#oc: rosie/thorn
wishing-well-art · 1 year
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A few more pieces of my ocs, Atlas and Rosie!
Both of them gained a specific magic gift in an event that trapped the town under a magic dome, with Atlas being able to manipulate light and Rosie able to manipulate plants. While Atlas is living a relatively normal existence with their new powers, Rosie decided to become a supervillain and cause lots of minor property damage.
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rottentricks · 1 year
Recent stuff that happened , Cloverbeam had first litter with Nightshade and they have two daughters! They are adventurous like their parents, compassionate with their goals and overall good hard working apprentices. Also, Rosyflight finally chose a cat to spend her life with, and its the skrunkly Thornwhisker :3
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deltaqueen184 · 3 months
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sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of Journey's Beginning 11
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time.
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★~When I arrived the supposed verdant paradise was already gone. The Page General had already transitioned to a full-on assault of the resistance he had found on the island and all that remained was a sinking caldera of molten rock. There was a miracle present however, as despite the devastation, plant life was spreading over the doomed island remnants. In the Empire such a sight was unfathomable, unlike the Stone Ghosts that haunted the doomed island.
~Thorn the Crimson
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Sky Ring peering through lightning riddled smoke Reflected on sea by burning ring of mountains Molten rock surrounding destruction born lake Sphere of Darkness rising up through cloud of steam A collection of airships reduced to giant gravestones Beach of burning black sand Sandaled foot pressing in Drops of Darkness dripping Dissipating as twinkling motes of the same
A side panel of a fallen airship was blasted out in a gout of flame and the black shadow on the beach casually leaned to the side as it flew by them into the lake behind them. The shadow was hardly so complete though, intense red light glowing from and disguising where the crystals grew from Tempest’s body. Even his normally blue eyes glowed red as he watched Bowlings stumble out of the wrecked airship.
“Absolute madness,” Bowlings scowled as he looked out across the beach at the black hedgehog. “A mere boy devastating an Imperial fleet. It shouldn’t be possible.”
“You talk to much,” Tempest declared coldly and stretched out his right arm to snag Bowlings.
“And I was right to consider you a threat to the Empire!” Bowlings snapped back as he conjured a wall of flame to protect himself from Tempest.
“Tch,” Tempest clicked his tongue as he was forced to retract his arm. His anger did not subside however, and he began to slowly approach Bowlings’ position. “I’ll bring your whole Empire down just like you did Rosy and our home. Just like you did our efforts to find ourselves in this world. I’ll bring it all down with this arm.”
“Don’t flatter yourself boy,” Bowlings scoffed as he sought some means to escape. “What are you distracted by Projector? I could use an extraction.”
“Did your friend abandon you?” Tempest asked as he closed in on Bowlings. “Like you forced me to abandon Rosy!”
“I don’t even know who you’re talking about, and frankly don’t care!”
Bowlings’ retort was accompanied by another gout of flame, but Tempest’s speed allowed him to easily avoid it. In fact, Bowlings’ attack became the opportunity he needed to fully close the distance between him and the general and his speed allowed him to take his back.
A response came as Bowlings’ eyes widened, but it was not from Brilliant as he had hoped. Yet unquestionably the response saved his life.
“Tempest! I found you! Thank goodness!”
The intense red light that had visibly replaced Tempest’s crystals faded and was replaced by the soft purple light that marked his confusion. Yet flakes of intense blue light intermingled as he raced away from the wreckage and out onto the beach. With eyes that were once again blue he nearly burst into tears at the sight of the white leotard clad hedgehog girl.
“Rosy!!” Tempest shouted as he raced across the beach and embraced her in a tight hug, not thinking about the consequences.
“Tempest, your arm is going to try and eat me,” Rosy laughed as she let Tempest express the relief that he was feeling. Smiling, she gave credit to where it was due however. “But you should thank Mote for finding me before things got too crazy. Hee-hee! Getting out of there while everything was falling down has to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
“Mote?” Tempest asked as he stepped back and looked up to see the fairy giving him a look.
“About time you noticed me,” Mote sighed before explaining herself. “Between you and my vassal it should have been obvious I would have sought her out. Though, you have proven yourself a worthy ally in my quest through this demonstration of destruction you’ve wrought.”
The destruction that Mote alluded to was not observed only by Tempest and Rosy, but again by Bowlings as he warily watched the two hedgehogs. “Just what is that monster?”
“That is what I’ve been trying to determine, General,” the calm male voice of Brilliant the Projector finally answered Bowlings despite his obvious physical absence.
“It took you long enough Projector,”  Bowlings sneered as he allowed himself to fall into a sitting position on the sand. “I swear, I was about to die if that girl hadn’t called out to him. Who is she anyway, I haven’t seen her before.”
“The companion I spoke of when I downed their aircraft,” Brilliant answered in a matter-of-fact way. “She also claims to have no knowledge of the Empire, but I’ve yet to test if she can damage my projections like the boy.”
“Then she’s harmless?”
“She saved your life General.”
Bowlings harrumphed loudly, but it was neither he nor Brilliant who spoke next. Rather, it was a deep woman’s voice that interrupted their conversation.
“And you nearly allowed her to be what ended your active service, Brilliant.”
“Hunter?” Bowlings asked surprised as he looked back to see a figure standing in the wreckage of the airship.
“Thorn, I was not expecting you to enter the mission field,” Brilliant replied with much less surprise at the horned figure.
Stepping away from the wreckage, with her hands clasped behind her back, Thorn the Crimson made her presence clear. Even without her heels she stood a quarter of a meter taller than Rosy, her faceless red helmet disguising any trace of what she was. Conversely, the spiked red armor she wore on her body over her red, tailed coat implied she could have been a quilled creature, but there was no way to be sure.
“I am here as a third party to assure the success of the mission,” Thorn reminded Brilliant of her role. “I’ve been scouring over your reports about the Ring Machines, and they did not match the data involving this Overgrowth.”
Stepping on a patch of grass that inexplicably grew on the black sand, Thorn ground it down with the steel toe at the end of her black legging and boot fused garment.
“What are you talking about Hunter?” Bowlings sought clarification from Thorn.
“The movements of the Stone Ghosts are focused on the Ring Machines based on their size, yet they move after that girl regardless. She is obviously the main target of whatever force is driving this vegetive phenomenon. If we are to save the Empire and understand it, then we must capture her.”
“You’ll likely have to get past that boy first,” Bowlings warned as he eyed the hedgehogs struggling to keep Rosy from being engulfed in the Darkness that made up Tempest’s right arm. “A task which may be even too much for you Hunter. Just look around you and see what he’s been able to do.”
“If he threatens the survival of the Empire, then he shall simply die here,” Thorn stated with little concern for Bowlings’ thoughts. She did not speak again until she was within speaking volume earshot of Tempest. “If you value your life, then surrender and turn over the girl to Imperial custody.”
“What?” Rosy and Tempest asked in unison as they turned to see the looming horned figure.
“What are you talking about?” Tempest managed a second question before finding himself lifted off the ground with a hand clasped around his throat. “Ghk?!”
“That was not the answer I sought,” Thorn informed Tempest, causally blocking his right hand with her left as he tried to strike her. Before he could withdraw it, she snatched it and bent his hand back, deepening his grimace of pain. “Your hostility shall only earn you a quicker death.”
“Get away from him!” Rosy demanded with a shout as she hurled herself at Thorn with a Spin Dash.
Things did not go as she expected though as Thorn would have broken Tempest’s neck if not for the explosion of Rings that threw him away from her instead. It mattered little as she shifted her attention to Rosy and kicked her up like a soccer ball before reaching into her spinning curled form and snatching her neck.
“Gah–!!”Rosy barely gasped as her attack was casually ended against her will.
“You need only be alive,” Thorn warned as she leveled a faceless stare onto Rosy. “That is all you need be.”
“I won’t let you hurt her,” Tempest butted in as he stretched his arm out and grabbed Rosy around the waist.
“Curious,” Thorn commented as she watched the crystals that erupted and crawled across Rosy’s body. “You truly are a problem. Then you have earned death without question.”
“T-empest… just run…!!!” Rosy barely managed to gasp out.
“Not without you,” Tempest gritted his teeth as he prepared to face Thorn, a number of Stone Ghosts closing in from all around.
Thorn did not answer as she turned her faceless gaze onto Tempest. At least not with words, as a toothy grin flickered into being on her helmet. ★
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unanswered-stars · 11 days
Thank you so much for tagging me @jules-writes-stories @highlordofkrypton @achaotichuman
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I'm a but a wee babe in the ao3 world so just 7 but I have several WIP's that are on pause currently. I had originally had a fic planned for each day of Eris week but haven't been able to write in awhile so might be some time before those are published but once I start posting again you can expect Eris chaos to reign.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 36,487 I struggle to write long chapters and most of my works end up being around 2,500.
3. What fandoms do you write for? A Court of Thorns and Roses
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Shadows of Regret and Redemption| Azris - My first published work. A oneshot that grew legs and started to run. I am not completely happy with it thus far but I have the end plotted and I'm excited to eventually bring that to life.
Daughter of Autumn | Azris - Now this one absolutely shocked me with its popularity. Started as a fun little drabble for Gwyn Week 2024 and of course turned into Azris central.
The Beginning and End of Friendship | Azris - So many people screaming in the comments at me on this one. More screaming to come when I post part two I’m sure.
Two Souls Entangled| Azris - A tiny part of my soul via a short poem for Azris Week 2024.
Heaven Help the Fool Who Falls In Love: The End | Azris - This is the first piece I wrote for fanfiction and it is my precious baby. Only one chapter posted but I have several in need of editing before I publish the remainder. It's very heavy and I haven't had the mental space to read through it again.
5. Do you respond to comments? Every single one! They bring me so much joy. I have currently stayed away from my comment section for my own mental health but when I start posting again I will get back to everyone's comments, promise.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All of my works are fairly heavy on the angst. TBaEoF comes to mind but I think for published works I’ll go with The Ending of Darkness which is a short little piece about @jules-writes-stories OC Mithras x Sylvan which I have a part 2 almost completed which is equally as angsty (sorry). Unpublished works definitely The Burning of Leaves and The Death of Shadows which are two fics I had planned for Eris week but are currently on pause (poor Eris I was really putting him through the wringer for Eris Week).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Daughter of Autumn. Mostly because Cassian has the closing line and he just always says the darndest things.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have not, nor do I plan on it. Please don’t hate me 😅 Just not my writing jam. I love finding unique ways to explore a relationship and conveying those same emotions and feelings without the smut. That being said some of my favourite stories and authors use smut as such a wonderful exploratory storytelling device and it is delightful. I love reading others contributions to the smutsphere. So so many talented writers out there giving us all our smuttiest dreams. I truly do not think that my smut contribution is even necessary when you have things like To Become a Vanssera by @acourtofladydeath and Why Not Me by @thomasisaslut both absolutely rife with smut and use it beautifully to convey their story (albiet in very different ways).
9. Do you write crossovers? Not yet, and probably not ever because I can hardly keep up with writing ideas I have for one fandom.
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds delightful.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? Azris most definitely for writing. I definitely have a big soft spot for Samwise and Rosie from LOTR (my husband is Samwise reincarnated and I am irrevocably in love with him). I have a WIP for Thesan and his lover and that dynamic and storyline has been so incredibly fun to explore as well.
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started writing a Tarquin UTM oneshot that is incomplete and while I am still in love with the story I really struggled with writing the voice of Tarquin. This one will only ever get finished if I can finally figure out the right tone for this man’s internal dialogues.
14. What are your writing strengths? I have been told my writing reads like poetry which is one of the biggest compliments you could ever give me. I also love writing parallels but there’s definitely a lot of room for improvement there.
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Editing haha. But actually, I find that my characters voices don’t feel very distinct and that there is a lot of overlap in the way they speak and think and it can be hard to distinguish who’s talking/thinking. I feel like my characters resemble a cookie cutter suburban neighborhood where the walls and trim might be a different colour but they’re all built exactly the same. If anyone has some tips please feel free to comment or message me!
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I absolutely love reading it but unfortunately the only other language I know isn’t really a language at all. Pidgin, which is basically just native slang. I was playing around with it in my Tarquin fic a bit but seemed a tad too niche.
17. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR in middle school. I have a printed multi chapter booklet that is a rewrite of Sam and Frodo’s journey through Mordor that I made for my English class one year.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? My favourite multi chapter by another author is undoubtedly A Court of Shadows and Ashes by @futurehunt Mother Save Us From Your Twisted fate by @chunkypossum which got a stunning part 2 for Eris Week this year! My favorite of my own published works is either HHtFWFiL:TE or The Ending of Darkness. Of my unpublished works honesty The Burning of Leave or The Death of Shadows are both strong contenders. For non Azris I have a Beron fic WIP for @sjmvillainweek day 1 that will probably get prioritized over the other two.
No pressure tags (and sorry if you've already been tagged): @the-darkestminds @born-to-riot @chairofchaos @thomasisaslut @chunkypossum @acourtofladydeath @shadowsandlint
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alxssarosex · 2 months
Every rose has it's thorns lore drop: pets edition
Evan and Pandora: They have a dog and a cat (cocker spaniel and a white fluffy cat) the dogs name is Rosie and the cats name is cupcake because they got it when they were four (this is lightly based off me naming my old dog sprinkles at age 4).
Barty: his dad is super against pets and since Barty's gone all year for school no one would be there to take care of it but he plans to get a Rottweiler and a snake after graduation.
Regulus: he has a black cat named starlet she's really small and he tries to sneak her to school every year unsuccessfully.
Dorcas: she has a black horse named Raven she got after he dad's first big investment deal when she was six.
Hyacinth (oc): she has a cane Corso named bear, a simease cat named Alice after Alice in wonderland, and a white horse named winter on top of her pets her mom has a Yorkie named Claira and lucius has a snake she's absolutely terrified of.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Questionnaire Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @anyablackwood (here)!
I'll go with Deimos Soll from Supernova Initiative, Lady Vivaldah Lariach from The Forgotten Ones, and Kane Mylestrom from Song of Thorns!
Your OC Questions:
What is a thing that would break your trust in a person immediately?
What is your favorite animal? Have you ever had a pet/or want one?
Who do you look up to the most?
If you were to wake up in another universe, what is the one thing you would take with you?
Deimos: "My sniper rifle, or food. One of those two options, it depends on what hypothetical 'universe' I happen to wake up in."
Vivaldah: "My sister's necklace, which is also the sigil of our House. It's one of my most prized possessions."
Kane: "I wouldn't call my dragon a 'thing', because she is a sentient and mighty being who deserves all the respect, but yes, I would take my dragon with me."
2. What kind of person pisses you off the most?
Deimos: "People who think they can do anything to others just because they have the power to - snobbish tyrants who think it's their birthright to screw others over. Also, people who objectify others or who think torture is 'okay' just because they think it's justified for a 'greater cause' are a kind person that makes my blood boil immensely."
Vivaldah - "Those who justify cruelty in the name of their 'Gods', and who think they can kill anyone whom they consider 'heretics' just for thinking differently than them. I also hate people who are rude and who like to make fun of others."
Kane - "Cowards and people who turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble, along with liars, manipulators and people who have no moral compass. I also despite royals who consider their subordinates as pawns to be manipulated and discarded once we're no longer of 'use.'"
3. How often do you dream? Are they usually dream-dreams, or nightmares?
Deimos: "Well let's see: I was kidnapped from my homeworld by slavers when I was sixteen, escaped, and grew up as a street urchin - with the duo who became my adoptive siblings - on one of the most crime-ridden moons of our galaxy, and then, as an adult, was captured by an insane warlord who tried to torture me into being her living puppet weapon. So... you can imagine the kind of 'dreams' I have are far from pleasant most nights."
Vivaldah: "I used to have the sweetest dreams in the past. When I was just me being a princess who lived in a rosy-tinted world, sheltered in my family's ancestral palace. Then the Iron Inquisition came. Now my sleep is haunted by the memories of the day my family was slaughtered by them."
Kane: "Eh. I'm not the kind that usually has a lot of dreams, and when I do they're usually the most nonsensical, stupid mess that makes me question my life and sanity, and then wake up and not remember anything about that dream in the morning. So. My dreams aren't bad, they're just weird and I rarely remember most of them."
Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @diabolical-blue, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill
@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @the-golden-comet OPEN TAG
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celestial-citrus · 2 months
Also. Blair is the same character who used to be Penny, right? Guessing from context clues?
The thorn in my side. Nebulous girl who haunts my story.
Blair is technically my oldest OC. Went from Rose->Rosie->Penelope->Blair. Basically never got a solid stake in the plot.
Until Sunday. Everything changed Sunday.
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Estranged daughter of King Bridei and Fay Princess Morven. Fraternal twin of Robert/Graham. Blair was born with a damaged voice box and thus is mute.
A powerful, handsome husband. A child on the way. A modest kingdom at her disposal. Loyal subjects. Morven had almost everything. Yet something itched in the back of her mind. Was this really what she wanted? She had spent the majority of her life chasing power, sowing discord for her own enjoyement. Was settling down even possible for her? She pondered this question almost her entire pregnancy, never breathing a word to Bridei. She gradually became more and more agitated, feeling trapped.
Eventually, she went into labor and birthed a healthy baby boy, who Bridei named Robert. He was tinier than expected, but, as a surprise to everyone—out came another. A girl. It was assumed due to Bridei's statue, they were simply having an appropriately sized child. They were quite mistaken.
Morven didn't take to her at all. She felt nothing but hatred for this little girl, it burned even brighter when she saw Bridei fawning over her. Tiny hand grasping his finger, he ever so gently kisses her little head. He's grinning from ear to ear, and has never been happier. Bridei looks to her to share the joy, but she is unable to return it. It concerns him. She would feed and hold Robert, but refused to look at or even give a name to the girl. This made Bridei angry.
They got to arguing, Morven eventually snapping and railing at Bridei. Spilling all the anger, fear, and doubts that had been building up. She was too good to be a wife or a mother, she wasn't made to be bound to a man or slave to children. She would have none of it. Naturally, Bridei was horrified. Morven dragged herself out of bed and attacked in a blind fury, striking Bridei and partially the babies. Bridei clawed his way to the screaming child, bleeding profusely. Morven stormed out and ordered the children be taken to her parents abode, and Bridei be locked away. Once the children had been ripped away from her hysterical husband, Morven had all the human staff executed before sealing Bridei in his library, also using a 'Ceangail do Thoil' to block his magic, rendering him helpless and trapped. Some time after, Morven summoned thick walls of thorns around the castle, to keep visitors out.
Once they were almost a year old, Robert was kept with the fay nurses at Beira's palace; the girl was sent off to a secluded cottage in the woods in a neighboring country. Beira named her Blair.
Blair was raised by a single caretaker; an elderly fay woman, Órlaith—around a millennium old. She taught Blair everything she knew. A wickedly smart and intense child, Blair caught on quickly to most things Órlaith demonstrated. When she was barely an adolescent, their home was attacked by a passing group of orcs. Órlaith, frail, but with centuries of experience, ordered Blair to flee while she fights them off; long enough for her to get to safety. Blair protested, but her stern guardian had no time for arguments. She managed to kill most of the attackers, but was overcome in the end.
Blair returned later on to a pile of corpses, and the house burnt to ash. She carefully dragged Órlaith's body away from the carnage and buried her, placing flowers over her grave. She pulled the armor off the smallest body, donned it, and wandered off into the countryside.
After a few days—dehydrated, starving, and exhausted; Blair came upon a tower, built just before a bridge. She sized it up, and, determining it to be abandoned, declared it as her new home. She collapsed, falling asleep right in the middle of the floor.
At dawn, Blair was rudely awakened by something pecking her armor. She jolted upright and came face to face with an angry rock ptarmigan, its feathers all fluffed up in annoyance. She went to shoo it away before it screamd, flying a few feet away from her. That wasn't a squawk, that was a scream. It then proceeded to chide her for intruding on it's property, in full common tongue. It ranted for about fifteen minutes before realizing Blair was still staring at it in perturbation. "What? Are you daft, or something?"
The bird strutted around, muttering and shaking its head at her. Blair goo to her feet and bowed in apology. It asked why she isn't speaking, and she gestured that she in unable to. The bird felt pity, flying up onto her shoulder and fluffing out its feathers again. His name is Cuinn. He's a talking bird. He was the pet of a fay noble for a while, before his cage was lost during transport some time beforehand.
They strike up an unusual friendship. He showed Blair the surrounding areas and where to find fresh water. There's a town some miles north, where she searches for supplies. She has little money. Cuinn has questionable morality and snatches a purse or a few stray coins when he can, so she can eat. She procured a quaint little abode for herself, passing the time by guarding the bridge from shady travelers and the like. Cuinn stuffs himself in her helmet and bellows at anyone who comes across them, giving people the impression Blair is a fearsome knight, ready for battle. Blair plays into this role to the maximum, adopting a noble and foolhardy disposition, challenging people to duels and strutting around obnoxiously.
When Ross, Percy, Farron, and Sigurd come across her tower, she leaps out and demands they explain their intentions, daring to cross "his" bridge. Ross has little patience for this, and tries dodging around her and sprinting across. She is quicker than she looks, and sweeps his legs from under him. This makes him very upset, naturally, and he leaps up to fight her. Farron and Sigurd come to assist. It's a close match, she beats them mainly due to her haphazard swordsmanship, but at the end, Farron outsmarts her, knocking her to the ground and sending her helmet flying off. Sigurd becomes distressed at having fought a girl, and Ross simply screeches at her. Farron on the other hand, is immediately smitten. Cuinn darts out of her dislodged helmet, berating the boys, and suddenly it clicks for them. He says she cannot speak and is the ruler of this bridge, and they must abide by her rules. Blair shakes her head, signing to Cuinn that they defeated her, and it is her noble duty to assist them from now on. Cuinn protests, but then begrudgingly follows her to begin packing the small amount of belongings they had. Soon enough, they were on the road, headed towards what seemed a grand adventure with a band of nutjobs.
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malsfefanfics · 4 months
OC Profile: Rosamund
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art by @/nessiemccormick, edited down to icon size by me
"You wish to know more about Rosamund? She's rather easy to talk to, once you get past that Vestra pride. Though I honestly don't know her that well, given how Hubert didn't even tell me of her existance until recently. She also tends to keep people at dog's length from her at all times. Yes, I mean 'dog'." -- Edelgard, about Rosamund.
Full name: Rosamund von Vestra Nicknames: Rosa (Raphael, Mercedes, Caspar, Constance, Claude), Rosebud (Hapi), Rosie (by Dorothea), Petal (For Hubert Use Only), Little Rose Wolf (Yuri) Birthday: Day 6 of the Harpstring Moon, 1165 Age: 15-16 (Pre-TS), 20+ (Post-TS) Crest: None Family: Marquis Iason von Vestra (Father, Deceased), Medee (Mother), Hubert (Older Brother), Tancred (Younger Brother), Rigel (Best Hound) Nationality: Adrestia Titles: Master of the Hounds, The Thorn Huntress, Devoted Bloom Voice Claim: Jeannie Tirado (leaning more towards Rose from Resident Evil Village in tone)
Interests: Hunting, History of Fódlan and surrounding nations, Weapons and training, Singing Likes: Sweets, Dogs, Her brothers, Fish, Healthy Competition, Saint Cichol Dislikes: Her father, The Church, Saint Seiros, Noble Society, Liars, Formal Dresses, Herself
Favorite Meals: Super Spicy Fish Dango, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Pickled Rabbit Skewers Liked Meals: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Trio Bun, Grilled Herring, Sautéed Jerky, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish Disliked Meals: Daphnel Stew, Bourgeois Pike, Cheesy Verona Stew, Gautier Cheese Gratin
Tea Preferences: Lavender Blend, Almyran Pine Needles, Mint Tea, Rose Petal Blend
Liked Gifts: Hunting Dagger, The History of Fódlan, Fishing Float, Smoked Meat, any flower, Stylish Hair Clip Disliked Gifts: Gemstone Beads, Goddess Statuette, Blue Cheese, Book of Crest Designs
Lost Items:
Book of Hunters' Fables: A hand written book of fables and folk songs shared by hunters from across the continent. Looks well read.
Family Dagger: A dagger with a pink blade and a green handle. Reminds you of primroses.
Children's Music Box: A silver music box that plays an unfamiliar lullaby. There's the coat of arms of an Adrestian Family on the lid.
Starting Class: Noble Preferred Class Path: Noble --> Fighter/Myrmidon --> Archer/Thief --> Sniper/Assassin Strength: Bow, Sword Weakness: White Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic Budding Talent: Authority Personal Skill: 'Howling Shot', increases power against Demonic Beasts by +5.
Weapons Starting Levels:
Sword: D Lance: E+ Axe: E Bow: B Brawling: E Reason: E Faith: E Authority: C Heavy Armor: E Riding: E+ Flying: E
Base Stats:
HP: 25 Str: 7 Mag: 1 Dex: 8 Spd: 6 Lck: 7 Def: 6 Res: 7 Cha: 9
Learned Faith Spells: ??? Learned Reason Spells: ???
Recruit Requirements for Canon-Compliance AUs: Crimson Flower requires C-support with Hubert and Edelgard, and B-support with Petra or Bernadetta. Verdant Wind requires B+ Rank or Higher of Flying, Faith, and Reason, and must have majority of Black Eagles and Ashen Wolves recruited. Cannot be recruited on Blue Lions or Silver Snow.
Potential Supports:
Crit Quotes:
You wish!
For my brothers!
How annoying.
I'll never lose!
You call that a shot?
I thought you'd be a challenge.
I'll cut you down!
Time for the hunt!
No goddess can save you.
Defeat Quotes:
I can't fall here. Best to pull back for now.
That...could have gone better.
I'm sorry, brother. I failed you.....
Your Majesty, please....look after my family.....
I guess I truly am....the weakest Vestra.....
Skill Level Increase Quotes:
I can use this on the hunt.
This is easy as pie.
Another day, another lesson.
I can do that? Explains a lot. (Budding Talent)
I....I actually do that? (Magic)
Level Up Quotes:
As to be expected of a Vestra.
Excellence comes with hard work.
Getting stronger and wiser.
Missed the mark, it seems.
I can hear the old man scoffing from the grave.
Not sure I have much left to learn.
Gift Quotes:
Liked Gifts: Oh, I love this! How did you know?
Neutral Gifts: Thanks. This will be useful for later.
Disliked Gifts: You might have better luck elsewhere.
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offorestsongs · 2 months
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"Every rose has its thorns, but some are prettier than others... Er, that's not how the saying goes, is it?"
A bubbly, flamboyant student, always willing to offer you advice or a helping hand... no matter if you want it or not. Obsessed with love and romance, he makes it his life's mission to help others find their true love.
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full name 🥀Rosienne Minuit nicknames 🥀Rosie (friends), Cherry Barb (Floyd), Prince du les Epines (Rook) species 🥀human height 🥀176 cm age 🥀18 y/o birthday 🥀10.08 gender 🥀male (he/him) sexuality 🥀bisexual hometown 🥀Shaftlands dorm 🥀Pomefiore class 🥀3-C club 🥀Newspaper Club favorite subject 🥀ancient magic dominant hand 🥀right talent 🥀graphic design hobby 🥀reading, journaling favorite food 🥀bubble tea, anything cherry flavored least favorite food 🥀tomato soup pet peeve 🥀 people who care too much about their appearance
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A lover, a hater, a sweetheart and a bitch. Rosienne is definitely one of the nicer people at Night Raven College, or at least he definitely seems that way. He's energetic, has a flair for the dramatic, is very talkative (some say - overly so) and incredibly extroverted. No matter the circumstances, he's always ready to strike up a conversation and make new friends. He likes giving other people advice and helping them with their problems, though he often tends to disregard the wishes of the people he tries to help as he's often convinced he's the one in the right, no matter what. Despite that, his advice is actually often pretty good.
Because of his signature spell, he tends to treat other people's emotions as nothing more than a silly game.
Stubborn as a mule. If he sets his mind on something, there's nothing that could persuade him to abandon his goals, no matter how silly and stupid it may be. Has many, many hills he's ready to die on and will happily do so. His anger issues are almost legendary — he gets angry quickly, often at stupid things, and is willing to fight everyone anytime (verbally or not).
At the end of the day, a lot of the way he acts is just a front he puts up. He's a deeply emotional and insecure person. He uses his confidence to cover up for the fact that he often feels too stupid or childish amongst other people and that he always expects to be mocked for it. When he's being loud or dramatic, it's only an attempt to make others like him. While a hopeless romantic at heart, he long stopped believing that he will ever find his true love and so he focuses on other people's love life as a way to live vicariously through them.
SIGNATURE SPELL -> Kiss of True Love ; it allows him to feel other people's emotions. Since it doesn't use up a lot of magic, he tends to use it as a sort of a party trick and doesn't see any issue with prying into people's personal feelings without their consent.
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Grew up in an old castle. Located on a hill, in a pretty rural area — the closest human settlement was a small village — the castle, called the Midnight Palace by the locals, was in the Minuit family for generations. According to the legend, it was the very palace where the Beautiful Princess had fallen in love with her cursed lover, and that over the course of time it had ended up in the hands of one of the families who had worked there as servants. Now while a small part of it serves as a place to live for Rosienne and his family, most of it has been turned into a tourist attraction that has been managed by the Minuits for generations.
Rosienne's parents divorced when he was still little — his mother couldn't handle living in such a place, away from people. Rosienne stayed with his father, as the two of them were always close. He loved living in the castle, the mysterious atmosphere of it, and he would always help his dad run the businesses, often acting as the guide or dressing up to entertain the tourists.
While his home life was a quite happy one, his school life — not so much. He always felt out of place with the other kids. Too loud, too enthusiastic, too focused on his books and daydreams, too weird. His reputation as the "creepy castle kid" didn't help him much.
Over the years he had learned how to act in order to get accepted by his peers — turn his awkwardness into something funny, become just quirky instead of weird — but oftentimes, it was still not enough. He still couldn't find close friends and as he entered his teenage years, the problem of relationships arose. He had always dreamed about finding his own fairy tale love, but as his classmates were finding their first adolescent romances, all of that seemed to simply... pass him by. If anything, people would only ask him out as a joke. Was he not as pretty as the other people? Did he need to be?
Coming to Night Raven College was supposed to be a new beginning for Rosienne. In a place where no one knew him, he could become a different person, finally become popular and find his only and real true love.
Well. With varying degrees of success.
Lysander [OC] — since Lysander spends so much time at Pomefiore and is close friends with Vil, the two of them were bound to interact quite often. Lysander is often suitably intimidated by Rosienne, but he appreciates the fact that Rosienne seems to know so much about the other students and often finds it useful. Meanwhile Rosienne thinks Lysander is both cute and fun to tease, especially when it comes to Lysander’s crush on a certain hunter (Rosienne is their #1 shipper). They're quite good friends, even if sometimes Lysander wishes that Rosienne would stop commenting on his love life so much.
Vil Schoenheit — it was hate at first sight. Rosienne thought Vil was nothing more than a spoiled brat, somebody vain and shallow, who only cares about conventional beauty standards, and happily told him so, on the first day of classes no less. They would often clash and argue, and their little back-and-forth had became famous around the school. Over time though, Rosienne had realised that he had horribly misjudged Vil and the two of them had managed to put their differences aside and actually become close friends. Vil had helped Rosienne a lot with gaining more self confidence and finding his own style. And so of course Rosienne had to go and ruin their friendship by falling in love. He's angry at himself for catching feelings because well, there's no way someone like Vil would ever return his feelings, right? Right?
Rook Hunt — the two of them have been friends ever since their freshman year. Rosienne had found Rook different and interesting, and he liked the way Rook talked about beauty. Unfortunately, Rosienne's type is just "people who are nice to him", which means that he quickly caught feelings which only served to drive the divide between Rosienne and Vil deeper, as Rosienne was plain old jealous of Vil and the way Rook talked about him. While Rosienne is past any romantic feelings now, they're still close friends now and often walk around school gossiping about something in french.
Epel Felmier — Epel reminds Rosienne a lot of himself when he was younger, and as so, he has a soft spot of the boy. During the events of book 5 Epel would often go to Rosienne to vent his frustrations, as Rosienne seemed the most like an "uninvolved third party". Unfortunately for him, it often quickly turned into Rosienne trying to give him dating advice. After all, is there something sweeter than true love?
Lilia Vanrouge — Rosienne was always drawn to people who seem, well, different. He always thought that Lilia was cool and interesting, he just wasn't sure how to approach somebody like that. Somehow it was the fae who approached Rosienne first, probably sensing Rosienne's interest and finding it amusing. They're pretty good friends and Lilia is about the only person whose advice Rosienne is actually willing to listen to.
Cater Diamond — the two of them had meet during their entrance ceremony and quickly found common ground. They would've probably became friends if not for Rosienne's insistence to pry into other people's affairs. Cater wasn't happy to find out that Rosienne is using his signature spell on him, while Rosienne couldn't understand what Cater's angry about — Rosienne just sensed that there's something bothering him and wanted to help, alright? Two years later and Rosienne still can't let the topic drop. He thinks Cater is making fuss out of nothing and that everything would be over and done with if he would only let Rosienne help him.
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playlist -> click!
has a column in the school's newspaper where he gives love adivce to anonymous students writing in
also does a lot of the graphic design for the newspaper
while he loves reading in general, he's particularly obsessed with trashy romance novels
has ADHD + dyslexia
has an interest in perfumes, likes matching them to people
instantly loves anything heart shaped
doesn't really use much social media besides whatever fantasy version of Pinterest there is
doesn't really watch movies unless they're awful rom-coms
scared of thunderstorms
his sense of style leans more feminine, wears dresses and skirts whenever he can
first time he tried to dye his hair, he asked Lilia for help, who swapped the hair dye as a joke — Rosienne ended up telling everyone that yes, the green was on purpose, thank you very much
like Rook, he can speak french
cries really easily, especially when he's angry and hates that
has trouble telling left from right
headcanons; thornqueen relationship timeline orange peel theory
fics; stubborn heart stormy nights
[SSR] Union Birthday [SR] The Hat Extravaganza (fan event)
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wishing-well-art · 1 year
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Casual outfits for Rosie
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🏴‍☠️ Pinned Post! 🏴‍☠️
OC blog for @leftsidebonfire
OC and Canon Friendly! 🖤
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⚓️ Welcome to: Tales from the Rolling Mountain! The Rolling Mountain is a beautiful pirate ship, home to Captain Eleni Santiana, and is the place where all the best come together to tell stories. All of my OCs live here on this ship, and this is the hot spot for all those who are wanderers looking to share tales and create some adventures of their own. 🍻
⚓️ I finally decided it would be fun to play around with a Sideblog for all my OC shenanigans! I'm always eager to create and talk about my little OCs for different Fandoms, so I figured this would be the easiest way to consolidate information, art, and RP.
⚓️ About The Captain: You can call me Elfie, She/Her, and I am 25 and a total dork nerd <3
⚓️ Major Fandoms include:
⚓️ One Piece, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Dungeons and Dragons (as a whole)
OCs are always open for interaction!
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🏴‍☠️ One Piece OCs
👒 Strawhat Grand Fleet: Unaek Seveer, Jocasta Erotas, Captain Eleni Santiana
💛 Heart Pirates: Vidra
🎩 Revolutionary Army: Ruth, Hazel Floren, Rose Thorn, Trygve Seveer, Phaedra, Amaryllis
🎸 Rumbar Pirates: Rhapsody
💙 Buggy Pirates: Lyra
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🌟 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs
🍷 Phantom Blood: Amaryllis, Vassia, Caroline, Kallias
🌠 Battle Tendency: Jocasta
🏜 Stardust Crusaders: Avidia Zeppeli, BG May
💎 Diamond is Unbreakable: BG May, Joanna Jett
🐞 Golden Wind: Tagliata Scottato
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🎲 Dungeons and Dragons OCs
🧝‍♀️ Ziona (Bard), Jocasta (Rogue), Eleni (Sorcerer), Amaryllis (Monk), Phaedra (Monk), Vassia (Cleric), Juniper (Ranger), Xiamara (Fighter)
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The Fankids are fun. I have both Canon and AU Fankids I've been playing with. The AU is playing around with a "What Could Have Been" or a Partner Swap AU. I love playing around with both of these, and it's awesome to mix and match. All the AU Fankids are treated as alternate universes and are just as Canon as the real ones <3
Unaek x Sanji:
Delphinium "Delphi" Pince and Liatris Prince
Unaek x Luffy
Monkey D. Ace and Monkey D. Rosie
Jocasta x Usopp
Mary Erotas
Eleni x Zoro
Roronoa Enma
Eleni x Law
Trafalgar D. Cora
...And more to come! Including the AU children!
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⚓️ Final Thoughts:
⚓️ On this blog you can expect to find OC art, Fanfics, and RP opportunities! You can feel free to ask about any of these OCs you'd like. Feel free to jump in any time! DMs are open for RP plots or general fangirling, and I promise I'm not scary 😇 I am OC friendly, Canon Friendly, Self Ship Friendly, and always more than happy to talk about the little characters that live in my brain.
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deltaqueen184 · 11 months
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my 300 dtiys for Instagram is here
no tracing
no deadline
the tag is 300dqdtiys
you allow to change things just keep the character the same have fun
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Meet DonnaBella☠️🥀
To the public eye she’s the community's well known and loved florist who runs the local flower shop when in reality she’s a cunning businesswoman that's running an underground business of selling poisonous plants for people to use said toxins in the plants to….whatever they want to, they’re just flowers afterall☠️.
The main reason she hasn't got into trouble even when her clients actions are traced back to her shop, all she's doing is selling flowers. How could she have known they'd be using them that way😈 Not to mention her community has her back as she's helped them in many ways(community garden, fundraisers, donations etc). You mess with her and they're certainly not going to help you.
The flower she’s wearing is the Atropa Belladonna, aka deadly nightshade, known to be a highly poisonous plant with purple flowers, green leaves and black berries that I put on her design! Her name's also a switch around of its name.
Every rose has its thorns or in her case every Belladonna has its poison😈🥀
Ngl I feel like SVTFOE Eclipsa, Resident Evil Lady Dimetrescu and Hazbin Hotel Rosie inspired my design process a bit with the hats and overall dark elegance they have. What can I say, I love powerful woman in fancy hats.
What do u think? Id love to know💖
I've also made a robot OC if anyone's interested
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br3adtoasty · 11 months
Hello 🧍‍♀️ So ummm- I would like to ask for oc interactions!.... Please-
So uh- I offer thee my favorite goober, Victoria Shard! A generally manipulative and over-ambitious young woman who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, all to satisfy her ambition.
Specifically- Uh- I would like to ask what Youseff and Juno would think of her!
hi rosie!! :3
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“A prickly bloom plucked from the garden of the Queendom of Roses. Who would have thought that such a beauty could hide so many, many hurting thorns? I for one, didn’t expect it at all. It came as a BIG surprise to me when I learned of her true nature!”
“I jest, of course. I know her type all too well. They will get what they want, no matter the course of action it takes to get there. Terrifying. Exciting. Perhaps we could team up and… compare notes. If she is of the mind, fufufu~”
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“Although she’s pretty and all, Victoria outright gives me the creep! Bleurgh, even her name is giving me chills. I’m one for witty tactics and strategies but her methods? That’s taking toooooo far.”
“She says she can hear and see everything. Well, guess what? She’s not the only one who can do that! Can she immediately appear when I say her name out loud? I bet not, haha!”
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troveofcmuses · 1 year
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 Hello, welcome to Troveofcmuses!!!
My name is Feyre (she/her, 30+, pst). A selective independent multimuse that contains muses from A Song of Ice and Fire, House of the Dragon, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Bridgerton, Grishaverse, TVD, The Originals, Sanditon, Twilight, Zodiac Academy, Into the Badlands, & Greek Mythology/Touch of Darkness. I also have two OCs from Harry Potter & ASOIAF/HOTD. Side note: I do not support JK Rowling!
Activity: Blog activity is low, but I am here working on stuff when I am able.
I am still working on my carrd (slow due to working on three). So in the meantime, my muses are listed below. If you have any questions, just reach out and ask--I would be happy to answer anything. For now, the only rules that need to be followed are: reblog from the source, no harassing for replies, and messages need to be on Discord. I will block people who break these rules...
places to find me: @brideofcdragons || @reclusiveduke
Sadly, I don't have a carrd yet, and most likely won't. This is a list of my muses, with some background.
ASOIAF: Jon Snow (book only; bisexual. fc: Timothee Chalamet) || Jorah Mormont ( book & show | Fc: Iain Glen; younger version Sam Heughan) || Missandei (books & show) || Robb Stark (show and book; bisexual) ||
HOTD: Rhaenyra Targaryen (book and show; bisexual) || Shiera Seastar (fc: Diane Kruger) ||
Bridgerton: Daphne Bridgerton (book & show) || Eloise Bridgerton (book & show; bisexual) || Kate Sharma/ Sheffield (book & show) || Lady Danbury (book & show) || Violet Bridgerton (book & show) || King George III (book & show) || Queen Charlotte (book & show) || Gareth St. Clair (book; fc: Henry Golding) ||
Grishaverse: Alina Starkov (book & show) || Inej Ghafa (book & show) ||Tolya Yul-Bataar (book & show) || (note: I have not read all of Shadow & Bone--I am on book 2. I also just started Six of Crows--a lot of background will be from the show and my own creation).
TVD: Stefan Salvatore (book & show) || Katherine Pierce (book & show; bisexual) || Bonnie Bennett (book & show)
The Originals: Elijah Mikaelson || Rebekah Mikaelson (bisexual) ||
Twilight: Alice Cullen (book & movie; bisexual) || Edward Cullen (book & movie; fc: Robert Pattinson or Douglas Booth depending on preference, regency era: Corey Mylchreest) || Bella Swan ( book & movie; fc: Abigail Cowen) ||Carlisle Cullen ( book & movie; fc: Matt Lanter) || Esme Cullen (book & movie; fc: Rachel Brosnahan) ||
ACOTAR: Nesta Archeron (fc: Imogen Poots) || Feyre Archeron (fc: Danielle Rose Russell) || Rhysand (fc: Toni Mahfud) || Cassian (fc Can Yaman) ||
Throne of Glass: Manon Blackbeak (fc: Nyane Lebajoa; bisexual) || Dorian Havilliard (Evans Nikopoulos) ||
Sanditon: Charlotte Heywood (book & show) || Alexander Colbourne (show) || Sidney Parker (book & show)
Greek Mythology/Touch of Darkness series: Persephone Rosi (fc: Holliday Grainger) || Hecate (fc: Olivia Cheng; bisexual) ||
The Witcher: Yennefer of Vengerberg (book, show, & videogame; bisexual) || Cirilla of Cintra/ Ciri (book, show, & videogame; bisexual) ||
Fourth Wing: Violet Sorrengail (fc: Kaya Scodelario) || Xaden Riorson (fc: Thomas Doherty) ||
Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy: Narcissa Black Malfoy (book & show; fc: Young Narcissa—Emilia Schule. Older Narcissa —Helen McCrory. ||
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams (bisexual)
Original Characters: Leyton Mormont (asoiaf/got; fc: Leo Suter. Background: Son of Jorah Mormont & Lynesse Hightower; sellsword). ||
Message me if you want more details about certain muses.
Drafts: ✨asks: ✨
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