#oc_tober 2021
rabbit-rays · 2 years
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image id: a painting in warm yellow tones of two aliens sitting at a table in a small room and playing cards. the alien on the left (foram) is humanoid with digitrade legs, arms with three fingered hands, and an elongated head covered in plates. she is gesturing with one hand and talking. the alien on the right (joules) has two large back legs and two much smaller front legs, one of which he is currently using to hold a hand of cards. he has a large feathered crest currently held flat against his neck and is facing awa from the camera. the room is decorated to look lived in and homey, with a bookshelf, lamps, plants and knick knacks on the shelves, and posters on the wall. end id.
oc-tober day 5: best friends!!
this is foram and joules, the deckhands and main engineers on the starship tradewinds, a small research vessel researching physics anomalies in deep space. foram is a member of a hivemind species currently on a traditional pilgrimage away from home and away from the hive, and joules was exiled from his home planet for dodging the draft. they’re playing a war game from joules’ home planet!! (or they were, but now they’re just chatting :) )
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galoogamelady · 3 years
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OC-tober Day 10: Leo Wednesbury Leo is studying under different doctors, medics and even veterinarians of the wasteland. He's pretty calm and optimistic for someone who's seen a lot of shit. His family in Arefu awaits his return as their local doctor - including his sister, Meg.
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mira-mirach · 3 years
With October nearing, I decided to make my own oc_tober “list” as a bingo. Fell free to save and use!
This is for all type of oc content creators! If you use this bingo, please tag me! I’ll love to see your work! And don’t forget to post it with the tag #oc_tober2021 !!
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snowy-weather · 3 years
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OC-tober day 19 - curious. I decided to draw another one of my old dwarf characters for this one. This is Creepy. Well, that's what everyone calls her, but her original name is actually Crocus. She's friendly, curious and brave. However, she loves a lot of things other people and dwarfs find, well... creepy. Spiders, rats and bats, witchcraft, ghosts, skeletons, etc. She collects bones, dead bugs and all sorts of little things in her house. So, you can imagine where her nickname came from. Not to mention her appearance is a little strange as well and she has a weird, raspy voice. She is actually a total sweetheart though! 
Please consider reblogging my art. It tells me you like it and helps me stay motivated and keep drawing so I can give you more art! ^^
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tiefworks · 3 years
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#OCtober 2021 - Week 2: Who Killed The World?
↳ Day 1: Logo
For our second week of October, we have Who Killed the World?, which focuses on a post-apocalyptic setting where various developed nations made a final attempt to save humanity from collapse, creating a dystopian and cruel society that reaffirms the uselessness of the average human.
More goodies and trivia below!
WKTW is part of a timeline/universe that implies developed nations across the globe banded together through a universal amendment called the Last Ditch Act to save humanity after climate change reaches supposed irreversibility and a global pandemic caused by pollution inhalation and mutated viruses starts wiping out large swaths of peoples.
In an undisclosed future year, ignoring warnings by scientists of the dangers of pollution and climate change and overpopulation, humanity suddenly faces extinction at the twofold hands of irreversible climate destruction and a strain of anthrax-like virus informally dubbed "Mother's Wrath". With overpopulation, the virus spreads easily between groups, wiping out thousands, and is exacerbated by poor air quality and pollution/smoke/etc. At first resistant to the idea, world leaders in developed countries, egged on by the brewing coup being plotted by scientists, eventually decide to create the Last Ditch Act as a highly extreme way to save humanity in the long run.
The Act shepherds healthy individuals into crowded 'cities' known as Citadels, destroying suburbs and rural communities in order to push populations into constricted, observable living spaces. Reproduction without a license is banned. Curfews are mandatory. Anyone non-compliant people or nations are met with sanctioned murder. The Act's tagline, No Cost For Salvation, becomes a motto for the creation of brutal police-states within these numbered Citadels, as upheld by the sub-governments of each.
WKTW takes place some ~75 odd years after the Act was initiated. Human population has shrunk exponentially, barely a billion worldwide and consistently dropping due to the low birthrate. New addendums to the Act have been introduced since its inception, such as disallowing anyone to live alone. STEM fields are given tremendous bonuses - anyone who chooses to major in science is given monetary incentives to go to college, whereas all other subjects must pay steep fines. "Little luxuries", where still present (like coffee shops), have skyrocketed prices. "Self-kill advocacy" is rampant - coffee may be $20, but cigarettes are 50 cents, with taglines like "Save the planet! Kill yourself!". Arts are shunned and disrespected. The curfew, and all other non-compliance is now handled by robot drones that roam the streets and use venom to subdue and kill criminals. And romance as a concept has died off, as reproduction is still banned without a license and marriage is illegal. Even getting caught having sex without a license is considered grounds for execution. And in order to re-compensate the declining births, "ex-vivites" are made in labs - ex-vivo babies literally grown in synthetic robot wombs to replenish the workforce when they are of age, known pejoratively as Aberrations by the general populace. And the virus is still rampant, though now considered "treatable" with rounds of medication - which only exceptional individuals may gain access to that.
WKTW poses the question of not only who bears the true responsibility for planetary destruction, but also who is forced the bear the results the most. Despite the known fact that 100 companies produce 71% of global emissions, WKTW shows the result of regular people being forced to answer for the destruction of the environment by these larger forces, with overlaid themes of eco-fascism taken to its most extreme. The callous disregard for art, culture, and (particularly indigenous) human life in exchange for uplifting STEM fields is a sordid example of how belittled liberal arts fields are in modern culture and the rampant racism and disregard for how indigenous peoples lived in harmony with the ecosystem for years. Lastly, the emphasis on the salvation of 'developed' nations feeds back into a loop of racism and "strengthening those in power" with the implication undeveloped countries were destroyed for 'noncompliance'.
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rottenborb · 3 years
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Day 1 of OC_tober, and starting off with the best girl, Fritzi.
Doing what she does best, getting drunk at her sugar daddy’s place and bitching about her co-workers.
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michellerakar · 3 years
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For the last day of Inktober, here's Snull sleeping!
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jaderavenarts · 3 years
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I was hit with the sudden desire to draw some chibi OCs. I call them my ace elf trio 💜
Left to right is Ari (they/them), Nerris (he/him), and Rae’nel (she/her)
[Full image description below]
Ari, an elf with tan skin and chin length black hair in a half ponytail with gold eyes and snake-like pupils. They wear gold stud earrings, a gold pendant, a black billowy shirt, a red skirt, a dark red corset, black leggings, and brown boots. They smile as they sing, arms out. Nerris, an elf with dark blue skin, short brushed up white hair, and violet eyes black winged eyeliner, and black lipstick on the top lip. He wears silver stud earrings and two small silver hoops on each ear, and a silver labret piercing, silver plate armor, a light blue cloak, dark clothes, gloves, and boots. He rubs his head with a shy smile and holds a sword in his left hand. Rae’nel, an elf with dark brown skin, bright pink-purple eyes, chin length locs, and small horns. She wears a long pink-purple hooded coat, a black shirt, gray pants, thigh high black boots, and an arrow quiver on her right hip. Her left arm is a prosthetic with symbols on the forearm. She casually examines an arrow in her left hand.
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kohakudragon · 3 years
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OC-Tober Day 1 - The Caretaker. Nero is an archmage who specializes in light and healing magic. He’ll help any injured being even if the patient is a dragon 🐉. Eos is the first dragon he’s ever met. Thankfully she’s friendly. This guy is actually one of my oldest Ocs for my fantasy story but this is the first time I’ve drawn him lol.
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vesprynna · 3 years
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After having searched through hundreds of books, Molly finally found what they were looking for. In a way she was disappointed. The book was rather unassuming, not like she had imagined. No grand decoration with gold and jewels on the cover, no twisted human skin binding its fleshy pages. It didn’t talk or open by itself. It was a painfully ordinary book on the outside... but its contents were a wholly different story.
“I can’t believe it. I’s really here,” she whispered as she leafed through the old worn tome. Ludwik’s hulking form suddenly squeezed past the bookshelves behind her and Molly looked up at him as the warm glow of his lantern enveloped them both. His face was wrought in an excited, yet somewhat concerned grimace.
“With this tome, we can put a stop to everything that’s happened...”
So I finally finished my first Drawtober / OC-tober prompt, DISCOVERY! I’m trying to learn to simplify my workflow and artwork for the comic, and it hasn’t been an easy ride x’D I’m planning to make a few more of these to explore Ludwik and Molly’s designs, and their relationship dynamic as well as the world they’ll inhabit. I’m excited to share the journey with you, and I can’t wait to see how things develop as we go along :)
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embbu · 3 years
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19th day of OC-tober!
Selina is a sensitive girl who loves peace and quiet. She often thinks how nice it would be to be left alone completely, though in reality she wouldn't stand living a day without her close ones.
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chromiollies · 3 years
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inktober/oc-tober day 31 + extras!!! boy i am tired!
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galoogamelady · 3 years
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OC-tober Day 18: Ghidruh Ghidruh got disowned from her stronghold when she went against her father - the chief's - wishes and escaped her arranged marriage. She now works as a mercenary with her companion, Bhurza. She never backs down from a fight, some may even call her foolhardy.
Ghidruh is @cameronaugust's OC and this is kind of an in-between WIP of an old character that he's been meaning to revamp for a while now.
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#OC_Tober2021 summary !! featuring a buncha Crewchies x)
it was a journey that i couldn't fit all into October, but i'm so glad i didn't give up regardless! thanks everyone for believing in me :>
batch 1 - batch 2 - batch 3 - batch 4 - batch 5 - batch 6 - day 31
i'll post the last batch[es] when i get around to finalizing their character sheets /w\ i was able to manage a full body for each Crewch before the year ended, but didn't have enough time to finish the sheets for the last 3
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snowy-weather · 3 years
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OC-tober day 17 - nervous I had absolutely no inspiration for this one and I just ended up drawing an old OC of mine looking sorta nervous. XD This is Sneaky, an OC for an alternate universe based on Disney's Snowy White and the Seven dwarfs. Sneaky loves all things sparkly, especially gemstones. She was a foil for the seven dwarfs, since they mine gems. She specifically had a rivalry with Grumpy. XD But over the course of the stories, she ended up being friends with Grumpy instead, and they even formed sort of a little sister/big brother sort of relationship. Which was cute. ^^ I do miss my old dwarf characters sometimes. I had a whole bunch of em! Sneaky was the first though.
Please consider reblogging my art. It tells me you like it and helps me stay motivated and keep drawing so I can give you more art! ^^
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tiefworks · 3 years
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#OCtober 2021 - Week 4: Reus Penitentiary
↳ Day 5: Cas Teuling
Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds was the GOAT, so I made my own Spencer Reid...but a goat.
Dr. Cas Teuling is a 26 year old Bokkenrijder (buckrider/goatrider), clinical/prison psychologist, and a member of the Reus Penitentiary diagnostics team. He is the youngest member of the team, but also arguably the smartest. His specialty is in psychology, and he is the leading psychoanalyst at Reus - he is solely responsible for initial intake exams on new inmates.
Lots more goodies under the cut!
He originally hailed from Holland, specifically near the town of Leiden. He comes from a long line of Bokkenrijders, which are demonic thieves who rode on the backs of flying goats provided to them by the Devil. Unlike his family, a legacy of raiding and pillaging did not sit well with Cas, and he eventually ran away to the University of Groningen up north, lying about his age to get in at 16. There, he earned a dual bachelors degree in psychology (developmental and behavioral) and sociology, and later a masters degree in psychology again. After working briefly as a psychologist in Holland, he found himself frustrated by the restrictions he had, and decided to further his career by coming to the US and studying more in California at the age of 20. Here, he studied abnormal psychology, biopsychology, and ethics, earning himself a PsyD doctoral degree in only three years as opposed to the usual five. He then went on to work as a psychological assistant at Reus for about half a year, before being cleared to take the California Board of Psychology licensing exams (since you need to have two years experience and 1500+ hours of supervised work before you can take the exams). He aced both on the first try, becoming officially licensed in California. If you're curious, he makes about $105k yearly, since Reus is a special prison. Cas himself works in three main areas - initial inmate intake, therapy groups, and managing suicidal patients, with the first one being the biggest. He gives new prisoners a variety of tests, ranging from IQ to personality tests, and gives them a thorough rundown so he may 'diagnose' them upon entry.
Aside from his work as a psychoanalyst for Reus, Cas lives alone on a goat sanctuary with his many goats. His favorite is Braam, a Dutch Landrace goat who serves as a comfort animal at Reus. His sexuality is not really present, but Muriel has noted he doesn't really talk to girls much. His hobbies include reading (a LOT), playing card and board games, and watching nature documentaries. One habit he has that may be regarded as weird to outsiders is his habit of baking a pie every Saturday and delivering it hot to a nearby older woman's house anonymously. He has essentially no family anymore, since all of them are in Holland, but he regards the Reus diagnostics team as his family and hangs out with them at any chance he gets. He is also particularly close to Lyall, regarding him as his confidante. Whether Lyall actually reciprocates this is unknown. His favorite color is red, and though he loves all goats, his favorite is Valais Blackneck. His favorite music type is classical. In terms of his personality, he is largely defined in extremes - on the one hand, he is somewhat shy and awkward. On the other, he is smart as a whip and incredibly capable of reading someone and knowing everything about them, even things they may not know themselves. And on yet another hand, he has certain peeves that are enough to get a viscerally irritated reaction out of him. These include - being called 'Casper' instead of just Cas, being called an occultist, and being told he is 'wasting his time' on prison inmates.
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