#oc: xina
ghoooooooooooooooost · 5 months
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updated them 👍
was in my drafts bc i wanted to wait till i updated every oc for this verse so i could put them all together but it looks thats gonna take a while :l
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cryptidroad · 6 months
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Starlights 💫
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The characters!
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zoeyslayter · 8 months
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Spoilers for Heavensward: The Vault
Xina is not a stranger to trauma, and even she has let her mask slip, both in a metaphorical and literal sense.
At the time of Sir Haurchefant's death, when the Elezen had bravely blocked a lethal blow from hitting the Warrior of Light, her mask had fallen from her face, revealing her face to the knight as well as the rest of her allies that were present. Haurchefant referred to her as a hero, but that day he had become her hero. Even with his dying breath, he reminded her what she was fighting for.
"Oh, do not look at me so. A smile better suits a hero..."
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Boy, howdy it's been a while. I just finished The Vault and honestly, it took me about 4 tries for the boss and all I got what a dead Elezen and a funny glitch where my mask was gone. I thought it was fitting for the moment, though.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 9 months
I’m now thinking of Nadia x Xina because they’d actually be perfect for each other. Nadia would treat Xina sm better than Miguel, I know that for a fact. Same with Xina treating Nadia. They’d literally love each other sm wkfhskdhdjdh
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maddieautobot273 · 11 months
Silk & Cologne (43)
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A Miguel O'hara x OC Series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 43 - Leap - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x Female OC
Words: 4.7K+ words
Warning: PG - jumping off buildings, free falling, parkouring, brief sad backstory
Summary: Miguel takes Lisa on a tour of Nueva York
When I arrived in Earth 928 at the Spider-Society headquarters, I was greeted by the charming smiles of both of the O’Hara brothers. Gabriel’s smile was playful and cherry as he tossed me a flirty wink and quip. Miguel rolled his eyes at his brother, elbowing him in the shoulder, and after recovering from his protective tantrum, his smile returned as he handed me a container of food. 
I respected Miguel’s wishes in keeping our relationship professional while at HQ. But that wouldn’t stop me from showing him my appreciation after realizing how hungry I was after rehearsal was extended for over an hour. I looked around to make sure the three of us were the only ones in the area before standing up on my toes to peck Miguel’s cheek with a quick kiss.
“Thank you, Migs,” I smiled sweetly at him before I dug into my meal. 
His cheeks had flushed, the kiss surprisingly catching him by surprise as the three of us walked down the hall. Miguel gave me a look as he raised a hand to his cheek, his fingertips brushing along the spot where I had left my token of affection. 
I felt his stare as I swallowed my bite of food before looking up at him. “What? I made sure no one was looking,” I offered him a teasing smirk. 
Miguel huffed, his chest puffing as he tried and failed to hold back a chuckle. “That you did,” He shook his head. “Already looking for a way to bend the rules are you?”
“What can I say?” I shrugged as I snuck in another bite. “You have that effect on me,”
“You two are just adorable,” Gabriel cooed. 
Miguel immediately shot Gabriel a look, his gaze piercing his very soul. “Gabri–!”
“I know, I know, I didn’t see nothing,” Gabriel rose his hands in surrender, “But Lyla see’s all,”
“That she does!” The AI herself momentarily appeared at Gabriel’s side, patting his head lovingly before vanishing. 
I made small talk with Gabriel as we walked, partially because I felt bad about Miguel scolding him. Sure they were brothers and they could get on each other's nerves almost 24/7, but wouldn’t it hurt to have a conversation without at least one joke or nitpick towards one another? Again, I am an only child, and if this is some form of showing sibling love and affection, I wouldn’t know. 
As we walked through the hall and passed the occasional patrol unit, I felt almost naked walking around the Society in my normal clothes. It was like waking up here all over again. I couldn’t believe everything had happened in just over a month. It certainly didn’t feel like that, in fact, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was actually longer. 
I finished my dinner by the time we arrived at Gabriel’s workshop. Hovering on the same platform where I had stood before to get my old suit upgraded, was my new and improved suit. It looked the same as before, but with better stitching it seemed and fresh fabric and spandex. My eyes sparked, my lips curling into a smile as I approached the platform, the food container long forgotten. 
“This looks amazing!” I beamed before turning back to the brothers. “It’s like it never left,”
“And there’s hoping it stays that way,” Miguel gently teased me, hands behind his back as he approached me, “But that’s not your suit,”
“Eh?” I raise a brow at Miguel. “What are you talking about? That’s my suit,”
“It’s one of your suits. This suit you can use for your show, yes,” Gabriel clarified as he walked over to his console, pressing a few buttons as a compartment opened up and he pulled out a chip. He held it up with a proud smile, “Now this on the other hand is your actual suit, should you want it”
“Huh?” Now I was majorly confused as I exchanged a look between the two brothers. 
“Big brother, do the honors,” Gabriel smirked as he tossed the chip over to Miguel. 
Miguel caught it in his large hand, controlling his strength to not crush the little device with his fingers. He stepped closer to me, gently taking my wrist as he installed it into my gizmo. I watched his fingers closely, entranced by their movements. 
Miguel’s eyes glanced over my face, a soft smile on his face, “It was my idea,” He spoke before taking a step back. “Give it a try,”
I glanced down at my Gizmo, seeing a new feature light up on the screen. I pressed the button and the gizmo lit up briefly in recognition before some form of hard light washed over my body. I gasped, startled as I stood back and shut my eyes. I didn’t feel any pain, or felt any different for that matter. 
“Lisa, it’s alright,” Miguel reassured me gently as I felt his hands engulf mine, lowering my hands from my face. “Take a look,”
I glanced down at myself and nearly stopped breathing. It was my suit. It was on my body.
I was at a loss for words as I examined myself, taking in every inch of me as I turned and moved around. “I don’t– How?!”
“Holographic Nano-Technology,” Miguel answered me with a knowing smile. I watched as he flicked his wrist and his left sleeve of his suit suddenly dematerialized, snaking up his arm to show off his muscled tone forearm and bicep. “Look familiar now?”
I tried not to blush as I noticed the slight tufts of body hair along his arm. I tried not to make it obvious that I was staring at his flexing muscle, but it was hard when he was clearly doing it on purpose to make me look. 
My eyes widened at the realization as I pointed at him. “It works just like yours!”
“Exactly, however the difference between ours, I have sensors implanted in my body allowing me to telepathically trigger the suit on command, should the need arise,” He explained before casting me a reassuring look. “Don’t worry, I opted for yours to be the less painful method,”
“Now you don’t have to worry about running back to your apartment to grab your suit before coming here, or worrying about your friends or family accidentally finding it,” Gabriel crossed his arms, giving me an almost teasing glance. “Or villains and their cronies stealing it,”
My eyes flared as I glared over at Miguel. “You told him?”
“I had to give him a valid reason to go through with the idea,” Miguel rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
“His original idea of you two matching was enough, but I toyed with him and said that it wasn’t enough to convince me,” Gabriel grinned. 
“Hey!” Miguel’s nostrils flared as he gave Gabriel a pointed look. 
I could see the look in Miguel’s eyes, knowing he could be seconds away for murdering his brother for outing him like that. I quickly stepped between them, placing a steady hand on Miguel’s chest. “I think it’s a really cool idea, Miguel, I appreciate you thinking about me,”
Miguel’s face softened as he looked down at me, his muscles relaxing as he lowered his arms. There was a sound from behind me as Gabriel had coughed in his hand before motioning for me to continue, obviously waiting for his turn of praise. I offered him a knowing smirk, though my eyes spoke genuine appreciation. 
“You too, Gabriel, thank you for fixing up my suit, again,” I chuckled softly. 
Gabriel smirked, offering me a gracious bow. “If my work is done, I’ll leave you to it,”
Miguel rolled his eyes at his brother before offering him a nod of gratitude as he left. “So, how does it feel?” He glanced down at me. 
I quickly realized my hand was still on his chest, and while I normally would have blushed like a tomato at the gesture, I managed to keep myself calm enough to the point I wouldn’t faint as I pulled away and took a moment to look at myself in the suit again. “I think I’ll need to go on that test drive before I make a decision,”
“Is that so?” Miguel purred gently as a grin curled on his lips, arms crossing over his chest. 
“Well, I was promised a tour of Nueva York, wasn’t I?” I reminded him casually, hands behind my back. 
“That you were,” Miguel nodded before offering me his arm. “I always keep my promises, smart girl,”
Before we left, I changed out of my clothes, keeping my underclothes on, before equipping my new spider suit in order to get the full experience of its potential. It was Miguel’s suggestion, based on his own experience fighting crime in a holographic suit. 
“What do you usually wear under your suit, Miguel?” I asked him with a genuine expression. “Like anything with a specific material or fabric that helps make. . . things more comfortable?”
“Wait, you’re asking me?” Miguel looked at me, eyes widened in surprise. 
“Well, I mean, you’re one of the first Spider-People I met and first started teaching me the ropes,” My cheeks flushed at his reaction as I caressed my arm nervously. “I was just wondering if you could give me pointers is all,”
Miguel placed his hands on his hips as he glanced over to the side, the gears in his head turning. “Other than protective padding for well, you know,” He inclined his head down, and I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know what he was referring to. “I. . . I don’t wear anything,”
I could see the flush on his cheeks darken as his voice went quiet and in the split second it took me to realize what he had meant, his face turned completely red, matching with my own. “You mean you go commando?” I found myself saying aloud.
“Lisa–!” His face was almost as red as a tomato, taken back at my forward question. He brushed a hand through his hair before snaking back to rub the back of his neck. “I– well, yeah. . .”
“Oh. . .” my cheeks flushed a shade darker as I shuffled my feet, glancing at the floor for a moment before slowly getting the courage to look back at him. “Are you. . .?”
Miguel sighed, bringing his hand around to cover his mouth in an attempt to hide his blush. He shakes his head as a soft, low chuckle escapes his lips as he lowered his hand. “Am I commando right now?”
He said it for me. I nodded, almost afraid to say the words aloud. 
Miguel takes a deep breath before meeting my gaze. “I am,” he answered honestly before taking a careful step closer towards me. “Does that make you feel uncomfortable, Mona?”
I gawk at his question, fumbling nervously, “Oh! No, no, I’m okay. I mean, you do whatever makes you more comfortable. You guys wear the suits all the time, right? Do what you gotta do,”
“So you’re fine with it?” He asked me, raising a brow in my direction. 
Now that I got a good look at him, and seeing the outlines of his muscles, his chest, the abs, his back, and the. . . competition to ‘America’s Ass’. His suit left nothing to the imagination. Miguel really wasn’t wearing anything underneath. 
My heart started pounding in my chest, palms sweating, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. 
He’s been commando this whole time that I’ve known him in the suit?! 
Am I fine with this? 
“Yeah! Totally fine,” I nodded almost too eagerly, brushing off his worry. “I’ll take a note on the padding,”
We stood on the private balcony coming out from Miguel’s private elevator that overlooked the city. The sun had already set and the bright neon city lights were taking form like stars across the skyscrapers and street lamps. They looked like small specs from where we were. 
Miguel glanced over, caressing a steady hand on my shoulder. “You ready?” 
“Wait, you want to leave from up here?” I asked him, whipping my head to look at him. 
“I think it’s the most scenic route into the city,” Miguel offered me a kind smile as he began walking towards the edge, turning to face me. “I promised you a tour after all,”
“I’ve never done a leap this high before,” I cautiously followed after him, the hairs on my neck and arms tingling as I glanced down to the city below, “Not even during training here at HQ,”
“That’s all it is, Lisa,” Miguel reassured me with a gentle look. “A leap of faith,” 
Something about those words struck a chord in me as I watched Miguel standing up on the railing of the balcony. Miguel offered me his hand and with an anxious tremble, I took it and he helped me up to stand beside him. The wind was beginning to pick up as Miguel’s mask materialized over his face, his eyelets widening as he looked over at me. “I’ll be here to catch you if you need me,”
The next thing I knew, he jumped, taking a swan dive off the balcony towards the city surface. I couldn’t help but stare as I watched him fall. In another life, maybe he could have been an olympic diver or swimmer. Then again, this is the multiverse, so perhaps there was a dimension somewhere where that was in fact a reality. 
Okay, now I’m just rambling to stall myself from jumping, come on, Lisa! 
After scolding myself to toughen up, I took a deep breath, flexing and wiggling my fingers to ease my nerves and to somehow manifest my hands to stop sweating. I repeated Miguel’s words in my head, over and over again. I took one more look at the city below me before closing my eyes. 
I jumped. 
The felt the wind first, blowing through my hair and against my body as I began free falling towards the city. My body front flipped and swayed as I basked in the thrill, my heart pounding so hard in my chest I thought it would burst and soar away. The bright lights drew closer and bigger. 
I was beginning to understand skydivers a bit better now. This was exhilarating! 
Okay, wait for it. . . Now! 
I fired a web sling at the building closest to my location. I watch as the web connects and my fingers grip around the sling and I find myself swinging over a highway, just high enough to avoid the traffic of hover cars. I let go and fired another web sling, swinging again. 
I was doing it! I was web slinging through the city!
As I swung, I took a moment to glance around. Nueva York’s skyscrapers and buildings were sleek and definitely screamed future. Literally every building I saw was made with white metal plating and glass, and their lights were as bright as christmas lights. Holographic projects of brand advertisements, TV promos could be seen on every other block, and their parks and areas where there were green were kept clean and surprisingly organized and well kept. 
I couldn’t help myself as a joyful laugh escaped my lips as I swung around a corner, attempting a mid air barrel roll before firing another web sling. When there’s no villains or anomalies to worry about, this was so much fun!  
“Look at you!” Miguel’s voice rang through the air as he swung to my side, appearing from a different corner. He must have hung back and watched me to allow me to get my bearings first. “I knew you could do it, I’m so proud of you,”
“Really?” My voice cracked through the wind as the eyelets of my mask widened from his praise. 
“I mean it, Mona Lisa,” I could hear Miguel’s smile through his mask. “Now, let’s start that tour. Follow me,”
Miguel led the way as he showed me around the city. From what I could gather during my time in my dimension’s New York, it looked like a lot of the streets and locations were roughly the same in both dimensions. Though there were subtle differences between the two, giving Nueva York its own charm. 
Miguel showed me Central Park, which I thought was prettier than the one back home. They had a giant holographic chess board where you could control the pieces with digital remotes. We snuck in a quick game before heading over to the Rockefeller Center where their ice rink was kept frozen year round, and after taking a quick break to grab a snack from a place called ‘Tony’s’, I could just barely make out the statue of liberty. 
The two of us swung up and touched down on the roof of a build, taking a moment to catch our breath. I shook my arms, loosening the joints as my muscles started to ache from the swinging. I glanced over towards Miguel, “Okay, I can admit it, Nueva York looks so much cooler than my New York,”
“Now, now, this isn’t a competition,” Miguel shook his head, chuckling quietly as he neared me. 
“But if it was, you’d win?” I asked him with a knowing look. 
“Oh absolutely,” I could practically hear the grin on his face as he placed his hands on his hips. 
I laughed at his comment as I looked at his suit, my gaze shifting down and up. Felt nothing to the imagination indeed. I could feel the chill from the wind as it flew through my hair, glancing around. “What’s here?”
“See that building over there?” Miguel pointed, “The one with the ivory plating?”
I followed his direction to see that exact building. It was one of the few buildings I saw that didn’t have the go to white futuristic aesthetic. “Yeah?”
“That is Babylon Towers,” Miguel explained, his voice suddenly turning soft, “It was my home. . . with Xina,”
The eyelets of my mask widened as I glanced over at him. I noticed his shoulders had relaxed, but kept up a straight, hardened stance that showed off his powerful back as I stepped closer to him. 
“It was my first apartment after moving away from Gabriel and our folks. It was there where I woke up that one morning and realized me getting my powers wasn’t some crazy dream,” He went on, reminiscing, “Xina gave birth to Gabriela right on the living room floor,”
“You’re kidding?!” I gawked at the man. 
Miguel chuckled at the memory, shaking his head. “By the time I called the hospital and got her bag ready to go, she was so far dilated, she insisted on having her right there and then. The door man came up and helped me deliver our baby girl right before the paramedics arrived,”
“Wow. . .” I could help but smile. “Xina. . . she sounds awesome,”
“She really was,” Miguel nodded his head in agreement. 
“You don’t live there anymore?” I asked him gently, reaching for his hand, silently offering. 
He caught my movement by the corner of his eye. He sighed, his large fingers reaching over and grasping my own. “Shortly after she passed away, and then Gabri–” he paused, as if struggling to finish the sentence, “The memories were too much. Some villains had also gotten too close noticing my comings and goings. I sold the apartment to a co-worker of mine, and moved in to my current private residence shortly after to be closer to Alchemax,” 
I listened to him attentively, allowing him to finish his explanation before speaking up.
So the Spider-Society Headquarters is in this dimension’s Alchemax building? 
“I’m sure that must have been hard,” I spoke gently, my thumb gently rubbing against his hand. “I’m sorry,”
“It took me a while to come to terms with it,” Miguel took a deep breath before glancing over at me, “But I learned to move on,” 
We both stood there for a little while, hand in hand as we stared and admired Babylon Towers. It was a beautiful building. Perhaps if I was lucky and had quite a bit more paychecks under my belt, I could upgrade my living space and find something similar back home?
I gently gripped Miguel’s hand together, giving him a soft squeeze before pulling my hand away. “So, any other places you wanted to show me?”
“Unfortunately, Nueva York is so vast, it is physically impossible to show you everything in one night,” Miguel chuckled softly, slowly shaking off the earlier tension. “I’ve pretty much shown you everything I thought you’d like, so we can call it there for the tour. It’s getting late too, I wouldn’t want to keep you up, especially with this new rehearsal schedule you’ve told me about,” 
“Ahh, you’re right,” I hissed at the reminder, “I probably should be getting back,”
Tomorrow was a holiday so the studio would only be open for half the day, but Kasey still wanted to use the space to practice after our session was done for the morning. 
“The Private Eye is always so nosey,” Miguel grumbled, hindering some personal frustration of his own. “Best to portal home back at HQ,”
Private Eye? Ah, that’s right, they’re this dimension’s version of the New York City Police. Miguel had mentioned them briefly during our visit to the Rockefeller Centre after witnessing them catch some teenagers trying to spray paint the back of the skate rental vendor. 
“Sure thing,” I began walking towards the edge of the building, Miguel following close behind me. A small smile curled on my lips as I suddenly reached back, smacking Miguel’s chest before breaking off into a sprint. “Race you there!”
“What– Hey!!” Miguel yelped, staggering back briefly. “Mona, that’s cheating!”
I could hear his heavy footsteps tailing after me as I leapt off the roof and fired a web sling, swinging away from the neighborhood of Babylon Towers. I fired one web sling right after another, swinging across the city as I attempted to retrace my steps back towards Spider-Society HQ. Seeing the brief flare of red light shine against the glass windows of the buildings around me told me that Miguel was close behind me. 
“Do you even remember the way back, smart girl?” He called out to me. 
“That won’t stop me from trying to beat you there first!” I yelled back. 
“Oh, ho, ho, I’d love to see you try!” Miguel boasted with a hearty grin. 
Miguel swung ahead of me, jumping on to the side of the building. Using his claws, he climbed up the side before jumping off, propelling himself to take a nosedive. I yelped and was about to reach for him when he suddenly latched his arms out, and red webbing sprang from his armpits, expanding into a glider as he suddenly started flying down the street. 
“Now who’s the one that’s cheating!” I yelled after him. 
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game!” Miguel barked a laugh. “This race is as good as mine,”
Miguel soares ahead and I was gaining more and more distance from him fast. I needed some sort of edge to catch up to him. I glanced up to see traffic of flying cars driving above us, with a wide enough gap for me to mix into them. 
This was an incredibly stupid idea, but I’m doing it anyway. 
I web slinged up closer to the traffic before firing a web sling towards the vehicle at the front of the gap. My webbing stuck on to the back bumper, and I hitched a ride, the wind blowing in my face even harder as I practically flew through the air. I climbed up the webbing and then began parkouring across the row of cars. 
I jumped and skipped my way across, peering down between the small gaps that revealed the city below us to just barely make out Miguel’s body and his glider. I could see his head whipping around, wondering where I was. Now to catch him by surprise. 
I jumped down from the side, firing another web sling to swing me forward to his side. “Hey Miguel!”
I didn’t quite catch what my web sling had latched on to, but as Miguel was turning his body to face me, my own body almost violently whipped around a corner and sent me flying down another street. My vision spiraled as my arms flailed in a panic. “AHH!”
Miguel’s voice was almost able to snap me out of my trance as the street drew closer and closer to my head. That was until I felt a powerful arm grip around my form as Miguel caught me just in the nick of time and swung us both out of harm's way. My voice was lost to me as I breathed deeply, panting heavily as I clung to Miguel for dear life. 
“I got you,” despite how hoarse his voice sounded from his scream, Miguel attempted to soothe me as he swung down the street. “You’re gonna be okay. Try to swing for me okay?”
I glanced over at him, confusing riddling my face before I glanced over and briefly watched the motions of his arms as he fired his own websling from the top of his wrist, swung, and let go. Rinse and repeat. Just like from Peter B.’s lessons. 
With a shaking hand, I reached out my right hand and fired my own websling. Miguel and I swung together, going through the motions. Sling, swing, release. Sling swing, release. 
Gradually our speed slowed down as Miguel guided us to a small park. Secluded from the hustle and bustle of the city, but a wide enough space to still swing around. Miguel fired one more web sling, his red glowing webs latching on to a large overhanging metal light post while with his other hand, gripped onto my websling. 
Under the spotlight, the full moon hovering above in the night sky, our bodies slowly turned  around as if we were on a carousel. Our bodies were inches from one another as we met each others gaze through the mask. My cheeks flushed as Miguel seemed to tilt his head down, looking at me closely. 
I looked away out of embarrassment. “Thank you for saving me back there,”
“Are you alright?” He asked me gently. 
I nodded softly, a gentle hum  coursing through my throat. 
“Lisa?” Miguel’s voice was a whisper as his hand let go of my websling, and carefully brought it down to cup the side of my face and angle my gaze back to meet his. 
Something triggered in the HUD display of my mask. An infrared line ripped across the screen and suddenly I could see Miguel’s face through the mask. My pupils dilated at the sight as I caught the concerned look on his face. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” I apologized. 
“I supposed we were both a little eager in our competition,” He smiled softly, his thumb brushing against my cheek through the mask. “But this gives me an idea,”
I raised a brow at him and I slowly began to realize that maybe his suit had that same feature as mine and he was able to see my face as well. His soft smile morphed into a playful grin as his fingers slowly began to pull up my mask, just enough to reveal my lips to the cool night air. 
“What kind of idea?” My voice was breathless as I spoke. 
Even as Miguel’s thumb gently brushed against my bottom lip and made my knees buckle. 
“Our own Spider-Man kiss,” He grinned. 
Part of his mask vanished, revealing his chiseled chin, cheekbones and puffed lips. 
Oh God-! 
Wait, we’re in Nueva York of 2099. In this instance, I should be saying oh Thor. 
I gasped softly, my lips forming a smile of my own as Miguel’s hand retracted, cupping my chin as he lowered himself closer. “Miguel~”
I remembered my heart pounding, and perhaps also hearing Miguel’s heart pounding in his own chest thanks to my spider-sense. 
Wait, my spider-sense? 
Our lips had just barely grazed one another when something large but swift flew overhead us. One moment we were hovering in the air, the next, we were plummeting to the ground below as our weblings were suddenly snapped by what looked like a metal wing. 
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thedrown · 9 months
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Christmas 2023- Xina
Present for LemonadePikachu~
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soft-persephone · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in monster!daughter & Miguel O’Hara?
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Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, flesh eating, gore. (Nothing too extreme. I am not a horror expert or fan. But for this I’m willing to dabble)
I’ve read so many fics and fan art depict Miguel as some feral brown monster man thing, like references to chains and muzzle or straight up having a line in a fic where he will be “growling animalisgicly” or “crouching like a beast.”
All of this has lead to a very not good time.
But I’ve been churning it around in my head.
I’ve created this girl who was experimented on against her will, she’s saved by Jess and they’ve been friends ever since. She has a mother, but now Jess is like another mother figure, and almost an aunt, and Jess becomes an honorary member of their little family.
But it is as sweet as it is a decision made out of a necessity in Jess’s opinion.
The incident has left her with several side effects and urges she can’t control on her own. Their are periods where her mind shifts to instinct mode and not a normal human being and it terrifies her.
She wants to do.. things.. unspeakable things. She has to fight the urge to bite people. Sometimes it’s out of love, sometimes she has to feel their flesh muddle in her mouth, the taunt skin snapping in her her teeth as it rips into their flesh. She wants to hear the crackling sound of bone pricking her ears as they snap in her jaws.
Just to feel something…
Things sound too loud, smell too strong, the light hurts her eyes and when it gets really bad, the fangs force themselves out her gums, and her mouth bleeds when each one slowly surface.
There could be more changes, more things, but she doesn’t know what they are yet. She is too afraid of letting it go that far and what she might do.
But luckily, ever since Jess saved her life, she knows there is one solution. When Jess or someone she truly trusts us around, the world doesn’t sound so loud, the pain in her mouth and the light seeking into her eyes don’t matter.
But one day Jess can’t get to her in time on her own and Miguel ends up there with her.
Now he knows why Jess was never intimated by him. Why she would always tease about being able to handle him.
Because this seemingly normal girl may have the same if not more strength in her body than he has, from the way the bed creaks as you grip the sheets in pain forcing a seemingly inevitable transformation from taking place by sheer will alone.
Jess places a hand on the girl’s back and the muscles in her thighs relax, the death grip she has to stay in bed relax, the growls in her throat subside, and the rise and fall of her chest slows down into a regular rhythm.
“…Jess.” She relents.
Jess maneuvers her into a firm but gentle embrace, and by some silent prayer, you let her.
The fangs diss spear, the wild look in your eye subdues, and you fall into her hug willingly.
Miguel’s guilt in life has always clawed at his own mind, and after that forced injection that made him what he was and the ways he’s hurt people he has only thought of himself as such a thing, but to be confronted with it in the form of another?
A child too…
And then one day Jess can’t make it so she sends him.
But he only makes things worse. He knew he would.
His presence makes you tense, her fangs become more pronounced, and he sees they are thick, fat, with sharp tips. In comparison to the slender canines that hold poison in his mouth.
She immediately lunge at him and he has to pin her down.
She see him as a threat, and he can’t say your exactly wrong about that. He is a threat.
He does hurt people and your better off if he stays away and you never see him again.
He was a risk, and she was a child.
But he was a geneticist. He could do something about this. Probably save you in a way he cousins save himself. What was injected into him to kill him, had become his own reluctant salvation. But that didn’t have to be the same for you.
He couldn’t let something like this ruin a poor girls life. He wouldn’t.
He decides to watch over her from the shadows. He was only asking to be polite anyway. This was more important than formalities.
He takes some of her blood when she’s sleeping, a few stray curls of her hair from a brush, a cotton swab of her cheak.
Thankfully, she was a heavy sleeper.
Eventually, she let him close.
“What’s wrong? I thought hanging with your friends makes you feel better?”
“They think your my sugar daddy and Meena’s already been telling a whole bunch of people.”
Miguel swears under his breath and has to fight the urge to smatter the car window with his fist or show his temper.
“Well, if it’s just a rumor, it’ll die soon. Just wait it out and keep your head up.”
“If you say so..” she frowns and puts her headphones on.
It gets worse.. so much worse…
And now he’s sitting in front of Jess and Your mother without a good explanation to how he became a part of this young girls life.
“You approached her in a library and dragged her into your car to parade her around town?” Her mother screamed.
“No! I just waited until she was alone, so I could explain to her who I am and how I know Jess! I wanted to help her!”
“You watched and cornered her until she was alone and swooped in to get close to her? Because you saw how vulnerable she is!”
“I’m calling Jess!” She bit out. “Don’t you dare move or I swear I’ll kill you before she gets here!”
“Mom, he’s not lying—“
“—not a word from you! Go to your room!”
He fucked up.
Jess did not hesitate to tell him as much.
They told him to stay away.
He did what they said.
Maybe it was for the best.
“Why did you let them say all those things about them that you new weren’t true!” You were at his apartment.
How the fuck did you manage to get to his apartment? He was back on 2099.
“What are you doing here?”
“Why didn’t you come to campus with me like I asked and set the record straight? Why don’t you stand up for yourself? You…”
Her voice cracked and her lip was quivering.
His chest swelled and his heart beat faster than he ever felt before.
Why were telling him this? Why did you care so much.
It reminded him so much of.. of a person from a long time ago.
Who would berate him just as much when he was younger for being bullied. Who would stay by his side no matter how fucked up he was it what fucked up things he did.
It him like a truck.
He realized now why this child meant so much to him.
Why he wanted to be around her so bad. Who she reminded him of. What she represented.
Would his daughter with her have been like this? Would she have wanted a girl or children at all? If he showed her this lost poor would, would she care as much about this little girl as he did?
He opened the door and let her in, not saying a word.
He fixed her some tea and turned off the lights. He took his time and found a soft record to let meddle in the background. He wrapped her in a blanket.
She soon relaxed and settled into his chest, sleeping for the night.
She was nothing like him. No part of her was.
But she saw something in him that was.
He thought it was only the fangs, his size, and the unnatural strength in each fiber of his muscles.
But now he knows it was so much more, and it scared him.
It scared him as much as being a boyfriend did, as being a partner, lover friend…. Brother.
He was scared to be a father, especially a son.
But now he had a daughter, and she was the scariest.
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5yazluvme · 5 months
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valenvenge · 1 year
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Commission: https://valenvenge.com/ socials: https://www.instagram.com/valenvenge/ https://www.facebook.com/Valenvenge https://twitter.com/valenvenge https://www.artstation.com/valenvenge https://www.deviantart.com/valenvenge https://pixiv.me/valenvenge Print: https://www.artstation.com/valenvenge/prints
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Hobie x Isekai!Reader
[Reading Between the Lines]
Hobie x Reader Isekai fic where the reader (me) is a Spider-man meta-analysis writer and they fall into the ATSV universe.
They meet Hobie and are completely starstruck, unable to speak. Flabbergasted. Uhh okay imma just do the intro "Hi, My name's Hobie, Hobie Brown. I was bitten by a-"
"...WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!! And for the last three years I've been the one and only- *proceeds to do his whole intro for him*."
"What the fuck. Those are my lines. Bruv cut that shit out wth."
Everyone thinks they're weird as fuck, but Gwenpoole (and other Nexus beings) are taught about at The Society at least, so it's not a mystery why they are the way they are.
But they're just SO META
They're basically bouncing and they tell Hobie 'OMG, your like my favorite superhero. I write about you ALL THE TIME- Ignore the OC folder'
Hobies like 'I'm not a hero-'
'I knew you'd say that!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!'
All of a sudden there's this huge Hobie groupie fan in the group that knows everything about them and their trauma 😭😭
The reader sees Gwen and is like '.......I know this isn't my place but I've read through the scene between you and your dad and I have some comments I'd like to make. I can leave out the ones where I wish him death.'
There's even a scene like this one between Miles and Gwen
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Where Hobie is like 'oi this your analysis book lemme see-' only to open to dozens of pages of x-reader fics and Hobie x OC drawings
And reader is like
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'Uh.... I ain't write that. I don't know how that got in there. That's not even my handwriting. I found that notebook actually 😭😭'
Meanwhile Hobies like 'Christ - how much time do you have on your hands 🤨🤔'
'....Is it that bad?'
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'Oh I ain't say it was bad. Could use a some work though. Actually- *takes out Noir's reading glasses (which he stole) from his pocket because he's not gonna stand here and judge a book by its cover*'
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Of course Hobie still reads the x-reader cause he's a cocky bastard.
And then he returns said fics covered in red pen and notes of 'I wouldn't do that-' or 'actually you should add this. This would be better.' or even 'Lemme do it. That other shite you wrote don't make no sense'
BASICALLY HELPING CONSTRUCT FICS ABOUT HIMSELF. Simply because he finds the concept hilarious.
He gets to the smut and he's like "How easy do you lot think I am? Think you can have a pass at me, you must be taking the fucking piss-" just ranting and raving as he STILL READS IT
Sitting there with a cup of tea reading smut of himself and covering it in red pen like it's the mornings crossword 😭😭
The crew eventually realize that the readers power of trope analysis crosses over and it's SO USEFUL
All they need to do is get reader in front of Miguel and reader gives him a heartfelt reading and connection of his trauma that equals the culmination of ten years of therapy
They're like 'i know this is all an act Miguel. I know this is all an act to cover up the crushing feeling of chaos and helplessness that comes from canon. And really, all of this is just a mirror - you wanting to control how things 'should be' because there were so many things you went through that you think shouldn't have. But those moments are apart of you-'
They start bringing up Gabriel and Xina and shit from the comics.
Everyone's like 'Who the hell is Gabriel-" meanwhile Miguel is on the floor sobbing going 'mi hermano. mi hermano pequeno 😭😭😭'
And it ends with them all hugging Miguel after this person just read him for filth using the power of Isekai Canon Knowledge
In the end Reader and Hobie become best friends because they both stand out so much in other universes and both take nothing entirely serious.
Plus they're both really perceptive and nosey and good at reading people so sometimes they see some subtle shit go down and they look at each other like
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"We minding our business~ 😩🎶🗣️ we ain't gon say shit~ We gon mind our goddamn business 🎤🎸🔈'
Ok ok I'm done I'm done 😭😭😭
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transmoonpaw · 1 year
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self indulgent spider goth redesign lolz
I thought of her as a Miguel variant instead of the usual Peter Parker variant. this time it takes place in a world where there are witches, dragons, vampires, etc, set in the modern day. She still had an arc with a witch version of Alchemax and Tyler stone and Xina and all that jazz. I’ll make an info post about her and the other two Spider-Man OCs I have lol-
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christinesekim · 4 days
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donation commissions for this! if youre interested in getting cool art for just $20 AND helping deidre stay in school, check out the link~~
(art is @bourbonstreetdoodles's oc and @chuubabbit's xina design)
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miraclesabound · 1 year
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Summary: Miguel has known for a long time that he's asexual. He's never been ashamed, but it's easier to talk about when he knows the important people in his life have his back.
Pairings/Characters - past Miguel O'Hara/OC!Raquel, mention of Miguel and Raquel's daughter, current Miguel/F!Spider!Reader, F!OC Tommi Dade with a crush on Miguel, mention of Jess Drew and Lyla, Miguel's mom Conchata O'Hara
Notes/Warnings - awkward conversations, mention of teen pregnancy, figuring out physical boundaries, spoilers for ATSV, loss of a spouse and child, suicidal ideation, romantic harassment, ableist and acephobic language, a very one-sided fight, possible love epiphany. Also available on AO3.
Tags: @writeforfandoms, @inklore, @pettyprocrastination, @romanarose ,@guruan, @astroboots
Teen Years
“Hey, Mom?”
“Yes, mijo?” Conchata O’Hara looks up from her crossword puzzle, and she sees that Miguel looks troubled. “Something wrong?”
“You know how you always told me and Gabe to be careful if we meet a girl, because you don’t want to be a grandma before your time?” The seventeen-year-old sees his mom’s eyes go wide, and he quickly adds, “No one’s pregnant, I promise! But…” He pulls up a chair to sit next to her. “What if I have the opposite…issue?”
Conchata considers herself well-educated, but she’s at a loss. “You mean…if you’re gay?” she asks.
Miguel shakes his head. “I mean…what if I never feel…that way…about anyone?”
“I thought you had a big crush on Xina Kwan last year?”
“Oh, she’s really cool and pretty!” Miguel says. “But I never thought of being…I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to kiss her – I just really liked being around her.”
“Well then…I think you’ll be ok for now, kiddo.” Conchata pats Miguel’s hand. “Better to not jump into stuff while you’re still a kid.”
An Alternate Life
Miguel has a few brief relationships throughout college and his early 20’s – and by the time he turns 24, he can say, with about 94 percent certainty, that he’s asexual and panromantic.
He worries briefly that this will affect how he integrates with his counterpart’s family, but Raquel, his now-wife, knows immediately that this isn’t her own true love back from the dead. She makes it very clear that Miguel isn’t expected to perform “husbandly duties” in bed.
“I won’t make love to a stranger,” she tells him. “But if you’re going to be here, I’ll need all the help with Angie that I can get.”
Miguel rises to that challenge beautifully. Angie is a wonderful kid and raising her is a joy. In that process, Miguel even finds himself falling in love with Raquel. He’d seen glimpses of her goodness on the multiverse scans, but in person, navigating her and Angie’s life and even his, she’s magnificent. He makes sure to tell her every day, and he soon gets in the habit of quickly kissing her on the shoulder at night when they go to bed.
When the universe begins to fall apart and Miguel loses Raquel and Angie, he’s devastated of course – but at the same time, there’s also the tiniest relief that he and Raquel didn’t end up having sex. If they’d conceived a kid together and Miguel had lost that little one too…he might have seriously considered suicide.
The Spider Society
You and Miguel have started dating casually in the last few months – Lyla and Jess know, but for privacy’s sake, you don’t say anything to anyone else at HQ. Miguel knows that some other Spider Society members speculate about his orientation, and he doesn’t want to expose you to that. Jess and Lyla are generally good about heading off any untoward questions, but neither of them are quite prepared to deal with Thomasina “Tommi” Dade.
Tommi is, on paper, a perfect candidate for the Society. Her powers are based on a crab spider, and while she lacks some finesse, she makes up for it with sheer force and speed during a fight. Unfortunately, that same “rampaging bull” quality also applies to her personality. Once she gets an idea in her head, she won’t let it go – and she has decided that she and Miguel are perfect for each other. Every day she tries to get his attention in some flirtatious way, and the few times it happens in front of you, it takes everything you have to stay quiet. Jess’s attempt to stop Tommi’s behavior is only a temporary salve. One day, she pulls Tommi aside and tells her that Miguel is ace and to please leave him alone – but Tommi misunderstands and thinks that Miguel just doesn’t date at all. When she comes across you and Miguel having a clearly personal dinner, she explodes at the both of you.
“How dare you call yourself asexual??” she screams at Miguel. “If I’m not good enough for you, but this little nobody is, then you’re not ace, you’re a coward who can’t handle a real woman! What kind of a leader are you?”
Miguel starts to get up, but you stand first, feeling rage building in your body. “You need to apologize right now,” you tell her. You’re offended on your and Miguel’s behalf, of course, but you realize you’re also angry at Tommi for accidentally bad-mouthing Raquel. Miguel has never hidden her memory from you, and you know she was a better woman than Tommi will ever be.
Instead of answering you, Tommi shoves your shoulder, and you briefly lose your balance. However, what she doesn’t know is that this gives you an opening to use your kickboxing training. Your back foot plants to the ground like a tree root, and your free leg flies up, hitting Tommi in the side with a devastating roundhouse kick.
Tommi’s stance isn’t nearly so secure, and she hits the floor in an undignified heap. When she catches her breath, you offer her a hand up, but she bats it away. “You’re fucking psychotic!” she hisses. “You two can keep each other!” She stumbles to her feet with venom in her eyes – but she does leave.
A different man might feel his cock jump at your display of protectiveness. That doesn’t happen for Miguel, but he’ll admit, *IF* Jess or Lyla push for details later, that you gave him a sense of security when you stood up for him – a feeling he hasn’t had since losing Raquel. That has to be a good sign, right?
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zoeyslayter · 8 months
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"How can one mute cat have all this snarkiness?" -Eredith Panzert
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So one day Xina was having troubles delivering pumpkins to the Sylphs in East Shroud, and she found Eredith. She struggled asking for help, pantomiming what she needed. Eredith...was not getting it, so Xina ended up grabbing her by the arm and leading her to the pumpkins. That...was when their weird friendship started.
"She Courage the Cowardly Dogged me!" -Eredith's creator
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 9 months
The Spider Gala is like the one time you don't see V. in a turtleneck. Instead, you see her in a low back dress. A navy-blue silk slip with red bejeweled cross-back straps that forms an x that crosses at the center of her mechanical arms. It is the most skin you ever see from her (unless they're in Florida but that's a different story). Miguel is dressed in a similar blue suit with similar red accents.
It should be noted that its the blue of his Spider-Suit. I hc that his suit actually doesn't glow how it's shown in the movie. It's dark and made for stealth. The colors are dark, just bright in his office due to how the screens reflect.
Oh also Olivia busts out her favorite earrings. Dark red spider-web dangle earrings she commissioned from one of the Spiders on campus. She wanted Spider-web earrings but didn't like what was available, and when she heard this Spider makes jewelry? She was more than happy to pay great money for it. I'll draw it sometime.
OMG SPIDERGALA WITH MIGUEL AND V.!!!!! I want to draw them so bad them wearing that sounds so AMAZING!!!!
also wanna draw Nadia and Xina with them too. Like imagining Nadia in some vintage chic dress and Xina wearing any gown making her look fabulous (also Xina fangirling over the fact that Nadia is from the 1950s). Our OCs with Xina and Miguel would literally SHINE
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maddieautobot273 · 5 months
Silk & Cologne (58)
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A Miguel O'Hara x OC fanfic - link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 58: Switch - link to previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Female Spidersona OC
Words: 3K+
Warnings: PG no major warnings, brief mention of abduction
Summary: Lisa learns a few secrets were being kept from her.
“You just got better and now you’re leaving us?” Hannah pouted as she hugged my arm tightly. 
After I could finally stop pretending my ankle was still healing, I started coming back to dance practice as of yesterday. I missed seeing my friends, dancing with them and hyping up the other teams in our studio. It was a lovely refresher, but soon I’d have to leave them again, albeit temporarily. 
It had been 2 weeks since Miguel agreed to go to Korea with me to visit my family, and more importantly, go see my step-father again. This would be our first time physically seeing each other in over 2 years. I hadn’t seen him since after my surgery, and upon that realization, my free arm subconsciously wrapped around myself, my thumb brushing over a spot on my shirt where one of my scars was. 
“It’s only for a few days. I’ll be back in no time.” I tried to reassure Hannah, offering her my sympathies. 
“Where are you going?” Kasey asked, looking me over.
While she didn’t outright say it, she was visibly the most worried for me. Kasey did everything to make sure I took breaks, didn’t apply too much pressure on my now healed ankle and foot when I moved, and made sure I stayed hydrated. Moments like this made me wonder why I was made our team's leader, when Kasey clearly should have been the better choice. I should have played something else in our rock paper scissors match. 
“I’m going to Seoul.” I managed a soft smile. It would be good to see some of my family that I hadn’t been in contact with for a while. It was everything else I was worried about. 
“You got family over there?” Toya asked me. 
I nodded lightly. “Yeah, from my. . . step-father’s side.”
“Is Miguel going with you?” Touga asked me, playfully nudging my arm. “Dude’s gotta get the blessing from somebody, eh?”
My cheeks flushed instantly. “Oh my god, shut up, dude!” I cackled, shoving him away. “We just started dating!”
“The looks don’t lie, Lis’,” Touga smirks proudly, looking confident as he straightens. “People get engaged within a year, it happens.”
“Not for us, I don’t think.” I glared back at him, though I failed to stop a smirk from forming on my lips. 
Just the mental image of Miguel getting down on one knee before me was enough to make my heart flutter, making my stomach do backflips. He said so himself during our talk just the other month, a part of me still grieves Xina, and misses her deeply, he said, but I’m also coming to the point where I can no longer deny how I feel about you, Lisa. Not anymore. 
With the new times Touga has been around Miguel, what looks has he been seeing that I haven’t?
“Moving on to the topic at hand,” Kasey playfully swats at Touga to chill out before looking over at me. “You’re visiting your step-family?”
“Yeah, just for a few days and I’ll be back.” I smiled, nodding along. 
“Is it someone’s birthday?” Hannah asked. “I hear they threw really big parties for that!”
I chuckled at Hannah’s innocence. “Something like that. . “
“Well, we’ll miss you while you’re gone, and hope you have fun!” Hannah smiled brightly, giving me a big hug. “Bring us back souvenirs?”
I chuckled softly as I hugged her back. “I’ll certainly try.”
When practice was over we gathered our things and said bye to one another at the entrance of the studio. Hannah was tagging along with the twins to check out a new cafe while Kasey and I walked together in the opposite direction. We made small talk with one another, catching up on our personal lives.
We made it to a stop light and as we waited for our turn to cross, Kasey looked over at me. “So, what’s going to happen while you’re there and not here?”
I raised a brow as I glanced over at her. “What do you mean?”
“Who’s going to protect the city if Harry comes back?” She asked me. 
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and my body turned cold. How did she–?!
“It’s obviously not Miguel, cause he’s going with you,” Kasey went on as the light turned green and she started walking forward. “So will you have to call one of your other spider friends to help you?”
I gawked at her, fumbling with my words as I staggered catching up to her. “What are you talking about, Kasey?” I desperately tried to play dumb, but I knew it was a long shot. 
There was absolutely no way Kasey still remembered getting abducted by Chameleon. Us saving her, stopping Harry’s invasion of Earth-1218. 
I caught up to her at the opposite end of the cross walk and she looked over at me with a serious expression. “I remember everything, Lisa. That memory device Miguel talked about? I don’t know what I did for it to not work on me, but it didn’t. I still remember all of it.”
I stared at her, frozen. “Kasey. . .” 
“I haven’t told the others. I know they believed you before, but I’m not so sure if they would now, but I’ll let you explain it to them all again at some point when you’re ready to,” She went on, before offering me a soft smile. “Your secret is safe with me.”
Then it hits me. At one point during the encounter, she reached for my wrist and touched my gizmo. Did it protect her somehow?
My thoughts were interrupted when a loud horn startled me, making me jump as a bright yellow taxi drove by us. “I’m walkin’ here!” I yelled. 
I’ve always wanted to say that. 
“So,” I turned back to Kasey as we started walking again. “You know about–?”
“How Miguel is Spider-Man 2099, there’s a Spider Society, you occasionally hop to other dimensions to fight villains, and yes, I know that was you who stopped that Nike heist the other week on the news.” She grinned knowingly. 
“Oh shit.” I found myself saying it out loud. 
Kasey burst out laughing. “You should see your face!”
I laughed along with her, and for a moment, all seemed right in the world. 
The next day. . .
Over the week as we talked about the trip, we ultimately decided to be normal people and book plane tickets to Seoul. My reasoning was instead of using the Gizmo to teleport straight to the city (honestly that’s on me for not thinking it could do that and only lock in on different dimension’s versions of New York City), was that I wanted time to think of a plan and figure out what I would like to say and talk about with my step-father when I see him again. 
I found I work better under pressure which was why I was putting off my big speech and things until literally flying over there. 
I was even more surprised when Miguel agreed to the plan. Knowing him, I thought he’d be leaning towards the opposite, wanting to make things easier for me, but after hearing me out, he seemed to change his mind. 
I’m the first to get out of the taxi cab as we arrive at the departure gate of JFK International. I turn to face Miguel as he’s getting out. “Okay, game plan! We check in, get through security and munch on some pre-flight snacks I brought because airport food is not the greatest, and I’d rather not have something happen in the middle of a 15 hour flight.”
Miguel looks over at me, a calm smile on his face as he stuffs his hands in his pockets as he circles around the back of the taxi to grab our suitcases from the trunk. “Solid plan, enough to get our bearings.” He nodded nonchalantly before glancing my way again. “Or. . .”
“Or?” I repeated, seeming confused.  
“Mr. O’Hara, Ms. Kendrick?” A sweet sounding voice calls out. I turn around to see a well dressed uniformed airline attendant with her hair tied back in a bun and cherry red lipstick. She had a friendly demeanor about her. “Good afternoon.”
“Um, hello?” I greeted with an awkward expression. “I’m sorry, did we park in the wrong area?”
“Not at all miss, you’re right on time.” The woman shook her head before two more associates of hers approached. “We can take your bags for you as you check in with first class and head to security.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.” Miguel nodded his head towards them with a kind smile. 
“Huh?” I glanced around, confused as the attendants started to take our bags. “There must be a misunderstanding. I booked economy tickets, not–!”
“It’s alright, Lisa.” Miguel quickly cut in, brushing a hand at my waist as he gently pulled me along. “They’ll take care of it.”
“But-!” I thought my neck was going to snap with the amount of times my head whirled between Miguel and our luggage as he guided us away. 
“They’ll be fine.” He reassured me with a squeeze as we entered the airport. 
Miguel continued to be deliberately silent as we checked in, made it through security and walked right up to our gate and immediately boarded the plane, all while going through a ‘priority access’ lane. I did a double take on our plane tickets. It was the airline I had paid for my tickets for, yes, but this was a completely different plane that we were on. 
The plane was huge with two floors of seating. The first floor was for economy and business class, while the second floor was for first class. Guess which floor we ended up on?
“Mr. O’Hara, Ms. Kendrick, welcome aboard. Let me show you to your private cabin.” A flight attendant greeted us. 
I’m sorry, did she say a cabin? 
We followed the flight attendant down the aisle and I was blown away by the fancy and clean decor and interior of the plane. There was a full on seating area and a cocktail bar in the middle of the aisle! We were given complimentary champagne as we walked past and I had to steel myself and not accidentally drop it on the floor as we kept walking. 
“Here’s your cabin.” The attendant directed us inside.
The cabin had blue leather recliners, complete with cup holders with built-in cooling or heat settings, a remote, a flat screen TV, a closet with coat hangers, way more leg room that was necessary, and a panel in the floor opened up to a pull out dining table. 
“Thank you kindly.” I gaped at the sight as Miguel sauntered in and sat down in his seat without a care in the world, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. 
“We’ll be finishing boarding and taking off shortly.” The flight attendant informed us. “Would you like for me to convert your seats into the fold out bed now or after take off?”
I’m sorry, a fold out what now?!
I shoved my bag towards Miguel to stop him from speaking up, clearing my throat to cover his surprised yelp. “After, thank you.” I nodded politely to the attendant. 
“Enjoy your flight.” She smiled before walking away. 
I turned around to face Miguel, eyes wide, my body shaking from how anxious I was feeling about the last few minutes. “Miguel, I can’t afford this! There has to be a mistake with the check in!”
“What if it's not a mistake?” he shrugged, failing to see the problem as he set my bag down on the floor. 
“I mean, look at this place!” I swear I thought my eyes were going to fall right out of their sockets as I looked around the cabin. I opened the closest door to find folded pajamas, towels, and-! Too many expensive things. “This stuff is softer than everything I own!”
“Is that such a bad thing for a temporary convenience?” He asked me, a soft smile on his face.
I watched Miguel as he leaned back into his chair, swirling his glass of champagne around, and then it hit me. My eyes go wide as I approach him slowly, taking my seat next to him. “You switched our plane tickets, didn’t you?”
Miguel offered me side eyes as he sipped his drink.
I gawked at him. “Miguel O’Hara-!”
Miguel swallowed, lowering the glass from his lips as he laughed, shrugging his shoulders. “I had to do something!”
“That also explains why you stopped me from looking at our check in details last night.” I realized, my eyes loosely glaring in his direction. 
Miguel playfully glared back at me, pointing a finger. “Only because you wouldn’t stop stressing over the flight and kept checking it for the 20th time last night.”
“You really changed them while I was asleep last night?” I asked him with genuine concern. 
Miguel said nothing, only shrugging his shoulders in defeat. 
I slouched into my chair with a sigh. “Miguel, this. . . this is too much. Our dates are one thing, but this? Don’t you need the money for the–” I pause briefly, glancing around before shutting and locking our cabin door before facing him again. “Spider Society?”
“I have plenty enough to fund the Spider Society, keep it running, and take care of personal needs.” Miguel shook his head, reaching for the plane’s magazine and browsing through it. “It’s alright, Lisa, really.”
Personal Needs?
Funding and running the Spider-Society, paying a rent or mortgage on his penthouse apartment, driving a Ferrari, taking care of himself, and paying for our dates? Sometimes expensive dates?
When it came to the topic of money, it was something Miguel seemed to avoid talking about with me. 
I look at him curiously as I raise a brow at him, and I know Miguel can feel me staring at him as I say, “Miguel, what did you say you did at Alchemax again?”
“I worked in their biology department, specializing in DNA splicing.” Miguel answered, flipping through the pages, and when he continued to feel my stare, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as he brought a hand to rub the back of his neck. “I. . . may have also worked my way up the corporate ladder.”
Both of my eyebrows went up in surprise. “You became head of the department?”
That could explain it. 
Miguel offered me a side glance before sighing, lowering the magazine into his lap. “The very top of the corporate ladder.” He emphasized, giving me a tired smile. 
Oh now that really explained it!! 
I sat up. “You were Alchemax’s CEO?!” I whispered in shock, resisting the urge to scream. 
Miguel seemed to stare at me for a good long minute before suddenly bursting into laughter. I sat there, confused, worried that if I had upset him somehow with how I reacted. He calmed himself down, shaking his head, even whipping a tear from his eye before meeting my gaze again. “You really are committed to the whole deal of getting to know me without looking at your dimensions comic books, are you?”
My heart fluttered at his statement. “Well, I made a promise, didn’t I?”
Miguel’s expression softened, giving me a smile that gave me butterflies. “That you did.” We both smiled at one another for a brief moment before Miguel cleared his throat and adjusted his composure. “So, regardless, I did this because I wanted to help you relax, and make this trip as stress free as I possibly could.”
“Miguel, it’s still a lot of money, I’m sure this didn’t come cheap.” I insisted with a worried look.
Miguel leaned forward, pointing at his mouth that curled into a proud smirk. "Read my lips. I did this because I. Wanted. To."
My mind was going haywire. Of all of the things he’s done for me, for some reason my mind couldn’t comprehend all of this. "B-B-B-But-!" A look of guilt washed over me as I tried to reach a hand for him, but he caught it gently and lowered it into my lap. 
"Don't give me that look. Let me spoil you and take care of you." His voice was lowered but comforting as he offered me a warm smile, squeezing my hand. 
"Spoiling me is buying me a new book or taking me to get coffee or chipotle when I'm sad.” I tried to rationalize, my eyes wandering the space of the cabin again before meeting his gaze again. “This is something else entirely!"
Miguel hummed, his head turning to the side as if he were deep in thought. “You know what? You’re right.”
I recoiled back slightly, taken back. “I am?” Was he finally coming to his senses? 
“Those times I was treating you, mi Mona Lisa. This is spoiling. There’s a difference between the two, and there’s nothing wrong with that, or either in fact.” He stated, giving me this longing look of pure adoration and affect that made my heart skip a beat. “Thank you for correcting me.”
“Miguel. . .” My face lowered into a small pout, utterly speechless as I struggled to find any more words to try and talk him out of this. 
"Lisa.” He stressed my name, taking my hands in his to settle me. 
I could see the look in his eyes, the way they seemed to pour into mine as I lowered myself back in my seat.
“You're meeting your step-father again for the first time in 2 years. Just focus on preparing yourself for that and seeing your family. Let me handle the rest.” He squeezed my hand once more, a little more tightly this time as he smiled, flashing one of his fangs. “Okay?"
Slowly, I nodded. 
“Now then.” Miguel reached over for the food menu tucked away in a side compartment on the wall, looking through it before turning back towards me. “Did you want the ravioli or the curry for dinner?”
Sighing in defeat, I put on a weak smile as I leaned on my side against my seat. “The ravioli, please. . .”
Miguel smiles warmly at me, letting go of my hand before gently taking my chin gently in between his index finger and thumb and pecking my lips, then my forehead. “Then that’s what my smart girl gets.”
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