#oc; yasmin
hugsqueeze · 5 months
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I'm finally remembering how to draw again, so I thought I'd dust off some old OCs and show you the two main characters for A Girl's Guide to Power Tools :9 grins... Yasmin (left) and Kayla (right) 👍 They do NOT get along.
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straightuppotato-art · 2 months
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Fun fact: Yasmin forces the whole house to watch Flavor of Love!
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bumblebeatrice · 2 years
“there’s a holy war coming” lilith was right and it’s between the gays and netflix
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raincandyart · 3 months
Beautiful Butches Rise 💚
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[Digitial art of Yasmin, she's drawn on the left side from the lower hips up from a 3/4s angle. She's a thin brown skinned woman with very short purple hair. Yasmin wears a tank top with a yellow clip on the right strap, a skull earring and a pair of denim pants. She's sweating, lifting her now almost transparent tank top up slightly to wring the sweat out of it. Yasmin has visible body hair on her stomach and underarms. The background to a yellow to green gradient on a 50° angle. In dots, Yasmin has a shadow. Her name is drawn next to her. /end ID]
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harryforvogue · 3 months
happy may the fourth LMFAOAOAOOAOAOAOAOAO sorry this is more than a month late and sorry for the horrendously rushed sex scene. i am bad at smut now <3 2.1k
Harry looks down at the notecards, his dinner abandoned besides his hands. He flips through a few of the cards while Yasmine slurps obnoxiously on her pasta to get him to scowl at her, but he’s too captivated by his extreme nerd behavior. Honestly, it’s embarrassing for him.
He finally settles on a card and clears his throat. “What is the name of Leia and Han’s child?”
“Oh,” Yasmine mumbles as she swallows. “Um, the hot guy.”
Harry gives her a weird look. “He’s not hot, but sure.”
“I mean, from a certain angle,” she says. “I don’t need to explain the appeal of Adam Driver to you, nerd.”
“Er, okay. What’s his name?”
Harry stares at her for a second before he puts the note cards down and scrubs his face with his hands. “No, his name is not Kyle!”
“I know it’s not! It’s Kylo. But I always think it’s Kyle so my brain goes to Kylo next because I know everyone has weird ass names in Star Wars.”
“Don’t say Kyle next time! That’ll be a deduction!”
“Stop yelling at me!”
“I can tell you didn’t study my notes!”
“Your nerd notes? Yeah I didn't! I had better things to do!”
Harry pulls his hands away from his now red face. “Like what?”
“Like making the dinner you’ve not even thanked me for!” Yasmine snaps.
Harry blinks. He glances at his dinner and then murmurs an apology, abandoning his cards behind to eat his food. “Thank you.”
“Shut up.”
He sighs and continues eating. 
Yasmine only stays mad for two minutes. Then, she’s talking. “My costume came in yesterday by the way. Are we still doing the secret thing?”
“Yeah,” Harry says. “And don’t feel stupid about dressing up, alright? Think of it as Halloween.”
“Nerd Halloween,” Yasmine mutters.
Harry looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel. “You’ve called me a nerd three times already.” He takes a deep breath. “Which outfit of Padme’s did you pick?”
“Padme? I’m going as Chewbacca.”
Harry stands up with his plate and walks over to the other side of the table, sitting beside her. 
Yasmine looks at him. “Why did you move?”
“To be closer to you?”
Harry throws an arm over her shoulder. “Am I not romantic enough? Yasmine, I swear you act like I’ve never touched you by the way you act sometimes.”
She scoots her chair closer to him. “Untrue.”
He raises his hand to gently caress her cheek. Yasmine turns her head to bite his finger.
“See?” Harry sighs, prying his finger away. “Be normal.”
“I can’t be. I have a nerd boyfriend who likes to touch me too much.” Yasmine brightens. “And you’ll touch me a lot more when you see my dress for tomorrow.”
Harry’s wiping his finger. “Which one did you pick? The one from Attack of the Clones?”
“The second movie.”
“The white one.” Harry drops his head to the table, groaning. “Oh we’re never going to win tomorrow.”
“You should just take one of your other nerd friends, Harry. I know you want that Lego Star Command–”
Harry groans louder. “Star Destroyer.”
“--whatever. I know you want it so maybe you should take someone else.”
He turns his head to glance at her. He takes a deep breath and then sits up, letting the color drain from his face. “No. It’ll be fun.”
“You’re going to yell at me.”
“I’ll bite your head off.”
“Lovingly?” Harry asks weakly.
“Anyways. Is it the white dress?”
“The one that’s ripped around the stomach? No.”
Harry looks very interested then. He slides closer. “The black one?”
“The blue one?”
“Yes. Which one are you thinking of?”
“The one that looks like a nightgown.”
“No,” Yasmine says thoughtfully. “Maybe I should have done that. Mine is the other one.”
“Yasmine, Padme wear blue a lot.”
“Do you want to see it?”
Harry pauses. Yasmine can tell that he’s going through all the outfits Padme has ever worn that are blue. He comes to the same conclusion as she did days ago when looking for an outfit: the blue ones are the sexy ones. 
His eyes narrow. “Show me yours if I show you mine?”
Harry stands first. He takes their empty dinner plates to the kitchen and then goes to their room to bring out the two packages of outfits. He tosses Yasmine hers and then proceeds to bring her to the livingroom to open them together.
They decided early on they’d wear a couple costume: Anakin and Padme.
(Yasmine secretly hoped Harry would wear the whole Darth Vader suit with the helmet, but that’s something to unpack at a later time.)
Harry pulls out the Anakin costume, holding it to his body. “Hope it fits.”
Yasmine imagines him in it, the pants sticking wonderfully to his thighs, his hand grasping a large lightsaber. 
“Go put it on.”
Harry raises an eyebrow. “You put yours on too.”
They stare at each other before Yasmine grabs her outfit and goes to the bathroom.
When she returns, Harry’s changed into his as well, swinging around a red lightsaber expertly.
“Oh,” Yasmine says, stopping in her tracks.
“Fuck,” Harry says at the same time.
The outfit fits him so well. As expected, the pants are tight around his upper thighs, but Harry’s just gifted in that department, so it’s normal. Still. He looks mouthwateringly…well, hot.
He’s got sort of a wild look in his eye at the sight of her. With narrowed eyes, he walks backwards until he sits on the couch, holding his hand out.
Yasmine shuffles close, unused to the dress. It’s a bit too long on her.
Yasmine takes his hand. His fingers trail up to her wrist.
It’s too quiet in here. 
His other hand raises.
He runs his fingers over her bare stomach. The top is just short enough to land by her sternum, leaving a few pairs of ribs exposed. She shivers at his touch and when she goes to move away instinctively, he grabs her wrist.
Yasmine fidgets under his gaze. “I hate when you do that.”
“Do what?” Harry murmurs.
“Look at me.”
“You hate it when I look at you?”
Harry tightens his hand on Yasmine’s wrist. “Get used to it.” Then he yanks her closer. Pulls her into his lap. “You are beautiful. I could stare at you all day long.”
“It’s just the dress.”
He laughs, just inches away from her skin. Fire erupts in her stomach. “No. Definitely not just the dress.”
Yasmine shudders as Harry leans in to kiss her neck. Her fingers tremble when she clutches his hair, staring up at the ceiling. Pleasure runs through her, landing between her legs.
She loves when Harry gets like this: so desperate to have her close, hands grabbing without a care of how rough he’s being. All he knows is that he wants her body attached to his. And it’s incredibly enticing how he shows it. He tilts his head back so that she can reach his lips. Her fingers plunge into the soft wilds of his messy, shoulder length hair. He hums and kisses her back, hard.
The dark color looks so good on him. He’s long known that black and brown look especially good on him (and Yasmine reminds him of this often to ensure he’s continuing to fill his closet with those colors). Seeing him in this outfit…Yasmine supposes she’s the nerd as well now.
She hardly cares.
With a soft maneuver, she presses herself against his growing bulge. Harry groans softly, detaching his mouth from hers. She grasps his hair tighter. His lips trail down to her neck again where he buries his face and grabs her waist. No matter how many times he makes that noise, it always sends her on a downward spiral.
“Harry,” she whispers, rocking herself against him now. His fingers grip her waist.
“Yes, baby?”
And his voice! His breathy, desperate voice.
“I wanna do something.”
“Yeah, let’s go upstairs.”
But the mere thought of going upstairs – the mere thought of parting from Harry long enough to make it there – threatens to disrupt whatever they have going on. So Yasmine slides away from Harry, but before he can stand, she sits before him on her knees.
Harry freezes.
Yasmine reaches for the sole button on his trousers.
“Oh,” Harry says. “Fuck.”
Yasmine touches her wrists in hopes of finding a hair tie there, but when she finds none, she frowns deeply up at him. Harry shakes his head and carefully pulls her hair up into a makeshift ponytail, making sure all her curtain bangs are out of her face. “I’ve got it, Yas.”
“Thanks,” she whispers, though she feels silly afterwards.
Harry lifts his hips long enough for Yasmine to get him out of the trousers. She scoots closer so that she can get his boxer briefs off as well. Harry’s hold on her hair tightens. She reaches out to wrap her fingers around him, giving him a long stroke.
“Fuck,” Harry murmurs. It’s music to Yasmine’s ears. She strokes him again, bringing him to full hardness. There’s a soft flush on Harry’s neck and face, and his thighs are tense. Oh how she loves his thighs.
She loves them enough that before she wraps her mouth around him, she bends down to kiss his thighs. 
She glances up at him as she does, enjoying the small twist of his lips when he looks back down at her. Now, she doesn’t mind his gaze. Because despite the implications, Harry is most certainly not in charge right now. She is.
After biting down on his thigh – just to hear his sharp hiss – Yasmine opens her mouth and takes him in.
His thighs tighten even more. 
Yasmine presses her tongue against him. Harry’s fingers grip her hair when she sucks gently at his tip. 
“Fuck,” Harry whispers, tilting his head back. “Fuck me.”
Yasmine’s stomach flutters. She watches him, enjoying the rise of his chest, the strain of his neck with the beautiful vein protruding every so often. Harry’s head turns to look down at her suddenly, hips rising just barely to meet her mouth.
He gives her a look.
She nods.
He blows air from his mouth and gently thrusts into her mouth, careful and soft despite the firm grip on her hair.
“If I’d known,” he murmurs, “that you’d get like this, I’d have tried the outfit on even sooner.”
Yasmine gasps softly as she pulls off of him. “It’s not only the outfit.”
He laughs, wiping the corner of her lips, which should be damn well embarrassing or weird, but neither of them seem to care. She wraps her mouth around him again, cutting off his laughter with a groan.
After a few moments, her dress begins to slip from her shoulders. Harry’s eyes catch the movement right away and his hips stutter. She’d make a joke but there are more concerning matters presently. Having been with him for a long time, Yasmine knows exactly what he likes: how she should use her tongue, her hands, her eyes that blink up at him all pretty.
“So pretty,” Harry mumbles, on cue. She feels him run his thumb over her cheek as if there’s something to be endeared about right now.
Just before he’s about to come, Harry pulls on her hair and gets her to pull off so he could bend down and kiss her mouth, and then let her tug on him.
“Not on the dress please,” Yasmine says, voice shot.
“I’ll try, baby.”
He manages quite well actually, especially with Yasmine’s effort to move out of the way, letting him spill over her hand instead. His desperate whimpers keep Yasmine’s eyes glued to him.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Harry protests softly when her hand keeps moving over him. “That’s enough.”
Grinning, Yasmine fixes her dress and grabs a few tissues from the coffee table to wipe her hand.
“Maybe instead of going to the trivia night, we can do more of this tomorrow.”
“Mm,” Harry hums, still catching his breath. “Not a chance.”
“Oh come on. This is so much more fun!”
He tucks himself back in and holds his hand out, making her climb into his lap. “No.”
“You’re such a –”
“Nerd?” He laughs, grabbing the back of her neck. “I am.” And then he kisses her slowly, clearly having no issue with what they’ve just done. “Thank you.”
Yasmine hopes her face accurately portrays the glare she thinks she’s putting on. Harry’s eyes are soft and filled with love – but that’s entirely unhelpful because they always are. 
“Just don’t break up with me when I say that Han Solo is Luke’s father.”
Harry holds her tighter. “I’ll try not to.” Then he grabs her waist, pulling her to him. He stands easily, keeping her balanced on him, her legs tight about his torso. “Come on. I’ve got a favor to repay. And the dress stays on, understood?”
Yasmine shivers, despite herself. "Understood."
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isabelopaque · 3 months
oc intro of sorts. the only full body poses youll ever get from me
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muppet-facts · 5 months
Muppet Fact #1055
In 2020, Sesame Workshop introduced two Rohingya Muppets as part of their “Play to Learn” humanitarian initiative. The puppets were designed in part by gathering insight from Rohingya children to find out which designs and characters they identified most with. As a result, six year old twins Noor Yasmin and her brother Aziz were created. Noor loves to make up games and play and Aziz loves to act and use his imagination.
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NBC News. “Sesame Street Unveils Rohingya Muppets to Help Kids Overcome ‘Unthinkable Horrors,’” December 17, 2020. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/sesame-street-unveils-rohingya-muppets-help-kids-overcome-unthinkable-horrors-n1251413.
Sesame Workshop. “Sesame Workshop Debuts First-Ever Rohingya Muppets as Part of ‘Play to Learn’ Humanitarian Initiative,” December 17, 2020. https://sesameworkshop.org/about-us/press-room/sesame-workshop-debuts-first-ever-rohingya-muppets-part-play-learn/.
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mantisgodsart · 3 months
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@bug-oc... round ONE! Finally! Still counting this as "round one" of transmutations because of the blog round numbers despite the fact that we've already done a round of like two bugs! We... didn't realize how many of these characters were yellow until it was actually time to draw them. It's like we went in with a theme, and then stuck to it. Except for with Holly, who presumably lost the dress code along with their head. Please vote for our cool dune cricket in the handful of hours before this round ends, and thank you!
Individual characters and transmutation notes below cut.
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[...though I briefly considered another form, limiting surface area relative to the size of the entity is crucial for stability in ectoplasmic entities, and I don't currently intend to attempt to form a "swarm", as similar entities often form in the wild - a more simple, and thus more stable, form is better. The energy pack in the subject's possession upon intake appears to be either nearly or fully impossible to reclaim, unfortunately - ghosts can be hard to separate from things with sentimental value, so it's likely a lost cause. I'll continue obsevation...]
Beera by @longeth-dayv. An actual design, this time, rather than our fucking-around-with-maybes! This one, we think, does a lot more for the actual character, though from our understanding of Luigi's Mansion the species choice might be slightly more "generic". We particularly enjoyed tinkering with the wire of the power pack - ghosts and transparent things are VERY fun to draw, and we liked working out where that wire would go in the areas normally hidden by the body. Long, winding lines are very fun to draw sometimes. Hopefully this one works better for you, too!
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[...successful partial isolation of the fungal element proves both that it can be isolated and that transmutation of cordyceps symbiotes may be less of a barrier than previously thought. Results appear similar to "Moka" back in the first year of experiments, where the cordyceps remains untransmuted within the new body - is this a quirk unique to vertebrate physiology? The failed transmutation with Fulminis pulled from a largely bug pool, whilst both successful cordyceps transmutations have been with beasts.]
[The avian physiology doesn't seem to have produced much difference from reptilian, minus some differences in visible fungal growth, but the subjects started with varying quantities of visible fungal growth to begin with, and the magic present in both of the previous round's subjects presents an additional variable... at the very least, I know that the fungus on its own is either resistant or immune to conventional transmutation, considering Mop, though I still need to work out how the host-symbiote synthesis alters things...]
[I'll have to do further testing- I dearly wish that these subjects were easier to get my hands on, but I don't know where I would be able to source them in my own universe, much less if they even exist there, since I'm no longer certain if the time portal event through which I met Holly Holiyxeiul was from the past of my universe, the past of another universe, or the present of somewhere else. Omelette's successful transmutation proves that I can manufacture them, but I won't be certain as to the limits of this until I can collect samples...]
Butterscotch from @w-krajobrazie-zapomnienia. The wings on this took... FOREVER. Deciding to make Butterscotch a bird with individual "charring" on the feathers was an act of monumental hubris, and EASILY the most labor-intensive part of this page. Doing this in watercolor would have been easier, probably. Alas, if we want to be capable of using a marker, we must put effort into marker drawing. At the very least, we think the effect came out fairly well! We like the sort of "scorched" effect that Butterscotch's base design has, and though difficult to recreate in marker form, we think we pulled it off! Hope this works decently well for you.
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[...expanding lizard experiments from the ones found in the former grounds of Five Pebbles to their closest resemblances in the fleshbeasts of our world, I found quite a few points of similarity. Though for obvious reasons, I haven't had the opportunity to observe any specimens of the original species, given that most vertebrate beasts have been extinct since before I was hatched, the underlying biology is similar enough that I could carry through a significant amount of understanding forward.]
[Though majority of traits seem typical for what I can observe from preserved specimens, I am noting some minor divergences - typical for the lizards of RW9089-1, but not, as far as I know, typical for the reptiles that once roamed the wastes. The subject has developed sensory whiskers, narrower than those observed on Black Lizards but seeming to serve a similar function of detecting scent and motion in the air.]
[Additionally, the subject has developed a short coat of setae across the back, with a similar texture to the subject's former ruff - some surface-level similarities have been found to the hair on the pelts of Northern Moths, particularly those found in areas where significant quantities of water make leviathans a dietary staple. Though fur "coats" can be found in RW-9089-1 specimens such as Strawberry Lizards, this trait is, as far as I can tell, unique to this specimen.]
[When following up, I'll want to examine the dorsal frills to be certain that former shape's traits are not overwriting the end shape's traits to too significant of a degree - this is not an unknown trait in salamanders, but I'll need to be certain the structure isn't too similar to insect wing structure, as this many traits carrying over may indicate mid-point speciesation, which will mean any parts harvested will have wholly different traits from the originally sourced...]
Lote from @fallenvoidhere! We went through a handful of design iterations on this, mostly trying to home in on making it clear that it's the character - we sort of underestimated how much blue we'd need to add, but when you're turning into a lizard several times your normal size, it's probably understandable to lose a lot of your accessories…? Since the black on the design, respectively, is mostly accessories, most of these markings are improvised - we based our placement at least partially off of an orca whale, after going through a lot of markings from IRL salamanders. Originally, we planned to make the wing further in to the body a bit more transparent, but… well, as it turns out, we're probably a bit too used to watercolors for our own good, and working with markers is a bit of a different beast. We still think it came out pretty decent!
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[...previously noted properties of fireflies appear to ease the rougher edges of this, though it will still need some refining before it's ready to go to market. A working prototype is better than I've gotten with previous generations of this recipe. I'll have to spend some time going over the readings to work out how to route things on anything that isn't a firefly.]
[With the way that most of these particular transmutations have gone, forming a "chamber" for the light before the light-producing compound itself is produced appears to be key for the survivablity of the subject. I suspect that there's a reason that the gas compound found in the component-introduction artefact hasn't been found in natural beings; despite the multitude of uses it has in charmcraft, mercury tends to be quite toxic with continual exposure, and mercury vapor in particular can be deadly. Another reason to stick to proper PPE..]
Nox from @erijuice! This one's quite a dramatic modification to the body plan. We may have gotten a bit carried away with things here, but... okay listen we will be fully honest with you this is just an elaborate plan on "glow wyrm". We based this one heavily off of tatzulwurms and similar creatures, and from there mostly just went into "having fun with it". The wings might grow in more later, or they might not - this was one of our personal favorite designs to draw, and though we sort of wish we tinkered with the pose a bit more, it's a bit hard to do here without running into issues with... space. Such is the consequence of making a big page o' transmuted bugs.
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[...more experimental brews have their pros and cons, and with this one, it's a bit hard to define which is more present. On the plus side, the resulting form seems stable; lack of mandibles aside, it's standing and walking, and seems in fine health from the readings that I can see. Subject is alert and appears to have either full or very close to full former cognitive capacity, as shown by the multiple attempts at escape via manipulating the lock. It's just that I don't have the slightest clue what it is, or how its biology... works.]
[I intend to collect samples once the transmutation settles enough for properties to solidify. From initial testing, I think that its digestive system may rely partially on the fur-like... appendages, on its ventral side, but it's presently somewhat unclear. Upon coming into contact with some spare biological waste (see: Vessel project, Voidless transmutation attempts), the material appeared to "tangle" in the ventral fur, and was gradually dissolved over the course of about eighteen hours. From what I can gather of the data, this appears to have given off similar readings to a more conventional being having eaten a large meal? Will test with other forms of biological material once I can gather enough material to recreate the end organism if existing subject is lost.]
Yasmine from @darth-moth - and this is one that was very fun to do! The lines in this were very, VERY fun to work with, and we had quite a lot of fun just banging this out! - the design here is, probably fairly obviously, based heavily on Rain World's Rain Deer, as well as the multitude of "creepy deer" type stories that are practically everywhere on the internet. We were tinkering, if vaguely, with the concept of something like a terrestrial filter feeder, or similar - did you know that some whales have begun hunting behavior of pretending to be shelter so that fish will hide in their mouths and, thus, be eaten?
We'd picture that this, whatever it is, wanders places and passively snags prey with the dangling "fur", avoiding any sort of need for energy-intensive chases while keeping itself fed on whatever it walks over. A passive scavenger, probably with not a lot in terms of personal self defense. The vents on the sides, though they might be slightly unclear as is, are just about the only active method of offense - releasing toxic gas or something similar in an attempt to choke out predators. Our greatest desire in life is to design enemies for a soulslike poison swamp and we think that Yasmine is an excellent poison swamp candidate. We hope that this is a normal and usual motivation and ambition to have, we had a lot of fun with it.
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[...uncontrolled crystal growth took over before the transmutation had completed, at roughly 4 days, 8 hours after the initial administration of the formula. I was lucky to be awake at the time - the remote monitor that I imbedded appears to have been consumed by the same phenomenon shortly before my arrival. I can only assume that this is due to pre-existing contamination - if not accounted for, Crystals can react very unpredictably to transmutations, and I didn't account for contamination of this assumed level.]
[Though I've observed this sort of effect before, it's been years since I've experienced a bloom of nearly this extent. What really surprises me is that the subject appears to still be moving, despite the extensive damage to... everything. The head appeared to have been fully destroyed at the time of arrival, and the crystals sprouting from the back have to have gone right through the ganglia - the weave of the transmutation has been fully destroyed, so it can't be sustaining itself on the former body's imprint, so I can only assume that the crystals captured some of the host body's mind during the overgrowth event and are attempting to continue to run the same old patterns of behavior.]
[I am currently unclear on how much of the former bug remains. What scans that I've taken suggest that the new crystals may have linked up with their companion Warden, though to what degree is still unclear. If I want to properly analyze this, I'll need to take it back to the lab. From there... diagnosis work, and maybe trying to work out how poor Snakemouth Den's lab security is, really.]
Holly from @thetroupemaster! Our first transmutation failure of the tournament! Holly, unfortunately, fell victim to poor lab safety - a more open-ended formula intended to gather a form from environmental factors, combined with some unfortunate lab contamination. This actually links in to a few personal headcanons on how Crystals work, though we don't think we've posted them before.
A crystal is a colonial organism, much like coral, storing both data and magical energy. Generally gathering energy from the sun to power itself, it grows so slowly as to be unnoticeable to the bug eye, but it does grow, and when exposed to, say, a charm engineered to allow for rapid change of a physical form, it has the potential to rapidly grow and consume that energy, stopping its growth either when it grows out of magical energy or when the handful of elements present in the original weave to let it change and grow are consumed.
Some people in external kingdoms do this to avoid having to constantly ship in Crystals from Bugaria, but it's not particularly common, as this method of growing Crystals tends to consume things like your other projects, or the lab shielding you probably want to keep intact, or yourself if you have the poor foresight to not properly protect yourself against contamination. Under control conditions, the chances of this happening are nearly zero! Under these conditions... well.
Crystals are very, very good at preserving memories. The rest of Holly's body, on the other hand, might be a bit of a lost cause at this point. You can work in a lab without seeing things, right...?
...yeah, we aren't counting on it, either.
Bonus: for those who scrolled down this far, a quick compilation of labels. As well as, of course, a teaser for what's yet to come.
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[...the most complimentary thing that I can say about Mal, I think, is that Hobbes would get along well with xir. Terrible lab safety protocols. AWFUL cross-contamination protocols. Just looking at this bug's methodology is giving me hives. Venus give me strength. I suspect that any brew that I attempt to use will suffer from enough unknown, uncontrollable outside variables that none of the data I get will be even remotely applicable to any other situation. "Edge case" is generous - I struggle to call this sort of tampering anything less than an utter abomination of science.]
[I will be using one of the more heavily conceptual brews for this. The REMW-19 formula is reasonably stable enough that the weave shouldn't just collapse in on itself, but it has been remarkably poor at producing organisms capable of surviving on their own once the transformation has set enough that they don't have enough former anatomy to "fall back" on - I suspect, currently, that the survival of targets afflicted with the effect I am attempting to recreate relies the support on some sort of internal magic system, and if so, the sheer amount of lingering cross-contamination likely seeped into every ounce of aer chitin might actually boost survivability. I have no positive expectations for this, however.]
In spending ingredients on this, I hope to assemble an encyclopedic list of all of the ways that a charm's effects can go stupidly, horribly wrong. Venus willing, it will not double as a list of ways that my lab can be destroyed, or a list of ways that tampering with Charmcraft can go wrong. I have had enough recent trouble with repairing the lab's seals after the Vessel experiments - I have no particular desire to replace anything else now.]
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saltycharacters · 2 months
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[ID: Two digital artpieces featuring an original character. She's depicted as tall and lean, dark skinned with piercings and a bright smile, with a partially shaved head. The 1st drawing has her with a somewhat mis-matched outfit, including a torn heart tshirt over another torn long-sleeve, plaid skirt, tall sneaker boots, cardigan tied around her waist and various spiked collars. Her hair is tied into twin braids, and various flowers litter her look. The next image has her in a more dynamic pose, twirling in a long-sleeved dress as she grins at the camera, sporting various plant motifs as tulips keep her two ponytails up and a venus-flytrap symbol adorns her chest. She's wearing knee-high boots with buckles and spiked ends, wearing a small satchel that sports a cartoonishly evil face. End ID]
Yasmine in some new outfits again because what are ocs if not dolls to play dress-up with
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oreo102 · 1 month
I’m a very color centric person so here’s the 13 era characters as colors:
13- a very like golden/bright yellow-orange
Yaz: a nice maroon
Ryan: deep blue- maybe a bit lighter/more saturated than navy?
Graham: a very rich and warm brown
Dan: a like medium green- maybe like forest?
The master: a muted purple-pink
Grace: bright green
Jericho: tbh he gives off a nice teal or cyan- maybe a turquoise?
Claire: rose gold?
Sonia: a very bright orange, not like neon but a nice bright orange, like the fruit
Fugitive doctor: burnt orange
And just for fun:
Missy: nice deep purple, more blue than red
River: scarlet red, like the lipstick color that everyone associates with being sexy
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hugsqueeze · 5 months
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Since they're on my mind, I wanna ramble a bit about Yasmin & Kayla and A Girl's Guide to Power Tools in general >_<!!!!! Smiles normally!!!!!!
A Girl's Guide follows Yasmin as the protagonist. I think I briefly mentioned before that she is a socially anxious college student who struggles with stepping out of her comfort zone. Trying new things and socializing are very difficult for her, so she has avoided them as much as possible throughout her life to save herself from embarrassment. As a result, she has no friends and little actual life experience outside of staying at home and helping her family. Eventually, she reaches a point where she realizes this and decides to try and push herself to meet new people. While looking for local things to do, she sees a flier for a home improvement workshop. Called........ A Girl's Guide to Power Tools. LOL.
Despite her anxiety, she attends the event. And here is where she meets KAYLA. Kayla is the daughter of the woman who runs the whole seminar thing and it is CLEAR that she doesn't want to be there. HAHA. Kayla is cold and unsociable and seemingly perpetually bored with the whole thing. She's meant to help her mother with the class(es), but it's evident that she's only participating on the most minimal level she can get away with in order to appease her mom. Yasmin, trying to stretch herself and talk to new people, introduces herself to Kayla and tries striking up a conversation.... As you can imagine, Kayla is not very receptive and brushes her off almost immediately. This makes Yasmin feel horribly embarrassed. She wants very badly to give up after being shut down like that, but Kayla's mother (Malvasia) encourages her to stay after a little pep talk.
SO BASICALLY..... The more time she spends coming to these workshops, the more shady it becomes until it's revealed that the DIY workshop aspect of the whole thing was just a coverup for a business? Type thing? A highly illegal way of making money via. Killing people.... 🧍‍♂️ Every time Malvasia opens up these workshop things, she starts off teaching the class normally but then she picks out one person who catches her eye and eventually scouts them (IN PRIVATE) for this type of thing... Of course, Malvasia ends up taking a liking to Yasmin. When she pulls her aside, Yasmin is of course horrified and unwilling to kill anybody. And etc etc....
Kayla was naturally first to join her mother's killing for money scheme and she's been doing it for a couple years by the time the story takes place... Over the course of the story, Kayla softens up to Yasmin and ends up turning on her own mother, defending Yasmin from Malvasia and saving her life. 🫶 And they end up together in the end. But.... EEK. I think that's all I'll say for now. ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING, I HOPE THIS MAKES SOME KINDA SENSE!!!! BYE BYE 🌈
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Simeon makes me cackle lmaooo
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blorbl0b · 8 months
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im here to spread the twissy and thasmin and missy agenda (ft an oc)
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neurdogic · 8 months
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harryforvogue · 10 months
a blurb where harry is a big schedule guy and yasmine is a big "it happens when it happens" girlie. they fight (sorta).
Harry and Yasmine have never lived with other people after moving out of their homes, and they alternated whose place they’d be staying at back in graduate school. It was always an unspoken rule that if Harry was at Yasmine’s house, she was the boss. And vice versa. 
But now that they're living together, how are they supposed to adjust and split responsibilities? More importantly, how the hell are they expected to create a rhythm?
Harry is a very structured person. Gets out of bed at a certain time, has lunch at a fixed time. Dinner as well. He considers himself a pretty laid back guy too. He’ll skip cooking some days to order takeout – or swap his laundry days with his bedsheet changing days just to switch things up. Yasmine calls him a relentless Aquarius. He's not supposed to be offended, right?
He’s always known that Yasmine is… less serious about all that. So, really, he always knew what he was getting himself into. Especially when it’s nearly 11 on a Sunday and Yasmine’s still buried in the sheets, gripping him tight to keep him from slipping out of bed despite his groaning about how he just wants to take a shower and eat something. (Probably the worst habit of Yasmine’s is skipping breakfast nearly every morning and that’s just not something he’s going to stand by.)
After graduation, Yasmine and Harry are employed at different universities, and the first few months are filled with settling into their new jobs. Their work hours are very similar, with the exception of Wednesdays where Harry has a later recitation class to teach. Regardless, Harry went into the new job with the mindset that he’d always get all his work done on time so that he and Yasmine could focus on figuring out the layout of their place still. Not to mention, Harry’s dedication to at least 2 dates a week (and going grocery shopping is NOT a date no matter how much Yasmine insists it is). 
He has a calendar in his office above his desk that tells him what days he needs to get his deadlines done so that he and Yasmine can have some time for themselves. He crosses out all the things he gets finished and circles the days he’s free.
Yasmine is the opposite. She always gets everything done, but it’s never as planned as Harry. She has the ability to sit down and bang everything out in one day … and also the ability to procrastinate until the night before.
It’s baffling to Harry. Harry’s routine is annoying to Yasmine. Really – where’s the fun in all that planning? And what if something suddenly comes up and there’s no wiggle room to fit in a doctor’s visit or something just because you’ve meticulously scheduled all your work to be back to back on weekdays.
This comes up one day when she’s working and he’s bringing her dinner to her study.
Harry pulls up a chair on the other side of her desk with his own plate. “Yasmine.”
“If you’d gotten this done yesterday, we could have gone to the shop you wanted to visit.”
“We can go during the weekend. I can’t just align everything with your schedule to free up some time.”
Harry smiles, but it’s clearly tense. “We get home at the same time, Yas. If we can just finish all our stuff for the next day of class before, say, 5pm, we have the rest of the day to be together. Doesn’t that sound great?”
Yasmine glances up at him over her glasses. “I don’t want to do more work as soon as I get home though. I want to relax.”
From Harry’s face, she knows he’s thinking about the hour-long nap she took on their couch as soon as she came home. 
“Right, but. Now it’s almost 8 and we won’t make it to the store on time.”
“We’ve got weekends for that.”
His mouth twists into something that’s very much not a smile. “We’ve got other stuff to do over the weekend, remember? We agreed on two dates a week–”
“No. You decided that.” 
Harry stops. He tilts his head back to look at the ceiling in an attempt to calm himself down. When he looks back at her, he reaches across, shuts her laptop in a not-so-nice way and says, “What?”
Yasmine crosses her arms over her chest and leans back in her chair. “Well, you said the two dates thing. I think going to the shop counts as a date.”
“Going shopping isn’t a date. Having a romantic time out is a date.”
“Any time I get to spend with you is a date, Harry. It's about being with you, not where we go.”
“Have you maybe considered that I want to take you to restaurants and little getaways simply because I enjoy them too? That I like to see you have fun with me?”
Yasmine sighs and takes her glasses off. She rubs her eyes tiredly. “You clearly have a certain work ethic. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t. I get my work done when it gets done and I don’t want this structured, super formal scheduling of our time together. We live together, Harry. I see you all the time. Isn’t that enough?”
He doesn’t say anything for some time, but it’s clear he’s taken aback.
“It’s not enough,” he says, anger in his voice. “It’s not nearly enough. We’re dating, Yasmine. We’re not roommates.”
Yasmine blinks. “We technically are roommates.”
He runs a hand through his hair. Yasmine knows she's pushing him more than necessary. "Don't do that."
“All I’m saying is that I don’t want to schedule times with you. Won’t that be boring? Like, oh! It’s 6pm! Gotta go watch a movie with my boyfriend. It’s 7. Gotta have dinner. It’s 8, we should probably have sex before we get too tired. I’ve never had that type of schedule and I don’t want to.”
“It’s efficient.”
“I’m not having sex with you at 8pm every night just because it’s efficient. What -- are you going to break up that time too? 15 minutes for foreplay, 10 minutes for--"
He looks really mad now, his eyes alight. “That’s not what I mean! I’m saying that if we’re on the same wavelength – if we’re getting all our work done on time, then we can spend time together. That’s all! You're being way too difficult just for the sake of disagreeing with me.”
Yasmine frowns deeply. “Why don’t you adapt to my schedule then? I get all my work done too. I’ve got Saturday and Sunday’s open too – just like you.” From Harry’s expression, she exclaims, “See? It’s not about our time together. It’s about us sticking to your routine.”
Harry pinches the bridge of his nose. “We live together now. Don’t you think we should have some sort of rhythm? Be in sync?”
“That’s boring Harry!”
“Don’t you dare say efficient!”
“It is!” Harry stands, putting distance between them. “This is ridiculous, Yasmine. And you have no right to say that I’m only making you adapt to my way of living.”
“Why can’t we live my way?”
“Because you don’t have a way! You get up and you just make things up! I can’t do that. I want to have breakfast together, lunch together and dinner together. I don’t want to be eating alone while you’re working just because you didn’t want to finish everything before 6. This past week alone, we’ve yet to do anything but ask about each other’s day because when I’m working, you're not, and when you’re working, I’m done with everything. You see the problem?”
Now, Yasmine can handle Harry when he gets like this. She’s put up with him before – and she’d be lying if she said she doesn’t see his point. He wants to spend time together as a couple. And he’s figured out a great way to clear up time for himself. Now he wants her to follow his regimen.
But the thing that makes Yasmine get angry is his volume. He’s got no right to yell at her.
And, okay. He’s not really yelling. He’s just annoyed and getting his point across loudly. But, it’s too late.
“Clearly we’re not going to do anything together tonight so why don’t you just let me finish my work and then we’ll talk about this later.”
Harry grabs his dinner and starts to leave her office. “No, we won’t be talking about this because by the time you’re done, I’m going to be asleep!”
“Well maybe don’t sleep so early?” she snaps back.
“Why should I change my schedule to match yours?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you!”
“You don’t have a schedule!” Harry says, visibly trying to keep his head from exploding. “You do things whenever you feel like doing them. So whenever you realize you’re more than a roommate to me, find me.”
He shuts the door behind him, leaving Yasmine alone in the room.
Harry can hold a grudge.
Yasmine, as fiery as she can get, has harsh anger hangovers. Once her anger at Harry is gone, she goes to find him. Sure enough, it’s late and Harry’s already in bed.
So she gets ready for bed too. And when she slides in, she waits for Harry to say something. He must still be angry because he doesn’t say a word. Doesn’t even turn to give her a kiss.
Yasmine sighs to herself. He’s the one who never likes to go to sleep angry, so she inches closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder. “Harry.”
No answer.
He’s not wrong, but she’s not either. So she sits up and pokes his biceps hard to wake up just in case he’s already out. When he offers her nothing, she huffs and rolls her over him, looking at him sideways with half her body draped over his arm. 
“Hey.” She goes back to poking, this time on his face. “Hellooooooo.”
“What are you doing?” he grumbles, turning his face away. Yasmine finishes rolling over so she’s now on his side, looking up at him. She nearly tumbles off the side of the bed, but Harry’s quick arm on her waist prevents that.
"Yasmine," he hisses.
“Let’s talk about it.”
“I don’t want to. Go back to your side."
“Oh come on. No going to sleep angry, remember?”
“I’m not angry. I’m annoyed. We can definitely go to sleep annoyed. In fact, I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing."
“Hmm, no we can’t.” She tangles her legs with his. “Harry. Look. I understand what you’re saying. But I’m not going to apologize. I don’t think we’re that type of couple that needs to do everything together.”
“Not what I was saying but thanks for showing me you were listening."
She rolls her eyes. “I get that you want to spend time together, but don’t you think blocking out certain hours of the day is kind of ridiculous? It's so military."
"You get what I mean."
“Yasmine, if you had a 9 to 5 job, what time would we have to be together?”
“That’s not fair considering we don’t have 9 to 5s.”
“Say we did.”
“We’d have time after 5 and weekends.”
“Wouldn’t that be a schedule?”
“Well I don’t imagine we’d do something every day. I love you, but I do need to be away from you sometimes.”
Harry’s jaw tenses. He closes his eyes again. “Goodnight.”
“Hey wait, I didn’t mean it like that!” Yasmine laughs, throwing her arms around his neck. “I only mean that we’d get sick of each other.”
“I’d never get sick of you.”
“You’re saying that now but if we’re attached at the hip, then I’m totally sure–”
Harry’s eyes open and he grabs Yasmine’s face, tugging her close. “Never,” he says, voice deathly quiet. “I’d never get sick of you.”
She stops laughing, eyes wide. Something flutters in her chest. And…elsewhere too.
"Fine," she says, all breathily. "It would be a schedule, but only because we'd have no other option. We have flexibility as professors. We have more time, but more work load we bring home. It's not the same thing."
The hand on her waist tightens and suddenly she’s beneath him, his entire body hovering over hers. He lets go of her face, but leans down to kiss her instead. She holds him tight, her fingers tangled in his long curls that keep falling into their faces and tickling them.
“Harry,” she murmurs against his mouth. “Why are you so worried about us spending time together, hm?”
“I haven’t had a single meal with you all week, and I just remembered that you spent Sunday catching up on work, which is unfair because I forced myself to finish all my work so that I could have time for you. I don’t want to be the only one doing that.”
Yasmine sighs. “Harry, I’m not working just to avoid you.”
“I know that. And I know that us living together is enough for you. That sleeping and waking besides me is good, but it's not nearly enough for me.” Then, quietly, “I’m being petty about how you get your work done. But Yasmine, I didn't ask you to move together with me just so I could see you every day. I want a life with you." He traces her cheek gently, kissing the corner of her mouth. “And you’re right – we don’t have a 9 to 5 but is it so wrong for wanting to cut out a part of my day just for us? No talking about work. Just you and me, with a lot of this, preferably.” He kisses her again.
She's getting all mushy inside again. “It’s not wrong,” she whispers. “It’s not.” She wraps her legs around him, making him lean all her wait onto him. He holds his out against the mattress to stop himself.
“Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“No. Lay on me."
Harry does so, just for a total of five seconds until she’s gasping for air. Satisfied, she rolls out from under him and lets him lay comfortably. She straddles him then, bracing her hands on his chest. “Okay, let’s come to an agreement.”
Harry runs his hands up and down her thighs. “Let’s.”
“How about this: no talk of work after 7.”
“And I will try my best to finish all my work by then also, but in the event I cannot due to circumstances overlooked in your calendar, you have to leave me to finish up so that I can come back to you as quickly as possible.”
“Done. And on weekends, nobody works. Don't bring any of it home on Friday. Not even a mere word about it.”
“Unless absolutely necessary.”
He pins her with a stern look. “I’ll be the judge of those conditions.”
“Anything else, professor?” Yasmine grins knowingly down at him, drumming her fingers against his chest.
Harry pinches her side. “And I will be a little less annoying about the whole two date thing.”
“And I’m sorry that I’ve kind of neglected you all week.”
“Thank you.”
Yasmine blinks expectantly at him.
He says, “Oh, are you waiting for an apology from me?”
“That would be nice.”
“Is that right?” 
She feels a thrill rush up her spine. “I’d appreciate it.”
“Yeah? Would you, baby? Good to know.”
“Or you can make it up to me in a different way.”
He shrugs. “Sorry. It’s almost 10. I’m strictly a no-love-making-past-eight-pm kinda guy.”
Yasmine sighs. “What a shame. And to think I went through all this effort coming to bed without a bra or underwear on in hopes I’d get to–”
Harry sits up and wraps his arms around her, roughly pulling her down into bed. “C’mere.”
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dinosaurvalley · 3 months
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everyone is drawing everyone i think cuz its artfight but im too anxious for that so im just drawing random people's ocs for fun :')
aman (bonus bird) and yasmine from @yasminewestbank
juni from @juni-ravenhall
hunter and wizardegg from @doveshovel
niko and marie (bonus sep) from @foggy-milk
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