#oc: the couturière
thebadtimewolf · 5 months
some oc lore for some new folks but its a long post
Nyintr is a planet that houses an unconventional monarchy-like rule over its subjects. Involved in time and space exploration, it's here where these species labeled Janllandis (for outsiders), Nyintirans are a curious species. They showcase extreme longitivity in age and it shows prevalent in height. A simple Nyintr year is 3650 Earth years past. With a day on Nyintr lasting for 5 earth years - luckily for humans that reside on Nyintr, they do not age the same rate since it is after all another day. Though having to be 30 to 35 means every day is five birthdays! How sweet! At least the eyes show their age if they were to return to Earth.
Some citizens are as over 2,722 ft tall and others are larger. The oldest to date are so large that unfortunately are too huge to reside there - seen as eldritch tall. This makes certain species like humans, gallifreyans, and others seem almost grain-like side by side. Which is a very good thing Nyintirans are a shapeshifting species. Specifically, it varies upon family and genetic backgrounds. To easily summarize it, they prefer to be titled as adaptive shapeshifting. Most Nyintirans are time sensitive due to the planet formerly being a time vortex to a star before solidfying itself with a strong gravitational pull to form a planet. It is only recently the locals discovered the sentience of the planet itself.
Base appearences vary upon the Nyintirans, in the royal family, their skin pigment are various blues, cool greens, violets, and dark browns. Facial structures however - still using the royal family as the example - are the earth equivalent of african, aboriginal, or black with a few south asian and indigenous. Because of the royal family and thei hybrid nature of being both Gallifreyan and Nyintiran, their base selves - if we stick with earth terminology - are in the category of black or person of color (abbrev. POC).
As mentioned earlier, they are ruled in a unconventional monarchy. The current ruling family is the Tavįàümńs. Generationally, going by the surname Benedies or the Benedie Royals. While most monarchal families are revolved around high status in genetic family trees or residing within said family tree via distabt cousins by marriage - the Benedie royals seek outside the expected/assumed boundaries. They marry and court off-worlders gallifreyans, humans, hybrids: if it's off world, its for them. The current ruler is Dowger Queen Evangeline Tavįàümń alongside her husband, the gallifreyan titled the Scientist. Though, he has the status of Emperor for yet another planet, he is married into the title Dowger King-Emperor. Evangeline's twin sister, Mariana, is Dowger Tsesarevich Mariana Tavįàümń.
Evangeline has four children with the flexible title, High King or High King. Their names, in order of initial recorded birth, are as follows: Allura, V, Vin and the Vigilante. Due to the monitored temporal interference of Great Queen V and Dowger Queen Evangeline, the birth order is currently as follows: Allura, Vin, V, and the Vigilante. Their titles are High Queen Allura, High King Vin, Great Queen V and Great Queen the Vigilante.
Despite the usage of their public names in accompany to their titles, their birth names are in their place on official Nyintiran documents. Each child have their own domain that resides on this planet, however, as of current times: this is all ruled by their parents and grandparents.
This particular royal family have intergrated different off world cultures and taboos to accommodate their spouses. Which others would frown upon, Nyintirans are - if not known for the blasé approach to bloodsport - rather open minded. Highly curious as well and all around open and accepting. As well as the multiple spouses sharing a title with their own freely given court.
As told, monogamy is rather rare - though not unheard of to be considered a taboo, not by any means - in terms of relationships within this species. This is probably to due to their lack of secrecy since they are also a telepathic species. They can speak but, they are mainly a telepathic species. Unlike the Gallifreyans who are a tactile telepathic species unless using a general word - the infamous verbal link 'contact' - Nyintirans do not need consent to enter one's mind. Similar to the species labelled as TARDISes or TT Capsules, if you can think, you are then known. Similar to if you can speak, you are then heard.
The languages they have are very nearly polyglot. Which makes translation circuits a tad obsolete for this species - they learn by hearing and reading and signing. Many of the technology there are adaptive for all. Many places that are rather not wheelchair accessible - places that quite frankly are unsafe for anyone to access - are accessible. This is also due to the sentient nature of the landmass on Nyintr. So if you wish to go splunking with a group of friends but you are medically bound by your bed - don't fret for you too can explore the forbidden caverns and fight for survival against the Crawlers! Neat!
Nyintirans are, as seen above, are not shy about gore and other serious topics that make some uncomfortable or fearful on Earth. However, if it is unconsentual, the perpetrator is usually mutilated. Even more dificult to lie when they can see and understand what the mind concocts. Deeply and swiftly investigated, there is a choice of prison for less severe and frowned up crimes.
Most Nyintiran prisons are actually more residential housing complexes so when one leaves, a job they had applied for or went online to graduate for, it is already available for them with an address for a furnished "house or apartment on hold" for them to reside. This however varies upon the crime.
Fighting or threatening a Nyintiran can become a mating ritual if the Nyintiran finds the threat attractive. Which is historically known to be off putting to some offworlders who are used to those tactics as a self-isolation method. Similar to a mating dance.
Nyintirans are very hard to kill, with only one success being recorded as accidental via weeping angel during the end of the last of the great time war. This is why mutilation by Nyintiran standards varies from the comparisons of other species. Bullets, blasters or other usual means that tend to be more effective in killing other species tend to fail for Nyintirans despite any Nyintirans trying their best to accomodate to "fit in" with their shapeshifting. On record, Nyintirans have more than one internal organ than the number of internal organs a Gallifreyan has - if we were to compare - but due to their natural shapeshifting, its possible the internal structure has changed.
In terms of offspring with off-worlders, Nyintirans and whoever they are mated with, the children are raised initially in Nyintiran culture and ways before integrating into the spouses' culture and life. For the royal family, specifically the offspring of the Dowger Queen and King-Emperor, their Nyintiran side is dormant with their Gallifreyan side being the forefront. However, since both species are time sensitive, it is possible that the children can feel the years go by. Which implies they are older than what is recorded and turn makes the queen and other family members older than what is on record. Hybrids of hybrids however - at least from what is recorded in terms of the royal family - can choose to fully become the introductory species than their birthright or even be both! Which is fascinating that the shapeshifting origin of said offspring can evolve in such a way.
This being said, infertility is a choice Nyintirans can adapt to. Mating with a Nyintiran or a hybrid offspring of a Nyintiran makes most if not all off-world infertility moot. The Nyintiran can shift in a way to birth a child if their partner are unable to do so or be the "giver" in the process. All that is needed is the genetic dna of their partner - varies upon touch to kissing or in other ways. Then the Nyintiran can shift internally or externally in the method commonly used for that planet so it will always be a Nyintiran birth. This is how the offspring of the Dowger Queen's were created post-off worlder curse. Yes, it is as silly (and / or horrific) but the Nyintiran doesn't feel the possible pain that is expected when seeing the sight of the process.
Children recieve the basic education seen on other worlds before added education - by the time they graduate college in Nyintiran culture, they are then thrusted into essentially pre-k in off worlder education systems. Which makes them overqualified on the subjects given in other schools but, this is to form connections off planet. They, in addition, learn body endurance - though this is for hybrids as Nyintirans are usually taught this in middle school biology. Which to off worlders would be titled as militaristic indoctrination and scientific experimentation. There are therapists for those that are more troubled by this in early development. However, one can opt out and be home schooled.
The planet's atmosphere is earth-like. The sky however is violet. Nyintr has five moons with the folowing names: Vyasm Mirusefa, Luha'er, Ovisi, Ya’kil, Sa’tckyav. Three suns - two that actually circulate the planet and the main sun of a blue star in the solar system they reside in. There are several languages but there are two languages - old language and current. It is known they have a religion but, joining it is unexplained by the locals.
Vehicles vary though some can be labeled as "motor vehicles" and "tt capsules" even though the names are different if asked. Considering Tardises are both a flora and being their own species, the term "vehicle" is too oversimplified. There is however a "garden" as their own continent on Nyintr formed after the marriage of the now Dowger Queen and Dowger King-Emperor.
International affairs such as war: Nyintirans tend to avoid it if asked. It is a political affair that involves the interference of the monarchy. If there is an attack on a royal, the rest will attack in turn unless dissuaded to act by the attacked royal. Juristiction is unlimited but, this isn't used by the royals themselves. Except those that travel off world.
Nyintr have longer seasonal holidays due to longer weather cycles.
Any other further topics about the subject can be asked.
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thereikoproject · 2 years
Day 15: Bûche de Noël
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Day 17: Christmas Lights
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Hi K! I love all your works and seeing your OC event actually inspired me to finally post my Twst OC sjdjjd. I don't know if it's still going but I would love a design for my OC Aevita! ✨☺️
Hi dearie!!
Oh my... I'm truly glad you decided to share your twst oc!!
Hope you're having fun, and found nice persons here!!
For sure let me try something for her!! (her horns!!!)
Thank you !!
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K:" Milady Vermillion... Aevita? Yesh it's the couturière!! I have your dressh!! Pleashe come to shome adjustement for....maybe your horns!"
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Ah ah a bit too much Briar Valley style maybeeeee..... I hope you don't mind those design!!
Coloring satin fabric is such a thing!!
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lsdown · 4 years
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Hellow ! Bonne chance à tout pour 2021 ( Comment ça je suis pessimiste ? ) ! Enfin, premier dessin de cette nouvelle année ! Il s'agit d'un fanart du dessin animé pour adulte Hazbin Hotel créer par Vivziepop disponible sur YouTube en anglais, français et même japonais pour ceux qui veulent. J'ai eu un coup de coeur pour cet univers décalé et haut en couleur ( et super vulgaire ahah ! ), tout comme une bonne amie à moi. Les deux personnages à gauche et à droite sont d'ailleurs ses OC's, je vous les présente un peu plus bas, la mienne viendra prochainement. Du coup, au centre, nous avons Alastor, aussi appelé le Démon de la Radio dans la série. Un Overlord qui en fait trembler plus d'un et mais qu'on adore ( en tout cas nous ) quand-même ! C'était un présentateur radio et un tueur en série originaire de La Nouvelle-Orléans.
Maintenant passons aux OC's de ma pote et ne me jugez pas pour les prénoms, c'est pas moi qui ait choisi ! ( Je sais pas si c'est drôle ou désespérant. )
À gauche, il s'agit de Réglisse, c'est une Overlord comme Alastor et qui quand elle était humaine était également une tueuse en série particulièrement prolifique. Elle est pansexuelle et en couple avec Vanille, elle est la patronne d'un donjon BDSM appeler « Halloween's Queen ». Et malgré qu'elle soit en couple, elle a un énorme coup de coeur pour Alastor également. Et c'est une bonne amie de Angel Dust également. Ensuite, Vanille donc ! C'est une stylise androgyne particulièrement jolie qui attire beaucoup le regard. Elle n'est pas très très bavarde avec les gens qu'elle ne connait pas et toujours très propre sur elle. Par le passé, c'était une couturière qui a assassiné toute sa famille pour une raison qu'elle n'a pas dévoilé. Elle est également pansexuelle comme Réglisse. Elle connait Alastor comme quasiment tout le monde en enfer, mais elle ne sait pas trop quoi penser de lui et l'espèce d'obsession de sa petite-amie pour ce démon la dépasse quelques peu. — Hellow! Good luck with everything for 2021 ( How pessimistic am I? )! Finally, first drawing of this new year! It is a fanart of the adult cartoon Hazbin Hotel created by Vivziepop available on YouTube in English, French and even Japanese for those who want. I had a favorite for this quirky and colorful universe ( and super vulgar ahah! ), just like a good friend of mine. The two characters on the left and the right are his OC's, I present them a little lower, mine will come soon. So, in the center, we have Alastor, also called the Radio Demon in the series. An Overlord who makes more than one shake and who we love (at least us) anyway! He was a radio host and serial killer from New Orleans. Now let's go to my friend's OC's and don't judge me for the first names, I didn't choose! ( I don't know if it's funny or hopeless. ) On the left, it's Réglisse, it's an Overlord like Alastor and who when she was human was also a particularly prolific serial killer. She is a pansexual couple with Vanille, she is the patron of a BDSM dungeon called "Halloween's Queen". And despite being a couple, she has a huge crush on Alastor too. And she's a good friend of Angel Dust, too. Then Vanille! It is a particularly pretty androgynous style that attracts a lot of attention. She's not very talkative with people she doesn't know and always very clean about her. In the past, she was a seamstress who murdered her entire family for a reason she didn't disclose. She is also pansexual like Licorice. She knows Alastor like almost everyone else in hell, but she doesn't really know what to think of him and her girlfriend's obsession with this demon is a little beyond her.
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doudouyouli · 6 years
10 things to know about Lyncé
Because I wanted to develop a little history of my oc Lyncé priestess, and character with whom I play the most, here are 10 things to know about it...
1) Lynce came aboard the Exodar with the rest of the draenei who fled when on Draenor, the orcs attacked Shattrath. Unfortunately his family was decimated during this attack. 2) Because of what happened on Draenor / Far East, she hates the orcs. She has a hard time accepting that Trall was able to help aspects to get rid of Death Wings. 3) She loves everything that is small and cute, especially the dragonets, why ...? 4) For a long time she struggled to find her voice, but eventually she turned to discipline, but without rejecting the sacred side of the priesthood. 5) She will never turn to the voice of the shadow of the priesthood, simply because she is afraid of being unable to master it and to be swept away forever to that dark side 6) She has great admiration for her friend and King Anduin. She behaves like a big protective sister, or like a mother hen in verse to him. She is anyway older than him (about 5 years old). 7) She and Anduin met when he came to learn the priesthood voice with the prophet Velen after the Alliance brought the Worgen back into their ranks. They immediately got along very well. She's mischievous, often getting caught by Velen, giving him sage advice and advice on spells to learn. He often laughs nonsense that she could do. 8) She is an excellent seamstress, she makes beautiful dress and harmonious ensemble to go fight. 9) It was she who unfortunately had to learn about Varian's death in Anduin. That day, she could never look in front of her friend. She, who had sworn she would protect King Vrynn, she could not keep her promise. So she swore to protect the cost that Anduin, even at the risk of his life, if it was necessary. 10) She is wary of a certain black dragon, because she does not know which way to dance with him. She has already seen Anduin be unhappy because of him, she does not want him to be so again. Yet she suspects something between these two, but she has never managed to discover the truth.
En français dans le texte :
1) Lyncé est arrivée à bord de l'Exodar avec le reste des draeneï qui se sont enfuis lorsque sur Draenor, les orcs ont attaqué Shattrath. Malheureusement sa famille fut décimé lors de cette attaque.
2) A cause de ce qu'il s'est passé sur Draenor/outreterre, elle a en horreur les orcs. Elle a beaucoup de mal à accepter que Trall est pu aider les aspects à se défaire de Death Wings.
3) Elle adore tout ce qui est petit et mignon, particulièrement les dragonnets, allez savoir pourquoi...?
4) Pendant longtemps elle a eu du mal à trouver sa voix, mais finalement elle s'est tourné vers la discipline, mais sans pour autant rejeté le coté sacré de la prêtrise.
5) Elle ne se tournera jamais vers la voix de l'ombre de la prêtrise, tout simplement car elle a peur de ne peut pouvoir la maitriser et de se laisser emporter pour toujours vers ce coté obscur
6) Elle voue une grande admiration en vers son ami et roi Anduin. Elle se comporte comme une grande sœur protectrice, ou comme une mère poule en vers lui. Elle est de toute façon plus âgée que lui ( de 5 ans environ).
7)Elle et Anduin se sont rencontrés lorsque celui ci est venu apprendre la voix de la prêtrise avec le prophète Velen après que l'Alliance est fait entrer de nouveau les Worgens dans leur rangs. Ils se sont tout de suite très bien entendu. Elle espiègle, se faisant attrapé souvent par Velen, lui sage et lui prodiguant des conseils avisés sur les sorts à apprendre. Il a souvent rit des bêtises qu'elle a pu faire.
8) C'est une excellente couturière, elle fait de magnifique robe et ensemble harmonieux pour aller combattre.
9) C'est elle qui a du malheureusement apprendre la mort de Varian à Anduin, Ce jour là, elle n'a jamais pu regardé en face son ami. Elle, qui avait juré qu'elle protégerai le roi Vrynn, elle n'a pas pu tenir sa promesse. Du coup elle a juré de protéger coute que coute Anduin, au péril même de sa vie, si il le fallait.
10) Elle se méfie d'un certain dragon noir, car elle ne sait pas sur quel pied danser avec lui. Elle a déjà vu Anduin être malheureux à cause de lui, elle ne veut pas qu'il le soit de nouveau. Pourtant elle se doute de quelque chose entre ces deux là , mais elle n'a jamais réussi à découvrir la vérité.
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polatykingdom · 6 years
Nicolás von Combalt
Nicknames: Nico, “The crown dagger”, “Polaty’s whip”
Birthday: October 27th
Season of origin: First Winter
Nobility Titles: Duke Nicolás von Combalt, heir of First Winter. Duke Nicolás von Combalt, Prime Minister of Polaty. Duke Nicolás von Combalt, Minister of Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Polaty. The incarnation of the soul of the Original King.
Ancestry: Descendant of the Original King. Son of the Duke of First Winter, Lord von Combalt, and an unknown mother. Although secondary sources indicate the seamstress Aurora Couturière, maid of the First Winter's Palace, as the mother of the Duke.
Gender: Cisgender male
Sexuality: Demiromantic, demisexual
Physical Description: Duke Nicolás von Combalt has curly brown hair, light brown eyes and white skin according with the features of most people in Winter. His hair is short, and his face shows the elegant features of the First Winter nobility. His body is slender and thanks to the gift of the Archaics he remains with the looks of a teenager of fifteen years.  
Personality: Nicholas is a very sensitive person who often hide behind a shield of coldness and sarcasm. Cruel and disheartened with strangers, he is usually very attached to his loved ones and is always looking for signs of affection. He expresses his love in very strange ways, from annoying his loved ones to flirting without impudence. He is very passionate about everything he likes and very idler with the rest (mostly his duties). He would sacrifice everything in order to make those he loves happy.
What the oc likes: Nicolás loves painting, weaving, embroidery, handicrafts, and pastries. And he always likes to dress well, no matter what.
Magical Skills: Nicolás dominates the highest level of magic between the nobility. His skills go from advanced herbology, creation of advanced potions, basic snow spells, basic health magic, and advanced icing bending.
Gift of the Archaics: Super marksmanship
¿Immortality?: Yes.
Relevant Facts: Born in the cradle of a family hungry for the throne, Nicolás grew up alone and surrounded by duties and lessons. At an early age he was required to conquer the heart of the Summer Princess in order to be crowned as king. However, and after noticing that despite his great achievements and talents he was lagging behind in the race for the crown, he decided to give in and retire to the background to favor the happiness of his friends. This act earned him the hate of his father.
He was the right hand of Prince Leon in the civil war, helping to free the Summer Prince and to take the crown from the Dark King. Today he is the Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs
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maeruart · 6 years
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Couturière le jour, cambrioleuse la nuit. Tizell vient d'une ville est aussi commun et autorisé que le fait de débattre chez d'autres. Elle a essayé de gagner sa vie en travaillant honorablement mais ses activités nocturnes restaient son plaisir et son talent vers lesquels elle s'est retourné. Tizell n'aime pas suivre les ordres. Elle vit naïvement sans penser aux conséquences de ses vols sur les autres. Drôle d'idée pour une cambrioleuse de s'attacher au Justicier de la ville... Elle fait son possible pour l'aider et attirer son attention. #pargate#illustration#oc#character#personnage#fantastique#fantastic#fantasy#draw#drawing#dessin#art#artist#gouache#originalcharacter#pink#rose# https://www.instagram.com/p/BvP2tTiFR_1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gz1b0bit71vj
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thebadtimewolf · 11 months
i forgot i gave vigil's eldest sister a time lord title.
🥂the couturière🥂
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thebadtimewolf · 8 years
Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.
This means any minor ‘background character’ in my Muse’s life, such as a relative, coworker, friend, rival, etc. that they interact with in their personal canon.
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Allura - The Other Sister
Role: Voice of Reason/Minor River/Rational/‘Eldest sibling’
Allura is the sister that is more driven in having power than actually wanting to help people/planets/universes. Is the only sibling out of the four that is only mentioned in passing due to not being involved in her sisters’ and brother’s lives. She is known to be seductive if left alone with someone and always can get her way. Allura is also invulnerable to certain types of persuasion due to her mentality. Allura is the only sibling that cannot regenerate due to having her mother’s dominating genes however, she still has some Gallifreyan so, she still has limitations.
Towards her sister, Vigilante, she sees her more as a romantic rival than an actual sister due to some people taking a shine to her than to herself. She is the only sibling who hasn’t been experimented on or has any mental illnesses. She is also the only sibling who works and lives near her parents, running a three corporate business in both the fashion, economic, and sexual world. Her ‘empire’ see her more as a queen than a boss and so far, no one could (or dared to) buy her out.
Allura isn’t known to be fond of humans/other species but, some do catch her eye and she gives off a cold vibe when someone demeans her family. Her fighting style is a mix Judo, Ninjitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Krav Maga, and boxing with one aim to kill instead of maiming her opponent(s). She always seen in formal attire unless she visits family which could either be formal, casual, or sleeping wear. Like her siblings, she is also uncaring about who sees what if she decides to walk around in the nude or just in her undergarments. Her faceclaim is Eva Mendes
Alternative Verse:
The same thing except she rules countries instead of businesses.
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