#oc: owen wilson
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mspiggy · 5 days ago
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9 Images that Capture your VTM OC's Vibe: Owen "The Ogre" Wilson Sire of Saul Meyer and Dickie Goddard, childe of William Biltmore, President of the Mad Bulls Motorcycle Club, Perses of the Cult of Mithras in New England circa 1971
i can't stop making these @_@ our crazy welsh leather daddy malk had to be next! he shows his love for his dear "twin boys" (saul and dickie) the best way he knows how: humiliation and brutal violence 🖤💞🖤💞🖤
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thosetrollkids · 8 months ago
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these women have not left my brain in WEEKS. WEEKS I TELL YOU!
hello everyone welcome to the Tivmura train :3 ever since creating Tivur's design (here), i've played with her and Nomura (at first as a one night fling, which if you know me, evolved into more very quickly NJDKJSNDJSD) and so now i am obsessed, and have multiple drawings. this one's based on a quick sketch i did recently :)
commissions are open! / my kofi
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darknight3904 · 1 year ago
The Monster and The Lady
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Happy Loki Season 2 Finale! As my gift to you here's the chapter a day early! ( The finale was amazing and it ripped my heart out and stomped on it.)
Asgard 2011
Astri was polishing her sword when Loki barged into her chambers. 
   "Remember the conversation we had about knocking, Loki?" She asked without looking up 
His lack of response got Astri to look away from her work. Loki was sitting on one of the large pieces of furniture that decorated her room. All of his attention was on his hands as he stared at them. 
   "If you're upset about what happened to Thor, I'm sure he is fine on Midgard." She said moving to sit next to him. "They love him there."
   "Stay back," Loki said, his deep voice suddenly scaring Astri. It was the same tone he often used when speaking to enemies in battle. It was intimidating, mean, and cold, and Astri hated everything about it.
She crossed so that she was sitting across from him, the small table felt like it was keeping her miles away from him. Loki's eyes looked red and swollen as he kept them focused on his hands. 
   "You've been crying." Astri observed, "What happened?" 
   "Nothing I can't handle." He lied.
   "It doesn't seem that way? Do you want some tea? We can talk about it, I'll send for Drifa." Astri offered gently
   "I didn't come here to talk," Loki said 
   "Then why are you here and not in your chambers?" Astri pushed, she knew he didn't just come here to sit, he had something he wanted to get off his chest. 
   "I don't want to be alone." He said, looking up, "You're the only thing that makes sense in this damn palace." 
Okay...progress. But he definitely had something else he wanted to say, Astri would take that for now. 
   "You don't have to worry. I won't be going anywhere, I'll stay here with you." Astri assured knowing her words were anything but lies.
   "You won't want to once you know though. That's what scares me." Loki said softly 
Astri wanted to reach across the table and hold his shaking hands but his harsh tone from earlier kept her grounded in her seat, hands folded neatly in her lap. The doors opened to her chambers and two guards walked in. 
   "Lady Astri, the queen summons you." The one on the right said. 
Astri wondered what could be amiss as she walked quickly through the halls. Loki was uncharacteristically a few paces behind her and dead silent when the guards directed them to Odin's chambers of all places. Frigga seemed frazzled and uncomposed when Astri saw her next to the Allfather. It was strange seeing her so distressed when she normally seemed to have everything under control. 
   "Astri, Loki." She stood and greeted them both with warm hugs. Loki's stiffened posture didn't go unnoticed by Astri. 
   "What happened?" Astri asked eyeing Odin's sleeping form 
   "He has fallen into the Odinsleep. It was too sudden this time. I fear he might not wake this time." Frigga said sadly 
   "He is strong, Frigga. I'm sure he will wake again soon." Astri said placing a warm hand on her mother figure's shoulder. Was this what Loki wanted to tell her? Did he cause this? The way he was acting made it seem worse than this. Odin had fallen to Odinsleep many times in the past.
The doors opened abruptly to reveal what had to be a full platoon of soldiers on the other side. When Loki turned to them they all bent their knee to him. One came forward and presented Loki with Gungnir, the spear Astri rarely saw Odin without. 
   "My king, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three request an audience with you." He said once Loki had taken it from him
Astri felt her face pale when she realized what was happening. Loki seemed to have a similar reaction but quickly recovered and nodded to the man. 
   "I'll meet them in the throne room," Loki said, dismissing him and his fellow soldiers. 
   "Loki..." Astri said, reaching out to grab his hand. She didn't know what she was going to say just that she didn't want him to leave her. 
   "Stay here. With my mother." Loki said, pulling his hand away from her reach 
   "But I want to-" 
   "Stay. I'll send Drifa to bring you those cakes." Loki cut her off 
   "Is that an order...my king?" Astri asked, the words felt bitter in her mouth. 
   "Yes." He hissed before turning on his heel and leaving the door. 
   "Come sit with me, darling." Frigga beckoned to her.
Loki kept his word and sent Drifa with Astri's favorite cakes. They were delicate little lemon-flavored things with soft powdered sugar on top. Beyond the cakes, he had also sent her the book she had been reading for the past week along with tea and a book for his mother. Even when he was upset, he was looking out for them.
   "What's on your mind?" Frigga asked, moving her eyes from Odin's form.
   "Nothing." Astri sighed 
   "Remember when I told you your mother and I were raised by witches?" 
Astri nodded. 
   "That means I can see with more than eyes. Now, why is my son troubling you?" She asked 
How does she always know what's wrong?
   "He seemed very distraught before you summoned me here. I know it could have just been Odin's condition but it seemed to be more than that." Astri confessed, "He kept staring at his hands too, and wouldn't let me sit next to him which you know he always does." 
   "I think it's best if I let him tell you what's wrong," Frigga advised suddenly looking away.
   "But you just asked me to tell you-" 
   "When Odin fell asleep, He and Loki were discussing...matters in the weapons vault. Loki told me what happened." Frigga explained, "But, it is not my place to tell my son's secrets to the world." 
   "But it's not the world. It's just me." Astri reasoned 
Silence passed and Astri could tell Frigga was thinking about something important.
   "Go to him. If he gets upset tell him he can whine about it to me." Frigga smiled
Astri groaned but stood up and went to the door anyway. 
   "You're sure you'll be ok alone?" She asked looking back at Odin. 
   "I have lived for thousands of years, darling. I will be alright." She smiled gently
Astri nodded before quietly slipping out the door. The walk to the throne room was incredibly brief. Perks of being the Allfather, your bedroom is closest to the most important room in the castle. 
Loki's armor was complimented by the large throne. The green he normally donned made him look more regal as his golden helmet shone when the light hit it. 
   "Lady Astri. I thought I ordered you to stay with my mother." 
  "And I thought you weren't an uptight jerk with a stick up your ass," Astri responded 
Loki's sharp gaze snapped to her and she stared up at him defiantly. He might be king now but she knew he'd never do anything to harm her. 
   "Leave us." He ordered the guards in the room 
Astri watched him slowly descend from the throne almost as if it was for dramatic purposes. King of Asgard? More like King of Dramatics.
   "What are you doing?" Loki asked, annoyed
   "I wanted to talk to you," Astri explained 
   "That doesn't mean you can call me names like that in front of others." Loki scolded "I'm acting king now." 
   "The guards do not care what names the king's childhood friend calls him. I bet some of them are old enough that they saw the time you and Thor went running through the castle naked." Astri smiled 
   "Stop it," Loki demanded, looking around to see if anyone had entered the room
   "I'll stop when you talk to me." Astri said, "Do you think any of them remember the time you went crying to Frigga after you had a nightmare from the scary story Thor told at that sleepover we had with Volstagg?" 
Loki snapped his fingers in her face before she could think of another embarrassing childhood moment of his. 
   "Alright. We'll talk. Just stop saying crazy things." He said 
   "Crazy? All those things happened Loki. Just like the time you farted in front of that gorgeous boy, you tried charming who was visiting from Xandar with her family." She laughed 
Loki's face had grown red as he gestured for her to follow him. 
   "Not another word about me as a child," Loki ordered 
   "The fart incident was 200 years ago. You were already fully grown at that point." She pointed out 
   "I'll cut your hair again," Loki said as they reached his chambers
Astri giggled as she sat down on his bed and gestured for him to sit next to her. 
   "I'll say here." Loki declined still several feet from her 
   "I'm not going to bite you you know," Astri said
   "I just...don't want to hurt you." Loki softly said, piddling with his hands, a gesture Astri noticed he had down since they were children.
   "You won't. Just...tell me what's wrong. I'll help you fix it. I promise." She sincerely said 
   "You can't. I can't. No one can." Loki said looking away from her and at his shoes 
   "How do you know? What's even wrong anyway?" Astri asked 
   "If I tell you, you'll be scared of me," Loki said quietly
   "I won't. Nothing you do will ever scare me." Astri swore
A soft beat of silence passed over the room as Astri wished Loki would look up at her. 
   "I am a monster. A relic Odin kept here until he had a purpose for me." Loki said 
   "You're not a monster," Astri assured, standing and crossing the room so she was close to him again. 
   "You don't understand...I'm...one of them. One of those monsters who we've been told frightening stories about since we were children. I am a Frost Giant. The monster who Asgardian parents tell their children to be frightened of when they misbehave. I was nothing but a bargaining chip to Odin. Another object in this castle that represents his conquest over these Nine Realms." Loki said angrily, words cutting across the air like knives, as he finally looking her in the eyes 
   "What do you mean you're a Frost Giant?" Astri asked slowly, surprised at his speech.
Loki led Astri through the castle as he told her the story Odin had told him merely hours before. She stayed silent the whole time, absorbing what came from his mouth. Loki couldn't tell what was worse, her silence or what she might say about who he was. They reached the weapons vault quicker than he would have liked and soon were standing in front of the Joutun's casket. 
   "I will show you." He said, barely trusting his voice 
    "You don't have to. Let's go back to the library and read together." Astri said reaching for him again.
Loki ignored her request and placed his hands on the casket again. An indescribable coldless tingled through his body and he watched his hands turn blue once more. He felt it spread across his body and felt the soft facial lines that all Frost Giants bore rise from his skin. When he was sure he had held it long enough, he turned back to his dear Astri, awaiting her judgment.
   "I understand if you want to leave," Loki said
Astri was silent as her eyes roamed across him. Her light brown eyes we taking in every inch of blue skin that Loki had exposed to her and when she was finally done looking she opened her mouth.
   "I don't care." She said
   "What?" Loki balked, feeling his skin begin to change again
   "I don't care what you are. Tomorrow you could show me you're actually a dragon with wings the size of me and I'd still stay by your side. What matters to me is that you're Loki. I don't care if you're blue." Astri said finally taking his hands when they had gone back to normal.
   "Why?" He asked, closing his eyes and savoring how his hands felt in his. 
   "Because you're important to me," Astri said pressing her forehead to his "No one knows me like you do, and no one ever will." 
No spoilers to the finale but I have never felt more devastated yet fufilled by a Marvel project ever. I don't think I've been this distressed since I watched Infinity War and had to watch Loki die and then 2 hrs later watch Peter "die" in Tony's arms.
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capricorncorvette · 17 days ago
Did another design for Mary while listening to Lainey Wilsons song hang tight honey on repeat and i kind of went crazy and now Mary has glitter
But Secret is still her bestie :D
Her bestie with a crush cough cough
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Shes pretty though
For my cars next gen thing that i'm somehow still working on. Mary was my first oc, shes Lightning and Sally's daughter, her full name is Maria Victory McQueen and Secret (his full name is Secret Leland McMissile) is Finns son
I made this story when i was 13 okay
But i recently picked it up again and now its readable and watchable
And i added Piper (Dustys daughter) and Fernando and Felicia (Francesco's twins)
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kiyotaka-perchance · 6 months ago
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oc x canon 💜💜💜💜
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lemonwisp · 2 years ago
I heard you want to see some Jedediah fanart, I have some I did, these will include my natm OC
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^work in progress
Hope you like these😊
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blood3red · 4 months ago
I love that I made all my Dc Original characters hate Deathstroke in some way because he's a terrible character in my opinion
Spectator and Bloodshot team up and annoy the shit out of him.
Quizzical is scared of him
Goober technically hasn’t met him and never will
Rachael thinks he’s too haughty for a hitman
Jesteria thinks he’s boring
Ellie is a introvert femcel who hates everyone, but the Spectator
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loki-princeofasgard · 1 year ago
Mission #182: Part 1 Part 2
For all times (Mobius x OFC)
Tony Stark
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mspiggy · 7 months ago
i made so many of my earliest OCs with my best friend from middle school but because most of our conversations were over the phone, i don't have many records of the details we agreed on about our characters. so a lot of the stuff i remember is just... kind of floating around without much context. a lot of it felt really edgy at the time but looking back it's like, sub-poppy z. brite in terms of fucked-uppedness.
all that to say (tw for mention of sexual abuse) here's what i remember of Owen (who now lives on in saul and dickie's sire, owain willson):
owen was a former irish peasant turned by a vampire who was struck by his beauty (can't remember if this was [middle school best friend's character whose name i forgot] or a lady vampire that he ended up leaving for [msbfcwnif])
owen was a more "feral" type of vampire who had to eat meat in addition to drink blood
owen and [msbfcwnif] had an EVIL CRAZY vampire rival named valley [also my OC] who was obsessed with torturing [msbfcwnif] emotionally (because he was msbfcwnif's ex-boyfriend)
i seem to remember middle school best friend made up a "theatre des vampires"-style situation that featured nude tableaux vivants or something, which is for some reason the thing that gives me the most embarrassment looking back???
eventually owen and his vampire boyfriend [msbfcwnif] would adopt a teenager who valley targeted to get back at them, eventually kidnapping and sexually abusing him
owen was very sad, all the time, and very reliant on [msbfcwnif] for love and affection
owen was blond with green eyes!
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garryberryfabubatch · 6 months ago
For the past 10 months, a story has been brewing in my brain. It's consumed many of my days with simple brainstorming and world building. I wish I would have begun writing sooner, but I'm happy to present my first two chapters of '(The) Past Changes'. I literally have the whole story planned out in my head, endings and all. It's just about typing it up and not giving into my own dissatisfaction. Everything you write might not be perfect, write it anyway, and refine it later. Above is the AO3 link, and I believe I'm going to add the playlists I've been listening to while creating these stories. This post will be the link to Loki's playlist along as some teaser pics of the others. I'm a huge nerd, and these aren't just oh this fits the vibe songs. They are plot relevant! I won't beat around the bush. This is a Lokius dedicated story, but it is a painful slow burn, not in the traditional way. There may be points where the story strays from the idea of romance as there are greater things at stake, original characters of mine introduced for plot. If you follow along with my story, you'll find some comfort, but in all honesty, you're going to suffer a good bit before it. If they suffer, we suffer. (It's me. I'm the problem.) I'm definitely not satisfied so I may re-upload the fic in the future after heavy editing because I desperately want each chapter to be longer. However, I'm aware I have so much plot to cover, so I need to get on with the first few so that I can really dive into the story fully but for now- I'm done procrastinating and please forgive me for the first few campy chapters!
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spencerwatchestoons · 1 year ago
i gave in meet leaf
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cometufo · 1 year ago
i love being an artist in many forms but explaining to people that you have your own creations that you live for (but as a young person and not as a creative professional) but then also write stories and draw art of fictional characters that are not my own are seemingly both so embarrassing (this is about my ocs and jedtavius)
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inloveforbritish · 1 year ago
hey, I wrote a Oneshot of an Oc of mine and Gil Pender
English is not my native language, in fact I am Brazilian. I will post the original version in Portuguese too but for now stick with the English version. There will probably be errors in the English language because I put most of the things for Google Translate to do in English (Don't judge me, I'm still newbie at this).
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Previously: Gil, on one of his trips to Paris in the 1920s, met a young attendant at a local cafe from the 20s who was walking along the narrow river Seine, known as Julye.
(the oc is of legal age)
Word count: 2611 words.
the denial of living in the present ♡
Gil Pender is an idiot man from Pasadena, California, in the United States and is about to marry an authoritarian preppy named Inez.
Since Gil got engaged to Inez, he has been having frequent panic attacks. He never understood the real meaning of his attacks, however, he thought it must be something about the book he was writing or his work as a Hollywood screenwriter.
Gil and Inez visited and stayed at a hotel in Paris.
The reason for this was that as Inêz's parents had done important business, the couple stayed for a while to enjoy the ride.
Inez was a beautiful and very intelligent woman, but she and her fiancé had almost nothing in common, the two were completely opposite people and not at all indifferent, Gil was always passionate about literature and the 20s, and dreamed of living in the City of Light after the wedding, more precisely in the rain as he told his fiancee, and he was willing to give up all his work as a screenwriter to become a writer, however, Inez wanted to live in Malibu, in the hot sand of California, after the wedding.
And although Gil loved his future wife there was something that made him feel out of place about her. Even when she had defended him from her own parents who criticized Gil about his illusions about politics and his choices.
But something happened as the couple's time in Paris went on.
In the blink of an eye, the two moved apart drastically, and of course the reason could have been that Inez had had a super crush since college on a man called Paul Bates, a kind of dashing gentleman who was going to give a lecture nearby. from Paris, And she stayed with this guy for a few nights in the meantime that Gil was taking his nightly "walks" to get even more inspired when he was going to write his romance.
However, Gil had no idea that she had kept the stupid pendant.
But Gil also had his secrets, for example: whenever (or almost every day) that Inez wanted to stay late somewhere with her parents or with Paul and Carol, he would always leave early and walk the streets of Paris until midnight and he did that instead of going to the Hotel Bristol where the two stayed waiting for Inez to return.
And when the clock struck midnight, a vintage car from the 1920s always passed by as if it were a taxi from the time and Gil always got into it because it would mean that he had gone to the year 1920, the year where he dreamed of living for so long. , it was a dream to be in Paris at that time where there were so many incredible artists and writers that he couldn't even describe, it was so spectacular.
And there he met the illustrious and talented F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Salvador Dali, Luis Boňuel, Man Ray, Ernest Hemingway and TS Eliot.
Gertrude Stein even read and evaluated the book that Gil Pender was finishing and it made his heart almost stop working with excitement.
EDuring these trips to 1920, Gil met a beautiful young girl, Adriana, he seemed to have liked or loved this young woman very much. She was known to be a prostitute and former lover of Picasso himself, but unfortunately, he himself realized that she was fascinated to other things like the golden age and I couldn't stop her from getting lost in another era trying desperately to fill her feeling of loneliness and emptiness.
Just like he did, but he would never admit it.
Gil discovered that Inez was probably cheating on him with Paul shortly after he returned to 2010 and he thought about this possibility with the help of words from one of his conversations with some of the best writers of the 1920s.
When he had the courage and discussed it with Inez, she simply admitted it after a while, causing the two to break up, as well as belittling him by calling him crazy, sick, among others.
Now, Gil no longer had Adriana, who lost her to the golden age, nor his ex-fiancée who left.
He was left ungrounded, confused, displaced but still free.
And now he was more anxious than ever walking around at 2 am in Paris in the 20th century...he knew he shouldn't be in another century trying desperately to escape all his morbid sadness that hit him like daggers in the back but therefore he he still couldn't stay definitively in 2010 knowing that he could live what he so longed to have.
He walked and walked while it was raining heavily on the narrow Seine River, he saw a young woman who made his eyes go a little wide and wide and made his heart flutter a little.
The beautiful lady was without any means of protection against the rain like Gil. She was wearing a loose and short black dress made of silk with satin gloves and black heels, she looked like she had just left a ball at that time, she had beautiful light blonde hair in the style of an almost classic Bob. like Marilyn Monroe.
The lady looks at Gil, seeing the man in a gray suit and red tie there looking at her fascinated, she approached him and spoke without hesitation, her voice was soft and sweet, as if it were a beautiful melody from Cole Porter's classic songs.
-Bonjour, you are lost? - she says looking at Gil, still unsure about the man.
- hey! Yes, I mean, no. -Gil says no with a fake, high-pitched laugh at the end of the sentence.
The woman nodded and turned to leave, but she stopped when she heard the man's voice again.
- Excuse me but are you American? - He asked hesitating while breathing faster. "What the hell got into you?" he mentally asked himself.
- no, I'm just a random Parisian but I learned to speak American English a few years ago - the woman smiles slightly, her red lipstick stands out on her adorable face .
- Could I know your name? - Gil asked, he had his hands in the pockets of the black dress pants he was wearing as he asked.
- well...my name is Julye, and would you be it? - Julye looks at him a little confused, the rain started to get thicker making the lady cross her arms and look down.
- oh, my name is Gil Pender - he speaks awkwardly and sees that Julye was bothered by the rain that had gotten heavier, he then went to her and guided her gentlemanly to under the bridge.
He was always taught by his mother to be a good gentleman, so he lightly puts his arm around Julye as they walk under the bridge out of the rain, she still looks at him suspiciously but with a hint of gratitude in her eyes. almost cyan blue.
- Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you less uncomfortable in this rain - Gil says, trying to clarify his intentions.
- Should I say thank you? - Julye says smiling sarcastically.
- I don't think it's necessary and if I may, why are you wearing that dress? It's cold today in Paris, you could catch a cold - Gil says with an air of doubt because although the woman looked stunning in the dress he didn't see the point in wearing it on this specific night.
- oh..well, I was in a bar before it started raining with Zelda and Scott - she says raising her face up to look at Gil, she was shorter than him.
-Zelda and Scott? Like the Fitzgeralds?
-Yes, themselves, do you know them? - Julye says looking into Gil's eyes when he asked.
- Yes! Yes, I've been out with them twice and I really admire Scott - he remembered, he was in 1920! He couldn't say how good Scott and Zelda were as if he were talking to someone in 2010 - but, well, on that note, what does a woman like you do?
-I'm an attendant at a local coffee shop, you should visit there, I work from nine in the morning to six in the afternoon - Julye says while looking away from Gil.
Gil blushed, the pretty girl invited him to go to the cafe where she works in such an adorable way? Yes, and it left him like a little pepper. Between that, he knew he could never go, especially because he only has access to Paris in the twentieth century from midnight to dawn... that is, he could never see it in his daily life.
- Thank you for the invitation, I will certainly go to the cafe - he says lying, The two then walked to a local bar out of the rain and in the meantime they talked about various things and Gil even forgot about his sadness about his and Inez's separation.
When the two arrived in front of the bar but didn't go in and instead they sat on a bench where the rain didn't hit and continued talking, and so much time passed that Julye ended up sleeping with her head on Gil's chest.
And certainly, Gil loved it and even stroked her hair while she slept. When he realized that it was going to dawn, he placed the lady on a bench and laid her down gently and placed his jacket on her, he left and as he walked through the streets, he realized that he had gone back to 2010, he looked back at that same place but he didn't even know. There was more bench, it was replaced by a large pole and the bar was now a jewelry store.
He gave a weak smile and sighed deeply - I'll see you again, I promise, Julye.
And so he did. Every day after midnight he goes back to 1920 just to look for the woman, he even knew her address so he could go to her house.
They talked about everything, Gil talked to Julye about cognitive actions and the fear of death that everyone has and at the end of the night, he always ends up leaving or sleeping on his shoulder. They understood each other, they talked about everything, literature, arts, artists, the future, their personal lives and more.
Julye didn't understand why Gil didn't want to see her during the day, they are friends and friends see each other during the day, she thought, so why is that?
On one of Gil's trips to 1920, he found Julye in a square near the elfiel tower. He hugged her and greeted her.
- Julye! It's good to see you - he says sweetly and smiles at her.
- Bonjour, Gil... - she says, leaving the hug, her eyes made it seem like she was in a dilemma.
- what happened? You look thrilled - Gil puts his hand on her shoulder and his face had such a softness that it would easily make someone tell him what he was hiding.
-I don't understand you sometimes. You say we are friends but we never meet during the day and you always disappear and then pretend that none of this happened... why is that? - Julye says a little angry and sad at the same time.
Gil pulls her and comforts her, and starts to talk - look... it's okay, I know I haven't been giving you explanations but I'm just trying not to hurt you and apparently I failed at that, I'm sorry - he says as he watches Julye lay on his chest.
- Look, you know when you have one kind of life during the day and at night it's like you're in another life? - Gil says, lifting Julye's face to look at her face to face.
- I think so... - Julye says quietly - so you kind of have two different lives?
-It's almost that, but I'll tell you something, when I'm here, with you I feel like this is my place - Gil smiles and Julye also smiles lightly caressing her cheek.
Even though Gil lied about some things, not all of them were lies, he really feels like when he's with Julye it's like he's in the right place.
The two stayed there, hugging each other, feeling the breeze of the wind, they were both in the early morning moonlight.
Gil sometimes wondered if he and Julye could be more than friends, but he never really persisted with that thought. .
He decided to lighten the mood by changing the route of his affairs.
- Julye, do you think I would be a good writer?
- Yes for sure! You are incredible at writing and if it is your passion then you should embrace it and not be afraid of failure - she says smiling, she has always supported Gil in all possible circumstances.
- Don't exaggerate, I'm not that good - Gil says and smiles seeing Julye pout.
- I disagree, you are very good at writing, you are like a poet - Julye says persisting in the idea - you should at least try to do what you like.
- Thank you, you really know how to keep me going - Gil smiles at her - that's what friends are for - Julye says and smiles too, she takes Gil's arm and the two walk down the sidewalk together.
- friends...yes, we are friends - Gil says walking with her.
At the end of the night, Julye turned to Gil and gave a smile that was pleasant to see.
- so this is where I say goodbye to you.
- Yes, I know, but first I want to test one of the theories Ernest Hemingway told me a while ago - Gil says, taking her hand.
-And what theory would that be? - She asked with a hint of curiosity.
Then Gil lightly pulled her by the waist until their lips connected.
He kissed her sweetly but firmly, Julye returned the kiss with the same soft intensity, placing her arms around Gil's neck and the two of them deepened the kiss, totally immense at the moment.
Julye bit Gil's lower lip, asking for passage and Gil gave in, making Julye slide her tongue into his mouth where their tongues meet, they now have their tongues almost dancing in Gil's mouth fighting for dominance.
They separate when they both become short of breath.
- so that was your theory? - Julye says breathlessly.
- Not exactly, but it made me realize and feel many things and one of the things I felt for those seconds when I kissed you was that I was able to dazzle immortality for a while - Gil says smiling, giving Julye a light peck.
It's like Ernest Hemingway said and believed that the moment two people who have a true passion kiss or have sexual relations, they can create a truce over the fear of dying and that's exactly what Gil felt with Julye, he managed for a few moments get a glimpse of what it's like to be immortal.
He felt like his heart was going to explode with so much love and he wanted to show Julye that day but time was about to run out so they said goodbye with a few more passionate kisses and sweet words of affirmation, and went each their way.
And Gil was still certain at that moment, he would still do and give all the love that Julye deserved.
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nugget-creates-things · 2 years ago
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Some dumb bullshit
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helphowdoiusethis · 1 year ago
The next chapter of "May saturnalia bring me a gift of you" is up!
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loki-princeofasgard · 1 year ago
For all times (part 3)
Mobius x OFC
He follows her to the bedroom, noticing the size of the bed, which gives him an idea. "It's a big bed, maybe we should share it, if you're comfortable with. I mean, we're friends, right?” He says with a teasing tone. 
“Are you sure Mo?” 
"Yes, why not? I don't mind" He chuckles. "Besides, I don't want to hear you complaining all day that your backs hurts too.” He takes off his shoes and blazer and sits on her bed and turns to look at her. 
“Okay...I'm gonna get change” Aurora gets her pijamas and goes to the bathroom change her clothes. 
He nods and smiles. He lays down on the bed, resting his head on her pillow. While she's in the bathroom, he decides to mess with her a bit and takes her TemPad from the nightstand. 
A few minutes after, Aurora gets out of the bathroom with a large t-shirt that reaches her mid-thigh and see Mobius laying down with her TemPad in hands. 
 "What are you doing? Give it back!" Rory tries to get her device back. 
He teases her a little by lifting the TemPad whenever she tries to reach for it, avoiding her grasp as he does so.   
"Please give it back!" She says with a frustrated expression. He smiles at her and lifts the TemPad even higher "Come and get it then." He teases her in a playful manner. 
"That's not fair, you're taller than me" she tries again to reach, making her shirt ride up and expose more of her leg. “Come on Mobius, give it back.” 
He sees her attempt, but keeps teasing her as he lifts the TemPad higher "Nope, you have to earn it." He tells her with a grin. "I don't hear any begging." He teases her with a chuckle. "Come on, you can do it." 
“Nope” Rory tries to climb him, her legs wrapping around his waist so she could reach her device. 
He lets out an amused chuckle at her attempt to take back her TemPad. He lifts her in his arms and sits back in the bed as she wraps her legs around him, but keeps the device at arm's length. "Careful now or I might get the wrong idea here" He says playfully and teases her, lifting the TemPad a little further just to annoy her. 
Aurora blush a little with his comment, but snap back her TemPad from his hands and sits beside him “What did you wanted to see here?” 
He reaches for her wrist and gently takes the TemPad from her, still looking at her with a playful smile on his face "Nothing, I just wanted to tease you a bit."  He lays down the TemPad closer to her on the bed. "Now we can go to sleep. I'm getting tired." He says with a smile, looking at her face. 
“You know, you lie better than that.” she chuckles. “But yeah, it's late.” Aurora lays on her side of the bed, turning her back to him “Goodnight Mo”. 
"I swear I'm not lying, now let's get some sleep." He says with a calm but amused tone. He turns off the lights, leans against his pillow and closes his eyes as he lays on his side. He's quiet for a while before speaking again. In the darkness of the bedroom, his voice comes out almost like a whisper  
"Aurora?..." He hesitates but speaks her name again, with a little more strength. "Are you awake?" 
“No” she whispers back, with her eyes still close. 
He smiles softly "I knew it. You can't sleep either, huh?.." He chuckles and turns to look at her. 
Her back was still facing him. Aurora couldn’t sleep, she was still thinking how she practically had sit on him and the comment he made about him getting the wrong idea. Her mind couldn't stop racing thinking about it. 
"No, still thinking about Kylo Ren.” she teases him, lying about it. 
Mobius smiles as he hears her response. He can tell that she's just teasing him, and he plays along with it  "Oh come on, don't be so obsessed with him" He pretends to sound annoyed at her but can't help but smile. He turns toward her and looks at the back of her head, with a smile still on his face. "What's keeping you up?" He asks her. He puts his arms around her and pulls himself closer to her. 
Aurora feels his arm around her and the heat from his body and blushes in the dark “Well you know how I can't resist Kylo Ren. Tall, dark, bad.” her tone playful and soft because of the sleep. 
Mobius can hear her breathing getting lighter as she slowly falls asleep. He stares at the ceiling, deep in thought until he realizes that he's getting sleepy too. He closes his eyes and relaxes, breathing deeply as he starts to drift away to sleep. 
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