#naerys targaryen x jaime lannister
asoulofstaars · 2 years
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in which julia makes gifs for her friends ☆゚ ↳ lilac by @stellargios
Trying to explain her love for Jaime felt like trying to hold water in her hands. Impossible, infuriating, and—in the end—an entirely futile effort. How could she possibly convey in words what it was to love him? How could she ever make Dany understand? Naerys knew that she loved Jaime in the same way that she knew she needed to breathe air in order to live. Loving him had been her lifeline for so long that even after all that had happened between them and the hurt they’d brought one another, Naerys couldn’t unlove him even if she tried—and she had tried.
But her sister had asked for an explanation, so she would do her best to find the words to describe it. “I loved Jaime Lannister the very first day that I met him…”
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fairyv-ice · 4 years
Ever been so depressed that you watch game of thrones season 8 episode 4 ? Yah me too.
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dreamerwithapen1 · 4 years
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when fire meets fate: Season 1
From the second Naerys Targaryen was born into this world, only moments after Viserys, her role in life was decided. She was to be wed to her twin brother, and while he ruled from the Iron Throne, she would raise their children. She was to be a wife to a cruel king who could use her as he pleased, and a mother to his many heirs. Nothing more. She would live as her namesake did- miserable until the day she died. 
Even after their father and brother were slain and they and their sister, Daenerys, were exiled, it appeared that that would remain her role in life if Viserys had any say in it- though the next seventeen years proved much more difficult than he anticipated. ‘The Beggar King’ they called him. ‘The Next Mad King’ is what they should have named him. As the years went on and their situation grew worse, Viserys became more and more cruel and obsessed with becoming king. And through it all, Naerys remained the weak, docile creature that he thought her to be. The hateful words, his harsh hands, his vile actions, she accepted them as they came. As long as it kept him from turning his attention to Daenerys, she would gladly endure it. And throughout it all, she continued to hide from him the dragon that slumbered within her, the cunning thoughts that ran through her mind, and the knights of his whose loyalties she possessed. 
Yes, her life had been determined the moment she was born- and it had withered and died the moment her father was slain. The Mad King’s death gave birth to a new life for her; all she had to do was reach out and grasp it. But she knew how to be patient, and she waited for the right time to present itself. And that time came in the form of the leader of the Dothraki. Daenerys’ marriage to Khal Drogo was the opening that both sisters needed in order to get out from under Viserys’ shadow. 
The fall of the Beggar King would give rise to the Drakaina.
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Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond​ @ocfairygodmother​ @foxesandmagic​ @bravelittleflower​ @darkwolf76​ @darling-stories​ @ochub​
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chris-evans · 7 years
talk to me about your favourite ships/characters
My favorite characters:
(1) Arya Stark- She’s my precious baby girl. I love her with all my heart and she’s the apple of my eye and moon of my life.
(2) Catelyn Stark- I’m basically totally Littlefinger when it comes to her. I am so in love with Catelyn. She’s literally the hottest, most bad-ass woman in all of the ASOIAF verse.
(3) Eddard Stark- I love him so much. I can honestly not write enough about how much Ned Stark means to me.
(4) Jaime Lannister- I love him so so so much. Jaime is my favorite ASOIAF pov to read. I’m rooting for him to finally get his chance at honor.
(5) Daenerys Targaryen- My feelings for Daenerys are extremely conflicting and complex, but so is she. I have an immense amount of respect for her and I cannot wait for her to come back to Westeros.
My favorite ships:
(1) Jon x Arya- They’re my OTP.  I love the way they yearn for each other. I can’t wait for them to be reunited. My wish is that they both live and never have to part ever again.
(2) Jaime x Brienne- I love so so so much about them. They have so much respect for one another. I’m pretty sure I lost it when Jaime said “You are speaking of a high born lady. I will hear you say her name, ser.”
(3) Aemon x Naerys- Their story is so beautiful and sad. I really hope that they consummated their love.
(4) Cersei x Taena- Just because I’m trash for good lesbian smut.
(5) Robb x Margaery- They’re hot and powerful lol
(6) Arya x Jaqen- I’m into them fooling around.
I have a couple of more, but I don’t want to be judged for them lol.
Thanks for the ask, anon
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
There are so many similarities between Viserys ii and Tywin Lannister.
Both their mother died when they were young.
Loved their wives a lot, who either left them of died.
Became stern after this. Though tywin was always stern.
Had 3 kids - 1 daughter and 2 sons.
Both were poor fathers. We know about tywin, but Viserys had no concern for Naerys when he forced her to marry Aegon.
Both their son's joined kingsguard.
Both were Hands by the age of 20 and very good at it. De facto rulers.
What say you popcorn?
Hi there! 🤗
I must confess I am not a fan of parallels, or of saying this character is just like that character. On the one hand, if that was the case, George would be doing a pretty bad job as a writer by giving us characters that are redundant, or copies of each other. On the other hand, most parallels that people use are so weak and general that they can apply for any two characters (e.g., has their house's look, has a son/daughter named X, had X children, loved to fly, had a paramour, lost their mother...).
Here let me show you how easy it is by showing you the "parallels" between Daemon and his son Aegon III. There are quite a lot of them.
Both married a Targaryen and a Velaryon woman (i.e., Laena and Rhaenyra; Jaehaera and Daenaera).
Both had three daughters and two sons (i.e., Baela, Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, and Visenya; Daeron, Baelor, Daena, Rhaena, and Elaena).
Both lost their mothers when they were young.
Both were sons of a very famous prince (i.e., Baelon Targaryen “The Spring Prince” and Daemon Targaryen “The Rogue Prince).
Both had a brother named Viserys with whom they were close in their childhood (such closeness in their adult years was only maintained between Aegon III and his brother).
Both had two sons that became kings (i.e., Aegon III and Viserys II; Daeron I and Baelor I).
Both had their claim at one point challenged by a woman, and both later married that woman (i.e., Rhaenyra and Jaehaera).
Both had a very unfortunate and unhappy arranged first marriage (Daemon with Rhea Royce and Aegon III with Jaehaera Targaryen).
Both were skilled fighters.
I can even add, both were dragonriders, and Targaryens on both sides.
See? Quite a lot of things, but do they matter? Are they deep? I would say no, they aren’t. I used Daemon and his son but I could have easily picked other characters. And I will challenge anyone right here and now to send me characters for me to draw parallels between them. This is juts to show how pointless most parallels are. 
Now are they all irrelevant? No. I believe George himself has compared Dany to Aegon the Conqueror, and their parallels are relevant, and go deeper than irrelevant things that really say very little if anything about two characters. This to say I don’t hate or dislike every two parallels, I just started to grow a deep distaste for them when I start seeing dumb things like:
“Culinary skills”, “Son named Joffrey”, “Loved to Fly” I die a little on the inside.
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Comparing now the parallels between Tywin and MVP Viserys.
Both their mother died when they were young. - This is true of such a great list of characters I don’t consider it relevant. It would be like “mother died in childbirth”. Small list of other characters who lost their mothers when they were young just from the top of my head: Aenys, Viserys I, Daemon, Aegon III, Baela, Rhaena, Jon Snow, Daenerys, Cersei, Tyrion, Jaime, Harwin Strong, Larys Strong, Aemma Arryn, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Brandon Stark, Rickon Stark... these are just the ones who instantly popped out.
Loved their wives a lot, who either left them of died. - Tywin was always stern, he was only “happy” with Lady Johanna, yes it got worse after she died but the bar was already low. Meanwhile Viserys II was a charmer who enchanted everyone before Larra left him. Also by stating either “died or left them” I feel it’s forced and not actually the same situation. I would say it would be the same situation if both had been left by their wives, or if both their wives had died.
Became stern after this. Though tywin was always stern. - As you say - very correctly if I might add - Tywin was always stern. If Tywin didn’t really change I don’t find it an accurate parallel.
Had 3 kids - 1 daughter and 2 sons. - Again such a shallow comparison. Back to Daemon and Aegon II who each had 2 sons and 3 daughters. Were they similar? No. 
Both were poor fathers. We know about tywin, but Viserys had no concern for Naerys when he forced her to marry Aegon. - I feel we need to learn more about Viserys and his children before making such a strong statement because we know so little. And being a poor father is true of so many characters - Aegon I, Jaehaerys (sometimes), Viserys I, Balon Greyjoy... 
Both their son's joined kingsguard. - This yes, though in one case it was his heir, and in the other, his second son... not exactly the same situation.
Both were Hands by the age of 20 and very good at it. De facto rulers. - Actually we can’t say this. We don’t know at what age Viserys became Aegon’s Hand. I believe he only did at the end of his brother’s reign but we might need to get back to this if F&B II ever comes out (yes Popcorn making jokes at this hour lol).
The most relevant parallels that I see between Viserys and Tywin would be that they were both considered to be some of the best Hands in the history of Westeros, and both had a daughter who was queen and rumoured to have an affair with her brother who was a knight of the Kingsguard. Where it matters though, I consider Tywin and Viserys to be quite different.
Tywin was someone to whom the ends very much justified the means (i.e., having babies murdered) whilst Viserys II wasn’t that sort of person. Was he that sort of person, he would have gotten rid of Baelor even before he became king and just ceased power for himself. Certainly I can’t see anything that he did that could even be comparable to what Tywin had done to Elia and her children. Another key difference between them was how Tywin was raised for rule (being his father’s heir) and learned from his father’s own mistakes, since Tytos was a weak man. Viserys, on the other hand, was his mother’s youngest son out of five and his father’s second son. He wasn’t expected to ever become king. Both of his parents were also formidable people, none could be called weak by any chance. Let’s not forget Viserys’s mama and papa was the Rogue Prince Daddy Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen the Realm’s Delight.
About their daughters while we know the rumours about Cersei to be #facts, about Naerys we know them to be slander Aegon IV tried to throw her way, since nowhere is there something that would lead anyone who has reading comprehension to suggest that she and Aemon were indeed lovers. And another key difference is that Cersei’s line will end, whilst Naerys’s line didn’t and in fact both the Targaryens and the Martells we see in the current asoiaf books have her blood. Not to mention that personality wise, Naerys and Cersei are polar opposites, and maybe drawing the anti-parallels between them would have a LOT of merit as they are more than just skin deep.
Finally we have their deaths and how they came to be, which I think are also worth bringing up. Tywin was killed by Tyrion, and Viserys II was rumoured to be killed by his son Aegon IV. If the latter is indeed true (we don’t know for sure, I have some doubts), this would be a key parallel between them. But... here comes that but again...
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While Tyrion’s actions were very much not justified but... we know where he’s coming from and from a very emotional and ignoring laws and ethics for a moment, Tywin earned what he got, Viserys did nothing to Aegon IV, that we know of, but being absent and stern and cleaning after his sh:t the best he could. Again, certainly I cannot image him doing anything of the sort of what Tywin did to Tyrion. If he had, I am positive the history books would have let us know.
So in sum, I see nothing between them strong enough to justify an “Omg they are so similar to each other”.
Funnily enough, we hear Tyrion speaking very well of Viserys II. Not really relevant to the topic but I will leave this right here because we stan MVP Viserys.
All this aside and I really enjoyed this ask, Anon. I got a lot out of my chest not gonna lie here XD and this was a really interesting question.
All the best to you, Anon 🤗
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dreamerwithapen1 · 4 years
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Naerys Targaryen **Official Teaser Poster**
The Iron Throne was never what I desired.
But it is where my path leads.
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @ocfairygodmother @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @darling-stories @randomfandoming1 @anniel31 @butcherofblackwater @peopleralunique @ochub @perfectlystiles
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dreamerwithapen1 · 4 years
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Naerys Targaryen
“Dragons are intelligent. More intelligent than men according to some maesters. They have affection for their friends, and fury for their enemies.”
~Tyrion Lannister
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @ocfairygodmother @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @darling-stories @randomfandoming1 @anniel31 @butcherofblackwater @peopleralunique @ochub
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dreamerwithapen1 · 4 years
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Even as she gazed into the flames, her dragon was near invisible. His scales, a deep burning red with golden accents that seemed to glow and flicker in the light of the fire... he was a living flame, she thought, as molten and wild and dangerous...
He was Firelight.
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @ocfairygodmother @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @darling-stories @randomfandoming1 @anniel31 @butcherofblackwater @peopleralunique @ochub
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dreamerwithapen1 · 3 years
Rewatching Game of Thrones has renewed my inspiration for my OCs, so if anyone has any questions about them, please feel free to send them in!
Vysella Targaryen (Robb Stark x OC)
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Naerys Targaryen (Jaime Lannister x OC)
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Lara Fayne (Jon Snow x OC)
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