#oc: rexe
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emeraldoo · 3 months ago
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cant believe we never posted our cool fankid.. smh..
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miloheilo · 2 months ago
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(based on Dance by Henri Matisse)
no spoilers PLEASE I have not finished the game as of right now!!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 15 days ago
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Stardew dinosaurs
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tsuutarr · 2 months ago
Demon Delinquents x Human! Reader
Here's my gift for @ozzgin (who organized the secret santa event, tysm)!!
Content is about 1K words about you and your new delinquent demon besties <3
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You, a human, somehow ended up in a school filled with demons. Though, you’re surprised to see that everything is rather… normal? Despite your peers and teachers sporting horns and other demon-like features, your demon school really seems like every other school.
You’re introduced to your classmates who politely clap, before you’re ushered to your new seat. All normal stuff, really, except that you’re seated at the very back in between what looks to be two delinquent demons. And, just your luck, you seem to have caught their eye. They could probably drill a hole through your skull with how much they’re looking at you.
So it’s really no surprise when you’re called out to the back of the school when class is over. You’re trembling as the demons loom over you, sharp teeth glinting underneath the sun.
“You’re gonna be our hench human,” the demon with red skin cackles, smile wide. You’re pretty sure he could bite your head off.
“And you’re gonna like it,” the demon with yellow skin adds, his frown showing off all his sharp teeth.
You’re too scared to say anything, but they take your silence as agreement.
“Good!” the red demon guffaws, pointing to himself. “Name’s Rex.” He points to the yellow demon beside him. “This guy’s Lem.”
Lem juts his chin out at you. “‘Sup?”
You’re really not sure how to react, making the three of you just stare at each other.
Finally, Rex raises an eyebrow. “Yer name?”
“Oh,” you say, blinking, before stuttering out your name. Rex and Lem look pleased.
“A’ight, great.” Slinging an arm over your shoulder, Rex begins to maneuver you as he begins walking, Lem following behind closely. “First order of business…”
You’re going to die. You’re convinced of it. Why else would they be dragging you with them?!
Surprisingly, however, you find yourself in the cafeteria. Somehow, you expected demons to be more rowdy, but everyone seems to be minding their own business. Even Rex and Lem are standing in line, waiting for their turn despite being delinquents.
You’re not left too much time to ponder, however, since it’s soon your turn to order. You’re certain they’re going to make you buy their lunch, but they… don’t? They pay for their own food, before dragging you away again until you’re on the rooftop.
“Here,” Rex says, tossing you a sandwich. “A good hench human’s gotta be strong.”
“And ya only get strong by eatin’,” Lem adds, shoving a whole melon bun in his mouth.
You blink, sandwich in your hand, as Rex and Lem dig into their lunches.
Rex looks to you, before swallowing down his food. “What? Ya not hungry? Or d’you not like sandwiches?”
“Uh, no, just…” you purse your lips. “I guess I didn’t expect you to buy me lunch?”
“Tsk, tsk,” Rex says, wiping some mustard off of his bottom lip. “You’re our hench human now, ‘course we gotta feed ya. We can’t have a weakling followin’ us around.”
Lem nods in agreement.
“Uh, right.” You nod with a stiff smile. “Thanks.”
With a loud laugh, Rex rips open a bag of chips. “‘Course, hench human! Let us know if you’re still hungry, got it?”
“...Got it,” you agree, before digging into your own sandwich. It’s actually kind of good.
Since that point onwards, you continue to hang out with Rex and Lem. Contrary to their appearance, Rex and Lem are good students, always on time to class (and thus making sure you’re on time too). They’re not… really delinquent like, truthfully.
In fact, one time, you thought they were smoking, but they were just eating lollipops. Another time, you thought they were drinking beer, but it was just apple juice. Frankly speaking, they baffle you – other than their appearance, they don’t really… do anything delinquent-like. But they’re also convinced that they are doing something delinquent like.
“We’re showin’ up to class ‘cause we’re asserting our dominance,” Rex had explained when you asked why he wasn’t skipping class. 
Lem nodded sagely in agreement. “The class is all scared of us, y’see? We gotta show ‘em who’s boss.”
When you asked them about the lollipops and apple juice, Rex said, “It’s ‘cause lollipops and apple juice have a lotta sugar. They’re super dangerous, which is why we’re usin’ ‘em. We’re strong like that.”
“Yeah, we’re cool like that,” Lem agrees.
You honestly don’t really get their logic, but… they’re not bad to hang out with. They take you on bicycle rides (not motorbikes, though, since Lem is scared of them). They walk you home because, according to Rex, “No one’s gonna hurt our hench human!”
They’re strange guys, but they’re kind of fun in an endearing sort of way, maybe. You don’t really mind hanging out with them. Plus, they always buy you lunch. It’s nice eating with them on the rooftop.
“Man, I can’t believe midterms are comin’ up,” Rex groans, looking displeased as he tosses a chip into his mouth. “Gotta study.”
“You guys are studying for midterms?” you ask, making Rex and Lem nod solemnly.
“We hafta. How else are we gonna show the rest of them how scary we are?” Lem inquires, crossing his arms as he chews on his lollipop. “We gotta show ‘em that we’re the strongest.”
“Don’t worry,” Rex says, slapping your back with a grin. “Ya got us, yeah? We’ll make sure that no one can mess with ya. Lem and I are top five in the whole school – we can teach ya, no worries.”
You blink slowly, processing the information. They actually study despite being delinquents to the point that they’re top five in the entire school? Huh?! How does that make sense?
But as you watch them eagerly discuss how they’ll make study guides for you to help you study, you can’t help but let your incredulousness go.
Because, yeah, they’re not traditional delinquents… but they’re doing their best and they care about you a ton, so maybe that’s what really matters in the end.
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clonesuperiority · 11 months ago
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I really only wanted to show my Clone OC's Tattoos, buuut who was ever hurt by shirtless Wolffe, Rex, Cody and Jesse? 👀
I'd kind of love to draw some fanarts of canon Clones ... Which ones would you like to see?
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yeehawknight · 9 months ago
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Some quiet moment somewhere in the wasteland 🥰
Almost forgot I yet had to write the description down but honestly there isn’t much to say. I made it a gif because it’s cuter this way and because I didn’t have to do much in the first place ;)
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Hope you’ll like it!
Commissions are open!
Check the link for more info.
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milramemo · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas 🎄🎁✨
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samanatorclub · 1 year ago
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blueberry-ry · 2 months ago
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This is what happens when two blond clones end up in the same Battalion I guess
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creatorping · 4 months ago
I went through a whole thought process for each of these. It was fun! Which one is your fav?
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Zach and Donita
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Paisley and Gourmand
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Dabio and Rex
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leona-florianova · 9 months ago
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Hartkeks, Rex and Lovelock for @bonesmarinated
\o/ once again thank ye for commissioning me!
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emeraldoo · 10 months ago
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ok look at my kid. my guy. their name is rexe novatl theyre the world's biggest hater (any prns)
send him asks and i can answer ic or just in general bc i need to develop her goofy ass
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stacksattack · 11 days ago
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feeling bad so i torture him
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starry-crossing-zone · 2 months ago
Crash and Fall - Rex
Summary: Rex won't give up hope that his Jedi lover is alive after the Jedi Purge. Length: 3.7k Warnings: Mentions of Jedi Purge; Angst; Longing; Clone Rebellion; Special Guest Stars; Mentions of Pregnancy
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Rex stood beside the Y Wing as Ahsoka took a moment with his fallen brothers. He typed away at the datapad, attempting to send a long-range message. Across the galaxy, his brothers were murdering the Jedi against their will. And he was frantically trying to get in contact with one specific Jedi so that she did not become the next victim.
It might have been too late already to warn her, but Rex needed to try. He refused to accept defeat.
When the comm failed to go through again, Rex couldn’t help the burst of emotion. Driving his fist onto the top of the Y Wing and tossing the datapad away angrily, he slumped into a crouch. Steadying himself with one hand and resting the other against his face, he didn’t fight the tears.
Ahsoka slowly walked over to him and gave him a moment to gather himself, giving him the space to grieve. Although they had never had a frank conversation about it, Ahsoka understood enough to know why Rex’s inability to get a message out caused him to collapse. Rex slowly lowered his hand from his face and started to stand up again.
“No luck,” Rex replied quietly.
“Where was she stationed last?” Ahsoka asked softly.
“More than halfway across the galaxy,” Rex stated, closing his eyes with despair.
They were too far away to help her. It would take them days to reach her. And he wasn’t even sure if that was her actual last location. Plans changed in a moment in the GAR. It was a start, but it was also more than likely swarmed with his brothers, who would try to murder them the moment that they arrived on the scene.
“There’s still hope, Rex,” Ahsoka replied quietly. “There’s still a chance.”
Rex nodded slowly, not trusting his words, before he turned to the Y Wing again. He climbed into the pilot’s seat and input coordinates to a safe location before starting the take off procedure. And trying to block the images of his beloved with blaster holes in her chest from his mind.
Washa was not a heavily populated planet. It was far from the major space lanes and had remained neutral during the war because there was nothing on the planet worth fighting over. It was mostly farmers and traders. No one of importance. Just like the Jedi were of no importance anymore. It was no wonder she fit in so well.
“Two please,” she told the vender, holding out the credits.
“Price just went up actually,” he remarked, turning his two noses up at her. “You need five more.”
She withdrew her hand and looked at the credits. Letting out a sigh, she stowed some of the credits back in her pocket and turned back to the greedy vender.
“Just one then.”
Taking her purchase, she stowed it in her bag and kept walking. She bought rations and some water before making the walk back to the small hut that she now called home. It would have to do, for her true home was gone. Destroyed. Forever. Sitting down, she crossed her legs and tried to meditate.
It had been a month since her own men turned against her. Men that she fought beside for years, thought she knew, men that she was prepared to die with. They raised their blasters at her and tried to kill her. And they had nearly succeeded too.
The scars on her back burned at the painful memory and she forced herself to take a breath. Pushing past the pain that lingered, she tried to connect with the Force again. Resting her hands with her palms upwards, she took a deep breath.
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.”
After she managed to escape the assault and effectively faked her own death, she had all but severed her connection to the Force. To reach out and feel the gaping, open wound quickly overwhelmed her and she had withdrawn into herself to survive.
“I am one with the Force and the Force is—”
She tensed as the nightmares that plagued her while she slept crept into the daylight. Ones that involved a clone in blue-painted armor raising his blasters at her. She shook her head, trying to banish the images, swearing to herself that Rex would never hurt her. She trusted him with her life. She cared for him well beyond the considerations of her culture.
But she trusted Sinker too. And Boost. And Comet. And they had all fired on her just the same.
And when it became too much, as it had countless times before, she broke down, holding her head in her hands as she struggled to hold onto her sanity.
“But we managed to save the padawan,” Hunter stated, causing Rex to pick his head up.
“Have you run into any Jedi since?” he asked, sounding more alert.
“No, none.”
Rex nodded slowly, trying to mask his disappointment. He spun his glass around on the bar top, letting his thoughts drift for a moment, before he focused back on the present. Echo, however, noticed the change in his brother.
“You’re looking for her?” Echo asked Rex knowingly. Rex turned to Echo and nodded slowly.  “Tech can look in the Imperial database for you.”
“Already checked. Read the report. She’s . . .”
Rex trailed off, being very careful with his words. He knew what the report said. He’d practically memorized it at this point. But he also knew that these reports weren’t always accurate. He was dead, according to the Empire, so there was still a chance. And a chance was all that he needed. Hope was all that he needed. And it was all he had too.
“There’s a chance . . . and I need to know for myself.”
“I came back from the dead. So could she.” Nodding slowly to show his support for Rex, Echo promised him, “We’ll keep an eye out for her.”
“Thank you, Echo.”
When she felt that she had overstayed her welcome back on Washa, she found her way off planet. The number of planets that she would consider both safe and habitable was extremely low, but she managed to find her way to a small moon in the Outer Rim. It was warm, almost jungle-like and full of life. And she hoped that it would help her reconnect with the Force.
Weeks passed and she fell into a routine. There were a few remote villages scattered around the jungle and she made a few tentative acquaintances, but she was always quick to return to her alcove. She had managed to build a small home up in the trees and was starting to settle in.
And that was when the Force decided to pull the rug out from under her all over again.
Dropping her hands from her abdomen, she stared down at them as tears filled her eyes. Memories of her last few nights with Rex came to mind. They assumed that it was impossible or at least highly unlikely. They were safe in the beginning but as the war drew on and their ever-fragile mortality weighed on both of them, they forwent it.
 And the spark in the Force that she sensed was the unmistakable result of that carelessness.
She fell forward and curled up on herself, that same fear that ate away at her for months now crawled up her spine yet again. Every labored breath she took pushed that numbing pain closer to her heart and mind, igniting flames where the now healed blaster bolt wounds had laid. She picked her head up, refusing to succumb again, but also terrified and alone, she reached out into the Force.
“Master,” she begged softly, “what am I going to do?”
Rex set his ship down on the dirt of a remote backwater planet that Senator Organa assured him would be a safe meeting location. Walking down the gangplank, Rex took off his helmet when he spotted Bail descending from his own ship. The two men greeted each other politely.
“What is this planet anyways?” Rex asked as he turned to follow the senator into his ship.
“It used to be inhabited two centuries ago. But then a civil war broke out and eventually destroyed all of the resources on the planet, forcing the survivors off world,” Bail explained, glancing out at the dustball. “And it’s not strategically located, so the galaxy has left it alone.”
Rex stared out at the landscape again, frowning as he thought about the galaxy’s current situation before heading inside the transport. They discussed intel and exchanged information. Rex delivered a copy of some Imperial intel that Nemec had managed to gather and Bail offered him what little he had heard about the remaining clones.
“You haven’t heard anything about any Jedi, have you, Senator?” Rex asked quietly.
“Not the one you seek information on, no,” Bail replied, causing Rex to look down. “I’m sorry, Captain.”
“All the more reason to keep fighting,” Rex reasoned, earning a nod of support from Bail. Grabbing his new intel, Rex added, “I won’t take up any more of your time. And I should be getting back to my men with this new intel.”
“Of course.” 
“May the Force be with you, Senator.”
“And May the Force be with you too, Rex.”
“I told you that the hyperdrive was acting funny!” Echo huffed with frustration.
The Bad Batch struggled to their feet after crash landing on a remote jungle moon in the Outer Rim. Hunter was first back to his feet and quick to check Omega over for any injuries or scratches from their crash landing. Tech straightened up from his seat and slowly moved to stand.  
“It appears that there was a slight misalignment,” Tech stated, adjusting his goggles.
“Slight?” Hunter emphasized sarcastically. He looked out at the dense jungle through the viewport and sighed. “Let’s get the door open.”
With a bit of an extra push from Wrecker, the door of the Marauder opened and the Bad Batch spilled out into the jungle. Hunter kept Omega close, aware of the high number of life forms crawling around. The Batch tried to pull the Marauder out from the dense foliage that it crashed into, but it was of no use. Not even Wrecker’s full strength was enough to pull it out. And not with light fading.
“What are we going to do?” Omega asked, glancing between her brothers. “It’s starting to get dark.”
“And I’m starving!” Wrecker sighed, sitting on the root of a large tree.
It was eventually decided, after some deliberation with Tech, to scout the nearby area for sources of food and water, as their rations were already low. Hunter led the way into the jungle with the team forming a single-file line behind him. Entering a clearing, Hunter scanned the area when Wrecker stepped around him.
“Hey, look!” Wrecker yelled, pointing over at some vines berries growing on them. “I bet that we can eat those berries!”
“I would disagree with eating whatever you find on the ground out here,” Tech stated, shaking his head as Wrecker ran over to investigate. “And there is a high probability that those berries could be poisonous to us.”
“Then let’s figure out what they—” 
Wrecker yelled out when he was suddenly strung up by his ankle by a thick rope. It was looped over a branch of the tree side Wrecker and connected to a pulley system.
“Wrecker!” Omega yelled out as Hunter ran forward to help his brother.
He scaled the tree and jumped, slicing through the rope with his vibro blade. Wrecked landed roughly, but he was unharmed. As the Bad Batch gathered around Wrecker to assess the situation, the sound of a rifle clicking caused Hunter to spin around, putting himself in front of Omega protectively.
“Someone’s out there,” Hunter warned, pulling out his blaster. “And they’re armed.”
“The person who set the trap, more than likely,” Tech stated, scanning the jungle around them. “Though this system is not listed as civilized.”
“Where are they?” Echo asked, looking around the jungle. “Up in the trees? On the ground?”
Hunter paused for a moment, waiting to hear the individual again. But then he suddenly turned and held his blaster up, pointing at the shadows. A hooded figure stood just out of the light, with a rifle in hand that was aimed straight at the Bad Batch.
“Easy,” Hunter stated, trying to reason with the individual. “We’re not here to hurt anyone.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” a feminine voice replied, a bit gruffly. Echo paused for a moment, frowning at the familiarity of the voice. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn around, head back to your ship, get the kark off of this moon, and never come back.”
“We cannot complete that sequence of events. Our ship is damaged and stuck in the jungle growth. We are unable to get it out on our own,” Tech spoke up, causing the rifle to briefly train on him. “If you could point us to the nearest spaceport—”
“—There are none.”
“Then perhaps you have a device that we can use to remove our ship from the growth,” Tech continued, seemingly unfazed by the rifle. “Seeing as that is in line with your own objectives, it should be reasonable for you to provide us with assistance if you are able.”
“Then perhaps—”
“—Are you always this talkative with someone holding you at blaster point?” the woman interjected, growing steadily more annoyed.
“Just him,” Wrecker stated, nudging Tech.
“General?” Echo called, causing the woman to hesitate. “Is that you?” The rifle lowered a bit more and Echo stepped forward, removing his helmet. “It’s me. Echo.”
“Who is it?” Omega questioned Echo curiously.
“A Jedi?” Hunter asked, causing the rifle to quickly lock on him.
“The Jedi are all dead,” the woman spat, though the edge of grief was easy to detect to Echo’s ear. “The Empire made sure of that.”
“We helped a Jedi escape,” Wrecker spoke up, causing the woman to train her rifle on him.
“A padawan. Caleb. He was General Billaba’s padawan,” Hunter recalled, causing the woman’s finger to shake as it rested against the trigger. “We received Order 66, but we never carried it out.”
“And they removed their chips,” Omega chirped, causing the woman to pause.
“What chips?” she demanded, causing Echo and Hunter to share a look.
“All clones were designed with inhibitor chips built into our brains. They were primarily designed to make us more obedient, especially to several predesigned codes to carry out specific orders that we would otherwise hesitate to complete,” Tech explained rapidly. “Every clone who heard the command, save for us really, immediately lost control of their minds and bodies to carry out the order.”
“Order 66,” she breathed out, remembering what Comet had been muttering to himself.
She looked down, starting to piece together the timeline of what happened that dark day. Echo shared a look with the other Bad Batchers before turning back to her.
“We all removed our chips. And we have the scars to prove it. And if you need, Tech can show you the report explaining what the chips are.” After a moment, he added, “It was written by Rex. Before the order came through.”
At the mention of Rex, she lowered the rifle completely. And after a moment’s hesitation, she stepped out into the light. Staring down at them with a measure of distrust still in her eyes, she sat the butt of her rifle down against the branch.
“Show me.”
After reading through the report for the third time, she tossed the datapad down to Tech again. Jumping down from the branch, she landed gracefully and straightened up. There was still an edge of distrust to her stance, but she looked more like the general that Echo remembered that a frightened hermit. And he considered that to be a success.
But when he glanced at the pack on her back, he paused. Because it was moving.
“Why are you here? What brought you here?” she asked, glancing between the Bad Batch.
“His faulty calculations,” Hunter explained, earning a sharp look from Tech in return.
“It was a minor misalignment.”
“You said that your ship is damaged?” she inquired, causing Echo to shake his head.
“We don’t think so. It’s just stuck in the vines.”
“Well, you won’t have any luck getting it out in the dark, even with my help,” she replied seriously. “There’s a lot more that lurks out here that you don’t want to run into in the dark.” After a moment of thought, she added, “Follow me.”
She turned around and for the first time, the Bad Batch could see what was in her pack. Or rather who was in her pack. A little swaddled baby was strapped to her back. Staring at the Batch, the baby cooed and giggled at their incredulous expressions.
“Is that . . .?” Hunter trailed off, sharing an incredulous look with Tech.
“A baby?” Omega completed softly.
The former Jedi turned around and slowly slipped her arm out of her pack until her son was strapped to her chest instead of her back. Resting her hands on the sides of his carrier, she slowly turned to look at the flabbergasted expressions of the clones in front of her.
And Echo couldn’t help but notice the blond hair atop the baby’s head.
“What’s his name?” Omega asked, taking a few steps forward.
“Tenacious,” Tech translated quickly, adjusting his goggle. “In Mando’a, that is.”
“Yes,” she agreed, gently running her hand over her son’s head.
“Did he know?” Echo inquired quietly, causing her to shake her head.
“I didn’t even know. How would he?”
With a bitter smile, she turned and called for them to follow her again. Echo moved to walk beside her and Hunter held the others back a step, trying to give them some semblance of privacy. Echo glanced down at the baby content in the carrier before turning to the baby’s mother.
“He’s alive,” Echo stated softly, causing her to turn to him. “He’s alive. And he’s free.” After a moment, Echo added quietly, “And he’s looking for you.”
She nodded slowly, careful to step over a root, before carrying on her way. Echo walked beside her, giving her a moment to process the news. Reaching the base of a large tree, she turned to Echo with a tentative look in her eyes.
“Where is he?”
“It changes by the rotation,” Echo replied honestly. “He’s running around the galaxy. Freeing brothers. Stoking rebellions. Gathering intel.”
“I don’t think he knows how to relax,” she commented with an edge of humor before she glanced down at the child strapped to her chest. And then the smile slowly faded. “Do you think that you can convince him to come here? Alone?”
“I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer from him,” Echo promised her, causing her to smile softly again. “Rex didn’t give up on me. And it’s my turn to return the favor whether he likes it or not.”
“It’s like you two are brothers or something,” she joked, walking over to a hanging vine. Tugging on it until a ladder rolled down to the jungle floor. “Neither of you know how to give up.”
“It’s not in our blood,” Echo stated, glancing down at her baby. “Nor his.”
“Why do you think I named him ‘Atin’?” she asked rhetorically before moving to climb.
Rex wasn’t sure what Echo was thinking when he came out of hyperspace and spotted the jungle moon ahead. But he trusted Echo, so he flew towards the coordinates that Echo provided him. Slowly setting down the Y Wing on the jungle floor, Rex hopped out and started his short walk. Coming up on the meeting location, Rex looked around curiously when he heard a branch break behind him.
Grabbing his blaster, Rex whirled around, ready to defend himself. But when he saw her standing there, he dropped his blaster out of shock.
“Cyare?” he called softly, like he couldn’t believe that it was her.
“Rex,” she returned, smiling nervously.
Rex walked forward slowly. His blaster laid forgotten on the jungle floor. With his eyes never leaving her figure, he moved like a man possessed. She remained still, forcing her body to stay where it was, even as her mind screamed to move, to flee. Her nightmares started to creep up again but when Rex gently cupped her cheek, she returned to the present.
“What?” she asked quietly, staring up at him with tears in her eyes. “What is it?”
“You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you,” he replied, causing her lips to wobble.
They quickly held onto each other, in disbelief that they were able to have the honor again. Rex cupped the back of her head to keep her close and let his tears slip free. She buried her face in his neck, ignoring the uncomfortable way that the plastoid dug into her. She didn’t care. Rex was here. Her Rex was here. Despite everything, he was finally here. They were finally back together.
Rex only loosened his grip when he heard a gentle cry echo through the jungle. Looking up, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, he turned back to her as she grabbed his hand. Gently leading him up the path and to the home that she built for them, she stepped inside. Rex, his heart thudding hard in his chest, waited a moment before walking in behind her.
And when she turned around with a baby in her arms, he fell to his knees.
She smiled, drying her own tears, before moving to join him on the floor. Sitting cross-legged in front of him, she held out their son to Rex for the first time. After hesitating for a moment, he gently moved to cradle his son—his son—against his chest.
“I believe you now,” she quipped, wiping his tears away.
“Believe me about what?” he croaked out, turning back to her with a loving expression.
“You are a natural blond.”
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engagemythrusters · 4 months ago
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sometimes. sometimes insanity occurs when making up your guys. including a captain rex fan B1. because captain rex is an honourary B1.
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myxineye · 2 months ago
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courier quinn visits the commonwealth! i imagine them as a companion who offers junk for the sole survivor every now and then lol
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