#oc: nakia
tenochconamor · 2 years
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Tenoch Huerta with Lupita Nyong'o for Black Panther Wakanda Forever
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stestylius-arts · 5 days
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Persistence...doesn't pay off, often.
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blackdogblues · 6 months
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New JJBA oc! This is 17 y/o Nakia Bakir + his stand Behind Blue Eyes! He accidentally killed his parents with BBE when he was a kid and was taken in by Avdol. He goes on THE JOURNEY TO EGYPT with the gang and starts out as an annoying shithead but is really a good guy deep down.
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 years
Shuri Smut
Part 2
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seraphimcollections · 2 years
stars aligned | Namor x Wakandan!reader | chapter 7
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warnings: nothing to note, not proof read
summary: Still in captivity of Talokan, Thulile has her own questions for the king.
words: 1.3
author notes: I AM SO SORRY this took too long to update. i started spring semester and its A LOT of reading. im going to try to post every thursday night. have mercy! also! please let me know if you wish to be added to the tag list!
| ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 |
Namor had long heard her laughter before coming to the surface. He was irritated, to say the least. He had just spent the last hour and a half convincing his generals why he had let the land-dweller live, let alone letting her into their kingdom. 
“In ajawo’, the longer we let the land-dweller stay, the more likely it is for her people to come for her,” Namora's tone was uneasy as she monitored her king’s expression. 
“Not to mention she has no value to ransom. She is a lowly informant, nothing close to a bargaining chip,” Attuma said, obviously infuriated by the Wakandan’s presence. 
Namor felt anger rise in his chest as he glared at the general. He hated that he felt anything while the hammerhead-armored man bad mouthed his prisoner. His. It was a slippery slope. 
“Our people share a similarity when it comes to our subjects,” Namor growled, “they will not let her stay in our custody, and a trade will be struck. This I am sure.” 
“This will jeopardize our kingdom!” Attuma raised his voice, Namora grabbing him by his arm at his audacity. 
Namor’s gaze became dark, never wavering from the behemoth. 
“And that’s where you are wrong, general,” Namor hissed. “This is my kingdom, and I will make the decisions as I see fit.” 
Attuma gulped, taming her anger, temporarily. Namor turned from the two before giving his next orders. 
“Now, I believe you two have a trip to Boston to prepare for. See to it.” 
Namor was not a fool. He knew the dangers of keeping a land-dweller here, the odds leaning to do more harm than good. His dark hair fanned across his face as he stalled his ascent to the surface. The luminescence from the glow worms reflected into the water beautifully, dancing in his dark gaze. Through the rippling of the water, he could see two figures sitting at the water’s edge. He closed his eyes, listening carefully to their laughter. It was her, Thulile, but she wasn’t alone. Accompanied by Nicte, one of the guards assigned to keep an eye on his prisoner. The two seemed to become closer than he anticipated, now giggling like school girls at the water’s edge. 
He could hear Nicte clearly, but Thulile was quieter, almost guttural. It brought a smile to his face, brought on like instinct. With a flutter of his wings, Namor rose through the water before the crown of his head finally broke the surface. The water cascading from his wet locks and over his face, his gaze finding her instantly. 
Immediately the laughter stopped, Nicte bowing and opening her hands to her king while Thulile watched the mutant cautiously. Namor hovered over the surface, nodding to Nicte in acknowledgement with a smirk. 
“Don’t let me end your fun,” Namor said. “You may leave us, Nicte, thank you.” 
Nicte bowed her head before jumping to her feet and shuffling away back through the caves. Thulile didn’t show her fear, but kept herself calm as he came closer, his feet gently landing next to her. With a grunt, Namor sat next to her, letting out a sigh, throwing his head back. She couldn’t stop her eyes from running over his body, how the water bead across his rippled muscles, how his chest would rise and fall. He ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back before joining her dissecting gaze. She didn’t even flinch under his intense gaze, simply rivaling him. 
“Ah, someone doesn’t look like a scared mouse anymore,” Namor smiled, “what’s gotten you so courageous, chan.”
Thulile made a gesture with her hands, symbolling pen and paper. Namor chuckling. 
“We’re going to have to figure this out some time,” he smiled. 
She smiled, looking away as a blush scattered across her cheeks. But she couldn’t hide it from, reveling in her bashfulness. Namor scratched his neck, gathering up the courage to tap her shoulder. He reached for her, his fingers brushing against her arm, causing her flinch. Thulile gulped, almost believing she saw hurt in those deep eyes. She raised her hands to hold herself, rubbing them as if to say “cold.” 
“Ah, right, my temperature is much colder compared to you land-dwellers,” Namor chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” 
Thulile shook her head as if to say “it’s fine” before Namor continued. 
“I want you to know that I wish no harm to come to you,” his gaze softened, “perhaps this is hard to believe, but I only wish to guarantee the freedom and safety of my people. I hope for your return to the surface, I am sure someone is waiting for your safe return.” 
Her eyes widened before letting out a nervous chuckle and shaking her head. It was Namor’s turn to be shocked, leaning a hand on his knee. How could that be? No one would welcome her home into their loving arms, back into their bed- The thought made his heart beat quicker, now knowing that there would be no one to stand in his way. Well, other than the two being from completely different worlds, but this seemed like such a minute detail at this point. 
“What? No one?” He wanted to be sure. 
Thulile frowned, embarrassed before shaking her head “no.” Namor couldn’t hide his glee.
“Now that is criminal. Someone as beautiful as you should have a line of suitors asking for your hand. Those who don’t are fools, and those who will are lucky,” Namor smiled. 
Her eyes widened in surprise. What was he doing? Was he trying to break her defense, catch her off guard? She searched in his eyes for deceit, finding none. Thulile shook her head, pointing at him and mouthing the words “and you?”
Namor scoffed, “my love is for my people and my kingdom. I’m afraid there is not much left for a significant other.” 
Thulile’s gaze softened. The two were more similar than she thought. She had never thought of love while up there, her life too busy tracking down every threat that could come to Wakanda, never stopping to wonder if she would ever think of settling down like sister Nakia. From what she could see, her sister was happy living a more domestic life with her son, though she may have pictured it with T’Challa, fate was cruel to her. And even so, she did not resent the world for what it took from her. Thulile could not imagine feeling the same if the world did the same to her. 
  But her mind kept coming back to one constant, one question. What of this prophecy? Thulile jumped to her feet, rushing to the hut quickly. Namor blinked in shock at her sudden absence, watching her go for a moment before jumping to his feet and following her. A heavy feeling sank in his chest as he tried to catch up to her. Had he offended her with his unfiltered words? It wasn’t his intention of course, but he felt he had seriously overstepped his bounds and wanted desperately to correct his mistake. 
Namor pushed the curtain aside, watching as Thulile marched over to his murals, passing them by until she reached the one that was shrouded by a curtain. Namor’s breath caught in his throat as he stepped forward quickly, his hand reaching out for her.
Thulile ripped the curtain down without hesitation, revealing the beautifully painted mural underneath. She stepped back to admire it totally, taking the delicate paint strokes of blues, golds and purples. She studied it for a moment. There were blue people, Talokanil she could tell, with her hands by their mouths and their gazes cast up to their king adorned in ceremonial headdress. He held his arms up, his gaze too cast up to another figure. This one was ambiguous, with no discernable features. But even so, light rays emitted from her and shone down the king and his people. This was it. The prophecy. 
Thulile let out a shaky breath before turning back to Namor who frowned, his expression almost disappointed. She pointed to the painted figure before mouthing the word: 
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friendlyfoxpal · 2 years
Palentines Day
Cause why not celebrate Valentines but in a more Platonic way with your friends!   Doesn’t matter if it’s early either i’m sharing these regardless cause i have no self control sometimes.
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Palentines for my friends like Guts for @verefex​ , @evensmol​ and @dekameter​ and then there's a Fushi! Cause why not.
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Cause i couldn't stop myself. Including more of my Oc's. But also some more of my friends Oc's.
Chrome and Poppy, Owen and Nakia Nole and Kelan @shortshifter​ , Aloe and Alto Kai @dekameter​ ,Holly and Mari @diegogtratty​
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tallulahchanel · 1 year
Disintegration (AU) [Part 2]
Fandom: Black Panther; Wakanda Forver; Avengers Infinity War
Characters: Nakia, Sizwe (River Tribe Elder), Unathi (oc), Queen Naomi (oc), and Queen Ramonda
Warnings: Angst, mentions of character death, grief
Words: 3.2k
Tags: @thekrazykeke @marieewrites @masterofhounds @post-woke @loloalin @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @lady-olive-oil @griot-of-wakanda
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The image of Kya disintegrating into ash right in front of her still plagued Nakia's mind as she willed her legs to get her home. She and Okoye settled for walking back, neither of them having the energy to call Shuri for a jet, if she was even there to accept the call. They also needed time to process what had just happened and how it was going to affect everything around them.
As soon as Nakia walked into her mansion, she was met with the concerned faces of her father, stepmother Babalo, and great-aunt Rhikya. Since the fight wasn't near the River Tribe borders, there was no need for them to evacuate, so they waited at the mansion for the two sisters to return.
Just as Nakia was about to tell them what happened out there, her voice caught in her throat, unable to say the words. Instead, she collapsed to her knees and allowed tears to fall from her cheek and onto her father's sandals. She soon felt his arms wrap around her and she buried her face into his shoulder and sobbed into it. She could sense that he was fighting back his own tears from the pain of losing his youngest daughter, but at that moment, she could only think about her grief and distress.
Time seemed to blur as Nakia eventually got up from the floor and went to wash off the blood, sweat, and dirt from the battle. She didn't bother looking towards Kya's suite, knowing her sister wouldn't be there to greet her with her bright and warm smile.
After showering and changing into her nightgown, Nakia climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her head, begging for sleep to come. Babalo had come in to check on her, insisting that food would be good for her, but she shook her head and promised her stepmother she would eat in the morning.
Babalo could only nod and leave her alone to sit in her grief.
Wakanda was in a state of mourning, and the dark cloud that loomed over the skies for the next few days didn't help. Even the market that usually buzzed with gossip and half-truths was quiet enough for one to hear their sandals walking against the grasslands.
To honor the lives that were lost from either the battle or becoming ash, Queen Naomi organized a mass grieving ceremony in which the citizens would release lanterns in the air as a celebration of the lives lived and the memories preserved.
Nakia stood in the middle of the River province with her family as they released a lantern in remembrance of Kya. "Goodbye, my omncinci," she said as tears fell down her cheek as she remembered Kya's bright smile, warm presence, and funny personality.
That night, as Nakia lay in bed, she felt her mother's presence. It was rare for Unathi to visit from the ancestral plane, claiming that they rarely need her, but tonight was an exception. More tears flowed as Unathi twisted Nakia's tight coils around her finger.
"She's not there," she told Nakia, adding to her disappointment.
It relieved the War Dog that her baby sister wasn't dead in a traditional sense, but it left her wondering where her spirit was and how much she would give to see her omncinci again.
Unathi's actions eventually lulled her to sleep and gave her much-needed rest for the night. However, Nakia was ready to return to work the next morning. She needed to do something besides sitting in that mansion all day, thinking about Kya.
Fortunately for her, great-aunt Rhikya had an assignment in Liberia and could use the extra hands. "The time away might do you some good," she told Nakia while pouring herself a glass of iced tea Babalo mixed with some lemonade. "But it's only a temporary fix. You still have to do the work of healing yourself."
Nakia didn't say anything, just shoved a fork full of eggah in her mouth and nodded.
The work in Liberia only lasted for two months, and she intended on returning to Oakland to continue her work at the Outreach Center. That was until she received notice that Queen Naomi will eventually switch her to another program.
"My Queen!" Nakia addressed her after barging into her office uninvited, Ayo on her tail.
"I tried to stop her," the second-in-command informed her queen, who just waved her off.
"It's alright, Ayo. Return to your post."
Ayo gave Nakia a warning scowl before leaving out, but the War Dog kept her gaze fixed on Naomi.
"Why would you move my work to Haiti without consulting me first?"
Naomi adjusted the glasses over her eyes. She would've usually worn her contact lenses, but maybe she didn't feel like putting them on that day. Truthfully, the queen hadn't been seen in the glamorous light everyone knew her for. She once walked the palace with confident strides, adorned in a fine gown or custom-made bodysuit as her cocoa-brown skin glistened with perfumed oils. A grieved soul that didn't have the energy to do those things for herself replaced that woman. Today, she wore a simple and clean t-shirt with gray sweatpants that still showed off her curves, and flip-flops, even though the chipped polish on her toenails showed that they hadn't been painted in a while. Her black silk-pressed hair scattered on her shoulders as her bangs hid her eyes, along with her cat-eye glasses. Since there wasn't a council meeting that day, Nakia figured she chose to dress down for the pile of paperwork on her desk.
"Nakia," Naomi addressed her, "I'm building an Outreach Center there, and when it opens, I want you to direct it. You're the best person for the job, and you'll be closer to home, which means you can make more frequent visits to your family. I think this assignment would be good for you."
"Who gave you the authority on what's good for me?"
With a heavy and exasperated sigh, Naomi got up from her desk and walked around to get eye level with Nakia. "I'm trying to be as empathetic as I can with everything that's going on, but I'm not gonna deal with your attitude right now."
Nakia tried to reprimand the queen for speaking to her in that manner, but Naomi continued.
"I'm sorry about Kya, and I miss her too, but you're not the only one here who has lost someone. Queen Mother lost both of her children. M'Baku lost his wife. And not only did I lose my king, I lost the father of my child, my best friend, and the love of my life." Naomi paused to wipe the tear that fell from her eye. "The point is, we're all doing what we can to keep Wakanda running smoothly. All I'm asking is for you to do the same."
Before Nakia could say anything in her defense, the office door opened to reveal N'Kusa, the Dora of Prince Javon, cradling the toddler in her arms.
"My queen. He's awake from his nap and wanted to see you."
"Come here, my baby." Naomi took her son from the Dora and hugged him close.
Prince Javon was a spitting image of his father. Deep-ebony skin, baby doe eyes, and tight, black coils. When he did smile, it was big and bright, just like T'Challa's. The smile that warmed the hearts of everyone that came in contact with him.
Nakia hung her head in shame. Seeing the two of them together only emphasized the queen's words. She did only lose her sister, but everyone in Wakanda has lost someone as well, especially their beloved king.
"Your people need you now more than ever," Naomi's voice grabbed her attention, but she didn't respond. Felt too ashamed to say anything.
Nakia just cleared her throat to rid it of the forming lump and left without a formal dismissal from her queen.
With that day's revelation, Nakia made a point to check on her father. She hadn't really asked him how he felt, but she assumed it would be like the time their family lost her brother, Isipho. A bouncing baby boy that died from SIDS a year prior to Kya's conception. The circumstances were different, but it was still a loss.
"I can't help thinking it's all my fault," she told him while looking out the window of his study, a tear streaking down her cheek. "If I hadn't-"
"Shhhh," Sizwe cut her off with a gentle pat on her shoulder. "Kya had her mother's stubborn determination. There was nothing you could do to stop her. Nor could you have stopped what happened to anyone else."
Nakia wiped her tears away, but more came. "I'm sorry baba. I came in here to check on you."
"I'm taking it one day at a time. It's all one can do."
She didn't say anything, not that there was much to say. Except something she had been thinking about for a while, but she wasn't sure how her father would accept it. After a few minutes of silence, she finally looked away from the window to lock eyes with him. "I saw umama a few weeks ago. Something she said had stuck with me, and I can't seem to let it go."
"What is it?"
Nakia released a sigh. "She said that Kya wasn't there."
That made Sizwe's eyes grow like saucers. "But she's gone. How is that possible?"
"I don't know," she answered with a shrug.
"Can you excuse me for a bit?"
With a nod, Nakia got up from the window cushion and left his office.
In the morning, she got word of an emergency council meeting to discuss what she shared with her father the night before, but she didn't bother to attend. She wasn't in the mood to sit in a semi-circle to talk about the possibility of bringing back their loved ones, not when the reality of everyone's disappearance was right in front of them. This wasn't the time for fantasies and false hopes, just the real world grounding them all with a sense of purpose. The only way Nakia would get that was in Oakland, where she will work until the Outreach Center in Haiti was complete.
Haiti, Outreach Center – 2025
Years passed, and things changed.
Looking in the mirror, Nakia's hands brushed the auburn locs off her shoulders to scoop them into a ponytail. She wasn't always one for commitment, but the decision to loc her hair came a couple of years prior when she learned that a mother of one of her students was a loctician. She had thought about it for years in Wakanda, but she took that as a sign from Bast to finally do it. Things were already different for her then, and the new hairstyle was her way of opening up to the change. Embracing it so to speak. And finally, it was something on her own terms.
Nakia secured the ponytail with a hair tie and sighed at what she was about to do. She hadn't contacted home in a while, not since her father called two years ago to tell her that Kya and the others returned by some miracle. Work that day had been stressful, so the only thing she was in the mood for was a cup of ramen and Abbot Elementary reruns. He relayed the news via a voice message she didn't hear till the next morning. He even put Kya on the message so she could hear her voice, but denial clouded her judgment, and she deleted the message, angry at her father for playing a cruel trick on her. That's why she hadn't returned either of the several calls from him or her sister over the years.
The last call Nakia received from her sister was a week after T'Challa's passing made the news. He had been sick for a while, meaning there would be no miraculous return from him. He was gone for good this time. After two days of locking herself in her home to mourn the loss of the man she never fell out of love with, she buried herself in work to keep a sense of normalcy in her life. She didn't even make an effort to attend his funeral.
As Nakia twirled a loc that strayed from her ponytail around her finger, she waited patiently for Shuri to answer the call, wanting to know how she was doing and how things were back home. However, she was asked to leave a message, much like the other calls to the young genius. She took the silence in stride and pressed on her beads again to contact her father. When he didn't answer, she figured he was busy in the office or pretending to like the Border Tribe Elder enough to play golf against him. The only person she could think to call was her sister, but she doubted there would be an answer, as she still didn't believe Kya would be on the other end. Closing her eyes, she said a quick prayer to Bast and took the plunge. Her call was immediately ignored and sent to voicemail, which made her sigh again, this time in defeat.
They were angry at her and there weren't enough apologies in the world to make up for not returning home, especially for T'Challa's funeral.
Nakia spent most of the next day completing paperwork in her office. She was a workaholic, a fact she knew all too well, but never got help for. If she had continued her regular therapy sessions, Dr. Idowu would say she needed a proper work-life balance, like a hobby or hanging out with friends. Problem is, Nakia hadn't developed much of either. There was her frenemy Juleka, but she was only useful for nights at the club or bar or the occasional movie or dinner if Nakia didn't want to go alone.
Nakia took a break from the paperwork for a few minutes to close her eyes and soak up the sounds of the children playing outside, her nerves instantly relaxing at their joy. She hadn't thought much about having children, especially since the accident that left her with scarred fallopian tubes, but she enjoyed the sounds of their laughter and playing.
"I bet I can do it and you'll owe me a snack cake when I do," a familiar voice caught Nakia's attention, and she sat up in her chair to look outside her window. Sure enough, eleven-year-old Juna Yves was swinging on the monkey bars, ready to climb them to impress her classmates.
Storming out of her office, Nakia made a beeline toward the playground to stop Juna from hurting herself. As soon as she walked outside, she found the eleven-year-old with her foot on the second bar, preparing to put it on the top bar. "Juna!" She scolded the young girl with her hands on her hips. "Get down from there, now!"
The little girl narrowed her eyes at Nakia, but backed down when the headmistress folded her arms. "You know, Miss Nakia, you should really learn to lighten up," she said while climbing off the monkey bars.
Nakia rolled her eyes, but a smile twitched at the corner of her lips. "I'll lighten up when you learn to stay out of trouble."
"I am no trouble at all." Juna stuck her nose in the air, her words and demeanor reminding Nakia of when Kya would do the same thing when she told her to stay out of trouble.
Nakia shook the thought out of her mind before smirking at the little girl. "Why don't you come with me to check on the plants?"
That got Juna to smile, meaning she wasn't thinking about climbing the monkey bars for now. "I don't mind. Besides, I have to teach you everything."
Nakia let Juna walk in front of her, so the child wouldn't see her rolling her eyes, then followed her to the area where they grow the indoor plants. "This is beautiful," she complimented the garden croton Juna had been growing for months. "I might let you keep it in your room."
Before Juna could answer, a voice Nakia hadn't heard in years, greeted her in Haitian Creole. "Bonjour."
She jumped in startlement and turned to lock eyes with the tall, chestnut-skinned woman, who smiled back at her.
Nakia turned back to Juna and patted her shoulder. "Ale lave. Li preske tan pou repa aswè (Go wash up. It's almost time for the evening meal)."
"Wi madam (yes ma'am)," Juna replied with a sweet smile, and walked off, making sure to greet the woman that just approached them.
As soon as Juna disappeared, Nakia gazed at the woman in front of her, keeping her tears at bay. "Queen Mother."
The pair walked the halls while she explained how she was able to use the resources to provide better education as well as food for the children. The conversation was going well until Ramonda abruptly changed it to a heavier topic.
"You were missed at T'Challa's funeral."
Nakia sighed, knowing that was coming. She walked over to the nearby railing and gripped it while hiding her incoming tears away from Ramonda.
"It's been six years since you left us. We thought you would at least come back for the ceremony. If not for him, for your sister. She misses you."
Nakia turned to her as her bottom lip trembled. "I miss her too."
That made Ramonda raise an eyebrow. "You speak as if she's still gone."
Nakia didn't say anything because in her heart, Kya was. Even if she has heard her sister's voice via the messages sent from her, it wasn't enough to make her go home. She wanted to believe that her omncinci was back there waiting for her to return, but she worried that she'd go there and find that Kya hadn't returned and her mind had been playing tricks on her. It didn't help that the voice messages have stopped.
"I was afraid," was all Nakia could say before returning her gaze to Ramonda. "I thought if I went back there and she wasn't there…I couldn't handle it. And now that T'Challa's gone…" her voice trailed off as more tears threatened to fall.
"Nakia," Ramonda affectionately addressed her, placing a hand on her cheek. "No matter where you go, you will always be Wakandan. You know death isn't the end. It wasn't for her, and it isn't for T'Challa."
Nakia sniffled and sucked up her remaining tears. "How is she?"
"She is well, but that's not the reason I came."
Nakia wiped at her eyes, so Queen Mother would know that she was fully listening.
"Shuri has been taken."
This made Nakia furrow her brows. "What?"
"You have infiltrated different nations before."
Nakia immediately shook her head, knowing what Ramonda was asking her. "Oko kwakukudala (that was a long time ago). I was a different person then."
"I need someone who could find where she's being held and rescue her without being seen."
Nakia nodded in understanding, seeing the desperation in Ramonda's eyes. "Yes, Queen Mother. But who on earth would risk war with Wakanda?"
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mintwaaa · 1 year
Some Ares Kids: *snickering and mumbling* oh here comes Kakó hehe….
Nakia: *overhears them and frowns*
Percy: oh gods pls don’t-
Oliver: *comes out of nowhere and tackles the Ares kids* DONT YOU EVER CALL MY SWEET NANA THAT HORRID NAME AGAIN!
Annabeth: *to Nakia* Gotta control your dog.
[ Nakia is @casscreva OC ]
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readingstufffff · 2 years
Where Red Meets Blue In The East
Okoye x OC Valentina
Warning:(Includes sensitive info)
Chapter 1 - kind of a prologue but not really :)
Next chapter
I never thought I would have ended up here separated from my family and on the verge of death. I always thought it’d be something worse, left to starve, eaten alive, maybe even torn apart. However, the plans the gods had for my life never seized to utterly surprise me.
I could feel the cold ground beneath me. My mind fuzzy and my body weak, I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and the brisk night air. Everything around me moved so slow, it was making me dizzy. The numbing pain running through my body weakening my ability to think clearly as I grabbed at anything near me. I felt so scared, but giving up felt like the best thing to do right now. My only clear thought being that of a calm endless sleep far away from the pain I felt. Not only on my physical body, but also the never ending replay of nightmares that plagued my head. A sleep where maybe I would be reunited with my parents and younger sister. A place in which the gods would allow us to be a family once more.
Then again life’s never been fair with me.
The moment my life began to go down hill was when I had just turned sixteen. Turns out being gifted by the god Tezcatlipoca wasn’t at all how I’d thought it’d be. My parents and I weren’t special as we were simply villagers, farmers that had a routine in our society. We never wished for anything outside of that routine let alone to be “blessed” by such a god. Then without warning on the morning of my sixteenth birthday I was given the very gift to manipulate power in any form imaginable. Being so week at that age I had absolutely no control of such a strong power. My power turned to destruction. Soon word spread quickly that A kid with such a gift existed, and everything in my life tumbled to the ground like mere pile of rocks.
I was soon separated from my parents and little sister in a savage manner. Ripped from the arms of my crying mother and not being able to say goodbye to my father. I was caged then taken to many buyers, horrible people with money, who wanted to use me as a party trick or for their rich fancy party friends. My traffickers never disclosed the details of my powers to anyone as they did not know it themselves. So, I was glad that I was never bought as a weapon. Many times I made appearances at rich kids birthday parties. My name, Valentina Siuapilli, helped with the names they gave the shows. My name meant “Strong princess”. The markings on my skin, my glowing eyes as I did floating tricks, and my native tongue made me that much more exotic to these people. They treated me like a simple party animal. The only good side of those parties is how I was able to learn English by listening to them as they spoke around me throughout the years. They angered me so much at times and that would cause me to lose control of my power. I quickly learned how to calm myself if that were to happen again and I was able to keep the markings on my body from turning blue. Which was not too difficult as they only appeared when my emotions were out of control and oddly enough breathing through it does help. A lot.
Soon enough I was old news to them. A one trick pony as they hated how I had learned to speak English. They said I wasn’t so exotic anymore and that my tricks were boring. I was glad I never had to perform for those brats again. Unfortunately a couple years later, when being traded off I landed in the hands of a group of scientists. By now I was at the ripe age of twenty-five. I was older now could understand more and these scientists were not the good kind you see on tv.
They experimented on me in many ways: blood samples, energy levels, and they tried to touch me in ways I do not wish to remind myself of. Luckily I used my power in those moments and never let them get to far. I know I could have freed myself many times, but every time I was bought or simply passed on to a knew owner they were given the location of my family. I could do nothing but play my part until I could make sure my family was out of harms reach.
Life apparently had other plans for that too…
Not long after, the scientists gained control over a couple of other kids. Some younger some older. It pained me too see their tired faces, helpless looks in their eyes, they had given up. And I soon found out why, though I wished I didn’t because it was far worse than any pain I could have ever received.
One by one every kid or teenager was taken a blood sample of. Then sent into their own individual capsules. I did not like these scientists but I was curious, and when I questioned why we were all being put in capsules my question was met with a grin. A grin that had haunted me every night even now. My heart sank, and everything went silent. My body numb. No longer feeling the sting of the needle in my forearm. My head slowly dropped as a man walked me towards an open capsule. Looking up and remembering my surroundings my body reacted. I ran put was quickly caught and shoved into the plastic looking tube, but when I tried to used my powers it was no good. Over and, and over, and over again, I wailed and screamed at the man who smiled back at me on the other side. I hated the grin that was still plastered on his face.
I was terrified. I had just been told we would all be frozen so we could be preserved forever. I didn’t want to die this way! Then it clicked… what about my family. I banged on the glass harder begging the man through teary eyes to let me out as the salty drops of water hit the metal ground. I begged and pleaded. The palms of my hands turning red and my blue markings starting to glow. I told him I wanted to see my family that I couldn’t die yet. His grin became wider more sinister. His words nearly caused my death alone.
They were dead… they had been killed as soon as I was handed off to these men.
Tears now rushing out like a waterfall no sound came out of my mouth as I hit the back of my now cage. My body slowly slid down as I hugged my knees. My body quivering as a couple of short and shaky breaths left my body. My markings dimmed for a moment. I could not believe it. Were they really gone? No. He surely just wanted to torment me. Right? I shook my head hugging my knees tighter to the point I could rip the the old shags these men had given me. I didn’t want to loose my parents. Then the thought of something worse hit me harder than ever when I realized my sister could be dead too. I could no longer breath, my eyes wide and tears still falling. I started to sob my cry’s slowly increasing. And my markings increasing in glow. I tried to hold back but, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I let it all out ripping my pants where my fingers squeezed. Drawing blood with my finger nails. I screamed as loud as my voice allowed me too. Letting my markings fill the room with a blinding blue light. Slowly I felt cold, my eyes started to droop. It was difficult to stay awake; then without any warning it all went black. At least I left without pain, or at least I thought I had died that day.
I didn’t. I wish I did. That however, was not the case. I was awoken a hundred years later, not by choice, a group of armed men found us in the forgotten lab. The scientists left us for dead apparently. No sign they would come back for us. And just like that the few of us that were able to come back from the ice were taken and once again sold. This time I was sold with two other boys to three men which abused us. They beat the boys almost killing them and I couldn’t do anything either. I didn’t have my family so I could run away this time, but I soon found out that now a hundred years later technology was far greater. Somehow these men took away any power ever I had.
Those two years were painful. The first weeks I simply mourned the death of my family. Not being able to use them I soon forgot how to control my power’s; I was never touched by these men they called me their diamond, but the boys were abused everyday. At the two year mark they were both dead. They had both ended it one following after the other. I was alone. Again.
Just like the many times before, I was sold. Thankfully this was the last time. I was given to a skinny man in the black market. Still powerless. By this time I was twenty- eight, somehow i had kept track. I ate the food he gave and on the nights I wasn’t in the tiny cage at the entrance of his shop, I worked out. In hopes that maybe one day I would get out and be strong enough to defend myself. As I was skinny my whole life and never gained any weight. Halfway through that year I had nearly lost hope of getting out, or being bought, but two tall white men entered the shop wanting a set of weapons. They claimed they wanted to steal something called “vibranium” from a country called “ Wakanda”. They both described the city as futuristic capable of far more than any other country in the world. They continued to tell the man about how it was hidden in plain sight away from the rest of the world; with flying ships and an endless supply of whatever vibranium was. The men argued like five year-olds as they rumbled about how they got to live peacefully while the rest of us struggled in life.
I didn’t think much of it that night not wanting to get my hopes up for a possibly mystical fantasy place. I did however memorize every word those two men said: Wakanda, in Africa, barrier, safe place. That was all I wanted from life right now. If it wasn’t death than Wakanda could be my best option for a better life.
There was my motivation. I kept going, kept pushing on. I did not want to lose hope just yet if it meant there was even the slightest possibility of me getting a normal life. Then over the rest of the year I continued my routine of working out and by the end of it I had enough muscle to be considered lean. The hardest part of having hope is being patient. Patient enough to sit and wait for the best opportunity to escape. This was the first time I witnessed what people refer to as a miracle. A woman in a leather jacket passed by my cage looking me up and down before walking inside. I thought the act was an insult so I rolled my eyes and focused on the neon lights across from me again. Then I heard key jangle behind me. I looked back to find my cage door open the woman standing there telling me to come out. So I did. She paid the man and walked out of the shop with me following her footsteps. I asked her what she needed from me and she said she only wanted me out of that cage and that I was free now. To do as I pleased. She then pulled out a remote switching it off then crushing it under her shoe. I blinked not knowing what to say as the energy of my power spread through my veins. The feeling was nostalgic. I thanked her, then considered trying my luck by asking her if she by any chance could take me to Wakanda. She told me the farthest she could take me was Nigeria. I asked if it was close and she told me it was right below Wakanda. I thanked her once again asking for her name, the woman said she would like to keep that hidden. I nodded and I continued to follow behind her.
Before I knew it I was on a plane with her from the United States to Africa, or at least that’s what she told me. I had never flown in a plan before considering how airplanes weren’t a thing were I was from. In 1918 planes weren’t worldwide.
After the flight she got me a hotel and gave me enough money to sustain myself for a few weeks. The first week I simply did my research by listening to conversations in bars, and found out the men were right, the hidden Wakanda was out of sight no one knew exactly where. All they talked about was how they resided beyond the thick rainforest far past Nigeria.
The next morning I packed a bag with supplies and headed out to find a man willing to take me out to the middle of the Sambia Forest, It was the fastest way to get to Wakanda, one man did agree. Taking me as far as he was willing to Im order to keep himself safe. Saying it was dangerous to go further than halfway due to the dangerous men who drove through this forest. I did not listen, nor did I care and left the car walking deeper into the forest.
I walked until sundown, and though my feet hurt I started climbing up tree. It had a perfect view from the top to be able to see any danger and it was next to a dirt road that signaled my path to Wakanda. Plus it was comfy…enough. I knew I still had a long way to go, but with a small village ahead I was sure I could ask, in some way, for directions. I stayed awake as long as my eyes could fight to stay open but eventually fell asleep.
Not long after, my ears picked up the sound of tires traveling across the dirt. Leaves rustled and engines were closing in. I panicked quickly getting up to see what was happening. Were they her for me? I hoped my markings weren’t glowing. I did not want to lose my cover.
A group of six or more cars stopped directly in from of me. A man with a large gun stepped out seemingly inspecting his vehicle then looking around. The leader. Another stepped out of the vehicle behind him asking what had happened and if they were in danger. The leader said nothing. He raised his head looking around once more before telling his men to get into a defense position. They spread the word to the other twelve men, that’s when I saw the big truck, something important must be in there. I saw a shadow move to my left. I couldn’t see who it was but when he, or it, jumped down he moved faster than any of the men. Slowly taking down each of the men. The bullets being shot in an effort to defend themselves, not penetrating his cat like black suit. A woman stepped out of the big truck taking one of the fallen men’s gun and using it to knock two other men out. The men in the suit was just about to kill a young looking boy. The woman who stepped out of the truck pulled the boy away from his reach telling the other to stop. That the boy was still a child. She seemed mad taking of a green scarf and tunic off, but the man only stood frozen mumbling something you could not hear. A hidden man with a gun pointed at a hostage claiming he would shoot her if they did not surrender. He was quickly stabbed by another woman. This one wore red armor covering the were it was crucial and she looked like a warrior, a very strong one. She seemed to joke to the man in cat suit saying that he had frozen. The man sighed heavily. The three all stood together not seeing the last and final man pointing his gun at the lady from the truck.
Without hesitation I jumped from the tree. Using whatever knowledge I still had about how to use my power to perfect my landing to be in front of this lady. Taking the powerful shot. The bullet landed right below my heart, making it feel like the air had been knocked out of me. As I fell i could faintly see the warrior woman stab the man through the chest.
My landing was soft as I could feel soft fabric on my neck. I tried to blink and open my eyes but it was far to difficult. I only saw blurs of green and black, a hint of red came into view. My ears rang from how close the shot had been hearing muddled noise. I was able to open my eyes slightly, the pain increasing but I saw the warrior her face was neutral I could only make out the slight confusion as her brow furrowed and un-furrowed . Blue light slowly filled the corners of my vision. My markings were increasing the amount power that ran through my veins keeping me alive. Slowly I closed my eyes. I could feel my conscious slipping and as it did a wave of energy hit my body before I completely blacked out. Something was happening to me, or my body.
I wanted the god Mictlantecuhtli to take me to Mictlan, the underworld, So I could end this suffering for once and for all. I wanted him to so bad, but I could feel it in me. The defiance of death. I needed to live. I didn’t know for what, or who…
I don’t know what to say other than enjoy!! I hope to be updating this soon, if not by next week. :)
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babeyvenus · 2 years
Wakanda's Princess
Nakia's pregnant with T'Challa's daughter. What will these two do with the new princess?
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Chapter 3: Conflicts
The next day, T'Kia walks around the lab pacing and thinking about what it might be outside of Wakanda. What did she have to prepare for?
Shuri sighed, taking note of her niece's behavior.
"What's wrong? You've been having that expression on your face for a good while.", Shuri asked.
The girl looked up. "Have I?"
Shuri nods. T'Kia frowned as she stopped pacing.
"Well, Baba agreed to let me go with him outside of Wakanda.", she says and she squeals in happiness.
"You're finally getting some family time.", she says. T'Kia smiled.
"I mean, it's nothing like Wakanda but some places there sound amazing.", Shuri says.
T'Kia nods. "Maybe it won't be that bad." She was still nervous. It was sweet of her father to even consider bringing her outside of Wakanda.
After a while of packing up, T'Challa said that they would be there for a few days and that he'd have things to take care of so they'd settled down in a hotel.
Surprisingly, Okoye didn't come with them, as disappointed as T'Kia was. She really liked Okoye, even though she was the last to find out about her despite Nakia's wish for her to train her with urgency.
As T'Kia sat on a King sized bed, she watched as her father paced around, making sure he had all that he needed.
"Okay, you stay here. There will be no reason for you to leave this hotel unless you want to explore nearby. There might be a few places you might like here. Like a… Starbucks.", he said, watching as his daughter's face contorted into confusion.
He sighed and led her to a small, cozy restaurant that smelled like sweet spices.
"What is this place?", T'Kia asked her father.
"Starbucks. Girls like it.", T'Challa said.
T'Kia frowned. The smells were beginning to become louder the more she stayed.
He walked up to a lady in uniform. She smiles and looks flustered. "P-Prince T'Challa! What're you doing here today?", she asks.
T'Kia looked at the woman. She was petite, olive skinned. She looked just a little older than her.
He smiled and placed a 10 dollar bill on the counter.
"I'm here for my daughter. I need to take care of some business with the Avengers, that's all.", he said. She looks at T'Kia, who scoots a bit behind her father, and gets a starry look in her eyes, squealing softly.
"She's so cute, I bet she's got your smile.", she says.
T'Kia looks up at her father as he smiles at her, looking proud for some reason.
The cashier giggles. "What will you have?", she asks.
"A Caramel Mocha, please.", he says. T'Kia starts sniffing and looking around, seeing people avoiding eye contact from the two Wakandans.
"It's on the house.", she says and hands T'Challa a hot cup of the flavor. "I put extra whipped cream and sweeteners in there if you don't like bitterness."
T'Challa thanks the woman and hands the drink to his daughter who sipped it. She paused a bit then kept drinking.
T'Challa smiled, grateful that she liked it.
He led her back up to the room. "If you need anything, you have your Kimoyo beads and room service if you're hungry.", he says.
"And if anyone I see is threatening, I won't hesitate to attack.", T'Kia says. The seriousness from her voice worries him, almost scares him. She was in an unknown territory and he didn't want to make this worse for her.
He sighs. "Just let me know beforehand. Please.", he says and leaves her to her drink.
After she'd gotten finished, she couldn't help but think about what he had said earlier.
"I have some business to take care of with the Avengers."
The avengers? She'd heard of them from the gossip in the city. They were supposed to be defenders. Almost superheroes.
Why couldn't they defend her grandfather…?
She sighed and shook her head. There's nothing she could do but sit there until he came back.
For a while, time passed near 4 before she heard a commotion outside and she squirmed.
Then the sound of banging on her door snapped her out of her nervousness. She tapped her beads, contacting her father. 
"Baba….there's someone at the door….", she whispered.
"You didn't order anything?", he asks suddenly after a few minutes.
"No. I don't know who it is. And I don't plan on finding out.", T'Kia says, backing toward the window.
"Okay, sneak out the window. I'll be there soon.", he says and she finds a way out of the window and looks for where his location is.
Joint Counter Terrorist Center.
She ran over to it, pushing past people who took their sweet time.
As she made it inside, she heard a few voices as she snuck around.
"It's just a matter of time. Our satellites are running facial, biometric, and behavioral pattern scans.", one voice says.
Peeking around a corner, she sees a man walking up to a redheaded woman that is with her father.
"Move, or you will be moved.", he says to her.
T'Challa father frowns. "As entertaining as that would be, I don't have the time for this.", he said, frowning.
She looks at him. "You really think you can find him?", she asked.
"My resources are considerable. And right now, I hardly have the time for this.", he repeats, urgently.
"Yeah, it took the world 70 years to find Barnes… so you could probably do that in about half the time.", the woman said.
He shook his head. "You know where they are."
She shakes her head. "I know someone who does."
T'Kia frowns, having enough of their argument and walks to them.
Her father turned around and looked at her with a shocked look on his face, immediately bringing her in his arms. "Are you okay?"
T'Kia felt relieved as she nodded, glancing at the redheaded woman.
She stared T'Kia down but then lightened up as her face changed from suspicious to realization. "You must be the princess."
T'Kia nods at her.
"Not much of a talker?", she asks the girl.
"She's getting used to being around more people.", T'Challa excuses. "Well, not to those I don't know of.", T'Kia says, bluntly.
T'Challa frowns at her tone. "Manners."
T'Kia was too on edge to care much. She wanted to go home now. A man in a suit rushed up to them. "Barnes has been found.", he says.
"We have to go.", T'Challa says and leads T'Kia to an abandoned airport.
It wasn't safe for her to go back to the airport. Not when someone was trying to get into her room. "Stay here now.", he tells her and goes to change into his suit.
She hears two men talking. One of them was suited into a red metallic, bulky suit and the other was in a silver, metallic, bulky suit. It was the man from before.
T'Challa looks at his daughter and puts a finger to his lips, then runs and jumps over a truck, nearly landing by a man in blue with a huge shield.
"Captain.", Her father nodded at him.
"Your highness.", the man smiles.
"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?", the man in red said.
"You're after the wrong guy.", Captain said.
"Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.", he countered.
"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.", Captain says tiredly.
T'Kia hears the redheaded woman. "Steve… you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"
She hears Tony sigh. "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!"
A sudden, lankier figure appears, taking Captain's shield and landing on top of a truck.
He had the mannerisms of an excited little kid. Why was a little kid here?
"Nice job, kid.", Tony says.
"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit… Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you.", the boy rambled.
"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.", Tony rolls his eyes.
"Okay. Cap… Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.", he introduced himself.
"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just…", Tony got interrupted by Spiderman again. "Hey, everyone."
Tony sighed and shook his head. "….good job."
"You've been busy.", Captain said.
"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep… I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.", Tony sighs.
"You did that when you signed.", Captain counters, gruffly.
Tony gets a slight hurt look on his face then frowns. "Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys… with no compunction about being impolite. Come on."
T'Kia hid as she heard another person's voice coming from somewhere. "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway."
What is going on?
T'Challa glanced at where he left his daughter at one last time before charging with his side of the split avengers.
T'Kia becomes frustrated as she watches them charge at each other.
Why is this happening…?
She goes to the side of a wall only to see her father and a man with a vibranium arm at each other's throats.
"I didn't kill your father.", the man says.
"Then why did you run?", her father asks.
T'Kia frowned. T'Challa pulls the man's hand off his neck, then spins him and fly-kicks him backwards. He sprouts claws and aims for the man's neck, but another redheaded woman comes and stops his hand, then waves her arms with red energy, sending her father crashing into a passenger gangway.
"Father!", T'Kia yelled then covered her mouth as the woman looked at her in shock.
The man backs away as the woman walks up to her and T'Kia squares in defense.
"T'Kia, don't!", T'Challa yells but she doesn't move. Instead, she's levitating in the air and thrown somewhere near a few crates, the wind knocked out of her chest.
T'Challa could only watch in shock at the impact, his anger growing as he stood. 
T'Kia groans, trying to get up shakily and frowned as her eyesight is blurry.
She holds her head in pain and sees a giant figure in front of her.
"What in the….?", she felt herself being picked up and saw the figure lifting her up.
"Who are you?", it says.
T'Kia eyes widen from the drastic, intimidating height. She'd never been this height in one area. She was safer in the helicarrier from home. She trusted those.
But this thing.
This… giant. She didn't know what to make of it. She was afraid. She trembled in its hold as she stared into the red eyes of the giant.
"Baba…!!!!", T'Kia yelled for her father. T'Challa's heart raced in panic and anger.
"Hey!! Whoever is that in your hand, let them down, now. And carefully!", Tony shouts angrily.
Is this the outside world grandfather got killed in….? Aunt Shuri said it was wonderful. It's horrible….
"Let my daughter go this instant!!", T'Kia heard her father demand.
"Daughter??", A few voices mutter.
The giant carefully lowered the girl. T'Kia dropped to her knees, dizzy from the rush of blood to her head.
T'Challa runs over to her and checks her for any wounds. He wasn't ready to give her up because she got involved. That's not why he brought her here.
This is what he was trying to avoid. She wasn't ready yet. Neither was he, not for something like this, but he was more experienced in battle than she.
He frowned at the scratch on her face from the impact of earlier. The fight doesn't stop when he gets her to safety near a runway far from the fight and turns around angrily at the rest of the Avengers.
He gives her forehead a kiss before turning back to the adults in front of him, fighting. His eyes set on the man with the metallic arm. He needed to be dealt with.
The fight continued, ending with Tony losing and the avengers did split. The man with the metal arm turned out to be manipulated and mind controlled into killing innocent people.
T'Kia couldn't help but feel remorseful toward the man. She couldn't imagine being mind controlled. How… harsh and scary that could be.
However T'Challa found the man that killed his father. A lot was going through his mind. A decision to kill or to be merciful….
T'Kia moved over to her father, who passed out. She looks over her, checking for any fatal injuries. Once she was done, she placed a hand on her father's shoulder and nudged him awake and took off his mask.
T'Challa's eyes cleared as he saw his daughter. 
"T'Kia….are you alright?", he asks her, hoarsely.
She nods. "I'm okay." She couldn't help, but wallow in her own fearful thoughts. 
What would've happened if she wasn't here….?
Would he have gotten killed as well….?
Her mother was almost never around anymore and Shuri is always working. She doesn't want to stress out her grandmother either….
"T'Kia….?", she hears him whisper, then he reaches a hand up to her face, caressing her cheek as two tears fall out of her eyes angrily.
T'Challa frowns sadly as he watches his daughter cry.
"I'm such an idiot….I should've known this would happen. I would have never let you come here if I would have known you would get hurt.", he says, bringing her into his arms.
His biggest fear of losing her almost happened. He'd just gotten to know her. To lose her all in sudden moments… he couldn't handle it.
He picks her up and carries her into the aircraft and transports them to an icy mountain top.
Now that T'Challa knows Barnes didn't do it, he needed to hunt down the killer himself….the root of all this.
As he exits the helicarrier, he gives T'Kia a look that tells her to stay and she does. T'Challa leaves and follows the sound of a woman's voice.
"You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you.", he hears a female voice coming from Zemo's phone as he sneaks up behind him.
"I almost killed the wrong man.", T'Challa said, glaring at the back of his head.
"Hardly an innocent one.", Zemo replied.
"This is all you wanted? To see them rip each other apart?", T'Challa asks.
The man deletes the voice message. "My father lived outside the city. I thought we would be safe there. My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, "Don't worry. They are fighting in the city. We're miles from harm." When the dust cleared… and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father… still holding my wife and son in his arms. And the Avengers?", he scoffed.
"They went home. I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get them to kill each other…", he shakes his head.
"I'm sorry about your father. He seemed like a good man. With a dutiful son.", he says, wistfully.
"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them.", T'Challa said, frowning sadly and retracted his claws in his gloves as he thinks of his child. "I am done letting it consume me. Justice will come soon enough."
The man holds a gun and smiles thinly. "Tell that to the dead."
He tries to shoot himself but T'Challa grabs his wrist, quickly pulling it away from his head just before he fires.
"The living are not done with you yet.", T'Challa gruffs.
Zemo received his punishment and Wakanda received justice for their late king. It was… bittersweet. To have the man that killed his father by having others do his dirty work where he couldn't hurt anyone else and the man that actually did it, he's asked for help so he does hurt anyone else…
As the two Wakandans went back to their home, T'Kia sat in silence. Her father was unusually silent, however. And it worried her.
Not only that, but it worried Okoye, who was the one taking them back home, as well. "You shouldn't have been out there. More so, I shouldn't have let you come.", T'Challa speaks up.
T'Kia's eyes widened. "I wanted to. I wanted to help.", she says. T'Challa turns to her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Help? Help with what?"
His face contorted in slight anger, and T'Kia's head lowered. "The only reason you wanted to go was because of that man… wasn't it?", he asked, quietly.
T'Kia didn't respond, but it was enough of a response for him. He couldn't fault her. She went with him for revenge as well as him.
He sighs through his nose and shakes his head. This is what he feared. Letting something so trivial get to her head… She's too young to be thinking about revenge.
He didn't help much. The girl was smart. It was only a matter of time until she would've caught onto the real reason why they were there to begin with.
T'Challa walks up to his daughter and sits next to her. He wasn't angry with her. He couldn't be. None of it was her fault. However… it was gonna take a while for him to accept that his father's death wasn't his fault either.
He wrapped an arm around her, his tension dropping as she melted into his hold. He needed to be there for her and he wasn't.
Right outside the Wakanda Medical Facility, T'Kia waits patiently for her Father to return but it's gotten so late and she was exhausted from everything that happened.
"You sure about this?", two men were talking.
The man with longer black hair smiled sadly. "I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing, …for everybody.", he says looking down and goes into a cryo.
The blonde man stands staring through a window, as T'Challa walks towards him. "Thank you for this.", the blonde man said.
"Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace…", T'Challa mumbled off.
"You know, If they find out he's here… they'll come for him.", the man said, looking at his friend. 
T'Challa smirks. "Let them try."
The blonde man looked at him then smiled.
T'Kia watched them both from afar and smiled. It felt so good to be back in Wakanda but she couldn't help but feel bad for each man.
"T'Kia!! You're back!", Shuri exclaims happily and hugs her niece, gathering the attention of the men.
"So, how was it?", she asked.
T'Kia frowned and Shuri's eyes widened a bit. She frowns, "Horrible….?", she asks.
"Not only is it horrible but it's more dangerous than Wakanda is.", T'Kia says but sighs. "I did get to enjoy a drink there so…"
Shuri smiles slightly then looks at her brother.
T'Challa walks up to his daughter and kneels on one knee. "I'm sorry for putting you in danger. I should've kept you somewhere safe."
T'Kia shakes her head. "Anywhere you go, I'll follow. I have to. In order to make sure you don't leave me…"
He frowns sadly. "I won't leave you, I promise."
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stestylius-arts · 12 days
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Deal and scot free
Nakia acts as an errand girl for Whitney under a specific circumstance. They made a deal on his first time to bully her and PC. Nakia may have a brave face but she hides another truth only PC came to know.
Note: PC and Nakia are two different separate entities. They hold each other' backs when they get in trouble.
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[6-8 August // 16 September // 5 October 2022] DnD characters and NPCs
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honey-andmilktea · 1 year
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𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
– 𝐆𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭
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・゜゜・.🤎📜☕️𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟒: 𝐉𝐞��𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
✒️ 𝟒𝐊 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 | 🤎 𝐑𝐚/𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐡 [🕯️] 𝐱 𝐀𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬/𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 [🕯️] | 🌙 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 [🧸], 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 [🦉], 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 [🍪], Romantic [🥢]
👜 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐱, 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐱, 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬/𝐕𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐈𝐟 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰!]
🍁 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐑𝐚/𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬/𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝! 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.
🖋️ 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: “𝐒𝐡𝐡. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦.” 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 @omgjumin'𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
🐻 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝! 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭! ^^
🍷 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤? 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞! | 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚? 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫!
👻 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐭! 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬?
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Ra was just finishing up ice hockey practice. He let out a couple pants while he took off his helmet and chugged water from his water bottle. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face letting out a couple of whines as he stretched his back. He knew he had gotten a couple bruises from getting rammed into the sides of the ice rink but it wasn’t something he wasn’t used to. He took a couple more gulps from his water bottle sending one of his team mates a shining big smile.Being in a coed ice hockey team always seemed to give people whiplash, his own teammates sometimes wondered why he just didn’t fully focus on his figure skating career. His teammate sat down next to him and they started up some small talk.
Anubis stepped out of the Uber he had taken to the ice rink, stretching out his legs before letting out a small tired sigh. He played with his fingers nervously as he walked in looking around the crowded building. Stuffing his hands into his hoodie pocket, trying to get them to stop shaking as he nervously walked deeper into the room. He reached up to fix his mask trying to find his ginger boyfriend. A girl with the team’s jersey noticed Anubis looking around a bit dazed and excused herself from the conversation. She made her way to the wavy haired man and timidly tapped his arm. Nubis jumped slightly, a little surprised from the sudden tap. 
 He looked down at her, a little nervous tilting his head in question. The girl stepped back a little suddenly realizing how tall Anubis really was. “Um…do you need help with something? Practice just ended so I think free skate should be in a couple of hours.” She said kindly, looking up at him with soft brown eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip taking out his phone pulling up the notes app before typing stuff out. 
“Do you know where Nakia is? You’re wearing the same jersey.” She blinked a little reading over the question before nodding and giving him a big smile. 
“Yeah I do! Um he’s actually over there, I’ll show you.” He nodded his head using the sign for ‘thank you’ before shaking his head and going to type again. Before he could though he stopped him. “Would you prefer sign language?” She signed looking at him smiling more when she saw him perk up surprised. 
“I would…you know how to sign?” He asked surprised and she nodded with a small laugh before slowly tugging him over to where Ra was. 
“I’m actually an interpreter for our team! We used to have a deaf teammate so I was always there to help.” She said happily, Anubis following behind with a happy smile under his mask. He was glad that there were more people learning more and more sign. They talked a little as they walked making small convo and the girl complimenting Anubis on his taste in music. “I may not look it but I’m in love with old rock, it’s top tier!” She said with a laugh while Anubis nodded his head quickly in agreement. 
Hearing the laughing caused Ra to tilt his head up in question to where it was coming from. The freckled boy blinked quickly seeing his boyfriend actually talking to someone without shaking or being shy. He was beyond surprised. He quietly watched them nodding his head as he pretended to listen to what his teammate was saying. His eyes narrowed when the small brunette blushed at something Anubis said but what was his last straw was when she touched him. Her hand gently held on to his arm while she giggled lightly. Ra quickly got up making some half assed excuse to the person he was talking to before walking up to the two. He plastered a fake smile on his smile while hugging Anubis’s side. The taller man jumped a little at the sudden hug but quickly melted when he saw his freckled boyfriend. “Hey Tiffany!~ I see you met my wonderful lovely boyfriend!” He said, staring her down. She yelped a little under her breath as she straightened up feeling a little off at the sudden stare. 
 “Ah! Yeah…I didn’t know he was your b-boyfriend. He’s very lovely though…” Ra nodded his head quickly as he tightened his hug on Anubis’s side. Nubis was hiding his amusement well, he looked blankly at the two just wondering when they were going to go home. 
“Yeah. I know he’s the best!~” He went on his tippy toes slightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before smiling wider. She just nodded awkwardly while he hid his shit eating grin. “Well!” He moved from Anubis’ side. “Time for us to go!~”
“Don’t you have to shower and change first?”
“Nope! I can do that at home!” He rushed out quickly getting his things in order. Grabbing Anubis tugging him along giving curt ‘goodbyes’ and waves while passing by his teammates.  He drags Anubis behind him, the younger just following behind obediently. Ra grumbled under his breath saying curses in Arabic going through his bag trying to find his keys. Anubis just pet the back of their head while he found his keys and walked towards his car grumbling more curses under their breath. He held onto Nubis’ hand the whole time never letting go as the taller just followed along quietly letting Ra cool off a little. 
When inside Ra’s car the older man turned from the driver’s side and squeezed Anubis’ thigh. “Mine.” Anubis looked at him and laughed, pulling down his mask and showing off his tiny sharp canines. Ra whined, switching his sneakers to a pair of slippers and buckling up. “Don’t laugh.” He pouts, Anubis putting on his seatbelt and giving Ra a small smile. 
“I’m not.” He whispered softly loud enough for Ra to hear, said man just whined more starting up his car. 
“Yes you are!” He frowns and goes to hold the younger’s hand while driving. “I didn’t like how she was talking to you or when she touched you. She can stay away from my man.” He grumbled while Anubis just nodded, smiling warmly at his boyfriend. He leaned his head against the window watching as everything passed by on their way to Ra’s house. 
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It had been a couple of days since Ra’s small tantrum after Nubis came to visit him at practice. After that Ra would make Anubis wait outside or would get ready right after their practice was done. The two were calmly laying in Ra’s bed, Ra was laying down with Anubis on his chest. His fingers ran through his curly mop of dark brown hair. Said man was listening to music, eyes closed hoping to take a quick nap. Humming the ginger perked up quietly at a sudden notification. It was the hockey team’s group chat. He happily opened the app smiling as he heard Anubis’ soft snores. He kept combing his fingers through the younger gods’ hair typing with his one hand he answered. 
Max: We should go out to eat! :D Randy: Where to tho? Tiffany: i think some of the other members are busy  Tiffany: Nakia! we can see you reading lol Max: Do you want to come? :0 Randy: Ya should bring your boyfriend we haven’t been able to meet him Max: OH YEAH! TIF GOT TO I WANT TO MEET HIM!
Ra chewed on his bottom lip as he looked through the messages and then at the sleeping man on his chest. He let out a tiny sigh as he answered.
Nakia: Yeah sure :) I’ll ask him give me a second.
He hummed lightly, pressing kisses to Anubis’ face and muttering soft words. “Baby.~ Wake up. The team wants to know if we want to go out to eat.” He said softly, lightly patting his face. Anubis whines a little, flopping over and nuzzling his face deeper into Ra’s chest. Ra couldn’t help the tiny squeal that left him, taking a quick picture of him before shaking him awake. “Come on, sweet cheeks!~ How’s your throat? I can make you a shake if you can’t eat.” Anubis’s yawned and shook his head stretching out tail swishing behind him as he rolled off. Ra bit his bottom lip smacking his ass. Anubis yelped and whined rubbing his bum and glared at him playfully.
“Don’t do that.” He spoke Ra melting at his boyfriends deep raspy and sleepy voice. Nubis stretched his tummy becoming exposed, which Ra took the chance to poke, before rubbing his eyes. “I’m fine. I think I can talk too.” Ra perked up at that before chewing on his lip nervously.
“Are you sure? You're going to hurt it more.” Anubis nodded his head and pressed a kiss to Ra’s forehead. 
“I’ll be fine. I’ll take a rest afterwards.” Ra pouted a little watching Anubis go to change his outfit. He texted the group chat saying they were going to go and asking where they were going to meet up. Letting out a small sigh he also got up to change, deciding to wear a bright yellow and orange sundress. It showed off most of his back and he whined as he looked at all the freckles on his shoulders trailing down his back. Anubis walked back, wearing a pair of black baggy pants along with a band tee he had cropped. He slipped on a hoodie he had left at Ra’s before walking behind his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around his smaller waist and nuzzled into his neck. “What’s wrong?” 
“Freckles.” He said simply slightly itching at them as if they would go away if he scratched them.
“Stop.~” Nubis mused teasingly, nipping at his fingers and pressing kisses to the freckles all over his shoulders before pulling away. “You look pretty. You always look beautiful to me.” He said gently, causing Ra to melt a bit more and turn around in his hold. He nuzzled into Anubis’ chest and smiled big.
“I love you babe.” 
“I love you too.’ He smiled, canines popping out. He kissed the top of his head before pulling away again. Ra whined but grabbed the younger god’s hand and dragged him outside. 
“We’re going to that nice little cafe that's a couple streets away!” Ra said with a little skip, taking Anubis with him to his car shining happily. Anubis just smiled softly making sure his canines, ears and tail were gone and hidden. They made small talk as Ra drove them down to the cafe. Parking outside of it Ra jumped out Anubis following behind him. He held onto the older man’s hand, his own shaking a bit as he nervously looked around. The older smiled up at him giving him a reassuring smile and kissed his knuckles. “You’ll be alright, love you’re with me.” Anubis nodded gently with a small smile as they walked towards a table that already had people sitting in it. There were two males and one girl at the table, a boy with winged eyeliner noticed them giving them a big wave.
“HEY NANA!” He screeched out happily with a massive smile. The sudden yell caused Anubis to squeeze Ra’s hand a little bit harder. Ra gave him an apologetic smile before they both stopped in front of the table. The other two smiled and also gave their greetings to the two. Tiffany shyly looked at Anubis before looking at her hands. Ra noticed but kept his smile plastered on his face holding onto Anubis’ hand tightly. They sat down and ordered and each went into their own conversations. 
“Come on Nana. You can’t tell me that you don’t like red velvet cake!” Max whined while Randy had an arm around the man’s shoulders, sipping on a cup of coffee. Ra rolled his eyes as he whined a little.
“I don’t like cheese Max! I’ve told you this!” He glared at him while also glaring at Randy too who was laughing. While they had their argument on cheese and why it was good/bad Anubis and Tiffany were talking about an old rock band. Anubis was smiling and nodding excitedly at whatever she was saying. The ginger glanced from time to time at the two feeling an itch under his skin, his blood boiling. He kept pretending nothing was bothering him while he talked to Max and Randy. He was doing well until Tiff let out a loud squeal, Anubis just blinking a little confused. All three other men looked at her in confusion and she blushed red in embarrassment. 
“Sorry.” She said softly before smiling big. “I just asked if Ten wanted to join us in our team mini vacation and he said yes.” She said happily, clapping with a giggle. Ra’s face went pale as they looked at their boyfriend who just smiled apologetically. He sighed softly and plastered on a smile as the two other men sounded just as happy to have the young god with them. They had a couple more conversations before Ra said him and Anubis had to leave. When they were far enough Ra’s smile dropped and he started to visibly fume.
“Why did you say yes?” He muttered and Anubis looked at his fingers. 
“I didn’t think you would get mad…kinda thought you would want me there. Sorry.” He said softly and Ra’s frown instantly melted away. He held Nubis’ hand and squeezed it. 
“It’s not your fault, I wish you asked me before though.” Anubis nodded while Ra pressed a small kiss to his boyfriend’s hand. This was going to be one hell of a trip.
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Two days after Ra and Anubis were fully packed and preparing to leave. “Oh wait! I got something for you.” Anubis raised his brows up in confusion and watched his shorter boyfriend skip off. He came back holding up a black skirt, thong and something else he couldn’t see. Nubis quickly shook his head, a blush spreading along his face. 
“No. No. No. Anything but that.” He whined knowing exactly why Ra was asking for this. He pouted and shook the items around to him. 
“Please, my little baby. I even got them in your favorite color.” A small grin spread on his face as he hugged his middle from behind and showed off what was in his hand.
A small vibrator.
Anubis’ face turned redder looking down at the toy in Ra’s freckled hands. “I also got your favorite toy.~” He grinned wider when Anubis looked away from it. He nuzzled his nose into his back, humming softly and looking up at Anubis innocently. “I just need those people over there to know who you belong to, baby. Please, for me?” He gave him big puppy dog eyes and he folded right away. He snatched the items away, grabbing a bottle of lube while walking into the bathroom to change. Ra jumped around excitedly as he took out his phone and opened the app that the vibrator was connected to. 
Ra giggled looking at his boyfriend in a skirt, slightly walking uncomfortably before crossing his arms and staring him down unamused. Smiling innocently, Ra took his boyfriend’s larger hand and tugged him along. Once the car was all packed up and they were both buckled up Ra put the toy at its lowest setting. Anubis whined a little, wiggling around only causing the toy to be pushed in deeper. He laid his head along the window while Ra pulled out of his driveway a little proud smile on his face.
Anubis was not prepared for this whole trip.
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The trip was in the city a couple hours away from Ra’s house, they had a hotel and had a couple activities planned for the next 3 days. They got to the hotel, parked and took their things inside. In the room Ra noticed they were sharing a bathroom with Tiff and another girl from the team. The gears in his head turned as he hummed to himself before turning to his boyfriend. Anubis had laid down wiggling his hips, little small whines leaving his lips. Ra walked up to him and squeezed his thighs a little. “Awe my poor baby. Here. I’ll turn it off now. Not promising it’ll stay off now.” He said sweetly, turning it off and letting Nubis breathe. “Now come on! Let’s go! The team wants to get dinner and walk around.” Letting out one more whine before standing up, Nubis held Ra’s hand. He had decided to save his voice for when they saw the team. He gave his boyfriend a pout, said man just giggling and pressing a tiny peck to his lips. He led them out a little skip to his step as they went to meet up with the team.
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Dinner was going well and Ra made sure to get a seat next to his tall boyfriend hoping and wishing Tiffany found a different seat away from Anubis. 
He was not that lucky. 
She had found a seat right in front of them and was being all giggly and blushy with Anubis. Ra glared at her while she wasn’t looking before smiling big at her when she would turn again. She started a conversation with both of them but slowly shifted it to Anubis. Ra frowned huffing a little as he was brought into a different conversation. He kept an eye on the two and when he felt they were getting a little too close for comfort he turned the vibe back on. “Fuck.” Anubis let slip out before blushing deep red. Tiff looked at him concerned and he just smiled a little. 
As they kept talking Ra kept turning up the setting till Nubis couldn’t speak. His thighs rubbed against each other looking for some kind of friction and bit his bottom lip when Ra’s hand went under his skirt squeezing his thigh lightly. Tiffany had looked at him concerned wondering if he was alright and looked over at Ra slightly wanting to ask if he was okay without embarrassing anyone. Instead she quietly looked at her phone making small comments at things while looking up at Anubis and Ra. 
After dinner they all went around walking and going from shop to shop. Anubis’ legs were wobbly as Ra kept edging him closer to his release before taking it away from him. Tiff and another girl from the team had excused themselves earlier to leave back to the hotel since they were tired. Ra was now just having a bit of fun teasing him before he made his final move. After a couple more stores Ra excused them and took Nubis back to the hotel, being able to tell that his brunette boyfriend was going to collapse. A small grin adorned his face the whole way back.
He was going to have his fun now.
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The whole way up Ra was teasing poor Anubis. Nipping at his ears, kissing at his neck and just playing with the vibrator’s settings. He wanted to rile him up as much as he possibly could. On top of everything he did everything slowly. 
Getting into the elevator.
Stopping to say ‘hey’ to any members that didn’t go.
Taking out the key card slowly.
Opening the door as slow as possible. 
All while he did this Anubis was a whining mess, his brain going dumb and basically turning to mush. He crashed onto the bed when they finally got inside. Small moans leaving his lips as Ra puts the toy at its highest setting passing by the bathroom to hear if Tiff was in her room.
She was. Game time.
He hopped over to Anubis climbing on top of him and hiking his skirt up. He bit his bottom lip as he saw the pre cum leaking from Anubis’ cock, staining the thong that was restraining it. Ra pulled them down letting his cock out, the tip a bright red and leaking from all the teasing. Taking it into his hand Ra gave it a small squeeze Anubis instantly letting out a moan. Ra giggled as he put a finger to his lips and started to stroke him. “Shh. There’s people in the other room.” He whispered knowing damn well his boyfriend wouldn’t be able to control his volume at this point. Gripping onto the sheets Nubis’ hips thrusted upwards into Ra’s hand a string of curses in both Arabic and English coming from his lips. He whined trying to cover and muffle his voice but failing miserably. Ra’s hand went faster as he just smiled at his boyfriend enjoying how he unraveled under him. After a couple last strokes Nubis came into Ra’s hand. 
He panted softly, head falling back as he whined. “Good boy.~” Ra praised simply, moving to take off Anubis’ thong fully and hiking the skirt all the way up. He took off his own outfit, reaching over to slip off Anubis’ hoodie. He leaned over pressing kisses to his stomach, trailing them down to his thighs and leaving a couple small hickies along them. “We’re not done yet, though baby.” He mused, pulling Anubis closer by his thighs. He pulled the toy out grinning when his hole tried clamping around nothing. He bit his bottom lip and pushed his hardened cock into Nubis’ hole. The older let out his own string of moans as his hole wrapped around him nicely. “Fuck, my good little puppy. Feels so good wrapped around me.”
Anubis whined feeling over stimulated, words failing him. He gripped onto Ra’s thighs when the older’s pace went from slow to fast suddenly. His head fell back, eyes rolling back completely while his nails dug into Ra’s thighs. He let out a loud moan, feeling ever one of Ra’s thrust deep in him, hitting his prostate repeatedly and with no mercy. “You’re my dumb puppy no one else.” He groaned out, grip tightening around Anubis’ hips before he leaned forward. He held the younger’s chin making him look him in the eyes. “You’re my dumb puppy right? All drunk off my cock, right?” Nubis tried to let words out, nothing but sounds coming out as he whined when Ra slapped his ass. “Words pup.~ Use your words.~” 
“Y-Yes I’m y-yours.” He managed to moan out a smirk spreading along Ra’s face. He angled his hips making sure Anubis felt every thrust he made, the bed shaking and hitting against the wall. Ra’s hand went to Anubis’ cock, it getting hard again, and matched his strokes to his pace. Anubis fully let go cumming again wordlessly into Ra’s hand, the older coming inside him. He panted softly, giving a couple more thrust to ride off his high. He let out a small sound before pulling out. He laid on top of Nubis pressing small kisses to his chest and face and whispering soft praises to him. 
“You did so well. My good boy.” Anubis blinked a little, rubbing his eyes as he tried to collect himself from the haze he was thrown into. Ra pressed a soft kiss to his lips and pouted a little. “Sorry, I went a little hard.” He said while Anubis playfully rolled his eyes.
“A little he says.” He whispered softly, getting a small giggle from the older. “It felt good though.” Ra smiled proudly at himself as he yawned.
“I bet they heard us next door.” Anubis blinked before groaning and blushing bright red. He covered his face embarrassed at having to face people in the morning. Ra let out more giggles as he pepper kissed his boyfriend’s face.
“I love you so much, you know?” He said softly and gently rubbed their noses together. Anubis smiled and gave a small peck to the lips. 
“I know, I hope you know I love you just as much.” The ginger smiled and cuddled into his chest happily. 
It was going to be a sore morning. 
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 🍂✏️ @honey-andmilktea - 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜
: ̗̀➛ 🤎🪵🪶 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧: 𝟎𝟕.𝟏𝟕.𝟐𝟑 
: ̗̀➛ 🤎🪵🪶 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧: 𝟎𝟕.𝟏𝟓.𝟐𝟑
: ̗̀➛ 🤎🪵🪶 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞: @armysantiny , @monsterhigh-cb, @faywithlove, @moonprismo
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ignihydeidiot · 7 months
Hector Lore!!
Hector goes by the alias Hector Nakia, Hector being the name his Trojan friends gave him (He's Hector of Troy guys) and Nakia meaning Shadow.
Hector was born as Amenemhat, son of Thutmose III, but faked his death to serve the God's, becoming the immortal servant of Bast.
He's roughly 3642 years old. Calls Lilia a baby.
Gets along with Neema, the Tanzanian servant of Isis he found, who looks 11 Years old. Hector appears 18-20.
Hector is stern, strict, and keeps to himself, but has raised many children in his years.
He joined the war with Lilia against the humans, where they made an instant but unwilling connection, at first purely sexual.
After Lilia left to raise Malleus, Hector revealed his true self and immortality to Lilia and offered him shelter.
Hector and Lilia ended up raising Malleus, Silver, Sebek (kind of), Neema, and a harpy baby named Raven.
Hector now attends NRC in the Diasomnia dorm, and while not easily swayed or startled, he still struggles not to immediately resort to pouncing and slashing with his khopesh.
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mxmajor · 2 years
I want to write about Nakia's spy escapades
what are some situations or people that you would have her spy on in the MCU?
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 25
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, oral sex, smut, pet names, King kink
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
It had been about two weeks since you had gotten back from the Bahamas. That place had seemed like a dream and a second life. Now, everyone was back in the tower- or traveling between the tower and their countries they governed.
T'Challa and you were privately planning a quiet Wakandan ceremony to officially make you the Queen of Wakanda. Every time you talked about the conversation, you wanted to throw up. The idea of becoming a Queen of a country you didn't belong to was uncomfortable to you. You weren't even sure the people there would appreciate you.
Meanwhile, Thor was working his 'God of Fertility' magic, so that though you were having sex with everyone you were soulmated to, hopefully only T'Challa would take root so that he had an heir to the throne. Which, naturally, sped up T'Challa's want for the ceremony.
Shuri, Okoye, and Nakia were also helping plan this ceremony and you mostly took a backseat, really only inputting what you wanted if it came to a certain colour of the plates or flowers.
You weren't allowed to choose the style of your dress either, but you could at least choose the colour. You just told them to match you to T'Challa because you really didn't want to show up in a colour that would clash with his.
In the meantime, you were also trying out a lot of your traits like the archery and using the flexibility to train. Now that you had mechanical knowledge, Tony was even more excited when you came down to the lab because then you could help him with his projects. Not to mention your photographic memory from Stephen- although now you understood why he couldn't be around the Avengers for more than a few hours at the most.
Y/S/N and you hadn't really had a chance to talk yet between everything about your father's death.
Tony had arranged it so that it was a week after you guys had gotten home from the Bahamas. He had everything planned and neither of you had to lift a finger or push over a penny (although apparently now all of Tony's money was yours so-).
But between recovering a week, the funeral, and now planning for a Wakandan marriage ceremony, you had barely been able to even see her, much less talk to her.
Elizabeth had been sending you update texts. Pietro, who had never lived in the tower anyways, had moved down to Ohio along with Hogun. The two of them shared an apartment that was near Elizabeth's house so that they could continue to court her as she finished up her last year of High School. Pietro however, did come back every weekend so that he could spend time with Jessie and Katherine too.
Vision and Wanda were preparing to go down and see her as well, but both of them were unsure of whether they would stay like the other two or not.
Oh! And Heimdall was down there as well- though only for a few weeks- as he was courting Katerina from gymnastics as well. Apparently they met at the wedding and they found out they were soulmates. Neither of them had any other soulmates so that was kind've cute.
After another week, everything was set. You and T'Challa were the first to arrive in Wakanda. You had gaped, looking out the window, seeing everything that they had built. Everything just looked so intricate, advanced, and beautiful.
"I think you'd like to see where Bucky lived after the Avengers disassembled for a little bit." T'Challa's voice was soft next to your ear.
You nodded and then said, "This place is beautiful T."
T'Challa kissed the back of your ear. "Are you nervous my Nkosazana?"
"A little bit. I don't think your people will like me very much." You admitted. "I mean, from what I know, you have very ancient customs and I. . . I'm not." You gave a laugh. "I mean, you're marrying an outsider."
"We can't help where our soulmates live." T'Challa said simply. "And I wouldn't trade you for any of 'em."
You blushed, turning away from the window so that you could snuggle into T'Challa's side until the quinjet landed.
Shuri, Okoye, and T'Challa's mother, Queen Ramonda, was waiting for us along with another set of the dora milaje were waiting on either side.
You quickly hooked your arm around T'Challa's around the two of you walked down the Quinjet ramp to meet them. Shuri was waiting there in a T-shirt, a pair of long pants, a belt wrapped around the both at the same time. Her hair was tied up in space buns, a choker around her neck.
"Y/N!" She squealed, darting forward to throw her arms around you. You could feel yourself relaxing and smiling as you hugged her back.
Queen Ramonda smiled. She was absolutely stunning, wearing some formal white dress and headdress that you wished you knew the name to.
It was also the first time you had seen Okoye in her full red and silver uniform, her spear in hand. She looked on stoically as though you didn't know each other. But she also looked at T'Challa like that, so it was probably just a thing.
"Welcome to Wakanda Princess Y/N." Queen Ramonda said, setting forward to take your hand.
"Thank you Queen Ramonda." You said awkwardly, hoping beyond hope that you were actually allowed to call her that.
T'Challa smiled, hugging his mother. "Come, let us go inside."
He took you inside, Shuri, and his mother following- which didn't feel right. Then you remembered that she wouldn't even be the Queen anymore since you were married to T'Challa. After the ceremony you would be the Queen of Wakanda.
You nearly threw up right then and there.
T'Challa sensed your nerves, moving his arm from yours, to hook it around your waist, pulling you close to his side, kissing the top of your head, "It's going to be fine, even fun, you'll see my Nkosazana."
You nodded. His voice was alluring and you were sure that everything was going to be alright. There was just a small nagging feeling that you couldn't shake. Although you weren't sure what that nagging thing was.
T'Challa showed you around the entire palace, including Shuri's lab. He showed you the specially designed cryo tank that Bucky had been in until Shuri had managed to fix him, getting rid of his trigger words.
After that, T'Challa led you up to the main wing where Dora Milaje lined the hallways and also where the royal bedrooms were.
He opened up the door, letting the both of you into his room.
You looked around in interest. On your left where you entered, there were several tribal decorations as the wall curved. When the wall flattened out to be straight, there were two bookcases in the wall on either side of the two doors, one of which led to the closet and one that led to the bathroom, before the wall curved again and there were more tribal decorations there as well.
The bed was directly across from the room, white sheets and two pillows propped up against the headboard. It was square shaped and lower to the floor than you would have expected.
In the middle of the room, there was some sort of funnel there where four seats sat underneath it.
"It's the hologram table." T'Challa said, noticing you peering at it curiously. He gave a little laugh, "Because even in sleep a King is never not working."
You nodded, looking at the doors that led out onto a large balcony that overlooked the all of Wakanda. They weren't glass or had any curtains to pull out over them. Instead, they seemed to be woven of metal, small slots between them so that when they were pulled closed, decorative patterns would break out on the floor.
Yellow lights hung everywhere, circular in shape, hanging by metal wire of the same colour.
"I like it." You said, turning to T'Challa with a grin. "It's different and it's very you."
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T'Challa checked the one and only clock in the room, "Hmm, we have time before dinner." He picked you up in his arms, bridal style, carrying you over the threshold. "You'll have to let Captain Rogers know about that one."
You giggled at T'Challa's playfulness as he brought you over to the bed, laying you down on it carefully before crawling over you. You kissed him excitedly. "Are we trying out the bed my King?"
He chuckled under his breath, making shivers go down your spine. "Indeed we are Nkosazana." He captured your lips in his again, as his hands slipped down to the hem of the dress you had decided to wear to meet his mother and sister in.
He pulled it upwards, letting you sit up a moment so that you could toss the dress over the side of the bed.
T'Challa pinned your hands lightly above your head with one hand, slowly and sensually kissing up your body. You could feel every spot that his lips lingered. You closed your eyes, lips parted slightly as you felt him press another low kiss right above your belly button.
You flickered your eyes open again as you felt his fingers undo the clasp of your bra, pulling it from your body to join the dress on the floor.
You let out a tiny mewl as his lips wrapped around your nipple. You rubbed your thighs together, wishing that you could get some sort of friction from him. But you also knew that T'Challa was not one to tease either.
"Patience Nkosazana," He murmured, teeth grazing over your now erect nipple, moving over to the other.
Your chest heaved as he finished with your breasts, before moving up to kiss you again. You smiled up at him as he pulled back. He grinned down at you before he pulled your knickers down your legs, tossing them behind him.
He hooked your legs over his shoulders, releasing the hold on your hands as he buried himself in your weeping pussy.
"T!" You gasped, moaning at the feeling of his cool tongue against your hot core, licking you, tasting you. "Oh fuck!"
You could feel his smile, his cheeks growing a little as his smile widened. His hands were firm around your thighs to hold you still. Your hands were gripping the pillow by your head as your orgasm started to build up inside of you. "T I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead my Nkosazana." T'Challa murmured against your lower lips, vibrations pushing you over the cliff, the waterfall dripping down, T'Challa licking up every drop you gave him.
He slowly lowered your legs from his shoulders as you came down from the slight high. He stroked himself a few times before he moved his tip through your wet folds, collecting your slick, before pushing in.
You both moaned at the lovely feeling. Your arms came up, sliding your hands behind the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss as he started to move through you. His hands came down, fingers sliding smoothly down your shoulders as he caressed you tenderly.
Your breaths came out in quick pants as he sped up a little, both of your foreheads together sweetly as he made love to you. "T. . ." You whimpered as the next orgasm came upon you. He sighed in content, "Y/N."
After you both collapsed on the bed, he pulled out of you before heading off to the bathroom to grab a wet washcloth, taking care of you.
"Now then." He said, once you both dressed in fresh, new clothes. "I think we should go downstairs and grace the citizens with our presence, shall we?"
You giggled. You were much more relaxed now that you had spent some time here, "We shall, my King."
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