#oc: wood holmes
chaz-the-weasel · 1 year
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These sketches were all commissioned by my Patreon supporters! You can also find the full-size versions on my Patreon!
I've decided that I am no longer sharing most of my art to Twitter any longer! That place sucks!! So I'm going to be uploading more of my stuff here again, and that includes any and all future sketch commissions! Here are the results of last night's sketch stream!
1st pic: Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) for anonymous 2nd pic: Willow Holmes (7Eves), Amber Asfar (commissioner's OC), and Hazel Woods (7Eves) for Peefix
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fruitmilkshake · 6 months
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Explaining My ATWOW Dr + Oc's backstory; Tarya Te Entu Karin'ite.
My native lenguage isn't English, so i'm sorry if i make a mistake at writing this, and i'm sorry if this has Spelling mistakes or if the pronunciation is wrong. With that said; Enjoy
To understand this weird thing that I had in mind for a long time, I have to first explain from where did this came from;
Some headcanons, situations, fanfictions, 'imagines' and a slide game on Tiktok.
And the most of the 'imagines' are about the reader becoming Part of the Sullys, with that, I can beggin the tellstory;
-So, yeah, there's this scientist/nurse called "Karin Myers" (20 years old) on the RDA, She also did born and raised herself there(Just like spider on avatar 2)
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-She used to work with Grace before Quaritch shoot her and she also used to have her own avatar and stuff, her job was; to make sure that grace's na'vi students don't get hurt, and maybe some of the Soldiers and scientists too, she was some kind of nurse/scientist.
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(Let's imagine that her hair has some dreads and ordaments, ordaments that she was going to be Acquiring passing the years, ordaments that were going to be part of Tarya's hair on the future :D)
-So at spending time curing Na'vis, she started to get along with one of Grace's students, A na'vi male called; "Na'ran" (19-20 years old), an Olangi warrior/hunter with a quiet and distrusting demanor (he didn't trusted humans at all, but he decided to try Grace's school because of curiosity) and a kind heart when you get to know him well.
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-To not make the story more longer that already is, as They started to spend more time Together, They become a couple in secret for the RDA to not find out.
-Everything was great, but BOOM!, the RDA and the na'vis started a war for the na'vi's freedom and the fall of the Omatikaya's soul tree (Jake sully and Neytiri's lore).
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-Na'ran died fighting for his race, leaving Karin alone, Without knowing that she was pregnant (:0).
-After a few months, and maybe even a year, everything was calm again, Na'ran's and Karin's kid was born, and Karin was raising her kid alone.
-Karin raised her kid; (who Karin called "Tarya") teaching her how to cure and recolect fruits, teaching her how to hunt and fight, singing her to sleep (like neytiri did with her children with the songcord) teaching her how to read/count numbers, everything. (Enola Holme's scenes with her mom)
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-everything seemed calm, until everything f*cked up again. The RDA burned the woods, killing Karin on the process and leaving Tarya as An orphan.
-And at this point of the story, this things has to get good..... I guess-
-So, here's where the story gets... Good i think; Tarya is now 8-9 years old, and she's learning how to hunt by herself near the lakes of the Omatikaya clan, where Jake was hunting for neytiri, baby neteyam and baby Kiri, that's when he found Tarya on the lakes.
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-So from there, the only thing that came to my mind, is Jake adopting Tarya, and i know that sounds like Kiri's adoption, but there's a lot of things that changes about it, for example;
Tarya got to know her mother in real life.
Kiri didn't, she just got to see her mother's face on the avatar, or in the pictures and videos of the lab or even that time when she connected to the Metkayina's soul tree.
the fact that Jake adopted kiri when she was a Newborn.
And that he adopted Tarya when she was a toddler, a really savage one.
And there's a lot of more diferences beetwen them, like the age or the Personality, but maybe I'll explore them later.
Oh! And Tarya and kiri have good sisterhood relationship, nothing to worry about <3
So that's all that came to my mind about the story of this na'vi, but maybe I'll try and explain it when my mind isn't that full of ideas.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and that this was nice for you :).
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 4 months
tell me abt ur fav ocs boy. man. person. unidentified thing
How do I choose favorites I like so many of them-
Uhh. uhhhhh shit I dunno what to talk about, guess i could talk about some Whispers of Willows characters
Mark is. relatively unchanged from the original monster au? Though I need to work on his character more. His new backstory is like. After the death of his and Amber's parents, they moved into an apartment together at around age 20 (1995). He also became friends with Martin Garcia during high school, and they hung out often since. friendship in Whitepine was hard to come by. One night however, Mark found a breach in Whitepine's outer wall, leading into the woods. Against better judgement, he went in to check it out, not knowing the dangers really. Next thing he knew he wakes up back in Whitepine with multiple injuries and begins his transition from human to shadow being. escapes Whitepine after one night where he kinda loses control of himself and accidentally kills Martin, being the last night Amber saw him for ten years.
Another WW character I haven't really brought up is Barney Holmes! It's the owner of a library in downtown Whitepine, and is overall down to earth and a caring dude. a bit strange at points, but it's nice. It likes talking to Jackson during his shifts at the checkpoints on the border of the city. Jackson didn't care for it at first but its admittedly nice to see a friendly face in his line of work. Speaking of Jackson:
Jackson worked as a whitepine Checkpoint operator, making sure anyone going in or out of the city has proper identification and more importantly isn't carrying any diseases, including "Lycanthropy" (loose term, but thats what its referred to as for simplicity sake) Overall he's a bit cold towards other people, doesn't really show much compassion, even when his friend Mabel asks him to. Really just wants to get his job done and over with.
I dunno what else to say right now but send asks about my ocs if you want to. please. bleas
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duckingwriting · 1 year
15 Questions Tag
Thank you @author-a-holmes for the Tag! I haven’t seen this one either! I may have to come back and do it as characters at some point too.
Tagging with no pressure: @mariahwritesstuff, @raevenlywrites, @writingmoth, @cheerfulmelancholies, @jowritesfanfiction, @danceswithdarkspawn, @wren-of-the-woods, @ghost-town-story, @kapenkoiwrites, @annetilney, @rachaellawrites, @tales-from-nocturnaliss, @void-botanist, @mjjune, @eponymoussquared,and please consider this an open tag.
Rules: Answer the 15 questions as your OC or yourself. Tag up to 15 people.
Answering as myself below the cut & there's a blank set of questions at the bottom for easy copy/paste <3
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my dad. I even stole his childhood nickname. I was almost named after my biological father instead and I don’t think that would have gone nearly as well. My middle name comes from St. Nicholas because I was supposed to be born a couple days before Christmas(I was born a week after). 
My pen name came from some Latin words I threw together that I liked the look of for a character for a space pirate story I had been writing at the time that has since been abandoned if that counts?
2 - When was the last time you cried?
A bit more than a week ago. My wife and I were going through some boxes of crap in our shed and I found a note from my mom who I’ve had a falling out with.
3 - Do you have any kids?
Only the kind with four paws that say meow, woof, or squeak.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Far more than I should. I’ve also discovered working in customer service not many people can pick up on it. So not well I guess.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
.Usually their shirt. I have an issue with making eye contact so I rarely look up above the collar bone. 
6 - What is your eye color?
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Both? I LOVE scary movies. But I’m also really into romcoms. I guess Happy endings since I don’t like reading things that don’t have a happy ending. 
8 - Any special talents?
Aggressively supporting my friends. Not just liking and sharing their shit but like, one time at comicon someone at one of the booths mentioned he didn’t get to look at the art a friend had before she she had moved to another table. I just go “hang on.” And walk up to my friend and grab her portfolio from her without even a ‘please let me’ and make her come catch up to me to talk to this dude. And like, most of my friends are artists in some form or another. SO they all get the ‘this is shit because I made it’ and I will 100% spray them with a spray bottle because “It’s great you dumb b*tch post it online or I’ll do it for you.”
9 - Where were you born?
Western Colorado, United States
10 - What are your hobbies?
besides writing(and reading which seems to universally go hand in hand), I play various video games(P.F.Magic Petz being the one I sink the most hours into and mod).
11 - Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a long haired dachshund mix, Wrangler(Wrang), a chihuahua Bama(technically he’s my wife’s dog), 3 cats - Smudge(who was my wife’s cat but he likes me better so he’s mine now), Ace, and Stray, and a mouse named Trauma.
I also volunteer at a rescue ranch my friend runs so while they’re not mine there are quite a few animals there I know just as well as I know my own.
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
.I played basketball in elementary school. I had to quit though. For the most part I avoid sports though. Especially any that requires equipment. Turns out you can forget to ride a bike. Right into a pole I went. 
13 - How tall are you?
14 - Favorite subject in school?
I really liked...math. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. I also enjoyed art and English classes.
15 - Dream job?
Full time author ideally. But barring that, I’d be good with anything where I don’t have to deal with people on a day to day. Give me data sheets to type into a computer or something. No more customer service.
1 - Are you named after anyone?
2 - When was the last time you cried?
3 - Do you have any kids?
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
6 - What is your eye color?
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
8 - Any special talents?
9 - Where were you born?
10 - What are your hobbies?
11 - Do you have any pets?
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
13 - How tall are you?
14 - Favorite subject in school?
15 - Dream job?
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fereldan-kestrel · 8 months
OC Name Meanings
Thank youuu @kittynomsdeplume
Rules: Google and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Sooo I really suck at naming my OCs and they are usually either named by online generators (thats my baby Farie for example, because she is an ANCIENT OC who went through a lot of changes) or by some super random impulse in my brain that cannot be called a thought. In any way, this may be funny.
Tagging: (i havent tagged anyone for anything in such a long time that I'm sorry if I accidentally annoy someone 😅) @warden-greatly-approves @plisuu @author-a-holmes @lavellanvibes @charmcity-jess Names below!
Farie Lavellan - as I mentioned, ages ago I used one of the elven name generators to name my random Lavellan OC for my first run of DAI after a long break... well. The rest is history. Interestingly, turns out Farie is a name of Arabic origin meaning "tall” (thats really not a match then :d), “slim”, “woman with beautiful long hair”. Kiara Trevelyan - seems like depending on origin it could either mean "light", "clear" (Italian origin) or the contrary: "dark" or "black" (Irish origin). What is the truth then!! Guess my girl is just full of contradictions. And why this name? I just liked the sound of it. And the Lion King II 😆 Enarra Amell - honestly I cant remember how I came up with this one and seems like such name (or word) does not exist at all. Closest actually existing word is "Narra" which is apparently a type of wood known as Philippine mahogany. Well, Enarra is definitely a solid and strong gal. Norah Hawke - Norah, Nora etc all come from the name Honora which - easy to guess - originates from the word "honor" (Latin origin). As for how I came up with it - I went through some list of names until one of them sounded good with "Hawke" 😆 Fiadh - my poor baby without her last name because I still cant decide if I want to give Rylen some cool one (Bioware why did you do this to my man!!). Anyway, Fiadh is Farie's and Rylen's daughter and my first OC whose name I paid more attention to. Its a name of celtic roots, meaning "wild" or "wilderness" (esp in modern Irish if i am not mistaken) Carian Rutherford - and finally the Cullevelyan oldest. Can't find the precise info right now, but I remember I was messing with Welsh origin names and this one's core had to do with "love"
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pjwarriorcats · 2 years
Into the Wild
So… what’s the deal with these cat books anyway?
If you’ve spent a decent chunk of time on the internet, you’ve probably encountered them in some form at least once. While by no means the largest fandom on the internet, nor even the largest book series fandom, Warriors fans are pretty prolific, particularly on art-sharing websites and on YouTube. 
The series itself began in 2003 with the release of Into the Wild. Since then, the series has only grown tremendously, with over 90 additional chapter books, graphic novels, super editions, guide books, ebook exclusives, and more (quick note for your own reference: I myself managed to read an even 60 of the main series books before I finally gave up). The children’s book series is written by Erin Hunter, a pseudonym shared by a team of writers and editors, currently consisting of Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland, Inbali Iserles, and Clarissa Hutton, and formerly Gillian Philip (fired after a run-in with what she called the “woke warriors” of publishing—more on that at another time). Different books were worked on by different members of the team, so the pseudonym was devised in order to keep them all organized together when placed on a library shelf.
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[Alt Text: The cover art for the first Warriors book, with an orange cat sitting in a separate box, against a forested background where two more cats approach each other: Artist credit]
The books are about feral cats who have created an organized society of four Clans (each with around 15-20 cats) for themselves in the woods, complete with traditions, customs, a code of rules to live by, and a religion to follow. Built around this general premise, the series has since followed multiple plotlines, and many different characters have starred as the reader’s point of perspective in each book or arc.
These books hooked their claws into multiple generations of young readers. People found enjoyment in discussing their favorite characters, predicting future events, creating fan artworks, arguing over their favorite Clan and territory, and so much more. Furthermore, the basic premise outline left plenty of room for people to devise their own characters, Clans, and stories. Communities popped up around the internet, filled with people’s original Warrior Cats characters, sharing them with each other, creating artwork and animations, writing fan fictions, drawing comics, and developing stories. Roleplay forums related to these original characters (OCs) began appearing everywhere that they could, anywhere that had even the barest technological capability for it: DeviantArt and Wattpad comments sections, Minecraft multiplayer servers, online MMOs like Animal Jam, even MIT’s Scratch programming website. It was everywhere.
And it still is.
I can’t account for DeviantArt or Scratch anymore; it’s been a long time since I’ve traversed through those forums. But I can say with certainty that the Warriors Community has not stopped talking and creating and sharing what they’ve made since it began. The books are one thing, but it’s the fandom I really find fascinating, even all these years since leaving it.
There’s not really any way to consume every single bit of content created by the fans of the Warrior Cats books; there’s just too much of it. I’ll give you as big and as varied a sample as I can at a later time. There’s some extremely remarkable things out there that they’ve created. But the truth of the matter is that not every piece of media made in Warrior Cats’ honor necessarily deserves to be consumed, nor every creator supported. The series is not free from controversies, ranging from accusations of cultural appropriation, to zoophilia, to ableism, and more, and I hope to discuss some of those, as many as I can, as well.
Long story short: there’s a lot to say about the Warriors fandom. Let’s get into it!
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[Alt Text: A digital painting of a large cream cat and a small grey cat running together through a birch forest. Artist credit]
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Fandom-Focused Introduction
About Me
Pronouns: They/them, followed by ve/vir or xe/xir, followed by any other neopronouns. Just avoid he/she/it and you’re good.
Identifiers: Queer, non-binary trans / agender, gray-ace / demisexual, ADHD, polyamorous, Pagan, disabled (hEDS / Ehlers Danlos hypermobile type, POTs / postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, PTSD, maybe Sjogren's according to rheumatologist, possible MCAS / mast cell activation syndrome), kinky (feral/primal top-leaning switch)
Other demographics: 37 years old (mid 1980’s in case I forget to update this in a few years), USA, white
liminalpsych on Archive Of Our Own
Active Fandoms
Fandoms I’m actively engaged in, participating in, reading and writing in, obsessing over, etc.
Arthurian literature: New interest! New hyperfocus! Reading all the original material and some new stuff too. It’s ridiculous, Arthurian myth is basically just a centuries-long accumulation of fanfic and OC’s that tons of people have collectively headcanoned and called it canon. Wild. Got into it thanks to Heather Dale’s Arthurian songs that made me start writing a fix-it fic to Trial of Lancelot where Lancelot, Arthur, and Guenivere are in a polyamorous triad. Because love triangles where everyone actually cares about each other and so polyamory would fix it easily drive me mad. But then I couldn’t figure out the story ending because I didn’t know enough about Arthurian literature, shelved it for almost a decade, then recently pulled it out, dove into Arthurian lore, and got hooked. Gonna be posting a lot about it. I think I’ve followed all the Arthuriana accounts I could find…
Genshin Impact: I haven’t been this into a piece of media in years. Favorite characters are Alhaitham, Xiao, Zhongli, Ningguang, Yae Miko, Ayato, Dehya, Baizhu (who is a whole damn gender, as is Alhaitham), Dottore (favorite villain to hate, great character, terrible person). My Traveler is Aether and I main Itto (who I adore, though he doesn’t make the top 10 list of favorite characters).
Inactive Fandoms
Fandoms I’ve been involved with in the past but not currently. Probably wouldn’t take much to make them active again, but they’re currently on the back burner.
Dragon Age (Inquisition especially, don’t care for Origins, still working on playing through DA2)
Sherlock Holmes (every iteration I’ve encountered, but BBC Sherlock’s first two seasons especially)
Redwall (my entire adolescence, my first roleplaying experience, and setting of the longest story I’ve ever written)
Early Marvel MCU (mostly the original Avengers crew + Loki, all the trauma and found family stuff)
World of Darkness (Mage: the Ascension particularly)
Flight Rising
Casual Fandoms
The honorable mentions. Fandoms I haven’t actively participated in but which hold a special place in my heart.
Terre d’Ange (Kushiel novels by Jacqueline Carey)
Valdemar (Mercedes Lackey)
Tortall (Tamora Pierce)
Feral Souls trilogy (Erica Woods)
Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time had a major impact on my developmental preteen brain, though Twilight Princess is my favorite)
Final Fantasy (7 and 10 especially)
Dune (first 3 books, also 2020 movie)
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liminal-psych · 2 years
Note: I’m moving everything here over to liminalpsych, because this was a subaccount to an account I made years ago and haven’t touched in years, and tumblr doesn’t let you swap a sub account for your primary account. Starting over it is!
Pronouns: They/them, followed by ve/vir or xe/xir, followed by any other neopronouns. Just avoid he/she/it and you’re good.
Identifiers: Queer, non-binary, agender, kinky, gray-ace/demisexual, ADHD, polyamorous (…for well over a decade and a half now, yikes)
What I do: Psychotherapy (specializing in trauma, adhd/autism, gender dysphoria/transition support, GSMs), equestrian activities (have two minis and three full sized horses in my backyard), live action roleplaying, aviculture (I own some parrots and finches), writing sometimes
liminal_psych on Archive Of Our Own
Active Fandoms
Fandoms I’m actively engaged in, participating in, reading and writing in, obsessing over, etc.
Genshin Impact: I haven’t been this into a piece of media in years. Favorite characters are Alhaitham, Xiao, Zhongli, Ningguang, Yae Miko, Ayato, Dehya, Baizhu (who is a whole damn gender, as is Alhaitham), Dottore (favorite villain to hate, great character, terrible person). My Traveler is Aether and I main Itto (who I adore, though he doesn’t make the top 10 list of favorite characters).
Arthurian literature: New interest! New hyperfocus! Reading all the original material and some new stuff too. It’s ridiculous, Arthurian myth is basically just a centuries-long accumulation of fanfic and OC’s that tons of people have collectively headcanoned and called it canon. Wild. Got into it thanks to Heather Dale’s Arthurian songs that made me start writing a fix-it fic to Trial of Lancelot where Lancelot, Arthur, and Guenivere are in a polyamorous triad. Because love triangles where everyone actually cares about each other and so polyamory would fix it easily drive me mad. But then I couldn’t figure out the story ending because I didn’t know enough about Arthurian literature, shelved it for almost a decade, then recently pulled it out, dove into Arthurian lore, and got hooked. Not sure whether to make a separate Tumblr for it or not but I’ll just do all my fandom stuff here for now.
Inactive Fandoms
Fandoms I’ve been involved with in the past but not currently. Probably wouldn’t take much to make them active again, but they’re currently on the back burner.
Dragon Age (Inquisition especially, don’t care for Origins, still working on playing through DA2)
Sherlock Holmes (every iteration I’ve encountered, but BBC Sherlock’s first two seasons especially)
Redwall (my entire adolescence, my first roleplaying experience, and setting of the longest story I’ve ever written)
Early Marvel MCU (mostly the original Avengers crew + Loki, all the trauma and found family stuff)
World of Darkness (Mage: the Ascension particularly)
Flight Rising
Casual Fandoms
The honorable mentions. Fandoms I haven’t actively participated in but which hold a special place in my heart.
Terre d’Ange (Kushiel novels by Jacqueline Carey)
Valdemar (Mercedes Lackey)
Tortall (Tamora Pierce)
Feral Souls trilogy (Erica Woods)
Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time had a major impact on my developmental preteen brain)
Final Fantasy (7 and 10 especially)
Dune (first 3 books, also 2020 movie)
NERO/Alliance/Refuge (staffed, roleplayed, don’t play anymore but have posted character stories in AO3)
New World Magischola (R.I.P)
Event Horizon (R.I.P)
Daemon, in 2023 anyway
Temet Nosce (personal brainchild, on hold indefinitely)
World of Darkness / Mind’s Eye Theater (haven’t done this in aaages)
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leaves-are-yummy · 2 months
Yoo I’m finally making an introduction post after like a year or so of having tumblr so yeazz
About me:
⭑16yrs old
⭑I draw:3
⭑dating @saint-cecil <3<3
⭑genderfluid lesbian(he/she/they)
I loooove talking w ppl about stuff I like etc so feel free to message me:)
Most of the time I like something very intensely for a specific period of time and then I like it a normal amount for a longer period (and then the thing hits me like a train and I start thinking about it obsessively again) so yea a couple things I like are:
⭑the original ACD Holmes books
⭑1984 Granada Holmes
⭑cookie run
⭑good omens
⭑welcome to night vale
⭑don’t hug me I’m scared
⭑Bandori: girls band party (used to play it a lot but kinda quit some time ago)
⭑the Walten files
⭑My Chemical Romance
⭑Will Wood
⭑Tally Hall
⭑The last dinner party
⭑Depeche mode
(Can u tell I love making lists??)
In general I like art, literature and music so yesz pretty standard thingies
Oohh also I really love talking abt oc’s or headbands for media I like w ppl
My post are probably random pretty pictures I repost, doodles I make, random weird-ass thoughts I have or just fun stuff yea
That’s it for now ig:))
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solitaireinfoacc · 8 months
☆.. ノ games
☆.. ノ animal crossing
★ ankha
☆.. ノ at dead of night
★ amy bell
☆.. ノ bad end theater
★ maiden “lucy”
★ underling
☆.. ノ corpse party
★ atsuma kayama (OC)
★ mayu suzumoto
★ yuka mochida
☆.. ノ danganronpa
★ aiko umesawa
★ akane owari
★ angie yonaga
★ celestia ludenberg
★ chiaki nanami
★ genocide jack
★ hiiyan edo (OC)
★ himiko yumeno
★ hiyoko saionji
★ ibuki mioda
★ junko enoshima
★ kaede akamatsu
★ kiyotaka ishimaru
★ koichi kizakura
★ kokichi ouma
★ kotoko utsugi
★ maki harukawa
★ miu iruma
★ natsumi kuzuryuu
★ ningya kira (OC)
★ peko pekoyama
★ petaro haru (OC)
★ ryota mitarai
★ seiko kimura
★ shina yuri (OC)
★ sonia nevermind
★ toko fukawa
★ yuta asahina
☆.. ノ doki doki literature club
★ sayori
☆.. ノ fnaf
★ ballora “clara”
★ bonbon
★ cassie
★ elizabeth afton
★ glamrock freddy
★ gregory
★ roxanne wolf
★ sundrop
☆.. ノ homestuck
★ jade harley
☆.. ノ ib
★ mary
☆.. ノ night in the woods
★ gregg lee
☆.. ノ overwatch
★ amélie lacroix "widowmaker"
★ angela ziegler "mercy"
★ brigitte lindholm
★ elizabeth caledonia "ashe"
★ hana song “d. va”
★ kiriko kamori
★ lena oxton "tracer"
★ olivia colomar "sombra"
☆.. ノ roblox
★ anastasiya_cole
★ clairsmiles (adult and kid)
★ clerince
★ coatsofclaude
★ darvaan
★ dr_aldra
★ fiddlepat
★ G0Z
★ goodpuffer
★ jackcult
★ masqueraze
★ morgenne
★ mrrealism
★ somatikos
★ tippyship
★ unstable_day
★ vourned
☆.. ノ sally face
★ maple cohen
★ megan holmes
★ sal fisher
★ todd morrison
☆.. ノ undertale / deltarune
★ alphys
★ asriel dreemurr
★ kris 
★ muffet
★ napstablook
★ papyrus
★ temmie
☆.. ノ wii sports
★ abby
☆.. ノ yandere simulator
★ hanako yamada
★ nemesis
★ osana najimi
☆.. ノ your turn to die
★ anzu kinashi
★ gin ibushi
★ kai satou
★ mai tsurugi
★ nao egokoro
★ ranmaru kageyama
★ rio ranger
★ shin tsukimi
★ sou hiyori
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henbased · 3 years
the lovelies @faithchel and @scungilliwoman tagged me to make some OCs in this picrew (aloha sushicore my beloved)
tagging: @8bitpizzacoupons @necro-hamster @vasiktomis @transdeputy @amistrio @aceghosts @lilwritingraven @stacispratt @adelaidedrubman @paganminiskirt @i-am-the-balancing-point @josephslittledeputy @nonfunctioning-queer @shellibisshe
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Deputy Jude Blanchard (FC5) // Logan Eden Gates (FC5)
Wood Holmes (FNV) // Donnie (FO3/4)
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Spencer Reid
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock
Bobby Drake
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Hank McCoy
Scott Lang
Scott Summers
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Mobius M. Mobius
Pietro Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Charles Xavier
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
Soldier Boy
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Aaron Raleigh
Paul Jesus Rovia
The Governor
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Morgan Jones
Spencer Monroe
Lee Everett
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
Tumblr media
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vntagetee-a · 2 years
Tumblr media
 indie,  semi-private,  highly  selective,  twenty-one+,  multimuse  rp  ft.  canon  &  original  characters  from  movies,  tv,  &  other  mixed  media.  triggering  content  such  as  nsfw,  blood,  gore,  ect.  written  by  skye  (25+).  currently  using  the  new  x-kit  text  editor  !!
doc  /  starter calls  /  opens  /  meme tag  /  wishlist  /  wanted opposites  /  mobile muses ( under the cut )
* Primary ** Secondary *** Test
* Vicki Vale
** Rachel Dawes
** Selina Kyle
* Gia Tedesco ( OC )
** Naomi Cohen ( OC )
* Ella Tremaine / Cinderella
Don’t Worry Darling
** Alice Chambers
Enola Holmes
** Enola Holmes
Fandomless OC’s
* Hannah Parker ( 35, dog day care+serial killer, fc; aubrey plaza )
*** Paige Ingram ( 30, hair stylist, fc; lily reinhart )
*** Willow Donovan ( 22, student+barista, fc; madelyn cline )
Game of Thrones
** Talisa Maegyr Stark
* Gwendolyn Stark ( OC ) bio wip
Gone Girl
** Amy Dunne
House of the Dragon
* Rhaenyra Targaryen
* Baela Targaryen
Interview with a Vampire
* Claudia
** Amanda Kinsella
* Yasmin Ayala ( OC )
The Musketeers
* Constance Bonacieux
** Ninon de Larroque
* Queen Anne of Austria
* Mary Turner ( OC )
Promising Young Woman
** Cassie Thomas
* Isabel Reacher ( OC )
Robin Hood
* Lady Marian
Stranger Things
** Melanie Woods ( OC )
The White Lotus
** Daphne Sullivan
** Rose DeWitt-Bukater
* April O’Neil
** Maxine Minx
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graceful-not · 3 years
Heyo! I'm Grace!
Let's start off with some Introductions!
You can call me Grace, or Graceful!
My tags are:
#grace gvoices gthings (nothing starts with g and I wanted alliteration)
^A tag for the posts I make!(that I actually want to save dhsbbs)
#grace answers asks
^A tag for all the asks~
#my art
^Self explanatory.
I am the Mod of these blogs:
@lyra-the-toppat (Henry Stickmin OC RP blog!)
@wii-forgave-you (a wii-deleted-you AU askblog! co-modded by me and @tired-artist-aqua ! [Currently on indefinite haitus]
The fandoms I'm in are as follows;,,
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Vincent the Secret of Myers
Friday Night Funkin
Madness Combat/Madness Project Nexus 2
Just Shapes and Beats
The Property of Hate
Oddity Woods
The Stanley Parable
H.I.V.E. (The Higher Institute Of Villainous Education)
Animator VS Animation/Animation VS Minecraft
The Lego Movies
the Ace Attorney trilogy + Apollo Justice (haven't played dual destinies or the aai games yet)
Great Ace Attorney duology
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The Magium
the Sherlock Holmes canon (ACD)
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
20,000 leagues under the sea (Jules Verne)
Professor Layton (only both trilogies + the movie)
That's pretty much it, though one more thing;
PLEASE please tell me if you need something tagged in any of my posts, I want to make this as safe a place as I can in that sense, though I have to warn those of you uncomfortable with it that I do curse.
Have a great day!
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ghostface001 · 2 years
Illogical Reasoning Master List
This was originally posted on my side account, @michael-yagoobian. I want to transfer the content to my main so I can post here more.
A slow burn Teen Wolf rewrite Stiles Stilinski x OC fic, OC has a name, but I don’t include any identifying characteristics in the fic itself. That might change, and I’ll change tags accordingly.
Summary: Nina and Will Holmes have lived in Beacon Hills, California, for a little over a year by the start of their sophomore year of high school. In their time in the small town, Beacon Hills has always been quiet and boring. On the first day of school, the lower half of a Jane Doe is found in the woods; a Jane Doe that only Nina and Will seem to believe was murdered. Per their mother Imogen’s pleas, the twins agree to stick to the sidelines and let the police do their job, but it’s hard to do when every new development drags them closer and closer to the center of this case.
Illogical Reasoning Ao3
Character Overview
Chapter 1: Migraines
Chapter 2: Classified
Chapter 3: Mountain Lion
Chapter 4: Night School
Chapter 5: The Library
Chapter 6: Mountain Ash
Chapter 7: Girl Talk
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michael-yagoobian · 2 years
Illogical Reasoning Master list
A slow burn Stiles Stilinski x OC rewrite fic, OC has a name and I have my own FC for her in the character overview, but I don’t include any identifying characteristics in the fic itself. That might change, and I’ll change tags accordingly.
Summary: Nina and Will Holmes have lived in Beacon Hills, California, for a little over a year by the start of their sophomore year of high school. In their time in the small town, Beacon Hills has always been quiet and boring. On the first day of school, the lower half of a Jane Doe is found in the woods; a Jane Doe that only Nina and Will seem to believe was murdered. Per their mother Imogen’s pleas, the twins agree to stick to the sidelines and let the police do their job, but it’s hard to do when every new development drags them closer and closer to the center of this case.
Illogical Reasoning Ao3
Character Overview
Chapter 1: Migraines
Chapter 2: Classified
Chapter 3: Mountain Lion
Chapter 4: Night School
Chapter 5: The Library
Chapter 6: Mountain Ash
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