’ll stop by to see you you and Hobi tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay! See you soon, bye~” Jin sang before he hung up.
We approached the car and Mr. Choi grabbed my bag to put in the back as the side door of the black van opened and I got in and took a seat on the left side, behind the driver’s seat.
Once situated and Mr. Choi started the car, I turned on my phone and opened Hobi’s contacted as I started typing a ‘thank you’ for sending a car to get me before a voice in the front seat interrupted me.
“So, how was your trip?”
My head shot up as I saw Jin back with a smirk on his face.
I gasped, “You came to pick me up!?” I brought my hands up to cover my mouth in surprise while he laughed and nodded.
“Yeah… I wasn’t the only one that wanted to see you…”
He glanced to the side and raised his eyebrows, hinting at something. My brows furrowed before I heard a happy “Hey, Y/n” from the back seat, making me whip my head at the voice to see Hobi sitting behind me. 
“Hobi,” I happily squealed as he made his way forward and into the seat next to mine. I reached over and gave him an excited hug, happy that two of my friends came to pick me up.
“I was just going to text you! How are you guys?”
Hobi buckled him self in as the car started to move, “Good! We wanted to come surprise you.” 
I smiled, looking between both of them, “Thank you, that’s sweet! How was that military, by the way?”
They both groaned, which made me chuckled as it reminded me how much the dreaded enlisting.
“Ugh! It was boring and I couldn’t do anything I wanted,” Jin whined.
“Yeah, and I missed the members and ARMY,” Hobi agreed and I nodded. 
“Well, you certainly didn’t change at all,” I said.
“Of course we wouldn’t. It was just work we needed to do, but you,” Jin drawed out, pointing a finger at me and gestured to my hair, “Certainly have!”
“Yeah, you look different,” Hobi joined. I playfully rolled my eyes, “It’s just a different hair cut, guys. It’s nothing.” 
Jin hummed skeptical, “Was this little decision because of a certain someone?”
Knowing he was talking about Jimin, I sighed and fell back in my seat, “No. It was just something I wanted to try out.”
Hobi’s eyes softened as he looked at me, “Did you ever get to talk to him about what happened?”
I looked down at my hands resting on my lap and sadly shook my head. “No,” I sighed, thinking of everything I did trying to get him to talk to me. “Looking back, I, maybe, tried too hard to get him to talk to me.”
“He wouldn’t talk to us about the situation either,” Hobi, stated as he sunk into his seat.
Jin crossed his arms and disappointedly shook his head in the front seat, “Yeah. He wouldn’t budge anytime one of brought up that he should, at least, talk about what happened.” 
A sad smile graced my lips briefly before I rolled my eyes, emotionally exhausted by this whole situation.
“Maybe I should've given up the first time he said that we were over,” I mumbled as I turned to look outside the window and watch the cars pass.
“Listen, he could still come around. Jimin comes out of the military in June,” Hobi tried to look at the positives.
“Mhm. And if he doesn’t talk to you, we’ll hold it over him for the rest of his days,” Jin said, nodding securely as if that was the final decision.
I chuckled quietly and nodded at their statements, though I wasn’t sure how true they would reign. Would Jimin want to talk after the military? Could this be fixed or am I fooling myself?
I sighed, “I guess we’ll see…”
Part 3
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shadowland · 1 year ago
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david crosby & joni mitchell
Joni Mitchell and David Crosby, hanging out with Eric Clapton, Micky Dolenz, Laurel Canyon, February 1968 © Henry Diltz. / Cactus Tree - Joni Mitchell / Portrait of David Crosby by Joni Mitchell, 1969 / David Crosby, Panama Canal artwork by Joni Mitchell, 1969 / Guinevere - Crosby, Stills and Nash / A Schooner Runs Through It | BoatUS and Reckless Daugther by David Yaffe / Unknown, Nature film, 1970s / Joni Mitchell listening as David Crosby plays at Cass Elliott’s home, 1968. © Henry Diltz / Remember My Name (2019) dir. Cameron Crowe / Reckless Daugther by David Yaffe / Joni Mitchell signing her record deal with Elliot Roberts (her manager), David Crosby (producer) and Mo Ostin, RCA Record executive, 1967 / David Crosby and Joni Mitchell at Big Sur, Rolling Stone, October 12th 1968 / Coconut Grove / Joni Mitchell wearing David Crosby’s brimmed hat—Sunset Sound Recorders, Los Angeles, CA, 1967 © Sulfiati Magnuson. / Joni Mitchell and David Crosby during recording season to “Song To A Seagull”, 1967 © Sulfiati Magnuson / Quote from Remember My Name (2019) dir. Cameron Crowe / That Song about the Midway - Joni Mitchell / David Crosby Song To A Seagull sleeve, 1967 / David Crosby, 1969 © Henry Diltz / Joni Mitchell describing David Crosby as Yosemite Sam / David Crosby, Joni Mitchell and Graham Nash travel to Big Bear Lake, 1969 © Henry Diltz / Henry Diltz contact sheet, with Joni Mitchell, Graham Nash, and David Crosby. / Joni Mitchell with Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young, Wembley Stadium, September 14, 1974. © Vin Miles / David Crosby tweeting about Joni Mitchell and Brandi Carlile after their performance at the Newport Folk Festival, July 2022
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elizabethwydevilles · 9 months ago
Padme, during RotS development
One thing to understand is that for the first several months of pre-production, George Lucas is still writing the script (pre-production started roughly around late April of 2002, with the first draft of the script finished in late January 2003. To quote Paul Duncan: 'before the script was written, the design team were given the freedom to imagine possible scenarios', and Rick McCallum: 'usually no one would go off and spend millions of dollars without understanding what the very foundation of the film they're making is, but we break that very rule of film production'.
Sources for this post are The Art of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005), The Making of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005) and The Star Wars Archives, 1999-2005 by Paul Duncan (2020).
It's also going to be a long ass post, so see under the cut.
June 7-21 2002(?): Ryan Church painted a battle scene: 'What if a bunch of bad guys were attacking Padme and the clones who were trying to get back to their ship?'
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August 2002: While revieving costume designs, GLucas indicated that Padme will need senatorial, casual and action wear.
October 12th, 2002: 'For the first time, it is rumoured that Padmé might die in this film. She might be seen last on Alderaan.'
October 25th-31st, 2002: In response to GLucas requesting a new locale for a Padme and Anakin 'love scene', Erik Tiemens designed several Naboo sceneries. Upon viewing them, GLucas moved the scene to Coruscant; some design elements are used for Kashyyyk.
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October, 2002: Iain McCaig designed costumes for Padme. Note the bird of prey.
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October 2002: While designing the world of Kashyyyk, Erik Tiemens painted a scene of Padme walking with wookies. (Note: Image is a cropped version of the full art work)
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November 1st-8th, 2002: Iain McCaig: 'George said there might be a scene where Padme's doubled over in agony and Yoda is there unable to help her'.
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November 22nd, 2022: Erik Tiemens designed a set of new locations for Padme and Anakin 'love scene' on Coruscant.
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December 19th, 2002: Erik Tiemens: 'I was brainstorming with Iain [McCaig] and he thought that Padme might have a dagger in her hand'.
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December 20th, 2002: Derek Thompson illustrated his idea of having Vader find Padme and the children, who are being protected by Jedi.
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January 31st 2003: GLucas delivered the first rough draft to his producer Rick McCallum. The outline given in the book is brief, but Padme's basic storyline in the 55 page script appears no different. However, Anakin's nightmare about Padme features her consumed by flames, and Padme goes to Mustafar with her handmaidens and Captain Typho - who are gunned down by clones on arrival.
February 6th, 2003: Erik Tiemens designed a piece of concept art for Padme's funeral procession.
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April 12th/13th 2003: GLucas presented the first official draft of the movie script. It's 111 pages long. Padmé and her entourage are still attacked on their arrival on Mustafar, but this time by droids whom Anakin defeats. In regards to Padme's death, Palpatine tells Vader that a Jedi murdered her.
May 5th, 2003: Iain McCaig's designed Padme's funeral outfit.
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May 24th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme and Anakin's farewell before he leaves for Mustafar.
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May 29th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme watching the Jedi temple burn.
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June 13th 2003: GLucas presented the second official draft of the movie script. It's 135 pages long. Anakin's nightmare of Padmé is changed from her being consumed by flames, to her dying in childbirth. There is now a scene where Palpatine suggests to Anakin that Obi-Wan is meeting with Padmé secretly. In regards to Padme's actual death, Palpatine tells Vader that he [Vader] murdered her, just as in the movie. Just like the finished movie, it is noted that Padme dies of a broken heart. Padme's final smile at Leia is noted to be the smile that Leia remembers in RotJ.
June 26th, 2003: The fourth draft of the script is completed, consisting of 129 pages. Padme is no longer accompanied to Mustafar by Typho and her handmaidens.
June 30th, 2003: Principal photography begins.
July 2nd, 2003: First Padme scenes are shot, both located in her apartment (Her and Obi-Wan discussing Anakin, and Padme with the other senators).
July 3rd, 2003: Revised script for the scene in which Obi-Wan tells Padme he knows about her and Anakin.
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August 12th, 2003: Last day of principal shooting for Natalie Portman.
September 17th, 2003: Principal shooting finishes.
December 21st, 2003: Iain McCaig designed a practical costume for Padme.
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March 9th, 2004: All but the last ('thunderous applause') of Padme's political scenes have now been cut from the final film.
August 23rd - September 3rd 2004: Reshoots
August 23rd, 2004: Additional scene scripted for reshoot the following day.
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January 31st, 2005: One last day of filming for Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen.
Script excerpt (unknown date)
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Art (unsure dates)
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Padme's apartment layout and colours
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emkayewrites · 8 months ago
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OK - another BTS of Bridgerton Season 3 moment in my Lukola fanfic. Luke and Nicola rehearsing THAT sex scene.
(Excerpt taken from my fanfiction 'Curtain Fall')
12th October 2022 – Buckinghamshire (UK)
Of all the rehearsal spaces they had been able to inhabit so far, this was one of the grandest.  In another lifetime, this had been the nursery for the Victorian family who lived here.  Attesting to this history were the period features: dark wood floorboards and panelled emerald-green walls.  These days, the room stood largely empty apart from the heavy green curtains that framed the bay windows and a blue chaise longue that the production team had positioned in the centre.  A purple blanket was messily strewn across the chaise longue.
Luke and Nicola sat cross-legged on the floor beside the piece of furniture, a script cradled in each of their laps.  They were both dressed casually, Luke in dark jogging bottoms and a white-shirt, and Nicola in black leggings and tank top.  Lizzy sat opposite them, wrapped in an oversized maroon cardigan, her auburn curls pulled up into a high ponytail. She tapped the end of a ballpoint pen thoughtfully against her bottom lip as she scanned her own copy of the script.
“OK, so, do we want a break or do we want to move onto the next section?”  She surveyed them.
“I’m happy to carry on for a bit.” Luke responded. 
Nicola nodded in agreement, her eyes catching the clock by the door as she did so. She was surprised to see that they had been working for nearly four hours without interruption.  They were deep into a process that Lizzy called negotiating your boundaries.   This meant that their morning had been spent walking through their intimate scenes and figuring out exactly how they would enact them.  Lizzy was there to facilitate them as they maneuvered through the challenging dialogue and actions.  Every single touch was discussed, choreographed, and evaluated in explicit detail. 
Initially, Nicola had walked in feeling slightly on edge and she knew Luke was going through the same motions.  Neither of them had ever worked in scenes where they had to portray sexual acts in such excruciating detail and the idea of doing things like working out the mechanics of digital penetration had been daunting.  Yet, they had done exactly this for several hours and to her surprise, it had been one of the most enriching and comfortable experiences she had ever had in a rehearsal.  It had felt tough but only in the same way coordinating steps to a dance routine could feel tough.  There was something about Lizzy’s gentle manner and her assuredness that made even the most intense scripted action seem manageable.  Most of all, there was Luke.  She had not known she could feel this comfortable with a co-star until they had started working on the sex scenes.  Luke was gentle and respectful.  As they directed one another, step by step, through kisses and touching, Nicola forgot for a moment that anyone else was in the room, observing.  He made her feel like they were the only two people in the room which was exactly how she needed to feel to really embody her character in those scenes. 
It was also a consuming process.  The only thing they had to care about was one another and the performance they were there to deliver.  The rest of the world fell away.  It was just what she needed, and she was happy to surrender herself entirely to the work.
“Great.” Lizzy smiled. “Let’s go from line 347 to 523.”
Nicola shuffled herself up onto the chaise longue, and Luke moved so that he was a few steps away from her.
Lizzy held up the script and read: “We have our rear view of Colin - pun-intended -as he stands before Penelope, fully exposed and vulnerable.”
Nicola looked up at Luke, he faced her with his back to Lizzy.  He stood tall and stiff.  He was so good at playing the character that even without a single line of dialogue, he exuded Colin. 
Lizzy continued reading: “Penelope leans back on the chaise longue, a blanket draped across naked body, tastefully obscuring her breasts, abdomen, and upper thighs.  She looks up at Colin as he approaches, her face is a mixture of hopeful anticipation and nerves.”
Nicola arched her back against the chaise longue, pulling the blanket across her chest, stomach, and thighs as she did so.  Luke’s eyes travelled across her body, a shy smile on his face.  She met his expression with a look of excitement and nerves.  All Penelope wants in this moment is for him to be right next to her, for him to touch her. 
“OK next - Colin gently peels the blanket back, takes in her naked body.” Lizzy directed, watching as Luke walked three small yet purposeful steps towards Nicola.  He reached forward and gently tugged the blanket away, his hand caressing her stomach as he did so.  Although she was not naked, she imagined she was, and let out a small gasp at her own sudden exposure.  His eyes scanned over her stomach, along her breasts and then into her eyes.  He did the thing most men did when they looked at her breasts, he lingered.  It was brief but noticeable.   It was hard in moments like this one to forget that this was an attractive young man pressed on top of her. 
Penelope is aching for him to be on her, in her. Nicola thought, trying to keep her focus.  She felt her heart race.  In that moment, a part of her ached for him to hurry up and touch her.  She could not explain what the feeling was or why it was there, only that it had been present all morning and it had made the work much easier.  When their skin touched, when she felt his breath against her, it felt good.  To her, this was a win.  She was doing sex scenes with someone and enjoying them.  Is this not what acting should be?  She was getting something right.       
“He leans over her, tugging the blanket over them so their dignity is covered. The entire time, their eyes remain locked.”
Here, Luke moved so that he was leaning on top of her, supporting his body weight with his own arms.  She watched as he tried to pull the blanket over them in one smooth motion but instead, struggled.  It was hard for him to support his body weight with only one arm and adjust the blanket with the other.  This scuffle continued, becoming less sensual and more comical as the seconds passed.
“Sorry – it’s either I move the blanket and crush you, or I don’t move the blanket.” Luke sighed in exasperation, sitting back up.
“Can I help him?” Nicola looked over at Lizzy.
Lizzy gave them a thoughtful look.  “Let’s give it a go. From the top.”
Once again, Luke appeared on top of her, using one arm to hold himself up and the other to tend to the blanket.  They stared deep into each other’s eyes as they did.  Nicola felt around for the blanket, trying not to break eye contact as she did, and felt the cotton fabric scrape her fingertips.  She shuffled herself further down to try to reach, still trying to maintain the intensity of their gaze.  Luke’s face began to contort from lovelorn to amused, eventually making him break character.
“What are you doing?” He laughed incredulously. “All I’m seeing is you slipping further down and away.”
She sat up. “I was trying to reach the blanket, I’m too bloody short!”
This made all three of them laugh.
“Alright, so that doesn’t work.” Lizzy stated. She took her pen and began to scribble.  “How about we make a slight edit…?  Out of shot, Colin tugs the blanket over them, so their dignity is covered.  The camera holds on their faces.  There we go, movie magic!  They can adjust it off-camera.”
“I’m happy with that.” Luke agreed.
“I think that could look really beautiful.” Nicola added. “They keep their eyes on each other whilst the action happens below.  It’s sexier.”
“Yeah, a tight close-up on the face Nic was making right then– that would be really sexy.” Luke said the words in a matter-of-fact tone but nonetheless, Nicola felt her face flush.  
“Oh, you’ve got Nicola blushing.” Lizzy laughed.
“I mean Penelope’s face. Which is also Nicola’s face. You know what I mean!” Luke continued, a little self-conscious. “That expression you’re making is really hot.”
“Keep talking like that Luke and you’ll get me into bed for real.” Nicola retorted, making all three of them laugh once again.
This was the thing about intimate scenes.  Things got intimate.  It was inevitable.  There was nothing to be done about it except to have a good sense of humour and to use the awkward emotions to create a great scene.  She also had to admit to herself that she agreed with Luke’s vision of the scene.  There was something incredibly sexy about their characters holding each other’s gaze so intently as they touched each other in the most intimate parts.  She tried not to let her mind wonder into thinking about what that said about Luke and his sex life. 
“The only note I have so far is maybe some more breathlessness from Penelope?” Lizzy queried. “That and her expression changing from sort of stunned to really keen - it definitely heats up the scene. What do you think?”
“Sure, why not?  I’ll remember to bring my inhaler.” Nicola joked.
“Alright… then we go from 401. ” Lizzy returned to the script.
Nicola leaned back again, and Luke looked down at her, his waist was pressed slightly against her abdomen, but his legs were positioned to the other side of hers.  It was not as intimate as the real soon would be when it was eventually filmed in front of a camera.  Then, his legs would be between hers, and there would be a protective cover between them to prevent any touch there.  Regardless, she noticed him taking great pains to keep his parts down there away from her down there. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Luke whispered to her, his face sincere and serious.
“Penelope is overwhelmed by love for him.  She pulls him towards her, crushing their mouths together in an intensely passionate kiss.”
Nicola broke from the scene to look back over at Lizzy: “So, tongues?”
“That is entirely up to you and Luke.” Lizzy smiled.
“He’s already slipping one body part in, what’s another?” Luke smirked.
Nicola pulled a face. “Ugh, don’t say it like that.”
“Sorry, I’ll rephrase.” He looked at her apologetically, and then reached a hand across to push a strand of hair that was creeping into her eyes back behind her ear.  It felt surprisingly intimate, almost inappropriate, perhaps because this was an action by Luke, not Colin. 
He gave her a small mocking smile and spoke in Colin’s voice. “Penelope, can I interest you in duel of the tongues?”
Nicola followed suit, speaking as sweet, wide-eyed Penelope. “A duel?”  A steely look crossed her eyes as she returned to her usual Irish accent. “I want your tongue boxing my tonsils – go deep, lad!”
The remark had its desired effect.  Luke buried his head into her shoulder as he shook with laughter.  If it had been anyone else’s hot breath on her neck, their mouth suspiciously close to her chest, she would have been quick to pull back politely but firmly.  Yet, she did not mind this one bit - it felt like being embraced by a broad-shouldered cuddly bear.  She resisted the urge to wrap her arms around him and pull him in closer.  Again, she reflected on how it could seem so strange that they were so physically comfortable with one another, but she was sure this was normal when you filmed such scenes.  She was not sure many outside their industry would understand though.
She took the opportunity to mimic panting noises and asked Lizzy: “Are we doing it right? The sex?”
This made Luke laugh even harder.
They were a ridiculous sight; Luke with his head nuzzled into her shoulder, in a fit of giggles, and Nicola panting like a dog.
Lizzy laughed through her eye roll.  “Oh yes, this would be great for the Nature channel.”
You can read more here: Curtain Fall. Fair warning: this is a slow-burn Lukola romance that spans several years in the vein of friends-to-lovers. If you do want to read from the start, please be patient! There are 50 planned chapters and we are only on 17.
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Like in 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022, I will post a kinky, fluffy, angsty or scary one-shot from October 1st till October 31st, 2023.
Please consider none of the stories are available until the set release date. Titles may change (all titles are working titles until the release date.). The release date may change at any time.
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October 1st: Forbidden Lust (2) sequel to Forbidden Lust
Pairing: Stepdad!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: Homewrecker kink
Requested by: @jayyyyyyy-stuff
October 2nd: Rekindle
Pairing: Chubby!Thor Odinson x Exgirlfriend!Reader
Trope: Reunion
October 3rd: Very tight places sequel to Cramped & Tight places
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x fem!Reader
Kink: Claustrophilia
October 4th: Footloose
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Trope: Enemies to lovers
October 5th: Serve your Soldier
Pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!Reader
Kink: Collars
October 6th: Falling leaves
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Trope: Sunny vs grumpy
October 7th: Blaze of glory
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Kink: Glad-to-Be-Alive Sex/Victory sex
October 8th: Two Bikes (1)
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader; Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Trope: Angst
October 9th: Golden Retriever
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader
Kink: Crops / Spanking
Idea by: anon
October 10th: One autumn night
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Trope: a/b/o
Idea by: anon
October 11th: I'm the best
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Kink: Breeding kink
Idea by: anon
October 12th: Breathless sequel to Take my breath away
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Trope: Secret crush
October 13th: One Summer night
Pairing: Cultleader!Thor Odinson
Kink: Sex Cult
October 14th: Snuggle time
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Plussized!Reader
Trope: Cuddling & snuggling
Idea by: anon
October 15th: The cabin in the woods
Pairing: Winter Soldier x fem!Reader
Kink/Trope: Choking
October 16th: Not in my car
Pairing: Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Love confessions
Requested by: @dawn-petrichor-world
October 17th: Backpack
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Kink: Thigh riding
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
October 18th: Sex you up
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Chubby!Reader
Kink: Size kink
Idea by: @sultryfandoms
October 19th: Fulfilment
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Pregnancy
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
October 20th: Triad (1)
Pairing: Omega!Stucky x Alpha!Reader
Kink: Dom / Sub
Idea by: anon
October 21st: Autumnal love
Pairing: Thor Odinson x fem!Reader
Trope: Carving pumpkins
Idea by: anon
October 22nd: Unwanted Mate (Bucky's version)
Pairing: Alpha!Stucky x Omega!Reader
Kink: Threesome
October 23rd: Rescue you
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
October 24th: Right there
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Kink: Pegging
Idea by: @flory-alexandra
October 25th: Deepest love
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Friends to lovers
Idea by: @elle14-blog1
October 26th: Demon knife
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Trope: Friends to enemies
October 27th: Sunrise sequel to Beyond the soldier & After the eclipse
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink/Trope: Quirofilia/Nursed Back to Health
Requested by: @clarinette07
October 28th: Naughty School Adventures (1)
Pairing: Janitor!Sam Winchester x Teacher!Reader x Gymteacher!Dean Winchester
Kink: Cucking
Idea by: @moosekateer13
October 29th: Unwanted Mate (Steve's version)
Pairing: Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader
Trope: Unrequited feelings
October 30th: Taped on video
Pairing: J3 x fem!Reader
Kink: BDSM
Requested by @moosekateer13
Halloween Specials: ANGST/SMUT/HORROR
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October 31st: The past always catches up
Pairing: Winter Soldier x former Hydra!(fem) Reader
Trope: Villain Reader
October 31st: Dreams of sharp teeth
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader x Werewolf!August Walker
Trope: Monster AU
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Find all other Bingos and Special Events here: Special Events
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queenpolyweek · 7 months ago
Poly!Queen Week 2024
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Poly!Queen Week welcomes you all back!
When: 11-13th October 2024
Where: our AO3 collection and Tumblr
Day 1 (11th October, Fri)
Miyazaki/Ghibli AU
“I am old, but still a child”
Flower crowns
Memory loss
Getting a tattoo
Day 2 (12th October, Sat)
“Thinkin' it right, doin' it wrong”
Hand holding
Nightmares and daydreams
Day 3 (13th October, Sun)
Bridgerton AU
“A soul for sale or rent”
Keeping a secret
Share your fic in our collection on AO3 and @ us here on Tumblr. Additionally, you can use the tag #QueenPolyWeek2024
All forms of fan-work are welcome
Romantic, queerplatonic, platonic, a secret other option, you decide! You can read more about poly relationships here.
Your ship should include at least three people, and one of them must be a member of Queen
The prompts are just guidelines, use them or don’t, it’s up to you!
Support your fellow creators
Do not engage with hateful comments
Do not interact with NSFW/18+ content if you’re a minor
Good luck to everyone and most importantly, have fun!
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us!
This event is organized by Kaakson/@carrrothead-vol2 (PolyQueen 2023) and wordsoflove (PolyQueen 2022)
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bijouxcarys · 4 months ago
WWE GIF Set Masterlist
Main masterlist.
Roman Reigns
[Leakee] FCW TV. June 5th, 2011. (w/ Big E., Mr. Florida & Titus O'Neill vs. Conor O'Brian, Damien Sandow, Lucky Cannon & Mason Ryan)
[Leakee] FCW TV. October 23rd, 2011. (vs. Ricardo Rodriguez)
[Leakee] FCW TV. January 8th, 2012. (w/ Dean Ambrose vs. Leo Kruger [Adam Rose] & Damien Sandow)
[Leakee] FCW TV. February 12th, 2012. (vs. Leo Kruger [Adam Rose])
[Leakee] FCW TV. May 2nd, 2012 (vs. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose)
Money in The Bank 2013 (The Shield vs. The Usos)
Monday Night RAW. October 14th, 2013. (w/ Seth Rollins vs. Cody Rhodes & Goldust)
Monday Night RAW. January 6th, 2014 (vs. CM Punk)
Elimination Chamber 2014 (The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family)
Monday Night RAW. March 3rd, 2014. (The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family)
Monday Night RAW. May 12th, 2014 (vs. Batista)
Battleground 2014 (vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane)
SummerSlam 2014 ; debut singles match (vs. Randy Orton)
Royal Rumble 2015
Fastlane 2015 (vs. Daniel Bryan)
Monday Night RAW. May 4th, 2015. (w/ Randy Orton vs. The New Day)
SummerSlam 2015 (w/ Dean Ambrose vs. The Wyatt Family)
WrestleMania 32 (vs. Triple H)
Monday Night RAW. July 25th, 2016 (vs. Finn Bálor)
Monday Night RAW. July 25th, 2016. (vs. Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus)
Payback 2016 (vs. AJ Styles)
Monday Night RAW. November 28th, 2016. (vs. Kevin Owens)
Clash of Champions 2016 (vs. Rusev)
Hell in a Cell 2016 (vs. Rusev)
Royal Rumble 2017 (vs. Kevin Owens)
WrestleMania 33 (vs. The Undertaker)
Great Balls of Fire 2017 (vs. Braun Strowman)
Monday Night RAW. January 29th, 2018. (vs. The Miz)
SummerSlam 2018 (vs. Brock Lesnar)
Extreme Rules 2019 (w/ The Undertaker vs. Drew McIntyre & Shane McMahon)
Clash of Champions 2019 (vs. Erick Rowan)
SmackDown. January 17th, 2020. (vs. Robert Roode)
Royal Rumble 2020
Clash of Champions 2020 (vs. Jey Uso)
TLC 2020 (vs. Kevin Owens)
Survivor Series 2020 (vs. Drew McIntyre)
Royal Rumble 2021 (vs. Kevin Owens)
Money in The Bank 2021 (vs. Edge)
SummerSlam 2021 (vs. John Cena)
Extreme Rules 2021 (vs. "The Demon" Finn Bálor)
Survivor Series 2021 (vs. Big E)
Royal Rumble 2022 (vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
SummerSlam 2022 (vs. Brock Lesnar)
Clash at the Castle 2022 (vs. Drew McIntyre)
Elimination Chamber 2023 (vs. Sami Zayn) - Part 1 - Part 2
WrestleMania 39 (vs. Cody Rhodes) - Part 1 - Part 2
Bad Blood 2024 (w/ Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu)
Rhea Ripley
NXT UK. July 3rd, 2019. (vs. Piper Niven)
SmackDown. November 22nd, 2019. (vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks)
NXT. December 18th, 2019. (vs. Shayna Baszler)
WWE Worlds Collide 2020 (vs. Toni Storm)
NXT Halloween Havoc 2020 (vs. Raquel Gonzalez [Rodriguez])
WrestleMania 37, Night 2. (vs. Asuka)
Monday Night RAW. March 7th, 2022 (w/Liv Morgan vs. Carmella & Zelina Vega)
Monday Night RAW. May 9th, 2022. (vs. Liv Morgan)
WrestleMania 39 Saturday (vs. Charlotte Flair)
Monday Night RAW. June 19th, 2023. (vs. Natalya)
Payback 2023 (vs. Raquel Rodriguez)
NXT Heatwave 2023 (w/ "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio vs. Lyra Valkyria & Dragon Lee)
Survivor Series: War Games 2023 (vs. Zoey Stark)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Nia Jax)
WrestleMania XL Saturday (vs. Becky Lynch)
SummerSlam 2024 (vs. Liv Morgan)
Damian Priest
SummerSlam 2021 (vs. Sheamus)
Extreme Rules 2021 (vs. Sheamus vs. Jeff Hardy)
Monday Night RAW. April 11th, 2022. (vs. AJ Styles)
Backlash 2023 (vs. Bad Bunny)
Backlash 2024 (vs. Jey Uso)
Monday Night RAW. November 4th, 2024. (vs. "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio vs. Sheamus vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
NXT. February 27th, 2014. (vs. Emma)
Night of Champions 2014 (vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella)
Hell in a Cell 2014 (vs. AJ Lee)
Survivor Series 2015 (vs. Charlotte Flair)
IYO Sky/Io Shirai
Mae Young Classic Final, WWE Evolution 2018 (vs. Toni Storm)
NXT TakeOver: Toronto 2019 (vs. Candice LeRae)
Shawn Michaels
Survivor Series 1996 (vs. Sycho Sid)
Monday Night RAW. October 20th, 2003 (vs. Goldberg)
WrestleMania 24 (vs. Ric Flair)
WrestleMania 25 (vs. The Undertaker)
Elimination Chamber 2017 (vs. Alexa Bliss)
SummerSlam 2017 (vs. Natalya)
Drew McIntyre
TLC 2009 (vs. John Morrison)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton vs. LA Knight vs. Logan Paul)
WrestleMania XL Sunday (vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
Bad Blood 2024 (vs. CM Punk)
Liv Morgan
NXT. November 4th & December 2nd, 2015 (vs. Eva Marie / vs. Emma)
NXT. November 16th, 2016 (vs. Peyton Royce)
Elimination Chamber 2023 (vs. Nikki Cross vs. Natalya vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Carmella vs. Asuka)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Becky Lynch vs. Naomi vs. Bianca Belair vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Raquel Rodriguez)
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goldenargentavis · 7 months ago
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Old doodle I made back in October 12th 2022
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