#oc; naerys targaryen
darkestspring · 4 months
Question during a battle would naerys/maeraga ride their siblings dragons or ride in with horse?
naerys/maegara have their own dragon actually! but they can also ride horses! they don't do it often though, preferring to be on their dragon.
maegara has a pitch black dragon with blue eyes that she made Calixis, his scales fall off sometimes, maegara keeps them since her big precious boy is shedding! she refuses to say which egg he came from and even the dragonkeepers are really confused. calixis tried to eat daemon once only to be persuaded out of it by maegara. calixis is hated by both vhagar and caraxes due to how much maegara coddles him.
naerys has a black dragon with purple eyes that he named aelyx, he rarely refers to her by her name, always calling her "my sweet girl" aelyx really only tolerates the dragonkeepers, she stands accused of trying to eat the dragonkeepers and she supposedly also ate a dragon egg but it's only hearsay.
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The evolution of Daeny's style pt 2, 8-10 yo 💜
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Our girl is officially in her daddy's girl era, though her clothes are still picked and inspired by Naerys. Now, we all know Aegon doesn't really go to many places other than the dinner table and the sack BUT when he does get around to meetings or anything else he brings Daeny with him, pulling her from her lessons, playdates and other activities to show her off and spoil her. Daeny is loving it and in her eyes, her father is like the most generous doting person in the world. How could she not? I mean, when your father says he "loves you like a son" that's a good thing...right?
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zoyazenik · 2 months
this took so long to make but i wanted you guys to see my new babies !!!
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nessjo · 3 months
Aemond Targaryen x Naerys Targaryen (OC)
This is a sneak peak of a possible story. This was inspired by The Borgias S3 E4
I changed the age of Royce Baratheon to fit the story
(537 words 2,773 characters)
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Naerys was sitting by her small table in her chamber, listening to her brother Aemond as he tells her the news of her marriage to Royce Baratheon, a man nearly twice her age and someone that likes to speak ill of every women, even the Kings youngest daughter.
"What perversion is this? You would put me on display," Naerys turned her head up to look at her brother with disgust in her eyes. "for every vile, lecherous creature to fondle himself to?" She couldn't hide her anger as she basically spat out every word.
"We had no choice, we need their support for Aegon's claim to the Throne." Aemond couldn't even look her in the face, he just kept staring at the floor in hopes to not see her expression.
Naerys sprang up from her seat and pushed Aemond hard, which made him do a big step back, so he wouldn't lose his balance.
"You weak, shameless, pitiful excuse." She was mere cm away from his face. "If I was a man, I would have run him through. I would have cut out his tongue, before I let him speak about my own sister in this way."
"It was for the good of the family. We had no choice." He tried to reason with her but without success, before he could react Naerys slapped him on the cheek with all the strength that she had.
"You had every choice!" Naerys screamed at her brother and started to hammer against his chest and it seems that with each word she spoke, her punches became stronger and stronger as she put all her frustrations in them. "Where is your honour?! Where is your strength?! Where is your love for me?!"
Aemond put his arms out in front of him to shield himself somewhat from her punches, he tried to grap her arms as she slowly broke down against his chest, wailing and crying hot tears and a broken "I love you!".
He locked his hands on each side of her cheeks as he pulled her into his own body. He kissed her to silence her, but this wasn't one of the normal kisses that these two usually shared. No, this was a desperated kiss, where both of them put all there frustration of the current situation in it, while Naerys still cried.
"I would have killed him where he stood." Aemond told her, as he pulled himself just enough away from her lips to speak his next words.
"I would have cut his heart out of his body. But I stayed my hand for the good of the family." He looked her into her from tears red and swollen eyes as he gently jet firmly shook her head as to prove his point as he pressed out every word.
His sister moved away from his arms to stand next to one of her windows while trying to gather her composure. She took a deep breath and turned to her brother.
"So the entire Keep is to watch me in bed, for the good of the family." Her face still trembling in disgust as she was on her way out of her chambers just to halt after a few steps.
(To be continued)
P.S.: please let me know, if you liked it and want to see more
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A New Hope
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pairing: Fanon!Daemon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: After the death of Valarr, Valaena seemed to have turned into a shell of herself. The plague was finally contained but she could not bring herself to leave King's Landing just yet.
Word count: 3,8K
Warnings: Mention of a dead child, fluff, angst?
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Valaena could hear the sound of pounding feet before she saw the group of white haired children come running into her solar. She placed her book to the side giving them her attention with a ghost of a smile, her smiles no longer reached her eyes like they used after Valarr's death a couple of moons back.
"Mother, Syrax has laid eggs" Aelor, her eldest and now only boy spoke excitedly. Rhaenyra was visiting King's Landing by the request of Daemon to help him with Valaena.
"Is that so? How exciting" She ran her finger through his hair, it has grown longer and reached the top of his shoulders. Valaena no longer saw colours unless she was with her children and Daemon, she felt like the world was useless now.
"Yes and one of them is so pretty too! It is a colour in between red and orange" Jaenera explained. Valaena chuckled lightly and pulled her daughter in for a hug. Naerys was still huffing from having to run to keep up with her siblings.
"Should you three not be in bed by now?" Their father's voice echoed around the room. Valaena looked at Daemon leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a playful glare on his face. The three children looked at each other before looking down guiltily.
"Kepa! Syrax had eggs" Naerys still too young to comprehend that her father was trying to scold them ran over to him and hugged his leg. Daemon leaned down and picked up his daughter placing her on his hip.
"Laid eggs not had" Daemon corrected. Naerys' lips pouted and she crossed her arms in front of her. Her speech was nowhere near perfect and she hated it.
"Whatever" She huffed turning to look at the wall behind her father. Daemon chuckled and placed a kiss to her forehead.
"Come on all of you to bed, let your mother rest" Daemon placed Naerys back down on the ground. Valaena has been a little ill lately, she had no energy and she could barely eat anything along with nausea. Daemon grew worried for her and he did not know if her body was still grieving or if she was ill for a different reason.
"Goodnight Kepa, Goodnight muña" Aelor kissed his mother on the cheek and walked over to his father. Daemon patted his son on the shoulder. Aelor grabbed a still pouting Naerys' hand and pulled her out of the room.
"Goodnight" Jaenera hugged her mother tightly before following after her siblings. Daemon closed the door behind his children wanting some privacy with his wife. He walked over to the couch she laid on with her legs tucked under her and a blanket over her lap.
"How are you feeling, ñuha gēlenka haired dārilaros?" My silver haired princess, his nickname for her since she was a child. Valaena held out her hand for him to take as he crouched down beside the couch and let her other hand push back some of his hair that had fallen from the tie.
"Better" She lied and she knew Daemon knew. He sighed leaning his forehead on her shoulder. After Valarr's death people tended to ask about Valaena, how she was doing, how was she faring and if she needed help seeming to forget that Daemon was his father as well. Valaena leaned her head on top of his listening the sound of his quickened breath trying not to break down in front of her.
"I miss him" She whispered. Her grip on his hand was tight as memories flooded her head, he was still a babe, small and tiny, he could not even raise his head up on his own. Daemon screwed his eyes shut, he did not get to see his son after he passed but she did. She had nightmares about it almost every single day and the days she does not it is because he would have the maesters make her tea to help her sleep.
"I miss him too" Daemon placed a kiss on her shoulder. He looked up at her teary eyes. Valaena pursed her lips trying to hold back her own tears. She leaned her forehead on his own, they were more broken than ever but closer than ever to one another.
For a whole moon after Valarr's death Valaena become like a rag doll, she refused to eat or sleep, she refused to move and stayed in one position on her bed with her knees to her chest. Daemon took it upon himself to bathe her, feed her himself until she grew some strength to do it on her own. She would sit in the tub for hours even after the water had turned ice cold and stare into the abyss as he sat behind her whispering in her ear. She would refuse to leave the tub while it was too hot because the pain grounded her and when it turned ice cold the shiver kept her mind off of her baby boy.
"I wish I was able to protect him better, I failed him as his father" He whispered. A tear rolled down his cheek only to be caught by Valaena's thumb. Her own tears started rolling down her face which irked her nausea. She pulled away from him and scrambled over to the pot in their room and emptied the content in her stomach, her dinner came out hot and burning her throat.
"Oh my love" Daemon followed her and held back her silver hair. She sighed in relief when the vomit stopped after her stomach was empty. She fell back on her bottom leaning against Daemon's chest breathing heavily.
"You must see a maester and let him examine you" Daemon mumbled against her hair. Valaena wanted nothing to do with them, they killed her baby boy. Many said she had gone mad after Valarr's death. After the funeral she attacked the maetser who was in charge of Valarr's health and was able to land a punch on his nose before Daemon pulled her away.
"You did not fail as a father" She changed the subject and went back to their previous one. Daemon looked down at her sprawled on the floor in one of her night dresses, hair loose in its original fluffy state not feeling like styling it. There were dark circles under eyes and she had grown thinner.
"You must be examined by a maester" Daemon insisted. He did not want to acknowledge her words, he needed to place the blame on someone and the weakest was himself.
"You did not fail as a father" She was just as stubborn as he was. Daemon stood off the floor and helped her to her feet. She looked at him with glassy eyes, whether it was from crying over their son or she grew teary eyes from the pain he did not know.
"If I had not bought him here he would still be among us" Daemon justified his self loathing. Valaena shook her head and wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling him down to her height.
"Then I am to blame as well for agreeing to come" She whispered burying her face in the space between his shoulder and neck. He buried his nose in her hair smelling the oils her handmaiden must had brushed through it. She would leave her room to go to two destinations, the library or to visit and ride Vermithor.
"If I accept to share the blame will you visit a maester?" Daemon asked tightening his grip around her waist. Valaena's body shuddered at the thought of the old men touching and squeezing her skin to find what was the matter with her and it almost made her hurl into the bucket again.
"Alright" She muttered. Daemon pulled away to look her in the eyes. She gave him a confirming nod that she will stand by her words. He smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead.
"Let us go to bed as well" Daemon leaned down and picked her up, frowning when he realised how much weight she actually lost. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked them over to the bed. Daemon decided not to mention it, self consciousness wa something he did not want to add to her list.
"Will you sleep with me?" She asked. Daemon had taken over the habit of leaving early in the morning to train with the golden cloaks.
"Of course, my love" He sat her down on the bed with a soft smile. He moved away to remove his tunic and trousers before joined her under the blankets with only his undergarments on. She cuddled up into his chest wanting nothing but to melt and sleep and never wake up ever again.
"Sleep, ñuha gēlenka haired dārilaros" He whispered into her hair. She sighed content with the comfort she received in his arms. His warmth surrounded her just right lulling her into sleep slowly. The sound of his heart slowing down below her ear caused shivers to run through her body as his hand kept running up and down her back even as his slumber began to take him hostage, his hand kept moving seeing her as his priority.
"I love you" She whispered eyes dropping. Her finger wrapped all the way around his waist pulling him as close to her body as possible.
"I love you too" He responded sounding like he was sleep talking. She closed her eyes and welcome sleep with open arms, her only relief from reality, even if it were only for a few hours before the nightmare began.
She always dreamed that she was with Valarr, either in the gardens or in her rooms. She would be singing the same lullaby her mother sang to her as a child to put her to sleep before a figure dressed in darker colours and his face not visible came over to snatch him from her arms ignoring her pleadings and screaming.
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Valaena stirred awake slowly. Her eyes shot open in surprise at the lack of dread in her bones and they sun shining into her eyes. She did not have a nightmare, she did not have her baby snatched from her arms last night.
"Good morning, my love" A deep and hoarse voice mumbled above her. She was laying on her stomach with her arms tucked under her pillow. She turned to find Daemon on his side with his arm around her waist and head laid as close to hers as possible on his pillow.
"Morning, husband" She stretched her limbs letting out a small squeak. Daemon chuckled a little and pulled her into his chest. They laid on their sides chest to chest in silence for a little while. Valaena could still hear the echo of Valarr's cries waking them up when he was still alive, demanding to be fed from her breast but now they were enveloped in total silence.
"Do you want me to accompany you to the maesters?" Daemon broke the silence first. Valaena groaned annoyed at the reminder of the promise she made the night prior. She buried her face into his chest seeking his comfort.
"No, I wish to go alone" Her voice sounded muffled against his chest. He hummed accepting her word and placed a kiss on her head. They laid like that for what felt like hours but was mere minutes before Daemon heard the sounds of footsteps approaching their room.
"The demons are coming" Daemon whispered against Valaena's hair. She pulled away to look up at him confused, cocking up her eyebrow. Daemon only smirked as their doors flew open and the sound of their eldest two arguing filled the silence.
"They are still asleep, we should not bother them" Jaenera hissed angrily at her older brother. Daemon winked at Valaena and closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. Valaena buried her face in his chest again trying to prevent a giggle.
"So what?" Aelor argued back. Jaenera huffed angrily, Daemon could hear a small thud, she must have hit him lightly.
"We must leave them to rest, they are not as young as us you twat" Jaenera argued. Daemon could hear Naerys giggling at her sister's words.
"Did you just call us old?" Daemon asked loudly turning to face his daughter who was stood on his side of the bed with her brother and sister. She let out a loud screech at his sudden words and stumbled back a couple of steps. Even Aelor jumped in shock pushing Naerys back into Jaenera's chest with his eyes wide. Naerys let out a small squeak hugging Jaenera around the waist and hid her face in her sister's midsection. Valaena giggled a little enjoying the light hearted moment her family was sharing. Daemon felt more at ease at the joyful sound leaving her lips.
"Kepa! I-" Jaenera cringed when Daemon glared at her. He pushed Valaena deeper into his chest to hide her giggled from their ears. Naerys turned her head to look at her father earning his attention and glare.
"You should be punished for those words, what do you think my love? Do you have any punishment in mind?" Daemon asked turning to look at Valaena. She composed herself and sat up on the bed with her own glare piercing through her daughter. She raised her hand and touched her chin acting as if she was thinking when an idea struck her. She leaned over to Daemon as he sat up and whispered in his ear. Jaenera gulped as her father's glare morphed into a smirk.
"The perfect punishment, my love" Daemon praised. He turned to look at Jaenera. She pushed Naerys away from her with a frown on her face what she did not expect was her father to leap off the bed and grab her around the waist. She let out a scream of surprise at when her back landed on the soft mattress. Her mother's fingers tickled her sides lightly.
"No!" She yelled squirming but unable to hold back the giggles leaving her lips. Daemon moved on to his next target and grabbed Naerys who screamed as if she was in real danger and grabbed at Aelor and pulled him with on the bed. Daemon immediately attacked their sides with his fingers. Valaena laughed as her daughter was able to escape her attacks and joined her father in attacking her brother and sister. Valaena wanted to stay in that moment forever if that were possible. Daemon pulled away from the children leaving Naerys and Jaenera to attack their older brother who was screaming and trying to push them away through his laughter. He turned to look at Valaena who was watching with a smile, the biggest smile he had seen on her face in the past couple of months.
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Valaena scowled as the old msn titled maester came into view. She had called them to her room not wanting to go to them, to the room they failed to save her son in. There was on maester and two midwives followed behind him.
"You requested us, your grace" The maester asked or more like stated.
"Yes, I have been feeling unwell lately and require your opinion and talents" Valaena answered, sarcasm lacing the last word. The maester winced at her harsh tone and turned to the midwives.
"What is it you are suffering from, your grace" The elderly woman asked.
"Nauseas, tired like I want to sleep the entire day and that is still not enough and some light pain in my abdomen" Valaena answered. The midwife stepped over listening to her words.
"May I?" The midwife asked reaching for Valaena's midsection. Valaena removed her hands from her lap and placed them beside her on the bed beside her. The midwife gave her a reassuring smile before touching her stomach and pressed, with a concentrated frown she moved her hand lower to the lower part of Valaena's stomach and pressed, gasping a little she moved her hand up and groped Valaena's breast.
"Ah" Valaena hissed swatting her hand away. The midwife chuckled a little.
"It is nothing to worry about just yet" The midwife backed a little. Valaena did not want to get her hopes up, she had her suspicions, of course she was not naive but after loosing Valarr she did not want to get attached to something new.
"Yet?" Valaena cocked her head to the side confused.
"You are with child, your grace, from the hardness of you belly and sensitivity of your breast I would recon at least three moons" The midwife answered. Valaena's hand wondered to her lower belly feeling the small bump herself. She never truly showed in her other pregnancy early so her monthly bleeding was her clue but she has not kept track as of lately.
"Do you have anything for the nausea?" She asked turning to the maester.
"Of course, your grace, I shall prepare it and send it with your handmaiden" The maester answered. Valaena nodded and looked down at her belly, she did not think she would be able to have more children after Valarr, many said that grief turned mothers barren sometimes.
"Thank you, that was all" Valaena dismissed them. They left her alone to begin wandering, will her child be a boy or a girl? Will they have her silver hair or like their siblings will inherit their father's more whitened hair. Will they have their father's violet eye colour or her lilac.
Her head snapped up when the doors to her room opened. A smile graced her features when she saw Rhaenyra stick her head in followed by the rest of her body. She was swollen with her third child from 'Leanor' or more like Ser Harwin Strong.
"Nyra!" Valaena could not help but jump at her sister excitedly. Rhaenyra let out a small squeak falling in Valaena's crushing hug.
"What got you in such a good mood? I heard the maester paid you a visit and grew worried" Rhaenyra pulled to look at her sister. She almost believed that the maester has giver Valaena something from the way she was acting.
"I am with child, Nyra" Valaena had a little jump in her step as she pulled Rhaenyra further into the room. Rhaenyra gasped shocked and immediately pulled Valaena in for a hug.
"Oh my sweet sister, I am so happy for you" Rhaenyra felt her own eyes fill with tears, she thanked the gods for allowing her sister some happiness after all she went through.
"I cannot wait" Valaena jumped in the hug. Rhaenyra let out a small laugh pulling away. Valaena was a woman grown with three healthy children yet still acted like a small child.
"Have you told Daemon?" Rhaenyra asked. Valaena shook her head, Daemon was with their children at the Dragonpit, he had insisted to teach them himself.
"I have not had the time, I will try tonight" Valaena answered. And the night seemed to taunt her and did not come fast enough. Valaena organized for supper in her solar for her family.
Daemon and the kids came in to the room with loud laughter and chaos. Valaena grinned as her youngest came running over to her arms wide open. Valaena picked up up again and kissed her cubby cheeks.
"What has gotten you in such a good mood, wife?" Daemon asked. His grin matched her own seeing her much happier than the day before and even more than the morning, her eyes had a spark to them and her smile showed her pearly white teeth.
"Soon" Was all she said. She placed Naerys in her chair between Aelor and her. Daemon sat beside her with Jaenera on his other side and in a perfect circle they bagan eating their food. Aelor inhaled his food more than ate it like a normal food and washed it down with water, Valaena refused to give her children wine before their ten and six name days, they were still too young.
"So tell me, what did you do in the dragonpit?" Valaena asked filling Naerys's plate with some rice and chicken pieces and potatoes. Naerys clapped her hands happily as the plate was placed in front of her ready to make a mess out of it like any normal three years old would do.
"We trained our high Valyrian with father and the dragons" Jaenera answered excitedly. Valaena chuckled now filling her own plate.
"I got to command Lyrax and he obeyed me" Aelor stopped his eat to boast proudly puffing out his chest. Daemon chuckled reaching over to sip his wine amused.
"Yes only after you yelled Dracarys like seventy times" Jaenera rolled her eyes. She hated having the spotlight stolen from her. She swung her legs back forth as Aelor glared at her.
"Did not" Aelor defended slamming his fist down on the table angrily glaring at his younger sister.
"Did too"
"Did not"
Did too"
"Did not"
"Enough, children" Daemon called louder than them both. Jaenera huffed and turned to drink from her goblet of water. Aelor glared back at her and shoved a chicken stick in his mouth and ripped the meat off aggressively.
"More like three times" Daemon said. Aelor smirked at Jaenera who rolled her eyes.
"Suvion still doesn't listen to you" Aelor jabbed. Jaenara kicked under the table angrily.
"Stop you two" Valaena hissed. Jaenara leaned back crossing her arms defeated. Aelor shrugged and resumed eating.
"The maester visited me after you left" Valaena said turning to look at Daemon. He placed his wine goblet on the table awaiting for her to resume.
"I am with child" She grinned widely. Daemon's breathing ceased for a second at the information. Jaenera squealed forgetting all about her fight with Aelor and scrambled to hug her mother. Naerya giggled kicking her legs wildly.
"Truly mother?" Aelor questioned pushing his chaor back like Jaenera and made his way over to them. Valaena nodded her head tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Aelor wrapped his arms around his mother and sister tightly giggling.
"Children" Valaena pulled away from them. Her eyes never leaving Daemon's who was still staring at her and their children. The moved back to their seats leaving only space between the couple.
"A child?" Daemon asked dumbfounded. She nodded giggling. She grabbed his hand and placed it over her lower stomach. His hand curled a little fingertips feeling the small bump there.
"That is wonderful news my love" Daemon leaned over capturing her lips with his own. she laughed against his lips as his fingers tickled her sides.
"Our new hope" She whispered moving her hand atop his own. Daemon nodded his head kissing her forehead.
"Are you both done? I think I'm going to vomit my supper if you resume so" Jaenera burst there bubbled with a glare on her face.
"Do you always have to run your mouth?" Aelor glared at her. She stuck her tongue out at him. Valaena was quite content with her family giggling to the unending banter between her eldest two children. She wanted to stay like this forever having fun with her children and in Daemon's arms.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 11 months
What Princess Daeny Targaryen would wear
October 25th
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a-song-for-ages · 1 year
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I do believe it would be an understatement to say that :
Naerys allowed herself to be swayed a little with regards to how her hair was done, once she was married to her husband, and found herself mostly in the company of her Velaryon/Targaryen cousin's, and her Targaryen half-sister.
She had taken to wearing more pearls in the nets that kept her hair together, and threads of silver had kept the rest of her hair tied together in a bubbled rope, down her back.
She still braided the front of her hair on the crown of her head, as she always did back when she lived under the roof of her mother, remembering her and wondering if she hated her more so, now that she was gone... or if she missed her, a little, in her absence.
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alicent-boleyn · 7 months
the wedding
Word count: 893 words
SUMMARY: Berenice convinces Rhaena to listen to her heart, 168 AC.
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Despite being the same age as Rhaena, Berenice has found that they do not share much in the way of, well, anything. Sure, they may both be faithful worshippers of the Seven, but there was something of a flavor of dogmatic vehemence in Rhaena's piety that Berenice wanted to hold at a firm distance. She could not say what trait of hers similarly repelled Rhaena, only that their shared upbringing and cloistering in the Maidenvault did not have the effect of bringing them closer.
They were let out on certain occasions, mostly to attend court functions and services at the sept, and today, they were allowed to attend Daeron's wedding to Princess Myriah Martell. No one could deny they were pleased at the prospect. Daena was particularly excited for the occasion, as it meant several successive days out of the same four walls they've been trapped behind for nearly a decade. Of course, they had to sit through hours and hours of sermons at the ceremony, but even Blessed Baelor the Beloved could not stop the feasting and dancing and jousting that accompanied a royal wedding.
Berenice felt the music twirl around her, like clouds of smoke, Dornish guitars and flutes and hurdy-gurdies coming together to make sounds that were joyful, if not totally pleasant. Even Princess Naerys, still weak from the birth of her daughter Daenerys, swayed in her seat to the happy rhythm. She was glad to see her cousin enjoying her son's wedding, since the rest of life had been treating her so ill. She usually dressed in pale, nearly white clothes, but today, she wore red and black and gold, gold, gold. Her clothes almost overpowered her; the woman faded into the background, while the dress, beaded and embroidered and trimmed to excess, seemed to act on its own. Half dead already, it seemed fit that Naerys occupied her clothes like a ghost in a keep.
Strong wine flowed freely, and though she drank only half her glass, it was more than she had had in a very long time. The sound and the alcohol and her own discomfort with crowds made her leave the Great Hall for the gardens. (Since when did she hate crowds? She was never like this before Baelor.)The garden was lit sparsely, Berenice made her way by the light of a few lanterns and the nearly-full moon. Approaching the old weirwood, she saw Rhaena sitting at its roots.
“Cousin!” She said, mindful of her volume. The gods of the weirwood were not her gods, but nonetheless she knew better than to disregard them completely.
“Berenice,” Rhaena replied. “What brings you here?”
“The same as what brought you here, I'll reckon.” She sat beside her. Out of the folds of her skirt, Rhaena produced an orange and began to peel it. Watching the leaves dance in front of the moon, they shared the slices. Berenice felt a little bad, not having anything to provide for their little feast. Rhaena did not try to make conversation, and so neither did Berenice. When they finished, they sat silent for a moment, and Berenice grabbed her cousin's sticky hand and held it.
Rhaena opened her mouth, “Do y-”
“Wh-” Berenice started. They had both tried to speak at the same time. Berenice nodded and let the other woman go first.
“Do you ever think, sometimes, that being a princess is more trouble than it's worth?” She was barely above a whisper.
“Yes, much more than sometimes. Do you remember when I came to court?” Rhaena nodded in agreement. “I know I was terribly disagreeable that first year, sullen, cross with everyone and everything. But I had not been raised to be the niece of a king, or cousin or what have you. I was raised to be a holy Sister, I cannot wear the mantle of Princess with any comfort.”
At this, Rhaena's brow furrowed. “How do you do it then? How do you keep going when you find your position so… untenable?”
Berenice flicked her gaze to the sky, then back to her cousin. “Because I know I have a way out. I remember Rhaella, daughter of Rhaena, and Maegelle, daughter of Jaehaerys, and Celia, the Mother at the house which raised me and the mother of my heart.” Just a hint of hope dawned on Rhaena's face. This seems to have been the right thing to say.
“For a long time now, I have felt a… a certain something in my heart, a longing only satisfied when I enter the Sept, and breath in the incense, and feel the pages of the Seven-Pointed Star whisper between my fingers.” Rhaena sighed, “I… I know what the gods are telling me, but I don't know that I have the strength to answer their call.”
Berenice squeezed her cousin's hand. “Baelor will support you in this, you know he will, and besides, becoming a Septa doesn't mean you have to leave us quite so soon, not until after your permanent vows. The only difference between following your soul's desire now and following it later is the amount of heartache in between.”
A lull fell between them as they contemplated each other's words. The two women turned to the stars, letting the echo of the music inside be washed away by the wind and the rustling leaves and their heartbeats.
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asoulofstaars · 2 years
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in which julia makes gifs for her friends ☆゚ ↳ lilac by @stellargios
Trying to explain her love for Jaime felt like trying to hold water in her hands. Impossible, infuriating, and—in the end—an entirely futile effort. How could she possibly convey in words what it was to love him? How could she ever make Dany understand? Naerys knew that she loved Jaime in the same way that she knew she needed to breathe air in order to live. Loving him had been her lifeline for so long that even after all that had happened between them and the hurt they’d brought one another, Naerys couldn’t unlove him even if she tried—and she had tried.
But her sister had asked for an explanation, so she would do her best to find the words to describe it. “I loved Jaime Lannister the very first day that I met him…”
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selenessology · 2 months
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Rhaenyra and Naerys
-made something for mother and daughter :)
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the twin fawns, the roses, nothing lives long. i feel you, phantom touch, although you're far - i hear you, i taste your blood, i haven't had enough.
naerys & aemond targaryen by @delicateweapon
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darkestspring · 7 months
I just think about the pride Daemon has over Naerys, but I feel like this would be multiplied by a thousand if he raised the little dragon child (assuming Naerys was born from the dragon egg Daemon stole)
as if daemon was filling his mouth by saying "naerys is my offspring, my pride and greatest example of virility, my blood and life, no blood will ever be as pure as that of my firstborn, he is a magnificent descendant of the god aegarax and the only one worthy to sit on the iron throne" HE SAYS ALL THAT WHILE HOLDING THE SLEEPING BABY ON HIS CHEST, Daemon always has him tied to his chest to have his hands free in case he has to fight
The others are fed up with Daemon, Viserys is jealous because that was supposed to be his child, Rhaenyra is about to kidnap Naerys, Otto wants to exile Daemon and Alicent prays that baby Naerys will not be the same as Daemon when he grows up
daemon holds naerys up lion king style and naerys just yawns, showing off his very impression baby fangs. he settles in with daemon fairly easily, sleeping against his chest soundly as everyone just glares daggers at daemon.
he genuinely treats naerys as if he birthed that baby but he also keeps the shell of the egg that he hatched from.
(in earlier rendition of naerys/maegara's lore, i had them be born out of the egg that daemon stole but later on i changed it to, vhagar and caraxes have an egg together and from that egg hatched naerys/maegara)
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The evolution of Daeny's style pt 1: around 5-8 yo + a little bit of oddly specific backstory 🩵
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Daeny Targaryen was born early 173 AC during a surprise cold spell in King's Landing. She'd cry nonstop, hours at a time, every day for months, especially if being held. She walked before she crawled but her favorite form of travel was hopping...everywhere. She didn't talk for her first 2 1/2 years but would constantly mimic animals sounds and people's expressions. Her first word was a blunt "ew" directed to Rhaegel who had sneezed on her. She promptly shoved him away.
As a child she was very much attached to her mother and would follow her everywhere and liked dressing up like her. Her seven pointed star necklace is actually something she borrowed from her mother and Naerys ended up just letting her have it. The necklace would go on to become Daeny's most prized possession. She had always been a picky eater but there was a point in time where the only thing she would eat was tomatoes...for almost a year... She'd eat them for all three meals. Once, her septa tried to get her to eat something else, strawberries, one of her favorites... Daeny sat there 5 hours refusing. Her septa never tried again. She only stopped when she bit into a particularly bad one and it made her sick...she wouldn't eat another tomato for 4 years.
...very child me coded ngl
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kingsroad · 2 years
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for @lustyargonianmaid.
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lady-nightinggale · 1 year
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Naerys Targaryen
| Eldest twin sister of Visegar Targaryen, Eldest Daughter of Aemond Targaryen and Naerehna Aergaeron |
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Naerys had been born with the traditional Targaryen silver-gold hair same as her father but had inherited the same icy blue eyes of her mother. Naerys was considered by lords and ladies around as a wild child, bold and daring and proud. She was noted as quick to Anger and slow to forgive, similar to that of her father. Tall and Lithe at the age of 16, the young girl had been an avid dragon rider and much rather preferred riding through the sky on her beloved dragon Daemamyx than political rambles or simple embroidery.
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Free to Feel Pain
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pairing: Fanon!Daemon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: No one will understand the pain Valaena Targaryen is feeling, except one person, her husband and uncle Daemon Targaryen, the father of her children one whom they lost and mourn.
Word count: 3,0K
Warnings: Loss of a child, curse words, crying, Angst, mentions of boobies, incest
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Valaena did not mind that she was her father's second daughter, she did not mind that her father loved her elder sister more because she had someone else to love her, her uncle Daemon. Every since she was a small child he was there by her side comforting her and teaching her.
Valaena found herself falling for her uncle as time flew by and she grew older and more beautiful. Valaena will never forget the day her uncle found her hiding under her bad when she was merely five name days old, she was crying in pain after some court lady mocked her for not having a dragon. Rhaenyra tried to comfort her sister as much as she could but she was the heir after all and she was needed elsewhere. Daemon noticed the lack of his niece that day when she failed to show to their Valyrian lesson and he set off in search of her. Ever since that day Daemon made sure to make it clear that whoever mentions the fact that Valaena had no dragon anywhere in front of her will be beheaded even against the will of their king and Valaena's father, Viserys.
As Valaena grew it was almost impossible for Daemon to hide his attraction towards his niece. Valaena cried the day his marriage to Lady Rhae was announced fearing his departure however now that was a mere memory after almost ten years of marriage. Valaena was over the moon when her father allowed them to marry in the ways of old Valyria. She designed her dress herself and wore it wit pride and she barely flinched at the touch of the blade.
Daemon adored his niece and that everyone knew so when Valaena fell pregnant merely five moons after their marriage no one was shocked. Daemon's attraction only grew with their child in her belly. Valaena used to sit in the room prepared for their child and read books of old Valyria to her belly. More than once Daemon would catch her in that position. Daemon was there with her when her labours started, he sat behind her supporting her weight when she could not anymore, he was the first person to hold their baby boy after the maester.
Aelor was the name the couple chose for their son. Daemon sat with Valaena for hours in their bed staring at the bundle in her arms created from love. That was when Daemon uttered that word for the first time, he expressed his love for his niece/wife and their son. Valaena cried in relief that her feeling were mutual. The couple cuddled with their son and spent days in that position.
Daemon was so proud of his small family that by the second week of Aelor's birth he sat atop Caraxes with Valaena chained in front of him and Aelor strapped protectively against her body as they flew to king's landing for their son to meet Viserys his grandfather/uncle.
Ever since Valaena has given birth to three more children, Jaenara their second born and first daughter, only two years younger than Aelor. The came their third child Naerys, their second daughter with mismatching eyes like Daemon's mother, she was three years younger than Jaenera. Lastly came Valarr, their second son who was only three moons old.
Valaena was content with her life and enjoyed every second she spent with her family. Daemon enjoyed sitting in front of the fire in their chamber with their children around them as he told them stories of the wars he fought and sometimes stories of his and their mother's youthful days. Jaenera and Naerys enjoyed the latter more while Aelor preferred the war stories.
Much to Valaena's relief Aelor's egg hatched when he was still a babe at four moons old, his dragon was as dark as the night sky yet he was not black, if you look close enough you would see the dark blue in his scales and when he flew under the sun his scales showed the colour proudly, Aelor chose the nam Lyrax for his dragon when he was five years of age and hearing about his cousin, Rhaenyra's dragon.
Jaenera's egg hatched when she was only days old and her dragon was of white colour, it was a beautiful dragon that many envied. He was not only beautiful but rapidly growing, he was bigger than a six years old dragon should look. Jaenera was able to ride him when she reached her fifth name day much to Valaena's horror, that night she cuddled her daughter in her sleep begging her as she slept to never do that ever again until she mastered the art of dragon riding, much to Daemon's amusement and that night he also whispered reassurances in his wife's ear that nothing will happen to their baby girl as long as he lived. Only recently did Jaenera name him Suvion, which meant ice in Valyrian.
Naerys's dragon took her time to hatch when Naerys was two name days old, now she was nowhere near Suvion or Lyrax being only a year old but her beautiful purple scales attracted much attention when she flew alongside Lyrax, Suvion and Caraxes, the four dragons were mostly seen with each other feeling their riders emotions and love for one another. One time Jaenera was mad at Aelor when he accidentally ripped her favourite dress, Suvioin refused to be anywhere near Lyrax for a whole week after that just like Jaenera refused to be anywhere near Aelor for a week.
Valaena and Daemon regret now visiting king's landing after Valarr's birth. Unfortunately during their visit a plague spread throughout the capital, it was called the red plague because it would make it's victims vomit blood the first week of their infection then coughing would follow, the symptoms would become worse each passing day that by the tenth day the victim would not be able to keep a singular bite food in their belly and would die from both starvation and pain.
"Help him, please" Valaena begged the maester watching as her baby boy of only three moons moaned in pain as he wiggled in his cot. He was as pale as a sheet of paper. Daemon wrapped his arm around her waist keeping her close fearing her going anywhere near their infected son, he could not handle losing both of them at the same time.
"We are doing our best princess" The old maester bowed his grey haired head. Valaena wanted to scream and shout with each pained cry her son let from his small body. She wished it was her who has been infected, the plague was merciless and killed young children along adults but it would be less painful if it were her dying not her son. Valarr had so much to live for, his egg still hasn't hatched in his crib and Daemon feared now that it never will.
"Your best is not enough" Valaena surprised even herself for her harsh words, she was never one for such harshness.
Daemon tightened his grip on his wife as she tried to step over to their son. She wanted to comfort him as his little mouth opened as he coughed and a little drop of blood dripped down his chin, he had lost so much weight, the rolls Valaena loved so much were slowly disappearing.
"Come my love" Daemon whispered in her ear as he tried pulling her out of the room. Valaena tried to fight but soon her body betrayed her and she slumped against Daemon's chest with tears streaming down her face. Daemon made her stop feeding their son from her own breast in fear of her catching the plague, neither of them knew where their son had caught the plague from.
"Shhh, my silver haired princess, I've got you" Daemon whispered in her ear holding her weight up for her. Valaena sobbed against his chest feeling weak, she was unable to help her own child, her blood.
"I feel so useless" Daemon confessed to Viserys one day as they sat together in the gardens watching as Jacaerys and Lucaerys tried lighting Jaenera and Naerys's mood while Aelor was letting his frustration out duelling some knight and he was showing talent even at eight name days.
"You are not useless, Daemon. You are no god to prevent plagues" Viserys reassured patting Daemon's shoulder. His words did nothing to comfort the distressed father. A scream broke out from the open window in one of the palace rooms, Daemon will recognise this scream anywhere and anytime, it was Valaena. Daemon wasted no time running back to the castle trusting Viserys and Rhaenyra to care for the rest of his children.
Daemon paused at the doors of Valarr's room where Valaena sat in the middle on her knees hugging a tiny blanket. Valarr was no longer in his cot and there were no maesters in the room anymore, there was only Valaena and her handmaiden, Emilia. Emilia was standing in the corner with a hand covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face.
No one needed to say what had happened for Daemon to understand what was happening. He shook his head not accepting the reality, he had hoped and prayed for the first time in his life for his son. He kneeled down beside Valaena who had her face buried in the blanket. He touched her back as lightly as he possibly could but her head still snapped up so their eyes could meet.
"H-he was not b-breathing" Valaena whispered. Daemon closed his eyes trying to stop the images of his son's body from flashing in his mind, he had not witnessed it but he mind was cruel enough to plaster an image of his baby boy's body in his cot unmoving wide eyes with blood dripping down his tiny mouth as his eyes starred emotionlessly at the ceiling.
Daemon had no words so he only wrapped an arm around Valaena letting her collapse against his chest screaming for her youngest son. Daemon and Valaena stayed in the room for hours holding each other. For the first time in many many years Daemon shed tears but his them in the croak of Valaena's neck. Eventually he had enough strength to pull her out of the room and into their own and laid her in their bed. He held her throughout the night, neither knew when they fell asleep holding onto each other still crying not wanting to face anyone and the reality of their son's death.
Valaena was the firs tone to wake up with her back to Daemon while he held her close to his chest. She got out of the bed and walked over to the window cursing the baring sun as it shined bright in the sky. Valaena changed her clothes into a black dress feeling like all the colours meant nothing now, there symbols of happiness and she was no longer happy. She wanted to get away from this wretched place. She braided her hair to get it out of her face and left the room leaving Daemon asleep with blood shed eyes.
She sneaked through the secret passaged Daemon once showed her in her teenage years. She stepped out into the forest where she was completely alone. She took a deep breath of the fresh air when the reality crashed down on her for the first time that day and tears streamed down her face again, she hiked up her dress and ran, she wanted to run away from the capital. She ran as if there was a great bear running after her, like The Stranger himself was after her after he had taken her baby boy from her.
Daemon woke up feeling annoyed with the sun shinning on him. He reached over to Valaena's side to find it empty. His heart dropped to his stomach and he sat up wide eyed searching for her in the room but there was no evidence of her anywhere. Daemon pushed the blanket off his body, his bare feet padded down on the stone floor as he ran out of the room. His guard followed after him without question. Daemon ran into Valarr's room and found on maids cleaning it, then he ran to his other children's room and found all three in their beds asleep still.
"Where is the princess?" Daemon asked finally. His guard had no answer and looked down in shame. Daemon felt fear creep into him, what if she has done something to herself? What if she was hurt? What ifs ran through his mind as the whole castle woke up to his screams demanding them find his wife. He could not lose her too, Valarr was more than enough.
Valaena stopped running when she reached a clearing in the middle of the forest, she had no idea where she was or how far from the castle she was. Her chest heaved as she fell to her knees. her hands hurst as they fell on stones on the floor. Her head was hung low as sobs left her lips. She felt like her heart was being ripped out of her, she blamed herself for not protecting her baby. she blamed herself for suggesting they visit her father. She blamed herself for the pain she was causing Daemon and her children.
The sound of flapping wings did not disturb her nor the sound of a large body landing a couple of yards away from her. She was too deep into her screams and pain to realise. Something nudged her head making her look up and through her blurry vision she saw the huge head of a dragon she recognised form images in the books. She gasped in shock and fear falling back onto her back and looked up at the dragon, Vermithor did not back away from her and kept staring down at her, he let out a huff nudging her knee. Valaena felt compelled as she raised her hand slowly not even thinking of the consequences if the dragon decided to make her a meal. She let out a small gasp at the feeling for Vermithor's scales under her hand. The big dragon pushed against her hand lightly.
Daemon watched as Aelor held Jaenera and Naerys as they cried wanting their mother. He was going crazy and his only comfort right now was Rhaenyra as she took lead in ordering the guards around to her sister's favourite locations around the keep. Daemon looked out at the sky watching as Caraxes flew around anxiously feeling his rider's emotions however Viserys forbade Daemon from leaving the castle in fear of the plague which made Daemon want to rip his brother in half and right now he was thinking of a way to escape and search for his love on his own.
"Shhh, we will find her soon" Rhaenyra picked up Naerys who was only three name days old and held her as she cried. She herself was very worried and was trying to remember anything about her sister that could help with the search.
Valaena picked herself up and moved around the dragon, he pushed his shoulder down giving her leverage to climb up and onto his back. Valaena whispered lightly in Valyrion for him to obey and her answer was only a huff of air. She leaned forward and held his scales having to saddle or chains to hold her to him. She whispered one singular word, fly. Vermithor obeyed and pushed off the ground making it shake and some trees fell over from the force as he took to the sky.
Valaena would trade having a dragon of her own for her son's life but it seems the gods were cruel to do the opposite and gave her her desire of a dragon only after her son's death.
Daemon's jaw slacked as he watched Vermithor land on a hill not far away, it was where the funeral of his son was to take place in a couple of hours. His eyes did not leave the figure atop the beast, her silver hair in a braid behind her back. He walked carefully over to the hill eyes not leaving the huge beast as he leaned his head down. Daemon kneeled down beside the beast showing his respect. The rest of the family joined the couple wide eyed and shocked, Aemond Targaryen however watched in hope that one day he himself would get a dragon of his own just like his older sister.
Valaena descended down from the great beast and over to her husband. She was not ashamed as tears ran down her eyes whens he caught a glimpse of her son's tiny corpse ready to be burned to ashes. She placed a hand on Daemon's cheek which he closed his eyes to enjoy. He rose up from his position and towered over her which she never was intimidated by and never will be.
"I am proud of you, wife" Daemond whispered for only her ears to hear. she gave him a watery smile. The two walked over to where their children stood beside Rhaenyra, their aunt and cousins. Valaena refused to meet anyone's gaze except those of her dragon.
"Dracarys" She said steadily knowing this has to be done. Vermithor wailed feeling his rider's pain before blowing his fire on the small corpse. Daemon held Valaena to his chest as they watched the fire eat their child away. Valaena will never forgive herself and neither will Daemon, as they stood their they each blamed themselves for the death of their baby boy. Neither wanted to admit it just yet but they both would blame themselves for the rest of eternity.
Valaena took Naerys from Rhaenyra and held her close feeling fear consume her for the rest of her children. Aelor and Jaenera hugged their parents around the waist as the family said their final goodbyes to their son/brother in silence.
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