#octavian when percy catches you
feyres-divorce-lawyer · 6 months
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kitkats-and-kittens · 7 months
Spoilers for Pjo.
You know I feel like people should acknowledge how fucked up camp halfblood is more often.
Like everyone always makes fun of New Rome for being uptight and sticklers for the rules, but low-key living at camp halfblood sucks.
The barrier wasn’t even up for a decade before it was broken and before that literal children were sent out to fight monsters despite being promised safety (Ik Talias protection made it slightly better, but still) and during sea of monsters they are once again required to fight as literal kids!
Unlike New Rome there’s no university for the Demigods to go to. Year rounders get tutored by Chiron (presumably) and then what? They have no actual credentials or any records of them graduating from school. Since no one knows about Camp they technically don’t have an address either which sucks if your parents are dead or don’t want you.
We see hardly any adult demigods around camp and I don’t know if they choose to leave or not, but either way they are set up for failure. Chiron tells Percy about the success stories, the people who go on to be Olympic athletes or celebrities due to their half godly nature, but it’s more than likely those are far outweighed by the failures.
Those who died hungry on the streets with no way to get a job and no home to return to. Those who were torn down by monsters without the protection of the camp. Even those who made it constant live with the terror that one day they’ll be found and killed. And what if those people have family’s? Will the monsters hunt them too? And what happens when they get too old to fight?
That’s not even mentioning the trauma they’ll be stuck with their entire lives.
No wonder so many end up joining the Emperors in ToA.
And you know what. Chiron need to take some damn accountability for being a shit mentor. He fucked off for most of the books but even when he talks to Percy about how much he cares he does quite literally nothing about Luke. How did a child manage to manipulate an immortal centaur for years without anyone catching on?
And he doesn’t improve after the war either. Will is made Head of Apollo Cabin at 13. He has two younger siblings and is essentially expected to act as their parent despite still being a child himself. Not to mention he’s the camps head doctor. He’s performed surgery! Which is exhausting and long and something no child should be dealing with. Especially since we know Chiron must have some healing abilities since he literally raised Asclepius.
Will is not paid either. None of them are. He doesn’t get a salary, so free child labour (cough cough exploitation) and after he leaves camp he’ll have no way to prove his medical training to anyone and no way to pay for medical school or even to get in without the appropriate documents.
I don’t like to rant about books but Rick Riordan did not go dark enough with this series and I will say this about his books until the day I die. The light comedic writing style means fucked up shit like this simply slips through the cracks.
There’s still so much I haven’t touched on.
What about the Hephaestus cabin and their curse. How did Chiron just stand by and watch as these kids continually blew themselves up?
Fighting in two wars?
The Romans are a little more fucked up there because we know there are adults who can fight and are simply choosing to send children in their place.
Octavian being quite literally brainwashed into dying for his land.
Jason’s entire backstory.
The fact that most demigod children probably die before ever reaching camp is very much not touched on and it should be.
The fact that camp halfblood is hidden with the mist means that no one knows where the year rounders are. Which is weird when you think a lot of the reason people become year rounders is too many monster attacks or horrible home lives which further implies out in the real world there are genuine missing posters for these kids. Some might even be considered legally dead so what happens when they rock up in their early 20’s attempting to rejoin society?
In conclusion Camp Halfblood is fucked and Chiron is not some innocent fun loving centaur dude. His lack of action had a very big and very real impact on these kids.
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
If you could change things in the Riordanverse what would you do differently?
... Do you want a list?
I will attempt to keep this brief, because there's are many things I would change and this isn't even all of it.
Jason gets his memories back. He's more feral either way, and we continue the theme that every Roman demigod is cursed in some way.
Jason's existential crisis isn't Greek vs Roman, it's I was raised to be an ideal that I can't be attained... And I I don't know what to do.
It's I was raised by wolves and than a leigion, I don't even know how to human like others do.
The Seven are actually a family and don't disband when everything is over. No love triangle between Hazel, Frank and Leo. Piper and Jason never end up together. Get rid of the Percy Jason rivalry.
Percy never becomes Praetor and Camp Jupiter look for Jason. And celebrate when he's returned to them, so much so they're willing to hear the Greeks out.
Jason makes friends with Grover, Clarisse and Will while at Camp Half Blood.
We get the scene of Jason decending onto the battlefield in the Titan war and defeating Krios. He's not all powerful but Jason's strong and he fights like a one man army.
Percy almost loses it when he finds out Jason fought Krios "When I catch you Zeus... I mean Jupiter!" Combo moves between demigods, the seven using their skills together.
Camp Jupiter is nowhere near ad loyal to the gods because they pretty much abandoned them.
Octavian, Reyna and Jason were friends at some point. Gaea takes advantage of Octavians visions and turns him against them.
The Eidilon that strikes Camp Jupiter was possessing Jason.
Camp Jupiter is split up between those following Octavian and those following Reyna and Jason. To the point Jason's old cohort refuse to fight against him.
When Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus, Jason dives after them and tries to catch them. But while Tartarus pushes them in, it repels him.
They all take losing Percy and Annabeth bad, Jason takes it the worse and feels he needs to be the old Jason. And realises no he doesn't, because everyone else is there with them and he's not alone.
Group hug after Jason meets his dead mother. When Jason looks at Cupid he sees his father.
Jason meets Jupiter who tells him he does care, that's why he kept his distance. And tells Jason he couldn't be more proud of him.
The Roman and Greek demigods didn't fight in the civil war. The Romans weren't pro slavery, none of that. They were close for years but Gaea turned them against each other.
Having the Greeks think the Romans stole the Athens Parthenos and that the Greeks stole the Leigions eagel. The gods decided to fix their fighting by having them forget each other.
This is solved when Percy, Frank and Hazel return the Eagle and Reyna, Nico and Hedge return the Parthenos.
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umbran6 · 1 month
An Error In Divine Bureaucracy
It all starts when Odin's scheme backfires. There are disadvantages to going incognito, after all. Taking the role of 'X' (which personally speaking, sounds foul considering Twitter's still trying to fall into that brand) means that although the King of the Gods can view the workings of Hotel Valhalla, he cannot influence how his hotel is run. Sometimes, that makes the battles a bit too bloody. Sometimes, the thanes decide to overreach their authority. And there was one time they all decided to break convention and make a mock high-school Prom (to the death).
One of these slip-ups is more unconventional: Gunilla decides to patrol Long Island when rumors of a deadly conflict behind the shadows spread to Hotel Valhalla. If Odin was, well, Odin, he could've stopped it. However, Odin, acting as X, cannot keep his lone eye on his Valkyrie Captain.
Thanatos is overworked. He needs to catch up on hunting down all the souls that escaped the Greek Underworld. So, despite his best efforts to keep all the Giants and monsters dead, he can't be perfect. He can't be there when Leo is burning to ashes as he and Festus soar ever higher.
Octavian is a bit slower and more hesitant. Maybe Will's words get to the legacy's head for a few precious seconds, or maybe Nico's aura of death puts fear inside his soul before he steels his nerves. So when he fires himself at Leo and Gaea, it is far too late. Leo has enough time to finish the job.
So when Gunilla spots a boy with flames so bright they mimic a second sun riding a bronze dragon and fighting a monstrous earthly hag, Gunilla doesn't hesitate. The second Leo's body crumbles to ashes, she flies his soul to Hotel Valhalla with Festus as both his luggage and the weapon he died holding. Olympus doesn't catch on to what's happening, which is for the better.
Leo, of course, is extremely bewildered. He's heard Percy and Annabeth's story of how they went to the Underworld—the lines of dead waiting to be judged, Cerberus waiting to chew any and all trespassers into his next meal, and Charon's desire for garish Italian suits. He did not expect to be handed a rune stone, given a mini-bar key, and shuffled into a luxury suite that would make his section of the Argo II look like a shady motel room while his body suddenly looked fit AF. If it weren't for the fact that he had read up on some Norse mythology during his time in the streets, he would've been completely clueless. For fun and convenience's sake, I'll put him on Floor 19.
Like Magnus, Leo thinks he's hallucinating. His room is like a mix of Bunker Nine, Charles Beckendorf's room in the Hephaestus Cabin, and his old room in the apartment he and his mom lived in, all smashed together. For a second, he grounds himself in the familiar — playing with the inventions in his tool belt, petting Festus, and cooking himself some food. Only when he inspects Festus and finds the physician's cure fully intact does he realize something has gone horribly wrong.
Odin, of course, is aware of Leo's arrival at Hotel Valhalla. He only really understands the nature of the hotel's newest guest once Leo's heroic feat is displayed in front of everyone. The thanes, Helgi, and Valhalla's warriors cheer Leo's name. Only the Norns and Odin are silent, both realizing just how exactly things have gone FUBAR.
See, here's the thing about pantheons worldwide when they interact with their divine neighbors: They don't. We're talking about beings functioning under several different rules of reality and their own brands of magic and godly firepower that could tear apart continents and perhaps even the world if they get too sloppy. Syncretism and divine fist-fights have sprouted either differing degrees of bad blood and conflict. If a pantheon chooses to mess with another's favorites, you can be assured the rest of the divine mafia will be out to get them.
Though Leo did the feat with support, he single-handedly masterminded the death of a primordial being. In the Greek Pantheon's view, he should enjoy a peaceful life in Elysium or even join the ranks of Olympus. Leo being chosen as an einherjar is like your favorite athlete getting kidnapped and pressed into military service by another country. Though Leo is getting physical upgrades, the Olympians would see this as an attempt to subvert their sovereignty by kidnapping a hero under their noses. And Odin knows that he and the rest of the Norse gods will need as much einherjar as they can get- losing them in a possible war between pantheons would thin out their numbers.
So Odin decides to break the masquerade, albeit in a limited fashion. Using his ravens to summon Leo and Gunilla, he sheds the disguise of X and reveals why he hid himself from Hotel Valhalla and just how exactly things were screwed up. He apologizes to Leo for essentially kidnapping him, explains to Gunilla just why Leo's recruitment shouldn't have happened, and that touching another pantheon's demigods was a tremendous faux pas.
So he proposes two different possibilities - they can send Leo back to the mortal world and pretend nothing is wrong, or he can stay in Hotel Valhalla until they find a way to spin things so Olympus isn't sending out its best and brightest to do their best to merk the rest of Asgard.
And, well, Leo accepts the second choice. Mainly because he has a bit of an agenda. First, he knows he can't precisely break Calypso out of Ogygia in the state he's in. His master plan to simultaneously kill Gaea and help her relied on the fact that he was dead while Festus brought his body to Ogygia's airspace. He knows it's too much of a stretch, but perhaps the Norse pantheon will have a solution to bypass the magic surrounding Ogygia and allow him to free her.
Aside from that, Leo just wants some peace. He worked himself to the bone, building the Argo II and then maintaining it during the entire month and half-voyage. Most of it had been a thankless job with several near-death experiences. The least he could do was treat himself to a vacation despite the constant TO THE DEATH! experiences Hotel Valhalla had to offer. Heck, maybe he could make some friends here.
Thus begins Leo's stay at Hotel Valhalla. Of course, such a start involves him being impaled several times after the rest of the hotel's guests gang up on him after they make it through Festus during battle training. But he gets used to the constant bloodshed and conflict throughout the hotel, using it to sharpen himself in the ways of combat that Camp Half-Blood didn't entirely teach him. He also learns of the runes, which leads to him scheming. If he can learn how to wield the power of the runes, he can begin conjuring a magical solution to circumvent Ogygia's barriers.
So, for the months Leo is in Hotel Valhalla, he learns. He picks up knives as his primary weapon, second to the hammers; he refines his inventions and upgrades Festus. He low-key (lol) pesters Odin in his X form to teach him the runes. Odin, of course, is having none of it. He would have been willing to teach a knowledge seeker a few tricks in a different situation. But he knows that different pantheon's magics either work beautifully or have disastrous results. One need only look at the Serapis Incident.
Of course, he also makes his own friendships within Hotel Valhalla. We learn another side of Gunilla as Leo tries to get along with the Valkyrie Captain (which is expected because of all the pranks he pulls). He makes friends with TJ and Mallory while trying to get on Odin's good side by showing that he can keep up with the Valhallians (I'm punching myself for that pun).
Then, Sword of Summer comes along, and things get interesting because Mimir tells Odin about Magnus's role. He knows that Magnus will need all the help he can get, and though Blitz and Hearthstone are servants that Mimir trusts, he wants to reinforce any and all chances of winning. He can't help directly since he still wants to maintain the façade of X. However, Leo can. An einherjar demigod who has experience in fighting threats larger than him? Already saved the world once? Seems like the perfect candidate to help stop Ragnarok.
So he sends Leo in—of course, it's not without a price tag. Although Odin may be the king of the gods in Valhalla, he's still ordering a demigod from another pantheon to essentially act as his hand. One that could quickly turn tail if things went to crap or become a turncoat if someone tried to give him a strong enough bribe. Or, you know, alerting Olympus the second he steps on Midgard. Odin knows what Leo wants but not why he seeks it. So, he reluctantly offers to teach the demigod how to wield the runes if he aids Magnus Chase.
Leo is more than happy to accept the task, not only because of what he gets out of it but also because Odin is offering him a deal. He's not going about this like the prophecies that demanded attendance or the apocalypse would come about. He even gets a guaranteed reward once the mission is completed.
So Leo, with help from Gunilla, enters Midgard. He easily fits into the clique of homeless people Magnus is a part of—Leo lived on the streets for most of his life when he wasn't in the foster home system, after all. Festus is with him in his suitcase form, slyly hinting to Hearth and Blitz that he is in the know. Leo is essentially turned by Odin into his divine 007 if 007 lived on the streets as a homeless guy.
He does his best to gain Magnus's trust. He befriends him, proving himself reliable without betraying his awareness of the mystical cloaks and daggers behind the scenes. And, well, he connects with Magnus more than he expected. Maybe it's because he understands Magnus's bitterness and cynical outlook on the world - he went through the same thing when he was younger. Leo just hides it better with a smile. Part of him just wants to protect Magnus.
In the meantime, Magnus is a bit shocked that beyond Blitz and Hearth, another guy his age is willing to look out for him and be his friend. This is most likely something Magnus has never had since his mother died. The first thing that we notice is that during the beginning chapters of Sword of Summer, Magnus is alone. Hearth and Blitz have a few moments in which they show up, but Magnus himself has no one close to his age that he can connect with. This means that despite Leo being the one to do the attaching, Magnus is quite happy that they're attached to the hip.
You guys can probably guess the direction I want to take their relationship. I've read The Homeless Demigod Club. It's one of those fics that lowkey made me realize that crossover ships can be magnificent if you are willing to put in the work to make it work and show how two characters can connect. I would've added this as a spiritual successor to that fic. I will link it here so everyone can read it. (Link)
And then the promised day arrives. Annabeth Chase and her father set foot in Boston, and Leo does his best to hide from their presence while helping Magnus. He discourages Magnus from breaking into his uncle's house but is still willing to do so either way. He follows Magnus's decision because he believes that Magnus has been jerked around so many times that he deserves his own sense of agency. So when Magnus decides to follow Randolph, Leo follows Randolph even though the guy has enough red flags to rival the CCP.
Then Magnus calls forth Sumarbrander, Surt appears, and everything happens. Blitz and Hearth try to intervene and are just as quickly curbstomped like canon. Leo watches, forcing himself to stop and examine each action Surt takes. Then, when Surt entirely focuses on Magnus does he step up.
Magnus POV
"You know, Mr. Volcano, I thought you'd just go for the head. I wonder why you're wasting so much time." Leo stepped forward, suitcase in hand.
"Leo, go away. Get in there and get Hearth, but you don't need to get involved." I protested.
For a second, I was wondering just what all of my homeless friends were smoking because they were suddenly getting all these courageous ideas. Hearth had shot his arrows, Blitz had swung his watch out for ducklings sign. Now Leo - stick thin and somehow not fainting because of the heat - was apparently willing to go mano-a-mano with a guy who was taller than he was.
"Blitz was right, though. It was their mission to protect you. As for me, it's my duty." Leo dropped the suitcase.
I expected it to melt like the cars nearby and the asphalt beneath our feet. But then it grew. Parts started to jut out, panels began to unfold, and Leo's luggage grew despite the laws of physics that were screaming this shouldn't be happening. At first, it was a pure mess, but then a pair of wings sprouted out. A reptilian head somehow appeared from the chaos. Before I knew it, what was once a suitcase my friend dragged around was a bronze dragon that was as tall and wide as a semi truck.
It let out a roar into the sky that made the entire bridge vibrate. Right beneath it, Leo pulled out a pair of knives from that blasted tool belt with an ease that told me he'd done this before. Those brown eyes scanned the entire bridge, and I could feel the air near me dropping a few degrees. If anything, the area around Leo started to blur as if he was absorbing all the heat the 'Black One' radiated.
Surt's gaze turned severe as if satan had dissed one of his takes on fashion. "What are you?"
"You could say I'm a bit like Maggie here — a demigod from a slightly different brand." I was a bit too shocked at the fact that my friend had a mecha dragon to even snark at that.
Leo smiled, but the killing intent it radiated made me want to flinch. "But if you want my full name, you can have it."
Leo beckoned Surt with one of his knives. "I am Leo Valdez. You messed with my friend. Prepare to die."
The conflict nearly destroys the entire bridge. Leo and Festus's time in Hotel Valhalla has yielded fruit. Though it can be laconically described as a Jujutsu Kaisen-level gang-up, the demigod and his mechanical mount are in sync to the point they can rarely be matched. While Festus is physically stronger than Leo, Leo is faster and has more variety in his attacks, which combine to keep the King of Muspelheim off balance.
However, Leo is still a demigod. No matter the power upgrade being an einherjar and the combat experience he's earned at Hotel Valhalla, he doesn't have the physical might to permanently disable Surt, even with Festus. And although the Jotunn can't burn Leo, Leo can't overcome Surt's own fire and make it non-vice-versa. It is a stalemate until Leo cannot keep up, and Magnus can see that. He awakens Sumarbrander and intervenes, still cutting off Surt's nose. Surt still seizes the chance to kill Magnus, impaling the unknowing son of Freyr with his scimitar. It is only Leo's own reaction that prevents Surt from seizing the sword.
History repeats. Samirah chooses Magnus and brings him to Hotel Valhalla. Blitz and Hearth confer with Mimir on what to do next, while Gunilla returns Leo to the hotel so they can scheme with Odin. When Magnus is fully resurrected, Leo is the familiar face amongst a crowd of strangers, one Magnus can still rely on. Magnus's body is still recovered. Everything seems perfectly in line with canon.
Until it isn't.
Annabeth POV
I've seen my fair share of mortal panic. There was that time at the Gateway Arch during my first quest with Percy (and boy, did part of me want to go back to those days). Then there was the time Kronos and Morpheus broke the chronological sleep bubble that covered all of New York, leading to a human stampede.
So when Dad (I was still getting used to calling him that) got a call from the BPD stating that they found my uncle Randolph in a rabid panic close to ground zero of an explosion, I defied all convenient laws of mortal logic and ran toward the sirens. And the fire truck engines. And probably all emergency services that are known to man.
I will admit that part of me had a raging hatred for my uncle at the moment. It was bad enough that whatever he did had apparently led to the entire mortal side of my family imploding into what was described by my Dad as essentially a nuclear meltdown, with us being split into chunks. Then there was the fact that he somehow hid the death of the only aunt I liked and that the only cousin I trusted was now homeless for two years. And last but not least, the disgraced professor of Harvard called us at midnight saying Magnus was in danger, leading to us getting the closest red-eye flight to Boston.
When we arrived at the scene, I did my best not to pay attention to the people who were hurt. The best I could describe them was that everyone was burnt—some easily mistaken for sunburns, others who would probably need a visit to the hospital. Medics nearby were doing their best to triage the scene while cops were doing their best to get statements out of people who were clearly still shell-shocked from what their eyes may have witnessed.
I quickly spotted Randolph and marched through the chaos, vaguely hearing Dad follow me. He looked physically spared, though a bit shaken up. Which part of me noted was bizarre since, according to Dad, BPD told him a couple of weirdly dressed homeless dudes had dragged him from the epicenter of the explosion.
I had no sympathy, so I got right down to business. "What happened?"
He kept rambling to himself, and I could barely hear his hushed words - sword, black, beast, machine, giant - before I grabbed his shoulder and pinched in a way Chiron taught me would make anyone scream.
"Focus. What the T-" My mind flipped into a Tartarus flashback before I caught myself. "Hell happened?"
Thankfully, Randolph didn't scream, which meant he was either brave or still drunk on adrenaline. But something must have happened because the man's wrinkled face focused on me. "I found Magnus in my home accompanied by another boy. I was bringing him over to you when the meteor struck the bridge-"
My mind was already poking several holes in his discussion - he could've called Dad if he had already found Magnus and the bridge where the explosion took place was farther away from us. Still, I pretended to follow along and nodded.
"What happened to Magnus?" I asked, and Randolph turned pale.
"He - he fell out of the bridge. The meteor hit us head-on. I somehow got lucky, but Magnus got launched out of my car and - "
"Randolph." My father's voice turned deadly serious. "I saw your car in a twenty-minute parking lot. Already ticketed. So if I may speak so frankly, let's cut the bullshit and tell us the truth."
I winced at that. Mainly because my father rarely cursed - he had been giving off an air of wholesomeness when I stayed with him. The fact that he was willing to start cursing showed just how far things had gone wrong.
Randolph surrendered at that and started talking — about Aunt Natalie's death and its supernatural causes and how he thought Magnus was the next in line to die. How he believed Magnus was the son of a Norse god and that his birthright was apparently an all-powerful sword. Then he stated he found Magnus in the Chase mansion with the other boy and how the boy had insisted on sticking with Magnus. He told us how he urged Magnus to claim his birthright and that my cousin had succeeded before a man claiming to be Surt appeared.
Then, I learned how some of Magnus's homeless friends had tried to defend him before the other boy stepped up. "Wait. This guy claimed to be a demigod?"
Randolph nodded at that. "Yes. I didn't believe it either - the kid was so thin I could've folded him into my drawers and still have space for my clothes."
"But he still stood up. He and that blasted suitcase-monster of his. He matched Surt, if only for a while. Then Magnus got involved and he was - and he was -"
Randolph shed a few tears, and I almost had to recoil at his words. Still, I soldiered on. Death had always been part of a demigod's life, whether they were victims, witnesses, or causes. I would have time to mourn for the cousin that my family had failed.
"Can you describe what this guy looked like? He may be able to tell us about his relationship with Magnus. And what he knows about the truth." I asked, doing my best to keep the conversation going.
Randolph vibrated, clearly still shaken up. Yet he kept talking. "Of course. Give me a second. Frederick?"
My dad pulled out a few tissues from the pocket of his suit jacket, which Randolph blew into so strongly it reminded me of an elephant. Disposing the tissues into a nearby trashcan, my uncle looked at us.
"Yes. Very recognizable fellow. He disabled all of the electronic alarms I put in there. Thin, of course. Kind of looked like - what do teenagers call pretty boys these days? Never mind. He looked like one of those. Light brown skin. Curly black hair, brown eyes. Magnus probably had a crush on him, considering how he looked at the boy."
I rolled my eyes. "Clothes?"
"Yes, yes. White shirt with a bit of a collar. A green jacket that was too big for him - probably a woman's? Blue jeans. He also had a tool belt."
Suddenly, I felt like I had taken a dip in the Boston River. I had been willing to dismiss the initial description because anybody could've had a similar face and hair. I would've ruined the search if I just looked for the most likely person. But the tool belt was too much out of left field to ignore.
I seized his jacket lapels, almost tempted to lift him up. I could do it, too. Because there was no way the person Randolph was describing to me could've been in Boston, much less alive.
"What was his name?" I whispered out.
"What was his name," I repeated myself, tempted to pull out my knife.
"Oh yes. Thankfully, he was upfront about it. Who the hell quotes The Princess Bride?" Randolph gave a small laugh about it before he looked at me straight in the eyes and flipped my world upside down. "His name was Leo Valdez."
End POV.
The Sword of Summer is also flipped upside down because it is no longer just a mission to stop Fenris Wolf from being unleashed upon the nine worlds. With Annabeth finding the truth about Leo's location, nearly all the members of the Argo II crew (Frank and Hazel can't drop their posts in New Rome after all) do their best to get to Boston ASAP. They had never heard any whispers or truths about Leo's circumstances - you know, because Odin needed to keep everything in the DL. Finding out a guy that they believed was dead for six months was actually chilling with homeless dudes in Boston is a recipe to make your friends both pissed and worried at the same time.
Unfortunately, this also puts a kibosh on any plans to follow canon because Leo is now being hunted by his friends in a situation where staying incognito is vital. Of course, they can't break into Asgard or Valhalla because they don't know how to get there. Any attempts at Iris-Messaging Leo go horribly wrong because Iris needs a cross-dimensional roaming plan for her services to work in this situation. When Leo returns to Midgard to help Magnus, the gloves come off on the search.
Leo's involvement doesn't just add spice; it force-feeds the plot enough Carolina reaper peppers to set its mouth on fire and cause diarrhea that needs its own fallout zone. The crew of the Argo II chases him down when Annabeth meets Magnus, leading them to accidentally stumble across the Nine Realms when Percy tracks Magnus and Sam after their encounter with Jormungand. They each end up getting scattered across the Nine Realms - Jason into Jotunnheim, Piper into Svartalfheim, Annabeth falling into Folkvanger, while Percy gets the short end of the stick and is stuck in Midgard.
The Seven think that Magnus and Co. are holding their friend against his will. Magnus believes it's people from Leo's past who want him dead. Leo can't get a single word about the truth as things erupt too easily into conflict, and Odin's mandate for secrecy stops him from giving the full story. Regardless, he tries to keep the peace as he, Magnus, and the rest of the crew run into each other through the realms.
It all accumulates at Lyngvi. Surt arrives. Fenris Wolf tries to break free. The warriors of Floor 19, alongside the Valkyries, actually join up with Magnus and co because Gunilla has been briefed by Odin as to what exactly is going on. And the crew of the Argo II makes landfall right in the middle of the fight. They're all quick to realize that the fire giants are their opponents, and the tide of battle is turned with the sudden influx of reinforcements, no matter their origin.
Having an additional four out of seven heroes who also had a hand in saving the world? One of them, you know, having powers over the ocean in the middle of a freaking island? That's no longer a battle; that's the opposing side being Amazon-delivered to the closest morgue with same-day shipping.
When things are settled, and everyone is tired from simultaneously kicking Surt to the curb and imprisoning Fenris Wolf, things finally get cleared up. Odin reveals himself early to explain to the Seven what happened to Leo on August 1. Of course, Odin does his best to spin things in the best possible light for the Norse Pantheon and portray himself as doing his best to help Leo recover from the post-death experience. Leo is always welcome to stay at Hotel Valhalla or return to Camp Half-Blood, but he urges the rest of the Seven that they will have to keep their experience secret.
The Seven think Leo will go back to Camp Half-Blood. After all, in their eyes, Camp is the place that Leo is most familiar with. It's the place that he should belong. This is his chance to take a clean break from his stay at Hotel Valhalla and return to Camp Half-Blood. Only Odin knows differently, while everyone on the 19th Floor, alongside Magnus and Co., is wondering if Leo really is going to drop them like a flaming bag of turd.
And Leo declines. In another lifetime, in another set of circumstances, he may have joined the Seven and returned to Camp Half-Blood. But now? Well... he would admit, he has grown to love Hotel Valhalla. Though he gets bodied daily, he feels included compared to the months he spent in Bunker Nine hammering away at the Argo II. He has friends with which he can actually be friends, compared to his time being the only person in a sea of couples. And maybe he's gotten attached to Magnus, but they didn't need to know that.
He doesn't say goodbye. With enough time, they can genuinely be friends instead of the coworker dynamic he always felt he had with the rest of the Argo II crew. So, instead, he hands Piper the last invention he made before his world was once again dominated by a quest to save the world. For a second, she thinks it's a remote. And in a way, it is. His name is written on it in ancient Greek. But it only has a single button, with a single rune.
Mannaz (For those more knowledgeable, please excuse me if I'm wrong and correct me) is the rune of humanity as a concept—of society, friendships, individuality, and a person's willingness to help one's fellow human. The intention is clear—he's always a button press away if they ever need help.
With that, the two pantheons go their separate ways. And hopefully, things should be at peace now. Right? Right? ... Right?
But as everyone knows, they aren't. The sun hasn't reached its final verse, Ragnarok still has many triggers, and people scheme to bring everything down behind the shadows. Peace is still a long way off. And Ragnarok will eventually eradicate the world. All everyone is doing is staving off the inevitable.
But then again, isn't that just part of being a demigod?
P.S. @pjowasmy1stfandom- I've cooked. Hope you enjoy the meal.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara has never done anything wrong in her entire life idk what you mean -Danny Words: 2,112 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'As The World Caves In' -by Sarah Cothran
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LXI: Back by Unpopular Demand: Me
"You won't stay."
"Ara, if I have to throw you overboard I will!" Leo frowns.
Ara's eyes brim with tears. "We can't even have a proper goodbye..."
"There is no goodbye in this," Leo gestures at Frank. "Hey! Make sure to take her with you!"
"We don't have time for this," he insists, also holding back tears.
"HOLD ON!" Zeus warns them, getting ready to toss them out.
Ara doesn't even get to take one last look at Athens before the sky flickers and changes at the speed of light.
"Jason!" Leo screams. "Hurry!"
Everything around breaks and flies off the deck, Ara unclasps her harness and watches Frank and Hazel as they try to get closer.
"Go!" Leo urges her. "Go, go, go!"
"LET'S GO! MOVE IT! CUT THAT OUT!" Bufford keeps screaming. 
It isn't wise to distract him while he's desperately trying to keep the ship in one piece, but love blurs all her coherent thoughts. "Leo..." she turns to him, trying one last time.
"Leave!" He screams with an anger she's never heard before.
Frank rises off the deck as a dragon with Percy, Annabeth, and Hazel on his back, Ara sees him fly in her direction ready to seize her. "Fine!" She yells at her boyfriend. "Leónidas Valdez if you don't survive this, I'll kill you!"
Leo laughs. "I love you!"
Frank's claw hooks on her cloak and pulls her out of there. As they fly down to the hill where the Athena Parthenos is standing, Jason catches up to them and starts giving instructions. "Hazel! Those three cohorts are in trouble! If they don't merge with the rest of the demigods—"
"On it! Go, Frank!"
"Drop me there!" Ara spots a familiar shape in the mob. "Jason, Piper, you come with me!"
"Alright, General!" Jason responds. Frank flies past the hill and opens his claw. 
Ara lands on top of Pollo the Nemean lion, and slits a monster's throat with her crossbow. On each side of her Piper and Jason land and draw out their swords. The monster dissolves and she glares at the army before her, pulling the lion's mane so he stops running.
"Who missed me?" Ara smirks at the monsters that are quickly scattering away from her.
"About time!" Reyna says over the cheering of demigods. "Glad you could join us!"
Piper smiles. "We had some giants to kill!"
"Excellent! Help yourself to some barbarians."
"Why, thank you!"
"General Jackson!" Nico slashes a monster without paying much attention. He looks pale and barely alive. "Good timing. Where's the ship?"
Jason and Ara look up, the girl feeling a bit faint when she sees the wreckage the Argo II has turned into.
"Gods," Nico makes a face. "Is everyone okay?"
"Leo..." Jason says weakly. "His plan is in motion."
Nico nods, locking eyes with her. "He'll be fine."
"Of course," she pushes back her fear to focus on the fight.
"But just in case... For Leo."
"For Leo," Jason looks at Ara and nods.
"Where is Octavian?" Ara demands out loud, slashing through the monsters like they're cardboard figures, guiding Pollo with only one hand. "I wanna give him a proper send-off!"
"Ara?!" Connor Stoll looks at her with his mouth wide open. "When Lily said you looked different, I thought she meant sunburned!"
Ara pulls the lion's mane so it comes to a halt once more. She smiles down at her friend. "You're here, that means Saggio is close. Where?"
Connor opens his mouth to respond but Frank's voice cuts through. "Repellere equites!"
"Ave, Praetor Zhang!" Reyna greets him.
"Ave, Praetor Ramírez-Arellano!" He responds. "Let's do this. Legion, CLOSE RANKS!"
"Legion, cuneum formate!" Reyna yells. "Advance!"
"Hey, Birdy!" Percy calls behind her. " Lost something?"
The army of Greeks goes wild the moment they spot him and Annabeth. Lily Saggio is with them.
"Strategus!" Her eyes are fierce, but they seem happy. "Your armies wait for instruction!"
Ara feels ten times stronger at the moment. She turns Pollo to face the girl. "Brigadier Saggio, you see the monsters?"
"Yes, General."
Ara unsheats Lily's dagger and tosses it back to her. "I want them all dead."
"Let's kill stuff!" Percy shouts with enthusiasm.
Everyone gathers around Ara and charges into battle. Ara notices Nico and Will Solace sneaking to the opposite side of where the fight is happening, she looks further ahead and sees where they're going, a dark grin forming on her face. 
She turns to Annabeth and Lily. "Take the lead on this group."
"Yes, General," Lily lifts her dagger. "Let's go!"
Ara has barely slipped off Pollo's back when the ground shakes, and she looks up to see a gigantic mount of dirt emerge from the mud. "AWAKE," Gaea growls. "Little fools. The paltry magic of your statue cannot contain me."
"Bitch," Ara curses, glaring at the mighty woman before turning around and following Nico's trace, which isn't hard because the ground seems to be dying wherever he sets foot.
"The whole earth is my body," Gaia boomed. "How would you fight the goddess of—"
Ara stops and gasps. Festus just tackled Gaea, and there, confidently seated on his back, is Leo. "Pipes! Jason! You coming? The fight is up here!"
"Gods, I wanna marry him," she whispers in joy.
The girl gives a start and looks around, but no one there seems to be paying her attention. She frowns, maybe she heard wrong. The girl quickly forgets about it when her eyes land on Nico and Will, both standing next to an onager. She looks at Gaea with a smile.
"I should give her a proper send-off..."
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"Octavian, get away from the onager—That isn't safe!"
"Of course it's not! I will shoot Gaia down with this machine!" Will and Nico are facing Octavian, who is wearing the most dreadful assessment of jewelry she's ever seen. 
The sky darkens when Jason and Piper fly up to meet Leo, a storm cooks above their heads as Jason gathers all his power.
"You see?" Octavian continues frantically. Ara thinks she might be hallucinating, but his skin seems to be smoking. "The gods approve of my actions!"
"Jason is making that storm," Nico points out with annoyance. "If you fire the onager, you'll kill him and Piper, and—"
"Good! They're traitors! All traitors!"
"Listen to me," Will presses. "This is not what Apollo would want. Besides, your robes are—"
"You know nothing, Graecus!" Octavian reaches for the lever. "I must act before they get any higher. Only an onager such as this can make the shot. I will singlehandedly—"
"Centurion," a new guy appears, tall and buff. 
Ara recognizes him from Frank's stories, he's a son of Venus—something like a half-brother to Ara but not quite like the ones from Aphrodite. Ara's eyes travel down Octavian's clothes. She gets a pleasant thrill down her spine when she gets a very horrific idea.
"Michael! Excellent!" Octavian squeals, making her skin crawl. "Guard me while I fire this onager. Then we will kill these Graeci together!"
Ara gets to work in silence, pulling his cloak further into the mechanism. She hates this guy like she's never hated anyone before, he brought all these monsters to her camp, terrorized her family for weeks and weeks, and paraded around wearing that atrocity of an outfit. He's insulted her in every possible way.
Out of the corner of her eye, she thinks she sees Nemesis, perhaps she was the one who guided her here, but Ara refuses to acknowledge her. She gets up and circles the onager. "Michael Kahale, isn't it?"
The boy looks at her, his posture stiffening. "Strategus."
Ara smiles. "At ease, soldier. Let me talk to your Centurion."
"General," Michael nods, stepping back.
Octavian might've jumped over every rank from the Roman army, but he can't jump Ara, above her there are only gods, and even for him, that would be too much.
"No!" Octavian squeaks out in anger. "I'm your superior, you idiot! You don't listen to her!"
"You and your army, and your army's parents answer to me, Octavian." She speaks sternly, having perfected that voice after a whole year of practice. "You've caused destruction and death. You will yield, or face the consequences."
"NEVER!" He spits, eyes wide and crazy. "I will be remembered as the savior of Rome!"
"Apollo hates you, you psychotic jerk," Ara presses. "Yield or I'll make sure you never stir trouble for any of my camps ever again."
"Octavian..." Will tries to intervene, but Nico pulls him back.
"Our General is talking."
Ara knows he saw her pull the cloak inside the mechanism, she sees the way he looks at her: displeased but determined to stand by her.
"Liars, tricksters til the last minute," Octavian's hands hold onto the lever. "You cannot defeat me."
Ara sighs. "Octavian, I could snap you in half like a twig... but I'd rather put you to better use."
The girl pretends she's about to attack Octavian and he screams, cutting the rope that's keeping the onager's lever in place. The ammunition flies up with Octavian's cloak firmly tucked in by her, and Ara feels zero remorse as the guy disappears into the storm.
Her eyes find the other ball of fire in the sky that is Festus, and both explosions reach Gaia at the same time, making her stomach churn with apprehension. Next to her, Michael Kahale speaks. 
"Goodbye, Octavian." He turns to her. "What are our orders, General?"
The storm swallows the explosions for a moment but the fire gains force, vaporizing everything in the sky, not just Gaia, but also Leo and Festus.
Ara's vision starts to darken. "Cease fire."
Will catches her, and the girl faints without saying another word.
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Ara spends two days in what can be considered an actual comma, when she wakes up she's damp with cold sweat and it takes her a full minute to recognize the room, then she realizes she's in the Big House, and someone is next to her napping.
"Will," she says hoarsely, barely able to open her mouth. "Will Solace!"
The boy drops his clipboard, quickly scrambling to his feet. "Ara! Thank Apollo, you're awake!"
"I won't be thanking Apollo for anything in the next few months," Ara groans, trying and failing to rub her eyes. "What day is it?"
"It's been three years, everyone went off to college but I volunteered to look after you this summer."
"Ha ha," she replies, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Gods, I feel like crap. What happened?"
"You've been asleep for two days—well, a day and a half, technically. I couldn't bring down the fever, we even submerged you in a bathtub full of ice. It was crazy Ara, you were—"
"Burning alive," she starts coming to her senses. "Will, the campers—"
"We had losses," he tells her, pressing a wet cloth on her forehead. "But not as bad as last time..."
Ara's pulse picks up again as she asks the next thing. "What about the people in the storm?"
Will turns the cloth over, Ara's temperature still warming up the material too fast. "Jason and Piper came down seconds before the explosion but Leo... Cabin Nine spent the whole day picking up bits and pieces of the Argo II, but there was no sign of Festus."
Ara closes her eyes. "Yes, that was the plan."
"No, Ara," Will sighs, not understanding. "The explosion was massive. There was nothing left because the fire destroyed everything."
"I need Nico," she says dryly. "Please, tell me he's around here still."
"He's been following Lily and Connor around like a guard dog ever since—"
"Take me to him," Ara tries to sit up but the world turns upside down and she falls sideways. "Or tell him to come," she says in a strangled voice. Will doesn't try to fight her, he knows arguing is useless. "Don't tell anyone else I'm awake yet," she adds quickly. "I need a moment, then we can handle the funerary—"
"We did that already," Will eases her. "Nico and Chiron did it. Lily and Clarisse have taken care of the rest... I saw your cloak, you got like five blessings in two months," the boy shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm surprised your body didn't melt."
She gulps. "Please, bring Nico."
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"Did he die?"
Nico takes a seat next to her bed. "He died. Hazel and I felt it. And then..."
Ara sits up at his pause, feeling anxious. "I need to know."
"Well, we sort of... lost track of him. One minute his soul was there, and then... don't know, it was nowhere to be found."
"Festus had the physician's cure."
"We all saw Festus explode."
"You didn't find pieces."
"The explosion was too strong," Nico frowns. "And you threw a ball of fire at him for good measure, remember?"
"He made it out."
"You can't know that."
"You don't know the opposite," Ara argues. "He needed to survive to break the curse. You say he's not in the Underworld, and judging by how I'm feeling, my body's purging centuries of disease."
Nico stares at her. "...I'd like to believe you."
"Then believe me," Ara says earnestly. "It's better than the alternative."
He gets up and gestures at her closet. "Get dressed, everyone will feel better if you show your face at today's campfire."
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Next Chapter –>
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
A Heroes of Olympus… Rant? Idk
So, I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump so I decided to reread my Riordan books to get me out of it and I’ve been thinking a lot about the Heroes of Olympus series specifically because… as much as I love that series looking back on it… there was just so much potential not just with the story but with the characters so… I’ve decided to make a small list of shit I would change just cause I feel like it.
So, first off, I don’t think I’d change much about The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune other than 3 tiny things.
1st, in The Lost Hero, Jason doesn’t fully remember Reyna like Percy does Annabeth, but he knows that there’s someone waiting for him. Also, Piper and Jason have an actual conversation in which they’re both like ‘Look, neither of us asked for this and I’m really sorry but we shouldn’t be together when our relationship never really existed.’
2nd, about Piper… SHE SHOULDN’T BE AN ‘I’M NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS’ GIRL BECAUSE GIRLY GIRLS CAN BE JUST AS BADASS AND HAVE STORIES JUST AS GOOD AS TOMBOY AND NERDY GIRLS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK- Sorry I am just so sick and tired of fantasy books specifically treating girly girls with little to no respect. Like… come on man.
For Piper she’d either be a girly girl from the start or she’d embrace her girly side while hanging out with the Aphrodite cabin (who deserve so much justice, I might actually do a one-shot about the Aphrodite cabin just cause I had an idea of Percy on his first week getting his nails done by Silena cause he always wanted to but couldn’t cause of Gabe/bullies idk) but yeah, Piper could go on a small journey of learning to embrace her girly side and also discovering she’s lesbian/bi, to which Drew reminds her that Aphrodite is the goddess of all kinds of love.
Son of Neptune I would only change Frank, he wouldn’t get his weird glow up, let him stay chubby and awkward!!!
Now… this is when we really deviate.
Cause… I would actually have Reyna and Nico be part of the 7 while Percy and Annabeth stay behind in New Rome (Percy stays in New Rome as Praetor and Annabeth returns to Camp Half-Blood to lead or they both stay in New Rome and Annabeth gets the idea to build something like that in Camp Half-Blood you know… BUILD SOMETHING PERMANENT).
Maybe Reyna or Nico get a vision that lets them know that they are the ones supposed to go with the 7 instead of Annabeth and Percy. (Maybe instead of Nico it’s Thalia who’s in the Jar idk) and so Reyna and Nico go with the 7 (Reyna and Jason have an emotional reunion as they should’ve but they still don’t talk about their feelings cause they’re Romans and duty comes first)
And… hear me out! 1) Piper, Hazel and Reyna would make such a powerful trio just… women! 2) Nico would have a tough time bonding with the boys (he has a strong bond with Hazel and I feel like Nico would be surprised to bond with Reyna quickly, but eventually he and Jason would become low-key besties and his banter with Leo would be very fun.) 3) ACTUAL SCENES OF THE 7 BONDING.
So Reyna would get Annabeth’s quest maybe with another villain? Point is, at the end of Mark of Athena, Reyna is the one that’s getting dragged to Tartarus, Jason tries to catch her, they’re hanging off the ledge, Jason can’t fly because the pit is trying to suck them in or smth. Reyna tells him to let her go, it’s his duty to lead the group yadda yadda yadda. Jason refuses to, tells Nico (or Thalia if she’s the one they rescue who knows?) to meet them on the other side of the Gates and we get a Jeyna Tartarus fall.
House of Hades. After years of not knowing how to approach the subject because of awkwardness/fear of abandonment/trust issues/too many praetor duties, etc… the fact that Jason was willing to fall into Tartarus with her, and the very real possibility of dying, makes Reyna and Jason finally talk about their feelings and get together and they survive Tartarus together.
In the meanwhile shit is going down in New Rome cause of stupid Octavian. Percy and Annabeth have to leave. On the Argo II everyone is having a mental breakdown so Nico or maybe Piper step up to try and lead (I would actually love it to be Piper cause she had potential as a leader so yeah).
Then another big change, Ogygia. Leo does land up on Ogygia, he does meet Calypso BUT- they don’t fall in love, however, they do grow to love each other which is what allows Leo to leave.
I don’t know exactly how it would work but I would love for platonic love to be the thing that finally saves Calypso and gets her off Ogygia. This would also play into an arc I’d give Leo all about 1) learning that he doesn’t have to be in love to be complete and growing and being okay with being alone as long as he’s not lonely and learning that platonic love can be just as strong as romantic love or 2) Leo realizing that he’s aromantic and asexual and it’s just heteronormative thinking that makes him believe he isn’t complete without a romantic partner and finally accepting himself as he is. And again, learning that platonic love can be just as strong as romantic love.
Also, more angst to Hazel’s Hecate-like powers, maybe for a moment she thinks she’s dead again or smth like that idk.
Finally, Blood of Olympus.
First off. The Athena Parthenos. That quest would go to Percy, Annabeth… AND GROVER. FUCK YEAH BITCHES. That way, we get our original trio back with an important quest and we get to see them again.
Real Jeyna Tartarus PTSD, just, angst galore.
A longer final battle with each of the 7 having a critical role in the final battle. Nico and Hazel fighting side by side, Frank and Leo, Reyna and Piper, Jason striking lightning from above. Percy doing his thing with Annabeth leading the Greek side.
And finally… I’d honestly have an actual death. One of the 7 would die, no resurrection, no nothing.
I think it’d either be Frank or Piper.
Frank because of the set up with the stick and the underrated boy finally coming into his own and sacrificing his life for the greater good.
But the better option (to me at least in my version of the story) would be Piper. We see her grow so much through the story. First coming into her own and embracing her girly side, then being forced to step up and lead when Jason and Reyna are in Tartarus and just overall becoming a hero in her own right. (Also I feel like Piper would just have a strong bond with every single one of the 7, she’s Leo’s person, low-key besties with Reyna, she’s one of Jason’s closest friends she inspires and is always there for Hazel and Frank, etc. so it’d be all the more painful, she and Nico bond over not being straight).
Also also, it would almost close the circle of the Aphrodite hero. Silena was the first hero of Aphrodite cabin, but some people still doubt her, Piper is the second hero of Aphrodite cabin that no one will ever doubt or try to discredit. They burn a pink shroud and her siblings and every single one of the seven, along with Percy and Annabeth mourn her. And all of Camp Half-Blood silently agrees to never underestimate or take the Aphrodite kids for granted again.
The series ends with Leo keeping his promise to Calypso to go back for her with help from Frank and Hazel, Annabeth asking Reyna for help to build a New Rome in Camp Half-Blood and Jason, Nico and Percy maybe confronting the gods or smth like that.
So yeah uh… those are the things I’d change that no one asked for… yay… I stayed up until like 2 am just thinking about this don’t ask me why ajajjajajaa hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
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grangranarchist · 4 months
how I would fix the heroes of olympus series
the great thing about having a blog with 0 followers is I can say whatever the hell I want
structural changes
make it take place at least five years after pjo. percy and annabeth are coming into their own as peacetime leaders, and serving as the adult mentors of a new generation of kids. did their time as child soldiers fuck them up? does perpetuating the system help?
cut the seven down to five. we love all these characters!! but oh my god the pov character bloat. you can still keep povs from outside the main questing party, but the sheer number of characters reduced the kinds of relationship development possible, and flattened outsiders in each scene to flanderized archetypes.
increase the span of time between each book. with each entry the book increased in size and compressed in time. battle of the labyrinth took like 200 pages to convey the same span of time as son, moa, hoh and boo combined. increasing time between books also gives riordan time to catch up to the present day, rather than keeping on a simpsons-style floating timeline where Percy turns 16 in 2009 but still isn't old enough to drink in 2024
character and relationship changes
increase the age gap between Thalia and Jason, or get rid of Jason altogether. I think he's neat but introducing him was kind of an asspull retcon. which is fine, thalias backstory wasn't explored that much, but it means he doesn't really exist on his own terms, he's just a counterpart to her or to percy.
remove Percy and annabeth from the main questing party. they did their time. I'm sure the publisher had a graph that showed books with Percy and annabeth sold much better than books without (as evidence by the fact that pjo keeps getting sequel series while Kane chronicles and Magnus Chase get left to collect dust) but it just feels forced. it also leads to power creep and scope creep.
pick one romance within between the younger characters. one. I vote piper and Leo bc I like them and they always get ignored by fandom. have hazel and frank be like, a buddy-cop duo or something. maaaaybe let Leo have a tragic romance with Calypso NOT as a consolation prize for being seventh wheel. solangelo is cute but also feels like a very cynical introduction of sweaterboy/nightmare archetypes into traditional media. and cut the Sammy valdez shit like why would that even be necessary for a love triangle? truly odf
story changes
split the party! the five questers are out trying to stop the threats of the big bad and coming up with creative and clever solutions that wouldn't be necessary with heavy-hitting big three kids doing most of it! I'm sorry but the "Percy and/or Jason hit the big monster with a sword until it stops moving" parts of the books were so fucking boring
political intrigue! Percy and annabeth have to deal with threats at home. the situation with the Romans is not a gordian knot Percy can just cut through! annabeth's weaponry is literally cloak-and-dagger! let the past come back to haunt them via their treatment of Reyna and how they make amends!
make Octavian an actual threat? like in the books he's just ~craazy~ comic relief who is somehow able to muster an army while also being widely disliked. at least show him as having motivations beyond like, anti-slavic prejudice
explore the actual Romans more? like in the pjo series I do not feel like the main flaw of the Greek gods' system is that they're too chill and loose. but in hoo we're told it is. so I propose it as more a conflict between one united expansionist empire, vs various warring factions that must put up a united front. maybe let Percy "this is Sparta" kick someone into a pit
give gaea actual motivations too? like idk it just felt like, "ohhh you beat my son again, and the giants were next after the first time, I'm evil and a woman" when like. make her the abusive mother of the world. make her mad about climate change. make her have any motivation, please, I beg you
give nico something to do!!! sir not-appearing-in-this-book istg. he's cagey and mysterious in son. he's trapped in a jar in moa. he gets to be involved in the plot of hoh yay! he gets sent on a sidequest in boo boooo
add supplemental materials! use the younger kids storylines to onboard young readers, and have rick keep writing those, bc he does write children's lit well. then have the Percy annabeth Reyna stuff serve as a darker more mature ya type deal and use it as a venue to introduce new writers to the riordan system and audience and each book can also be a backdoor pilot for their own series in this world . also THIS would be the space to tie in other pantheons, please
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old-wild-child · 2 years
My friend @wool-hat7 never read any of Rick’s books, so I had her guess the personalities of almost all the PJO and HOO characters (I went with all the characters on Rick’s official website)
Percy: “K well percy is kinda hot. Kinda looks like a twink at the same time tho and he probably feeds animals that are stuck outside”
Annabeth: “She seems like she knows her street and mental smarts evenly, she doesn’t know one more than the other. Looks like a possessive girlfriend but also a girl that wouldn’t give a shit if you knocked her bf in the face for being a dumbass”
Grover: “Has the same energy as the guy from the lion the witch and the wardrobe”
Thalia: “If I were gay or bi she’d definitely be my gf just saying”
Nico: “Emo kid that constantly reminds everyone about how dangerous certain possibilities are. They’re also probably addicted to vape by the looks of it”
Tyson: “Very cuddly looking and is probably an introvert and sweet”
Leo: “The one rascal kid who doesn’t mean to cause trouble but they’re just curious. Probably catch them swinging from rope or doing daredevil stunts on accident. He reminds me a lot of a character from the book I’m reading called The German Girl also named Leo. Cause that description is basically Leo in the book I’m reading”
Frank: “They look fun. Definitely doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing. Also they’d hold your hand if you were scared or stressed”
Hazel: “The kid that sits in the back of class and doesn’t talk to anyone and gets their work done instead. Also looks like they’d bash you upside the head if you did something stupid”
Piper: “She looks kinda hot too. Definitely has a Zelda stereotype where she’s high in class but kicks ass too. Definitely seems like the mom friend too”
Jason: “He looks like a dick. The kid that would butt in and say “actually it’s-.” But he looks like he’d be protective of his friends as well”
Clarisse: “Another dickk who kinda reminds me of Mouth from The Goonies. Would definitely be a smartass and wouldn’t be afraid to kill you”
Luke: “Soft older brother who is uncertain about things but goes along with it anyway. Also prop has a crush on the main character’s girlfriend”
Chiron: “The uncle who tries his best to get to know you but is actually kinda creepy sometimes. Probably would offer you a beer and say ‘you’re doin fine. Drink up’. He’d also make you play beer pong with him since no one else will”
Mr. D: “Crack addict uncle who lives in the shitty unfinished basement of his sister’s house and makes his son feel really awkward at parties when he’s there because he tries to flirt with any woman his age he knows he’s not related to”
Zoë: “Disney Pocahontas vibes. Isn’t afraid to knock some sense into your skull”
Will: “Botanist. Also the therapist friend who people actually wonder why he genuinely listens”
Silena: “Popular girl who fixes her lipstick and hair every 10 mins. Would act nice for the first 10 secs but then be a bitch and snotty”
Beckendorf: “Guy that never speaks but responds with just a nod. Kinda good looking, maybe he gets some chicks idk”
Bianca: “Seems like she could live as an Eskimo. Would warn you to save wildlife much like in the way Mike Nesmith would say ‘save the Texas prairie chicken’”
Reyna: “The girl that’s stuck up and ignorant cause she thinks her tactics are correct but in reality it’s the opposite. She’s kinda a Hermione Granger”
Rachel: “Merida. That’s it. Nothing else”
Connor and Travis: “Two faced emo kid. Doesn’t talk about his emotions and plays his guitar on 101 volume” (Note: I’m not sure if my friend is aware that Connor and Travis are two separate people)
Juniper: “Fun elf character you’d find in Zelda games. Except she seems more like she’d be the over talkative friend”
Coach Hedge: “Reminds me of the dad from Luca”
Ethan: “Silent but deadly. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would actually kill you”
Octavian: “Sid from Toy story. That’s all I can think of”
Lityerses: “The kid that works out after and before school everyday thinking that he’s tough as shit. In reality he’s a scaredy cat and not that strong”
Poseidon: “Brother that would take you camping and fishin n stuff. Seems like he’d listen to your problems and try to sympathize with his own”
Hades: “Emo kid who loves his dogs and not people”
Zeus: “Can’t keep his dick in his briefs. Hot headed and bossy. Yknow, Zeus problems”
Hera: “Well it’s Hera so she’s probably a passive aggressive bitch. To Zeus at least.”
Demeter: “1. Rick made her kinda hot wtf. 2. She’s nice but if you cross her she can be a Royal bitch, seeing she turned the nymphs following the procession of Persephone into Sirens”
Athena: “Well it’s Athena, so assuming she’s badass, doesn’t take shit but is secretly caring and motherly over everyone”
Apollo: “I know this is Apollo cause someone did a presentation on Apollo in mythology for English and used this photo so”
Ares: “Right hand man to Zeus. Isn’t afraid to brawl over something idiotic”
Aphrodite: “Well it’s Aphrodite so flirtatious, scandalous, sort of a pick me girl but not really at the same time”
Calypso: “Calypso- I know about since I did a project in her. Sea nymph that lives on the mythical island of Ogygia and is cursed to fall in love with any demigod who lands on her island”
Arachne: “Looks like if they took the kids show I used to love when I was little called Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends and turned it into a horror movie”
Hephaestus: “Well he’s god of blacksmiths so he’s probably a tough guy. Probably has slight anger issues and can be hot headed”
Sally: “Cool mom friend who turned her husband to stone because I already know that about her. She has Pamela Courson vibes”
Paul Blofis: “Typical business dad who doesn’t have much time for his kids”
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givemea-dam-break · 3 years
Omg no one writes for Reyna!!!! You’re the best! Can you do a fic where the reader is a daughter of Apollo (and v flirty) and they kinda have a ~thing~ going on and Reyna finally kisses her when she gets hurt on a fight?
a/n: yes yes yes!! a reyna fic i wrote on quotev involved a daughter of Apollo reader and i loved the concept i was able to come up with so i’ll incorporate some of that in! i know that reyna is asexual so the only thing relationship-y that i've included is a kiss as i'm not completely in tune with how asexual relationships works (please tell me if there's any way that i can improve) Warnings: injury, Words: 1.5K Female reader
"Why is she here?" Octavian sneers, scrutinising you with his eyes as you sit down. "We have no need for a seer." "We have every need," Reyna corrects. "The augur, of course, is a cherished role within New Rome, but y/n here is our first seer in decades. Her power comes in handy." "You're just jealous that I'm Apollo's kid and you're not," you mumble. The legacy of Apollo clenches the head of a poor teddy bear so tightly you're worried it'll burst. "You -" "Shall we actually start this meeting?" Reyna interrupts, catching your eye. The corners of her lips quirk up. "Y/n ha told us that there is important news." You shift under the eyes of the centurions, though not uncomfortably. While you've only been in Camp Jupiter for a matter of weeks, you've become quite the asset for information and war plans, much to Octavian's displeasure, meaning you've been scrutinised and studied like mad. Already, you've managed to strike a nerve in the camp's augur, simply by being more closely related to your own father. According to Reyna, the camp hasn't had a seer in decades, only augurs, like Octavian who is only a legacy of Apollo. Other children of Apollo tend to just excel in his areas of expertise - light, music, archery, healing, et cetera. And, while you are particularly skilled at archery, you discovered shortly after your arrival that you are a seer, someone able to have glances into the future. Now, you're not sure whether that was what brought you and Reyna together or just sheer luck and a friendly smile. For the weeks you have been at camp, you've spent a lot more time with Reyna than would be classed as usual, according to your cohort members. You, personally, haven't seen a problem with it. The two of you have just grown closer... Maybe closer than friends, which you're hoping is a reciprocated feeling from the conversations you have shared. "Go on, then," one of the centurions insists. He's from the second cohort - stuck-up and self-obsessed, you've noted. You catch Reyna's eyes again, watching as the light shining in through the windows seems to accentuate every perfect feature of her face. Later, you tell yourself. There are more important things. "From what I've seen, Frank, Hazel and Percy have made it to, at least, the border between Canada and Alaska," you say, "meaning there is a good chance that they can complete their quest." "But?" the centurion of the fourth cohort, a daughter of Ceres, says. From what you've seen, she's confident yet closed off, the opposite of the boy from the second. "The giant Polybotes plans to attack with his army," you continue. "Cyclopes, basilisks, dracaenae, the likes. I've seen them marching through the borders and beginning to tear the camp apart." The air fills with tension so thick you can cut it with your gladius. Octavian looks like he's about to burst which, honestly, you won't mind. It's embarrassing to be even distantly related to the bear-butcher. "How do we even know we can trust you?" he demands. "You show up out of nowhere, having spent such a little amount of time with Lupa and, then days later, we discover you're a seer that can use her power as if she's had it for years." "I have had it for years." "Yes, but you've never used it!" "Enough," Reyna says, her voice sharp. "We've got no reason to not trust her. Every piece of information she's been shown that she then passes on to us has been accurate. I feel like that's a good enough reason to trust her." "Yeah, so shove it," you say. Reyna shoots you a look, but there's a gleam of humour in her eyes and her lips have tightened like she's holding back a smile. Octavian gasps to the high heavens. "I won't tolerate this -" "Prepare your cohorts for battle," Reyna interrupts. "We don't know when this threat will arrive, so we must be prepared. Understood?" Everyone nods, though some do it so begrudgingly that you wonder if they care more about their pride or the people they are in charge of looking after. "Meeting adjourned. Y/n, wait with me." You stay seated as everyone stands to leave, ignoring
the spiteful look you get from Octavian and resisting the urge to throw curses at him. When everyone is gone, Reyna moves from her seat to the one just next to yours. Her metal dogs follow, perching their heads on her knees as they sit on the ground. Their metal hides shine like they're molten in the light. "You shouldn't put Octavian in a worse mood than he's already in," Reyna says. "He's so mad that I'm not letting him become praetor." You snicker. "He's mad thinking that anyone will want him to be. Percy's got more of a chance of becoming praetor, and he arrived, what, two, three days ago?" A smile curls on Reyna's lips. "I was thinking about that. It would be a good decision to have someone like him as praetor, no? He's experienced, loyal..." "Don't tell me you have a crush on him." "Oh, gods, no." "Good." You smile. "I'd have to have some words if you did." Reyna's hand rests on your knee, sending shivers up your spine in waves. "When this battle comes, and it will, be careful, all right? I'd hate for anything to happen to you. You're the first person I feel like I can rely on since Jason disappeared." "Of course," you promise. "As long as you are, too." "When am I not careful?" -- Reyna may have a knack for being careful, but it's apparent now that you don't. The battle, the one you have seen in your most recent visions, did in fact come, and it has not been easy in the slightest. You've not had much experience with monsters seeing as you only found out you're a demigod a matter of weeks ago, and it is by far the most terrifying thing you've encountered. You started off with distance attacks with your bow and arrows, which was going great for a while. That was until more monsters flooded in and you got overwhelmed. How that leads to you now lying by the Little Tiber (though you're not sure where) with an arrow, or maybe three, in your gut, you're not sure. It all happened so quickly. You'll survive thanks to your prior knowledge of healing, but there's little you can do to ease the pain that makes your whole body tremble and sweat. You can hear the battle raging on everywhere; the sounds of swords against swords, arrows whizzing through the air, cries of agony. It's terrifying. Maybe that's why you're trembling. A hand grazes your face as you feel yourself beginning to drift off. When you crack your eyes open, you see Reyna's face above yours, worry creasing her brow and filing her eyes - those alluring brown eyes... "Hey, stay with me," the praetor orders, though her voice isn't demanding. "I'm not going to die," you reassure her, voice quiet. "I've made sure of that. I'm just... I'm tired." "I know." Reyna's hand rests firmly on your cheek. "I know. And I know that you're scared, but it's over now. We won." A smile tugs at your lips, though pain stops it from coming. "We won?" Reyna nods, wiping the sweat off your forehead. "Percy killed Polybotes. He came back with Hazel and Frank - they helped us win." "Better make him praetor then, huh?" "I was planning on it." Reyna searches your eyes. "But you have nothing to worry about." "I don't need to worry," you croak. "I know that he doesn't mean anything more than a friend to you." Reyna smiles. "You, on the other hand..." Your cheeks feel warm and, from the way her smile grows bigger, you can tell she feels the heat. "Kiss me," you say before you can regret it. "Before I fall asleep and miss my chance." "I thought you'd never ask." When her lips brush against yours, the whole world seems to melt away. Butterflies swarm in your stomach, fireworks explode in your brain, electricity runs through your lips. It's exhilarating and all you could ever want. She tastes like chocolate and honey, a combination you're sure you'll grow to enjoy. You flinch in pain, which makes Reyna back away. "Sorry," you say. "I've still got arrows in me." "Help is coming," she says reassuringly. "Don't worry." "Not worrying." "Of course you're not." "I saw it coming. I'm a seer." Your vision slowly goes black. "Sure you did." The last thing you do
before you fall unconscious is smile, lips tingling from the kiss you just shared with the girl of your dreams.
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
all you do is pine- percabeth
AN: i didn’t really like the ending to this one but i wrote something finally! also i just love modern percabeth can’t you tell? 
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“Uh… five?” Annabeth throws her pencil down in frustration, the sound echoing around the almost silent library. Across from her, Rachel bites her lip to keep from laughing and the look Annabeth sends her has the girl pulling Annabeth’s paper to her side of the table. 
“Ah, I see what you did. That’s a six A, not a nine.” Annabeth glares at the red ink now covering her paper and curses her dyslexia for making college so much more difficult than it should be. Annabeth had handled high school just fine, moving across the country a few times, but other than that, no issues. But freshman year of college was kicking her ass. 
“How am I supposed to pass this class if I can’t even read the problem correctly, to begin with?” Annabeth complains. The heads of her friends at the tables around her turned to her, offering sympathetic glances saying they understood how awful their dyslexia could be. 
“Maybe you can just light Professor Brunner’s classroom on fire,” Leo supplies from where he sits next to Calypso doing physics homework. His girlfriend slaps the back of his head.
“That’s arson, Leo,” she reminds him. 
“So what?”
“So it’s illegal, genius.” The voice of her best friend has Annabeth sitting straighter and Percy drops into the seat next to her, looking perfect as ever with his messy black hair and green eyes. “Last I checked you can’t vandalize a classroom.”
“How would you know Jackson?” Annabeth pipes up. “If I remember correctly, senior year of high school you vandalized Mrs. Dodd’s room.” Percy grinned at her, the memory flashing through his eyes, and the two burst into laughter. 
If there was anything that made college easier, it was having her best friend next to her to suffer through it all with her. She and Percy had grown up together, living in the same neighborhood since middle school and being best friends ever since. Annabeth couldn’t be more grateful that they both managed to get into the same college.
She just wishes she wasn’t in love with him.
Never in a million years could Annabeth have predicted she would fall for her annoying, clueless neighbor. Yet here she was- hopeless. 
Annabeth turns, sticking her nose back into her math textbook to keep him from seeing the red that now dots her cheeks. She catches Piper’s eye from the table next to her and the girl raises a brow. Annabeth shoots her a warning look and Piper sighs audibly.
“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m over this. I’ve gotta meet Jace for date night- so see you around losers.” Piper leaves Annabeth with a knowing pinch of her shoulder and she grips her pencil tighter.
“We’re out too,” Leo and Calypso say grabbing their bags and standing up. “Date night waits for no one.” The library quiets down until it’s just Rachel, Percy, and Annabeth. Annabeth glances up to see Rachel and Percy looking at each other, a meaningful look in both of their eyes as if silently speaking to each other, just like she and Percy often did themselves. 
Annabeth bites down on her jealousy. 
“Oh gods,” Rachel mutters. “I’m late to tutor Octavian.” All three of them visibly grimace at the mention of the blonde idiot and Rachel scurries out of the library.
“Well,” Percy sighs. “Looks like it’s just us again Wise Girl.”
“What’s changed?” She smiles down at her paper. At that moment a text appears on her phone from Hazel.
>> Hey, can’t make movie night tonight, Frank just surprised me with dinner and a movie!!
>> Aw, that’s so sweet :) No issues, next time for sure
Annabeth groans and places her phone down. Percy shoots her a questioning look from behind his laptop screen. 
“There go my plans for tonight. Hazel’s out.” Annabeth glances at the clock, figuring it was time to return to the apartment she shared with Piper to finish up some homework. 
“Hey, why don’t we do something?” Percy’s voice is awkward when he asks and Annabeth can’t help but think how he sounds just like he did when he was twelve. She turned to him, her curls bouncing in her ponytail behind her. “We haven’t had a movie night since this semester started. Everyone’s out on date’s so let’s have a friend’s date. We can even order takeout.” Percy levels her with a kind smile and Annabeth tried not to melt on the spot. 
“I’d love to Percy, I really would. But this project is kicking my ass and-”
“Come on, Annabeth,” he whined. “Pleeeeeeeeease? I’ll even fight the spiders in your apartment for you.” Annabeth’s resolve had cracked at please but she smiled anyway. 
She rolls her eyes affectionately, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
“Come over at six, Seaweed Brain. And don’t even think about coming without food.”
Percy shows up late, unsurprisingly, and Annabeth is in front of the TV with a physics textbook in her lap when he walks in sporting the key to her apartment she had given him months ago. 
Annabeth opens her mouth with a quick insult but Percy cuts her off.
“Before you say anything about me being late- I brought you pretzels.” A box of chocolate-covered pretzels falls into her lap a moment later and Percy collapses onto the couch next to her soon after. Annabeth tries her hardest not to lean into him or inhale his scent. It’s easy to think that seawater would smell disgusting. Like seaweed and dead fish. But Percy’s always made it smell good.
“So what are we watching?” Percy asks as Annabeth flips her page. Before she can grab her pencil again, Percy’s hand is over hers, ripping it away and chucking it across the room. Annabeth gapes at him.
“What the hell, Percy? I was using that.” Percy shrugs, opening a bag of popcorn he brought and shoving some in his mouth. 
“Not anymore you’re not. Movie night, Wise Girl. Remember?” Annabeth arches a brow and a slice of satisfaction courses through her as he turns a slight shade of gray in nervousness.
“You do realize I’m a forensic science major right?” That as well as architecture. “I could kill you and hide the evidence. No one would ever find the body.” Percy grins, visibly relieved that she’s joking, and relaxes his shoulders. He grabs her textbook from her lap and places it on the ground, grabbing her hand that held the pencil and lacing his fingers through hers instead.
Annabeth shoots him a questioning look and pushes down the blush that’s threatening to pour over her cheeks. 
“Gotta make sure you don’t grab that pencil again.” Percy shrugs, putting their hands on his lap as he turns his attention back to the television. At this point, Annabeth is trying her hardest not to combust. So instead she rolls her eyes and puts on Finding Nemo, Percy’s favorite movie. With as much as Annabeth claims to hate it, the way Percy voices each of the characters every time he watches it makes her laugh. 
Percy doesn’t say anything as the movie starts, not even to ask why she’s playing a movie she doesn’t like, and the two friends drift into a comfortable silence. 
Halfway through the movie, Annabeth is itching to get off the couch. Percy has started playing with her fingers instead of just holding them now, and Annabeth doesn’t think she can handle this much longer. So as Percy is voicing Squirt’s voice cuter than even the original actor can, Annabeth stands up, taking her hand away from Percy’s and ignoring his frown, and grabs her phone, pretending someone’s calling. 
“It’s uh… Luke,” she stutters out. Annabeth runs out of the room before she can register the look that flashes over Percy’s face at the mention of the boy from her physics class. The door to her room is slammed shut before she hears Percy’s response and Annabeth hangs her head in her hands. 
“Gods, Annabeth! What’s wrong with you? This is Percy!” 
Yeah, the Percy that you’re in love with. 
So Annabeth pulls herself together. She walks over to her bathroom and splashes a bucketful of freezing water over her face.
“Pull yourself together, Chase.” 
When Annabeth walks back out of the room, Percy is on the phone talking to someone. Annabeth realizes he hasn’t heard her door open and she can’t help but lean against her door frame to watch him for a moment.
He really is handsome, she can’t help but notice. He had gone from a cute kid to a handsome guy, and it was starting to keep her up at night.
“I don’t know Rach,” he was saying, and Annabeth fought down the swell of jealousy in her chest. She liked Rachel- she really did. What she didn’t like was how interested she seemed in Percy. The looks Rachel would shoot her when she was talking to Percy didn’t help either. “I just-”
“Percy, I swear to all the gods. If you don’t make a move soon-”
“I can’t just make a move Rachel. She doesn’t feel the same way and I’ve ruined years of friendship.” Rachel sighs from across the line and Annabeth doesn’t think she’s breathing. When Rachel speaks again, she’s clearly frustrated.
“Percy, Annabeth is hot. You have to have noticed that by now.” She states it as a fact and Annabeth holds back a snort. And then she realizes that the conversation is about her. Percy and Rachel are talking about his feelings for her. Annabeth thinks she’s going to faint. 
“Yes, Rach. I know she’s hot.” The statement sends a blush to her cheeks and Annabeth fights to stay silent as she watches her best friend squirm. 
“Right, and sooner or later, other people are gonna start noticing too. If you don’t say something soon, she’s going to move on, and you’ll really lose your chance.”
“She’s already gone,” he sighs defeated. “I think she’s into that guy Luke from her physics class.” Annabeth wanted to scream. Did he really think she liked Luke? What a Seaweed Brain. 
“God Percy, you really are an idiot, aren’t you? All you do is pine over this girl, and if you haven’t realized she’s pining just as hard for you, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
“Rachel, she’s my best friend. She would never-”
“Like you back?” Annabeth’s voice shocks him so much that he hangs up the phone and drops it on the ground. “Think again, Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth tilts the corner of her mouth into a small smile and comes to sit next to him on the couch. 
“A-Annabeth!” he stutters and Annabeth loves the blush that appears on his cheeks. “You- I- when did you- wait what?”
“You’re not seriously saying you didn’t know I’m in love with you.” Annabeth thinks she might be blushing, but she really doesn’t care anymore. Her best friend likes her back. 
“You’re what? But I’m in love with you.” Her heart stutters in her chest.
Annabeth’s laugh brings a grin to Percy’s face and she can’t help but brush a kiss to his cheek.
“Funny how that works, huh?”
“Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed.”
yeah i love them... 
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citygirlinschool · 3 years
Breaking Bad
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Read it on Ao3
Original bingo
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” 
“I have got two research papers pending, I am falling behind on my thesis and I have to submit Mr D’s essay on Monday. So yes, I am not coming.” Frank resisted the urge to physically pick up the boy from his bed and throw him out. 
He could if he wanted to. Leo was a tiny slip of a thing, all wild curls and ADHD. And gods did the boy tempt him to do some serious bodily harm to him.
“Come on man you haven’t come to a single party since well... ever. This one is supposed to be real rager.” 
With a jerked motion he stood up from his desk, threw his door open and marched towards the kitchen. 
“Is that supposed to be a No?” There was ruffling of sheets and Oh my Gods he was wearing shoes the whole time.
His eyes twitched and he slammed the glass on the counter with more force than necessary. A drink, that’s what he needs.
“Mixed signals buddy.” And there he was in all his flannel glory, and those hideous pun t-shirt (Never trust an atom, they make up everything). Never would he have guessed the devil would be a elf in science pun t-shirts. 
“No, Valdez. I am not coming to your rager party.” He made towards the refrigerator.
“Whatever man your loss.” 
There was an audible slam of the door as the fridge door fell of it’s hinges and over a startled Frank, followed by a crash of food spilling on to the floor.
“So, what was it this time?” 
“He broke the fridge.” Frank stabbed his food gloomily.
“And?” Percy waved a ketchup covered fry.
“He fixed the AC.” Frank mumbled.
“That’s good right?” 
“After he broke it.” He snorted.
Percy was in the year above him. Swim team captain and marine biology major. They met by accident and hit it off immediately.
They made it a point to meet in the dinner near the college campus once a week, or when they could.
“What else?” he drawled lazily, and Frank would feel guilty about turning all these meetings into venting sessions, except Percy wasn’t the type to entertain people just because it’s polite, so he probably didn’t mind.
“He brought someone back to the dorm. Again. Some blondie, Maria. This is the third this month. And it’s distracting, and I have told him clearly to bring someone when I am gone… How does he even land these many?” 
“He is kinda cute?” Percy shrugged.
Frank pulled a face. “He has a horrible track record. Can you believe he flirted with Ms Grace?” 
“To be fair he flirts with everybody. I don’t think it counts.” 
“Still. That’s the Thalia Grace.”
 “Touché. Talked to the Dean?” 
“Jason said, only Octavian is vacant. And that guy is… creepy.”
Percy nodded solemnly. “Heard he guts plush toys to some cult god he worships.” 
Frank looked at him wide eyes, and just like that Leo was forgotten. 
At least until he reached back to his dorm. 
“Frankie! You are back.” Leo flashed him his infuriating smirk that he knows gets on his every nerves. “Hazel was just leaving.” And that asshole turns to her, “Until you changed your mind and decided to stay.” 
He flirts with everybody; it doesn’t mean anything. Percy’s voice echoed warningly in his mind.
Hazel flushes, and looks down. Those flawless curls hiding reddened cheeks. “Thanks for the offer but I can’t stay past curfew.” 
“Aw.” Leo leans forward, “That’s not a no.” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t be stickler for rules, get that enough from Frankie boo here.” 
This time Frank’s cheeks heat up. “Leo.” He hopes he would stop.
“Fine, Fine. Goodnight, Hazel.”
“Bye, Leo.” She presses her books to her chest, and Frank shuffles hurriedly to the side as Hazel moves past him.
He slams the door once Hazel is past. 
“So,” Leo straightens from where he was leaning against the wall. “Somebody has got a crush.”
“Cant blame you, she is a real looker.” 
“Oh, come on, don’t play.” He stalks back towards his room, his back toward the Latino. “You already knew that.” 
“I did?” there it is again, the annoying mocking tone he didn’t bother dignifying with a reply. But that didn’t deter Leo from barging in his room behind him either.
“I mean, were all those lectures ignored in the favour of staring at the back of her head, and doodling H+F in the back of your notebook, did give me an inclination but thought they stood for Himbo plus- “ 
“Shut up, asshole.” He whirled around. “You know I freaking liked her.” He stalked towards him. 
“Oh yeah like how you knew my Chatelier’s experiment made twelve percent of my grade?” 
“I apologized for it.” He spit back in his face, grabbing his forearms. 
“That doesn’t make up for it, jerk.” He hissed back.
Blood roared in his veins, drowning out any further jabbing remarks from the squirming boy in his arms.
Gods the things he would do to shut him up. 
“-and would you please let me go, I am pretty sure this counts as phys- Mmph! ” 
He kissed him. That annoying fucking mouth, with those pretty fucking lips. He bit on his lips tugging at them, pressing that tiny body against his.
He kissed him. Fuck.
Frank stumbled back in horror. “Shit I am sorry, I didn’t- “ 
“Oh no.” Leo lunged at him, and he stumbled back in surprise, catching his hips. “You would be sorry when I am done with you.” 
Harsh demanding lips pressed against him, a sharp nip and the metallic tang of blood spilled on his tongue, making him curse.
The heels of Leo’s feet dug in his back, “Bed, bed, bed!” He panted, slim but strong fingers tugging at his hair painfully, tilting it back. He grabbed his lips in another kiss that had his dick aching in his pants.
Frank stumbled blindly towards his twin bed, his hands groping the Latino’s ass, as they both fell on the congested bed in tangle of limbs.
Leo’s hand left his hair and trailed over his collar, clever fingers making a quick job of his shirt, hips shamelessly grinding in his abdomen. 
“Come on, man, get naked.” He ran his fingers over his chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Leo.” He pulled back, “Aren’t we going a bit fast.” 
Leo’s lips pulled back in a condescending sneer, “You sure you wanna be a cock blocker.”
His hand snaked down to the bulge in his pants, and he involuntarily humped forward into the pressure.   “I already hate you enough.”
That was a reminder enough. The clothes were gotten rid of in a flurry of uncoordinated limbs, and broken buttons, until a very naked Frank, had a very naked Leo in his lap. 
He dug his teeth into the hollow of his collar bones, and Leo hissed, but didn’t stop the wild rhythm of his hips. Frank’s hand squeezed the ample flesh in his hands and parting them. 
The head of his cock slipped between them, sliding over the fuzzy hole.
Leo’s hips stuttered, and he exhaled shakily, fingers digging in his shoulders hard enough that Frank knew they would leave welts.
“Lube? Tell me you have lube” his voice was so deep; it had his cock twitching.
“Top drawer, in the back.” He mumbled, leaning back until he was laying down as Leo stretched over him, searching his drawer.
He couldn’t help but mouth over his well formed abdomen, for his deceptively short stature he was strong. Lithe muscles and surprisingly broad shoulders. 
Fuck he hated him so much.
There was a click of lube opening, as Leo pulled back, his fingers dripping with lube.
He leaned forward, one hand beside his head while he reached behind him.
Frank knew the exact moment Leo’s fingers breached him. His eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched and his breathing became a tad bit heavier. 
He reached up, pressing a sweet almost a innocent kiss against his lips, and for a moment Leo let him. 
“Let me do it.”
And just like that Leo pulled away. 
His weeping cock bobbed proudly between his supple thighs, his dusky nipple looked raw and abused, there was a myriad of hickies littering his chest and his hair was wilder than usual. 
Yet, that jerk had the audacity to smirk mockingly at him.
“Not your girlfriend, Zhang. So don’t treat me like it.” he must have done something inside him cause his eyes fluttered for a moment. “Besides- Ah” his back arched, “we are doing this by-mmh- my rules, cause clearly you are as clueless in this-Ah!”
“What is your problem.” Frank had jostled his fingers out of him as he flipped them over. “I am just trying to be nice.” He snarled.
“No what you’re trying to do.” A lube covered finger smeared across his neck, “is fucking coddle me.” He spat.
“I am not coddling you.” He glared indignantly at the infuriating boy underneath him.
“Oh yeah? What is this? Fucking me? Please, you are not even in me.” He sneered mockingly.
“I am- I don’t –” Leo mercifully cut his spluttering off with a kiss.
“God I didn’t know I had to just spread my legs to get underneath your skin.”
He would have tried replying, except Leo had wrapped his lubed up hand around his dick, slicking it up with quick efficient strokes, and Frank had been so painfully hard all this time all he could do was helplessly jerk forward into the warm wet hole, until Leo tightened his grip. “Don’t come.” He warned, as he guided him to his stretched hole.
Frank to his dying day would deny the sound he emitted when his head slipped in.
A loud unashamed sound, as his head dropped onto Leo’s shoulder, as he panted harshly. Leo was tighter and hotter then anything he had ever felt before. And so deliciously soft.
He wouldn’t have been able to stop the unrelenting rolls of his hips as he pushed deeper if he wanted to.
Like he had no control over his hips, he pushed in inch after inch, as Leo’s back arched off the bed until Frank bottomed out.
For a moment Frank could just lay still and shiver so as to not bust a nut, Leo as so tight around him, it was probably painful for him.
“Move, move, move, jackass.” Or maybe not.
“Oh, gods fuck me, or I am gonna fuck up your laptop and not repair- Oh yesss!” Leo’s eyes rolled back in his head, as Frank pulled out almost all the way and then pushing in rapidly. 
“Why can’t you shut up for a moment.” Frank picked up his pace. “For once –mmh” his nipped at his ear, “just shut up- ah fuck- and moan.” 
“Maybe- mmph- Maybe if you put all that beef - oh Dios- and man boobs (he gripped said boobs) to use than I will.” 
Frank dug his teeth right below his ears, just shy of tearing skin, but definitely marring the skin, as he readjusted his grip, hooking his hands underneath his knees and practically folding the twink (because that’s what Leo fucking Valdez is and Frank is tired of lying) in half. 
He must have hit his prostrate with the deeper angle cause Leo made a he- would- never- admit- it- but- adorable high-pitched sound, his hands flying between his legs, except Frank slapped it away and wrapped his own hand around his flushed, almost painfully purple cock.
Much to his pleasure Leo hooked his own hand underneath his knees, holding himself open.
“Didn’t know” he panted, “all it took was a good dicking down to shut you up.” 
Leo’s eyes opened up to slits, in what he thinks is a glare, but it is hard to take him seriously on good days, even harder with his cock stupid bambi eyes, and drool covered chin.
Fuck! This is the hottest thing ever and Frank hates him so much.
Frank lost his carefully maintained rhythm, finally rutting in abandon. The bed creaked threateningly, the headboard banging fiercely with the force of his thrusts.
Paired with the slick sound of where Frank was jerking Leo off, slap of skin against skin and squelch of Frank fucking Leo, it sounded like a cheap porno.
Harsh breathing was littered with moans and litany of curses. There tongues ran sloppily against each other, Leo tweaked his nipples, clenching down on Frank as they both hurtled toward the peak like freight train.
The orgasm was a bang.
In hindsight, two fully grown men fucking on a barely hanging on twin bed was not the wisest plan. But what can he say? Leo brings out the worst in him.
“Did it?” Frank muttered tiredly. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“Get off.” Leo’s voice was slurred and strained, “You are suffocating me. And you are sleeping on the couch.” 
“What was it this time?” 
“The bed.” 
“Leo broke your bed?” 
“Something like that.” Frank mumbled.
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annabethy · 4 years
Okay but like fic for celeb AU where like Percy experiences a hardcore fan of Annabeth coming up to them and being a little to touchy and pushy to her just not respecting and overstepping boundaries and it makes him upset people don’t treat her with decency and/or his journey of acclimating to the fact that people come up to Annabeth all the time and becoming super protective of her in public
Percabeth Celebrity AU!!
One would think that after a year of dating, Percy would be used to the constant flood of people in Annabeth’s direction. She caught peoples’ eyes. It was just what she did.
He knew what he was getting into from the start, and yet he chose to stay by her side. By no means does he regret that decision because she was his world. She was a gift from the stars, and he’d do anything for her.
Still, the way people looked at her and spoke to her — touched her — as though they had a right to invade her space and privacy, made his blood boil. From the way the man was approaching her, stance tall and strong, Percy knew that he wasn’t going to be any different.
“Do you think I could get a picture with you?”
God, even the way he speaks made Percy want to start crying on Annabeth’s behalf. He wasn’t like this with every fan of hers, because most of them were the biggest sweethearts he’s ever met. There were others, though, that weren’t as kind. They were entitled and pretentious, and they didn’t even bother greeting her before practically demanding she drop everything and bend to their will.
Those were the ones that made Percy’s heart sink. This was one of those.
Annabeth turned her back to the bookshelf so she could eye the newcomer. Her grey eyes flashed, and Percy felt even worse because he knew that this was the last thing she wanted to do. He knew that she wasn’t feeling well and had just wanted to go grab a book before snuggling up and watching a movie.
Other people didn’t see it that way. They barely saw her as human anymore — she was reduced to nothing more than a figment of entertainment in their eyes.
“Oh, uh— What’s your name?” Annabeth asks, fiddling with the spine of the book she picked out. It looked slightly dusty and antique, and he knew she would go for that one the second they walked into the store.
“I’m Octavian,” he answers, voice snobby. It was dripping with narcissism, and Percy felt the need to remind him who he was talking to.
“Octavian,” Annabeth greets, “Today’s just not a great day. I really need to get going, and I’m not even dressed nicely—”
Percy could argue with that statement, but apparently, so could Octavian.
“You look pleasant,” Octavian says. Before Percy can question his wording, Octavian’s eyes are panning down her body, lingering too long on her chest. When he speaks, he shows not a single ounce of shame. “It’s just one picture. How often do you run into a movie star on the streets of New York?”
Annabeth wants to say no, he can tell. She wants to turn him away, even more now that his eyes have drifted lower and were tracing over the curves of her hips. He can see the conflict flash in her eyes, aware that if she does protest a picture, it’ll be turned against her. Her strength wavers.
“Your phone?” she asks, stepping beside him. She’s avoiding Percy’s eyes, and he feels a deep pang of sympathy through him. He doesn’t know how she does it.
Octavian steps even closer, but neither Percy nor Annabeth regard it as unusual. Everything about the man was to be weary of, but then he’s leaning in even closer to get his face next to hers. She moves a few inches, and he follows.
After Annabeth snaps a few pictures of the two of them together, she tries to hand it back only to have it snatched from between her fingers. Octavian’s holding it back above her, angling it downwards, and then his arm is snaking around her waist and pulling, causing her to stumble for a few milliseconds before catching her balance.
Percy sees red.
“You got enough pictures, don’t you think?” he tries, taking a menacing step forward. He towers over Annabeth, and he notes with triumph that he towers over Octavian too.
“A few more won’t kill her,” he replies. Percy flares with anger, but Annabeth shoots him a warning look. Back down.
He doesn’t want to, but he does.
She takes a few more, a painfully fake grin plastered onto her face. She looks like she’s in pain, and he doesn’t doubt that she is anymore.
Percy keeps his temper in check, but the second that his hand is trailing lower and lower, he doesn’t care about playing nice anymore.
“That’s enough,” Percy demands. He presses into the space in front of him, allowing Annabeth to break away. “You’re done now.”
“I wanted more,” Octavian protests, trying to forcibly grab Annabeth’s wrist, but he moves between them, blocking her from his sight.
“You’re done,” he says again.
“I said I wanted more.”
“And I said that you’re done,” Percy says back, raising an eyebrow daringly. Annabeth is hovering behind his back. He can feel the heat of her body against him, and her subtle trembling does him in. “Get out.”
“How about you let Annabeth talk for herself?”
“I’m not asking you again,” Percy growls, and this is not him. Percy is not the person to make people feel threatened, to make people feel unsafe. Percy is the warm light of the sun after a cold night — he is the calm after a storm. This is not him. This form of Percy is reserved for moments like this.
Moments that people threatened the ones he loves. He is not the person to fight back, but when it comes to Annabeth, he is willing to fight to the death to prevent anyone from laying a hand on her. He will do what needs to be done.
Octavian stands down, knowing he will not win this fight. Percy’s eyes do not leave his form until he is out the door and out of sight. Energy is flowing through his veins — not the good kind. It’s the kind that makes him want to explode and bring down everything in his path.
Annabeth whimpers, her face pressed into the space between his shoulder blades, and he comes crashing back to reality.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, turning around to take her in his arms. She’s feverish and pale, and his heart breaks a little more when she rests her head against his chest and inhales deeply.
“I just don’t like people like that,” she says.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. He didn’t actually do anything. People have it worse.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Dismiss yourself. You’re allowed to be upset when people treat you like that.”
Annabeth breathes deeply again, and he can tell she’s holding back the building tears. It’s a dam waiting to break, he knows.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
She nods once. “I just didn’t feel like meeting anyone today. It just sucks, you know? I feel like I’m never alone anymore.”
He does know.
“I’m okay,” she repeats. “Let’s just go home.”
Percy feels like she’s holding back a lot. She told him what was bothering her, and he always knew that she hated that aspect of fame, but she’s never truly admitted it. She never elaborated on how it made her feel, and a part of him thinks it’s because she doesn’t think he’ll care. The thought makes him want to cry with her.
“You know I’m here for you, right?”
Annabeth picks at the skin of her lower lip with her fingernails peeking out from beneath the sleeve of her sweater. “I know.”
Percy’s hand caresses her hair, brushing a strand behind her ear before putting two fingers beneath her chin and lifting so she’d meet his eyes. “I love you.”
Annabeth sniffles. “I know.”
“Good.” He kisses her lightly once. The way Annabeth grins makes his heart melt, and his feelings from before are brought back.
He wouldn’t just die to protect her. He would bring the whole world down with him. It’s a terrifying thought, but it’s also not, because the only thing more terrifying than a world of fright and danger is a world where Annabeth is hurt, shoved inside this box, into the confines of what the public wants her to be.
He will never let anything happen to her. She is the love of his life, and he knows without a doubt that he’s there for her through thick and thin, for everything she needs.
He is there to keep her safe, and he’ll do just that, or he’ll die trying.
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disneygirl2202 · 4 years
Lost (Percy Jackson x sister!reader)
Requested?: Yes @cokecola4211
Request:  Percy Jackson imagine finding out that ur Percy long lost sister that was given away a long time ago.
Percy’s P.O.V. 
“Percy, you might want to get to camp for this... bring your family,” Grover says as I pick up the phone
“What? What do you mean?” I ask 
“We’ll explain when you guys get here.” Grover says “The others are already here.” 
I hang up before looking back at my mom with Paul and Estelle. 
“Mom, Grover wants all of us to meet him at camp.” I start 
She looks at me before nodding, looking back at Paul. 
I look at the gates when I see Jason and Hazel talking to another girl standing by the gates, her purple shirt flapping in the slight breeze. 
“Grover! What did you need?” I ask as he comes trotting over to meet me 
“Sally, Chiron mentioned you may remember this, but it could be likely that it was so long ago you might not.” Grover starts 
“Y/N?” She asks 
“W-what?” I ask as I look back at them 
“Chiron, Poseidon, and I decided that it would be in their best interest to separate them.” Sally starts 
“Mom, what are you talking about?” I ask as I look at her 
“Percy, you have a sister.” Grover starts “Not just a half-sister, a full-blooded sister.” 
“W-where has she been?” I ask 
“When we first separated you, we knew that she would be in just as much danger as you would be,” Sally says 
“I recommended she goes and lives with the Graces,” Chiron says as he shows up, sitting in his chair 
“She was raised as a Roman,” Grover says 
I see him look back at the girl that Jason, Hazel, and Frank are talking to. 
“She wasn’t there when I was there.” I start 
“She can explain that. Only if you would like her to.” Chiron says “She found out from Neptune, came here to hopefully meet you.” 
I look between everyone before slowly nodding, looking towards the girl. 
Your P.O.V. 
“Yeah. The quest went fine, was shocked to come back to camp to see you gone and half of the camp was destroyed.” You start 
“Yeah. Sorry about that.” The girl named Piper says 
“It’s fine. It looks like they had a hard time forgiving you guys.” You say 
“Almost started a war,” Hazel says 
You look at her before smiling, looking over this other camp. 
“When did you go talk to Neptune?” Jason asks 
“Reyna needed me to go talk to the gods about something, but before I could leave, Neptune stopped me and told me the truth.” You explain “I never knew my mom and this explains why.” 
Everybody around you nods before they look behind them. You look around to see Chiron and Grover talking to a family, the older boy looking directly at you. 
“Are you ready for this Y/N?” Frank asks 
“Yes? No? I don’t know. I’ve never had a sibling. I’ve never really had a mother who would do anything to keep me safe.” You start 
“Y/N, you’ll love them,” Jason says 
You look at your three best friends. You take in a deep breath. 
You look at the boy as you see him start to walk over. 
“Y/N?” He asks 
You look at him before nodding, holding out your hand. 
“That’s me, you must be Percy. The one that Poseidon... dad told me about.” You say 
“Think we could go to the lake to talk?” He asks 
You look at Jason before nodding. 
“I don’t know this camp, want to lead the way?” You ask 
He nods before motioning to follow him. You walk through the crowd, following him. 
Annabeth’s P.O.V. 
I stand next to Sally as she watches the two walk towards the lake. 
“I can’t believe that’s her,” Sally says 
“We didn’t either. Not at first.” I explain 
Sally nods before looking at Chiron. 
“Will they be okay to be together now?” She asks 
“They both have trained to survive.” Chiron starts “But she’ll be staying with the Romans still. She has a life there.” 
Sally nods before looking at the camp. 
“She wants to meet you, Mrs. Jackson,” Jason says as he comes jogging down 
I look at Jason before nodding, needing to head into camp for a class. 
Your P.O.V. 
“You’ve been staying at Camp Jupiter how long?” Percy asks 
“We’re 17, almost 18... so about 14 years.” You say, looking at the lake “I’ve been there with Jason until he left.” 
Percy nods before looking at you. 
“I’m sorry we were separated. It would’ve been so much easier if we were raised together.” You start “You wouldn’t have had to deal with Gabe alone.” 
“Hey, you had to deal with Octavian.” Percy laughs “I still need to get a new pillow pet because of him.” 
You rub the back of your neck before looking at your brother. 
“You didn’t...” Percy starts 
“I was the one he talked about.” You start “I was dating Octavian at one point. He wasn’t a bad guy like he turned out to be.” 
“He kept saying something about you being dead though.” Percy starts 
“I don’t doubt him, the quest I was on, it was taking longer than it should’ve.” You say 
“Well, if you decide to stay for a bit, that will give us time to catch up, giving you time to meet my girlfriend and all too.” Percy starts “But you can’t just meet me, you need to meet mom.” 
You look at him before nodding as he helps you up. You look around the camp, rubbing your forearm as you trace the tattoo. 
You reach the hill to see the group hanging out at the border, talking to the three that came with Percy by the border. 
“Y/N! Percy!” Hazel yells as she sees you guys 
“Guys lets them a minute,” Percy says as he looks between you and your guys’ mother 
You watch as the crowd clears out and the woman gives the older man a little girl as they walk away, Percy and Annabeth catching up with them. 
“Y/N?” She whispers 
“You must be my mom.” You start 
“You look so much like your grandmother.” She whispers “I’m so sorry that I had to give you up.” 
“I understand why you did it.” You say “You needed to protect us.” 
Sally looks at you then you see Percy looking over and Sally mentions for him to come over. 
“I’m sorry that I kept this secret this long.” She says 
“Mom, you have both of us now.” Percy starts 
She looks at you before slowly wrapping her arms around you, Percy watching. 
“Percy get in here.” Your mom says 
“Yes, ma’am.” He says 
You laugh as you hold onto your mom, sitting there between your mother’s and brother’s arms. 
“This is home now.” You whisper 
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hola-ninos · 4 years
you ll pt.3
Tumblr media
Summary: You’re not dead?!?!?! Also, you find out what Nico really meant to you in your past life……. surprise?
Word Count: 2.0k 
A/N: Hi lovelies! This series is not over, but this chapter is supperrrr longgggggggg, and I really don’t like what I did with the end, but here it is!
find pt. 2 here^
find pt. 1 here^
Darkness surrounded you.
It was so quiet.
So serene.
So peaceful.
Yet it was all so wrong.
“She’s not dead.”
“Her soul. It’s still here.”
“As you can see, no one is dying. Death is chained. And someone needs to save him.”
“She’s waking up.” you hear as you open your eyes. Reyna stands over you, looking at you with fear in her eyes. “That’s not possible. She was- she is- how is she here?” Reyna cries. “I’m not sure, but she needs medical attention. Now.” Nico. “Wait, stop. Get her into the river.” Percy. “I’ll help you carry her.” Frank. The air around you felt cold. You felt yourself being lifted up. “Guys, watch her head.” Hazel. You saw the river getting closer. You could already feel yourself getting stronger as you were sprayed with the river's mist. The three boys gently set you down in the river, and you felt energy surge through you. You shot up and automatically stood in a defensive position, grabbing your knife for a weapon. You immediately put it down, recognizing the people in front of you as your friends. “I’m so sorry, I-,” you faltered, not knowing why you had just acted that way.“It’s ok,” Reyna said, a sad look on her face. “If you’re ready for it, we need to discuss your quest to free Thanatos,” she explained. “Quest? Thanatos? How am I even still alive?” you asked her, still extremely confused about why you were still with the living. “Nico can fill you in. Now come, we must make our way towards the city,” Reyna responded. Before you could look for Nico, you were almost suffocated by a very upset and concerned Percy. “Are you ok? Do you know who did it? Do you need me to carry you? Can you feel any pain in your lower chest area? Do you feel-“ you cut him off. “Percy, I am completely fine. I am alright,” you replied, making sure to look him in the face. “ I’m so sorry,” he said into your shoulder. “I should have been there to protect you, but I wasn’t. For some reason, I have done that before and I feel horrible about it,” Percy said. “It wasn’t your fault Percy. You were doing your job, and I was doing mine. It’s ok,” you comforted him. “Guys, lets catch up,” you hear Frank say. You give Percy one more tight squeeze before turning off to look for some kind of information. You didn’t get far before you engulfed in another tight hug. Before you had a chance to do anything, Nico pulled back and looked at you. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he said. For some reason his eyes were red and puffy, and he had salt lines streaming his cheeks. He had been crying. “Thanks Nico,” you responded, wondering why Death Breath was crying over you, a girl he had just met. Except, this was different. You knew this boy, and even if you had just met him, he was familiar, which was something you hadn’t felt in a long time. “I know you probably have a lot of questions, so please, fire away,” Nico looked at you, waiting patiently for you. There was one question that just couldn’t wait, and it escaped through your lips before you had time to stop yourself. “How am I still alive? I got stabbed through the chest with a spear. There’s no way I should be here right now!” you exclaimed, very frustrated. This had to be a game played by Hades. You were dead and imagining before you were sent to whatever part of the Underworld you belonged in. Nico just chuckled. “Look, I know you’re freaked out, but you’re going to be okay. Nothing can die right now, because the God of Death, Thanatos, has been captured,” his smile faded, “which means that nothing can die, including monsters, which is not good for us,” he explained. This made sense, considering the fact that those gorgons just kept coming back, no matter how many times you killed them. “Alright, so I’m assuming our next move is that quest. Are- I mean, Mars, wants to send us on a quest to go and save Thanatos from whoever’s captured him, right-“ a nod from Nico- “and for some reason he chose me to go?” you questioned as the boy looked at you with amusement. “Yes. I can’t answer why he chose you to go, but I know that Frank and Percy are going too. I’m assuming Hazel may join along because Frank needs to bring one more person for safety,” he reasoned. Just as he finished explaining, another thought popped into your head. “One more,” you gave Nico a smile for good measure. “Why were you crying when I got stabbed, Nico?” In your 7 hours of knowing him, he had never made an expression like this. He looked almost frightened, as if somebody was about to break his neck. The emotion was gone almost immediately as he replied, “I wasn’t crying. I was just sweaty,” he lied, hoping you wouldn’t notice how his voice got higher as he bluffed. You raised an eyebrow, but decided not to push the question. You knew that some people had boundaries and you didn’t want to cross his. You did know how to get answers out of people, and right here wasn’t the place. You started to fall behind the rest of the group, Nico following by your side. There was no chatter between the two of you as you walked side by side. “Voglio solo che anche tu ti di me, mi amore,” Nico mumbled, barely loud enough for you to make out. You stopped dead in your tracks. You had heard that before…
”You look beautiful mi amore,” the woman said, absolutely gushing at how amazing you looked. The blue waves of the dress looked beautiful flowing down like a graceful leaf falls down in the Autumn. “Thank you mom,” you replied, grinning up at her. “Mom, why do you speak so much Italian?” you asked, wondering why your mother always stated random words and sayings in her favorite language. “ Oh y/n, Italian is such a beautiful language. I learned it when I was staying in Italy. That’s where I met your father, you know,” she said smiling at the memories of the outstanding country. “Why don’t we just move there then?” you asked, deciding that Italy was definitely somewhere you wanted to live. “Well first off, that’s way too expensive. Second, you have to go to Camp, you oca stupida,” she giggled. “What does that even mean?” you groaned, which only made your mom laugh harder. You perked up at the doorbell ringing. “Well there’s your date to the dance,” your mom said. “Mom, it's not a date. We’re just going to the dance as friends.” “Are you two going to the dance?” “Yes” “Did he agree to go with you?” “Yes” “Did he have Argus drive all the way from camp to meet you here?” she asked. “Yes mom,” “Then it’s a date,” she said, only making you groan louder. She walked downstairs and let him in. You walked down the stairs and heard him gasp at the sight of you. You grinned from ear to ear and practically jumped into his arms, tightly gripping the boy you hadn’t seen in months. “You look stunning, mi amore,” he whispered into your ear. “Thank you, Nico.”
“Y/n?” Nico asked, startled by your sudden stop. Your eyes had glazed over, and a few tears slipped down your cheeks. “Y/n, can you hear me?” Nico tried again. You suddenly gasped and leaned forward, gulping in fresh air. Nicos’ brows turned upward with worry as you broke into a coughing fit. Nico grabbed you by the arms and looked at you straight in the face. That broke your trance, and you suddenly slapped Nico across the face. He fell back on the ground, and you were met with a look full of hurt. “You know me. Stop lying about it,” you growled, your heart practically shattering at the sight of him. He got up, a dangerous look in his eyes. “I DON’T KNOW YOU Y/N!” he yelled, looking awfully close to crying. “I just wish you would remember me, my love,” you whispered. Nico looked at you, fear in his eyes. “How did you-“  “My mom,” you said, stopping him. It was too painful to know you had a mom worrying about you. You looked away from him, not being able to look him in the face after what he had done. Not wanting to talk to Nico, you sprinted to catch up to Percy, wanting to forget everything once again.
(If you don’t understand what just happened, Nico was mumbling in Italian and reader repeated what he said in English)
You grabbed a couple things and shoved them into your backpack. Tears threatened to spill as you gripped onto your memory, trying to keep it in your mind. After reaching Percy and pretending to be fine, you had gone into the city. Reyna couldn’t send any help because Octavian couldn’t shut his mouth, but it didn’t matter anyway. You had the SQR Navy, and it couldn’t be better than that. You had some mortal money anyway, and it could get you some food. You tried to get your mind off of Nico when Percy walked in and asked if you needed help with anything. “I’m okay, thanks though,” you said, your voice cracking at the end.”Y/n?” you turned around and looked at him, a tear slipping down your cheek. Being the big brother he is, he instantly scooped you up and hugged you, giving little whispers of reassurance. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, starting to rub on your back so you could breathe. “I just- I remembered something Percy. Something about my mom. It’s scary, knowing she’s home worrying about me. That she’s probably going mad just trying to see if I am still alive. It makes me feel terrible,” you whisper. Even if it wasn’t the entire reason, telling Percy made you feel a lot better. You stepped back wiping your nose with your sleeve before looking at this amazing big brother of yours. “Thank you for listening, Percy,” you said, a small smile tugging your lips. “You’re welcome, Y/n. Don’t stay up too late, we’re getting up early,” he responded. He left you alone while you took your dagger out of coin form. Just like how Riptide turned into a pen, your dagger turned into a quarter. You scraped a few crusted dirt specks off, letting your mind drift again. You heard a noise and looked up to see Nico standing at the bunk across from you. Rolling your eyes, you got up and walked over to your bag, where you put the quarter into the small pouch on top. “Hey,” he whispered. You didn’t respond to him, knowing it was just going to end in more hurt feelings. “Please. You have to understand  that I did it for a reason,” he whispered, his voice dropping at the end of the sentence. You turned around, met with his eyes. His gorgeous obsidian-black orbs were brimmed with tears as he looked at you, pleading. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you said. You suddenly noticed how close you were to him, not bothering to step away. “I’m trying to protect you. Please know that,” he said. His eyes kept bouncing from your lips and back up to your eyes. You felt an extremely strong urge to kiss him, so you gave in. Grabbing him by the collar of the old baggy aviators jacket, you pulled him into you. Pressing your lips hard against his, you felt him tense, then quickly relax with knowing what was happening. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you suddenly felt a tear fall. You pulled back, with swollen lips and no air left. You wiped the tear from Nico’s cheek. “Were we….Something else before?” you breathed, hoping he would tell the truth. “Yes. We were.”
It’s literally @mariesunflowerchild​ and that's kinda it.
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13. New Rome
a/n: and finally, the Two Idiots have been reunited at last. I am really excited for everything that comes after this chapter, I hope y’all enjoy!
Read the others!: Masterlist
Luke looked over the edge of the ship as they came into the borders of Camp Jupiter. It looked beautiful from up here, but Luke was a little wary of flying into enemy territory, snatching up Percy and leaving again. 
A statue popped up, instigating an argument with Annabeth, even having the audacity to insult her mom. Annabeth was desperate as she argued, her eyes going back and forth from the statue to the ground. Luke switched positions to follow her eye line and realized why- 
His whole body relaxed immediately, the feeling almost painful since his body had been on high alert from the moment he learned Percy had disappeared. Percy was okay. And he looked happy, calm, like there was no danger around him. He wore a purple robe like Jason’s- how did Percy keep managing to convince people he deserved to be in charge? The kid still couldn’t make grilled cheese sandwiches without burning the bread. 
The humour he tried to keep dropped, and Luke was suddenly a little worried. 
As far as he was aware, Kronos had never actually seen any of the Camp Jupiter campers. Which means there was a good chance they had not seen him. However, there had been times over the year that Kronos had possessed his body where Luke had found himself sinking into nothingness, his consciousness slowly dying as the Titan Lord grew in strength, so he wasn’t entirely sure. The Titan was wearing his face through the whole endeavour, and he didn’t want to risk the crew’s- his friends -safety if he went down there and all the Roman’s saw was Kronos. 
“I think Annabeth is negotiating the terms of our arrival,” Jason mumbled to him, falling into place beside Luke on the rail, looking down at the camp he called home. “Got any advice?” 
Luke looked at him surprised before looking back down at the crowd. “Just be you, Jason. It wasn’t your fault you left the camp.” He told him honestly. 
“I don’t think Reyna will see it that way,” Jason chuckled sheepishly. “Especially when she meets…” Jason glanced over to Piper who was standing behind Annabeth protectively, hand on her dagger. “The Romans don’t take deserting lightly.” 
Luke nodded slowly. “They’re still your family,” He pointed out. “Once you get a chance to explain yourself, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He said, looking back at Jason. “The Roman’s probably missed you as much as Camp Half-Blood missed Percy.” 
Jason nodded and took a deep breath, relaxing his shoulders a little before glancing back at Luke. “Thanks, Luke.” He said softly. “I appreciate it.” 
“Of course,” He nodded as Leo waved them over. “Welcome home, Jason.” He patted his shoulder and headed over to the rope ladder, climbing down. 
The Roman’s parted for Annabeth as she led them to a little clearing where Percy was. Luke watched her stiffen, trying so hard to remain calm, cool and collected as Reyna took them all in. His eye line connected with Reyna’s, and he watched her try not to recoil back at the sight of his face. Her head turned, but her eyes took a moment to follow suit to Jason, who stood there a little awkwardly. 
“Jason Grace, my former colleague, I welcome you home.” She started, formal and regal. “And these, your f… friends,” She seemed to trip up on the word, glancing back at Luke before returning her gaze to Jason. 
Annabeth rushed forward and tackled Percy, kissing him firmly. Percy grinned as she pulled away. “Gods, I never thought-” 
Percy was on the ground, having gone over Annabeth’s head. Luke saw the sea of Roman’s serge forward, and watched Reyna call them all to order, to stand back as Percy laughed at Annabeth’s threats. 
“I missed you too.” He told her softly. 
Annabeth got up quickly and Luke stepped forward, offering a hand to Percy who took it quickly. 
“Hey man,” Percy grinned up at him as Luke pulled him up effortlessly. “I see your sorry ass got dragged along, huh?” 
“Yeah, you’re lucky the manager likes me so I have a job to go back to when this is all over,” He told him, ruffling Percy’s hair. 
“It’s good to see you,” Percy told him, patting his shoulder with bright eyes. 
“You too.” Luke nodded with a small smile. 
Jason cleared his throat. “So uh, yeah, it’s good to be back.” He motioned to the other demigods. 
He introduced Piper first, who waved a little awkwardly, and Leo who threw up a peace sign. “This is Annabeth, she doesn’t usually judo-flip people,” Jason told Reyna. 
Reyna inquired with Annabeth about whether she was actually a Roman, or Amazon, rather than a Greek, to which Annabeth chuckled with a little embarrassment, holding Percy’s hand, insisting she didn’t always greet people like that, just Percy. 
“And this is Luke, he’s a senior counselor at Camp Half-Blood, he trains some of the newbies who come into Camp when he’s actually at Camp.” Jason finished up the introductions. 
The introduction was a little… glossed over for Luke, but he appreciated Jason trying to paint him in a good light. 
As Reyna called for a feast to be prepared for, some stringy 16 year old who looked like he’d never picked up a sword in his entire life marched forward, arguing with Reyna about the ‘intruders in camp’ and the ‘looming war ship’. 
Luke felt like he was looking in a mirror from 5 years ago, Octavian’s eyes were lit with a certain hunger for power, and his disrespect and disregard towards Reyna, who seemed otherwise highly respected and revered throughout the group, and her orders that everyone else seemed to follow without question, rubbed Luke the wrong way. 
Percy looked between Luke and Octavian, and realized that when he saw Octavian for the first time, the person he reminded him of was Luke. But not this Luke, not the Luke that tried to sacrifice himself for the camp, who dropped the new life he was slowly building to come find Percy, and who insisted on helping Sally with the dishes every night. No, he reminded him of the Luke that held up the sky. The skinny, broken Luke that had looked like Thalia could snap him over her knee like a twig, and she practically did when she pushed him off the mountain. 
He could also read Luke’s expression when the taller blonde looked at Octavian. 
Luke didn’t trust him either, then. 
“Why don’t you make a sacrifice to the gods as a thank you for returning Jason home safely?” Reyna told Octavian impatiently. 
“Yeah Octavian, go burn some bears.” Percy couldn’t help but taunt him. 
Reyna fought a smile, but Luke could see it twitching at the corner of her lips. “You have my orders. Go.” 
Octavian glared at Percy, and gave Annabeth and Luke suspicious looks before stalking off into the crowd. 
Percy chuckled, throwing an arm around Annabeth. “Relax, most of these guys aren’t like Octavian. This is Hazel and Frank,” He motioned to the pair. “They’re pretty cool. We’ll be fine here.” 
Annabeth looked up at the ship worriedly and back to Percy, studying him, as if she was trying to commit his face to memory. “We’ll be fine.” She repeated quietly. 
“Luke man, you would love the armoury, the swords are crazy detailed.” He told Luke with a grin. “If we can swing it, I’ll show you after the feast.” 
Luke nodded. “That sounds great, actually, I’d love to see the difference between Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze.” 
Reyna cleared her throat. “Right, well,” Her eyes scanned over the group, lingering on Luke for a moment before they landed on Jason, with an unreadable expression on her face. “I think it’s time we catch up? We have some things to discuss.” 
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hoaxstan13 · 4 years
The PJO characters in college
Percy: The jock that’s always in detention
Annabeth: The girl playing minecraft during lectures and somehow still gets an A
Grover: The vegan kid protesting on campus
Piper: The sporty girl you see on every single team who campaigns for equal rights
Leo: The guy who tutors you in engineering
Jason: The kid chewing on the randomest crap when he’s nervous
Nico: The kid who got his butt kicked by the weight of the homework
Hazel: The girl in all of the clubs and activities
Frank: The guy who volunteers at the animal shelter
Reyna: The girl that gets mad when you ask to borrow pencil (and then glares at you the whole period)
Will: The kid that always has a first aid kit in his bag and uses it even when someone has the smallest cut
Thalia: The punk girl listening to rock with her feet on the desk
Travis and Connor Stoll: The pranksters who you catch in your dorm at three am with silly string cans in their hands.
Octavian: The class suckup
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