#ocs asks
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spookydoodlz · 3 months ago
22 and 25 both sound interesting for the character question thing!!
You didn’t specify a character so I’m assuming you want me to do all four of them baby Les go
22: What is a simple activity that most people do/ can do that scares your character?
The ghosts (Mary, Teddie, Xavier): There are a lot of modern things that they find scary or unsettling. Most of the time they get used to it and understand after Luna explains it to them, but there are some things that they’re just never gonna feel comfortable around.
Luna: At the beginning of the story, she’s pretty socially anxious, so she’s a little scared of talking to strangers. She also has a case of claustrophobia, so things that involve tight spaces. She gets over this fear eventually tho.
Xavier: Anything involving horses. Riding horses, petting horses, etc. This man absolutely HATES horses. However, if they don’t look realistic, he’ll be semi-fine with them. He can watch mlp guys.
Teddie: He has a huge fear of bugs. His wife, however, loves them. She’s tried multiple times to convince him otherwise, but he’s gonna hate them no matter what. No matter how scary he is to mortals, he’s gotta have some fears.
Mary: She’s afraid of fictional horror. She’ll definitely be hiding under a blanket or something (with her husband) if you put on a horror movie or something like that. She’s completely fine with natural things like bugs and storms. She is, however, a little squeamish around a few things.
25: What topic/subject do they know about that’s completely useless to the main plot?
Luna: Her autistic ass has so many useless facts in her head don’t get me started. A lot of them are history facts that no one really knows about. She’s a huge history nerd. She also knows a lot about anatomy and forensics. She also watches a lot of movies and analogue horror, so she has a lot of fun facts about those too. She’s happy to share them of you ask :)
Xavier: A lot of book quotes from books no one really cares about. He’s a librarian what do you expect? He also has a lot of other mysterious knowledge, such as how to use a gun and where and how to find certain things in a library. He’s also read a lot of books, and loves talking about them to people who will listen.
Teddie: Bears. His name is literally “Teddie” (not really but kinda) of course he’s gonna love bears. He was also an actor back when he was alive so he knows a lot of theater terms and has also learned a lot about theater history. He’ll also tell you about his favorite plays and musicals if you ask.
Mary: Mary loves to bake and knows way too many recipes by heart. She also knows a lot of animal facts and knows how to sew, crochet, and knit.
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cryptid-paint · 2 months ago
how tall would you put the Talis twins?
5'3??? Or 5'5 at max as of now, they're still teens and have a bit more growing to do, they'll probably be 5'7 when they're adults and Temperance is slightly taller than Fortuna but only by a few centimeters. but I think they would take after their grandma Ximena and not be super tall like Jayce or Vik.
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atlaswingsofruin · 5 months ago
Info about my account & me:
Asks: you can send asks in my ask box, honestly send whatever you want as long as its not harmful against someone, but heres a list of asks about me & my OCs:
You can now ask ANY character in every fantasy lore i have, this includes:
AUs (alternative universes of fandoms)
The Mifkada lore’s characters
The SVD lore characters
Me myself (like, questions directly to me rather than an OC, like “what motivated you to start animating” or “what was your first OC?” And all that questions, in short questions about origins & things that gets you curious, but note i might not reveal anything)
Literally any lore i have
Fanfic requests:
You can also ask me to write a fanfic for you, currently only monster hunter stories but it might change later, theres a post explaining about the fanfic requests in my blog.
My backstory:
When i was younger, like, a kid in elementary school, i was pretty dumb, but not too dumb, there were some people who hurt me, my parents ignored me as if i can deal with my problems properly and as if im smart enough for it without a bit of guidance, i also had no rights, i was trans but nobody respected that, so i decided to make it my job to solve my problems, i thought that im the only one who could be trusted in this world, which means i did everything i pleased thinking it was the right thing, but mostly it wasn’t, i also hated all humans, thinking every human is evil, but then in 2022, i started homeschooling for a year, there, i learnt that not all humans are bad like the ones i saw before and that theres still good people out there, i slowly started to like humans more & started putting more trust in people (before i just hated everyone & didn’t trust anyone at all), in 2023, my mother sent me to a special education school thinking its the best for me, there in that school there was a teacher who hated me from first sight, and i think its because i was the only smart person in a place of morons and because i was very different, this school only fits for dumb people, and the teachers likes to have control over everyone, but i never let them control me, so they hated me for this, they treated me with cruelty & they gave me an unfair & unequal treatment, everyone watched this unfold and just did nothing, i also had a “friend” who was only my friend because my parents were rich & he took advantage of me & used me to buy stuff for himself with my parents’s money, but i knew that this is not how all people behave, theres more people out there that are good, and then in 2024 i had enough of this jail and i asked my mother to find me a better school, then she found a good school that is not owned by the education system, i joined the school and the people there accept me as who i am and im not a bullying victim anymore, i can be who i am, and im glad i learnt to not this generalization & not judge the entire society based on some people.
How my backstory relates to my self-shipping side of me?:
As i mentioned somewhere, Cheval is my F/O, and thats because i really love Chevie, but why do i love him? First, im a gentle soul, i see a person with sad backstory i immediately empathize with them, second, we both did a mistake, we both hated an entire species based off 1 person/monster, we both had no guidance, we both learnt the hard way, we both try to fix our mistakes, and we both try to pass the message of what not to do, who wouldn’t want a F/O that has the same knowledge as you?
What i post:
Here i post art, mostly drawings & animations, my animations most of the times are PMVs, i mostly post art related to my fantasy stories, but i might post vent art sometimes (since im not a happy person), i also have this little corner of me rambling about stuff, i also rarely do art of some fandoms (like a fanart of rocket from GotG 3 that isn’t an AU and just following the canon), i also write stories whenever i feel like it.
What are my interests:
I am an artist, i like art, i am a storywriter, means i like to write stories, sometimes AUs and sometimes original ones, i like animals, i like creating original species (like the species of my fursona, a Skyrim, i made him), i like gaming, mostly monster taming games, i like good stories as well, i like monster hunter stories, i like pokemon, i like pokemon uranium & xenoverse, i like beastie ball, i like monster hunter in general (but never played non-stories games), i like Minecraft, i love to roleplay but never tried roleplaying in tumblr and i am not very good at it, i like super cat tales, i like original web series of youtubers (like Lions light, or even comics like The Entity by Viostarkiller), i like horse riding, i do it in real life but only the simple one, i like nature.
Things about me:
Im autistic, im trans, my pronouns are he/him, i view myself as a Skyrim (my fursona’s species) and i don’t feel like a human, i like to swear & might get vulgar sometimes, im pretty lazy (and not by choice, its a problem i apparently have and it bothers me), i love to help, i am a self-shipper, my F/O is Cheval from monster hunter stories.
Rules on my tumblr blog:
Hate speech is disallowed, this includes Homophobia, transphobia, anti-furries, racism and all that.
Politics is disallowed, i myself am tired of this politics, specially because of the Israel & Gaza war, and i want the internet to be a place where i can feel safe & free from my problems & political problems, and because i bet some also find it a hard topic for them.
No harassment is allowed.
NSFWs & s3xual stuff is disallowed, im a minor and my parents will kill me if they even spot a glimpse of it.
Zoophilia & p3dophilia is also disallowed, specially Zoophilia.
Please do not trace my art (even though i doubt someone wants my art as its very lazy lol).
If you don’t like the rules feel free to just ignore my account & just don’t interact with me
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thal-ent · 1 year ago
oc prompts for the ask thing I was wondering for alone and betrayal?
You didn't give me a specific oc so I'll take the ones currently occupying my mind : Agathe and Virgil.
Agathe has been alone a lot. She often feels alone, she knows she can't die of old age, knows everyone she loves will disappear before her, has seen people die. But she's okay with that, in a way, because that's what makes life worth living, meeting and loosing people. She was betrayed in the campain we did, by an NPC from the campain before. He treated her as an equal and promised her to help with her angel stuff and didn't see her being half demon (something that only happened once before and it was his child) as a bad thing. But he tried to rewrite the world and they had to stop him. And he didn't teach her a lot.
Virgil.... Loneliness isn't really physical for him. He's a trans guy in a village of vampire hunters, he's used to being isolated and not feeling like he belongs. Even in a place with other trans peeps, they dont... Really go talk to the guy with three huge scars on his face and a RBF. But he manages. Betrayal... Well. In a way you can guess someone would, even if that was to protect or help him :) Can't say too much on that since his story isn't out yet
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lulzyrobot · 1 year ago
Heartbreak for Jupiter?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
I think you meant Juniper since I dont have an OC named Jupiter haha. Anyways, I don't think Juniper has experienced heartbreak.
Not yet anyway.
She's never really had a serious relationship, just a bunch of flings though.
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fade-and-loathing-in-thedas · 10 months ago
stature, informal and bling for your amell and cousland!
Hey anon! Thank you for the ask!!! Ya got excited, cos I'm a sucker for these two lol
Akroma Amell
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Akroma has an ectomorph body type, rectangle body shape and stands around 5'10" (178cm). I've included her and her siblings height chart to give you an idea that they're all on the tall side lol. She honestly doesn't think about her body very much, and just wears clothes based on preference and comfort.
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informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Akroma's casual look is pretty simple, loose over sized white shirt and a pair of pants with her travelling boots. Think something like the below, and if one of those shirts happen to be one of Alistair's old beat up ones that's no one's business but hers lol
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bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Akroma's only piece of jewelry is her warden's oath necklace containing the darkspawn blood from her joining.
Loretta Cousland
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Loretta has a mesomorph body type, showcasing her muscle definition cos the girl needs more water, an hour glass body shape, and stands around 163cm (5'4"). She definitely dresses to accentuate and show off her body, she's obsessed with it after all.
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informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Loretta doesn't do lazy day looks. She's either dressed for business or to the nines there is no in between. I mean what if someone saw her?! The closest is probably the robe she wears when she's getting ready or before/after her bath. Something like the below lol
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bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Loretta loves anything and everything shiny (she's a bit of a magpie). She would wear all the jewelry if she didn't think it unbelievably unclassy to do so. That doesn't mean she won't wear her wealth at every opportunity but she limits it to a tiara, bejewelled necklace and matching earrings, her wedding ring, and either a solid bangle or matching bracelet. Her favourite and most distinguished piece is her crown, but it only comes out for official events.
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juunipupu · 3 months ago
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Knight and the enemy within
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kottkrig · 11 months ago
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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typosandtea · 6 months ago
Could I see 1, 11, and 14 from the Secret OC asks for Tango, Murphy, and Nathan?
Hi Void! Thanks for the ask :] @voidthewanderer
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
Tango sounds kinda like Phil Coulson (agents of sheild / mcu) but lightly modulated through powerarmour. A less electronic sounding than standard powerarmour voice though. It took them ages to get the modulator to output something they were happy with, since they don't have a body it's entirely synthesised sound. Can change voice a bit i.e. completely flat tone to hide emotion or heavily sarcastic tone (regularly) etc.
Murphy … not really.. she has a surprisingly low scratchy voice for her short stature and quite the Aussie accent though (not to the point of the obnoxious "shrimp on the barbie mate".. also it's a prawn 🍤)
Prewar Nathan sounds like Paul hogan in crocodile Dundee ahahah
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
Tango.. is a bit of a mishmash of eh ideas sparking my brain into overdrive haha. The only common theme between all versions is powerarmour. So I really like the movie pacific rim and the earliest version of Tango (then unnamed) was the poweramour was a mech for sole that got shrunk. Wasn't really liking it outside of like 2 scenes though so. Very breifly considered making them a gecko piloting the suit.. current and permanent Tango exists once I remembered that robobrains are a thing haha. I am nearly finished their ref sheet! So many options for paint jobs agh
Murphy: There was a lovely companions react to sole with wings I read on here aggggges ago that I don't remember other than ooooooooooooo wings .. also inspired by the fact that 4 doesn't have a lot of not-monster mutants, so 111 dual experiment was created. Mutating all the residents to attempt to make supersoldiers in joint with westtek, most residents lived but none meet the criteria for supersoldier.
Nathan was created for 2 reasons. One is that fallout4deadspouse lived but was mutated like Murphy, and the more important reason: As a narrative foil to cutler for Murphy. Born of one scene in my head where danse gets unintentionally reminded of cutler when Nick is trying to get danse to see that shooting your mutated partner is hard maybe. And danse then being like OH. (In reference to Murphy failing to kill Nathan and danse and Murphy have a big fight about it and both storm off separately)
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
Tango → That one guy who keeps sticking joke notes and annoying things to their back where it's nearly impossible to reach. They will make an exception to their personal rule of avoiding up close combat (vanity reasons, they don't like being dirty) to strangle this jackass (it's Deacon, Tango hasn't made the connection yet, Deacon's disguises are actually good!)
Murphy→ really really really really really hates proctor Tegan after he asks her to raid settlements for food.. avoids him at all costs after that (which is easy cause he's in a cage, but he does handle all of the bos supplies unfortunately so she can't avoid him entirely)
Nathan → is hostile to everyone.. especially Murphy though, his brain being melted by the mutations vaulttec/westtek put him though has twisted his love of his wife into murderous obsession… side note: unfortunately for the bos. The man helped design power armour and knows how to open it even after mutating … rip random knights..
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daily-dragon-drawing · 6 months ago
It might be a little abstract, but could you draw a telephone pole dragon? With the wires and lights I think it may be cool
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#141 - 電線 (diàn xiàn / electric line) - Better not touch this telephone pole! ⚡⚡⚡
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bunnis-monsters · 6 months ago
A bunny breeding his pup
Commissioned by @dumbdoggygirl
Bunny Hybrid x Puppy Hybrid!Reader
warnings: breeding, knotting, pregnancy sex, pheromones, lactation, cervix kiss
summary: Bunny hybrid Momo stands up to a wolf hybrid and walks you home. The two of you become friends then start dating, but when you go into heat you’re afraid he might not be able to keep up with your puppy hybrid stamina. Little did you know, the saying “breeding like rabbits” was very accurate…
Word count: 5k words
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You have had trouble trusting people lately. Male hybrids only wanted one thing, and that was mating.
The thought was always in the back of your mind when you went out into town or wandered back home a bit too late at night. If you didn’t keep yourself safe, no one would.
This was all before you met him.
It had been a long day, and all you wanted was to pick up something sweet before going home to your little cottage in the woods. It was always a bit scary coming home from work, especially when the moon wasn’t able to guide your way due to the fluffy clouds blocking it.
You were planning on plopping down on your soft, warm bed and passing out as soon as you walked in your door… but fate had something else in mind.
“Hey, pretty girl!”
An annoyed sigh left your lips as you turned to look to your left. There was a wolf hybrid approaching, his shoulders relaxed and his stride confident.
“You look like you’d appreciate someone walking you home. There’s a lotta bad guys out here, you know?”
His arm wrapped around your shoulder roughly, causing you to stumble forward before you steadied yourself.
You, politely as you could manage, pushed his arm off of your shoulder, trying to give him a smile. “Ahh, I’m okay, but thanks.”
When he kept following you, your heart began to race. You could feel his eyes on you, and knew he saw you as something to prey on, a slab of meat to a hungry predator.
“Come on, pup. You’re gonna turn down a nice guy trying to help you out. Don’t be a bitch…”
He attempted to reach for your wrist, but you wrenched it away. “I said I’m okay… please, just leave me alone…”
This only seemed to anger him, the wolf puffing out his chest as his ears pinned back. A low growl could be heard as he advanced on you.
“Leave you alone? I-“
Before he could speak any further, a figure rushed between the two of you, standing with his back to the wolf.
“Hey, sweetheart. I saw that you weren’t home yet and came to meet you halfway. All our friends are waiting for us, I said we’d be back in five minutes.”
The person in front of you was a bunny hybrid with soft, curly hair and fluffy bunny ears atop his head. He gave you a sweet smile as if he had known you his entire life and looped his arm with yours.
“Ahh, do you know this man?” the bunny hybrid asked, his eyes cutting to the wolf hybrid, his yellow orbs losing all the warmth they had when he looked at you.
The wolf spluttered, holding up his hands, obviously turned off when he heard there were people looking for you. “W-was just gonna walk her home. Never mind…”
The bunny hybrid stayed by your side, his eyes never leaving the wolf as he scurried away.
“Damn wolf hybrids think that they can scare people like that, but the second they know they could be caught they run off!”
The bunny’s foot thumped against the ground rapidly, indicating he was pissed at the situation. You smiled, reaching out to tug on his sleeve.
“Thank you for that. Most hybrids would be too scared to stand up to a wolf like you did.”
He turned back to look at you, a smile stretching across his face. When you really looked at him, your first thought was that he looked… really cute.
“No problem. Are you alright?”
His cotton tail twitched as your puppy tail perked up. “Yes, I’m okay. Just…”
You winced, and he noticed your wrist that had been grabbed was a bit swollen.
“Ahh, that asshole… if you put some ice on it when you get home, that should help with the swelling and hopefully prevent a bruise from forming.”
The bunny tilted his head as your ears lowered, your tail wagging a bit. “Can I… ask your name?”
His ears flicked as he nodded rapidly. “Yes, I’m Momo. And you?”
You smiled, offering a hand. “I’m (Name), nice to meet you.”
Momo ended up walking you home, making sure that he kept you safe from anything that dared to come close. For a bunny hybrid, he was quite tough.
And as far as males went, he was the sweetest thing you’d ever encountered. To no one’s surprise, you were quick to exchange numbers with him.
The two of you became friends rather quickly. It wasn’t until long that you found out Momo was single, just like you. He was so soft and sweet, and every morning you received a text asking how you were doing and if he could come over when you weren’t busy.
It made your heart beat faster, a fuzzy feeling taking over your body that made your tail wag uncontrollably…
Was this… what having a crush was like?
You met up with him one afternoon, wearing your favorite dress, one he had said made your eyes sparkle. Momo always knew how to make you feel shy and flattered.
“Hey, pretty pup!”
You turned at the sound of his voice, your tail wagging as soon as you caught a whiff of his scent. His own cotton tail twitched, a smile lighting up his face.
“Hi, Momo. What did you want to talk about?”
The bunny had called you a few hours ago, asking for a last minute meeting at a cafe. This was strange to you, he usually asked to come to your home or his to spend time together. You had only known him for a few months now, but you felt like you knew him enough to tell something was different about this.
Momo scratched the back of his head, his fluffy bunny ears twitching. “Well… I thought a public place would be better for the question I want to ask.”
Your curiosity was piqued, and it was obvious by the way your tail picked up speed that you were excited. “Well come on, let’s order some coffee and talk!”
After settling into a booth and some small talk, Momo suddenly became very serious, looking at you fondly.
“I’ve… really enjoyed all the time we’ve spent together.”
Your cheeks heated up, and you found yourself fidgeting with your skirt. “I have too. It’s really been the best part of my day when you call me.”
His bunny ears twitched, his hand reaching out to hold yours.
“Will… you be my girlfriend?”
Your eyes widened with surprise, your heart thundering inside of your chest as your tail wagged furiously behind you. It was obvious how you felt just by the way your tail thumped against the booth behind you.
The two of you shared bashful smiles, and he nuzzled his nose against yours. The rest of the date was filled with giddy giggles and yummy snacks, and by the end he was ready to take you home.
For the next few months, the two of you fell in love, unable to stay apart from each other for long. He visited you often, his soft bunny ears making him easy to spot in crowds when meeting up together.
It didn’t take long for you two to kiss for the first time. It was on your third date, and seeing his cute cotton tail twitch when your lips met was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
The first bit of intimacy the two of you shared was while the two of you watched a movie together at your apartment. It was a sappy romcom, and he was feeling a bit bored… so his hand trailed down your thigh, playing with the fabric of your sleep shorts.
“Mmm, you keep watching the movie, princess…”
Your puppy tail wagged a bit as he moved to kneel in front of you, his soft nose nuzzling against your thigh. He looked up at you for permission, his teeth nibbling on your soft flesh.
This was the first time a male had ever been so close to you, but you nodded, trying to pay attention to the movie while he kissed your pussy through your panties.
It wasn’t long before you were soaking through the thin fabric, unable to concentrate on the movie anymore. The lewd sounds of him lapping up your slick and sucking on your clit through your panties was too loud, making your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“P-Please, Momo… more, I need it…”
He tilted his head, looking up at you through his soft lashes. “More..? Okay, puppy…”
Momo pushed your panties to the side, giving your bare pussy a sniff before burying his face between your thighs.
You let out a muffled moan, covering your mouth as he latched onto your clit, sucking and keeping your thighs apart so he could taste your sweet juices.
The way he looked up at you with those sweet golden, yellow eyes of his with such lust and adoration had you cumming within seconds.
He stayed between your head like that for at least 30 minutes, bringing you to orgasm several times before you were too blissed out to even think.
Momo smiled, his cotton tail wagging as he crawled onto the couch, pulling the blanket over the two of you and pulling you to his chest.
“Goodnight, puppy…”
You felt embarrassed, almost… shy. Your heat cycle was coming, and you had a date with Momo. It was going to be your 6 month anniversary, and you really didn’t want to miss it!
Although Momo had saved you and was so sweet to you, there was always a voice in the back of your head saying he would never be able to handle your heat. He was just a bunny hybrid, and you were a puppy.
It made you sad, really… would you have to break up with him one day and be with someone with a similar heat cycle to you? Maybe a wolf or puppy hybrid…
As the date approached, you told yourself that you would just go… but when it was finally time to get dressed, your heat hit you like a tsunami.
You writhed on the bed, fingers doing nothing to ease the ache in your cunt. It took everything you had to text Momo that you couldn’t come. You didn’t bother to read his reply, just turning onto your belly, lifting your hips to try and shove your fingers deeper inside.
It felt like you could just burn alive, a pit in the bottom of your belly forming. It had never been so intense before, all you wanted to do was scream! Maybe your body was reacting to Momo’s scent. It was all over your apartment after all, and you buried your face into a hoodie he left behind, whimpering in absolute agony.
Your heats had never been easy, but in the past at least you had been able to deal with them without too much struggle. Now it felt impossible, you couldn’t even orgasm by yourself!
As you began to cry into his hoodie, you thought you could almost hear his voice. Your mind was a bit hazy from your heat… but it felt comforting.
You wish you would have just asked him to come over… now you were too weak to do anything besides sniffle and cry into his hoodie.
The sound of Momo’s voice became much clearer. Your puppy ear twitched, and you picked up his scent in the air. That wasn’t just some of his lingering musk…
“Puppy, I’m here! Please, let me in. I n-need you!”
You could only whimper, blabbering out a reply through your tears. “C-can’t! Can’t get up!”
It was silent for a moment, but then there was a loud BANG!
You looked on in shock to see the door beginning to splinter. Momo was breaking it down!
Momo wasn’t weak, but you had never thought he was capable of such feats of strength! Even the wolf hybrids you met in college wouldn’t be able to do that…
He kicked through, his leg breaking through the wood. He used the hole to reach his hand in and unlock the door. As soon as Momo was in, his eyes scanned the room for you.
He walked over, dropping down to his knees by your bedside. His eyes scanned over your form, and you noticed how hazy those golden orbs of his were as he sniffed the air.
“You’re in heat… why didn’t you tell me?”
You struggled to speak, your pussy clenching around nothing as he stared down at you. The way he was looking at you… was he..?
“I w-was… embarrassed… and I didn’t want you to know. You’ve probably never been with a puppy hybrid before, you don’t understand how intense our heats are…”
You had heard tales from friends and family about how smaller hybrids would try and take on canines, seeing it as a challenge. They assumed they could take it, and would come out with good offspring because of the strong wombs of their mates.
But most failed to properly satisfy their mates, ending in unhappy partnerships and tears. You had been hoping to marry Momo, but you were afraid he may also be chasing some tail…
He was kind, you really liked him… but could he handle you like this? You were so desperate, you wanted to pounce and use him until his body broke! It was scary… you were losing the little control you had over your body!
Before you could speak again, you helped, feeling him pin you down with strength you would have never expected from such a small hybrid. He leaned over you, his face flushed but his eyes sharp.
“Oh, my sweet pup…”
He cooed, his pants stretching painfully over his aching cock. Precum leaked down his leg, his red cock barely contained by his pants.
“You’ve never been with a bunny hybrid, have you?”
Your eyes widened, and you were silenced when his mouth landed on yours. It was an instant connection, your tail wagging furiously as his tongue tangled around yours.
Though your cunt pulsed and ached with need and lust, your heart was soaring with love. His lips on yours always made you happy, but now you could almost feel his love and desire from you just from this kiss alone.
“Y-you’re… in rut?”
You gasped this out when he broke away, finally able to pick up his scent over your own heavy pheromones. Momo smiled, nuzzling his forehead against yours. “Yes… I am. I was hoping to spend it with you… if that’s alright.”
Your ears lowered and you tucked your puppy tail between your legs, considering his suggestion. Part of you wanted to say no, fearful that you may hurt him. You loved Momo after all, and would rather have an agonizingly painful heat cycle than lose him.
But the other part of you needed him. You could already feel his clothed cock rubbing against your fat cunt, begging to breed and mate with you. Your heat riddled mind was begging for you to say yes and mate, to be filled with cum and covered in his marks!
You looked up at him with hazy, teary eyes, playing with your own pussy to try and ease the searing heat in your loins. The only thing on your mind now was being bred by your lover and your belly swelling with his young. It’s all you could ever want or need.
Momo panted, his bunny ears twitching as he tugged his pants down, his fat red cock resting on your belly. He was much bigger than you expected, and your pussy yet again clenched around nothing while you imagined him inside of you.
“Gonna be inside my puppy…”
He prodded at your cunt, rubbing his precum and your slick together before pressing in. Momo hissed at how tight you were, his soft pink nose twitching as your sweet, warm pussy envelopes around him.
It was like heaven, being inside of you. Nothing could have prepared him for the utter bliss of mounting his pretty little puppy and taking your for his own.
Without much thought, be bit down on your neck and shoulders, his hips rutting into yours. You were so wet, so needy for him that he started thrusting right away. The sounds that came from your love making was lewd, loud squelching and moans filling the air.
Before long you were cumming, your cunt squeezing and milking his cock, but even as he filled you up with his seed, he didn’t stop.
After a few rounds you began to get tired, happy that he was able to last…
But Momo was far from finished.
You whined softly as he lifted your leg, continuing to fuck into your fat, warm cunt as his fingers played with your clit. Your neck was covered in hickeys, your chubby tummy protruding with his cum…
You whimpered, your pussy swollen from abuse, but your lover only kissed along your neck, placing you on your tummy before climbing back up to mount you.
“Shh, puppy… not even close to being done…”
You yelped as he held onto your arms for leverage, his cock kissing your cervix as he fucked you deep. Your own fingers could never reach that far, and you knew Momo was trying to get you pregnant!
The only thing on his mind right now was his vision of you in a few months. You’d be waddling around, your breasts heavy with milk and belly swollen with his babies. Even since he laid eyes on you, he knew that he would be the one to breed you, to lay claim to your womb. You were his, and he’d make sure everyone in the world knew this fact.
He grabbed your tail, holding onto it as he knotted your sweet, warm pussy. You were just too cute, crying and overstimulated. Momo couldn’t wait to make you cum so much you couldn’t even think anymore!
Even after his knot swelled up inside of you, his hips continued to stutter and plap against your fat ass. He just couldn’t help it, you felt too good and he wanted to fuck you on his knot!
Your body felt so warm and exhausted, you could barely manage to lift your fluffy tail to give him access to your abused cunt so he could continue to pump you full of his cum.
Momo was too far into his rut to notice your exhaustion. His body was reacting to your pheromones and he was driven by pure instinct to knock you up.
He bit down on your neck, holding onto your hips as his knot deflated. The second he was able to properly fuck you again, Momo slammed his cock into you, kissing your cervix.
The night of mating was filled with tears, whines, and so, so much cum. You had never as tired as you were the next morning, your body covered in love bites and stuffed full of cum.
Momo was already awake, his cotton tail wagging as he played with your soft puppy ears. “Good morning, princess…”
He looked down at you, his cheeks pink and his eyes darting from your face to the side then back to you. With the way he had fucked you until you saw stars and cried, he was a bit embarrassed with how fat he had gone.
The bunny could remember knotting you several times, just to continue fucking you the second it deflated enough so he could move.
You whined as you turned to snuggle into your mate, burying your face into his neck. “Mmph… you really wanna give me a litter?”
His heart thumped against his chest so hard you were sure you could feel it. “Yes… I… I love you, (Name). I want to be with you, and make you a mother…”
You touched your nose to his, both of you letting off soft purrs and happy sounds as you spent the morning tangled together in an intimate embrace.
From a young age you had been taught that bunny hybrids were quite fertile. Even when mating with other species, it was almost guaranteed that with just one sexual encounter, pregnancy would be in your future.
And that information had been completely correct.
Momo was absolutely thrilled when he began smelling pregnancy hormones on you, and from then on he became insanely protective and touchy.
Watching your belly begin to grow made him… feel many things. It was physical evidence of the love you two shared, the intimacy and touch that created life within his beloved mate.
As your pregnancy progressed, he caught himself getting hard and horny every time he watched you go up a size in your pants or shirts, or when you had to stop wearing bras because your tits were too heavy and full of milk.
Getting to witness you in the morning when you leaked through your shirt and seeing your cute flustered face as he lifted the soiled fabric and lapped at your darkened nipples… it was pure bliss for him.
Sucking and nipping softly at your sensitive buds allowed the milk to flow, filling his mouth with that tasty, creamy liquid he had come to crave.
Momo could feel his cock hardening, and he felt almost shy. Just as your own body had been becoming sensitive and needy through your pregnancy, his was responding to yours.
When you whined and tugged at his pants, he sighed. “Puppy, I’m not sure if it’s safe for us to mate when you’re this far along… your belly is heavy and swollen, I don’t wanna hurt our kits…”
You pouted at him, puffing out your chubby cheeks at his hesitation. While he was so close, you could feel your body aching to mate with him. Momo’s scent made you feel so hot and bothered, if he didn’t fuck you soon you’d go crazy!
That’s when an idea came to your mind. Momo wasn’t exactly hard to seduce. In fact, he was usually more horny than you most days, much needier as well. If you played your cards right, he might not be able to help himself.
You opened your legs a little, letting him get a whiff of your arousal. The mix of that and your pregnancy pheromones made his body tremble.
“Yes, my love..?”
You leaned forward, pouting as you nuzzled your face into his neck, rubbing your scent on him. “Can you please take care of me? I need you…”
That was his tipping point. How in the hell was he supposed to just sit by when his beloved mate was desperate for release?
‘Just have to be gentle…’ he thought as he lowered you onto the bed and rubbed his throbbing bulge against your clothed cunt.
The feeling of your soaked panties pressing against his hard on was enough to make him hiss out in a mix of pleasure and need. Momo wanted to be inside of his mate more than anything.
“Momo… please!”
You struggled to move your hips against his with your baby bump in the way. His hand settled over your swollen belly, keeping you in place. It made his heart and sick throb thinking about how he had put kits into that round belly of yours.
“Don’t worry, puppy. I’m gonna take care of you, I promise…”
He pulled your panties off before lifting your shirt, his eyes on those perky, darkened nipples of yours. Once you were bare, his hands explored your body in a reverent way.
The changes you were going through were because of him. He had bred his sweet pup, leaving you pregnant and heavy with his kits.
“You’re beautiful…”
His fat cock rubbed against your clit, and he lined up his lips with your nipple. Milk was already beading at your perky bud. Your breasts were heavy and swollen, something you had been complaining about earlier.
Momo was going to kill two birds with one stone. He would satisfy you sexually and milk your fat tits.
His cock pressed into you, almost agonizingly slow. Momo was being as gentle as possible, sinking into his gravid little mate while his tongue lapped up the milk bearding to the surface of your nipple.
“So good… like honey…”
You arched your back, whining and struggling to take his cock while you were so heavily pregnant. You felt stuffed full… in the best way.
“M-Momo… faster…”
His bunny ears flicked, his eyes half lidded as he struggled to keep himself from pounding you into the mattress.
Your puppy cunt was just so tight and you were begging for him… Momo wanted to go faster, to feel your spongy walls tighten around his knot.
But he continued to fuck you at an agonizing pace, making your puppy tail wag. He loves you so much, he didn’t want to hurt his precious mate!
It was when your milk spurted into his mouth when he hit that special spot that he lost a bit of control. His cotton tail began to wag with yours as his thrusts sped up, his hips rutting against you.
Plap! Plap! Plap!
You let out a whine as Momo lifted your leg, pressing it against your pregnant belly so he fuck you deeper. Every time his cock hit your g-spot your milk spurted out again. His hand squeezed and teased your other breast.
The sight of your milk spraying out of your nipple in little streams made him go crazy. He began fucking you like an animal, his mind gone. All that he could think was that he wanted to breed you, to stuff you full of his cum again.
He couldn’t remember you were already pregnant, he was trying to knock you up again!
“Momo, g-gonna-!”
Your puppy cunt clenched around him, causing Momo to grunt and grab hold of your fat hips. He was frustrated, it was already hard enough to fuck you with your pregnant belly in the way, now you were clenching around him and preventing him from being able to move.
Suddenly you were on your side, a pillow propping up your belly as your mate crawled behind you. His arm snakes under your side, grabbing onto your fat tit and groping it as his cock sunk into your again.
“F-fuck, you’re perfect…”
He lifted your leg, now able to fuck into you as deep as he wanted, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.
Now he could properly please his mate and satisfy his need to breed you and unleash his seed into your womb.
Momo nipped at your neck, your tail brushing against his chest as he milked you. You felt sticky and warm, milk running down your chest and pregnant belly.
He could feel his knot beginning to swell, he was going to cum soon!
“Puppy… fuck, I love you so much…”
The feeling of your fat pussy being stretched so his knot could fit had you cumming again, and his cum spurted into your puppy cunt.
The two of you were left a panting mess, tails wagging and ears twitching as you came down from your respective highs.
Momo looked at his mate, his cheeks red and heart full of love. You looked beautiful like this, flushed from sex and pregnant with his kits.
He kissed the top of your head, nuzzling his face against your hair as the two of you waited for his knot to deflate.
“Did I satisfy you, pup? Seems like you’re pretty happy to me…”
You smiled, your body heavy with exhaustion. It took great effort to lift your arm and cup his cheek.
“You always do… my mate always takes care of me.”
You both shared a kiss, tails wagging in sync.
Two months later, Momo held your hand as you gave birth. It was a difficult process, but in the end you were able to give birth to 5 happy babies. Some had fluffy little bunny ears and cotton tails like their father, while others looked like you.
“Mmm, it seems like they like you.”
You smiled, watching as your mate helped you hold onto your little ones. He was easily able to soothe them as they fussed, it was clear they already knew who their father was.
Momo sat at your bedside, his cotton tail wagging excitedly while he watched you breastfeed the kits ans pups for the first time.
“They’re hungry little things…”
His mouth was watering, and once all of them were fed, you lifted your shirt up and smiled. “C’mon, it’s Papa’s turn.”
He nearly knocked over his chair rushing to join you in the hospital bed, making sure to keep his weight off of you as he settled and latched onto your breast.
Momo looked up at you with those golden eyes, and you gently scratched behind his fluffy ears. “Mmm, my big baby.”
He yelped and turned red when you slipped your hand into his pants, jerking him off. You knew that he got hard while drinking your milk, and you just loved toying with your cute mate.
“P-puppy, what if the nurse comes in-“
You continued you pump his cock, making him moan against your breast. “Shh… just lemme make you feel good…”
He stared up at you, nipping on your perky bud. “I’m going to get you back your this, pup.”
“Mmm, I know…”
It didn’t take much to make him knot your hand, his hips bucking as he groaned, cum staining his pants. “Maybe I wanna rile you up for later…”
Momo gave you a lazy smile, his eyes hazy from pleasure. “Someone wants me to knock her up again…”
“As soon as I’m recovered… I’m all yours. Promise you’ll take care of me during my next heat?”
“And every single one after that. We’re bonded, pup. I’m yours… forever.”
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spookydoodlz · 3 months ago
All my fellow insomniacs (or people who live on the other side of the world)
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mynqzo · 1 month ago
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one last lamb before bedtime. the blood it purely to censor da oobs
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psin314 · 3 months ago
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be careful, boys. 😦
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proxycrit · 5 months ago
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Nothing like ending the adventure with a weird dream and manifesting a new spooky ring! Link’s too tired to wake Zelda for this one.
(That zora is a strange one, choosing to live near the sky. Have you heard? Rumors have it she even took one of the last zonai as a student.
I heard she taught it healing arts!
I heard she let it near the Sky Princess.
Oh no!
Didn’t she know the Zonai are cursed? Nothing ever goes right with their magic. That’s why they were taken by the malice.)
Interested in more of this au? Check out this masterpost (it all started when Zelda didn’t time travel back in time)
Want to see wips and character faces without Rauru’s brainfog getting in the way? Mayhaps you should check out my patreon :0
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